t Carolina Watcnman. OCA Li gKPTKMBER, 30. 'wfillibostering going on. pg.BALL till Tou can't rest, . r -. ..ral mnrninmi nsat. J'rrtiuor" . H eclip on the 29 tu a fraud. No more marriage for a month now. k,r hw sold his lt Watermelon at last. . I p., f. noke, was in the city on Tues- fiIibnry i ow one of th hlthl towns -the State. .-ko.lr kuows any news why don't .iff tell o. ni,l anybody hear it rain last Tuesday liiettt. Don't forget the Building and Loan next gasfti f,i81,t- Ami they keep cussing about the cow law t Hapyy " lne mn w" bath no cow. Res. J. Neifter took leave of his congre- tion ! 00 ,Mt 6nlbath. Our free ticket to the circus are all gone, so oone nwd PlllJr- Hare you read ( hrutiaii Reid's "A Ques- . . . t ..... 9 it : U ..i ,.r . i. :.if Honor, !" ui me U"" Ur. . .Divik Brmouol Court, commeroees at Mnckfville next Monday, old Mr. Cloud iu the Bo., Sullivan, Mock, Klutti, Graham, JfeCsbbins, Holmes, and Meroney, are all Ktrth Living in new goods for the Fall trade. TVr ;iy that wlipne was a pretty thing sure Bosch. We didn't get up in time, and it wouldn't wait on us, ao how could we interview kl Piimilm Lists. The Secretary has distributed twelve hun dred Premium Lists of the Fair up to this time. Old Brogden is Mill hatching over the ap pointment of the V. N. C. R. R. Commission er!!. Csu't tli'- Convention do something to help Vim out ? That rain last Tuesday night waa as if a lit tle dire of Nonh's flood, had come back to Knout around. We havn't seen anything like it fur the lant seventy five years. Special I'kemium. A .r.-i..l Premium of $25.00 will be paid to the individual exhibiting the greatest merito rtoiM annimals or articles at our next Fair. Wonders will never cease. This is writ ten with an "ink and copying pencil," which writes as permanently as inic, and copies euual to the best copying fluid. Theo. F. Klntiz bus it lien. Wade Hampton, has been invited ml is expected to be present and deliver an address on the occasion. We hope onr farmers, mechanics, and merchants, will all bestir them - islffj to make this Fair a grand success. There s more' square feet of lies in this town 1 .1 .1 1 1 .1 a . now, man mere uas ocen since tne last circus m here. By-the-wrty, Charlotte tajtes cir cuses one hundred dollars, and Salisbury only bmnly. Why is this, thus, oh, ye city fathers ? 8rEciAi. Rmvnv : We ak as a special favor, in the interest of (be public, of all preacher, magistrates and others, that they report to us all marriages and deaths coming under their notice. We just can't find out any thing by oorself. . - Robt. Format. Eaqr., of the AshevHle Citizen was in town thie week. ti m -f i j m m m Our Lrtnw and Orj Dead for October is received. It is a splendid Nona. It should be in every house, the State. We regret to lose Mr. H. Iff. 8oasaman. one of the best farmers in the county. Mr. fl. has gone to Mecklenburg. "Wanted A Brewer's Tub. Any person having a brewer's tub to disnose of would do well to all at this office, as early as eany as possible. Terrible rain storms have swept over the Gulf States. In Louisiana and Tnu. lives were loat and immense damage waa done to property. Person at,. Messrs. j. o. Dame, Southern Agent of Chesapeake & Ohio R. R and R. A. Jenkins Southern Agent of A. M. & O. R. R. called at I our sanctum this week we regret we did see them. sia : oMjioxu ii rLKAScsv club uur young men have organized a pleasure dab, which has by this time gotten into full sway. They have given two soirees, both of which were very pi easant affairs They will continue to give them during the winter. Some of the members aro rasro uoviccs, but under the instruction of our young friend. Mr. Ja. Wren, who is very competent to instruct them, they will soon be 1 1 A a a. a. . a - , , . . - - 3 nine to -trip rue ugnt lantasue toe" with , pei- fect ease Personal : Tom Evans of the Vieksburg Herald, and John B. Husgy, Eeqr. of the Statesvillfe Land mark, were in town on Tnesday last. Mr. J as. Mallard also of the Landmark was in the city on Wednesday last. He aaya he announcement of a huge living Giraffe elev en feet high; bUe