Matchless Maid -the kitchen girl oat If yon don't bridle your tongue, eaddle pe your fate. What is the form of en escaped parrott jtpollygpne. A Boston tailor advertises "diagonal boy's suite. Lo business cheating the Indians. fusion Advertiser. At what season did Ere eat the apple ! .-Early in the fall. The United States possesses of the total steam-power of the globe. In removing some bodies from the Bennington (V t) cemetery, the other day, that of frs. Bartlett, which bad beeu b aried some twelve years, wa found to While riding in a stage coach from Kinderbook to Albany, New York, manj years since, John Van Buren, who was smoking, asked a stranger in the stage if smoking was agreeable to him. ' The stran ger answered : "Yes, it is agreeable; smoke sway. X have often thought if ever I ' wee neb enough 1 would hire some loafer to ft ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE. G. M, Bxtis, UUolOM C. R. ombouso. La foaawk. BTTIS & BARKER Love, Courtship and Marnaqe-A irtnce- TrrrjoT prwv p ft TlfflATT Tlra iririftf lu Scene-A Honeymoon in Europe- IT flUUfiOAUA IilxUU UI u WAlf Will PASSENGERS Going Iortn or Etit, Corner Main & Fisher Streets, SALISBURY, N. C, - tuL A RayalProgreseThe Return Horn Bankruptcy Desperation Death - I . . - t , A jl v nere uar ue lonnu a iuu whujciiv vm Pare Drags, Medicines, Dye Staffs, Fine Hand kerchief Extracts. Foreign A Domestic Col ognes, Soap, Hair, Tooth & Nail Brushes, Havana A America Cigar. All grades of . - in r iiil ui i j i a ri ui va a a ma a. u b lished iu cue of the newspapers of the celebrated Perkins Hons Sok-xplositx OOTOet a avoid night changes and secure the most cosxdbrtablc and eborteet rente ny raying tickets VIA THE VA. MIDLAND Washington Correspondence of the Pittsburg Commercial. The only change of can north oil to Baltimore is made the river at PANTILES announced the sale of a large Kerosene Lamps which we pom fir -r ' .7 w ..M Vo-K RnnHf Wine by the bottle or gallon. C.n.l, P.Mnt V B b e artvr m t n fii i inn n m m iiii awi Lir.ira aa a - i a. i i . i i i u a a a kaw What kind of robbery is npt danger- iu mj fc... Mr. Van Buren threw -brt- 1 Such sales are frequent in Wash- Malasa. California Sherrv A Port Wines. pas 1 A safe robbery of COUrta. m fW WIHftHfW!l togtoo, and are the natural sequences to Imported Xiin, and in fact ere-y thing naoally uil I the transitory conditions wbicU enter ;nto 5 r , 6 T ,' T"", S7 Th mean temneratnre is what dlSfCnsU . ,. P.T ... 7j Hon doartmU u wWv tn ' Aandt s ls r..ii. nL u j 1. tne lives 01 lue raaioritv qi us reamouiB. .. r .. . . , -0, j t. u 1 iiliio nesnie is me nro vcar oiu uausu- i - rtnaori. one or iac outer vtna k mw a man wiin every cumaie. UJa PnrtUnd ladv who married a few W "PP ff-'g . Jor sai ssfil and no one need apprehend any dan- 1 t "71- y. 7T- it a l!x ii; k.M.. f . .1 . ir j The duty of the hour-to lake care of clergyman not long since. When her Iew moiPBt T 7 ger in naving meir prescripuons ruu- - a m v r- a 1 oiiTinnu w r lTniiaio a r rn u iiiim bb w n a 1 . hii , im yam, s iiraneer can wvuk auu -7 T.,4- .; Tl' ! , It is a strange fact thst when flttirW if the minister was at home. No,' Uen meant, wijl rue .into notoriety qn Ian- .he renlied. but mother is in the how. W 01 wuw. foot platform DAYLIGHT. The entire train rqns from DANVIJ-E to BALTIMORE over one uniform gauge with- out change. This roots is one Hundred Mil nan any outer to tne H ARD WARE. When yea want Hardware at low figuree, eail on the undersigned at No. S Granite Bow. .Tt D. A. ATWKLIa. Saltofriiy & Q.,h!ny gpUTHIM IILTTBTEAT1D Raleisli, IV. C. Tbe only ILLU8TRATED WEEKLY in l. aUii Kivht oam. ortr columns, ww- taininS! BSOVe reaoiDg maucr man wmj rjablishrd in the Southern State. 