Shipping. The ship building iuAcrest of Maine is eraduallv improving. Tnl nr the total tonnage of new ves-ela thna far repwlei in 75.5,53 ton, tbe n Timbers beioK :abips, 15: bHrqueiitinei, 11 bar que. 23; hrtfra, 13 schooners, 104; steam- 4; otber vessels, . iUediiun.U I W m -Wm s I SUT Political Capital for the Forth Coming .Elections. A. ear H v rs, ; logs, Large Fa km Colonel Lee Jordan, a Georgia farmer, owns and cultivates 200,- 000 acres, the original cost or wnicu was $45,000. lie has 800 laborers, bat is gradually adopting tbe tenant system. Six overseers superintend tbe plantations, and raise fam 1,400 to 2,000 bales of cotton. L L t .. WT J 1. . r. , , , u n Hi ill 1 r 1 nil rrpa 1 1 m "TfeJ-i rrrT" A . I rr-r-a . - , ... V.- been reading the BiblaiAnfllwlsn srtt w u. J.i u. ..TTTVa Ktpnli'. m.rtvrrlnm cootr fcHtiiority, that at tie recent eiamh . .1 1 . o li ..t. .u. 4 ul nation of-candidates for license v the so on ii oauuaiu iui - t,uv ujr, 1 1 t p - - 5 or 6 years each, coacMed to have a SuprenieOourt, two colored applicant Stephen of Ihe.r own. m , t" into were u ro F "J Corner Main & Fi8her 8treet. menements 01 aoonv j 1- - 1 1 iislalaim V Tlu BTJI8 ft BARKER, b ' .j . I - - iiESALE& RETAIL Br one pf the little al these ii,. .n .r .nd before hsln eon Id ar one 01 me toun ucintr abaca wnj rivesbad him hors dt conibaL Stephen were admitted, when a young white ap 1 nJifant was put back, replied, Ob! these beld over hls-body on Monday and s verdict given in accordance with the abo I 11VRDWARE. Woing north or Will avoid night changes and secure the saost comfortable and abortsaS rout aw fcsyiag ticksia nTsd!;i luvsotj j;xa 9 don 1 J J Mi) ut SALISBURY. N. C, )Vt -1 j We learn that the Grand Jury found a Kill int .TudLMi Cloud at 4he recent tacts. President Grant and family are off again for tbe seaside. It is a little arly tor in uxct.iiency to mutraie, qui wieu t ) 1 1 ' 1 1 111.11. 1 1 1 1 1 a m v.ft.u ri a a liuii a a i' . inn 1 1 b .i j 1 i-a. 4L 1 .. 1 . t.r... ,.f ,,r ( mpr. or a - s.ui tine a uceru fti ' "v " r v ftani n?. nor cnaracter are rranirfi4 oniy me uy me nome or wuw. L . L..t..l 1... o!nSnn a val 1 T inilfi tti 1 1 1 IT . Th'f exhsustint' labors ou "that Iettor." ba. I Mnlea. California Sherrv & t ,);-. .f tl.. Judy's own a strain ou his meotal faculties that was, ........... , , I Imported tun. and in fact eve-vth "T ' ru-j.UL-' wL ha.,,1 .k. lk 1 1 be civil rights Pill, revenue laws ana ke in fin,t ciawilJrnc storeJ party, says : vuuk - I . V . r other odious legislation having created tf Wr. SsMb ta A Annrfa ni c( 111 I li IraS U t vvv a v v w f auj ui W i il Uk w aw siu wa - wi i Iron. American iron is again with the diiruity of the positiou he occupies. U one as the rat-trriers in the Radical Salem Press. camn don't know exactly how to tackle. i . . . - . , . . , But let him strut his little day, for, as a be ' in is?' Hi? - P.a;. JTe that the buprerae Court of . ... n i!in 1 l Leu 11 f i 4(1 tiicAi. ca i n c 1 . . o hipped to England. An English paper , . i ihron ihe arolln uve uken ,ne ,ead ,n Prov,,, Mys tbe Cornwall Iron Company, of months, and do as the old Presi- unfimchmg toyaUy to the negro ndar Bluff. Cherokee county. Alabama, . F ... JjLwv "LovaltV U the Administration nsed to ntMtiri nil Hiav e. ZjKiuiets ajkiiiu- - .... . are nreDariue to ship to-the same destina-1 ' ' I be the test now it is loyalty to the ncoro tKIHfc XJWUIW. . 1 I1T .1. 1.:. 1- I XT .-.l. ve 1 nisi tuai me wuue people 01 onn Canlina who have heretofore supported Grasshoppers as Food. the Radical party will understand tbe finmof the orasohonner atricken citizens matter. It is laid down by the highest : J a 1 Where mar b found a full assortment of sVe colored men, aud if we bad rejected pQe jyg. Medicines. Dye Stnft, Fine Hand 1 . set. L M .L .1 1 - ' z a f ohem, itr wouia nave een saia toe. kerohief Extracts. Forrien A Domestic Col Court was influenced by prejudice of race ognes, Soaps. Hair. Tooth & Nail Brushes, and color. So it seems, that all that is 1 Havana & American Cigars. All grades of ...r . Ji.,n. ort nfi.o Errors SMOKING & CHEWING TOBACCO. A tbe proper color. Trie T "rr . .mzl . . " r- 1 ceieoraieo rerains iionse iua-iruiHYe Kerosene Latnps which we trorrnxt or nemty sesame to tne portais 01 me oar. mo ars. Whiskey, French Brandy, Sciippernona clacKberrv. Port