fWnq vJ b-iu:d fill .tforfseMn jfwrn , banh . L ' -t r F 1 I BLlli LA' r-r li-ilSjit'i-i Mill II . i.atv .. , .., nr -.. , A i i.i, a r - hmm - m r PLUUSK1KI WKEKKY : r. J. BBUNEE, Proprietor sad Editoi . 1 Q T V. W A "R T U . a S. mw w m mm m . Associate KdltA rBSOF l BCBIWIOK IWEEKLY WATCHMAN . . . lit i n ml v flnAfc. ftQYO . U . HA Y " 1 - - - w - "118. UnVtl 1 Copies to an address taut 21 .. 1-25 .. 10.0 E(linch) One stsftrtlo $100 u . a. . I 1 JSA Of iONCVtlOIM . tnr srreater nnm LZfaitt. 8pecil notice i. rmwiW ad rertisem en i -ntrtftlin for per cent, moi notice. Watchmak. jly flfeaa pen ! Nor gods nor men (JPguem what next you'll cribble 1 four inky drain, like autumn rain, Keep op an endlet dribble 1 Xowjm'n a mint, and ihen you aint NssrBidiop Ives, then Murrcll I Thie time, old scratch, we're bound to batch A catechism quarrel I SENT BY EXPRESS. 52 Me blaze. , in New Yorl9" ther didn't murrv JoIJHJl THWntfinn . rFTm ,. wasn't it r mS3S?S You deal in exclamation pointa Sheet-lighlntng, hall and thunder ( Crack loose old fogien' BtifTning joints Majeatic march then blunder t But do your duty, aplutter-acratch, Gray gooae quill Irea and Murrcll I Tis man's chief end just now to batch A catechism quarrel ! You make of ev'ry place a Fair In Shakespcar'a new edition Put all the folka from cv'rywhere Right up on exhibition 1 -You offer for an honest soul Your premiums by the barrel ; And pull proud Pharisee's long wool, In catechism quarrel I What's Mimic ! Where she tends her goata The swisa girl'a well-known ditty The Alp swain's pi ye, with mellow notes Imploring amorous ditty The aonga of birds the tinkling bell That lull the lonesome valley Thai voice, which makes our bosom Bwell, And all our pulse rally ! What's Kenrtty ? 'Tia the speaking eye That answers speechless love, sir The wavering tress the gentle sigh The something, earth above, sir The tench that soothes the tone that -jhrilK. Th blossom on IfopcN gmje, sir The majestic cord, that binds at will Our life as Beautv'a slave, sir ! What's Sunshine ? here soul glitters through A leve-lit, beaming face, sir The sheen that gives some forms to view .With a celestial grace, sir Her sunny smile, that warms and cheers And makes our hearts grow stout, air The ray reflected from her team Her red lip's rosy ptut , sir ! What's Home? 'Tia where our true lore dwells, Be that in cot or palace By deep blue sea or mountain rills Drinks she from cup or chalice- Be she a widow or a maid An heiress or poor devil A jularky with peacock head, 4f a hand that's level 1 WiaVs Wealth ? 'Tia treasure of the brain Not what old Money-Bags, sir, Lugs' up and down, with woe and pain. Gold rocks and greenbacked rags, sir 1 Ms tail is but a coiner's tool His heart a bag of dollars ! To Mr. Belxebub's last school kaifned just two hslf scholars ! hst do I hate ? An empty psts. Wfcd np with vast conceit, sir An ugly womsn s coquette A nigger's wsys, which beat, sir, The devil ; any blarsted man Who woidT1rsVhe says, sir The hyposaU WWf duly plan To cheat 'em, while he praya, air ! What do I love ? The silent gro ve, Where city fops don't enter The honest rustic, whose above All tricks to hit the center, Whene'er I shoot at human ghouls Thfejady nod and true, sir, When bread and depth absorbs men's sou Is Of which than precious few, sir t WHm Bo I mMkli. ..J ' v adore my friend, air I the and hate my enemies, Hd without hope or end, air ! ypcrU "forgives" but fell Is secret hat 'em still, sir: I'll tell the truth and shame the de'il - Marian Harlan was alone in the worl dct mogher jot buried. Nie W4 btattliful, brown-haired eir with soft, eliy ej. of violet gray, an rosy li tapre&)d to a firmness beyon ber years. For afieiiHl she waa scarce! seventeen, and so Desipon Gray was tel ng her as she sat by the tire, spread! bis huge hand over the tardv and asked : 'But what are you goin' to do to your bread and butter, child V 'I don't know V haven't thou eh Mamma had an e,yea I've heard mad beeanse your mo ust exactly to suit him Marian was silent. Deacon Gray wai ed a few miuutea. bpng she would ad him into ber secret flgrdttatious : but s did not, and1 Wt dthtjAi went away hoot to tell his wife thai