Stteu. ! T SjaVriW swni Ti Mmfti raWiffi rtt i7i venwr-nWw' -- - - - - - - T.Air rfcr ai r - - . t - ' - "' 'we t m . 1 :luiij i ;i i uer mmmm.. " dianwaiOji '.. -.-.- - .. . gg - -an. -a.a -T 7"TV , " ! ' 1 " ii i " ' l a ft "Banged" hair is going ool of elyH. love many, lore 4 W'4A.o4 wears a with T!e woman who none txulv. Nothing .polls a good girl so thorough Jvas a HtUe had jewelry. Seaside hatt are exactly a fao aioile of an inverted chopping board. Uneasy reals the. head that MC jean bonnet - or jockey. Plaited waists return to favor th light materials wed for jammer. l.Tku aatamn bonnets will have strings, fad u eppogh cape tp "swear by." The novelty in jewelry consists of ex -uuissite cameo set pat n conch, shells. Swedish kid cloves come into fashion swain, at usual, at th season of the Am yon for Civil Rights, high taxes, man 0$ cecs, end large salaries 1 It so Ate Ipr toe Radicals. en) ' r ' ' i:..,"4 Dopes, indeed, are many ; but. of all du- dn. there is none so fatally sit oat ed as be sho Uvea in undue terror of being duped. V . Our passions are like convulsion fits which, thouah thev make us stronger for ibe time, leave us the weaker ever miter Whoever baa nattered his friends euc- eessiully most at once think himself a knave and his friend a fool. . . ...... s making is the fashionable morns ition tn tbe way of fancy work . . . a at watering places ana the sea side ibis r. -w One hundred and twenty-five young shad have been placed in the Koa- nrer. . 4Lm r QUEENS Of THE DAY AND ttOW YHEY LOOK. G. M be Bui. B. .' QM, RaU 4 Co U' C BTJIS & BARK EE s- i i it t - ; , - . debtod to vou." "If that's vour earne t simple, entirely uevom oi nnaWi.uu. . - i . : -T w r .- i a . : i l. aMt.Mi and grace of utterance as marked that of o," sam Mrs. rougere, very po.- . . r i,9 7. : t,TlT. lf I go into ibe conntry, Mr. vm to e.PF vj- ua rnL:. i narst. one is a nieaiuuiTi7u wUMMHi, nTaaTpC to earT. lon in ' somewbet inclined to s.wntneM, and ha, a nZArMt tVs n P6 cooptenanpe. The features are not Brooms argu. r marked i her month falls oocn yery often "Mr. D. t-, if yo wH gpt my oet Undberlipeare yerj fan She seems done bv Saturday fI shall be foreyer b- kwd fld eAcions in aer manner aim very debted to yon." ryt trjat's yon wout't he done," safd the tailor. ti. A'.lit IinnU MMrmiHi vnter- are the ei Empres. Of course, being so :..i , ,u, .J..,;n r ik. radial what stout, she does not move so grace party in this State t hence the tenderness miij V'S"1!! w- ; Vrilh which OWil BigbU Is treated in their she s pleat-looking, end one instinct secret resolution. -ITpiee. ' !.f bf J wou,.fn- f.h; 1 was ptniuij unjfvcy vwva " o- .1 .is - heavv tnmmines ot crape, and wore a air. von are pumiciu lUHiK, . . 7. , . ' ' f - h.nk. widow's va;l and wUite cap rout in everything but pbeek" "oes, . r? i. i --"t r . r i t.i, . f t I :w UIm tn tkjk nftntrrv not With ft -I I. ' . n Wt III nriniC . T ft . --w - - , v T wiihyonV dUuity was aettled on ing. Jv, that bat if. AUM- '! Vo 1 "iJ? ; I WDUWI POU1C UJ fir iQ jf duio uiu. m , , eves and hair are brown, and she is rather 1 1 ,.1. ... r. J MAltftl tft I - - V LJTCJTTMu . "ELiu Ibin the face and of rather aallow.eom The Masonic Jonnial, H I SflS WHOLESALE & RITAIL DruCltl i rPs D WA R E, i want Hardware al lew -aiu A: Fisher 3ireetav SAISPUET, . 0. This summer's styles reauire all thinars to correspond. Gloves, Ian. parasol, and pven jewel must exactly matcu the cos Hr hf- The dlfsnce between the bonnet and the Bat is now quite decided, pud aapppt be worn tor tbe other with any legrceof get coutrpl ofthe ..latore. who can say P1 xjon. Jut bar manner u. yery charm m ft f LM i i wir I .1 I I I 1 1 II t.L 111 i .k- .