They "11 cany the new to Iliram. The Song of the croaker"I told yoa so !" The Democrat of Wake increased their vote 127. That will do. Pillars that should be shaken down caUrpillar. Is iwea to wait, but on how bitter. To wait for girl anil then not git 'r.' It is a strange fact that when people indulge W high word they aae loir lap The eardener who hung an old coat out to frighten birds away, and afterward oan d a young brood in Que of the pockets, writes to ps asking for another remedy. There are 2.150 cubic bosh el, and for corn in give three heaped half bushels, which equal Two level bushels, making 4,.0 cubic inches in a the ear yon lerel most Daring the recent floods in Frauce, a Newfoundland dog saved the Uvea of twelves persons. Bat was drowned ip at tempting to save the thirteenth. Bone Felon, The London Lancet very high author ity gives the following remedy tor the care of this painful malady : "As soap as the pulsation which indicates the disease, is felt, pot directly over the spot a fly blister, about the sixe ef your thumb nail and let it remain for six hours; at the ex piration of which time, directly under the surface of (he blister may be seen the felon, which can be easily taken opt with the point of needle or lancet. New Trial ot the Beecher-Tilton Case New York. Aue. 3 Mr. Morris, coun sel of Tilton says that ondoubtedly the new trial will be short as they propose now to try Beecber for adultery as be has been tried on several outside collateral matters. - He aaye there is testimony of great importance which will materially altar the complexion of things and which will prove Beecber guilty. General Prior says three leading witnesses for Tilton io the next trial will be Lee, the druggist, Henry C. Bowen, and Joseph ii:c bards, Mrs. Til ton's brother. Nothing is so great an Instance, of UU manners as flattery. It you Hatter all the company, yoa please none ; it yoo flatter only one pr two, you affront the rest. A woman in Carson, Nevada, smoked pne hundred pipfals of opium in a single day, and dreamed that she was ip another world. The fou of it whs that the dreaiq opium killed her as proved correct, for the oj dead as a sold pancake. From the Denver Mirror, Theology in Colorado. The report of a sermon by a Fn-raont county preacher is worth reapeuliug here; "Boys, you 11 hud Hue life juai like a game of eevenup. You want to save yoqr tens and look ont tor game, an' nev er beg when you hold a good baud, Al, recollect in the long rap low counts as much as high it it is only a trump. The devil has blocked the cards, but jist pl,v 'em honest, and wbeu it come your deal yer bouud to git a w n band every time, and old split-hoof will jist have to jump the game and look for a softer snap. Also, if you happen to turn Jack call It lucky, but don't forget to remember that turn ing J, ck id uncertain bus'ut-as and '11 not do to bet op." General Adam Dadecu is pow a full fledged minister. The President's ene mies thiuk there is A dam Had eaudor about the appointment, suggests a North ern paper. Ben Bul or can ico $ 150,00Q life insu rance, apd wbeu you wish ne were dead you are theoretically Uetraudiug the iusu companies out ot a good deal Qt Judge Watt has a monkey iu trailing, Gen. Leach says he (Leach) is now Indulgence The great foe of life Is ia- SmtgfBo under one form or another. The letting down of the standard endaugers the MftgSM of the course. 