1 - '5 it.: VOL. Vn.-.THIED SERIES. SALISBUBY, H. C, OCTOB 2a HO. 3. 5" C dU S n y :'f ' lne Carolina Watchman. j. PUBLISH BD WEEKLY : , J. BRUNER, Proprietor and Editor. J, STEW ALII Associate Editor. ,TF OF HUBCRIPTION WEEKLY WATCHMAN. Y k ah payabletn advance. U W .. .... O " Copies to any ..$2.(0 1.25 address...., 10.0 TAc people of North Carolina in Con vention assembled do ordain. Tbat the following sections be added to article foar of the Constitution : Section.-. Any Jndge of the Su preme Court or of the Superior Courts, and the presiding officers of such Courts in ferior to the Supreme Court as may be established by law, may be removed from office for -mental or physical inability upon a concurrent resolution of two-thirds of both houses of the General Assembly. The Judge or presidiug officer, against whom the General Assembly may be about to proceed, shall receive notice thereof, accompanied by a copy of tlie causes alleged for his removal, at east twenty days before the day on which either House of the General Assembly snail act thereon. Sec.. Any Clerk of the Supreme Court, or of the Superior Courts, or of such Courts interior to the Supreme Court as may be established by law, may be removed from office for mental or physi cal inability ; the Clerk of the Supreme rftfW707W Clerk, at g Coar(8 by tiou assemttca ao oraam, " ." judge rWing lhe district, and the Clerks four, ' a"c,e lwui uc """ it vk S5T IS I Sn R IT U S t oxe StUABB.(l inch) One insertion v.. two " RllP for a greater number ra(vierate. Special notices 26 Si 00 1.50 of insertions per cent, more i... ,..Hwprtifmntn. Bead in notice. J,,, ycr line for each and every insertion fatted by ihe North Carolina Constitu tional Convention of 1875. Constitution. Itfiid three times and ratified in open Convention, this 30th day of September, -1675. The people of North Carolina in Con tention assembled do ordain, That sect ion eietit. of articles four, of the Constitution b amended so as to reaa us iouowb : The .Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Justice and two Associate Justice's. Read three limes and ratified in open Conveutiou, this 30ih day of September, 1875. The people of North Carolina in Con vention assembled do ordain, Tbat section four article four, of the Constitution be amended so as to read as follows : The Judicial power of the State shall l... wiMt.fi in a Court for the trial of Im peachments, a Supreme Court, Superior Courts, Courts of Justices of the Peace, and such other Courts as may be estab lished by law. Read three times and ratified in open Convention, this the 30th day of Sep tember, 1875. there is no God. Go on a street further and you wilt see a man trying to prove there is no hell, and no soul in a man, and so on all over the city. Patent medicine men also join in with the others, and Temperance lecturers, and here they have it. This is the way Sun day is kept in the Western metropolis. 1 he ladies are all hearty and well made (apparently), but it is very seldom you find one that is really refined and modest, or that will not go to the theatre on Sun day. Fast ! did I say t Well just come and see for yourself. No more at pres ent.- Piedmont Press. H. II. B. THE CONVENTOIN'S WORK. COMMENTS OF THE STATE PREK UPON IT of such Courts inferior to the Supreme Court as may be established by law, by the presiding officers of said Courts. The Clerk against whom proceedings are in stituted shall receive notice thereof, ao cdmpanied by a copy of causes alleged for his removal at least ten days before the day appointed to act thereon, and the Clerk shall be entitled to an appeal to the next term of the Superior Court, and then to the Supreme Court, as provided in other cases of appeals. Read three times and ratified Convention, this 8ih day of 1S75. in open October, Letter From California. A Painful Scene and a Touching Confession, In the Marora (III.) News of the 25th of September is an account of the resign nation of Elder J. V. Beekman as