Carolina Watchman. LOCAL. DECEMBER 16, 1875. v..- the time to take stock in the Building Lose Association. A New i. Wing - xt, () W. Atwell, of Mt. UlU town- recently mncn a pir seven monins Who cm beat u? ... old tbat weighed 265. (ItujsTM.v3 Good At the Bookstore, j k II. Horah'H, Bell & Bro's., Bingham & Co'i, Meroney's, &c. Broke hit teg. Mr. Tolriaa Lents had thii mi-fortune, to break nw icr wnue nuioau ins a bale of cotton a few day since. oildino aud Loan. The annual report of the Secretary will soon be ready for distribution. The books are now open for the reception of stock, aa a new aeries will be issued between this sod the first Monday in January, 1875. i sound more sweetly then than ever before her form appeared more graceful, her lives, the South will play a part in sba-1 pine ieioia won s uco n u mm nut piayeu sparkled with more brilliancy audthe hiving since I860. The leading members from amilee which rested on her tweet lipe made tnat section have great faith ia the Dem- her look more like the essence of matritnonv oc'a,lc PnJ lt PnJ Wlnett to t . i. r Burt by a Cotton ttin. Mastor David ftM.nofWm. P. Watson, Esq.. of W iiwu IKike township, had a leg frightfully mangled by s cotton gin one day last week. Most Out. The year is dyiag fast. If joa owe auything now is the time to pay it. Eipecially remember your printer and your preacher. " See nofieeofllillsboro Military Academy. in another column. Mr. Horner has witt- i,ri, from this Institution on account of kU health; hut it is understood. will not be detrimental to the school. ' Pastor Called We learn that St. John's Lutheran Church of this place have invited Rev. Dr. Doech of Charleston, S. C, to visit and preach for them at an early day, with a view of securing his services as their pastor. Dr. Doacb's reputation as a learned and eloquent divine, precedes him. and we trust that be may be induced to accept the pastorate or St. John's. Shiloh Grange. At a meet in cr of this body on the 11th, after the ordinary routine of business, they heard interesting public aaareases trora Kev. J. U. Demy, Capt. Craw ford, James F. E. Brown, and others. The Orange then elected the following board of oracere ior me next year, via: J. W. Fisher, master ; D. Kluttz, overseer; l. a. Yi ebb. lecturer : W. 8. Brown, stew ard : P. A. Richer, a. s. steward : M. L. Brown, chrtplain; W. M. Balev. treasurer: A. L. Peeler, secretary ; H. M. Brown, gate- Keeper ; jars. u. u. Lyerfy, Ceres ; Miss Mary Gardner, Pomona; Mrs. D. Kluttz, Flora; Jtias . a. Hartman, A. Steward. The ceremonies of the occasion dosed with a feast, and a pleasant social chit chat. sweetened with the tincture of blushes than anything else. I tried to say something. but my tongue clove to the roof of my mouth reform the evils of (iovernmeut and put the country on the road to prosperity. They insist that it shall be a party of ae tinA Tt twuilrl rmilnv it nnfr in ika fust bowed and left, but when I got home House, they say, to prow to the country was worse off than ever. I couldn't get that ft is worth v ef full confidence, that it her out.of my mind to save me. I could n 't I is bold and aggressive, as well as prudent sleep nor eat anything much for some time. and conservative, and tbat it has a dis- so I made up my mind to tell her something tiuctive policy which it is not afraid to aooutmy teetings. So ou Saturday evening w ""' w e reruici oi we pcopie in 1 put on my best clothes and went to the D ":a,u"" wcuwi. u. view old woman's house; Maggie was gone 1 . J i mm , . aooui iwo miles d. l started and went to i.r j .mr m vn i '- ymmtm miu III VIMS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I0TICE.-Having retired from the Wattk- man, I will thank all those indebted to me for advertising or otherwise to come forward and settle promptly. J.J. 81AWAK1. civhic uuu weui w iue .. - , . . s, when I got there Miss W" WX? nJm "vc"" -day . . v. by a distinguished man - from one of the to set up by a sick man. G7ttlf Sla.CJlf He said that iu the DCmo- ana went w . n ,,fArm nMt .nd i 1 the sick follows houe too, and got there utterancea of the reai Democratie U.d after dark. When 1 went inI had my mouth era of former daya would be found the u iw w io miss xnajrvie. i urmcinies w i c iuhv meei vue nreaen. Wood evening Miss Maggie!' said I, at the demands of the people. 