1 Tbe prompt hanging of every raorderer upon conviction is what is wanted to pat A stop to homicides. It if the certainty and swiftness of jus lice that tells. Boston 2 nm$cript. Engaged young people should remem -ber that osculation in a great transmitter -f pneumonic troubles. A little depriva tion now can be made np for when the Sammer evenings come. Mohair chairs are going ont of fashion, and we are glad of it. A mohair chair is the worst thing in the world to sit ou when drawing on a pair of pants. The Hon. John Kerr will deliver the Address at the 20 of Muy Celebration in this city, and Gen. Joseph E. Johnston will act as Chief Marshal. Charlotte Democrats The Chicaeo Journal says that Sharon has two daughters, and that he will give each one a million dollars as a bridal . . . . . . & present, Pleasant news, mat, ior a mar ried man. Raksom. The most polished speech, at well as the most sensible, made by any Southern Senator, duriug the recent ses sion of Congress, was that of Gen. Ran som of North Carolina. It was an epitome of brilliant rhetoric and genuine patriot Ism. August a Constitutionalist. Asthma Remedy;. Gather brakers by some called ferns, in the woods, dry them, place them under the sheet and sleep on them. Add a few fresh ones, every few weeks, and do hot abandon it as soon as a little batter ; continue a year or more. This is an old Indian remedy. Unjust Taxation. The Charlotte Democrat thinks the tax imposed on cir cus companies in the new Revenue bill unjust, and says U amounts almost to pro- bibitation of circuses. iue Democrat adds . "Theatricals are taking more money out of the State than any other sort of nerformers, and we don't see the proprie. ty of taxing them tightly and circuses heavily. There is less harm in going to a circus where men and horses show agility and intellect and science, than in going to a theatre where women often expose their persons for the amusement of the erowd. If a circus is prohibted. When we want to have a little fun we go to a circus, but when we go to church we do not prefer any operatic or circus performances. There is a time and place for every thing." t The Use of A dvertino. Alexan der Sentinel gives the following sensible advice about advertising : 'Now, many men, when asked to ad- - a . ----- 1 vert iso, complain thai tnere is no trade to catch, and that is exactly where our people make their great mistake. Sup pose you put your card iu the paper, and W. ' J! I - 1 . It never oueciiy unngs you a customer, yet if all the business men of your town do likewise, the indirect profit will pay yon. Men will look at your city papers, and judge from it that you are a live poe ple, and be drawn toward you. Not ouly so, but you will strengthen the paper's power to do you good, to extend its m forinnation, and to build np your interest in a thousand ways, i tie business men of a city would find it profitable to con tribute, to the support of its papers, even if they didfnot receive an inch of space, for their own particular advertisements. The entire alphabet is in these four lines. Some of the children may like to learn them : God gives the grazing ox bis meat, He quickly bears too sheep's low cry, But man who tastes his finest wheat, Should joy to Hit his praises high. Says the Statesville American' We have never known, at this season of the year, a better wheat prospect in tins State The plants are well att aud growing fine ly. We learn the same favorable report of this crop from all portions of the United States. Should no disaster occur, the crop will be immense. Widow ok Gen. Polk Paralyzed. '-Her friends are distressed to learn that Mrs. Polk, the widow of the late Bishop General Polk, Miss Fannie Oevereux of this city, that was, has been stricken with paralysis at her home in Tennessee. Mrs. Polk ii an aunt of Major John De yereux and Mrs H. M. Miller of this Uy. Sentinel. A band of negro outlaws who have long infested Utiioo, Spartanburg, and Laurens counties in South Carolina, has just been broken up by the arrest of sever 1 1 of tbe ringleaders, one of whom, named Walker, has confessed to the murder of the Roy. J. C. Miller, a highly respected Methodist clergyman, who was killed and rubbed a week or two azo while auietly riding on the highway. This was one of the most unprovoked and brutal murders that ever occurred in South Carolina, and the mur derer is the same Walker who was con spicious as