bok, the Afriemn harte be. tie Gnu or wild homed horse, the wapi ti, the giant ostrich, all of whom are very rare and interesting animate. Also hone, tigers, elflS&an's, camete, hyenas, kangaroos eroekodilea, sacred cattle, gorillas, manatees, (first ever exhibited), koodoos. Yulturesi viaene varkes, baboons," is met a world of animals, birds, reptiles. Ace The gaMery of wax statuary will prove a eery interesting as well as orironal part of thwshow. The entire comninuity has rend of King Kalakua, Kiag Alphoneo, and the Beecher and Tilton scandaU Life sire rep resentations of lhve persons. will be fouud in me irallerv. . 1 he new invention, owe that will astonish everybody, is the Steam Man. Walks and runs unsupported; a mechanical marvel. Its circus bids fair to out-ri val an v estab lishment we have ever had, both in point of numoers and scale uf merit. -Many English artists, who have an excel lent European reputation, and who make their first appearance in America : Miss Minnie Marks, the srreatest female rider the world baa ever produced; ITIle K- 81 na Looke, with htr stud of Menace and dancing horses; MMle fioeiland. the beautiful character enoestnennet William O'Dale. the electrifying equestrian; A. YauZandt; who appears fur the first time in this country in nn extraordinary and origonal act, entitled the English Jockey's Pastimes.M th e srreat est achieveinent the world has ever kuown! Ai ram Marks, fester, the most versa tile ring uumonst living; Ueorga Adams, the panto mimic wonder aud king of the stilts; M'lle Jessie, slack wire eotiilihrist.- Ynutnr I.wn. the only rider who manages to ride aud drive nice horser; the Milton Jaspers, the three nyiug men of the air; Win. BatchHlor, chain pion leaper of the world: Mr. Abraham Van ant, Holland, Murray, Molenture. Long Davis, Hart and Kiee. the extraordinary gymnasts- Many other eelebritire are men tioned that we heve space to designate here . . . Kobert r reyer s troupe of trained animals A terrible story of murder comes from Queue, in Italy. A bqj was playing near the House ot a man named Urandi, and was eaticed bv him to eo inside, he a sturj thj other gfeildrs ware coeningi to play mere. Ur andi suggested that be should hide beneath the stairs, and sur prise them when they came. He accord ingly entered a dark place and lay down; Oraodi then seised bim by the throat, and tried to choke his cries with, earth. The little fellow is strong and hie at sailant is wpak and deformed. Thy sfrnggted, aud Grandi tried to sileuce him with blows ot seme weapon on the bead. H coulia. ued to cry, however, and a woman gave i.. i ri . i - - . ... mi; aiarin. xo uioee witu arrested I lie monster he only said that the boy had throwukatoneysa him. It appears that Gmudi' deformity was mocked by the ' ? 1 1 s a a ' a a' a . vintage eniidrwa. Many ooues have been j i i i , . ' iuuiiu ouried aoout me uouac, and some say an entire body. These are beinw ex Sk A . - ammed by surgeons. A grave, fresh dog, i . . ... . lay open under tne staircase, wtuch, there can be little, doubt, was meant for the res cued boy. Important Results Pie as an tly Achieved. Although the days of irrational medication are happiQiMiH away, ani intelligent phy V V i a . . a - - mm. - , siciana nasn rssare to .measure tne supposed efficacy of a remedy by the violence of its effects, there still linger among the older prac titioners a few of those preialections in favor of "heroic" -reatmen t . which it would be lucky Carolina Central Railway! L Co. tFFsaa Osatt ax SupsairrwinEST. i Waaait ingWa. I, C April 14. 1875. Change of Schedule, On and after Friday, April 16th, 1875, the trin will run over this Railway as follows . PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave WHminrtoa at..