Carolina Watchman. LOCAL AUGUST, 26. . .1 i- f he wet wwws MVW- God ww wid knows what 'a best for all He watches lest we stray ; He never plucked a flower too soon That bloomed around oar way. He gently strives to lead ut where The flowers perpetual bloom And if our test should turn aside We plunge in deepest gloom I Kmp too Mouth 8hut. A fellow open- . r mIamI nMnl. u ed hi month and Inai hi f.1 k r Tire " v" " w" a oar wi nlA wh I a . - . " " were runnini, at unar Intf ikaolliMil.. " L i r-.l r I , wucicupuu our pauosp mcai There, a yoang female Lawyer friend Caldwell of the 06rr moralise th a. : me yesterday. 'One half, aye, two third of all the trouble I . - m people have in the world, comes from not ..r it n i.A Umm k..... I iMniiw ik , n a . i a. Pmnl W LI- VrWlVIA ATCCaa ICV,V" I 1 G LUUUllin Rliui. CHTUIte ill lIMk u-r. hail of onr next Fair. u I Farmer Pi aw Wf U TaI.. t m. , v ih-ih i Ml a vvuu .aw Hedrick. One .if thp oldest anrl lumt farmcM in Oa ralMWS IW " Rowan. aaV a few arr. that 1 nlnw.l . sl of property ael I pert of a field with Meroney's Farmer's Plow and part side by side with old fashioned v. wen's Steam Mill is now in fall opera I shovel plow, an? that the corn plowed with vilh s verv flattering run of custom, and I Meroney't plow, is now ten inches higher than SSb" - m , I (I,. ,.iU... XI I. I 1 ih President or the Convention. We we the name of our distinguished fellow-citizen Hon. Francis E. Shober, spoken of in connec tin with the probable presidency of the Con vention. A better selection could no, be made. Mr. Shober has the age, dignity, courtesy, fairness, and thorough acquaintance with parlia mentary usage, to make a most admirable pre siding officer. , jnmiai oat fine flour and meal. the other. Aug. 5.- Th- Paddies have made things kind o'li vely like, far s few P. and the polios fores sP occupation. Moral: buy Meroneya Plow. mo. Hon. Jefferson Davis, has been invited to deliver the address at onr next Fair, and it is hoped that he will accept. The invitation meet the nrvrrlial innrnval nf all mir ncnnU iCillitary. 'A fri 'Of ail elegant ttd if the Hoo-hearted chieftain should honor tUver pitcher, will be offered at onr next us with a vwit, we will give him such a reoep- to the best drilled Military company won as shall put to shame the cowardly ' . . I ... l r . i 1 1 1 r 3 a . Vile r slit ni-a r-c-h ! nuacKs oi me Illinois uraau Army or ine ' . . 1 T , I i nepuunc. m m a A. Capt.W. II. Crawford U now toy far the Wonder how many more times that young farmer in Kowan. ne aas tins year mun -n to th deiot 7 He ha8 u He Didn't Bslieve It. Many years ago, when Rail Roads were first talked of, the fol lowing conversation is said to have taken place between the Hon. Philo White, then publishing a paper in Salisbury, X. C, and an honest Dutchman, Speaking of the Rail Road Oars. Dutchman. You say ta kin bull tendousant bounds? -W. The papers say W. Du. Tis a tarn lie. Du. You say ta kin go shust as fast as a horse kincallap? W. The papers say so. Du. Tis a tarn lie. Du. You say ta run mit fire and watter ? W. The papers say so. Du. Tis a tarn lie. Fire will purn it up and watter will put it out, an it is a. cat d in pig lie." Fob thi Wavtchmah. Messrs.. Editors : Permit me through your valuable columns to' give a brief account of a meeting of the farmers of Lock Township at the koiue of Mr. Wm. F. Watson Esq., five miles West of Salisbury. By a previous appointment a committee of five with some thirty other Grangers mat at Mr. Watson's on Saturday 21 iasc to inspect hi farm, crops Ac The committee on examina tion found the farm well cultivate 1. The com and cotton crops had been well worked and both promised a large yield. The oats an J wheat had b.-en garnered, but we learned these were also good. Mr. Watson is an improving farmar besides being a clever gentleman and one of the most efficient magis trates in the county. The work of the committee finished about in tbe State 1000 acres under cultivation and runs thirty I jfaBsilwi wlvely now, looking for bis NEW ADVERTI8EMENT3. FOR SALE. I will sell privately at any time, a part or all ot my Household and Kitchen furniture now in the "National Hotel." Any person wishing to rent the "National." will do well to buy, w every thing necessary for conducting the Hotel ussineas is there, ana in good repair. Terms cash, or a short time given with ap proved security. Mrs. Dr. REEVES. LUTTZ'S COLUMN. plo w. That ' farming for you. gavana Oigara. Genuine brand at Urn Bsrker's, Druggists, only 5 cts, and .k .m delicious. We have tried 'em. Other w; - brands of best