s, S - -1 - ! 1 . - .1 ... - . -..- - . . . - m L - Mill - - i i ""ii ; ; j -y i W "aas SaaaWSWaaas ' , : ' ' mi - .i j 1 1 n r-: . -m w i - 1 km Carolina Watchman. ; " 't' g LOG All. JULY, if fit weather it quite dry aud warm aud j been for a week or ten days pa. f Town Board meet to-morrow at 3 YlM Cotton Mr. E. A. Propst ha left on our UU 2 stock of cotton, measuring 20 inches above the ground and filed with forms o.' squares. Mr. Propst' s cotton is splendid, and he says it is attributed to the use of Naraaaa Goano. T '- " - " - . . . i . Awvn ahvwh mm wupn oi blocks ana ,ys: Tins i specimen of a lot of 2 acres of R. H. Oowan Cotton, planted about last Anil, meas ure 91 inches from su rfaee of grou nd to top of stock only 250 lbs. Kaveaaaoa the 2 acres and no other man u re used. i Baild'Mig ssd Loso out lor squalls. next careful surrey of th diftsmgt nsoperlke of fered to tbe Board: FwiWHrir was se lected after a deliberate careful discus sion of the advantages and disadvantages of each, and was the unanimous action of the- full board. It is important that the acts of ahooMJx, correctly stated to the public. Your "local" gives me a prominence in tbe matter of selecting the site, to which I am not entitled and which I do not desire to have. - !1-jy jrr Your very Respectfully, M. WHITEHEAD. M. D. i m ftnermr" iaot m n sac ad of Craft A Sailor's fruit trees. They LUI delirer trees here to purchasers Urn tali also next spring. Cjcuwa left out because we had natter Iresdy up bearing on the same subject. If e 11 slvsya be glad to bear from aim. TheJirtt BU M Lewis Jacobs was J a aft a mm ronhfin 1m weaoeswsj me nm cotton n SMUT , . wr rr lsi does not buy guano. Th Mayor of Charlotte, CbTfWntJ JnUred war against Urn Canada Thistle Ailsntus ("copal") tree, and summons bis How citiierm to strike the enemy now, earn- pally Ibe Thistle, before its seed have formed matured. A good riddance, bote or them. 1 YffA abutted. We acknowledge a call on Tuesday, from i Mr. ttoBY, President of Davenport se lls Col lege at Lenoir. He is traveling in interest of that fine Institution, so charm ingly situated in that most romantic of all our ftstern mountain town. Persons wishing to send to school to Miss Ian Caldwell, will do well to hand In the larnss of their children to Capt. T. B. Beall of Ira of McCubbins Beall A Julian, for tbe fall term, as the number of pupils will be united to twenty five. We learn that Simonton College, in States- rillf , will resume exercises st the usual time In the Kail, under an entirely new orgamza- i, an 1 with such modifications in tbe plans I general arrangements as shall be deemed itial to the further success of the Institu- Hasical Entertain For the Benefit of the OTIPWAW A9VT.TTV - me e w "Ws y At tbe solicitation of the friends of the Orphan Asylum, Mrs. Rumple has con sented to utilize her anonal School Ex hibition, heretofore given free of charge in the parlor of tbe Manse, to the benefit of the Orphans of the State. To do this in tbe band aomeat style possible, she has had to enlarge very considerably on ber usual scale, and call in to her assistance the aroatuer musicians of the Town, ladies and gentlemen, whom she has organised and trained for tbe occasion. Under the ausp'eies of Fulton Masonic Lodge. The Entertainment will take place at Mero ney's Hall, Monday evening next; anil we are warr ran ted in predicting that s it will be a grand 'success as to excellence in artistic skill, and tbe pleasure it wil afiord all lovers of music who may attend it. The Silver Cornet Band, always lib eral, have contributed their services to the occasion. Indeed, the musical talent o! the Town has been laid under eoutrtbu lion, in order that all may feel that they have been benefitted while contributing to the support of dependent orphans, -4 labor of benevolence in which all may take part, as all are equal 