-t L iK liMa saurnc of what tbev The daughter of the Csar of Russia, will do iu the future should they bold of the I who married the Duke of Edinburgh, is reins of power. Goldsboro Messenger. decidedly plain, in spite of all said to the contrary, wbie tbe l'rinces s Alexandra Another. Boil com la lye and feed it to has beep and still aboe look tog woman. the hoars, or keeo ashes in the trough or lot I I t.ever saw the Empress of Russia, but 1 where they teed, and shell eon on it. Both knew uer m& 0( bouor. Mile. Anoeokoff, of these are considered epesiles . after gji arfap taW aeie ewaa plain and rather before tb attack of cholera, mill anotnei I .,MtT looking remedy which has reoiHPnwndoa is to T . Snltnna of Tnrkey n. or boil thuin wiin - - . . r . tt r i . i. i i k .... Where may be found s mil assortment of Pure Drugs. Hedicinto, Bye Stun, fipe IJand- Havana h American Cifar. 'All grades of 8MOKINQ & CHEWING TO BAWD. A fine lot of Ermm i iimm LAMBS : also the celebrated Perkins & House NoK-axsixawva XT T 1 1 - ' rveniic tmpi wnipn we ' yasrs. Whiskey, Prenoh Brandy, flteuesia Wine hy the bottle or gallop. Blackbe Malaca. California Saerrv A Port Wi Imported Gin, and in fact eve-ythlng oauaily kem in a first c m Dme btore. (Mr prttenp- tion department it aoafv in 'ht hands of tiu pro- prietort, one or the other bring m the Store day and night and no one need apprehend any dan ger in having their preemptions cojpponnd- Feb. l$th, 1875,-t f. TteM Carolina HOME Insurance Co., TO TEE MASONIC FRA TK UNITY IX NORTH OA ROLLS A AND THE SOUTH. Tauale Thewerh of tbe Sooth. lacking a proper principle peculiar to brethern of other mon their periodical li teraiure, and are erajpl we, too, should ftoorah Whew vou inree, call en the Lrranite now. D. A. AT WaiUb. Salisbory ,N. 0 ,May 1-U. FOR AND THE SOUTH WEST. sd vubw tb iafbTBt kn he kaa recafve tsm tieally an age of USoaJesav apace, but with aa, eapeciaily ouTmii I W X. . . naiciiu, .a , v ILLUST AGE! nation of those pure oar old Order. Got I the There The only ILLUSTRATED WK&KLY lb. gni page, rony more rending saatter ths La tbe Soaahero rJute. The Irat number of tbe SOUTHERN IL- LU8TBATED AGE wUl be C to all Al vie in Eaekaraet Tasanta, or Kim u. kgrenUy wton taw amrtsssatiise be farnisaad Sher' saaiL keep pine tope in tbe slop. meal, and feed ou that. late The sale of alcohol liquor has been a handy there are so many of her. it is very safe to say that yon will OF RALEIGH, N. C. INSURES DWELLINGS. STORES, MER- CH1XDISE, AND buI All Classes of Iinrakle FroDertv. Ana need for a ramlar and uarly utteO to the demands ot Uia bar "who are linked together by aa indiaeolu- Me chain of sincere aJection, we nave deter mined to eatshlMh in tbe city of Qreenaboro, W. a ftret rises WEEKLY MASONIC NEWSPAPER, with tbe above name, each as tbe dignity and advsaaemstit of the Fraternity will approve. lu Literature will oe awea, and of the higbaat aW, Baaklaw the JocaxaL a fit companion for the moat cultivated and re&ned, and a wel- ybwter to eay boo hold. In thU atav a we have evmaaed tbe Sfwleal of able snd popular writers whose bearas glew with a fond dew re for the perpetuity Of the Ancient Landmarks of our "Mystic Ri tea," and we wUl spare neither labor nor expanse to aaeke the paper a highly i Detractive and popolar Family and M Munic TlMtor. With a journal imic experience of several years, and a determination to give all our time, talent in U energy to tbe promotion of this impor tant enterprise, we hope to receive from our Masonic brethren that liberal confidence and rapport which, by ap entire devotion to its so oc ess, we hope to merit. It wUl be an eight page, thirty-two column sheet, printed on good white taper, and (urn- Tbe Publisher intends making it an trated record of the tinsen It will very topic, Political, MsateriaeL Literary, 8seent ibo. which is of correal ieietaat, andi tbe beat illustrations thai can be obtained, orig inal or foreian. Tbe SOUTHERN ILLUSTRATED AUK will be printed on new type, and heavy DawDoTa On its li of contributor will be found tbe Sinn