- 7.15 A M. Arrive at Charlotte at..., 7-15 P. M. Leave Charlotte at 1M A. M Arrive in Wilminctun at 7.00 P. M FREIGHT TRAINS Leave wltaiingtea) at, MV...M..64W P M Arrive at Charlotte at 6.00 P M Leave Charlotte at ..60 A M Arrive in Wilmington at AM A M MIXED TRAINS foave Charlotte at 8.00 A If Arrive at Jtuffaio at l-i M Leave Baffalo at I 30 P M Arrive m Charlotte at 4.30 P U No Trains on Bandar occept one freicht train that leaves Wilmington at 6 r. M-, instead ml on Saturday night. IT L: T 111200 s m I Books and areolars tallia THEO. F. KLUTTZ. le eV Retail Drag SALISBURY, N. C Whol PE0FIT OH U00 La Stack Privilesjsa fca a. "How M seat free. Addraas Baxtxa A to-, 17 Wall 8L, Kew York. "P8YUiOAUSLY,arH)tLCflAl How aitlMV era may factuai aad aia I , w- tawy or arr - sarnie free, by sastantly all cai Tab Connections- Connects at Wilmintrton with Wilmtnetnn Weldon, and Wilmington, Columbia A Angasta Railniads, Semi-weekly New York aud Tri weekly Baltimore and weekly Philadelphia Steamers, and the stiver Boats to Fayette vi He. connects at Charlotte with its Wei torn Di . . - . a m - won t bar from the mule race at the Fair, if His ponies do the '8ee saw." The riding he can get two or more editors to enter, who dog Kaliko lumps hoops, banners, bridges, will they be ? Let them speak out. we want to &c-. Tn J"' eclipse ail iu jumping with show the people bow fast newspaner men can their munfcy rider. The racing camels are r, m go, when they have a mind to. L it - u j mi ' I r Pii ii 1 1 1 1 1 o r iro rho naraila ears 1 1 aanno I . inumumuij iut; j'tii n'v will wasascvi Farmers Plow --We heard Mr. John L f!0 .D1 v7thin8 vf 1q I that ht-ku in A mjLm . . .....v....e it ml J t. a -r ' I w uuu su ."vuirnta uu tw tiio Lucacui unit . Hednck, one of the oldest and best farmers in Fourth rfr..ml.rii. ftrl . nl Rowan, say a few days ago that he plowed a will draw a music car a', the head, Then part of a field with Meruney's Farmer's Plow, appear the ladies aud gents on priceless and part--side by Ride with old fashioned steeds. Next the open lions den, their tamer shovel plow, and that the corn plowed with 8eted anng them, all of whom are exposed Meroney'r plow, b now ten iacAs. higher than T ""V atTLTJKMaS k. niU Xli k. Hr . igwi fAiuiuiwi wuwimu v viiivm 'iini Waa V iUCIUUCT BJ a lun for their patients if they bad abandoned. One vision. North Carolina Railroad. Charlotte A of these is a fondness for administering drastic Btateavile Railroad, Charlotte A Atlanta Air liine, ana cnariotte, Columbia it Aagaata Kail- ruad. Thu3 supplvinc the whole West. Korthwea and Southwest with a short and cheap line jo .ana a . t ue deaboara ana r-urope. 8. L. FREMONT. Chief Engineer and SuperinteudenU MayC. 1875. tf. eountry. Then Ziugra and his plate-glass ilen ot serpeants. the reptiles seen coning around aud about him, and obey every word of com maud. Terminating with the Parisian steam colliope, a monster musical instrument played by steam, aud drawn by 10 powerful horses. At the tent another srratuitous dis- Aug. 6. 3 mo. - US.-: Per canal. We had the pleasure of meeting Friday even ing last, under the hospital root of Mr. M. L. Houns, Enq., the venerable Dr. F J. Knox. of Stanly connty, whom we fonnd in fine health play is offered daily; at 1 P. M. a lady asceuds and spirit. He is now nearly 70 yeaxs of age. single wire 2ZU feet iu mid air from the Remarkably well preserved both physically and grmina to the top of the pavilliou, mentally, he is yet a cloaer observer of men wo "iou8 re giveu uauy, at i ana and things, and takes a lively interest in all Sftf S&fc 9Jt . fj, . . .. 11 tt , I ewp ww in mm amiiivwuo isc f o aisj vcu - tiiB current auairs mine mono, ne is joy efit of reduced fare on that dav. All in all a proud of r ranee, his native land, whose won- very pleasurable and memorable occasion derful recuperation from the effects of her late I uriH be the exhibition day. ! war. he was pleased to call "almost a mira-1 eic. I a.,,ci,rv. v r ot.i, a?K k.ALlODl i i , . v., oral, miin kui J $500 Premium. i . A resrular inertiua of the Board of Town The officers of our Fair Association it seems Commissioners waa held at the Mayor's ottice mnM ,,w. tl.on tl,orr Km p.r i no.l f.,r Tn I St d O ClOCK P. M. mi v fS' aiui u a uni uiv f uaiwi vu aw their Premium List they offer a $500 Premium for a trotting race in which three Present J. J. Stewart, Mayor, snd of the Board Commissioners, Mock , Snider. Parker. trotting race in