Carolina Watchman. SEPTEMBER, 16. We regret to learn that the Hon. F. E. Shober baa been quite unwell near ly ever since be arent to Raleigh; bat lie baa oarer missed a vote. Such devotion to the public iniereat ia intiUed to the bigbeat commendation. jOiaai "I " - ty The recent election in Maine for 6tate officers rem I led in large Democratic rain, in fact, a triumph. The Democrat bare also gained a ub- ctantial victory iu California. The Ban ner of Democracy it rising and it will ere lone float triuicoliantly over this whole country, redeemed, diaintbroUed and free We understand that Governor Broeden has appointed Messrs. Rollins sav and Pearson, of the A she c Hie Pioneer Directors on the Western N. G. Rai Road. There is yet another to be ap pointed, and it ia thought, Myers, o! Charlotte-will bo the man. Ibis is an outrage upan Salisbury. What baa Char lotle done for the Western N. G. R. R Her people have been doing it all the damage possible, aod especially her capi talists. Salisbury first started and got the Road under way, and her people are more deeply interested in its completion than any other town or county on the entire line. Why was Salisbury over looked in this ' matter 1 It seems that nobody will suit the Governor bat "fire tried" Radicals, then why waa not D. L. Bringle or some other influential Rad from Salisbury appointed! We want a Salisbury man on the Board, and aa we can't get a Democrat we will take a Rad. Bat we claim a Director as a matter of right, and it will tell against the governor aad bis party, if he should refuse to re cognise this just claim. The Tribune says that rosae of the sug gested Constitutional provisions are so obviously desirable that it wonders North Carolina bas gotten along eight or ten years without them ; such, for instance, as that providing for the disfranchisement of oersotis eonvieled of felony. But the That Protest, m We endorse the protest of A. W. Tourgee and 23 other members of the State Convention, protesting against the restrictions of the Legislature as inserted in the Act calling a Convention of the State to amend their Stale Constitution. Although the protectants are Republicans j we are not afraid to assert and declare that tbey enunciate the principles of the State Rights Democratic party, and we are sorry that every J acksoo and Van Buren Democrat, and Jeffersonian Democrat, 14 the Convention, did not endorse the pro teat. - We declare now, aa we stated when the eall for Convention was first made by the Legislature, that a Legislative body has no right to restrict the act of a Con" titutiona! State Convention. The Legis lature might as well prescribe what food a private family shall eat as to undertake to prescribe what a Convention of the peo pie of the State, duly elected, shall do or not do. We have abundant authority for what we say on ibis subject. Gov. Bragg, probably the ablest man that ever led toe Democratic party in this State, in a speech in 1854, said : "A Convention of the people cannot be re stricted by the Legislature. A Convention may make most unexpected and unacceptable changes in the Constitution, and ihe people can have no remedy." When the question of "Free Suffrage" was being discussed in this State, the lion. Daniel M. Barringer declared. "If we call a Convention, that call must be absolute, and not conditional.,. The Legislature cannot control the sovereigns, but can call them together in pursuance of the Constitution. And the Hon. Cbas. Manly, the leader of the Whig party in North Carolina for many years, said : 'It cannot be doubted that a Convention call ed by the General Assembly (two-thirds concur ring) would be clothed with unlimited discretion over the Constitution. The General Assembly has power to call a Convention into being, but no power of themselves to prescribe a limit to Us authority." While we think that Mr. Tour gee and his Republican friends who joined in the protest are right, we do not mean any approbation or justification of their incon sistency in presenting such a protest after their course in the Ute campaign, in which they accused the Democrats of an inten tion to violate the restrictions imposed by the Legislature. The Democratic Dele gates who promised to obey the restrict ions have shown good faith, while Mr. Tourgee and his party friends have shown bad faith. But consistency is as much a jewel now as it ever was. Charlotte Democrat. We notice that the Commission ers of other counties ate availing them selves of the county paper to lay be fore; the public a statement of the? re ceipts and disbursements during the year ending 1st hist. The law requires that feuch statement be published in a county paper or posted at the court-bouse, ten. But Rowan, one of the wealthiest counties in the State can not afford to expend a few dollars to show the tax payers what has been done with their mouey. The