of many of the beat writer ia I Serial and abort atofiea -Moans and and well conducted editorial department, rjr in the latest personal, literary. sriiiiHis. awlii- icaj, religiooa and coeaaaercial mta will furniah every week aa amount by other paper, in and variety. It is intended to make the SOUTHERN ILLUSTRATED AOE aionr aal for the fireside ; several col am as will be specially devoted to all subject nertauaitej In domestic snd racial life. No family ahold be without it. Babscription price only $2 per annum. Post age free. K T. "UM1HU3, Editor, Raleigh, S. C. 10-187$. CamrW. Oiiawahm W a-.W tnannj or ihraagl Jkjat a? i aw A. POPE,Oeel J. A. McCOltW A UO HEY . Agi. C U. 4V A. WL R, Balisamry, H. C. UJLib Ilk a. if. USA Paw4mOnt AViy T.lnn lfcaJHrTT tieattamd J RorthU B V. c. o- CONDENSED TIE-TABLE la I feet ea aaS after im. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Leave Air-Lid J'ect'a .1 - 1 . a oramat T r or Tlo m o era h Kira en th . i i 11 . ., , r o t. . - ... I i . . i iiicru a very ucuuwiui woman ur twu niter i m urmm n j i imcu weeaiy aiuneiowpnceoipaperyeax. jm tnirn irea uunng mmj r-M' .h Tnrkuih tatA. A f.t. rnuiid woman. usual. Three reasons are given for this-- wUh red cheekl tnd bUek eyebrows, is a the increasing consumption of lager leer, Turkish beauty -oue easy to make since . u , i . M Ar .Mee eammtfian leur mi I : . ' . , , . - ii luihiou ucaut-r wmb cot and one the large guapuij ei emer aunnc Bantling wrote his book on dining and u w . j cornuiencv. and cosmetics are so ait eui- saeeess. One o the "fair" boasts that her lover )u the Sophomore olass is telescopic. She draw him out. see through him. and i abut him up." riding shoes are ordinarily JeaW to pall on like gentleman's boots and tbe gloves are generallj gauntlet - . Sad teal victory means war. Remem ber she Kirk war they only want the power, and no man would be safe tbejr rule. In every township let the foil Conser vative vote he polled. Only this can ' we vent the State from again falling into the nnd ol the Kauicals. suspicion is not leas an enemy to virtue to happiness ; be that la always cor- dfhft ia naturally suspicious, and be that bo- nnves suspicious will quickly be corrupt. ty a ' " '"tas? The Radical Executive Committee says in their secret address : "Republi eaua should not intimate that the Civil Sights Bill is wrong in principle.1' - And bow tbe Lumberton Robasoniar, - . ea forwara with a norueu iroe. it was from Aoetin. Texas, to Mr J IT Collins qI Jftubceop county. A natoh game of base ball a as pUyed at purham on Tus4sy. between the Hillaboro piub and the Durham Club. Hillaboro was victorious, by a score of 36 to 18. V- H corpulency, and cosmetics are so biaciiie. f : . , The Empress Eugenie still holds Hear what John Page, negro, and The Empress Eugenie still holds her Radical candidate for Convention from scepter ot beauty and qneenly dignity. UI0aTOl. MMJ . . lint the beauty ot all is the tmr vuunt; IftheIlepuMcxntgcMQrumven- Queen Elga, of Greece. Rarely is seen An r tl a j. j $itim touipe tkvkHeJftekea, persoh in a,ny wal of life so really AU Losses Adjusted and Hon n them We wiU kone no $iifh thing lovely in all ways as she, and it is not to at a color distinction in anything." be wondered at that the whole Exposition stood net nhed to see her naas that mur- aeam ... S .liSaV rv . . , awia. . ritasn I " T . n 1 ' i s . n Two years ago a i'ennsyivania servant murs ot approbation and delight toiiowed her. She was dressed in a right blue dress, and a white burnous thrown care lessly over her magnificent shoulders, and a bine and white bouuet the Greek col- orf. Most Favorable Terms. Its Stockholders are gentlemen interested in building ap North Caroltaa Insti tutions, aad among these are many of the prominent business- and financial men ofthe State. Paid. first number will be isaoed on Wednesday, tbe 5ih of September, 