Carolina Watchman. JULY 29.; mnf voter" don't want to deceive any hodr. .Til r- t . n . td . Hear them now about freight FOR CONVEUTIOU, Hon. F.E.SHOBER. . . t a DttVTnnnorvu . a u c a. o v iv. . v v wjionoir TICKETS. Send in roar orders foi election tickets P( TT f 1 - j : "if ij Wore It is too late ; ... V We An now printing them at VI ,00 per lwnsbip tickets, and 76 eta. per 1060 for Convention Tickets. Dash most accompany the order. Pisnoneex aoicais. The Raleigh Smiiacl of the SSd inst. 1 1 "MANY VOTERS "Man j voters" have issued a circular la the voters and especially to the tax payers of Rowan county for the avowed purpose of correcting the ialacies and er rets of an address issued by order of the Board of Directors of the Yadkin Valley Kail Bead. Betting out aa they do, with this avowed intention, tbe public would Isfnflj infer, that they were auxious that the people should not be misled, and henee no effort would be made by "many eeeara" to do it themselves 1 but I propose to show that ''many voters" are either tetany ignorant of what they write, or their circular la intended to accomplish I obscrib, and this very work. J do not propose to eetab Thev tell vou the rates have Veen re- duced on every thing except cotton to ai to put Salisbury equal with Charlotte. Tee ; and to whom is the county indebted tor this reduction f What haa brought it about 1 Nothing but a dread of com petition' from this proposed Road. Let the county vote "subscript ion, " and it will be permanent? and the. great diecrimna lion against cotton, the great staple, will be removed. Bet vote "no subscription," and ten days after the election the old odious tarriff of discriminations agaiust Salisbury will he in force again. I might notice tb'ie circular at great length showing all the time the ignorance of tbe writers of the subject upon which they write, or the shallow attempt to mis lead and deceive the people while profes sing to enlighten them ; but I will con clude this article by noticing one state ment so glaringly lalse that we are net- orally led to ask woo made it f and wuetuer bis mother ever taugut uitn in boyhood to tell the truth ? t I refer to tbe statement hi. (be conclu ion of the circular, that not more than twenty miles of the Road will be buiil and . we shall have the debt on the couu ty : Read the act authorising the county to if "many voters" be Iteved what they wrote ; see if that act lava . The batch of telegraphic new publish- ed yesterday is a stinging indictment against tbe Republican party. 1. In South Carolina. ex-Treasurer Parker, a violent Radical and carpet bag ger, has just been convicted of embessling severty-five thousand dollars trom tue treasury of the State during his adminis tration. 2. Another dispatch tells of the defal cation of Matthew Droeeer, a Republican mail contractor on the line between Vicks- borer and New Orleans. 3. Sull another, , I he roe t master General has commenced suit against the bondetnen of over 40 defaulting contrac tors " Tlie uFort v Thievee" to the fiont v m stain ! Of coarse all these government contractors are favorites with the Radical administration. 4. But it is the revenue service that shews worse. TJ. 8. Collector Johnson, of Louisville, is shown to have stolen eisrhiv-ooe thousand nine hundred dollars! That was a big haul; and it appears be u carry mc ou his roguery tor TMM. ft. In St. lui. Missouri, e gut revenue officials have iust been iu die ted tor dia , - t honest practices. 6 And in a letter to the Attorney General of Louisiana, Gov. Kellogg makes this damning charge;, "Investigation that have taken place before both eivi and criminal court.