Carolina Watchman. SKPa'KUBKtt, op p0n,I Tin1 .!Urniarlc Timet pays a deserved liiuent to the IToii. Josiah Turner. Wen re indebted to John 8. Henderson, Eq., (or copiui of Ordinances of the Conven tiou in advance of publication. We have sev eral en hand now that are crowded out this week. We thank Mr. Henderson for his kindness and shall give the Ordinances as rapidly as possible. the qaetion. It was a simple proposition to make final separation in white and colored schotds, and only added two or i hreo words to the original auction in the Contiiatiou. f ' Mr. Wheeler did not see why the mat- ter should be again postponed. The last proposM.ion suited bjs ideas and was just what he wanted. O'Hara, col., wanted the matter post poned. . a m was in tavor or Fatal AFFBAT.T3-Mr. Bingham mem ber oi the convention from Watauga coun ty, has jnst received a private letter giv ing an account of a deadly affray which took place in that ccunty a few days age. Win. Thomas, a noted character, had a difficulty with Wilburn Swift, and shot him through the hand. Swift then drew a Unite and cut Thomas' throat in Hiding a wound from which he died in thirty minutes. Swift has the repntata tion of a qniet, peaceable man, and the killing was in f elfdeience. Sentinel 24i Verily the wicked live ont bnt half ,thcir daye. Detperate, reckJess, bloody minded men, though they may kick and cuff and tyrannize over their f.llowg for a time, ninety nine time out of every hun dred, come to a bloody and terrible death at an early acre. In like manner the m mm bully, the overbearing man who is fearly brave when he imagines that thp object of bid jirrath will not resent bis cowardly jtnpudence, roou becomes Uie object ol cotiUuiwt. Tin: world irets even with both. It is dealjuy. s - The Young Meu's Christian Associa tion, of San Francisco, held meeting and passed resolution e ulogizing the memory oi Kulstuf), the detanller and suicide. Jiut nuch rvltiui, ni-uiey-worshiping religion, as bonsai Uieshiieeof aelF-muidered stock gniubler and swindler, has set back tbe a hands on the dial plate of American chifftiatiity and morality half a century, and filled the land wiih scoffers and scoundrels Sentinel Why, did'nt Colfat, Vice iWident, lecture bci'oie C; hi is tain AfaocUiiinns by speeiai invitation, af or be bad been con victed of a fatal attack of Credit Mobilier 1 And is not Blether, the liberiiuo and perjurer, the greatest Preacher in the land 1 And does not Frothingham, and. his school, demand and receive public confidence and esteem ? And do not Tsui ie CI f in and Mrs. Wood hull and their ilk bold social communion with tbe saints of Plymouth church. Why, sir, when we look behind tin curtain into the sacred precints of the saints it the moral turpitude and rottenness of those who officiate and do service there, we do not wonder that tlie religion of tbe world's Saviour h beginning to be regarded as a clerk for hypocrites and scoundrels. also all other grants, gifts or devises that have been or hereafter may he made to this Slate, and not otherwise appropriated by the 8t.t or by the :er.ns of the grant gift or deviae, shall be paid into the State Treaeary and together with so much of the ordinary revenue of tbe Htate as may be by law set apart for- that par pom, shall be faithfully appropriated for es tablishing and maintaining in this filiate a sys tem of free public schools, and for other pur poses of education. Hec. 2. All monevs, stocks bonas ana wnw property belonging to a county school fund ; also the net proceeds from the sale of eatrajs; n .1 i : r . i. i a iso Omyin, coi., was m larur oi . lue pr - i . . . - .11 ..,h; and ent proposition and did notsee aoy reason forfeitures, and of all fines collected in the sev- for its postponement. en I counties for any branch of the penal or Mr Huxtnn offered an amendment militarv law of tlie state; ana alt moneys which shall be paid by persons as an equivalent for exemption from military duty, shall belong to and remain in