a witness against white citizens in Laurens county when the notorious Major Merrill was conducting his Kn Klux raids in the counties which Grant placed under martial law at a time of general quiet The Scottsville (Ky.) Argus says : "Iu the southern portion of this couuty, near the Tenuessee line, is a cave which has long been used by the people of the neighborhood as a place of deposit for po tatoes which are to be used for seed. We are informed that on the 31st of March last -that is distribution day there were i- it a . hve hundred bushels distributed among the various consignees : The cave is really an interesting natural curiosity. NATIONAL HOTEL. A Beauhfel Thouoht. When the summer of youth is slowly wasting away n the nightfall of age, and the shadow of the path becomes deeper, aud life wears to its close, it is n easant to look tbroueh earnestly Sonets the patronage of i r " i - . a -s the vista of time upon the sorrows and felicities of our early years. If we have n ii'iiiir w B lit i r aim utrai ie i.u i nuim i -,i ., . . , . with us, and friends have been gathered thflt of i JMr n p1 vi j - c -j. i .i i. i " z ' . . "r siuuiiu our uresitie, men iue iuugu ibco of wayfaring will have been worn and Mrs. Dr. Reeves haa aaraia rsaimsd her busioeas in this well known house, and she her old friends and the public at large. Guest stopping at this House will find nothing neglected that will add to their aomfort no smoothed away in the twilight of life, and House many dark spots we have passed through will grow brishier a"d more beautiful. Happy, indeed, arc those whose inter course with the world has not changed the tone of their holier feelings, or broken those musical chords of tho heart .whose vibrations are so melodious, so tender and so touching in the evening of their life. J. 0. HOOPER & Co's, SALOOJN, BI Alt !! BOCKS CORHKH 8ALISBURY, N. C, Hava Jswt received a fine lot of Imported ai Native brands of WHISKEYS, BRANDIES, GIN, RUM. Ac, ! Werrv Foster'i of Whiskey. U. P. Thomas of Co', celebrated (Q.) Expenses for Board, Tuition, Room Rent. 7?av Wkiku. and North Carolina Corn 17 - l . : i i i a..aa I m AUD THE SOUTH WEs The Omnibus will be found attha lepo usual to convey passengers to and (B Dec. 31. 1874 ly NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. Mount Pleasant, Cabakkcs Co.. N. C. The second five months term of this Institu tion will begin Jan. 4th, 1875. m Zimm abbba M ""sboo, l ne unaerHfoea wbbsjbjb sjb srssssis ibat aw baa r sasjM tasail I sour lakh. tkksla from K-li-tLL a C to all poiau la taxaa, Ajkaa. U , Ll Alaawsaa, Miaouri, Ttatmm and Laahaaa via Charlotte, Columbia and Aoni tT their houlbera Otmserriaoa. nT trant Tickets, e Flset Uaw TWJ3 ymxuxrr chet ked ikriswh Pan--Z iu lake Laborer to the above Sum ;rfl in regard to Kfstea, time and liransiiiilT PosmUj or throsfa be fomiabad cither Letter ftom Chief Justice Pear son on the Gauge Question. The Greensboro Patriot publishes by permission, an extract from a letter writ- The ciling is, perhaps, teu feet from the floor, and is about seventeen feet in length, being divided into three anuria - ' w a men tar" For Catalogue apply to L. A. BIKLE. President. NEW MACHINE SHOP. I am now prepared to do all kinds of dispatch. and twenty-five vears experience in the business. satisfaction is guaranteed. Especial attentiou given to Engine and Boiler work. Agriculture of all kinds. ton hv Ch'u.f T...i;.A Tn.MA .ifi..n. repairing with v J -wva V UOtlUV X VWSBwaj u.tuiU& ! " , . . . - . I anil taa-Aai bis position on the gauge question. The Chief. Justice says : Wbtn the Railroad case was taken np Cotton Wooln. Mini nor and for consultation. I expressed an opinion Machines : aud wtxd turniuir adverse to the riht of the Company to Shop ou Corner of Fulton and Council Street authorize its lessees to change the gauge. Salisbury. N. C Precious Stones of Ocr State. It may not be generally known that the dia mond, sapphire, amethyst, garnet, and many beautiful specimens of chalcedony are natives of this State. Such, however, is the fact, and the old primitive granite formations is the place where they in ty be found. By re ferring to -the American Journal of Science. Vol. H, p. 253, it will be seen that Prof. Sheppard has discovered the diamond in North Carolina. Others have also been dis covered besides the one here referred to. There is in the possession of a gentleman in Cabarrus a piece of