'fhe Orat nambev of the B0UTHER3 U LU8TRATED AGE will be issued on Saturday, fsftk day of June, 1876- Thai Publiaher intends making U an fllaav rated record of tne times. It will AMD THE SOUTH TfrBSf ft .at SSsi to esjs friends that he has sassst te sell throsjgb ticketa C to all poinU in Teaaa, Ar Tia Charlotte, Columbia and and their Soother Tscksu. Chocked to take Laberers to it greatly to thair ova ad tb lags by Willi ism smoerssgoM at la regard to States, w " aBSBfBBBBB AswnsuRTi or First Class Tiri-TZr? thsoasxh. p shorter Urated record indnlge in high words they use jqw Why cannot a Temperance man kiss a rt He has jf qrn not tq taa(e jew- "Letter go 1" as tbe hoy said when he (amp posted his setter at the street comer. and she will pray with yon. yon poor I The diaap pearauee oi ench objecte of miserable ainner ' - ' promiuetice elicits no thought, for this '' " I mnr-t if mn.hMwim omth thriVAa in Washington social atmostphere. But con- 'Well, my son said a Detroit father to nected with the particular case referred to hie eight year old sou, the other night, there is a sad history. wuat nave yon aone to-oay mat. may no i All tbe parties were prominent, ana set down as a good deed V "Qave a poor mia trace their parentage back a geoer- Knv Horn nni ' ifnlif rl rhf hnnpfnl f Ah. i , tk r,; r Sn anniMi Why is a pig the moat provident of ahj that wee cbaritr" and charity is always -ith one of the Darwinian Drosrenitors of animals ? Because he always carries right. He was an Orphan, was he?' '1 1 the human family. About six years ago spare -rib of two about bim. IdidnH stop to ask replied the boy: I Maryland leh a Senator here a man of The poet Schiller died May 9th 1804. fe him "ooe7 lcng a boy who quiet demeanor and one who in his own fOM. down 117 9, 18TS. ... . . . U uation'. empiul, among other, of h .wdidMtdh.w . aM. b?ufit a w- ZSnVSS-aSJSTrf Ml tMr, M wp returo .gain. t reocb boopet, and ngpn the price;'m, er.r7 malv aceom- AMg Eg.Uh Ua,. residing b. EaVSS-S -! S r i Th loth Carolina HOME .sahw.sfii bhtst'sss- rJ. insurance CO 7 P was a temporary and friend of the great spirits who figured in tbe government more than a quarter of a century ago, and the mag nificence of hie entertainments still forms tbe most attractive and romantic page iu was born with tbem on her eye-lids. j replied, 't is a joinUstock bonnetr-thnt is, it Dcjouga io inree raciory gtria, wno otrensi compos so nis grss way woen wear it by tttrnf on Sunday.' ear. for foeJhrg away bt. tinsa, D..a. a a Speaking of railroads a weg remarked hollow-eyed, nervous-looking man out on the history of society at the papitaj. that the? are now built of three guages, Cane Kun road on Monday morniog, The lather died, aud about tour y vis: Bread snaie, narrow roage. and bun tine squirrels. Hunting never was bel- ago the son became enamored of the morte-asre. r '"pM ter. ana squirrels never were scarcer, con-1 daochter of tbe Maryland Senator Tbe Wh.t the diferce of devotion and duty part ot tne teg, auu tup uue cometf une s "-Ft ZZt JTCTT awakened in the bosom of this chivalric akin mnA hnna on4 thn nthnr a Kaon anti " iul mo "OUIU1CI nliu U 13 IciU U1UU I . uiu miu uyus, aUu uv w vrrau . , . , ., . . , vnnlh 1 1 hp riohnal nrnrlnota nt art in . " i cool it rRisfHi it nil 1 1 fan rn trionrfar rtnwn J ww. r -- - - IPQoe. wpnt th hanimf.r-kan ' mihr hav costly iewels was bestowed upon the been the result, but it was not. The srun I object of his heart's desire. Such a fever A PeonQyl vania ladies' man says he If never satisfied that his lady friends under. WH f?Pr n?t? Wed sfand a kiss, unless he has it from their own mouth. The Beecher trial baa closed. The Jury, on July 2nd, came into court, which was densely crowded, and stated that they were unable to agree, when they were discharged. The Jury stood 9 for acquits! and 3 for conviction. The