quality. "jews harp" and has as often failed to "dis cover ' her among the passengers. He sent a postal card op the other day. and is now walking around repeating : If at first yon don't succeed Try, try. again. There was a two-horse load dT fine large I Married. In the First Presbyterian Church, oesebea io the market on 1 oesday, and (Salisbury N. C. at 7 J o'clock, A. M. Wednesday evii g to the great scarcity of this fruit sold Aug. 25th, by Rev. L. W. Crawford; Mr. John nsddj at W Pr OUSnei. I auuiwu ih-hiick, hi .uisa .uaie .uuy lumife,. I 1 tie couple toon tue cis'.ern train lor the Destructive as the late frosts in the Spring lakes and Northern watering places, followed were, ws are glad to see that all the apples by the warmest good-Wishes of hosts of friends. wr not killed- Many of the shop windows Few couples start out in life- with such bright ia tows are ornamented with fine specimens prospects, or with so much of all that makes life A crowd of about twenty hoc, big and little were holding a festival on Mulberry street last night at tbe scene of the bursting of a bag of ground-peas. 1 hey expressed themselves delighted. Wilmington Star. What ! hogs out on the street in the city of Wilmington ! It is too bad. There ought to be something done about it. We thought that hogs were to be seen on tbe streets of no other Town except Salisbury, but it seems that we have been misinformed. But now Salisbury is as clean snd as free of all those things thst are usually reckoned objectionable and odious in the eyes of the public, as any place of the sise North or South, notwithstanding a few hogs are to be seen occasionally on our streets. We know whereof we speak. The hog ques tion, however, so far as this city is concerned, is settled until the 5th of May next, and the growlers may as well keep quiet. Pleasant and Profitable Kitlotmevt 'Beantifoir Charming!" "Oh, how lore- It r "What are they worth T Ac exclamations by those who see tbe large elegant New Chmmos produced bv tbe European and American Obromo Publishing Uo. Tnev are all perfect Gems of Art. No one can real tbe temptation to buy when seeing the chrotnoa. Uanvasaera, Agent, and ladies ano gvnti o ,11 . : out of emplorrnent, will find this the be4 r opening ever offered to niske money, r or full uinner preparea oy airs, rriiuam Watson. n.nicMliin. send stamp for confidential circular. We liked the style in which it was gotten up, j Address F. (JLEASON A CO., 738 Washing- and you may judge we did ample justice to iu ton St., Biton, M - . w w - w rk. rich viand.. Aug. iv-irao. Hon. Burton Craige, was ticketed for onr next meeting. We expect from him a good speech and now insare him a good dinner and hope his feeble health will not impair his ap petite. Or course we deplored the defeat of the Y. K. K. but admire tbe pluck of its noble President and his faithful co-adjutors. Though tbe scheme perish we will cherish their deeds and their memory shall be precious. In conclusion permit me to say Messrs. Edit ors yon do not know what you are losing by not belonging to onr noble order I am sure if you did we should" have the pleasure of-presentlng your names for initiation at our next meet ing. However, if you will not allow us to do this we ask thst when weary with the la bors of your sanctum, lay down you quill and ride out to Esqr. Watson's and for one day enjoy his elegant hospitalities and I am sure if vou do not ioin our order von will for- At end of First Fiscal 1 ear had issued over r - I v.-vj-fc r x a. . a . a thereaAer have a hankering after the Grangers. w"nou.' "ng a mgss .oss. Respectfully, ; .P. BATTLE. F. H CAMERON President. Vice President. W. H. HICKS, Sec'y. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE Insurance COMPANY, RALEIGH, N. O. THEO. P. KLUTTZ. Wholesale eV Retail cut, SALISBURY, V. O to me cnants, noufle keeuers, Young Folks, Old Folks. Smokers, Pain ters, Farmers, Grangers, and Everybody else. in . jw a .a e .a m w ncnever vou neeu anytning in toe way 01 DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS. PERFUMERIE8, DYE STUFFS SEEDS fee., If you want tbe best articles far the east money, go to KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. of this fruit. Mr. C. R. Barker, druggist of this city, has eagaged to travel for a large drug house in Richmond. In Mr. B's absence, his partner, Mr. Buis, will conduct the business of the firm in this city. enjoyable, and we pray for them the blessings of Heaven, that no adverse win 1 m.iy e'er o'ertake them. The Star Saloon, kept by Mr. J. A. Snider, fur the purity of the liquors