r i. l u ..... I Tli. Ww York Sun savs : . i I man a nr.. nritfer'114 milCU Ol llie raiWIlur i . i! innh vi r n i kw i ... - , i . i . ,t . hLhiiI. in fuel, uniformly be the most common end. without regard to aecUrUn DECEMUER 2. 1875. Lful mid DrOBoerous men in the diflexeDces, Tbey were asswted (in Breoklya) fortune. He leaves three sose, John Jacob, successful and piosperous meo TC by Presbyterian, Methodiets, Epbeopaliane, willism R, end Henry. Neither of them hss , -.a - country, aa well as we oappieec. (Jongregationalurt, Baptists, sou Quakers.- l any business pursuit. Hf-Buainea. engagements prevented Mr. Al goe, on to abow thml the AndihliSum DTWoeet thai the one hundred Henry, the youngest eon, inherited the ssteta t a- - iiwnTiiuii rnniinoirK' in in s . . --- n( hi Bay, Wis. TUB ASTOR VAJalXT Mr. Astor never held s public office. His whole life was spent in the management of hia JoHir 8 Henderson continuing, in this - . . . 71 7, u n r.n i w I of his ancle, John Jacob, six years ago. He -. i hiuip nr Lnn uitrcui onuisriivr iu ...v. r mil imcih ui oruuKmi nnuuiu nui nui uw,. i.. i l . r . - - r... u. No. bis review ot Convention amendments w ' s , rr . Zl - . . . 6t r "P" T.Tt' "TBI to thi State Constitution. He will discuss money market due to me legislation o. .nm ne , .. . jy town, W' mtrHase he his 1 7 .. nnortnitv r-ons-reas dttrioc the last ten yesrs-in Moody and Sankey's mbors, but that if they hw relattsaa. Since huBaamage holms of retia ever, proposed amendment as opportunity Uortgress during u .set - ' ' - to do Ud to a place near Hudson, and he rarely comes will allow. J tampering with the sorreocy ; by waste- tilers WUh m!1 fu'l extravagance; of the government . . 8hmj,d j and fi ht , . . orf William. R Ha u rar The Entertaiuraent eiven by the fos terine money monopolies at the expense wminst the works!of darkness. shout 60 years old. and has one son, William. .. .l. o.k ... I .u. . U.. I.. ,.!.. .vatem of - I It has been the castom in the Astor family uaiiv J ens. uaieigo, on oi - - - . . . j..;. v.. ij a most pleasurable affair. There were tariffs ; making the 5 20 bonds payable in fflr The adrance in the Bailroad rates of gj,, mi in bank st ths birth of aeaa .n'... .da in 1A .h.n th m..mmt had contracted $PI"s ? l0" LChf ri J5 or dighter, the money and the interest to be Bomo?rW..ov-Kvv-, IB-- " , . " 7" . " ior is onras .no snooKi no s-Lel to the child when he or she became of Xo toasts the beet we bave reaa in many i to pay tnem in greensoacas, tnue iuw- oy our ousiuess mvn. we presume ma r yfm a day. TM Mr. Pkitchahd I ing by millione the tax burdens of Ha wns in character with the man ; its high- people; and lost, but not least, the aet chants. The advance of rates on shipping cot- QrinnerlMinturn A Co., and tae third is toned liberality and steady aim to pro of last Congress "providing for the re- ton from thispoint was sudden and unexpect- married lo Mr.' John Carey. The Hon. John . : .u. j .... :.. c An iKa l.t ed " cor Winlhrop Chanler married one of his ssaad- mote goanness m uw muu, kmju hm guuipiiuu " opw-w pju.wiw - , aaj , daughters. night have been expected of him. I January, 1879, whereby the Secretary ot a& The reports sbroad about aickneas and Mr. Astor was sharp and exacting in kes if t rkw'o a ikj.i Kii. ..ra i Jirnu!! t.n immediately deaths in Charlotte are greatly exaggerated, inesa dealings. As his friends exprsssa oir' w rv" Yvr J " ;: . . . : I Our nonulation is about 8.000. and the deaths " hen he paid oot a cent he wanted accent in 'TMb Press," is certainly a remarkable redeem 32,000,000 of the greenpaca , t heen at aU onuiMlmj eonjpared wi h return." He was not so prominent in ebarita- Drotfuction. abounding with much original currency, aud from and after January 1st, umihar populations of other cities and towns, hie works as his wife, who died a few years ago. . , , . . , I -JT , V. u i ,onn Ann Some people often got more scared than hurt. She was a manager in aeeeral chantabie instl- wit and humor, and marked by strong 1679, to redeem the balance (300,tfUU, w , beliere there has been more than tutions. and case awar a fortune assone the ten deaths from diphtheria during the past j poor. She was daughter of Oen. evidences of a high order of intelligence, 1 000) of that currency practical seme, and close observation. I Mr. Waddell thinks lhat this act can There were alao other speeches and I not be enforced without producing uni ver saViugs, which contributed to enliven 1 sal ruin ; and he is susUiucd in this view and intensify the pleasure of the occasion, by a large proportion of the thinking and ao creditable to the House which gave it. J business mn of the country, many ot whom are vehemently protesting against For years past the Canals of New I a. . 