Carolina Watchman. LOCAL. r, , -r it , . , 7 JULY, 29. Dnip U buildlne & lmrM rnin Ut. TOO- . . - " JJfcd warehouse new the depot. l correspondent of the Piedmont Prese, -aril from Baltimore, says they have uoada JJJrtreetttbwei By sulminy is dot eol rtLDiwo A Loan next Monday night and Low Psnnsylvexis, there was a taw wMeh stated follows : -That if any white females often years and upward, should appear in any street, lane, highway, church, courthoase, tavern, hall room, theatre, or any other public of resort, wun naaea suouieers (i.e. low necked dresses,) being able to purohaaa neoeassry cletbinr, shall forfeit and pay a fine, not less than M mistake. irr and save cost. Be on hand all r IWilWt! 'L .A . ire to hear DO more of our long-time k. the Bvteken. They are SUmgkUrcrt Boa U sound any hettatt men oi questionable character to bare their shoulders, as a badge Of distinction between the chaste and unchaste." 4ohajrg. and achieved I'ERsos ai.. Mrs D A Davis is at the Catawba White Sulphur. Mrs Jos Horah, Mrs Dr T W Keen and Mrs J A Clodfelier are all at the Davidson Healing to zrw t ' a. . v a, m ,mw r w : . . 4 to get tip boys of Ue Salisbury Oedtoyesjr I five yo a the 83rd. inst. The rno proposition. We pupils in th lie School have acce- will proceed to ool on Friday, e morning were prongnt up tn battle array for a spelling match. After three encounters a few came off victori- morethan two hundred dollar." The closina ous, and manv wounded. Jut mu ..iw paragraph of the law, however permi'tVed ''wo-JThere was another enemy to fight, and the young Grammarians being armed with the potent weaHna of the mind, arrayed them selves in order for battle, wed made a gallant a greet victory. At 3 o'ciook P. M , the classes were arranged for cn tical reading, and acquitted themselves very respectably. Young America on the stage. The exercises in Elocution and Declamation were tolerably good. In the evening the mate and female apartment joined and bad Tableaux Viveute. The boys acted dialogues. Both appartments acquitted themselves well. The ate OaU -Capt. I. Wilson Fisher, of this "O .1 L - J. - - ... . ' m a of oats, from a sowing ox only (Ares . .a - e,ai Was nt tnai nuuy r A M M.y Shober ia gracing (he White Sul - - - ' 1 l . IHinr wiin ner iair presence. , j Mrs Theo F ElntU has been for several weeks, and is now in Stateaville. Mr. B C Arey has jest returned from the Eu peptic Springs. 4 Hm Mrs A J Mock and family are sojourning in Th. Catawba White bulptaer Springs, . Stii BM tail season, ana aenerveaiy so. this the very pleasantest watering places ' m " V W 'mMM BSSW wM Mm 111 a ia theosontry. v.4wnaw?tbj - A- ! f f ' ! prof. W. H . Nesve, says the Observer, is to (..tract the Charlotte Comet Club. Prof. jTsev is one of the finest musicians, end prob- hlv the very best Band instructor. In the United States. That Concord speech will do the work for CtU Bros: rat. The Wayne county Radicals 'mieJ ' I Oow-Catcher.-lf a fellow is ready to die, and has his life insured, there' no pleasanter place for riding than on the cow- catcher of an engine. We tried it the other day, end found it delightful, though once, whs three or four cows got on the track just ahead of us, and seemed determined to stay there, the prospect of having to take a jump into the next world. oUd seem a little too near to be pleasant. But while thinking whet a first class item we were likely to be made, for ft me sou lies quill driver, a darkey ran out from the field and chased those head-strong cows awpy, in Morganton above are the regular exercises on earh Frirlav sua are aesignea to promote cneenal pro gress m school; as well as to improve the minds v&r. jx iAa a iiw nnnrr a m mi i of the pupils. FREIGHTS REDUCED FOB EFFECT ! ! TOO THIN BY HALF 1 i 1 1. and we weut whisxing by. W e recxon oar have nominated him for Vice President of the time hadn't com yet. but we took it as a warn- Uattsu oiaies i w ouiun uim oe m givim i Dstairs'' for Curtis 1 r Biahp Lyman, passed op the W. N. C. R. R em Teesdev morning last. His visitations this extend from