The . mi ... . I 3 VOL V. THIRD SEE IE 3 SALISBUBY, N. C, SEPTEffiBEE, 16. 1875. NO 102. WHOLE HO 108. Watchman. Uarolma pirLISEDED WEEKKY : j. J. BUUNER, Proprietor and Editoi . . AMoctate Editor. J. THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. FOURTH DAT. baTrOP HlBCBirTli WEEKLY .WATCHMAN. n- Vk. payalio advance, ....$2.(0 SOpies tea"' address " 10 0 4DVBBTi RATES : pj Square (1 inch) One Jnsertion $100 for a greater number of insertions Tmie Social notices 25 pr cent, more rUr advertisements. Reading notice, a I oerline for each and every insertion Thursday, Sept. 9, 1875. Mr. Jarvis culled the Convention to order at 10 a. a. The journal of yesterday waa read and approved. Mr Manning, from the special commit tee on mice, submitted a report which waa read by the Assistant Clerk and took it place oo the calendar. Mr Badger moved that the officer call ed Doorkeeper be called Sertreaut-at- Arms. Mr Manning said that by general eon sent that officer would be ao designated in the rules. On motion of Mr Durham, it waa a- avis end Harrington. oj toe same : An omittance to amend ana neip mat pour man with tbe broken hiteen shots in tbeas. On Amendment Messrs. Tourgee, Cling- art 9, providing for separate free school leg I" and I answered, 4 Oh, no ; you don't I think I bit him. It an, Watts, Thorne. Love, Lowe, Good for tbe races. fool me." I thought that there was some o'clock on tbe second d n' iJlSl i N,f,fHBO- - By the same t Aa ordlnenee to amend thing wrong. 1 then went aft and told rendered. We asked i Oh MesetOaneous Proctsums Messrs. Al- art projaW for the perservation of tbe Captain that I eould not see or bear of tbe mates. Klne cried greed that Mr Norton, the Assistant For tub Watchman. ?fB'H' elected yesterday, waa to -be 1 nMInutti1 n I lrnrk uunor atid Mr Pt..r .-TrrrsvKr I . - Aa- "Are Yon a Granger. I sin one of a hand Who will faithfully stand In th bonds of affection and love. I have knocked at the dor. Once wretched and poor. And there for admission I stood. By the help of a friend. Who assistance did lend, I Mceeded an entrance to gain ; I received a command From one of the hand. Bat not without feeling some pain. Here my conscience was tabght, , With a moral quite frought With sentiments holy and true, Then onward I travelled To have it unravelled What Stewart iuteuded to do. Very soon to the west I made known my request, And "light" by command did attend When lo ! I preceived In due form revealed A Master, a Brother and Friend. Thus far 1 have stated And simply related -. What happened wheu I was made free, But I've "passed" sin then Ard was raised" np again To a sublime and ancient degree. Then onward I marched That I might be "Arched,'' And Bud out those treasures long lost, When heboid a bright flame, To th fanners it came A voice which my ears did accost. Through the '"rails" I then went Aud succeeded at length. That they were all Brothers" combined. Hughes, of Alamance, was declared siataut Doorkeeper. Mr rnce ottered a resolution of mstruc tious to the committee ou Privileges and Elections (when appointed) to inquire whether Messrs Badger, Mannix, Lehman, Young and Bryau are U. 8. officers, and if they are so, whether their seats iii tbia Conv. ntiou should be vacated. The res olutiou waa referred to the Committee on privileges and Election. Leave of absence was granted to Mr French until Monday. Mr Uuiulev moved that the President appoint a committee ot five to wait on the Governor aud inform him of tbe organize lion of tbe Con vent inn . ' , Mr Turner said that from the action of the Governor iu ordering an election for a delegate in Orange county, to fill a vacan cy, some thirty-five days after its assem bling he did uot think the Governor cared much about this Convention. He (the Governor) thought the present Constitu tion good enough. Tbe Governor could have ordered the election in ten days, but in ordr lo give his party the advantage used the prerogative of his office to ttiue the voice of Orange county at the