1 interested: Tickets can be bad at the several Drug i Store?, and at the store of Jones & Gas- kill. Price 25 ets., Reserved seats 50 cts. Children half price. Tbe follow in k is from the annual Register for 1775, published id London, in Pali-Mall, 1779" "The device for tbe great seal of South Caro lina f A pahwetro tree supported by twelve spears, which, with the tree, are bound together in one hand band? on which is written quis separabil? On the tree are two shields, the one inscribed March 26, the ether July 4, and at tbe foot of the palmetto, an English oak fallen, its roots above the ground, and iu branches lopu In tbe Exergue, Meliorem Lspaa Locavit, 1776. ;; Legend, "South Carolina." immediately over the palmetto, and on the opposite parf of the circle, an rm is and pata paratis. BO ooe COUM do gnoeriiM vems, nwi, vici. We have heard many salatatoriee, hut must say, none were simpler, better ex pressed, nor more applauded, than this. Mr. Whitehead is the only oae whose name will appear next year oo the roll of honor. in the catalogue, from that class. followed the remain ine speeches, all of which were excellent, but it semes to us that Mr. Barney's, of Davidson College, as a little the beat' Just before the Vale dictory, the Rockwell prise was awarded, amid enthusiastic cheers from more than a thousand people, to Mr. Moore from Rock Hill. S. C . The Valedictory waa then pro Bonaeed to very afiVetfve and affecting manner, by Bnj. W. Mebaue. of Davidson College. He bade farewell ia manner, not only to btl companions, hut to all his audience, and even accustomed walks and place ia the chapel and recitation room. The diplomas were then awarded, and the audience dispersed to spend the rest of the day, as they saw fit. That night was enjoyed, especially by the young people. The marshals gave away their regalias to their sweethearts (?). 131 DVE3T18MrtT. KEEP COOL. -:0:- Then T pect fully inform the citissns of Sajisbnrv, . 1 1 wax i can tumtsn tnem witn Maine inches thick ar 2 cents opened every morning. V7 H May 6-3 Ice 54 Ice House per !b KESTLER. Notice to creditors. All persons having claims acainst the estate of Dr. J. R. Fralev, deceased, are hereby notified to exhibit the same to the nnlerirred touching on or before the 1 4th day of Mav, 1876. And an penvus iuueuiu iu hiu auuein; requawn to settle promptly. M. 8. FRALET, Administrator of J. R. Fraler, deed. Salisbury, N. C May 18, 1875-6w; KLUTTH COLOIN fsymgfs - WANTED. IS V An Alumnus of Davidson College, bearing of North is and of a eentle ascent before. The wsy is strewed with the itrnhr oT an ed&ay. 8he holds a laurel flower in her right hand, and has a view of the tun rising . ia fall splendor. Ia the Exergue, Bocs, Legend, Dma Spire opero. At present it reads, Animia opibusque P (AtrmoM.i4t5j Line of y uhmwm V. Xs excellent testimonial from all parts Carolina ; and also from Texas and Kentucky, where be has been teaching, desires to secure a position fee the esmasag year as teacher., ia a mitral mmmnnitr vhssrw tK ailvantajn nf rn.fi ladies staviw si education are duly appreciated. sneaks wH thr AI aesirons or pecanng employment ' n Iw.nornKln kind furthA nivl thrM m.tntha Lyray oi oeauty. pnysicai ,anu inieucetusi. peed aoribe. tH ni nm bm 'i A- M Us Pitts, of Alabama. Was honored with Vn?HW vnVnrfrvTOC' Ibe Unief MarshalTs. Ho less tban six rugged a (fsfeed beJDnU: lier, Mart wadotW r ,jM w Dt. Wm i Chstars refvcTkhe MXsMatsi THEO. P. KLUTTZ. W holt hjsIc Ac BetaU Drag pi SALISBURY, H. 0. To Me chants, House keepers, Younjr Folks. VW : rm m ss h T" uiq i? oiks, smoiters, Pain ters, Farmers, Grangers, ana Jbverybcdv else. Whenever you (seed anything in the way of DRUGS. MKDICISKS, J PAINTS. OILS. EBFUMEBIE8. "DYBrruppa 8EED8 etc., If you waul the beat articles for the iiMiiitfitirt life to Crrtitm.;; All persons hsving elsims agaiaat the ea tat ,f Pii D. CtudfriiM. d. reaaee- srW hereby o tifod to eslulnt tbe sasne te B the ukdrrign4 oe or before th 14th day v. of May 1876. and all prcsvas iadhtd te. td estate are iurstvd lu tHil prumutW ' 8. A. LO.V RASCE. AdiuisTi rator . fFlix D. Chdfrhr A CWWtrr Ae. May 13. l?73 6trs. pd. CKAIGE 4 CHiRH ATTOR.VLVS il AND t a A Sfuritsrstnf) 17 Speeiaf aitmtlee paid to prats si ' f in Bukruplcsy. 