1 . a l. at it Sa. I loiaoutie nave noioniy oeeu unprouta- The financ1al 8ygtem and moneUry ble to the state as an investment ot three months in this city. Char. Item. Mr. Geo. T. Lewis, who has been for forty years engaged in making iron in Tennes see, says that pig iron not only can be made. but has been and is made in that state, Ala bama and ueorgia for less than $16 a ton. a price far below (be cost of making it in the iron districts ot the .North and feast. Toe explana tion of this greater cheapness is found In abun dance of charcoal and good stonecoal in those and was related to the family of A Hamilton. LATEST NF.W8. wiasmsssaawsssasmms . A ohild died Monday la Philadelphia ot ; All A Dill A N'O InTinC hydrophobia, it wee bteesi Xov. fV- The WflHUIfl!l W HW I IWk. this date I will mat by say ward J as. A dog bit two ether of its Judge Advseate General Holt baa retired ess has own application. appointed to succeed hiss. Unprecedented eeU weal! ir lav the prevails all throughout New lagkisi awry frost 4 to At Pert Jarvia. N. Y. . the by ice. All beats win reach Ode day wbesi ibe esasal win be swetfw KfcINf AUVKRVISKslKJITa. Til BO. F. MLCTTZ, Gaardiaa. eloeed for the Thm Qale at the Worth. BosTon, Nov. 3U. The gale along the New England coast with aveUeity here at one time of sixty -firs miles am boar. A term svhool house at Wetervtlle was unroofed while the school wee la tessaon. The children escaped without seriooe lajory. Dsrrmorr, Hov. 80. A farieas north gall with ia tense cold pswvsim. broke fruea their moorings. Ex: U. 8. Senator Ira Harris is ill at Albany. Von Armiu has been indicted for son. makes winter expenditures nearly ss light aa those of summer, and the cheapness of colored labor. Exchange. The same statements apply with truth to North Carolina. Snow was general in Sooth England Tuesday. The whiskey ring men at Isdianapelta .i a fTM are navmg ratner a nara time, i nr Courts are patting them t broegh sevsre- General Babeock have bee sbawa to have bad a band in the Whiskey frauds, tribunal, by calling up all of the jurors euni mu"tu ' "u "-& "- " I Washington Hall at Wheeling was not reao anu write anu compute interest. i, r f. r to niiii,aa Xn bfaif hnnr burned 1 uesday. It waa occupied by In tlnw v i mi ifatinw tli nnrilv of the inrv uvs- Leffislatnre and bv the Masous. Loss tern. That he has acted wisely none can truth- 550,000. fully deny. If Judge Hill is right in making this discrimination for the United Slates Court, then why should not our State Courts adopt the same rule. It is almost an axiom, that ignor ance and crime go hand in hand. Let ignor ance, then, be eliminated from the jury-box, and thereby secure a better administration of both civil and criminal law. The President haa tendered the Com- t t rki. i: k: t J. .nniriAn f tk Mnntrc i- a tnrlAd weh Stn.e. both to be had. with limestone, near the - U' ,M-V"'e'", f buuuivivu we wawv f w w - i j w i.w a r aa a r r f public money, but have proved a constant . and to man who80 iron beda;the ssBdsess of the climate which a a loss oi so.uvu . . ... i iavtK an ter raueiiuitures nearif an iilmil an c . . and increasing source of expense, whcb D08ine parsuit rerittire them to under bas been shown to be the result okeyste- BUnd iL indeed, they do not try to nn. malic thieving on the part of contractors mTej iu mvateries, for they do not con fer repairs, with the connivance of officers Bider h their business to do so. They uresidinz over this branch of the Dublic i t. : .k. i j. .r .k. i-t-t- . .. "v - r . m li. t ni i i a x tm iuvi t'yvv j l' u. a ju n 1.1 a nun. a. . . uusinossoi tue otaie. uov. uldkn, a whom u eod t0 Congress and the Hill, Judge of the United States District year or two ago, on coming into office, gt t Assembly, and look to. them to do cow in .sfBon Lat JMkson, determined ...a .1 . . a I .... - ... upon getting rid of the ignorant rabble that ,T7': ' u mat 19 ireooaoaij w fuw nas so long camneren me jury oencn in uiai , l jt DV means bt riCfd IUVeatiera!lOnS