I ' " ' ' . w'-jr-: vp ' -Ma'WBsaaaeaaaiaw . aT... - . ' ; ' .It- , ,, , -n.u-m r'al irroJ isbb wii i aaasi 1 11 im iiiaew. w.i ii ifcn L .. mnnn I - . t I aOHTH. CAKOLI1M VxHCHlTIAl RAH ROAD." Carolina Watohmaa, LOCAL. MAY, 13. T-eoUSoda WiteatJEanW Drug powhsttan Pipes A. PaRKin's. v.ah TMtiTal The festival of Whit- -ill he appropriately celebrated neat morninf and night in Si. John r ZLa church of thia place. The Holy juun will be distributed during the service. National Hotel. Salisbury, If ay 11, J87 Eds. Watchman : GeiitieuHm-. M.r tor -f,we P"1"0 lhg I Another freah lot of Choice Oraagee just re- a. riuui. waived at aiv a in formed by a nc" 1 ; . - reliable gentleman . , , ghott while since ne '"-J " nana' Mountain a snake that meaaared !L- .-tone inch in length. The informant 2fcrawver.e.i-- l.,i. .mashes" before he app let us pat the watt in mofion again "Vox poputt vox Uei" and with this motto in scribed upon our banner, ''Labor omnid vir.cet" we must suceeed "Nous approached the mountain- , CITIZENS' KEETIHO OH 8ATTODAT There will be a publie meeting of citiaene of mSm eontj. at the Court House in Salu tary on Saturday, to perfect arrangements for tskiu'g part in the Centennial celebration Al Charlotte, on the 20th of May, It is hoped the meeting will be well attended. a J. J. STEWART, . Mayor. forth Caro. College Commencement, trill take place as follows: Btccalau.eatc sermon by Rev. J. B. Davis, P. D. May 23. Academic Exercise, evening, May 21 Micietif a bv Rev. Ja. H. JK w - m Turner' of Virginia, Tueadsy morning, . i.l.lr.- U-f.,re. Alluninir. bv Prof. H. T. J. I.udwick. 25, Exercises of Graduating and Junior-Claaaes, Wednesday morning May 26. The warm days have corneal last we had bga to two 'hoy had forgotten to coine Aim r hut find we were mistaken. Acc 3LA Mr. J. H. IbdIm. drtiiririst. I'm tilled . up and is now running hit elegant ooda fuuu- taii. His h indioino and popular young clerk, Mr.C A,.T,ylorca,,ed us in and treated us to aeeuHugdraaghtof this delightful beverage. Mr. InniHs will continue to run the fountain Juring the summer, aud will, as I ait ear, give way some elegant csmr of perfume and other aful gifts at the eud of the summer. Will yon be so kind aa to insert the following and oble. . The above charter was nauid Kv th m ' A ' ' m.' ... I . 1 J venerai Assembly of .North OaroUna in the year 1856 7; on the 3rd of Peby. 1867, oui owing; to some cause, aokoowu to this author, it was not bqbliahed amonir the other acte of the Aaaembly of that . f . MVar r- ' . session, -a. oe ctinaer w a: err Hberal one indeed. The 1st section, if 1 mis a - . - take not, gives the company, when organ Wed, an existence of 99 years. It uamee at Commissioners to solicit subscription to tbe capital slock, L. Bpigbam, J Clement, A W Booe, A Q Carter and W B Match of pi vie couniy ; John Shaver, H L Robaids. A U Caldwell. William Overman and James E Kerr of Rowan County. On the 1st Tuesday ot August, 1875, the county of Davie sub mined the proposition toher voters to subscribe (S 100,000.) One hundred thou Band Dollars to tbe Capital Slock of said Road, which was carried. And on the 19th ot Sep. 1857 the Town, (now the city) of Salisbury, submitted to her v oters the proposition to subscribe (820.000. ) iweni y -riye thousand doiUrs to the Cap ital Stock of said Road, which was also carried. The Justices of the county of Davie at a meeting on the 2 nl Monday in September 1857 elected A. G. Carter Lsqr to subscribe the sum of 8100 000 to the capital slock of said Road, hkii he ciid. The person elected upon trie part of the Town ot Sa'ishurv. this wii- article. I dd not intend to write half as muck as i have written ; but ike subject is one of very great interest to me at least, and I nope and trust to tbe dear people of Davie coaaty and Ike other enantiea. XKNOPBEN. THE SECOND TORNADOS TRACK. Vast Destruction Trees Along on Vie Resistless Storm Loss of Life. and Houses Wing of the ter does not now recollect, but tie he whom beimay, it was doue in behalf of said town by aid agent. So fnnn the foregoing it appears there was subscri bed tosdid Uoad the amount of . $125 000 nop hundred and twenty five lUousawd do'.lars by the county of Davie and the iohij d iS lii.