r or v m m r nof.r.iA orrryf0ri V I A rS V-i 51 - votf 7.THIRD SERIES. Cl A TOW .SALISBURY N. C JUNE. 0, 1875. rtnv.. ' i eras Mu InBM I -:.ausOl a . a n . . v. I .1 . 'j N6. W-WHOLE 50.89 1 .t 7TR1 VJ oj j i.tl9 4U loa -lit aw , . . w X lit? '""UOaXX t V d l011IllclljUt siss. y "tvj .f ? fc dii no ; bM wioiuiqu sdt j udaawnv 4 oj ' law bnotN4nd xl cm ct ' "f V iTyj Vy-rHT7i - i i - !. i . ' avail oitVU P?r? jnnnnoMaat& va rjH at 1 . . ..II : 1 . . - : .. . ; TilMJH Vrt tfif: ' i r cr rn PUBLIBEUEU J. J. WKKKKY BRUNEE, f Proprietor an J Etlitoi. J. J. 8TE4 AT AaaoclatsVBeitor. BATES OP SDBCBIPTION S WEEKLY WATCHMAN. fWa Year, payable in advance $2.(0 BTllO-THB. - 3 Copies to any address I can assist yon. I hope yon will feel there was a singularity in the circumstan- that you can trust me. I am actuary Jui eee. Don't look so down hearted, young 10.0 jMrTERTISIXI RATES t j.,b n inchl One insertion $100 v,. "H""' - 4I wo u 1.50 lUies for a greater anmber of inaertiona T Special notices 25 per cent more I rW,Ur -.ulvertweroeJM. eBuing nonce, eSOU per line fee each andf ery insertion. Efsoh A rrCTT owa JouaaAi. Iff hart V'i.fh,0 loyal heart, yhen. hat.d t nand. we aid farewell, Hw far all time our paths wonld part, What Hhatlow o'er iur friendship fell, J ahould hare c!aped your hand go close In the warm pressure ofmy own. That memory still woidd keep its grasp, If I had known. IT I had known when, far and wide, loitered throngh the sammer land. What Presence wandered by our side. And o'er you stretched its awful hand, I should have hushed my careless speech. To listen, dear, to every tne That from yur lips fell low and sweet. If I had known. Ifl bad known, when your kind eyes Met mine in parting, true and sad Byes gravely tender gently wise, And earnest, rather; more than jrlad How soon the lids would lie above, As cvhl and white as sculptured stona, I should have treasured every glance, If I had known. If I had known how, from the strife Of fears, hopes, passions, hero below. Unto a purer, higher life That you woro called, 0 friend to go, I should have stayed my foolish tears . And hushed each idle tigh and moan, To bid you a last, long God-speed, If I had known. If I had known to what strange place' What mystic, distant, uilcnt shore, Tu calmly turned your steadfast face Whet time your footsteps left my door, 1 should have forged a golden liuk Twhiud the ho;irt so cunstau. grown, And keep it constant ever there, If I liu'l known. If I hud known that until Death Shalt with his fingers touch my brow, And still the qnickeniug of the breath That stirs with life's full meaning now. Bo long uy feet must trd the wsy Of oar accustomed paths alone, I should havo prised your presence more, If I had known. If I had kuown how soou for you Drew near the ending of the fight, And on your vision fair and new, fternal peace dawned into sight, I should have ber,!ed, as love's last gift, That you before God's great white throne, Would r ray for your poor friend on earth, If I bad known . CHR1STAIN REID. MA 8 OLD BEAU. A Story of Deed Forgery. BY CARL BRENT. honest man, although a lawyer, afltl I mean el!, although I may express my self clumsilf K. "1 am trte to admit," said Clara, "tbat we need assistance and advice, and that we have not known to whom to look for it." "Very well. It is a eood thine, no doubt, that I bam come. Now, sit dowu and tell me alt about it " Clara Merwin. Jwho was the elder rif the orphans, and (be leader in everrMiwie, told bow her and her Sister had taken ou! letters of administratiou upon their fa ther's ceta'e, when a man of .v horn they bad never before beard pot in appearance, and presented a mortgage, with bood" in cluded, executed by the late Mr. Alerwin. upon all bis real estate, for tbe SBfBaot forty ihous.mttdol'ars. M t content with problbiltng them from a'lf tnpting O sell anything, be bad, tied up their money 'in I ank, leaving them absoultely pensnls. Tliey bad usd tkeir credit, but trades men were becoming impatient, and ann" had refused to supply them any furtc wi.hout pay. 1 " ' That is a bad case," said Mr. Pierce. 