the several conn tie, and shall be faithfully appropriated for establish ing and maintaining tree public schools in the several counties of this Slate. Adopted. Tbe question then recurring on the passage of the bill. Mr. Tonnree. offered the following amend which provides that there, shall be no discrimination made in favor of or to the prejudice of either race. Ordinance providing that the amended Const ittittou shall be submitted to the people of the State for ratification or re- : - . st. i i ii mi lection at the general election to De neld ment which waB adopted ; provided "that the in the State in Movember 1876, the returns amount collected in each countv should be an- to Kb made within 20 dava thereafter to nuallv reported to theSupt. of Public Instruc- tlw nfcL3 JmiSm mi tl. .Q..nMm. f!nnrt tion" to tone in at the end of see 2nd 1 .. r i :.. .i After considerable disensfion the ordinance or 10 inn A.w.uej . fcuC, j reading. should be any vacancy in such omce; and M. MeCabe moved a suspension of the ralm that if, upon such cauvaea, it f h ill appear to put the ordinance on its third reading. Failed lhat a maturity of the votes polled were Ordinance o. 167, to amend art. 14, sec. i . .u.. .,; .r ..uJ of the Constitution in reference to he rotation 1 1 mviii 111 lur . Hi luminal "iu.iiu I - i j , . i i i . . I of Judges, taken np and the following substl .Me.. , --. .. ... late recommenjed by tlie Committee: rnn.Hinlinn ahnll onnalilnln futrt nr thai - - . " , 7 r , ' , f REPOET OF THE COmnrTTEE ON THE JUDICIAL uonstitution ot tne paie, ana snau taae - department. enect as socn on tne nrsi oay or January, Coromittee on tbe Judicial Department, 1877. I to which was referred Resolution No. 187, have Air Tourcee moved as an amendment considered the same, and recommended the that '-f,,r i ho miulmmii" a, id Minai adootion of the followina substitute : h mndme..ta" ho nrinted nnnn th . -.Th.eTJ J"d? of e Superior 0urt . , . , - u r. . .T .. shall reside in the district for which he is elect ucaeis, mateau oi "rauncauon or "re The Jni,, gha i(le in lhe Courts of jection. the ditTerertt dictricts, successively; but no Jlr Bovd moved an amendment that Judge shall hold the Courts in the sauie district the amendments be submitted separately tiian once iu four years; but in case of instead of a whole. 'he WfSf! SSS .f.lhe Jad7T WMned r r k A j I 10 prwiue in nnj awnn, or nj wncr unnvoi- ... ""c""" T dable accident to him, by reason of which be that the time required lor tbe returns ot fthall become unable to preside, the Governor the election be 30 days instead of 20 days, may require any Judge to hold one or more Accepted. special terms in said districts, in lieu of tbe m. . -m l 1 1 J udge assigned to bold the Courts of said dia- it . I Mil rllllt.tltl ElJtTIl it W iin ML IIV n - j ,,,, " a voi e in 4u to FASHIONS and GOLD COIN PRESENTS! - m. . . m - . . lta.U. Tits Oiiswam wise tbm adattealisai , -, U 9mm Msst Ihsss OMSir oT sJL It Uom of tkM tjUm that Is mn fe M K J ujiin? vfc ttorewklrt Is drapt to form awlds raflU mmtkM iTi-mam SsasaSaVSs ja sum, or Ribbon. Reqnlroiyards of 87- -k i fuUa. . mjLjmiimt tfc inch goods for entire suit Ho. of watat, LX mm Tal,afss.y n Sjsswa rrM; pattara, wltb cloth model, S3 rts. jaM M 1 A. BURDETTE SMITH'S MKmfi MontHly " WmW of FasMoD," JH FINE S.J2Sl Ecelture" mtB fl ! mm m mw PIGS FOR SALE. EW OOTEITISEIEWTR ataraVSa COTTON SAW GIN. iswKsMSow.cro byaBaWrBear,thwl 1 u Si arc bww a boot two Months okL Any or wis I Bqoal to aav ia the eowatry , with aa iatproc (pod stock hofswoeJcl do well to apply aoesul S eottoa rofl avpvriot la oay othew O.n. OS VJaJWIIXOTf J Obe H at? azine to be found in t h i country, and eTery person Who be?f n with taken It, will I1VER diecontinue it while It i published. Smith's Illustrated Patten Baoar 8am pie copy, 26 Ont. Subscription price, $1.10 a war, peat-paid unt iwiiars wonn oi ratierna given to subscriber free aa premium. u Rnfl on A number of amendments were otlered bv the Republican side of tbe house, and all voted down. Tbe bill then passed its second reading. Adjourned. .THIS CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. EIGHTEENTH DAY. Raleigh. Saturday, Sept. 26. The Convention met at 10 o'clock, President Ransom in the chair. Prayer by the Rev. Mr Atkinson, of this city. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. 1UTBODUCTION OF ORDINANCE AND RES OLUTIONS. By Mr Manning, of Chatham, a resolu tion to add three sections to art. 4. Pro- videa thai Judges may be removed for men tnl or physical disability by a eon cuirent resolurion of the General Assetn blv : Clerks of Courts to be removed for same causes by the Judge tiding that Ciicuit after ten days notice. Referred IJy Mr Summers, an ordinance to strike out sec 1, art 14. Rtterred. Ry Mr. Kerr, an ordinance to prohibit. crret political organizations in this oktle Referred. &j Mr. Spake, an ordinance to amend . . . ilia n art. 1. Uonvenitons snail be called hy i wo -lb in! s of iit -General Assembly and ratified hy the people. Referred. By Mr Tnrucr, an ordinance to prevent ths mde of tho Stale's interest in arjy of hrr railroads, and other things. Referred. TWENTIETH DAY. Mr. Boyd, rep., advocated his amend mcnts as separate pro prosit ions. r i i aa Mr. tie kj sa-.u inu would create un ending confusion. There might be a hundicd or more amendment?, in addi tion to the trouble that would be created at the polls, some of the amendments might be adopted and others rejected, and in this case it would leave a Constitution probably wanting iu some important parts it should be au unending chain. . Mr. Bryan, rep., favored the amend ment, but thought this oaght to be the last work done by the Convention. a v i ia -i a .a sir. iviya s amendment was lost by a vote ot 41IOOU. I Bv Mr. Georae : An ordinance to amend Mr. Sln pherd moved that 10,000 copies I aec 2, art 6, electors not to swear to support the of Him amendf-d ( lonaiitntinti li nri.nd constitution ol the Lnited fetates and thesUte .. ; i.. .: .i. .i:ir. I Keferred. IUI L Ulill i'Ml III IIIU UlUriGlll CUUUVICI I D n ! J , f . .. . . . . ijv .r v oopen An oruinance 10 amenu sec. nsteao oi puOMSIHiig tne same in two 7 9. ivc citixenahin to the Cherokee In papers (one t each part; ) in each Con- I diana in this state. Referred. i District for six months (week-1 By Mr Turner: A resolution requesting the I? ) previous to the election. Lost bv a !ute treas,irer to Wm th aergeant at-arms, At 10 a m., Mr President Ransom called the convention to order. Prayer by Rev Mr Spake, of the convention. Bv Smvth col : An ordinance to provide for the completion of mortuary and birth statistics by tbe authorities of townships, cities and towns. Referred, By Mr. Cooper : An ordinance to add a section to art 2, providing for the farming out of convicts in the penitentiary, Ec Referred. By Mr. (ieorge : An ordinance to in (rfilH (!nin in flivR A way' iuuu.uu axl uuiu uum tu uiru aa ii uj e win give vz.uuu.uu in liULH wewiu p-ive xz.auu.uu in uuiai uuiu CO UK to 05 persons who snds us the htrgt-M t 133 person whu send im the largest numlter number of subscribers to our 'World of Fash- of snlMTik r to our "BaraaX, at $1.10 10H," at 53 each, before AJLTCh 5, 1876. eCh, before JtSJCh 1, 1870. Aa follows : To the Gbttkk-cp of thb Aa roi.ixmn : To thk GKmtn-cp or Largest Cxcn 800.00 in Gold Coin. La nr. est Ci.rn ...800.00 in Gold Coin 2d Largest Club. 8d Largest Club. 4th Largest Club. 5th Largest Club 6th Largest Club. 7th Largest Club. 8th Largest Club. 9th Largest Club. 10th Largest Club. 11th Largest Club. .200.00 in Gold Coin. .150.00 in Gold Coin. .180.00 in Gold Coin. .120.00 in Gold Coin. .110.00 in Gold Coin. . 100.00 in Gold Coin. . 75.00 in Gold Coin. . 50.00 in Gold Coin. . 35.00 in Gold Coin. 2d Largest Club. . 8d Largest Club . 4th LtrgestClub. 5th Largest Club. . 6th Largest Club . 7th Largest Club. 8th Largest Clnb. -0th Largest Club. Usggood stock bogs wookl do well to apply u JOHN C MILLER. 