.. . .m "TIb Carolina Watchman. YTHIRD SERIES. 8AU8BTTBY, H. ft, 826, 1875. yp, 99-WHOIE0W0 ill J fP i fit I juisva . TIJcSr If JUL; PCBLI8KDBD V?BEMT : j. J. BRUNEB, Proprietor a4 Edltoi . if I 8TB WART Associate Editor. aATES OP 1 B Itll'TlON WEEKLY WATCHMAN; oevVblem advanee f&.fj I WWr - ... .Adreas. VU ' 10.0 HATES : insertion iuv two " t.ou number of insertions o :i nniioci 9ft nor rpnt mOM .1B.. uww. ... .Jrtiuments. (liOui; for a reawr Reading notice. line for each and every insertion THE TKHBERSlfSS OF MEMORY, .. TD.V kit the yearn since last we met lUvewrmiKht sad cbangre to tnee: That It were better to forget our youth fond history. And vm 1 tain would clasp that hand, Would meet those eyes once more. One moment by thy site would stand, As 1 have stood ot yore. They say the very tones tnat thrtll'4 w by ,e cold world's blighting chills, I ree might rowrnUe. vet I long u ueui uiw aiw, ANNIVERSARY. WW A TE RRIB E hWALK Io a chamber old and oaken, III a faint and faltering war. Half a dozen words were spoken, , Just eleven years to-day. what was bound and what was broken'. Let a woman's conscience say. Half a dozen words excited, Whispered by a brer's side : Half delighted, half affrighted. Half in pleasure, half in pride j And a maiden' tmth is plighted, And a faNe love-knot La tied. iTV:- kii Has a maiden not a feeling That can swell and sing, and soar ? Came not o'er her spirit Mealing, Thoughts of things that were before ? In her heart did no revealing Tell her, love was something more ? Barely half a dozen glances, Half in earnest half in mirth Five, or six, or seven dances. Courtship in which no romance is Cannot give a true lore birth. infer and there are times when tbey shouldn't. I Burmese if I had asked tuat woman it she thought they hashed I A up aeaw-mill in the cream she'd hare Aslt a Circulutvsaw Foinw diwn bar mm f. m. -J, 'At, -0-r-w jl ( uuroat, i i ' i H Mi i 1 1 H ! I I As a test dt nerve, theteeent experience Ot a wav farer. traveling a Wood road near Probari.r Hnnnrur Mr.nvD tx Olyuiplila. Washington territory, was as Pedestrian Followed Through, the Woods a Cougar. Tremendous Battle. m order noon the backers' costnmes, and it is considered necessary to thorough! r . wasn away in ire so water every trace ot MM AMD MRS. Mesrixflcn'a .i t . i . i me sea xor me proper preservation of with th tarri.n ai uaiumg cuaiuuiw. ii w true mat many i American laniea here at the Branch I From have their own bathing costumes, hut Old McStinger was going to bed a little these are almost invariably made of dark nn tba other niht M i j ikUiU. it X3 - " - xv i m M - w m , vs-v a w wuuia hj have the particulars from a friend of a pro an rd. 1 be man was a specul: flannel and no effort at coquetry is at- dhtwh Mr MeStinrer kohu uoeue bable horrible murder in Columbus Conn- l?T ,00.K,US oat wua. ,"Ba'. ana Qe "8ea tempiea. - -r n J HV Jl I.I . J X, . I 1 iv. it ik. c...j mrougn me iorest, iouowing tue almost abont three o'cloek. there w. shouting QlQal pa4h formed by old road made l . ' n i i ' :u r t heard at a place known th ftmmn X P'ooeers in lue whwiwh. ins minn AiTii i . - B"- i j h. i . :.: t t) JCG. tuwetln.f with a ,,1, utncu iu uuc "ojpi ure ctiiieai r o ...... u ntui, an i fi uuuor i jl I .Kar was on fire. Th npi.rhhnr- tnnn I f aminaUou of the kind -trees upou ihe P:irli r,.d mi ri.a land about him. and ot ifeo character of Luxury of the Ancients. ... . unnui hvinmp strain. Although the charm I there should seek Were listened tor In vain. I would not wish the years rolled back, Could such a choice be mine, Nor falter In the onwanl track, Thonirh severed tar from thine ant ISMfttsa may from hrd won heights Keceulu' .lornes survey, And jflve u slifh to past delights, Tet sighing turn away. (Written for the Watchmak.) FOLKS k? THE FAIR. CANTO XIII. Thirteen I Great spoons snd octoroons J That number there's no luck in I My ink will pale, my foolscap fail, y My steel pen h 11 get stuck in 1 The fypo who pegs up these lines Issartin sure gone up, sir ! Ths editor, on bacon rinds, With Pluio'a wife will sup, sir ! I rods to town the other day, ACsslin sorter doubtful Con posed this on my little gray Dismounting, wrote it out full I The first I met wss not a man It was s man and womsn t Had rabbit crossed me, luck were then Lass pussling and inhuman 1 My luck seemed either good; or bad Or both how tantalizing I The knocked-op rule upset my head Kxceplion most surprising t Jfo did convey a small brown jug ; (I didn't know its gender U Skt did a smaller baly lug It gender made hope slender ! That baby held the "casting vote," Made sure by its naineazin ! I aged (my luck must sink or float !) 