sapphire cut from a piece, the commercial value of which was $100, and pronounced by a professiouaHapedist in Philadelphia to be equal toanytbicghe ever saw from the Orient. N. C. Agricultural Journal. Max Killed. We learn that a man by the name of John lisgle was shot and killed in what' is known as the Horse Cove in the npper part of Jackson coun ty, on Thursday of last week. The facts as we have heard them are about as follows : Dupnty Marshals Franks and Allman, in company with U. S. Commioner Alii son, and Ragle as a guard, went into the upper part of Jackson for the purpose of suppressing some illicit distilleries in that section, and were waylaid by parties in ambush, who fired upon the officers and guard. Ragle was shot through the head and instantly killed. The parties who did the killing are yet unknown. The officers had just torn up an illicit distillery before they were attacked. Western Ex positor. - A blind man arrived a little boy leading A 8ad Sight -here this morning, him, the saddest strangest looking sight we ever saw. He looked like a bronze statue. His eyes were sealed up, the kin having closed entirely over them. and his face looked dead and without soul. He was selling books. He lost bis eves while blasting rock. Senti nel. Three Eminent Physicians. I red over the charter with a view of fil- M a m ing a uisseiiuiig opinion and lound so much room for debt, as to induce me not to file an opinion. 1 he charter has no restrictions. The Company has power to construct one or more tracks, and to use such gauge as it adaa r im nor Tt- lino t .--i (I . m& S7VVr? 1UI.I. It SI CIO pl Wtl 11 IQ IU UUl (that is to lease) the ngbt of trans porta tion. If the Company has power to change the gauge, of course it could authorise its lessees to do so. The objection to the right to change the gauge is that 4 feet 8 inces was adopted aud the charters of July 16, 1874.-tf. Tie Pieflmont Press, HICKORY, N. C, Whiskey. Pure Jamaica Bum, Holland Gin, and French Brandy. Ac. Ac.." H. C. ! and Peach Brandy, J. C. Seegera, Larger Boar draught. Beat bottled Ala, Champaign, and other wines, Bcoppernonc wine and Gram With good tools Brandy, from the celebrated Vineyard of C. W. Garrett & Co., N. C. Bottled and Canned) meats, Oysters, and Fish, Cheese, Ice. W.T. Black well Ac Go's celebrated ( W. T. B.) Chewing Tobacco, and the Original Dotbani Smoking Tobacco, Cigars ,and a supply of the Sallie Micklel chaum pipes, and the Jet or Ti-ti stems. Call and see . Feb. 11th l7o-3mo. A. POPE, Genl. Passenger A Ticket a J. A. McCONNAUeHEY. Aft. CUAA.K.K, Snl issssn . K. C. 8n..-f. .Nd Piedmont Air Line Richmond E. H. MARSH. icmuoHU c vaavuie. ? 'MltM A Daarille E. W..H. C. DxTiswa sad orth Western fc. C. R. W. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. Ia Uset en aa after Taasaay iarll M itr GOING NORTH. Last year, besides lighting the public bnildines snd fourteen hundred street lamps, the city of Richmond realized a profit of eighty thousand dollars by fur nishing gas to her citizens at two dollars and eighty-five cents the thousand feet. Wil. Journal. y We would like to understand this gns business, and why it is that it can not be furnished for less hereabouts. As the celebrated French physician, Desmoultns, lay on his death bed, be was visited and almost constantly surrounded by the most distinguished medical men of Pans, as well as other prominent citizens of the metrophs. Great were the lamen . r i i . i a t tations or an at t tie loss about to be sus tained by the profession, in the death of one they regarded as its greatest ornament but Desmoulins spoke cheerfully to his practitioners, assuring them that he had left behind three nhysicians much greater than himself. Each of the doctors, hoping that his own name would be call ed, iuqi'ired anxiously who was sufficient ly illustrious to surpass the immortal Des moulins. With great distinctness the dying man answered. "They are Water, Exercise and Diet. Call in the service of the first freely of the second regularly, and the third moderately. Fol low this advice, and you may well dis pense with my aid. Living, I could do notbiug without them ; and dying, I shall not be missed, if yon make friends of these, my faithful coad jutors." SiUy Girls. The fool killer, says the New York Tribune, should be let loose at once a mong the young ladies of this metropo'is. It is reported, on the most undoubted authority, that