pastor of a church in that village. For some time past the reverened gentleman's hab its have been s'ucb as to cause great grief to his friends and bring reproach upon the Church. At the close of the sermon which was preached bj a neighboring pastor, Elder Beekman made the follow ing address, which we give as a warning to all men, both young and old, to avoid the tin and shame which have come upon this man : As a man I havo the highest conception as to what the life and character of a min- i 111 VI ister ot tue gospel stiouia oe. 1 Enow hat be should lead a consistent and up right life that can be looked to by community as an example of purity righteousness. Knowing that my has not been snch in all respects, I desire to tender to this church, for which I have labored so long, my resignation. You are aware that I refer to my sin of intemperance. This may be my last op portunity of addressing yon, and I want to ask vou that vou will not charge this it would teaches better things. Charge it all -to ray own depravity and sinful nature. To you who have not this habit it is strange tli if I should thus yield to temptation. I well remember the time wbeu I thought it strauge that others drank and ruined tliemseiVes with alconoi. l PREMIUM LIST. The Winston Sentinel, of Oct. 21, thus nails the lie the Radicals told about the cost of the convention : The convention will cost about $31,000, which amount will be more than saved in one year by reducing the pay of mem bers of the h gislatnre and limiting the length of the session. The Radicals during the campaign declared cost at least 8300,000, and $500,000. But this is as near the truth as they generally come. The Charlotte Observer, of October 21, wants the amendments property explain ed to the people, and has this to say on the subject : "It is very easy to see tbat the falling iui lnat trjere are so many vouns off in the Democratic vote in this state in nere this morning that I may lift August last was due to tne want ot the aud life 1 Jack O W Atwell S Brood Mare Rebecca Jas Norwood 4 Saddle Ilorse, Jock Roulac Jas Norwood 8 Yearling Colt Andrew Barger 0 Draft Horses Snml Bailey 12 Stallion C F Walker 14 4 yr. Old Colt C P Walker 17 Stallion P W Hairston 33 Brood Mare ft Colt P W Hairston 34 Saddle Horse 35 Single II .mess " 36 3 yr Old Colt J C Miller 37 Mule between 1 A 8 veers O WAtwell 38 Pr Draft Mules Thos E Brown 33 Stallion H Nail 40 8 Tr Old Stallion n M Leaser 43 Single Mule O T Thomson 43 5 44 Jas Scott 44 Pr Draft Mules J R Crawford 1st $5 00 let 1000 1st 500 1st 3 00 1st 00 2nd 10 00 1st 500 1st 1000 2nd 500 2nd 300 2nd 3 00 1st 5 00 lit 5 00 1st 8 00 Sd 500 1st 500 2d 3 00 1st 5 00 2d 500 6 Grain Fertiliser Drill " 7 Sulky Hay Rake 8 Corn Sheller, r Hi 4 i ' . v neat r an, 10 Cider and Wine Press, u 11 Extension Ladder, 18 Portable Engine, Joshua 13 Thresher sad Separator M 14 Horse Power, - 15 Reaper sad Mower Combined, Joshua Thomas It Mower, - 17 Mower and Dropner Combined a m - - Joshua 18 Ptrnrp, 20 Florence Sewing Machine, F G 22 Mattress, J B Watson, 23 Dot Brooms, tS ft D 24 Bedroom Set, J A Clodfclter A Co 5 ft D 85 Dressing Bureau " 5 ft D 24 Secretary and Writing Desk J A ClodfelUr ft Co 4 neifer, W H norah 1st $5 00 5 Devon Milch Cow, John Beard, 1st 8 00 6 Heifer " u Snd 8 00 8 Bull, S R Clark 1st 8 00 10 Bull, J B Johnston 2nd 4 00 11 Milch Cow, " Snd 4 00 15 Fatted Beef M 1st 5 00 38 Fine Ton Bujnrv. W M Barker 29 Two Horse Carriage, 44 44 30 Spring Wagon, 44 44 31 Open Buc-'v, 33 44 44 ai 83 44 44 44 24 U U 44 85 Shelton Tobacco nsnger. 