'Twas "Julia Stonewall Jackson I" Highot and higher than s kite, I'Twat plain tlie crowd was human !) My hopes soared up clean out of sight Twas a leelle more man than woman ! Oh, "luck's a fortune," I've heard say, And yet 1 haint quite got it 1 Bu far that petticoat, to-day I'd be a prince, dod rot it ! If 1 had only met a man, With narry eyeball squinted, This Cant would then surpass what pen Of Byron wrote or hinted 1 When vou start on a journey, dear UnsofBsticated reader, Mind who you meet, snd always fear The famous ill-luck breeder I For Eve, yOu know, made Adam go And git right out of Eden I found that the house was in truth on fire and that the cries proceeded from two children, the only surviving members of toe Mmiiy reeidjug at the place, which consisted of a man by the name of Eli Coleman, his son and daurhwr. When the neighbors reached the olare the bouse as nearly consumed, while In the midst j of the namee, and at the time beyond reacti ot any earthly assistance, was the body of ihe unfortunate man Cnleman. 1 he two children that escaped, aged re spectively 13 and 16 years, succeeded ru saving ail tlie furniture, but strange to say their father, who was a young, hearty and vigorous) swan, sma horned todeath. Strong susuicion. we on dersfand, is entertained that foul plav was used. It appears that on Friday evening, about ten o'clock, deceased left his moth er's house to go home, the distance being about one mile. He was not drinking. TT I 1 . ' . . .... ... . . . tie supped into an ice cream saloon and it is not likely he could have nrocur , , w very softly, and when the girl asked him ed anything intoxicating on the road, as what he wanted he replied : it led through the woods, and there were "Corn beef, frfed potatoes, pickles and I no ernes-paths or houses on t he route, while mince pie it known that he reached horn in due "This is not a restaurant; this is an ice- time and had nothing of the kind abont cream parlor," she said. the house. wl hen why did yon ask m what 1 j As before staled, the children saved all wanted for? Why didn't you brine on 1 t the trunks and furniture around their the soil, and he failed te aotice for some Galignani's Messenger has the follow ing: The excavations at Pompeii are going on with activity, stimulated by the important discoveries made almost at time a "pit-a-pat" upon &e dead !eaves ev,erT pP. qaanliiiea ot gold and haggler's like a rat tail nle, be thought it just as well net to turn on the gas. He got on very well until k re a chad the door ef of the chamber where bis patient wife was sleeping. Here be passed a osnsni A 1 t Jk. li i.i . oaiancing on nia neeis tike a pcle on a Lightly is the promise spoken, Lightly is the love-knot tied ; And the maid redeems the token, Living at her husband'sjude ; And her heart it is not broken, But it is not in its pride. With the years shall come a feeling Never, may be, felt before ; She shall find the heart concealing Wants it did not knew of yore ; Silently the truth revealing, Real love is something more. I iMfcit i in "About Ice-Cream. your ice-cream J She went after it, and as she returned he enntinned: 'You see, my dear girl, you must infer, you must reasou It isn't likely that 1 would come into an ice-cream saloon to buy a grindstone, is ill You didu't think I came in here to ask if you had any baled bay, did you ? She looked at him in great surprise, and be went on : 'If I owned a hardware store and yon eame in, I wonld infer that you wa ited - is. .. aomeinmg in my line, l wouldn t step out and ask you if you wanted to buy a mule, would 17 She wnt away highly indignant. An old lady was devouring a dish of cream at the next table, and the stranger, after waiehmg tier