Stateaville west. Rt. Rev. Atkinson will inoludc Salisbury tn his list We learn that the National Hotel, in this city has been leased by Mr. of Raleigh, who is said to he a firat-claaa botelist We presume it will shortly be opened to the traveling Journal of Education. Mr. 8. D. POOL, General Supt. of public school , is issuing from Raleigh one of the best Monthly Magazines for $1.50 per annum, to be found in the country. It Is a neat pamphlet of 48 pages. The selections are of a very supe rior character, and the whole make-up evincing fine talent, excellent teste, purity of morals. and superior skill in entertaining aud instruct ing the reader without making him aware of the sign. The July No. contains the first part of Dr. BATCH WELL'S Essay on the Hygenio Management of Schools, before the N. C. Edu cational Association, at Raleigh, July 8. Dr. S has a State reputation.'and is doubtless wel Dooe. The dog killer will be around in a few dayw, and every dog whose owner can not exhibit a badge as an evidence that hiiax has qualified to speak on this subject been paid tor 187"), will be killed, and no mis take. Dow b idtes may be had of the Tax Col A La box Yikld. Mr. Joe Horah, of this city, sowed one bushel an? a pack of wheat on three quartern of an acre lot. and reaped thirty i buahela and a half. This is by all odd - the best yield w have heard of this year, in these part. j The man who imagines that the Rads will not inaugurate Civil right in all the moat dis gusting forma, should they get control of the Convention, is a fool, or else he hea not taken the trouble to inform himself as to what Radi calism is. Buying away irom the polls is equal to giving a vote for Civil rights. For several year most unjust discriminations have been made against Salisbury in the mat ter ot treigtit charges. Un an average, our merchants and former have had to pay fifty per cent mors than was charged Charlotte mer chants, over the same tinea, and on the same classes of coeds. Why? Because Charlotte had competing freight lines, and Salisbury did not, and waa forced to pay whatever waa charg ed. Eemonetraece alter remonstrance has been made, town meetings have been held, committees appointed, and memorials drafted' setting forth these grievances and asking that they he remedied, and all with no effect what ever. Contemptuous silence was the only an swer. But presto! all ia changed. All of a sudden, and when nobody ia expecting it, freights are reduced, and oh wonderful magna nimity I Salisbury is placed on the same foot ing as Charlotte 1 Why 7 Why oh, ye mighty monopoly men ? What brought yon to your senses so suddenly ? It is because the question of building the Yadkin Rail Road, a competing line, is being agitated and with some prospects of moot a That's the milk in the cocoa-nut. This tardy reduction in rate is made just on the eve of the election, and manifestly withjhjfdfsign, .nd Toe venteran journalist, Mr. Thurlow Weed, ha a letter to the New York Tribune, makes an. interesting contribotion to the eecrrt history of the late war. He was sent abroad on a confidential mission by Secretary Seward In December, 1861,' jest alter the capture or Mason and Suderf on the British steameg Trent by an American man-of-war. au event which aroused all Eastland. Mr. Weed details the interference of Queen Vie- to ia at this time, when war between the United Sties and Great Britain seemed inevitable, by causing the dispatch demand ing the surrender of Mason and Stidell to he so far modified in language and spirit as to render a compliance with it lees difficult to our gov eminent, and inentiowe other cat in which he same to know that the United Stat s were especially and signally indebted to her good omens. - A Negro Judge Have the white peo ple of Nash eon sty ever th rough t that at the expiration of Judge Watt a term of office a negro will be elected Judge of this Judicial District? If they have never thought of it let them do so. The negroes of this Dis trict have over three thousand majority over the combined white vote. The leader of their race, Frederick Douglas, has recently iPadpjS Sf ftp im f hieh he calls upon the colored people to throw aside their protended white friends aud take the offices tJsssseever they are in the majority. He tells them that it is time that they were assarting their right aud ability to fill the various positions in the Stat and general government. Fred DoogUaadvic will be taken. There are several negro lawyers in tbia , Dietrict . 