te Harlan gal the very queerest creature he ever ha come across.' Iu tbe meanwhile Marian was basjQ sLlsfll liAW fata atnntll iklnna m n III I tie carpet-bag, by the weird, flickering . v.cry we,K light of the dying wood fire. . nostiuate you 'I will go to Mew York, she herself, setting her assail pearly firmly together. My mother un i ii a uear my cause pleaded through my own lips. Uh, 1 wish my heart would not a a a thmb so widly I I am not any meek Marian Harlan, I am an orph lone in the world, who most fight battles with her owu single hands.' Lower Broadway, at 7 o clock :n eveuing ! What a Babel of crashing wheels, burying humanity, and conglom erate noises it was ! Marian Harlan tat in the corner of an express office under the Hare of gaslight, surromded by boxes, and wondered whether people ever went crazed in this perpetual din and tumult. Her dress was very plain gray poplin, with a shabby, old-fashioned little straw bonnet tied with black ribbons, and a blue veil, while her only article of bag cage, the carpet-bag, lay in bar lap. She had sal there two hours, and was very very Hired. 'Poor little thing!' thought tlie dark- Inured young clerk nearest her, who in" habited a sort of wire cage under ajcirclut of gaslights. And then he took np his 'Hush, mother; there is n young lady o J - Yes, mother ; expressed on from fo Hjvring.toi,; Abe m ffiflhi rAshajt, bjs Bailed for Earope thia morning and she is felt entirely alone. Mother, she looks ke poor Blanche, and I Knew you wouldn't fuse her corner here until the could nd something to do.' -, .u .'i-.'-i.:jT-r.as Mrs. Avans went to tbe door and eall- cberfully out A: 'Come up ataipra, jpj demr---you're na ! . a tft r a Wl l t i welcome aa ue now era iu nay i rann, JJJou did quite right ; yon always do,' i lie uuyo auu wb paeacuou, auu : 'and she mm. useful about I don't know bow I ever said tMLi ly teetWT IeJ tele sbaEaVs ,. don't. Ifciger an. all fife's the pen and plunged it into a perfect Atlantic ocean ot accounts. t jj y'lQ j ), Mr.j .b vans. 'Sir.? i liPijdark-liaired clerk emerged from his cage with Ins pen behind hi ear, in obedience to the beckoning finger of his superior. 1 have noticed that young woman sit ting here for eome time bow came she here V "Expressed on sir, from MUlington, Iowa -arrived this afternoon.' As though poor Harlan were a box or a paper parcel. Who for V 'Consigned to Walter Hirrington, Esq.' 'And why hasn't she been called for?' ami f rt t rt a rri nrrlnn a aII riua M. i t 1 1 s m u aw Mm aauii iiigiwn kj uuui voo to notify him some time ago ; I expect an answer every moment.' 'Very odd,' said the gray-haired gen tleman taking up hi newspaper. 'Yes sir, rather.' 9 Some three-quarters of an hour after ward, Frank Evans came to the pale girl's side with indescribable pity in his hazel eyes. j- fSS 'Miss Harlan, we have sent to Itr Harrington's residence ' ' Marian looked up with a feverish red upon her cheek, and ber hands clasped tightly on the handle of the faded carpet- s Dig. And we regret to inform yon that be aailed for Europe at twelve o'clock this day.' ttle widow e house. iged without her.' No"w, Harlan .ye anL net in earnest ut leaving us to morrow 1 't must, dear Mrs. Evans. Only think I have been here two months to morrow, and the situation of governess la very advantageous. I shall ten Frank how t - - BIO. Dearest Mis. Evans, lease keep my secret.' What secret is that to be religiously kept V asked Mr. Frank E vat s, cooly walked into the midst of tbe discus sion, with his dark hair tossed about by the wind and his hazel brown eyea spark ling archly. 'Secret !' repeated Mrs. Evans, ener getically wiping her dim spectacle glasses. 'Why, Marian is determined to leave us to-morrow !' 'Marian I' 'I most Frank ; I have no right further to trespass on your kindness.' 'No right, eh J Marian, do you know that the old house has been a difiesent house, since you came to it ? Do yon suppose we Want to lesb our little sun beam. ifrT' Macion emilled sacUyVb her hand fell very cold and passive in Frank's warm grasp. You'll stay, Marian V I 'No.' She shook her head determinedly. Then you must be made to stay,' esid Frank. 