8pt. SO, 1 876 tf. ICALCOLLffillf MuW RKHnovi) BBSSI0H 1875 76 Course of Lecture begin October let. close In five months. Full coarse 4 Med ical Instruction by the Facaltj, and daily i-ys-tem 4 ezaminartrtna by taa Arjnn rSculi). pr0n-sirs (ee,9lU. Pharmacy tere Beorticiaxv Ticaet, totf- Fur full nniaslar or catl.gM apply t J. R. MoVAW, M. D . 4w No 600 Urao St. KicbuvnU Va. Ucaa uf the Faoult). WESTERN MARYLAND COL- LK8R. FOR STCDKSITS OF BOTH fflEXES IS hFtitiK n rABtrafcKTv, Each having a fall eurps 4 Knife u sea. FIFTEEHTH SEMI-ANNUU SESHON bsajiaa Hcpteiubcr 1st, l7V n v Caa4gwea With fall infiw athisi a in Terms. Mumrm icf MwVy v etc . . f ri -hed gral ar lMir. .tdtiw j . T. w aku, u. IK. Wstn-iaiicr, ltd. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS J. M. ELLIOTT Mai. r. W. W July 16, 167 1 OMNIBUS & BAGGAG WAGON ACCOMOBiTlO HO Ho. I have filled op an Wagon vbith arc .Ivays mmw la or trvm the Ac or at my LiroryASaJ mm K-ilruc-J Uid. A.g. 19.-4L m dcyot, lo aad fruca pru U. A. BRIM.LE .200.)0 in Gold Cnn ..150.00 in Gold Coin. . .125.00 in Gold Coin. . . 100.00 in Gold Coin. . . 75.00 in Gold Coin. .. 50.00 in Gold Coin. , . 2-.00 in Gold Coin. 25.00 in Gold Coin. 10th Largest Club 25.00 in Gold Coin. 11th Largest Club 2.V0O in Gold Coin. and so on to 183d largest Club. us. AND every subscriber gets . pre- vote of 50 to 80. Mr. Buyd moved as an amendment that the amendments to each article of tbe Constitution be classified aud voted upon by classes. Lost by a vote of 49 to 55 The bill then passed its third and last reading by a vote ot 93 to 8. Messrs. Bidgr, Dixon, Goodwyn, Grantham, Lehman, M.ibson, Manmx and Gabe vot ling in tbe negative. MISCELLANEOUS. , Mr. Durham asked to withdraw the motion made by him on Tuesday to con Mder the vote by which the ordinance was passed reducing the number of Su perior Court Judges. Lee) granted. Mr. Tourgee arose to a question of for inspection by this convention, a bond issued in 1862 in aid of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford railroad. On motion of Mr. Turner the rules were sus pended and the resolution was adopted. lhe ordinance to amend sec 6, art 7, was taken up. Townships trustee, not to assess their own propertv. Un motion of Mr. Mannine, oftbatham, the ordinance was laid on tbe table. The ordinance to amend sec 224, art 1, by adding a proviso that nothing shall justify the practice of carrying concealed arms, was taken up After some debate the ordinanceww, on mo tion of Mr Barringer, recommitted to the Com mittee on the Bill of Rights. 8PECIAL ORDER Mr Jarvis offered a resolution that the whole matter be recommitted lo tbe Committee on Privileges and Elections, with instruction that the committee adopt rules and regulations for personal privilege iu answer to laDeruaee iu government in deciding all cases of contested ' . ' . . . . . ' o o i t . : . i . l t i . i . i . used concerning him by -Mr. Turner on Friday. Mr. Turner also arose to n question of of personal privileges in reply to Mr. Tourgee. On motion, the Convention adjourned until 10 o clock Monday. Note. In our published list yesterday morning ot the vote upon tbe bill to re elections that may be referred to it, and that said committee is hereby empowered, in th. investigation, of any such contest, to send for persons and papers, and to appoint one or more commissioners lo take testimony, who shall have the power to administer oath. And that the acting chairman of said committee, in any such investigation, shall have power to admin ister oath, lhat the refusal of any preson appearing as a witness before said committee, or before any commissioner appointed by said 25.00 in Gold Coin. and so on to the (50th Largest Clud. YOU get a premium for every subscriber yon send mi urn. BOTH of these COLD COIN PRESENTS oners will he found at full length in tbe Peptkm BER Nr M 1 1 besides tbe names and P. O. addresses of 102 persons to whom w. ha ve just paid S'J,l.o.OO in Uold. axeording to our previous