1 bus the theory Em) FOR SALE : 130 Acres of Land Four miles south of Salisbury, 00 acres of which ia TIMBERED land, and will be sold low down for cash. Apply to D. R. JULIAN. Salisbury, Nov. 25. 1875. 4t KIM'S COLUMN. TO RENT. For the ensuing year, the Dwelling House en corner nl Church and Bank Street occupied 1 W IP1 I 1 ... TV IH or mm. tf nceier, ana ine uweuin? noDK on Bank Street, lately occupied by Robt Knox. r Jsr 9 ' :. .- FACTS! FACTS!! FACTS 1 ! 1 HEW ADVERTI8EMKFT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. n A T aaswsjt at Jt L DIMO WarreaSuM.T. Hew Books ea BTJIL BICXKBLL A 00. Nw same time taking her by the hand aa 1 thought, H isn't Maggie," said the gal. 'she's in tother room," and when I come to look what do you think why bless God, I bad the 'yaller gel' what cooked, by the band, soueesing it like all wrath. I tried to make some apologies; told them the Tight blinded me so I couldn't see, and all that. of civil service reform was enunciated hv S 11 . v . . Lainoun and lenton m tneir speeches pointing out the evils of concentrating power and patronage iu the hands of the Executive, and the true principles of cur rency were expounded by a long line of Democratic statesmen. In fact, there was scarcely a public question of the day,' ne saiu, ior wnicn the correct solution Nor. 25 '76.-4 D A. DAVIS. 1 A Pt buy one Box of Coneeutated Id Uli. Lye at A Biz Dollar Horae. Positive fact A horse kiiIU on the stieets at public auction last n . I., f f,,r diilr si T llol '.AT. An mar kn 5aiuiuj i -j - mmm mm vill walk after this, when riding material is so cheap ouilit to ho indicted for contrariness. SwiuBixu orr Time is almost here. If all the pledges, promises, vows, and reformations which will be made on Now Tear's day be kept, won't it he awful on the whiskey, cigar and tobacco trade f 111 Important to Arrangers : On the 12th day qf Oct, 1874, the Execu j tive Committee of Kentucky State Grange adopted the Remington Sewing Machine for 1 " the various Subordinate Granges in Ken tucky, as well worthy of their consideration and purchase." Since that time, large num bers of machines have been sold to members of the Older throughout the State, and the number is rapidly increasing. Every ma chine is fully warranted for tove years, and by a responsible company. Every machine sold is guaranteed to give full satisfaction, or the purchaser has the privilege of return - inj it Louuvtlle (Mir. Journal. These Machines are on exhibition and for sale by J. A. CLODFELTER & CO.. 7:4t Salisbury,. C. but it didn't do any good at all. They all could not be found iu the principles ot the begad to laugh and kepi on laughing. Final- old-time Democracy. The luminaries of ly one big mouthed gal laughed aud squalled the past bad only to be looked to for light so loud she scared the old man into a fit. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Prices Reduced U Order To CLOSE OUT BUSINESS Owing to the bad health of Mr. Robert "POCKBTFULL OF ROCKS." ilr. Robt. Harris slaughtered a hog last week, which bid in its maw between a pint and a quartof mrks as large as hickory nuts. Rather oJJ. Grand lodge ol colored mason's is in session here. It met on Tuesday last, and indulged in a big public procession on Wednesday. The its pretty well dressed, and shine out in their rt'iralia, like night made luminous by the stem. . . r Commissioner h meeting. we are re- (i.-.