jury left the court without any excitement. When asked who tbe three were, they re- MFaa ft n .a a ft . B b ' . w Tne Secretary or the Treasury contin- plied tnat tney bad bound themselves J to pee to steadily reduce the fractional cur- secrecy In the jury room. rency outstanding, tbe decrease tor tbe W ipvei than isdom for women : 'It is better to .a i man tnat yon can never marry i - to marry a man tnat you can never (ajt mouth being $4,500,000. . e s ' Charlks H. Holmes is tbe tallest in New England, lie stands six feet I An Awful Storm. London, June 29. A furious thunder pigbt inches high and lives in Topofield, etorm passed' over Buda, Pesth. - Tbe Maine a very appropriate- name for his lightening wa incessant. Tbe roofs of place of lesidence. the houses aud surrounding hills were ! ism.' cohered two feet with ice. The water- Alexander Hamilton, ex-Treasurer of fall was extraordinary. Torrents ewept Jersey City, has been sentenced to the through tbe streets of Buda carrying men, 1'enitentiary for three years, for embee- vehichles and everything moveable into slsmcut. Who will be the neat plunderer the river. Many bouses were suddenly Who falls under the arm of the Law. ' flooded and destroyed before tbeir inmates couia escape, nve uundred ot tbe inbabi- m m m i - . ti A nnn -rt, f .mnUn Aa,nnnAa tsnU missing. At least 100 were orown- wera seined iu New York Thursday night. ed .r kWi b7"S All railways The diamonds were iu possession of F. ar8 rrupted. G. Briakman, who an ived in the last ' s1 a v t 1 sxeamer irom Aspiuwau. y Am Tusane Eamily. A verv singular . ' . " rL J snatr has recently transpired in DeUware. Pri.-i ..tM. fa ttu.v w;n- Daniel McConaugby had been confined in dition show ioyestigations proving the nnjnpane asylum six years, and last week country richer in gold then supposed. W be had nof been insane. Th Mrtl. fanwn in ih- UA He bad beep sp confined at the mstisation direction im fillad with nartlrlf. af nnmWm f bU tW 0 brothers. William and TmU, sal sftasa rlh rnmmm f -T t who owed him a considerable tarn of werr -r- -t t-it: I VnJ.. il.. I... J I .u w violently In Washington June 9, ft .a a ai . ' a pnoer tne civil ngnts qui were common beat ot love soon ripened into a union Tbe nuptials were to be celebrated at the family of the betrothed, on the shores of the Chesapeak. The day arrived. In front of the capital lay a steamer,' profuse ly decorated with flage of all nations. A band of music sat open the deck, discours ing sweet strains. AI an early hour the groom attended by a large retiuue ot friends, young bloods of the city, embark ed upon the steamer, and was soon pass ing down tbe broad waters of tbe uto mac. Upon approaching the home of the betrothed, which looked out upon the placid waters of the bay, salutes were fired, flsgs waved, and swelling sounds of music carried upon tbe gentle air announ ced the coming of the groom. 1 he in habitants of the surrounding country bad gathered ou tbe shore. The groom with his princely retinue, music, aud flying eolofs, marched to the mansion, followed by hundreds of tbe inhabitants. A South ern welcome greeted all. After the nec essary offices of respect and hospitality bad passed, preparations were made tor the nuptial ceremony. The relatives aud friends from tar and near, clergymen, beautiful women with rich toilets, and OF RALEIGH, N. 0. INSURES DWELLINGS, STORES, MER CHANDISE, AND All te of InsaraMB Proper, ft . a Against Loss or Damage by Fire, on the Most Favorable Terma. Its Stockholders are gentlemen interested in building up North Carolina Insti tutions, and amonr . them many of the prominent bus iness and financial men of the State. All Losses Promptly Adjusted and Paid. It appeals with confidence to the In- surers of Property in North Carolina. nconrase Home Institutions. R. H. BATTLE, Jr., Preet. 