Carolina Watchman. Oystcrt. Bussed is the man wbo LOCAL. forgets not ye local, for his deeds shall not be foreotten. We are indebted to Mr. Tbos. H. Vander- ford, for a lut of very fine oysters, the first of the season, one day last week, and hereby tenoer our thanks for the same. Mr. Van- talk of the erection of i Catholic drfrd will keep a supply throughout the season. OCTOBER, 7. Some church here. Rt H v. Bishop Atkinson, of the Episcopal , will make his annual visitation to St tZ 'p " u,e I8lh of October' inRt The Pair. The stall privileges at the Pair Grounds have been rented as fullows : Por eating hous'. Win N T V 1 te w" " oo- rriee. n old Mechanic's Hall, . Ml . - - niooth- , I win oe converted into an eating house this . m. I Tear, and all will 1m ahl nKtin rr.A nnN'T r, I l1 ... . .. t I . MIMMmu Ut.. 1 i .1- SffNi t help iwsiug biu!wjb ai i .., ituvui iotiu( uie gruuuus- TheT ahow pictures as they latSunJ' Miit t I hiiri-h iriorai Mall. Mr. James Wren, and Mies Maria Rutiedgp. . nJi Vnve. 1 WUI nave exclusive control of Floral Hall dur " i inrnnrnnTt Va!r nn1 fivi.;i.;i,... i L.,K-.r lmvi nilSl If own ax n -iu.n iiiny ieiv I. II ,,,,,. ....- , . . . ... ... , . ... . . . arwcieu in ims ae pertinent uispiayeu to the very best advantage. The well known TW City on Circus Companies .from 20 to 75 dollars Hit 'em again. tatjUj 0f the and genjjejm above referred i). Craven preached inthe FirvtJMeth I U is a sufficient guarantee that everything in odist church, here, on last Sunday night We their department will be an fait, and we hope hsve heard the sermon very highly spoken of, to ce Floral Hall crowded to overflowing with but failed to obtain a report of it. "North America and Africa." Just issued from this office a little book by Dr. John F. Foard, of Olin, Iredell co., giv ing in a very brief manner, some of the histo rical points of North America and Africa; and designed to show that the one is peculiarly well adopted to the white man, and is, therefore, the white man's country ; while the other is as pe culiarly well adopted to the physical character of the negro, and is, therefore, the black man's country. The author insist that this ordinance of the Almighty should not only be distinctly recognized, but that heroic efforts should be made to conform to it. That the negroes in the United States should be sent back to their native land by the government at the Repub lic's expense. He alsoinsists that slave-holders shonld be in some measure, at least, indemni fied for the loss of their property by govern ment emancipation ; that to despoil a commu nity of their property by force or violence as was done to the South, is a crime and such an one as no government may perpetrate with impunity while an avenging Ood ever rnles the sffkirs of men. Altogether, the book is readable, and somewhat in advance of the times For sale at the Book Store. the handiwork of the ladies of North Carolina. Never been to tiie Circus. There is sd ually one man in .town wbo has never Been to a cirens in his life ! Who I would have thought it! public Scales W "S. C, R. It. Cannady, Hull ins and Pearson. Brogden's appoiutees cs Commissioners for the W. N. C. R. R. met in Morganton on Friday last. Col. S. McD. Tnte, whs unanimously elect- WouluVt it be well for the city-fathers to etl Commissioner on the part of the Stock elect a weigher who lives in town, and who could be found when wanted, occasionally ren ! To be Finished. We have it now on lugrRadical authori ty that the V. N. C R. R. will br finished just two weeks before Gabriel blows his horn ! No sort of doubt about it. Returned s We arc clad to see at home again our es teemed fellow-townsman, Luke lllackmer, Esq., vho has just returned from Saratoga. Mr. B. ix looking very well. Turner's Almanac For 187 ia received. This Almanae comes nearer meeting tho pnblie want than any rub Imbed. It contains a storo house of informa tion Address James