-tfi to state that a special1 meeting of the fa8 Commissioners will he held at the Mayor's limes on Friday evening uext at three o'clock. Important besiuess Jo be trausncteil. AaaKSTBD. John Quiucy Adams Bryant i f llalfigh, was arrested here several days a, and held until the RaMtfh Chief of l'.dit-e came for him. J. Q. A. II- is a hard mel villain. The old woman (who was lying in bed in the same room) jumped up and ia her fright ran against the eradel rocker, knocked some of the nails off of her toes, aud at the same time turned the cradle top side down spilling that nothing should be doue tending in two littlegbrats on the floor. This shock was the remotest way to impair the financial so unexpected it seared the little chaps al- honor and credit of the nation. They most to death and they set up a yelling loud desired to go upon record early in the enough to be heard a milej I tell yoo that 8M,n " P',r declaration to that was the worst time I've ever seen in my life. ft5Ct Iwhlch ,WC"ld1 ?!ei an PPeu- The gal. and boys laughing because I shook "u" IT'r . fZ 1 'AT. " , - . . . I "wit" wj wutj uudiic crtunore rTQ no nl tho kohiaa rnllinrr m Ka I. to guide the party on itt future career. Murphy, senior partner, we have reduced the In answer to a question as to the attitude priees on all our goods, and will fur the next . . . . . . I .,:. .1 11 ki. oron JJ. t ot toe ooiiluern delegation toward the na tional debt, be was very positive in his assurance tbat all the Democratic mem bers from the South were determined sixty days sell AT COST, aay article in our tore, for Cash. Onr stork consists of DRY GOODS, NOTION'S. HATS 4c CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES Ace. We have also TWO PINE 8H0W CASES, six feet long Call to see us and get bargains. R. & A. MURPHY. Nov. 13. 4t. KLUTTZ S DRUG 8T0RE, is the large, and oldeat Ublihed in Salisbury- KLDTTZ'S DRUG 8TORE, is pre pared to duplicate any Merchant's or Physician's Bill, bought anywhere in Christendom. KLUTTZ S DRUG STORE, has done, is doing, aud intends to do. the largest Drug trade in this section of the State. KLUTTZ S DRUG STORK a . a is is plate to ouy anything tbat yon want from a Corn plaster, to a $7 box of perfumery. From a paper of Lampblack to a thousand pounds of White Laud From a dose of Castor Oil to a hundred ounces of Quinine. From a tooth pick to a Pocket Book, No bragging either, but solid facts. To prove it. call on, or write to TUEO. F. KLUTTZ Wholesale ic Retail Druggists, Salisbury, N. 0. MIND BEAD! NO, PS TCHOM A NO Y, FASCINATION Baud Ctmrsaasaj, Mat meriatav and Marriage Guide, shswiag hew either sex may sarins tc aad gain the love auti aflectioa of any person they choose lasts ai Ij 400swsa. BysaaUeOcu. Boot A Ce- T S. 7ih 8L. Phihu, Fa. HUw. i lJiUldevoU wl Waoted. Geed 'inn king money, to parties who bote or part of tuatemsetl- inc our Tea. Liberal remmiaaiui for tense. P. O. Box AGO. linear caw Tba Co., SI A SS Vesey Bu, N. Y. 4w Company are now rennrantaing their general ratrntk men may ecu re the con trol of all sales ia article. A pern he snoaW to pav tAtOu mm . A. LUMPKIN, i'roddent. 4 M7 Kede Street. New York. the nigger's hand the babies rolling in tbe floor the old woman keeled over with the blood running out of her feet and the old abroad. He hoped to see an uncquivoca resolution adopted by tbe unanimous of tbe Democratic members of Congress 3 Tdial Property fir man trotmng at tbe moutn with a ht. How- that would pot it out of the power of ever, that all blowed over after awhile. Tbe the Republicans to charge the Democrat- old man got over his fit, the old woman got her "5 party with favoring any measure look toes tied up. and some of the gals got the two ,n6 dually or indirectly to repudiation. brats to sleep again. All was quiet now only them confounded gals and boys would Rontc Agent W If. O- & II We are glad to learn tbat Capt. Jim. A Ramsey h.Hlc(Mi appointed to tho above position. He hu faithfully served his party, and for a long time without reward. We have uo doubt but that he will msko a most efficient agent. Cabarrus Court. We glean from the Charlotte Democrat the following proceedings at Concord : "The negro man. Randolph Sutton, moved from Mecklenburg, charged with burglary in breaking into the Store of Mr Cooper in Steel Creek, this county, was tried on Thursday and convicted, and sentenced to be hanged on Friday, the 21st day of w - 1 ... January. io appeal was taken to the Supreme Court, as there was noth ing, in the opinion of his able counsel, to appeal from. Alexander Neely, for attempted rape on a white woman, was convicted and sentenced to 15 years in the Pen itentiary Nisbet, white, for stealing bacon, was sentenced to 10 years in the Pen itentiary. The case of Miesemer, from Rowan, charged with killing his step-mother, was removed to Iredell. The cost to .