-, and 1 lie .investigation and report of State examiners, disclose gross culpability on tbe part of other per sona whose ecu have injured the Slate, to Before a man becomes hungry, watch fal nature baa calculated in her way bow mucb nutriment tbe body needs, and pro vides as mucb of a liquid sdovUnee as will be necessary to prepare from the food to be eaten that amouut of sustenance bich the system may require. When his is freely stored on and ail is ready, the sensation of hunger commence and increases with the stesddy increasing a mount of tbe dieestioe material Just re ferred to. and the verv instant tue ursl mouthful of food is swallowed, this "gas COTTON 8 AW GIN. Equal to any in the country, with an imptev. ad cotton roll Miposfor to ant other Qhx Manufactured by J. V. ELLIOTT, Wi nnboro, & C References : W. R. Creght, R. R. AgL, and Mai. F. W. Woodward. July 15, 1870-amopd. - - . NOTICE. The Commissioners have ordered the stat this by vague conjectures, bat by don't require ihat those bonds shall be facte, plain facts such as every delivered as the Koad is graded, and that hoy with common intelligence the last shelf be paid when forty miles are graded. "Many voters, were you . Mfc$ that the see and understand. address is first attacked for saying 'sTnant of this t If so call in your cir- county bonds are not to be issued culars, but if you were not, tbe next time tmtll $30,000 are raised, and this asser- 7 attempt to deceive tbe people and get tseej Is ftaUy contradicted and a tabular th to ot Bead that will a - v a d m t made to sustain that contradic Pce our town and county on equal foot- xr s a . . '- and vt in that araiem-nt Lh .fi . Mg with otiier sections, exercise more POO subscription by tbe Town of SaJisbery iu$" J- "'mber that it is Is left out, and for why t Simply because Ubi mor "T i" youreelvea than nd for years have east discredit on the Government. J especially call your at tention to the record iu this respect and request that yon will immediately take prompt measures to bring to justice all those who have been guilty of defrauding tbe State as disclosed by these ioqoi- yam . . i lea. - 1 This is a telegraphic picture of Repub- W M -lit W. teanism it is no nnanciai suttcn. it is fact, flashed over the wires from ei tbentie sources. Town A VOTER. m 1 m U mAArnA tn It it m.k th e.O nOA R..t I tO tool Otbcrs. iy voters" may contend that the subscription contributes a part of the 1100,000 to be subscribed by other Queen Victoria and the Centennial. parties ; but this is too thin to hold water, Some of the newspapers , particularly for tbe net says to be hereafter subscribed, lh0se North, have been urging that Queen nd the town subscription was made not Victoria be invited to attend tbe Ceuten after but Wort tbe act was passed. Did m in i876. We like the idea, and can meny voters in this wish to correct or ool think of a good reason why tbe invi ULL.JI I . ... JTTT l tation should not botu be given and "Many voters'' attempt to show lkeaeced. Queen Victoria is a lady in 300,000 subscribed, only 1200,000 lhe highest sense of the word; and we could he raised ; and in order to do this Afafc t ha, hee well said that her sub- they estimate the S60.000 already sob hta lam her mor. ih.n ihMV ! mlt. Dorine a speech at a Fourth of July oeiebra lion Hillsdale, near Washington Fred Douglas ulluded to the condition ot thecolered race and said: "All we ask is a fair field to work in. and the white men to leave us alone. We have been injured more than we have been helped by men who have proteased to be our Irieuds. 1 her are lawyers without clients ministers, broken down minister without churches wandering teachers without schools. They have tbe gilt of great beggars. They have the gift of begging . t m rwi . oown 10 a nicety. 