9sb. a ept a ''eens ' wai - J il ) 3( ' .F. mlm.mm I rwimaj oraer, witn uti i ry tixturea rorsaW for KfL As " sua " nw FOR SALE. A N4 btw m. m m m w 1 8iJ I 1 The following gentlemen were elected can- mi in behalf of tbe Yadkin B. B. at a Ists meeting of the director, and itiaexpec- ihat these gentlemen will be in attendance the different Precincts to discuss the impor- met of voting for the subscription to the It H. P N Heilig, DrT W Keen, E. 8ho- tr, Luke Black mer, T F Klutir, SH Harrison, Msnney, W. 11 Crawford, T J Pemberton, sfrCrsige, B D Townsend, Wm M Bobbins, M Mctorkle, 8 II Wiley, T B Long, D L Bringle, A II Boyden. Springs, the little editor of the Mb Airy WMn, fras at Inst been found. He wss st 'ilpsiiigton during the Press Convention, on Ibe 12th of May, and since that time, until rrry recently, he has only been seen once, and llislwa at the Charlotte Centennisl. It is Hipposed he went to Boston to cool off, but this not ret certainly known to his friends. He Iks lost about '200 pounds in flesh, and now weighs but 300. He is yet large enough for tail practical purposes, and it is thought he will I remain in the oure.cool atmosphere of Ml. Airy during the presemVhot weather. At the Methodist Episcopal. Church, sermon byBev. Dr. Bruton, P. E. Text : rhilippians, xxiv. ch. 5 8 verses. "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus". Them, the humility of Christ, Previous to his Incarnation, Christ existed in the form of God perpetually manifesting the Godhead. For the accomplishment of an end he divested himself of this glory, and became a man. ,. - As a man he made himself of no reputation. Though retaining all hu divine attributes these were vealed in human flesh. Though he was God in the manger at Nazareth, in the Garden and on the cross the world knew him notsnd believed him as a peasant, rejected him as being unworthy their esteem. Making himself of no reputation he took up on himself the form of a servant. Literally a slave. Put hiunelf fully in the hand of anoth er, to obey anothers woid, to suffer another Will. As a servant he was obedient unto the death of the cross the most painful and ignominious such humility, such sacrifice ! ' Masonic The Masonic Festival to morrow night promises to be a pleasant and enjoyable affair. Tlie order of exercises is understood to be ssl follows : At three o'clock the Fraternity assemble in -the Lodge room and open Lodge, sfter the goaf has been rubbed down they "call off" and rch hi procession to the Presbyterian llrarch, where a public address will be deliv ered by Dr. Craven at 4.80 o'clock. They then arch back and rub the goat some more, after which they close. At night, they, with tbeinvi i guest.., meet in the LoJge-room and have a social reunion. obliged to somebody for s card of admission. st I. O. O. F. At s regular meeting of Rowan En "mpment No. 14, June 21, the following Qcera were elected fur the ensuing term: ' P. B. Kennedy, C. P. " J.J. Stewart, H. P. .Wm. Howard, 6. W. friXhsa..-. Klotta, J. W. V ? B. BesH, .Wfcorer meeting of the North .gs-Xo. 26, June 29, the follow were elected for the ensuing Nohle Grand. Vice Grand. 