Winea. ins usual It Our preerip- tf Ike pro- disaffection among its white supporters, prietors, one or the other Mnf in the Store day VIA THE VA. MIDLAN1 The only change of cars to Baltimore la made 1 north of the nver as DANVILLE a - T . across a twelve toot puutorm in DAYLIGHT. When eon want Hardware at to nres, call oa the ndersifnesi Gxnmte Row. . , baa a D. A. AT WELL. o.11.t v r I . n .X oatsjoarj ,n v.tsiey 1 n. MOUNT IDA IIOTEl, Marion. C. Pill A HOTEL. (f..rmerlTC4Mtrwian House) I ianewry furaiahed and now open for the reception of U oasts, number of large aud tor The Propriter has a rell far Diaued rooms AND TatE SOUTH WE8f The oedefaifeed wiebesta iaAa wu a ia frieods that be bee assail li iba aZ is to aDoear in tue proper color. 1 lie tirvored tints ot Africa are an "open " il... A.ti. . r. k lU. lis. Rum Summer Boarders. 1 The entire train runs from DAN VILE to BALTIMORE over one uniform gauge with- v""r' . . I rra J a A t Ll. Thu route ia one Htmdred Miles shorter 1 nn nnaersigoea, 10 laamt; arKe 01 una nonce, nopee to iuny cusutia nn past repu tation in catering to the public iiM'iuinPn oses to aaalJbxuagb tkbtia frsaa Sliabsji 5 Ctoall pohiU itiTtiaa, 1 rlranaaa, bliaij and their Soothern ( aecdoaeT Lai ia rant Tickets, or First Clas Tickeu ana ttecjrajce coecaco inroogn. I'aniw vbbaW to aaJsslahorer U tbe above ScaSsa wbTaJ it araatW to their own adTaataM br tiJz" WKb tee underoigneo at saHaeorr. IoJbr in regard to States, time and Connectioaa ' be furnubed either personatry or tLrouaL o- ban any other to the SPRINGS OF YIEGLNIA. A. POPE,Gen'LP nger A Ticket Aat Coluttbia, 1 c the Radical party of the State have deter mined to bold on to its colored supporters at all hazard. It would appear from the North are preparing to snip . 1 nit ... .. I .Iia.aa.1 rii. IIOII 1UU lOlto 01 uicii tuaituai Y'b """ and that they have secured freights from Savannah to Liverpool at ten shillings per ton. This is iudeed sending coals to Newcastle. " I 1 .1 . .1 o of Warrenshaig, M., hve adopted tbe raoicii auinoriiy, me ouprem sage military msfttm about "living 011 the euemy." They, are eating the grass hoppersstewed, boiled, fried. Such and niafU and no one need anDrehend any dan ger in having their prescriptions compound ed. Feb. 18th, 1875. tt The North Carolina HOME Insurance Co., 6 J FORE AC RE, General Manager, Alexandria, Va. W 1 CHIPLEY, General Southern Agent, Atlanta, Gn W H WATLINGTON, Travelling Agent. Greensboro, N. 0. May 13-4m. Blaetier anil Henderson, Attorney e, Counselors and Solicitors. at W a m m n W w e"S a J. J. Ll3ltitrt, rropnetor. May 13. 1875 tf. FOR SALE. J. A. McCONNAUGHEY. Agt. C.C.4A.K.1L, Salisbary, X. C. BepL S.-tf. SpeciaJ Aga, Piedmont Air Line Hallway X Combts Some comets require 110, 000.000 of our years to complete the cir , 1 1 1 T a a . I .1 1 art. ' . - aw- r cuit ot their uignt. ia 10 10 me eanu was the peculiar tare set betore nve or passed through one comet, and cut it in ax epicures of Warren sourer the otber halves ;,in 18G0 we passed through the day, and they pronounced it excellent, prolongation of another, causing a most It is tbe first step that costs, as every beautifnl auroral night. The mean veloc- liody knows, and the little company ity of the wind ou laud is nine miles per sipped the grasshopper soup with some hour in the summer, and fourteen in misgivings as to the constancy of their the winter. At tea, the mean veloci- stomachs. That ordeal passed in safety, ty is estimated at eighteen miles peT they proceeded to discnss grasshopper Court ol of the Slate that the superiority of the negro as a race, must and shall bo pre served. Stand aside white man. the but trnnrairison top. Young white boys with only a free school education, must A .a .. A I A f I ki. V. ., .. km negioes with no education will find the SS6S Ol IISIiralllB FTOPBTty, nay ujjuii SALISBURY, N. C January 22 1874 tt. OF RALEIGil, N. C. INSCRES DWELLINGS, 8TORES, MER- CH VNDISE, AND - Remember this when you go to vote for delegates to the convention in August. Charlotte Observer. Carolina Central Railway Co. Office General StPKHiKTEVDKNT. ) Wilmington. N. C. April 14, ls75. $ hour. C0N8TJMPTION in Philadelphia. Philadelphia loses 2,200 of her inhabitants W every year by consumption. The papers of that city attribute that large mortality from tliA anurrn of the defective