1 ney are great ai getting out circulars. They scatter them broadcast over the land, as leaves before autumnal galea. If you are worth anything they will find out where yon live, and if you never got a letter before you will get one now. Fellow-citisens we must stop these men from begging for us as a poor and helpless people. Thev say, 'Please give me tome thing to educate the poor black Deo ol e. but do I uray uav it to me.' and if scribed at 40.000 and the countv and ' 1 .11 e u i. fl m Knndred d.ol,a!8 " " dn.ced. to abul ' uu inuuKcuuut ui uci men personal hundred cents wlien it gets to the 'ioor vtecB people. We do not want, we will not have, these second rate men begging for ns, AVe pro test against it " Referring to the Freemen's Havings-Bank, he said : 'We have had a Freeman'a Saving In stitute, but we don't want any more. Our white friends told us that if we had cents to bring th em to them and they would take care of tbera. If we had dollars, or hundreds, or thous I anda, to bring them to them. Tbey told us they bad a gooae aim a golden egg. Yea, we pot ftsa Wum nut an that nv mmItU. our millions there, but where are they now? fAf years past so that any stockholder lhe semblance of royalty to congratulate The men who went into that hank a few receive the cordial PMr ,mfn. are .no.w " - nidi nomes ana orive iiwr one turnouts. 11 makes me feel badly to think how we have been gobbed. J ust enough-honest men have been put into thf bank to insure its success, but while they put in two sound apples they alinped in five or six speckled ones, and were sure to tuin the specks down.' He urged .he colored people to atop begging for themselves, and if they built churches, not to ask the white people to' pay for them. If they had banks, colleges ana papers, not to ask other people to support them ; bnt be indepen dent. In concluding he said : 'We propose to cut loose from all indivious institution?; and to part company with all those wondering mendi cants who have followed us simply for paltry gain, and we dnow bid an efleetiouate farewell to all these plnderera in the future If we need a Moses, we will find him in our own tribes.' at $40,000 and the county and bonds at 50 cents, iu the dollar, hut to be liberal, as tbey do not want to de ceive any one, tbey put them at 60 cts., Md the remaining subscription of 50,000 lt $40,000. Now as to tbe $50,000 sub waribed, "many voters" know that 5 per and ail on account ot ner nigh persona merits and goodness. No people in the wide world are more respectful and lov - -., a Lm .a ing towaras the worthy woman than ire Americans, and none would bestow more sincere homage to Queen Victoria, rii a" a wnose peaceful, nappy reign has been a A Speech by Fred- Douglass. trie iuice" is poured out into the stomach through a thousand sluices ; but no more has been prepared than was neceseary, (or nature does nothing in vain ; SO that . . . . if a single mouthful more of food has b"eu swallowed than the u nteropi -d or unstimu lated polite would have called for. there is no gastric juice for its solution, end tt re maiis but to fret end worry end irritate fur hours together. If the amount eaten is mucb m excess, the stomach, as if in ut ter discouragement at tbe magnitude of its task, ceases us attempts at Oigesttor, forthwith commences the process of eject ing the tfrtnataral load by means of nausea and vomiting to soene eases ; in others it remains tor an hour or more like weight. easy lieevinees ; thee ittegios to ''sot that is, to decompose, to rot, and the dis gusting fas or liquid comes op into the throat, causuig mote or less of s scaldtug sensation from the pH of tbe stomach to the throat ; this is railed kheart bum.1 At length the half-rotted mixture is forced out of (be month hy the outraged stomach