The 1 1 Watchman m as VOL. V. THIRD SERIES. i SALISBURY, S. C, AUGUST, 12, 1875. M SB vSSTSJ - 10. 97. WHOLE 10 86. Carolina PUBLISEDBD WEKKKY t j, J. BRUNER, Proprietor and EditOI . J. J. STEWART Associate Editor. WEEKLY WATCHMAN. oafiWeio advauee $3.f0 r . ii.avui. ...... i .o Copte to so address 10.0 ADVERTI M - BATES : a ooabk (1 inch) One insertion $100 . (or a greater number of insertions !Jder.te. 8pcil notice. 26 per cent more UrMnlir dvertieemenl. Beading notice. V 5. .rline foreaehand every insertion ( Wkittem fob the watchmas.; FOLK AT THE PAIS CTO XII. jt Omio sketcoed a sermon preached For there are times when all men, -Spotted Tail. The following account of the celebra ted Souix Chief, Spotted TatT, is from advarce sheets of General Brisbin's book : During the Utter years of the war, part of Spotted Tail's family remained for a time at Fort Laramie, and with them was Ma favorite daughter, a young girl just budding into womanhood. The fort waa then garrisoned by companies of Ohio regiment of volunteer cavalry. Among . I rtrt Sm .mm . me omcers ot this regiment was a young man of good appearance and pleasant manners and with whom the chief's daughter fell in love. Her passion does not seem to have been reciprocated by the young soldier, and he did all in his power to convince her he could not mirry net, and ih n ini' ii would A Tear of Flood a&d Storms paper. At the fourth snot from 60 yaids distance, the bowl of a pipe, which the son was smoking, was crushed. At the fifth shot a copper cent waa thrown in the air and hit. The sixth and seven shots were delivered at a blaekened five-cent nickel piece thrown up by the son, stand ing about thirty yards oft At the first attempt the shot missed. The old gentle man bowed considerable mortification and laid the blame upon a bystander, who at the critical moment sneezed loudly. The next attempt, however, was an en tire success. The old man declined any further t rials of his skill , and when offer ered a snm of money to repeat his first feat of shooting a potato from his son's hand, be refused, saying he don't wish to try such experiments unless his weapon I mm. t Ll 1 I mi L!L!.- wfipi iifiiu v r-ieitiieu. 1 ne cm d ion whh . . ... rm t . J ... 1 Jnlv in Miuannri the nt. wmi ine inci mat ... , " . the more remarkable from e: . HIUI iln ii hi. n wmi'ri lit' wmnir in him to pM his addree to her. But the ",H marksman waa an old man, at least iufataated girl would not believe, andi1- His eye, however, is a clear bright wet understand why eh, a princess, His appearance is that of a poor the daughter of the most powerful "assm I he young man ehowed not the cheifonthe plains, was not a sniuble ,ek tremor anxiety during the danger wife for the anMUr Tv after ' " experiments upon himself. The old Return of the Amaricaa x, viig and day she would dress herself with scrudu- Tht ancient maid ! when thus she said, "Dear Aidward, are you serious 7" I, mucj dog and worse than hog. Laughed in her face mysterious t I ibould have been compelled to join The monks' Carthusian order To pay a fine in my own coin For such a cruel murder ! And yet this life, it is no joke, And love, it is no dream, sir ; Though Wit may oft be Wisdom's cloak, And Cupid oft grow tame, sir! "A little nonsesce, now and then," A classic writer stateth, "Is relished by the best of men" Too much, a stink createth ! And so I needs must interlard Tbese Cantos, mischief-ringing, With texts that count and sense that's hard, And hymns the saints are singing Out aa the shores celestial, where, Dressed op, we go each Sunday, Aad then forget, and thoughtless swear A little, 'cause its Monday ! Again, my reader, Colonel, Squire, I'm feelin mighty solemn, And hope I wont excite your ire, Should I sing, in this column, Boms saw-sole-lay snd doe-my-may, Shaped note and pesky roundhead, Which last, they say 's the donkey bray On which true music's founded ! Boms roundheads, O I they're never slow To prove their faith by works, sir ! All keys they sing at sight, and ring All chords, like Oabriel's clerks, sir ! They acorn to start the score by heart. Like ignorant buckwheaters 1 Aad yet for tall, a dozen' all The tunes in round-head metres f , ; Twixt