'I've missed something of great value lately, and 1 hereby arrest you on suspicion ot the thert , i.".is8ea someimug y - - - Marian rose, turned red and white. Oil, Frank, you can never suspect I me ! 'But I do suspect you. In fact, I am quite sure the article is in your posses sion. The article. !' 'My heart, Miss Marian. Now look here I know I am very young and very poor, but I love you Marian Harlan, and I will be a good and a true huoband to you. Stay and be my little wife !' So Marian Harlan, instead of going out to be a governess, at cording to the ro grnmme, married the dark birred young cleik, in Ellison's express office, New York. They were quietly married, early in the mot-iing, and Frank took Marian homo to hi mother, and then went calmly than the attempt on the pkri of the Radi cal executive committeeof tl.h State, to make the change of the "ge matter a party Issue, and we tefgret to see the Raleigh Hews inclined to,, play into their hands. Mr. Keogh, wbo-lioobtless fath- ered the gauge resolution in the Radical address, is a shrewd lawyer, and attorney for the Richmond and Danville Railroad, and wants while saying a gooci word on bis side of the gauge question, to make political capital for ftia pasty . Mr. Moore, who delivered alt atyta opinion against the riazbt to change the flange, is an able Democratic lawyer, and i attorney for a rival and hostile Kajirofi company, and wantage mabte sUhUe CfflRnl nflnkmt tbe image of gauge. The inference to be drawn from the argument of the Netos is that tbe change of the gauge of the North Carolina Railroad is part y issue, nod rq at w w opposition to It a Democratic measure This is n grave injustice to the Greensboro Patriot, Goldsboro Messenger, Salisbury Watchman, the Observer, nod other Democratic journals that have never been fnnnd wanting in party fealty, though they did see fit to differ with the majority of tbe Legislature on the gange question. It to a grave injustice, too, to Colonel Buford, the President of the Richmond and Dan ville Railroad, Captain Green and other officials of that corporation, over half of Bv telegraph to the New York Tribune, A Profitable Advertising Job. ... HS WASHiWGTOlf, June 12 Tbe list of I f From WindaST Time. a he CouttoaUflm Pans it along the Line. y 1st. A new Const notion New Advertise mehiaE FOR SALE. 11. ar s- mm nc oennquent taxes in tbe District of Col- tfortb Caroliainans fo? North Oarolmian. TI--pairfawk atalsa -simple. fla bayaajav umbia, published by tbe National Repub liean for the first time yesterday, to prob ably one of the most profitable advertis ing jobs ever -given to a ring organ. Ik occupies 480 columns, and is, by law, to appear tour times, at the rate of twenty -five cents a line for each insertion. Tbe total amount of tbe bill will be more than $90,000, of which more than $70,000 will be clear profit. The. history mf this ad vertising job to jost bow especially inter esting. The act of Congress passed June 20, 1870, abolishing the Territorial Gov ernment of the District and rtifltofl. fh commission, directing the publication of a complete list of all tbe taxes in arrears on the 1st of March last, in a newspaper of the District, eight timet. As soon as this aet was passed, the influence of tbe White House was solicited by a represen tative of the Republican to secure tbe job for that paper, and General Babcock, either personally or by latter, requested yearl 2nd. A homestead to feo-siapl 3nl. A governor fleeted evety two years, with limited pep us. 4th. Lei every officer now appointed by the Governor be elected by the people through the Legislature. 6th. prohibit tbe payment of more fr Special tax bonds than ws received. 6th No man to be eligible to onsen who has collected money from the pes pin and sailed to pay it over. 7th. Bribe takers tnbo8enicd the right to hold office. yrkr-frtj) 8th. A liberal system of free 9th. TowusVip system to be dome a wary snhfc isaw srnin as coating two doUara m etn nays attendance am lot 10th. Abolish boarlb of county Com. an as toners. 