Watchman. V 3B t0L V. THIBB SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C., AUGUST, 19, 1875. NO 98. WHOLE 10 all 4 Carolina lne 0 nfnl 1HKDED WMKV : J j. BRUNER, proprietor and Editoi . J. J. STEWABT Associate Editor. .TlgOP WBCIIFTMH . -. ar -a a m.-T WEEKLY WATCHMAH, iAt, payable in advanne, ... T HAirfHH. .$2.(0 . 1.25 . 10.0 A JURYMAN'S STORY. We had been oat twcnty.fonr hours, and stood eleven to one. The eaee was very plain one at least we eleven thought 1 those wno called me their 'prisoner ! stnpernea where to be seen. As I approached the house a crowd of men on horseback dashed up, and I was mmanded in no gentle terms to 'stand ! In another moment I was in the clutches so. liMtfrlSMW RATES : . n ineh One insertion $100 , m two u 1.60 . greater number of inaertiona 1 10 ;.i ntiM 2J Der cent, more I. rata cmgi" -, .xWertiaeinenta, Reading notice. FOBEVEfc FADING. by j error airooan. Tint verdnre of the leaf, The vermeil of the roae ; Alas ! alaa 1 how very brief There beauty glows. The brilliant summer sky, How aoon 'tis overcast ; The loving and the lustrous eye Finda lime to rest at laat Ambition's glorious dream Faila of ita loftiest goal ; 'Tiaao with every worldly scheme, Only ? aurvivee the aoul. THE PLOW. A mnrder of peculiar atrocity had been committed, and though no eye had wit nessed the deed, circumstances poiuted to the prisoner's guilt with unfailing certain The recusant juror had stood out from the first. -He acknowledge the cogency of the proofs, confessed his inability to reconcile the facta with the defendant's innocence, and yet on every vote, went steadily for acquittal. His eonduct was inexplicable. It could not result iron a. lack of intelligence, for while he spoke bat little, his words were chosen, and evinced a thorough an derstanding of the ease. Though still in the prime of manhood his locks were prematurely white, and his face had a singular sad and thought expression. He might be one of those who euter tained scruples as to the right of society to inflict the death penalty. But no, it was not that, for in reply to such a suggestion, he frankly admitted that brute men, like the vicious brutes they resem ble, must be that dread ot death, of supreme terror, is in many cases, the only adequate re strain t. At the prospect of another night of fruitless imprisonment, we began to grow impatient, and expostulated warmly against what seemed an unreasonable captious ness, and some not over kind remarks were indulged in as to the propriety of 1 was too much etuoerfied at first to a ask what it meant. I did so at last, and the explanation came it was terrible My friend with whom I bad 'so lately set out in company, had been found mur dered and robbed near the spot at which I, bnt I alone, knew we had separated I was the last person known to have been with him, and I was now arrested on sas picion of his murder. a searon oi tue premises was tmme diately Instituted. The watch was found in the drawer in which I had placed it and was identified as the property ot the murdered man. His horse, too, was found S mm .- m 'mm m- m m. in my stable, for the animal 1 bad just there was no other. I recognized him myself when I saw him in the light. What I said I know not. My eon fas- .a . r m. - a ion was taken as an additional evidence. And when at length I did command lan guage to give an intelligent story, it was teceived with sneers of iucredulity. The mob spirit is inherent in man at least in crowds of men. It does not al ways manifest itself in physical violence. It sometimes contents itself with lynching Killed from a clear Sky. An Extraordinary Death from Lightning in Iowa. Sioux (.) JournaL While the thnnder storm of yesterday afternoon was raging at a distance of ap parently a couple of mile trom tbts place, a singular freak of nature took place in the sinking by lightning ot tue depot, and the striking and killing, subsequently, of J. H. Boyer, the post-master and black smith of this place. At about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time not a cloud obscurbed the sk v overhead or stood be tween the suu and the town, a terrible flash of lightning followed by a deafening m m .St m B- Deal of thunder, struck the wires ot the telegraph office and set