U ro Carolina Watchman; VOL VII .-.THIRD SE t MM Wilisl erit-i.. oj SAUSETOY, H. C, DECEMBER 2. 1875. NO. 8 r. PUBLISH ED WKRgLY : T .t. BRUNKR. Proprietor ami Editot . XHOS. K. BRUNER, Aaociatc Trtitr. - - - . 0 1TKS OP M Wktikte SvATOflMAN. 0i Tear. payableln aavanr.. . .v.ffl.f 6 Six Months, ,4 - 1.25 6 tfopieato any address. ........... . U1,0 ADVKRTII.tt RATES : ec Square (1 inch) One Thaertion $100 " two " 1.50 . lM for greater number of insertions moderate. Special notices 25 per cent, more in regular Advertisements. Reading notice. A cents per line for each and every insertion THE PENITENT S LIGHT--' HOUSE. 1 4 A LEG KB U 1 ' FROM THE L'KKXCII. At about three miles and a half to the -est otKoeboUe is situated a dirty and -iierable village called Laten.' There are only a iew fbherageti there. The coast U barren and inhoapi table. The tea shuts in its whito beh of shingles, divided from place to place by immense rocks; and when it is stormy, yon can hetr the distant rumbling of the "Mon de Monmuson," an immense funnel, which suck up thej fishing boat that go too near it. At low tide, the women go ftnd pick up shells among the sea-wrack, whilst the men aid busy in the fields. The fishermen are some of them stationed it St. Martin de Re; ethers at La Koch He, tbat old Hngnmot port, fortified by towers and ramparts. Along the coast are vast marshes, overgrown with mush rooms, and bordered by thyme. I started one morning in the mouth of September, before sunrise, with Captain Tailhadea. We had spent the night at Porlneuf, where, Heur-Admiral B'urde had" enter tained ub, and at dawn we had left bis- hospitable hotihr, wiih our gnus on oar ihouhlsrs, our game bugs, und our pipes The lirst rays nf the eun dissipated the for, and we saw the sparkling ocean The islands of Re and Oleron were visible on the horizon like two black spots, and some sloops were tacking about, their sails spread to enter Ln Kochelle. After five bourn of a painful march, wc found ourselves on the coast ot Li RApentie, which is the most barren pert of that arid bore. Now," said Tailhades, "let ns try to find oat where we are. Here is the Saot da Hone; the coata-guard's but ought to be over there; ami since we are the strong est, we will m ike a raid on that solitary official's breakfast. Did I not pay so t Do you not ace the curling smoke Let hi bear to the right; we shall get a break fast in that direction." The coast-guard received us with open arms, and having given our dogs nn itn menae basin oi eonp, we did honor to the promiscuous breakfast. If i spend to much lime in briuging before my. readers the leeettd of the "Repentie." it is that I thought it indiapeosibie to transport them lo tbe place where it was related to me; o that they may forgive its simplicity on accouut of its truth, for I did not in vent it. I will now let the coast-guard speak. "Before tbey had built the two light houses which shine at night like two stars between Oleron and Re. you might have seen, on the top of the Roche du Bone, a post strengthened with iron clamps, and. eurmnuuted by an enormous lantern. Every evening the coast-guard lighted it, and the boats that came up to the rock turned away when tbey per- eeived the light. Worthy Rtbard, whose j ago no one know, ha often told mo i bout the coast-guard Kern an, who spent we greater part of his life oonteniplatin I I t uiug us rays rouna tue rock, he went to vu ")iuS vjuu lormoie wuo were in "La MoueUebad watched his nroeeed- ings, and when he was gone, she climbed the rock in hcrOurn. By dint of throw ing stones, she had succeeded in break ing one of the sides of the lantern, so that the wind and rain rushed in and pat out the light. At sea the signals of dis tress weTe redoubled, but at daybreak. Kprnan, to his dismay, found his lantern broken." ' " lliA La Moartte on her side ran to the shore. It was covered wtfh fragments of all kinds; but the were h1solsonae dead bodies. Mie.from rfnff t& the otbeiy pulling off Ube rings, turning ont the pock els.. . Hut suddenly siie, grew pale; she stumbled, and then felrAa her koeek -on the white stones. Her eves were Mood. shot; she, turned one body over and .osar; sue put one band to the heart; s ho kissed it crying like a mad woman,. lor