assem bling of this body. He (Mr Turner) did not tluuk that tbe courtesy proposed waa due from this body to tbe Governor, ice. - Mr Reid agreed with Mr Turner aa to the official conduct of tbe Governor in tbe Orange county election, but it was proper Convention as a sovereign body, sitting ger. Anderson, of Madison, Buxton, King. I Faircloth, Matotz and Bmg. where the Captain's cabin and my room come out.'' He said, "Don't shoot : of fitt. Kumley. Boyd, Scott, of Onslow. I The following resotuHone and ordraan- were. I said to Miller, "Where is that will be shooting the mates." I bad acd heeler. I P- . imrndneed and annronriatelv man with the broken W t" and thev said, hailin w atlAf rcd w hv ikia I i m and im runtenmrnz, renal institution ana j; ,.j r . "Ho i. ti.n kr. ,K- tnr- . ki., r..n ...a ,i ;. T,' nd?L' By Mr McCorVle : An ordinance in ward batch," end I naked, "Where ere it didn't do any good, beeasjse thev were a.n' HirBni Rinlrh.n, " ' relation to municipal corporations. I the mates?" and they said they ere all covered np with canvas and cloths, and .. .7 . . . I U XI UAn.ann . An imlinM Ia I riadit " and iIm iK .oi.t m "Fr .nU.'i ilum Wm UmA kUa IM Jn tumrv ,11 Maura Kudmir. Kudtvema. I T ucnuncu . .. . . -n .. - J - w. . . ..... wmm. m ". Neal, Nowell, Wilson, Bullock. Everett, amend art 6 of ihe Constitution. God's rake, why don't you go forward 1 In the wood work and fired a doten Davis end Harrington. I By tbe same : An ordinance to emend I and help that pour man with the broken fifteen shots in tbeaa. I saw Smith, waa about day when they ser- lb sea where were the mates. Klne cried out to stop firing. "Where are the mates " ashed the cap tain. Klne said "They are overboard :" On Revisions Messrs. Reid. Clineman. art 8. forbidding the granting of free 1 went back into my room a:. d staid there and the captain said, "Who killed Manning, of Chatham, Beuoett, Turner, peases to the members of the General nntil about three o'clock in the morning, first mate t" Smith said I killed hi Morehead, Shober. MeCorkle, Dockerv. Assembly and other officials. Tbe Captain and I fastened the doors and and then be asked acaln. "Who killed By the same : An ordinance to amend windows, because we thought that they art 2. to change tbe time of tbe meeMng might make a rush, and we were frighten of the General Assembly to the first I ed because we couldn't Bod the Wednesday after Jan let. By the same : An ordinance to amend art 2, preventing special legislation in certain matters. By Mr Byrd : A resolution to amend art 4. aec 21, makine the term of Clerks man wia bertson. Crosby. Young. Green, Singletary. seott. of Jones, U Mara, bummers and Me Dowel! Albert- art 9, providing for tbe perservation of tbe Captain that I eould not see or bear of tbe school fund. the two mates nor tbe French boy. It By the seme : An ordinance to amend was then after eleven o'clock at night, and Coleman, Barringer, Tourgee so a. INTRODUCTION of ordinances. Over 125 ordinances were in trod need to amend tbe present Constitution . The principal ordinance introduced end referred, was to reduce the rfhmber of Supreme and Superior Court Judges, and that they be appointed by tbe General Asaembly, inalead of being elected by the of ihe Superior Courts two years. When daylight came I went forward with an iron bolt rr, my hand. Tbe Captain bad a double barrel!d run. bet it bad water in it, and he dried it and loaded it nth shot. I went to the main hatch, and they could see me. I said again, u Where Charley, the second mate t" and Miller answered, "I killed the mate." Then the captain said to them "Pet your hands th rough the windows and we will pet tbe irons on them." We nude a chain faet to Klue. He wee shot through the ribs bv me. He was lyinr in a bank. We put them all in irons. They said tbey were to land somewhere and scuttle the HIRi) WAKE. i e4 BeHLHPt' popular vote, Fixing the pay of the members of tbe General Assembly at $300 per annum. Reducing the number of County Com missioners. Fixing