7ftD Dip. $5 ft D $3 AD Diplon t for best ) diaplsy NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HiBDWAKE. ee. yea want Hardware at figures, call oa the undersigned at Ha. Graaite Row. I). A. AT WELL. Salisbury ,N. C ,Msy 1 3-tl. 41 1 Horse Farmc 42 Tlxe people of North Carolina in Con olina assembled do ordain. That section eight, of article two, be strikenfrom the Constitution. Read three limes and ratified in open Convention, this the 30th day of Sep tember, 1575. AX ORDINANCE TO ADD SECTION TO AR TICLE FOUR OF THE CONSTITUTION OF NORTH CAROLINA. Tlie people of North Carolina in Con tention assembled do ordain : That the smendmcnts niado to the Constitution of North Carolina by this Convention shall not have the effect to vacate any office or term of the office new existing under the Constitution of the State, and filled or held by rirtue of any election or appoint-. meut under the said Constitution, and the laws of the State made iu pursuance thereof. , Head three times and ratified in open Convention, this the 4ih day of October, 1875. San Francisco, Cal. Sept. 30, 1875. Editor Piedmont Press, Dear Sir : I have no doubt but that your readers would be pleased to hear from this part of the United States. I send you a letter which you can publish if you like, lhe Bank of California, which was suspended some time since, will open again to-mor w ft w v nil 1 i a. row (tJct. 1,). Hie people nave great deal of confidence in it, notwithstanding the reports that have been circulated. To show you the confidence that is placed iu it I will copy the words of Senator Sharon at a meeting of the Board of Trus tees of tlie Bank of California yesierdy : ' Gentlemen, 1 have heretofore stated that I am willing to bring half my for tune into the Bank of California, I have taken steps to make good that promise, and as speedily as the necessary arrange ments can be made I shall place $7,500, 000 to the credit of the concern.' That promise, coming from a man whose word is his bond, determines a great future for the Bank of California. I have no doubt but that the people of the East think the late President, W. C. Rals ton, was a swindler and that he committed suicide, but such is not the .case in San Francisco ; although several of the lead ing papers have defamed his name. - (1 have no doubt but that they will be punished for it.) He was well thought of here want or in- tormatiou among the white people as to the issues involved. Long before the Democratic piess became aroused the Radical press had thundered into the ears of the masses a perfect cylone of misrep resentation and falsehood, which the ma- m a S . jority never heard corrected, as it was noticeable tbat not 0119 halt the white voters turned out at the discussions. Our party should not be caught napping till too late another lime. We hope every Democrat who feels an interest in the success of his party will, now while the subiect is fresh, take the trouble to see that the amendments passed by the late convention are thoroughly understood by the whole people. All the amendments are a popular character and only need to be understood to bo adopted. Let every intelligent, reading Democratic see that his less intelligent ueighbors thoroughly uow, and am men my voice in warning and beg them to profit byjniy example. You think now that you are strong and in uo danger. I well remember the time wbeu I believed the same. Twelve vears a?o. when I reach cd forth my inexperienced hand-and took the intoxicating cup, I thounht I was strong; but I developed a habit that now 1 t 3 4 5 (5 Yearling, Cotswold Buck James Norwood 1st $4 00 44 Cotswold Ewe 44 1st 4 00 44 44 44 44 2nd 2 00 Catswold Lamb 0 mos old James Norwood 1st 3 00 " 6 mos old " 2nd 2 00 1 Buck, Andrew Barger 2nd 2 00 43 4S 5:5 55 Pr Pigs under 6 mos. O W Atwell Boar, William Howard Sow and Pigs, " 44 2nd $2 00 1st 5 00 2nd 2 00 1st 5 00 1st 10 00 understand the amendments there will be no trouble about tion a year hence." lb eir adop SCHBOEDEH S AIR SHI?. To New York in Three Hours Baltimore Gazette, 19th. A number of persons yesterday visited AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ARTICLE FOUR OF THE CONSTITUTION BY STRIK ING OUT SECTIONS TWENTY SIX AND TWENTY-SEVEN AND INSERTING AN OTHER IN LIEU THEREOF. Tlte people of North Carolina in Con vention assembled do ordain, That sec tions twenty six and twenty-seven, arti cle four of the Constitution be