posting at the court-house amounts to no publication at all. Perhaps, tbe Board prefer that tbe public should not know any thing atovt the receipts and disburse merits. have been drawn up and introduced by bim. Both will we have no doubt be adopted : ) ft A Bill tobc entitled an Ordinance to a mend see. 21. art. I, of the Qmttitution, concerning the Suspension 0 the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Be it ordained by the people of North Carolina in Convention assembled : NOW OR NEVER. Tbe harmony, pertinacity and pluck evinced by the members of the Democratic party in tbe Constitutional Convention betoken ereat rood to tbe State. But 0 however remarkable and admirable such conduct may be, nothing less can bo ex pected from tbe men wupse names are to be found in the list of delegates composing that body. Tbe people are most ably represented. There is no lack of ability, and the patriotism, devotion, aod respon sibility of the delegates are a sufneieut guarantee that tbe work of the Conven tion will not only be well done, bnt will be generally acceptable to the people. We are therefore in favor of leaving tbe work of amending tbe Constitution entire ly with tbe delegates. There is no use of submitting it to the people for ratifica tion. It will save a heavy expense which is of more concern to the people just now than the possibility of getting a bad Con stitution. Aud there will be no danger of reaping defeat which would be ruinous. If Cliugman, and Coleman, aud Avety, aud Shober, and Henderson, and McCor- kle, and Dobsou, and Bennett, and Price. and Durham, and tbe many other able and patriotic Delegates in that body are not capable of making for tbe people ol North Carolina a Constitution which will prove good aud acceptable, then when will we get one, and who will make it 1 Tbey as a body are more capable of mak ing a Constitution to suit the masses, and of passing judgement upon its merits in their capacity as legislators than the peo ple are as voters, en mass. And the questiou has just narrowed down to this : Is it better, now that wc have the neces sary majority and the opportunity, to set tle at ouce and definitely the character of the State Constitution by refusiug to sub mit it for ratification after it has been properly and acceptably remodeled, than to submit it and rnn the risk of having it voted down by 80.000 negroes and their while leaders. This is a grave question, The Mississippi Troubles- The conttiol of races in the Stat of Georgia has hardly ended when m still more alarming and deplorable condition of attain is witnessed in Mississippi. In the latter 'State in some counties the troubles have culminated in a wsr of races ; blood has been abed ; armedwodie oJ , men are scouring the country ; the peace of tbe country is broken ; the horrors of civil strife are upon those unfortunate people. Why is UiU 7 Why does not peace sit with folded winn at the donr of t im l iaaiaaimiian That station SI of Article 1, of the Con-I wt t ftp, door ,f the Virginian, or the stitutiou be amended so as to read as foll North Carolinian ? Why is there enmity, bad lows : . 1 blood, hostility, war? The privilege of the Writ of Habees Cor- 1Tll reason la plain. We need but notice pus shall nev.Tr be suspended. And any ine lrue common ot tne Mate to comprehend Governor, Judge or any other person, hold'- "T V - , v.Vr ' 7 . as ... . , ' o.-.. i of negro supremacy ! hue men will not -tbey teg office under the lawa of this State, who JJ LtoVUt to the control of an SEt shall deny M 1 any person , imprisoned, or re- 0rrace of people. We should despise our own strained otitis hbvty witbiu this State, tbe bloudt oui people, if rher quietly, peacefnl beuefit of the Writ of Habeas Corpus, or u.ndtainelvsohmiuedtn ihedminanrenfihe shall suspend tbe execution ol, or refuse to African. White men were not bora to be ruled obey said Writ, shall be deemed gnilty of a by colored men and we believe the mark of felouy, and shall be liable to arrest by the God's disapprobation is fixed upon tbe brow ordinary criminal oroceas and to indictment of that descendant of Sham or Japhet who sub- and puuiabmeut according to law. I missive and cowardly bows his week to the Ignominious yoke ol the descendants or 11am. tlf .. a if .a A Bill to be entitled, an Ordinance to !WfWmjw I matter. Ufa lu-ltev.- I lie ruirr.- aarva a annfl cnuwge me umcjor ihc mceung o puruome in ,i,U worid ; thai be is entitled to (jreneral Assembly, arc. the enjoyment of Be if ordninfA h the neonla of North pursuit of happiness, equally with his super- Carol iua in Coaveotion assembled. ?r country" ; we would have broad arris of HB1ICAL COLLEGE of YffiG richmohd. 8E88I0H 175-76 Winter Course of Lectures begin October 1st, and close in five mouths. Full course d Med- Hffil MEW aDYEBTIgEwEITn FOR 8AUT I will call privately at any tint a of my flaasaaold aod kitchen furmtVI. V 4 leal InHtructimi by the Faculty, and dally eyr i the5armaJ Hotel." Any par.