a a mm i i ii r a , , : - i - 1 1 i i 1 Carolina Watchman, AJJGUST, 5. I CreueralUeo. E. Pickett, of Getty abaig notoriety, k dead. lie was a true and gallant Soothcoa and noble man. gjjjT Andrew Johnson dead. He died in Carter county, Tenn., last Satur day morning. Be waa attacked witb parelyaia and rank rapidly to the boar of bis death. He will occupy ip history a prominent poaitioo amoog the great men U America. HAPPY OATHERINCr. We an informed that tbo Orange meet log at Rowan Milts, Thursday, waa a very pleasant one to all. Nearly five hundred peraons were present: Speeches were made by Mr. If ilia, tbo head of the order In thin State; also CapU Crawford. The dinner was fine and plentiful. Every thing paaaed off orderly and well. Jl van oar purpose to be present, but the time slipped by "uubeknoweust." 3T Bail Road or no Rail Road, there 4s one thing tbat deserves honorable men lion : it is the noble effort pat forth by 1 P. N. Heilig, J. W. Money,Eor., andMr.Theo. F. Kluitz, iu behalf oi ihe Road. These gentlemen all did good service, and their ability, courteous bear inc. and honesty of purpose have been recognized and appreciated by the people. They will never regret the action tbey have taken. But the demogugues, the time-servers, and fence-riders, wlio were Railroad men with Railroad men and op poeed to it when with those opposed to ft, will live to be despised. to THE RESULT. It ia of course yet uncertain as to what the result of the election to-day will be but after a careful survey of the field, we feel confident, as we have felt all tb time, tbat tne people will rise np ana put the seal of their condemnation npon rotten Radical ism, Civil Rights, and corruption in office so far as North Carolina if con sented. We know that there is much S tend with every where; tbat the blun ders of a weak Legislature have been great obstacles in the way, but we have faith in the people, and we believe tb they, notwithstanding the inexcusable ard foolish action of a weak and timid leg islature, will proclaim to-day in favor of Constitutional reform, and of good and aheap government in the Old North State. We believe for tbe Democrats of Koth Carolina that the bright and beau tsfnt sou of this morning was ube sun of Auaterlitx," and that it will go down upon nwr people this evening leaving them puri fied, disenthralled, and redeemed. If these SwatWituifts are correct, as we hope and trust they may turn ou! to be, tbe election of totdaj will mark an epoch in North Carolina, from which wiU date the begin ning of a new era of prosperity for onr people. If it should turn out otherwise if Radicalism should triumph, we should not become dispirited, but eontin ae to straggle on for the right and for the sueceaa of Pemoeralie principles until we achieve the victory. The right will triumph in (be end. unless we knew positively tbat they were unworthy. We deeply regret that there thoeld hays been any aucb difference of honest opinion as to produce the result which wo apprehend. Tbe defeat of a measure which to so many seemed tbe only chance to place onr county end Town under protection from souliesa corpora- . - a - " 1 r M ttops may oe a calamity oc no stoau magnitude. Whet will he the effect of it cannot yet be definitely known, and can only be made to appear by actual demon stration. For ourselves we shall most heartily rejoice at the superior foresight and wisdom oi those who ssyed us from tbe expense oi a heavy job, if it shall tn deed be shown that wisdom was with them. Ou the contrary, if it shall weak- . -a? e fan - en tne springs or lnanstry, traoe ana enterprise, we shall pity those whose self conceit was potent for the accomplishment of more evil than their wisdom and power is able to avert. t We will take this occasionto bring to tbe attention of the black -man the com plete bondage in which be permits himself to be held by the Radical party. This Railroad question bed uo thing to do with soy other question in this election. Not the least connection witb Convention or anything else. And it was one in which tbe black man bad the most direct and immediate interest of any other ; for if it had passed it would have given to many of them profitable work, and could have done them no barm at all. For as to the taxes, they would never have felt them, having little or no property to be taxed. And yet in the faee of all this they were led almost in solid body against the Rail raod led against their owu interest driven, we may say, like sheep to tbe