'You need moneys that is the first tnftig to be attended to. Yon inns i- t me act as youj- hnnker nntil I get you out of fiiis scrape, and that won t be, long 1 hope. H'w miu h dot yon owe 7 'More that) one thousand dollars, answered Man. The old gentleman counted out two hundred dollars from a well filled pocket book, and handed ii to her. "For your mother's sake," he said, when she refused to receive it, and he forced it upon her in such a way that she could not help taking it. lie tben ac cented the young ladies invitation to ui;ike t In ir house htB home during his stay, and went to dinner with them. -"Is there any place where I can smoke?" he asked, wheti they had return ed to the sitting-room. "You can smoke here," said the impul sive Mary. ,4Pa always smoked here, and we are used to it. bo he took, a merschaum and some tobacco from his valise, and was soon puffing away with ah air of great content ment. '1 can think better when I smoke,' he said. "Did you have any legal advice in the matter of that mortgage, Miss Mcr- win 1" "Yes, Bir.i replied Clara. "Our law yer said I hat; it wus a plain case against us, although it was strange that we had never heard of tin; mortgage before." "Very siiange. What is tbe name of the man-who holds it 1" "Alexander Campbell." ''Hum. A good name, but a had man, I am afraid: When aud where can I see him ?" "lie will be here this afternoon," an swered Clara. "He proposes, if we aill make him a deed of the real estate, to give up the bond and mortgage, leaving our money in bank and the rest of the personal property." "Very liberal. Introduce me to him, when he comes, as an old friend of tbe family, and not as a lawyer." Mr. Alexander Campbell called in tbe course of the afternoon, aud was made acquainted with Abuer Pierce, at whom be looked suspiciously; but bts eyes tell when he met tbe old gentleman's iutent aud pierceiug gaze. Mr. Pierce glanced but slightly et the deed that was offered for the consideration of the ladjjis; beiug occupied in studying tbe countenance of the man in wh ft; favor it was drawn. "I can't decide upon it just now," he The recent relations concerning deed j said, at last. "As the Mend of these forgeries, at a criminal trial in Chicago, I young ladies standing, as I may say, have reminded me of an incident mat jww- - ladies. What will be must be, and it is useless to cry about what cinnot be help ed. As I was about to say, a man died in Tennessee, leaving a widow and one daughter. Tbe widow was about to ad minister upon her estate, .when a man who was unknown came forward, and present ed a mortgage similar to this, aud tor exactly the same amount. It was exam ined by law ye: s familiar with tbe signa ture ot the. diseased, aud pronounced it correct.' Although t here was something strange about tbe. affair, they could find no flaw lit the instrument. It was par ticularly puzzling to one of them,- who thought that he had transacted all the law business of the diseased. . He. got bold of the mortgage and brought it to me when I was in Nanbville. 1 happen ed to have in my possession a powerful ful magnifying glass that had been pre nented to me the most powerful single lens I have ever seen. With this I examined the- mortgage, and soon dis covered that 'forty' bad been raised from "tour. - There was no mistake about u. I I could easily see the marks of chemical erasure, and the difference, in pen aud ink, between the 'raised and i he rest of the instrument. How the rascal got into Registers Office, 1 don't know; bat the record there had been altered iu the same manner. He ran away and it, wa not considered worth while to follow him. Strange circumstance, wasVt it, -Mr. Cmpbeli ' T ; Mr. Campbell was fidgeting uneasily in his chair, ana made no repty. "Here Ts the glass," continued the old gentleman, taking it from his pocket, "and you can see for yourself how it mag nifies. Now, as I look at this 'forty' why, bless mel tbe same signs? are visible that I saw in my Tennessee mortgage ! I thing you will be obliged to drop this, Mr. Campbell. My Tennessee man's name was Alexander Bell, and he has added a Camp to it since he came to Mis souri. Campbell, his face as red as a flame, reached out his hand for the documMit. "t believe I will keep this, Mr. Camp bell; lor fear ot aecidents. What? do you think you could take it by force ? Here is something that shoots five limes. Going, are you? Very Well; I don't thiuk you will be molested, if you will leave this part of the country and never return to it. It is barely possible that tb) es- ADDRESS OF THE EXECU- rigid and -prudent ecnnomfln our public the supeHor race bt iM, mlknn. r,r,' TIVE DEMOCRATIC ON- a welLaa prhnste eJUs ssTw!h..pe to flights 13:11," dveme Ifceir nam TRAL COMMITTEE TO restore tbe State to prosftriepa is be prejH and give fSTc! prt Mi psvny TH PEOPI OF & 1.. Con- i, ITEE. NORTH Rooms of the Democratic sekvative Centra.X5omihttee Rat e i OH, June 1st To the People of Norm Carolina The General Assembly at its reqent sesftion called a Conveotion of tbe people to meet at Raleigb eo tbe 6th flay of September next, tor ifte purpose ot log gestiug such alterations in onr orgasue law as may be deemsd wise and expe dient. if1 ! ft!