she, had lecoguized her sonher son Jack ! She carried the body aweyyand brought it to her but. 1 here she wrapped it in warm linen, and called herbo'y by uaMC,' im ploring him to answer her. After that day, she never left heir .cottage, She, re m. tined like a statue of Grief, seated night and day on a stone. "Some itind neighbors gave her some food. The cure of Lai mi came to seebex ; and she prayed and cried so much, that people came from miles around to see her. One morning so they say she was fouud dead on her stone; They wished to carry her away, but nobody could suc ceed. Tbe water that dropped from iie rock liid petrified the o hi wom.tn. She was there, sad and pale, Ijke a statute of Grief. And as people hdd often bestow ' ed money upon her, the eitre ot Lilen, according to La Monette's wwh, had an other beacon put up instead of Kernau's lantern. It is to this day called 'The renjtent s Lighthouse. , m t r m'"-. a.ry ..T . . ; i tetVw &b jFwB4bji Hjckory Press. Our California Letter. T'J 1 San aA.Nttisco, Nov. 5tb. Mr. Editor : --The recent firw m Vir gintrVttyi JNev., threw a great many people oat of business ; tue number has been estimated at trom 10.000 to 12,000 pebpfca who are homeless aud dependent upon the generosity of the public for their food and clothes ; the majority of them" have left for California ahd ate 'tertving here daily together with eruigrnnta from the East and foreigners. .The Chinese arrive hore on almost every boat. There are now about 12,000 in this city. "They are not afraid to work and are varyfeV irig, some of them" Iia"vlrig wmuch as iiOO.000 io coin ott hand, besides their property. They occupy abont to'ur blocks in the city where they carry on their trade, 'mostly manTrfaotarto CIGAR MANUFACTORIES. Tliere are about fifty feigar manufactor ies among them, the largest factory work ing from twelve to twenty hands besides stemmers. Yoa would be sarprised to see the cigars in one of these factories. They never seem to get tired, as tbey -work night and day. Some oi their fac tories are down in tbe basement ot tbe large houses and it Is so dark " that they have to keep the gas lit all the time. . THEIR TIN SHOPS. DOGS. i If- U I '' fit -'"? Mi st-j.'S . fr i VT itjl UlU B i A Permanent Majority. Tb$ Cinciauii Enquirer says ft will he a Ions time before the Republican . s - . . party will afn -have x majority in the Congress of the United States. By its attempt to make the colored man tbe governing claa m the tontnern states, by its imprudent interference in the elec tions without end, by its support of the carpet-bag class, it forfeited confidence and' sunpoh. Nearly one-half of the hite people of the South, were opposed to the Democratic party, as much so as the Rjpfmblieans. They have been re pelled bt unjust legislation. The old aittetn slava Stattrs baVc1 one hundred aud seventeen members of the House of Representatives. Of these, but fourteen belong' to 'the Republican organization. Nearly nine-tenths "f them are Democrats, and it is altogether likely that hereafter the Democrats can count1 upon a hundred vtrters from tkt sccTMriOoe hundred aud fortyeight are a majority, ana ft Would be -erange itideed if the Democrat cy iu all thu great States of the North could not elect forty-eight members. Very soon, as the terms of the present Senators expire, tlie wholn South will be represented by thirty-two Democratic United Stat Senatois, which it withiu seven of a ma jority of that body. The present voters of the Nation-.are agaiust the Republican partj. It may now bid a long farewell to iu Ccngre&ional predomiuar.ee. They are also great tinners and manu facture a great many of the cane that tbe fruit is preserved in ; they (the tin shops) are also worked on a large scale. They have all the latest improved ma chinery. You will see .every day duty men going all around the streets will about two sheets of tin in a box strapped over tuelr shoumers noun wing at every a m f . . ? i i uouse "tinny, trmiy. cut you never see a Chinaman at this ; they arc indus trious, And thrive, while tbee men who ruu all over town haye been truned off for negligence, and other causes, hardly make a living. You go on a door further you will see a FLANNEL SHIRT IANUFACTORY, and