1 o lie safe oiie must be circu inspect, prudent, ratio al, clear in judgment, firm, in self control. To the com mand over his appetite a man will owe ength of days : and not length of days only. uot more continuity, but that which gives io coulinu'ty its significance namely, the power to enjoy which makes prolonged ex istence sunn-thing worthy of being called a "lease of life." aud uot a stretch of drowsy stupor Women in India, Accoiding to tin- Hindoo law giver, a wop)4ii has no god on earth but her hus band, and no religion except to gratify, obey and serve him. L-t her husband be crooked, old, infirm, oftVneive ; let him be irascible, irregular, a di m krd, n g;m blei. a debauchee ; 1. r bi:u b reckless of his domestic affalis. as if possessed by a devil t :li.m -h he live pi the woild with oat honor ; though he -he deaf or blind, and wholly weighed down by crime and infirmity still shall his wife regard him as her G'd With all her might shall she s-ivn imu, n- Mil il.inj; oImv Mm. " up detVcts lo hi- character, aud give hun no cause of uneasiness. N ay, more ; in every stage of her existence, woman livs but to obey rat first her parents, next ber husband and bis parents, and in ber old age she must be in ed by her children. Never, during her whole life, Can she be under her own control These are the general principles upon which the life of woman iu India is to be con ducted. The moat complete specimen of the living English bibliomaniac is a Mr. Crosclov. of Manchester, who ha a library of 60,000 books, and actually know what is in them. He has the only com plete set at all the editions of De Foe. and sundry other and earlier writings. The Brinish Museum and other great public libraries are watching fes bis death. Mr. Croeeley will answer any question about any book or pamphlet ever publish ed in England, give its date, tell anything special in it, and all without touching a vnlumn. tie is eighty ; be was a person al friend of Obarlee Lamb and other liter ary men of past generations ; and yet. with the exception of a lew excellent pa pers contributed to the Retrospective Re view in 1820, he has written no hmg aud w heu he dies a great bibliographer will perish. The Masonic Journal. lEW ADVERT! SEMTEXT 3? GLOUGH & WARREN ORGAN CoV (Late S .WUO.VS GLOCCH OBCA coi - IMPROVED CABINET ORGANS tally 8AVB TH SOAPSUDS However de plorable rhiug day may be to th hows-bold (and be eandul house mistress or tidy m. lid has it iu her power to greatly modify its discomforts), to the garden it is a very bountiful day. Our hungry and thirsty grape vines and flowers are glad of every drop of wash water, and will repay evry bit ot fatigue it may cost us to give them thirt fertiliser, if the son in shining hoi when we go out to dispeu our favor, it is best for us to dig a slight. trench uoi far from the root of the plant, aud pour the water into it, and cover again with the top soil. T'ie makes the water gu further, aud at the same time does not tempt the rootlets to the surface of the ground. - Dutchess Farmer. Operations of a Band of Brigands. iveri to tUe Uarwiuiau theory, lb is "frog moukey tireaay Sam -Man. 1 I i The Republican party held Alabama from 1868 to 1872. Dunug that time the thieves iucieaaed the public debt hum 14,949,624,87 to 38,384,977,3?. i When a puluth womao wants to know frhy in blaze her husband dipu t order that woou, he looks a ber io a chilling diguihed way. aud replies : "1 do uot Wish to go to the Black Hills, bpt do not press me do pot rouse the tiger. A Louisville girl reports her first love aa. I ..srweia m v . . offair thus : " vv pen r inlander told me ne Joead me, I was mighty tuk with it, and pmtoued to him directly, and be sal a grin ping like a baked skunk." Food Medicine. Dr. Hall relates the case of a mau who was cored ot his bill For some time past ihe citisens of Wes iou8iieas by going without his supper and tern New York and Northwestern Penn- driukiug Ireely of lemouade. Every (eylvauie have been greatly alarmed by inomintr, says the doctor, this patient the depredations of burglars and highway arose with w wonderful sense of rest and men. In one instance a house was broken refreshment, and a feeling as though the into at midnight, the inmates captumed - t . , , . , blood had been literally washed, cleansed