-: t.t. t- Wi-'O, SJW1! U KECBaBlXYlrO4CHaNQt4Ai , . The nece.sity for cnangiug many of tbe provisions of tbe existing Constitotiou is generally admitted, and is too appareut to require extended argument. It ts true that some, of our prominent men at one time opposed the call for a conven tion ; hot Uieir- action was based on pru dential consideration, and not on an in disposition to have tbe Constitution thoroughly revised. They fearvd that onr puri.nee iu seeking to reform our Fuuda- mental haw, migut be misconstrued by the violent aud ill-informed men theu controlling Congress, aud tbe prosperity of our people checked, and tbe peace of the State jeopardised by Some hatsb and un constitutional action rn the part of tbe United States authorities. That fear no longer exists. We now have every as surance that tbe Constitution of the United States will be observed by the officers of tbe Government, and feel a sat isfaction iu announcing to you that the time has at last arrived when tbe officials at Washington City concede that tbe people of North Carolina have the same right, to manage tuier l cal concerns which the citizeus ot other Stales enjoy. We can proceed without apprehension Co perfect our Constitution and remodel it iu the iuterests of our people. hevftd that the law will be nmre impar tially administered by a return to the old practice of a rotation of toe Judges. AMBBDMEBT8 TO Th3. CIMI5fAL LAW . NECESSARY. It is hoped that a great incentive to honesty and purification of the ballot box mltit result from depriving tbobe who are on violet oi iafasaoa erimea of the else live franchise. r, , The matter of tbe Penitentiary which already contains more than six hundred able-bodied men, also demands careful and practical attention, to remove io some measura that burden from onr sbnnlders Most of onr private Ugislaiioo shoo Id ns excluded from tbe General Assembly However, our limited space does not per mit ns to catalogue tbe uumemus defects and imperfections of the present eoostita lion or to enumerate tbe remedies to be offered. There should he some general ordi nances adopted in relation to private en actments, thereby reducing the expenses of tbe Legislature, and iu order to prevent hasty and inconsiderate legislation, that no new masters be brought foiward with in days .of their adjourning. To them we ex rem) an taT'itailaa to main and continue the work so wjifcleaily b-gun. To those Who rjaaosfted m mAr the delusion of thefr leaders, wbo aaaared them this bdl'lhfl nerer Dai Oort- greas and If It did Wn0!d be vetoes! by thn . I A. w ana "iuciii, umagn ii now nss nis tigns- ture ; and who have witnessed tbe earnest ness with which the dangerous "Force Hill" urged upon Lnngrrss, we say no loafer remain wnera their is ni'her safetv nor nonor to a Morth t.aroliuian. Tbe bat tie for eivil liberty is not yet ever. 'Oivfl KigtKa is still a part of tbe terrtt car ret bag programme fur this Si ate ; though tbe balls of Conrroes. It will beranewrd in ibe Soot bent Si. tea. Wo taw I fore invite their m -operation. Tbe Convention owes its final success to tab support of eofoe el tbeir ablest represen Utivea in tbe General Assembly and ibey are doubtloas aware that tbe wise prwvis inns introduced into tbe Convention of 1868, by tbeir ablest representatives were scouted sud defeated by thst same ele ment that bae brought ruin upon their party and eon fusion to onr State. DEtYRBCTIOS OF fJAlUUMC UHUBBJUi HQBTBT.E & SEVEXTV-FIVE PERSONS FBC 1SU IN THE FLAUK8. CABEFUL 8FLECTION OF DELEGATES. As to tbe specific changes ib.it ought NECESSITY OP ORGANIZATION. Tbe ft iends of Coaventioo shnnld st once perfect tbeir orgaeisation and bring nut their beat men in every Coonty tn the Stale. The leaders of the Rentiblimn to be made, these are to be cousered by party kffow that by tbeir reck lees viola- toe ciiiit'tiB ui nits vanoua cnumiPf, woo lMns oi toe cortsiituiion and rffor.. to should be careful to select as del. etes I .