into I. . A . .1 ..:. triiimnL liv rullini' n;i all nf the inmr sum- H ! o - : w leresis auu securo w cucm n cuufcuicut Canal uffairs, has laid open the corrupt mea08 jOT transacting their business, practices by which the State has been Tbey X therefore, powerless, except in consUntly robbed, and now having got lhe caoUje of their represenUtives, on the implicated gentry into a pretty close whoaeintelligence, honesty and Hdelity corner, they fill back uublushiiigly oo the tbey ar6 wholly dependent. But in these plea that as ibey have never heretofore atter days sad disappointments are often l.ecn punished for these crimes U is wrong experienced in the selection of agents 1 . do it now. The precedent of immnnis often io M to D9gftt a general is heietofore, they say, has become law, distrust, and a fearful looking for of ca and tueretore, they are not guilty ! lamities rather than benefits. Forten years the Sooth has virtually had no voice ui CONGRESS. shaping public affairs; in the matter ol This General Assembly of the eountry h beec oblied 10 uke what meets on Mondav next, and it hid. f,ir coald got. It is so now, and will tn ui nt . . probably so continas : and in view of this we proposed to spend an hour or two a-w r Sm v .uv vi unurufll III I CI UD L. jV Ull r 1 1 11 . tho nrat time in aboMt 9n ..... .1 n fact, and the great calamities predicted Museum and examine I h,s col lection of speci- too nrst tune 111 about 20 years, the Dem-1 ' ... mens of minerals found within the borders of oaratk Dartv will have a maioritv in thp W W" 01 contracung me currency North Carolina. After seeing what Frot Kerr . 7 . 7 1 wiiu rercreoce w roaumuiion 01 Bpeciq lnianr llnnu A . A lk. HilTu.....a K.. I iuti uwiiiiii iiu uiucicutq uc- 1 1 . . ' ' B I do not hesitate to say that we regret that we our people can do than to get out of debt ever advocated the abolishment of his office. arvxWiM a ivihJ anrl on m.t t We re confident that but very few of our ' 1 maamIa bnABf I ha riilinOi.-i3 amt aratf rouAii rww a! . I Li 1 1 HJV'r wisvw inc iiuiiiw ssssw vsact uru.uo StJ a.eep ciear. u "uuivcrBai rum la going their State the amount of gold, silver, copper, hv Ml on na hef PPn thi tintn &nd .Tann. iron and Coal imbedded in the soil of Hot ary 1879, there is no safety except by keeping out of debt. We think the man Ike eaWttaer, a eei ftyaicwa, rettasd saaivesnewW.UvtngsW s4eswd keiw base, bjj fcasa Isataa Masawy tW wk7 fer Hsrrww llewUiiy asaTssTssswessT1 fculft-q!'l!?j-'l's'ly ,u " Isess h Ms dwr u awo u he. Jb7 7 keg ""'j,1 3 wl-bl ICajor John M. BoMnsKm la speaking of the recent election of this gentleman as president of the Raleigh and (reason sUilroad, the Norfolk Jxtnd mark pays bim the followingeomplime-.it : l his select ion strskes us as a very sxcelkat one, and era eengraXalaXe the stockholders oo the discretion tbey bave displayed. Major Bobiaeoa haa a high reputation, and the eoodiUoa raf the great improvements now under bis asmtrol rux nisbrs the beat evidence of his fioe admin istrative ability. These Imes, both by land and wares, ate held is the highest esteem by the traveling aad financial pab 1 ic, eskd tbey are managed dowa to the minoteat details with skill and jodgment. With each evidences of bis ability before as, we can safely predict his sacssea io tbe new held en which ha has) entered, and io so doing, renew oar congratela tions to those of whoae interest be has become tbe custodian." More beautiful than ever it the JEWERLY host received at Bell c Bro's, c.n,ining of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, GOLD AJCD PLATED CHAJN8. BRACKLETS, LADIES SETS, OESfTS BUTPOHS, lCfS. AND STUDS. iil vwaoxxxst Lara &c. We have made in the be will Jwv.Je, IcCUBl DE. W. C STEVEXS. raw ctascat, srrascwa, xTr. It7i. ly IS. BULL & DKil I! WINTER GOODS HAVE COMM. litis Hsviagieat leassassl srees Ee eajto the pobik taet we Mt .npaf si to aW DMT OOODM. .voro.vx BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, cm m . f lb- Ixm -w mmm Is Mseslssatjlm efe3t ay. LwWs iaaeasstssad frsks BsaWcaaWistiam, awdatailn rtiasS ef sstaw Cesam at eataav '-"--j i . m t nsiis. 