sold tb-re bss no superior in tbe State. Mr. nider's eating saloon is slso unsurpassed, mm every one will testify wbo has tried it Irs v. ry ernel to rob bird of its young. bat it if worse fur one fellow tusteal auother ' n-nt of birds wd then li shout it. The mucking bird tamer alledges thae such -a trick has been played on hiin. P19W. We are glad to see that our farmers are buying largely of the latest improved plows, for there 's money in it to them. Among others we notice that our enterprising frien is Smith- deal A ll irtm ia are having a large sale for the celebrated Dixie Plow. This week they sold out a lot of 53 in three days, and eould have sold more if they had them. Meroney A Bro. arc selling wagon loads of their new Farmers Plow, and Crawford A Keilig, and Atwell, are also supplying a large demand. So, altogether we may look for better farming. CAPITAL. $200,000. Xxcftftfkffe- We are glad to learn thnt Judges Cloud snd Forches, are to exchange cir euita for the Fait courts. We will have Judge Fuiehes this time. P. S. We are sorry to learn later that the above is a mistake. ' Socialism.- A new phase of house- keep in e h bein; developed bv an exueriment now miking by a sele4 number of mr citizens, who have formed themselves into a joint-stock family. They rent a house, employ housekeep er aud cook, and pay all expense pro-rata. The "happy family" coniU of Mews. J F Ross, Sam Taylor, T G Haughton and son, Rev FJMurdock, Dr J F Griffith, Messrs John Greenfield, Jno A Hedrick, Arthur Brown, Theo F Kluttzand family, and Mrs Jane Brown. The party is a very pleasant and congenial one, HomSlteads Deputy sherifTSmith says that sever things happen sometimes in the laying off of homesteads. Not long since he laid off eae which consisted of a lot of ragt. Another was laid off in fooaceo. How 's that for high ? The last Sowtlum Ave has a fins likeness of ex -Gov Vance. Also a likeness of our young friend W. P. Williamson of the Tarbormgk SHUkernmr. The Illustrated Age is a very band some paper, and seems to be on the right trail dried blackberries we iee, are ling in pretty freely. They are almost the only drimj fruit we have this year. Sev eral of our merehaots are in tbe market purchasing, and we doubt not pay as good prices as can be obtained elsewhere. Centennial The centennial anniversary Bethany (Presbyterian) Church Iredell county ss celebrated with appropriate services on yes- terdsy. A large crowd was in attendance wfrwa were made by the Pastor, Rev. E. F Rockwell, F. H. Johnson. Hon. W. M. Rob- bins, Mr. George R. McNeil and others. Personal. We are glad to see Jn our town oar friend Dr. C. A. Henderson of the firm of V estmorelaod A Henderson, V holesale To- cen Dealers, Greenville, 8. C. The Dr. Itekiag well, and is welcomed home by as ny friends as any ram in the two States can , or. Bk CauTiot's. The nsual time 'of year for raoro than ordinary sickness from malarial causes is nuw upou as, and will coutinae uutil about the 1st November. Wo have been rc markably exempt from climatic diseases for three years, tbe result, as is believed by Doc tors and citizens, of tbe drianage of Macay's pond, and the extraordinary efforts on the pan of the city authorities to enforce cleautiueso within and around the corporate limits, second ed by the activu co-operation of citizeus gener ally. Those efforts should be continued with increased zeal, aud every other precaution adopted which experience and observation sanctiou ss wise and good. Citizens should be cautious in eating and drinking, always remem bering that there is more danger in the excess than in tbe quality of the food or drink aken Care should also be taken t keep dry feet, and especially to watch the little ones who are now wearing shoes and stock lugs, and see that their feet are dry. These are eomtnu sense obser vations, tbe value of which are known to a1! parents, but oftun overlooked in the , pressure of daily cares and duties. We only mean to s ty, it is the time of year to be c-iutio s, "an ounce of canVon is worth a pound of cure" a big diflerence ; let all try for it. A FARMER. The 1 ate Hon. WIS. A. GRAHAM. From, the Skvtck 6 Seaton Gait: " One of the Boglisb-apeaking man's most Interests lag worlrt-fleMs is Asia, where his Infancy was cra-dl- d and Whuher he has returned after an absence o thirty centuries, during which he has made a cir cuit of the whole earth, in his progress towards the West. One oi Nwth Carolina's most distinguished sous hfs the cmllzatton of the Prudent, economical and energetic manage ment has made it the honor of ooenln .la nun to