-id i all at one Mis Mhi mv I ,i. Rowan will ultimately be oonsidera- dress you upon the subject of matrimo.iy ? Bless her little soul she was scared a heap worse than I was. She bluahed, said she didn't know sir. and at the same time sprung CONCORD. 1 ahead like she was going to run. Just as Messrs. Editors: Bavins: a little business in Con-1 she made her sprine. she stamut her toe and com lasv. i uiaue a nj ana : IN 8ALISBTY, N. C. Some of our Radical contemporaries keep gigiing in spite of everything. During M T p? "Confederate Brig. There is al a goo.1 large kil .11 it- ad,r, ,n Congress. Well, tell how RU)ok houses, good dairy, good the time all this row was going on Miss union Brigadiers there are iu the rata garden, fine front and hael HOMEOPATHIC. FAMILY MEDICINE CASES aanBOOOL giving plain directions for their ww, are a ty in every vail regalatrd Not only will a timely ahwe of Urn kasSeatsd HoaMsopathic remedy often eat aborts anises jaSakhn L -i m n lis una ef he- Bag ante, in rti. Illoatcated Price UaSe, saw) atosnp la BOKRICKE ft TAFEL BAIT: V0RE HOM (BOP A TB IC PHAKMACT. W ItS Weat Faef te BtresA. SMELL GOOD. IT8 JU8T AS EASY. DREXElS. nOYT'S. and Huxocaun Clognea. WRIGHTS. LUBIN8. and all other Handkerchief Extraeta. At KLUTTZ S Drag Store. W IX I r l U hes m W AVaVm mi Wm0 atlliag Print Packaays la the world. It ceetaias ll aheeU paper, 16 eavilopsay golaca Pen. Pea Holder, Pencil, patent Yard Minimi and a niece of Jewelry. SiagAe narfcag a with vWgaat Priae. postpaid 2.'. C ircular uoe. LEIDE A iXX. 799 Broad war, N. Y. 4 w AN OUTFIT FREE Maggie came in , but I didn't say anything to her then of course. But after a while the chickens begun to crow, then ray heart be guu to flutter about like a churn dasher, be cause I intended to go home with that gal sure, so before day she got ready to go, and I asked her if I might see her home. She smiled and stid yes sir. Now you see the rest of the old wctnau's gals was ahead a ith some fellows and I and Miss Maggie walked a good ways behind. I tried my beat to say some sort of eourtin words to her. but some how I couldn't think of anything hardly, and when I thought of anything to say. some- iny union liugadiers Whiskey Bing, signficautly asks the Plenty of shad trw Louisville Ledger Remember This. Now is the time of the year for Pneumonia, Lung Fever. Coughs, ddds, and fatal re sults of predisposi ion to Consumption and other Throat aud Lung Disease. BoftcilEE's. German Syrup has been ued in this neigh borhood for the past two or three years with out a single failure to cure. If you have cot used this meoicine yoitrslf. go to your Druggist Theo. F. Kluuz, Salisbury. N. C. aud ak him of its wondu'ful success among his customers. Two doses will relieve the worst rase. If you have no faith in any thing seemed to set iu my throat so I couldn't meiiiciue, just buy a Saoii Bottle of Kits- Intending to change my residence.' I now offer for sale my dwelling bouse and lot where I now rwrfde on Inoias St. The house is large, well built and plenty of room. tchen. two well, first- ganlen, hue front and back yard, and Also my vacant hit in rear of Major Coles' house, about an acre. This property is valuable and convenient ly situated. Persons desiring further Infor mat ion ran obtain it by calling on or com- muni eating with th undersigned. ROBERT MURPHY. Nov. 18- 4t. DISSOLUTION! :U6 The Firm of Rlutts, Graham & Rend I em an has thin day (Kept 2-lh, 1876.) dissolved by limitation, and they hereby give notice to aU a A a J ri . a . a uieir anz- Wash anfl lie Clean ! Cashmere Boqnet, Brown Wind nor. SrKsxrno. Poncivs. Caaaouc and fifty other kinds of Toilet Soaps, at from 5 to 75 cents a cake. At KLUTTZ S Drag