with tbst horrible odor and teste itb which every glutton is familiar. In some cases the steneby mass is passed out of tbe stomach downward, eaoemr in its progress a gosh of liquid from a I parts of tbe lotestinal canal to wash tt with a flood out of the system ; this is the diarrhea" which surprises the gourmand at midnight or lu the early morning hours, when a late or over-hearty meal has been ten. When sufficient food bss been taken fur tbe amount of gastric juice sup p i d, hunger ceases, and every mnuihKl swallowed after that, no gastric juice having been prepared for its dissolution, remains without any bed htul ehang . inflaming and in i tin p. and exhausting tbe stomach by ita effuta to get rid of i- and this is the first step toward forming "dyspepsia" which becomes more and mora deeply uxd by every repeated outrage, until at length it a hard round ball, or a lump of lead, an un remains a life time worry to tbe mind, filling it with horrible iinaginnings, and a weary wasting torture of the body, until Into tbe grave. Tbe moral tsuctioe of the Ail ada thiatla. psreaas. therefore, owing or hol ding pnssuiatun of vacant lota or back yard growing up in these or other obnoxious shrub bery are notified that they will be expected to have them cleaned out within ten da after thU notice Otherwise, Che ordinance will he enforced against all whw dkuwerard it. J.J. STEWART. July 15th 1875. Mayor. SUPER.OK COURT ROWAN COUNTY. Joh Watts, Plaintiff! in . vuviiini uivmr- i ng Company,, . Defendant. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. IV the Skerifof Assam Graafs, Oresftaff Too are hereby commanded in the name of the Mate to Summon the ortfc Carolina Ore Dre ing Company. Dmeadutit, in the above set km, to appear at the aext Term ei the Superior Court of the County of Rowan, at the CoVirt xioaae in Salisbury, on I be eta Monday after - a w m. m . t . ' . . . a - . me jru .aonosf in neptemoer next laea a there to answer the complaint of John Witt., f lainun in thia anit. And you are further commanded to notify the mid Defendant that if he faif to answer the complaint within I I iroe "perinea by law, she plaintiff will applj ler tae iwtmldsmaaaeit m the Cemulaint and for all coal and charges in thi suit incurred Witness. J. M Horah. Or 9f mmr mud Quri,aloMt,i Siiffssarw, this Ou 2nd day of i,A. Rl 875. J. M BORAH. Clerk Swrkerier-Ceurt Rawao Couaty. July 15, 187 w. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS GL6UGH & WARREN ORGAN CoT (Lmte S HflO St GLOt'wH OKt V CO., .ImPROVD w CABINETBGANS rcwO u atf m9 JP LmmWoT' JL E ' Jbm4 IBWiliiV s i nB8HiiiiiiiwHSmPr mmwSsmmmlK sym kBtQsBswfHpiS mnsassmfl I S2Bm9Bm9m9Bj BBawMmSjshnsislJmamswsesa r. - i lit F.I- 1 Improved CTJC U M ) B R WOOD PUMP is the acknowledge Stand ard of the market, by u)uu. .. verdict, tbe best earns for lhe least money Attention is invited tu Blatohlay'a Improved Bracket, the Drop Caeok Valve, whieh cawbe wHh- Irawa witboot diatorbtna tbe int iu'l the copper chamber which never cracks, scales or rusts and will last a life time. For sale by Dealers end the trade generally, in order to be sure that you fret Iatchh-y V Pump, be careful and see that R ba my trade-mark as above If you do not know where to buy. description circulars, together with the name and address of lhe agent nearest yon will be promptly furnished by addressing it passes Into tbe grave. Tbe moral ot w,,n n'P this article is, that the man who forces Oil AS O. BLATCtlLEV, Manufacturer bis food, be who ests without an incline tion, and he wbo strives by tonics, or bit. lets, or nine, or other alcoholic liquors, to get np an appetite, is s sinner agsinst body and sonl a virtual suicide.- Dr. Hall. 506 Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Feb. 18. 