1 his wiff gat rid of five fl eea ia every eoonty-frr four hundred aaai fifty in the State. C 11th. Abolish probata Judges This will save five times the coat of the Con veurien1 ia aba year. 12th. Let no asaa vou who shall be convicted of being a common thie; that II. I. BEA to riis i NEVER KNOWN IHHISS' ITCH CURLn f HlCa, 2p &v 50 CTnV am & h .... ror sale at ..2US' Jia-: lane z Mcaint niiEirm.couEflt Mr. Blow, who had iaat been appointed to makes a living by stealing. one of the District Commissioners, to give the contract to tbe third term organ. It was understood to be tbe especial desire of the President that the newsnaner which r i was accepted throughout the country as his accredited representative should be in thia way rewarded for iu fidelity. Mr. Blow promised General Babcock the fob for the Republican, and in accordance nooro. irasji sru a an a w v iiuiAAAIMjWisn.,1si, Jaae 17th. Ia7a.-4ta. aaTy "do 4 Prescription Depar tmeiid, PrfacrifHtons Carefully rooipnuaoW da oe.-ij nlirht hr rrprrieneH, six! U',f Drurfat,' with noataasj and Ii Huh. To Mi-Uiet ef laeuoapel 1 sit soil it eooaioerabtj batoa sav . TKO. ft KKSI88. froggba. Next to whom are sound Domocrats. And again. it is an injustice to the private stock holders of the North Carolina Railroad, since it is well kuow that nine-tenths of the stock of that mad is owued by as true Democrats as can be found in the State. The Radicals are attempting to make made on tbe terms already given. Had capital cut of the nsury law too ; so the not the law been chansred. the hill aeeor- . . .. ... ll'.. - . fouruais ot this Mate that lavoreu tins ding to that contract, would have amoun aw might, with equal justice and propria i ted to nearly $200,000 of which at least ty, intima'e that those of us who opposed $170,000 would bavn been prwfit. At it, the Netcs among the number, bad the I set session of Congress, the aet of switched off of the party track proper. June 20, 1874, was so amended as to We really think the confessedly able provide for four publications instead of and accomplished gentleman who conducts eight, and to poatpooe the advertisement the editorial department of the Xeics, in from March to .June, thus reducing the his capacity as editor of one of the lead- number of publications, and catting down tnf and most influential Democratic uews- the expense one bait. Tho expense has papers in the stale, puDlisnea at tue capi- been f nil further reduced by the selile- u), too, ought, on nie eve ot an important men t 1 ;i gret number of delinquent election, to lav ai-ide his prejudices as a Uaxu ni&liin the pait three months. But citizen of Ilillsbnro and editor of a local tf sum of $70,000 is s; ill a handsome paper. The usury law and gange ques , profit on the wuik, and i ample n mu tion are no more pnrty issnes in this J nerat ion for tbe energy and devotion with Slate than is the currency question a which the Republic in, for about a rear. natioimi party issue. iiiiarume uoscrver advocated a third term for Gen. Grant 13th. Make the Judges ride different circuits and not eonfinjo them to the same circuit. By so doing we will add to ran purity af the btaaa. 14th. Require all money eo) lee led from the people to be paid over to tbe Treasu rer in 20 days after it is collected. 15th Require county debt to be paid in the order in which they are contracted. 16th. Prohibit special Legislation. 17 th. Provide for a call ot a Couveniion Music Without Hands. An Electrical Machine that Reads Notes and Plays an Organ tcith Ttco Hundred Fingers. From au occasional correspondent of tbe Now York Tribune. Philadelphia, June 11 The acme of machine music sppears to have been attained iu an iugeuious inveution just perfected by Messrs. Scbmocln of this city, which was exhibited Iaat evening in with this promise a contract was afterward I by a maiority of the people 18th. 1' roh ib t the so pension of tbe writ of habeas corpus j This will prevent aaother Kirk war; aid we will have uo more exhausted judiciaries . 19. h. Prohibit mixed schools. 20th. Limit the pof er of tbe Governor to the execut on otlaWs. 21st. Prohibit the Supreme Court front interfering with politic. Confine it to a simple interpretation af the laws. 22nd. rroluoit a ssae or mortrace or postponement of the fjtate interest iu any property or work of koprovemeut unless sanctioned by a vote f the people 23rd. L-t taxation eon property be ad valorem 24 :h. Let the public work be done by conviets. 