tor a moment, called out : tue trunk under was laying, but father even including the bed ou which he 1 a t a - . i i woen ine names were extinguished ue was not iu that portiun of the house, our informant states, as repnrtrd by the child ren, and not all of the boues of the skull in that portion of the house with the body. This tragedy occurred about four miles' East of Fair Bluff, and of course has been the cause of no little excitement in the neighborhood. WU. Star Additional Particulars Con fessions of the Children A correspondent at Fair Bluff, Colum V us county, enables us this morning to lay before our readers additional informa- ! lion concerning ihe terrible events which occurred at the house o Mr. Eli Colo man, four miles from Fair Bluff, on Friday 'My dear woman, have you found any i night last, hair or buttons in your dish ?' Mr. Coleman was a widower living 'Mercy! no!' she exclaimed, as she alone wiih his two children a boy of 17 wheeled around and dropped her spoon. and a little girl more lhan 14 years old. Well, I'm glad of it he continued j wi 06 remembered that on the night in If you find any just let me know.' j question the neighborhood was aroused She looked at him for a half a minute, j n alarm of fire proceeding froro-Cole picked np the spoon, laid it down again, j niau's house, and on arriving at the scene and thenrose up and left the room. She f conflagatio'.i it was found that the must have said something io the nrouri- hoy and bis sister had escaped and etor, for he came running in and exclaim- j aaved most of ihe property from the il lin ed : 1 lut that the father had been burned 'Did you tell that woman that there , "h tlie building. Under such circum near him. lie at first scarcely looked down, hen he felt something robbing against bis legs and heard a slight purrtug sound, s a at m r . M . nut w ae u he oju look m -r.eart eame up in his mouth and a cold sweat started as suddenly as though he were saspended by a weak rope over Niagara. Pressing itself softly against his legs, twining abont htm as he walked, moving us flexible body swiftly, but with never a sound, turning up fierce eyes with something almost like a terrible laugh in them, was a huge cougar ! No chicken was this man in the woods, but his account of the manner in which his hat was raised by hi bair is not to be considered as apocry phal at all. Sleek and supple and mnscu l ir the beast glided about, and atiutervals it would come closer agaiu, and press its body against the legs of the man, the light touch making goose-flesh of every I .inch of bit form. It was a terrible, ex perience, that interview with the cougar in the forest primeval, and it was well for the m m that his nerves were ot the kind to dohumor ton fiontieradventnrer. Steadily pursuing his course with steps that would falter a little occasionally, he kept on. and with him the beast, continued its treacherous gambols. At limes it would glide a few paces to the front, and roll over and over iu the road, and wait for ihe man to come up, and then it would circle around him agaiu until the impulse, almost too strong io be resisted would ume upou him to spring upou the brute, opposing fists to laugs and ending the intolerable. suspense at any risk. The movements of the terrible animal were but as the play- m . k . a ing ot a cat wiiu a mouse, ana me man kuew it. The moment came at length, when the strain could be borne no longer, and the man kicked desperately at the beast as it passed by him. In an instant it bound in trout and crouched for a spring, silver found, which more than suffice to eover the cost of the works. Near the Temple of Juno has been brought to light a boose no doubt belonging to some mil lionaire of the time, as the furniture was ivory, bmnzebd marble. The couches of the triolinum, or dtnning-room, are ess pecially of extreme richness. The floor lug consists of an immense mosiac, well line . for it, in order te Make a bee the floor. ' Mrs. McStbmgwr, itb bee plary fortitude, bad placed the rocking chair with such gifted skill that we man eeoW come in the room without running over it; so the first thins? be knew. preserved in parts, and of which the een- I McStinger