which three or mote Vanderford. Bernhardt. MeX-eW. and Ken- horses are to enter all of which have to chow a uedy. fair record that they have trotted a mile in The minutes of the previous meeting were 2.30 or les. They offer this premium under read aud approved. . I 'ri. tl The Pair Work on the Fair Grounds atill continues. Nw mails will be erected to accommodate the lugely increasing entries of stock, and an ele- ant nee stand for the judges, and the band ia now being erected. Everything proui- i a magnificent success. T!ic hop giving in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hedrick, by Mrs. Dr. Reeves, at the Hoyden House on Tuesday evening last was an IKant aliair, snd reflected great credit upon the hostess. We'd have shaken a foot ourself, but had to get home and put the bady to sleep. And now they're getting all the children ready to go to the show-circus, and those who have no children are making arrangements to borrow some for the occasion. Of course the little dear must go to see the animals, and of nurte tomebotly must go along with them. Hatched at Last. We learn from the Charlotte 06ere,ofthis raorninp, tlut old Brogden has at last appoint ed W. P. Cannady, of Wilmington, the third OSSMMSaieaer on the W. K. C. R. R. The Ob- tnt r nays this ia the man who first mentioned tin t)A ; ,11 . m f a m - NwrninHM ior vice rreRiueni oi mo I'nited States.' Another instance of "the thrift at follows fawning " -Bio Crowd. From all quarters we have the most cheer ,nl tews about our next Fair. The Agrieul toraland Mtchaakal Departments will be full "P, and the biggest crowd that has ever been in Salisbury will be here. Our Hotels are already Winning to "spread themselves" to accomrno 'tlkem.and all we have to say is. "Let "oeorae! Who is afraid V rT IIOKSES. n . . .... account of the entries of fine horses at jr next Fair in our last issue, we are inform tG 1 1 w I try a - me necretarv, incorrect. There are wwm many already entered as we said. 9 come from five different 8utes and will ... i --nqoubtedly the finest exhibit of thorough- 7 iwt horses ever seen in Western North nl'inm. Colour Barber Rnn Mybt that dentka didn't get mad, likely he not. To orMk..i i:ii. -"vvw iihic Hiss uric ateiNj oeice, when one of them looked in and '. MULa, Sam herea a new barber shop - net up." "Yea,- said the other," aud ' a colored folk's baber shop too." sis wasn t mad, but he looked out cautiously l . wnether anybody was in hearing diatance, vtt commenceil his remarks. h Boneless Codfish juat ree'd at A. Pab os beM assortment of mountain Apples l. .. f t r CTj ''y Fresh family at Mackerel -nat a. Pamcer's. lo Sn'8 "M,ort'net of Prise Packages (from 1 00 just ree'd st A. Paaxf a's. ie impression that three such horses, would not be here, but it turns out they were mistak en, and there is no doubt that the $500 premium will be taken if all the horses come that have already been entered. Of course they will pay it if it is taken and our people will have the opportunity of seein the fastest trotting ever done in North Carolina. But "as we said before," they are rather blue about it. purgatives, such aft blue pill, calomel, jalap and caster oil. A contrast of the effects qI these drenching drugs with the mild and bene ficient operation of Hoatetteaia Stomach Bitterey is the very best argument that can be adduced against the wisdom of such destructive treat ment. The old fashioned cathartics convulse the stomach, and relax the bowels so abruptly and copiously as to weaken them. Hostetter,s Bitters, on the contrary, never gripe the intes tines, bnt produce a laxative effect resembling the action of nature. At the same time they remove the cause of constipation, by arousing the dormant liver to secrete the bile necessary to the regular performance of the excretive function, and enable the stomach to thoroughly digest the food. Indigestion and biliousness having been thus overcome, a regular habit of body is the necessary consequence, which the occasional subsequent use of the Bitters renders permanent. Every disagreeable symptom which, in the absence of perfect