8ec. .4 Scribe. Tree. Found in-wheat at Mr. File's Mill on Third Creek, Rowan Co., about four years ago, a wofoa-sey, that was a badge of a society at the college of New Jersey at Princeton. It is of gold much al loved with copper ; one inch snd five sixths long, and one inch and a quarter The tube for winding is much rusted ; the ring for attaching it to the chain is wanting. and evidently it has not been in use for s long time. The inscription, on one side is Datum, A soc. clio. col. N. caes. Oct. Kai. Oct. M 1 CCCXXV11I. "Given by the clio aophicl Society college of New Jersey; Sept . fctnd 1W8.' ; On the other side, a dome eupported by pil- Isrs, and surrounded by rays. Across the top above, a line of fourteen char acters in secret rypher. It evidently belonged to some graduate of thst college that year; the commencement is, or waa formerly, in Sept. How did it get late a bag of wheat? E. F. B The Commencement Eer ciaes of Davidson Tbe extra trains oo the A. T . Ac 0 R. R last Weduesday and Thursday, were well filled with thse attending Davidson College CtiniiMnceiiiut. Th CMnineuceineut proper began Sunday June 20th. y t Wba' we now have to say, relates ouly to Wednes day and. Thursday . : At half past ten, Wednesday moruiug. the visitors were sutnuioued by the belh to assemble in the larire hall to listen to an Let this mind be in you For if you have address to the Literary Societies by the IU. not the spirit of Christ ye are none of his. Rev. Thos. Atkiuson. The Trustees, Fac- At St. Luke's (Episcopal! Chrcch. the ulty. and students, together with some honor- ntertaii.tid at his hoi wye, iusuuui rwuag. a reviewing oiniBeoceuieni we, an&si express our satisfaction at the order that the wwtehftal marshals kept: and tbe qrtdt eye" flBBENSBORO F KM ALE COL nt. - .:. i i ji Jtc i t -JT SS I J?fl I? ties, rendered, no mean service, seconded as Greensboro N. C. ne was, ny nis sum. An4 Doming . was vrLn,e FaU Bessie teiU beein on tbe 1.h of more enjoy meut than tbe music of our Band. Augusts ii fifMif, !r TERMS REDUCED ,7 ' '." r ... Ctarga per Stmo SO rii. 8 DRL'G 8T0BE. CuT Jet Band is needed, 'Has it not alnong Tuition in regular Emrlish c.urse. 25 00 , r mrw r-j T ' its members, the two Messrs. Neave, who have taught nearly all tbe other bands around ? With its new instruments, and geatlemanly members, and best of preform- ers, and gr-at variety of pieces. Salisbury ought to be proud of her band, and Prof. i Nenve its proud leader. Amoug the pieoua which called forth pe dal criticism, for their excellence and beau ty, were Mulligan Guards, Dixie and "Silver Threads among tbe Qold.n Davidson do well to be proud of tome of the sons that she has turned out this year to battle witb the world. Some will make their it) flu euce felt, and coming from each a moral f place, will make their influence felt for good. Cod grant it may be so, for such influence is needed. o.o. . Charges for Extra studies, moderate. For Catalogues containing particulars, apply toT. If. J oxes, President . K.H.D..1TIL13I. . Prexideut board of Trustcos. J use 17th. 2m. pd. . . . NEW MILLINERY STORE. At the old stand of Foster A Horsh. Just received full line of Hats, and Bon nets, trimmed snd tint rimmed. Ribbons, Scarfs and all the latest French and American novel- lies, at Orders executed witb care aad dispatch. Finking and Stamping dons to order. Tbe Store. will be conducted on tbe Cash sys tem and no aood or work will be charged to any one. This rule is nnvarible. M Kv S. J. II A LYBUBTOS . April, 15th 6 ws. GARDEN SEEDS. 10 000 papers warranted fresh snd genu: Be just received urosn Letidreih, Buist, Ferry, Briggs, and Johnson, it Bobbing, At 6 Cents a Paper Liberal discount to country merchants at KLUTTZ 8 DBUG STORK. IRISH POTATOES. 