Store. W waMsnaneono ha nei count t to uk orders and drlirer roods for the old aad oracJ nal C. O. D. Hons. Larao cash .r SiW did tbaoo in everv rwirhborbood for tWiifaftl P r..ri oi ir mz, yoamg new lhaa, ml tree and post paid. Head far it at asms J. H A LL ft CO- 4 M. J speak. At length I made up my mind to just quit thinking of anything for awhile, and so I did till my throat got clear, tlteu Be in time and Insure your Buildiugs, Merchandise. Dwellings, Barns, and Coutents, by calling at tbe Insurance mce ..f J. Allen Brown, who represents Kirat Clrss (Vs. (Home and Foreigh) whose aggregate assets exceed Thirty Million Dol- iars. .Nov. 4tli ICO. The "Lani or Non." Pamphlet No. by Vikoimius Vindrx. is mysteriously on iurUblr. Wheu aud how it came there is uoeznIiiiuHd. It is bitter towards tbe now- ert that be and the late Vice President of whom he writes ne sutor ultra crepidam. ble, as we learn there are over 70 wit nesses summoned. slajf town nourishing trade. The merchants are principally -n4t-i,pj m in young aud energetic men who knew precisely how snaicneu me ou my to do a successful business. I found Court lu session I could do. Then si ami was mucu uicaaeu wiui uie pruiuptaen awi decision witn wnicn nis Honor, juuge scaent, ais- found It to trip to that cnterprt- j as usual, aoirur a co wo Hop she went right on the ground and knee in spite 'of all I she begun to holler oh ! Lord v. mi foots broke-! Poll it ! Pull It ! patched business, and congratulate the people of ' . . t . , that Judicial district on having a man so well wor- I grabbed it m an instant, fetched a sudden but would advlBe transgressors of the law to keep as' lerk and as she was not heavy enough to far out of his way as possible. I also found the bar uQi j her oogWion on tba around he slioed to well represented by such men as Kx-Oov. Vance, no,a ner PIWn OB 4Qe grouna . ne supea to Lieut, uot. Armueia, ueo. oamuier, as wen as our i me go suddenly tnat I COUIdU t Stand OD, So talented townsman, James M. McCorUle, Esq., be- J . r my head into the causeway ditch which was about half full of muddy water. My head Koard, where were quite a number cl Uie lalrsex, jn tne lnod clean down to my shoulders, nis. :i wpII as I ranffimlMr. the following woiw my leei was up iu ine air uoing an they could to get my head loose. After awhile however I got out wiped the muddy as well as our sides a number of others whose names I do not 1 1 went co rouse right over backwards on rememoer. While there it was my privilege (by mere accident) to attend a Fancy Dress Party , given by the young ladles of the place, at the residence of Mai. R. w! ! characters : it. MOSELLE FOARD, "TUB Grnrr Gmu" ZKTA MORRISON, "FKXKCH MUUCKT Omu" MOLUE SMITH. "Scotch Lassie.- LAURA SMl'l'H, Personal. We are glad to see oar eld friend Mr. Jus. B. Beard hack to his old home tad in bnsiu tg again. He makes bis appear ce behind the counters of Siuithdeal & Cald eU' hardware store, and will be glad to see tad serve all his old friends. Mr. Beard is a Issfctisiuess man, and will, we doubt not. Kore s valuable auxiliary to the new firm. HFThc attention of real estate holders called to the advertisement of Messrs. McKinaey & Mcllen, Land Agents. These Rentleuicn present very highly respectable fen-Decs, and are no doubt personally en titled to the fullest confidence as men of iHsnncss. Persons having valuable property to tclLuty find it greatly to their interest to confer with them. - r"tE Ksoisks Considerable Interest WM psovuked oa Thursdav and Friday 'SltUst hy the public trial of the "Little chemical ire engine, in the open pac u Merony' Hall. The tost whs a JrJ Mliafaetory one, ana proved the Little Gnt. a most valuable thing for places where re 18 deficient water sunnlv. It can be gotten ready in a few minutes, is light, and e k carried anywhere, requires but a few to opiate it, and possesses marvelous ' extingmshiug fires. Of course it ould n,)t he f much service io a large con o".uu. put ior puttiug out fires when "r'td.acovered it Is invaluable. . ,xi. The Verdict. AJory, wuerai " FANNIE