II. EiinUa, Bookseller, Uiiloigb, N. a Court House : We are glad to learn that the County Com missioner, will shortly have some necessary and long-needed repairs made to the Court House, they're clever fellows, but a little pinching every now and then, helps them ansa z ngly. The improvements to the Royden House, are now taking definite shape, and show that the mw front, when completed, will make this one of the handsomest hotel buildings in the South The elegant iron cornice at the top has been out in oowition. and is really beautiful. A I will lo completed in lime for the Fair. New Goods. Meroney's new poo!s have arrived and aro n w on cxhibit'on His stock is ss u.-ual tasty And complete, especially in Heady made Cloth ing of which be ha the largest avd best and withal the cheapest assortment that has been Lrongbt to this market for year.-. Ms. , Madam Parque : The Char. Observer, learns that this self fIj led "Haytien I,ectures" colored rival of Anna Dickenson, Ac., Ac, baa been committed to jail in Morganton for brutally beating her child, po that its life is despaired of. And she is a fair specimen of the reformer, whom the Massa ehusetts yankees, send to enlighten the colored people of the South. holders, which completes the Commission Mnj. Rollins was elected temporary chair man and Superintendent. About one hau dred and forty and four thousand (more or ess) huiigry applicants for office were on hand, as leading Radical lights had announ ced that a sweeping change was to be made but they were all doomed to disappointment. Not a single change was made. The Com mission then adjourned .o meet in Salisbury on the 19th of October. IMPORTANT TO CONSUMPTIVES. A Gentleman having been so fortunate as to cure his son of Consumption in its wool stages after being given up to die by the moat celebra ted physicians, desires to make Known tne cure I wnicn proves successini in every case; to inoae afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis Cough, Colds, turns COLUMN. The Great Anti-Periodic The certainty and promptituda with which Hostetter's Stomach Bitters conquer the most obstinate cases of malarial diseare, and the complete protection which they afford the system against the miasmatic poison which impregnates the air of low-lying, -marshy lo calities, stamp them as the foremost of A men- can anti-neriodics Wherever on thin conti. I I . . . ilia tr . rr nent Tever and ague la a regular viaitant-in i-onwimpiion, ana an "nections th Ktfm iiTw.w. a,H lnd Lungs and will send the Kecipe, free of " ' charge to all who desire it, if they will forward ings and mining districta of tho West, and in their address to DANIEL ADEE, S3 Liberty all localities in the Eastern and Middle States ( St., piew York. where malaria prevails, the Bitters are rocoe Juv u-mos- nixed as the only true specific for the disease. and its most reliable preventive. They m rA!in rnn-ol D.ilm... I m w . l a tt moreover, a safe and agreeable as well as V-Ciiu ai nailrTdJ JLO JH V-L" H b S BLOUS THEO. F. KLUTTZ. Wholesale A Retell Drug; gM9 SALISBURY, W. U. AGEMT8 WANTED for Dr. MARCH'S NIGHT 8CEiK8 IN THE hi- BCF, andisSfMssft NEW B0Myatsa Preaa. Addreas J. a McCCBJDY A CO. Philadelphia Pa. 4w. 61,200 PROFIT ON tlOO W Ik a A .IS u aavsHsa la Stock I'rivi leges in Wall W. Books and Circnlars telling, How 'tis dome," aent free. Address Raits A Co Psaasj 17 Wall S New Yora. 4m. MP8 YCHOM A NCY, r HOU L CH A RM t NO How either act may fsadaat d f ia the lore and t Section of any person they choose Instantly. Thi simple, mental acqnirrraent all caa poansa, free, by rnai I, for twentv-iva cenit, together witn a marriagr ruiut , y Oracle, lrcam. Hints to ledie, W igbt hhint, Ac. A queer book. A We give-below a list of Marslialls for our coming Fair : Chief Marshall. W. H, Crawford. Assistants : R. E. Miller. Mocklenburtr. S. Greir, Cabarrus. J. McC Henderson, do Yadkin. Davidson, do J. A. Lillington, Wilmot Leach T. Thompson, John Lyerly, Joo. Dean, J. F.Ttoss, JL