striken out and insert the following the intersection of Boundary aud Madison v r it avenues to see iroieeaor oenroeuer s steerable air-ship, with which he proposes to visit different portions of the United States and the Old World, and he ex plained to all the various sections aud workings of the machine. The ladies seemed to be particularly interested, and teld the Professor "ihey would so love to take a trio beyond the clouds in his air- I ship." He said to them that he never . rj .i. rv-f a,u a ,.tinCa invited anv one to make an ascension for friends of the late W. C. Ralston will ! the reason that when they made one trip hold a meeting at Union Hall, in order to tuey always wisnea to go again. determine what steps shall be taken to j confute the slanders cast upon the fair 1 fame ef the dead public benefactor, and at the same time punish his foul defamers. I Every man with the heart of a man beat- j ing ir, his breast will atteud the meeting, , and show that poor RaLton, though gone, ! is not friendless. Speaking of the bank, there ia one thing remarkable, and that is, not a single, The Justices of the Supreme Court hall be elected by the qualified voters of mercantile failure has yet occurred iu all j the State, as is provided for the election this monetary panic. lne Btocic oroaers - 1 p . 1 r 1 A 1.1 ui mcmoers or me wcnerai aHimuij. 1 T 1 . , nil,:, also hold their own surprisingly well. fi t 1..1J .u . re r Jo paurr uao j pi".. 1 uejr turn, uoiu mcir uuicc. lur c.guk - - . mMtAn ne hni,,P men unnn this coast. v Emierants arrive here yrars. The Judges of the Superior Courts, elected at the first election under this amendment shall be elected in like man ner as is provided for Justices of the Snpreuio Court, and shall hold their offices for eight years. The General Assembly may, from time to time pro vide by law that the Judges of the Super ior Courts, chosen at succeeding elections instead of being elected by the voters of the whole State, as is provided for, shall be elected by the voters of their respective districts. Read three times and ratified in open Convection, this 9th day of October, 1875. A number of applications have been mm received to take passage iu the air ship, and among them the application of Pro fessor Wise, the aironaut, who with Pro fessor Schroeder, is sanguine of the suc cess of the enterprise and a safe voyage across the Atlantic. Schroeder says he has expended years of study and large sums cf money upon the invention and its final completion, and many prominent scientists, and especially those of Europe, believe that all that is expected ot the ship will be realized. In 1872 Schroeder states that he made . . ... ! l : an ascension wuu a smaller macuine, similarly constructed, from Brazil. Yesterday was the first day that an exhibition was given of the ship portion , of the balloon, the propellers, &c. It is i constructed of wire about tbree-six-teenths ! of an inch in diameter, is eizbtv-fiv-e feet holds me in chains, aud in the most awful slavery that humanity was ever subjected to. It holds me iu its embrace when I seek my bed for repose; it disturbs my dreams during the weary hours of night and seizes me as if prey when I rise up in the moruing to enter upon the duties of the day. Profit, oh ! profit, by my example. See what it has done for me. There was a time when I stood as fair as any minis ter of the Church in Illinois; there was a time when I had as btight prospects and as cheering h.po$ for the fu:ure as any of my cUssuiutes. But now they are all gono because of intemperance. O ! that I could bring the whole world to hear my warning voice. Young ladies, you can do much to remove this rursc from the world by not countenancing tia use among your comp tuions Bietbren, I sever my connection with you as your pastor with a sad heart. It would be sad upon the most favorable circumstances, but much more so as it is. But I shall remain wiih you in tho church and labor in the community for a liveli hood; I