0- VrjP,it3?Y eHneidate fox conven tion, is doubtless expecting to be Judge, add most certaiuly can be unless s Convention jof the people decide to elect Judges by the Legislature. In the State we have a white majority of 80.000. voters. Shall we then have negro Judges to preside at oar courts ? fan.:.- vf..-g. .l- . i. t i Ti line men oi rtasa county iuiuk seriously of the matter and go to the poles Mocky Mount Mail. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Bo Your own Physician. There is no ease of Dyrpepaia that Green's acocst Flowek will not care. Come to the Drug Store ot Theo F. Klutta, and inquire about it. , If yon suffer from Costiveneas, Sink Headache, Sour Stomach. Indigestion, Liver Cempjalnt, or derangement of the syrtem, try it. Two or three done will relieve yon Agub Cosocaaoa is the ouly remedy in the United States that contains no Quiniue. Asenicr or other poisons intuTOus to the system, that will cere Fever and Ague, Intermittent r Billions Pavers. Ac and the Chills will not re tarn during the season. Itpennaatly cures never and Ague of long standing. LOTTrS GBLOfl. TaaSBBBBBlSV asm r' THEO. F. JELUTTZ. E II. HIARSH'S MACHINE WORKS Comer of F cltox dc Council. Streets. Salisbury. N. 0. Having all my new Machinery fo opera atiop, I am now prepared ia connection ith the Iron & Brass works to do ell kinde of wood work, such as Lumber Ltoteing, Tongue or Qroviug, making Sash. Blinds, dfc Doors, making roouldiug fmte t inch to 6 incbea wide, also Turning dt rattem iaak iug. Sawing. Braeketta. dee. Having the beat Machinery aud first class workmen, satisfaction is guaranteed. Jnly29, 1875. ly. Wholesale eV Retail Drug SALISBURY, V. 0 To Me ch ants, House keepers, Young Folks. Old Folks, Smokers, Pain ters. Farmers, Grangers, and Everybody else. Whenever yon Med sstytaaag in the way oi CBAIGE 4 CBAIGE. ITTOBVEYS VI LVr SeUriUra ii fiiknshi . v ' Special attention pei4 U prMfAi inf ia Bnkraptcsy. for the purpose of defeating the building of the That Telegraph : The Asheville Pioneer A Yadkin Road. It's perfectly plain, and we trust finds on investigation, that our item a week or two ago, about the establishment of a telegraph line from Salisbury to Asheville, was all a bo such a thing. Well, we had it directly from a truthful agent of the Western Union Tele graph Con aud told it just as he told us. the same connection the Pioneer prints a letter from a big telegraph man at Richmond saying that "if the rail road authorities would fumi-h and distribute the poles, and then furnish free transportation for all (lie men and material used in construction; and the citizens subscribe in addition fifty dollars per milt, that probably a line might be established." Liberal minded individual ain't be now, by swang? Wewould'nt mind taking a few jobs on the same terms our-self. that our people have too much good sense to be fooled in any such way. If the Yadkin Road is defeated, and defeated it will be, if the N. C. R. R. and its allies can compass it, how long does any sane man mippoeejt will be before rates will be. again advanced, and in all proba bility to a higher figure then ever ? If the Yadkin Read is voted down this time, it is dead fornri-, and this grinding monopoly can put the screws down on us just as it likes and it will do in, too. Let our people rise in their mighty and give such a rebuke to Kings and monopolies, as they shall not soon forget. This can be done by building the Yadkin Rail Road, and this will Crop Heport for July -Tobacco W ash ik g Toy, July 22. The July returns to the Department of Agriculture show that the acreage of tobacco is great- .a a et e . a