Carolina Watchman. OCTOBER, 28. Persons who have promised us wood, wheat or corn or other articles for does', are respectfully informed that we are ready to receive them. The State Lecturer, J, B. Smith, and Genl. D. H. Hill, will deliver addres es at Oak Forest, Rowan co. N. C, on Monday next, li Nov. 1875. The Grangers of tb county especially and the public also arc invited to attend. The races come off at Charlotte on the 17tl), 18tb and 1 Or h of November next. The'lrack at Charlotte is fine, and from all we can learn the arrange, mcnts for a grand entertainment are ex tensive. Quite a large number f fast horses have already been entered. NOTICEABLE THINGS. We transfer to onr columns from the niFair Week Daily" the list of premiums as awarded to the contestants by the managers of our Fair. . We have not read it, and do not know who got premiums and who did not. Bat we noticed in our perambulations of the grounds some things that wc think intitled to honorable men tion at h-an : The -finest horse we sav belonged to P. W. Ha!rto, Eeq , the finest cow, to Capt.-J. Beard, the fi:iest brood hbow, to &Ir.traer,er Miller, the finpst six months old pigs to Mr. O. W. Atwell, the fiuest boar to Mr. Wm.-Howard, the best lot of pumpkins, to Mr. J. W, Hackett, the finest bale of cotton Mr. S. R. Harrison There were nituy other things we intend ed to notice but they have escaped our memory. e State Fair. An Unfortunate Marker Shot In eonsequeuw of - lomi remarks we Dead at afilfle MatcH. made last week about Western farmers San Francisoo Call. J betng Ignored by the managers of A. U.J Those who have observed the reckless State Fair at Raleigh, the local Editor of ne88 with wbich numerout firing parties the Sentinel suggests that the Editor of have conducted their rifle matches have, the Democrat be made a Vice-President for some time past, dreaded the occurrence of the State Society and also Chairman 0f an accident. In many instances the of several Committees. In reply, we can eevere rules established by competent say that for the past 18 years we have authorities for the protection of markers urged our people to attend the State Fair t,ave been entirelv ignored, and yesterday but refused to serve the Society in any the failure to observe the simplest of these official capacity in any way, always org- ruje8 resulted in the sad killing of a res ing the appointment of practical farmers pected citizen named William Lee. on Committees or aa Officers. Hr waa shot through the breast, it By the by, the recent election of Officers appears, as he was in the act of emerging of the -State Agricultural Society shows from his trench. He had no red danger that the Western counties have been fag to wave before leaving his shelter ignored, as usual, in the selection of Of thereby warning the firing party of bis ficers. We again say, that is bad policy, approach so that they could cease firing, and will not tend much towards prumot- The result was that the man who was in ing exhibitions at Italetgh and interesting the aet of aiming at the fatal moment had . m mm . 1 V the people ot ail portions of the State in no intimation of the appearauee of the the State t air. w e bave always been a unfortunate marker, and did not even friend -of the annual Agricultural ezbibi- I know that his bullet was a messenger of lions at Raleigh, and no improper motive death until it had speeded on its fatal can be truthfully attributed to us in re- course. So sudden was the shocking gard to anything we say about the man- casualty that the companions of the dead ageraent of the State Society. marker were not aware of what had hap- Col. Tbos. M. Holt, the President pened until they saw the diseased lying of the North Carolina Agricultural Socie- on "e grouno. I v wan rrfan tori witVi a liuurlhinma rnlrt . I headed cane in Raleigh last week, by The Money Issue Saved Allen citizens of the Slate, in token of his efforts 1 from Overwhelming Deteat. to promote the interests of the State Agri- Richmond Dispatch. J cmtnrai society. rtott, oy uts n,s- wba Bnppoge tbat the Ohio interested efforts and hard wo. kx deserves 1 leclion wftg re8ampUon a w.