1875, and regularly on Wed - nesday of each week thereafter. All money should be seat by Check Peat-office Order or Registered letter. Rev. E. A. Wilson. Wilson A Baker. Geo. S Bakek, Qreenaboro, 9. C. M$W Until Sept. 1st aadrew us at Ki: N.U. girl was sent to prison for stealing $200 from her employer. Tbe money was found the other day where the man had hidden it, and now he offers the girl $6 as recompense, while she wants ten thou sand. The consolidated Virginia silver mine of Virginia City, TCev., is now yielding more than a million dollars worth of silver per month, and the stock sells at $430. The stuck of no other company in that mining district is .quoted higher than S83 per share. rh News learns that the Demo- of Northampton have nominated Mr James W Vinson for the State Convention. Md HalifaE oounty has I nominated Richard R Smith, dr., and Dr. H E T Manning. The education of woman is considered out of the question in gypt, as the girls are marriageable at the age of twelve,, . Atr. i. .. ii.. lor u, pUil,.- A wag, seeing a door nearly off ite hinges, in which condition it had been sometime, observed that when it had fallen and killed some one it would prob ably be bung. Jt The Patriot says that, there if an apple E growing on the farm of W. R. Smith, miles sooth at Qreenaboro, fourteen lu circumference with three main limbs. , tr eiieqmfereaca, one six aad -HI"- tt : A yoqng man stepped up to a lovely young lady on the gteps of a clmrch, and crooking his elbow, said, "May I have the indescribable pleasure of accom pay ing you to the paternel domicil ?" "Spell domicil," said she. lie gave it up, and she unhesitatingly gave him the mitten. Do not forget that if you accomplish a little every .iay it will amount tu a good aoHi iu a year, jr yqq pursue some stuuy. or read one hoar every day in the year, you will nave acquired sn amount of knowledge in three hundred and sixty-five days that will surnriae von. Rnr this in mini) now. and let nothing prevent you from taking ! he clajsad aa his own, aavaniage oi it. 1 a tit smsi. A Oat Bite Kills a Boy. A little son of Ckerlea Haaaelton, of Wilton, V. H., died Thursday night from the effects of CI biteec a oat, received e few day ago while was trying to pert tbe eat and dog who were fighting at a neighbor's bouse, " - ft ' is reported, has become caliper on the subject of another rebellion He thinks now the chances are against it. What a marvelous hind If these dresses were twice as tight they would wear them. If it were tbe . I l i n rasniou io carry n oarrei oi n nir on toe back of the neck they would do it, or die trying. Yon couldn't devise a fashion tbe women wouldn't meekly follow, from no clothes in winter to bearskin overcoats in summer. How to Keep the Sabbath. KEY. HKXRY A. KJCLSOH, D. I). We should not make it a gloomy daj . An honest effort to keep it holy, is liable thus to degenerate. Beings conscious of sin find it not always easy tq ?,void an association of sadness with whatever brings God near to them. But surely those whose sins are pardon ed may be delivered from this natural tendency. The Christian Sabbath offer to Christian hearts the privilege, and fa vorable opportunity of access to God , not in the terrors of bis holiness, but in the plenlilnde of his grace, which Christ ha made consistent with holiness. Christ having died and again, coming forth from the sepulchre "radiant in immortal bloom.' our triumphant champion, onr glorious deliverer, ready to ascend and lead ndr Way IQto the Heavenly mansions, which he claims as his own, is the principal object of our coutemplation on his own my-.Tbe Lord's day." We shonld cultivate the habit of direc ting our mjnds to cheerful vtewg-wto the privileges, the joys, the blessed aud glori ous hopes of Christianity on tii in day. Thus we make it truly a day if Test, Still, we should carefully preserve ite