- jT S. every thing sransry far c-ooducuui tk?u' tern ol examinalioiii bv Ihe Adjunct Faculty Professors fee, $120. Pharmacy Course ft Beneficiary Ticket, 60. For full particulars or catalogue apply to J. B. McCAW, M. i, 4w No 600 Grace Su Richmond Va. Deaa of the Faculty. .C WSimN MARYLAND C0L- LLGE. FOR 8TCDBXTS OF BOTH SEXES 1ST as P A H I K BPaUTUhNTS, Kacb baring a full corps of Professor. FIFTEENTH SEMI-ANNUAL SESSION benns beoteaiber 1st, lrf75. bar vita Catalogues with full information aa to Teruu, Course of Stul v etc. . furnished grain-, itonslr. Addreas J. T. WARD. D. I Freai- deut, Westminster. Md. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EXHIBIT OF THE Pieee sf (V t a aw sw I sasai s awawae at ne Pai a. ww r the enjoyment of life, liberty, properly, and the , Rowsa. to the waar Moaeav m harraaaaa, A. I). 1870. busiuesa is there, sad in guu4 repair 1 renn ivn, ur a uui ume f. proved secant v. ? i . . Mrs. Dr. SElV COTTON lAwTTi Equal to any ia ike co try, with aa iaa. ed eouoa roll as paries lw mmj yiWuk Manufactured by M-.ELU0TT, Ma W. R Creekl. R k E . r. W. Woodward. S ly 10, loTaSsao pd. lka eer vornment slu's rsi mrpn A altAva tattm t. mi . . n a.a S-U a. a I B w " - J " t ' I i nat sec. of art- z 01 inutxrasutnuou oe lecting and sheltering him ; we would have the siricaeii oui ana two new secuoes oe insert- of jnstfce metina him out iust measure ; Amounts and items sndited by the Board to each ember tbcreol acverallr: ed in lieu thereof tu read aa follows : Sec The Senate and House of Represen tatives, when assembled, shall be denomi nated the General Assembly. Neither House shell proceed upon public business, uoleta a majority of all the members are 'actually present. The General Assembly elected in tbe year A. D. 1676. shall meet on the first Weduesday after the first day of January. 1877; and thereafter ihe General Assembly saall meet in regular session once ouly ia every two years; aud said meetiuv shall be we woold have htm a useful good, and worthy citizen of free Republic; we would have bim an enlightened, moral, thrifty being; we would have him have all these thing, but God forbid that he should or his representatives should D. A. Uavta V. L. Iloli Ceo at. Bernhardt do do J G Fleming do dvt K. Maonry do do govern oar nee, or shape tbe destinies of our (bleary Barrioccr State. do do In Mississippi the while race ia struggling ! Jeaspb V Mclean against negro despotism and for the sjjprrinaey I do do to winch the while race i entitled. e reirret " " ' . " that violence and bloodshed is a conseqnence of Woodson Clerk. iiku i ruKKie ; we win inai uie iravannT i black men coold b successfully restated by the j on the first Wednesday after tbe first day of ways that are kno.m 10 eace, but ia other- January nest after tbe elections of the mem bers thereof. wie, and we point to the bloody arenre enacted in that down-trodden, misgoverned, humiliated p-rdrn 42 00 9 4 Ot I i 10 mileage 12 uo psedirm LSU ileaire 18 99 per diem lSU an : sr II au per diem IS 00 m.l-a Ut per diem It 40 saileaae II 40 per deiaa I t mi. raps ' '- parsWss 3HI4J iTSM DAVIE COUXTI-IS THEscS" tlUlll PM-ai m" s Gray and Mares "t ret Kircafti. Sec. Every adhurmneot or recess taken ! robbed State, as the hiiter, bilier froits of J G fleotirf bv the General Assemhlv for more thnu thru. L. aKall Vl a vm thu uS?mo ,.f uml liu an I 1 b UN 11. adjournment sine ate. Kan lager K Mr Leai THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. Republican supremacy. Let us take the leow 11 114 rMTsll 1 1 ftvnri Miirl.H in !. : laxjj va i . i Joseim r f win . i : f j i l ' IvL toleaiaa party neiu tne reins i power; sno let os oesiu even now to srird np our loins for the next great st.niasle. It is never too soon to begin organ iaioff for victory, that we may not shape the fate of unfortunate Mississippi. SentineL D:tTi?-4 trsve'ei by the membef of Ue board la attesxfcag the aaaamesof taw asms : (see M Bersmerai S4" mites 179 -5U -1 - WOODSOX.Oert. r, Mao ur - Henrv Kanini EIGHTH DAT. At 10 a m, Mr President Ransom call ed the Convention to order. Prayer by Rev Mr Spake of the Con vention. Mr Bennett, front tbe Committee on the Judicial Department, submitted a re port rceomineudiug tbat an amendment be adopted making tbe Supreme conn consist of a Clint Justice aud two Associ ate Justices. Administrator's Sale of Real and PERSONAL ESTATE. . :0: Noti.-e is hereby givoo, thst the oaderajgned will offer for sale ai puMtc au t n. on Fauttr. tdk era at or Novimsbk. 187 . at tbe late resi dence of Felix U. Clodtelter. decet.ed. about one hundied acrns of land betoogins;to tbe estate or ; cou;mer. r i tlie ir.l "ito aet-ejsri. aniuiinx tne isoas 01 n. m . toodaisn. Mrv M . K. W stta snd others sita sled iu Mt. Ulla To7Bsi:ip. almut 16 ia i Ira west of Ss'iabury. un the waters otSilTa Creek, near Hack Oret-'k t'hurcli. Sept. 1st tew HOlATtO X, a. SCHOOL NOTICES. MISS IZBWLE CALDWELL'S SCHUSL i it 1. 