25 lib us, Roll, Goodrich Jt Piib- LKsa, Jrjst RrtnvBD AT KLUTTZ'8 DRUG 3T0RE. t SIT I SfSBa - ae h lo s vstst Charles Lfuah, Xesayiei, spertUMiaateiiuvr as VsVi Dee lit maw mm n Bw a retu m , avinrw wnereoi i r -t lit, by ead ex- ana u iitnr wt-il si pr ike sen kr Bseuaois adrretiard e Oh alls-. fa ens Tonsc aae Asseretive i core tin- b-i the world Lm r which contains no slcottol It is I EBS'S CALiroSMA VlSbdAa Eittlsw. Am VALUABLE House &Lot for Sdil - The House ssd Lot oa the corner ef Mesa and Bank St, recently oorupi-d hy Mrs. Asm Brown, is oAVrvd .or sale. This is asses the most valuable property in galUbvrv, and Is " coavenieetlv siiuaied m the m ii part at" ' the town. Pvraoaa daairing farther iaafcnasa " iton can obtain u by railing oa it c ung wuh either of the uadt reigned. Price Re An Arithetical Cukiusu y. -The j l ff 4 SMM)M MX.in. ll.. ..J I -Li W IV F J arrangement of figure? 16 3 2 13 t ie i r 8 9 6 7 12 4 15414 j 1 sermon was presched bv the Kev F. J. Murdoch, Rector, from St. Luke V. 4, 5, 6. "And when He had left speaking, He said unto Simon, Launch out into tbe deep, and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answering said unto Him, Master, we here toiled all the night, snd have taken nothing ; nevertheless at thy word I wil i let down the net. And when be bsd this done, t hey inclosed a great multitude of fishes : and their net brake." Mr. Murdoch r said,- that here, as in every ary guests, formed a procession marchiug to the delightful music of the Silver Cornet Band from Salisbury. After Prf. Chas. Phillips had offered prayer. Bishop Atkiuson arose, and every eye was riveted on his commanding form as he stood before that assembly, aud every ear was attentive as the "mellow words with wisdom weighed." proclaimed their origin from a master mind, He showed the influence of a few over the many that public opinion was almost in- mirncle. we find tliPHe t hi ncR T)ixt mat ' n , . , i .. . .. . , variably the aftr development of a giant in man s nart to accomolish it t. t.. a want, of r faith in all human instrumentalities. faith te,,ect' i""' tn cber in God (3) A confession of that faith and the Hi Picture of Voltaire's influtnee was clear. use of all the mean., a hich God has commanded. nd showed hiin in an un prejudiced light And this is a true picture of the daily battle of M his audience who the rruiy great are a christain's life - &reat lu literature, scnolarshtp, statesman For the christian must have a want of faith ship. For more than an hour the address in bis own strength he must have a deep, coutmued, and Was appreciated. The only abiding, trustful faith in God. and he must con- ohiection was that the crowd was so small. fesa that faith before men, and make use of all In the afternoon, Rev. J. Rom pie of Salis the mean of grace, which God has commanded, j bury delivered the address before the Alum And he must fight not one battle only but bis ; we was minute in his showing up tbe Darwiuiau theory. Tis very presumab that no one, after bearing him, thought bjsa ; self a dlscendant f Darwin's monkeys. Mr. Rumple also told of the different classes of pseudo-seleneo that would require analysis at The audience on thaaoeeasiou. too. was very meagre. It will be seen that tlie sum of earli line, each column, and diagonal ia 34. The four c truer figures 34. Tlie corner figures of any sqictre of four figures (of which lucre are lour in the larger square) 34 The four figures of the central square 34. Tbe four fgnres of eawb c-rner of the wboln square 34 : makine aliogeiber twenty different ways in which 34 may he reckoned. Tbe other sums X i 34 raw be obtuiued by taking tbe figure which stauds next to the corner figure, going round from left to right, thus 3,8,14, 9 34. Then the figures which sta'ule nest to the left of the. corner fig- urea, going tbe other round 8, 5, 15, 12 34 Boston Advertiser. mm aSWA wSc W anL0l CLOVER AND 0BA8S SEEDS A Urge stock J warranted Extra cleaned, Freah ec Oenuine. at low prices at KLUITZ'S DRUG STORE To C onntry Merchants I have the Ifrgeat stock of Drugs, Dyes, Grocers progs tec., in Western Gamlina, and ant sow prepared to sell at Baltimore Pricen, thos saving You the freight. Spcial sttention to bot tling Efseuces,! Laudanum, Paregoric, Opodeldoc. Caster A; Sweet Oil dec. Writt