0. 3. ROOT, Vice President. SEA TON GALES, Soer'y. P. COW PER, Supervisor. ANDREW MURPHY, Agent at Salisbury. March, 4th 5mos. SPRINGS OF TIRpiNIA. G J FORE ACRE, General Manager, Alexandria, Va. VY D CHIPLEY, General Southern Agent, Atlanta, Ga W H WAT14NGTON, Travelling Agent, Greensboro, N . 0. May 13-4m. MOUNT IDA HOTEL, .tlarfosi. If. C. THIS HOTEL, (formerly Chapman House) I is newly furnished and now open fur the reception of Guests. The Proprietor has number of large aud well furnished root for i Slimmer Boarders. The uadnrsiffued, in taking charge of this House, hopoa to fully suataiu his past repu tation in catering to the public. J. J. WEISIGER, Proprietor. May ia 1875 tf. Blaciier aid Hentoi, Attorn eye, Counselors and Solicitors. topic. Political, Historical. Literary, and ffeUfttific which is of entreat mtaresL and aives I the nest Ulna! rations that can he ohmlnod, inal or loreian. . ' The BOLTHEKK IL.LboTh.A 1 td) AUt rill he printed on new type, and heavy hook Sa its list of contributors will he found the fee Of many or toe ocas writers wma il and short stories, poems 'and shetohea, aadTweli eooducud editorial departntssrt, giv ing the Uieat personal, literary. scientiSc, polit- lCSJ, religious ailU cvoiiucnai luKuiniM, A. POFaVOesi'l. Passensjer A Tiekaa Ajt J. A. McCONKATJGHIT. WVi C Igt-aC A LsVsMAn N.C. lAJtisvi Sept. S. U. Special lenoe 9O0T nalfo an- ooaasi furnish eTery week an nam cases d bv other paper, ia sad varietv. It ia intended to soaks lbs HERN ILLUSTRATED AGE a jour- r the fireside ; several columns wiii be all j deroted to all subjecU pertaining to tic sod social iim. So familT aho- Id be withowt it. Sbseriptiaai pries only 1 per aaouxs. Post- JS. A. f tlAluDM, txiiior, Raleigh, N. C. Piedmont Air Line RsII-bjij tidhfttrod A Morth W cetera auviueL BiebAeei A H. C. . W. CONDENSED T ME-TABLE. la gs?set ea and altar Wjaaalar Is 1 1STS. GOING NORTH. 1TAT10K8. m Caartsssa Air-Lis J n SALISBURY, N. C January 22 1874 tt. Carolina Central Railway jkpiXAl J. BATTLE. F. H CAMERON. President. Vice President. H. HICKS, See'y. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE Unmn COMPANY, RALEIGH, V. C. Ra 1 lebarj . . . s Dssfeftsi - DSBTIIU - BarkeilU Am t t at GOT NO KTATIOW. Lcsts Hkkaaad. - IaaTilU... BkeHakstTy Aar Line J'a. fa AfVN t UOIU EasT. Office Oisiaax Serial rraanawT. Wilmington. N. C. April U. 1875. Ar end of Vm Kiacal Year had -OftftTi UMsihii I'll i ii 1 1 ii m A in insane and were removed proceedings ironB to ,0Dtt' yl"W. It f also rnm re eompaen. ored that Daniel McNonaughy tyonday pad by a white man sgainst a negro Mg developed eymptoms of insanity Ing housekeeper tor ejecting bim from tbe bouse which tbe negroe's mother had during the landlord's absence. -ere- m CAft. a an ft. a ft A Maine gtri ten tier clot hi ug In an open Vest and hid herself, and when her par ents were crying and saying that if they "I shall insist upon a quiet and very up ostentations wedding,' said Miss Wriggle to her future mother-in-law. "Ma has ordered 1 ,500 cards for tbe ehoreh, and only half as many for our reception at Delmonico's Tiffany's man will see that the presents are ss psBftwasarsnsl ur Yi ura all ash o U . J T only bad her back they would obey her think Bernstein's is the best orthetr w. slightest wish, she appeared apd sajd she can hire, I cball wear white silk, and my Wanted to marry Jake. I six bridVmaids white tulle Pa says a Bis- , ., .. nop ana two oiergymen Will be ample to ar -a xr t a it perform the ceremony, ana-," She paused, en. J . P. Jversha w, of South CaroJ'na, for the mother-ld-law elect had left the room nea accepted an invitation to apt M san B search for her son. There r? rewor that uauuiat uiaiur ah uic tctcumuuu ui me pne ine engagemeui is on:. nana renin anniversary oi tne name or Fort Moultrie, tp take place at Charleston pn the 28th Jane, 1876. ?a CROSS WORDS. NEW MACHINE SHOP. I am now prepsrpd to do all kinds of repairing with dispatch. With good tools and twenty-five years experience in the business, satisfaction is guaranteed. Especial attentiou given to Eagiue and Boiler work, Cotton Woolen( Mining and Agriculture Machines; and wood turuiug of all kinds. Shop on Corner of Fulton and CouncilStreet, Salisbury. X. C. E. H. MARSH. July 16. 