1 it i s tTill open at tbe uusl place on the d Sept.. mtant. Persons rtshtrtr to enter pupils before tbat time, maj vpplj to T. B. I'.L ALL. 8ep.2. 3U. . Sample's iluaic School will also m ssa . Emma CiauiiMl. liarjClaat f pi . I'ettei.reGrat aid link ner Giay and Un r, lfemdmrnts. STATE OH" NORTH CAEOLtt To flke Skmrig 9f Dwoio Cmmmtf rsa. Tta are bawihjr n aiiaaii I l. Piuknev Gra and Gray names koowa anH be nsiriS t in i j hi fiiaal tlaia rmt eaaasT u be and appear be tlv JadWaar pe.vw Coeru lm be held Inr tbe CasiMr rf DaT at i be Oxirt U-stso t MWirrUle oe tfce tal ll-ods v after the 3rd Header f Keptea bet sad aitsvTfr the cHtiplatat uat-a nil be eeaaaS in tbe lifiV-e .d" tbr eterk id" the Saaan.. 1 1 f-r aid Connie. eiUta fru 3 eat .daau tZ2 ana tei id oeiet uir wnh the sT th-y fail U auw. r saai emiplaiil anhss uW time, the Plainlif will apply to tbe Vmn L reiH-i eeaaai ui ia tne . .. :.t Uerein toil Pvt. aed af this eaptaawas sssha dee relent. Girest andee bit Land and tbe seal U ail Ourt. this 10tb any of sorest, lie. Seal H.H.HUVakr llera Mpertxr C.wan ltok It appear. or to tbe Crt ppen pid" that the said 1'itikaer Grar and eunuren i aavat ursr. Paasea fee not trstdenU of the State uf North is ftrdered. that piblx at ;im t.f the moot be mesle in tbe "( arUina V Ti. a -paper put!mrtd in tl.r t.a-n of for six succeoeire weeks fnmt tt.u dale. Aug. It'. I7i. H. B. HOWiKO. Cleri Sapenor C urt tltorte teerr Aug IS. ItCS Csrs. Pnutrr. (re fjsis land, wi The edito of the Charlotte Democrat. party of moral ideas has found jail birds Wumington Journal, Southern Home, aim reieaaeu ucimciuiury kuiivicib vciy , . ... trood Totei. and aiwars reliable. and and tbe associate of this paper, are about therefore bas opposed what ia so "ob vi all tbe Old Liue, States Rights Democratic ously desirable." . newspaper men in tbe Stale : The others Just so. Tbe trouble abont the calling being what Joe Turner would call gal of a Gonrention arose from the fact tbat vanized Democrats, or young men who the people did not know bow bad a con- were never connected with eilher of tbe stitutiou tbey bad. If tbey bad taken tbe old parties. paina to inform themselves concerning the We have no doubt tbe editor of the character of the odious constitution under! Democrat will be twitted for tbe above which tbey lived, when tbe opportunity bold aud manly sentiments by some back was offered to remodel it, they woold woods uewsoaaer. if indeed, some eleventh have rallied and carried tbe measure by hour convert does not propose to read him aod 8i,,cc lbere DO 6ood reon "h? ll,e fifte thousand maioritv. The necessity out of the nartv. f,,r it is hv -nm nf tb, "ocrais suoum incur mis greai oangcr j ev av er j j -- "w J lor a Constitutional Convention, and sell Constituted leaders regarded as dis- the wisdom of tbe call will yet be loyal to act independent or to speak out fully demonstrated and endorsed by honest convictions. But we admire the the people. If our people would Democrat's tuarlv utterances. Thev are only read more, take more of their home true, and every man who bas brains enough Constitution, such gentlemen as those papers, and keep themselves better posted to edit a newspaper, or to render him namea aDOTe or lue ou uuu ne6ro yoien nn their own home end State aft Irs . .Aril.w f ih. .u; r . ana meir wnne allies IU tins estate f w- www,- ae i " p fVltu vp Sux rvwlivil VA Ck j North Carolina would soon be tbe most knows tbey are true. harmonious, moat prosperous aud best The Legislature bas no right to restrict governed State in tbe L uion. a Convention, and whenever it is attempt ed the act is ipso facto null and void. T IT.... - -i:--a-- . :.: There is no such risht conferred or imolied J ' I rt . ... - . ..I vntA an ill aoramat ton I .nnat itutinn that come discussion again. From the Kreat In uuon, ana tne people could -t- ; rt-j .u. u. .i not confer it upon the Leeieluture. with- ma7 " "niiiiea oy ine tonvenuon, no nuucjr cciiucB, st '.anru, tne uuwi agaiuBt o the UsurUw cornea. This seems oot inaugurating a new order of things indicate that the moneyed interest is most aod reuderig necessity for a Conven- haxious to have the law repealed, which ;ion and the rigblof le people to assemble is tbe case. The baoks which are es- iu Convention, not only impracticable, t.hi;.bt o e..aa ..wi tar. k..L bnt an absolute nullity. We could fill vu s teiov ass avsavu vaom ate 1 , I I a a Ibis column with the names of the ablest BPecce OI a peopie incurring an enor. VS. a aa w a aw . . i, a '.T . . man nf tbia natbn w.l.n Ummm mlm. i mous ueot, io canine ana in Iioiaine a auowea to exact tne nsurions rate ottrom T & mB I . , . . , iAt.tftn.,snt in...t .k.. - their opinion that a Legislature has no oovenuon wnose wors. was reiectea at an WW ww w vvi vvhv. asawaww UV J W l V. Ulv I ' I t. a , ... viooslytotbe of the present "ght 10 a Opoweniion. Um immmm expense, ana wtl, provn not I .1 a aa a . a . 