Mallard, J. G. Bynuui, Salisbury. N. C. Oct. 5th, 1875. A call meeting of the Board of Town Com mission. T8 was held to-day : Present J. J. Stewart, Mayor, and of the Hoard Commissioners;- Parker, Merouey, McMeely. hmder. and Kennedy. - On motion. Resolved, That so mnch o ordiuauoe XVII as relates to Circus Compa nies, be and is hereby amended as follows, strike out the word twenty and insert in lieu thereof the rd seventy-five, to reail as follows: That all Circus riders or Enues trian performers. Exhibitors of Artiticia Curiosities of any sort or kiud except models of useful inventions, for a reward, and Ex hibitors of natural curiosities, shall pay the sum of seventy-five dollars Town tax, for each and every person or company, who may so play or perform or exhibit within the limits of said town, or within one mile of the limits of said town. The amendment was adopted. Salisbury, N. C. Oct. 2nd 1875 The following list of prices "have been estab lished by the Board of lown Commissioner for weighing on the pnblie Scales: Cotton per bale 15 cts. Hay & Fodder per bale 10 " Drove Hordes 15 cts per bend. " Cattle 10 " " " u Hogs 5 u " " " Sheep 5 M u " One hprse wagon loaded 20 cts. Two 30 Three " M " 35 Four " " " 40 No additional expense for re-weighing emp ty wagons. P. B. KENNEDY, Oet7-lrao. C. B. C certain remedy, and on this account are im measurably superior to the preparations of quinine, arsenic, bUmutb, and othc-r mineral poisons mistakenly administered as curatives for maladies caused by miasma, and which if persis ted in work irreparable injury to the con- siuuiion Unfortunatelv. fover and acne, and" th orhr febrlie complaints generated by miasma, are not the only evils which result from it. A great vanety of disorders are superinduced by the iritat ion which it causes. Amtng these are neuralgia, rheumatism , goat periodical headache, palpitation, paiuful affections of the spicen, and various derangement- o ' the stom- ,!, Hfl . t I I - . :itja irareaoie 10 uiuittna, tne above Co. Office G exeu.vl Scnai rmrDEST. Wilm'mgton, N. a April 14, I -75 Change of Schedule, On and after Friday. Aonl lth. 1W5. the trains win run over this lUilway as follows . PAS8ENGER. TRAINS. ach. affections are apt to assume like the disease Leave Wilmington at 7-15 A M which originated them, an Intermittent tove: I Arrive at Charlotte at 7. 15 P. it that is to say. they recur at reenlar intervab- Ieave Charlotte at 7.UOA. M Hostetter's Bittern, however. obviatei them Arrive iu Wilmington at 7.00 P. M all. by banishing the miaematio virus Iroin the! . sysiem . XAXiXunxXAAXSig Leave Wilmington at 6.00 P If Arrive at Charlotte at .6.00 P M Leave Chtirlotteat 6.0' A M G KEEN'S AUGUST FLOWEIT keepers. TTbiuig Folks. Old Polks, Smokers, Pain ters, Farmers Grangers, j x ij a ana Averyooav eise. Whenever yon need anything in the way o4 MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS. PERFUMEBIRS. DYE STUFFS SEEDS fee, If you want the best articles for least money, go to KLUTTZ S DRUG STORE. the psia and Liver Complaint or any derange-) M1XEU TRAINS pepsi I . 1 1 it I ... tl.A .-J n . , .. mcuk me uiiesuve oigHiis, ancu as auur Stomach, Sick HHadache, Habitual Coetive ness. palpitation f the Heart, Heart hnrn. Water-brash gnawing and burning paii.s at the pit of the Sumach, Yellow Skin. Coated Tongue, and disagreeable taste iu the mouth. - Jk. . . - coming up oi roou alter eating, low spirits. T. WILLIAM A Cb, Pnba, Phils. 4w. House & Lot for Sale ! The Hones and Lot on the corner a Mala and Dank St, reonllv ocrtipi-d by Mrs. Aa n, U offered Cor sale, tbie is asaoaf tbe a valuable property in Oafiahasy, aad b venientlv Mtusted in the bnaJnii rart f the tova. Pmns deairina furtlier lion can obtain it by calling oa or ting with either of taM Price Re awonablr. Leave Charlotte at 8.00 A M Arrive at Buffalo at I M Leave Buffalo at w. . 