1875 tf. KKaUP IT BZrOsatt MIL P'CPLK Keep it before Uio people that th negro 120 Bags CfT. e, Spring St ocU875. mS FITTED WITU Til a S ELY 1 V KNTED QTJAtlTTXHw TTJBBS, m . r r . i r Aa inrentSon having a meat impevtant henrtmg en the lumre oi laani wtuea the ooaciiu or roiuaie oi i'mr '-"ji"' - and the quality of tone rendered Ifial tt that tf tie Beit Pipe Orgy of lie Sue Capacity. fr relrhrated "Vol Celrte.M "Voa Hamaim." Wilcox Pkteni." -Oetare CmmW.' the ing lm" or "Cmrionrt" bu "Gttu. Horn," "Cremona," "Vnx Aagebri, -mla . : LAThi.Mnun ljsli its of that has been paid in and been blessing to tbe world. If she interest at 8 per cent, for about ehe wonjd not of were to meet eveu p u ty while iu power, spent $35,771.81 more of the people's money iu two YEaks than the white mau's party has speut iu FOrn YBAltS. K'-ep iulwfore the people, that the rule of lhe negro party, tbe pvople had to pay S490,57b,90, of their money to keep their State Goverumeut in opera 50 Bnrrela Sugar, 40 ' MoUs-s, 5000 lbs. B .con, 8000 lbs. Lard, 2000 lbs. B ft Sugar Cured Uams, under i 20 Kgs Soda, 20 Boxes 50 ' Adamantine Candles, 40 " Soap. 2000 lbs. Carolina Rice. w Can be obtained only in these Organ. Fifty DiffeStyW - oiaxaolx Quality and V olume of Tone LnequaJlcd. PRICES, 850 TO $500. Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th and Congests. DETROIT MICHIGAN. ESTABLISHED XV 1850. AOI2WT1 Wanted in Every Conty Address GL0UCH & WARREN OR CANCO. May 20. 1875. tion one year, and that undr the rnle of 30 Cases Oysters, wbo has since the date of his sobserip- b.,. but gbe wonld tion become enable to keep it np, can not ing of M irpptlnP' of an Kmarllah iiMikiuff IV utinn only give it away J bm MU it any day to wl)ch MM pr5jw fVen mon) lhmo tbe hollow devotion of tbe most monarch ical country ou earth. She loves the people and the people loves her; and all this iudependent of bar official position. rent parties. Did "many voters" wish to correct or mialeed when they estimated a loss of 810,000 here I her"Many voters" next, with a great show liberality, estimates tbe County and i Town bonds ai 60 eta in the dollar. If I really believed that they thought they would he sold that low, constituting as 'Hawy do the rich money holders of this .ggeonty, I would be inclined to give them -'"sore credit for liberality than has gener Salisbury, N. C. July 23d, 1875. Editors Carolina Watchman Gentlemen : Will yon please do me the favor to rive me Lhe nrivileM nf aav. llfor n tccorded to them in opposing ing a few words to tbe colored voters of the road; for if thev were as selfish aad talping as many think, them, they would ki Justice to Jefferson Davis. In aUading to tbe ent!ias:astie reception Rowan county on the subject of tbe Yad- in Railroad ? I don't pretend to know lmt this nnnnrtnnSts Mas I, L t . ? . . l . 1 . I . XM " ' " v u . uao. v. uunii c iiiiitfi iiiiiri. -9 f 11 1 1 1 1 11 i n iiiav tin nnv . i v. . . . . AA ' ' , , ! wtiicti fir resident lMvis received in 0e ej the tores made by the usury law. am so fully persuaded that it Is the interest jTrWU New York Tribune says : of the colored men to vote for it, that 1 1 "The Sooth laid down its arms and ae in County and Town bonds am surprised they do not see it. I know pledged ttte of the opinions for wmcn u was conienning, oui u na never abandoned its hero worship or ceased to the white man's party it takes only $236, 342,99. Keep it before the people, tbst negro government coats them more ihsu twice as much as while government, and that too, although white government means safety aud security to fife, liberty and property, and negro government means wrong, outrage and oppression to both pei eon and property. Tbe triumph of Radicalism