er man tuat ot last year, toe increase being in the great tobacco producing States. Maryland has increased her area four per cent, Virginia 30 per cent; North Carolina, 33; Sooth Carolina, 7; Florida, 83; Mies. 16; Arkansas 10; Teuneeee ?03; Kentucky, 223; Ohio, 25: Indiana, 49; Illinois, 56; Wisconsin, 60, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas, report tue same area as last year, new xlamp s li i re has reduced bar small acreage 30 per cent; Massachusetts, 25; Connecticut, 2; Georgia, 5; Alabama, 10; Louisiana 7; Wisconsin, 17. This condition ot the crop is most satisfactory in the largest tobacco states, and is 20 per cent above an average on the whole Kentucky which produces 2 fifths of our whole crop is 34 per cent above average; the other large producing States are either very fall average or above. The remarkably de prep sod condition ia noted ouly in the smaller producing S'aies. fWRE UNIVERSITY OP NORTH CaJI- JL ULINA. This institution will be re-opened on tbe 1st Honda y of Kept, uext, the term ending the 2nd Thursday in June 1878, with a vacation of two weeks at Christ mas. I; has been re-orgsniaed on the eel eel syatem, combining, however, three cnrrieelaof ArtsvSrieneeand Aericultare. Instruction will be given in the branches of learning usually awht in the beat Col leaes. Special irtsti uction provided in Agriculture and the Mechanic Art. An able Faculty has been appointed. The buildings thoroughly repaired for the reesfSsssi of several hundred students. For circulars explanatory of the above apply to KEMP P. BATTLE, Secretary Board of Trustees, Raleigh, N. C. I FOR SEE. A No. 1 TTomeSlfttl&lewiDff aat-raie ruaning order, wtthu necessary lit urea tor sale for fS2 Uifca ass us. March 4. 1874. 1 e: DRUG6. MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS. PERFUMERIES, uU tOi .. j 4a IMPORTANT TO CONSUMPTIVES. A Gentleman having been so fortunate as is sore his son of Consumption in its wont stages, after being given up to die by tbe moat celebra ted phveiciana, desires to make known the cure (which proves successful in every case) to those afflicted with Asthma, Bronchi tin Couch, Colds, Consumption, and all A flections of the Throat and Lungs, and will send the Kesspe, free oi chante to sll who desire it, if they will forward their address to DANIEL A DEE, 83 Liberty St., NeW York. July 29, DYErrurra SEEDS Ate , If yon want the heat artHlee far ti least money, go to KLUTTZ-8 DRUG STORE. GARDEN SEEDS. 10. 000 papers warranted fresh and genuine jast ressivssi frees Lasidretk, Baiet , Ferry , Brtggs, snd Johnson, dt Bobbins, At 5 cents a Paper. Liberal to country merchants at KLUTTZ'8 DRUG STORE VALUABLE House & Lot for Sale ! sad Bank bMa. - j"laaaLS "h Brow, b elai ed for salt. TVk fa i i jjhe it by calliaw s ur eXiaw AJae thenaiisrvigesd osr for aaia7JM of aaalriagoathe . C. R. JL two MM EsMtesiSabery. Tku Uod wUI he soWf Wet K eeairei. - ' Asm IQ acres eight stiles Wv from hairy on the BearWa trM maf. T W all well Hi Teaman H. C JOHK W. alAUSEY. AgV May It, 1878-tf. IRISH POTATOES 85 bbu, Ross, Goodrich & Pggft UE88, Just Received at KLUnZ'3 DRUG STORE. Latb Unnattkaj. Caixss. There have been several cases of murders of fathers by sons of late in difterent parts of the country, the consptcnous features of which are alleged bru tality on the part ol the fathers toward their wives. A brntal husband is a nion-ter, who deserves to be dealt with bv the law in the TRINITY COLLEGE N. C. Session Commences Sept 2, 1875. Full Faculty ; elegant buildings: superior board and accommodations ; location, near Hiah Point on the N. C. Railroad, very heal thy. A receipt in full for all expenses, except books and clothing, for fire months, will be given for $90. Aid given to young men of limited means. Post Office, "Trinity College, K C.w 4 Jury 28, ' 7o. B. CK A YEN, Presideet. CLOVER AHD GRASS SEED 8. A serge stock, warranted Extra rfrmwssf, Fresh ex Ge arena, as low prices at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. To Country Merchants I have the largest stock of Drugs, Dyes, Grocers Drags Ac, ia Western Carolina, and am tear prepared to sell St Ha Itim ore arrises, tarns aaviaf yoa the freight. Special attention to Dot ding Efsences, Laudanum, Paregoric, Opodeldoc, Caster A Sweet Oil Ac. Write for prices, to ;thbo. f. kluttz druggist; . Salisbury, N. C. Hs. 4 FELT CARPET1NGS 28 eta CBILIKG forro in C J. sham 1 KOOFISG sod 8IDIXQ. For UrenJsBr as rn FAY. FELT FtL T CAUTIOX.