12.30 P M Arrive in Charlotte at 4.30 P M No Trains on Sunday eccapt ono freight train &rc;, to put off from day to day baying sn that leaves Wilmington at O r. iustead uf article that they know has cured their ueieh-1 on Saturday nieht. GARDEN SEEDS. 10.000 papers warranted fresh and genaine just received from I.vidrt t h, Huist, Ferry, Briggs, and Johnson. & Robbins, At 6 Cents a Paper. Liberal discount to country merchants at KLUTTZ S DRUG STORE. Alan I ln nniUnirnj.1 .fT. r f.. mm I TOO or land If tag oo the . C. B. R. two sail Eaat from SalUbary. This lead will be aeUba loUif deaired. Also 103 acre- eight miles Was Croat Salb burr on the Reatira lord road. Tula is a sail I all well timbered mod. Fartbat iaJbrataiiua given on application. Tei ms reaannable. SalWairy, X. a loiiv tw iiiitv-r i for 1. John L. Il May 13,1875-tt FORTUKE IN IT. rerv raaallr fit. Soldby A genu. Addrvaa, U.S. WAL KKK, Erie Pa. 4 on Saturday night. Connections. bor, friend, or relative, yet they have no faith until it is too late. But if you will eo m r mi - . . . t your urnggist. 1 ne. r. Klnttz, and iretl Connor-tn at WilmimHnn with TTilmin-tnn A- a lMttle of Green's August Flower yonr Weldon, ami Wilmington, Columbia A Aujruur immediate cure is certain as you live, f-am-1 Railroads, Senu-weekly New York ami Tn pie Bottles of this medicine can be obtain ii ii Catawba. Rowan. Rowan. Iredell. Burke. for 10 cents to try its superior virtue. Regular size 75 cents. Try it, two doses will relieve any case. DIED. At the house of her brother Thus. A. Pat terson of Iredell conuty N. C September 27th, 1875. Miss Ami Patterson, aged 79 years and 1 1 days. The above was the last, but one of ten children born and raised in what is now Back Creek neighborhood or congregation a. . JT I V M on a plantation uouirlit aboutthe ve-r Snrn- fieamcmt teen huudied and hfty by iheir grand father. who came to tluscouutry from Ireland some weekly Haiti more and weekly Philadelphia Steamers, and the River Boats to Fayetterillc. Connects at Charlotte with in Wutteru Di vision, North Carolina Railroad. Charlotte A Statesvile Railroad. Charlotte A Atlanta Air Line, and Charlotte, Columbia A Angusta Kail Toad. Thus supplvins tho whole Went, Northwo t and South wefct with a short and cheap line to the Seaboard and Europe. 8. L. EKBMONT, Chiof Engineer and Superintendent. May 6, 1875. tf. Irish Potatoes. 25 bbls, Rosa, Goodrich & Pkkr- JUST RCCETVBD AT KLUTTZ-8 DRUG 8TORE. Air Line Railway A Superb Walking Cane. The friemls of the Hon. Win. A. Smith, Receiter, on the Western N. C. R R.,- are going to cane him. and for this u p se sent Dear Doctor. I tune previoas to that date. Thisgestnte hsa Th.nor.mnl, vo,. nd m from tha Vortl. Wn f that family up to aboat .. I two years sgo. It has sinee been sold for v,aroui.a paper i, o. course, a norougn mis- partition among tho lirs at law, and Robt. representation omaiKwho know-me ,er- KnoXi 5en became the purchaser. ruomij i-iii weaieve 11. j never auumReti r rw i mL , e ,t i r i , id.ntGrant a personal compliment in public . Te grand father almve referred to lived nrinnrivnta inmv lifh. I navor m.d f.v v" '"r "friy one nun, lied. 1 USVO perattntl remarks to any public man on Ban- Mf11 and nine of the grand ehil- day Wliile conducting church service. One) '"a uveu to tne age of from i) to oil. The sec day the President of the United Slates oue now suryiviug is near 70 and gets about came to tne euntav school assembly, '" hihh some oi our young men. Q in h-m A JaV Tlonxn lln T tahaa- A nvuiuvtiu w 4ram faUWi AAVlialVUU VJC Danrille S. W., N. C. Dmaion, and North Western N. C. R. W. CONDENSED TME-TABLE Ia iffaet sa and afUr Sunday, fspt. 16th mm CLOVES AND ORA88 SEEDS. A large stock, warranted Extra cicaned, Fresh & Genuine, at low pi ices at KLUTTZ S DRUG STORE. W ATE 18' ( ONCEBTO01fl J; . timer J , (, titntM Sa w at a r all the way to Raleigh, t Mr. a silver under the charge of a christian miuitcr born All o( the family were noted for their piety. Smith of that place, to make up the iustru- n Alabama, and who hud been the President's I industry, eeonoiny, aud neighborly kiud ment for that purpose; and he h:ta filled the r : T S , " ST!S , neM t i reception. 