the term of Governor and State officers at two years, instead of four. Providing for the uonsuspension of the writ of habeas corpus. For separate schools for white end black children. Modifying the appointing power of tbe Exeutive. Fixing the salaries of Governor end other State officers. Abolishing the Senate branch of the Legislature Prohibiting convicted felons from hold ing office or sitting oo juries. Providing for ihe compromise of the public debt. Tbe only resolution introduced by the Republicans, was one for adjournment sine die, which lies over under tbe rules. A majority of the Committees are Dem ocrats, with the ableat men of the Conven tion aa chairmen ot tbe most important. By the same : A resolution to alter art 4, sec 29, making the office of Solicitors 2 instead of 4 years Bv Mr Avery : A resolution amenda- 9 lory of the rules of tbe Convention pre ventine over one resolution, for sine die adjournment being introduced during tbe week, aud no such resolution shall be en tertained when another is pending, lie. ferred to special Committee of tbreo. Messrs. Avery, Bobbins and Young were appointed as such special Committee by tbe President are tbe mates ?" and they said, "Tbey I ship. They were always quarreling about are all right," the same aa before. "Tbey I something or another ; tbey had plenty of time for it, for it waa a long passage When we got through there were fifteen or m m m m W . S a rat twenty shots In their bodies, 1 UiioB. 1 hat ia all 1 know of it, I think, aaid the cook. Boston, Aug. 16 The Jvffersoc Bov den matinee rs were examined to-day, and fully committed for trial. then aaid. "Come forward and we will tell you something," and I aaid, "Yon leave me alone; 1 will go in my galley. Tbe galley and the fence, where six ot the men (including tbe boy) slept, has a par. tirion between them. 1 lit a fire in the galley, end i came out after awhile and got a revolver. It was a five-barreled one. It never bad been fired, aud I came out and tried one shot ; they were hiding behind the house. Tbey came aft after awhile with stonea and bottles. Mdler When yon want Hardware at few figures, call on the undersigned al No t Granite Rew. D. A. AT WELL. SeJiabnry ,N. 0.,May 13-tf . CEDAR COVE NURftKKY. f f f FRUIT TRBBR. VIKB8 PLANTS- Urge stock at reasonable rat as. Kw ratelogua for leTTail To with fell ds aeriptteM of frail. tit free. Address CRAFT A 8 A 1 1 OR. En PLAise, Yadkin Uwnty.K.G. July 1. 17 4tra. NEW MILLI'.IERY 8T8flt. State Agricultural Fair. By Mr Dockery : A resolution requiring I had atones, and 1 told him J would go for- SIXTH DAT. At 10 a m, Mr President Ransom call ed the Convention to order. Prayer by the Rev Mr Hassell of the in the C ipitol of the State, should adopt Convention. this resolution of courtesy. Atter pro- The Journal of yesterday was read and ceeding in his remarks, and in answer to approved. various interrogates, he called attention tr Ransom said he was indisposed and to the anomaly in tbe action of tbe Gov- would designate Mr Jarvis of Tyrrell, to ernor; befbe Governor) ordered an.elee ' t reside during his necessary aWuce. lion fur a lei--.' i!h tn tins I jiili veution Leo I Vlv f,,i frnm iIia t nmmitlM nn I the Committee on Privileges end Elec tions to inquire whether Josiah Turner, of Orange county, is entitled to bold his real in this Convention. The eheir announced the following Committees On Enrolled Bills : Messrs. Roberts, of Gates, Mc abe, Runiley, Scott, of Onslow, Singletary, p.ike, Cunningham and Dula On Contingent Expenses : Messrs Morehead, Lehman and Price Mr Clingman, on the part of the Com mittee on tbe Legislative Department, offered an amendment to the report of a that Commute, submitted Saturday, on the ordinance in regard to tbe pay of the General Assembly. The amendment provides that the pay of tbe officers of the General Assembly shall be $6 per day. The amendment went opon the calen dar, as the ordinance whicti it amends is in the hands of the printer. ward to sec