-buiy, besides "tlie ainoont ui.sci iix-d by individual., wtrieh. frmu n-coljec ion, anion! te-i abM.t ($75 000. The stoma of last Saturday some account of which has been given in these columns aeema to have been equal ly as destructive as that which devastated many portions of Georgia and Carolina on the 20ih" of last March. The atorni was attended with the most disastrous results, involving great loss of life and proper ty and the a I moat total destruction of the young crops, ft seems to have entered Georgia in Harris county, several mile north of the point where the one last March crossed the Chatta hoocfae' from Alabama. It then swept with des olation and ruin through Merri wether, Upson, Henry Butts, Newton, Morgan,' Greene, Og lethorpe, Wilkes end Lincoln, and then cross ing the Savannah, entered South Carolina, and paseed over Edgefield, Lexington, Barnwell and Kicldand counties. Tlte following details are gathered from Au gusta natters : A correspondent of the Chnmicte and Senti nel writinvr fnun Oyutlioipe county, s:iys : A desirnctive tornado :ised through t is i part of our couniv and Orwne count v. vet- r- dav atternoon, beiweeu two and three o clock, desttovin-.' life sod -roperty to x fearful t-xtent Sc ireely a house remains in its course, reiices were blown in every dirwtion, and the foreat eomnletely deatroved. Two men were killed, and two mortally ami over thirty persons ser iouslv wounded. , The tornado crossed the Oconee River one mile below ronleuov Mills. lis course was fnnn southwest to aoiitheast. It destroyed every house on Poullain's place, near where it cnnwed the Oconee River. We appeal to those who mn sp:;re to held ns. In riiu ,i-L- f r. i ! -j.-lipf. and O- nnpp R!in Vf- kAmmtJ Untttnn wan dorfat-rl bnnuo ! OUt fifteen. ed Lexington to ColnmWa beyond which it has not yet been traced. The outer rim passed Aiken at 5:30 o'clock, Euring out great quantities of bait and wiud, t -doing no material damage. Oapt. John Moore, of Aiken, saw the cloud ss it whirled Seat Aiken, though soma distance off. It was ensely black, nei much unlike the one of the 20th of March, had a ragged, cliff-like base, but upon the top there was a vision of the form of tin immensely sited man, bending slightly forward, and holding a large brush in both hands as if in the act of striking the earth. A farmer from Barnwell county arrived in Augusta on Monday for the purpose of par ehaalng horses and sanies, all of his having been killed by the storm, which blew a stable down on theta. The first plantation struck ia Edgefield was that of S. N. Nicholson, near the meeting rftreet iwiofice. The re-idence and other houses were demolished. The next, aad in that neighborhood, was the Inn we of Mr. McGee, who was badly wounded and his plaa- tstion ruined. From thence it roiled into Lexington and Richland, dealing death and devastation on evenr hand. At present it is impossible to make an acc rate estimate of the damage done by this fear ful visitant, hut enough is known to render it certain that it will reach hundreds of thousands of dollars, a loss which will at this time ser- lotwly embarrass the farmers upon whose shoulders it falls. In Pans they believe that the iesh si horses aud asses is first class braiuial fond. In New York the people who dabble iu this laxy science have decided that a food square meat ot tripe end calves brains renews the phospbereno in the cerebral tisanes. Dr. Lambert entertain ed tbe Liberal Club the other day on no experimental tripe dinner. Moat people of brains prefer good, juicy , roast beef. umn column. w - The Boston Poet, speaking of Judge Kelly's conversion, says "Go South, gen tlemen Congressmen : each journeys make more eon versions- than a camp meeting." Very true. Bat H required the awakening of the Connecticut eb ctiou to soften their hard and impenitent hearts. When all things wenUprosperooaly their hearts were as tat as brawn ; they beat untie of our counsel and would none ot onr repmof. But their pride ia broken, and their yes aud ears now open to evidences. Come on, gentlemen. The South is ready to convert you all Ral etgb Hews. .This excellent hotel is now one of the best appoint ed in tbe State, newly furnished m every de partment, with attentive and faithful servants, courteous aud obtgiag clerks, this house is eminently suited to the wants of the traveling public. The Proprietor, Mr. W.T Linton, is entitled to great credit for the' energy, gotal taste, and pnblio spirit he has displayed in the preparation of the House for the accomodation of his guest. The large number of boarders he has is thy best evidence of the gotal aud accept able management be has instituted. Sweet Potato Culture. Mr. Freiuau Carey, in giving his expe rience in Hweet potato culiurn before tbe Cincinnati 1 Horticultural Society, said: Lust year 1 cultivated twenty acres in a uei potatoes, but this year 1 will have 1 grow the plants by ariiti The French papers publish interesting returns from the savings banks of that country. There are 508, with over S 000.00 0 depositors, and .135,000,000 francs or $1.07,000.000 on depoait January lsi 187:1. JJ i log the preceding vear 75, 000 woikiugtaeu had made deposits aver ajfiog 340 each, 35.000 domestic servants averaging $31 each, and 57,000 persons ot other occupations averaging less than $30 each. The entire deposits of the year were $7,100 