-...r-H, -It rvftB,.., i. tk. hnM th. those who will properly n fleet their wish- Federal Government, they have justly es. Men of enlarged nd praetteal eutea tarfimA .h rnl l,n nA .nnArt f ilw. menshin, epraless integrity, represents- people ; they OHTefore Uust not to their lives of all classes of society, and whose owu illft,gth buito onr apathy, and will positions among men win euiuie tm-ir udeavor to secure nor defeat by divisions labors to confidence and support and in IU1 I.dr W. tl,,.tr- mm!. i - - v wa w wa v S r &r v a a n a i then nanus iney certainty ean more safely confide their rights than in tbe Convention r.f 18G8. HETHOD8 OF CHANGE. Of the two methods -prescribed for THE CONSTITUTION, THK CREATURE OF M 1 LIT A ii V LAW. This Cnustitution, the creature of Mili- chatiging the Constitution, that by Wgis lative enactment is expeneivennertain and dingorons ; the several smendmeuts recently submitted to and ratified by the tary dictation, was born iu the throes of penpie encountered ihe greatest difficulties in tbeir passage, aud even after tbe will of the people was declared in their tavnr by nver 40,000 majority, serions apprehen sion were entertained as to whether they were properly adopted ; again, legislators when possessed ot qualifications for such a Military reconstruction. lis authors were mainly Sciolists and adventurers, who had lived among us without prefer ment, or possessed ot qualifications entit ling them to it ; others were onr receiu slaves, who had kuown no law save the tate of Philip Merwia may really owe you I will of their masters, and others still a ere duties, re encumbered with numerous matters, and cannot bring that attention so, four thousaud dollars. If . . t a you not to try and collect lue debt, as such an attempt w uld land you iu the penitentiary. Good uigbt Mr. Campbell, aud farewell." 'What is it ? What does this mean ?" asked Clara, as Mr. Pierce, rubbiug his bauds aud smiling, bnstled around to fill his pipe advise ! carnet basrsrers. both black and white . r- . ' alien in feeling nd Itndtcal in education who sought pjsiiions h- re that were denied tin a. where known to despoil and humiliate us. Aud when tbeir work was l 1 i tit i-i unit . ' . w iiiriii'tii'' 'i'iiii . . to each provision presented fer considern- 1 10 mTl m adJ fully invite tbeirj attentiu tn tbe ftdlnwing resolution adopted and successfully fol low. -d in our last campaign : Resolved, That ac earnestly recommend lo the members pt the Di omcraiic Con- pervative part) to discourage independent Candidates and all o'her nisorantsrs, all support be ummptiy withdrawn from tvery aspirant tor office who alio.ll "pp s tbe regular nominees of our Convention Iel your primary rouuty Conventions be duly adv-rtis'd-aud see tb it the penpie nave a full opportunity of attending and expressing tue:f wishes. 1 he contest is important uot only iu its immediate rftVcts but iu sebseq-i nt results 1 he K-puUi Ban party, under the leadership of carpet b?rers still remainine among u, will urn witbrnt h An SraTVoriKLO, May Ob l atholic ' bareb beoa burned. A ea ibe drapery. Most of those an .Lbs) of the church eaOL 1. while fboaa in tbe gallery nvwfjy patlaWt. ServfM bad Deert r elod, and nog. There wa baH ana nsBIl galUvj wbsab eat 41 aa8d tb uag . l bere were 70U worabtpers preora- 75 of who at pri.b4. The efforts of tbe people to get rote the chorea to resen friends, inrreaaed tbe contaaifln) ss4fBV ded to the diseatae. Personal violenes bod t be need in keen wesnra irota rsab ing in'o tbe flames to oaee cbibkon, Tjaa charch waa eaiabliehed seven years ago. Tbe parish Included all tbe Frefje Cat holies io tbe viesnoy, Dtmbevtng V 600 The Church was built fe 1670; was 100 bv 60 feet. It was two siortesr ani entirely of pine. Ihe gaMerta on tbe id-a and North end were about 9f ids. There were two doors in tbe H end and vestibule from which tan npeia-d in tbo body of tbs Cbnrnk. Tke galleries opened into tbe vrstibole and at the rear end there was another floor by hich a few persona escaped. I ately upon tbe breaking oart of fsn all ihe occunanta - I n - pHiUMja s to the east door and crowded ao tbst ibny fell upon one another and chocked op tps cruicnius as Couvenli'M', and tbix in violation of tbe Ibi. BE thousauds of our best citizens were de prived of the right ot voting upon it, a id over eighty thousand ignorant negroes i Hon. withont meeting ioich may imperil their labors. Th" Convenlion method is sneedv ami submitted to the people at the polls, economical, ihe body is composed only of the s tine number of members as comprise the House of Representatives, and their minds ate directed alone to constitutional "Are you so dull my child t Why the ' were given the ballot to secure its adop- ref0rms and their work may be completed fellow is a swiudler, and bas beeu lound tion. It is no exaggeration to ay that an ratified, if necessary, in sis months, out. I guessed as much when I first not oue person in leu who voted for ti s lo the expenses that may be incurred, heard of the affair, aud "was sure of it J could read the instrument, aud not one