offers, lou can write lo one or .11 of tbeni, ami they will tell you that we do exactly .. we promise. VOIID OCOT W:,y is to send your own subscription to either of our Magazines, when IUUI1 DEaO I you will get the first nnmber and your Ceilifi -atea of Pre miums, which you en show, and at once begin getting subscribers, or send 25 cents fur oa. copy. Send Stamp for Fashion Catalogue. A. BURDETTE SMITH. P. 0. BOX 5055 914 BROADWAY HEW YORK CIT GLOUGH & WARREN ORGAN Co's (Late S ItLllOXS fc GLOUGH ORGAN CO.,) IMPROVED SCHOOL NOTIGES. KISS JESSIE CALDWELL'S school rsn emu Will opwa at tbe eswal place oo tbe H Sept.. instant. INsrvoaa wishing to enter pupils before that trroe may op ply to T. B.BKALL, Sep. 2. Its. Iftrs. Btoml's Mask School will aieo cmu-ucc tm the 224 inst- Aiiinftntifi Sale if. Real aid PcJlimV STAT. rO: Koike Is given, at the aa.srrfgJ will oiler for w at pnbtke uehN, Fate.T. vaa STB "at or Novaasaa, I7j. ai lk late rmi deao. wf Pell. D. Clodfelter, deced, aboet one haadred acres of 1..4. to tW Mtata mt said dorwMd. adjolaiaa U land of M . W (odmti, Mr. M. K. WatU aaJ otker-si tested in Mt. L1l. Townakip. about IS at I lea w4 mi Sa'isbnry. oa ta. water of Mill. Creek, noar back Crs.k Caurok. Thlala a very desirable tract o' laad. with good ealldinirs orchard, Ar.. w th Clentyof timber and about twenty acres of good otlom. Terns of Hala .as half caak and tee balance ia twelve month, inVercot Iroai date. At the aame time and place. ..denHned will sell tor eoah aboat SJS boheU .1 wheat. 74 bnalmts of oats, 10. boahohi of cum .ad a lot of strew Are. Hole to take place at 1 1 o clock, A. If. Perstm wiahlnc to see the l.nd can call on J . L. ClodJelter. or On tee na. emu of Felix I). Clodfclter. OROB FIffliLE COLLKJ, KTATEVIMi:. If. . for mud,A to .Bit tbe Phillip. D. D-. Prof W. J. W. A Wood. Rov. D. E. Jtr4aa. Kx-Oor B. Tone, ttw. W. H. Battle, and afl frteoda tf the late Prof. MiteWI. Cfcapol Bill. S C. Aue. IX, 1K7 d It SCHOOL NOTICE. I will open my ndhool at fW Orn.afc on ibr hi . f Heutenubrr, name of pupil may be left Heilig or it. r. Kogcm H. T. i. LrDWlCK Ang. 19th To Umm ilk CoL ' .- iSm A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just PmkUfkmd, tm m asolsaf tmxtlmpe. Pncm six orate. nana. SAM'L A. LOWRAM E, Adsa'r Sept. M. 1875 dte -AND- IvM Hfl hEII Ki9h mm i II . 1 B. H tIARMI S MACHINE WORKS Corner of FbXTOV A: CocxciL. 8treeta. Saliabory. N. C. Having .11 my wow Machinery in opera- Ntnm, 1 am now prepared in ouncctioo -ith the I r- n ic Bras. work, to ! all kind. f w.m.J wirk, such aa LumU-r Urminc Tongue 6c Groriog. making Riiads 6c DMri. makiuc moulding fmut f iuch to ft inches wide, also T. ruing At Pa ter. i mak- iug. S.wing Bracketta. icr. Haviug tl.-e b-ot Machinery aud first elat wtirkiuen. satisfaction in guaranteed. Jnly J9. JU75 ly. at. Ud RadtCRl core of beiiiioal ro- dsm, or rp rmatirrbctfa, induced b Flf-Ahao. inrulantarr Emteeion, Impoieicy. hercu Dwhility. and latpediaiacte to Marriage gener ally; Conaauiptiaa, hpilepey.aod Kits Menu! ami PhVMtcal Incapacity, d. By kOBKKT J CULVERU ELL. M. D author of th. -Gn-ei, Iloi.k." dr. Th. world-rennwoad author, ia this admira ble. Lecture, clearly prove frutii bUwv-n nje rieuce that the tawfal oooaex uence tf Keif Aheae may be effcvtaally roinoved wubonl medicine, and witho t daagerm aargical per ationa, boagtea, instrument, ring, r ordia!4 pointing net a mode of cure at once certain d edfeotual, by which .very tuufrrer. uo matter what bin oouditioa may bo, care himelf cheap ly privately and radically. CP This Lrctmrr waif vrorr a boom tm ta mand omH tttommamds Heat under walt ia . plain envelope, to my addrrsa, oa receipt of ciz oeada or two pern age aiamp. Add re the Publisher., C-i AS. J. O. KLINE A CO. Peat Otto. Re i. 117 Bowery, Sew Yok; April lo ISTS.