1 was urged to do so until refnsal aaaa order to perfection, having got up the most would have been indecent and not to be ex- magnificent walking cane we ever saw. It I plained. In that address tlc absence of all GOING NORTH. SALISBURY MARKET. Z 5 mmJ I t 1 .... . is ebony, with gold inonn tings, bearing tl,e c ,mp.m,e. i was consp.cuous ana remnrKeu. a v.orrecled by WUubbiD3, lleall. and JtflNn following inscriptions : "Presented to Hon. told him that there were those on both sides iu the latewnr who had died m the futh and out I the of whose souls all animosity had that Buying Ibifcs passed, hut CORN new 75 to 80. !I?-1J . i 1 . This is a spontaneous " T "V1 T , y M1wf,CQme (J( )TTf)N - 1 1 to 13 1 him tn honvrn li mil. ri-nir i,i ,.r thai nmio i w-mw ' v i i i i v vai-w lviitvtii- vi ioih ii-oo, I 1 I I 1 I I Win. A.Smith, by the working men of VV. N. N. O. R. R." offeiing from men who have come in frequent midd ,.niPr there whose 'k.Iips uorr not wI,pH LOU k S2.7j to 3 and close associa'ion with Mr. Smith, for a in the blood of the Lamb. I M r.A L So to 90 long time, and will doubtless be very highly . ThAe "'ta,;f pcech ss quote, by BACON -county) 12.V to 14 - hoe roun appreciated bv him. Si! AGfu! POTATOES -Irish 90a Swee.75 to $ a a m T aswnia . ouwiui vi ih,ii j a a ivs aaJ j Maryland," and praised as "fearless" and (1 S 1 Farmers Plow : We heard Mr. John L Hedrick, one of the oldest and best farmers in Rowan, say a few days ago that he plowed a parte a field with Meroncy's Farmer's Plow, sod part side by side with old fashioned shovel plow, and that the corn plowed with Meroney's plow, is now ten inches higher than the other. Moral : buy Meroney's Plow. JAng. 6. S mo. Eyery Word of It: We vouch for the truth of every word of Walton A Roes' advertisement, which appears this week. They arc right straight up and down business men, and will do just what they aay. Mr. Ross, who is one of our most enter prising and reliable merchants, has just returned from the great markets, where be purchased a fine stock for the (all trade, which buyers would do well to examine. '"Fair Week Daily." The marked acceptability of the "Fair Week Daily," of 1874, has made a demand for it this J ear, ami it will accordingly make itsnppearance os the morning of the 19th iustant. It will be pecialiy devoted to the occasion, and present very item of current interest to the pliblic. It will be freely distributed and carried away fr and near, and will therefore be a first rate advertiftinK medium. A limited amount of space will be given to this purpose. Dedication: Lebanon (Methodist) Church, in Franklin township was dedicated on Sunday last, Rev Dr. Craven of Trinity College officiating. An immense congregation was present, and all the exercises very solemn and interesting. Dr Craven preached two of his very best sermons, nd fully met the high expectations of al present. Lebanon is a handsome new church, Pointed withia and without, and handsomely fitted sad furnished: It was built mainly trough the penoaal exertions and liberality of " worthy Wlowwjitixen, Dr. M. L. Chunn Am-iementf for Fair Week. The Salisbury Silver Cornet Band and Dramatic Club have united themselves. we understand, and are now preparing music and plays for the amusement of visi ton and citizens during fair week. They nave made some valuable additions to the ge. comprising the best talent in the city hk forward for aqnietbing rare and '""J We have notTorgotUjii "Jumbo Jum ua the good stvle iu whieh it wan rendered Ourehib can giva as g.od, if pot a better VrtaiBineot than the troupe that occupied ' hut fair, so we can safely promise ran boose for them. Marriage Licenses issued during September WHITE. Jno. S. Brown to Sarah C. Miller Chas. Pame Be tie Baadnger. QdumbtM K. Wyatt Amanda R. McCombs. Wm. F. Simpson Martha Beaver. Benj. C. Yost Catherine Yost. Wm. T. Lanoing Caroline Smith. 