sacreduess. The efforts to make the dav It appeals with confidence to the In surers of Property in North Carolina. Iwmm Home Institutions. B. H. BATTLE, Jr., Presu C. a ROOT, Vice President. SEA TON GALES, Seer'y. P. COWPEtt, Supervisor. ANDREW MURPHY, Agent at Salisbury. March, 4th 6mno. NEW MACHINE SHOP. I am now openared to Jo all kind of repairing with dispnteh. With gMl tools aud twenty-live rar expfrieuee in thr buintss.salifnethii is guaranteed. Eerial atteutiou givfii to Eutriu and BniU r work. Cotton WooIhu. Mining and Agrirultnrr MachineK ; and wood turning of all kinds. Shop on Corur of Fulton and Council 8treH. Salisbury, X. C. E. H. MA US 1 1 July 1G, 1874 -tf. PASSENGERS Coins North or East, Will ovoid night changes aad ! comfortable and shortest route tickets iC .P. BATTLE. r. H CAMERON. President. Vice President. W. II. JIICKS, Secy. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE Insurance COMPANY. RALEIGH, N . 0, Hj OaaeiU M Sasaevfla Arrire st Rlaksaesd a. 34 r u se -use a V - r a 11 36 1 1 10.6 - I ft r, I as i B1 GOINO iX)UTH. STATION. Ler Rirhirnd Bswaavi U ...... Duaoee... - Daaillle'.. " Orsiassssa " Hatiaenry.. .... Aw-l.ine Jrfa Amre t CUrlotu... MrL. '.38 ra . 10 33 -10.39 14 a --1.SS -8.S3 a a i.e. 1 '4 r in Z las S.IS -I.B - ooiMi aUnt. STATIONS. tbe nsoat by bujing CAPITAL. VIA THE VA. MIDLAND $200,000. Lear Gieeasbero. Ce hop. Mail. a r 100 a 4S I Tbe only chance of cars north ol the river at to Baltimore im soadr across a DANVILLE fteefee foot platft DAYLIGHT. At end of Kimt Fucal Year bad Lroed 900 Policies without iinauining a aingle 1 rmdent, economical and energetic tent has made it Arr. al GoUnero over ere.?. J J Mau tn w iArr taf.a IU " Ittll a aL'vsialj rent tn DAN VI LK to witk- MUea shorter The States that vote negTare these ; Iu August tyorth Carolina and Alabama vote for delegates tq a Coriftimtional Convention ; Kentucky holds the regular State election. In September California and Maine bave State elections ; those are followed by Quia and Iowa on tbe 12th of October. 1 he following ia a ao d cure for scurvy egs among fowls : Take sulpher, two ounces; cbarcoal, pulverized, one-fortb National Hotel. Mrs. Dr. R-evea has again resumed her busioea in this well known house, aad she earnestly solids the patronage of ber old friends auJ the public at large. Guests stopping at this Housm will find nothing uegleeted that will add t-j their oomfort ueitherou the part of the proprietreea no that of the clerk, Mr. D. R. Frnley. The Omni I. us will he found at the lepo uanal to eouvey passengers to and : cm House. Dec. 31. 1874 ly Tbe entire train rnna from BALTlAlOi&E ovr one uniJori out change 1 his rente is one flundrvd ban any other to the SPRINGS OF VIRGINIA. 0 J FORKACRK, Onneral Manager, Alexandria. Va. W D CHII'LEY, Geueral Souiheni Agent. Atlanta, Oa W U WATLINGTON, Tr veiling Agent, Uieensboro, N O M Ay 13-4 m. A SUCCESSFUL CORPORATION Thi Company inanea every deairable form of Policie at u low rule ea any uiWr First Clnm Lusnpaay. Impoee no ueelees reAtriciion upon or traeel. Ha a sed paid up value on all policias after two annual paymenuv. Its entire asseu are leaned and iareatcd Al HOME, to fijater and encourage hoeae eote rprinea. ( Salek Eavaaca. ) Leave Oresjaav. Arrive at Salvia..... . . Leave 8a tee Arrive as 4vesaee. ... 4.SS ? a ... It - le aa . . . r. - haawager UaJa Uaviag Ralvigk st Hn coanrru t;reaboTo' vitltbt trala: Making tan ejaeakaaa tan ft ail citte Prise ef IVoSaa eaaae aa via ataer i Trains to aad tress paint Lt ef h coaiMPCt at i;eaeaaeee with atU Trains ts ss troai pataU Med er Itootk. Tee Train titty, both waye Oe faa4a Lraeklarj Aeeeaeesweaatoe leaw Kicaaoa4 at ( A m , arrive at Beitcvila US r a. Ivcrc BaiUvilI 4 3g a a, arrive sttatt evens T at a a Tliirtv day Sr.,,-v allowed in urvmrni of j.rv Ho Change of CtTS BetvetB CbarlSttl 1 A t 1 A ea OA vsT . 