drainage and the brick sidewulka, which latter ab sorb and give off moisture like a sponge. The persistent custom of washing pave ments is condemned by the press as great ly destructive of human life. Tbe Phila delpbians, it is well known, are perpetu allywashing their trout door-steps aud pavements, deluging the people with - spray. served in batter cakes, plain fried, and a haked with honey as a desert. What, if any, wines or liquors were used to wash down these strange messer, the ac ccui.ts befcre us does not say. It would also be worth while to know whether the eaters had prepared themselves for tbe trial by a course of starvation. We only learn that the grasshopper banquet was really good. Thk Insane Asylum Commission. The gentlemen comprising this commis sion appointed at the last session of tbe General Assembly in connection with the erection of the new ' Insane Asylum at Morganton, have just returned from a trip through different Northern States examining idmnlar institutions in those States. They express themselves highly pleased with what they have seen and learned. The commission will visit Morganton next week for the purpose of locating tbe building and commencing work once Work as a Remedy. Dr. Dio Lewis save : A lady has just wt A Paris Suicide. A fearful suicide occurred in the city of Paris the other day. Gerard Ant home called his little boy, aged six, to him, and said : "Littlo one, you have often wished to play with this pistol," showing the child an old pistol. "Oh, yes, papa." "Well, we will play with it now," and loading the weapon the father handed it to the hoy. "NGwMook," he said, "I will get down on, my knees before you ; you will point at me right between the eyes and pull the trigger; you'll see how'fuuny it is I" aud be kn-h down, "Aim well, in the head", .between the eyes,"' he said again ; "but first embrace me." The poor child embraced his father, then pointed the pistol as told and fired. Gerard fell hack dead, and the boy, see ing the terrible result, ran out of the room sobbing. FWa the Kacais City Journal. Fatal Results of a Feud in a Family. V We learn from a gentleman from Clay county, of a homicide which occurred in that count' on Saturday at noon, which resulted in the death of Thomas Cravens, by one of his brothers, and the woundiu of bis brothers Wood and Elisha. The difficulty originated out of a feud, whieh we believb has existed for some time be tween the Cravens (there being four brothers in the family) over the diyision of some property. -1 The parties met casually at the divid ing fence- between the farms of Elisha and Hood Crareps. What passed between the parties is not yet known, but words ensued between Elisha and Jim Cravens which led to blows, and resulted in Jim whipping Elisha. After the fight Jim weut to -his house, stating before he left that he designed going for his gnn. Elisha rammed for the purpose of getting his pistol; and soon came back, and up on hif arrival, the other brothers beiog then well fixed, a row ensued, in which deadly weapons were used, himself, Tom and his brother Hood being the partici- Eants, wliicb resulted in Tom getting a nliet through the heart from the weapon in ElishaA hands. A Btnigglu ensued between the two and lom, who was nearly deid on his feet, took the.pistol (rem his brother Elisha, and whiss this was going on Hood was beating Mm over the head and body with n grubbjrg-hoe handle. Tom attempted to make resistance but fell dead in tbe ajuempt. 1 lB 7 Elifhs seeing bis brother dead, took from him 'the pistol and shot his brother Hood in tte breast, tbe ball severing tbe thumb and lodging iu Hood's breast -Hood is bad) hurt and Elisha is seriously injured abdwV the head and body. The 11 id mHruigawve a family to mourn his loss i iTSToys are well to do and high ly respected, and the trouble, with its fatal results, has cast a gloom ever the en tire neighborhood. 