a number of yonug women have formed a club for the purpose of glorifying the charms of a popular young actor, whose personal beauty greatly over balances his moral character. They have called it after his name, and the condition of membership is that each new comer shall give a dinner to the charmer, invi ting, of course, all the old members. No other man is allowed to be present. This is bad enough, but the worst is yet to come. Ore of the members, who might be called the modt woe-begone idiot of the lot, has fitted op a shiine iu the sa cred recesses of a closet, where she keeps candles burning continually around a photograph likeness of the adored, and sits before it in admiration hours at a time. Is the ouly paper published in Catawba County, and has an extensive circulation among Merchants, farmers, and All classes of business met. in the State. The Press is a live, wide-awake Democratic paper, and is a desirable inediom fur advertising in Western North Carolina. Liberal terms the other roads connecting with the North allowed ou yearly advertisement. Subsc ip 1? 1 1 . t V m swfc a Carolina roaa nxea tneir gauge at 4 teet Sk inches. EEPLY. The charter of the N. C. road does not treat it as a main trunk, and the charters of other roads were granted without any concurrence on the part of the N. C -l; J?.i. . . . bo aa io oino n oy estoppel una wo restriction not set out in its charter As to "public policy" I suppose the courts are not at liberty to make the char ter conform to what may be supposed to be public policy. But even in that view much may be said ou both sides. It ia certain that tbe course of travel and freight is North and South, and facts show that President Caldwell and Governor More head were mistaken iu the notion that either travel or freight could be forced to go East aud West. So it is narrowed to this, does public policy rcquijre that travel and freight should be obstructed by a change of cars aud breaking bulk at Char lotte aud Greensboro in order to force things to go to Raleigh Goldbboro aud then turn North ? for as driving things to Morehead City tbal is ont of the qucs lion." tion $2 00, iu advauce. MURRIL &TI10MLINSON. Editors and Proprietors. 3 The CtoMan at Wort T. Do Witt Talmage, Editor. Without Premium, $3; with Premium, $3.- 25. To Clergymen, 75 cent lean. A Choice of Two Pukuiums. Agents wanted. Also, Five SabWcliool Papers Under the same editorial supervUion. Each publihcl monthly, and nuilable for School ro Home. The hext and cheapen! publiahed. Beauiifnl Premium with theealo. GOOD WORDS, MY PAPER, GOOD CHEER. OLD AND YOUNG, IER l- i Avtrju.-v.-jx (Herman;. We number our papera, but do not date them, making them good at any Umc.jpt Full particulars and m tuple copies of all paper. iuriilL-U on application. 30RATIO C. KIXG, Publisher, SoX 5103, If ew York March 18. K .P. BATTLE. F. U CAMERON. President. Vice President. W. H. HICKS, Sec y. NORTH CAROLIXA STATE LIFE Insnr an c e STATIONS. Leare (.1 r oi Air-Lia J mci'm " SI.I..M 41 C.n rl.,1, to ..... " I 'a i . . Daa BarfcevHle Arrite at Riri.tut.4 Mail. KxiEua. ' ' 9 tt r a M j a 91 84 IS U AS; UiJtS - 3 ' Ur, . ' 4 St - . 4 IS - n r1 n it r OOIMJ SOUTH. COMPANY, RALEIGH, N. T trios. Lmii UkLaad Bartori . ' D4e laaaivilaa. ....... Uiaeaalmtw.. " Haltotmry.. .... Air Mac rtrt't. Arrive l CTaaraaSa. . . If AIL. 1 r m 4.1 -44 .A8 - is 4sr a m iw - u - "I" A M 9 a. KB - lilri 1.91 -4.? " IS : 9.Sj - CAPITAL. $200,000. STATIONS. Drowning Herself and Her Child. St. Louis, April 16. Mrs. E. L. Irwin, a highly respectable young widow lady of Hannibal, Mo , tied a clothes line around herself and little girl, six years old. Us tened the other end to a rtake in the ground and then taking the child in her arms, deliberately walked into Bear creek and both were drowned. Financial em barrassment and dis&ppoiutment led to the act. Mr Bcecher's cross-examination ;8 fix ing the impression made by his direct examination. One fact is very striking ' during the latter he appeared as a gash ing sort of person, frequently crying over the pictures he drew ; during the cross he is keen, alert, suspiciou. often remarkably forgetful, and under great self-control.