iu t jK believed they will be more than de- when you told me his name. You will fifty had read it or was even moderately frayed in a short time by tbe reforms that soon be able to pay me my $200, aud familiar with its provisions, and many w-, be inangnrated then we will strahrhteu up matters. Thauk give it their support believing it would he The restrictions im . f...,- una, un. irnrv iriit.t tt mva ma . mpi'i.lu tumnni'irv niifl to PlMnA further I 1 f..ll.. A 1 t li.it " aitaiinn and revolution. It is natural J a J nh,. of m.rriA Inetr work to the people for ratification or or less burned and otherwise Iniarod. A Do vou mean to nunish him ?" asked therefore that a Constitution thus formed wo-.!,. -nd Personal Libertv.and should 'i?eliD- . ... person who loot bis wife and Mary. ! snd adopted shoufd be fouud unsuited to qoipt lbe ft-AW of the most timid, for they I I1"' therefore, present a united front, iusane. w .1 - I . a a Is M.k . 1 a.lB-t.. aa Ion aw nnr I Unit It would hardly pay - We could put our noudition, and that we should ees ans reengmxed as of binding effieaey snd fr T" t bim i the imnetentiary, but you might brace the eailiefet opportunity consistent ,rft ehiefly enjoyed by the friends of con- Itoes Uatlica urn will uot only be routed lose fonr thoesaud dollars by the job. with reason and prudence io eecurc sucn 8,itUtional r.-form. Indeed they were in V . . j TVJ- 3 Rv trviil for fortv thousand he has lost chaueres as time and etpeneuce have -omnraied in the bill mainlv to remove wor""..v,n . the four that may have been justly hir shown to be uecessary. Our organic law I pnrtizin clamor, and anticipate unscrupti- due. He will be far from here by moru- should be expressed in language clear, on- at:itaiion. They sre not the property of a mere party, but had their origin in the necesiiies of civilised society and were found among the statutes of various Slates previous to the war. w:snes ot toe iypie. expreseeu turoucu a a t m m a two thirds majnrity - f thierchooseu Rep resentatives, sad after a considerable p irt of tbe expenses for mileage and par diem Is incurred. We believe, however tbe promte is bnt a deluatou and snare, tor - iiould they atcertain ibey have a majoit ty in the body, it will be an easv matter for tbem to evade lbelr promise by ' tbe refesal of a few to concur ; aa ibey do not acknowledge tbe " restrictions" as binding, ibey will resort to the most revolutionary - r . . . m iposed by the Legis- i easuree to sosutn tne.r desperats lor , if I tunes, aud in the end will fail to subm t iv secure tue ii oroe- , , . . . . stead, Mechanics Lien. Eight of married doorways with tbefr bodi s pilrd fa ml ways, some 7 or 8 f deep and hnfe u. of tbe lives crc lost. Fro am Chief Mnlliu reaeoesl one woman after taking off two dad (r,,m ahnve her. It was almost 1m ale to face b fltma and Chief and others had tkwir clot baa si moat fiom tbem aud' wore badly burned tarBI- selves about tbe bat da. In the KM fgt tbe church wj tbe l'lb-M'e rreipeneej which was alo destroyed. TI". ;fli Wf re pnlh-d down after tbe flre waa ly put oov One woman ju npo highest window dowu npoo UmnjAt aieps, breaking an aim. but she is ot known hi hav.- b-en o brwiae irfjurol A man, wiih two children In bia'Wf.flb, jamped from a window and eaarsaSr poor woui-to, oov-h pc4 in fljnBBnna a ooi, -For G'tTa eae revw ?!'- .I J J I V eoe aa arrcrn ov nr junn uir , The latest dispatch tn lbe K , 'Wan from Helynke nays taut ft 1e not qefia eeruiu that all the bodies bare been tnBkBB from ibo ruiua. La He baatc to get as ineavy as poaotble f mm tbe b'tdTiof, BbflaVt it ifll, many were ukcjt oat a ssH-rt die-, lance, aud it is poeoible that a few nort may be taken fiom lbe debris. Holt ob a, M.y tS NkLfTfty bodies bav been tndcuiined In addiUoa in tbe 150 or 200, and at once removed to tbeir home. There are 70 dead, 40 mors lug. I have no doubt, a good riddance simple and perspicuous, so that nothing ot him ! Ah, this is comiortable. 1 kuow may be left to inference or construction ; that I feel better, and I hope that you our rights, so precisely defiued as to be do." comprehended by all men of ordinary Tbe girls were sure that a great weight intelligence ; aud each department of the had beeu lifted from their minds and government should be so restricted, that QUALIFICATIONS OF DELEGATES. - . l t 3 is a l 1 . t ill I? T3il U,K1. !.