ot Entering you will see abont twelve sevvirfg machines going at a lively rale, which dogs furnish one of the most sold to the ; merchants very easily, important economic considerations af- After listening to their jabbering awhile fecting the State. Iu the Irst place, ! you leave, and the next door will take thev militate against the mutton crop ; you into a. w a. . r- .41 annually to the extent of at least 50, 000,000; secondly, they cost, at an average of twenty-five cents a week where about fifty hands- aro working, each, $6,500,000 enough to run all nch one at his machine; these shoes and our common schools, anfl leavea steal- j slippers are also sold here in the eity able surplus; thirdly, they also kill : "y- 1 bey have various otuer factor annually, through hydrophobia, at The statistics of the State of Missouri, I report ? 4: 400,000 Dogs, M,, SHOE M ANUIaCTOHy, ies which are useless to mention. Some of them are jewelers but are not perfect in that. ' . 'THE M 0 VXT BROKERS, There are about four money brokers among them1, who have quite a pile in their show glasses. They are" very good Tbe dispatches from Montrael will furnish instructive reading to politicians who have been so ready to bring religious issues prcmatuiefy into our own political discussions. Mere is a case involving the mere burial ot the bones of a mau long siuce dead which-convulses a city, almost a whole kingdom, for weeks, places the city in imminent peril of riot, subjects the Government lo great expanse, brings out the military, and provokes a bitterness which years can hardly allay. How would it be in the United States if poli ticians were generally to find it to their interest to foment religious disturbances throughout all the States as a means of ' r carrying elections or preparing tor a rresi- lemial campaign ? Ihoughtiul people knw now, the whole country we trust will-come, soon to realize, tint there is no more reckieas cr dangerous incendiary au the man who sceka to arouse reu loue prejudices in political .-matters, inveuis or even exaggerates occasions -for sectarian hatreds. Wherever file school svstera i3 re.ilTy threatened, it must- h defended at all hazard?. Whors it is not threatened, the reckless effort to raako a political issue about it for personal ad vans tnge is a crime which should make the man who c lUmUs it inlmous. N. Y. Tribuns. t n v. PRivrn.urrTTVn Make the prayer meeting more attrac tive, more interesting. .People trill go where there is life aud power. Maay of our prayer-meet uos aro dull and cold. with little to attract and interest. A prayer-meeting needn a variety. In some churches, the tame brethren offer aub- 'stanlialiy the same prayer from one year's eud to the other, and in about tbe same order. If speakioe is introduced. the same brethren speak. There is no variety. Now, we are thankful for those faithful veterans ( though wa do wish tbey would sometimes get Inch a baptism as to forget their old prayers and launch oat into new fields) ; bat let as try and intro duce soma new blood. There is a won derful charm In variety. God has im planted this love of change in the human heart. 1 be face t natore is over chang ing. Kven spring would loose her charms if she never gave way to summer. Wa rant fruit and harvests as well as Moo soms and flowers. If the tangoes long silcut and the voices now still were to break forth in the prayer and testimony, in response and praise, oar prayer-meetings would soon present but few empty scats. Brevity is another characteristic of a good prayer meeting. As a rale, oar prayers, our hymns, and our remarks, are all too long. Better for five persons to pray two minutes each, than for one brother or sister to pray ten minutes. Better to sing six times a single verse at a time, than to sing six verses in succes sion. Brevity refreshes and rests, whilst excessive length wearies and repels. Wa can all feel for the brother who was pray ed into a good atate of mind, and then prayed out of it. Freedom should characterize the pray er-meeting. Let all be encouraged to t ike part. Let eaeh be free to exercise It- ! V . uta peculiar ems. Let praise, prayer, and testimony follow in quick and sweet succession. lite Methodist. NORTHERN IMMIGRATION. The Baltimore GaxetU mvs: Tbo Soathern States aro now attracting rreat- er attention throughout tbe country as an inviting field for immigration, and espe cially In the West and North 'WSat. Tli is a gratify fng intelligence. It is mi - pvoMvio iot oooniry to e prosperous wnu a portion ot it is impoverished and ground beneath the heel of an oppressor. A partial cause of this change of feeling is found in the met that the Radical cam paign stories ot Soathern Km it lax out- NEW AJBHP,EKT9 .