-What is the meaning of this difference ? Sun. ' PBESS CONVEN1ION. Third annual Convention, ssys the Wilmington Journal, of the North Caro lina Press Association will assemble in this city during the second week in May. We suppose two thirds of the whole edi torial fraternity of the State will vim Wilmington on that occasion. Represen ting, as they do, the entire North Caroli na reading population, and being them- selves a body of intelligent aud iuflueu Ual gentletm n, we know they will receive a warm welcome to our city. Tbe Solicitor of the treasury depart meut uas aeciuea tnat tne commissioner of internal revenue has a right to exam ine tbe checks of any bank for the pur pose of ascartainiug whether the law that requires stamps on checks has been viola ted or not. A lot of'ppies and informers are roaming over the country engaged in this delectable business. Look out for them, and be careful to remember what the revenue law demands iu this rmipeet. The Bird Law Concerning Cer tain Counties. The following is the law adopted at the recent session of the ijrenerai Assembly concerning certain counties : Section 1. That it shall be unlawful to kill or shoot, trap or net any partridges, quails, doves, robins, larks, mocking birds or wild turkeys in the counties named between the firet day of April and first day of October iu each and every year, aud any person so offending shall be guil ty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding ten dollars for each and ever offense. Sec. 2. That it will be unlawful for any person to take by net, traps or kill with gun any birds mentioned in section one of this act on the lands of any person living within the boundaries of the follow- ing named counties, to wit : Davidson, Randolph, Rowan, Anson, Warren, Guil ford, Rockingham, Orange. Caswell. Mecklinborg and Edgecumbe counties, without permission from the owner or his agent of said lands, aud any person so offending against the nrovisions of tins Act, shall be deemed guilty of a minde meannr, and upon convictionJlhereof, shall ne fined teu dollars for each aud offense. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION List ox Counties and the number of Delegates to which Each County is Entitled. Alamance 1, Alexander 1, Alleghany 1 Anson 1, Ashe 1, Beaufort and Pamlico 1, Bertie 1, Blanden 1, Brunswick 1, Buncombe 2, Burke 1, Cabarrus 1, Cald well 1, Camden 1, Carteret I, Caswell 2, Catawba 1. Chatam 2. Cherokee anil Graham 1, Chowan 1, Clay 1, Cleave- Ptpl "to our piatform to insure success laud 1, Columbus 1, Craven 2, Cumber What General Gordon Thinks of the Situation General Gordon, of Georgia, has recent ly given eiprcsciun to bis views about the political condition of '.he country. He seems very hopeful and evidotly thinks there is a bitter and a brighter day ahead of us. Of course he looks to the Demo cratic Party for the redemption of the South and for the salvaiun of the coun try generally, and he believes if that party shall act with its accustomed wisdom ami honesty in framing its platform, it will have no difficulty in electing whatever candidate it may nominate for the uext Presidency. Senator Gordon thinks thrre are four cardinal purposes that ought to be incor la il a a ami tneu aaaercu to by the party to iu land 2, Currituck 1, Dare 1, Davidson 2, urp Peuc'--Davie f, Duplin 2, Edgecombe 2, Forsy- These cardinal the 1, 1 ranklin 1, Gaston 1, Gates 1, Grau ville 2. Greene 1, Guilford 2, Halifax 2, Harnett 1, Haywood 1, Henderson 1 proposes arc : 1st. An honest purposes to reform the abuses of the Radical party, to administer the government fairly, aud to dispose of Hertford I, Hyde 1, Iredell 2, .lacksou 1, L revenues honistly .Johnston 2. Jones 1, Lenoir 1, Lincoln 1. Macon 1, Madison 1, Martin 1, McDow ell I Mecklenburg 2, Mitchell 1, Mont gomery 1, Moore 1, Nasvh I, New Hano ver and Pender 3, Northampton) 1, On slow 1, Orange 2, Pasquotank 1, Per quimans 1, Person 1, Pitt 2, Polk 1, Randolph 2, Richmond 1, Robeson 2 Kockiughaw 2, Rowan 2, Rutherford 1, 2nd. An hon -st purpose to bring about kindly and fraternal relations between tho now alienated sections of the country, so that the people of this Republic, seek ing a common end, defending a common rigb', building up a ELATCHLEY'S Improved C U C U M : L it WOol PC MP la .ae uckmiwleilpe Stand ard of the market, bv popmur verdict, tne be.-t pamp frr .lie least money Attention is invited Ui Blat"hlev' Improved Braeket. the Drop Check 7i!v-, which qan be with drawn without disturbing the jointa and the copper chamber Which never cracks, scales or r:it- aud will la.