a Watchman. 4 T JVLY 22. FOR CWSHTOT. Hon. F.E.SHOBEB. I . , , ELECTION TICKETS. in your orders foi election tickets . f i I ars I t i 3 A. .- T it l too late ; ( Watre now printing them at SI, 50 per od for Township ticket?, And 75 cts par 1000 for Convention Tickets. Caah matt accompany the order. rTje wssing campaign to tins county is finely. Oar able and en lactic nominees, Meecrt. Shober and n, are winning laurels for them pelves by tfee dignified and efficient man kr In which they overwhelm the oppo at of constitutional reform in this coun commencing at Salisbury, and twenty thou and for each additional ten miles when graded, unttT all of aaid bonds are delivered. Sec 7. That the president and board of directors of said Yadkin Railroad Company shall issue to the board of county commis sioners of Rowan county a certificate of stock uivalent to the amount of bonds deuver- CK 1E1. f-L. of th YAkim. R-il I the ratification of this act lv the Qualified of the County with a k of only kod Khvp in.l .mod reason to f Ilowan countv r twei thousand 26,000 and the interest for a few Road, have .ndeed good reason more milej i. graded, I ' And th- ry weli euunre ui lue u&kucruiit diusuccii ui sue- iramnnrinir at Nniiaiuirv. ana iweniv uiuu- eess a can vans of the field ha" developed. The people bare heretofore heard bat one side of the question. Demagogues and interested stockholders in the N. 0. B. B. have endeavored to befog them ; bat they have began to look at the matter it) a business like manner and are declaring for the subscription and the Road everywhere. YADKIN RAILROAD. We rail attention to the circular in another column on the Yadkin Railroad. The subject is so thoroughly discussed in that document as to leave us little room to speak more. But we will say that Rowan county needs the proposed Road, and that if she fails to secure it now, it will prove a disaster to the county. Row an mu$l keep up with the spirit of im provement if she would sastain her inter est and position in the State. She must TbCy ; 'are listened to attentively equip herself with every advantage in her they speak, and the encoqrage- power for the sake of these. ' She has the they receive from the people hi all soil, the climate, the relative location, the that could be desired. varied resources and the men, to entitle her to first rate dignity and respectability the afford to do when it is considered what great benefits to the County this Road will be. Property in the County will be worth at least one million dollars more than it now is. Bat let us look a little to the value at par value of said bonds, and that the 0f nroDertv in the County and to the a wi w county commissioners oi xtowan couuij w i far pa ; empowered to appoint one or tnetr nranoer The toU1 VAlae of property is $2,747,395 ?lrX SXTL KZTZJZJZZZZ: Real estate, tl.8fr5,680 i h i i ii I ii i v iii ii i nil ill i nr nim i iiv 1 1 l v i w Stockholders of the said Yadkin Railroad Personal property, 871,715 Company. - ? I There is 91,003,965 more real than oec. o. l uai me nwu 01 cuwuiy wjuuub- i . v . r.f T ,.i ah. 11 1,1.1 ol Lit SUUftl. J. UU UitV OU WUW ww on sand nuTDose of ascertaining the sense of the qual ified voters of Rowan county as to whether pcrty you raise this sum by. paying 80 Uiey Will SUOSCriDe ine aioresum auui ui one . 