1 COLORED. Jerry C. Johnson to Mary Locke. Wm. Chnnn Estelle Mosely Stokes Turner Matilda Neely. George Flemming Rachael Locke. Tbos. B. Henderson Lucy Davis. John Odom Scylla Holmes, Saml Rice Meloria Ervin. Thirteen couples ia all, and the blacks one ahead. This is a startling state of affiairs, and should put the patriot who ponders upon the probabilities of the future, to studying. "Christian." It is mortifying that any man in North Car olina should be capable of such an attack upon one of his fellow citizens, who has devoted the most of his life to the interests of the State ; nevertheless 1 am still proud of being called a North Carolinian. I do no reply to such newspaper attacks, but you can do what you please with this letter. Yours faithfullv, CHARLEY J. DEEMS. Jury. The following persons have been drawn as jurors for the first week of the next term of Rowan Superior Court. Jacob Casper, Henry Brown, J. A. Smith, Peter M. Walton. Jas. Smith, Davil Hoff man, Wm. C. Kluttx. Jos. W. Kesler, H. C Gillean, Alfred W. Kluttz, Jno. W. Smith A. L. Hall, Sam. L. Canap, Jno. S. Safrit. Michael Kluttz. Jas. R. Crawford, John F. Heilig, Juo. L. Cauble, Alex. Holthouser, J II. W. Miller, David Earnhart, E. A. Propst, Thos. Earnhart, P. A. Hartman, Wm. II. Trexler, Sam. R. Starnee, G o. M. Beaver. Jno. W. Johnston, Jno. B. Foard, Win. A. Poston, Jno. Sloop, M. S. Fraley, Geo. M. Fisher, Mimroe Troutinan, Peter Weaver. J. A. Coleman. FOR 8ECOND WEEK. N. F. Fall, Jas. F. Brown, Win. B. Kluttx. A. M. Glorer. Henry Cauble, J, W. Soasaman, W. M. Kineaid, Abram Morgan, D. T. Wright, Jno. M. Martin, John L. Morrison, David Pool, John Allen Brown, C. H. MeKenxie, Chas. Lyerly, D. T. Wat- son. Abher Lyerly, coi. Jno. W. Frick. EGGS 10 to 12.V CHICKENS 1.75 to 2 per doz. LARD 15 FKATHERP -new, 50. RYE a 90 to SI BEKSEWAX-28 to 30. WHEAT $1. to 1,25 UA I P S 40 to 45. BUTTER 20 to 25. DRIED FRUIT 5 to 8 Blckberrics,a 8 to 9. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED. 1500 Oak or Cedar Poles. I want to make contract with some one to deliver 1500 oak or cellar poles 10 feet long and from o to 8 inches in diameter. J. J. STEWART. Hits. Josephine L Neave has permanently located iu S"i-i 1 i c 1 , 1 1 v n .nil .Kj.Sta nnuila Pen iu my hand, to Write you Afew lines to for th(,roah iBMraeUon'in Piano-forte, aud m . -WT . 1 . 1 m m I " .1 let xou know mat l nave not toruouen you the (jerinan language, and after an experi- Yet and nevei Will as lonir as i live tho i enee of over 22 vears as a teacher in first have Bin Very much trubel in mine i have c)? Colleges, aud in large cities in eompe , , wwr i .u we tition with the best music teachers, she feeU neau oy u.e oru oi mouvu u.M ...j Cl,-nfid4,nt th,t she can give her patmns entire Clisaueain wasueao i nave y ruie nun i uuv- i satisfaction. er have head from Yon all an iny mine is dot satisfied But if Elisabeath is Dead i dont no What i shele Do i am a Cuming oat to eee You all as soon as i can the peaple here in this county tin u k so much off me that it is hard for me to Get of from them i am now iu the city of Austin to the constitutional convention a member to the house But i think that i will Get home a christmns and if i do Get home before ehristraus You may look for me i am A Geting $5.00 a day i am a geting 5 dollars a day When you Write' write to Austin traney t;unty texas. Burrill B. Davis. STATIONS. Man.. Express. Leave Chariotte .... A. 15 r n 6.46 au " Air-Line J'nct'n 9.33 6.90 " " Salisbury 11.68 " " (ireensboro 316 a M, " Danville 6 08 1. 13 r m " Dundee 618 1 90 41 Burkeville 1136 6.07 r Arrive at Uichmond. 9.39 r a 8 48 " GOING SOUTH. STATION. Mail. Ex r kin. Leave Pichrrnd '.38 r a 6.08 a. u. " Bnrkevi le-. 4.69 M 8 36 M " Dundee 10.33 " 1 14 p u " Daoville 10.30 M 1.17 " Greenxboro 3.00 a a 3. 68 " " Salisbury.- .... 