OuC. of which the first twn classes iiHiurd contributed $4,200, 000. The French savings bank system dales back to 1835, and the depositors now average 57 to tbe 1,000 of population. THEO. F. KLUTTZ. Wholesale sV Retail Drtir Ms SALISBURY. N. C To IxTe chan ts. House keepers, Youair Folks, Old Jtalks, Smokers, Pain ters, Fanners, Grangers, and Everybody eise. Whenever you awed aaytsiae In the DRUGS. MEDICINES, ; PAINTS, OILS. PEE FIT if EH IRS, DYE-STUFFS 8SED8 Ice , ant the heat articles (or the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE ! Yadkin Bail Road Company. The annual merlin, of tka Stockholder, of the Yaddin Rail Kroa Cnm,. .ill b WU in ih. tow. W ealiaeawy, K. C, aa gin jay Me tea day of May neat. Let all ih atock hakiefeWs jr saint or rvprearotod br nrarv. w - Tbe Coeapaay mini of April t, 1874 it to Ike way of H 1BDWARE. When too want Hardware at gures, call oo the andersifoed at No t wan lie Hot. D. A. ATWELL. Salisbury ,N. C.May 13-tl. FOSlTinir IH IT. E-rry fa-ilrj baft it. Sold by Airti.ta Addreas G. 8. vTAL KtK Erie. Pa. 4v. If you least money, go to KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE ton Daily to Areata. 86 um OoU aodrbe-tKaaiily Pa pre la J wnb two $408 Oh 300 Broalway. N Y frea. AM. MTU 00 CPtf Q'ap'"10 Arrnt. IdrV OamU- rnLItk Needle-nook, with Ckf Head atassp. F. K GlccK A Co.. Kn m j VAiit t t.flsvaa tttJkii . i) iiH null sia h ... as a . . u 7 v a a , .j iururuilU aa'lfaSICa IU f I i & i , . , ' ii ,, vft i i , '.on nr. auhuh pi ace wa nrnto iwu iiuiuirwi M all 800 000, en..uh to have rf4fv,rf- returned to toother earth unscrateh- driiioli.hcd, fencw -caiiered and ireaJaHl iow. ci il hat, ratci: an ar li ot slirt-t iron, over Oilier suflerers -are llirre. A little ntvro girl j which 1 coiihtrtiet a chamber, till with soil thn-e inches deep, upon which place tin The Schiller Disaster- The loan of tk fltsaaiahip, Schiller, on the Cornish ( English j coaM, involvea the lone of M2 livea. The eea asl atruck on a ledge of rock, Friday night last, la s denae lag, and aim out beyond the reach of bslf. Out of Aa4 aotila on board only 43 were atved. The Schiller sailed from N. Y. city eet soon on the 28th April. Nearly all her pataeager were American, representing almoet fry Htate in the Union. Thia diasster send grief and naouripng into huudreda of families Isf the loea of dear one with whom they so rterndr parted ia health sad happiness. Tlrua iatha midst of life we are in death. the Road lriui Salisbury to the to -x not Morkivilh', liavin Co , and furohhed the iron and hdt!i the necessary bridge; hut ow.ng to a money criie8 that year the Hiihject u'as altoweil to die and uothiiig hae bt-i'ii said about the m itter for years. Out owing to the z -al of some of the sub aciibers to said slock (lie "said charier was found iu (he archives of the Secre tary of Slate, & copy of which ean be aeeu by calling mi 'dr. J J. liruuer, edi tor of tin Carolina Watchman iu the issue ot Angina 1 lib, 1857, and all the i tnee'iugs held cubHeuiieui ihcu-to. except the uiceiiug ot 22nd S.-pt 1S57. Al! Ike Cemmiss io tiers mentioned iu eaid charter, now living, wilt do the people of both ed. THE PATH OF THE CYC LOSE. The ftpecial correspondent of the Gm-ititu-tiunalist, writing from Covington, (Ja., ssys: Your corepoedvntia enabled to imlicate, witli some degree of accuracy at thU hour, the track of the cyclone through a iortion of Geor gia. Wliether it gathered i:a fearful lorcea in the Gnif of Mexico or called them from the tno'intaiue beyond the Miduppi Valley, is the queMtion to be determined by tle meteoro logical bureau. It came trom the west of us, beyond Jooenboro, in Clayton county may be fr.'m beyond Weal Point and the Chattahoochee. Paftsinjr thronah C'lavton county wi h local damage, now not ascertained, ii entered Henry county, and travelled it with remarkable de vaatalion aa reported. EtUling Rockdale, a sm tll new county, it deraojiahed tbe dwelling Sown ties a favor by giviug a published I and outkouaes of Mr. Thomas Oglesby, killing statement ol what was done by them, and co' horseaand hoga, and injuring fencing nrodnc the original snbseripUen hooks, d deatroytag trees on his PThs limits r , . " . ' of Newtoo countv were entered st Judge or, at least, have Uiem in a convenient j joaeph, Kagaa'a, "on South River, blowing place for I he tuspHCrio:i of the public. I evervthine swav in it path. 1 1.1 ! tunois, ana men cover witn sou to me same depth. More plant can be p oduc ed with i Irs kind of a hot bed raised to ninety degree, than by manure. I g t from four to six thousands plants from one huhe.l of seed. To plains should be allowed to grow unt I ihfy begin 10 vine, a they will hcoiue more hardy, aud will stand transplanting better. mm- 1 allow niv ground to icmHin growing THE WEAR A"ND TEAR OF CITY LD7E The wear and tear of city life are a severe, tax upon theatrnngeai conatitutions. Th. har ry and buatle and anxietiea of bwdness keep the nervoua nystem in a atate of unnatural tenaion during business hour, and in the end imp. 