1 AfilV mndt W iQOotvniiJ tn I hn to us aa i rv aI Usury law, gauging oot of the pockets ot werepermiseiniein otber countries, v f . 7 , the laboring classes were pttowaoie in England, lor in- goeniiueui, hi n win prove uie poiitim The howl aeainst the law i. alib 7 w. , TTT utaiu mu 10 lue democratic pany 11, 0 - 0 (uuBtuiiem 1 aruameni. 11 won a not tie so vr . u r- u c ti in the interest of the money rings. The bad as a Legislature restricting a Con- . "V w , T capitalists will alone be benefitted by its vention in this country, since the Legistnre " at stake to run such a ruk or our By Mr Darter: An ordinance to amend vieuty of timl sec 31, art 4, in regard to filling of eacnn Wm. Te, cies in office by a ppoutlmeiit by the Gov ernor unleaa otherwise ordered. 1 im is a verr aMraoie tract 0 itb irood Oiitldtnes. orchard Ac. with mbcr and shout tweu y seres of ! ats 01 sale onc-liaif cash, and the welve mowt!. interest from date. At the same tiio; and p!ace. undersiciied will sell for cunh shout 8) huhels ol wheat. 75 UuheU As- . t -. . . ut. 1 1 I . a 1 . . It.. VI. W t i- . . -I uw iw nusncix "i corn aim a 101 01 uraw & By Mr Kerr : An ordin.ince to prescribe Sal? to take Uc(, ,t , x o clockt A . u. PeriM,ni wishina; toaee the ' call on J. L. ;iodlltei. nesr the premitr or 011 the undersicned. SIMLA. LOW R ANTE. Adni'r. of Felix I. flodrelter. Sept. 23. 187B--its. and expense, we think it tbe imperative duty of the Convention to refuse to sub mit its work. Who are the best judges of what tbe people waut in tbe way of a We say tbat the Convention and the white Democratic votera who are iu a minority as shown by ibe last election, are tbe best judges of what the people need. Every one knows thai the negroes will matter how good it may be or how well suited to their wants. And they, with the white vote that usually goes with them, will very probably vote it down. If it is voted down, we will have tbe an oath for members ol the General seinbly. By Mr Rnmley : An ordinance to pro hibit counties, cities and towns trom con tracting debla. - By Mr Walts : An ordinance abolishing the Senate. B y Mr Blocker: Au ordinance to amend sec 1. art 3, regarding a call of a Couven tiou. Requiring two-thirds ot Legislature and ratification by popular vote. By Mr Cooper : An ordinance to amend art 3. Fiving salaries of Slate efficert-. Governor $3,000; Secretary of State $80( ; Treasurer $2,000; Superintendent of Pub lie InsiruUou $1,000; Auditor $1,000 Attorney Geueral $1,000, &c. E. H. MARSH'S MACHINE WORKS. Corner f Fulton A: Council, .Streets. Salisl ury. N. C. Having all uiy new Marhiuery in opera alioc. I am now prepared in eounection with If I r . . - !. .t. 1 t J reneal. Evere thino- k.. Ana k. 18 lue creature ot the Uonvention which "'cur nazzara ot aeteat I !a . ai..L a I iS a S 1 . It 1 tbe moneyed rings, the bankers and bro- ' , lUC T caU8e 01 S0"' pOU"Ca, IoC8 Were ,nll,ISenl na "P0" W. t Zu. 1HL. : t . ment ome ,earned e.8.8ay My ht sible voters, or disposed lo be rational ii , ....6 ssa . uivucjr pauica, 10 Uonveniiou must be called n conform ty Lu a- u i .1 i-.: 1 j nrndneo the imnreasJnn. .n,Wiii. .ithlaw nn th.t the discharge of their political duties, we 1 W - ' i mm t I 1 w- mviuii iiuui 1,1- . . . that the Usrr law is the cause of the ie act calling it would be revolution- wou,d not few 10 mea8ttre "trenght with 1. 1 a .aa. I S a n . . i w tielittimMlnmnn.. ...j "7- Out the act which the LeaHslature 1 tnem on this great question of civil and J "w- , o uui- .a . II;.. n . I . . . . withstanding every effort haa been made ESTW.11 convention is revo- cbeap goverumenl; but the reverse is tbe . r D wie tacta it is tberetore toolisb to buttom restrictions are concerned, for it is ssaSaiita . . for this purpos the times have not been half of the Constitution and unauthorized aea aa6a,D" a stone wan until tue brains so bard, nor money half so scarce as we and yMJ ad we know tbat we can sustain are 0ttt Jail toaP "P te appearauce of the friends of tbe law expected. The y . r aa,tllont,e "at there is no consistency. aooeved rinra. the u.orina. K.fc power ... a LtBw ore to restrieta Uon veu- If the Convention choose it can forever v 1 , , on or to require 11s members to take or k D j. ,. VT , ,. brokers, bad made enough at excessive subscribe an oath, or to anbmit thir wnrh bttry Rad,c,,8fll ,n Norlh nsury to euable them to hold their money ,or ratification after it has been nerfected 6' ve u a Oonstiiution of which our people from Um public for a long time and to refuse wera OPP08 to tlie restrictions not "HI long be proud; or it can bnry Demo te lend it, and it was