where the males weie, and asked him to drop the stones be had. He wouldn't do it. Tbey ail had stones and bottles. I fired one shot at Klue, but didn't want to kill him. I didu't hit him Tbe Fair in October will he behind none ef its predecessors. Tbe managers . , t . m I are unoeteneo oy ns nnanciai gionm whieb has so long ever-bung tbe country. bat with determined energy ere striving to bring light out of darkness. Experi ence is always e safe guide, and we know At lbs old stand of F Jut received a full line of H nett, trimmed aort Mntri and all the latest French lie, at j m Al aJBsfc mmmmif9 NterAHore. at, aa Ban- By the "signer" I gaiued, And quickly obtained Employment suited my mind. Iu the depths I then wrought Ami most carefully sought For treasures So loug hidden there. And by labor and toil I discovered rich spoil Which are kept by the craft with due care. Raring thus far arrived 1 fnrther eontriv' d Among th? valiant knights to appear. And as pilgrim and knight I Ntood resdy to fight For, there's no foe iu the Grange to fear. tion for a delegate to this Convention ten days after the time that be (the Gover nor) urged that this body should adjourn aud go home, &c. After a long debate the motion of Mr Rumley was adopted The report of the 'ommittee on Rules was taken up aud adopted. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Rum -ley, Reid, Lehman, Barringer and Bale- man is the Committee to wait ou the Governor. Mr Young offered a resolution of in strwerione to the Commute ou Privileges aud Elections to inquire whether Messrs Rumley, Turner, Vaughn, Dubson aud Everett are not State office-holders, and it so, should not their seats be vacated. Rt fiVrrtd to (he Committee on Privileges and Elections. Mr lurnersatd he was sorry that an tr Ulmsmau. from the committee on tbe Legislative Department, submitted a report that tbe Constitution should be so amended as to make the pay of members of the L gislature $3 per day tor 60 days. Should the session be prolooged beyond that time, then t2 50 per day for 20 days, and if the session extend beyond the lime last mentioned, then the per diem is to cease. Mileage 10 cents each way. Tbe report was placed on tbe calendar. Tbe following resolutioua and ordiuan ces were introduced aud appropriately disposed ot : Mr Price: A resolutiou to amend tbe name is Henry Aiken," said the Const km ion so as to abolish the office of COok, "and 1 come from near Bremerbaveu, Lieutenant Governor. in Germany. Ou the night ot the 15th By Mr Si igletary : A resolution piovi- ' Aoril I was asleep in the house on deck. PIRACY AND MURDER. THE JEFFERSON BORDER MUTI NY A CJiapter Surpassino ihe "Pirate's Own Book A Heroic Wife and a Gallant Cook How a Battle Raged for Two Days in Mid Occean New York Herald. THB STOftY OT THE COOK. lhat time. The Captain had a revolver, the present management will not only aud he stood farther at; ; but it was bard avoid many rocks that were unknown to to hit an v of them, as they would ruu for burner navigators in the see of inexperi ward aud hack and throw stones and hot- ence. but tbey will command to their nee ties at ns. U their lessens derived from past obser- vation both here and in other Stales. HOMERIC SKIRMISHING. co wi by The Missus came forward and cried for (he presence of msny distinguished men them lo surrender aud to eive ud the from abroad, notably, tren. vr. 11. r v - v - w 9 mates, as we didn t know what bad be- I Lee, eon of onr beloved ebiettain. come of them ; but tbey wouldn't answer I ed of many of his attractive and com us. but kept firing things at us. If tbey I ding qualities. had got the Captain's wife I think they Military companies will be here also would have thrown her overboard. I saw from abroad, and a brilliant pageant will Smith stoop down to pick np e piece of be presented. board, and I shot at him and bit nini in Among the more solid but not lees use- the fingers. I thought he was dead, be- fel attractions will be tbe delivery of cause be tumbled