'tii the ehuuiciiy and vigor of the vital or ganisation. The penalty of all undue excite ment subsequent exhaustion. The bet remedy for it, whatever thecauae.ia HtM4etter Stomach Bitters, the tonic and alterative pro perties of which rapidly diffuse themselves through the entire system revive and reinforce every dormant faculty, and restore a o nra condition of body and mind. Some moral formers insist upon the disuse of all stimulants. 1 his, to aay the least of it, is irrational. All GARDEN SEEDS. 10 000 papers warranted fresh and eeno:ne just received from Iandreth, Baist, Ferry, Brtggs, and Johnson, c Bobbins, At 5 cents a Paper. Liberal discount to country merchants at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. weeds until plauling tiro, when I plongh, competent physicians admit that pure medics- . . I . l:.s .1 :i I .... Meetings! the Board of Commiasioners The .Mayor and Board of Commissioners !ct, afst st the Mayor'a office on Tuesday the ka iaat, si 4 o'clock V. M , and were duly in ullcd by taking the prescribed oath of office aeaiabxered by Dr. Keen, the retiring May er. On motion, P. B. Kennedy, was then elected Clerk, and D. R. Julian, Treasurer. The abc officers, Town Constable, Tax Collector' and robes were continued for the present. leaolution was adopted appointing N. P. Haifif, Mayor, Pro-tempore. Oa motion the Town Sexton was continued. Cajeaotien, A Committee was appointed to revise and amend the Town Ordinances. On motion, A Committee was appointed to ascertain what repairs are necessary on Public wells. 0a motion. The Board adjourned to meet on Fculsy before the lat Monday of each month. P. B. KENNEDY, C. B. C. KEETING OF THE STOCK HOLDERS OF THE YADKIN RAILROAD. Salisbury, May 8, 1875. The meeting was organised by electing Hon. t. E. Bhober, Chairman, and B. F. Roger owHtary. m: m. Mauney moved that a Committee appointed to ascertain the amount of stock Pnjeeut and verify proxies, which motion was Wted to and the Chair appointed Measrs. V. HMney;,S. 8, Pembcrton, ami J. P. Cowan. Tbe Committee then retired and after a short ii. i . . wai reported thai 680 shares of stock were "VreeeMed either iu person or by proxv, and that '.WW shares subscribed by the Town of Sail wy were repreaented by Dr. T. W. Keen, bich stock they recommended should be duty raogniMU and entitled to a Tote, where upon the Obairiuan announced, that, s maiorit v ...... - m - oeinz nreaeni. tne meetin? waa ouiv Inned. Bk. O. A. DavU moved that the report of the Committee be amended by striking out that hwswlatinf to tbe stock sukacxi bed by the Town.of Salisbury. Tbe amendment was not Teel to. The report of the Committee wsa adopted. I)T-T. W. Keen introduced the following hnioe which waa read and adopted : amV That it is ordered by this meeting a annual meeting of the Stockholders of Z Ney, be held in Salisbury do the last Jpiay In this month at die Court House al J hjek a. mH sad that the Preaident and ''!rectom of the Com nan v m hmkr i. , j j rt0 co operate with us by issuing a call aeelusx on aaid d. -j, jjJV0- w- Mauney moved that the Chre- raleamaa, the InUlligeneer, the Pee Ike lh WoduborJ Argu and Polkton J he requested to publiah the proceed- ef thU mawiing, wbieh motion was agreed would sui;i't thaf! he v be iicnoind with A man and two nearoesare reliably reported ibe register of deeds in each county where I to have been here killed, and Mr. Treadway, liv- they may he inspected by ahe people. lrton C?ten-qreek' f ,hv, c?"?hl ?p ,,, . . . , s . . and carried awar, and to be vet miseing in lite opinion nfhe wrer of fbM artt-! Mrek, Widow Hollowar's house waa ele is thut raid sut scriptions to said Road 1 blown down and that lady very terribly wound are binding aud in lull foree, if so ordered t ed, several of her rib being broken and torn by a majority of said fjommifcaiouers. And the foj(pwin is mr reason for said i .a - " . ,. - opinion : I ue charter requires uothtng to be performed in tbe way ot work or organization by the Commissioners to e-- cure said charter or perpntuate the same, which is very liberal indeed. And ibe sectiou authorizing subscriptions ia said stock bv individuals, towns or eoouiies is governed by the same rules, regulations and restrictions as tbuse provided lor in the Acts chartering the North Carolina and the North Carolina and Atlantic Bail mads. The former passed iu the ses sion of 1S4S- 49, tbe latter in tbe sessions of 1852 53, iu which nothing is to be fonnd making noil and void tlte subscrip tions to the capital stock ol die ''North Carolina and Virginia