it on fire. damage done to the telegraphic apparatus was most complete, the wires bang torn to pieces and the different instruments beine almost without exception distorted and broken and eompletly wrecked. Im mediately after the stroke John U. Boyer, who was iu his shop at the time, rati outin the street toward the depot, where some boys had been playing. He approached tbem OF GOVERNOR GRAHAM. Full of years and full of honors North Carolina's most distinguished ton has gone to rest. , On yesterday morning at Saratoga Springs in the State of New York Wil liam Alexander Graham breathed his last, and to day wherever the melancholy tidings have gone, the hearts of true Car olinians are sorrowing that they shall see his face no more, that no more shall they have the advantage of his wise counsel. Born and bred upon her soil, educated at her University and through life devoted to her interests. Governor Graham com manded the confidence and reaped of the Fortune Favors at Last. The people of NortB Carolina in greater degree de Belloy. He A Chicago Bootblack to Become i tptis o Frame A Family Raited fro m Poverty to Affluence. Chioago Journal, July 7. The death, a year ago last May, of a well koowp and prominent Board of Trade man, M. De Belloy, la well remembered by the many people in Chicago, especial lv bv those who are acquainted with the bbbb bittory of the unfortunate man. He a Frenchman, and scion efoneottbe oldest and first families of France. His name and title in full were the Marquis Ay mar of fine educa- KEW ADVKRTlSEMErm e m H 1UD WAKE. 4 SJ slaj a was a God speed the plowshare ! Tell me not, Disgrace attends the toil Of those who plow the dark green sod, Or till the fruitful soil. Why should the honest plowman shrink, trifline with an oath like that nnder which r rum mingling in me vm Offearniug and of wisdom, since Tis mind that makes the man ? God speed the plowshare, and the hands That till the fruitful earth, Fur there ia in this world, to wide, No gem like honest worth. And though the hauds are dark with toil, And flashed the manly brow. It matters not for God will bless The labors of the plow. T Two Squirrels. There were two squirrels That lived in a wood The one was naughty. The other was good. The naughty one's name was Dandy Jim, His mother was very fond of him ; The good one's name was Johnny Black, He bad beautiful fur npou his back, A4 be never went near the railroad track. But Dandy Jim, Alas for him .' He ran away. One summer day. Over the hills and far away ; Ab4 bis mother sought for him far and near, Pot never a word of Jim could she hear ; For crossing the track, The railroad cars ran over him, And that was the end of Dandy Jim. . n t ... ... n r.lMMMP.r. Knf wlmrpvpr 1 a form, it ia . 11 i .i i i J I " uiuroueu wrougu rear, auu .1 wayB relentless, pitiless, crnel. As the proofs of my guilt one after another came to light, low muttering grad- t i ' a uauy grew into a clamor ot vengeance, and but for the firmness of one man I would doubtless have paid the penalty for my supposed offense ou the spot. r s r S It was not amy path y tor me tnat ac- - - ' a. a tuated my protector, ills heart was as hard as his office ; but be represented the majesty of the law, and took a sort o grim pride in the position. As much under the glance ot lus eye as before the muzzle of his pistol, the cowardly clamorersjirew back. Perhaps they were not sufficiently numerous to feel the full effect of that mysterious reflex influence which mattes a ciowd of meu so much worse and at times so much better than any of tbem singly. At the end of some months my trial came. It could not have but one result. But Johnny Black He always came back, he went from home away. Ha knew that home was the place to stay. Hs iniuded his mother where'er he might be, H thought that his mother knew better than r we were acting. 'And yet,' the man answered, as though communing with himself rather than im polling the imputation, 'it is conscience that hinders my concurrence in the ver dict approved by my judgement." 'How can that be ? cried several voices at once' 'Conscience may not always dare to follow judgement.' 'But here she can know no other guide.' 'I once would have paid the same.' 