-ly G. U. Bus Lauef OJI. BaU S Cm f. B Babkbb, r c a aart a c. lk-'JJSL. -y ji 3 move H olden 's disabilities, we ommitted committee, to anawer .ny question propounded tbe names of Messrs 8tallings, of Duplin, jn the course of any investigation had by virtue i a. t .f nu. -. : i out. mmmm nun oi a cantaapi oi tarn con- a id Anderson, of Clay, as voting against enti Mr w oxD, measure. Intion ' Mr Jirvii nnnd lha tmuum nf the ibe NINETEENTH DAY. The Convention met at 10 o'clock. President Ransom in the chair. Prayer by the Rev. Dr Pritchard, of the city, l r Li . I l i - journal oi oaiuruay reau anu appro vea. UXFtNlSH ED B08IKE88. The ordinance in relation to mixed schools was taken up as the unfinished business of Sat urday. 1 he substitute waa adopted. aa t- a a !i a Mr. titixtons amendment, lntroducea on Saturday, was adopted. The question then recurred on the L rosbv amendment. Mr YVltherssaid the amendment advocated by Mr Tourgee proposed only to defeat resolution as a matter of justice to the sitting members, as they could show to the satisfaction of tbe convention, if an opportunity was allowed them, that Messrs Norment and McNeill re ceived a large number of illegal votes. He ar gued that to deny lo Messrs McEachin and Sinclair the opportunity to expose these frauds upon the ballot box would be a gross mjust ice,vc. Mr ( hamberlain opposed the resolution. Mr Barringer opposed the resolution. Mr Albertaon concurred ia the report of the minority of the committee on privileges and elections. Mr Withers argued in support of the resolu tion. The contestants claimed the seats, not upon the ground that the commissioners of CALENDAR. The ordinance to amend sec. 3, art. 9 was taken up. The ordinance amends that sec. 3 of the 9lh article of the Constitution so that section ehall read as follows : ''Each county of the titale shall be divided into a convenient number of districts, in which one or more public schools shall be main tained, at lea.njour months in every year; a. id th General Assembly shall make euiinble provisions by law for the man agement aud regulation of the public schools, and for perfecting the system of freo public instruction ; and the children of the white race and colored race shall torever W kept seperata in the public idtanls of this 8tato." Mr Morvliead, from ti e Committee on Education, ofi-r'd a J substitute for the a hole matter and to cover all pending proposition, in rf gard to this mutter, lie nfhrd to be allowed to withdraw the uMre and offer the following in lieu thereof. Ptrmiscion aas gratited. Amend sec 2 of art 9 by adding the following words : "and tbe children of ihi wblto rare and the children Of the colored race shall be ungbt in sepcrate public schools. " Mr. Tourgee wanted the matter post poned for consideration and the new priposition printed. Mr. Moteliead said that the prnpositien of the Comm;tee did not interfere with the CoastHnixn. it was a naked ques tion as to separate schools, lie saw no nee in postponing, as it bad already gone over for a week. , . Mr W'iiln rs agreed a ifh Mr Morehead. II. tenld see uo necessity for postponing to defeat the express stipulation in regard to separate public Robeson countv did wronff in oivimr th rrti -schools for the tWO race.. fipate In Messrs MoRflfliin anH Sinrlnir Kol Mr. Barringer doubted tbe propriety oTiaa- the ground that they received a majority ofth. ing the amendment offered bv Crosby, col., and legal votes cast, yet the friends of the contest opposed the same in a lengthy and prepared ante are opposing a resolution which proposes "u, wi wiii npvar iu iun in uie puouc tp Mice testimony as to who did receive . ma- press m a tew oaya. jority of the legal votes cast, &c Mr Morehead called the previous qnestion, Mr. Toureoe opposed the resolution. wpicn oeing sustamea, ail amendments wer f V. Ihaeaaaai Hinnneted the rKnlmlnn W voted down and the bill passed its final reading made various illustrations and quoted .number FRESH TURNIP SEEDS Just Received a Fresh Supply ol Karlv Vbite K'at Hntf-h. Early Red Top. Tel oa AbeetWec a -A lh. Yellow Ratallaga At GRAND COMBINATION ORGANS. FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED An invention having a moat important bearing on the future of Reed Instrument, by mea which the quantity or volnme of tone is very largely increased, and the quality of tone rendered filial to tkat of tie Best Pipe Or ps of ike Same Capacity. Wilcox Patent," "Octave Conpler," th. chi by a vote ol Mm ayes to 3 pars. Those voting in the negative were Crosby, . cob. Bell and Tliprne. Mr Thome explained his vote at some length. nui as ne siaieu mai nia expresseti views wouia be published tn anmmp, th. reporter regarded it unnecessary to condense his remarks. CALENDAR. The following ordinances were taken up in regular order and tabled : Ordinance to rescind sec. 37, art. 7. Ordinance requiring the Governor to reside in the Executive Mansion. Ordinance to amend sec 29, art. 2, Ordinance lo amend art 1, sec 5. Ordinance to reduce the salaries of the Ex ecutive Officers. Ordinance to .mend art. 6, sec 5, of the Con stitution. Ordinance to amend see. 10, art 1, of the Constitution. Ordinance to .mend sections 4 and 5, art. 9 of the Constitution. An ordinance introduced hy Mr. Cooper In regard to the preservation of the school fund, requiring the same to be paid only to tbe coun ty treasurers, ana ny them distributed, was informally laid over on motion of Mr. More- head who is Chairman of the Educational Com mittee, assuring Mr Cooper that ordinance 143 met the requirement, of Iu. ordinance. f 1 ,! , 1 I "J A 1 . J . tuiiiiuice iio, mr me preservation ana just distribution of the public school fund taken nt. The following substitute (by the committee) for ine orninapce was auoptea : Sec. I. The proceed, of all land, that have been or hereafter mav beeranted'bv the United Slates to this State, and not otherwise appropri ated by this State or the United States; also all moneys, stocks, bonds and other property now belonging to .ny State fhnd for 'purposes of education : also the net proceed of all sal of the swamp lands belonging to tb. State and of precedents going to show th.t the resolution ot Mr. Jarvis should be adopted as a matter of justice to all concerned. After a long and fillihnsteiing debate Mr. Jarvis called the previous question. The yea. and nays were called and the previous question was ordered by a vote of yeas 56, nays 43. fHere the larwest nortion of the Reonhlicana left the hall in order to break a quorum, though a number nf them came back and voted, when it appeared that thett absence did not affect quorum. Mr Tourgee appealed from the decision of inecnair. me veas ana navs were called ana the appeal was rejected by a vote of yeas 54, navs 40 Mr. Bowman moved to adjourn and call for the yeas and nays on the motion. The call was sustained and the rote resulted yea. 2. nays 51. r T"t -i . .. . . . . . . -, i icic nic repuoiicana ien me nan in a ooav.j The qnestion was then pat on Mr. Jarvis' resolution and it was adopted. on motion the convention adjourned until to-morrow at iu a. aa. One eUhrted "Vox Celte." "VrX Hamana ing "Cello" or "Clarionet" Stopa, "Genw Horn, A LLi THE LATE 1MFKU V MIS TS Can he obtained only in these Organs. fone Vncqu.l PBIC S, $50 TO $ Fifty Different Sty es, THE BEST IN MATERIAL AND WORI Oualitv and Volume oi Tune 1 ncquallea. ANSHIP, BTJIS ft BARKER WHOLESALE & RETAIL Dnnali Corner Main At Fiahei Streets, 8ALISBUBT, X. C Where mav be found . full aortent of Pore Drugs, Medici noa, Dre Staffs Fuse Hand kerchief Exlracta, Foreign ft Ioroetic Col ogBWstfoapa, Hair, Tooth ft Nail Broahea, Havana ft American Chrara. All aradea of I SMOKING ft CHEWING ToBACCO. A fine lot of Braaa ft Glaaa LAMPS; aU, the celebraied Perk in ft Howe. Koy-axruoatra Keniaene Lump which we ewrraal Jmr tmrmty mm m a a . I as oars. B Mater, r oraoay, rrupernuwg Win. by the bottle or gallon.' Blarkberrv. Malaga. California Sherry ft Pwt Wine Imported Gin, and ia fact eve-ything awally kept in a f rat daw Dru Store. Oar patiip (ion drpmrtmu-mi u molrty ra kt kmmda mf tie aew- 1 usai mmm mr tmm mtmtr mmtma tm the Alone day and mifki and no owe need apprehend any dan ger in having their prescript ioos eompoood-ed. Feb. 18th. 1875. K J. H ATTLK. F. B CAMERON. President. Vice President. W. H. HICKS, Sec'j. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE Insurance COMPANY, JLAXBXOH, STAB SALOON. TUB BEIT Nothing but Plain North Caro lina Whisk . Ttwe PlMCftt Wines tape-ic. TMU BSSTT flIKKBt. Ill IT. C'oaoeeted with th a we wiah to draw mmm attention l aa Mating alm and Uestaarnai. S-i-'tTiU-r I i kept in I bo Tery ipirure em a ean tu Ann I Isu-thw atyle. K.4 will A'lg. 2i - tii;,.. tB-$201:" J. A. SXIDEtt. Day at t, la r-TiirroB ft CO Jan. lt.lS74.-lf 8UPER10R JO the laat Jacob rill COUET-EOWAS COUNTY. an Esecanor of anal of , Dewed WK rider. N C. FACTORY AND WAREROOMS, CORNER 6th A ND CONGRESS St., DETROIT, MICH IO AN. ESTABLISHED IN 1830. AGENTS Wanted In Every County Address GL0UGH & WAR R E NO R G A N CO DETROIT, MICH. CAPITAL. $200,000 At end of FirH Fan. 900 Pol idea withoot Prod ent. Matt BBB aa ade it Year had iaauarl o ining a ingle loaa. energetic The late Andrew Johnson waa wont to dwell with mucb pride upon the feet mat he rose front a City Alderman to bo T , : J . . r . L T - . mm. . .ill a leeMiouk m me i niteQ states, naa ne lived lonf enongh he might hare retraced bis steps from a President to a Council- II. ATI . nan. xjiii a .j . s remr a was not more stunning than that of Pinchback. Here it is : An ex-slave, g gambling houae porter, faro dealer, an inmate of the eitv Workhonae, subsequently as incendiary State Senator, and at length the Lien ten ant Governor and acting Governor of tbe state. Hj.y3J-JjeAjLy f5jK?r i ASMBBaalBTy l B5 1 -mm- B i - A SUCCESSFUL CORPORATION. This Company Pol idea at a. low Company. every desirable aaany or travel. Haa a fixed two annual pay Its entire i Bp valaeoaall polidea after rU are loaned and inreatod Al HOME, ft wife, JnUa E (irahaau mm A hinder, Margaret Cflrw ing, Mary L. K rider Jaw. II K rider, Maria K rider Aaa M. K rider. Mellie B. K rider. Ham. Uai 8 Knder, Thin. W Mum oa. Kali. M M atria.. W Ultaaa Betkeeaad wife Sallie K Brthea, Robert N Fleming William K. Fleming. Sallie K K lew inf. Mar garetJ Flaming. Sal haa N Firm lag, KeWrU Flemhag, t herlea J TSemiag ami J alia G Flem ing. iMirmmmml STATE OF NORTH CAROLIA. ThdW Aae,af Jbam Ckmmtf ,mm9j RraBBrTcharVm C Kralar jiftat'.raham aad wim Jalia E. Graham. Ttomm A Knde. Mar-m.r-t f Kliin Umrw L Kridef. immf K rider, Maria Ender. Anne M KnHer " Katie M Merviaoa. Wlitiam Detfcm mi wilt Haiti. E Betbaa. Ewhmt 9 ruiiiias liam K Fleming, halli. E FlimlBS SSargaiw J Flamiac and Julia U K rider. J Bni, PWiouf.a th- Thirty day grace allowed ia pay moot of pre m AnS With them Carta Wore ll.em will the SAVE MfiNFY SAVE LABOR. SAVE TIME, BY USING TH E F A Ml of North Carolina continue to pey annually vrro rjrrtr fthonaanda opoa thowm.rli of dollar, to build Tf f dd Forvien Comnaaiaa. when thee cm, n mAl ran lifter It will tan vooT land better, It will make yoe better cropa. It will ga iBawraBee ia a Company eqnally reliable, and tm haaaVU In order, than bbv other Plow you have ever used. ever dollar' premium they pay be loaned and We will furnish yen Point, one year for one plow in ordinary land for on. Dollar. What da taviatii la our own Suae, and ameng oar own you pay yonr blackamith to do the aame on your ota-iaanioneo now i P"ut" KLITTZL 1 All w. mft y,U itTinlf yoa don't like it bring it back and yoor mcey mU . J- JJ NC be refunded to you. MUFFIN ATAYLOK Yfl WARRANT EVERT PLOW. Obb'L DbrX Agfa. Orwenebora K. C theft af thaw Bui to aleil. witkia lha time aperiied by law, mid Plaintiff will apply to tbe aw Bar taa rdtrfXmw-Wd Xsafhlftl ia thi. -nit imaaiwa. laeaet, A D. 1875. J M. OORAH. Ck rk B perior Coort Bow. Oswaty. OaSBBS PbkBL KriaW and Wbs.K. rTmjt IhLtT a mil William Bsbm E at ar near MaraWh ed- tat of this 8sau will BLACKMER ft H END KB 5. rrBiBBarsissr.M BaBBaBB-Bttaj-- "fct - arf . V, a f . alrtfir tit m rtmJht 1 .TJ2.t r -4:L . . I C ilarthfa.B-ftr BfS ' iBT