-t a liic time. For Kale by Dealer and tbe trade generally. Iu order to ho sure that you gt Blatchh y V Pump, be caretul and pee that It baa my trade-mark as above If you do nut know where to buy. dcription circular, together with the name and address of the apent nearest you will be promptly ruruihod by addrcirg with stamp CHAS G HLATC II LEY. Manufacturer, .506 Coratheree St., Philadelphia, P. Feb. 18, 1875 if. At and of First Fiacal Year had waned over 900 Policies without sustaining a single l frndeni, economical and energetic manage ment has made it A SUCCESSFUL CORPORATION This Company imc every desirable form of Policies at as low rate a anv ether First Class Company. Imposes no useless restriction npon resid or travel. Has a fixed paid op valueooall policies after two annual payments. Its entire assets are loaned and invested Al HOME, to foster aad encourage home enterprises. Thirty days grace allowed in payment of pre mtunis. With the facts before them will the people of North Carolina continue in pay annually thousands nnon thousands of dollars to build up Foreign Companies, when they can secure insuranrr in a Company equally reliable snd every dollar premium thev iav be loaned and Lst? Oievnsbor.. SS5 i Co Hfcvsw , T - 6 10 Halcigs i o B.fl r 11 Arr at UoMbor'... J Il.tM a ! J V Mail. r Matt. .rr IS tin L'Vrltai - l as cstsra r.o. ( Sax BaaxcH.) Lssv Arrive at Lear Males. Arnve at m 4.30 r C IS - 9.9m a a it. lb rager trsia leariag Kalaisa ai cobbccU at'.r-esboro' with tbs m f Mrs train; aisklfiit tSe qn.rVest tisss to all NsObara tilw Price ot Tirkeu aasaa as via tlr i Trains to and row potato East of (in coauset st ii reokboio with Mail liaa to sr from aointo No-tli or foatlu Two Trains ditlr. both wave Oa Saausrs LraehtNira: AcossaafSatUa latss RicbmoBd at 800 A . srrira at Burkeilit t r . tears Rarkeville 4 S a , arrfrs at Bond 7 It A Ho Clutnre of Can Betwsn CharlsSaa invested in our own State, aud among oar own 1 sua JbUCnmona, xoZ Miles pccjble ? Theo. F. KLCTTZ, J. D McNEKLY. f Agt'. SalisUry, N. C. KUFFIN ATAYLOE. Cen'l. I i't. Agt's. Greensboro N. C. Dec. 31 ly. s it hv Smitcrax-nU to edvrHiatt of this company will ft E to Q 9 fl Ior D7 at home. Terms free s O wUi,ijPl-.fi sriv-Tn. a- rv . - - -ss -s sasawaAw VSV x vs. . Jan. 19, 1875, ly Portland, Maine. forward common couutry, iu harmony and i s a snail move peace. 3id. An honest purpose to protect the Sampson 2, Stauly 1, Stokes 1, Surry 1, nogro j'1 U i constitutional every Over Sexsitiveness. A great deal ol discomfort arises from over sensitiveness a- . m bout what people may say ot you or your actions, i This requires to be blunted. Con sider whether anything you can do will have much conuectiou with what they will say. Aud. besides, it mav be doubted whether thev will say anything at all about you Ms unhappy persons seem to imagine that they are aiay iu au amphitheatre with the asaeuihled worlu as spectators ; wnereas all the While they are playing to empty beuebes. Tnev faucy, too, they irom the particular theme of eery passer-by. If, however. must listen to iinaiiinary cooversatious -iiL ti.inslves. they might at any rata def tho urovorL, and insist upon bearing themselves wall spoken of. . i T . ml a Jewish IjEGEXD. Accordiuer to Jewish and Mohammedan tradition. Kine Solomon, who was wie bejond all other men, knew the language of animals, and could talk with the beasts of the field and the birds of tbe air. A Rabbinical story is told of him, which is in this wise : One day the King out rode of Jerusalem with a great retinue. An ant-hill lay dtiecily iu his path, and Solomon heard its little people talking. "Uere comes the great kins," he heard one of them say. "His flatterers call him j - . l tt t i . wiec uuu just auu mercuui, nut lie is about to ride over us, and crush us with out heeding our sufferings." Auu Solomon told the Queen of Sheha who rode with hitny what the ant said And tbe Queen made answer : "Ha s ou insolent creature, O, King It is a better tate than he deserves, to be W - m trodden under our teet." But Solomon said : "It is the part of wisdom to learn tbe lowest aud weakest." And be com mandedhis train to turn aside and spar the nut-bill Then all the courtiers marvelled great ly, and the Queen of Sheba bowed her head and made obeisance to Solomon. "Now know I the secret of thy wis dom. Thou lieteneet as patiently to the reproches of tbs humble as to the flatter its of Ihe great." rights and franchises, which pnrpose ourrht to be mada manifest by a definite, unmistakable pledge from the Southern people in order to disabuse the ..Northern minds of the idea that the first ftep that would mark Democratic re-ascendency would be the A Orkhtav T.PfiT-.KT Whun iw-lina return of the negro to a condition of al Swain 1, Transylvania 1, Tyrroll 1, Un, ion 1, Wake 4, Warren 2, Washington 1 Watanga 1, Wavne 2, Wilkes 2, Wilson 1, Yadkin 1. Yancey 1. Total. 