Goth and Hon, just six for one Half-dozen for the other t Each lasy son of a big pep gun Is Humbug's own twin brother ! Bom folks, astride of Gilpin's horse, Bald Ignorance his name, sir, Will gallop on from bad to worse Conceit their only claim, sir! I de admire one little choir, . Who nothing know of chords, sir Feat sweet-voiced girls, like orioles, Wood-nymphs or mocking birds, sir I They warble free more melody Than organ's richest swell, sir Their soft refrain my dreams retain, like mermaid's magic shell, sir ! When morn her gayest smile doth yield. And groves with chirpings ring, sir, I hear them, as they go afield, Their mslin carol ring, sir ; Aad as they trill their tender lay, Aad play their tasks so well, air, Hsy sever care, I softly pray. Those happy spirits quell, sir 1 Sing on, ye gay and lightsome hearts, While round yon e'er is beaming The humble peace which toil imparts Yea self-reliance teeming ! Brave hearts and true 1 In praise of yon The robin's notes are ringing 1 ,'All work is worship !" as he flew, I heard the wild bee singing I The sv'aing casts its shadows slow, And Mill the feathered throngs, sir, Art answered, from that portal low, By those sweet minstrels' songs air, Aad still at househould tasks they're found And social pleasures share, sir I sigh and pass 'tis holy ground, For innocence is there, sir 1 When Southern maidens singing go "Southern sun's to face, air I fight along the cotton row, Aad count it no disgrace, air, I tall you, Independence is Daclared her battles won, sir! Oar losses sll redeemed by this : "Tkt girU won't be outdone, air I E.P.H. After the heat of the noon-tide ray After the cares of the vearv dav Finished the duties and toils of the day- Cometh the end. Into the unknown spirit land. Over the river by no bridge spanned, Crossing alone the misty strand, Beginning the end. Only a flatter and gasp for breath, aij a cross and lily wreath, Only s sleep the daisies beneath, Hot yet the end. Cleaving the sky with wings of a dove, A crown of light in the realms- above, A dwelling forever where God ia love, TuUi! the blissful end. 'Gsinat Satan matched, qnote scriptures fetched Ions care, and come to the fort to see her From far, like solemn, tall men ! beloved. It was pitiable to observe her, As when, young blood, in jest I wooed as hour after boor she would sit on the A maiden multifarious doorsteps of the young officer's quarters, j, years snd hair false-curled, My dear," wailing for him to come out. At other cl- ..;,t '-W.W are von MT-ri-ous 7" times s be would follow him about the w ""-i - i .... . . paraae grouna iiKe a dog, seeming per fectly happy if she could be near him aud enjoy the privilege of looking at him. Spotted Tail hearing of the strange conduct of his daughter, and deeply mortified at her want of self respect, and hastened to the fort, and putting her in chsrge of snme kind friends, bade them carry her off into the Rocky Mountains, where a portion of her tribe dwelt, and endeavored in every way to make her for get her unfortunate love. She went away eckly enough but tell into a deep melan choly, from which no effort of friends could arouse her. Presently she refused to take any food, aud pitied way to a mere skeleton. One day a courier horse was white with foam, sought the great chief aud told him bis daughter was dying of broken heart, and wished to see him once more before she passed to the happy spirit land. Away over mountain and stream hurried the chief and paused not fur food or rest until he had reached the bedside of his beloved child, lie found her still alive but fast sinking, aud she bade him Bit close beside her and hpld her fleshless bands in his while she told him all her simple story of love and suffering and a broken heart. She then said : "I shall soon be at rest my father, aud with those of our kindred who have gone b Kue. in that beautiful land I will wait for you, and you will soon come to join me, dear father, for your looks are whitened with care, you are fast growing old aud tired. You are a great cnief and have yet many warriors, but the pale faces are in re niim erous than the leaves ot the forest, and I pray you to cease waning with them. Spare