- ''.aamcmn EXTRAORDINARY. rages htve quite disappeared from political literature- The Republican journala, in the effort to bolster up the waning fortunes of their party by fictitious aooouoU of oowsnarn rroooie, inflicted tajnvMa upon me entire South, which time alone can remedy- There ore vast areas of un- worked territory iu the Sooth, a soil nat urally fertile, long seasons, and s healthful climate. With the tide of emigration once tamed toward tbe Soetfe toe ehae- nel will rapidly deepen, and ajy ratal:, that uufortauate country will era lone en joy fur more than its old time prosperity. least one hundred and twenty persons, which, at $5,000 each the average price paid by railroads for the very poorest of brakesmen amounts to the further snm of $ 600,000. Here is a direct expenditure of nearly $7,750,- 000 for dogs, not to mention the fines, ! .ce.Qtlnt. iQ i!,;, Kn. Thev have cost, and more remote sentimental their restaurants, hotels, &c. Any one dam. teres resulting: trom law-suits about dog fights and severance friendship between owners of combative- cujrs. Capitalized, .our dogs L represent a waste of 680,000,000, aiid f ts ; that is bothered with too good an appetite of j and willies to cure himself, I witl guaran tee that if he would walk through THIS MARKET 'thing to invcstecL at compound interest, their. J b eat . l"J 1 , n-i .-if. wortniessnec3 wouia pay on tne tional debt before 1900."",V" na il-" n Siiw ovr.J No more remunerative business can be found than wool-growing "in Flor- you have seen they have. They Jrla nnd InVlpd flirnno-hniit.hA Snnth. kind of leaf which they make i ana D ft. JfMAT Is now reeetrina: and opeeiac for the - apeetum of the people ofSonsoery and At County tbe Boat Seftnsfad Stock of STAPLE 4 FUCY QIOCEIUt, ttat baa evsr bees echiWitrd la Fancy Brand, of Cigars oed at Hottovj firores. Canakx pkio and foeey. Flea, J USmefea. Hoiaiae, JrUivs. anJ io fact anything thai a first el Grocery hoese shoehl ha vow also beys oed sells Dosaesaia heeee -all kind of eoestry proeaee. Hoping to sea ay many tnanO both in town and T remain WadteatfoHr D. R. JULIAM. DEFSSEED ARTICLES. o? r. 5fiH.,i THE RAT AND PUPPY DOO are not seen. They seem to have left that in China, bit of all the other messes ever have a ida, aud indeed throughout the South, kind of leaf which tbey make wto a wherever dry lands predominate. cornucopia and elite up a cocoanut very The common annual income from a fine and together with some of Jhe.r nets fli- P ia k;rfw-tliro fill Hand put it m their markets, lhey .i-,i t 1 m. ,Ui-L -u rc gret sh dealers, bat btilv ob- sticoess is ana a tntra ter cent, ine stacle to full and complet the uncontrolled and useloss'cfogs that the lantern, aud pconle taid h was in 1 every where abound. If the legisla te with it. The lantern, at all eventf, ! ture would enforce a tax on dogs, OPIUM EAXKRS AVD G AMBLERS, great fish dealers, but no oysters. EVJE PR1SK WATK,R. X Chinaman was never known to take a dri nk of tv t er only" in tea. Too enter an v of their bouses and their tea pot is was ftlways bright-aud in good condition, which, as.the country now stands, feat always on the stove. Tbey drink tea the in stormy weather.-when the sky was ; much needed animal, they WouId dO! same as we do water They are great mace aim thundery, when he broken' a great service to the wool growers alniiglcs rolled like thcuder, it .w visible nA tKp vjvlnnblp doo- owners s well. 1 at the end of thv post: and the eailors who . m ti wnnA aill vast.1v to the t but hardly ever take any liquor; all smoke, tnanked Heaven wliru thev had cscaned ! 1.1 t?.t ' t-.y v?i ill . wwuhuiai. . Knt vv wMnnt see one that chews r are tbe reefs, blessed Kenan a little in their " o, . , erv fine waBhers and ironers, bat don't sorts. He was the only one who loved STS" " 1 " ?3fi3r Tl think they ever cook.