-KOTTrF - The GE5TJTKR Fnrrfnt 831 ar (IncJ.Mlm. the "LAT JOCBNA 11? his 80 resr is range W lt.800 IA I BV esJthrex Agenar ssaesameM b A. felde ririd try, end ts absolalelv MssSe work. Renos It aetls; jse foe, insstirenewo HUBBARD BROS, Pubs., 728 Phihu, Pa. ! I WE8TERN Marrland Collm. FOR STUDENTS OF BOTH BEXB9 OI SEPARATE DEPARTHENL8, ' Each aaviaw s full corps of 1 The pan-buck style of dress in all the rage now. An elderly gentleman met a young lady friend not long since, dressed in the height of the style, and remarked to her, "Why, Miss Mary, you look as if yon had both limbs in om pantaloon.'' And that's the way it looks ton. ' I )es wants yon to qnit talking to yourself new, cause its jes like dese triflin white folks does, and I don't wsnt no darkey to be a doin it," is the way we heard one colored woman reproaching another, on tbe street, a few days tiara. That was rather sally oh "dese triflin white folks" who are addicted to the habit The Cemeteries : Messrs. A J Mock and J A Snider, a committee on the part of the city fathers, urgently request that all citizens who hare friends or relatives buried in either the infallibly be built, if Rowai. m0st summary manner, but that must be a very county votes its subscription of one hundred thousand dollars. Chapel H1U ' Wejake special pleasure in eslling attention to the advertisement, in anoth er column, of the re-opening of the University of North Carolina, an institution dear to the aearts of our people, and hallowed by the best t memories of the past. It ia intended that it shall sgain take its former high rank among the educational institutions of the country, and we do trust that it will be liberally supported. IMPORTANT TO BUSINESS MEN Prudence aud economy "of course are 4be two great lessons to be learned ; but Salisbury or Oak Grove Cemeteries, meet tbeHbeVe is one part of these lessons which, committee on Tuesday morning next from 10 to 12 o'clock, on the ground, that inch arrange ments for cleaning up and putting the grounds, graves, enclosures Ate. in order, as will be mu tually satisfactory, may be made. - We trust all interested aud who is not ? will at- promptly. There is no dntyjn which all ould more willingly engage than that of utify ing the abodes of our dead. Ere long must rest with them, and if we q, would not arc our graves neglected and forgotten, let us while living, set an example to those, who com ing after us, will have the duty of teeping them perpetually green. in doll timer, fs very liable to be forgot ten. Be sure of one thing : Whatever yon have to sell there are many peejple ready to boy; even in the moat depieeeed season. Find them out ; show them your wares ; persuade them to buy of you and paWio M recant Md preTen rather than another. When buyeis are live of tho age. And with good reason, ainct reiucmor, setters mi. si oe acu vp. n is neither cheap nor sensible to sit still be- extreme case tn which a son would be just in ed in taking the law into his own hand' and deal in out death to the author of hU being. The thing is becoming too common, and doubtless in some cases the charge of brutality to tbe wife ia a mere pretext. The Public Confidence We 1 Placed. Although the world has beenseeking speci fics for diseases for many centuries, few indeed have been found. Prominent among these few is Hostetters Stomach Bitters, which years ago received the endorsement of the medical profession, and was bailed by press GREENSBORO FEMALE COL LEGE, Gn tnsburo, N. C. The Fall Session will beiriu on tbe 18ih uf August. TERMS REDUCED. Charge per Session of HO treck. Board (exeluAire of wa-hinit A lights) f730o Tuition in regular Kuglili course, 