1 ed n v .Si ta sight tbe ssaa baa I w uism l a ainsain is reported to have died re- S entry tn Mexico at the advanced age of 132 years. Uer funeral wa attended by J new 20V of ber nearest relations, among whom vera two sous, aged DO and 100 years. - - Judge Rodman i out for Convention Judgo ttodman doce not ggree with his party. Judge Rodman says tee Consti- llltioo needs amendrqent. V4 now that ,)ie ppuveotiou is palled, must Iptve it. alie aa a a Tbe lean in lead pencils inQt luad at all, though it is called black lead. Tbe weight, if nothiug else, tells yon ibat. Jt is a mineral Called graphite from tbe tireek word to write and is more nearly a a' - . . a a v" ef I elated to coal tuan to lead. ounce; train nil enough to form a paste. Apply witb tbe band, by rubbjng well in, Allow it to remain for three dave: then wash off in mild weather with good soap suds, and repeat the dressing as often as is uaceasary. Vance said at Wadesboro : "The Radi cals say that if we get a majority in tbe Convfiitiou. we will overthrow the Home Stead law. but he that sayetb so, is h fool or a uaf. ror wouiu we uvatroy tbe law tbat gives us put home, where our children have been bprp and reared where tbev have died and been carried forth to their last rest ing place. I say mn we well not. and he sayetb so, is both a fool and a liar " Mai cheerful quite as easily degenerates into levity, as the efforts to keep it holy" into gloomy austerity. Tin dignity dimiu Mbea with every increase of spirituality. The nearer to God we live, tbe more free we become from carnal disposition; the more heavenly minded we become, just so much less liable do, we become to seek pleasure in what is eartbly, and so much more susceptible to spiritual ant) sabbatic . ar anr . i 1 i joy. uur eqort aaonia not fie tbe mere negative one, to restrain ourselves ; there should be positive planning and arrange ment to keep ourselves occupied with studies or exerp'ses sqf&cierjtly varied tp prevent fatigue, and pleasantly and use fully engaging to our minds. Singing is a great help in this, and we should be cul tivated with reference tq this : "Let those refuse to sing Who never knew onr God, Hut children of the Heavenly King Should tell the joys abroad." A Happy Couple. Fermentation of food should trnarded against as the warm weat proaebe. TW action js always liable io cooaro acgpiawice wneo set asiU. Instead of warminp tin cqIJ masses, It is better to scald tbem. j&K j4 "There i" exclaimed (be indignant J" 'taston wife, as she fetches ber husband resonant whack on tbe head with a wujbaT "rocker, "I'll raise s uuker Hill nonnmeut on yon tbat you' Jl remem- Mgt'ttaW. !' "V The Coeeord hegister has lust learned of the oomuuaaion of rape by one William Thomae. a white man ot low repute, on Mrs Caroliun Htogoer- near Big tip. 8unly aouety. oa the 26ih of last month. The aaouadral eacaswd. and tlie woman makes two or three dnfsreat statements. Ia 175 the total area of Paris was 7.410 acres ; now it covers a sorts ee of WJStGB acre. The number of stteets. aouares. boulevards, etr.. which ah ut a centurv aaro was about 1 .000. has now inereased to about thrfefoM. In 177 there were 10.000 houa- es;now ther are (jO.OOO at leaat. The population, which a hundred years ago was 550.000, is uuw in round uuujber 5J.jjQQ.0QO. It will be seen from this, that Parts has n a century increased in sue about tvro thirds ; it has now 9.0Q0 streets and 41.U0U bouses more than in 1775. and at the satub her np! Y"1 PP1 triP' of Dem. Con. Ex. Com. ftaUlp, If. C. Chairmen of the various JUtr'pt aud County Executive ComraitteeE will please seud forward at ouce compile lists of the names of the members of their committees with their P. P. address. Apd all per- aBBBBBBfBsm. aaBBBBBaHam fctf'aV St ef aak - T ST " sous tn tavor ot remodeling tbe present constitution, aud securing more simple and economical