1 ft1nn 1 1aa ki,..,i jrtn. uavn cents on the 100, how much addition- three months' notice of said election by pub; I al will it take to raise $6,000, or enough lie advertisement poscea ai me coun nouw i . . i . fcinn rwv door in the townofSalisbory, and at oneor P? : tbeauuual interest on$ 100, 000? more places in each township m. said coun- $21, v t v : b.000 :: 80 cts : 1& cts. ffJiCSST additioual. Add this 22 ceota to the published in the said town of Salis- 80 cts. and you will have $1,02. So bury, which said advertisements in said ... . . r . ;n nmrneN hal1 contain a rnnv of this act. I v r-SJ '"6 w ... . . . ' A . nn K 1 iL. Sec. 9. That said election snail take place pay $t.U2, calculating on me same ana ne conducted unaer tne law as pre- i : r i iw General Assembly, and those voting for the 1 And 80 on the sanwasts you would subscription and issue of said tends shall have to MV 36i additional in the vota o a written or nnnti'i tip. k Ht hub-I J , COTTON SAW GIN. Equal to any In th country, with an improv ed cotton roll superior to anv other Gin. Manufactured by J. If. ELLIOTT, Wionaboro, 8. C W. R. CrechL R. R. Act. and Mai. F. W. Woodward. July 10, 1875 Som pd. T on the thirteenth day of May, one thou- J00 this yea, which Will raise $21, l eight hundred and seventv-five, for the n , -kt WofascertaininKthesenofthequal- 979 16. J(ow if on this basis of pro- I J 18a It was pur privilege to be present as a county, and she only needs to put it Ike speaking at Mt. Ulla, last Tuesday, forth her hand to a little bard work to After a pleasant ride of 12 or 14 miles I secure her position and foster her own pvar a moderately good road, we arrived interests. We cannot believe that her at lbs place appointed for the discussion 1 people are yet ready to seat themselves iy Hp Candidates for and against the hi the ashes and meanly acknowledge IMftftaUon, a goodly numoer ot the eitr "beye is our place." fsoot or Mt. Ulla township bad already Railroads are the order of the times in Assembled; and, to our surprise, nearly as which we live. Before their introduction luJ i j i , . . .. . . many coioreu as wm ie voters were pres- we were all on the same levej, no one 8at. . . r . . ( section having advantages above us, and LA towhob.p meeting was first hed, no immense monopolies capable of preying d, the gentlemen named were nominated up0D the induStry of our people. But for Township officers : for Magistrates, Uiat equilibrium and immunity has been f. Urabani and John J. Uoodman; disturbed by the introduction of Railroads Fee Clerk; Tbos. T. Goodman; for Con- and the organisation o moneyed monopo iUhle, Wm. f. Lackey; School Commit- Has that snatch at the wealth of the soil fbe, D. M. Barriar, Monroe Barger aud famished wolvesrremorselessly carry . V. tfrjwu. nQg it 0ff fot iggg thao its value or at ex- "as then announced that the hour tort ion ate charges from every community 88 atmea tor aiscussioo, ana tapt. J. that fails to protect itself agaiust them. r J'i awowiuiug mi prcTiuu uuuci- l tit oui- protection open to us is to standing, took the stand in opposition to arm ourselves with Railroads affording as Convention and Constitutional reform, mauy outlets as possible, giving us ad- The present Constitution, although it had vantages equal to other communities, and p origin to the order of a military satrap, brioging the monopolists face to face- com- and was forced upon the people Dy Dayo- petitors for the trade the county affords, Otis, pras good enough for him. Yes, this aa(i for the business her people have need rJaaiy Constitution with all its defecU, m transact. T?he Yadkin Road will do Oppressive featutes, discordant provisions, a great deal for us in this direction. The though it has proved most unsuited to advantages will exceed many times por poopie, u gwou cuuugu over me cost ot Duiidmg it, and every ty aud ihe corrupt wvil rights party man notn the interest of other roads who scription," and those voting against said year 1880, When von would have to suhsenptipn and of bonds shall vote rais $10,000, which would be the "No Subscription. ... Bee. la That if said board of commis- largest amount tne county wm ever sionere shall fail to order said election men- uavA fri nav. ifc w;n omduallv orow tinned in