-The females and protected ihu lantern, for it had manv lua Ke5i' -JU-L- 1 ie Kai ent-mits. All the wreckers nu iho onaat Ifang hated it. Formerlv. a storm w o-nnrl 1 this is our experience in a small way, thing for them, and. after a nigh6of misc- and we see no reason why twomen ry to Uiose at sea, they snatched uo all knd a eood doff may not care for two uie nciies mat were thrown ?r .1 U ' Hijegw1 amw hc ! only tlie support ot two horses and Those that have not hair enough abraidw --..a n.v; WC1-W iinrii Ui;U nnus. ana tne fLr.K- "inmrn nua runn ( . I lei-i 'PfcM. l.arl w - A. MV. 7 IIUU Tnrfframi the raT)ge,)' and without feeding, at least are very lazy nevef work at all. Vtheir hiar and shaving. Their heads are shaved with a razor all mAnili oTinl tlii Inn U'liirh 1A nl.i'LPil .1 a.. ' lit -ii -- xi x - -r -.- r-- u.wn up on tue tnousanci sneep at an annual cuei 01 1 and fait ovn 0Ter tue,r rhoulders The Louisville Courier Journal Bays : What the average man has to endure in the way of senseless and indiscriminate introductions that are of no benefit either to himself or the other man is dreadful euough, bat it is nothing to what tho poor persecuted womcu havo to pnt np with from one another. When man meets man if there is a third man along, an introduc tion follows. When woman meets woman, and the two happen to know each other, there id osculation, and this oeeulatiou is generally about a thoueaud limes worse than tbe most unnecessary and uncalled for introduction. 11 the two women hap pen to bate each other, tho emack is loud er and the accompanying hypocrisy much more demonstrative than wh u tue oppo site feeling predominates. Each is dis gusted, and each despises tbe other just a little more ii that is possible. Sometimes women meet who are really moved by reciprocal affection, hut even then there is a triHe of hypocrisy iu the kiss tbat followe, and they undoubtedly feel that it might just as well be omitted in the future, if a few iudepeudant femi nine' Spirits would strikeout and begin the reform. There is no reason to suppose that the kisses of women (or women are anv more agreeable than tbe kisses of men for men ; yet wheie is the American who would hesitate between a bloody homicide and a kiss from one of his own -sex! The honest woman who one day completely lost control of her temper and blurted out : "Mrs. Smacker, I hades lic-f you would spit in my face as to kisa me there now was only eiving veut to an indignation built up by years of persecution, and many of hr sisters se cretly approve of the explosion. Those politicians are mistaken who fancy that a war with Spain would be popular. Our tax-ridden peotile are not enamored at pressut of what The London Times calls a "spirited foreigu policy." 1 here has been a great deal ot specula tion about the possibility of Gen. Grant's involving the country in a foreign war before the next Presidential election. We prefer to believe that these specula tions do him gross injustice. In any . t 1 1 . . arm . . case, so mng as uamuton r isn remains in the Cabinet, we are sare tbat the ctuutry may rely with considerable secu rity upon his keeping us out of any rash collisions with Spain or with any other foreign power. We undoubtedly owe a great debt of gratitude to Seetetery Fi-h (or the conservative wisdom with which ho had avoided complications in the past. The country has learned to trust him, and need not fear that he will betray the trust. N Y Tribune. Inev had at tempted to break the lantern and to throw oown the post; but Keman declared he ould ahoot any oue he fouud attempting Mch a tiling again Aaoug those the lantern had beggared was an old womau whd La Mouette (the sea gull), but aevertbelci, alio ought to have had pity upon othess, for her son, a brave sailor. at aea. He was twenty .years old, a called Jack, whom every one in Lalen ai' ecaU8c (,f his good heartt ''The sessou had been fine that year, M a number of the wrecker had gone ,nlnd to seek work. La Mouettc, blas Pnemed from morning till uight, and one. Jai threatening the lantern, she said: uraed lantern, they have placed you "ere Jo ruin people; but that must be put sndto.' t "You are very wicked, La Mouetle," eran answered: "and God will punish h was at the time of the equinoctial JNta. The tea found iti bed too nar One night, tho waves, like, giants peo trom prison, rose, up towards iho. j; the wind bowled like a guilty spirit; -gnaia ot distress were heard at wan fiMiflWUrrtero with the w' e had, he put uenuesaw the be -The Richmond lF7tt7 strongly urges the farmers of Virginia, to engage in this branch of industryand says: " Witk- the" extinction dfc slavery, tle old system of .cultivation has be eomo unprofitable. Ia its place mu6t be substituted others adopted to our altered condition of labor. Among these, not one is so profitable in the interior as the raising of wool, &c. The irldustry requires but' a small force compared to the cultivation of wheat, corn and tobacco, and, there fore, the Legislature should foster it fn-efcrery possible way." The Scmi-Tropieal magaEiner pub lished at Jacksonville, Florida, makes these suggestions, and it will be seen that there is something to be shid cm both sides, for there are different kinds of dogs, as of inen some . good and some bad. One-IsiBd-Jtelps to take care of the sheep, and the other kind Kite them. 1 r,Ag ,3FWIHTAJi the plaited in with it - They shave inside of their ears with a little instrument cut all the little hairs out of their ears. New esa were Heard at sea. Experienced miners pronounce me .uu, .wuh w,. nB ...., r . . r . . . antem with the beat Stanly eeonty gold mine, euual to any blew out her brains jusT a. she had been that party would have been ;VfuU 2 in a ftS wick, sun on the PacrficI.t, and capable of being saluted at a brid. The murderer wea t, but . for W l aneficient light 1 worked to greater profit. ; . - Up. e. ,n thi. eity and Broaklyn. grand result. THEIR shoes and hose. Their shoes are made of cloth with wooden soles about one inch thick. Their hose ore made of domestic (bleached). They carry everything in two baskets that are fastened on a pole and thrown across the shoulder. They are very food of rice. Are never ragged or have dirty face aud hands and are very fond of schools. The members of the different churches here have a Sunday School for them where they are taught to read and sing; this school is largely attended and some of them learn fast. The majority can't understand the English language, and those who do, speak it very badly, as ihey would say : "He no good for he is lazy," &c , and other such phrases. v A LI r UK.i 1 A Carolina Central liailway.-The York H'ord of the 12th inst. says: "In the suit of Horatio G. Onderdonk against tho Carolina Central Railway Company an attachment against all the property of the company to be fouud iu this Slate was granted Weduesday by Judge Baruard, of the New York supreme court, the company having defaulted in paying the interest ou $143,000 of its bonds held by tbe plaintiff." REPORT OF THE AGRICULTU RAL DEPARTMNT. Washixotox. D. C, Nov. 15. The official cotton crop report for Novem her makes a direct comparison of tbe products of this year with that of 1874. As former reports of condition have indi cated, tho States bordering cu the Allan tie all show a reduced product, aud those in the Mississippi valley an increased yield. Prior lu Nov. 1st, killing frosts had appeared in the more Northern States of thu cottou belt, iu some coualies of northern Geurgia sod in tbo district north of th V n' jice River in Alabama. Elsewhere the cotton plant was aninjored, and generally in vigorous growth on the beet lands. There is much inequality iu the prog ress of picking. In some counties of Georgia aud Aiaboma the horvest is near ly over. Iu Mississippi tbe work has been delayed by political difficulties aud by sickness ; in Washington county two thirds of the crop was ongalbered, and it was feared that Christmas wonkl fiud one-fourth still in the fields. Fine weather boa been the rale with a few exceptions, but in Louisiana much fibre has been lost or stained by storms. Tbe effect of the great September storm iu Southern Texas proves h-s dis astrous than was at first represented. The amount of lint iu comparison with weight of seed coton is quite reliable, rJucm'T trom twentv-Uve to thirtv-loree per cent., but so far as reported appears to