'Anl arkaL knaa h i n crtA vnnr nrln ion r 'Experience.' The speaker's manner was visibly agi tated, and he waited in silence the ex planation which he seemed ready to give. Mastering his emotion, as it to answer oar looks of inquiry, he continued : Twenty years ago I was a young man, just beginning life. Few had brighter prospects and none brighter hopes. An attachment dating from childhood had ripened with its object. There had been verbal declaration and acceptance of love no formal plighting of troth; but when I took my departure to seek a home iu the far West, it was a thing understood that when I had found it and put it in order, the was to share it. Liie in the forest, bat solitary, is not necessarily lonesome. The kind of so eietv afforded bv Nature depends much J . than was ever bete re bestowed on any man. All ot honor that she bad. all of trust that she had, all of confidence that she had, North Carolina lavished upon this her favorite son. The death of such a man would at any time be a calamity to the State and to the nation; but especially does it weigh heav ily upon our hearts to-day to know that When you want Hardware at lew , call on the undersigned at No -A Granite Row. D. A. ATWRUL Salisbury ,N. C ..May 13-tf . a rapidly and said. ''Why boys, I thought the portals of the grave have opened to some ot you uau oeeu struea. x was frightened on account of you." He evidently had it iu his miud that the terrible shock might have frightened bis family, as he started toward his home immediately. When within about 60 yards ot the house, trom the trout window of which his wire was anxiously watching his approach, another vivid flash of lighting dazzled the eyes ot all, and ere the thunder had ceased rolling, the uaked bodv ot the unfortunate man was seeu to be lvinir oroue ouon the ground. A num ber of people, among them his wife, rush ed to the snot, and so horrible was the situation that it was not until he had been carried to the house that a full appreciation was had oi the terrible death which na ture Pad intiictea onou nitu. a examina liou of the body, from which every vestige h S"5 degree. the man whose death we mourn. From one end of the State to the other the eyes of good men t very where were turned to him in the great crisis that is now upon tr a .... . us. in tne east and in tne west, as wen as in the centre, men looked to him to the lead in the approaching Convention, perhaps a more important body than has ever assembled in North Carolina. But man orooosed and God disposed. Nor a was it only in the matter of the Uonven tion that be was looked to for special guidance and direction. Asie well known the restoration of the University to its former glory and usefulness js an object dear to the hearts of North Carolinians, snd to none was it dearer than to Gover nor Graham. Nor was there any one noon whose single life it depended in Circumstances too plainly declared my " From the Southern Home. LIK8 ON THE DEATH OF OUR BESSIE. 'Suffer little children to come unto me." Oer Saviour ! thu? didst bid them come, 0a earth they felt thy fond embraee ; Be. nuw. when thou dost call them home. They haate to meet thy smiling face. W yield them up to Heaven, and Thee With aaddvued bearU and weeping eyes ; Bat faith enables us to feel . That thy designs are ever wise. How fondly clings the parents' heart To those loved ones whom God has given; How deep our grief when called to part With what is dearest uuder Heaven. Okr Bessie's form lies cold and still. Her little heart has ceased to move : That heart which had begun to thrill Responsive to parental love. Htr tiny hands no longer move. Her prattling tongue in silence lies ; Htr soft blus eyes to earth are closed. Our darling sleeps beneath the skies. W nias the pattering of her feet. We miss her presence all the while ; Wv Kiss the smile we loved to greet, Ws miss our lovely, darling child. Oar Father ! we have treasure now A bounteous store laid up in Heaven; 0, lead our footsteps here below, -That it may back to ns be given. Chant, when this mortal life shall cease, That we may join oui ehildreu there ; a r enjoy that home of peace. on one's serf. As foi me, 1 live more in the future than in the present, and hope is an ever cheerful companion. At length the time came for the final payment of the home I bad bought. It would henceforward be my own ; and in a few months my simple dwelling, which I had spared no pains to render inviting, would be graced by its mistress. At the laud omce. which was some rixty miles off, I met my old friend, George C He, too, had come to seek his fortuue in the West, and wr were both delighted at the meeting. He had brought with him, he, said, a sum of money which he desired to vest in land, on which it was his purpose to settle. I expressed a strong wish to have him for a neighbor, and gave him a cordial ins vitation to accompany me home, giving it 1 . 