-u.,, question is greatly hi error. Hayes'i It is a matter of but little consequence majority in the State is less than his ma whether there are any officers selected ioritv in CuvaTioga county. So that that rom this nart of the State or not now. county controlled the State. Terhaps . . :j r. i J : since the people of the West hereafter our,mea Vi ",e aci ol ",c ca3C" . , , "One Must Die. THE USURY LAW, AND THE BANK SWINDLE. viflnn rot w tin- pvtrnpis WP nilhlished will send their articles and pay their visits ,a . f' 0hio naDer8may be to the Salisbury fair. m0st clearly stated in the general propo sition that if the Republicans had had the Democratic platform on the currency question, and the Democrats the Repub WESTERN N. 0. RAILROAD. The Supreme Conrt of the United States hos decided that the various Na uonai u.uiKs itirougtiout ine country are subject only to the penalty prescribed by the National Bmk Act, and are not sub ject to those imposed by State laws. Our present State UBnry law imposes penalties on all banks and individuals alike that may bo caught violating the law. But if National Bauks, so-called can not be interfered with or punished by O . . . I . . . . oiaie law mr extortion ajiu excessive osurv, the people should see to it, thai the National law he enforced rigidly. The R tleigh Neics iu refering to this matter savs : The decision of the U. S. Supreme Court, which is not an unexpected inter pre tat ion of the law, will have the effect of giving to National Batiks in this State a monopoly of the business of mehey lending. The provisions of our usnry law, with its tremendous penalties, are not applica ble to loans , made by them. The mild penally iutlicted by the National Bank Aet has never had the effect of restricting them to the rate of interest prescribed by the varicu State Legislatures, and so the Buiks will have a monopoly. Individu als will prefer to place their money in the Batiks, as a safer investment than loans to others, and the Banks will loan it out to needy borrowers at such rates as they mav choose to ask. This is the evil that should have been guarded against by the ftrmers of the law and that will need cor rection at the hands of the Legislature of 187G-"7. Strange position the Neics takes. Wc cat understand why "individuals will prefer to place th ir money in the 13 inks. (National, so-called, of course) as a safci Investment than loans to others." If they do, it is simply because they do not understand how rotten and unreliable these so called National Binke are. Why there is no security for money deposited 1n them. The managers may squander appropriate or steal it, and what relief, what redress has the dopositor ? Absolute ly none. Under the present oppressive and swindling system of to called Nation al Banks almost anybody can become the manager of one. It don't require much money. The fair seeming man of the Wfcrld who h.s swindled every body and gained popularity and a name lor honest ty by doing it, if he can raise or boirow ten thousand dollars and belongs to the ring, he can get enough money on depos it to secure a license aud a charter to run a shaving machine, miscalled a Bank. The larger number of Banks, under the present system, now doing business, 1s run eu money deposits, there being but little money invested by, and no respou- siuiniy auacueu to itiose managing or runnmg the Bauk. If newspapers would devote more time to exposing the rotten ness of the National Banking System, and Jess in bolstering up the vile schemes of the money rings, there would be less