expected, as man v ffly because they are illegal, but because cracy and leave disaster, ruin, and chaos . j ve nenpvpo um : .1.. . . of them have done, that tbey would do it. sueeeaa f th7 fLww.,tJ - " B j ,u waka' The question of submission But as it happened there were a great Uhink we loat ten or fifteen thousand votes depends upon the legality of the so- many honest men, who would not be by reason of them); and we are now onno called restrictions, aud we take it for guilty of tbe mean trick of sendiusr their 10 tbo Convention's submitting its i work granted that no man of sense will hold money off and of locking it up at the ex J ! pe0pAVr , r80r at it is that they are binding. Will the Oonven pense ol the prosperity of the country, rlanornn. .j l,on laae lfae bull by the horns I Now They lent out their money at the rate f The Conventim. i. a . j never ! aw pv I w.-w-.ivm a VVUJ jjJl'OCIl UI tt glKKi interest Drovided for in t ho law mA t.lly number of verv ahU mn ;.. ibis way relieved the distress that might whom lhe PP1 confidence men 0ar ta,nled young friend Jobn itberwise have been felt. Zh interested in securing for S- Henderson is, as we anticipated, mak- Thl. osarv law hu aaeerl fall Witntion, and iug.hi. mark in the Convention. Tbere J aic luiiy competent to iudtft nt iho 1 .1 poor man's property from being sold nn- people's necessities and waits "and able Z I , T 17 der the Bheriff's hammer. Very manv and K conform to their wishes. ?alr 10 be people than John will yet te sold out, because it was not lhn the matter of Cou- neaeon. Ue is thoroughly conver- "ed earlier, but few will b. sold w rfSa7S C'm in the fntar fnr lUKsiwi : i 1 ; a .v. J Zr. " l''uim -"WH,U uaor""a8 wnat is necessary ... , ...t-uou rutr ..uuiiuu m uanger 01 Oeleat. Wesee Uk.j. .. . . tha naaaaa-a nf tl. nr tt i no necessitv nl tK rv...:, . ut uuu oemanos ot tbe LH the Usurv law stand. It is a werv wor w ratification. We are will- r w' "4" wur "-'auousiy sua 111 j ii. 1 r 11 ui ilia 11 n 1 a .-.. . .1 1 i.iiri-j iwi w 1 1 1 1 i i nil .m.. ..w --B "w uro auu patriotic flei&les J tau oc uoue oas there, and we know we will cret a trood been consummated. Tha subjoined important erdieaoces NINTH Con- DAT. Mr President Ransom called the vent ion to order at 10 a tn. Mr Bennett, from the Committee on the Judicial Department reported npon various ordinances. Tbe Judicial Committee returned the ordinance to make the homestead a fee simple, paying that the restrictions in the Convention act precluded any interference with tbe present -homestead law.J 13 y Mr Bennett: Au ordinance to re store to Anson the representatives in lhe General A-sfml ly of which it was de prived by the Convention of 1868 By Mr Singletary : An ordinance pro viding the election of Solicit 01 a by ibe ueneral Assembly. By Mr Anderton, of Madison: An ordinance to amend sec 17, art . By the fame : A resolution to give Justices of Peaee jurisdiction iu aciiona of replevin. By Mr Redwine: An ordinance to amend art 4, to divest 8uperinr court clerks of tbe Probate matters, and elect a Probate Judge. Several ordinances of minor importance were introduced, and lhe matter of the Robeson county contested case was dis cussed. Tbe result was tbe tabling ot tbe reaolution effered concerning the met' ter. the Iron & mats works to U all kiuda of I iriutil WiirL- snrti i I ninlu.r I lr....inn uigue Ac Grovitig. in a Wing Fash. Itlii.d & INrs. tnakine monli in ' from 4 inch to nches wide, also Tnrnn g A: Ha'tern mak ug. Sawinif I5r.irk.-Tt- dec Havinr th' best Maehin-ry and first clas workman. satisTMCtion is goarauteed. Joly29. ltJ75. ly. ORDINANCES. At a recent inetinar of Town Board lb follo-aing ifttlrs w.-r,- u.nilf aud . i - - r - .1 ! bf p'ihlihKt for th brurfil of all con-rul Ortkrttl. that all persons who shall cart. lessly nr 11. jI' l' 1.'' v ltve trams hitehnd to -mciis or otnr vt-lurls 011 h strrrts f Salisbury, shall b- fiod frucn ooe to twmty dollars. Ordertl. that tbe Ordinance in regard to hitching horses t shade trees, tec., be rigi dly .: !' I. Ordered, that th Police be iustrm-trd t- kill all dogs "t listed aud oa whirli thr owners refn to pay ta; Orderd. that the iVdiuanee r'-nnirin neouing of cattle at nig'nt le enforced. The tx diet will nay tuouthly t i-iis lo every 1 lot nod back yar.l au 1 lLi- owners or .-.- uj.i ers of all fotiud filthy will hi- fined. J. J. STEWART. P. B. KENNEDY. Mayor. Sec'y. Sent. 2. 