45 00 Charges for Extra studies, moderate. For Catalogues containing particulars, apply toT. M. Jokks, President K.U. D. WILOy, President Bord of Trustees. June 17th, '2m ok. pd. "oil ho! Rowah Co. Sunday School Conventiov. This body will hare its annual meeting at Unity Church (Presbyterian) early in Septem ber. The Programme prepared by the Execn Ve Committee is now in the office, sad will oa be printed and distributed among those interested. The members of tbe Convention WUI receive a warm welcome amnnrr th hnani. ef Unity. sS. Kxcursion to Old Port This is the pi excunwen trip our people can conren- njoy. It requires hot little time snd '"tie money ; and the enjoyment more and mr man can be had in any other Way. Sev- "IDs ware been recently made, and several wkwi or. sar. v. a. j unan is "f P a party to fill a coach on tbe regular V "- new. iid a r morning, at the low rate offUk) for the round trip, Ts stsjusAUVary erkUml uf of )vsaf srade see observed here within the, eye. The formers have pretty nearly "isaieosair oreea, which allows them time to k " oot from Srmi nH bm akil la tmino nm o a little trading, pleasure seeking, Ac The JOP prospects np to this time are fine, snd biffcly ancoaraging to all, promoting cheerful P nd a desire to sdvance business. It is PJ nd felt every day; the conaUn t ly incress C sunbers which crowd over business streets " -"re indication of reviving life in trade. s learn from the Observer, that Ber. , y,or Martin, late of tbe Stateaville Female (e. has leased the Charlotte Female iaaiV will shortly open tho school. We Charlotte upon this fortunate asv for Mr. Martin hi act only am eJoqaesj. B S Seholar of nrofonnd laarntns. hnt of nature's own noblemen as well. Mat. Ui.t l . Sifc-T' em may peeeive in Qib new held T7 wwoome and beartv snnnort. v WW - rtUOsshia. t t. ib The Camels" Halt ho ! "The return of the Silver Cornet Band, (rum thri; tour to the mountains, cre ated quite a sdr.' on our streets' yesterday evening. They have been absent two weeks aud within that time have visited many of the tow'ns "and places of interest ia the West. They passed ap the Hickory Nut tfap road and returned by tire Swanannoa. They spent a day or two in Asheville, where, as elsewhere along their route, they received the most cordial greetings. They traveled in their own eonvevance their fine Band Wagon accompanied by a baggage wagon prepared to camp out. and thus make the trip as novel in met aa entire freedom could secure. They returned in flue health and soirits. and biirhlv delighted with their visit, to meet warm-hearted friends at home o welcome them. They bad a note-tafcer among them aud we shall reserve for him to make a more ex SsVAMujthRcjLphf .tawysaw and hoe There were some young and im leman MtUae nnmber a Uttle il with all aud we sbsll not be Uritpmecd hear that they have gone back to the mountains simply SMsnae taav moun tains (girls) wont come to them; Pebbles, tflaiselsV aometimea change the cewtse of river, and every body kuowa that the simple gunee' 6(ai eye, wave of a hand, or a way. ward trees of hair, has sealed the life- fate of many a noble follow. We knew whoa they started that these young fellows were all unconscious of the dangers and the surprises which they were te encounter. We await with some anxiety to learn what has has been their luck: Beauty and lovliness is a rich spontaneous growth of oar snoun taisi country, j joy to the youth of the who may secure the moss of it. hiud your counter aud wait for the bustle trade te revive. When business is dull, that is the very time when yoa most need to advertise: and, in the second place, that is when people devote most time to reading the newsnarjers. and when your advertisement consequently is generally most seen. , A few dollars thus invested will do more to revive a slug gish bueioees than anything else in the world. "J 'I ' V ' t 'J : . Storm We learn through Mr. Geo. W. Boat. that the southeastern Dart of this comely as edited ay-a raty dee tract ire storm last Sunday night, doing much damage to the growing crops. A