shambles, kept in a body to be used for party put poses hereafter, and when ever needed to promote the vilely selfish purposes of those who could never other wise reach a respectable position. POSTSCRIPT. -Since the above was put in type, to wit : 7 o'clock last evening, the most extraor dinary change has taken place in the Railroad prospects. Tbe Radical leaders who have opposed a county subscription, and were leading their colored cohorts against it, suddenly and most unex pectedly turned over and accepted the proposed scheme, and went tb work im mediately by word and deed, to undo the work of opposition they bad previously wrongbt. When will marvels cease ! tbo attacking party of savage, emigrant it agreed that the emirraats should dr thanr arms and other property, and return by the road they came. The Mormons on their port promised to guard and protect tbe party until they should reach the settlements. Havinr ariviun uo their arms, tbe emi grants left their wagons end stoek and started northward on foot. The women end children were in front, tbe men fol lowed, and io tbe rear was a guard of tarty Mormons. Hardly had this sorrow fol nroeeesioo started on its war when a fire was poured Into them from an ambush, followed by an attack from tbe Mormons in the rear, and in a few minutes one hundred and twenty men, women and The From tbe New York Sun. Mountain Meadow Massacre. children lay slaughtered npon the ground Seven.teeu of the youngest children were saved and adopted by Mormon families, and it is said that three men eseaped im mediate death. But one of these was afterward murdered by the Ind'ans ; an other starved to death, and the third killed upon tbe Colorado, though by whom it is not known. The evidenee produced in the pending trial goes to show that tbis account of the massacre is substantially correct. Phillip K. Smith, one of tbe defendants, who w as Mormon Bishop at the time of the meea ere. appeared as State' evidence, and gave a full description of the slaughter, with all its horrible details, as well as an account of the deliberations among the Mormon leaders which preceeded tbe butchery, in which, against his will, ss he says he was forced toV participate. The a a massacre was resolved ou by Mormou bishops and councillors, Lee and W H. Dame being among the moat conspicuous in planning and executing the crime The description which Smith gives of the slaughter fully confirms all that has here tofore been reported of its barbarous char eeter. While the general facts of the Moun- ma a mar a - n tain jneaaow Massacre bating long Been admitted, it has been contended by the Mormons and their defenders that Brigbatn Young knew nothing about it; w hilt? on the other band, it has beeu vehemently asser ted tbat it was accomplished by his ex press command. It is certain that a large portion of the Mormons living in the Territory at the time of the murders were greatly shocked when they became known, and the general impression among unpreiudieed perao..s has been that th act was committed without the knowledge of Young, who, it wai thought, was cer tainly too shrewd a man to conutenance such atrocious treachery and cruelty to innocent women and children. The evi denee of Smith, however, if it ia to be credited, proves tbat Brigham Young was at least an accessory after the fact, tor he distinctly swears that in company with Lee and another man, he called ou Young in Salt Lake City, Lee having previously reported the facts iu full, and received, from him i is true tin us aa to the disposition of the property captured from tbe mur dered emigrants, and at the asms time a warning agaiust talking about ths affair, even among themselves. In 1859, Judge Cradlebaugb, a Federal Judge appointed by Buchanan, attempted to bring ihe perpetrators of tbis horrible crime to justice, but tailed. It is doubted beiber tbe present trial will result in the Stx-waut ik His Sxonn Btawarf runs bis store on the detective system. Each man feela that he is under the eye of some one that bo is watched and no one disguises the annoyance this fact gives him. I was in the store, one day, and in conversation with aa employee It was not n busy time, end all the hands seossod to be laying off. Some lounged, some leaned, one or two sat at the boxes In a moment tbe scene in the store chan ged ; all came to "attention," sharp. No one was seen no one spoke. Each man was erect ; the loungers came to their feet; there was not an idler in tbe store. In a moment Stewart