stabbed his toe nail off against ire represents a table laid oot for a grand the rocker, which knocked the seat against dinner. In tbe middle, on a large dish, the crazv bone oi his knm and mU nn. may be seen a splendid peacock, with I of tbe long arms prod him in tbe stomach, his tail spread out, and placed back to t Simultaneously be fell over th iUi back wuii another bird, also ot elegant crosswise and it kicked him twhinl hi. XKW ADV HiRD WARE. iu plumage. Around them are arranged lobsters, one of which holds a bine egg in his claws, a second an oyster, which ap pears to be fricaesed. as it is open and covered with herbs ; a third, a rat farei, and a fourth, a small vase filled with fried grasshoppers. Next comes a circle of dishes of fish, interspered with others of patrldgt s, hares and squirrels, which ell have their beads placed between their fore feet. 1 ben comes a row of sausages of all forms, supported by one of eggs, oys ters and olives, which in us surrounded by a double circle of peaches, eherries, melons, and other fruits and The walls of tbe tricliuuin wilb fresco paintings of birds, fruits, flow ers, game and fish of all kinds, the whole interspersed with drawings which lend a charm to the whole uot easy to describe. On a table of rare wood, carved and in- back before be could ret no from the floor, aa bo stood ou all fours. The en - j gagement was now fully open. When a man begins falling over the rocking chairs in a dark room, hebught always to have three days' rations and forty rounds. Before McStinger could get ap straight bis kuee came down on one of the long rockers behind, and the beak oi tbe chair came down on his head with a whack that laid bim oot flat on tbe floor, sod before be could move the ehsir kicked three times io the teoderost part of bis ribs with tbe sharp end of the rocker. This made want lUrlww figures, eall on tbe undersign. Granite Row. DA. AT Salisbury ,N. C.,My 13-tl. OBDABCOVE 9 FRCIT TREES. VIXES A PLATs A Urge stock at reasonable rate. New Catalogue for lt3S aa4 llwlfefcyda senptkms of fruit, int Ires. AAdrsss CRAFT BAILOR. , Rvj PUTA Yadkin Cbaaty. W C July J. 1871 --Itss. DEW MILURERY STORE. ': 3 Zi' vegetables, him perfectly furious, and be scrambled are covered nn and made a blind rnsh at th chair determined to blow ap the enemy's works. He ran square against the back, and it rocked forward with him, turning s com plete somersault orer tbe handles, throw- ing sacoiinger nail way across the room At the old stand of Foster A Horah. Just received a full tine of Hats. eta. trimmed and nn trimmed snd all tbe latest French and American novel ties, at 1 . ;.i .:.u -U v.i 1 l : I ... . . r. wnu gwiu, u1iH.11, ng-Me, u ipi 1 ana lanaing on top of him, digging into Usuii, were found smphone still eontain his abdomen like a bulls horns, as he lay ng wine, aid some goblet of onyx. spread out on the under side. It would 1 ' I ll.lVe hei-ll a flnt thiuir frr Ui.'ihnM 11 Nothing Lost. be bad laid still then end let tbe chair The R 1 igh News, under this head, I have its own way. pertinently remarks : It lay flat on its back with tbe Inng The great objection in the minds of PlnU of 'roekers embracing hie abdo mauy ma to the call of a Convention was men .and d,dn.'1 eem 10 "r"t to " growliug hoarsely and showing its teeth, a fear of its result upon the Presidential ny""ng act ive just ttien. Hat McStinger The aidu stopped and shouted hopelessly election. Thesa gentlemen seemed to " "P ' "P have staked their hopes in a far future, "ver "ways ana upset and, res. rved their efforts for the great tb ehaif- fl Wl ottr w,lh on itt national battle, holding rather too cheaply 'd? mnf "m n l ,r the nresei.t oeod. of N'onh H-ri.tin. .rl which made him straighten oot his legs . .... m m I trvifi m rt I 1 I I keLin Lla r. !uctn' to move tier m behalf whea the I r -.