and bound, and the male members harshly ..r.rl .xvnll ho il.n Lmnr.alii ..! ilia lu.i I treated. The rohhcia IihiI learner! that A As vitality comes to the system, it , - . . . . , , , mmmmmuA in or , i ci nil ui T a iimi iwu nit. w v. u v m l J Kiier I . ,. ... I i . i mi j 3 .a iHincrtv tor mmiv diseases successtu Iv. uoui lue uouae. uier aemauaen wun TO THE MASONIC FRATERNITY IX NORTH CAROLINA AND THE BUUTU. Tan is emphatically aa ace of The world tuoven apace, but wilh m, 01 ine booth, Mason try Uum tacxing k proper dMiemintloo of thoae puna principle ptsculiar to oar old Order. Our bmbern of other more favored fteettona hare their periodical literature, and are knyki and praepet o4aa : we, too, abould flounah and bluav oas as the rose. There are in the Sooth nearljr 200,000 Freeiuaaona, sad rscogniaing the Imperative need for a regular and permanent Organ pecu liarly suited to lh dvataada of ihia tmooii her "who are linked together by aa iadiaaota ble chain of sincere aPection,'' we have deter mined lo eaaahlieb in the city of GreenAboro, N. a Prst-claas WEEKLY MASONIC NEWSPAPER, with the Shove name, such mm the dignity and advancement of the Fraternity will approve. It Literature will be pas Sf and ef the higheat order; making ihe Jovknal a fit companion for the moat cultivated and refined, and a wel come visitor 10 any household. In this con nection we have engaged the aervicee of able and popular writer whose hearts glow wilh a load dewire for the oerueluilv of the Ancient Landmarks of oor "Mystic Kitea," and we will onare neither labor nor expense to make the paper a highly instructive and popular ramilr and Moiiic vionnr. Wilh a journal i stic experience of several years, and a detertn. nation lo give all our time, talent and energy to the promotion of this impor tant enterprise, we hope to receive from our Masonic brethren that liberal confidence and support winch, bv an entire devotion to iu suoex., we hope to merit. . - . . , It will he an eight page, thirty-two column nhpet, orinled on good white palter, and furn ished week ly al the low price of $2 per year. 1 lie hrst number will be issued on edneaday, the 5ih of September, 187, and regularly on Wed- newt -v of each week thereafter. tfiT All money should be aent by Check, Pot-office Order or Registered letter. Bav. K. A. Wiuiow, Wilson & Baker, Gix. 8. Baker, treenborok N. C. fcjT Until Sept. 1st address us at KonrroM, N.(J. a aasai beats off its foes, and conquer one another the advancing years. As an example, be cures cases of spittiug threats of death where that $10,000" blood bv the use of salt; epilepsy and "as concealed, but hudtug 110 money they The Providence Drilling A ne-J yellow fever by watermelous : kidney departed, threatening that if an alarm was gro man from the city was at Providence! affections by celery; poison, olive or g'vD they would return aud kill the in vesteiday, and returning last evening, sweet oil : ervsinelae. pouuded cratiber- mates. On oaturaay utgbt, ove stores at confirms the report which we published rva applied to the parts affected ; hydro- Randolph, New York, were broken into yesterday, of the negroes drilling. He phobia, ouious, etc. So the way to keep and nhV.d of their entire content, the . 1 . . 1 I a 1? .1 I : . 1 aa a I I 1 I & a. . : 1 J savs :nai mey nave oeeu iiBieuiog to tue m good beallb is really to auow abat to Vill"r " me property oeiug esumaiea a teachings ot one Jim Steele, a negro 1 eat not to know what medicine to take, aou.ouu. 1 ney are apparently uot satis preacher, who actually made the reipurkL - lied with invasions of private rights, bu tht "we will cany this box if we bave The Civil Rights Bill to be Tes they have attempted to throw traius from to swim in blood Steele told the ne- TKD. a fair auu square test case nouer tne Atlantic ana in t at Yestern and eroes that he