came in from his little coupe on the curbstone: He spoke to no one, bowed to uo one, seemed to recognise no one. He gave a sharp glance right and left, and went up stairs. Did yon see tbat glancel said tne clerk; he saw ovrrv one of us, and could tell hat each one was doing. While Stew art remained not a man "laid off." New York Letter. . Strange Story of an Unfortunate W The outrage ou the Wife of CoUmti Mot fit as) New York-Her Escape from tag Government nsane Subsequent A Walking Pincushion. From the Baltimore Sun. A curious story is told of Gen. C. A Evans of Augusta. Ga. At the battle of a mouoeaey, Md.j abtlc leading bis brigade in battle, be Bras struck in the left side by a minie ball. Tbe ball paused through hie arm, and thence through bis body. In phi ugh tug through his coat pocket tore through a paper of pins, burying some of tbetn in bis fleab. For the paat few months he has been troubled with pain about a font and a half from tbe wound. A week or two since a bump about aa large, aa a pigeon vsm was raised on tbe spot where tbe pain was moat so vere. A few days ego three or f ur pi ns worked out of this bump, sn4 it dieap peered at once I bus tor eleven years Mr. Evana has been a walking piucusb ion. Plowing Young Orchards. This ia generally a very delicate and tedious task. In tbe effort to plow as eloaely aa poeaible so as to lessen tbe work of epadinr, we are apt to ret too close snd inar the trees with the wbiffl tree or yoke. To avoid this 1 bave adop ted the following plan: Hitch tbe team to s front bob lit igb, then lasb s stick across, letting it pmjeer eighteen inches on tbe near side; attach tbe plow to tbe end of this; one runner will follow tbe near horse in tbe furrow; tbe plow can theu be perfectly controlled, snd I can plow every inch of tbe ground without maiming a single tree. The dirt is then spaded back to each tree. In an orchard of 1,000 trees this saves an immense amount of labor. Any person eau a ijust tbe stick to suit himself. Of course tbe draught will be slightly increased, bnt there will be no barking of trees. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MRS. JOSEPHINE i. NBAYB. will be ia Salisbury about the masals Bap- ad will be Dleasad to recurve pP Ci As. 4.-187&. THE YADKIN RAILROAD. Tbe trial of John D. Lee in Beaver, Utah, for participation in the Mountain Meadow massacre of 1857, piomises to ni i aa aA u;, .: 4 t i j 1 1 km i ul v in u ma annwLiaicn. Bullae -.1 mi z - eight of tbe lurors are Mormons ; while it is said that some of them are near rela tives of persons who are deeply implica ted in the murders. . Before this paper shall have reached most of onr readers, the election will have passed, and ths questions involved In it, settled. To us of Rowan, the Yadkin fUUrond scheme possessed a loeal interest of no small importance. Many of otfr people looked on it as essential to tbe pros perity of tbe county and Town. They willing In be taxed all that might be to grade it j and tbey believe the Rend would hsvs resulted to the in dividual benefit of property holders bad .ft ft- A . f ' M V we scpeme met universal ravor. it is possible, even probable, that the stock of the county, had the people voted "sub acription," would uot be of much value; on. wai as a reason wny we snouid not have the road is sbout as strong against the roads we bave as against tbe one pro poeed. The original stock of none of onr gonis is worth much. Tbat of the Wes tern is a total loss. If, therefore, this is In become a reason for rejecting railroad schemes in the future, we bave done building railroads for the public benefit ; and all tbe schemes that shall hereafter fte proposed will ho devised, not with ref erence to the public good, but with a view to erhxd the public. They will probably he built by lbs heavy moneyed monopo- Jies for the purpose of securing advantages to themselves without the slightest regard to the interest of the section through bkb they may pass. The people will hare no voice in the control of them ; and possibly, after a while, will be compelled SB) snbmit to their exactions, however ajanpns they may be. The original idea of a Bute system, uudcr tbe control of tbe Itffiimi the State, will be lost ; and she dominion d tbo money power In the 'ortb, will auua jus able to prescribe rules to which the people bore will have yield obedience, whether pleasing peat or not. Tr pae no reproaches to utter against those fsadtog and iufluen ti J men amongst as who fed H to he their duty to oppose