1 1 1.1 m..L-a as my oeuei tuai u cuuiu uuwucis iuo&o Thou didst, in love, for us prepare. THE SADDEST FATE. To touch a broken lute. To strike a jangled string, To strive with tones forever mute The dear old tuuea to sing jhat sadder fate could auy heart befall ? Alas! dear child, never to sing at all. To sing for pleasures flown, To weep for withered flowers : To count the blessings we have known. Lost with the vanished hours what sadder fate oould any heart befall ? dear child, ne'er to have known them all! 4Mbi ia To dream of love and rest. To know the dream has past, To bear within an aching heart Only a void at last IiZ ddr faU coold an7 neart bWl ? ml dear sbild, ne'er to have loved at all. Vro,t n ukuown good. To hope, but all in vain ; 1 Over a farsoff blist to brood, mm Only to find it pain 7 nt sadder fate coold any soul befall? a better selection than in that vicinity. He readily consented, and we set out to gether. We had not ridden many miles when George sjiddeuly recollected a com mission he had undertaken for a friend which would require his attendance at a public land sale on the following day. Exacting a promise that he would not delay his visit longer than necessary, and having given minute uireciioua w route, I continued my way homeward, while he went back. I was retiring to bed oa the night of my return, when a summons from without called me to the doer. A stranger asked shelter for himself and horse for the night. I invited him in. Though a st anger, his face seemed not uufamilier. He was nrobablv one of the men that I had seen at the land office, a place at that time very much freqm nted. Offerinir him a seat, I went to see his horse. The poor animal, as well as hv the dim starlight, seemed to V.t7UiM J W have been hardly used. His panting sides bore witness of a merciless riding, and a tremendous shrinking at the slight est touch, betokened recent tnght. On returning to the house, I found the stranger had gone. His absence excited no Rurnrise : he would doubtless soon re turn , It was a little singular, however, .k.i ho should leave his watch on the l lift . ftftw table. a And nf an hour, my guest not xxt. vuv - er w .tnrnimr. I went again to the stab.e, thinkine he mighb. have found his way thither, to give hia personal attention to t,m wants of his hOTSC from mere force of jjciuftc . , , hhiu-for we were as yet unvisiiec oy .kiv. or nolicemen I took the precau lion ot patting the stranger's watch in a drawer in which I kept my own i T found the horae as I left him and save him the feed which be was now sufficient guilt. I alone knew they lied. The abscence of the jury was brief. To their verdict I paid but little heed. It was a sirgle hideous word ; but I had long anticipated it, aud it made no impression. A little impression was made by the words of the Judge which followed it; and hia solemn invocation that God might have that mercy up in me which man was v a ton just to vouchsafe, sounded like the hollowest of hollow mockeries. It may be hard for the condemned crimi ual to meet death ; it is still harder fur him who is innocent. The one, when the first shock is over, acquiesces in his doom and gives himself to repentance ; the heart of the other, tilled with rebellion against mau's injustice, can ecarce bring itself to ask pardou of God, I had gradually overcome this feeling, in spite of the good clergyman's irritating ; efforts, which were mainly directed to wards extracting a confession, without which he assured me he had no hope to offer. On the morning of the day fixed for execution I felt immeasurably resigned- I had so long stood face to face with death; had