bank failures aud less money lost by depositors The rings, the stock-jobbers aud brokers are those who are most clam morons for repeal of the usury law They are the parlies who ere making their jacks out of the labor ot the couotrv. They are totally irresponsible, and yet the govern meat is backing thum up. While the real moneyed men of the land are reaping but six or eight per cent, oti thier capita! these fellows are nsiug ft and exacting lr' n 'uoedy borrowers" usurious. r tes. lloic anon. At a meeting of the Commissioners or lican platform on that question, Hayes's Directors of the Western N. C. Road was majority would have been forty thousand. beld at balisbary on the lSih ipst. I he The currency question, in other words Directors of the Road us now constituted saved Allen from overwhelming defeat, are VV. S. Pearson and S. McD. Tate of Nothing else nrevented the fight from Burke, w. . ltollins ot Dnucombe, and being sokly upon the Geghan law, and W. P. Cauudy of New Hanover. By the public schools, and tbePope, and all authority of the Act of the Legislature sorts of questions of similar import. Upon the above named gentlemen have charge these issues Allen would have been buried of the Road from Salisbury to Asheville, beneath an overwhelming majority. But and the completion of the same. , wisely he kept the currency question At the meeting last week Mr. Thos. H. above al) others, and so saved himself Allen, of this city, was elected Chief En from a disgraceful defeat. Substantially gieneer of ihelload. the victory is with him on that question. Lapt. H . Al. Wooten the well-known He was btaten on other issues. Conductor and Express man on the Caro- It has been more than 'ft month since Donaldson accompanied by the reporter of a daily Chicago journal entered upon bis balloon voyage to trie grave; and yet the terrible tradegy has bat lately been revealed in all its horrors to tbe public. Prof. Donaldson has been prominently before the people as one of the most dar ing and accomplished balloon voyagers in the world. Onr readers will remember bis proposed jonrney to Europe in the big 9 t a a tjrapnic oauoon last year. Oue day last summer the rrof. started for a voysge across lake Michigan.. A poor devil of a newspaper reporter started ith him. Soon after tbe balloon ascend ed a great storm arose; and two days af terwards Donaldson was found in a dying condition, horribly mangled near tbe lake in the woods, and this is substantially tbe story be told before bis death. "Atter . . -,t . i we got up about two miies iue siorm r . a -" 1 .. . SV ? came ou. 1 be balloon was a poor anair and although I threw ont alt the ballast. c . V . .... 1 soon saw there was too much load in her and that she would soon go down in to tbe lake unless something was done. I looked at the Reporter. He was looking a: me and 1 knew he and 1 were thinking about tbe same thing. One must die that the other might live. The poor devil was as white as a sheet and so full of fear that be crouched down iu the basket like a cur. Although I pitied him yet I dc- snised him for being a coward. To seize him and throw him out was '.he work ot an tuatant, but I can see his horror stuck en face uow as he wont down to the lake." What moments of awful suspense aud terror those were to the poor Reporter as he saw the eyes of Donaldson fall upon him with tbe glare ot a wild beast. 