-..j, U.,.,B uuo .u,u uvu Orders executed with care snd Pinking and Stamping The Store will be tern and no (rood 0r work will be any or.e. This rule it nnrtriblt. MRS. 8. J. HALY BURTON. April, Spring Slock 1875. Had Adam never met her, now, Them flow'rs he'd still be weedin ! Young Sambo came to our front door, A-blowin snd a-pullin, This very morn, daylight before, And what's tbe mat ? uO, nirffin But lawxy-messy, miss, datslut Howl all night broke my napping I Dat sumethin down to mammy's hut Bound for to gwine to happen f "8hs go ki-yo, ki-yee, ki-yi I And den that screech-owl hoi lor ! Some dem dar niggers bound to die 1 Dat fine lay down and waller 1 In dat house log de def watch whix Witch on dat door kept rappin I 0, lawzy-mesa, dars sumthin, miss, Bound for to gwine to happen I" tSHfts 'ti iS S ' '! .a ". In dat old piney field day laid Free Tom by Pompey slave, miss ; And y it, de fools forgot, dey said. To salt his open grave, jniss, Wld dat handfull of dirt apiece Day stop dat horn at Biggers, What haul de corpse, to mend a trace Tom waiting for more niggers !" De candles all burnt blue, miss ! Da wbippoorwills cum, by de score, Right down de chimney flue, miss 1 Dey sot snd song upon de bed, And on de window sill, miss ! Bad luck to hurt 'era do, dey said I'ss mad enuff to kill, miss f "LasS time poor Tom he went to town, He meet one ugly witch, miss Dat day he tuk his cotton down, And stalled in dat ar ditch, miss ! Some of 'em said, while he was drank 8he tricked him with a pcllt miss ; And shore dat witch knock out his chunk, Before Tom could git well, miss I" "I tinks dey're dying mltey fast Dat screech-owl 's always hollerin I ( Ai dis ssd rate, de black wont last Dat fice, he's always wallerin ! Dey shout snd pray from dark till day-r Ue ail day noddin, nappin I At dis rate, sumthin is, 1 say, Bound for to gwine to happen f . P. H. a e were nans and buttons in my ice cream !' v .u i te u. r. 'No Sir, I did not; I merely requested her, iu case she found any such ingredi ents, to inform me!' 'Well, that was a mean trick 'My dear sir,' suid the stranger, smiling softly, 'did you expect me to ask the wo man if she had found a crow bar or sledge-hammer in her cream 1 It is impossible, sir, for such articles to be hidden away in such small dish es !' The proprietor went away, growling, stances, suspicion naturally rested upon the children, and on Monday morning they .were privately and seperately exami ned, when the boy confessed that he shot and killed his rather while the latter was lying on lits bed asleep, after which he got most of the property out of the bouse and then fired it. He then req nested his sister, This was for aid, wbili 'he cougar did not - ;n n.g at ouce, but appeared wan ing to gratify ilehu nior a little ionger. The shout, foriuiialc ly, was not iu vain There were hunters and dogs in the immediate viciuirr. as rare fortune would have it, and iho hounds dashed suddenly from tit'! covert us the cougar, seeing them, leaped for a tree. A lew moments later the beast tell a victim to tbe bullets, and the man with whom it had taken a stroll was telling his story and trying to restore the uomtl condition of his nerves by internal applications from a small flask. It was one ot the episodes which turns men's hair gray one which would, doubt less, have brought death to s man with less nerve than the hero of the affair. Dawaqiac Monitor. American Loveliness in the Surf. His great qnes ion of a national p.trty triumph n,,eP nce ? "e rocker b,nC 20 Bo 120 Bags Coffee, 30 Barrels Bugar, . " t 40 " Molasses, 5000 lbs. Bacon, 2000 lbs. Lard, 2000 lbs. Best Sugar Cared Haass. 20 Kegs Soda, 9 his interrogator to go and get it. 2 who would tell all about done. The girl stated that her father, Eli Coleman, was absent from home on that day, but came home about 10 o'clock at night, when she and her brother got op and as the stranger quietly supped away ; aud fixed him something to eat, and then at his cream two young ladies came in, wnt and lay down again, her father go sat down .near him and ordered cream ing to bed directly afterward, and cakes. He waited until he had I Some time about midnight or a little catena Utile, and then he remark- after, her brother waked her up and there m : was a light io the bouse and he had a 'Beg pardon, ladies, hut do you observe g"" in nis hand, and told her that he was anything peculiar iu the taste of this g"ig to kill Eli Coleman, their father, cream? She begged htm not to do it, bat be They tasted smacked their lips, and ad