the section nine of this act, or shall r J ' reTuse to issue said bonds after the qualined every year uicraiicr. voters of the said county shall vote for said he above figures are made on the subscription, then and in that case thoy and , , . . , each ol them shall be deemed guilty ot a suppooiuuu wiat wio vbiubuwu oi uic misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than nrnnertv remains the same. This will NOTICE. The Commissioners have ordered ths d- t ruction of the Ailaatos shrubbery and Can ada thifttie, peraons, therefore, owning or hol ding poosssHon of vacant lota or back yard NEW ADVERTISEMENTS GLOUGH & WARREN ORGANCo? (Late 8 St GLOl'tiH OROAJV CO.. IMPROVED CABINET ORGANS SUMMONS. one thousand dollars or imprisoned not less than six months, in the discretion of the court See. 11. That this act shall take effect from and after its ratification : Provided, That the provisions herein contained requiring the growing up in these or other obnoxious so rub bery are notified thai thev will be expected to nave tliem .cleaned out within ten days after this notice : Otherwise, the ordinance will be enforced against all who dUreawrd it. J.J. 8TEWART, Joly 16th 1875. Mayor. SUPER.OK COURT ROWAN COUNTY. Johx Watts, Plaintiff against The North Carolina Ore Dress ing Company. Dtfewdanl. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, To the Sheriff of Rowan County, Ortttinq Yon are hereby commanded in the nanoe of the State to Summon the North Carolina Ore Dress ing Company. Defendant, in the above action. to appear at the next Term of the Superior Court of the County of Rowan, at the Court House in Salisbury, on the 6th Monday after me oru .uonuav in aepiemoer next tnen ana there to answer the complaint of John Watts, Plaintiff in this suit. And you art further commanded to notify the said Defendant that if he fail to answer the complaint within the time specibed by taw the Plaintiff will apply for ihe relief demanded in the Complaint and for all costs and charres in this suit incurred. Witness. J. X. Horah. CUrk of our mid Court at o&cs. in Sativum. UtU Ik Aa rJ July, m U. 107 o. J. M. HORAH, Clerk Superior Court Rowan County. 6w. s July 15, 187V- not be the cape. Property will be en hanced in value one million of dollars at least. Let us see then what will be the per cent., or amount 6f tax on board of county commissioners of said coun- the 100. To raise 527.979, or the ty to subscribe one hundred thousand dol- tax you pay this year, and the $6,000 ire1Md.toiMuefodm,ttt'a? for the interest on the $100,000, you iiv lawinrr ravon tr thn nut'innnf tr tha ntntl. - no force or effect until rntified by a majority on the ono hundred valuation. And of the qualified voters of said county who to raise $31,979, or the tax you pay 1 11 A La a t V a . ! I -t j. snail voie at tne election mennoneu in sec- jg year, and the $1U,UUU lor the year tfJVrJA 1880, you would py 861 oenh., only m iiuv iiiu twf oitoit m't iv iu a vi a vv tvuvi juv i 0 - ins on said countv till the countv commis- cts. more man you now pay. . " a " . . 1.1.., - - . . sioners of Stanly county shall, in accordance that tne man wnoee property is not eu- wit uic cAisting mw, suiccriuc mi; vuua- danced in value win nave no more tax Si!r :T to pay, or at most only a very little scription be duly approved by a majority of mre ; and the man whose property is the qualified voters of Stanly county: And enhanced in value -can very easily at provided further, That one hundred thousand ford to pa v more tax. In other words dollars shall oe ! subscribed, to the capital the rate on the $100 will be about the individuals, corporations or otherwise, in 8ame 85 lt; 18 DOW- r "J that tne addition to what has alreadv been subscrlb-. property in the County will be worth ed and five per centum of the individual one million more than it now is, is not subscription paid in alter such ratification. an idle assertion. The building of the This act shall be in force provided the coun- t .i j- -n j tv commissioners of Rowan and Stanlv Railroad in Forsythe county raised the counties shall deem the said subscrintioai value of property, there 5800,000. solvent. v .