had been sent out by the the civil iighu law will uow be made, up Allegheny Valley railroads, and in oue government to preach this doctrine to I in Indiana. In direct violation of the instance the attempt was successful them. After collecting what money he State statute crank Miller, white has could out of them, he ran away. Ihe I married Alary A. (jriuis, colored, and is CO a aasj aaaBaaSaaa mb III BTwaflaVsaaBBsSf aBBpQbaf3aa3BBBvll 1 1 iaC A am FITTED WITH TU 2 X r-Y IN KNTED PASSENGERS Geinff laorth or East, 1 Will avoid night changes and secure the moat comfortable and shortest route by buying tickets VIATH V A. MIDLAND. The onlv chance of cars to Baltimore is made north ot the river at DANVILLE across a twelve foot watu DAYLIGHT. Eihena negro who was a r Providence yesterday, in jail for ap ddng. The marriage license is a Radical, and the Radicals can there- was regularly issued by the Clerk of ike fore make ont of this affair whatever they I Circuit Court of l.u k county, and the w , .. - choose. Char. Observer. ' The death rate of the city of Charles too reached last week the very high figure of 80 whites, 3G colored 44; children pnder five years ef ag 45. This death rate is higher than tor any week during the prevaleuee ef the yellow fever in 187 1 , and4 is doe doubtless to the intense beat apd droaght. . f 1 1 v "A wan dowo ip Lynn, Mam., it it said, e so many pairs ot shoes in one day tkafriitoek two-days U count them ! He was a smart one, bat not equal to oue up iBNew Hampshire, who buill so many jrtrHee of stone wail in aae day that it him all uight and next day to get I The Charlotte Democrat says : We hope the Trustees of the North Carolina University w'll elect Hon. Jef ferson Davis Pres'dcntof that Institution, and offer him a salary of ten thousand dollars. While we have differed to a considerable extent with Mr. Davis in some of his ideas i n public matters, we believe he will make a first rate Presi dent of an Educational Institution. He is honest, candid and a good man in every sense of the word. The man who de nounces Jefferson Davis is either ignorant of his character or too mean to admire a bold, good man. 1 A grand' daughter of Ethan Allen, aged party one hundred and one years, was visit ing Spring field, Mass., a few days ago. liar name is Mrs. Jemima Graves. She is said to retain her faculties to a wonderful degree, and remembers her illustrious easjBjMttbor distinctly enough to describe Ml personal appearance, habits and dress in detail. a h m, Having frequently appealed to his father to buy him a jack-knife, and re ceiviue for au answer, "It you sneak to me again on that subject I'll whale you, he went stragbtway to bis mother, prying astf his heart would break, and said, "1 eaa't aever be good like George Wat h tngton, with sucb a dad as 1 bave got. ce. re 11:01 y was regularly performed by a ateiiioaisi clergyman 01 new Aioany, who has been indicated together with the incarcerated bridegroom. The trial is fixed for October. Miller is a German by birth; has been in this county about six y-ais, aud dec la 1 ee thai he loves Uis wife, aud would '"rather have her than any white woman he ever saw." She is described as a "decent, houest woman," and both announce thejr iutcntiou of fight iujg the matter to the end. The Editorial profession is denomina ted the "Fourth Estate." We call it the "Scattered Estate." Bits of our estate are 'lying about loose' all the way from Paatainaquoddy Bay to Matamoras. A dollar here, two Hollars llierp and fiv rm a. 1 j, n I ' ' xuab Qia ry. yonder, scattered high and low, held in The Washington Chronicle has defined N rl ot pocket-books by all sorts of its position again. It wants lo make people ; not much in any oue place, but treason odious by punishing the Southern ood ttDl ' t could be aggregated ; leaders; then it will "forgive and