over, but be didu't hollo, essays by prominent genlleuv n of tbe I saw Klne d dgi ig on the oa'Iook, and State, several of whom have signified thru I fi ! at h r H waa laugbi .g ai iu ,rv mce of thdr duties, and all of whom When 1 had tiied all my charges 1 would I will be expected to respond. go iu ihe galley aud load again. This We present their names end dunes es kind of fighting kept up all the day. follows : Klue laughed al me a eood many limes, I ESSA l 3 - -r Orders executed with care and dispatch. rinking and Stamping done to order. Tbe Store will be conducted on the Cash sys tem and oo goods or work will be charted lo any one. Tbia rule is on variUe. MRS. 8. J. HALTBURTOir. April, 15th ewa. $pil! Stick 1875. diug tor the election of Magis rates by the Legislature in an equal number to those elected by the people. I lie Magis amendment to the resolution waa not in trates to choose threw ot their number as 4 ' For the widow distressed There's a chord iu my breast For the belples and orphan I fel; And tny sword I could draw To maintain the pure law Which the duty of the Granger's reveal, Thus I have revealed Yet wisely concealed What the 'Free and Accepted' well kuow. I am of a hand who will faithfully stand As a brother wherever I go. A GRANGER. order, as he wished to include tbe name of Juttge Buxton. On motion tbe resolutions tu regard to the death of Gov. Graham was taken up. Messrs. Doceery, O'Hara, eol., Smyth, col., Buxton Albert son, Tourgee, Crosby, colored, and Bobbins in support of the resolutions made remarks iu eulogy upon the decease. The question recurred npou the edop- tion of these resolutions. On motion of Mr Tourgee the rote was taken by rising, and they were unaui mouidy adopted. In accordance with the latter resolution of the series, the Convention adjourned in respect to tbe memory of the late Hon. W A Graham until to-morrow at 10 a. m. Sentinel next to the captain's. There were five men forward, Miller, tbe Russ Fiiiu, Klue, the Frenchman - I don't know how to spell his name Smith the American, tbe French boy, aud Jacob, who is a Swede. I was asleep, and it waa the watch of the mate, Charley Patterson ; who went oo deck 8 to 10 o'clock, and Smith went to the wheel. Tbe captain and his wife were asleep iu their own cabin. When the se cond mate went forward, Smith said that the jib-sheet was cut : be cut it with a amend knife, I suppose, aud he asked Jacob Limber to go to the wheel and relieve htm, County Commissioners. By Mr Hassell: A resolution to abolish the township system and to re-establish the Court of Pleas aud Q uater Session's. By Mr Bunn : A resolution to strike out the 11th erticle of the Constitution. By the same : A resolution to amend sec 1, art 6. By tbe same : A resolution to sec 4, art 4. By Mr Wheeler An ordinance to make and the second mate went forward and saw the homestead fee simple. . I that the sheet was parted. Smith and the wHEJT WE WERE POOR TOGETHER When we were poor together, dear, 1 never saw the dark And haggard look flit o'er your face, Which now so oft I mark. Stock, and the money-market ne'er Your hone i mind engrossed, And frequent smile were for your wife, wnich now are scant at most. m mm U l-s Jf Ji fie When we were poor together, dear, Bow bright our little cot Beeasnt at your return from work How happy seemed our lot I Roe meny were our children bright, Though clad in "hodden gray!" Hoe sweetly we laid down to sleep Tb loog, dark night away. Kest we aa aweet and peacefully, In this, ftir stately home ? Our girls are pert in silks and gems, Oor boys have "a wells" become, You are nforoae, and pale and worn, Ana even in your sleep You talk and rave of business, And all its troubles reap. ii rr-. i ; ji . i .1 J : . ' air vy uners saiu mat ine oruuiauce was is violation of the oath taken in ac dance with the Convention act. He moved that it be not received. Af ter some debate the motion wee . with drawn. By Mr Marshall : An ordinance requir ing the pre-pay ment of poll -lax before voting. By Mr Withers : An ordinance to pro second mate went out on the boom lo it. fix k Vie r.nwell t an ordinance to amend sec 1 art 6. 