so accustomed myself to look upon it as a merely momentary pang, that I no longer felt solicitous, save that my mem ory should one day be vindicated. She for whom I had gone to prepare a home had already found one iu heaven. The tidings of my calamity had broken her heart. She alone of all the world be lieved me innocent ; aud she had died with a prayer upon ber lips that the truth yet might be brought to light. All this I had heard, and it had soothed as with sweet incense my trouuiea spiru. Death, however unwelcome its shape, was now a portal beyond which I could see one angel waiting to receive me. I heard the sound of approaching toot- of clothing, not excluding eveu a pair of cowhide boots, bad been lustantly .torn, showed that the sub tie aud terribly fatalfluid had first struck him ou the top of bis head, whence, though the skull waa left appar ently intact, the hair had been burned eff for the space of the size of a silver dollar Thence the fluid had run duwn the of the face, as waa showu by a clearly cut track to the shoulder, and thence to the heart, where it appeareutly bad spread all over the body. The terrible power ot the fluid was shown by the preseuce in the ground, on the spot where the uufortuuate mau's body had been picked up, of a hole eight feet deep by actual measurement. The clothing of (he deceased was found In liiivp. tn.Mi P-lnrdili d. aud wilCU first discovered was on fire, while the silver I license to practice, watch he carried had been driven into the ground, and when lifted up, it was found that the works had been tused into a lump of shapeless metal. The sceue at the house of the deceased who leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss, was paint ul beyond power of words to describe, aud those who bad been led to the spot though curiosity could not remain. The affair has created the profoundest sensa tion iu the town, where the deceased was both loved aud revered by all who knew him iu either public or private life. The Cheerful Face. Next to sunlight of heaven is the sun light of a cheerful face. There is no mis taking it, the bright eye, the unclouded brow, the sunny smile all tell of that which dwells within. Who has not felt its But why enumerate T In what great work in which the honor and the welfare of North Carolina has deep concern, will the absence ol William A. Graham be unfelt f The people of North Carolina are indeed a sorely stricken people to-day. William Alexander Graham, for whose death, to us so untimely, we thia day mourn, was a man of no mean lineage. His father was General Joseph Graham, of distinguished Revolutionary fame. His mother wan Isabelle, second daughter of Major John Davidson. lie was born on the 5th of September, 1804, in Lincoln county, North Carolina; graduated at Chapel Hill in 1824; studied law In New-bern, and after obtain trig settled in Hillsboro aud began the practice. In 1833 be en- public life as a member from the old B rough of Hillsboro. He was afterwards re-elected in 1834 and again in 1835. He was afterwards elected from the eoaa ty, Borough representation being then abolished, iu 1836, 1838 and again in 1840. He was several times elected Speaker to the House. In 1841 he was elected to the United States Senate, where he served until 1843. In 1844 he was elected Governor of North Carolina aud again in 1846. In 1849 be waa ten dered, by President Taylor, the mission to Spam, which he declined. Iu lbou be was appointed by President Fillmore, Secrttary of the Navy, which high posi tion he filled until June 1852 when hav ing received from the Whig National Convention the nomination for Vice Pres ident upon the ticket General Scott, he resigned the Secretaryship. In 1854 be tion, refinement and good In his early life he waa a wild, adventu rous youth, who spent hia fortune at home, and came to America say twenty years ago. For a few years he obtained his livelihood by teaching, keeping his rank to himself, and going nnder the unassuming name of M. Marechal. About this time the Marquis concluded that all his wild oats were sown, and be would abandon the fast life he bad previously led. He became acquainted with a hand some country girl from Michigan, with horn he fell in love. She was only fifteen years