administration of the gov- ernmeni, are reqneatea to porraepond fre quently with Una commit tee daring; the progress of this tnm S-:V W ILCOX, J. J. LITCHPORI),ee'y. E. K. STAMPS, Cor. Bee. A man should always ite a little older, a little braver aud a little stronger, a little wiser, and a little mote iu love with than she is with him. A woman should always be a little younger, and a little prettier, and a little more considerate than hoi huabond. lie should oeatow upon her all his worldly goods, and she should take good care of them. He may owe her every care and teudernecs that e Section can prompt ; but pecuniary indebtedness to her wltecome a burl ben. Better live on a cruat that he earns than on a fortune that she has brought him . Neither must be jealous, hor give the other caiife for j.-alousy. Neither must encourage sentimental friendships with tha opposite sex. Perfect confidence in each other, and reticence concerning their mutual airs, even to members of their own families, is a first necessity. A wife should dress herself becomingly w lienever sfre expects to meet bar bus " m f uu inan suoma net grow slovenly, even at home. 1 Faultfinding, long arguments, or scold igr, nuu nappiuess mat Begins in kisaes aud lovemaking. Sisters and b;o- 1 there may quarrel and intake up." Lovers r aMi InVuM im Iammaa A i i sv v.o uu luugci i vet euco otaiurn ances occur, and married people who are not lovers are bound by red hot chains. If a man admires bis wife moat in striped calico, aba ia silly Dot tq wear it. Tie Pietaiit Press, HICKORY, V. C, Is the only paper published in Catawba County, and has aa extensive circulation among alerebaots. fanner, and nil classes of business meu in the State. Tbe Psutas ia n live, wide-awake Detnoerat'e paper, and ia a deairable medium for advertising ia Western North Carolina. Liberal terms allowed oo yearly advertisement. Subsc ip tioo 2-00, in advance, Address " MURRIL fc TH0ML1NS0N, Editors aad Proprietors, ----- MORE STOVES. and better oie I Im n ever. the BEST. Get tbe stove ACORN COOK atQtJNT IDA HOTEL, P-h.' in, sain N ith the laculH-fore tlirni will the people of North Carolina continue to pay annually thonaaud upon thonaand of dollar to build op Foreign ('omMnie, when tbev can secure ioaurance iu a Company equally reliable and every dollar' premium l bey pay he loaned and loeeaten in our own Slate, and .unoi and Richmond, 18t Paper UU hare arranayaaeau la ebe lula mt tkis ceaapaay will p'.aaa aaeve Far fjnbr information a44reas K. A Ll-KX Cent Tttaet nr. at at our own V E TAI.COTT. Kasiaaer k . i Theo. J. D. F. KLUTTiV McNEELY. Ant' r I ? I a. at THIS HfTEL. (frmrly Chapman Hooae) J fcfjrFIN ATAYLOE." i uawiy mruianeo and nW upea for tbe I Cen'1 Dim' TBE GREAT CENTRAL EOLTJt - - ii rant r . a , oi uneeta. i ne rropriHor has a . , r 1 .. m . . m uuuiuww large soq well lornisheU n for Summer Boarders. I he nndfraioed, iu taking eharce uf this tl... L ... . m r , . . uou?f , uopa n runy suaiaiq nts past rt-pa- . . : I . s . -mm umou in revering to tnr puniio. J J. WEISIOEB, Proprietor. May 13, 1875 tf. CenM. Diat. ActV IKt. SI It. !C. C Blate aid Henderson, Attorn ey a, Counselors and Solicitors . SALISBURY, N. C January 22 1874 !. Carolina Central Railway Co. Okfici GaitRRAL ScrBurrajtpBJrT. Wilmington. K. C. April 14. lo75. Change of Schedule, Come now and get called the On and after Friday. April this Ifitlt. 