1674 tf. National Hotel. Mrs. Dr. Reeves has again resumed her business in this well known house, aud she earnestly solicts the patronage of her old frteuds and the public at large. Quests stopping at this House will find nothing ueglected that will add to their comfort neither on the part of tbe proprietress no that of the clerk, Mr. D. R. Fraley. Change of Schedule, mmwmmmmmmmmm m On and after Friday, April loth. 1875. the this Rail $200,009 I Policies without auauiniua; a aingle loss. Hrudent, economical aud energetic manare- iuc-qt baa mane it SUCCESSFUL CORPORA1ION trains will run over PASSENGER Leare Wilmin il way as follows . TftAIVf The Omnibus will be found at the iepo courtly gentlemen, assembled in tbe maiu usual to couvey passengers to and . est ball ot the mansion, the formulas ut House. Lec. 31, 1874 ly religion aud good morals were consuma ted, and two loving beans made one. Tbe crowning event of tbe occasion was followed by music and danciug, salutes, fireworks, and general revelry. The scene at tills time is represented by an ye-witness to have beeu suggestive ol tbe court of an Oriental potentate. lue bride and the groom now left these scenes of mirth to enjoy the fruits of love and a protracted honey moou amid the uew end classic surroundings of the Old Worla. There they traveled in state. They were surrounded by courtiers, and one uundred lackeys and servants did allowed on vearlv advertisement. SuhaMin- a . . . . .j . . i . . ; r tneir bidding. .Frequently the groom aud Uou f.uti, in advance. nis courtiers were mistaken for a royal party and wire tendered unusual honors. Tie PiuiDiflfll Press, HICKORY, H. C, Is the only paper published in Catawba County, and has an extensive circulation among Merchants, farmers, and all classes of business mew in the State. Tbe Prf.f s is a live, wide-awake Democratic paper, and is a desirable medium for advertising in Western North Carolina. Liberal tonne atonal 7.JS A M Arrive at Charlotte at 7.15 P. M Leave Charlotte at 7.00 A. II Arrive in Wilminjrton at 7.0UP. sf FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Wilmington st 6.00 P M Arrive at Charlotte at JH 00 P II Leave Charlotte at 6.0. A M Arrive in Wilmington at 6.00 A II MIXED TRAINS Leave Cbsrlotte at 8.00 A M Arrive at Iluffalo at 12 M Leave Hnflalo at 18.90 P M Arrive in Charlotte at 4.30 P U No Trains on Sunday accept one freight train that leaves Wiliuingtou at 6 r. M., instead of on Saturday night. Connections. Connect at Wilmington with Wilmington A Weldcn, and Wilmington, Columbia A Augusta Railroad it, geuii-weekly Xew Turk and Tri weekly Baltimore and weekly Philadelphia Steamer, and the Wver Boats to Payetterille. Connect at uiariotte with its Wet tern Di vision, North Carolina Railroad. Charlotte A Statesvile Railroad. Charlotte A Atlanta Air Line, and Charlotte, Columbia A Augusta Rail road. Thus supplying the whole West, Hortbweu and Southwest with a short and cheap line to tne aeaooaro ana europe. 