1 orry Patterson, and South and Miller Ur RnhVt. of Davidson ? An nrdi- od Ktn-i jumped on him and knocked nance requiring the exhibit of the poll tax ; th "oo capstau bar, and he said receipt before voting a nth You fret and I cannot attain The style of city dame "Nd, even In my costly gowns, 1 ever iAm tliA , VI. ...V T-V . Jfrieve I cannot belter please But somehow think, lhat lie Who made my tastes ao simple, o From pride to keep me free. When we were poor together, oh J That far and nappy time ! to memory cornea floating back, l--iks a sweet and holy chime ; 4 einkflftt H togaeligbt, se. jta pure, fair light cornea back, 'th a thousand-, thousand golden hours A dancing inila track. . .... Ordinances Introduced to Amend the Hon st it u tion. &G. Raleigh, Sept 10. The Convention Kbit intermarriage between tbe races. commenced its work really jn earnest to day. APPOINTMENT OP STANDING COMMITTEES. Committee on Privileges and. Elections. Messrs. Manning, ot Chatham. Avery, I Withers, Chamberlain, Jordan, Robbius, Bowman and Bunn. Preamble and BiU of Rights. Messrs. Turner, Singletary, Bliven, Blocker Nich olson, McCaole&s, Motx, Bean and Vaugh- au. . ) Legislative Department, its Organization. Messrs. Ciiufrmau, Cunningham. Barrow, Carter. French, Justice. King, of Lenoir, Allman and Vaughan. On the Executive Department Messrs. Reid, Roberts, of Gates, George, Massey, j Kerr, Price. Moodeo, Hassell and Taylor. On the Judicial Department. Masr. ! Bennett Shepherd, Albertsoo, Coleman, ! Barringer, Manning, of Chatham, Lehman, . Ureen ana rairouuu. . On Revenue Taxation ana Public ueot Messrs, Durham, Stalling, Hoffman, Cowell, Dixon . Dobson. Dula. Cooper and Page. On Suffrage and Eligibility to office. Messrs. Shober, Jarvis, naietnwu, aiiou, t r i. ,,. 1 III J4J U . . K..t a At liitlil. r. -vt' r. i v Motion, OtrOU I, r IWUUU. ww , I Siiwin uai. ""rtn Mun Jaal fTaniofoiw-Meeara Shep-J Monday, Sept. 13. hrd. Hamlinton. Henderson, Hinnant, At 10 a m, tbe Convention wee called McEachiu, Jones, of Yadkin, F error, Black t0 orfjer by r President Ransom and MeCorkle, . , I Prayer by the Rev Mr Stollinga of the On Corporation other KPT ! Convention. Messrs. Dockery, Jones, of Caldwell, at- Jomrnmx of Saturday was read end np eon, Mabs4)u, Durham, Mannix, Marshall, , BKnJGLMeto:" Morebd, Bad-1 Lee frented to Ueeers. MURDER BY TREACHERY. When they went ont on the boom Smith hed a capstan bar. I did not see this, as I waa asleep, but they confessed it after ward to me ; and Smith knocked the se cond mate ou the heed with the capstan bar aud stunned him, and then drew him off into the sea, aud he wasn't seen any more. Then they called up tbe first mate. aud 1 said, "Hv liod, 1 will hit you yet before I eet through with you." The Captain commenced to fire quite lively, and wife would go in and ont of tbe cabin and watch for her husband ; but she didu't kuow how to load. I forgot to say thai the French boy had been gggd aud tied ; but he got away and came aft. He bad a revolver, but he didn't hit any of them The revolver was no good. During tbe shootiug I at last bit Klue in the muscle of tbe arm, and 1 think tbe Captiao bit Smith in the wrist. Miller then rushed forward wirh a piece of iron frnm the stove eud struck the Captain in tbe face aud cut him, and he waa bleeding. Then be went ait aud elewed dowu the topsails, Jacob was aft with nt, but he didu't do any fighting He was at tbe wheel moat of the lime. Sometimes he left it and the schooner would drift a good deal. She was also taking water, and we would go ont and work the pumps for awhile, end then we would h-ive some more fighting. Towards night of the first day after the mates were murdered the Captain's wife came forward ai.d begged of them to tell her where tbe "boys' were that is, the mates end spoke m Smith, but they wouldn't answer her. We bad bread and a little water and