a untmnw Mbmrtytton to ths Y ad his Hand Vs ua v willing to 4 witb thai? motim bave one good result, if no other. The judicial investigation will afford the pee pie an opportunity to learn from authentic testimony tbe true history of that revolt ing outrage. - Tbe tragedy occurred at a time of great excitement in si tab. briebam loonr I -n a i .i tt.,, L ... thn finmr A th. T Wl W DWUU bUS ASJlXeSSpOTt --mr 'has w v MWB ro WUV A VI S B SVI J SnSSS likewise Superintendent of ludian Affairs. m w i, I df M m a a bavine received his annointment to thone uantain Boy ton, in compliance witu offices from President Fillmore, tbonch tne invitation of tbe International Marl Alfred Cummine. with a commission in I time Exhabition in Paris, has consented his pocket from President Buchanan, waa U K9 o' to France with the Lrd May- on his wsy to supersede bim as Governor, or 01 London's party on the 12th August, accompanied by a military force of about aid will swim in bis safety dress op the three thousand men, under the command Knyne ana Jjanuue. lie also proposes of Col. Albert Sidney Johnston, to en- to swim across tbe Hellesport without force bis claims. There bad been great " safety dress, a feat performed by turbulence in Utah : numerous outrages Lord Byron. "In tbe second canto of on emigrants by persons in the guise of Dn Juan Byron seys of his hero: Indians bsd been ascribed to tbe Mor mons : and tbe Gentile Judges of the Federal Courts bad left the Territory. which iu fact was in a state of rebellion. Tbe question of armed resistance to tbe troops was seriously discussed, though subsequently tbis idea was abandoned. A better swimmer you could see never, He could, perhaps, bave creased tbe Heller port. As once (a (cat on which our-eelves wi prided) Leander, Mr. Ekenhead, and I did. "Giva him a Cold Potato and Let Him Go. ' Lieutenant John L. B iUVy, of this city went do w n to Union county , last Saturday to enlighten the native, aud we hear from a Union gentleman that tbe people down there played a little prank on him which wilt probably bsvo a tendency to cast a wet blanket, aa it were, over bis anti Con vention seal. Tbe Lieutenant is only 22 years of age, snd bis appearance would not indicate that he had passed bis 18th summer. He waa billed to speak at Wolfeeville, 12 mile from Monroe, and a goodly crowd bad assembled to bear "words of truth and soberness." Among the crowd who bsd assembled to bo ad vised as to bow tbey should vote in tbe coming election, were many old farmers disciples of the great lights of the 8 la te rn en who had sst st the feet of Graham and Reid, and Gaston and Morebead and Kuffin, as Paul sat. at the feet of Gamaliel; and when they saw this adolescent Rad ical sprig, these old fellows bought bim some candy and chewing gum, and giviur it to him, said, "There now, aonny; that'll do, run along home like a good b-M !"' and Johnnie came along home and we notice that he ain't billed tc make an v more speeches . Char. Observer. Riw Tons. Jalv ft. The wo who was outraged Tuesday night ou tbe ngboat Mike Norton is about 28 year old, shabbily dressed, bat of rtflaiBBl and delicate appearance, obe told the police captain that her name wan Louise Men-it, tbe wife of Col. Merrit, of the army, and that about three weeks sso sbe made her escape from A LUBATIC ASYLUM N'SAR WASHINGTON, called St. Elisabeth's Asylum, but better (.own as the Government Hoapi'al lor the insane. Sire bad become confined mere ny tier nuMoano, sue sain, a year ago last September, in order to break ber of the habit of eating morphine si tbe a time mentioned. Sbe managed to make her escape through a bole in tbe wall. and went to Alexandria, Virginia, on foot; from there she went to Baltimore, and thence to Philadelphia, where she remain ed some days. 8 be then sold a heavy gold ring she bad iu her possession, and procured a few necessary articles of cloth iug. She saw hi tbe Philidelpbia news papers tbat Detective McDevitt, of Wash ington, was in tbe city and fearing that be might be looking for her determined go away at once. Obe therefore took the tram for Jersey City, where sbe arrived on Tuesday morning. Honing to 6nd a situation, sbe looked over tbe advertise- mem in the daily papers, and saw thai a stewardess was needed ou a steamer and she came to New York to apply for the position. She lost her wsy during i be day, and at last when sbe attempted to return to Jersey City, BECAME BEWILDERED. and wandered aimlessly about. Near II o'clock at night