for prices, to THEO. F. a ahle. Also tbe enderwlgned offer tor sale 700 of land lying on the V . C. B. B two Ea iroto libur. Thu land will lots It df.l(d. Abo 103 acres eight miles Wsr fross Miiy on i he Beatles turd road. I..ia ia ail well timbered land. Fuftbe givm on s piiri ir-n. Tei ms reasonable. bsJiefssey. N. c. ' JUIIN W. MAC5EY. AfX for Dr. John L. Hewdersoa. Mit lS,1S75-if. vswa, 1 'J ad t. AF0RTDHE IV IT. E-erv fa.ilv bey ii. Sold my Ageaiu. Addree. O. t. WaL K K K Erie, Pa. a KLUTTZ DRUGGIST Salisbl-rt, N. C. Housekeepers Supplies. flavoring Ex;iucts, Essence, 8pices, Gelatine, Mnstards, Sods, Dye-Stuff? , Toilet and Laundry Soaps, Lye, Matches, Limps, Kerosene Oil, CWasneye -Jr.e, al ways on band of best quality at KLUTTZ 6 DRUG STORE. f OA Daily to Agents 96U and tbe bast Faaiilr with two $o.00 Oi 300 Brosdwsv. X : new an idee- in Al nrKS mm? Pa,r tree. AX.II'FG CO. 4w I A. Kennedy. J J Stewart, 'I. B. Beall, R. Julian, Tr Lilian Asylum. Mr. Mills told rf a soldier's widow, the mother of JWdreo, whom be found not long; drsggjng oat a miserable existence i a negro family. He rescued Thungest child - a girl from her life " Htne, and she has since been adopted r wealthy merchant iu the State. Such a fact whole life must be n warfare which can never cease until the hour ot death . it is not' one act of faith, but a habit of faith that will finally give salvation to man's soul We are required to be faithful unto death. An set of faith may 1t fne m ti 1 1 ii r 1 a A hrthii fit t'rt i k ah 1 m n aav iwi mm wuwviv. vwmswww rwaaerw vas T a-saae I . m A ess mske a man a cbristiati-It Is thertlbre rtfnlng ?anU OI lDB, m a rprv vmt risk fAr iwnnl to nut nflT rpltVirm uaUl the latter part of ther life. A habit nf owing to Some tnisunderttaodiog about tbe anv kiird is destteratelv hard to change. Wei1118' ooitht therefore never to fall into a habit of tlie ttpreseotetives of tbe I cm.: i . w . .i p.. c a.t..: j . I VivttrttA thwir iiMrmiM vrif h nrAit mnA urura 1 . uun.i v v . m u ..v... ... v i - lite, i m-mtL i . a UtA frOM th. (il f th d. PPhiaJd banqueted. i 1 - . . I W.. .-.II . . L ashes." Tbe thease deduced from it Was the 99 fBr"1 nu.r,,nAP ni MtiaiAua sWb. ;m. After the exercises were over, the audfenee poverished any one even in a worTdly point of adjouru.bxUiejrUlla and Campus, to listen view. When Christ asked the loan of Peters j to tne music, enjoy tM-eream. and prome boat, and begged him to thrust a little from the 1 Qde and 0 forth. It is v ery presumable shore so that He might address the multitudes that some soft speeches in a sotto voice were tbe better, Host once sfter he had finished 1 audible to individual ears ouly. The speaking repaid Peter for his fidelity by return- t ours of the night approached, before the ing to him his boat not empty, but filled with young men aud maidens saw fit to leave the fishes to overflowing. Thus Christ ever repays dag-light walks of literature, and the moon- when sscrances are made for Hu cause-He iit 8hades of lave. Thursday, the day of tbe i :. 2.L. . . i . . t ' reuirna wnai we give w.n 'u' iNicn Commeneameut came warm butbra. At SALISBURY MARKET. Corrected by McCubbins, Beall, and Julian Buying Rates: CORN new 85 to 90. COTTON 13 a U FLOUR $2.7 j to 3. : MKAL 00 to 93. BACON county) 12 to 15 - bog round POTATOES Irish 90 8weet76 to $1 EGGS 12 tr 15. CHICKENS $1.75 to 2 per dos. LARD 15 JTEATHERC - new, 50. RYE a 90 to $1 BEESEWAX-28-to SO. WHEAT-$1.25 a tl 50. i BUTTER -20 to 25. DRIED &V I P to 8; "f 4 Blackberrfes, 9 cents. BELL & BRO. OlFer the best selection of Jewelrv to be onnd in Western North Carolins. Consisting of LADIES' AOEXTS' GOLD WATCHES Gold Opera and Vest Chain, PINE GOLD PLATED Jewelry. For Yonni Lalie and Gentlemen. Fine Perfumeries, Elegant Soaps, Cosme tics, 8oap, schoua, Toilet Sets, Vases, llair, and Teeth Brushes, Pocket Books Arc, in endleas variety at KLUTTZ S DRUG STORE. S10 TO SBDO.rtli tone ATI unce b.iok oxplainiug rrerrthing and poppr of the Wall Street Krriew. Aw SENT FREE iSiS j Brukrr. 