old, and from the stand point of the adventurous aud high toned French man, was unrefined aud uncultured. But he was captivated by her very innocence aud want of knowledge of the world, and married ber. They lived happily togelb er up to the time ot his death, and six children were the result ot the union. S MIGHT HAVE BEKK mZPBCSXD, the noble family of the Marquis turned up their titled noses at this marriage with a backwoods girl in America, and refused to recognise it or ber. He several years ago became a member of the Board of Trade iu Chicago. He there showed the same wayward, reckless traits that had been the cause of his checkered life, lie msdo fortunes and loot them. Sometimes e wmm on iu wp witq , and again he lived in a oave of gloom. During one of his periods of depreeaiou he took hia own life, as is generally be lieved, leaving hia wife and six children in poverty. He had an i nan ranee of $10 000 on his life, which has never been paid, tbe companies resisting payment on the ground that be took bis own life. A subscription among his aasoeiatea on the Board of Trade realised $1,500 or $2,000, which was need to defray bis Inneral ex penaee, and the rest given to the family. A widow with six young e4Urea ad no means is a discouraging lot in Chicago or elsewhere. The oldest boy cootribo ted what be coold to the support of the family by blacking boots and selling pa pers. He was barefooted and ragged, and hia cdncuion was received in the streets. Tbe widow and her half doaen 1 ehddren were as noor and eoatorlless ss the widow and tbe fatherleas could well be. After a time, finding it impossible to sustain life here, tbe widow, who is an excellent lady, took her family and went to reside with a relative in Geoeseo, io this Bute, where she io now Hying hi seclusion, and still pinched for means to make life comfortable. The story thus far-is one of early reck lessness and waywardness of self exile from home, of an early marriage, ot a pre mature death, and subsequent wretched- r 4 ueoo to the family. TUB CONCLUDING CHAPTER CEDAR COVE NIT US BR Y 2ft B fll X X X FRUIT TREES, VINES A PLUTS- A targe stock at reaaonable rates. New Catalogue for IP75 and 7 wit 1110 acripuona of fruit. nt tree. Address CRAFT m BATIjOR, 1 Rkd Puuve, Yadkia Oawaar. 5. C. July 1. 1875. 4tsa. 4 NEW MILLINERY STORE. At tbe old Jnst received net, trimmed and all the latest of Fester A Horab- liMQf a full line of Hats, aud W lrasBl ALL PAICBI . . V'SSJSJ T m. - SBB SI Order Pinking and The Store will be U JailuuBad tern and do eoodt or work will be y one- Thia rule ia nnvanaae. MRS. S. J. HALYBTJETOH. April, l&th-OWB. at t, Spring Stock 1875. (H ISO Befls CooVe, 60 IUrrtU 40 M Mo 6000 lbs. Bacon, tOOO the. Lard, $000 Ike. Beet Sugar Cared Haast, $0 Kegs Soda, 20 Baxea Adamantine Candles, Soap, 2000 lbs. Carolina Oysters, Brandy Lemon Syrup, Fresh Peaches, Pine Applee, Smoking Tobacco, 60 40 30 C 20 20 io 10 0 do do do do do !m 1 2 25 Gross juuff, 25 Coils Cotton fc Jt can now be written, aud it is mr romantic electrifying influence t One glance at this was elected a member of tbe State Senate. ! M anything in fiction, and it is true. Ia face lifts us at once out of the mists and shadows, away from tears and repiuings, into the beautiful realms of hope. One cheerful face in a household will keep everything bright and warm within. Envy, hatred, malace, selfishness, de spondency, and a host of evil passions many lurk around the door, they may even look within, bat they never enter and abide there the cheerful face will put them all to shame a flight. It may be a very plain face, but there is something in it that we feel we cannot and its cheerful tace sends In 1861 he was elected a member of the uUii?eneo has iust reaebd Chicago tbt Convention of that year and voted for : lne Mrehioness De Belloy. tbe mother the ordiuance of secession and tbe ordi-. 