Kail Road," whieh said project or enterprise proposes to build a Rail Road from Salisbury to Mocksville aud frnm tbeuce to the Ten nessee or Virginia line, with this proviso ion, however, said Road is to ran West of the Surry line. Now a to the practical utility in build- a nr ass a liter aaid J&oaa : All tlir.se conversant with ibe country or territory through which said Read ia to be built are satis fied of the. abundant supplies to be drawn as a feeder of ibe X. C. R. Road Com pany at its mouth or starting point, Salisbury. Tbe section of country through a Inch this Road must pass, if buih, abounds in minerals such a Gold, Silver, from her hack br falling timbers : and several of Mr. W. F. Harden' children were aeioindy hurt. Mrs. E. M. Melton was badly injured by broken rafters. On tbe west side ot the county the appear aaee of the cyclone is de scribed as that of FLAMING FIRE, . for f veor ten feet from the ground, while high er up it lowered black as midnight. Six mile weat of Covington. Capt.' G. M. Cunningham suffered the to.al losa of his mawuVn and it contents. His wife and four children, in the building at the time it fell, escaped unhurt Cats. chickens and guineas were killed on the place by the furious blata. A hoard from the wh house was found three mi lea from ita point of departure in a reverse direction to the' course of the storm, and letters were blown seven miles to Covington, whieh were picked up ami returned to Capt. Cunningham. Bedding who lodged in tree tops half a mile awsv, and a heavv twelve inch nmhr plate, sixty fool long, was lifted to an adjoining plantation. A negro named Andrew Tillman, in an nuthouse, chestng that condition ot the soil hen it will b eak up the ni"st mellow, going only four or five inches deep I harrow with a li arrow eleven f-et m width, haying spventy-two teeth. Furrow with a bar share ploneh, as for corn pTinting, three j i...if t.,., ., ,i ......... ' Hill Will nin ni.1t i, ami ii! u ill. hum i J;i . . I. :, t . . -il :i ir ,t... ,Hjdll-T "tren. an absolute specific rmerp an ii'- niiri 'riling n.itt. ji lur weather is drv. puddle the plants; if not set them ont jnst as they come from the hot bed; p'ace them in prpendJeitlar, not -loping as many do pre. the soil cje!y almiit the plant just shore the rootlets, and draw some loose soil about ihe plant- IRISH POTATOES. 25 mlo, Rom, Goodrich Jc I'kkr lb8s, jcst r'ckived at KLUH'Z'S DRUG STORE. iur.. t r-. t-defi, snea wa .ea, wanted u -ei. CKSTE3C KlaL SA Y.Y. ribKK Or ihki i . t.uo rawaha of i0 Vc AfcUi I'RtHiKL S. a u.r hrary. Bos r.'Inae N4 a li. ry ot s nr esaitT fair Krwa lt SHli g .k Pal Gond Pa rF"Wat ree A Hi ee iy ait -f .f lO.tajn. Addre-a J. C IrClTRDI A Can m Phils. Pa. 4w j u a CLOVER AND GRASS SEED8. A large stock, warranted Extra cleaned. Fresh Ac Genuine, at low prices at KLUTTZ'S DRL'G STORE. NO. 10 ' now coataias f and b i tb av i' u Fa brasgi'. r ma ruoe .cn u AImi -nsceui.r Dislocue-. higuen." Urea as flee le ut yonr bookseller,1 r send price i C arrett 1 o T1- .etnsl St. Ihite .Pa. We make t . celebrated PBSflf LKTTKU KOkl tmr mft ri p tetters wahaal preas or water. Agents wanted. sw la y. Price Ju ta. Tae "ris 6 rUoO.t D of the hssset t le?iaov on. Hommsad "m .ilv Ktdis.atr.'-apibai Ur . - 8 HONEY need.-d in err free Hv mail N. J." FOR AOKXTS IN oar tern New N'ovehier. jest ean houae: sample and B. WillTKdCU.. Ni r . - .i i . -i . . . enicu Hiuiiuiani ia one oi me most useml reme dies known. Am a tonic and iovivorani fnr the aged and languid, Iloaletter'a Cittera ha no equal. It ia tlte sheet-anchor of tbe feeble and debiliated. In all climstea end. every upecies of disorder which breaks down tbe It ia also an invaluable remedy Jar aea-irlcn. riie nausea and retching cauaed bv tbe bitch ing aud rolling of a v en-el at the aea para I v a the bodily and mentnl enerviea. and those wh. niifTer from il would do w.ll to reetore to lb. Uitter aa a mean of uiv and itrrmnneni relief. steamer should sail without a annrdv of the arliclea. Am on the botanic invredienu of To Country Merchants I have the largest stock of Drugs. Dyea, Grocers Drugs ficc , in Western Gamlins, and am nw prepared to sell st Baltimore Prices, thus saving you the freight. Special attention to bot tling Essences, Landanuro, Paregoric, Opodeldoc, Caster L Sweet Oil ice. Write for prices, to JTHEO. F. KLUTTZ DRUGGI8TJ Salisbrt, N. C. . f . . i i . . ...a . . - i l . z a. .a j , nnfH'12 to do with noddle or tick, or von powerful blfMnl ileimrenu which the Tteeul!. ' 1 1 i . . will leave cavities ubnt ihn roots, where thp snil will not touch them, and thy will wither and die. As soon as the plants ge well started to groainjr, and before the weds hecotn largr- , loiiffli witli l,ar-li ms itlnuirh. throwiov tpe hise of the ridz back, leaving tlirm ahem eight inche broad, tlien hoe what remnina of th ridir i . ... . . .... es. at-avinr oi ine weens, ann notniggtng di'ep as the German do, by which tbr yonnsr roots are nisinrnen. in a tew nays plough bach the soil to the ridges. After this a few hoeiiisr-, to keen down tbe weed, will be sufictent. Mr. Carev said his soil was sandy loam which ha manures, and does not care what previous crop may have been grnwn on it. He sets about a hundred bushel.