will come to your social meetings and work with you iu the Sunday school, aud will do all I can to alone for the great sin I have committed. God knows I do not wish to injure His cause. Pray for me that I may yet over, come this besetting sin. I trust that I may.be able to conquer. Bat shall I go down uuder the withering influence,'! ask. that you remember me kindly. Wher ever you meet me and under what cir cumstances, remember there was a lime when you were proud of me. But treat me as you may, act towards me aa you choose, I beg that you will remember my wife kiudly. Do not give her pain aud sorrow because of my wrong doiug. Poor woman, she has always suffered euough. I married her a sweet and iunoceut girl. She has been a patient aud fui'hful wife. Again I ask that you will kindly remem ber my wife and children. 5 Pen of nogs, 44 44 7 Litter of Pigs, under C mos William Howard 2nd 10 Pen of Piff?. under 6 mos John C Miller 1st 4 00 12 Fattening Hogs U U Crawford 2nd Brood Sow, II Y Miller 1st 11 15 1 3 S 10 11 2 28 8 00 3 00 5 00 8 U Shelton Dipl Plow, Meroney & Bro ' Farmer's 3 Horse Plow, Meroney fc Bro ' 2 Horse Left-Hand Plow, Meroney & Bro 1 SulkeyPlow, 44 44 ' Cotton Scraper, D A Atwell 1 5 Horse Collars, 44 $1 & D 58 Saddle, 44 44 Diploma 57 Blacksmith Fan, L V Brown 58 Fire Extinguisher, 44 59 Hail Cotton Gin Feeder and Condenser, Wm A Smith 1st Prem' 60 Two Horse Cast Plow, J n Best Diploms One 44 44 44 44 44 44 Two Horse Steel Plow, 44 44 44 Feed Cutter, 44 44 Farm Gate, 44 44 44 P.l orwl Uil Pnr u 14 44 rc- nail a a v. v. arc n 9 u r y . 5 ig 9 FECIT TREES, TIKES 4ft PLANTS- A mrf Mock at rvaMnbl rates. Hew CatabfiM for IH7S sad 76 with full dt criptiona o( fruit, mmi! free. Address CRAFT A SAILOR, Rrt Pum, Yadkia (.00017. C J0I7 I. 1875.-4tm. NEW MILLINERY STORE. 01 62 ;: 04 65 'At the old stand of Forter A Horah. Jiwt received a full line .f Ht, and oeU, trimmed snd tintriromed. Kibboo,8carfc and all lhe latest trench and American novel- we, at Pr Geese, O W Atwell 1st Pre. 44 White Ducks, Mi Zartha Hartman Rumpled Chicken, Miss Clara Tate Turkey, Mis3 Nellie Howard Pair of Brahma, A Parker Trio Table Chickens 44 Pair Game Chickens, A Barger Puir of Turkeys, Ucttie Thotuason 69 71 .1 44 Pat Mod Wagon Break. H W Weedon Lamp, Buis & Barker, Case of Toilet Arts, Buis A Barker Pat Folding Clothes Reck, G W Green 72 Specimens of Photography, W T Robertson 74 Cotton Plow Iron Wheel, DrOM Shemwell 80 Corn H usher, Edward Tate Calf Skins, Order executed with care and dU patch. Pinking snd Stamping does to order. The Store will be conducted on the Cash ve tem and no goods or work will be charged fee any one. Thia rale ta nnvanble. MRS. 8. J. HALYBUBTON. April, 15th 6we. 0 Q 8 6 9 15 Wheat.'Charlotte City Mills 1st P $8 00 Bu Rxd Wheat, O W Atwell 1st P 3 00 Bu Oats, 44 " 2nd 1 00 Sack Flour, H M Iscnhour 1st 5 00 1 Bale of Cotton S R Harrison 1st 8 00 Bu Rye, James Norwood no competition $2 00 P 16 Bu of Barley, James Norwood no competition $8 00 P 18 Bu Clover Seed. J Norwood $4 Recom. 20 Bale of Native Grass Hay, James Norwood $5 1st P 22 Bale of Clover Ray, 44 $3 2nd 27 Bu Yellow Stock Corn. R A Shuping $2 P 32 Bu Black Oats, Andrew Barger $2 1st 39 Bale of Clover Hay, T E Brown $5 1st 40 2 Bales Nativa Grass Hav 44 8 2nd 49 Bu White Wheat, G T thomason $2 2nd 43 Bu Field Peas 44 44 82 Pre 44 Bushel of Grist 44 44 1st 83 45 Sample of Sorghum, G T Thomason no com. 83 40 Orchard Grass Seed, W T Thomason $4 Pre 50 i Bushel Beans, C C K rider no com. P Recom -52 Sack of Flour, J S McCubbins 2nd $3 00 54 Bu Bread Corn, W W Miller Pre. 2 00 5G Bu Hominey Corn, J F E Brown Pre. 2 00 0 9 12 Overman Holmes A Co Prem $8 2 Sides of Upper Leather, Overman Holmes A Co Prem 62 Plain Flannel, M R Thomason $2 Home Made Flannel, J D Johnston 1st f8 Spill Stock 1875. 1 Hearth rug Miss A. E. Rutt lodge $8. 3 Embroi'd hdk f - 2. 