10 him seconds appeared centuries. All the days of his life and the acts thereof came erowdiug upon his bruin like and avalanche. Donaldson cool aud interned surveying him with mingled pity and contempt. A spring, a moments struggle and tbe cow trd is hurled into (teruity while yet a little longer and his destroyer goes to meet him. History records no tragedy more complete; and it is one of wbich tbe more we think the les able are we to fully comprehend its magnifiiceuce and its horror. AlbamarU 1 imes. McCDBBISS, BEALL & WW STOCK or MU AMD WINTER GOODS HAVE COME k:0:h TS, MEDICAL COLLEGE ftf VlEGl R if ii n o d. a Wilmington, via Charlotte and States- ville, to Asheville. ina Central) was granted petmission to A Bigamist Flees and is Struck operate his Impress business on the W est- Do WH in His Shelter by Light- era iioau io Anevin inus nia&ing mnfiT I A t . k d-nfan AAcraa rr iwlanf stt t 1 1 1 v 1 1 jjuuil t r is vs s couviiuiu ; - Portsmouth Enterprise communicates the following : Wc see it stated that Mr. A. B. About tbe last of Jul v the Sneriff of Andrews, formerly Superintendent of the 0ur county arrested one Anderson Bond Raleigh & Gaston Road, has been appoia- (coloied) indicted fo bigamy, the sheriff ted Superintendent of therNorth Carolina willing to gire him an opportunity to gire txaLUtoaa.nariOlte-lJemocraf. bond for hi annearAnce at court. Dlmced rI - r 1 him iu the hands of a depnty, from which THE LOT ORDINANCE otbeer the prisoner escaped. Nothing more was heard of him until R a Leigh, N. C, Oct. 12, 1875. this morning, when being one of a jury of It may seem early for a delegate to inquest I learned the following facta : propose an amendment to the Constitu- The negro on making his escape went tion the day alter the adjournment of a home, aud told his wife to prepare his Constitutional Convention, The follow, clothes as he was going away, and would ng Ordinance was voted down repeated- call for them that night or early next mor v hy the Convention, while three-fourths ning. He never called. A heavy rain of the membera, of both parties continual- and thunder storm came up that evening. ly declared they would not pay the debt : and he took shelter in a hollow tree, which Valuable Tom Lots For Sale The undersigned offers for Sale the most desirable uuhuproved huildiug lots iu the city. C dlanJ examine plots. KERR CRAIGE. Oct. 28 1S75. tf. Having just returned from New York and Philadelphia, we would rcupeclfu My an nou ri ce to the public thai w are prepared to offer thetn one of tbe largest and cheapest stocks of (roods ever brought to this market, confuting of DRY GOOD JiOTIOX BOO SffOFS HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES Ac We call eepecial attention to our large stock of tbe latest and amf fabionbleMTle of cLMk- tay, Ledieft, MmcU.and turt in emllmtearietttv, and a full aanortment of other Uooda at -ton-whinglj low prices, (10,300) bale CfJea, wanted. Call and see us at No. 1 Murphy's Granite Row. McCUBBINS, BEALL & DEAN. NEW FIRM & NEW G00DS1 Kluttm 3c Rendleinan. Uedricks kw Buldino No. 9. : 0 Wo are now opening a well and Delected stock of Fall and Winter Good, which bare been bought at the vere lowetCeh Prices, con sisting of every kind of Dry Cooda, Yankee no tions, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Ladies' trimnmt lata, Shoes and Boots, Crockery and a full line of Family Groceries, wbkb we offer aa low M the lowest for Cash or Barter. Hoping by strict attention and due politeness to merit a liberal share of public patronage, aa oar motto is quick alf8 and short profit. Come one, come all and give us a look before buying elsewhere, NO TROUBLE TO 8HOW GOODS. We pay the highest market prices for all kiuds of Couulry produce in Cash or Barter. W. LAWSON KLUTTZ, J. A. RENDLEMAN. Oct. 14, 18o5. 