0f ti,e famiy and of the Chicago De Bel nauce making the Stale a member of the ' 0T ua8 died. The Cbieagoan waa the Southern Confederacy. In 1862 be was ijgt gon 0f the family. All that Is again elected a member of the State Sen j war)ljg now is for the proofo of a legal ate. In 1863 he was elected a member j m!Wriage. according to tbe American law, of the Confederate Senate, of which body e forwarded to France which can be WW I he was a most distinguished member until the fall ot the Confederacy in 1866. In 1866 he was elected to the United States Senate, but was not permitted to take hia seat. Since then though taking at all times a deeo interest in public aff lira, be easily done. The French law recognises foreign marriage, contracted in friendly countries according to tbe law of those countries. Consequently the marriage ill be held valid, with tbe Michigan girl win De nei . . a a i Avr.rooa .mil ita p hAorrn THRH Mfviifi i timoa a neon uhai-pal in nn r un lira, uo j i a utiavai t ih ami v steps and nerved myself to the eipected thfj b)ood dancing through our veins for has held no public office. For a long but one third of the fortunes, decend to 'Phrt m vr nail r nnn on , l . mm a i ... the widow and ber family, now residing Geueeeo. Tbe widow herself be cornea summons. 1 ne aoor oi ray ceu openeu, and the Sheriff and his attendants entered. He had in his hand a paper. It was in dnnhtless mv death warrant. He began to read it. My thoughts were busy else where. The words 'full of pardon,' were the first to strike my preoccupied senses. They afflicted the bystanders more than myself. Yet, so it was, I was pardoned for an offense I had never committed. The real culprit, it is needless to say, .. .. t i i i i. & was none otner man ne wuo nau sougui and abused mv hospitality. He had been mortally wounded in a recent affray in a distant city, but bad lived long enough to -. . ... .ft L.1J make a disclosure, wiucu naa Deen iaia mdore the Governor barely in lime to save mo from a ahitniefiil death, and condemn me M to a cheerless and burdensome life. This is my experience. My judgement as yours iu the case before us, leads to but one conclusion ; that ot the prisoner s guilt ! but net less confident and apparen-1 lly unerring was the judgemeut that fuloely produced my own conviction.' e no longer importuned our tellow jnror, but patiently awaited our discharge on the ground of our inability to agree, which came at last. The prisoner was tried ard convicted at a subsequent term, and at the last mo ment confessed bis crime on the scattord. it t . i ,i j i i e .1 j : very joy. e turn towara tne sun, auu numner oi years neiore iuu war, aim since its warm, genial influence refreshes and the election of the new Board, since tbo strengthens our fainting spirit. Ah, there war, he was a member of tbe Board of is a world of magic iu the plain, cheerful Trustees of the University, and took au face ! It charms us with a spell of eterui- active part in the conduct of ita affairs. 40 dot. Painted Pails, 40 Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 R'-ams Wrapping Paper, A fall line of Wood m WU1g A full line of Boota A Shoes ( A fall line of HaU. A full line of Saddle A Bridle, Oincer. Snice. Canned Good. Rr Powder. Cigars, Tobacco. Crockery, Tanner a Machine Oil, Ac . Ac Tbe above iock waa bought oiaee the loaf heavv decliu- in pncf. and offered ialc A K-itAil at vcrypbort trT6'.fr Hi Mill AM A 00. Jane 3rd I87S. SPECIAL Ho. I. Heivy plow Shoes at $160 worth $$M. Woincn h( at IXS" IM A IT, Ladies rl .pper at 1O0 worth IM. Ladies Slippers at 1 135 worth I7I. Ladiea Croquet fclipper at 1 wnrth Ladies Cloto (iaiWra ttll7voni Ladies Cloth Gaiters a $& worth A laree lot of Children Bsiasi serf . w y- ft a . 1I1KU3IB LOOK OUT 0BvoNPBt A6r. ii . L ?- t 11 ty, and we would uot exenango n ior an the sonlless beauty that ever graced the fairest form ou earth. It may be a very little one that we ! nestle upon our bosom or sing to sleep ill our arms with a lov, sweet lullaby ; but it is eucb a bright, cheery face 1 Tbe scintillations of joyous spiriU are flashing from every feature. And what a power it has over the household, binding each heart together in tenderness, and love, sympathy ! Shadows may darken around i us, but somehow this face ever shines be- tween, and the shining is so origni mai tbe shadows cannot remain, and ailently tbey creep away into the dark corners, until the cheerful face is gone. It in.iv ba a wrinkled face, but it is all He was also one of the Trustees uf the Peabody Fund, left by that eminent pub lic benefactor for tbe promotion of educa tion in tbe South. In 