she found herself in Sooth street, aud while standing ou a corner was approached by a man wbo asked her what she was doing there. She told hint her story and he said he waa agent of the vessel she waa looking for, and told ber be would take her on board. She tben went with bim to tbe tag Mike Norton snd entered tbe cabin with him. After she had been there a short time four other men made their appearance. THE ASSAULT WAS MADS. 1 he moment she effected her escape sbe sought tbe protection of tbe first patrolman she met, who took ber to tbe police station. It waa with greas difficulty tbat tbe po-. lice captain could get ber to tell ber story, -L IJ L . t JtJ . aa aue saiu mai sue uia not want uer troubles to be made public, and that all sbe desired waa to be allowed to go away in safety. She bad appealed to the officer for protection only. A ball doseu coarse cottou haukercbiefs found in ber possession are marked "(J. E. Waldron." I ..nnt...t ( . i.: i : .i - ' . W.VlfUllkVU IWI ill 115 I J HJIUK Wiai sbe bought them iu Philadelphia, and had tli-'tu so marked bacause she pmpoeod to take that name, as abe had a brother in law by tbe name of Charles . Waldroo in B ifton. Besides the bankercheif Charlotte Mite for Ymu Ladies. ttaVD. 8. Tatlob MaUTIV Pril Charlotte, N Havin removes' my Behest bVss and leased tbe Charlotte Imtiiuie (or a t jeans I !' open the Iostuuta tor tbe of popila US. 1st lea. A fall corns of experienced aud teachers will b employed. For other for areolar. a TAYLOR MARTIN, N. ripel, o. T1IIITY COUEBE XT Pell FasaltT : aieaa Si High Pots wa the c IbbUw ibyL A swaslaa fa ,ntl fa, all rV W GREENS BO BO FEMALFfT Pail will DISOLUTION. Tbe Finn ot MeCubbina, Baa 1 1 A J alien waa diaulvad by mutual iu nasal an' the lock July, 1876. All persona indebted to -aid trm are requested to eoflBO forward end settle as early aa poeaible, aa wo see very aaxkwa to get all tbe biwioeas of tbe old arm cloaca i The bneineai will be eootiuoed by 1 MeCubbina, Thos. B. Beall and John W under the firm style of MeCwbbieau Beall 4 Dean, ebo will be dad to sell to their frientia and tbe public genera I ly at tka old atand I No. I Granate Row, where a sjood stock of lust such food aa the peopfe waet can always be Bound and will be aobj low for cawh or barter. J. SAMUEL Met UBBINR, T. & BE ALU D. K. JULIAW. Aug. 6, 187 5 The anderaijrned beg leave to return thanks to hi many friend for the patrongea o liber al It bestowed on him in tbe past, and in re tiring from the mercantile boat new would aat that having been associated with Maaara. Me Cubbina A Beall tor over three yearn, and havine found them to be gentlemen of high character and biuinet qualification, be takea pleeanre in recommending them to kia friend as aafa assd net dealing. D. R JULIAN. COTTON SAW GIN. TERMS REDUCED Chmrfeeper Ssasipa s 10 onafo ' Board (etelaaive of wabtag A- bafct -Tuition in regular Bagnak saastsai For Catalogue- ataiij teT. M. Joss. Pteassnut -"f J ana I?tk.-taaoa. aa. Tt l?.WllA0r TilE GREAT CKNTArBfjtTf: d Chesapeake and Ohio E ! JI NK. IS. PASSENGER TRAINS RUN' AS P0LL0WS. ' MAIL try, with aa iaaprov- to amy other Gin. Eqaal to any in tbo ed cotton roll a Manufactured br J. M. ELLIOTT. Winnaboro, S. C. Reference : W. R Cregbt, R. &. Agt., and Mai. F. W. Woodward. July 16, 1876 taao saL Je si IfiUla tA6 ,i 4 XV (Utba i tit m ran daily ease an IB "ti ll so "J 2 a m w ciaaa and Eaaigraat ticketa far mum QUASiTr or horphuib waa found in one of her pocketa, and the police captain saya be thinks she was un der its influence st the time she waa brought into tbe sUtioo. lie seys that ber maimer and language indicated that sbe iaa refined aud cultivated ladj, though evidently Buffering from tbe exeeaivo nee of morphine. A medieal examination disclosed the fact tbat she has two severe wounds on ber srm. Tbe two men or rested on tbe charge of complicity io the affair have been committed. The "Lost Cause.' There have been mountains of nonsense, written and spoken, on tbe subject of "the lost cause," aa the fail ure to defend Soui hem civilisation is eailed. 'The aim The actual distance is not above a mile. During this period of excitement, name- but the rapid current renders it hazardous. ly, in August, l87, a large train ot emt- Lieutenant Ekenbead, wbo was Byron's grants on tbeir wsy to California reached companion on this occasion, swam across Salt Lake City. It wa the finest train n one hour and five minute; Byron onk pa w a, snnth tWft that kd Ataa aftt.i.J iL AU&ut.uJ I ft OS MSIlinlaa mtaa Knf U.t1 il Kam I . I - 1 v. w V- UHVIUUI sA kllC U CI ICS II la " v-v a.uw " i ln, .,,l,ua IriO mu nr It uann t-i .