6.39 " 6.16 " Air Line J'n.-l'n 8.06 M 8.96 Arrive at Charlotte... 8.99 am 8.43 " To Country Merchants 1 have the Urges t stock of Drugs, Dyes, Grocers Drags dec., in Western Carolina, and am now prepared to sell at Baltimore Prices, thus saving you the freight. Special attention to bot tling Efsences, Lsudannai, Paregoric, Opodeldoc, Caster dz 8weet Oil &c. Write for prices, to TUEO. F. KLUTTZ DBUOOISTJ Salisisurt, N. C. Housekeepers Supplies. flavoring Extract?, Essence, Bpieee, Gelatine, MusUrds, Soda, Dye-Stuff-, Toilet and Laundry Soaps, Lye, Matches, Lamps, Kerosene Oil, Chimneys &c, al ways on hand of best quality at KLUTTZ S DRUG STORE. f CRAIMINU n V S-vTI U1ML Wf ta IMITATMSt r HVMAM mifT in Htmii UtTRRN DlW OK MSMTStAL mam VIA I.BnTI Um fiANN. tm faftaao f " . V - toil I Si. mlk ... ,1 ,xtm,m.-t liar. WAT : Its IS i:V 9b ALEPIA-I tcurrral MwrrtWt lcta I Mamw Allr. TW Owawag err - ammnl r rim jrr. PtK TIMMl.lA lAtV fr tmmmmr f rrn ia rr mt lll I far At.r.NTM WNTi:n. K.pIiI I lb IrrAr. A U-avml Cataiaoaea MalWi. a tlOKAC E WATCBS St MSMSM. V I PrS-ay, K w Varfc. r. O. Baa 08 aS mjb SOT For Irani Laiie an Gentlemen. Fine PerfumerKS, Elegant Soaps, Cosmo- tics, bonp, acbons, l oiict sets, vases. Hair, and Teeth Brushes, Pocket Books dec, in endless variety at KLUTTZ S DRUG STORE. it JURUBEBA baa established itself as a perfect rvpralsteraad t-ura rrmen) Ir Uivtruara oi tne ji from in"iniMT action of the Liver a ITI8.NOT A PII V SIC. but, by stisaak tue Kocgtie orirans, gently and aradnally removes U iaBpuritiea. and refralatcs tbe mm ytprn. 4 I It u vot'a i-CTOBia bitters, bat is a VEGETABLE TONIC wLicb assists diswtion. stid Ibns stimulate the appetite for Unl neceaMry to invigorate Lbe weakened or inactive orgam , and gives atraagth to all the ital fr -. It oa ssi ia its uwi woaicirnATior, aa the large and rcpitlly inert air.g ml testify. Yru-f One Dollar a ixmio. A-k yoar drnggua JonsBTos Uollowat tl Co. Phila. Pat Wbtfsalf Agent. (iOINO EAST. A North Carolina Constitution Make Abroad. . The following bona-fhle letter has been handed us, which we publish, as a celebra ted statesman onQg said, verbatim tt cetera tim i Austiu traney County August the 13 1875 Deer Miss Elisabeath i have taken my STATIONS. Leave Oiecnaboro.. " Co SUopa " Ualelgh Arr at Coldkoro'... Mail. 5s 3 .00 A M 4 30 ' H.33 W: Ciiars 1 yon Say ? i ntw m9m mf Oh yea, we have them at all prices from 2 cents to 25 cents, and can sell them by the box at jobbers prices, oar celebrated 5 cent PECULIAR CIGAR is acknowledged the best in the world at KLUTTZ'S DRUG 8TORE. For Coughs, Colds Hoarseness AND ALL THOAT DISKA8E8, Use r. WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. TUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A THIRD AND SURE REMEDY. Sold bv Druggist generally, aad I I I.LLK A KULLEB, Chieage, HL OOfNO WS8T. Mail. z Arr. 1.46 a a j.reiaao K 10 a aljL'vaSOOr a a 1 PURE WINES & LIQUORS for medical aud church porpoees always on hand at KLCTTZ'8 DRUG 8TORE. NORTH WESTERN N. ( Bbavch.) C. Leave Gwonboro Arrive at Salem.... Ieavo Salem Arrive at Ureeosboro 4. SO r 6 13 .... 8.40 a .... 10.33 - Astral Oil 50 cents por allon t KLUTTZ S DRUG STORE. rr n Passage of as important Ordi- nance. The Convention yesterday passed an important ordinance refering to the calling of Conventions hereafter and the adoption of smendments by the Legislature. It provides that hereafter no Convention shall be called withont Sept. 30. tf' QoTTON, CORN, OA T Flour, Hay, &c , Bought by WALTON & ROSS, and full Charlotte Prices Paid in Cash. We are glad to any to our friends that we are now daily receiving an unusually large stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, HATS, NOTIONS,'' ice., WHICH HAVE BEEN BOUGHT AT LOW PRICES, AND SHALL BE BOLD FOR SHORT PROFITS. Pawncer train leaving Kaleica at 8.10 r a connect at Greensboro' with the Northern bound train; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price