he wonld, and he carried oot his were not certain. j threat by walking up near the bed where Does it taste to you as if a plug of their father was lying ard shooting the tobacco had falleu in the freeser I' j iad through his bead, killing him instan- "Ab! kah!" they exclaimed, dropping Jy- 1 he giri says she was standing in their spoons aud trying to spit out what aoor when her brother shot her father, ibey bad eaten. Both rnshed out, and it and uever saw him move after the gun wasn't long before the proprietor rushed j was fired. They then carried uearly all iu. i their things oct cf tlie house, and the boy 'See here, what in blazes are yon talk- fired it in two places and she in one. ingabmu!' Me demanded. .'VYhat do They remained by tbe house until the you mean by a plug of tobacco in the top commenced falling in before they freezer V j made an outcry about the fire or anything 'My kind friend, I asked tbe ladies if else, this cream tasted of plug tobacco 1 dou't j After the children had been arrested, taste any such taste, and I don't believe the girl told oar informant the same tale, vou used a bitrof tobacco in ? a4 onythe examination before a Justice Well, you ought not to talk that way oi tne reace sue again repeatea it, i ney to the air, and getting the chair on its feet again, where it stood rocking back ward and forward at him like a wary old ram making feints of backing its adver . . sary, io order to throw him oft his guard. The blow in the side weedy finished McStinger, and while lying there rubbing his wind back arain. be was ist begin ning to reflect whether his booor required him to proceed any further to the affair, when Mas. McStinger suddenly began screaming all tbe names in the crime act, under the impression that tbe Charley & around bere! continued the proprietor 'My ice cream is pure, and die man who . .11 A I J 1- H sats it isn i tens a ooiu ue Ue went away again, and a woman with a long neck and a sad face sat down I and said tn the girl that she would take a small dish of lemon ice. It was brought and she had taken were both committed to jail. Tbe man who swears tnrns speech into a curse, and before his time rehearses the dialect of bell. Ho waits for no bait ; bat "bites at tbe devil's bare hook," Tbe shrewd Q.takers's advice to -toe profane about two mouthsful when the stranger jjoath. "Swear away, my young friend, inquired I (till thee gets all that bad stuff out of thee," 'Excuse me, madam, but do yon know 1 points to ihe real source of the vice ; for how this cream was made have yon an it is out of an evil heart that proceeds evil .Ma i hat tbpv arreted tumlo and chalk i thoughts, false witness, and blasphemies. with the cream.' j We fear that the purest tongue will need She didn't reply. She slowly rose up, I purifying before u is tot to join in tbe whaled around, and made for the door, celestial praise of God's upper temple. the stranger followed after, and by great For that worship let as attune oar voices (rood Inr.k hi coat-tails cleared the door by ceaseless prayers, by words of love, an instant too soon to bo. struck by a by earnest vindications of the right, by -A ko, f ttca hurled with great habitual '-speech seasoned with salt of sa sr j " m iS mfJ a s - a jjj - s eMH foree by tbe indignant proprietor. As he j divine grace. The melody of heaven reached the enrb stone he baltei, iooe wur spung irom a narmony wi ; ;...tika J.AP .r id rvii-lor and soliloi- each voice there will bear a part in ths gfoed : song of Moses sod the Lamb. Bw. Theo. 'There ant times wbsu people ibeuld L. 0y(r, Oliver Logan writes from Long-Branch: "It seems strange that the irrepressible coquetry of the American woman should not have niched itself (to us Mme de Sevigtie's expression) in her bathing cos' turn1. Women of the most marked ele gauce i.i drawing-rooms obey the law of our laud and make the vilest scare-crows of themselves to go into the surf. More bathing dresses aie let out in Long Branch in a single week than aie so disposed tn a whole season at all the French resorts combined. Every French lady frequent ing les bains de mur pays special attention to providing herself with un costume de bain. And this outfit