75- I tin.. DAVIE COUNTY-IN THE SUPE RIOR COURT. Y. it. I r Btsexrfi it tuut g OTJTHERN Ralcifftl, IV. . ILLTJ8TRATED AGE! Theonlv ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY ia the Soeth. Eight pages. Forty col urn i.. Coo taining more reading matter than any weekly pttbnned in the iiouthern State. The first number of the SOUTHERN IL LUSTRATED AGE will be issued on Saturday, 28th day of June, 1875 The Publisher intend making it an illn- strated record of the times. It will treat of every topic, Political, UiMorical. Literary, sod neienliuc, which is ot current interest, snd give the best il lustrations that can be obtained, orig inal or toreign. The SOUTHERN ILLUSTRATED AGE will be printed oa new type, and heavy book paper. On it- list ol contributors will be found the names of many of the best writers in the South. Serial and hort tories, poems and sketches, and well conducted editorial department, giv ing the latent personal, literary. acienttbr, polit ical, religious and commercial intelligence, will furnish every week an amount of readine matter unsurpassed by other papers, in excel lence and varietr. It ia intended to mska the SOUTHERN ILLUSTRATED AGE a jour nal for the fireside ; several columns will 1 specially devoted to all subjects pertaining lo domestic and socisl I He. No family sho-d be without it. Subscription price only $2 per annum. Post age free. R. T. FULGHUM, Editor. Raleigh, N. C. 10-1873. STAR SALOON. THE BEIT Nothing but Plain North Caro lina Whiake . The Fine! Wines! Itnpor e4 XII St BBS r, 1Y IT Connected with th's we eish t draw yu attention to an Eating ?alxo and Reatauraut. Frui September 1st. to Aril let. this will be kept in the very beat style. St even au ipicure cau complain. J- A. SNIDER. Aug. 26. Ginoe. $5 Portland, Maine. Phillips i'tmmttf. .4 'i iff I nab II rbfip. thfrotiaut. J STATK OF NORTH CABOLWa To Ute SkkriJ of Darte Cmmmtf " nl, : Too are hereby commanded to aSBS a Unab H. I "help-, lhe lVfroca:t. aU.Te aaaarf if be be (band within ymtr CMtaty. a U at4 -befure the Judceol uir Supen- (Wt a i a t'ourt to lie held f-r tha t.'uenry ..f mn it ihe Oottrt Iicsb ia Mckviliuu tin Ttiad :i) M :: i after thwtbird (3d) Moadty sf Septemlaer. and anarr Use dusaaAaiat stork will Im- .iepn-.ted lit tile oflce uf Ibe fieri mt thi K.ipert"f UwJft f.r said Connty, wnkia tta Urt lfir-v days f the let m. aad let Uw sail lif-odatit fake nt. e i bat if be fail to aw ear be naid (vut:aint within tbat lime. Ike Pisu aff will apply lu tbe t ourt for Ibe relief is utanded in the ruiplaint. UerHii fail mt. aud of this an an mom awa lje n-Uinj. tiire) u:der my hand and the seal mt sail .mt. thu bth day of A newt. ICS. Seal H. B. Howard. Clerk Supentir Oonrt lrie Ceeaty. It ap'oeancr lo the Coort nana a: (rurr proof tbst ibe said U. U- Phelps is nat a sasv deal of tbe State ut X. t; , it is ordered teat publication of the above "'nniini ke smSV at the "Cartthna Walt-binau. a aewaaser sas llbed in the town of alib .rr. for i saeeav ive meek lnm tbu date. II. It HOWARD Hcrk Superior ( urt uf Dsvte Ceuaty Aag lh. e7i Cw. Printer s fee $UA. OJINIBUS & BAGGAGE WAGON ACCOMIODATK O fl Pr Dar st home. w fc w AddreKS (J. hTlirroB dt In Terms rse run 4 t o. Jan. 19, lS7o.-lv Sum necessary measure for the protection lbs f t st masies of the people. ol i Constitution, The Love and Devotion of Wo man. "He was in tbe habit of getting drnnk and besting his wife, aud had olten been known bj tbe neighbors to strike ber be fore tbe time of the fata! blow." Substantially like this runs some po lice report in almost every number of lhe great daily papers of our large cities. The ntiflecting reader tu rns from snch a para graph with disgust. He regards it as low and vulgar. And low and vulgar, iu tbe extreme, is tbe conduct of the husbaud which is thus described. But how abont lhe wife, whose wretch ed lile has been ended by an act of bro tallity aud violence on the part of another t Iu many an instance it has been hers to practice a patience which was long-uff ering and untiring, and a forbearance re alising the divine command : Whosoever smitetb thee on tbe one cheek, torn to bim the other also." No fiction narrates a love, adovotion, a submission surpassing hers. Painters have, not illustrated and poets have not sung higher Christian qualities in woman than are sometimes found to adorn the habitations of the lowly, amid abject poverty, and where vice and brutality are encountered. If love led to tbe nil of oar first parents, it can be said, on the other hand, to have illuminated the darkest abysses to which bo nan aa- ior hasavtr eWtbe. a Important Eesults Pleasantly Achieved. Although the days of irrational medication are happily passing away, and intelligent phy sicians have ceased to measure the supposed efficacy of a remedy by the violence of it effects, there still linger among the older prac titioners a few of those predilections in favor of "heroic" reatment, which it would be lucky for their palienta if they had abandoned. One of these is a loudness for administering drastic purgative, such as blue pill, calomel, jalap and caster oil. A contrast of the effects oi these drenching drugs with the mild and bene ficient operation of Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, is the very beat argument that cau be adduced against tbe