I West, and thus of driving the entering wede whirh must open au Asia, in i. tue Hon. win. A. ora- ham, then Secretary of the Navy, under President Fillmore, contrary to the wishes of the Cabinet and of Congress, though the President favored the expe dition strongly, sent Commodore Perry to Japan to force relations up;u tne Japanese, wiin had not only closed their ports, virtually, for three tUousanU ye ire -absolutely tor two hundred years which uov. irauim ne:u uiat they nai no rtgnt to do, but who hud also sliainetully maltreated some American seamen, wrecked upon their shorori, whkh, as Secretary of the AmerlcaAi Jiavy, he said that none should do with Impunity. I doubt If any single ac tion of mortal man ever produced such results in so short a Ume. A most wonderful revolution has oc curred la Japan, tbe most wonderful, In two respects, at least, ever known among men. A king, the liad of his line, has voi uu tartly -resigned divine honors, which his dynasty had claimed for more than two thousand years. An hereditary feudal nobility, by far the oldest, rWiest and most e.vclulve on earth, have voluntarily fra-d their feudal slaves, and di vided their lands among them, there is. no other example atnoiur men oc a voluntary resigning of urjer- A asa. ItwwaCU M It -IB )) 3 rwp I DS!!SfJrt wMea eaa he wtta I nawn wittewt diMmrhaag tho jaeaes life usasw Fee amfo bv lialcaw u4 sjam renerslly. Is order Ui be sere Btatchtey' Pasnr. U- raretml sad see tkat h bae my trade-mark a aSMve If j oa wfcare U bey. with the naaw yon wilt be pr, aptly arm awed by vn stamp. CUA6 O. BLATCHLET, 506 Commerce 8t , rh ladeltmhv, Pa. Feb. 18, 187ft if. . - . '. - ammAmMpwi VALUABLE House & Lot for Sale ! The Hooae and Lot oa the snd llnk 8k. recaotly Hro wn, is oisrsd lor Si moat valuable property ia I ronvenienllv ntoatrd io tbe the taw a. Weaeas d iri tioo can obuia it by cat ling oa aw ting with either of the Price rorwer of Mais) ie. This ia asaosmtha) GARDEN SEEDS. 10.000 papers warranted fresh and genu ne just received from Landreth, Baist, Ferry, I Briggs, and Johnson, & Bobbins, At 5 cents a Paper. Liberal discount to country merchants at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. At a religions meeting of the Baptist per suasion, there was a young darkey, who we will call Sam. Sin was set aside by the lead- nrs in thfl e.on-rrnirxtion for a nrnAhnr heiiiv as andweTTavenodo ibt of the gratifying success ther thoQgQt abjV0 ihe averag0 youth in of their new departure. The young Gent who got the love letter which is supposed now to have fallen from the Moon, was heard to sing the following old song as he passed down street the other night alone : . "I shan't forget how queer 1 felt When first I fell. in love; I had a most severe attack Through squeezing a lady's glove. But a lovely hand was in it, As I walised with her so gay ; I thought ravself in paradise It's funny when you feel that way." After a long pause, he broke forthwith the refrain : 'I felt as though I'd tumbled into honey, And somebody hsd left me all their money, The feeling's so peculiar and fonny, Oh, it's funny when you feel that way.', That young man sings another song now. Cabbage Stalks. How loud they smell at this season of the year decaying cabbage and talks! Dont they poison the air"? there is nothing more disgusting nothing which so effootally spoils a walk in the gardoo. We saw a man fighting this enemy to health I nig wad ed right in and smartness. i Thoy concluded to oall on him to pray in thi? meeting, (it was their weekly prayer meeting) Now, Bam was in love with a certain "yaller gal" who was sitting on the other side of the room, and was very jealous of another negro who, by carefully ohoosing his seat was nearer the girl than Sain was. Uo was of coarse very uneasy aud was not expecting it, when a broth er rising from his seat requested Sam to lead in prayer ., Be had to comply, and proceeded tbusly : "0, Lrurd, thou who in your loving kindness has prearranged every thing 'kording to thy wonderful muroy, look down with much ten derness on tbis whole meeting, 'specially on. you know wbo I mean, and 0, if it be thy will grant unto me this one desire of my heart, ar range, if possible, so that I can go with Jane Ann home. Grant oh ' Grant this to thy young servant, wbo is about to take on himself the irreat est work to which man is called, and if my prayer is answered it will be a groat encour agement to a young man, amen." After the meeting was dismissed tbe other took the gal borne powers by rulers, or ot a bloo-Uess attaining of ty by subject: and