- fV ..o Srx A . w t a u nrtvAni i-jto ncrnrrpd a fw vewra ?o in the vicinity quiries concerning xne vaiue or mis prop- nearts. Aiexai.aer vampoen, anas xen, wuun icit. lot uKuigc . Pr,. afflt lam whifh iMB to me worth nrty. Buppose you come up aner supper, aecampea, ana ai ner nerce eiayeu a lll'uul" uuw,iuw to see relating. r.luru anil Mnrv Mi rv. in. sisters and arahajia. ware in the aittine room of tbeir i " s all correct, but I would like pleasant borne on the edge of a village near the Missouri. Their mother bad Mr. Campbell -assented to this and beeu dead several years; their father Iind ; withdrew. Abner Pierce filled his pipe lately died, knyittg tbem an estate as , with nervous haste, but also with tobacco, supposed, of tbe value of some forty an 1 Mary brougb' . a light, thousand dollurs. Bui'they had learned I "I kuow that you u.ve some good news quite recently that the property was en- I for us," she Said. 'I can see it in yonr cumber, d to such an extent that they were likely to be deprived of it all. This discovery, as rosy be supposed, filled them with sadness and anxiety, and they were seated iu silence, unable to read, to converse, to work, to do anything but brood Bver tbeir crreat misfortune. While they were thus occupied witb ' or be surprised at anyMn sombre thoughts, a buggy drove up in front of the boose, and a man alighted, snd the buggy drove away. Mr. Cam obeli, and suppose yon bring week with the oiobans. durinsr which that mortgage with you. I have no doubt time he anauged all their affairs satisfac meats embarrass the proper action of the others. Wv H Cox, C Sail R. H. lUrrLE, Jr., C. M H LSI: KB. R. B. 8 at wood, J. J. Davis, W. 11, Jokes. W. N. H. Smith, 8. A. Asax, O. P. M BABES, Rxecuiive Committee. J. LrrcHwmD, Secretary. PHILLimBCKO, Pi The fureal fire is U town, and as lata ace bas was sani VtktiitLLES. (I.. Mar 28 .Ml Four children have been burnt tn Tbe accident occurred by one ! In liotif A Cm villi r..l oil ' 4 convict THE C0HSTITTJTI0H T7XSCITKD TO OTJB CONDITION. face " "Not bad, my child. I hope aud trust that it is very good. A good name but a bad man, I said and that is true. I think 1 see my wajr ont of this difficulty, and the money I leut yott is safe. "But jou mustn't interfere with me, young ladies, I say or do, or object lo it. You must trust me, and let me work ir. my own way." After supper, when Abner Pierce bad This man must have been a little on ! enjoyed another comfortable smoke, and the shady side of fifty: to judge from his , bad conversed with the girls concerning . . . .. t .1 .i t. i i i i i i torily, and won their lasting gratitude and love. "How can we ever thank you for all you have done fer nsf said Clara, when be was about to leave. "It was for yonr mother's sake, my 1 ! 1 A la. a, . L. T . . . . s. cntld. Ana ror ner sane, it x cau ercr D cnaruuttristK-s wero so iuai:i'esi uiai help you, all I have is at your service." t)nt a single Conservative member of the Abuer Pierce has visited the orphans Convention that passed it could be in frequently since the event above narrated due d to affix his signature to it, as a fit ! and they have always bad a cordial wel instrument to be submitted to the people. come for "ma s old beau. Indeed its provisions are so loosely word- ! ed and bo badly arranged as to constitute ' but a medley ot inconsistencies that defies A TAX OU THE PEOPL.E. the successful construction of the courts ; A in fact, to reconcile tbe difficulties arising 1 from its practical workiugs, the court has It has become quite a subject of remark in some instances been driven to supply amnnf those who Lave the ooDortunitv of omissions, and iu others It is useless, however, to seek to quiet the mere caviller; tbe keen optics of some persons defy all law. The mere fact that the honor of the best men in tbe State is pledged tc their preservation, should sat isfy every reasonable voter. Tbie Con vention is called in pursuance of law. and i. That Ike Constitution contains - some each delegate before ''be shall bo permitted good provisions no one denies ; it would I to sit, lo be entitled to a seat in said be singular it it did not, but its aoomina- Convention or act as a delegate thereto, Institotions in the State is shall swear and observe these restrictions (see acts 1S75) Should a part comply snd part refuse to take tbie oatb, only thi.r.rt who ohev the law are members of called upon to pay lue ESCAPE OF SEVEN FROM THE PEN ITEST1BRT ! Find upon by tbe Guard ! - A Be 1 I awl One EiUed, one Mortal! j the Other Beeapturi TO BANKING INSTITUTIONS. The attention of officers of all Banking . -rr KTsv hairs, although bis face waa fresh sad unwnnkled. He was dressed with remarkable neatness, aud his manner in dicated briskness as well as precision. In one band he carried a small valise, sod