bo less than in 1874. The State per centages representing the aggregate quantity as compared with last year are as follows : North Carolina 91, South Carolina 76, Georgia 71 Florida 90, Alabama 102, Mississippi 111, Louisiana 100. Texas 114, Arkansas 135, Tenness see J 16. The crop of Arkansas is a good one, bat the figures are increased more by the fact of last year's poor yield than by the excess of this year's crop These fieures point to a small advance Two ex-renators of Mississippi have undertaken lo exphuo tbe result of the late elecifons, and curiously euough, al though they are both Republican;, tbey disagree in accounting for the defeat of their party. Mr Pease attribute tbe Democratic victory to tkm system of ia timidftticn adopted by that party. Beads of armed men paraded tho country, be tays, with pieces of artillery, sir king terror into the hearts of the colored peo- pie ; and armed Democrats had a way 0 dropping io at Republican meetings with their rifies and revolvers, and looking around to see who was present with a eolemn stare that convinced the negro . . 1 . . . auauors mat tney would De much more comfortable at home. Mr. Ravels, who is himself a gentlemen of color, asserts that the Republican parly was besieu because the people of his race have grown tired of tbe "unprincipled advent Brers' ' who have so long assumed to lead the. They were dctermiued l break from the mtel lectual bondage which these demagogues desired to perpetuate, and rose against all men known to be incompetent and dis honest. Tbe ex senator does not look upon the result of tbe election as a defeat in auy sense, bat a a victory for the bat ter ekaBeoU of the people. He verj naively declares : "I can net recognise "nor do the masi .s ot mv DOotHo who "read recognize lbs majority of tigfisla ''who' have been In power for the past, "two years, as Republicans. We de ejet "believe that Republicanism aeeana cor ruption, theft and embezzlement These "three offences, have beeu prevalent "among e greet portion of our officc-bI ders." This explanation has the merit of being new, while that offered by ex senator Pease is an old story and was rehearsed alter a visit In Morion at In dianapolis. By the way, it is astonishing to see how many people still foil lo per ceive that Republicanism, 00 matter what its significance once was, aew only "meant corruption, theft and embezxJu- meut." Though it is identified with tho o crimes iu New York as well as io Mississippi, thousands "lured by the whistling of a name" cling to It. They will know better by and by. Experiencj keeps a dear school, but Iikm will learn 1 - , e in uo other. JV. I. n orui. HARDWARE. When yoa want Hardware at lew figures, cell on the undersigned at No. t ti ran ite Row. D. A. AT WELL. 8olisbttry ,N. C.,Moy IS-tf. COVE NURSERY. 9 9 9 T?kl IT TREES. A lares stock at VLSB8 A P LASTS. A aeeoable rates. New Caiftloeue for tt75 and 76 with fall da script ions of fruit, sent tree. . Address CRAFT A 6AJIB, Rao Putin, Yadkin nor 1, ioio.. NEW MILLINERY STORE. At tee eld ateed of Foster A Juet rvceircd . full line of H nets, trimmed and all tbe latest i afull line ofjlaaeia Mt French and Aaserieaa eevei- Orden executed with eere urn Pinkir nr to The Btore will he eondected oe the Ooaiojt lea and no eooda or work will he eOeroei te any one. Thu rule ta oavarible. MRS. a J. HALYBURT05. April, 15th 6 wa. Spring Stock: 1875. Destructive Watee Bpoct Below Newbeem Foe a P&aoovs Rilled andOthees Wouxdeo. The Newberu Xutshcli of yesterday says : Mr. Nathaniel M. Gaskill. of this city, has received I alters from reliable gentle- -A C . 