1 1 Cell seed see aw eg He. I HAIR CHAINS, HAIR JEWELRY Diamond and W4 fling Rinira. rial attention fiinc to rW Repairing sod Timing of fioe Walcbe nl Kt i!t..n All Watches repaired by u are warraeted 12 2 door above National sigeof large Wsssb and Pen. BalMbory. Dec. 2, ls7o if. Hotel, aa THE WEEKLY SUN. 1776 1876 Dkath raoat Biting a Man's Fib okr orr. At the Terra Coita Proealaia Our State Geologist- The development of NorfA Carolina. In a recent trip to the Eastern part of the State we spent a day in Raleigh, and meeting Prof, kerr, tbe blate ueologist, on tbe street, in his tweet) them and the Republicans is not grebt la the Senate Republicans 40 and Democrats 29 with a small number of independents aud some few inconstant lepubjicans. A lively timo is expected in the House iu electing Speaker and Chi f Clerk. There are several candi dates for both these offices. The Hon. F. E. Shober, of this place, is a candi date for Clerk, and from preaeut indica tions his good. iron and coal imbedded in the soil of North Carolina, together with the most beautiful mar ble and stone in her quarries is indeed aston ishing .ii. j r .1 ii in luinciai rcmiurvco aim material w can 11 wt out or ueoi may ueiy tne " universal rum, do not think thU Slale ,urpMec bv any and therefore we advise all to get out oi in the Union. All that i necessary to prove A i;M -Jrki., .k.;Mnmm. TJthUU an examination of the Geological ii us- UvVI ayiiu eivw niiuhi viivi a euwvaesw sws mtssiotiersbip of Indiana Affairs to Ex- Works, near Waynesboro, a few days Congressman Wa II. Upson, of Ohio. since, Lewis Thseker and Alexander I homa , two or the workmen, got lata a Boiitbs on the Erie Canal were all right figbt and Tbacker bit Tbomae' little fin- Tuesday. The weather along; tbe line gr off. Thomas who was e n gaged at was from 3 to 5 degrees below aero. tbe saw mill of tbe works, thought the . . . wound wss not aerious, aud conttnord his 1 be Democratic caucus meets in tbe , m . 14 i.auZleU. I. i t i i j l ii ilk Men J s aai www iva ewes ees mm e vvrw wws w Hall of the House of Representives at j u Ai c ... m as a Washington at 2 o'clock Saturday. 1 bs t ... rP. , , , the Hall goes to the party which . 7 m ,,, H leaves, a wife and nine helpless cbildrosi. Staunton Vindicator. rumored sad sevesajrtx Is tae BlaJrear. It ts also the year la wsso aa ee la power aa Wsaaieerns ; swthe jeer ei taw tweatr-thlrd dectsoa ot sPieasVwt of tar t nrmliiMM mAlfA m. nlnnto fnr tltomafdvM prospect of getting it is very ft nd they m4y y to At eum at Raleigh. makes tbe Speaker. The contested seats in the U. S House of Rcpresentsiivcs are, Fiuley vs. Wells, of Florida, Brouibcrg vs. Harlson, of Alabama, Spencer vs. Moiey and Breux vs. Darrall, of Louisiana, Lee vs. Rainey of South Carolina, and Platte vs. Uoodr, of Virginia. Senator Logan, of Illinois, has At-uts Rheumatism of the brain. II ts esse is serious. The death of Beoj P. Avery, U. 8 Minister to China, is reported at Washington. The elerk of the NO SUCCESS WITHOUT WORK. When Charles Dickens said that all he had aecompliehed had been achieved by diligent, patient persevering application. be ouly stated the experience of every successful man. Not lung is more portent to yomtg mn tbea that thry should early and fully comprehend thai great truth. It is step by step, by teil some effort, that all great aehisvements are mads. As has been well remarked. sad eremasasT eawaecv-d with uaa wsi ae teOj - - Dr,,t. sad rreabiy reported aat exposaded is Tea St a. mlr morx P"' Tae oppoansoa neese uc aefweaewtaii- w mg eptaeaeeef taqolrr crwrtl rars f Twa era, wtn ateraiy aad mOfwilr lurr-t gatf ueeirMpUwa oi u basts aaassssaua'jna ; saa wm. Mswadry. McCUDblNS. HE ALL k DEAM. Saliaeswy. Ore 14. Is7. NEW FIRM & NEW GOODS I Klestts s stemsllesmasi. HiDaicRs Ksw BriLotva No. ft. i:C:i Ws see now epeeies; a well sad arlsstsd ot Fall aed Wiadev OweaV, which kerr. Uxiirbt at the very kwat Qash Fricea, eaw- ot erery kind trf Dry Gt lows, (lothtae llataawd Capa, Hats, 6ses si 4 Bsiia, Crarsesy aad a mil baa of Famil y row rise, wiiit k we esjbr ss lew as the tewert far C4 er Barter, ssefeagky etbet alleotioa asd dew pfUua fee i aba re of saealie patnmar. ss saw saaSSs m , It ts to be booed. Lay tbe t m better period in oar settoaal iMorj. all Hi s will coouun itMupirte aad arcwrate Pjeat lrmlU riieUos. wtU tbe epos Oim f a-totratsoee ror a tbird term sf pswer seal nmader, aedsbn more as deetdsag arao men be lb- casoSesss sf tbe saVj ef BeSarss. aad aa ess la tbit cawll-late. taosv who read Tea ri wl3 bave Tbe Wssxt-r sex. wsacb baa attataed a drrs la errrSTTaoVTemiorTaw treat Uie rr.r 5; win.' U. Ir numbrniikiuMrd. II 1U o.auaur to be s taorawgb ai apaen. AH tbe rra- erai erwaor utenjr win o rn-i is when ui.:mimrtaat, at full leestb wbeeaf .