1 a 1 1 ietr our rooms whose ease illustrates an important idea. Teu years ago she was an invalid. Her malady was obstinate, and at. the end of a year's treatment a consultation resulted in the opinion that her case was cerebrospinal irritation, from Which she would probably never recover. Six years ago her husband died. His estate proved insolvent. The wife en gaged in an active occupatiou to support her three children. In a year she was Tfell, aud has remained so ever since. S There are two million dyspeptics in America. Sine in ten of them could be enred by work. 1 A wealthy clergyman from a neighbor ing State assured us that he had spent eight years and thirty thousand dollars in seeking a cure for his dyspepsia. He bad traveled everywhere aud consulted all sorts of doctors. We are afraid ho will never forgive us for telling him that six months' hard weik would make a well man of him. x No Fears for Ohio and Pennsyl vania, i Petersburg Star. The coming political battles in Ohio and Pennsylvania are exciting nnusual interest In cettain localities there appears to be doubt as to the lesult, but we have uone. Pennsylvania 'was carried last year on issues local and national, and the defeated party represented all the policies and sympathies ot the present Governor, again a candidate, in Uhio tbe Demo cracy have little to fear. They have a past prestige that is almost invincible, and they are runuing the same ticket which but receutly changed the political complexion of the Cotn,monweallh. Tbe name of Allen is a tower of strength. Besides, the Republicans have au internal war to settle j the Hayes and Taft factions are bitterly opposed ; and when tbe for mer received the Gubernatorial nomination, there was registered tbe apathy, if not the opposition, of all the Catholic aud most of the foreign vote ot Ohio. From our standpoint there is no possibility of ilepubltcau victories- in either of these States, and if we are right the Presiden tial election will have been already set tled before the centennial year arrives. i ne wDoie country is clamorous tor 1 change, aud will accept any change rather than remanquiesecent. A New Cause ot Trichinoe in Pork. Some Needed Constitutional Changes. f CharlottefObserver.J The fact that we need a change being conceded, the inquiring mind naturally asks what that change ought to be. Ac cordiug to our notiou, and we believe the notions of seven-eights of our reader.", a clause should certainly be inserted in the new Constitution making the payment of taxes to the State a pre requisite qnl ifieation of the voter. History as well as common sense teaches ns that all taxes are paid to support the government, in order that all may partake of tbe benefits ot rood soeuty. In other words, each individual surrenders to the State a cer tain proportion of his earnings in order that he, as well as the community in general, may ehare the blessings which are conferred by government, on its citi zens. This proportion may be large or small, and government ought to bo good or bud, spmewhat in proportion to the amount of privileges thus surrendered. Among the obligations resting upon the citizens of .our government, there is no higher obligation than a proper support of the government, acd looking at matters from our stand point, every man is a droue in the hive, who neglects or refuses to contribute his pro ta a, amount for that purpose. The ballot enjoyed under the privileges of citizenship is one of the benefits derived from government, and clearly only belongs to full fledged citi zenship, which necessarily includes the payment or necessary taxes to support the government. Let therefore the con stitution expressly declare that no person who is iu arrearage for his taxes will be allowed the privileges of the election fran chise. Another important improvement which occurs to us is that it would be wise to A ! a r neciare a man convutea ot a thett, or Against Loss or Damage by Fire, on the Most Favorable Terms. Its Stockholders are gentlemen interested in building up North Caroliua Insti tutions, and among them are many of tbe prominent bus iness and financial men of the State. AU Losses Promptly Adjusted and Paid. Il appeals with confidence to the In surers of Property in North Carolina. sWmssS4- other violation of the law, the penally for which is incarceration iu any State penal institution, that he shall no longer be allowed the privileges of the ballot, ex- a' a mm cept oy the euactmeut ot a law restoring him to the privileges of citizenship by the Legislature. ictuToie Home InMm. R. H BATTLE, Jr., Prest. C. B. ROOT, Vice Presideut. SE TO GALES Secr'y. P. COWPEtt, Supervisor. ANDREW MURPHY, Agent at Salisbury. March, 4;h 5mos. Change of Schedule. On and after Fridav. April lth, 1P75, tbe trains willruu