means ne gro supremacy. Read this, from the Henderenr 'Tribune, aud see if it don't. John A. II) man has caused one Prnmer, a negro from Warren county, to be ap pointed route or mail agent between Wil mington and Weldon. lie succeeds Mr Rnbinson, and took his place tbe first of July. Negro Congressmen negro Jus tices of the fence negro Cons'ables negro Legislators negro School Trus tees negro Mail Agent - that s what Republicanism means. White men of North Caroline, will yoo put in power the Negro Rulk Party t St 60 cents in the dollar, with the whole I that some of the leader of the Reoobli county and town as eeemrUy, running as I can party ere doing their beat to turn these hoods do and drawing 6 per cent, away the colored voters from supporting Joeld serve to alleviate the suffering of an the Railroad measure. I know that they uioeuo wnose occupation was gone when are al way a trying to lead or drive the the esery Jaw passed. The average time colored men in every election in tbe way es these hoods, running as tbey do from tbey want them to go f but I do not know 1880 to 1900, if sold at 0 cents in tbe venerate the men who led its armies and its councils." The Angnsta (Ga. ) Chron icle and Sentinel thus answers the com ment of the Tribune. "If the Tribune means by bero-worship' that the South ern people have not forgotten nor neg lected tbe men whom thev chose aa their - i W , that it is always best for the colored voter leaders because their struggle for indenen would ha equivalent to $60,000 td obey their wishes. As to the Railroad, denee proved unsuccessful, tbe Sooth will - ie a I su . , . .'J am f at a. - m w Jig htsveetfor fifteen years, during which I know it will be aa much to the interest Prrmpt,y P,j,ly the enarge. time the interest without being coraponn of the black man to have it as it can be k4J el 6 per cent on 8100,000 wonld be 860,000. So that the principal and in terest for the investment el $60,000 in fifteen years would be 8160,000. But I i ueir generais ano iuir statesmen are i II t MM lllflpfllv Klldlimsrl in ji.taal mm IS ll.u for the white man. It wilt give ns plen- cause had been victorious. ty of work to do at fair prices, end if that "Nor is it right for the North to expect is not to our luterest, what can be better ! OOBinern mcn 10 rrtn tneir leaders as the authors ot their misfortunes. Trey It is impossible for the white man to make the credit for such a perfect willingness for a benefit, either as a helper before, or teen years ego. If tbey WTwrong they well as a laborer afterwards; because a man hawe only themselves to blame. . If their who has money is sure to spend it in build 20 do Brandy Teacbea. 20 do L' in in Syrup, 0 do hreah Peaches. 10 do Pine Apple, 0 do Smking Tobacco. 3c Jut.- solf-uiUrest, for it h known that reliable parties bare proposed revolt wee treason Mr. eta is tbe dollar; and in tbe face 1 It M f .. I . . -- ' - umwm mmu TU,-eri Mumaung good times for every bodv. That is whv ooda at 50 to 60 cts, and yet Cf L am Mss out for tbe Railed I sWS sjias to correct miaerepreseeutmus in hide myself behind a bnah on this sub ssead ot eeeetving tbe people i V luvis was no more a traitor than tbe humblest voter who asked him to be President t f the a w was no more soldier in bis plenty of work at fair prices always makes arm7 who dared disease and death in ,w- .ae I 1 S" S a . ' ' - tejjhlm the coatract for grading the Uoad iug houses, farming, building taetoriea. 