8 Cake basket Mrs. Dr. Murdock pr'um 10 Bed quilt 2 Set tidlet mats Mrs. J. A. Clodfelter pr'm Embr'd hdk'f W. IT Neave pr'm Braid d pillow ah'm It W. Price pr'm 120 50 40 1 81 25 26 87 80 61 W. N. MUU M Humphreys II pr ui 2 3 1 1 1 Worsted tidy Child's sack Emb'd shawl Alt ban 35 Lth'r pict' frame W. 8. Negus 87 Hair work Miss L Morgan 89 Pin cosh. A mat Mrs. W. 8. Neeus 40 2 Gown yokes MissM. F. Henderson pr'm 48 Embr'd sash Miss B. Wren pr'm 53 Fly brush Mrs. L V. Brown 1 60 Dspl'y of miry ., S. J. Halyberton 1 63 Lot of tatting Miss Laura Buis 1 68 Slose flowers M E. Mabcry 1 Case dried flowers Mrs. W. M. Barker $1 Dried Grasses Miss Ann is Mean 1 80 Pots flowers - Jennie Coffin 4 t: 64 65 67 73 Bu White Wheat, II G Miller 44 neai, " Bale of Cotton, J F Smith Bu Corn Meal, J D Johnston 82 2nd $1 2nd 84 2nd $2 1st Young daily, and are leavii.g nearly as fast, those who are able. They are disappoined at not finding gold growing ou trees as they expected. I ...,..,1.1 aav tn oil ttmao wlin bavR an e no. tion of coming to California to not come j Q length, nine feet high, and eight feet AS ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION ONE, AKTICLE SIX, OF THE CONSTITUTION. 2 he people of North Carolina in Con vention assembled do ordain, Tbat section one, article tix, of tho Constitution, be amended to read as follows : 1 8tc . Every male person, born in tie United States, and every male person who hss been naturalized, twenty-one years old or upwsrd, who shall reside in llm Alalai . I .1. . .l;.w -v uiwa vwcivo oiuuut licit unwiuius e i -i 1 ,... fc tbe election, and ninety day. tithe coon- ottt. . ..' J J ... .1 ...II .i..nia whcrA I ipp arp nn V in Which ho. nffora to vnlp ahall be I51 . J deemed an elector. But no person, who, upon conviction or confession in open court, ahall be adjudged guilty of felony, or of any other crime infamous by the laws of ibis State, and hereafter commits ted, shall be deemed an elector, unless Uch neraon ahull ho restored tn the risrhts ft citizenship iu a mode prescribed by 8Pn uin. law. I not teligi without a g o l trade. If you are a good carpenter, blacksmith, plasterer, bricklay er. &c. vou can readily get from S3 to 84 per day, but it m surprising to see t he i thousands ot young men who come to mis State having no trades at all, and there are, 1 will assert, one tuouaeuiu yuung men here idle. If a man wants to watt in a restaurant, saloon or hotel, he can no doubt get a place at $3 to $C0 per month. It is quite different here to that in the East ; a driver stands as high in soeiety here as the one he drives, for there are no negroes to do the work, and white men do it, except washing:, which the china men have full charge of, and to do them justice, they are the finest workmen tbe world ever knew. There is hardly any sueh thing aa re ligion in California. There are upwards of one hundred churches in this city, but are rarelv ever atteuded, and you can't v 4a can are. bunday is the best day in tbe whole week for trade, the places of public amusement are crowded on Sunday, the theatres are bet ter natrooized on Sunday night than any Atl.pr Bar rooms and the majority of the stores never think about shutting up on 8unday. A great many of tbe people a - II .1 BT - fishing ana nunung. l am ,i w I i T ious man, wisn l was, out a can Its lifting capacity will be lor ten Bead three times, and ratified in open Convention, this the 9th day of October, 1875. ordinance to add two sections TO arti cle fOg X Of TUB CONSTITUTION. say it was a reuet tor me to get lusiue oi a chureh on Sunday. There are men who have their regular place to preach in the streets on Sunday. In one street you can see a large crowd, and on going near you will find a man trying to prove wide. tons. The balloon portion of the air-ship, which has not yet beeu adjusted, will be sixty five feet high, eighty-rfive feet in circumference, aud sixty -five in diameter. It is constructed of eighteen hundred yards (three cases) of cambric, from which one thousand four hundred and ninety-six ropes will depend,' and hold the ship. The pushing and pulling