ol Ticket aaiae aa via other rentes. Trains to anil from points Kast of Ureeasboro connect at Greenaboro with Mail TraJas to or from pointe North or 800th. T-o Trains daily, both wars On Sundays Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond at 900 A a , arrive at Barkeville 19 4S r a, leave Baikeville 4 46 am, arrive at Rich mond t 68 a a No Change of Cars Between Charlotte and Richmond, 282 Miles. I'.ifK-M that have arrangement to advertise the schedule of this company will please print as above. For further information address 8 K. ALLEN, Gen'l Ticket Agent. Greensboro. N C j T if R TALCOTT, Engineer A Gsn' I Superintendent Four Klutts's. three Smiths, rn- 6 hartVtwo Lyerly's, three Brown's, two! , . na that Baffeine 16cts. Ties m ssniaawa w w -w hw-w 1 7 a - nairi. SEE OUR PRICES. 6ets. 1,25 2,50. 800 amendments to the Constitution by legis A good Woman shoe lative enactment shall receive a three I a a nt fVm- m a -. - I 1 A a ciivu a w v a va in tne omce oi uho oi mc uukhhhw fitttie rote 01 one session or me uenerai 4rkia :t ftr -i0thea for ft u geutleman snapped his finger to a Assembly and then be ratified by a ma- f boot, black, aud aa he pat hit foot dir the jorjty 0f tbe voters of the State. Hereto- A fc004 c01 for how. haaaid : fore legislative amendments have featured A fine suit of elothes for ... .. I n I . good hat for 75 cts. a WSS mT he rose op. a brash iu either hand. "I've by Feople.-IVeir. ftferywiif mm a i i or re s bad thtt game played on me a doaen im pondinly Low Prices. times, and I no J want to Raw. P. A. StrobeL of Mount Pleasant. WE WANT TO BUY 5.OD0 BALES OF COTTOK. tins IS a casn snin, ur wueww 6" " 7 l . j .u TWm't Pail to. Call and boa TTa isnl to pat me on tho bead when, I get Cabarrus county, has accepted the pas- I Fail taCalljtnd we Ul. tltroogh, and tell me that 11! be governor torttte o tne Lutneran enorcn at uans Jm?.. ' j it, vine. Livinimton conntv. New York. oct. 7-tt. Blacto anil Henderson, Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. SALISBURY. N. C January 22 1874 tt. Cheap Chattel Mortgages, and r ther various blanks for salebcrs 300 CRAIGE k CRAIOE. 15.00 vi ruKitivi LAW. no Solicitors in Banttrnplro. IUItT. P I L L S. PSsH Ma4 Mm oar MNnaa has aU sssas m6mH tals t FOOTB. i Vass. WALTON & R0S3. of Michigan rone day!' ville, Livingston county, New York, Special attention paid to proceed ing in Bakrnptcay, iept. 6, 1873 Only 25 cents a box 1 Warrrantcd or money refunded. After years of experi menting, I havo at last found the Great Remedy for Chills, Fever &. Ague, &c., and can confidently recommend ii to my friends and the public. Try It. T ElL S. , Finest Teas in the mark et. Put up in air tight, lib cans, 25 per cent less than usual Prices at KLUTTS DRUG STORE. In short whenever yoti want Prescript, tions carefully prepared, or need anything usually kept in a First class Drwg Store, and want to be certain of getting just what yon call for, and of being politely and, promptly served. Be sue to cell ou er scud to THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Dsttcoist Sa tisBiuv, N. C. Jan. 28, )875 if ic II. CSvruaaa Wasy. bsbbsssbi a bbssIbsI r.i Km rmmmlmWmmtmim StmmnlSmmmt . sstS Sa mwmf is) ta Oa asS Sinn NO MKKCT TRIAL fXr tarjrsVIs a, asstwsrssass St,sss) a n. AS ascS sssssM raa mmrn w fcscr J!s."" 'JTb 7 PjslsiM rarfflin' sssa. A DIVTA1C1 HOW 1ST ALUM AT bM. AS mrmUA st lawn sss issjssi'S ,4timm sLslssssssaissi mt MnmmTemt Bun4. s!b mr-,t trtm. AS aasaa assssassssSs mi trwr. fjT who Ai - s OaSoaar DR. E. Ha. 110 roou, Ave, S. T. ajtJ A'etieaJ C aaavavt. 2rtmjks Sa'eActtn Sflory F&rnaiku leers mddn tsradffl" HBW MI. ft sV.Sargar's Teats Sewel saTfc bi" I C, iwT" ISnSS. sss Bf sssll sa axuKtaaoT, Wmm TUaa Cm Saaaara aaa T1stiisaiHsilsssl ; sassy MaslJJ to " n2tyTinsf'yl araiM t. as ta a asartSa saS atoa 'ii 1 irt Urmt I S aatlss. S3; wilt t ssasr? mkUmn. trm sf cSi r. ALrasto csscm awjt. i Avasra ka Yuaa.Ciri. - a : mmi