-a I i route. oeverai eiecaui carnages were ciwbskws uav ueiore. wniy wnr ,K l- MM( tl,o -..r-,;.. among the vehicles for the seeommoda. person, besides the trmiiuonsry Lesnder gutet d in iarrender of ah . L I. J.. . I I . -. . j a. 1 1 aaaaalMW , x I , . 4. U . . I uuu ui lauici ui iiie party, ano inere were y 00 wo ioc iair ucru, were many woman and children mthetrtan. It known up to 1821 to have swam across is said that tbe finest ot these carriages the Hellesport. Theee. Byron says io S W aa m mm I S. ."V a was tor years arterwara used by a tamtly one or ins tetters, were "a Neapolitan, a of Mormons. After laying in their son- I young Jew, Mr Ekenhead, and myself.' Ljttcn in nun i iHHt- ijilv. liiih nuriv nrn. uuiiriunriiuiK iiiLfBrtBHL linn uwii pic in nv . . i , I ' J K 7 K " w - " ' - w, t u it m fti.srmiid UI 1 1 l iiiaIi a I I fa . .1 , . " " ceeoea toward uaiitornia, and tbat was le annouueemeut ot uaptain Boyton s frotl tbe Isst tbat was know of them .fori intention to pass in this manner from Eu . - l a long time. It was fully a year before rope to Asia." Whig. any of their friends received the least in timation of their fate. fill 1 3 3 -1 . S r-i a t i i thr niinnrsn n pi rrnm s-i r ono - --- uw aawasw Bwrsa-aw s instvg oq the road to Los Angelos, California's endow five miles in length by one in bread Ui, witb a very -tine Thirteen Black Dogs. From the Troy Preai. Last evening nineteen beef cattle came e awful ruin bough t on tbe South , Southern armies. Tbey could not submit to Lincoln's election, of course, but tbey should bass left 4 bridge between them selves and the sane av-n of tbe North, a t 1 i a a aw and more vital sun. tuey suoold never foe in their What wese the total annihilation ot lee s and Jotintoti a armias, in view of tbe stupendous martyrdom of sis mil lions of people eince ? Indeed, the imme diate martyrdom of Lee s eighteen thou aud half starved and worn out victims would bave saved the land not only from bat "CrjTTiVG a. Dido." This is a oh rase older than most people imagine. Do you call to mind tbo story of Dido, Princes of Tyre 1 Her husband, Acerbm, priest of Hercules wa murdered for hi wealth by the King of Pygmalion, brother to Dido. Tbe widowed princess wa ensbled 10 es cape frotn lyre, bearing with her tbe wealth of ber husband, and aceompauied by a number ot disaffected nobles. After s vsriety of adventures tbev landed upon the coast of Africa where Dido bargained with natives for ss much land aa she could inclose in s bull' bide. Selecting s large tough bide, be caoeed it to be eut into tLe smallest pocsible thread, with which she enclosed a large tract of country, 00 which the eity ol Carthage coon began to rive. Tbe natives were bound by the letter of their bargain, and allowed the cunning queen to bave her own way ; and after that, when any ooe played off a sharp trick, tbey said bad he MeutaDido.M That waa almost three thousand years ago, and the saying ha come down tn our day. To Ike Sorth Carolina Gold Amalgamating Coat pa ny, the North Carolina Ore lra ing Coai pan 7, foreign corporation and WO I iaa A. Coit, a noo-reasoeot, von are that th following wmmooT baa against rarajif jim via: ROWAN COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Amos Ho was PI iff. idkwMl Tb North Carolina Gold Asaal- S mating Company, the North rolina Ore Drewdng Company aud William A. Coit, Defendant STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, To (As Sheriff of Rowan CWsAy OratO ay. Too are hereby commanded 10 Semasoo The North Carolina (told Amalgamating Company, The North Carolina Ore IrcaatBg Company snd William A. Coit the Defendant abov named, if to be found within vonr county, to be and appear before th JUDGE OF Ol'R SU PERIOR COURT, to be keid far tbe County of Pwan, at tit Conrt Hooae in KIiHnrr. no the oth Monday after the 3d klondav ol txpt. 1875, and anawer the complaint whieh will be depoaited in the office of tboCLEKK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT, of atd County, within the Brat three daya of the next term thereof, aud let the said IVfendanta take notice that if they fail to anawer th said complaint within tbe lime praacribed by law. the Plaiatifl will apply to the Court for the relief maaded ia the complaiaC Hereof fail not, and of this dne return. Gieeti under my hand and the seal of Court, this 4th day of