3. mos. Mrs. Josephine L. Neavb has permanently located in Salisbury, and sdicii pupils t'.r thorough instruction in Fiauo-forte, aud the Gertnau language, and after an experi ence of over 23 years as a teacher in first class Colleires, and in large citiva iu compe tition with the best music teachers, she feels coufideut that she can give her patrons eutire s&tUfac'iou. Sept. 30. if BE83I0H 1875 76 Viator Course of Lectores beda Owtober 1st. and close la fve mootba. TwWmr wf Mvd- leal Iiwtroction by tbe Faculty . and daily sys tem oi examinations by the Adjvnet Faeelt) . rvoleesois fee, ). Pbemacr Coarse tft. Beneftetary Ticket. $50. For fallpari icniar or catalogue apply to J. B. McCA W, M. D-4w No 400 Grace bt. itic Facult) . Vs. Been of the WESTERN MARYLAND COL LEGE. ron stcdextu or doth a exes i OtrtlllTK PI PH1KIT, Each baring a fall eorp of I'rufrssora. FIFTEENTH tCHI-AliUAL SUslOI lMHlh. J-llli tll'UT I.I 1 T K3T Cataingoes with fall inr.rmstion as to Terms, Cor- of Study, etc. . fnrnished grata- Address J. T. WARD. D. D- Fresi dent. Westn iaftrr. Md. EWJIDVERTI8EME(T8. WANTED. 1600 Oak or Cedar Pole. 1 waKf to araks oootrmct with sosaa m 1 000 oak ec oadar poUa 10 CsMioag! J.J.oTEWALT PIGS FOR SALE. BUGGIES. Johe C Miller of Rswaa Ceemsy Uvieg -,L Salisbury, offers a litter of fa df. hrtm be fine kX S, i runstd bt a Hoar tkm ifsare eew about twosaosjtbsesa. Aa. weeeSb io( good stock bogs would do well to ,. . i . ZJ J . HL Sept. mm, lS7e if. " IJOTTON, CORN, OArg Plonr. rlay. Ac nought fey WALTON ft ROSS, and full Charlotte Prices Paid iu Cash. i !.. our irieeee tbat we For line Bucrsiea and otber work in tbe t err i age line, call at ' W. M BARBER'S. Sltops oo Liberty- street between Iunis & Firht-r Sis. STAR SALOON. HAK STRZET. Hert Daor to N t z M EoteL The proprietor wihe U ationatee t- lis B! riaari 1 & Sons HI EXTfiiORDIHABT D. R. JULIAIw, Is mw rtceivinjc and opeaina: fr the in pectia of the people of Salisbury and Row aa Couuty the Best Selected btock of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES, that has ever bpn exhibited iu Salisbury. Fancy Brands of C-igass and Cht-rMits, at bottom figures. Landics. itli plain and faucy. Figs, A'inotids, Oranges. Rajuo. Jellies, and in f.o-t anything that a first class Gnu-cry hne should hav. also bnvs s-Hs Dmnestie bacn an.l all kiud of country produce. Hoping to se' Are now receiving their lafv stock of Full Good, consisting of DRY GOODS. NOTION'S, CLOTHING, BOOTS 9c SHOES. HATS 8c CAPS. FAMILY GROCERIES, and many other articles which they are en able to sell at TRIC ES as low as they can be n'!'.j!:t. Cme and examiue our tiek before pur haiuc nd be Conviuc d. Satisfaction guaranteed or ?nny refunded. HKkNHAKiiT son s. Salisbury, Oct. 14. Jmos. friends and the puldic generally that he has always on band a lull arf meut f the finest wines and hruirs. the former repaatib of this establishment will be sustained re gardless uf coat. Home made Yhikey ;t).,i Rrandies a speciality. Bailey Rye r Crn Whiskey. CUue s Corn Whiskey always no baud. J. A. SNIDER. I'roj-r:. tt.r. STAB SAOSflMRAilT le now opened and wi'l be fori ihed with very delieary the mark I affords. Fresh Ovst rs. rish. all kinds if f..i!. Gam of evsry det.erition. MeaU at all btors either day ur uighu J A. SNIDES, Proprietor. We are r'd to sre mw daily sleek of DBY COODS tWXT AXD CLOTHING. HaTa, KUT1iX-J uirn HtrE deem m-nain at lowej PRICKS. AND SR ILL EC OLb FtittEBOBT PltOtlTe. SEZJ OTJH PRICES. Bagging I6cs. Ties 6cu. A good Woesau rbe jf A good Boot for 2 50. A good suit of clo wea for so A good coat for 3 A line twit of cloibes for 1 - 00 A good bat for 75 fcrcry thins; Else at Corrct- poBdins;ly Low li'irrn. WK WANT TO BCT SOOO B A LF OF C0TTt. Don't Fail U Call and tee Us W ALTON hi ROSS. net 7-tf. Lbe General Assembly shall uot levy wss sbattered by Iteblntug, and there bis my many friend both in town nuJ country or raise any money to pay tbe remaius were found.' Tbe jury's verdict I remaiu Kespectfnlly anr tax mteifst or principal of any of tbe bonds was iu accordance with the facts above issued 111 aid of any ratlroad corporation, or to purchase a site for a Peuirentiary on A Sad Accident by Which A D. tt. JULIAN. Deep River, in Chatham county, under the authority of the Constitutional Con Young Man Lost his Life. vention, held in the year one thousand On Friday the Stb