digestion and evacnat ion, harasses the system, vanishes un der the influence of the great national stom achic and alterative. Health and vigor are win blessings that follow its use. HOW TO CUBE FEVER AND AGUE. If any person suffering with r evkr and Aai K. Intermittent or Billions Fever will rail at the Drugstore of Theo. F. Kluttx, and get a bottle of AGUE CONQUEROR, their immediate cure ia certain, and the chills will not corns back during that season. It contain? no Quinine, Arsenic or other Poi sons, and after taking one-half bottle you will feel better in health than yon have felt perhaps for years. It entirely cleanses the whole system, purifies the liver and other sec etory organs. Price $1.00 per bottle try it. Ask your Drnggish about others who have used it. . " SALm&JURjL MARKET. Th Piedmont P res, HICKORY, N. C, Is the only paper published in Catawba County, and has an extensive circulation among Merchants, fanners, and all classes of business men iu the State. The Peers is a live, wide-awake Democratic paper, and is a desirable medium for advertising in Western North Caroliua. Liberal terms allowed u yearly advertisement. Sub scription 82.00, jo advance. Address "j MUURIL 6c THOMLINSON. Editors aad Proprietors. Piedmont Air liine Railway Tome chants, Keeoeii, xoiuur OldFolta, 8mokers, Pain ters, Farmers. Grangers, and Hiveryboav else. NV heaever you od anything ia the way UlUUoi MEDIC1NE8, PAINTS, OILS, - PERFUMERIES, DTE STUFFS SEEDS Jtc , If you want the best articles for the least saoaey, go to 1 Ks)lTTZ'8 DRUG STORE GARDEN-SEEDS! 10.000 papers warranted fresh and genuine fust reeahrad from Landretb, Boiat, Ferry, 'IPi sUsVulih"""1" & Bobbins, At 6 cents a Paper. Liberal discount to couatry merchants st KLUTTZ-8 DRUG 8TORE. Irish Potatoes. Hint. igsa asurst, etc. J T. WILLIAM A Co, mx snail, for ttreaty-eVre ?a plaskPaila. 4m. VALUABLE House & Lot for Sale ! J 3H r The House and Let oa the eaewee at Mat 5tJs?Mer tsoa era obtain U by calling om r oaf wtia either of ti ui Price ate a a Me. Alsa the awdaraifrned otare for als TOO or larxl Itim on the C. R. sL to mi Kami from Salisbury. TLI land eill be i lots if desire, Ala I0S acres eirkt saile bntr on the Beatio ford road. T.iit I nearly . . . . ammm. . . Tall vefl timbercsl sbd. rurtaws given oa appricatton. Helishnry, X. C. JOHN ST. MA UN FY, AmL for Dr. John L. Hi May IS. 1875-tf. F0aTXm IM IT. K-ery fesaily baye Mil. ffoldby AgenU. Addre, O. f. AL KKR. Erie P 25 aiaa, Rose, Goodrich A P less, Just RccstrKD at KLUTTZ8 DRUG STORE CLOVER AID GRAM 8EEDS. A largo stock , warranted Extrm denned, Fresh & Genuine, at low price at KLCl'rZ S DRUG STORE. I WATERS' B i rLrCuM,rMiUM C05CERTC0R0 TlrswrCeeSto mAr. Tht STOrulJxWa ah Ut Kit TO rr pkn ti i. m- SM tf wmmk S M' CBsaaisu sod; To Country Merchants I hare the largest stock of Drugs, Dyea, Grocers Drags Sec., in Western vmrnm wateiwm:1 f Ibr 11 I SI A oStvmsaTKAt. nl t i a i . isti oa ri A K M. a rsraa pi atinr w tok iwa Scale pianos Cararazr Nra. IIOH iSiijsjiffiH Richmond A Danville, Richmond A Danville R. W., H. C. Division, and norm western . u. u.. w . CONDENSED TME-TABLE in Fffect ea aad after laaiay, feat. 18th, isrra. PIANO- SI A 1)1. mrt MUMil -r aia yrmrm. FSatt KX TBKJfKI.V 6w ft rmm tw fwrtapra aasf w mlklr aaaj an a-mtt. n mmm OramBB t rrm atti mMSjtsssw Carolina, and am now prepared to sell at tit Sfs? . Waua irmi ai.r i w ra Baltimore Prices, thaa saving you the freight. Special attention to bot tling Ersences, Lstadacnm, Paregoric, Opodeldoc, Caster A Sweet Oil Ac. Write for prices, to THEO. P. KLUTTZ DRUGGIST? Salisbury, N. G. GOING NORTH. Corrected by MeCnblftBS. Beall, SandJulian - Buying Hates : Toasts and Sentiments. Health to Stewart, prosperity to the people, j and may our C onvention direct tbir endeavors to the public good, ratber than engage iu party distinction. Fidelity and may it be implanted in the breasts of our friend. May we live long and enjoy the providence of beaven. May our bosom ever be warmed with pity. May the tree of liberty flourish round the globe and every white man partake fits fruits. The committee on Public Scales reported progress. A-ie committee on the EiXecution of Bauk and Fisher Streets was continued. The Mayor, reported having purchased about 300 loads of old brick for street purpo.