Japan, with a population as great as the I ulted stitcs, Is open to civilization and Christianity. The example of Japan has proved con tact us, and China Is opening. China, too, has em bassies at all dvTdz'. d courts, and both Japan and China are educatln? many of their youths of both soxes In Europe and America. The Chinese are com ing to this country as laborers In increasing numbemi and not as settlers, as our fore-fathers came, out only as sojourners tney an tukc uwir wages in pom arid look to an ultimate return to their native laao. where every one must U-coiae an apostle of An,'i Sixon civilization. And, stranger stlu, with the adoption of AuRlo-saxon civuizauon, DOUi tne Ja, in ese and the Chtnese are rejecting tuelr own mother tongue for external s nd commercial purpos s, and are adopting the Kogds'u tnsteail, and this, too, must still farther lncreiiM? Amrlo-Saxon leverage among them. The lauguages ot these people consist of 000 written characters. Instead of M, as ours dors, and smic of their words have as many as right meanings, not according to the spelling or connec tion, but according to the tone used In their enuncia tion, so that it takes an Intelligent man ten years to learn to read one of these languages, and further, the v ore so encumbered with dlidects that th sjx-ei h of people llvlmr but twenty miles apart Is ofvn un- lnteliliilble to each other. And. wita all their other I disadvantages, tnese language cannot oe useu in leicrr.tpuin, iae teicsnipu aiinosi entirely r.-iusin - to take cognizance of the tone upon which the mean lnir of words In Cldnese and Japanese so buvely de ne ids. And so, for all general and commercial pur ros s. the hi'isruaires of China and Japan are bdmr replaced, even among Asiatics themselves, by the 1 n;liu. So that Oov. Urah.ur. s action in opening lap in, with Its indirect effect ou China, besides its past and present results, must prod-ice great and cumulative results in tae incurs ; ana yet witn an lndifTererice, pecuUar, It seepis to me, to North Carolinians, but few of our people refer these won- A SUCCESSFUL CORPORATION. This Company issues every desirable form of Policies at as low rates as anv other first Class Company. Imposes no useless restriction upon residence or travel. Has a fixed paid on vsliteonsll policies after two annual payments. Its entire assets are loaned and invested Al HOME, to foster and encourage home enterprises. Thirty days grace allowed in payment of pre miums. With the.4e facts before them will the people of North Carolina continue to pay annually thousands npon thousands of dollars to build up Foreign Companies, when they can secure insurance in a Company equally reliable ami every dollar's premium they pay be loened and invested in our own State, and among onr own people? Theo. F. KLUTTZ, J. D. McNEELY, Agt's. Salisbury, N. C. UUFFIN ATAYLOE. Cen'l. Dis't. Agt's. Greensboro N. C Dec. 31 ly. IRISH POTATOES AUo lbs undersigned offers fee sals 788 of land Iviaw oe the N. C. B. R. two East from 8s I warn ry. This mad will be lots if desired. Alao 103 acre eight miles Wv burv on tbe Be lies ford read. Twis all well limbered 1sdL Km given on application. Baiiabary, N. C. JOHN W. MAUN BY, AgL for Dr. Jobs I-. May 11,1875 tt FOR TUBE IB IT So I J by A genu. Address, Erie Pa. A Kemy family bn G. 8. WAL Tf 1TEBS 25 bbls, Ross, Goodrich Ac Pbbr- LX8S, Just Rickiveh at KLUTl'Z'S DRUG STORE. C05CEBT0010j are I aaytei CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS A lsrge stock, warranted Extra cleaned, Fresh & Genuine, at low prices at KLUTTZ'8 DRUG bTORE. and comfort the other day by bnryiug the stalks on the bed i where they stand A lick ortwo with the spvlo mtde a hole deop enongh. and he pressed them d iwn and covered them up So much for tbe comfort of tbe family, aud pro bono publico. Our citizens have been e-narkably welt repaid for all their efforts to preserve tbe publio hea'th. Lot them watch Vbeir gardens as the Pall comes on and bury all offensive matter found therein. Sam was beard talking to himself: which if put on oaoer would be sorter so : "I'll be d ged if there is much 'fScacy in prayer, I'll list be domed if I'll be a nreacher after all." awtft of Route Agents- Mr. w. J. Hilk has received the appointment of Route, Acest. on th w v n o ml . vr , o W v w m 4V m aw WWVW a i 7a ww j mum I A m A -a A a mm... . Wl ciuxens win be glad to learn of Mr. Mills' appointment, as we have no doubt that he will discharge the defies of the position mtisfactori- Let those smoke. Who never smoked before. And those who smoke, Only smoke the mqre. A ror you can get s genuine Havana Cigar at Barker's for only 5 eta. They are small m delightful. Aug. 26, 75. S MM A New Aeailemw The riiizna of Lock Township, amiaScd hv n vontlA. n of thi. city, are making a commendable w erect an Academy ia tbe vicinity of WatsonTiu,. Mr. Thomas C. Watson has vsmeription list and woold be pleased to receive matnbouons from all friends of the enter- BUSINESS PAPERS. WO styles BILL HEAD. Nice LETTER and NOTE bead, and Monthly STATEMENT pa pers, accurately ruled ; and three qualities for Trade Circulars, flatj w CaP sixes and qualities, wJr'"1 at Th WweAwxaaotBee. Orders W Sim. n ( 1 aV . . si iT-T ysoBT pnausK promptly nv rases. 