inst., about twenty eight hundred and ixtyieirht, or of the miles below Mount Airy, Peter S. Bow- General Assembly for the year one thane and and siity-utne, unless the act making the levy of raiding the money be first submitted to a divect vote of the people of the otate, and be approved by a majority of those who shall vote thereon. I propose to the people that the next election, they vote, lor members to the Legislature who will pledge themselves to have the above rejected Ordinance in serted in the Constitution by Legislative Enactment. JqSIAH Tu&KKB. Liebig's Great Discovery. Under Ltebig's direction, a patient and vigorous staff of assistants made countless experiments in nearly every accessible part of the globe, and aualyzi d with the utmost care the ashes of many thousand different plants. The unanimous result of-their investigation proved, to a certain ty, the natural coherance between vege table life and inorganic matter; they show ed that every plant of the saose kind, whatever may be the substance and tbe composition of its soil, receives the same mineral ingredients into its name, and cannot, live and grow in a place which is entirely devoid of minerals necessary to its existence, io cue but one example, the tobacco plant chiefly withdraws lime trom the earth, under every zone and in every climate; its cultivation, iu a soil absolutely deprived of that mineral, is simply impossible, however liberally the other conditions of its existence may be provided for. These results plainly show ing the error which former ages had com mitted when neglecting and denyiusr the importance of mineral ingredients in veg etable substances, naturally led to a divis ion of plants into several classes, each of which roceived the name of its principal mineral ingredients; regardless of boton- ieal denominations, tbey were divided into a few simple classes, according to their predominant contents of lime, kali, sili cious earth, etc. Thus Liebig's doctorine concerning the influence of mineral matter npon vegetable life was firmly establish ed. ee - Gov. Hendricks, of Indiana, is credited with saying, on hearing from Ohio: "I'm not surprised ; I told you we should be 1 A - . i jT m n . m ueieaica. Ajn a ditterent ulatrorm we should have succeeded. Had the Dem ocrats declared themselves for specie payments to be accomplished gradually and without contracting the currency at present outstanding, they would have. rolled up a larger majority than they did 111 4.0 1 . man, a young man, about 25 years oi age, was instantly killed, by getting his neck broke. 1 he particulars are as fol lows : On the day absve mentioned, in com pany with his brother, he started, on foot to u camp-mectiug that was in progress about Friendship. While on their way, they came np with a four horse wagon and team loaded with lumber, and which was going in the same direction they were, aud they bad au opportunity of riding. So reler mounted one of the a . a .a r 1 norses witn tne intention 01 driving a short distance, however, in descending a slant, the lumber slipped forward against the horses and started them out at a lively pace. J5y some means feter became entangled in the harness and pitched head oremost between the norses. j. he team was stopped as quickly as possible, and us brother and nil ver ran back to ascer tain if he was badly injured, when they iscovered that his ueck was broken and 'eter was dead. This is certainly a very sad affair, and should be a lasting reminder to us all that' uie is uncertain and that death is sure. Surrry Visitor. It. Frank Graham. ATSON. J. C 0. Graham C Graham. A Discouraged Editor. Fairplay (CJol) Sentinel. He was a sad-eyed, meek-faced man, and wo supposed he merely wished to give us a news item; but wbn be com menced telling us about building a barn 1 I 4 . A M on nis lancn rju ny zsu teet, seven stories