3. L. FREMONT. Chief Engineer and Superintendent. May 6, 1875. tf. TVu Company iasoes every desirable form of Policies at as low rat as but other First Clssa Oesapaay. Imposes no oseleas restrict ioc a poo reidoce or stmvel. N Haa a fixed paid up value on ill policie after two an Dual payments. STATIONS. Leave Oreea " RsMch Arr at Oeldboro'.. MOWM ( Leave Arrive at Mao. Enema . e.ej r u am a i S-Ss am . nea am . am an mm 4 .em - i it r . am - im r . ii m - am r erne BOUTH. Mail. Exrtast, .3r l.m..t. Jt - - io. m I Urn is.m - ' " s S.M - tt - S.M 7-ea - tn - I tea s e.m Maiw Man. IJM a a ,iv tms M am L'vtitm o am - - i Mrs e ll a a SL vaim - svT.jLjrvo.m7m - Arrive at s.m r e is -.m a a 10. S3 - avi . a i us enure assets are loaned and inv Al HOME, to footer and encooraze hme enterprises. Thirty dsys grace allowed in payment of pre in ass. With these facta before them will the people of forth Carolina continue to pay annually ibonsanda upon thoaaandii of dollars to build op Foreign Cooipanie, when they can. secure insurance in a Cosnpsoy equally reliable and ever dollar's premium tbey pay be loaned and inv rated in our own State, and among oar own people ? Tbeo. F. KL1TTZ, J. U McNKELY. "Airfs. Salisbury, X. C hUFFIX ATAY1X)E ! CenM. Dis't. Agfa. Creenshoro X. C, pec. SI ly. traia Usviag Raleiaa al S.Mrs al(reecburo iU tss Noftbara I traia; seeking tne qeickeat llaaa to all c.ttoa. Pries el Tteaesa esaae ae vl Train, to aod from poiaU Eaat of Oi oossact at GieseaWre with Mall Traias Is froai poiaU Notts or Soata. Two Trains daily, beta way Oa neadars Lvocabcrg AecesN KicLD.i.oi al tU0 A m . arrive at Bsiketil MO r a, leave BerkrviUs iMia, amte at EcS ssead T aS a Ho Change of Care Between Cbarletm and Richmond. 282 Miles. Piperathat hire arraajresacnu to ocbedBJs or an coateeev anil I above For furtker infoioiaUon addrea M K. ALLES. Oes'l TtcUt Arret. Grereatoro, KC TUB T A I.r'OTT. "Oh.1? said a little awirl. burstinamnto tears upon bearing of the death of a nlavmata. -I did not know that was the last time I bad to .31 1 j a IT In mm ol the French departments these if society for the protection of birds oeeful to the fanner. AH nests fonud are 8D.ak kindl v to Am v." reported to tbe society and protected by " The btst time they were together she had M In the past year the society pro- spoken crossly to her. and she thought of tected U 14 nests, from wbian came 804 cross worn, which now lay heavily birds. onberhoaft a i - 2 I -f 1 fJl Speak kindly to your brothers and sisters rp. . ..rr 7 " nd Bebool-mUows. when you are talking to The llnthAnnivereary Commencement tbera lest itniay be tba last time yon may of Yale College came off this week. Gov. have tlmnnnortaniu. rT - Chamberlain, of S. C, delivered an ad- Cross words are very sorrowful to think dress Before tbe Lew school. Housing Pf. "Aatole children, loe one anojtr1 cheers were given for the Sooth. It ' T' ,esi, constitutes anptber forward step in the Wit from the Beeener Trlaa. uii mw: wwmm eesr. mm z umf smmflHHemf A KnoxviUe lawyer shot bimsel me pteTbyTSnf m1 tb? i0,0W H? nole: with the rjeecher trial. One of tbe beat is fR B. Dodwellhsssnieided. 'fbe grave attributed to Mr. Tilton. On betaw asked Tbe appetite of love sharpened by such an air ot romance prompted a eoriespou ding liberality. There was no wish which tbe groom was not ready to obey. Eight een buudred dollar music boxes, tour hundred dollar clocks, elegant carriages, blooded horses and livered attendants. silks and velvets from tbe looms of France, called tbe gems ot arts from Italy, and the special ties of every principality and power in Europe were thrown at tbe feet of the Mary laud bribe. The attractions of tbe capitals of the Old World . exhausted, back to tbe capital of their own land sped tbe young couple. Here they continued this same sumptons style of living. Their residence was of tbe finest in the city, and tbe en tertaiutneuts given there were unri valed. Address MURRIL Sc TH OM LIXSON, Editor! and Proprietors. MORE STOVES. and belter one than over. Come now and get the BEST. Get tbe store is a welcome home. God M my boy. J. leave S3 with.