-J in a -jrar sad alwajx we trust, treated sos uswraeuve a err, it is oar aim to asake tae Wswav airs tbe Buntlj sewspaper la tbe won l ae io alv in luSwmaa a 1 ore iaj. seeea feadTas. asrb ss atirwh, tabu, which we are not able to Make mass la asw daflr sattaa. Tbe acrtcsSMral dewannwi eapKSaUr see ot its pmahwea teaiaroa. TV- sba refrabuiy renortu in tbe marketeer ever; kind. Tbe waaaxT are. there is no roval road to learuiue. Sunnyside, sunk Neither is there an v mval road to anv Prof. Kerr showed the Mans he prepared and Tuerday iu the Hudson by ice, thinks tbiuar else of great value in thia life took with the World's Expoaiiion at Vienna in that four or five lives were lost. Work, steady. Ibi)scoatioaed and reeu- 1873, exhibiting the different mineral regions 1 t: . ,Zm l.;.v of the State, the Mountains and their hefghts, Nbw YORK, Dec. I At a late hoar " X-TTu .TZ-ZI F wlw w the temperature of climate, Ac., dbc.-lhe ex- W nieht O'Connor'a nhr sicisns held ont 7U,,U WOTth l baT1Da ? ko,Al: .are Uftt caring so much about the orcani- L.:i. u.J ..uB. .i pUnaiions being printed on the maps by the knn.. ni hi. rirw ......idino. U .ffar. 1 Lcre 00 Of M7 , . - j w- wUw Professor bimelf in English, German and , " r without great abor. a.tion of the House mm. a. damirm tn mo I j a e t. e In , 7? ' . I nn mLanaW I The peoplo of the country, however, night and their dreams will be pleasant. The money crash, if it cmes, will cer- we aasa wsuft wawtaf BSBKrtU- poeaav aira Coma one, run all and wire aw Uijirg elarwbere, NO TROUBLE TO 8 HOW GOODS. Ws pay the hia est sasfket prims far at klads efCessstry sriiass ia Cash er Berbw. W. LAWHOK KLTJTTZ, J. A. RENDLEMAN Oct 14. 1 a-.:.. - 3. ssoa. OFFiCsVoi- THE hRETAKY OF WW Weesera Wwvtfa bar4Sa Iswst af 'em Mosmasrroa. No. Ca. Nov. 5th, lt7A Sealed pevp"3" recrived aS UUS dire le be pri'iaied ee aw bsfiiri Kek lat Iti. fc.r lh laving of l alllM ui Hri.k Iraa aocvrdie Ut the sprrtfaailii we of tin led far the faandalkuo walk of the Aet lnas. Thewaid jrv.iaU aawat coo a Ur the wk bmS ub sad wUbaSbt the liase anrl .xmrni he eeouniasMs with law Wsvwk will ht re- asbsm see I attired to hegia oa x alter the lat of May atxt UW""T aad u.hr earn piste J b the M of Iec. irs. It will be required that (be ooteisoa la oelr SU a vnr, poeuee prepaid. t atrirtl nder the lirmioa. rwaWrwJ aad eawsiteTr eawon of a pee--. --4, aw the iWd U Tbv OasLV asm, a large have ao trareOar sgeata to see gland from under need not fear much for French. The maps and the specimen of ores no rlP0 a -isc aud prompt action in regard to the themselves. more important matters of public interest. Reduce public expenses, redress abuses. Cotton Mills boutn. puuish the thieves, high aud low, cement I The Scientific American gives four Vibe bonds of peace by restricting unjust waion8 capitalists should invest in and ohUwIul tampering with the rights ol Slates, and they will render their plaudit of praise with a hearty good will. . - i 1 - and native woods exhibited by Prof. Kerr at tracted great attention at the Exposition, the Emperor of Germany sereral times personally examining the articles in the North Carolina Department. A rather curious or strange fact is shown by one of Prof. Kerr's maps, viz : that the land on the North Carolina coast projects further into cotton mills at tbe south, to wit 1. Labor is cheaper at tbe South than the Atlantic Ocean by 100 miles than that of at tbe North. 2. In consequence of a milder climate, the neeessary expense of living is less than in New England; aa is also that oi heating factory buildings, etc. 3. Coal is abnndant in the South, and BEAUFORT IN ASHES ! H0W A YOUNO MAN'S MONET iru-tof. A -young man Io this town whom we bave known from early childhood, told as l a few days ago that be had taken paios special to daily stews. J Beaufort, N. C , Dea. 1. The largest fire that ever occurred here to keep a correct accoont of bis uoneee. n man Hint ui . , . . . ,1 " m .1 . .1 A anv nther ivi.ist from Florida to w YorL- anil took place this mornuic at 2 o clock, and ary expenses irom ine s.u aay Of JUiy, that the land is steadily and constantly gaining was evidently tbe work of an ineendiary. 