August, 1875 J. M. HORAH, Clark of the Superior Court of Rowaa County. SUPER. OK COURT ROWAN COUNTY. Jons Watts, Plaintiff Leave Richmond " (vordoiarill. " CaaruiUaiUe. " Stan 11 g tea. TTh.te Hulpher, ' Uunungtms Amv Cincinnati!, M Ltwbrvin. lndianapoli. " 8t Loui. Mail Train Rinrsca Fmt all throuch taaaot osacca at lowmt Emigrant go oe Kxprcea train. KoiiikI rnpTtcfceia; to tW l.wet Kmght Kate made by ror Jniormaii or limits c app y For Rate Band informal ton a u Ewnu.ua apply to J c Da mi A J fmt Gmaiin JT t tyEMIGBAST8GO ON LXPkLSI TRAINS. J C. DAME.Sa.Aat. Gre.a-a,Tc C R HOWARD, G. T. A W. M. 8. DUNN.Supc Piedmont Air Linn Enilvsy tichmostd dt DanriUe. m k mi V Dannlle. Danrill R. W ., M. C IhTigkBi, norm western m. m. jl. w. CONDENSED TME-TABLE s aad after Wed my Jawt after 1071. OOI XJ NORTH STATION?. Man. 1 Laae t kartotte .... S r a US as - air-Lie J'act's Sat - SJS - " HatiaSwry It 68 - 1 SSI - " iJreaaiBura SOS a MjB - " Uaaettl .. - i rt m BartwilW!!. it SS - !!. arrtrr at RickmsnA Stirs lT - a w e a m a m k ing Company. Drfcdant. STATE Or NOHTU CAROLINA, To tie Sheriff of Rowaa CWatg, Gnetimj : Too are hereby nmroandeI in the name of the Bute to Summon the Nonh Carolina Ore ing Company. Defendant, in the ahoee action, to sppear at lbs neat Term of th Superior Court of the Counly of Rowaa, at the Court Hooae in Saliabory, on the Oth Monday after tbe 3rd Monday in September neat thee and there to answer the ootuplaiut of Joan Wait, rMamtiff ia this ami. And yea sr further commanded to notify the mid Defendant that if ha fail to answer th complaint within the time apecified by law, the Plaintiff will apple ror ine reiui aemanoeo is lite Complaint ai for all cocU and chargea in thi anil incurred. Witness, 4. SI- norm, Uerk of owr mad OmtrL at office, ia iShnmara. Uum ikt Sad aba of Jm, A. D. 1875. J. M HORAH, Clerk Superior Court Rouaa Countr. uly 15, ::-ow. spnug at one . - ,k- ; ... u u . eud, Wording an excellent "camping I er the covered bridge from Wet Troy. I -r"::" ground.-flere tbe emigrsnt party en- The, -were iu eb.rge of two boys and Kfcselo mlatake; which, if Mr. Davis' esmoed IU order to reernit their aSeadk hav IC A j el. . . V ' ...... e . . ,7 7 r u"6 uls "UWOTUi w baa reacrjed the trat s-Miaaissippi armies nro euienog upon wnai was eailOO IDS Oiem waJUee TKo K- - ..t i.h . La .1,;. n. h. k firpat llfiaart mnA harm t ,U i J J" , -- T ' " ,u . WVUW Wl I I M,.m M . . fA. . L. nM fM .k. ..... c .1, . I. i mm lung bucks sioien irom a inmner i i - "ct g.p-.w.np.we. ! - - J r-altv Dnd.ratd t!,a Abolition nwa, Anmnlinff tn th Mnminn -nnf rl i Due. as tne nroceeaion entered Kinr I . . ... r -i .""r .-T- TT . a y -r - . s J 7a r. DavU did so, snd would bave secar STSgg! T.-W T mmjs wmn guarantees before dumrming.s h.d - Tk" " "i eiBTieo wier coanir7 ao. Book. snd tbey halted. The ten visiting dogs were black , snd three of tbe couu try dogs PREVENTION OP SCARLET FEVER. had been set upon tbetn by Mormons, and by Marmons dtsguisbed aa Indians, and ten or twelve men were killed before n a . . i a a mm wi s 1 t i . , . any one unaersiooa tuey were in daneer. wc,c w uicu maae exactly a baker's tu. ... .u:. j.j TU. rem.md.r ol .b, p.rty oo id I doa bUck d.j.. Tb.y kicM p n fal di, "rrly f.".k iu pP.." a.uw, mutucu lucuiinvw oeuinu imnroiiiDta fi? it n Knt . A. at tbis seasun of ihn vear. we feel that we their wagon, and prepared for a deter- whi h -ipm , M. . , cannot do onr readers a better service than mined resistance. For a week, with their 4 with one to t. foHowinir Btivc com muni- women and children lying io tbe trenches accord bowed down their wends snd eated some time snu to the Baltimore Sen ; they had dag, the emigrants maintained advanced on the quarrelsome canines ,be prescription was put up by various their position and kept their enemies at A short, quick , upward ierk of the beeves drFUu bae. Tben the Mormons resolved ou necks, and th J! 7??", b th7ttimony of every one of them that TT' wnreo party, inosing u tne sir. Borne came down on tbeir this prescription was followed. Dr. Char bo ma ia a graduate of tbe Universur of skillful sud high-toned up tne meadow, saw a wagou full of white ins; toward them. - V backs, some ou their aidaa imm m ih uwnds. One dog landed on i an awning Paris, snd one of the proved to be John D. Lee and other Mor-fand rolled off like a keg of Laaal souse mplished physicians moo dignitaries, who offered to mediate into a tab i.f w.tr -l- . lv u.j genthimsn of onr cit Witb tbe Indians. Aa the