excuse Such is the situation of the Printer's Es the masses." To which remarks responds ,ate a,ld a 1 'ial oe to secure bis the Richmond Enquirer: " Why bless properly, is the very natural honesty of its innocent Soul, there is now no treason I any man wno reaas tne oouinern tiome to be made odious, save that which exists regularly. Occasionally a rascal ewiu- in the Radical camp ; aud as for thn mas dies us of a portion of our Estate, but he ses of the Southern people, they feel that some fellow who has borrowed a Radi they have rights in the Union as great as cl pape d gotten demoralised. Per- those enjoyed by. any of their fellow sons who have rented two dollars aud a citizens, and all that they ask is to be ball's worth of our Estate, will please call permitted peacefully to exercise the con "d get a receipt tor ihe annual rent. etituiional oreroeatives of self erovemment. I QOUtnern Home. m (i c Surely there is nothing in such con stitutional demands to alarm auy real Northern patriot " A Dubuque medical student has come lo griet by reason ot his remarkable leucbuicu! knowledge. The young wo mau lo whuin be was attached oue morn lug received Ihe t-jllowiug uole : "Dear Augtline, 1 am sorry lo iulorm you bai in consequence of a circumscribed subuu iaueous iittlatuiualiou, characterized by a pointed pustular tumor suppurating iu iht cenui oi a cl..u 1 1.U1-, 1 em unable to enjoy ibe pleasure ot your compauy to the ilippoUiomt. Ever, deaiesl, thine, Augusius." She read it ; she rushed o his borne iu an aguuy ot apprehension, and found that he bud ouly oue ot ihosethiugs ot wh eh Job had ao many. Wbeu she returned borne her sensible mother told her that she had heller drop that erudite Attorneys, young mau ; it married be would, doubt lues, beggar his family by buying Lauu Die 1 tonai it;P aud such Ihe ruMieiual advice was lollowed ; aud uow A. sutlers Hum something worse tbau a curuueu lue. 1 he entire train runs from DAN VILE to BALTIMORE over one uniform gauge with out change. This route is one Hundred If ilea shorter ban any other to the SPRINGS OF VIRGINIA. O J FOREAORE, General Manager, Alexandria, Va. W D CHIPLEY, General Southern Ag" AU--i. On W U WA I LING ! UN, Travelling Agent, Greensboro, N. C May 13-4iu. An invention having a avt important bearing on the future of Reed Iwursminta, by smsss, e which lbs quantll or volume ot tone If t. ry iacrM iirtaara, and the qnality of tone rendered Eljal te that of the Bat Pipe Orgaiii of ike Same Capacity. i.k( v, rli -Voi TTamin " "Wih-ox Pateai." "Octave Cannier," the ing "Cello" or "ClariuoeT Slop, "Gem- llorn," "Cremoo a," "Vo Aagelet," VioU ALL THb: LA rrfc lMruuy naubn iu - a a t . S Orm tti Can be obtained only in meae v-rrgana. Bur. Quality and Volume o PRICES, $50 TO 8500. Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th and Congress BU, DETROIT MICHIGAN. (1RA1U8BS9 XW 1830.) AOSSTTS Wanted la Brary XT alanDs p Kat ans m ip. oac L'sK-quallrd. Address GLOUGH & WARREN ORGAN CO., DE1E0IT, aatlCH Ma 20, 1875 Blato and Henderson, Counselors and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. Jaonary 22 1874 -tt. ABOUT MILKING. Ex-President Johnson's death prill be ' regretted by none more deeply than by the iasurance companies, Jle was a be liever iu life insurance, and illpstrgtfd hie faith by bis sets, to an extent that is rare indeed, even nowadays. The aggregate of the policies oo hia life is no less than Three Uuudred and Fit tj Thooaaad dot-Jars. r i in . Australia shows an ioerease duriog sewea Wars of U.QPO.OOti sheep and 2.000.000 Seed of cattle, without cumting home eon sumption and tha uuaotitv of meat imported Jus. tins. u Ney Zealand during the same .cMrriod. the increase io the number of sheep ajd tettje was equally remarkable, the for mer multiplying fr m 8,418.579 to 1 1,694. gffcind the later 412,890 to 494,1 13. Thk Value of a Quart or Cream -"A Farmer's Wife' dean es to know what the .value of a quart of cream is when compared with the price of butter per sraataivw? fn f!rknna tiMAn . 