10$. 18, ' . T Who Tibp Doo Loose ? As it is gener ally known the live per cent which was paid in several years since, on fifty thousand dollar of private subscriptions to tbe Yadkin Rait Road, was lost bv the recent failure of the A Risky but Valuable Action. Bank of Mecklenburg. The net amount,! prin Mr. John W. Matxey performed it, cipal and interest, was, we learn -about thirty this morning, in stopping a runaway horse itb a light wagon hitched to him. Tbe animal, having slipped his halter, was just getting fairly in a good run, down Main street, when Mr. M. sprang oat be fore him and by noise and gestures arres ted his attention and prevailed on him to stop. JNo eeitmaiing tne raiscmer a furious horse may do running through two hundred dollars. And thereby hangs a tale. Dr. C. A. Henderson was the first Treaa ure of the Road, and under his administration the five per cent w is collected. Dr. Henderson gave an ample bond to the company for the safe keeping of the money, and its forthcoming when wanted, and if that bond had been allow ed to stand the money would be safe to-day. But that did'nt suit the President and certain of the Director of the Road who decided that the money must be deposited in Bank. At their per- denul results to their proper source and give the noil' r to v in. a. uramun, to wnom tne uouor is due." To Country Merchants 1 have tbe largest stock of Drags, Dyee, Grocers Drags dec, in Western Carolina, and am ow prepared to sell at Baltimore Prices, thus saving yon tbe freight. Special attention to bot tling Ersences, Laodanam, Paregoric, Opodeldoc, Caster A Sweet Oil dec. Write for prices, to .THEO. F. KLUTTZ DRUGGIST? Salibbcky, N. 0. Housekeepers Supplies. Flavoring Extracts, Essence, Spices, Gelatine, Mustards, Soda, Dye-Stuffs, I Toilet aud Laundry Soaps, Lye, Matches, Lamps, Keroene Oil, Chimneys fee, al ways on band of best quality at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. in mffi. i t7t iii ' i'sp m cBSBBB? nTmiti JVi 4s3 Jn hoci wtrasfM 4isS3H' as i; si an kcV.BBBBS: v nit K IA st rtlS fj mm i 1 1 p rrrwrn CaM.ew-a MIL taalMtTAI f Ike II t voit r i t : VATFN II mw OKI IILTWAL ami TIALISTI w - U A ns CwSqw rt itn w tswCISmi srfA mrrnmt dwi w . . m WATERy N EW pCAJLE It 1 aj p !dTwXVr!T7 lulmmnmJ I. '. - T IMMll HAthki. Thm OrM.iM r cr- ..rro. irH ft l . yrTm. 11 H I I -TiriUII.I.V ubvr far esSk mr bli t urn m awaaaww U wmwSSIt paisaeae., 1 . , Or.-ri lo rn rttl sM ftw mm t f k A-EIT ATBU. -wertl !- lUrr, Vtl orever It Has 3 r. o e? rca f8IC JURUBEBa -a rj . J r w jtv, try c rux '-.-lwi i ' - Ex Gov. Vance of Nonh Carolina, ir his receut address before the Southern Historical Society, related a secret inci dent of the war. He paid that soon after the failure of tbe Hampton Reads conference he was viaited by the late Gov. Graham, who stated to him that rnauy of the Senators and Reprereuia uvea in the Confederate Congress and other leading men believed that the end ef the war was near, and despairing of obtaining peace through Mr Davis, they desired Mr, Vance, as Governor of North Carolina, to enter into separate terms with President Lincoln. Got. Vance said that he declined to take tbe desired step. iV. r. Tribune. rST" A cur wiveixiiirr Lu rTi snaJe nit dr-rd--mem lt.eihcr h.ur.ot, wtmil lau.rt aod etoto rate it a rUow : E. 11. FOOTF, T.I-, Anth-w of TMiD Home T-J. M-rtWwl Oommna waawa, 8i-nce In Stury. sic. ISO Lexington Areniw eft. Eii-t sth HtrtxtX, Hew Trk. Imrmmrwt Paw ci as. tewte all fom.t of Ltngmring or CrtM and reurivoS Wtlcr from all parts of tha Civn.wi Wou. By I.m original wan of ooodnKing Hob, It" I MOBiawfwr.f xrmjmr nin Knronr. th Weal inuio, i Canasta. iui In very n oi tha NO MERCURIAL n- .WriMi rlmm nwpA. He bli. durinif the twmtry throe, year, iremted -wxaWiiUy ue-rly or qniu in iuai ... aii fu. t- nonwui wflh wcn casw are ear-fully recorded, whether they toe oommun catett by letter or In per-om, or wheerveit