over this Railway as follows . PASSENGER TRAINS Leave VTilmin'ou at 7 15 A M. Arrive at Charlotte at 7.15 P. M. Leave Charlotte at- 7.00 A. M Arrive iu Witmiuaion at 7.0u P. il . FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Wilmington at ....6.00 P M Arrive at Charlotte at B OO P M Leave Charlotte at 60 A M Arrive in Wiluiiutrtou at t uv A M MIXED TRAINS Leave Charlotte at 8 00 A M Arrive at K-.ffalo at U U Leave Buffalo at 12 30 P M Airive iu Charlotte at 4.30 P M No Trains ou Sunday eccept one freight train that leave Wilmiugton at 6 r. si., instead of ou Saturday night. My farm nitnated on Grants ereek about 9 I mile from Saliahury la now for aale. This farm contains about 240 acre, of the bet farmina laml in Rowan County. Haa on it a ajood two ntorr dwelling ttooae a doable barn and other neceaaarV'biiildings and also a well ef excellent water. Pnrtiaa wu-hiuji to purchase good and cheap property will find it to their interest to give rue a call, can alwavs be found at Klotts, fir Ram A Rendleman'i Store1 Salisbury, N. C. R. rKAK OR A II AM. March IS, lSTo.-Smo. K .P. BATTLE. F. H CAMERON. t President. Vice President. W. II. HICKS, Sec'r. NORTH CAROLINA TATE LIFE Insnraiic b COMPANY, RALEIGH, N. C. Richmond & Danville, Richmond a DanTUle R. W , H. C. Division aaj North Western Jf. C. R. W. CONDENSED TME-TABLE. In Inset oa erd a fur Wi (hn lay. Jet tt un. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. t Mail. Exrassa. Leave Charlotte 9 94 r a tbi k Air-Lid J'act'a 9 - 6 50 - gal lottery 1 1 68 " hit - " UreenfUJro SuO a M H1J4 Wi.riiu ceo t ie tu Dundee 6 SO - 1 $S m " DurVeiHa 1135 ' 6.S7 m Arrive at RiehmeeC f.99 rm 47 GOlMi SUUTH. CAPITAL. - $200,000. STATION. Leave Rirr-nad " Ilurkavi !-...... ' Iiaadee " IhwivlHe.. Ooenloro " -1 tir ... .... A.r 1. 100 Ji.-t'a rr;e at Clnr! . . Mail. .SK r 4.6 IV S3 -10.39 - 9. 45 a b n - hb " b 03 au Exrsam. -. a. ass -I U r 1.17 tM -SIS -. -. - UM t fc. , STATIONS. M-l- i.o.t. t ii. Mail HEW iAOK'.NE SHOP. I am now prepared to do all kinds of repAiriii.s with, dispatch. un pood tools and twenty bve years experience in th business., satisfaction is aruarauteed- Especial attention giveu to Eogine and Boiler work. Cotton vt oolen. Mining and Agriculture Mac1 i Lies ; and wood turning of all kinds. Shop on Corner of Fultou aud Council Street, Salisbury, N. C. E. U. MARSH. July 16. 1874 tf. National Hole L Some new eases of deaths, due to the eating of pork infested with trichinse, a which are beiog quoted in Western ionr nals, should, the Scientific American tells us, be the means of directing publie at tention anew to the horrible disease of swioe, called trichinosis, and to tbe fact that, when ouce the parasite attacks human being, the result is orolontred suffe-rtug and, in a multiplicity of instances death. 1 be warm existing in the pork lueraity cores its way out of the stomach and into the muscles. xk uaa laitiy Deen iotina mat swine may become infested with trichinae through eating carrion, or even decayed vegeta ble eubstances. This is a point worth 1 .1 1 o 1 . . ,. cuuaiuerauon oy iarmets wno. incline to the belief that dead chickens, nutrid swill or other filth about the place is legitimate food for the pig. The animal is not dain- tyatfi his tastes, and will lunch efl his dead relatives with infinite gosto ; but it is the poorest economy to permit him to assume the role, of scavenger. No milk dealer will atbw his cows to eat garlic if hecanhel it, though the brutes are ciatily fond of the odoriferous weed ; and there is certainly more reason for the far mer to see that his porkers have no ac cess to unclean food. In the one ease. If precaution be neglected, the taste of the milk ia affected; in the other the entire flesh is rendered poissusns and dangerous food- TeWJsG .5TT7J3I r Mrs. Dr. Reeves has again resumed her business in this well known house, and she earnestly solicts the patronage of her old friends and the public at large. Guests stopping at this House will find nothing ueglected that will add to their comfort ueither on the part of the proprietress no that of the clerk, Mr. D. 11. Fralev. The Oinuihus will he found at the lepo usual to convey passengers to aud . cm louse. Dec. 31, 1874 ly What Manufacturng Does. The little town of Durham on the North Carolina Railroad in the county of Or ange, says tbe Raleigh News, is an exam ple of what sagacions application of capi tal and iudnstry will do for a people. Ten years ago Durham was known only as a way station 00 the railroad, and a getting of? place for the University of Chapel Hill. To-day it is literally in every man's mouth, a familiar name all over the United States, and not unknown to the ends of the earth. What has made this mighty change ? a o . - - .Nothing but the introduction of manufac- a ' I aa lures. x rue. it is mam v confined to one staple. But the manufacture of that staple iu ves the springs of a hundred . . J A. " ? . 