1874 he was chosen by the State of Virginia as commissioner to meet Hon. Jere Black, of Pennsylvania, on the part of the Slate of Maryland, to settle the long disputed boundary line between ber and tbe laat named State. And it was to aerve anon this Commission that he r- .... went to Saratoga, where be died on yes terday morning. Tbe remains of -Governor Graham, we learn, by special dispatch from Raleigh, will reach that place to-morrow at 2 o'clock by special train. A meeting of the cki- . I -IJ S1-5U ft J 1 zens wi 1 ne nem ai ivaieign io-ust sou in a Marchioness, holding the same relative position to the family as did tbo diseased Marchioness. The oldeat boy becomes Mamma. The familv is one of the most dsstiuguisbed iu France. It dates back to tbe Crusades. It baa famished two cardinals aud two marshals to the nation. Who ate Roger Williams f It oeems that io searching for the ' mains of one of the fathers of religions liberty in America, eaye Mr. Rodney I Welch in the JeacJterg' Monthly, almost notbiog was foand. Tbe pick aud apade removed tbe hard earth till a dark line ; was reached having the shape of a coffin. Below there were a few locks of silvery hair and some teeth, tbe things Byron BJ Vjmii. c $ I sBj pjBF aslaaBia j - ' , . . , 1 , . e - .i t hair ana some teem, me imuga joyrun the dearest for that, and none lesa bright. ,l.o a meeting of the members of the bar fc d .oouest iu life and We linger near it, and ease tender y up- to appoint guards of honor to meet the ffT ..ZLT-fZ- de,t The dead BELL& BRO. ou it and say : 4,God bless the nappy face !" We must keep it with as as long as we can, for home will lose much of its brightness when the face is gone. Font Reasons.- The noble Scotch minister, Goth lie, says that he began to abstain from intoxicating drinks for the Queen Victoria has made Lieutenant- diatinguished. Commander t rod, rearson, oi tne unitca States navy, a companion of the most Honorable Order of the Day. This io the first American who has been thus dis tinguished, and the honor waa confered because of valuable assistance rendered remaius at weldon and escort tbem to that city where they will lie in state in the Capitol tor several hours. From thence tbe remains will be taken to Hillsboro for interment. The flag on the Capitol is at half mast in honor to the memory of the remains longest form had disanoeared and a living form bad taken its place. Tbe body of tbe old hero had become, not food for worms, but sustenance for an apple tree. A root had forced its way through the hard earth till it reached the coffin, whose lid it lifted, aud wboee contents it devour jd. It bad stretched itself over tbe skeleton and Offer the oand ia W of Jewelry b North Carolina, CnswisrlsBJ of LADIES' AGENTS' GOLD WATCHES Gold Opera nnd Test C H I ., miiI .n.l inn(inna.l tn A mn fnr ' 4 kr P.r.nn mnwntt VSftfS afftl tO the Krltlsh , . , ii .I r i j -ft vw.wvtm wuftv j - - D1S own goou. xxc 6 wueac iou. n- , - opm CJjlneie sons: I. My health is stronger. 2. fottMt Congress will have to give Pear- M y head is clearer. 3. My heart ia light- son permission to wear the badge of the er. 4. My purse ii heavier. order conferred by a foreign power. Do not forget that if yon accomplish a thrown out divisions over tne extremities. little every day it will amonnt to a good , These in turn had divided and suoweo ino deal in a year, it yon pursue some siuay : -"o--. or read one hour every day in the year, mg form ahowed where a decaying one yon will have acquired an amonnt of had reeled. An apple tree bad eaten up knowledge ia three hundred and oixty $ve a man. From the food it had devoured it dayo that will surprise you. Bear this in had produced blossoms the children of Ibe mind now. and let nothing prevent yon grave-digger had plucked, and fruit that . .a i i a- i m ne wmecii nau eaten. SILVER WARE, GOLD PMMkH. ... . . .a mj a Tber are aant- for tae taiasawire aS0BBBBBI Watchea, Clocka and Jewelry iiUSWiffaasj warranted 12 months, charges so lew oa saawaa prevent you t . , j . . . c : ft irom taaine aa vantage wi is. tan l with good work. Store on Main atrtt Hotel. 2p . 1874lr. sBsssB$a I dear child, never to hope at all. ly cooled to eat, bat hie matter was nos s jee:-s', oivt vna',N tiessi. ay vl i