25. h. Secure to the peop'e spetdy and cheap justice. ?6th. Prohibit one ' man from holding or'receiviog the profits directly or indi rectly of more than ojue office or place of honor trust or profit. 27th. Abolish bob-tail juries re jmicsof six men. 28xh. Prohibit Inttr marriage between the i aces. 29 h. Finally secure economy of the w mwm VBtVIUUUO. Thereta no east of Dr pepmia that Grew's LUtnstflowar will sww cwee." Cav to tW ' Dk-naJHlor of Thro. F. kasttz a boo l it. ITrou winer from ( (irtiM neaoaesw. ecaw naoavarh. ftsrficeMion. CoasplainL or a'srsani sera at u.e hr.m mm' n. wo or in Bo-theV. Iowa k - ... r. i wo or inrae Ooe U rrlievf too. . oachWa Geraaaw 8yrp-i naw boM in ewery ' 11 t and city in the I'oMcd btaies. We aawa -a haw than ive bandred letiwra fraaa Drswwwaa . sayiag it la the beat asediriae thev tr aetd' ,J for Cssisiiaaaaioa. TWwai or awn dwaaaal at naaspl botde of either 10 crnla. Itcanaar ataa 7ocu. A Great Farmer s Maxims. abouHils business iu the wire cage, under Horticultural. Hall to a few invited guests. the circlet of gaslights. 'Evans V 'Yes, sir.' Frank, with his pen behind his ear as of yore, quietly o bey ed" t he behests of the gray headed official. 'Do you remember tho young woman who waa expressed ou from Millington, Iowa, two months since i 'Yes sir; I remember.' A tall, silver haired gentleman here in terposed with eager quickness. 'Where is she I I am ber uncle Walter Harrington. I have just returned from a ..,AA Ll.,- Mn r ,,'. runs, wuere me news 01 ner arrival eves-she trembled like a leaf. In all reached me. I want her, she is the only her ritlr.nlat ions aha had made no allow. I Imn8 relative left me.' ance for an exigency like this. 'Can we do anything further for you V The aparatus read notes and plays upon an organ with abslouto correctness of time and touch, the only assistance given it by its operator being to feed in tbe end of a roll ot music and start the machiner; . Organs have Leen played by electricity betoie, but the only part performed by tbe electric fluid has been to transmit the power from a distant bank of keys to open tbe valves of the instrument. Such an electrical organ has been exhibited in London for some time past. In the Schmoele instrument tbe electric current is eudued with a seeming intelligence, and distinguishes tbe notes in tbe same way that a blind man does by feeling. Marvelous as this appers at first thought, A successful lifu of Mr. Jacob Straw. the prince of American furmers, is attrib uted to the close observances of the fol lowing maxims, originated by h i in -aclf: When you wake np do not roll over, but roll out ; it will give you lime to ditch jour sloughs, break them, harrow them, and sow them. Make your fencing high and strong and Ugh', so that it will keep the cattle and pigs out. If you have brush, make your lot se cure, and keep your hogs from the corn; for if tbe corn i kept clean tbey will eat it better than if not. Be sure to gel your hands to bed by seven o clock ; they wi force of circumstances. public m-mey, h nejfiy in pnbl.c office aud justice to all mm The N. O. University. mejff Ii Woofl LaM Academy:- The nest term of W oodTjUMJ Aradvaav will commence on the 1st Monday of Aujapa to continue for ten nontKx. I rW ruction rjJtf iu alt branches oaually taught in a :mHaWa HiRh School. Y ounjr men prcMixo vr awarj. j iwacotlece. Price of iiriti..ii a follows- lat trade tl.Se. Sni f 29sd $. er asJiTBT''' ltwrtl can be Hhtsjaialin reaeuble anwiseSs I at $7.00 per mo. Foe further particular. d , I dress GKO. B. laVNBl f.L .K B . Prbaofpnt' Wood Jieaf, rtoaa Lb. S.U v on June 24- w. J Lis8 SECRET OF - PERPKTtAL BE ACT Y. Lvlie whose eomi'lr x!on are .l-rvenedov marred br ittsaol.aaniiai ,,r M--MtUM, rn ; ditcc a beaoulul. clear afun H a rich.aati color, oj inm ne ot BARRY'S PEATlL TRKAM, healthful, wife. anl deliuhtful rrenaralioai for heantifving tUe face, neck, arm and bond. ' Re a iiifflr aoolu-Aiiim sll l I... 1 . . . I - a r I . - J 1 . . " mm of iw-nty can te ltriMt?tit twek to talA ofssrty s r r lortT-brr ; lite ni-lic mrrv Uim lag formed into Ihr chatmirt; c' v Itrllc bv UaS of ihu fragrant coniHir. Thr fatrd ion speedily raawa the fee-h I.Um of' tinacr n neaittiiui ami n . wiUueoc , .