-. - ' ' Ratified the 5th day of Feb., A. D. 1875 4Bw YA W K4. Ml . 1 g t i Wim wnicu nc aci. wm lake tne trouble to think about it i Tha Capt startled many of hie hearers ,eriously for one half hour.' wuU be driven An A? ? ari entitUd 4 Aet to v .u : ka n((nm.nnBr , . ? . , .. uuuwrxze uic ooara or coumy commwioncTW J ,u,u,Mi,"vu w w" w uc conclusion mat we must nave this 0f Rowan county to tubteriU to the capital itttwIWF? tneuonvenuon aci was goneii Koad. J?Vllow ci izens of Rowan, do stock ttf tUe Yadkin Railroad Company llouah tha Legiilature. Recording to yourselves the favor to bestow nn iKamiiK T- . . I m i fwrr . y . Mr- if. j -mrr i his statement he was at Raleiau, MtliUiWAi v : . pe9"on.1- i vmrm ii 1 1 1 in i m xivn w co ' Yadkla Bail load. It will be seen that the County is lTnlVTm,o.m iUTn 188U9 n18 to tne amount ot one w.a fv Mwmwfcav wwuuem. hundred thousand dollars, running for Thk fnllnnrin I 1 1 U lxl-IL ' 1 . . A 1 1 J - 11 f tlia mutiop wi. "VT rauwuuiiy Buu uiiny yesre : iuui luuusauu uuusn oi firt talked of there mitted to the people of Rowan county the bonds to be paid in the year 1880, ber. ui the Legialature with hope that it will receive care- and four thousand every year thereaf . T f1 . . . v:. ter till all are paid. They are to bear "i vuuaiucnuuu ui luoit nanus. knew all the iutfigue and maneuver by which the odious thins was brought to ltfe. Jt was atMtling to hear the Capt. Undertake to give information about a thing that noDoay naa attempiea to con- born. If baihf u will bleM you them peal. Bat Uapt. Ramsay, it he were in Bot if we ,u B at a tM Hke Ulig wfaen , . 4 - . 1 v- flaleigh, did not state tne tacts in regaru ev man shou,d trf for fc fc to the Wrtb ot the Vonvenuon aet, or tne tbe day of repentonee MV .nd fiud manner ui which ttwas '-torced ttirough. arno powfer to he,p ifj pM tried to produce tne impression tost a few lawyers aud newspaper men had con footed the bill and bad it ''forced through Without cousuLtius the people. There is not the slightest foundation for such Statement, as every oue knows who at all familiar with the questiou waa were but few members prepared to speak, and only three newspa Mrs in the State that openly advocated it. Bat the people observing tbe position M the Legislature clime forward and through their primary meetiugs, public speakers and newspapers, commanded that body to call a Convention. It was the work of the people most unmistakably. Tha legislature would not move until the people had Commanded it. The people were, at Mr. Shober said, ahead of the leaders la this matter. But Capt. Ram any without miking any argument, or doiug more than making a few reckless assertions, backed off of the stand, having convinced no one that his position is right or thai lie weald be a fit delegate to a Constitutional Convention, Capt. Eamsay was followed by the Hon. F. . Shober, in a most happy and convincing argument in favor of Consti tutional retorm. 