ORE. "Littlb Bo Paar." - At; N ES l'HIFER, "Aukoka." " ROSE PHIFER, "EvawrNO." Theouni tomea werel 8Urted b6k 10 and looked so well tbi.t It would be very hard to de- a a r'. knflU fall lui.rmin nocr tr. cmn clde who was the Belle of tue occasion. I could go ' on and give a more elaborate aecouut of some ot the characters, but to do the subject anything like Jus tice would be tedious to you and your readers, i will add, however, that there were a sufficient num ber of iianasome young genuemen present v it pleasant for all. After spending the eveati ueasanttv. which was made even more so elegant music, both vocal and l ustruin en tal. given by the accomplished Misses Foard and Pbifer. I took my departure thinking, "lives there a man who soul so ueaa, wno w ainueu nam vara- i wiu never marry T Let him so to Concord and see as I saw, and If he does not then cnange his mind, all may at once decide that be ts beyond the poSstbtllty of redemption. . nespwuuui', BATCUELOR. SaUsbury, N. Dec. ISth, 187S. "upnoKed to ranraaant fairlv the intull... . r r hich It '"cuc Ul ne community irom i-lKi'ii. hn mi t nr innnonnrn nf Wml'iF? Ia,uo or worthlessness of n article rcntl ui ' veraicu a. varuie wh the wit redered by a jury composed of dow-n UtVl,ten frVm every country on the odthin j ,uece was clear and impartial, nr. tTt01?qC wanosMsa gavs thoir testitnoi waswz! tL.e Jury have at last brought in wnica wa. -That Da. Tctt's PrLLS li;i;"ra,er P"wr ever diea-e than any . '"'"vented inca tba v ia pronoun CK, "C I.ELI A PHIFER,- Al.Llo, water out of my face and eyes and looked around for Miss Maggie, but she had gone and left me. I stopt and studied for a mo ment, wiped the mud out of my eyes, blowed chef's Gfrtuan Syrup fur 10 cents and try it. Kegular size Itiittle 7a cents. Don't neg lect a rough to smv75 ennts. MARRIED By Kev K. L. Brown on the 14th ilar of Decern' e . a id at tl e residence of thebaic' fat! er. Mr J l n B. Kerns to Mias Nancy L. Kluttz, both ot Uowan l.o. In Rowan Co.. K. C Dec. 9. 1675. bv Rev. Saml. Kothrock. sir C larles A. Miller and Mkw Ellen E. A. Barringer, daughter of the DRY GOODS. indented to said Firm to call and settle accounts without delay, as they are very ioum to close the bourne of the above r irra They return their sincere thanks for the vary liberal (isironage given them by the generous public. KLUTTZ. GRAHAM k RENDLEMAV. Oct 14. '75 Smoa Beriad l & Sods Are now receiving their large stack of Fall Goods, consisting of late Moses Barringer. At the residence of W. G. Brandon.- on tbe 7tn, iec., by u. il. McKenzie, J. P. Mr. W. A. Brandon, and Mis Florena Black, alt of Rowan. SALISBURY MARKET, December 16, 1875. Cotton moderately brisk. Middlings, 12t able to sell at PRICES as low aa they can 1 St m . W NOTIONS. CLOTHING. BOOTS 8H0E8. HATS ic 0AP8. FAMILY GROCERIES. and many other articles which they are en- low do Rtains I0&ll4 Floor market stocked best faro. $3.00 super. 2.75 Wheat good demand at l.00l.l5 Corn market well supplied Meal moderate demand at Sweet Potatoes readily at 4050 Irish do according to qual. 5075 Oats 4550 Butter scarce, 30 Chickens per dozen $l.502.00 Eoos scarce 20 (ft 25 ONioNB--in demand 75 Cabbage fall market per lb. 2t be bought Come and examine onr stock before pur chasing, and be convinced. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refund d. BERNHARDT Ac gov Salisbury, Oct. 14. 2mos. oo(3,oj A ROYAL SMOKE. Salisbury Favorite Cigar. Only 5 Cents. IT DRIVE! AWAY CARE, AND PUTS You in a Good Humor. Also. All popular brands at from 2 to 25 cents. At KLUTTZ'8 Drag Store. For Your Sweetheart Urn ELEGANT LINE OF MAGNIFICENT TOILET 8ETT8, 8DELL TOILET BOXES, POW DER and PUFF BOXES, FANCY BOTTLES, V I N I AO A BETTE8, POCKET-BOOKS, MIRRORS, dee. Ate., Cheap at KLUTTZ S Drag 8 tore. ABE TOO GOING TO PAINT 9 MONEY, TIME, LABOR, For Couqhs. Colds Hoarseness AND ALL THOAT DISEASES, Use WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. PUT UP 0XLY IN BLUE BOXES. A THIRD AID SURE REMEDY Sold kfDMk F17LLKR A in . ARTHURS iLLCLTuarne Hoara Macassars rica in IB7C -RAGLBSCLiFPE." br Julia C.B. Trr. and "MIRIAM" at T Arthar. IM'TTRRlCCWrvtet Paf renr sjsjilsi. Tarsas itAO par tear. 3 r pa. a Pnictubd it- T 8 ARTHUR A SOM THE SUNNY SOUTH ! The Largest and Hand somest Literary Paper in America. BRILLIANT ANNOUNCEMENTS. e who was the Belle ot tae occasion, l could go J and give a more elaborate aecouut ot some of the another 'sk eery gal, and from that day to this I pe r have. If you knovr of any good old to make 1 widows that won Id like to marry, please let 'ttie me know, and I'll try my fist again. They atat "skeery" like young gals. Hoping some young man may may he benefited hy the above, I remain yours ttuly, : . II. C D. INFLUENCE OF THE 80UTH. Experience and High Character o Southern Democratic Members A Pos- Messrs. Editors : Hive Policu Advocated bv Them. SIRS. T hope you will give me spac in I f Prom a regular correspondent of the Tribune- your valuable and unsurpassed eolojpna to j Tbe policy of inaction advocated by sav something of the "ups and downs" of 7 w - my first courtship. You see there was a. many Northoru Democrats does uot meet with much favor among the South a rn i l , i i .a widow woman who lived close to uut house memoers. iuey oon t Deueve tue I "sm -1 X a A - - - wm Mti!. 1 and she had some very good looking girls, reaiucuey nw wwu u7 B.m..g un toe but there was one little named Maggie, and that one of all. so folk said, and told the truth when they said it. li li.i 2 gate-post and waiting for something to , . torn up. Standing still aud railing at 7t r I the Administration does not pass with ad I thought they them for .utesmansbip. There is a good ea! more political sagacity, talent for This little ! girl was not a daughter of the old woman. I public affairs, and parliamentary skill but just lived there. Weill had seen her I (somewhat rusty from long disuse) among several times and thought she was pretty, but I thought there was some other girls aa handsome as she. One day., however, I went to tbe old woman's house and there wasn't aoy body at home but Miss Maggie. I had nothing on but working clothes, but I took a seat and commenced to talk to her without thinking of courting her. Well when I went to leave I shook her hand and told her good-bye. She smiled and said she hoped I'd come again aeon. I looked right iu her face and she smiled so sweetly that I paused for a moment, and during that mo ment she underwent all sorts of a change. Bless my life she looked to sweet and pretty tbat I began to think ahe wasn't a human being but aa angel who had come from the glory to bless some man s son, bat courts of tbe rMndatnmtMl trottW m v whether Vf oed by Ml Hghto-Rs J lfaWMfi- Her vs fhW to tbe Southern Representatives than among their brethren from the Northern States The Southern Democracy, eager to as sert itself ia national affairs, pot its beat snen forward for Congress, while a Large number of the Northern Democratic members were nominated without anv ezpectutktn that they could be elected. The tidal wave of 1S74 swept them into office to the amazemeut, and often the disgust of their own party, which took -ml i.j v a a a tnejn np to nu ucaeis aoomea, it was thought, to defeat. There is no timber for the manufacture of statesmen in these accidental members, and not much more ia a score or so of muscular, lond talking men who have worked tbeir way into Congress from the back country district bjr dasb, apd, impudence rathor than by brain power. Msiioro Military Academy, Hillsboro, N. C . This Institution, recently known as "Horner and Graves's School," will hereafter be con ducted by R. H. Graves as sole Principal, aided, as heretofore, by the accomplished in structors Hugh Morson Jr., and Maj. W. U. Hamilton. The Spring session of 1S76 will open on the 17th of Jan. For circulars apply to Maj. W. H. Hamilton, until the 5th of Jan., and afterwards to the Principals t , 10:1 mo. QoTTON, CORN, OAtC Flour. II av. Ice, nought hy WALTON & ROSS, and fall C harlotte Prices Paid in Cash. Attention FARMERS' GRASS SEED, Just received a fresh supply hf Ofover Seed. Orchard Grass, Blue Grass, Red Top, and Timothy, which I will sell cheap at ENNISS' NOTICE! . a a aii persons in debted to the firm of Trexler k Bro by note or account must call and settle the same bv the 1st dav of Januarv. 