by th Vncux or hl anciate phy medical men. For YoMf Ladie anil GcaUemeiL Fine Perfumeries, Elegant Soape, Cosme- iics. Soaps, aehons, Toilet Sets, Vsses, Hair, and Teeth Brashes, Pocket Books dec, in endless variety at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. has established it-elf a a p rt n -rwU sura remedy fur di-ortf. r- . ) - . n from in wn per aci n i ( il r Liver a:4 ITiSNOTA PBYSlc. rttmslaliug toe accretive organs, gently and g;wu aTj removes all impurities, and regelates the ear system It ufaor a rxcrosin arrrna. bss a a VEGETABLE TONIC crowded streeU, aud of course there is no tutence Dr. Henderson ressjaed his omcesTreae telling of the evil prevented when stopped I nrer, paid over every dollar of the money, with before any is done. Men who do sucu things onght doMo be taxed. Tbey are worthy of son and dangbtera. A Husband sad Wife in one Grave . A little daojrbter of William Doodican, of LiFayette, lod., aecidently upset a coal oil lamp which a servant nan care lessly plaeed on the floor, and scattered the burning contents about, barfortoaate ly escaped nnscratcbed. The mother, coming in at this moment rnsbed to be sure of tbe safety of her child, and jumping over tbe burning oil, igniting her undn. -clothing, and was terri bly burned from tbe feet to tbe bipe, so that she died next morning. The next morning her husband was touud dead in htt bed from exhaustion and grief. Both buried ta the same grave. - interest thereon, snd took up his bond. Mr. 8. H. Wiley was then .elected Treasurer, and in obedience to the positive order of the President, deposited the money in Bank, very properly refusing to give any bond for its safe keeping, since he had no voice as to themannei of keeping, or place of deposit. So no shadow of blame can attach to either Br. Henderson or Mr. Wiley. At a recent meeting of Stock holders Mr. V. Mauney was elected Treasurer, but did not, we believe, change the place of deposit. So that if blame attaches to any one ia the matter it must rest upon those who or dered the money to be deposited in Bank. But at that time tbe credit of the Bank of Mecklenburg was of the very best, and remain ed o until tbe very day of its sudden collapae. therefore in ordering the deposit, the President and Directors were doing nothing imprudent, as they could not foresee, the t'aiiure, which when it did happen several years afterward, prised everybody, no the Question still is, ho tied my deg loose f Be Your own Physician. There is no case ot Dyr pepsia that Green' Acocst Flowkb will not cure. Cme to the Drug store' oi Theo F. Kluttz, and inquire about it. If you suffer from Coativeuess, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach. Indigestion, Liver Complaint, or derangement of the syctem, try it. Two or three d'es will relieve you Aock CosQUSRoa is thtt only remedy in the Cuited States that contains no-Quinine, Asenicr or other poisons injurons to the syatem, that will cure fever and Ague, intermittent or Billions Fevers, Ac. and tbe Chills will not re turn durii g the season. It pormautly cures uever and Ague, of rung utaading. SALISBURY MARKET. Corrected by MeCnbbms, Beall, .aud Julian Buying Rates : CORN new 75 to 80. COTTON -11 to 13 FLOUR 82.75 to 3. MEAL 85 to 90. BACON county) 12 to 14 -hog round POTATOES Irish 90a Swect75 to 81 E(iGS 10 to 12 CHICKENS 1.75 to 2 per dor. LARD 15 FEATHER? new, 50. RYE a 90 to $1 BEESEWAX-28to 30. WHEAT-ft. to 1,25 OA I'FS 40 to 45. BUTTER 20 to 25. DRIED FRUIT 5 to 8 Blckberries,a 7 to 8. MSSTTOSEPEISE S. NtUVE, will be in fialiebnrv about the middle of Sep tember, and will be pleased to receive pupils for thorough instruction in Piano Forte Music, snd the tier man Language. Aug. fi. 1875. 1 The lei ter are an aotmSMSi HOW INVALIDS AT A DI9T A5CE Are tr-ted. All tavahdi at a diao are required to an- .rer a It of plain qneed-o-, which elicit- erery which the tnrmlld .aSer. AU com- t,la nicotic it tree MS tricUw cuniUtt'UiaL A eewpteta .