120 o was a boy he iourneyed through Hellus to go to Xaxia; and, as the way was very i s a . a ong, nejrrew urea, anil sat down upon a stone to rest. As be sat there, with his . i . i . . . eyes upon uie grouuu, ne saw a little plain spring up between bis feet, and he was so much pleased with it that he de termined to take it with him and plant il in iNaxia. lie took it up and canied it away with him; nut a' the sun was very least quasi slavery. 41). An bouest purpose to return to Constitutional methods, both iu the State ManM : Hew Lost, Hew Res W Just published, a new edition of Da. CcLveawELLs Celebrated KasAY on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal eaknc, Involuntary Seminal Losses, I at ro- TEXCY, -M.Mi.il and rnysical Incapacity, Im pediments to Marriage, etc.: sum, Consul tion, EriLEP-Yand Fits, induced by self-in- diligence or sexual extrsv:exoce, Ac. rnce. in a sealed enrelone, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Es say, clearly demoiitrates, from a thirty years' rtiiccessful praetice. that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse rosy he radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure al once siriple, certain, and effec tual, !v mean of which every snflsrer, no mat ter win! Iuh condition may l-e, may cur him- Psi acaed above lr further inforra-t. en Mr b. tl.T.rx CeSt TtrtK cs UreBnalasrs. XC T 11 R TAl.roTT. Kn.-mf .V t:.i1 Stjtwtlte9t E. B. FOOTE. M.D. 120 Leiuytoi ifnie, Cor. K 28th St., HEW YORK; An Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE, AND RECEIVES Letters from all partM & the Civilized World. THE GRKAT CEX I4IAL UOLTK esapeak j and Oliio S B Oa and after Sartji 21st . It7l. PASSENGER TRAINS RUN AS FOLLOWS. and iu the Federal Government, yielding to self cheaply, privately, and radicaMv the general government all the rights It has or may have under the decisions of the Supreme Court, but iusisting upon the right 6f the Sutcs to manage for themselves their owu iuterual domestic affairs. This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. hent under seal, in a plsin envelope to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address the Publisher, C HAS. J. C. KLINE & CO. hot, he feared it mielit wit! er before he 0u lnis platform with its four cardinal 127 Bowery, Hew York; Post Office Box, . 111- B .". i reacnea ins acaunution. rie tound a 1 S . . - . m . nird s skeleton, into which he thruet it, aud went on. But in bis hand the plant sprouted so fust that it started out ol the bones above and below. This gave him rresn tear ot us withering, and he cast about for remedy. He found a lion's bone which was thicker than tbe bird's skele ton; and bo stuck the skeleton, with the plant in it, into tbe bone of the lion. Ere long, however, tbe plant grew out of tin lion s bone likewise. Then be found tin- bone ot an ass, larger still than that of the lion ; so be pot it into the ass' bone, and tbns be mail bis way to Naxia. When about to set tbe plant he found that the roots bad entwined themselves around the bird's skeleton aud the lious boue and tbe ass' bone; and, as be could not take it out without damaging tbe roots, he planted it as it was. It came np speedily aud bore, to bis great joy, the most deli cious grapes, from which he made the first wine and gave it to men to drink. But behold a miracle ! When men first drank of it they sang like birds; next, after drinking a little more, they became vigorous and gallant like lions: bat, when hey drank more still, thev beean to be- l a. " ,.. iuve use 4586. April 15 1875. points ot ho esty, concord, the pro tection of all citiz us in their legal rights and a Constitutional republie, Scuator Gordon thinks that muy straight out Democrat who has the confidence of the people would certainly be elected, believ ing as he does tbal at least two-thirds of the people of America are opculy aud squarely opposed to tbe Administration, lie thinks the Republicans are hopeless ly divided, aud that it is no