1875. The first item that appeared on on tbe Ocean and narrowing it compass. The loss was very hesvy aud the insar the list waa eigars. During the year he u1.8? ,nd otnr"e snimals have been found comparatively light: About twenty- said he bad net smoked -lees than eight imbedded several feet in the ground near n el- r L a ii .ul Amm atLik iiiil i. oon don, Goldsboro, and Kinston, proving that the fi.re urei. wen bsjd, comprising all cigars each day, which amouuted to 2,9Q, ocean once flowed over those sections of the lhat portion of t root street between ud wot the cost of the same waa eight State, at least 100 -miles from the ocean at pre- Turner and Orange streets with the ex- cents on an average, which amounted to ant. ception of two private dwellings. Many $233,60, and that the length ol the same, 3, Tbe purchase of ths raw material k ' m Z'S a7K ? ' WBI d raiicb u sm o m a str. gt ,,ne woiua reacn ot extra. SUM ear rear. Wa 1 approved Address, TBE Mil, Uf the bid .im iwi va . i --i- c ( - aaav as puaet ef taw otdaieed ef ibe the aad exerwted hoods le the lull S. Pbastk feaAHAM. W. O. WaTsosL J. C O. GaAMAM. 0 . GtAH am. "THE HARD TIMES' In bis able sod very handsome speech before the Cumberland county Agricnl- cheap water privileges can be obtained in tural Fair, on tbe 18th inst., the Hon. A. 6 o V're , . . ... I a. ine nurd waddell undertook to show how dilfromheDr the financial policy of tbe radical nartv of numerous middle men and ban trane he incurred in soina to Vicuna and makinef J. H. P. a --. I. I I iL. a -t I A Jv A . was chargable with tire ' hard times" of portation. which almost everv bodv. North and The Southern factory, continues the known the wonderful resources of North Caro lina. Chat. Dem. 1 BWth, complains. He prefaces his speech American should boy cotton in r I tt aocrl it in onn Ihsn tnm , anihAiit on this subject, however, with a few re paekiUg iiTto bales. Some of the ad van -marks on the Agricultural system of the tages of snch a systom would be South which we quote as follows : I- The yarn would be stronger. " The first idea connected with atfricul- uled cotton cannot be prepared for t t .. .. .. I ..i . m . I MISCELLANEOUS NEWS ITEMS. about 7.200 feet, and that ths smoks in esbeostiog the weed weald fill seworal storehonses ; farther, that the liqaordrank would amount to 91 gallons in one year cuough to drown a street commissioner . .... . .i . wi sa ujcui uv:i vj i auc: cum uivii cuuiii n. nnv .ASTOona or the miUionsirs of Two men pleaded guilty at Chicago of I The aaaosmt of twbaeaa used would fill a iora, oieo at nw resiaence in iruii cuy, reoeatina at elections, and have been sen- k-f .nA.l. ,U on the morning of the 24th of pneumonia to pM yearn imprisonment and township. Tbe am'oant of unnecessary o years, ine new xora cue says : .ihhai!.. j:: u k. i.a . . eapriiuuuius wm mmvw iwu iwriuy-ure families for a year Exchange years, ir.e rsew iork bun Rays William B. Astor lived for a long time in $1,000 Que. ture being the production of bread and meat, Carding ; without lieatiug, and thus weak- Lafayette place, hi a manson adjoining the The loss by the bnroing of the Boston bber sbqs factory at Mai de S.SJtl.UtsJ. tight hundred workmen were it certainly looks strange especially in a ening tbo fibre to a greater or less ex- Astor Library. He owned 2 500 bouses snd Compsny rubber sbos factory at Mai dsn was lots in mis city, ana nis tout wealth . j . youuiry uae mis, io see a i;mncr purchas- tent, ing, every year, these necessary supplies for 2.' There would be building v was recently estimated at $150,000,000. A great deal has been said and L.-i- L2a. J:. ' . Mr. Astor had more improved real estate ousted. 1 a. a WWWVB1 W iMOVUIV'lt ftllU I less waste. A Valuable Medical Treatiaa. HosteUsr's United States Almanac for prui;cvuH ui wmeu nc must buy all his other wnicu now are iaie toe greater part ucvoaenrj -uppiiw, or snau oe aivereity his of the year, would be saved to plan- rrnna inn ralniim,,. I. ..e t. a. . I "'fi vii.miu i,i cituu io meet ters. nrs own wapis, put tne balance on the A TREMENDOUS FALL Ia Dry Goods jest aa we were buying asw Stock, has enabled as to pot ia store aa as sort sweat of Goods eopreeedeatly low. Our 8tiek is entirely new. was aeleetad with cars as to quality sod pries aad Is oeVr ed at as low prices as caa be foaad la thta part of the Sooth. Ws have is Stock s fell Haa ot Staple at Fancy Dry Goods, Hats. Boots, Shoes. Reedy imi PWkinar- Vntuiaia. f.maf-taa. Aro aad we weal tbe Puboe to call aad see 1 lwU ssM Vr - S before buying. AH we ask Is a ehsees to I PropoaaJs for Lwasber far tbw W .U. M, anniU aJ I.. W mm Lmm V. ... CaToIlM IeaSaM AVai of perieoce that wo meaa to sell Goads oa fair T. OB0. WALTOX. ssd honest terms. tar.sf W K. C U s FUAMK r.RAUilf Mr fW I SslhSSSBT. 