high aud ornamented with bav windows, we thought it was time to check him, and so we commenced : "Well, we must admit that that is pretty large barn for this country, but back m the States our father built a baru 325 by '600 feet, nine stories high and furnished with steam elevators; the "Back in the States," interrupted our listener, wny mat waan t much ot a barn for the States. I remember now that when I was quite young my father built a chicken coop 550 by 832 feet. I uou 1 recollect now many stones it was high, but I know there was a cupola on it tor the roosters. "About how high was that eupolaT" we aaked. "I don't know the exact height now. mister, but I know it was so high that the fourteen upper tiers of roosters died from the effects of the light atmosphere tne urst mgbL " rni . . . . neu we went out. ana sai uown oil the woodpile, and wondered why some body was always outstripping us in lbe 1 i I race 01 uie. UNPARALLELED INVESTMENT I 'ON'LT A FEW DAY MOUE." NO POSTPONEMENT. GRAND CONCERT and iMSTRI- BUTION POSITIVE NOV. 30, OR MONEY REFUNDED. A FOET0SE FOE 81. A LEGALLY AUTHORIZED ENTER PRISE. THE TEXAS GIFT CONCERT ASSOCIATION, OF DEN1SON, TEXAS, will oive a SECOSD GRAAD CilFTt CONCERT. NOV. 30, 1875. The Grand Snceefw of the Fit Conefn zivvu fav 31t, 187o, assures the succr of thin Second Enterprise. Over $!oO,(M worth of ticket- already toId, leaving but few more re'u limna to be noid to guaranty i full .drawing on this date. ORDER YOUR TICKETS Al ONCE. So the number may be carefully registered First Capital Gift, . $50,000 Second Capital Gift, $25,001 Third Capital Git, $12.50u Fourth Capital Gift, $10,000 It-si Job Gifu in proportion amounting in all to $250,000. Lowest Gift tO a Whole Ticket $50. Lowest Gift to a Coupon Ticket, $10 . Mm Price of Whole Tiuketa, $n.00, eooMatioH of five $1 Coupon, rrlce of coupon ticket; 9i, which win "" nuiuui v miwion to tbe Grand Concert and to one fifth of whatever eift may be awarded to, the whole ticket number. Thia i a irolden oiportinity to aecure fortune tor a small invtHtinent, AGENTS WANTED. Special Rates to Clubs. A dab can organized in every community. Order for tickets filled per bxpres, C. U. D. Cii culars giving full description of tbe Enter 1 prise eent free. No Approximation tritta Jfivery Fnzo Fa id to r ull. OFFICIAL. LISTS of tbe Drawing sent to every ticket holder,' so although they may not be present them-; selves at tbe Grand Concert, yet they can! e what prize are drawn. ftaJTSpEciAL to Ticket Bcyera It every case, cash for Tickets should be sent through the Express Company, or by Bank Draft. Caen sent in tuts way at out risk and at our expense. Mate ait express Packages and Bank Drafts payable to th order .of A. B. COLLINS, 8ecV, Deuiaon, Texas. oct 2S-tf. V. G. V A TREMENDOUS FALL In Dry Goods just as we were buying our Htot-k. baa enabled us to pat in store aa as sortinent of God- nnpreoeHently low. Onr Stock is entirely new. wae select d with care as to qnality and prlee and is offer 1 at as low prim as cuu be found in tbis part of the South. We have iu Stock a full Hue of Staple 8c Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Boots, Sho-s. Ready made Clothiug. Notious, Groeerie, 8ce -1 1 t 19. a and wo whiii toe t'uoue to call anu .see us before buying. All we ask is a chance to show our gKds and to let you 'earn by ex perieoee that we mean to sell Goods on fair and honest terms. R. FRANK GRAHAM & Co., Iledricks buildiug, 1st door below Bingham A Co.. Main Street COTTON SAW GIN. Ho-tnl to anr in th? ewmtrT, with sr. irprrv .I . .o roll Miier:ot to anv tiia Manufactured by J. M. ELLIOTT, Vini'ro, lv C. Refreneea: W. R. Creyl.t, IL. ic Act., anO ii. r . ' JuJy t'. For Coughs, Colds Hoarseness A.u ALL T MAT D1SLA6KA, 1788 VuLLS' CARBoLIC TABLET! PUTL'POXLY IN BLI E BOXES. A THIRDASD 8TJRE EUERDT. Sold r lni0M gtnrrally, ih1 FLLLikl KLLLER, Cliieafo, IlL M V. VW'itw.irJ 1S75 omopd n 1 1 1 u? TG CSaSOaPTiVES. A (fe:illemao haini so f utnnale a la nire his son of Consumption in its w..r-t -t-7f aTler heinp op to !ie by tbe moc rri-:. ra ted physn-ians, debuts fo make knovn the cure ivnu n proves ucceiui in ever t) toth Hiss & Let for Sale ! T- !Ion-e ari L4 oo te confer of nu V.xak ror-ets-'.y occut ird by Mr. Aaa itrua i.. k 1m r-i .or alr. 1 l.t U ssaiwsi ska tnrt rii.l prupevty in SalUtntrv, ssai sv ! 