wisdom of such destructive treatment- The old fashioned cathartics convulse the stomach, aod relax the bowels so abruptly and copiously as to weaken them. Hosteller , Hitlers, on the contrary, never gripe the intes tines, but produce a laxative effect resembling ibe action of nature. At the same time thee remove tbe cause of constipation, by arousing . a a s . . .a ae tne uorraant uverto wreie tne Due .necessarv . to the regular performance of-, lhe excretive V function, and enable tbe stomach to thoroughly digest the food. Indigestion and biliousness having beau thus ovescotne, aregadar habit of body is the necessary consequence, which, the occasional subsequent use of the Bitters renders permanent. Every disagreeable symptom which, in the absence of perfect digestion and evaluation, harasses ihavaystasa, raaieaea wi der the influence of the great national staas ns a e . s w s . a a a acmoaea alterative, xiauitn and tieor are vis bieaaings that foUov it use. ' Sept. vtb SUPERIOR J O U B T ROWAN COUNTY. J. G. Fl reaming, as Kx ecu tor of the last will and leatsmennt of Jacob Krtdet, deceased. Ptaintif Against Sarah K rider, Daniel W K rider, Charles C K rider, JohnUrahatu, A wile, Julia E (.iraiutn, Tbuta as A K rider, Sdargarvt U Fleas' ing, Mary L. h. rider. Jamie H. Kiider, Maria K rider. Anna M. Kridrr, lallie H. Krider, Ilarna bus 8 Krider, Thomas W Morri son, Katie M XlorrUoo, iliian Ik-lhea and wife .Sallie K Itethea, Kubi-rt i Ifin :11c, illiani K. Fleming, Salliv h Klemlnt;, Mar garet J KleraiUir, Nathan N Flem ing, Roberta Fleming, Charles J Fleming and Julia U Flem ing. Defendants. 8TATE OF NORTU CAROLINA To Lie Skerif of Rowan Comnty Grottimm You are hereby conicuauded in the name of the Stale to Summon Sarah Krider, Daniel V Krider, Charles C Krider. John Graham and wife Julia E. Graham. Thoeaea A Krider, Mar. earet C FUminx. Marv L Krider. Jamea H Krider, Maria Krider, Anne M Krider, SaJlte S Krider, Barnabus S Krider, Thorns W Mor rison, Katie M Morrison, William Betbea and wife Sailic E Rethea, Robert N Fleiuinx, Wil liasa K Fleming, Sal lie K Fleming, Marg-tret J Fleming, Nathan N Fleming, Roberta Flem ing, Charles J Fleming, and Jolta G Fleming. DeferHlanta, in the above action, to appear at the next Terra 0 the Superior nowrt of the County of Rowan, at the Coort-Honae ia Salis bury, oa the tin Monday after the 3d Monday in September next ( 1875), then and there to anwer the coaiplaint of J. G. Flesairtg, aa Ex ecutor of the Last ill and Tasiameat of Jacob Krider, deceased, Plaintiff in this soil. And yai are further commanded to notify lhe said iteiendanta that if they fad to answer tbe com plaint, within the time specifed by law, the Kaid Plaintiff will apply 10 the Court for Use relief demanded in the complaint and for all co-1 and charges ia this nit incurred. Wltateat - H HORAH, Ckre mfou Cewrt, at rywc, fa SA I. IS II I R 1 , tkis Ot Z4ie iofwat, A. D. leTft. J. M. HORAH, Ckrk Superior Coort Rowan Coonty. A. Krider aad Waa, K. Flees inc. of Cotton I'lsni, Arkansas and WUlia and wife Sellie E Betbea, at or Sooth Ckrotina noo-reaidenu of this Stale will nleeaw take notice. BLACKMEB A HENDKRS05. I Itave fitted op an Oaaaiboa aad t aeon wlneh are always ready lo ona ia or frusa the depot, lo aed weddiaga, Ax. Lea ve orders at t at my Livery A Sale Stable, FaaVsr aWsat near Railroad bridxe. M. A. BBINOLT Aug. 19. tl 3IM0NT0N FKMALE COW UTATEVILLE, . C. The nest session will open Sept. I. Mam Teraaa for award, Ac .have been aaede as few as ;- --i0lr In unit the time. atfreare : Ker Ctias Pbillipa. D. D.. Prwf. W. J. MarUB. av W. A Wuud. Rev. D. E Jordan. Ki-Gs t Vance. 11 a W. U- Uattla. and all frfeads af :he lata Pnd. Mitchell. 4 Chapel UiU. X C A ox. . 1874. 6mfa. SCHOOL NOTICL I will open say srfcool at the Fair OieawSi - - ' ' - ' - - wh a tiBM names of popiU may be loft with Gel. lleilig or R F. Rogers I Aug. lftih TTi. 4 H. T. J. LUDmCt weas el Lks A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN- Just FwMsoked. im a seeled carafes sax era fa. Lecture on tne Hat are, ment and M.svdten.1 , U:- c f biawtaal uea. or uerii"alrrba-a. induced by SaffA .nv..liint.n ITmii.. tnti 1 ! SMit r Sr . el lability, and lapiSalSMU to Mamafs jeaa ail ; CVaBwaasMSM. Eptfetsrj.aad Fiasj Mfjff" and Jhv steal Incapacity, dc By J . CLLVLRWELL. M- D. aatssd -Green Bo-dt." Ac TK. ilil in nf.i.r iC tfc ble Lect ore. clearly proves ftwaa Sisea extj; n.n. .mt f k. law-fa I .r.rBOS Abu- may ba ff -ctnally itied-.cioe. and sritho t daai at ions. bwuxe. lnstraaaeou. neg. i-..e:.i r -.iodeof care a: cllit-.uaJ. br which every swJavor, a what bis ouoduioa may ha, cure ly privately aad rwdfeadry. KV That Ijeetmre wOT rass a Scot uodrr seal, ia a plain ail iliaes. aa fwaassa as six age stsmpa. Address the Pvadfea, CHAfl. J. O. mUJXM 4 oo. la art or two paw irMntaf.feefla. JJBawary. swToa; F-t April i itnr