great deal oi the corn in that section was blown off even with the ground by tbe force of the wind, snd all that was left standing waa completely stripped of blades by the ht. Corncord Sun. sentiments sasMesieH ;wts He V SB to LOOK OUT since to the weak eucd stomach it gives strength, to the torpid lirer activity, to tbe disordered bowels regularity, and to tbe shaken nervous system firmness and tone. TJuder its benig nant influence healthful vigor returns to tbe debilitated and wasted frame, tbe flaccid mns Fie beoorao compact, the wan aspect oi 111 health is replaced by a look of cheerrbJness. the mind ceases to despond, snd flesh is de veloped upon the at ten sated frame. There is no exaggeration it this statement. It is as true as that the syalem is subject to disease. Were proofs required to substantiate the re ality of the comprehensive effects ot the Bittei s, there is probably sot in existence a medicine in favor of which such a mea of concurrent testimony, from tbe moat respect able sources, could be adduced. Bat tbe sffl caoy of the nation's alterative and invigoraot has been a matter of universal knowledge too long to need any such corroboration. The fact that it has its largest scales in those por tions of the North and South American Con tinents, Mexico, and the West Indies, in which stmoxttberie influence prejudicial to health exists, proves what confidence is felt T a W t a . m I UUCSllU VASO aa V VJ WISWV vwa-.www ava If the Radicals are going to adjnurn ifltotawB6diBl prptocrtve virtaes. In lo- they obtain majority, why era the office holders so .much interested in getting in o the Convention T Why does Judge Buxton come down from the bench to en gage iu the strife f Why are Ike Badger aud R. C Yonng working so hard to get there t What business has Judge Watta leaving bis courts to go round harangu ing 1Neus. A Prophetic Toodle s. Band ' 1 Hltk I - -V .1 1 W Kg i" . J rif ! wm'1 t iw ;l it iJe t 'i - The following of Cbrist makes acy sray i,t. Hi faithful followers refuse no f inarch- after Him. be it tbroosdeaerts and mountains, and storms Shd TiMafns Tnai win -r,;K MlUtoaaa. aaav spirits. Hearts -,lLi-A mmA mMtnmtmd uith the Spirit of &Ml1lonm. haseever. be gooth.M LsmaiosT. Yesterday morning a yonng man who was on hie wsr np the river, baring a a o am est mk li i L fc. m satcuei nnea witu a remedy ior corns, a lotion to remove freckles, and many box ea of tooth paste, succeeded ia selling s negro resident of Clay street, a fifty cent bottle of the treck le remedy. The pur chaser was exhibiting it to soma of hit friends, when one of them exclaimed : "Shoo ! yon has bin swindled I What does niggers want of dat staff 1 Niggere nebber bah freckles J" "It's fur my wife, explained the man. "Your wife hain't gut freckles she's id tar. . Well, ye can't tell whatH happen, " was tbe response. "Fast, dar was de maneerfashan biznesr; den cams de freed man bisness ; den de Civil Rights bill ; and who kin tell dat the next thing won't be white niggers wid heaps of freckles all ower dewamacM"' Hit line of reasoning was too heavy for them. TvW -flfl BaimTBBi r Am m Housekeepers Suppli( Flavoring Extracts, Essence, 8 pi Gelatine, Mustards, Soda, Dye-Stuffs, Toilet aud Laundry Soaps, Lye, Match fa, Lamps, Kerosene Oil, Chimneys dec, al ways on band of best q uslity at KLUTTZ'8 DRCG STORE. For Yonni Ladle aid GentlE Fine Perfumeries, Elegant Soaps, Cosme tics, Soaps, scbous, Toilet Sets, Veees, Heir, and Teeth Brashes, Pocket Books dec, ia endless variety at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. Cigars 1 yon Say ? Mm pan eg a full corps of rroSresesa. FTJTMJTTH SEMI-AFBTJA1 ! tlOaf brtuss ISeptemeer Im, 1S7&. dk. aW Catalogne with full infermatlaa aa a Teraa-, Cciraeef 8loty, rie, lort,Hhi MSaJ. tously. Ad.lrrsJ.T WAklj, li ti rW. dea Wemiasner, Md. AYORTtm IV IT fill boldbr A KES. KriePa. a ai K-rrr CsmDyJav g s. w Al ton Daily to AgenU. M aV ami the beat FemUv Psner ia Ai with two $5.00 Croejoa, free. AM MTO (JD MosVljr.v. 4. CENTS Wi I h a i 5sfcsssFffSsTwfts W M . KaCSSe kWrnW dsVaavsMHT i