-.,., ni rMritArinff irt rente misteko or coriro. Lit of question newt free, on apilio-tioit. to my pr of the world. Sixty pe pamphlet of F.riuawraa o Scr rr- nlae wot free. All three teattmonUaan from ihu who have been treeteU by mail aud expreaa, Oail on or artdreaa . DR. E. B. FOOTE, Wo. 120 LaxingStb Ave., H . Y. g Cigars 1 yon Say ? Oh yes, we have them at all prices from 2 cents to 25 cents, and can sell them by the box at jobbers prises, oar celebrated 5 cent PEL' I' LI A 1 CIGAR is acknowledged the best in tbe world at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. PURE WINES At LIQUORS for medical and church purposes always on hand at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. wl.irh aMid direatton. ar d tbaai appetite for ftx necovary to invigorate the weakened or inactive organs, aae gives suenrts to all the vital forrw. It lassies its ii aacoaaEsaaTioii, as the lsrge sad rapnl'j it ma-ig salsa teettfy Price One lllar a I . t'.lr Aas .yoar aTagma. f..r it. Josssn a H..luwat m Co. PMla. Pa V bolreale AbnU. fRwtW to fill JTFtmke TVam JfomlhU and Medical Common. Sonse. Auo . J)r t'ooics Science in Story . Fcr Particulars address r, Dr. Bsr aI'3 Toaio Bowel and Pile Pills. Tic, vtt'n are an lnfaUIMo rente Jy for oonatipatloa aa-l 'll'is oanc I by w.Utnoa or aoppr wm of tae i.'t no motion of the bowela. They vory aanUy -au U aotir tyof tha Inteatlnal canal, prodnce ao'i. n ,, . atl rjlUre pile at oom. Thooaanda bare ben oa.od b them Price 80 centa. eact by mail on ra-v .t .if p-lce. Prepared oniv by R?irVRnT. PMAaWACiar, SO Ski a CiTT. V. AaaTUKD rotnrra Aesaroa, Dr. Bw9 Coinsoand Flail txtract ef Ha a aar 0 ana ucaaenan. Th 3 beat ooaijtn.aioo of pnrely Tmretab'.e m-illolaea t , ,.. ; rji ri Calomel or Bine PUl. It athwnlatra t. , ir r. Inore-aa. the Sow of WK and thna ;itei) na at .o a.rpi V.ty l the llw, btfonaneaa and habitoal oni-tiiafi "i. anl the diaeaaa ariln from auch as dytpajavt. atea t.-d .che, Oatulrnoe, ete. Tna aSSao tsenwai if tM Extract win be proved, Wbly. at onra to tae uUwB's er two bortlaa are eaSVctent tm ol vr thi c-Jw.ealoa boantlftirlr. ail remore pimplaa a.a r-laa oinwd ly Hrer urjabte. Prioa $1 per baSUaw S bmloA, $" ; will Be aani oa rec-ipt of the prise to anr aAlreea. nee vm rmri ikito ""'J r. ALP-RSO HEicuniT. raaaateciax, mmw avaaca, a iou un. Blacta aid Heaisrson, Attorneys. Counselors and Solicitors. 8AL18BURY, N. C January 22 1874 tt. Astral Oil 50 cents per gallon at KLUTTZ'S DRUG 8TORE. Coughs. Colcis rloarsetve&s AND ALL Til OAT DISEASES, . Use WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. PUT UP ONLY IU BLUE BOXES. A THIRD AHD SUR1 EIKDY. Sold by Drnrrist generallv, and t I LLLK Art LLhK, Lhiemga, IIL B O Y D E K P1L CHILL L S. u o u n SALISBURY. IV. C. Man. Da, Rax via, Pan a z Cheap Chattel Mortgages, and r ther various blanks for sale her. C ia 0 A Day at home w w m Address O. Fti stok A Cev Portland, Maine. Terms rW Jan. 19, 187 5,-1 v Horner and Grave's School, HI LLSBORO, IV. C. Tbe Fall sesaion of 1875 epeos on tbe fourth Monday ia July. Catalogues sent on applanation. Jnly l4e. Pd Only 25 cents a box t Wan-ranted or money refunded. After years of experi menting, I have at last found the Great Remedy for Chills, Fever A Aoc, Ac , and can eonfidenuy recommend tt to my friends and the public. Try It. TEAS. The Proprietress returns to the traveling public for their liberal i aae while awe was t passes ed with taw , ax Hotel. Not havinr room enough st the lo accommodate her Kt id the BOY DEN HOUSE, 6ed that she can now comfortably, and in the very bawl style. SB tads wiv lurnianva Bonwr. vua au uae a improvements. Pasarnter goina; np tbe W. IS. C. froea tbe East, la ft Breakfast at taw BD1 HOUSE. Bad! Read First class Bar and Billiard loon connected with the BOOSE. Jnly 15 lis. IMPORTANT TO CONSUMPTIVES. having b A Oenll hia son of Cuawampasaw la lbs after being given dp to die by ike S led phyairtane, deains to make a I l " l ' - - A aawTesswC aweXsmsm assnV Coses, (which proves eucrea-fnl la every afflicted witb Asthma. Breoamstavl snd Lung, and will seod the Recipe, free of -. . . charre to all who rleaire it, if ther will www: Finest Teas in tne mark- their aore w oaxixl a dee, a ubwny St., ew Tor. v et, Pat up in air tight, lib cans, 25 per cent less than usual Prices at K LUTT'S DRUG STORE. Is abort whenever yon want Prescrip tions carefully prepared, or need anything usually kept in a First class Drug Store, snd want to be certain of getting fawt what yon call for, and of being politely and, promptly served. Be sate to cell on or send to July 29, THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Duuooirr Jan. tt, 167sWtf Saussrsr, V. C B. H IAB9B9 MACHINE WORKS. Comer of PCLTOS A CetraCTL. rhrtm.', SaBst si f. K. . Having all mj new Maebiawry la epera atva. I am awsr prepared ia e.-ur.ect -eo the Iron A Brass works to A all biud- al wo-xf wnrk. sorb aa Lnu.bev Ur-o rc, Towge e Groviog. n-ak'na ' R icds. A Donrs. makieg mwwUiiag from f has a S ioebea wide, also TurutDst A V'tmn. mak- itg. Pawing Braekelta. As. Haviaw the best Maehiaery sad Sort SS 1 1 S LSC ti O Q m OS f S B t wwi - Jnly . IeT3.-ly.

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