your people, my chief, real a little while in peace, and yon will have reached man, referring to his son, aaid, "Bob can shoot just as well as I can." Both Killed. How Two Southern Gentleman Vowed Vow and Kept it The Stateaman of Austin, Texaa, aays: From Serbin comes the news of the finale ot a teartul tragedy, ana we are able to 1 rm 1 . . gainer me following details m regard to it. Drs. Mellette and Manning were a.a a Dotn practicing pnysicians m tue same ueiguboihood, aud had been living there for several years. Some little profession al jealousies sprang The present year will be memorable says the Baltimore Crorerre, as the season of flood and storms. The whole universe seems to be at war with the watery ele ment. In F ranee the terrible undulations in the valley of the Garonne have had their counterpart ia the destructive over flow of the Danube in Hungary and the calamitous tidal wave of Lake Leman, in Switzerland, which caused snch destruc tion at Geneva. England haa been visi ted by almost incessant rainfalls daring the whole summer long, which have rain ed large portions of the growing crops, and a si miliar misfortune has befallen the great central States of the West. Aa giving an idea of the rainfall in June and Bepub can publishes statistic allowing that 19 b5 in inches of ram have fallen in two monibe while the total average 24 inches. The storm belt extends over the States of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Soul hern Iowa and Missouri. The heavy raina began in May and extended through June, with intervals of clear weather, but since the first of July the rainfall baa been almost incessant. The destruction has been as great as that eacred by .sud den inundations, but the loss of growing crops has been heavy. Throughout the fertile bottoms of the Scioto, Muskingum, and Miami valleys of Ohio, and the Wabash regions of Indiana, the lands are entirely submerged, in many places to the depth ot several feet. The wheat crop, whether standing or harvested, haa been almost completely ruined, while the standing Corn has greatly suffered, and in many places has been washed away. So continuous have been the rains that very little harvesting had been done, so that i The speedy arrival hi this country of Messrs. Moody and Sankey is expected. They were to leave Liverpool in the steamer of August 4th, yesterday, and ay therefore reach this citv in the coarse of next week. For their safe voyage and return to the native shores in good health, the most fervent prayers will be offered by thousands who have beard of the won derful tbinga that have been done through the instrnoientality of tbese two men. The story of their work in Britain if more extraordinary than any paaaage in religions history since the days of White field and Wesley. And indeed in many aspects the movement haa been more re markable. We mast consider the peeu- furniture of forward ss we have backward oosvder things as fall ng, we y eesse to a great central mtW ADVERTISE EXT. all ia one piece, which woeJd send oat waves si heat through a perfectly empty ether. aad gradually cool itself down. As this mass got cool ft would be deprived ef all life or motion. It woo Id be j est a ssave enormous frozen block to the middle ef the ether. Bat ono eonolaaion ia which we have no right whatever as upon. l depends opoo the as sen ass tion that the laws of geometry and rk.niM am m.L J -1 - T rr.T r f r Granite Row . auauiuicijr true w evr aoa ever. lump- H 1UD WARE. is vsw -ff. . 4 JfflMl From the Journal of The Sun Cholera Mixture. a a it i e a liar intellectual furniture ot the m-n their culture end training t their tor- More than forty years age, when H eige origin, Bud that, too. ABsertcaas i fcd that I hails naiAara nna n rmt f txtm aaAMi a I I Ku . rT-fT "r" eho era waa aaUe than tt.. 1 I BJ OB OB V W mi hdtwaan t hom and Mallette,iu time, began to talk about he wheat crop U nearly a total loss It k. ..Umm. i , u . . j j is impossible to make an estimate of dam- llic uiuvi uuVrWil iu nun ndo iraiucu as an unjustifiable roauner. He did not, as it is said, confine his remarks about Maun ing in a professional capacity alone, but had placed him in a wrong social light