1 . !..-. ---A www, aii nuim t mure out; itao UiaBUrr.fJ 1 j i r Iiid weighed, and proved that a quart of SlSL! V " ll ZZ JlTtJ u JTL-A J? J the ancients knew all abot Kvutu uc a pnuuu ui uuuer, alio he bad bought it and always paid the price that butter was worth at the time. The following is the result of a few expe riments: I be brst week fr m fourteen quart of cream there were made fifteen aud three-fourths pounds of butter; the second week, from fifteen quarts, seven teen pounds; third week, eisjecm seven quarts, put the quantity hotter will nlwava Hnnl i.r.o,. tl.. "J l"v "U6V ol the cream. Iu many h,sWr wbal I rteen thouwud umiiop. oome oi me stuns were OI extras Lost Arts. In mau'a basie to make discoveries, to conceive novel iuveutious, and to laru new things, he is liable to lose iu his excursions into the realms of the unknown the knowledge of some of the arts which ne oas neen at great pains to acquire. hear that ut malleable glass, aud that some of their ariisans were able lo execute various works iu a style that still excites our envy aud ad miration. Of late, however, there has been, aud notably iu Venice, a revival of Five per cent., aud perhaps ten, can be adrieu i- iiif auiouui ut milk ubliu-d .rum the oows of this euuutry, if the following rules me luexorably followed. 1. AifVer nurry cows, iu uriviuir to aud from tue pasture. ii. as nearly at equal intervals a possible. Halt paal nve iu tue morning and six at uight ure good boura. d. lie esi.ecialiy teuder of the cow at uiiiaiug tunes. 4. beo seated, draw the milk as rapid ly aa possible, being certain always lo get it nil. 4 5. Never talk or thiuk of anything beside what you are doiug wbeu tuitktug o. oui-r smile earosa and al a mj s a sooth lnir wurd wbeu you approacU a eow aud wuen you leave ber. The belter she loves you, the more free aud complete will be her abaudou as you sit at ber side. We appeud te not uueuuiuion practiee : 1. Lei some boy turn tbe cows awy, aud gel biui who is foud ut ibrowiug slout aud a witches the bind oues every time be gels a chance. x. Milk early in the morning and late at uight, dWidiug ihe day into two portions one ot htleeu Hours aud the other nine. H. Whaek tbe cow over the back with th Carolina Central Railway Co. Office Gf.xkr.yl ScFKtisTkxnBrr. i Wilmington. N. C. April 14. 1c75l ly. . FAHIrlERS tJ-sJJc BtjpB8 m JXXOJSIJ&ir, Change of Schednle, On and after Pridsy. April lis Railway a- trains will run over thi PASSENGER Leave Wilmington at. Arrive at Charlotte at Leave Charlotte at Arrive in Wilmington at 16tb, 1875, tbe follows . TRAINS 7.J5A M 7. 15 P. U. 7.WA. II 7.00 P. M SAVE LABOR, SAVE TIKE BY USING THE FARMERS' PLOW. It will run lighter. It will turn vo ir land h-tter, Ii will make you better crops, ItwUlaw you leas to keep it in order, thau any other Mow you hare ever used. We will furnUh von Point one yesr for one plow inordinary land foe one Dollar. Waal St ron pr your black tnitli to d ihe tme - mi r.ur old-fashioned I low 7 W h&va i al in t a erni rannion in rrioe . Ml we ak of yon i. Try it, aad then if you don't like it bring it back aw be refunded w yoa. FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Wilmington at 6.00 P M Arrive at Charlotte at .00 P M Leave Chnrlotteat 60. A M Airivein Wiluiiufftou at 6.00 A M WE WARP.ANT EVERY PLOW. MERONEY & BRO. MIXED TRAINS milk is being skimmed, nearly as much milk will be removed as there is cream Bat it is a safe rule to assume that a quat of good eream will make a pound of but- ler. r .1 : ; ii urn o, u tti lo g.veu up as irreinevaoiy 8tool, or k pi- lo Uwr if ,he does uot lust, l he ancient brocade manutacture ,.r has been revived by the Fratelli Aguuio. 