is as carefully se lected iu jeg.ird to its becominguess in color and cut ; its fits must be as perfeet, its freshness as undoubted as any dress that m tdam wears. Some of these cos tumes are really charmiug, and when donned enchauce the beamy or elegance of their wearers quite as much as any other. A delicate rose flannel, with knife pletting of white, hat trimmed in accord ance, pink bose, and straw shoes, uavy bine serge with stripes of yellow, green and brown merinos - these are some of the combination which dwell in my memory from last season. Many ladies have several such costumes an extravagance scarcely worth mentioning, as the mater terials from which such dresses are made, are verv cheap. But whatever a French lady s sea bathing costume may be her own and three or four of them in tbe sea son, or hired from day to day from la baigneur one accessory is absolutely ludispensible. I mean the long flannel cloak, w bich it would be to offend the plain est propriety not to wear from the moment the bather leaves ber cabin until she is ready to plunge into tbe sea ; then ths cloak is thrown off to be immediately don ned ready to plunge into tbe sa ; tbeo the again on leaving the water. Sometimes the beach is literally strewn with these cloaks. Each claims her own, and I never heard of a misappropriation. To dispense with these cloaks warm snd dry after leaving the sea and to tun along tbe sands ex posed to the wind iu a dripping bath dress would be considered a piece of imprudence in a hygienic sense, and to dress and go of away without having first equalised the circulation by tlie use of the hot foot-bath would be looked upon as sheer madness the only worthy the barbarity of American customs. Male and female attendants ' kef p all buttons, strings, etc., in perfect might seem tube impended by aleeal. rsue. We i bought and still thinkthat the time ad come for the State to disenthral itself. If the people were not awake to the e emergency, it is no reflection upon tbe sagacity of those who urged the call of the Convention, that their call was not more cordially responded to. Tbey saw and they knew how readily tbe popular mind was worked upon by fear of change. And they find, now that the contest is over, that ftars and on i:i.lir-cs in minr ' . I" J 1 D .LJ & !. " sectious prevailed over just appreciation UU"C'B -rB r7,Do' vtl commii a of onr condition. borglary, bigamy, robbery aud everything A victory has been won with very nar ef: ... row limits for triumph -enough to pat fa VP 10 ,be beeo iPeMU,eM the hands of tbe Pemocratie party to ear with terror, and bad lain there trembling, ry oot its measures. And we are so sure hejM,ng perspiration, and accumulating tint those measures will bo wise, aud that 'cking power, nntil she bsd gained the ihpv will I p i-iiiqf.irtr.rv ih.n th nonnl, screaming capacity of a camel back J ' . " r r i cl. l.j i... w il be snroi sed at the r d strnst of a I 6IUO "u "u lu" XeS 60 44 Adamantine Caudles, 40 " Soap, 2000 lbs. Carolina Bie, 30 Cases Oysterj, tO do Brandy Peaches, 20 do Lemon Syrup, 20 do Fresh Peaches, 10 do Pine Apples, 10 do nmokmg lobacee, 25 Gross Snuff, 25 Colls Cotton it JH Rope, 40 do. Painted Paib, 40 Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 Reams rapping Paper, . u . . Koval fUif proposition which was to give them their most pn eious boon, a government framed by themselvrs, liberal and enlightened, plain and simple, securing equal rights to all tn regard te person and to property. Wheo the lime comes for tbe Presiden tial election, tbe Democratic party will find itself so fortified by the success of its measures, that it will go into that contest with the assurance of carrying tbe State. And tlie Republican party has gained so little that it stands precisely where it did with its unbroken negro vole, and the shifting, precarious reliance ot such a white vote of either superlatively liberal in its views, or the passive instrument of the leadership of office-liolder. The Turkish Insurrection. The insurrection in Herzegovina forms the subject of almost daily telegrams from Europe, and tbe outbreak is assuming threatening propositions. This province is a portion of the Turkish