11 is opponeuts were completely overwhelmed. Mr. Shober showed up tha origin of the present Con stitution, Its oppressive features, the evils that have grown out of i, the dangers it still holds for the people, and the great necessity for changes. His speech was listened to throughout with marked atten tion, aud was most pointed ami telling in .effect. He was succeeded by JJr. 1. VV. Jones, Capt. Ramsay's coleague. The Pr. is in wretched health, and his subject was so bad that he was unable to produce any impression whatever. He said a good many right amusing things, but hi remarks were so disconnected, and in the feain, Jpo irrelevant to the snbjeot, that it would have buou uuooasible for him to eooviuc anybody he is right, avsn sap Aoing there Was any capable of being Lialed,. J: S. Henderson, Esq., followed taw DtytyuaJtia speech, (we regret ws eonld not bear on account of having to Lve.) are are assured was argumentative able ana" convincing. Mt. Ulla will come np all right. Carolina do enact. That section eight of the: important matter, reaching far ahead in above entitled act be amended by striking the-future, and involving your prosperity ?TL l Z2l XL?! tor years to come reaching forward to Thursday in August or as soon thereafter as tbe lue-time of your children, though un tue notice of advertisement required in the same section can oe given. Sec 2. That section eleven be amended by striking out the last clause, to wit : " This The value of the property in the town of Salisbury is $502,484 ; abou one-fifth of the value of the whole Drouertv in the countv. The benefits to be derived from this Koad are numberless. It connects you with Wilmington and Charleston two great ports. It gives vou compe ltiou in freights. And of course tha is a saving in the pocket of the con 8umer and the producer. act shall be in force provided the county commissioners of Row an and btanly coun ties shall deem the said subscription sol vent" :. . Sec. 8. This act to be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified the 24th day of Feb., A. D. 1875 paid. Li lev six tier cent interest Ihe countv It is proposed Jfco ask Rowan county commissioners are to levy and collect to subscribe to the capital stock of the the taxes to meet the interest and bonds Yadkin Railroad Company one hun- 88 loeX 00106 nuo- 00 inav ine 0011(18 dredthoasand dollar., .nd wegivothe Sf.2 L.TT-i- special act of legislation that the pec- twenty thousand dollars worth of these i - xi . i . ' i pie may see exacuy wnat is proposea bonds are to be issued at a time. Ten to them : miles of the Road must be graded. commencing at Salisbury, before any U-Mo 1.A BOO AAA r. 4. U - mixsionen or noxcan Uountu to subscribe-to the capital stock of tU Yadkin Railroad Co. 9100,000 worth of bonds are issued ; '' " you will have fifty miles of road nSSVrrS V"01 graded, which will put you within 6 commissioners are hereby authorized to subscribe for the p ;Wllr be seen that your county county of Rowan the sum of one hundred commissioners will have & eertifiratt fcSiTwSi !?e stock in the Railroad equal to the completion nf n riirH tLm i;k :! amount of bonds issued ; and that the county of Rowan, to Wadesboro1 in the they snail appoint one of their num county of Anson. ; ber or some other suitable nprson to tA' -That J provide for the payment represent the stock of the Countv in all meeting of the Comnanv. so "that viwaio luouwuinju m me next nreceea- . i " ... , . . ing section, the county commissioners of tne unty Will be a stockholder to the Kowan county shall make and issue coupon amount of 1 100,000. Any of you f8,,1116 moiint .f. on hundred thou: have a right to say who shall be your sand dollars in denominations of not less nntnmlo.lnn A k T. J Ibb BLATCHLEY'S Improved CUCUM- Dfin WOUD FUMPtS the acknowledge Stand ard of the market, by fnopuiar verdict, the bert pomp for tne least money Attention is invited to Blatchloy's Improved Bracket, the Drop Cheek Valve, which can be With drawn without disturbing the joints and the copper chamber which never cracks, scales nr rusts and will last a For sale by Dealers and tbe trade generally. In order to be sure that you set Ulatcbluy Pump, be carelul and nee that it ha my trade-mark as above If you do not know where to buy. description circulars' together with the name and address of tbe agent nearest yon will be promptly furuiibed by addreaaing who stamp. i CI1AS G.BLATCI1LEY. Manufacturer. oOC Commerce St., Philadelphia. Pa. Feb. 18. 