before others, and had also indulged in reflcc lions upon the character of a near female relative of Manning. Manning finally aa as .a aa larors wit boat heralding or their success is disarming opposition, allaying prejudice snd securing confi dence : their wondeiful facility iu obtaiu ing the co operation of those who never before co-operated with each ether, but who now joined heart aud baud in up holding the bauds of the these two lay men : when we consider these elements of the work, it challenges cam pari sou with any modem rehgtuas movement in any part of the world. Jr. X. Observer. Health of Farmers. called upon Mallette to give an explana n i - i i ttou or bis course, woieb resulted m an a a mtm a mi agreement between them to bgbt. i bey went to a store, selected each of them a butcher k .ife, and then seeking an open place commenced the work ot carnage The kuivea, in their virgin purity did the work well, but belore either were mortal ly wounded they were separated, Mai 1.. 1. - M lette weltering in ins gore, ana Manning a wreck of his former self. Though sep arated, and death, in Mauning's case ap pearing immtuent, a fearful veugun mutually vowed upou the spot aud faith fully k pt, aa the sequel shows. The combatants slowly recovered from thrir wounds. Manning's neck had almost been severed from his body, and in his recovery be became tearfully deformed, l-i jl J a nia ueaa oeiug arawn uy tne sevenng of the muscles entirely out ef its proper position. He went to the towu of Bclton, in Bell county, while convalescing, and remained there for a few months. Time mposs i as. a a.ta r i age done. Allliougli the loss falls Heavily a m ft' ta on the farmers of me inundated regions. there is no reason to apprehend a serious scarcity ot wheat or corn. The supply of the former will undoubtedly be small, as compared with that of last year, but still euongh to meet the demands .of the export trade. The corn crop promises to be unusually large. Another danger which yet threatens from the storm is the rising of the Missis sippi from rhe heavy rains, aad the break ing of the leveea. The floods of ita upper tributaries have receded, and it ia hoped so dread a calamity may be averted from the so tecently devested regions, though it is yet too early to speak with assurance. Agriculture should be the most enobling of all vocations. It would be, if farmers cultivated the earth aa teachers develope the bead and preacbera educate the heart. Teachers all aim to train the thoughts and feelings to truth and love, unity aud happiness. Farmers should train the earth to produce such crops and fruits, aud such only aa am cmntneive to the beet health and highest welfare of human v I m. m beings. Then would heir calling be wamtroat pocket, aud traiiMformed from one of degrading drug I band. It it : aWSBl :: aKaHaank ai aBHBBnaP " - St m . SBBBBJ D. r ATWEL Salisbsry.N C .a ! CEDAB CO Via N U It i : H V . a . r l ... aocior or ootn hemispheres drew ap s prescription, which was noMtsned (for working people) in the New York 5am, and took the name of "The Son Cholera Mixture." Oar contemporary never lent its asms to a better article. We have seen it in eonauat ae for nearly two score years, and found it to be the best remedy for looseness of the bowels ever yet discovered. It b to be commended for several reasons. It is not to be ml led with liquor, and therefore will not be used ss an alcoholic beverage. Ita ingredients are well known among all the com moo people, and it will have an ptejediee to combat ; each of the materials is ia equal proportion to the others, snd it msy therefore be compounded without ptofes sional akill ; aad aa the doss is eo very small, it may be carried in a tiny phial in be alwaya at m T7RUIT TREES. TlXtt e JL larre atork a reaw.nable 1 1 PLANT Y M 4 w OsialasTws sW n?& aad 7 wka seription of fnm. mt free. Addrtaa CRAFT 4 BAILOR K July I. 1S7&. 4tvo. Ysaikia ski 41 NEW MILLINERY 8T0RE. At the old ataad of Foster A Just received a fail line of Hat, aeta, trimmed and untnm and all U tie, at if rilh l of Hata, aad Bs tssaa. BBWassBVtMBJsl aad Asjetisaa awsssV j.. .