Empire ad joining the Austrian dominions. Whilst the Turks are its rulers, Herzegovina contains a large Christian population, and Austria is supposed to take a deep inter est in their welfare. Tbe trouble began with quarrels between the Moslems and Christians, and have gradually grown until the latter have rebelled against the Turkish domination. Servia, an adjoin- en- reached her third sfortanio Jortissi mo accelerando, when eld MeStiuger succeeded in getting to bis feet once more snd became dimly visible to Mr. McStinger. With one last parting shriek she sprang from tbe bed and msde a dash for the door, near which the rock ing chair still stood menacing the whole universe with a hatting motion. Mrs. McStinger bsd no time for investigation just then, and she pitched into and over the rocking chair and clear on downstairs, tbe chair after her, turning over and ever, and kicking Mrs. McStinger every bump, ttl than twttlt t.nii) ik. kail kal,.av Mil ,i. i j v...u iniiucu in fcu V ukii otii-w, where the chair broke all to stoats. This ended tbe fight. If wives will learn from this sad story not to leave recking chairs standing around the middle of the room for their poor husbands to fall over, we shall oot have written in vain. A foil line of Wood A Wlllc" wars. A full line of Hooes A Sheas (l A foil line of Hat. A full linerf Saddles A Bridles, Oinrer. tPv. Canned Good Powder-. Cigars. Tobaeco, Crockery, Tanner A mac b me Uii. Ac . Ac. Tbe above stock was bought 4ae tfth heavy decline la price. and UeOrm' at U N U sale A Retail at verj bort pmfl -.f. r re UiUU M Af i us M4nt a es Jans 3rd 1875. JTo. . Heivy plow flboos at tl6 2 - - 4Wosnenr sor at ii f 7. Ladies Embroidered Suppers at 1- win! 10. Ladies Slippers atiftt worth 175, lsdies Crosoet Slippers at $15 vurthtKO, Ladies Cloth Gaiter- it 1 175 wort j ajju. Ladies Cloth Gaiter at $& worth fl A large lot of Children Shoes ten eftsafc. wntOaAtfTOA- LOOK OUT Fever Diet. Dr. Luion, of Rbeims. states that for the last four years be has treated typhoid by an absolute water diet. Nothing but good fresh filtered water, occasionally iced, is permitted to be taken. At first, he says, it is taken with avidity, then in moderation, and at last with signs of BELL& BBO. satiety ; il is sometimes vomited at first, ing semi-independent State, sympathises but is soon tolerate; at tbe beginning of with the Hersegoviuians, and tbe 8ervi- the treatment the bowels maybe a little j,s are raising funds o aid them. The ftXed, bat Uiey eoo. beeoma moderate Servian sovereign, Prince Milau. is mak- , , . ing a visit to Vienna to acccrlein what od ,M m,. Usae oosiiion Austria nroooses to occunv in stipation may ensue. Tbe duration of ibis complication. Austria, although this treatment depends upon tbe progress 1 LADIES? 41 GfEMIW OOLD WATCMEJ . having sent troops lo tl.e Iroutier, has of (be i.. between four and OtTer ound in as J ITealern bs ef to the though the Turk, accused ber efeecretly aay. oi wer exc.ue.ve.y may ou formentiug the rebellion. As Serria reqeired, if the fever be treated as a wlsals, sympathises with the insurrection, though but three or four days suffice if only the herself nominal subject to Tarkey, there intestinal elemental the disease be eonsid- are grounds for the belief that she may ered. A light alimentation may tbeo be get involved in tbe complication, snd svail allowed milk, unboiled, may be mixed herself of the opportunity to strike a blow wkh the water and given by spoonfuls, for independence. All the European aud if well supported for a tisse, te be powers are watching tbe revolt, and at followed by broth aad soap. Usslsw this Vienna and St. Petersburg, where great treatment the mortality is very lew, no interest is always taken in Turkish affairs, evil results ensue, and serious cnmplica a .0 I S -t M 1 ttmrn - m tbe losarrection is just now toe uppermost 1 lions, iu inaing visceral congee none ma i uotea. diploma tie tbsme. pad seres at once dhvppear. Jf HT4-lj- Gold Opera and Vest CkaiiM SILVER WARE, OOLD ?fls Thr rt ml (rom KiSte VVatrfte, Ctecks wamAled 12 SSOSM tan I with good work. Eye ultsssi, aifciSf- 1 I I . i

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