in the other an umbrella, snd he su pped quickly to the door and rang the A"IL la a few minutes he was ushered wis the presence of the young ladies. iTm obliged to introduce myself," be aid, trailing and towing iu a courtly man SnaAbner Pierce. Ilere is my card frsjssjitiuai card. You will preeeive that et a lawyer in St. Louis, and presuma bly a respectable man. Dou't be afraid ; I am not hern to hurt yon, bat to help Job. I have the honor to call myself a "snd to your family; that is to say, al though it is many yesrs since I nave seen any member of said family, I always sad the highest possible regard for your bow sainted mother, and nothing could Pssae me better than to be of some ser rbcbildxen." "Weara happy to eee you," marinered Clara. 'Thank yen. I happened to hear no matter bow that you were in trouble, their mother ns he bad known her in her a to introducers observing that the colored portion of our new principle, hitherto unknown iu the population are certainly a tax to ns in one jundtcialtiistory of our aiaie, aisunguisu- respect, and that is the great penchant ed as "judicial lagislauon, an innovation yonih a subject' upon which be grew 1 they have for "going to court." Every anti republican in character and invasive trorv e.ionnent Alexander Camnbellnbme little difficulty, however trivial and insisi of the rights and duliis of a separate de- ( Y ? ii J 1 1 .1 I :u . -I.. J ,, n fVio SiiMiriAfi navtmunt Tia nrnviiilinl SUt an ohCtllfc UlUCaUV, lo CrriCU UJJ w uukiivi iu.iiit a Court ; and iu many eases it transpires that within the brief space of its existence that the plaintiff is really the guilty par many more decision ,ou constitutional ty, while in others both are equally guil- j questions have beeu demanded t ban iu tbe called to tbe Teetrrday morntog ns a t gob.g oat tbe tbe wont gate of Penitentiary enclosure, eeveai negro victa wbo were dose behind tbe wagon made a sodden rueb upon the rate keeper following section of the Revenue act, rfcc before be eoe id sneered in dosing th Sec. 15. Schedule B. snd all are hereby rate, overthrew bun, and made tbesr no- ' mm b w .a the uxee imposed and po into a copse on lbe opposite side 0 l.t trio hmlv. nor &rt we will, out nr(H!pdentfl: nKuin ths rrnrir. lirsnii. 1,10 r0J- . M rr w rasa rw i r 1 1 i 1 1 n vr ti 1 1 1 in.iu. -ra aruw ' y m 8 a - aa aa S IT .1... mnA -r.r rei.ireu ... es rapMiy as possioie. unwa j.k... .11 .1.. -o-Kr- iU iV iK -n1 Every National bank, State bank, Sav- alarm, ihe ruarda from tbo gnaod UCUaiu cat I IUU iuwihwih tmmm mm . ..i A ,i.. ...rl iUi ; KnV nr .nr int i.-n ennrlnrtintsr . .- ranr lo t beir arms and started ie c i.:i. . - ...ii.n, T .!. - f L. .u:. .: pursuit. ..ar mr rt aicence oi ar.unaw discussion the dingnisbed Judge Oas . , K Wr .-. ,u of lia, L1 e'Be 111 re'eL f l.hc? ." OSf ton n.ed tbe following language : "The 7"' " ' ""''A sTmnSST e...,o f o.,;.l.lnr.. l.H ;,. ,, ..r milhar.lv ua.-n. v,. u. wv.., j , v.v..,,,, ipDiaami n mc ir iiurun .u a i i . I . I i : .1. -J rtili ni nn thp members nf Donn or uo'e oroaer, WUCiner opt rtunr an nmc in iw iwrr m.i i vuc in, bringing the deed and the mortgage, both of which be handed to Mr. Jfierce for examination. . , - "I have made inquiries concerning tbe property," said the old gentleman, "and am satisfied that it is not worth more than the amount of the mortgage, aud it would probably bring much less if sold at turecloseure. Your offer is a liberal oue; but I mu-1 look at the mortgage. This appears to he correct," he coutiuued, when he bad examined the instrument. "It is properly acknowledged and the signature is undoubtedly that of Philip Merwia. I suppose the young ladies will have to go io tbe county seat to execute the deed." Tbe cirls' countenances fell at this diii1lMn uni-render on the part of their www www- e champion, i "This reminds me," said the old gen tlemau, p'.ckiug up the mortgage again of an occurrence that fell under my obser ration in Tennessee. Not that tbe two rn n I'M are a ike. as the Tenue?see case sd havcVomiup kcre jo the belief that 1 was undottbtedly a fraud uleal aflau; entire previous bistry of 'the State and 1 ot late we have witnessed the extraordi- ty Vn a a matter of course, the creator the Ifiio-th of time consumed in clearing i nary spectacle of two sets of judges iu the State docket, the greater will be the both tbe 2ud aud 8th Judicial Districts, expense to tbe coudty, and tbe large nam I contending for the same position, one of ber of these little cases coming up at every wnicn claiming io noiu uy a puimcui term of the Superior Courts is not only a , from the Oovernor tor a penoo oi ten needless expense, but is also often the years, an office that the Constitution seems means of delayiug tbe trial ot important . to say is to bo nueo ny iue penpie a iu criminal cases. polls, aud wnose term is cayreaacu w wo Win. ii will tbo nerrnea learn that thev 1 onlv eiirht years. not only gain nothing by this love of go la many counties, there is n practical ing to law, but that tbey lose their time denial of justice, the courts ere inaderinate rrtWV1 m.nie.trfi eontcaet habits of idle to the public demands, aud thus tbey are - J 1 9 . I - 1 1 s w as 11 In . ' m. a ..aiaI fnama e,- bin h driven to resort u opcuiai kiuB, are expensive and unsatisfactory,, aud persons accused of criminal offense are often confined for months without trial. We need a sneedier iustice and a leas ex- w -V - ' n, . 1 system, we snouid w . - ness. and make many enemies? from the almost groundless cause of complaint which many of these cases when silted thoroughly disclooe, it is conclusive evi dence that the complainants are actuated by nothing in lbe world bat the great to impo-e an the Convention, but the people had ratified ss corporations or associations, or privately tbe ball passing through him and BJlHog the act of the Legislature by choosing as inuinuuara ana sucu insurance coin- u.m i n"t delegates under it. If wo transeend the Pnsis as are fcteorporatcd by thla State, Wilmington, in for 40 years, was sVn limits or refuse obedience to tbo condi- In addition U the adealorem tax on tbeir tnmagh tbe npper part of tbe body tbe lions therein prescribed, we are not the capiUl invested, aoall pay annually a Dai. c ming ojji tnrongn tue ogni irraw Convention called by tbe people, but a tax according to capital employed, as lie was Dronrnt naeB to toe self constituted body;" these views loiiows : uq a capital oi one nnoHrea were coneorred in by Macon, Edwards, tbnnssnd rtolUrs or mare, two hundred Morebead, and others. Wo will dismiss dollars ; on a; capital of fitly thousand this subject, however, by calling at ten, dollars and lass than oue hcadied ibuo- tion to the able work cf Judge Jamieson iollsrs, one hundred dollars ; on a ou "Constitutional Convention," where, capital of twenty five thousand dollar, by argument snd the cases cited by him nd less than fifty thousand dollars, fifty in reletiou to tbie matter, be demonstrated "dollars ; on a ca pital of lees amount than that Conventions are bound to obey tbe twenty-five thousand dollars, twenty five restrictions imposed by tbe legislature ia dollars, and also ten dollars additional Art eIluir the Convention. i for each county iu which they have an AID FROM REPUBLICANS. nensive abolish every tueiess office, which is now . filled by a mere consumer ; for only by a agency, said taxes to be paid to tbe State Treasurer, tvery person or company In ear last election it was gratifying to running sleeping ears open any railroad see Republicans who had hitherto sub- in this Slate, sball pay for every ear an mittcd to tbe control of unscrupulous run fifty dollars per annum, and shall leaders under a mistaken belief that they make return fnd pay to lbe State Trees were promoting the- general welfare, see i rer ss and wlin other State Uxee sre ing tkeir corruptness as demonstrated by returned and paid. On failure lo com the 'Credit Hfotilier revelations ' "San-; fly with tbo ipvewMnne of this section, boi n Contracts' and other frauds and deal- j said banks, companies or persons sball cation, and their vindictive and reTedtiess nay. as uxes two thoesaod dottsus, to be policy, whereby tbey sou-jut To degrsds e : irected1y tbe Treasurer of tbe State. P en i ten Hnfy alive, bnt will e -ainly die. A number of en ixens at work near tbe Penitentiary brick ysrd, bearing tbe fineg. lntroaOs tbem selves to prevent the escape off tbo prisoners, and stopped ail bnt nam who evaded pursuit fur a a bile, bnt wbo .VtV captured Utter in the day. m m-it Apparently no blame can be attacked to tbe nftrers of tbe Penitentiary. TB escaping rounds were at tbe lime snne formlug ad-signaled work, and it msrirs sppear thai tb. it proximity to tbo inv war. hi wa i-aaual. ll aatOeare ever to have been tbe result of a CO w plan. ad tbeir movrtnenta were ately umod so as to bo ai the rata slmuS laneously with be wagon. uas (. aJ G.eat credit is dae both to the Caaxu and to tbe parape; for the prompt, thOur,' ineflfcnal fire, to those la tbe gbard'aoOJ wStb itwA donarv bow- wbo snssmg to baste, and whtoBow the death. rWS V ' " tmmi& kaA I anal ' .a-.f )' p" ) 'fgtfBW' 'snnbill 11 jfktej I I .nsBfl