-.nasi car aad diepasea. IN THE JAWS OF DEATH. a e n i , Inn satin nt ntir luiirnpv nf 1 1 to nr. in mss to join me inthe happy home to which I Ued on, and vengauce demanded that am uow coins?. The Di e faces are Lu uo'v: . "c "V luc CJ o - - - people, and between them and you 1 hope war will never come again. And, O my father aud my chief, when I am dead, lake my poor wasted body and lay it ou the hill beside the fort where I learned to love so well." The pulseless hand grew cold as the great chief promised bis child all she asked of him, then the lustrous eyes glased over, the thin lips ceased to to move, the smile fled from the wasted face, aud the Indian girl was dead. The heart broken chief bid the atten dants drees the body of the princess for burial, and on the ehouldc:s of the stout warriors it was carried to Laramie and be fulfilled. The forces of attraction that were to bring these two men again togeth er in mortal combat were too great to withstand, and Manning found himself, a few days ago, in the little town of Serbin. VeugaucH had claimed its reward; and uo i sooner had Manning become quietly dom iciled at his own home, than the fierce Mallette loaded his gun with deadly miss stes, went in search of Mauuing, and followed him to his own door, where he 1 nade an attempt to kill him, which result ed in the immediate death of Mallette. Manning had not forgotten th; mutual vowa of vengance, aud when Mallette A most wonderful and alnost maracu lous escape occurred al the wharf of the old Wilmington aud YVeldou Railroad on Monday. It appears that Mr. U. G. iloss hud a number ot workmen eugagud m extending the wharf to deep waur, the water at that point being very sballo With this view be had driven a number of pilings in a line from the wharf, cut' ting them off at a low water mark, to WmmW which he had attached "stringers," con sistiug of timber placed on top of the pilings and then secured. At the time we allude to in the out set the tide was rising and the timbers were aboat eveu with the water, while the wind was blow ing quite briskly up the river, wheu Mr Ross who was euperiudeuding the work, suddenly discovered the little steamer Fire-Flu pasiug the wharf of Messrs. ery a d itiieirainuble toil to one id h..e. ment aud luxury. The germinating seeds. the waving grains, the luscious fruits, so suggi-stive of the source of all life aud blessing, aud the harvest season, so typi cal of a resurrection and immortality. - ought to make the life an agriculturist a continual pastiime. And this would be the farmer s life, if farming was managed as it should be. Farmers have uni on. died natural advantages for health strength and longevity. The statistics of disease and the tables of mortality, however, are against them. This is not due to that vo cal ion but to their misuses of it. No via.-, a- a 2. -i , is probably so reckless of health conditions. So far a our ac quaintance with the habit of fanners is concerned snd it has bec.n extensive it compels the conclusion, that, aa a rule, the dietetic habits of farmers are worse than those of a y other class who bavo the means ot choosing for themselves. Science of Health. Tioeu opii, Capeici, Rbeica, Meuth pip.. Campbot Mix the shove in equal parts : dose. ten to thirty drops. In plain terms, take equal parte tincture of opium, red pepper, rhnbarb, peper mint, aad camphor, and mix ibem for nae. Iu case of diarrhoea take a dose of ten or tweoty drops ia three or four teaspoenfals of water. Ke one who haa tbia by and take ia time will ever have the cholera. We earn mend it I to oar western friends, and hope that the receipt will be widely published. Even when no cholera is anticipated it is aa excellent remedy for ordinary summer complaint. id SUsaptag seas to prdar. eondocadta Orders executed Pinking aad The Rtore will b tern and no any ooa. lata role r unvarihSS. . MRS. 8. J. HALYBURTO April, tyring St Oct 1875. m 120 Bags Coffee, 50 Barrels Sugar, 40- " Bather Serious Gas. A very pretty, miss of aboat seventeen went to a Dr. R to have a troublesome tooth extracted, and after dreading it awhile at leugth reaolved to take a dose of laughing gaa to take the sharp edge off. A lady friend accompan ied her, and was anxious to oote the effect ot the subtle "gas upon her