5.C. KwW. 11. IE7A-U1 Dm, s. Hsdrleks boildiag. lat door below Biaghsa drCo.. sfaioStrewt. to he fled wahmai l'r t.aU fc.r lair brnrk fc-r the W laesoe Asylum of North Carolina, asd sdio T.OEO. WtLTOW, 8sey. of W. H. C lasaae SsJsssswe, K. C Roe. 11. ls7A-Jaa. e, OFFICE OF THOlCETABT OFTEI Wesvaas Jfeara Caaeuaa Iaaa.es asvua Ko. Ca. Kee. eta, 10a. will he ba Dae. 187. far oww b Sri I (I West WtwssOak 1 of all heart IW Tbe said Lumber bs be sewed Ufc.rtthelkh of March nest. bmJ ash sly filed aad stark delivered at the aise ot ibe Afkmrn, faaaS ad thwaiss SM MUtliln fAj aa on :.Uratu to the Nerrrtar? Af- peoved seal esawesed haed to ike lull Jfortb BUGGIES. his own use i. rllfun ..1.;. C. . 1 vunuu io uwcuioreu auu Hon ana fnnr mon in ka alfa- aa-ahaSlav. Wil. wtthnnt . vrT.a ''e.Sl V otherwise injured by foreign substances Ham Rhinelander. the Goelets. A. T. Stewart. The 29th was a fair dav at Boston and ' for distribution, gratis, throughout the know in changing the general plan pursued that have been packed with it. At the and the Beekmans. Most of the large tene- an immense erowd was present to receive United Stales and all civilised eoantries of ths and averting its evil consequences: and', -North aud in Europe it takes, from 108 to ment houses around Tomokina square and . nmaln f Viee-Preeident Wilson The Weatrn Hemisphere, will be published about therefore, I cannot hope, by anv protest-of 1 16 pounds of cotton to make 100 pounds ""E l First avenue and Avenues A and B "mains oi v ice rree,asntvv iison. ine firt of jMOtJT in th English, German, mine, to effect s revolution on the subjects of yarns snd although the wastelsnotso SSinSiJ eawep-- -.w.., Frmicb. Norwegian, Wslsh. Swedish. Hulled, JZlniw T i. 3. r0teSt 'eat Rt Xh SoQtb " erthtlass con- to Fortieth street. The old Bowery Thestre snd Congress convenes on Mondav usxt. The Bobemisn and Spanish languages, and all who t0 thCinau Others which ha vebeenlmade Con- aid frahl. tl.MWATkMM..M , ui- l- ir-1 . . . ... . ... I ari.h tr wndaratand the tma ohilnaonhw r he oreed w mV.y."read7"to tor Trl " " J, T health should read asm poader'ths vis'sbl. .rer- Mtahliahmot .nd tfa. tl he could get it cheap. It was his rule J e s.eci.ou ot opes.er oi vtmi I.eddttfa.tw. n.c.u.w.c .woniy remains ior mm to decide 7 ':i b. -M " never to sell any of his houses and lots. He House. T , , 1a i 7 7T 77 TT " 77 In what form the surplus shall be realized. nd. i.ce . leased the most of his lots for twenty-one years. mlrble medlc1 trU" CW"T- 9 rmau ne make one principal crop, with the mierest on gins aud gio-houses with the stipulation that lessee should build on At Lowell, Lawrence and many other n core ol a grs variety or Slsissss. nrilAAAilu V UihlnK W aa -a. 1 . t S a W I12-.I- .a. ! Jl. iL . a .lat rf". al a.. .Sa at a .a I a W S . A a A at Hiem. un ute exmrsai , Hear Eariaad eldea oa the 29th. bells were " emurac mou" OI iniorml,oa bmldinirs revtrted to him with the lots. The I . , 7. 1 ... iutere.tinc to the merchant, ths mechanic, the HNiea ana cannons were nrea in nouor ot tne . - A. , . , , nmrlrot t In fhn.niui raa . U .a ' "v last mere are a i nous- U' l j n, . ana contingencies to be provided for- in Wond be eueo"rHd. Tbe plantation he Other, be has a certainty. Whatever 7iem is not adapted to free labor, and f.h--sportsinaa msy tliink about it, a caterer " s steadily breaking up, hut until eou linuly believes that "a bird in the hand 1oq can be honestly sold in seed, few ,v. fa worth two in the bush." If a small farms will be opened in the cotton w cV1., tw n and bacon he -action, for tbe reason that a man cannot Tln JlM t T48?