some cold salt beef, bnt we couldu't cook. We wculd do e little fighting end then we would set e little. I believe I fired forty to sixty shots at thorn. The boy was too frightened to do eoy thing. Tbe second night we hed to watch all night, and we kept ourselves in tbe cabin and we kept good look ont, end we eould see Miller and Klue and Smith walking up end dowu to end fro. 120 Bags Coffee, 60 Barrels Soger, 40 " Molasses, 6000 lbs. Bacon, 2000 lbs. Lard, 9000 lbs. Heat Srnrtr Tared Hams. 20 Kgt Bode, 20 Boxes 44 w 50 " Adamantine Candles, i Essavs solicited by the North Carolina 40 " Soap, 2000 lbs. Carolina Rice, Agricultural Society, and when furnished, 30 Cases Oysters, to be published and distributed gratuitous- 20 do Brandy Peaches, ly for public benefit : 20 do Lemon Syrup, From Col. John L. Bridgers, of Edge 20 do Freeh Peaches, Subject : Farming as an Bv Mr Bennett s An ordinance to mend art 5, preveuliug speculating public mouey. Mr Keld ottered a resolution mat it was the sense of the Convention that the working and repairing of the common i highways, should be done by taxetiou. The resolution ot instruction to tbe Committee on Priveleges and Elections iu regard to tbe eligibility of James O'Hara, col., from Halifax, on account of not be ing a naturalized citizen of tbe United Statea waa taken np and adopted. Tbe resolution to adjourn sine die, offered yesterday by Mr Yonug, waa la- ken np. Mr Cnnningbem moved to ley the res olution on the table. Tbe yeea end naya were called, end the motion to table pre vailed by a vote of yeae 57 nays 55. Oh !" end they threw them overboard. aud ho waan't seen again either. Jacob was at the wheel, bnt he did not know of it. Tbe first mate stood by Jacob's wheel and cried ont : What do yon want?' and they told him that some man had broken his leg. The French boy waa then gagged By them. I waa aaleep, and I heard a voice that waa Millet's say out side of tbe house : "Get np, a man has brokeu bis leg " I heard the missus (the captain s wife) talking to tbe captain in their own cabin. 1 looked out of my window aud saw Miller plainly ; there was a fine moonlight out; Miller had something bebiud in his hand ; be shook bis fist at me, and I didn't know what it was for. 1 heard the Uipfain's lady say "Won't go out. "Will." and Miller said to tbe Cap . ' . . . . f tain, "Why don t you come ont and help tbe man that broke bis leg ?" I looked ont my room to see it I eould see either of of the mates, but, I could not see them . 1 thought that there wes something wrong, end tbe Captain aaid. "Go forward aud see if yon can find tbe mates." The Captain called for tbe mates again and there was no answer, i hen 1 went ont end went forward on the starboard side, and stood close to Miller eud Smith. SUSPESNE AND TERR0E. Klue wee with them and looking ait, RETREAT OP THE ASSASSIN'S. Toward two o'clock in the morning ot the second night we couldu't see any tiling of them any more, at daylight we came out eud tried the pumps, end while we were pumping we couldu t see them at all. We got in tbe bouse back of tbe galley on deck, there are six bunks in them, and combe county. Occupation. From Hon. Riehard Smith, of Halt fax county. Subject : Agricultural So. cielies. From James Norwood, Esq., of Orange county. Subject: Grass Culture in North Carolina. Prose Dr. Columbus Mills, of Cabarrus county. Subject: Stock Raising in North Carolina. From Col. John D Whitford, of Craven ri a t a. t county. Oubjeat : inoroogunreu oioca (Horses.) From Dr Peter E Hines, of Wake county. Subject : Home Supplies. From D W Kerr, Esq., of Alamance county. Subject : Beef raising and But ter slaking From Wm 8 Carter, Esq., of Hyde county. Subject : Uorn uulturc From Col well county lure. From Hon Welt L Steele, of Richmond county. Sulject : Gotten Culture. From Gee Z French, Esq., of New Hanover county. Subject : Track t ar ming in North Carolina. From Nereus Meodenball, Esq., ef Geilferd eouuio. Subject: Fruit Cul ture. From J Pagenstecker, Esq , Shelby Cleaveland county. Subject: Grape Cul ture and Wine Making. From U J Guiou, of Craven county. Subject : Scuppernoog Species el Grape. From Rev D P Meachem, of W ake county. Subject : Bee Raising end Honey Making in North Caroline From -r-, of Chatham co, Subject : Poultry for Luxury and Profit. From Prof. W. C. Keir. State Geolo. rim 10 do Ploe Apples, 10 do Smoking Tobacco, 25 Groes Suuff, 25 Coils Cotton Rope, 40 doe. Painted Puffs, 40 Boxes Aeeeetod Candy, 100 Reems Wrapping Paper, A full line of Wood 4 "willo" ware, A fail Una of Beeu m ghees (vary eh ran), A full line of Rat. A full line f Saddle Drrales, Halt, tiioaer. Saaca. Canned Uuods, RwyaJ Powders, t a aara, Tobacco. Uocksry, Tanner- 4 Machine OH. Ac . A. The above stock waa booxet since the Into heavy decline in prices. aid itoffned atWhsee sale A Retail at very short prwtta.foe list BISliHAM 00. June 3rd lo. Ho. 1 SPECIAL Hetrv plow Shoes at 1 1 AO - Women & a 46 .u.'JaS IX A ITS. Subject : 1 obacco Cul- Lad. cruquai Hliopei at li nb ftsOe. Ldie Cloth Gaiters U 1175 VortfcC&C Ladies Cloth Gaiters at tt5 vortt f3nP. hw ht of Children uaenasveaMT nujia a vir. m AM LOOK OUT they barricaded themselves in and shut themselves up so that we couian t get at r. mmA t-lr Ad-m-hilit. lq S i w . .u i-i.: r .u I -w Crope. them. We tore tbe iasiuug on the win dows of tbe boose oo deck, so that tbey could get them. We saw one ceil during the uigbt, but couldu t bail it, for our hands were full. Jack wee mostly et the wheel. They cloeed the door of the forecastle house. I looked all around the sm v a ma s r x . i t rist. aubiect: i ue aians oi mmam iaro- . .... , i a us sua A Parisian Romahcx. The following incident in the life of Madame MacMaboa ia related : In the middle of the winter of 1836 a Luno- ft t in tbe female seminar at deck and among the cargo to see if they a. Franca, and spread with such raioday were intending lo attack ue : couldu't find that it was feared all the inmates would per- BELL& BRO. them anywhere. Then I looked in the windows of the forecastle lo see if tbe mates were iu there, and couldn't see ihem, took the boards off tbe starboard side of tbe forecastle bouse, I saw Mdler iu their Friday and I fired at him. The Captain says, "Don't fire ; they will above Suddenly there was a cry that nee lit rl had been left in her r u. As tb the mate forward it they get aud yon will hit them sure." iih, tie arirl bad been left in ber r m. As tbe excited spectators were beginning to pray for toe unfortunate ehua. e Utl gin wem disheveled bloade hair and flowing aight gowu. cut through tbe crowd, and, with a shriek of ni save ber! ' that rose aoore tne sound of tbe crackling timbers and falling Oder the be-t adscttoa as Jewelry to ound ia Western Xeeth Carolina, CtWBahaiag ef LADIES' AGENTS' GOLD WATCHES old 9perm and Veet Ckalne, riira GOLD PLAtH Jewelry. PBJf&i ate. e4 -weBJw a l TOUGH WORK. "I cried ont to Miller, "Come eat ef there end give yourself up, or I will shoot you." The captain wee by me, with a revolver, waiiine to get a chance for tk.M l I A.nhmA intn fS it.u.rTIV. A BSSM "5, iuwuii, ' ' ' . I . . r i m t i .i a . m mr w Wr wjs n n mj mr m s t m mm hurrah that waa proioogeo to um ecuo onij tilLt CR r jnmt t.. k rtttfrnlmd acrain attracted tbe atteatlon I of the deyotoea. ant the pale-faced girl waa seen skipping through the flames with the terrified child. A few days thereafter King Thev are B dcc taxi es and el fsoas WmnU fer toe ealshaand Ptoaeaead Eye GUaaca, lUaiMu- XrysteJ FEBMJS. daod " " - - - : '- 1 Wmiekaa. Ctocka aae Jewclrv for her bravery; aad a captain of the French warranted 12 mootha, charges aa lew as YtmA '- ' mr'm nlnck, I Unt wflb eood work. shot. The captain said, "What are yon, I begged an lotrodeetlret. The captain la J fcuwe on Mean street, t doing, steward V He was on the other President of France and tbe brave gitl Hotel, sjdjets I eeid, f Wkmi in here and won't Madame MaeMahen. 1 i7Mf. I ,

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