charming and vivacious campauion. She did not have to wait long, for no sooner had the Trast Ike Utile Oases. I call to mind two families that havs grown ap within my knowledge two homes presided over by parents who were anxious to do right, and ta rear their children to do right. Ia awe of homes the lock aod key were pat every door behiod which cake, pie sweetmeats, drawer containing curiosities and trinket. The good mother aad the sternly jas mther meant well I hev meant to re Biea, Fire-Fly pa-sing the wharf of Messrs. Jllflaenc0 a.nUwl it8eIf lhan sbe "T TV " Otf Vick and Mebaue, which extends connd- tKrew her ufnmD. dimtfUd ,rm. around temptation from tb park ef the child ran fern Q rr t 6000 lbs. Bacon. 000 las. Lard, 2000 lbs. Bast Sugar Cared Haass, 20 Kegs 8oda, 20 Boxes 44 50 " Adamantine Candles, 40 " Soap, 2000 lb. 30 Cases Oysters, 20 do Brandy Peaches 20 do Lemon Symp, g0 do Fresh Peaches, 10 do Pins Apples, 10 do Smoking Tot 25 arose Suaff, 25 Coils CeUoa Rope, 40 dns. Paiuted Pails, 40 Bases Assorted Candy, 100 Reams Wrapping Paper, A fan hue of Weed at auk. A fall I'm of Bot V c A fall line of Hata. A foil linear Saddles A BvaAUa, Beit, Peaaer. Ginger. 8ce. Canned Gu4. K j: Bat : r V d J ate -4T woiliuiv aw v e0 vhiiivm ww -' lit , , , laid to rest among the pale faces, one of made b? Pf c b,e 5 5" full r ... ' I r, .... r . I l i t.1 la Full nin... ll,rn,.l, prepared. Mallette fell pierced through the heart with a bullet, aud a fierce and bloody vow was fulfilled. whose race she bad so fatally loved. Her SF grave is still pointed out to the traveller, and there it will long remain a monument of the saddest story of the plains. Spot ted Tuil often speaks of his dear daughter with iff i innate reiniuhrauce, aud one iu a creat counsel held v-U the whites at Laramie be said : "Were not the hope-1 The Bein Public ot Tarbes, June 29, lessnesss of resistance, and the dictates of thus describes the desrnction of the bridge policy sufficient to restrain me from acts of of the Adour : U rom daybreak the en war, the pledge 1 made to my dead child lure tengin oi me siruciure was A Terrible Moment. erably beyond that of the railroad wharf, being immediately below it and making directly fur the obstructions, with full head of steam on aud the wind aud tide with her. Mr. Rose, who was almost overwhelmed with consternation and alarm, waved and shouted to the officers of the approaching boat, but to no pur pose. The knowledge of the awful dan ger so near at band bad come too late to the captain and engineer for them to alter their coarse, and the boat sped with threw her plump, dimpled arms around the nee of the susceptible dentist, ex claiming ss she visited bis lips with her own : "Oh, yon desr darling duck of a man, you are good enough to eat !" Of course she knew nothing about the but what was ibe reealtf As the chil dren came to the age ef reflection they were forcibly reminded ef the feat that hey were not treats d. If they were not trusted by their own parents wka knew leer. Toeaeea. oraet err. Tenners kiaehine Otis. V . Sc. The above stank waa l u- : tbs late aeai j decline la price. e-d l nVred at We4r sals A Retail at very shmt pref for rssai DING 11 AM A CO. Jan Jrd 187s, 4 fearful rapidity to her appareutly certain luju, ue wi-hed Wheu she recov lnnirh nirh followed, or the eonfuainn on the part of the demist, any more thaU she lh" WH eonrse they were not worthy kuew what she bad done. But the doe . of trust. Thsy naturally accepted the tor was somewhat flattered, and ased the . titoation, and, jast as aataraliy their wits most skillful manipulations iu extracting folod work io cireainrenting tbc keepers Satan t . tan t la Itiai n ti Altun1 mr. a svalnl an . tlJ rj i.cctu BBBBBwaj wu aa wan tva nw or we t e on mouth. In reility, the j b was finished SPECIAL a I. Hvy plow i. rc. " W v ; 4 ;-a Ladies Rmbrnidi-red !, . wm.sA llA. n in her dying hour would cause me to keep at peace witb your people." From the Richmond Whig. The Old Flint-Lock Rifle. 