-es. Commissioners, Kennedy aud Bernhardt, were appointed a committee to have Pub ic CORN new 75 to 80; Well on comer of Fisher and Lee Streets, COTTON ll to 13 Repaired. FLOUR $2.73 to 3. The application of Win. E. Kestler. for a MriAIj 86-tn 90. renewarornrs license to retail spirttous and R ACON count llhn 11 -hns- ronnd PO TA TOKS Irish 0a Swcct75 to $1 E0G510 to 12lr STATIONS. Mail. Exrans. Leave Charlotte .... 9.16 ru mM mm " Air-Line J'nct'n 9.33 - 6 20 M Salisbury 11.58 " 8.34 " . Greensboro a 16 a at 10.65 Danville 6 08 1.18 r u ".Dundee 6 18 " 1 80 M BrkevilU 11 S5 8.07 Arrive at Hichmoad. 8.88 ru 8 48 " Housekeepers Supplies. Flavoring I tracts, Essence, Spieee, Gelatine, Mustards, Soda, Dye8tnff, Toilet aud Laundry Soap, Lye, Matches, Lamps, Kerosene Oil, Chimneys Ac, al ways on band of best quality at avLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. lOBACB Wherever it Has Been T&ZXD JURUBEBA For IwiiLaiie ail GeitltBL malt liquors., at his n d stanp at the Boyden blouse, was aiToved. Mr. T. C. McNeely, waa elected City weigher. Tiie following ordinances was then pro- uosed : Be it ordained by the Commissi oners of Salisbury that auy person or persons who shall create aud permit a nuisance within the corporate limits of said towu may be fined from one to fifty dollars; and two dollars a day for every day the nuisance remains after notice has been given the offending party or parties to have it abated. The Mayor, Commissioners Kennedy and Parker, were appointed a committee to pre- CHICKENS $K75 lo 2 per doz. LKD 15 FEATHER? new. 50. RYE a 90 to BEE SEW AX 28 tb 30. WHEAT -fl. to i;25 OATFS 40 to 45 BUTTER 20 to 25. DRIED FRUIT 5 to 8-; Blckbenriee,a 8 to 9. GOING SOUTH. STATION. Mail. Eimui. Leave Ricainnd .38 r a 6.08 a.m. " Burke vi le. 4.68 " 8 88 M Dundee 10.33 " I 14 r M " Dasville 10.88 " t.lT " Greeniiburo. 8.08 A a 8.68 " Salisbury. .... 6.88 " 6.16 " " A. r-Line J'nct'n 8.06 " 8.86 Arrive at Charlotte... 8.38 am 8.48 M Fine Perfumeries, Elegant Soaps, Cos ties, Soaps, achous, Toilet Sets, Yasee , Hair, and Teeth Brashes, Pocket Books Ac, m endless variety at KLUTTZ S DRUG STOtE. has catabliahed itself a a perfect regulator aad sere remedy for disorder ot the syKtrm arudng from improper action of the Liver aad Bowels. ITI8K0TA PUTSICbut.byetiBcnlaucg tne secretive wgaas, gently and gradually removes all.icipariUrf'and regulates sTsaesa. It isotJa orcToera arrrBas. br VEGETABLE TONIC ir'.icb assists digeotioa. srdt! tioMt Inta the appctftafor food reccsirj tc nu ;gnr :'s the vrenkened or laactivr '.. . .'..'.ui d p'.ve trrngtb to all tbe vital f ic-i It i imiEi m s t " r v r vT' . ! o "' . S the larre sad repsn ram ut . ui4.4' Price One Dollar a U ttlr . k a for a Joubstwb HoLUTAi a. co. I Wholesale AgenU. adually the n. n is a m T tt. Cigars 1 yon Say ? ,8,- Oh yes, we have them at all prices For Coughs, Colds Hoarseness AND ALL THOAT DISEASES, Use WELLS1 CARBOLIC TABLETS. PUT UP ONLY IS BLUE BOXES. A THIRD AJTD 8TJRE RMRDY. liOl.NU EAST. May tbe meanest American acorn the highest pare a p, 9t 0f charges for weighing uo slave. May we kiss whom we please, and please whom we kirn. Our country and mav it continue to be the land of liberty to the end of the world. . Riches to the generous and favor to the merciful. Relief to all oppressed and distressed. May the friends of Democracy come to the gallows, to see their enemies hanged. ! the Public Scales. The Mayor. Commissioners, Meroney and Yanderlord were appointed a ooinmitte to examine Fulton St., near the residence of Commissioner Vanderford for the W A T N E D. 1500 Oak or Cedar Polls. did i IS " 4 DAVIDSON COLLEGE. The Executive Committee cf tbis College met yesterday. Trof . Thornton, who has bad cbanre of the Departments of Greidt and Ger man, tendered his resignation, with tbe view of accepting the chair of Applied Mathematics I One by ' ' n the University of Va. This