1 . r a luuoBiriee. i stimulates tne rarmer in the production of a crop which he sells at good prices almost at his very door. It gives employ mMit to hundreds in th conversion ol tbe raw material into the manufactured article. It gives work to the carpenter in the manufacture of pack ages, it gives activity to a thousand needles in tbe making of bags. It draws population, and to meet their wants, mechanics are called in to con' struct houses. The increase of popnla necessitates the increase of mer tion chantilo establishments, and the necessi ties of this increased populatiou beget owec trades, industries end manufactures ht very body buds employment. There is no idling, no loitering, no complaint of ami times. What is true of Durham may be trne of every town In North Carolina. And it may be recognized as a fact that North C-arolina will not prosper as she ought uutil ehe becomes independent, keeps more ot ner money at home. Aud she can never do this until she embarks iu manu factores, which are not oulv nrofiia.hU to stockholders, bnt which, bv Betting otber lauustries in motion, vivify the whole population. It one half the money invested in dry L-m.3- a 1 goous, etc., iu oansoury was pnt mto manufactories a very important change for the better would soon take place. It is astonishing that our moneyed men can't see the advantages to accrue to them and to the town in the estebli.hment manufactories. Connections. Connect" at Wilmington with WiluiingTrtn A Whlon, and W ilinii gt n, Columbia A Aur.Ui"ta Railroads. Sen:-weekly Kr York aud Tri wecKiy i.a. iniore aid weekly Philadelphia ntmiii'T-'. '""d ih Kiver lfoaU to rayettevill - Connect at Uharlulte with ita Weitern Di viion, orth Landina ltuilroad, Crarlotte t Statesviie ltailnad. Ctiarlotte t Atlanta Air Line, and Charlotte, Columbia AuruMa Hail- 1 roau. Thns snpplvinp the wkrle NVest, KrthWet uiid Suthxe-t with a short and cheap liue to the Seaboard and Earope. S. L. FREMONT. Chief Engineer and 8uperiutendent May G, 1675. tf. At end of Firt Ficl Ywr had iried over 9uO l'olu iv witliont nift.iiuioc a aiesie Im 1'niqeni, economical ana cncrgt iic raatiafe- mcnl h nui it A SVCCKSSFUL CORPORATION ThiJomp;iny ius every deoirahle form of Policies at as low rate as auv uther FiratCl Compatiy. lmpvei no ueie reatriction npoo reeidence or travel. Ha a fixed paidnp valueonall policies after two annual payment. Its entire assets are loaned and invented Al HOME, Jf Leave Gieentrort. n noym i Raleipri , e Are at lioldhoro'.-.l ? SOD a j- Arr tSStn - 4 Sw I L'retSSS -8.3S ' I i "8 Utru II a a. ?L tetSS r to footer and encourage home cnterpri Thiry day grace Allowed in payment of pre miumaJ WitH the4 fact Wfore them will the people of NorS Carolina ronlini.e to pay anntially tliou.i?a npon '.hoii-arnl of doilnra to b.'iid up l uri in Compeiiieo, when they can atscurv inuranf-e in a Company equally reliable and oyer lrIlar'i premium they pay be loaned and inveoteA in our own state, and among our own people f Thco. V. KLI I I., J. D. McNEELY, Agt'a. Q.r..Korr v r kUFFlK ATAYLOE. Ceifl. Dia't. Agt's. Greenaboro N. C Dec. qll ly. wiiSTiiKMar. c. ( Salcx Braxch. Leave (ireenohoie .... Arrive at alea.. Ieave Salen Arrive at ;reenboro. 