-' marketable potatoes from the acre. kingdom attord. i.M.i'iemlv, it ia not onl tones and iiivntorate, but alao lmritie- tin system through the nature sluices which nature ban provided. DIED. The Fuxebal of tbe Ute Jamea T. a ' ore- beadfiW La-. fuurday morniny V4aattei dad ny a )ar-e oncourae ot otir en ena. the n e I - . . . i . I r uvra oi i ne .egai pr..;t9uon ol tl.c ily una as pan o .rers. We were true: with tbe nuiuoer of eoioreil iieonie wh. fo.lowed the remains and who thus attested their aff. . tion for one who iiad always treated them kindly in Ii it-. The funeral sermon by Rev Dr. Smith was one ol to i inn-.' -dole and rare excellence. lireensboro Patriot. MARRIED. penger train wa at the station on achedule time of 2; 37 P. M. Its dark and ominous outline were seen creening up above the distant horizon visihlv, like an overrenchinjr, prntcntion shadow, over the green tree topa. Suddenly the fur-off" rumhling iucreaaed to a threnienine roar, and the hurricane, as if just catching Hignt ot THE DOOMED VILLAGE, Ahmtiaf then I ROQER, "7 vU adjoornad. F. & BHOBER. - Jf jfWl .:' . V'-' Will eS.j 1. A Ta Kjcaa'a Iron, Copper and- Mica, and an onfoldflhc7c,on.e WM fip observed while the up-paa- amouulol Corn, Wheat, Oales, Rye, Po tatoes, Apples, i'eacbes, Bolter, Obee e, Gbestruts, 3sltle, Horses, Sheep, Mulea, aud various other arliclea too numerous to mention. Rut the next question to 1st considered is, can the people in said conn lies ulfuid to submit lu be taxed to build said Read to its iermiuus. 'Your writer is tbe opinion tiiev can. Now for th reasons : Rownn connfcy is moving with might and main to secure a subscription of 8100,000 on the pari of the county to ilio capital stock of ihe "Y tdki.i Rail Road" as it. is called nr more faniiliarlv known by 'he name of ibe Salisbury aud Gberaw Rail Road by ihe way of V'es boro,' and I trust they may succeed. For if said Road u built tbeu we and they have a Road to compete with the Ohio Una Central Rail Road or as is most gen erally known by the name of the 'Wil mington, Charlotte ec Rutherioidtou Rail Road Company" reaching from the mnun tains to the sear coast. Wj:h this Road as a competitor of the Charlotte & South Carolina Road & the N. C. R. Road, freights maat "ex uecesiiatc rt-i" be reduc ed . Iiicli wilj enure U the advantage of shippers snd consuiaers. I hen grant for argument sake that this Wadesboro' and Cberaw Roa1 is built to Salisbury, bow stands Davie and. the counties along and through which the N. Q. & Virgina Road would mn if buili ? Not one dime better off, except in tiie little item of freights on such articles as tbe may ship or consume which wonLi nut ojuount to eoootno build one mile in the Wadeaboro' Road. Then people of Davie, and ye deiizens of -he Mountains " where Lion roereth and tbe watch We can buU4 the N. 0. Virgina Rail Head from tbe beginning to lis lermious.aod Almost a Fatal Accident W retrret to learn that the Rev A. V. Man 4. atfii.tr rn Iia r. i ra li a. .1 ... ilia I . Tt a.a kt 1 1 r I . - . . ...... ....n. v.. ...v. . vr.i n.s it., c . ... cr . i .r ann T a m 1 1 v nr ii.ia no mot arim 1 m' . .. i ii , ,- i . . , , u.. . ...... a uescenoinx rauer, me skuu iracttireti, ana ..;,i.., it..J.. r. i : i .v.r,l .1 JL nf hAn. rlrirn !n ihTL.:. UtCldeUt Oil Moinlay after.motl Iaat wblcll . : i ..i ... a r.....i i -i The n euro do na well. At Aluovv R rcr 1 he r""""- H' '"ru "-, aie oi ins con cyclone seems to have idren. Me has been for some day, with his family on a vimt to relatives in Oranc B.Dl-vn T- T TAB- A Dn. TUP irpirrv. I f . k r - - .v. mi.o A jici.i,.. Ij 1 II IV. II " I II T II 1 11 IT I I'i In u V III r III - f j - ( - - . .......... ''II . i . v . Il .1 I . . . leaping atonp, a it were, far above the tree oroiner-in-iaw in tne same county, tne topa, which were wrung and twisted aa it rush- horse attached to the vehicle in wh'eh be ed over them, and did not descend to the im- and two of his children were, became mediate anrfaee of the earth until it waa frightened, ran, and collided with a ve nearingine vmagc ot ttuiienge. inia is a hiru , mhitx Mm ,-,nt . vtU place in Moraan conntv, of some sixtv houses , . ... e"T " including its immediate environs, and is the ttll"Ni a fwnd were riding. lying-over station for trains on the Georgia dome ot tlie parties came in contact Railroad. Approaching from the aonthweat. with the wrecked T' hides and were in At tbe residence of the brides father on the J7 h of April l7., by Kev. Wa A. Juliau Mr. Jmwft. l'later to llisa lia'tie . . U'tu ingttm Jlis Muttn- will quit the Wei ng i aud help Jiinmie iu the Plaateriug; Charles Lamb. Essay iit. denounced si spirituous liquor as "et baoinalion." Poor fellow ; he knew whereof he apake, by sad cz ueriencc, ano u living, wouiu apply me same to Alcoholic bxcitantx, advertiad aa Cure ail But there ia one Tonic and Alterative ia exist ence the ltenl the world has ever knowa which contains no alcohol. It ia Da. W.u, keh's Ca i.iroBNiA Viaxoaa Bitters. 