1875 tf. -d e3 -j''4M mt ' ''t , J Smmk IBsMUBT bVHC I mM ill rP In i IHvHHflsfliBB? lHB flHVSSrSLSsf.B bbwbIbbbbbbbbbkIbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbwbPsbbbbPbVA I BmaBBaBaKPwBBBBHMaH - -1 aaSjSsfflflK 4HI I t aaafssLB VTaMKBalaaaaaB m FITTED MnTHTHSS ELY IN VKXTED PATENT QUALIFYING fVBBI, lfe tune. An iavaatioa having a most important bearing on the future of Jteed Instrument, by asesss which the quanuiy at voiunw oi lone is very largriT imrrK-o, and the quality of tone rendered Iqial to flat tf tie Best Pipe Organs of the Saw Capacity. mmrnm mm . W M A M . Our celebrated "Voa Celee.M "Vox Uanana. "Hiioox raissn, -uctaTe i onpier. ia caars ing "Calk' or "Clarionet" Slops aGoan Horn,' "Cremona, ox Angeist,- - tola I laaST ALLs THE LATE lairwi itmiin i s than five hunrlnrf ftii.r mA "v wuu wimnisBioners, ana nence now one thousand doljars, and that. the coupons ty will have a great if not a of said bonds shall be received in the pay- controlling influence in the manage ment of county taxes when said coupon bo- ment of the Road. It will be further !35l 8UeThat said Tiond shall be signed rfU fl A0 TU" by the chairman of the board of county 6(1 untl1 SSOjOOO are raised, which a commissioners of Rowan county and coun- roount will grade the Road. The es- m-m. .1 n J 1 S f S . mm al 1 m r . 1 w , hmmm uy me ciera oi me ooara ot com- ti mates oi tne .Engineer who surveved Please consider carefully the following A A -A - A . . a -d3 startling jacz anu ngykre. . Take the greatest staple Cotton : The cot ton crop of Kowan is at least 4000 bales. The freight on a bale from Salisbury to N. Yor is $3. From Charlotte it is only $1.75, being a loss to the farmers ot Kowan of 1 1.89 .on every bale of cotton they raise. 4000 bales at $1.25 per bale is just five thousand dollars loss annually nearly enough of itself to pay the railroad tax. Then take the Cons crop of the County, which at a low estimate is one hundred thousand buheu worth in Salis bury 85 cents per bush in Charlotte 95 cts. to $1 ; and in Wadesboro' $1 to $1.25. Why is this ? Is not our corn as good as anybody else's ? It is simply because of the excessive discrimination against us in freights by tiiat grinding monopoly, the N. C. R. R., whose interested friends are lighting the Yadkin Koad with all their power. . Suppose the Road only increases the price of corn five cent per bushel and it will certainly do that don't you see that this makes five thou- sand dollars every year in the pockets of the farmers ot Kowan I . They1 are now wndlrd ont of just that amount, which added to the overcharge on cotton makes just ten thousand doUttrs in cleau ci, which the farmer would realize every year by the building of this Koad, Look, too, at other outrageous freight charges, by which Rowan loses thousands upon thousands of dollars every year : First class freights' are shipped to Charlotte from N. York, at 90 ct per 100 lbs., while Salis bury is charged $1.35 per 100; a difference of 50 per. tent, against us. And who pays this ? The farmers of Rowan county pay it every day of their lives and upon every ar ticle they bnv. This difference alone would pav the Railroad tax Take again the Hay-, and Forage crop of the County : At least-two mutton of pound of hay and forage are shipped from Kowan every year. The KC.RR. used to charge 11 cents per 100 from Salisbury to Charlotte now it is about 28 cts. They used to charge 28 cents per 100 to Raleigh, now it is 50 cts or more, bay the average advance is 20 c. per 100, and we have the enormous sum of four thousand dollars, which is annually gouged out of the pockets of the farmers of Kowan on this crop alone. 