-Some men pay, 'Crazy V Nary ill take care how he stood up uuder Porter's seathintr in to bury me veetive, he replied : 'Oh very well, I have Mm. The Mcki Fsnnao Monumkhtax Asso i:tArioN was orgauisd on Saturday after noon by the election of Hou. . B. Vance President : Dr. Jos. Grahsm and J. H. Wilson. Esq.. Vice-Presidents, and Taos. W Uswsy. Secretary and Trsasursr jPBsrletts DeMOtnaf- ACORN COOK f yon want one that will outlast any other, and bat is made of all NEW IRON, and warranted o give satiafaction Ac Various styles, of oook- ng stoves at a small profit. TIN WARE, Sheet Iron A Copper Wane made of tba best Material, on band or made to order. Merchant supplied at Low Prices. Cash . r Il tj' r n a a m Hilt thrPA vara Wp Uia. .1 KIPO. OI yopper, UrSSS C. ASK lor - , . - - uia W HIAVV'I Tin aluin B. shnnr V nm.n.1 Ir liutfiA. mm f h. a 1. I . I I v m m w. . xupviai icuiiuco uu iuc uure oi meMj., Li. v. crown. Chesapeake. The wealth of Egypt's I I am well prepared to eat good Khedive would bard I v have nerrjetraied .i-T..k rx snj eucb a round pf extravagance. The cry OltnulL PLATtO ot tbe creditor was opn heard at the door, for marking Tobacco. Flour Patent articles Ac. The young eroom was soon bronsrht to a I Every person doing anv kind of work or bosi- JW WW -T : SB 1 a a w - - . been need to that sort of thins- from Mra Morse, my mother-in-law. for roau v vain.' Another is the reply of Mr. Beecher to the inquiry of a Maine editor, as to how he could stand so much roes-firing : "Too take H hard because it is uew to yon, while I have become used to it and regard myself very much as a person undergoing; the pro cess of tanning ; they pUe the bark around me day after day, and I stow tuuab as the J tan strikes in," realising sense of bia folly. Ue sconced hut bride of various excesses and indiscre tions. The green-eyed monster, jealosy, added its scorpion sting to tbe young man's anguish. The fall was as rapid and no less marked than the assent. A few months of domestic iufecility, a few weeks of despair, and but a siogle instant of action ended the earner of tbe groom and blasted for ewer the hopee of the bride. A corpse and an empty vial told the tale of the hero of this ead reality. The heroine, now sheltered beneath the paternal root, doubtless often looks out i (p B H S25P BLATCHLEY'S Improved CUCUM J E K WOOD PUMP is the acknowledge Stand ard of tha market, by popular verdict, the best pump for the least money Attention u fnvit( to Blatchley's Improved Bracket, the Drop Check 7alv, which can be with drawn without disturbing the joints and the oonper chamber which never cracks, scales or routs and will laat a lie time. For sale by Dealers and the trade generally. In order to be snre that yon get Blatcnley'a Pomp, be caret al and nee that it has my trade-mark aa above U yon do not know where to bur. descrinUnn circulars, togeih 'r by aadreasiug rip with the name and address of the sgent nearest yon will be promptly famished with stamp. CHAS G.BLATCULEY.Manntactnrer. 506 Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa, Feb. 18, 1875 tf. Manhood : Hoi lost, Hn Restorer! ! jxmTgfm published, a new edition of jRuI)R. CuLVcnwBXia Cbxebbatek ULsmesV KsSAT on the radical cure I without medicine) of BnnjCATOnBMOXA or Seminal Weak no, Involuntary Sera inal Losses, In po tency, Menial and Physical Incapacity, Im pedimenta to Marriage, etc ; also. Coxsvkf- kriLKPSY nd rrra, indnced by self-in- shoald have a stencil to advertise hi bosi as it IS acknowledged to be the cheapest way to let people know what you are doing. One mark with stencil mav eet a easterner for yon, that will put Hundreds of Dollar in your bands. Try it and you will get a cus tomer you never thought of. MY PRICES ARE UW, AS