- For Sale by J do. II. EX XI St. Jun 24, '75. Saltabwrv, . ?. The Trustees met Raleigh last week and elected the folloaftug gentlemen to fill Professorships : Mathematics Cltarlea Phillips, now of a a B - . . . riso early by Davidson Lullrce. an old professor at Ptv a hand, ii nk..i mil 1 It. ' . . . I v"" in . ...... ne is a poor nana, an you promise mm ; Agriculture - Prof, John Kimberly, now ii ur ia a uaou, pay mm a nine more before the V .v NOTKJE. C3SB lb '4 i e I at Aaliiville. and a nr.ifeaaor at the Hill it will encourage him to do still bet- L. .t .u 0 . . ,uarrCUIU BO miis appers at urt muugui, j 'Ab 1 but, sir,' said Frank, 'you can't Bmp)9 enough. 1 be score is written questioned the young clerk, politely. 1 Te DLW 1 w " ao 7 mt Xoihina- non... ...n An not Lino- now H anything happened I Frank Evans had been turnine a war. 1 '- akf sasnethiof baa happened; but something in the piteous tones of ber .M,,B Hrl" WM iMrrwa e - voiee anneared to arouse everv man v in uh ri - j 0 .of your r . Ittc I era with awtl'airl the use of try ina, folk. es to hide your nature' T ymotiUt tide of lying choke Prater ! How I hate her ! whstN Mi For Wit j5Vver common folks pretend The angels to excel, sir, Gadget too yood, their righteous end I certain to beat hell, sir ! viil ), - E. P. H. stinct within him. 'Shall I send to any other friends V 'I have no friends.' 'Perhaps I can have your things sent to some quiet family hotel v Marian opened her little leather purse and showed him two ten cent pieces, with a smile that waa almost a tear. This te all the money I have ti the world iir V m . So young , ao beautiful and so desolate ! Frank Evans had bean n New Yorker all his life but he had never met with an ex actly parallel case to this. He bit the end of tbe pen in dire perplexity, but w'hat aie you going to do !' I don't know sir. lent there a work house, or some such place I can go to until I could find something-to do f " Hardly, Frank Evans could scarcely help smiling at poor Marian's simplicity. Tbey are putting out i lie light and preparing to close the office, said Marian starting nervously to her feet. 'I must go somewhere. 'iU.ss Harlan,' said Frank quietly, my Walter Harrington started. rt 'r Take me to her,' be said, hoarsely ; 'l can't be parted from my only living relative for a mere whim. on a long roll of stout paper by cutting ca. ' j notes through it in tbe form of squares or an() )aQ parallelograms, ids instrument, which is about as large as a sewing -machine, ia provided with a multitude of small brass fingers, each of which if connected by a wire with the ptpe of the organ which it operates. 1 be mil of music ts fed in over a brass tube When tbe nngeta ter. Always feed your hands as well as you do yourself, for tbe laboring men are tbe bone and sinew of tbe laud, and ought to be well treated. 1 am satisfied that eailv rising, indus try, and regular habits are tbe best med icine ever prescribed for health. When rainy bad weather comes, so that t work out of doors, cut, split, your wood. war. Engineering Rajph TT. Graves, Jr., 34 years of sge, son of 11 H Oravee of th O raves and Uomer.School hi lliileboro. Languagi $ J JJrB Hooper of Wilon, N 0 pro feasor at Chapel Hill near forty years ago. School of Philosophy Rev A W Man gam, pastor of Ed en ton Street Methodist Church of Raleigh.; Natural Sc tenet Rev A F Redd of Raleigh rind baa blown tbe side patch tbe roof of your real on the ainsr no electric current ta I wonder if she oalls the marriage aec- transmitted, because paper is a non eon- vice and wedding ring mere whims, duetoi: but whenever thev fall into the thought honest Frank, but he obeyed In holes cot in it tbey touch tbe braas below, silence. I th irrnt ia transmitted and the annnd 'Marian aaid the old man. in faltering I produced. accents, 'you will come to me and be tbe The lenrth of the note is eoverned bv daughter of my old age f I am rich, length of tbe slit in the neper. A noiseiesa bellows machine, run by wind conduct -d through a pipe from the organ, works the feeding apparatus. To aid in producing orchestral effects, drums, cym bals, bells, ore, are added to the ordinary all I have iu tbe - a- a . Marian, ana you are world. But Marian stole her baud through ber husband s arm. 