'Onvtxit ntir - . .u ; in tbe U..ji- salt mt I the town. Yw'ns tbirirs further imf lion rati obt; in it ty railing oa .r ooanatiAMsv lir.( aiih c ither of tbe luidersigned. Price Kcauablc. Alan the undencatd offtr tot sale OO ares of land Uinn t.n tle N. C. U. K. two ssOss a.Hi-ted with Asthma, RronrhiiiCouxbs Colds, Esx ."aiLurr. This laud will be Winiinpuon,in an rt.iwici " oi ine i I.rOM and Lunjr, nrd will nd the kecipe. free of ehhrje to nil who ieire it, if ihev will forward thrir ad.iresa to DAN ILL ADtii, 32 Liberty Si., New York. July 29, 6-mos. lots if deired. Also Id", acres eifht miles Wes frm mtrr on tbe IVatios fnrd nwd. w all well iinltrd land. Further in given on application. Tet ms reasonable, balu-bury, N. C. JOHN W. MS FN FY. Aft. for Dr. Jobu L. llcndersoa. May 13. lS75-tf. DISSOLUTION! The Firm of Klotlz, mhai Rendleman baa this day (Sept 25th, 1875.) di.lved by limitation, and ihr-y herchy cire ootir-e to ail indebted to said Firm to call snd settle their accounts without delay, n they are vt-rv anx ion to ! -i the t . of the above Firm They return thtir sincere thanks fur tbe very From the Sobcrilr oo tbe Ilh Sctt, Jlst liberal palroiisge given them by the generous ! CAfUl.n, a bonndn apprentice ofco'or, public. KLl'lTZ. GRAHAM A RENDLEMAN. Oct 14. '75 3 mos RUNAWAY JOHN. H .ENNISS Successor to C. R. BARKER &Co., next to SIEROXEY & BRO., MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, 19 vear oM, for wbe recovery I will ps tae sum of five cents. Tbe poblic are fores arasi against harboriiir or employing said hoy. MATTHEW I'LL MM KR. oct 8lb-3t. i v BaasssETTsssr RETAIL DEALER In PTRE CHEMICALS, COME Al SEE ! 10 Bozci' fr sale, all grapes a cxassja I Ii v, on h-,i.l, ten nuegira which I willssU al the lowest cah prices, and as low, or lower han any other c4aMihment in Nona Care ins, according to grade. All kinds of repeiriaf done, at sbort notice. Those wishing any thing in my line, do to ess: and see uie. beore l' els. where a I am delemuned oot lo be either in prices or ouslity of wt rk ia the ( all on me at r rar.knn Academy, 4 saiies m W of Salisbury. V. O. L KEEN ES. Perfumeries, Snuffs, Combs, Brushes, Oils, Var nishes, Dye-wood & Dyc-stulTs, Putty, Paints, Lamps, Lamp Goods, Kerosine Oil, Chim neys, Patent Medicines, Grass and Gar den Seed. PURE Wines and Liawors for Medicinal nnmoses. Physicians, Druggists and Country Merchants will be supplied with Goods in my line at a small advance en Baltimore OMNIBTJ-t & BAGGAGE WAGON ACCOMMODATION I have fitted op an Omnibns sad Wsgon which are always ready so coveype" sons in or frosa tbe di-fot, lo aad fP" weddings. Ac. Leave orders al Masses or at ray Livery A hede Stable, Kssker etrssi near Kailroad bridge. m M A. BRINOIT AnC It. tt THE LYNCH BUM price4. ENNISS' AGUE and FEVER PILLS The BEST known to cure the Ague & Feter; never known to fail when taken according to directions. Call and get a box, price 5 Oct., at EXKisar. OICrABsS & TOBACCO. t The beat 10 oeat Oar Is: 5 PU tt bt b b Okty, md the Tcbaa it Capiul and Assets over State Denoeit PROPERTY INSURED ACAIBtT LDtt IT FIRE At the Lmwemi Current Rmkm. Take a Puliay la tbe Lpslrg s4 t aosodiy. r m I am aV Afeot for dse Srtb tarassf fttate LK- Iaaaraoe Crmpf. If you bav. tbe good of ytsar CseJsTJ sssart keos ywr missy ia tb 8w kelp ssjUe say Hsame I lasoa ' i. O. HaHMLf Osa.M. Wh.