4. Milk slowly and carelessly, aud stop ex- at tbe first slacking of tne dutd. used 5. lalkaud laugh, aud perhaps squirt by the Doges for gifts to other pot en tales, mi,k l companion luilaers, wbeu sateU at i ii c tun . ti. Keep the ai'imal in a tremble irom uiveen quarts, seven l i , , , ,,, uud-; third week, fourteen quarts, S";ttJ?tellLA'!U pounds--, gain of oue poSud in llVT tJl A luarte. But the quantity of the bafow lh;t of Lyoua, ajid wa. One of the Siamese ambassadors, on returning home from Europe, gave the following description of a piano-forte, or ft B 1 . a S as ue eaiiea it, "a great trunk set upon legs." He said : "A womao ska in front rJ thia lit) tii-lt liner Btrt nf tail it I. on with her toe, produces a variety of sounds m by beauug ropidly with ber fingers on aaiasMahnr of Uule biu oi ivory in frout of a- s "fSOoii. 'V ' Thrkk Mur Killxd by a Drop or 1$WUT. A drop of perspiration has jjLiSnil a terrible explosion in the pyrote- eaWne school at Toulon. A naval Lieu- f-nant waa filling bottles with dynamite, tktf iroUou and phosphate of calcium, and Jte story is that a drop of perspiration irom hie forehead tallinsr. ander certain .auditions, on matter not explosive with e jSontaot with water, produced the catastrophe. At any rale, three perrons a ... . ' k n i ec oo too spot. ordinary qnality and great beauty, but tbe secret died with the inveutors. lo recent times some of the European uobil- ity have succeeded in obtaining the man utacture of very beautiful brocaded tapes try, at a cost of twenty dollars per yard 1 he lace work for which the small island ot Hoi-Ann noar Van,A rtn nn Watt aaa amasaatl The election in Kentucky on Monday is alao hino- vv .(.. ; ImJ ; 1. T I . . - O W..WV.. .u.F,wa . ... u,c. wi.nuiuig xemocrauc ot the l'rincesa Giovanelli, the Countess victory, which effectually relieves all Marcello, au aged woman who remembers pp.uru.uuD w i mo existence among nd aodersUnds the art. has been engaged V"V vu otawc oi any serious to give instruction iu it. The coat of all the time you are milking, aud wbeu doue give ber a vigorous kick. t.z. G. M. Buis, Lau al, Sals k Co C. R. BABKKtS l of c a a . rkti a Os Kentucky. Leave Charlotte at Arrive at Baffalo af.?f.: Leave Buffalo at Arrive ia Charlotte at. . . 8.00 A M IS M VI 30 V M 4.30 P M Saliebnry.N. C April I. IS75- if. m A LECTURE S BUIS & BARKER WHOLESALE & RETAIL Dnipts laVoruer Aiaiu oc r isbei bireela, SALISBURY, N. C., Where but be fonnd a full assortment of No Traius on Sunday eccpt one freicbt train that leaves Wiluiiugton at 6 r. at., instead of on (Saturday night. Connection!. Connects at TTilmington with Wilmington 4 Weldon, and Wilminfrton. OoluaiMaA Aosasta Uailroada. Semi-weekly JUtv Turk aud Tri weekly Baltimore aud weekly Philadelphia Steamers, and the River Boats to FayetteTille. Connects at Charlotte with its Wettern Di vision, North Carolina Bail road, Charlotte d Statesvile Railroad, CbarlotU aV Atlanta Air Line, and Charlotte, Columbia & Angaata Rail road. Thus supplying the whole West, Northwest and Southwest with a short aad cheap line to the Seaboard and Europe. S. L. FREMONT. Chief Engineer aad Superintendent. May 6, 1875. tf. TO YOUNG MEN. .' -j . trice 0UTEESN ILLUITAI AG El c. mx cents. otssetHMooi . cr 4erecea of political Uhm lace ia rery great, tbe production of Pore Drugs, Medicines, Pye Stuffs, Fine Hand "r""- vuu etecuou vuere were a aincle vard oeeu uv no- ,,, w.hi.f v, For-iirn A Domestic dmi. suntly tor nearly six months. There is ognes, Soaps, Hair, loom nail urusnes, the the rage in Europe for articles bearing the oelebrated Perkins A House NoN-axpLoaivK many reports current to the effect the Democracy was divided, and great gams might be expected in Radicals' favar, by reason of the prcya lence oi "independents." These Tie Pieflmon t Press, i Iiectnre on ilia Is atarc, Treat mailt, and Radical cun- A Seminal wak-, ne- s, or sp rmaurruajji.inlc.