'Decreet uncle, he was kind to ma when Make your racks, fix your gate that is Aiumrt mf,nr T.ilrratu.rt fleoi ae off its hinges, or weatherboard year bare p Winston of Bertie county. In annoaocing tlie stbove the Raleigh Sentinel remarks : l As to a President there is a diversity of opinion anong tbe Trustor, but nearly ail agreeing thai a president moat be bod at so aae dav. The? desire more time to look around and examine where tbe beet man ean be bad: a when tbev rot htm n w v tbey mean to have ja live president that not only North Carolina but all ber sis ter Slates will rise hp and endorse as the very man. The university will be in full motion the first of September next. where tbe ings qfi, or house. Study yoar interest closely, and do not spend your time in electing Presidents, Senators, and otber small ittcers, or talk ing of bard times when speoding your time whittling storeboxes, dec Take your time and make calculations. Don't do things in a b vry, but do them at the right time, and keep your mind, an well as yonr body, employed. I was most desolate and alone, I cannot pipe.organ and operated by electricity in leave my husband, Uncle Walter ; I lure fa Mme manner as the pipea. A greatly IMPORT AN TO BATHERS. Avoid bathing within two hours after a meal. Avoid bathing when exhausted by fatie-ae or from any other causa. Avoid Asparagus roa Khbum atis A ledical correspondent of an EngfUh jour bel COAL in I'ln-wtrA Tn 1673 Pmaain u O4.J47.D09 lona. 1 he mme r . . : ..,..,.,., ma mg to the State produced about 4,- v'rt ,nu V Marian looked at P'odace 0.000 tons. F produce of coal, ranks next to England me united State. - v "'Sk4l .i i ;. . J mother will receive you under her roof him bathine when the body is cooiioc altar nal says that tan advantages ot apara him!' , i , increased volume of sound and much perspiration; but bathe when the body is gna are not snftosently appreciated. 'Then vou must both of yoa come and I rir.lt Ar liirmAni mm hinations ean b mads warm, provided no time is lost in gettinr Those w4w safer from rhooeaaue be my children,' said the old man. dog- bv this instrument than it is possible tor ' into the water. Avoid chilling the body cured in a taw day by seeding on thi geaiy ; -ana yon must come now, tor tne I a Biag9 performer to probuce upon an y snung or sianamg niam on tne snore aeiicioua rFiuiou, am aawo ereat house is as lonely as a tomb.' I n,n t ,.m,.,,,p,,w of tha fact that the. 1 or in boats after having been in the water, ses are much relieved, especially if . . l'iSJi. w - I H " w..., I . .. .. . . . . . I i, . . i t . . I Frank Kv;insia an sinre.ii clerk no c i i ki, 01. AmM ' Avoid remauune t o lone in the waLer. oat ienl avoiQs all acm-. wu-iner in tra - - - r i uri i irii r. mi iiiiiv 1113 ..'cuir.. n iiiiv. o o 1 ( a leave me ier iiinuruiuit'ir wuen luere is the slightest feeling of chilliness. A- void bathing altogether in the open air, if, longer, and pretty Marian moves in velvet and diamonds ; out they are quite as hap py as they were in old days, and that is a Si honie is a very poor one I am only a five I yn:f? eoJJ?5n hundred dollar clerk but I am sure my 1 Ucle Walter Ha Tn alio kuk it a political doctor in Paris - 'iTWfe . . WW say t l 2rann's,"l8Ku,l, u wlh slavery only Bltmeenae Hi.a. ;.w i;u...... the electrical machine bas cvlv, and ean strike as many notes at once as desired. All tbe notes on the organ that can be combined into a chord can be brought out rrington grown older together. The overture to 'Semarimide" . . . if - LUl 1 W . ... last and feebler every day, and Uf two child- 1 aud William Ttll" were preformed reu are the sunsbina of his declining evening with pleasing effect. As the lifji I I -. H . . m mprlninlisllv min rust vou I mariaii iuuscu at was i . k .ii' muiui 1 'siu, therefore, in the J il,rnuil, v inlet eve o bscurcd in tears. Obi .aa I rate, and the score aorrecUy written, sir. 1 bould bu so thankfuf I' 1 T1'4i there wer9t of eourse, nu false notes. . . . n m. , a I mm a a m t ..,i t li: ; i,rtta.i :ii : r I -ut .1.. i.;n mn.in lm..r best time tor sued u irotn two to three intercs'ed peoiMe "lor Uie gouO of X id 11 V X i ll II CV 11 II ID UtlUCICCOt Y I I I I ll IjUU" I WHn II 1 11(1X3 1 V 1X1 U V. II l ww.v, uvnwvi. i . w T . . r, 7 r , : w . mm . a. a . . elf. 