1 nese illustrations might be carried on indefinitely, but t ie above will suffice to Spi Stock 1875. 120 Bags Coffee, 50 Barrels Sugar, 40 " Molasses, 5000 lbs. IJ icon, 2000 lbs. Lard, 2000 lbs. Best Sugar Cored Hams, 20 Kegs Sada, 20 B XrS u r 50 " Adamantine Candle. 40 " Soap, 2000 lbs. Carolina Rice, ."10 Ca?es Oysters, 20 do Brandy Peaebe, 20 do Lemon Syrup, 0 do Fresh Peaches, 10 do Pine Apple, 10 do Smoking Tobacco, 25 Gross Snuff, 25 Coi's Cotton A Jate Rope, 40 doa. Painted Pails, 40 Boxes Assorted Candy; 100 Reams Wrapping Paper, A full line of Wood fc Willcn ware. m A full Hue of Boot u Shoes (very cheap), A fall line of Hut. A full hue rf Sullies & Rridle. Salt, Pepper. Ginger. Since, Canned Ifood. Royal Baking Powders. UJrarrf, Tobacco, Crockery, Kerosene. Tanners Machine Oils, Ac , Ac. The above stock was bouaht 'since the late heavy decline in prices, and is offered at Whole sale A Hetail at very short profits, for cah. BISUBAkl A CO. June 3rd 1375. SPECIAL. No. 1. Heavy plow Shoe at 1160 worth 1200 a mr 'Women Shoes r.t $125" 150 A 175 Ladies Embroidered Slippers at 100 worth 150 ljaoies Mippers at 8125 wortn 175. Ladies Croquet Slippers at $125 worth $900, Ladies Cloth Gaiters it $175 worth $250, Ladies Cloth Gaiters at $?25 worth $300, A large lot of Children Shoes rery cheap. BINGHAM ft CO Can be obtained only in th tIXayAT THE Utb s tm in- Organs. Fifty Differently!.. . crw Ou:ility and Volume of Tone Im-qual ATER I A L AND WORKMANSHIP, oi lone incnuaiieu. PRICES, 650 TO 8 Factory and Waxerooms, Cor? 6th and Congress 8t$ JJliTitUJLT MlUMIiiAH. (1IIA1UIHB XXff 1850.) AOBJrr Wanted la Srery Ooutf. Address GL0UGH & WARREN ORG A N C 0 . DETROIT, mcl May 20. 1875. -lv. 4 . missioaers ot saia county, and shall bear in- the route four vu-n fto.n J ' 5 TTWVJ VU1UI AAA i 1 i- -TTl . , t t num. interest to he nairt mnni. " V K"5 w nen me Itoaa is t crest at the rate of six per centum per an- Sec 4. That the orincinal of aaid WHi I nce graded, it Can be ni Often red on issued shall be payable as follows, to wit: first mortgage bonds running for 20 fcur thousand dolUrs on the first day oi years, and money sufficient raised to Aur l. nnp inn wnnd aurhf h A - . &hi. d fasTuSd" n'Xr X complete theRoad. first day of Anril of each aneMincr v.r I ihis Koad will be a Bavincr road. thereafter until ail are paicV . - and of course vou will get your divi Sec S. That the board nf count cnmmi. Lnl n 1 An aaa l . of said countv shall iVvTlWt Tr j V T ,WT W te m.cessary taxes to pa, the priacinal and HSTsT T" Qterest . i fin ma a rii u sioners tfte nec interest of said bonds as the same shall fall show the deep interest the people of the coun try have in tne building ot the Yadkin Rail due. and in the same manner as other taxes Should the County after the Road IlVd'RiCl1ifCtd 18 completed desire to sell its stock, it delivered to tha president and board of. di, in toe tow PPv proceeds rectors of the ysdkinRailroad Company at to the payment of the bonds, which or before expiration of sixty days from then W"l only be a loan on the part road. It will, instead' of burdening them. be the means of putting thousands of dollars into their pockets. It will by enhancing the value of farm products, and by building up a good home market, greatly increase tne value of lands, encourage our young men to stay at home, lend a new interest to farming, and introduce a new era of prosperity. Con sider the subject well, ye hard-working men of Rowan, whether you will listen to the de ceitful .cry of demagogues, and vote down this greatest opportunity for improving tbe condition of our good old County ; or whe ther, you will determine to throw off the shackles of grinding monopolies, disregard the falsehoods with which this measure is misrepresented, and consult your own true interests by voting for this asked for appro priation to the xaokia. Kaiuroad. The money that it takes to grade the Road will all be spent here at home. and so we will have more money in the country, more enterprise, more life, more prosperity and far better times. by Orfeer' of tbe BOARD Or DIRECTORS. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, in a sealed envelope. Price six cents. Lecture on the Nature. Treat ment, and Radical cure of beminal weak uos, Oi sperntatorrhesa, induced by Self-Abuse Involuntary Emissions, Inipntency. KerroUH Debility, and Impediments to Marriage gener ally; Consumption, Epilepsy. and Kite; Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac. By ROBERT J. CCLVERWELL. M. D.. author of the "Green Book." Ac. The world-renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own exi e rience that the lawful consequence of Self Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and witho t dan&erms sergieal oper ations, booeie. instruments, ring?, ar cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at ouce certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what hii condition may be, core himself cheap ly privately and radically. , 3T Thin Lecture Kill prove a boon to thou sands and thousands Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six cents or two age stamps. Addreu the Publishers, C .1 AS. J. C. KLINE & CO 127 Bowery, Hew Yok; Post Office Box, 4586. ' April 15 1873. ly. SAVE LABOR. SAVE TIME BY USING THE FARMERS' PLOW. ft will ran lighter. It vill turn your inni better, It will make yon batter crops, It will esf yOU ie to aery U in order, lima any other Plow you have ever need. We will furnish yon Point one year for one plow in ordinary land for oaa Dollar, yon pay yoor black niiih u do Uie ia n rotir old-fashioned Plow ? Ve have jiist nudo a gn at r d w tion in Trite ? All ask of yoy u. Try it, and the., if you don't like it bring it back aad year be refunded to yon. WE WARRANT EVEBY PLOW. tfTRONEY & BRO. 8aHshnrr. N. C Ap'U I 175 f trator's 8 ale of Personal Property. By virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Rowan county, I will offer for sale at public auction at tbe Court House door in the Town of Salisbury, on Saturday tbe 44th day of July 1070, tne loiiuwicK personal estate, to-wit: One bond of tee State of North Carolina. No. 532, dated April 1. 1869, nominal value $1 ,000. Intel est doe from April 1, 1H63. Also three bondaof the Cobfodarate States, 2 of $1,000 each, and one oi jjw. C. T. BERNHARDT, Admr. of Augustus T. Heilig. Blackmer A Henderson Attorneys, Salisbury, fc. C. July l, l&7o- FEESH TURNIP SEEDS Jmtt Received a Frcah Supply f jiarly Whits Flat Dutch. Early Red Top Yellow Aberdeen and the Yellow Bata Baga, At EM5I88-8 Biffin J8Lwwi 'JHbBk. Ar- A BEAUTIFUL HSTALIC GRAVE COTIEIH la now offered u every one Uivrfctetl in beautify ing and protecting ibe tijt ir aecess-a relnvre. They arc uiade in four sixes, with a variety of styles, ranging In price to $60. according? to siae and at vie. Can be painted any color desired, galvania4d to suit the taste of purchasers. galvanised plate, containing inscription parti.-s d iw.J' firiishrd riih each mound free of charge. THIS rANDSSME DECORATION u at such pricrr a to pUce it wrtlitn reach of all. We tavits) m Mm, .-J -Am a 18 ont ren at sncii in n and puldic geneilly to call .tnd.rxsmii e for tbemselves. 4j. . t a r AC opcciinen can o urn ai i. a. itawcey wee- 8ailimbmryi If. C.A. 191 Horner and Grave's School, BILLBORO, If. . of 1875 epens on the fourth TkaFaU Monday in July J iCsaaiotost seat ot July -m. Pd. FOB SALE! 2 To Horse Wagons d .for

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