4.SS r 6 IS -8. an au 10. n - Na-r 011 Tie PietoOBi Press, HICKORY, N. C, s the only paper published in Catawba County, and has an extensive circulation among Merchants, farmers, and all classes of bnsiaasa meu 10 the State. The Press is a live, wide-awake Democratic paper, and is a desirable medium for advertieiug iu Western North Carolina. Liberal terms allowed on yearly advertisement. Subscrip tion $2.00. io advance. Address MURRIL & THOMLINSON. Editors and Proprietors. Paaaenger train leaving; KaieifS at S.ISra connect al'ireecsboru' ntl the Noilttera boaaS train. aaakinK tbe aickeat Uaw ia a l Nonbara cities lnce ol Tickeia aAtne a via olaer raesaa. Tratna to and Sroaa poiata Kaot ef Ureeaobaea connect at H eenbotw, eitb Mail Traiaa te of (run pointa Noita or .utL. Two I rAia daily, both way Oa Sundays Lvncbbarg Ac oinmodat.oa leave BichsiAtd at 9O0 a . arrive at Baikevdie 114k r s, 1 ire HerLev'.ile 4 S6 a m , arrive at KMca mood ' ' - x No Change of Cars Between Charlotte and Richmond, 282 Miles. Paper that ! tve arrage:anu to advartiaa tbt acbedule of tb:a cotnpar.y will pleaae priat aa abve Far farther mfonaatioa address H E. ALI.O. r.en'l Ticket Ageet lreenboro, Jf C T VI R TI-rOTT, Knf.ooer A tlea'l SaporinteadeaS . MORE STOVES. and better out' than ever. Come now and get the BEST. Get the stove called the ACORN COOK f you want one that will outlast any other, and hat is made of all NEW IRON, and warranted o give satisfaction &c. Various styles, of cook- ng stoves at a small profit. TIN WARE. Sheet Iron & Copper Wars made of the best Matkkial, on hand or made to order. Merchants supplied at Low Prices. CAsn paid for all kinds of Copper, Braaa Ac. Aak for Brown's Tin shop Main Street. Salisbury, N. C, L. V. Brown. I am well prepared to cut good STENCIL PLATES for marking Tobacco. Flour Patent article 4c. Every person doing any kind of work or busi ness should have a stencil to advertise his busi ness, as it ia acknowledged to he the beat and cheapest way to let people know what you are doing. One mark with stencil may get a customer, for you, that will put Hundreds of Duli.abs in your bands. Try it and you will get a cus tomer you never thought of. MY PRICES ARE LOW, AS FOLLOWS, One-fourth inch letters 5 cents per letter One half and five-eights 6 " " Three-fourth A One inch letters 7 " " They may be sent to any part of the U. 8. by mail at a small cost. Send in your orders stating sire of letters ysa prefer, and the Stencil will be made neatly en 1 and promptly forwarded. Fisher street Salisbury, N. C. . . L. V. BROWN. April 23. If7i tf. - - ,. ft R to ft 9 nPer Day at home. Terms free BLATCHLEY'S Improved C U C V M t E K WOOD PUMP "ik he acknowledge Stand ard of tbe market, by verdict, the beet pump for the leaat money Attention is invited t Blatebley I in proved Bracket, tht Drop Check Valve, which can be with- Irawn without disturbing the joints and the copper cbauiber which never crack, scales or rusts and will last a lile time. For sale by Oealera and the trade jreriCTnllv. In order to be sure that you get Biatchh'y's Pump, be carvtul and ree that it haa idt trade-matk as above If you do not know where to buy, description circuIarK, together with the name and addrecaof the agent nearet you will be promptly furnished by addreaaiLg with .-tan. p. CHAS G. I3LATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 606 Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pe. Feb. 18, 1875 tf. ManhooH:Iof est. Hoi Restored ! Just published, a new edition of OR. CTLveawELts Celebrated Fay on the raf"eaf eore (without medicine) of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Lowes, I M PO TENCY, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Im pedimenta to Marriage, etc; also. Coxscxp- nos, fcpiLEisY and r its, induced by atll-in- dulgence or aezuul extravagance, Ac. 9aT Price, in a scaled envelope, only six cent. The celebrated author, in this admirable Eft- say, clearly demontrates, from a thirty year' aucccaafnl practice, that tbe alarming conae-qiu-ncea of aelf-abuae may be radically cored without the dangerous uae of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing oat a mode 01 cure at oncesiriple, certain, and effec tual, by mean of which every wifiVrer, no mat ter what his condition may be, may cure him self (T.eaplv. private! v. and radically. BST Th'ii Lecture"!. on Id be in the hands pf every youth and every man ia tbe land. Kent under seal, in a plain envelope, to muj addreaa, post-paid, on receipt of aix cents or two port stamps. Address the Publisher, CHAS. J. C. KLINE dt CO. Post Office Box. 1 IB laTnLwh E. B. FOOTE, M.D. 120 Leflmtw ATemc, Cor. E. 2Sih SC., NEW Y0R An Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE, AJTD RECEIVES JLetpra from all parts ( the Civilized World. I IIS 0RI6IHAL WAT OF Condactintr a Meiical Practice t HB 18 TSXATTJIO HumeVor.i Patients in Europe, tha West Indies, the Dominion of Canada, and in every State of the Union. TUE GlirlAT CENTRAL UOUTJE 1 Chesapeake and Ohio B 1 ji ne, ia. PASSENGER TRAINS KUN A3 FOLLA0W8. MAIL ' EXPRESS. 