propellers to be attached to the bow and steru of the ship are ten ieet long and three aud a half feet in height. These propellers will be covered with canvas, as also the sides and top of tbe ship. The ship will be the balloon portion and steering apparatus will be completed mm m v - about tbe nrst ot November, proximo, when Professor Schroeder will uudertake daily ascensions from the Hippodrome lot. The shin is to be worked by a crew ot eiebt men. aud Schroeder says he cau readily steer it through the changing cur rents of the air as well as a mariner does bis vessel upoa the ocean. About the 8ih of November he expects to start upon his first trip, which will be from Baltimore to New York, a distance of two hundred miles, which he thiuks he will make in three hours. Ha has. he savs. made seventy tour miles an hour iu a balloon. The air-ship will be exhibited in New York, Washington, and other cities in the Union, and the venture will not be until the spring of 1876. The ship was christened a few evenings since hat a meeting of the stockholders tbe "City of Baltimore." Shocking Ordeal for a Factory Girl. On Thursday last, at Remington sta tion, on the Cineinuatti and Marietta Rail road, Carrie Dawson, employed iu a paper mill, while standing uear a revolving shaft, was caught by her hair and the scalp torn from her bead, stripping the skin from the back of her neck to the eyebrows. A considerable time elapsed before medical aid reached her. aud it was not deemed advisable to attempt to . . . a t restore the lifeless scalp to its tortner place. To-day, Dr. A. J. Howe, of Cin einuatti, commeuced tbe restoration of skin to the wounded girl s bead by takiug small piece of scalp from the bead ot her sister, who gave beraelf freely for ber injured sister's relief, while auother lady offered skiu from ber own shoulders to supply what was ueeded for the forehead. Supplies sufficient to start a growth ot new membraue were taken irom eacu oi these ladies, aud while Mrs. Dawson's condition is daugerous, her physicisu en tertains considerable hope ot her recovery and the success of bis effort to cover her head with new skiu. 6 Mangel Wurtzel Beets William Howard 7 Globular Onions, u 8 White English Onions, William Howard Snd P 4 Pumpkins, Win Murdock 1st P 1st P $1 00 1st P 2 00 1 00 1 00 8 Needlewock b spread Mrs. Dr. Whitchc'd 1 10 Cotn comfort W. R. Barker 1 18 Calico patch quilt D. A. Miller t 21 Woolen coverlet A. A. File 8 33 Worsted quilt C. C. K rider t 34 Pr woolen blnk'ts M. E. Thotnaaon 2 37 Woolen jeans J. D. Johnson 8 8 Pr. cotton hose Martha Kuaeel .50 4 infant socks Mrs. Dr. Murdoch .50 5 ladies hoes C. C. Krider .50 8 infant stockings .50 Begs Coffee, Barrels Sugar, 44 Molasses, I 6000 lbs. Bacon, 8000 lbs. Lard, 8000 lbs. Best Sugar Cured Haass, 80 Kegs Soda, 80 Boxes 44 50 44 Adsmantine Candles, 40 44 Soap, 2000 lhe. Carol .aa 30 Cases Oysters, 20 do Brandy Peaches, 20 do Umon Syrnp, Fresh iVacb s, Pioe Apphs, Smoking Tobacco, 25 Gross Suuf, 25 Cni!a lotto Is Rope, 40 d"S. Painted Pails, 40 Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 Reams Wiapping Papr, A fall line of Wood t Willon vara. A foil line of Boot k Shoes (very ckeaa). A fall line of BaU. A full unacf Saddles k Bridles, Salt, Pi saw r. Ginser. Spice. Canned Goods. Boyal Baftbg I'uvder. Cisaf'.Tohaeco. Crockery. Tanner k Machine Ox'm.kc.kc The above sleek was bunarnt ioc besvy decline in pneaa, aod i offrred at W bola aaka k Retail at very abort nroi'a. far cash. BINGHAM k CO. w Juns 8rd 1875. . 