-d ly ncli-Abuf. I lnolu itarv Kmurioni, Iihpoierer, Krtvaa! Deb.lity. and lmpedimeuu to Mamagr genor ally; Comtuiuptiou. Epilopay.and Fit-: Moutal and Paraical iucua.-iiy. It -By KuhEUT J. CULVEKWELL. H. D., author ol the "Greeu Bok.' Ac. Tbe world-renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture. eU-arly pioves from bio"M n rienee thai the lawful 0MUequeiee of Self Aluiae may be ffulnally removed wilhtsit ; medicine, aad witho t daagrMu wrgic tl opar- ations. bougies. lntmmmt. ring, .r cmrduds; , pointing ont a watdeof c ire at unee oertain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what bia eoudiliun may be, cure himelfcbe- ly priyalely and radically. CP" TUim Lecture rW prove a boom to thorn mamds and thousand 8ot uidr aeal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six cents or two post- Raleirh. !V, The only ILLLSTBATED WEEKLTJ il.eSotub. Eight page, forty eolttaig;; nfire r- .Alnf, matter than aV ' ... i . . i . i .i. . . ,Mit-i in uir iwnm ciiwi aa ire nut tow- ITaSSS . "" "tiquity. At first dealers get Kercaene Lamp, which we warrant for twenty set at rest ny the .reettlt, as other u counterfeiting, and afWwards comoe- V- Whiskey, Frenfcli Brandy, Scuppernong llltSa WAajSaVat4 m ! n K awak h a.a I. . l .aaT -a, ST I ! a .a . . . -- - t 1 T) I l I tion are frenueutly exag- ence of this o anetria orolonsred thmorh tiZ. dmmnm-t im nmUk ia tl are . ... " . . ' lu uouuicrieiiiiiH-. ana anerwarna inmru. Sitly -g!" "Pi thenuelve. suggesu S. Sve-V thins usually Store. Our vreteriv this planer ia prolonged throueh tion devartment is solely in ike hands of Iks pro- a million Tears, the neonla of that ?. vrietors. one or Iht other being ta the Store dam ill . . . r 1 I J - v-i win prooaoiy nave forgotten many tbines . 7 nu n" , 7l,."'"uu T we now know, and will be scouting K ff1" F-fJ opotiad. will doubtieea the certain teat lions ot disaffection are frea gera ted, and are found, when closely in estigatea, to consist in the load noise of a few instead ot the siocere feeling of any coosuerapte uomer- In4m Slaajfena. Addreas the Publishers, HICKORY. N. C. CiiAS. j. c. kline & co. Is the only paper published In Catawba 127 Bowery, Hew Yok; PoatOfBce Box Cooutv. and has an extensive circulation I WBO amonir Merchants, farmers, and all el of busiueas men in tbe State. The is a live, wide-awake Democratic paper. I u w A f w .ra'c C U rx foradvertbing in nomOf ttllU UI a w 9 UVUVV, flie Brt oiieWr ot LFsTBA Tt.- A(iE wiU be Saturday, lth day of June. W- Tom Publialier i mends aaakiag H ta trmiwl reconl of ihe limes. It will ert-rv luic. Political, HUoriral. Lit S iriiiihe. wbidi U of rurreot iaterest, 1 lb- b-t illuatnUioos that can be inal or foreign. , lt, The SOUTH ERM ILLUSTRATED AWJ will be printed oo aww type, aad heavy PaP"-. .. . . mka hmmit On it hat 01 cooirtoaioi -7 names of nun of the heal wrUexin a a as a t m artri Serial and nofT nonea, pom and well conducted editorial dpsrtawsi, tnz the lale-t per-oaal, liiermrr. te ical, rt-liiou aad eosaasticsal tmiiwj .. - - - W. aakav amaaSS. fSJ maivrr uoNiaaH j 1 Si)UTIIbK lLLLMItAi&w . April 16 1876. ly. ter 8ub- ides ef .ttsm powsr and eitfttlc forces. fmb. 1, urfc-tt and is a desirable medium Western North Carolina. Liberal allowed on yearly advertisement. scription 92.0V, in ad vanes. t i MUERlls TH0MLINS0N, Editwri ant HILIBORO, N. i . Fsll session of M76 Monday in July. Catalogues sent oe application Jmlf Me. N on the fourth ". fJB ft I nal for the atH-iallv deroted to all A i tin aal if ar.,1 ancial life. No family abo- Id be without iu Subacription price only $3 par aa & T. FULOHUkf, 10.1875. FRESH TURJTIP SBK8 Jaat EawaiTod a rreah trTf mrim Whtta Flat Talkew Aaeraeea and the Tailew

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