911 crowded with people, too busy in watching the passage in the stream of trees, gates, arti cles of fundi ure stid other things, to have any apprehension of the danger they ran. At a quarter before one, some workmen, noticing the water dashing violent against j the piers of the bridge, and the flood at -tainiug the crown of the arches, saw the An elr!erlv man named Beckwith. re- masouary begin to open. A lockmtlh siding in one of the Peninsula counties, named Bart hex was one of the first to per came to this city last Thursday ou bttsi ceiveHhe danger, which-be at once an ness. Ue brought with him an oldfash- nouneed, begging the crowd to retire at ioned flint h ek rifle to have a stock put once. At nrst no attention was paid to on. On the cars ho fell in conversation the warning ; but some men employed at with a party of three gentlemen from this (be arsenal came behind the store of M. city, when one of them, to test the reality Roee and saw the dual fly and the mortar of some of the extraordinary feats of give way, on wbieh a workmsn called marksmanship he boasted of, offered him Coulmet hurried away and joined Bartbes S10 to repeat some of them, to wbieh the in giving the alarm. Still the idea pre two added 85 between them. The trial 1 vailed that tne wooie mciueni was a piece came off in an old field half a mile below I of pleasantry. But on seeing tboae two Rockertr, and waa witnessed by about a men pale, and terrified, the people began dozen persons. I to leave tne nnage. ai mat moment an The old flint iocs was nred seven times, oscmauon was pew, aim me panic i eacneu aod only once missed ita aim. The old its height ; a few ecouds later a detona . r i , . . . I " I l i:i- l. C: 1 front finAll after UiaKtner IWO SOOlS ai HUH o ueaiu uae mc uniig "trim small objects tooneBide, to get his hand pieces of artillery ; it was the bridge which steady, as be said, banded bis son a po- bad given away, precipiiaung wuu n aev ram and stationed him at fifty yards dis I eral nnfortunste persons into the river tance, holding the potato between his They are said to have four in number, thumb and forefinger. The rifle cracked and to have succeeded in saving them- and the potato fell cloven in three or four selves, and ws sincerely trust that such pieces. One of the larger pieces was is the case. The crash was followed by ihen thrown in sir, the marksmen keeps the cries snd lamentations nt toe pope- ing at the same distance, and again the lace ; one calling out for bis brother, an - shot told. Au inch aod a half auger other bis son ; this one seeking his wife was then produced, and a bole bored in and that other her husband. After the the fence, behind wbieh waa fastened s first moment of terror and passed crowds pieee of white paper. At a distance of hurried to cross by the railway bridge, sixty yards the marksman sent s ball still intact, in order to realtors their clear through the aperture, piercing the families and friends. doom. Upou her deck were a number of men, womeu and children, who were pas sengers from mithfield to this city, and as the little stesmer n eared the obet ruc tions the cheeks of sll including the offi cer of the boat and Mr. Ross, were liter ally blanched with terror. And now comes the shock, while every one's breath is suspended and heart atands still aa the crew and passengers seem to realise the fearful doom from which they can per ceive no shadow of a chance of escape. But, lo ! and behold, the bow of the little craft mounts the obstruction, the fearful speed at which she was being driven im pels her forward with irresistible force, and she finally to the astonishment of all glides safely out shaken and scarred, into the water beyond the danger which had so imminently threatened ber aud her precious freight. A man with a child la bis arms ia thrown by ths concussion into the now seething waters, but be recov or himself and the child is kept at hand and the man who was cast is rescued. Aud now the time for cougra'-niaiiou has come and all are at least safe that they have by an almost miracuious interposition of Divine Providence been snatched from the very jaws of death. W&. Journal. ered from its effects her friend asked ber of the bidden treasures. Fruit er pee try, accidentally left exposed, was ears to dis appear. If the culprit was found he was LadMM Snsner at SIX w r Ladaea Croquet BUpaiira a: $Ui - h