9 -TO am )20p at 4.(6 pm 4.80 " y.85 " KM a m 0.10 f ass IU 3T5 BM 10 15 11 35 7M daily except asi SenSttf! ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE 127 Bowery, Hew Yok; 4586. ' April li 1 j Pertiand, Mains. draG Sxrjrrov A Co.. WH1TEL0CK8 VEGETATOR. SUPERIOR TO AMY FERTILIZER MADE In The UNITED STATES. FOR COTTON, CORN, TOBACCO. lfc? For aale by J. Mc DA TO II LIN. A8on, Charlotte, If. C. WEIL A BRO. Ooldaboro, . C. H. M. HOUSTON, A Co. Monroe N. C. mttrriv rv vn.,!.. -v n a T. A . a f w.a V W IIUIHWU, 1 V WILLIAMSON, UPCUURCH, A THOMAS, W. L. McGTTER. Franklin toa N. C. " TEMBERLAKE A E ARES, PaclSe. N. C. BRANCH CO. W. A. AKGEIR. ) March, 4,Sos Wilson. N. C DURHAM, K. ( . Stoi Baa durtag tha paat int y fa tuUr naayly or quiU SJ.UX) ea aaeS WUh cadi cm ara earvfuL'r vttatbav -tSwr W aitanniotad by afcyakiaAa Tha lattar aia afl AO loHd at a an iiUnjiil Uat at ptafca qoeaOne win ba by mail frca, or at tba aSVa. A oaaa. of ratrria pramu aihaili a oonfUMoa, Caat book arrar ooaaaHad, exorpt by tha phratriam of tba aatabllahawaa. Far aaaaaltaSpa mai Car Hat of quae A atztyVpaaja paaapbkt aC avUraa at aw Dr. Leave Richmond " Ciordouarill. " Cbariottexrills, " Stahnirton. - White Hulpber, " HmntinsTton, Arrive Cincmoatti, ' MtiiKrin. 1" Indianapoiia, I" 8C Louie. Mail Trains run Exuresa Fir t claaa and Emigrant tickets all tbrourh ticket office at lowea Emigranta go on Expreaa traina. Round Tri n Tick eta : to the Soriac Ssr I Loweat F irht Ratea mads by U For Ietbraaavtioo of Rataa Ac apply For Rate a and information as to Route, uaa At apply so J C DAIS, So Aoeul Gi rsesSara Jf t"iEM IG RANTS GO ON EXPRESS TRATN8. J. C. DAME, So. AJL UrvaoSMra, . C a R. HOWARD, O. T. A. W. M. S. DUNK, Sepc B. FOOTE, 78S, How T asm vairakafv. una it:- i ff OftT ACE NTS WANTED. . Foees la ta aaabar ef " Ifeiiartt, Cos Saawa.' a baok tbat ebid a drrnlitlaa SJ0.0Q0 rnpaai; alaa, of - Pun Be awe rromtly pubtlaaad. wtrtd to th rzCrnt tf TO, OX) op . al. of Ol troaj. which la aov Uiaf pat cormii t.i of air raatrtlnc tte fir b oat of aeiatlL ariu ha aat fra aa ta either fcr Footz, or tha Vimy IS1 FvUUh- fba f or.j'Anx work, to wboco a Ilbrral profit will ha aPuawl Th liahnhin af bbmD lort i haa luahmi Sa Dr. Ittai JI arorka. "Flaoi Bomb Tui" ia paniaularlj adaptad trf adnlt. aad " Bctkmcs ta iwtl" ta paat th tataf for th y l am ajbiaa and at fur TOuraalrea. The I a multitude! of aa aat toot arhleh aaaa fata a Sar ry a boat aatiaaj af thatr ahaal The hi OMhte 1 Utcralatra at aB She ef th tores nun work. " acrra aaa aely im had of lajiaai or f in-Ais upas rxuL- ia poaui i tad Carmaa Laarara. f,;.cf Oaaawawe, r 3 J a - W I n Cheap Chattel Mortgagrt, aad other various blanks lor sals Ricwoae. You Rn HbArusi Ran Mian RicKMoxo. April Un and alter T U DAY, Apnl 21 at Pa- aencer and freight Traina on this road will row aa Paasenawr Train far WssA rets leave i ooi at 3 P. M. iSui.dara eavseftee), ani sv- rives at Richmond from Wwt point at ! M.. dailv (andara excepted)- . Tbe awesaStd taessstert HAVANA LOUISE, will roe in ooooeoUoa with isasseae. and will leave Weat Point daily Sender x cepted) on the antral of the train wbics l Richmond at S P. If arrivir. t at Baiussere marnitif in au.nla tarn, to Mjnnara vrrta w r.,r W aj,liinrln:i at .1 tba KaaL North aBd Wi aad leave rfsltimore datlyJSaudar at 4rP. M . eonneetttiftr et Wect PadBt due at Richmond at 10 A. M . next e.M ... u -1 . a-t a . ii li m i rwi au uuuiuurcai'iv , bmhw. . , Waahincton,S4. Fare te rnrntms- I phi. $7 ; So PnilafaMpMa sew) retnra. fi- Far to New York. R) ; to fcw York SB SS tnrv,flt.. Boston J5. FVwtarht rraJn. Richmond daily M . . rmnirelmf wiLh all aiaaaaa St that deliver freight in Italtimore eartr KtfAitur. Throe h freiehi received asuy 17 .k ir.m flsifc fk sar A lOSKUW h Wlfti a awswpi t a I for freight between Richmond sod Wss raw Fhdajsat 7 A. M. Loesd tVeijrM , Toe aday. Thorsdar- saderday- . n, euwauu r. row forthmegh freight only JesSd (Mesisy nssptsi) JL with atesmeraat West a.ft I -- -' aartV MX 1 lemves R-rhmond Monday. Wedaesoaj HS c i aria J" L B-:-:sn. , ! mim- ... . a tt? . ' m I, A,

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