1876. All failing to do so, by paying coat, can settle with an officer after the above date. TBEXLER AjBRO. Dec. 9, 1875. 9:1 r a: ; With ,osa( advantage in, lb. intelligence and pl tsical jep iSnce -of its Peprescn U - AS . .3- a! I OQ C H cr - g ja O i a M pi 3 t ls i : i : : ' s ! 51 a j-J 9 o? e , txo)a3 - e oi s s 1 2 S 2 , a. a o . ca . a ti z 00 i w Jt m s -'QO sea We are glad to say to our are now daily receiving an stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS ANT) PH0ES, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, HATS, NOTIONS, 7H1C.I HATE BEEN BOUGHT AT LOW PRICES, AND SHALL BB SOLD FOR SHORT PROPITS. SEE OUR PRICES Chemical Paints, so called, have proven failures : simply because the chemistry ol tbeir manufacture seems tn consist in the quantity of water that hi combined a i i .a a a e with trie paint, by the addition ot an Alkali, either Potash, Lime er Soda, ice. Chemical Paints containing water peel from tbe wood, and are not Economics!, because they will not cover as much sur face s Pure Paints. friends that ws We offer onr Prepared Paint with unusually larce M.Mnt. tk.i it i. r . i.m;J i k ii v. k latai isii a-a. u mm an m uvi mm w v aa va I O av vev a m an i rami; conuios no water, no A man, no adulteration, and is made oi only such material as are used by ihe oldest paint ers. Oar Paint will cover more surface than any Chemical Paint in the world. We authorise their sale, subject to the satisfaction of all buyers. Ws agree to re-paint any bouse with English BB White Lead, or any other White. Lead, 04 onr Paints do not prove perfectly salisfac Manufactured by. ARTINEZ JL LONG tW SPEC I MESS Fit EE.' THE FOLLOWING NEW STOEIfcS WILL A soon be rrwaaanoaa. and will he the MOST INTENSE!. T THRILLING OF ANT ROMANCES yet published tn an RILL A ROSCOE; NORTH AND SOUTH. A Trillin National A drain Lincoln and Johnaoa, and the K- ition of Mra. Surralt inlbM. WBrrrsx nr a DtmvorjxsvaD Stai MAN. WIITTEH IfV LOfli 1 HE MIDNIGHT PLEDGE. A Story of the Last Napoleon BT M. Qf AD, or THE MlCHIO AS FIGHTING AGAINST FATE; 6cts. 1,25 2.50. 8.00 1 3,00 15.00 75 cts. Bagging 16cts. Ties A good Woman shoo A good Boot for A good suit of clothes fur A good coat for A fine suit of clothes for A good hat for Every thins; EUe at Corre pondingly Low Price. WE WANT TO BUT S.00S BALES OF COTTON. Don't Foil to Call aad see TJs WALTON & BOSS. oet.7-tf. ValiWe Ton Lots lor Sale The ..JJtl ow far 8W Ik mi wBlea or owner lUfooded, tt Sold only at KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. Chills Cured for 25 Cents. TARE 5 ALONE IN THE WORLD. A Brilliant Society Serial, now by Mra MART F BRYAN, who is Ike r meat Bterj-W of the Aga EDITH HAWTHORNE; -oa, The Temptations of a Factor Girl Br a Ponua Nov P I L L S. dveiralle uaiwproved building lots in the city. .Call and exanaiae nloas. KtRU CRAIG E. Oet. 28 1875. f KLUTTZ'S DRUG 8TORE. Blactmer aid HendersoiL SwOrmmwmttmmmmwmt naiww mmj Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. OA T lODHov V n . i . r t e SOL u: vuk.. . a ;l j ailCr'if .JTSX- J .1 m jjaauaif X I8fi. LAMPS fro on 25 cts , to $5 00. PURE GRAP Wliifci, tor Churches 40 ts. pes' ajnart. "WHITE LEAD, Warranted eonal to any in the world, 1 1 eeots pee pound . SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO PHYSI CIANS AM MERCHANTS At THEO. V. KLUTTZ'S, Dsco&roax, Sausbsjbt, V. a tiiK .Leurijd saw laeci di mssTH REMINISCENCES or tub CONFEDERATK GOVERNMENT. BtCol. H D. CArsaa, Csnsr C Tsbasiby DsPABTaavT meaa Ma. rill be a alsanlr inirraaiikv krtrhea siHrtg the early trtak, dssadvaa- peopk in lht.r rrlorta to catahliah an dentU WW A li of anwaaalty BRILLIANT SHORT 8TOR1 RB apeear in cart, saansv wsth a sreat varietv of SPARKLING Ml NEOUR MATTER on all iptton, 3.00 m Ti Clots ef 4 ami nay Extra Copy FREE, one of 5 al 53 00 Address . H. SEALS. Atlanta, flay New. 11, 7m.