Ladiea Cloth Gaiters U I l?S e..n& Ladie (loth Oa fer al e,.rb A lax fa lot of Qui J ran anew eery RIXGSAM V. tsso 40. mWt 1 1.1 I I .l enect deiigniiui, ana eveu asaea tne dentist if be would not give it to her again. "Yes," aaid he, "if yon will go through the ssme performance yon weut through just now. She was then informed by ber companion what she had done, and coloring up slight- aud casting rather a bubious look at the dentist, sbe said : "Never mind, I guess I won't have any more, for I am convinced now that it makes a person act like a tool. Fancy the feelings of that tootb-jerker. Ow Cousrk. A middle aged woman, says the Free Press, fell as she wss de scending a pair of stairs on Jefferson avenue yesterday, aud the first msn to help her reach ber feet waa a banker who happened to be passing. "Did yon fall, madam t he inquired, as he seised her arm "Fall T of course I fell, yon fool, yoa ion don t suppose I d sit down here to rest, do yon " she snapped. He don't aav THE END OF THE UNIVERSE. how she liked it, aud she proclaimed the punished. Bv-end-by ths elder si the children found falss keys to fit the locks ot the eloaet doors: and so it came to pass that systematic thieving became the order of the day. Io the other home, with the same nam ber of children, not hi g, that could poeei- bly excite lbs normal desire ot a child waa ever locked ap or hidden. From cellar to garret, all atoring places of fruit, pastry and sweetmeats were open and free. One of the very first fdeea impress ed upon the minds of the children waa that they were worthy of trust. Ami they were trusted. No false deaiiee as appetites were created by concealing from them good and pleasant things. And so, being trusted, thsy grew np trustworthy; and the good mother of that bonaebnid would as soon hsve thought of6uding her child cutting lis own fingers off as finding it using those fingers in stealing. And who shall say hew much of this early education is earned into the after life, for weal or woe f Far more, 1 wot, than is generally considered. There is a vast difference between need leeslv setting temptation before the little ones, and a generous, hearty trusting ot them. And, again, there are excretions to nearly ail nslrn. I know a child with eyes so weak, and luugs so painfully sen sitive, that be cannot hear the sunlight or the fresh air. Yet. WW believe sunlight and freah air is SS gists ally healthy far children. JkJeptonteaia w not ibe condition of nnr little ones. If, an unlucky arch in is discovered to he absolutely afflicted with that pilferiag disease, let the remedy of restraint be ap plied; bat hs taw name 4 lawn and) eserey, do ant administer the m edict oe ta the dear child that is kakhis--it amy be as dan gerou as it i unjust. LOOK OUT A writer In the Fortnightly Review make an effort to show that, although we can in no way time the beginning ot the universe, we hsve much evedence to show that the wolrd began to solidify between one aud two hundred millions of years ago, and that, though we can say nothing as to the end of the universe, the end of the earth, and with it of consciousness opon the earth, ia as probable as science can make anything. The reader will rarely not he templed to patient rending by gloomy conclusion that study ot the orgiu and probable deeiiuy of the universe is useless, because ws here found a scien tific point of view no date to go upoo. Iu any ease all we know is that the ana is going oat. If we fall into the au then we shall be fried. It we go away from the sun, or the sun goes oat, then ws shell be frozen. So that, so far as the earth is concerned, we have no means of determin ing what will be the character of the end, but we know that ons of these two things must take place in time. Bat la regard to the whole universe, If we were to travel . . t.'-oaes 4vvjef ft - '- - Cyj I BELL& BRO. th beet artertioe of X la Weatern North LADIES' AGENTS' GOLD WATCHES Ctold Opera snd Vest CI OOLS PI SILVER WARE, GOLD PEMt at. Spectacles and tl fro Mia st JVaadbea, C UeteL tp lfTs-ly he ef . - ii .i . .fa flQ a w ' ;.-l-v VJ !.s r.;-V ? j , tti w mw ta V3 tnesrncjst a? , e WJ-mtt S

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