4w AGENTS W;HTED e ....d tawle.il xllina i.ole , Se'id (or our xtra tersas ' eat. Putiluhiac Co Philadelphia. Pa. h.r the Housekeepers Supplies. Flavoring Extracte, Essence, Spices, Gelatine, Mustards, Soda, Dye-Stuff, Toilet and Laundry Soaps, Lye, Matches, Lamps, Kerosene Oil, Chimneys dec, el ways on hand of best qnality at KLUTTZ'S DRJL'G STORE. For Youk Ladies and (Mctei Pine Perfumeries, Elegant Soaps, Cosme tics, Soaps, scbous, Toilet Sets, Vases, Hair, and Teeth Brushes, Pocket Books ice, in endless variety at KLUTTZ'S DRUG 8T0RL. i Cms 1 you Say ? Uh yes, we have them at all prices from S cents to 25 cent, and can sell them by the box at jobbers prices, our celebrated 3 cent PECULIAR CIGAR ia acknowledged, the beat io the world at KLUTTZ'S DRUG 8T0RE. S10 TO eBO0.!;niwJ,& trne A 74 pace tew .k 'Tn'a.ninc rvrrrthiac and coppr oft be Wall Street hVriew. 4w JO HN HIC K LI NO & CO.. Bankers aad as t a ! 7-2 ig r of th SENT F E Brukers, 72 Broadway New York. W ere ver it is JURUBEBA gnlatavaad tew aristae ad tkrwass. las esta; ir- reu iVsn i'- i IT lb . bed : If . t s erfect tr go U tor y ftr loan' r A um a jHr ar ivi-t.f t Lsvm TA 61 . !. atsaaa g tly a giadeally . s J regal tSS the Sw rrea. hat ka lue aecn-l r ra i removes .l im Ati aystai It u sot a arcToaaa bitti VEBETAjLE Lich aat digotiai. and Ihaai appetite fr fl neceMary U invigorate weakened or i aarti ve organa. sad 0 ve i to all the vital tore-.. It caaaim its ovi BacoaasasATtox. at the larre and rapidlj u.crra-inr aalea te ify. Prise One Dollar a h. ule Ask year eve ri t tor it. JoaasTus UoixowAT A Co. Phihv Pa ti- aah) Ag au. Free! Free!! Free!!! THE PIONEIR. -a:d aewer .nWt Tells haw Seat fVje te for PURE WISES Jc LIQU0B8 medical and church purposes always on band at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. sou SALISBURY MARKET. Corrected by McCubbioa, Beall, aud Julian Buying Rates : dnager of being crushed, and wounded by the horses the luiurv to Mr. and Mrs t t i i . . i .uaniim waa cnuiparauveiy snvtil UUt mni!Vnew M m On 1 ! . 1 i . . .. 1 - - - - - - " ww vw. lie utile. nmigtiU'r Kttte received Uiiuries nmiYlK ii a i a wiuclt were feared at hrst to bo mortal. 1 . I . ... . . . . . . r. . in ni. lasi. accnunis was netter. 1 lie Rpv genitemau and 'family have tbe sym pathies of this entire community. lie eoTiteuipl.it. -d returning to tlie city lining ihe past week and occupying mounted hijrh into the sir. and for a brief (,,"'K 'he past week and occupy injr his while fliere poised itaelf, apparently to anrvey pulpit to-day, but the accident pteveuted. more completely, ano wun a ourning glance, JetC8. the prey it was rushing to destroy. Corrusca- kiiis ulaved athwart tlie hlui-lr nf ik. , . ... . ,.., tierce t em peat. At this moment, however.it Accoromg to the last censas in tune l 1 - .1; j l .-.. ... ... Il l itm. t i . .... eemeo io nave oiviueo iiaen, anu me village iana ana w ales tlie females ot tne ponu- n this manner escaped total destruction. In I .tion nnlmimW ihe mU hv Hf( i,nt the suhurlas however, houses, trees and fences hnt Hbove thp nf twenty-five tbe inale-' - i l i ... i At Bardatown several arsons were killed ' cwu ' wnjaiea in nanwx. uue and manv more wounded. At Wavnesboro there were 400.800 widowers, tbare were one woman was killed and not a tree, fence. 873,000 widows. Above the aee of gin house or eotton screw left standing. At ninety the 1 em ales number two to everw YViut Point cq.0 lw. .,..., kl. ...... A I . ' - a I . I ann sever4i persons injurea. i ne rcfHiAfiiur ui iur. eiuiui oieap. near iviu- I nr i . tj ledne. Ga.. waa lifted uu br the wind, carried . re anow in.- won 'jica a dirttanee of twenty-five yards and set down h vacated tbe places of all United Slates again. Mr. Steap who wan standing in hi Commissioners jn this District, to take front door at the lime, was uninjured. He said efft ct tbe 1st of July next. He wiH then that his house fielt exactly aa if it was gliding mslfc- .nrw.;..m...t. whu.li 2i 1. over a pnud of water, and that lie felt no shock j :n : . 