9 e s niea iitioc on ine oiraite, in wutcn is a tcrribl account of the ravage of a de structive water a pout at Herker's I aland, about forty miles below this city, 00 the lOtb inst. I he columu of water slrnck the dwelling of Mrs. Gaskill, a respecta ble and highly esteemed widow lady, and totally destroy ed tbe building, instantly killing fourcbildreu and mortally woun ding Mason Gaskill, eon of the lady oil u ded to, besides slightly wounding several others. A young baby which was io tbe upper story of the building at tbe time of the accident, bos never been seen or beard of siuce. We learn that Mason Gaskill, the young man mortally wounded, was ot most excellent habits and was highly es teemed aud loved by all who knew bim The affnis has ereated the greatest excite ment io the surrounding country, and has cast a gloom over the entire Island. LA u' . At St. Mary, Mo., last week, as a girl : i named Rye was being married to a Mr. Brooks, a discarded lover . entered tbe church and, forcing his way to tbo alter, following devolving as bear- different gouc hrvve lilt The N. Y. Sun gives the to show the importance Upon the elections in the cities ing upon the resnlts in the States : '.phe .State of Ohio would have Democratic, and Gov. Allen would been successful iu tbe late election, for the majorities given to the Republic cau ticket in the cities of Cincinnati and Cleveland. Tbe State of Pennsylvania also would have been successful at last Tuesday's election, but for the Republican majority in the city of Philadelphia. The State of New York would hare srone Renuhlican. and the State ticket of upon last year's aggregate, if November and Deeetriber should be favorable to the opening and pieking of the top crop. Wilmington fox-hunters have challen ged South Carolina for a grand hoot, Dec. 10. T1TE CAREER OP ANDREW JOHNSON. This statesman audapatriot has passed away, hut bis deeds will live after him. What a commentary is bis fame on the advantages of an American citizen I Un lettered and unaided, relying upon him self, be advanced step by step from the lowest station in life, to the highest office in the gift of the American people. All this was accornpiisned by nnswerviug integrity, dauntless courage, and perse vering research. By the exercise of these principles, it is in the power of any poor and friend leas boy to attain the samo The Irish World is severe on the Prince of Wales. It says: "Now, tbe character of the Prince of Walea is notorious: as tho sun at noon-day. It la not the whispered scandal ot private malevolence; it is blazoned to the fur winds and known to the whole world 1 be Prince of Wales is a patriarch ot profligacy, aud, though yoang in years a veteran in the fbalett turpitude Tbe evidence of his depravity it to be found in his enormous indebtedness, wbicb towers, like a gloomy pyramid in the howling waste of bis misspent life, as tbe monument of bis debauchery the no qneaticuable tcatimonial of bis loathsome lieentioasuets. We mast go down into the foul depths of Roman history to Messolina or Hellogabalue to find tur pitude so extreme and corruption so un limited." Oh, De&'t Go la To-ff ight, Jaka. . "Uh. don't go to tho liqu r store, Ob, doo't o there to-night. To speed eer ealj shilling. Jobs. Yoe know 'twould not bo right; There's not a loaf at home, John. There's not a coal, you know. Though we ore faint and hungry, aud test eomea dowe the UO lUg CoftVe, 60 BemUSaear, 40 " Molasses, 5000 Ibe. ncon. 2000 lbs. Lard. 2000 lbs. Beet Soger Cored Bams, 20 Kegs Soda, 20 Boxes " 50 M Adamantine Coed Us, 46 " Hoop, 2000 lbs. 30 Coses Oysters, 20 do Brandy P 20 do Iemon Syrup, 20 do Fresh PeoeWs. 10 do Pioe Apple. 10 do Smoking Toba 25 Groea Snuff, 25 Coils Rope, 40 dox. Painted Pails, 40 Boxes Assorted Candy, 100 Reams Wrapping Paper, A full Una of Wood A Wilk. war. A full ho of Iiool A Shoos ( A full line or Hats. A fall line rf Saddles 1 Bridl, Salt. Ginoer. Sffee. Canned Ooods. SoyeJ Powders. VAxara. Toneeeo, iToeaerv. Tanners A Maehfne Oils, Ae , Ae. The above stock was bought sin as heavy decline in pnoe. and ta a sale A K--til at rriy abort prt.ota.far so BlMiUAM A CO. June 3rdl67S. the lata SPECIAL Oh, don't go there to-night.- So 1. He ivv plow Shoes at J140 4 Women Shoes at $lflSM 1M A 171 Ladies Embroidered Slipper at W0 Ledm Slippers at f ran worth 175, Ladies Croquet Nippers at ftliS wo LhM l lnth Gaiters U f ITS worth tBO. Ladies Cloth Goiters at worth $3uu. A Urge lot of Children oboes eery e. I) IN Oil AM A 00. THE LYNCHBURB Insurance aid Batiiif. Chidj. Capital and Assets over State Deposit PROPERTY INSURED AQAINST LOU IT FIBE At the Lame Current Rmme. Take a Policy la the Lyachborg souodly. I am also Agent for the Sort State Lit looeroeee Coeapeuy. If yoa her the goad of ywer Coewhry eg heart keep yaer moeey la the SuatJh aod help heilal op Home 1 titftfJui J D. MeNEELV. 81. W W m