'How latdyon are, Frank ! Here- don. fifne bade farewell Wednesday to f but machine music of tho highest order, ho . . ..ii ...a.a ' . ..."; i . . V. . 1 ..ml mitrkt mndilv Isavo been mistaken sut give uie youi overcoat - a .o uw i ,ue wmmander ot ran,iQra which i T j , S. , ... , . . I . aw m w. t i - . - a s . a a . m. m reier tyranny to license ; i witu snow ana But Frank mterru li-rr V r hfiW lit tip tin toe to take off ll cr bevcrace. The Jerusalem artichoke baa a similsr ejffect iu relieving tbeuma lim. It may be well to rem irk that m st after having been a short time in the wa- nlanO which grow naturally near the ter. there is a sense of chilliness with seaeost eontaio more or lea iodme, and numbness of tbe hands and feet. The 1 in ail rheumatic complaii.ts iedine ha vigorous and strong may bathe early ia long been a favorite remedy. One who the morning on an empty stomach. The has been in the drug business told the young and those that are weak, bad bet- writer some years ago that many of the . r m m. a S I ter bathe throe hoars otter a meal j the popular patent nostrums wuisii soma ota ur hour after breakfast. Those who are fellow erealnrea"-ta'd at two dollars a i :L, ..A.i.r Knf... m;.rlrn aut lect to aitacKs ot gnuiinesa and tmt- Dottle. eoieisieu simpiv 01 a iw cents aim ui'Kiiv itaunr - , j .. .. , s as with liberty it- e. if (fan. an.... :.. u ... ..t;.. . .i. i. m r-m . laKUl IU BOIICII US Hl( IIt.O U4 UID X I All 1 ptefl "liia ucsuing, j V' ;' v . . I nuwI mmher. as she jtood e peuiiian sasaw Q naaar xpionug i tor hope is outer wraormid. "Jas -v-r, . K'"""'- for the nruformance of a well-drilled, bat Dtritluss orchestra. 1 bo inven . tioit and other sense of discomfort at the worth of tolase in solution, lod dangerous, however, in overdose, soon to apnly their device to a heart. sliould not bathe wub.ot first con-, thip especially Ua eye.-.V'ewOnc Amer tT- ' -r - " iolimsr their medical aalriscr. . a Office of the B-iil'li:' '".imtni Vin l-.tmc Ai hi Morgaolon N. C J in 21st, lsTn. m ftesled Propoaals will be received st this . Offi.e on or hefore the Sih Jnlr, proa., for tbe iijvlv of lnre Million Hard Hrik.Tob , I .L . .1 urnverri ai mc .ie 01 i: c n tHrrs sBWaaM srlum of North Carotin, near the tow af Morsanloo, on or liefnre the 1t day of OetoaaT next. The Com niioiif t reaervc the riaM to reject any or all Ula. Btdorra will apeeifr aeiMnile the id Brick, with or without the ue Of COOVSOt labor in their r 1 on. Pmpnaala stt '' inoSraed 'TropoaaJs tor lbs aopply of Brak Car the Weatara Issawa . aaylou) of North Carolina, and address to T. G WALTON. Sce.oCsaa. Jona 24th. 2ws. TOWNSHIP MEETHB! Tbs dtisans of Sali-bwrr Townahi by notttwd that on Friday th law 11 o'clock, A. M, there will boa ing at lh Con rt House for hr purpoae of 1m dcSaWaass to lb Cnanlv ConveotloO SB b bela M Salatbarv on jbe Srd da of Joly, laTa, to nominate candidate t tlir Suta Co I tkaaal Coorenuoa. June 17th, 187S. ANDREW MI KPIIY. CH AS Y. BAKEB. JOHN W. M Al'NEY, i. it jniy. as wflsawEaawl aaunsVaW I Adixiiiiistrators Notice to Creditors. AU psrsaa bavtog claims a;inat the of Dr. j. r. Howaion, deceaarci, are notified to exhibit the aame to the nnrt on or bessr tbe l lib daj of Jun. 187a. awl poraoo indebted to aaid eatste ar toaetti proas pile. SAMUEL A. UiWkKNC K. Adoii Black no rr 1 Henderaon, Attorney, atelaaborw, N. C. Jan 10. l875.-ws. pi. i a - FOB SALE! to w . an rsro Horse Warons ct.en for nth snrlr to I l.kLJILlAN. Jun 1st -A line. -. j FLORAL HALL PRKHI Kin. UK Th ptwaslnra lia of Oaf SatkaVury 187?). nuw rcdy !or d ribuliQQ be bad of Secretary It. r . Kngcea. Xss Jw mitiiua f.flere-l i i I rartmel No. f aaaaff 1 Hall,; will be paid i.i to tf taUtwr PUSJ ; ifde-irwH ii. F. RCrOEWC I T H " - --r fM tm, r i ... c. Buat. - . . .an - .... - . . s m. ... . a . . as .