election to that chair is a very high compliment to so young a man; and the Committee not wishing to oppose bis desire to accept a place, where he could prosecute bis favorite science, released bim. Prof. Robt. L. Harrison, was appointed to in struct Prof. Thornton's classes in Davidson College for the yeai. The Committee were very fortunate in securing such a desirable sub stitute. Prof. Harrison is a son or the distin guished Prof. Gessnor Harrison, of the Univer sity of Va-, and took bis degrees at that Institution. Davidson College has now ninety students. with others still coming in. The prospects of the College are very good, the professors are all j at their posts, and the student diligently at work. The Great Hew York and New Orleans Zoological and Equestrian Exposition. As wilt be seen by an advertisement in onr nunar to-dav. this immense institution ex hibit in Salisbury. Friday Oct, 15th, It comes most favorably noticed by the press in other cities. By a review of the advertise ... u v..:i a ot bmUltnc a culvert or to do such work as in their indsrement is deemed necessary to direct the water at that point in its proper course. The following hills was then passed and ordered to be paid : One by R H Vanderford Police service for epU $30.00 Onebf " ' for killing 5 dogs 125 . . m removing dead carca ses 10 I want to make contract with some one to purpose jeiiTer 1500 oak or cedar polls 10 feet long and from 5 to 8 inches in diameter. J.J. STEWAT. STATIONS. Leave Greensboro.. " Co Sbopa .... " Baleiffh o Arr. at Goldboro'... 4 r-1 8.08a a f r " 4.80 I i. 11.80 a al a i I I looryr. arsBT. Mail A. Arr. 1.48 a 0L'v188O a a m IT6U0r M from 2 cents to 25 cents, and ihem by tbe bos at jobbers prices, out celebrated 5 Ctnt PEC 1 LI V H CIGAR is acknowledged tbe best in tbe rorld at KLUTTZ S DRUG 8TORE. . , -v r . 7 ,. j Cin Sell 1 t-? -, t iV? , ... -. r ,1b rl m PURE WINES A LIQUORS for medical and church purposes always on baud at KLUTTZ'8 DRUG STORE. Mrs. Josephine L. Nkave has permaturely located in Salisbury, and solicits pupils for thorough instruction in Piano-forte, aud the German language, and after an experi ence of over 22 years as a teacher in first class Collesres, and in large cities in compe tition with the best music teWchere. she feels satisfaction. -v . l rr "vr T7 1 . r f. J"'1 c,"8,0 confident that shecan give her patrons enUre .4 . 4 tor killing 4 dogs l.taj E K James making Bridge 6.00 haaliug 170 loads rock 85.00 SeptaJ.w-tF 3r days hauling gravel 6.50 ! Bingham A Co., 1 well bucket 1.25 2 kegs blasting pow der , 10.00 One by Y G. Englebert, Sexton, service for Sen. 5.w One by M L Holmes, interest on bond 76.00 " JoS Ballard, for sharpening street tools 1-70 One by David McLean log days hauling gravel K.WJ Total amount, $333.30 On motion : The Board theo adjouoed P. B; KENNEDY Clerk. ment we nreceive it comes by RaiL using 60 freight cars to transport it from point to point Has an innumeiable number of dons, cages, wagons. A., to contain its animals, ennoai tW Wtrair. dec. It reouirea and uses a "city of tent8,, (so to express it) for exhibi- . .v.:.t. niikt iin hrilli&Mt- iy lit up with gas that everything is discern aide as in dav. Anion? the animals enntuer a ted are "monster living Alaska Sea Lions, exhibited in maminothaOM morning w oar rela of sea water." This will truly be anov ol airh t. as they are tbe only ones alive out side of tbe Paeifis Oceaa. We notice the B O Y DEN ' - - W&a SALISBIRY, i. C. H O U 8 E fcMaa. Da. Reeves, Proprietress. v.o.m. ( Sat. km Drakch. ) Leave Greensboro 4.80 r U Arrive at Salem 8 18 " Leave Salem 8.40 a a Arrive at Greenaboro....... 