1P75. tbe Kail nay aa follow . trains will run oVor PASSENGER TEAIHS Arrive in Vilminjrton at FREIGHT TRAINS her f you want one that will outlaat any other, and Tr-ilminrtou at. hat ih made of all Nh.W LBU3J aid warranted Arriee att;harltteat. o si ve satisaction &. Variou at vie, of uook. I Leave Cbarieatte at ' ' ' . " r. ii i stores at amal prpgt, TIN WARE, Sjf JCT Iaov & Copper W art. made of the best M ATEKi al, on band or made to order. Merchant aupplied at Low Prices. Cah raip for all kind of Copper, IJruaa Ac Aak fur Buowa's Tin shop Main Street. Salisbury, N . h. V . lirown. I am well prepared to cut good 7 IS A M. 7.16 P. M. .7 UU A M .7 UUP. U Leave Wilniinirtou at.... Arrive at ( ' harlotte at. . . . Leave Cba Hottest Arrive iu Wilmington at.. WI TRAINl STENCIL PLATE8 for marking Tobacco, Flonr Patent article Ac bvery pltnou doing any kind of work or bum ueas should have a stencil to advertise bis buai- eK, as it is acknbwledaed to be the beat aad cheapeat way to let people know what you am doing. One mark witb stencil mar sat a cuetomer. for you, that will put Hcnpreus of Dot- in your hand. Try it anil you a ill get S pus- tomer yon never thoueht of. MmKJI ABK LOW, 4 FPWA1W8, Oue-fourth inch letters 5 eanU. per letter One half and five-ekhU 6 " " ' Ti tree-fou rth & One iuali letters 7 u M 4 They may be sent to any part of tbe U. 8. by mail at a small cost. Send in vour order stating site of letters yea prefer, and the Stencil will he male neatly s and promptly forwarded. Fisher street Salisbury, N. C. April 33. X87aV If. Leave Charlotte at Arrive at Buffalo at Leave Baatahiat Arrive iu Charlotte at. . . . .00 P .6 Wi Pit ii u . A M A00 A at .S on a at ....IX at .130 I'M ..4.3UPM Xo Train an Sundav ecrpt one fraisbt train tbat leaves Wnmiugtba at r. ML, instead ad on 8atardny night. Connectiaas. 2t fcs sv SnneaS CrUWOJLEs ti Sr Chesapeake and Ohio E 1 Jl'NK, 13. PASSESGER TRAINS RUN AS FOIXOIfA LXPBLot 9J0 is 9J ? 110 m lt J6 pm HI ' 4j i i : r.30am V$ " daily T,S fSI H0W insUM AT A WaWlaaCT Iav,l Dt. at. B. fOQTI, afs. HO Leaagtsa Awss M. T. ntmNmnni CamtncnL fsn i Sabsi MAIL Leare Richmond - Oordonavill. - Caarinttearille, - Siarinartawi. - White bulpber, ' Huntingua, Arriva dnrianatii. M LiuieviUn. " Indiannpoli. " St Lsaala. Mail Trains Kinrea Flr-t cima and Emirrant tickets ail ntoearb dean Round Trio Tickru : to the Lnwtat PrtaWht Kate made br tbt Far Isderuaati' of Kate AW spp'T ForRaaeaand inforcaitoa aa te atawis.aaas I 991 . - . J I I'.tua. .Sn Agent ;rfter JC 'KMIfiUANTSCKl ON EXFReVB TRAINS J.C.lAM,ew.Aa tire ifboro, C- r. r, nowAKP. ; T a. W. M. n. DUJiy, 8-pt asiaBwV Lisa: jr. aUrgwr's Teals aWwel and PUe FUai. rnS.UiS RaaHtaHakU. YoSI RlVU MMHAjrtiaaiE KAti.aoaa ora Rii svuib. AiaHl lta On and aftrr ruvsDAK, April J I at Pa ..Kegr and Irritfht Train oa Ihl road will Wn i i Ti tn w ntwmt Po aend at 3 P M. (4swaWs eaoratedj, rive at Rich.nd frem W.t 1'uiU U.. daily fnday excepted ?aVl BBBBTlBBanaBB&aBBBBaWW'Sal tfLZ , at ) Connects at WirmintrUin witb Wilminetnn A Weldon. and Wilmington. Colninawa Aogaata Railroad, 8emi-weekly Near Turk and Tri weeUy Raltunora and weekly PhUsdelnb Sti-amera, and the Rirer BoaU to FaywttarftUa. Connect at Chariot u witb Its Wei tern Di vision. Morth Caiwiioa Railroad. Cbawioue A Statefcvite Rail road, Charlotte A Atlanu Air Line, and Charlotte, Columbia A Augusta Railroad. Tbee supplying tbe wbole West. Sortbwau and South weat with a abort aad cheap line to the Seaboard aud Euro pa. , t1 at . . t rinnr, Chief Be fit oar and Saneriutondaat. ay 6,1875.-0. "w ha va inriSK iirM.BMM!taevs nd will lrare Wet point daily . ) on tbe anlval caftbstrsta d at 3 P M amrtccaifM im imiiU riia li rune 1 for Wabint.n and the I ant. ' Zk. and leave Baltimore dilr facdsyi JTT' at 4 P. V . s Quan tise a Weat rawt save 4QO04 Bissmisl at iu A. at . swssa . MaaWaaB Fare to Baltittaora.83 W ; tnrn.M. Waabinaton. U Fare tim. av . an n 1 i i i Far t bow York, ilo ; to Sew iota, tvm.ntA BoeunfIS ret arm. OA"w SS-SV ChAp Chattel MortgAgei, - a o an 0 'nWh nx . I attifUw Trivia WaAaf tOf sail MM Baahaaamd dailg ( ataawU j eaeawaoaT4 at , ennnrrtiag witb alraanorat Tf3 ibat dlirer freigbt ia rUmaaorS y!Z aaorninr Tovwncb fr- aietalislW r-JasUtsaJj-t Lit- ruu sa " caw sisowj- !isTTAsoVd'1 Rosdjy . 'sIfl Priday at 7 tM fftwlgtl W"' ruoadaf.Tawrsg m?? m.S.UeXMUtt Trbsw m Mm .4