M ormona and beam hnihU. t rraL J7TT aT -Extract of bel Indians worn known tn on on the offer was gladly sceeotad. Lee and big associates bad eeoferred with into a tab a bathiog a , and each cur crawled or leaped begtbescnld. Tins,etm Give two or three drop lor every year oi tea drops will be th and ladonua, too grains; efn- ounoe : alcohol, ten droo. times, day. Dose-on. r the age ofth chiht ; J mu Purify the Springs of Life. It ia a itas qua noa of health, that th. of ri tali it. the "springs of life," ahould be free from contamination. Th. fluid, which, by their action upon the food, tranaaorma it into blood, and lbs great vital natrlent itself, moat be pure, if tbe moaclea, ths bona and the brain a a a a . a are to oe properly nouiianen snu kept vigor ous. To this end the stomach, tb. liver, the bowels and the kidneys should perform unin terruptedly their variona functions, since if these are diaturbsd ths vital fluids apeedilv become rtuateu. ins beat, nay, the OSLT blood deporent which purines them, by . t S a Sea a a . a . . . coming inos oouuy irregularities wblcn pro duce them, is Hcatstter'a Stomach Bitters. The principle upon whieh thi salutary altsr- ativ acta la aa simple aa it ia philosophic Tbe origin of most dlasss, and invariably tbo. which affect the organs above mentioned. weakneea, eaoasd by insufficient saaimilatioo of th. food. The Bitters apcwdily rectify the of the difficulty by restoring rigorous digestion, . i 1 - m . . . . f . so mai an pari oi tne pnyaicai structure are supplied with an abundance of pure, rich blood This increases tbo activity of tbe dJaobargiag organ, snd enables them to throw oft tbe effete matter, which, rankling in the health. This bodily refuse having boon got rid of, and perfect aaaim 11 alii is nothing to prevent healthy and astiv. pa ina the caae, it la puui not only tne meet reliable of tbo disesa. of tbe liver. GOING SOUTH hTATIOK. Laae E teheed. " narkerl m Daadea - Dae Tina... M C, l i.knr onsi invvy " Aw Li se TneXn Arrive t t'hartorte... MaJL. .SB r 4.M - ion -ts.ss - t.SB a s s.t? - T BS -8 03 s a Mlsa. t in -sJi - S.M S. - uoIau bUut. iU5u IK STATIONS. Mail. r LaaTt " C M waletch Arr at Soldbora'. a a. ..If SSSa S aa A SSSa i Han. Art tSfsS LTalSSl- - iwrs 11 a a jL-wlSt ( Arrfe at Leave Arrive at ) , 4-bS r s . UL - . s . n lesTisg Balssgh to atOrsssabsrs wiUta S traia; makiag tka qaickaat time ta c tries Pries! TieSe came as rit Trains U aad from potato East ef at t;eesabara ila Matt way t S.WVS Two Traiaa dally. I Oa Ouadaj. Lrac mm mm ! Riekaaoad at SOS A I'titiiti rr V t A r I nnn BitM.i; n - , ad Bicnmond, icaborg Acoasasnsmsu A.ariHTatiarwvnlB f rill SSSa a. smre at Sjsb ISO Bigs Cuff. 50 Barrels 8ncr. 40 " .MIh-, 5000 lbs. Baron. 2000 lb Lard, 2000 lb. Best Snzar Cntvd II 20 Kng Soda, 20 Box, c 50 u Adamantine Candida ' 40 " Soap. 2000 lb. CUra.li. R V 30 Caae Oyster, 20 do B.nndy Peaches, 20 do ljemnu Svrun. tO do F.wah Peachra. 10 do Pine Annie. 10 do 8m .k inar ToLaeea 25 Gross Suufi, 25 Coi!s Cotton Jt Jute ilnpe, 40 do. Painted Puil. 40 Btxes Assorted Candw. 100 Beams Wrapping Paper, A fall Hue of Wood A Wlllcn ware. A full line of Boot ethos (rry cheep), A fall Hue of flats. A fall line rf Saddles aV Bridlee, Bah, Ginger. SpioeTCanned Gotala, Buyal Powder. Ci gars. Tobacco. Crockery. K ABaoera r macnin Uila, stc , Sc. Tbe above stock waa hoaeht ame the heavy decline in prim and is nSwiart stWnsSs saia n uetail at very abort profa'a, n.r ta-h. j BIS OH AM ft CO. Jane 3rd 187a. SPECIAL No. 1. Heavf plow oaoes si $140 worth 4200 " ' M ia a m. Ladies SUspers at 4l worth 17a. Ladms Cruquat Supper at $1 worth t Lauuo viana u attars u 1176 worth 4960. Cars Bicnmond. MS Miles. Papers that h r arraagemrau to aebelale ef IU eomsaur vtll saaee. Far farther I aluaaatlee add rem mmmm 8. K. ALL0 OsjaT V R TSLrOTT. artOeil lata FOR AND THE SOUTH rjsaasssassa T eTP .A iaa a"" HalssBaWJt to sell throuah tickets from nto in Texas, C to all points lmmmmmmm. A lake sua, Mmsouri, Teuaa ana ! A via Chaxlsate. CalsMdaia snd Aagaata - Lhmir D 1 . mxt-i . -1 Tirtal I aaisruu j icacoa, or r iraa vaaa . . r and Baggage cbecked ihroogh. I'srum it greatly to their own i with tb Tiarlarsiga ia regard to Staam, be fu mashed etLher pstsonslly or primp vf lift. Ladia Cloth Alaraslotof tt17 wTSajTJco A.BOPE.Oaw'l J. A. McOONNACGHEY, Agt.C.CAA.iLB S.-41 SW SB1 snvws r W v - mm m f gt.C. C.A A. oaJkdmry, Cheap Chattel Mortgage-, 2 m t-x. ri.w

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