- thr d ffd i Pte a gin, if he only wood on something to eat for his family i . t J if he confines biiuself to planting cotton he tW COi: may not ouly lose bis crop from natural 100 nd mcre POT acr Wl11 1)6 hUiue4 on .causes, imt Dy a tall in prices ; and in either BM" ' an on urge ones. c.wo hp must go hungry or go in debt." 5. Tbs raiding of cotton on email farms n ' It Is truo, ss Mr. Waddell says, that tl. i pruU'st agajnst the dangrouS system ol fskiug faiatly support aud everything e' m- oh a siusrhs article or erop, cotton for ' ''fnslsnce, has Iteen rnng in the ears of fc mtheru formers fur a long time, and e KlKiut sny very marked effect. Many oi ill' m st i'! practice it, and hence, io large The Stra-nge Homigidh The grand jury (ailed to find a bill against Preston Bridgers, son of Hon. B. R. Bridgers at Haywood court, who was charged with be ine accessory ts tbe un fortunate homicide, which took place last summer, it was with some difficulty uo jury iouuu a DHJ against young Strange. His ease has been removed jo ouncomos county. ft . TI at a .. a Sa a . nouae was meomy instance in wnicn ne .v.. r-.. t, .a k r .r "" - . i mimm m , n. xr-i irr.u w v . . . , u . . . , . ... I V L explsined reason be sold this place to his son, L 9twUml u,Ui MU mwm wwmm John Jacob, for one dollar. f It was rumored ia Washington Monday 1 msds for such meridians and latitudes as are pci.r-issv bed. that Chas. O'Conner wss dead, but later die- most suitebla for a correct aad comprehensive pstehes from Fort Washington deny tbe ru- national Calendar. sured. He believed like Mr. Stewart that the mor, aud ssvs be is somewhat better. D"n' UC8' n1 cost of insurance would be greater than bis 17 ffect HoaUtter s Stomach Bitters, ths losses. The terms of his father's will prohib- I a ne ajegmsture oi v irgiuiw wnTtnci uu gtapie tonic and alterative oi more than hair ited the building of brown-stone buildings as Wednesday, the first of December. the Christian world, are fully set forth in its they ;were too extravagant. He strictly abided .. . ... . naawa. which are alao nit-renewed with eieto- by this, rule, and ths brown-stone houses that luver from Pougbheepsie to Albany ts ' - ' . r . ' " , he ownpH ho Knuiriit frw. ru l.m . . 7X1- T7 a rial illustrations, alusbls reoeipes for tbe ne owned ne bought irom others, aa they re- frozen dd. Th eroi omet er at rero. . ... . . r, . , verted to bim on the expiration of leases. The P hossebold and farm. hamoToos aasedotss. asm most of the residences that he built on Madiaoo tk. . .a aftlEaaJ Pm. un.j.. othcj instructive sad amssing reading matter. anu irtn avenues and thirty-third and Thirty- . ' f . Tl original and selected. Jtmons; the Annuals to fourth eiraota n puum ... nr vn.. wu on t two dcffrees sbove xero. l bs " . . a J..: " rTl 1 r; J g". - appear with tbs opening ot tbe year, thm will 8cotia free stone or brick with stone trimmings. Delaware is frozen over. Z.Z nf th. 1 .fni and mar h. had fr Mr. Astor stteoded personal 1 v to the rental of be on of the most useful, sod may be had for his real estate, and was assisted by bis sons snd I The schooner John Somes eras eepsizsd aakinE- Ths Proprietors. Messrs. Hostetter WW" in Booth's Bar hsrbor. Maide. and tbe Cap- . Pittsburgh. Pa., oa receipt pf a two wmh oo i-rince sireei, ana ne went to tbe ' cent stamp, will forward a copy by mail te office every day until vary recently. He yf one man lost. ooe ta bis In i 7TM.0Vn!iv!I-. :, Article of impesebmeut sgsisst Auditor neighborbped. Tb Bittr. ar ld in taxes on hia huaM and lma Amn. ik. ni. IE. A. Bennett have beee adooesd kw theieity town aad vilbaos, sad are satassjveiyw cm that he ewnad omwid of hew York is Legislarure of West Vmsia- fwasd thssagavostt thesatstm abstiiswi world. f Savd RATH BONE'S ACORN COOK. ?E For Fine Buggies savd other work bs she t'arriage bws, sal W. M. BAB HER am Liberty street between la-. 8ts. asm wessest rVbsss amwasw STAR SALOON. With All Uteat improrementAa largest Ovsa md raws, leased foe fttewr hasea. raws s Odefc, sweat as Urn ssss wd ssd, twwg Heart asd As Caleb. Was' t sal fear W eareat mLTmx WuTawad. Ma, Mka w Sefi. Ir- Fsd, Csrsfaffy FRwd 1-ewO Cst-ap. m0MssWkes mtsm rwasi T ! Tb tb-S 0 bwars, ITIIZT. rw H$cvy. BntMnlrm. Won't enck. Bert Door to B friewds aad the public fswerally tsastU hsj elwmys oe heed a full aeasKiieesi wtees aad laasjers. Tbe rwer i.ril.i.rvtabUaluoeut will gardUas mt cost. Minne tnede WbPkeys aao u eaw. mm a d" speciality . atstk-y s stye er wrs ..-. Whi.l.r lmrt we J. A ssiui.- RATHB0KE. SAB0 A C, Albaay . N. Y. WM swawasd.iJilSsg bsebawa ream L. V. BROWS, 8eJsivswy. . C. Bow. 11. laWA lis Cheap Chattel Mortgagee, cBse STAB SAOQN RESTAURAIt ws will he forsisbad fwa sJ .deyrar et ail J. A. 8BIDBB. " "' w-- r

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