80 10 '.0 do do do Jute SPECIAL 10 20 37 33 Bu Peach Blow Irish Potatoes John Beard 1st P 10 1 Bu Early Rose Iriah Potatoes Mrs F E Shober 2nd P 24 Variety of Grapes, Craft & Sailor 1st P Bu Sweet Potatoes, W H norah 2nd P Tomatoes. John Beard 1st P Variety of Apples, Craft 6 Sailor 1st P i Bu of Apples, Mn Jana lint ledge 1st f 35 Squashes, Mr Fannie Thomason 1st P Qrt Tnl.ln U,.,.f S Mrs M O Thomason 1st 37 Parsmips, 44 14 1st 38 Radishes, 44 44 1st 43 t Ho f Apples, J D Johnston 2nd P 1 00 45 Bu Sweet Potatoes, James Scott 1st P 8 00 Bottle Grape Wine, Mrs T S Brown 83 best P 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 5 00 200 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 44 Blat klrtirrv Jelly Mrs. F. E. Brown, 5 " Sauce 44 6 Sweet Pickles Plums 44 7 44 Musk Melon 44 8 1 Jar PresM Strawb'rrs .. F. E. Shober II Glaaa crape jhlly Mias Lena 18 Jar prs'd chcr'ys Mrs. A W .X or then p'm 24 Yellow Pechrr cabbage Miss May Shober prem. Damson Pre's Mrs.F. E. Shober prem. Jar citron Mi Jennie Howard prem. tl N'o 1. Heirr n'.ow Shoe at 81 women eoes at isv si si Ladies EmbntJemd 61ippara aa 100 worth 10 Ladica Slippera at I25 worth 17, Lediea Croquet Slippera a: 8l worth 8f0. Ladiea Cloth Gaiters t I75 wort a $tM. j Ladies Cloth Gaiter at flPK wi ! t 1 1 1 1 1 27 88 80 88 Tomato catsup Mrs Jno. Bcaed Aple jelly K. U. Cowan 48 Cucumber pick'ls Bettie Thomason 48 Peach pre's Mrs. Saml. Reaves 52 Chow chow BetticTlu 1 1 1 1 1 A larre lot of Children Sbie rrry ckcp. HI No HAM k CO. LOOK OUT 1 Can peaches 4 Can tomatoes 8 .. Apples Mrs. F. E. Shober $1 W. 8. Negns 1 ., E. L. Shaman 1 2 Iced cake MiaaJ. D. Rutledge 5 Loaf bread Dinah Foard 6 Crackers Miss Fannie Thomason 7 Cocoanut cake Bell Murphy 8 Marble M 10 Jelly Mrs. E. H Marsh 14 I.i-ht Rolls K E. Linton 15 Biscuit E .L. b hum an 81 50c 50c m.- afS Fable of Discontentment. A canary and a gold-fish had their lot thrown tocttherin the same room. Oue hot day tbe master ef the huuse heard tbe fish complaining of his dumb condition, snd envvins: the sweet voice of his com panion overhead. ' Oh 1 I wish I could sing as sweetly as my friend up there ! " whilst the canary was eyeing the inhabi tant of the globe. "Uow cool it looks ! I wish my lot was there i" 4Bo, then, it shall be," said the master, and forthwith placed the fish in the air and the bird in the water: whereupon they saw their folly, and repented of their discontent. Of which the moral is sooner drawn than practised let every man be content iu the state in which providence has placed him, and believe that it it what it best fitted for him. W C Garrett 4 Co $2 00 6 Butter, Miu Ida Howard 2 00 7 Berry Foster Whiskey, Meroney A Bro Recom. 8 Variety Grapes Wines 7 bottles. Craft & bailor 85 & Dip. 10 iDor Bottles Blackberry Wine, J H Best $1 00 13 Butter, M E Thomsson 8 00 14 Vinegar (Apple) J A Thomason 8 00 15 Frames Honey Comb, I McOvercash Recom. 17 Butter, C C Krider 1 80 17 Dry Cured nam, H G Miller 8 00 21 1 Bottle Blackberry Wine, J D Johnston 8 00 28 8 Gals Cider Vinegar, G T Thomason 8 00 1 Bottle Blackberry Cordial, Recom. 1 44 Catsup I 3 I 1 2 I Oil painting Miss A L Rutledge 4 Knuns R Owen 7 Crayon drawing Harry Overman 10 - Mollie C. Bell II Pencil Mrs. Mary E Owen 13 Wster color Mias May Shober 13 - Mrs. E. 1L Marsh Entry Xo 8 recommended for the first and best article old note book pecan. 84. Wreath of Piah scales, Sd bast, preen, rec ommended 82. Bristol Board Lamp Shade, recom ended for 4th best prem. $L 1 2 aLajkUP' 1mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWkmmmmtm. I w ibmv VQta 4 saaa y I BELL& BRO. OflVr ir the aalactlne of Jej North Caroline, O 3 4 5 I 10 18 13 16 Apple Jelly, Annie L Brown (18) Pair of Brackets, Earnest Man tram, (10) Lot of Chickens, Earnest Shober, (10) Pencil Drawing, MJasJosie Burke, (IS) Crocheted Tidy, Bailie Marsh Shell Frame, Carry Marsh Collection of Insects, Eddie Marsh LADIES i GEXTB GOLD WATCHES Gold Opera ad Teat haless, SILVER Subsoil & Turnincr 1 Horse Plow E S Cook fc Co Dinlnm.. 1 l Loaf of Bread, Anna X Subsoil & Turning 3 Horse Plow 44 i Pencil Drawiag Ho 5 dep m t W Grain Dr n dad for premium. Col. HJP. Uaderhill Dipsonse Apple Jelly entry 1 dspartm't H ARK, GOLD PENS, afr MWlafbr the saiZvs Glasses, M SSjBBk m. a . . m frvm piaata crystal raatntuue. a i Wattbae, Clochs aeal Jevelnr warranted 12 aaoaths, ebsrnss SS low as d Houl ISffWln i m i le is 1 m-m.m

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