72 linwdway Xrw Yrk. ffaartjewwisS 6cuM(akK Wherever It Cigars did yon Say ? s JURUBEBA behalf of the eastei n speaks Orphan Asy- lT ttpl? fiyef a concert next Mon- toa proceeds of which will he the Asylum. We hope it will -J attended and thai those who mae est o will show their appreciation of aartaaaa j. i l. wuicu it ia aestgueu uy Jot tickets whether they use them uiu M u-i, "e r- B. F. Rogers, on be- Mn the Mason ir sil im.l Is tk. (. f . ;a P" y coniriDation e.tner in -Tkbid, that like Peter and his comrades, we are as tonished beyond measure. Do what the Saviour bids, and His blessing will rest upon tbe labor of your hands in this world, snd the world to come He will grant you lifeeverlasting through Hut merits. Salisbury, N. O June 30. 1875. Editors of the Watchman, Gents : In the notice of the location of the site of The Western Insaue Asylum' near Morgauton, by your local in the last issue of the Watchman, there are some errors I wish to correct. Tbe board of Commis sioner is composed of Dr. Nertus Mendeu hall Dr. E. Grieeoia. Capt. C. B. Dersoa CuL T. Geo. Walton and If . Whitehead, instead of the three mentioned. The site mmmmi-. r. .y at as a waa selected, after several surveys of toe. t . . i a w a IV o ciocK s crowded spectacle was seen in tbe New Chapel. On the stage were tbe mature heads of the Faculty aad Trustees. aud ahto the. chief marshal, Mr. A. B. Cit, whose fine figure was adorned by his band some regalia. The ladies side (the Mctho diet style was observed) presented a . sea o living tans. Beauty was there, arrayed bewitcbiogly: of course all were not beauti ful. Sisters and mothers, cousins and sweet hearts were there, froia many ef the South era State to see their loved one gradaat The gentlemen were not a impressive look ing as the ladies. All waited till Prof. Blake aanouneed our own honored son, Mr. John Whitehead, aa Sal uta tones. Wish dignity he arose with a dead language ou his toDgue, hut as be spoke it lived again. Tbe ladies UU yes, we nave from 2 cents to t5 I hem at all cents, and can established itself as a perfect regabOorsaA rrnu'oi i..r aiMiiers of tbe Tless i in pr.p-i ir 'Huidl ibe Lii rr aLd 1 f. TO V . . T . .. i. w . . unoii u-'"! i u i fit, oat, r sttsaii f w .xiivuir ipai., rrniiv r .- n 1 ir.. mi f m nn. i' ! . . .1 - . i .i . ..i.i.i, i.-., auu :i um ar them by tbe bog st jobbeis prices, oor "ycm celebrated 5 rent PEC 1 LI AR ,T , "0T 4 DrCTO" j CIGAR it acknowledged tbe beet iu tbe worM st Eicnrsion to Oil Fort anfl Ret um. 16th and 17th July oae Julv mm ear rates Si. 50 Pleasant accJ nmodations. JLare Saliiburv at the regular hour of mail trim. U.S. WOOD. 1 Com. W.T. 0H8EN. Arranco J. a..UlSRlSJX. Vmenb.: July I It. oa application. Pd. 'as aeiecteo. a:ter nereTBi suicjs ui vuc . . - - different streams axuoud M-rgaatoa and mi whatMi1faf jmfcemsW meaat, sod Apnl, ldT5 Horner and Grave's School, I LLSBORO, HT. C . Tke Fall session of 1875 epens on the fourth Monday in July. Catalogue July l-6w. NOTICE. Novice is hereby given that an Election will be held at the several product to Rowan coun ty ou the nrt Thursday ia Auznst. 1875. to ascertain the sense ot the qualified voters of Rowan County, ae to whether they will aub- scr.be the sum or one nnnatoa thousand dollars to tbe stock of tbe " Yadkin Hail Road Company ,M sod direct the issuing of the Bonds of Rowan Count v for the sum- of USE JJl'S DRED THQU8AKD DOLLJHS to pay for such 8ubecripttnn. All those who vote in fa vor of aueh Subscription axd issuing of the Count v Bonds tor $100,000. shall vote on a written or printed ticket ''Subscription;' aad those voting against Subscription and issuing otuounty jsouu tor i "u.um i, saau vote on written or printed ticket " NoSnbeei ipthm. This notice ie given in eas dience to an act of the Legislature . pasiea at its last D. A. UAV1,- l. w. Coleman. H. BARRIMjEK. CcCoru'r! -a iu. u. r LLuav, . JOP- HCL1 An. J a SILVER MARE, GOLD PENS, Ac. They are agenUfor the celebrated Diamond Spectacles snd Eye Glasses, Manufaxt tu ed from Minute Crystal PEBBLES. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and warranted 12 months, charges as low as conais tan i with good work. Store on Main street. 2 doors above National Hotel. 2p . 1874 ly. SALISBURY'S GREAT BARGAIN 8T0RE. The undersigned take pleasnre In iuf irraiup their customers aud the comuranity ftt large that they are now in reoepts of a large slock of Spring end Summer 0 nd selected witb great ear athd direct from tbe En-torn market a con sfefnfin part of ell kinds of Vfj Ooods No HATS, BOOTS, ft SHOES, CLOTHUTuh GROCERS, &c, &c. Which they art determined to U lo down sr cash. Highest Cash prices paid for all kinds ef Country produce. Our plau is . Quick Sales and small profits and we believe that tbe public will find it to their interest to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. SO TROUBE to SHOW GOODS. We beg to return onr thank (or peat patronage and hope by fair denting- and strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same MeCUBBtNS, BEAL fc JULIAN. April lt iS75-r.il. KLUTTZ S DHUC STORE. PURE WIES Sc LIQUORS VE6ETA BE TONIC wLicb assist diretio. and thus stimulates the 1 appetite for food nrcv-Mary lo isrifarate tke wr tacor: o. insA.tir iwgaaa, .td j to SU tLe vital tu:rr. for lTCABBirSITS os S t CuM at tSDATIOM. mm mrHi"l aiin rlinrrli unrnoses alwsTa nn r. . .. . . .M"UJ r i j rnri un ii .r a omiii. Aa band at KLU TllZ-S DRUG STORE f. r IL Jobmt. s aLLo iti Co. PkUaTrkS U bdi mN- Agnt. Astral Oif 50 cents per gallon at kluttSz s drug store. I 4 imm ma PILLS. Only 25 cent a box t t Coughs, Colds Hoarseness AND ALL TUOAT D1SKARL8, Use WEL8V CARBOLIC TABLETf . PUT Ur ONLY IN BLUE BOXZft. A THIRDAND 8TJJRE UUDT. Sold by Drnrgiat general Ir. and ruLLtK A FT'LLr.R. Ctiram. ii OBTCKOMAXCT.or SOrL Cfl A EM IX G." r Uww either sex mar tacseste and osa I love A astin of any perron tkev warrrantea or sternly. This simple, mental a qui ran possess, tree, ur uisii,iorc. s roarnage ec u?. ErXntiao Oraclr. Hints W Ladies, Wrdiaff-Nicbt 6bfrt queer book. Add res. T. WILLIAM m Co Phils money refunded. After years of expert meriting, I havo aft last found the Ureal i Rtn edy for CbilU, 'Fever dr Agor, dec, ! A Pri.T1BTnsrTAT j Hrnta wanted The UaO laUlAliAJj 0 A- and can confidcmly recommend it to my?1 a , UEl 9 the grand rrults U 100 veers of Pre j. Ji... . rrol?rea.ewt nalete. Over MM 'W it muo iri arev 4 I J A T! E A S. Finest Teas in the mar k- I llurated. Every Imdy bcv h dt r reeaglUU toWMX) a month. Addres J. C. CCKDT A Co . Plus. JI.iU. Pa self -V BOOK ABEHT8.; Medical Adviser." bv K. V Pierce. M. D most readr srllinr lxok oct. Exclariva I .. . . I , 1 a . 1 a . ss A .m m . fj nmn uoriai Terms, acaresa tae et, mi up in air ugnt, t lib cans, 25 per cent less than usual Prices at KLLTT8 DRUG 8TORlv. Im short w he never yon went Prescrip tions carefully prepared, or need anything usually kept in a First doss Drug Store, and want to be certain of getting juel what yon call for, hud of being politely and, promptly ajrnred. Be soie to cell on or send to TUEO. F. KLUTTZ, Datjooxrr SALisicrr, K. C, iJan. 29, 1976 tl Dei. ALBEMARLE FFMALK IN8TITCTS. 1 Cbarlottrsi ille a. 19Ui Aanoal n i-c I t of St pt ember, with a fall Kacolti elegant neT eu .ipiuebta. Health, istssi! good laread turoiirh ioairecticns tthisl lege. For details address K fl. Kswliags M. A. Principal da Wl CROP CUBA I0LASSF8- 300 Hhd. Choice Otudlty Jmmt Receircd. Fvr Bole by WILLIAMS & Ml UCUI605, fTilaMiegtoe, X O .M4'. H II l V

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