57 , b4 .nd .o work become, plenty. A . lritor th.n the nriv.le . defenee uf tbe hist cause. " These are truthful and jusi They contrast most favorably ess ot toe little creaiu res ject, nor do I intend that any man white tered and fawned upon Mr Davis words. with the who flat- ben of Nest, "many voters" make an estimate or black, shall fool ma mt f sv. be Sad offices to give and a orosoect af tbe cost of grading lire Road, and they U. They talk about Us makine m Ki- ecnrwf r independence, and who ere ,Ssma tseir esumate on tue cost ot the ortb debt on tbe county. All I have to say on th tK 1 1 inn WC"U"H fcUC ieauefB 01 Thk Rad icala are working desi erately , aud either the leaders of tbe party are vary liberal iu their contributions or the contingent fund of the government is at their disposal ; at any rate, tbey have plenty of money and use it freely, The Executive Committee is in permanent session in this City. If this party works so hard for the rain of the State, will no' the Democrats work as hard fee ita salvation T If the Repub lican contribute so lavishly to retrieve their leases, will not tbe Democrats, not only increase their efforts, but open their purses to retain this power We want to buy no votes. We want to corrupt no man. Hut the necessary expenses of compaign must not fall upon a few public spirited and zealous men. JSeics. The triumph of Radicalism means ne ww a 1 ai .a gro supremacy, lteaa this, trorn the Hendersou Tribune, and see if it don't John A Hyman baa caused one Plum aer a negro, from Warren county, to be ap pointed route or stall agent between Wilmington and Weldon. He succeeds Mr. Robinsoe, end took big place tbe first of July. Negro Congressmen negro Justices of the Peace negro Constables negro Legislators negro Scbol Trustees negro Mail Agents, that's what Re publicanism means. White men of North Carolina, will you put in power the negro Role Party f 25 Gross buuff, 46 Coi's Cotton Rope, 40 dns. Pouted Pails, 40 Boxes A 'Baited Candy, 100 Reams Wrapping Paper, A. full line of Wood A Wilh.n ware. A full Una of Booie A Shoe (very cheap), A full line of liaU. A full line Saddles A Bridle, alt, Pepprr. Oincer. 81 ace. Canned Good. Royal Baking Powders, lasers. Tobacco, C rocker j, Keruaenu. Tanners A Machine Oils, Ac , Ae. The alxirc stock waa bourht ninee the late heavy declion in prices, and in offered ai Whale aale A Retail at very abort ema's, for csu, BIJSGU AM A CO, June 3rd 1875. SPECIAL So. 1. Heivy plow Shoes at $160 worth $100. 'Women Shoes at $125" ISO A I7&. Ladies Embroidrrfd Hlippers at 100 worth loO, Ladies blippers at $lx worth 176, Ladien Crrquer Slipper at $14S worth Ladies Cloth Gaiters tt f 175 Worth f250, Ladio Cloth Gaiter at $PK worth $30, ly. , . , FARMERS PLOW SAVE , SAVE LABOR, SAVE TIME BY USIN6 THE FARMERS' PLOW. It will run lighter. I will tmw wr land better. It will make yew better crews, liwsnesi you lu to keey it is order, than any aher Pluw you bare rr used. We will furnUh yea foiwt one y-ar for one plow in or linary land for one Delkar- ..Id (aniuorJ I'iow 7 A large lot of Children Shoe rery cMenp. lil.Mi.lAM A v A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Jut Published, in a seaed tit cents. s Lecture on the M meat end Me.adicnl cure of beuunal wt-ak ' . m 1. , a m . t neaa, orepernwuorrnoa.inaucea oy reii.ADUi, luvoluotarv smisatoDn, 1 in potency, arvou Debility, and Impediments to Marriage grner allv; Courtuinption. Kpileusr. and Fit; Mental aud Phritical Incapacity, do. By ROBERT CI LVEKWELL. at. V., autUor ol tntr "Green Book.'' Ac. The world-renowned aet tor, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves from hi own exje rience tht the lawtul conseeusooea of neii Abuse may bo effectually removed without meuiciue, and witno t uangerous aergieai oper ations, bougies, instrument, ring, or coroiai. pointing out a mode of curs at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, cure nimaelf cbwwe ly privately and radically. CsT This Lecture trill strove a boon to sands and thousands Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six cents or two post age stamps. Address tbe Publishers, bring it back on jut eoor Hlark-mith t dn l! tian- on ronr 4d-Caaioi; We have ht aaae - a gri r4irti.iti in Priee ? All we saw es yea is. Tr it. and then if you don't like it he lefawiiil to yaw. WE WAREAHT EVERT FLOW. MERONEY & BRO. 8UaHlT, N April I is;.'