exaggeration to say that fully half of the present Re publican party are to-day ready to follow Schurz, Fenton and Hesing Bryant, Evarts aud Ferry, who are irrevocably opposed to a third term, and to the ad- miuistration wing of the party, which is controlled by Butler, Morion, Coukling, Logan and Edmunds. Tbe fioaiici.il question, the Senator thinks, ought to be treated just as the tariff question was treated a; Cincinnati, aud left to Congress to settle, Both our mental and moral acquisitions increases by their commnuication to others; ...KI..I. ....... . rtl iTi al m . .f t m tm v mi. u gives au 1 1 1 us 1 1 anvil uhm , , , , VT first, that we are framed to carry out tha fijrares, call on the undersigned at No t law of Iuva- BMmd. that the possessions Uranite now. - - , , WH1TEL0CK 8 VEGETATOR. SUPERIOR TO ANY FERTILIZER MADE In The UNITED STATES. FOR COTTON, CORN, TOBACCO. Forsale by J. McDACGHLIN, A Son, UharBMte,N. U. WEIL A BRO. Gldsboro, N. CL II. M. HOUSTON, A Co. Monroe N. C. MCRBAY.Co., Wilmington. N. C WILLIAMSON, UPCIIURCII.A THOMAS, KaleiKh. N, C. W. L. McGHER. Franklinton, N. C. TEM HERLAk E A EARES, Pacifie. N. C BRANCH A CO. Wilson, N. C- W. A. ANOEIK, DURHAM, N. C. March, 4, 3mos H R1) WARE. When ou want Hardware at low IT lit tllllal WAT ir COuAiictiiii a Medical Practice HI IS TRXATISQ HnmeronB Patients is Europe, tha Wwt IndiM, Um Bominioa tf Canada, and in every State of the Union. ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE. MATL Leave Salisbury 1 1 " UreeuKboru S 16 " Danville via R A D 4 s8 - V a. midland 4iT -"Richmond - : a m "Charlottesville, liO pm Arrive Uuntlngtun, " Cincmnatn. " LroiavilU. 7 JO - p a " Indianapolta, 7 40 " St Louis, 8J5 a m EXPRESS, t at lt.lt s". pm s ct 4J 91 ' 1 Einress to BMWailal BBBBSBsbbi or BiBiBsrtsBS Sroas oasS. Em durla tbs past twswtr rsats trsatsS aanrnaa ISMBBt walk saoh cass sra oarsraBf raoortWA. wSstlm tbe? bs aoBSBSBaaaaBsS by bSSar r la bbsbO tol! ot at tbs sbbbs TmT iiiiitl'a assd far tbTofjlsBtea. " " A sixty pa pamptM of ovidsacas of aWsBBW BbBtfrasalBS. mmm Tr. e. b. foote, Box ttt, Haw Torlu 3h) ACENTS WANTED. . Foots la tbs iiiw of stawsrit. that SBBcbsS a of saw 150,000 oooSas ; shn, of " Plaxb Bon Talk," sacra foeoaUy ulSiaif. wbiob fatbo oaaoBtof tS.SSS osssoa ; alas, of i la i of att. BBS Of BCBStX U bB BBSS at aatbsv Dr. Foots, or tbo tsmy BB I... bW niiijtuaji a aso" 000 aaaaaa; atao, of - Plai a rti Bossbaboi. wbaab bsva bsss bbsSs at aaaasc Dr. Too bobbssb works. -Plaxs Home Taut" Is ttiaaartj atBBsat bs adulta. as4 -Bctsscs t Srort" ai afTb. (oroiaT work. -Stsasws a Stoot" asn oaJy bs ba4 of aaista sr of tbs Psbnabam -TLAl IIOSIC TAUt " la SSBBbSjbS BB Botb BBS ADDMSS S ABOTaV Conoectine at these Points silk Track Lines for tbe Northwest. California A Texas Mail Trains ma daily except for sals at R. R Charlotte, Salisbury. and Great stx.ro. L-sret Prcijrht Rate- mads br Ibi For Rata sand larbrssatioa as to Koote . i So Aomt Gmasiirs C EMIGRANTS GO ON EXPRESS T&A1X8. W. C. W1KHaM. Vum-BrtudaU ; C R. HOW AUD. Gen. P. i T. Am; B. 8. PITCH. Gtm. Vrdjkt ApmL Kkhmokd. You Rivaa as CujsaaTKaJut Kaii.su a i cowrajrt. KidmoKn. A aril IMS II tn ana arter TUESDAY, April list Pas- sncsr and freight Trsins on tl.U ruad will rwa Passswftsr Train for Wst Point lvess mood at 3 P. M. (Sunday excepted), sad st rives at Richmond from West Point at I4 M- ly (Swndsya sxswptod). lm ras spiBAdid tea.mrr uaa. 7 LOUISE, will run in cowaectiori snik lb and will leave West Point tfbilr (0t cepted) oa tbe snivsl sf U train sUchsaottdaiS P. M.srririmaTStBsil ruornins: ia am pis time to connect wits ssib for Washinrton and tbe East. !C..rthsd: snd Irave Bsltimors daflv fftwwdavs i at 4 P. M , eonasetins ai West Potst i doe at Riebmond at 10 A . U.. swxt Pars to Bsltimorr.t3.50 ; ItaJtiaws phis. 97 ; to Philadelphia and rstswa. Par to New York, tit ; to Mow York sad tarn.tlt.tt. Boston tIS tS. Preifbt train, for tbrrmgh freifwt only M .. eonnectins rith dMrnir. at tbst deliver freijrbt ia BsJtiasors ssrij Tbrwbfb treigbt rsewlrrd asar- it train. itb for lsavi WednssdsT which mnltiplyiothsimpartiugare naturally j toe most vJaul D. A. AT WELL. Salisbury ,N. C.,Majr 13-41. Cheap Chattel Mortgage, and c ihar various blanks (or sals bsv frvaxbl between Riekmocn ve l'.icumond klondars. Fridays at 7 A. M . Local freirbt Tne adsyt Thsrsdsys awd Hsi4srs. EDWARD K. FQLOsJ SoDisSBSBTi w. . BftAoa. Rsster t