awflssBtt or iar ofren 10 TO S6D0 yes, we nave tuem at an pnees ' ae. a tv rjeee ecssa esaeassaasx ai .. ai fipTv m mi. a.irsren irom CCHM vo tni'i, wu cu i them by the bos at jobbets prises, ear celebrated s CCalt PECULIAR CIGAR b ekaon lodged the beet io lbs world ot KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. ' D leka to fcr BELL& BBO. Offer the best selection of Jewel onnd in Western North Carolina. Co; elry to oe naisting of cal tie- where fevers of an intermittent type prevail, especially, it has come to be regarded as an indispensable necessity LADIES' & GENTS' GOLD WATCHES Crolel Opera and Test Chains, ma OU plated Jewelry. D1D. At Rowan Mill on the 20th in at . of inflame lion of the brain, Mrs. Savannah Boroughs, wife of Richard Boroughs in the 55th veer of ber age. The deceased was a devoted wile, kind moth er, and an obliging neighbor. She leaves be hind a husband and seven children to mourn her departure. May they submit to this sad dispensation of Providence with humility remembering that the Lord doeth all things well. S. W. E. PURE WINES LIQUORS far mrdksl and church purposes alwaye on hand at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. Astral Oil 50 cents per gallon at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. - eksen Benew. orMT corr john hi otn i rncc deco brukrra. 73 Brwad a Ne CKU0 It JURUBEBA SILVER WARE, GOLD PEN8, dV They ere agenu for the celebrated Diamond Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Manufactur ed om Minute Crystal PEBBLES. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and warranted 12 months, charges aa low aa consis tent with good work. Store on Main street. I doors above National Hotel. p . 1874 ly. 1 -1 limn P I L usjtu asm L S. SALISBURY MARKET. Corrected by MeCobbtae, Beall, and Julian Buying Rate : CORN aew SO to 85. COTTON-11 to U FLOUR $2.75 to 3. MEAL 85 in 90. BACON county ) 19f to 14 hog round POTATOES -Irish 90a 8 weet 76 to 81 EGGS 12 to 15. CHICKENS $1 .75 to 2 per dec. LARD 15 FEATHER? new, 50. RYE a 90 to f 1 BEESE WAX 88 to 30. WHEAT 81 to 9X. BUTTER- 80 to 86. DANDELION BITTERS and DANDELION ANTI- BILLIOUS PILLS To cure Dyspepsia, Indiges- ion, Sick Headache, Kidney Disease, &c. For Sale at EN NT 88' Drug Store. to ft 0 11 1er DmT "l borne. Terms free Address G. wrarrosr A Co.. Portland. Maine. Jan. 9, 1875, lv DRIED FRUIT 5 to 8 BlaokAarrles, 6 coats, HRD WARE. - Whan oa wsnt Hardware at low figures, call on tbe aodersigncd at No Granite Row. D. A. ATVTFLL U a box I Attar f menUnf , I have at Hast found tbe Remedy (or Chills, Fewer As and can confidemly recommend ii friend and the public. Try It. TEAS. Finest Teas in the mark et, Put up ia air tight, lib cans, 25 per cent less than usual Prices at JaXUTT8 DRUG STORE. U fully neaslly kept hi a Fir oluu Drug Store, and treat to ha certain ef getting )aat what you call for, and of bring politely and, promptly or send to issameer aotisa ( tbe Lirer and IT16 .NOT A PHT5IC.bat,1 ceotly and sradaally ,aao si VEGETABLE TONIC ts diMiea. aid tnawatiaseJslsjsrae fVwid neeesserj to lartniels the inactive eaa tal (oere. tS ITS OVI SI rapWlv irnreeii eelsa sseiity sue a tM me. aa rasa Job sToa HotlewaT A CSV Agentw Isissi or s Hoarseness TBOAT DISCAStS, Use CARBOLIC TABLETS, ONLY Uf- BLUR THIRD ART) flTJRl RZXZDY. THEO. Salisbury ,N C .May 13-tf. Jan X F. KLUTTZ, Dumt Sausstvbt, If. C 88, 1874 ii wbieh seaic appetite aai srsssr mnw now mm . 1 IS: i ii i liju nr 'tjsz. xsl erc --Coughs, cold .1 ears ol expert- AND AO. Great Agwe, kc, WLLL5 J PUT XT av aawi 8vld by Braaarka generallv, satd fcluIa " i m IOTDIV ' fj O U 8 B . mm ww - -w ALIBIRV, Ho Co The Prep' let rasa svtsuws her saaoere tbssshe dwUs7aheV sssMeiad l" ai Hormx. Ret bavin reoea ssaaaa at tbe "Hasia r i . r. . i - - ibort whesserer resj want Preeerln- i ik.aovnr unim a.-- prepared aead aseenusssa j amvmtm na w aasjsfcrtabiv, aad ia the very best style, hi this annaiii cotag np tae w. ft. C. Aafl sseasS iKaUBrlabalOYDnr i July lo-lat Be .u. . te cell en ith the BCnSC mm I I WWo- - !: 'i" ' -! jv-4.' Ce i- ,1-