10.88 " Fasaeager train leavinr Ralelgb at 8.18m connects atGreenaboru' with tbe Northern bound traia-, making the quickest time to all northers citiea. Price ol Ticket sataa aa via other routes. Trains to and from point EaeC of Greeaaboro conueel at trnaboro with Mail TnUas to or from points North or Booth. Two Trains daily, both ways On Sundays Lvnchburjr Accommodation leave Richmond at 900 A a , arrive st Barkevilie 1848 e a, leave Barkevilie 4 88 a a , arrive at Rich mend 7 88 a X No Change of Cars Between Charlotte aad Richmond, 282 Miles. Papers that awe arrangements to advertise the schedale of tbis company will please print as above. For farther Information addre qa 8 F. ALLEN. Oen'l Ticket Agent.. Green a bo re, N C TUB T.ALCOTT, Bogiaser 4 Coal laaartateadsat Astral Oil 50 cents per i i a . . .. .tmF. gallon at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. True. In tbe course of bis lecture on The The lprietress returns her sincere thanks to the traveling public tor their liberal patron age white idle waa connected with the Nation al Hotel. Not having room enough at the "National" Co accommodate her guests properly, she ren ted the BOYDEN HOUSE, and she feels satis fied that she can now accommodate her guesta comfortably, and in the very best style, in thin newly furnished house, with all the modern improvements. ' Passengers going up the w. iv c. Kai Bead Attorneys, C ounselors from the East, take Breakfast at the BO DEN HOUSE. iLinrs PIL Only 25 cents mm arv K B. FOOTE, M.rx, f aasaww mt nsaa bVmm TU. MlWa) 0n" 8iMa Crvtvtae Wney ea4Siaag m WLiMUtJ Tin Casiala. mm tm wtmj L S. a uo MKRCURIAL Or tH-aHrriaa. Jmn natvl. He W. !-' t orrfollr reoor4i vWShar taey m mm- .bow-' jt ' r. 145 lcir r ta prwa, or try l& l :f LMner aii Hsnflerson, Jnly 15 Im. IMPORTANT TO CONSUMPTIVES. Problem of Life "at Port Jervis, Wed- pirst 03 and Billiard 8a- nesaay evening 01 last woea , Aneooore 1Jon connected WiU lb(5 HOUSE. 1 uton utterea tnese sounas ana irutuiui words : There wee a Jay when woman was considered to have no soul, when she was regarded as the incantation of sin. To day it is better, it is true, bat let a woman become tainted by improper intimacy with this or that man, and she is undoubt edly ostracised and despised, while ber destroyer goes free and is honored. The problem .of fife requires a diffeieut state of affairs, and in this step woman most require men to bo as virtuous, as delicate, as noble as men require women to be. Tbis will help settle tbe question of tne 'problem of We," and Solicitors. SALISBURY, Jf. C January 22 1874 tt. Cheap Chattel Mortgages, aad c : her various blanks for aalebera CRAIGE k CRAIGE. ATTORNEY Al LAW AKD A Gentleman having been so fortunate aa ta cure his son of Consumption in its worst stages after being given up to die by the most celebra ted physicians, desires to make known the cure (which provea successful in every case) to those afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and all Affections of the Throat snd Lungs, and will mod the Recipe, free of charge to all who desire it, if they will forward theirre-foiraiEi. Aptaiz, Liberty 1 1af iJ Bcp,. JBly 29, a box t Warrranted or money refunded After years of ex peri men ting, I have at last found the Ureal Remedy for Chills, Fewer Ac Ague, Arc , aad can confidently recommend it to my friends and the public. Try 1l TEAS. Finest Teas in the mark ets Put up in air tight, lib cans, 26 per cent less than usual Prices at KLDTT'S DRUG STORE. Is short w heaever yes want Prases Ip-. 1 3iltf ttsTs it Bonhrnptrp. E0W II7ALID8 AT A DltTI AS lavali U eX Aymm-m on Li viki infk .1 "-ri Aii at iMKirm ictttbu umih m frcs, tm to est 4VVf444 arLt trm All Oumm caui-4ste luvu c ia orri-s. oa bt . Dm. s. b. roofi, a. ISO Lssiaftsa Avs,S.T. rJtmmr.mAmik 8JSSB8 Ssnm.Aia0 tame in fttpry. asssnslfaawsfiqiyiTO JMjtxIrd t0 JtD o Mdid Cm KurHar or send to f r af ff ta, f SpeciHl attention pale! to proceed I THEO. F. ELUTTZ, Darosifft ;- --- r t z 1 Oalissost, B". C. Ui D:rfir's Tsale Sewsl aaS Kit FOk. MaiisMaai ui wa. jvwti' mtatimm . lnc-4m- IS. Mt ci mi am aSam lias SS tws aaw ST mMmm BClCRASsBT. Paa04T. 03 Bass Asaa 8sw To Cm. iBi latsasa sf liens carefally prepared, or need anything Dr- SxJ4sLlwJ usually k-pt iu a First dost Drug Htorc, rv., t ysswes snd want to be certain of getting just ' . JtXmfwr' what you call for, and . of being politelv mVjViJTwjmm.fm m j as4 SasaI and, promady served. Be satej 8 oa UJTstrV. ra. aw MI4U r suraao ..aiiitai i a ft .4 mn waJl a 1

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