1 : .i when it ws. put down on the earth .gain. wl" nk 5",'?n ',,t0 lU v,ee The dor in which he wsa standing was on the mei beller qn"'fid for the very delicate south side, the direction from which tbe storm duties of this position thau those now iu came. The wind seemed to enter through the I office. In saying this there is no inten opeu door, fill the building aagaa inflate a bal- tjon to reflect on tbe conduct of the corn loon, and thus lift snd carry it of!. All the at .,M kA - u,tW s mnA v.t fence, outbuildings, atsMes and nearly ill the 7Z , 7, J trees of thia place were blown down. The for- conceal from ourselves the pateol nado was accompanied by a tremendous storm 1 'a1 that the office of L . S. Lommtsston of rain and hail- Such a fall of rain has not er in this District has in many instances been witnessed in that aeguon for many years, io 08ed for tbe sole purpose of making VW jlji ' . . tl v fees for tbe incumbent and in niter dure- hill aides into cataract. Youn mm wsa 1 ... " ... beaten into shreds aud fruit destroped. gRrd nSu nd of nan7 1 good cttmens, proseeeied for the most hwWjMm.m Wehav7.n WLSr zh fowdr-Look wen to your interest. LJIliTio for initiating thff forwmd step wyd a to have crossed th fanah.. river lata Barn- i -Wa retofm.- mmsmm fto i wall ad WfefteW rtiUea, and to have cross-1 HStY. FLOUR $3.50 to 3.75 MKAL 90 in 93. BACON county) 12J to 15 -li'.s round POTATOES -Irish 90a Sweet75 to $ EGG8 121 to 15. (JUICKEN- $2.50 per doa. LAKli 15 FEATHER? new, 50. RYE a 90 to SI UEESEWAX- 28 to 30. WHEAT SI. 25 a f 1.50. BUTTER 25. DRIED FRUlT-5to 8. Blackberries, 8 cts. KEEP COOL. Kh IRrapectfuIlv inform the citiseas of 8alisbnrv, that I can furnish them with Maine lea "it inche thick at 2 cauls pel Ih. lea House opened every morning. W M. KESTLER. May 6-3 mos. FOB SALE. My farm situated on Oraats creek about a miles worn Salisbury ia now fur aale. This (arm contains about 240 acres, of the beat farming land in Kowan County. Ham on it a good two atory dwelling House a double barn and other necessary buildinga aad also a Aba . . . . ... well of excellent water. fames wiahiac to porch me good and cheap property will find U : a a. aa - uineir iniereat u give mm a can, ean alwata be found as Ktatta, Gsahaas A Btadlrmas Store Salkdmry, N . C. ' -B. FRANK OEA-H4M. Marsh it, mfimm Astral Oil 50 cents per gallon at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. ! CHILL L S. Warrranted or A hand ic c ilia ins kiBneesMa. fw whe a us !.; alls i-.s'- w . It aMir.- I..S t Laws, with other mtareatiag m this paper. Send for it at ft will only oot you Hiatal Saw number for April joat oat. A d!re.. 0 P. DATW Lsu . Out. sassaaaave 0. . . .ft. 4w OatB,Bm. For Coughs, Colds Hoarseneess AND ALL TIIOAT DISEASES, Use WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. PUT TP ONLY IX BLUE BOXES. A "HIED A 3D SURE REMEDY. Sold hy Dniggiat generallr, nni FULLER A FULLER, Chicago, IB. 500 (iKNTS Wa-.lr-d f..- Oennlne LI . I and Is r BOIItr 1 V I N G S T O M E. r.y i;kv j i. . i u i.ie . woo fr sb aia peri ! rriUm,r ( incla. eg -e "LaST . ore SSLs ' onfoltix rtnrtJf hi re d Achieves DU. als t ie f brio-it"-. W r aad Waal- at th t marrtlom i-oantry. ) in '. afinerah li -. BeaM. 8avag a. It 6UG area. KB' Jt Only Ft nu Ricf m .nteret. 1 ew hi Pr . O JtHI ererrthit , 1 rift prrt : weeSS. Ad .- liriMtAbi) BLOB. Pak.eUa.Pe. or Citiciiicati. 0. 4m PIL Only 25 cents a box t money refunded. After years of experi menting, I havo at last found tho Great Remedy for Chills, Fever ic Ague, dec, and can confidently recommend it to my friends and the public. Try It. T A S. Finest Teas in the mark et. Put up in air tight, Ub cans, 25 per cent less than usual Prices at KLUTT'S DRUG STORE. V -1 . 1 . n ia wnenevcr yoe want i reaarrp- 9tHt balanee in a, all moo tioos earcfuRy prepared, er need anything I ene t" tea. usually kpi in a First eUss Drug Start, wl atem We W and want t be oertaia of anunr iaat 1 haat BBaaV, Testa nSYCHOMANCV. or flNG." SOUL CHARM- Ho either sex mav facinate aad gain the l"ve sod at clioaw of any person they etiooss .uu btly' T j. - mm ule, uvntal aralca ment ea wxm- frrr. ly aaail far ti , ta grtber .ritb n rrli... gi '. . EgypianO aese, Pream Ui f in L .die-. W t ddi 'g-Xigtt H in. Ac. A nee hook. tettreaT WlLUAJf Ada Paha. .'hiU. Jkw 1 fiaMT OFFER ! 4el BKOADWAT.X. Y.waV easaaea -f low PlAK0. and OKOAN8 at Estraaaely laser PrUforcah, Dnrtng W Mnath.avaswteaak. naiaoea ta sanau Baaaiaiy nf rettinr iasl what yen eel I for, aad af bring poltnJy and, prompily served. Be aeua to call est or send to THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Dbcgcibt 8AuacaTt N. C. -1 . f. e -w M i Jan. ta, t7eW4f waging tons pow rfal. pars aatrr t onrrr he cxeaTWd M taaa ar hraot ti. sttm taseens BtiinV, A A libers I diacimet te paynente. T3m CAjjtjrUtaftaM, M 1 . 3 Mm fe a MM VmSmA mumm

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