FOLLOWS, One-fourth inch letters 5 cents per letter On-hif and 7.;lat. A tf ( Three-fourth A One inch letters 7 Tbey may be sent to any past of the U. S. by mail at a small cost. Send in yonr orders stating sise of letters yea prefer, end the Stencil will be made neatly sot ano promptly forwarded Tion, dnlgence or sexual extra e or sexual extravagance, c Price, in a sealed envelope, only upon the ripling waves of the Chesapeake Fisher street Salisbury, N . C. tn see iu their bright surface a reflection nmM "T L. V. BROWN, of the happy scenes of her nuptial day. Apnl 5 187-tf- Tlia t ft.. .1 .1 uutuuiti vi uic auciioueer wai un as a mk ml . . , iu uemoiiBusu uouseueia. fortiind. Mains. Jan. lt. 18TA It The celebrated author, in this admirable Es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' aucoessfol practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-aboee may be radically eased without tbe uangeroon uae of internal medicine or the application of tbe knife; pointing out s mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effec tual, bv means of which every sufferer , no mat ter what hie condition may be, may care him- f cheanlv. nnvate v. and rodteallv. mi? Tli i Leciure should be in the hands of every youth and every man in tne is no. Sent under seal, ia a plain envelope, to say address, poet paid, on receipt of six ccnU or two post stamps. Address the Publishers, HOW ZMTALIM AX A 9XBTAVCR waaia CSBmrnseesssj - IavD DM. B. B i fOOTl, Ms. IBO imtmsvma AvyM.T. j Dr. Bsrgsr's Teals Bowel and PllTpOls. rrapaead oaly by F. ALFnSD ftswicnrr, sn Vocwra Avawca, TUK GBE AT CENTRAL UOUTE : mmWss7y3s- f - -ms Chesapeake and Ohio B C JUNE, 13. PASSEXGER TEAIXSRL'N AS X)LL0WS. If AIL Leave Richmond " OurdeaevUl. " Cbarioltekville, " 8tariiigton. - White ealpber, Hanungton, Arrive Cincittnatti, LnitriI1o. Indianapolis, " 8t Louis. Mail Trains ma Ex n rem 9.30 a p j06 p 4.20 s SSI m 9je pel m JJJB m I Js 3 - 8Ji " 6.M - daily axeept osadsy. a. - aetarasj. Pint clasa and Emigrant tickeU for saw all through ticket office at lowest Ratal. h migrant go on bxpreas trains. t Round Trip Tickets ; to the Opriag mt ssm Lowest Freight Kstes made by this Lms : D -- - -J U.l Ao ann!f M For Rate and iaforation as te RuU. tisss S apply to a - a. T . W V 4 wJiaa. As Jeeaf Qi i ty EMIGRAN T8 GO ON EXP TRAINS. J.C DAME, 8a Ag Ore bora, 5.C C, R. HOWARD, G.T. A. W. M. 8. DUXK, 8npc MJ C HAS. J. O. KLINE ft CO. JIBowfwYok; ApnJlll Post Owea Box TsHi S Esmsms9eV MICHA.aDT, F mawToaa Out. UMal L SaSaT is'"wu7 ffaaaTrU? Urtaa S saw MaeX ttm of msssai jesesssS oetj w 9. Axxaaxj amoHAnnr. r i aan i em Veaamai Kichxom), Yoax Rivaa a BK&mxK Railhoao osxrAJrT RscMMovn. April IMS On snd aftrr TU S8DA Y. April 21 -i Paa- e n w er and freia-bt frain on tbia rued will I. T..ii, t. V PmiiI MTH mond at 3 p. M. tuudars excepted), ase rives at stlansnimd fvem West rotni daily (eaaay. excepted). Tbe splendid steamers HAT AHA. rrkrrtew iti n ration with ihi rsss- av. j luu, will I uu ia. a .nal mill Uara Wm( Point dailv (( . i . a. - tk. iMiti vhiebl L.l i . 1 P U arriritr at HalLiKOOrX SS iwi v uinuuu a a - w... ' - mnniln tn amftia Lime to connect Win fur Wkahinrtea and the Bast, doe at Riohmond at 10 A.M. next nniwt vwM A it.iHM ertl RaJtimore see , sn irw BVmD UJaTaAwB t mw. sTVw sbbX , asde, $7 ; to Pnibmets-ie ead retara. wj Far to New York. $10 ; to Ksw l or saa rs- tarn.B19 Boston fio of X ST Ion citt. Freigbt train, for tbroof b freigbt , niy deily connecting with that deliver freight in Baltimore eeny s , Cheap Chattel Mortgages, I f ' and e ther various black: fpr ;! hers morning. Tb rough frei ght reesri vea Freight train, with Psamsngor ear rnr,t 1 1 la i ii " ami W Fridavs at 7 A- M Local frstga Tus sdara Tasradars endwmay. . W. y BaAoo.Mester of Trasporue,