. f " . 41 tM n a .: . 1 .t-z I . . " tteaa, lorgwug, or now u,at polnt ,.f tf WB;M wh(j that tbe coat of grading a Koad saost of tbe nrorert a t . . . I w r r -.-i ; ii . ess to tell people not to 611 The address of tbe Republican State Executive Committee contains this sen tence : "These large amounts (the esti mated expenses of tbe Convention, &c) iMidsntwnUieeottntry tbrougb which 8ure tlie colored voters need not be afraid oil lamps after dark, snd warn them never ought to be saved to the people, already rfirwes, in some costing 40, on 50,000 par of it. Colored voters of Rowan dAnt h to P' kerosene on a alow fire to snake etacyernw under burdens grievous to be ftss j sails sasd WeMany n J aeters- k exceeding $3,000. deceived about tbie ibing. bet let ns. naa VS?. ?f. P-sce see , I anA n i . . oe oniy teacner mat thousands to be ill heed now wet a eompelcnt and all, vote for it at tbe election ? r n f W,U bW(l aMM aeDicT jj it UtM Ji.u.i mi Er.l r' . I Tl,on . on thelcfrom nine millions to thirty six naa surveyed tkis U ad, .ssWssafed the cost at $310,000 for wVoks Koad, and gfve it as bis opinion tea by eosae ebauges iu tbe Koad the ws; could be reduced to $260,000, yet borne.' Verily tbe burdens are grievous A public debt increased by tbe Radrs ill- end 1 will meet any eososedj mea b the etreet at about two o'eJeok mat afternoon. end a botched np Constitution made 1 'a . j ' m L m . a . Ml .a .'mm - a a -w. a tbe Coauty any day, at any place, to discuss we were startled by e alarm from a by the thieves and plunderers whom this subject. Let them show their bands. ami .ml woo,deD dulling near the risksveik. and I Canby put in power over the Bute in i rushing in with a a terrible 1868. Tbese sre tbe two burdens that WESLEY BUTLER. Byorkr, e met our astonished gaze.- Chetier weigh like moenuloi of treble 00 wot pprwiid geeeht. cxias. j. o. uxors dtco. wry, Hew Tok; Post Office Bos, April 16 1876. ly. FRESH TURNIP SEED Just Received a Freeh tepfay f Early W bite Flat Dutch. Bariy Red Top Yellow Aberdeen and toe rellow unta Bags At EfNlSS'3 aaaWMMwawMMMwawasi THE RUTHERFORD COLLEGE, N. C. Will open its Pall from $ to $10 par Board, Tuition, from$l to Kiw month, e. . R L- ARSRBSTRT. Pres Happy Home, m- C V'4SfaSs9Wr--lr - "l" sassv. MmT sSw vawisr- - j, Jlrt'4lflhkllk-' BeS-"" . MMaLaW. mm' . msI tjM? bSBCL S9BS MMM0MMMMaaMMMPvMMMll LW BISmwJ, . gB MMMMMHMMWMMMMMMwViWtfSR" wVnk SKlB MMVJaSPsr A BEAUTIFUL H ITALIC 6BA?I COTIIII ... mm m . . : lk MCVft Is wow offered to averv one interested iu beautifying and protecneg um m- tlieir deceased reiativea. . eel TIh-v are made in f.,ur site, with a variety of styles, ranging in pnes mW M Ml W - -ml MMMB MMMMMMMMM to $60. according to sine aud style. Can be painted any eolev eesirvw, galvaniaed to sail tbe taete of purcheeere. A gsivaaiaed paste, eoatamsef lnscriotioii oarlia oair. M furuih1 with each m w miM u-aire. 1 ruroihl with each noma jrm e THIS HANDSOME DECORATION eocli nrices as u place it wttbtn reach of all. ne iarn is efered at sneti pi ires as pi aud poblir generally to call awd eaaniitfe fbv t bmu b M-ii mi J A. Kamsav s c. 5ej7is6wrg, Homer and Grave's School, i67t, IIUIBOM, H. C. Tks KU aawaoa of ls7 epeswee tAe toons 1 . "fits flBWi eeeee) sissaicmiae, . .. I Jeiv i-gw. ft J vr r a m a 1 wi a v TT BLraB kjsoWN to iimssf ITCH CUfiL fKIOE 96 Jt 50 CTt- rW sale ejEWIW' Pf StUA