The Cairo )lina Watchman. e: f 4,-lt, . VOL. VII .-.THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, V. C, DECEMBER 23, 1875. " .." wm& u3 aaAitftm mm? estJ to l- HM- f Jt:tBttltnSKt , aMuupu. . W -J ! PUBLISHED WEEKLY : J. J. BRUNERr Proprietor and Editoi . THOS. K. BRUNER, Associate Editor. BATES OF WEEKLY. ftos pay awe in advance. Fix months, 5 Copies to any STJBrBIPTIOW WATCHMAN. .$2.f0 .. 1.25 address , 10.0 ADVKRTI8I.W RATES insertion of S100 1.60 insertions a outih (1 inch) bne M tWO fnr a creater number aoiente. Special notices 25. per cent, more bMilSv advertisements. Reading notice, i cent per line for each and every insertion Exciting News from McDowell County I Two Men and one Woman Whipped. Severely JlaidoJ the llevenuc Officers, &c. m r One night last wceK a party oi men mine to the residence of Sani'l Billiard, an eld n i" living in Turkey Cove, Mc 1)orl! Co , if tor he had gone to bed, and failed lii up, and said to him that they wrre Ivcvenuo officers Franks and Allman, and tliat thoy wished to know where Jo Mace's still house was, and after some relosal on the part of Milliard, they said ihev would comt el him to go. Hilliard then came out and the parties told him to uke the road, and having gone about a quarter of a mnY one of the party (there tang two) hi ruck Hilliard and knocked him down, when a third man rushed from the bnslies who attempted to cover him ft . 1 ! 111 1. .... ....1 . . t wy.ti OIBSkUing iik.b u bhuci, mm who ui the party Btriking. him with a stick Two of the parly then went aside in the bushes, nd the other threatened to kill him, but finally released Hilliard, who was not sc riowly injured. And on lust Monday night a week, l'lben Haney, of the same locality, was cercly whipped on Armstrong's Creek, above Mrs. Reed', in Turkey Cove. ilamy had been to town, and going borne three disguised men came up and pulled bim off his horse, and beat him ry severely so much so that he did r , 1 1.1 not get home lor several days, ana men Ltd to be carried ou a litter. Haney Ud a sack of flour and tome coffee, which ihev Matured in the road. Jt is said ikal llancy is very likely to die from his wound. And then again on Tuesday l ight of the sime week, it is reported that three ssbsfirn I'.ii ties whipped a woman, name not grfttt, near the same locality. This woman had been living in a little house no the side of the mountain for. but a ihotl tim . Our informant did not obtain and station, by regularly sharing with known and to him notorious thieves and purjurers, the spoils of their joint infamy. A sad picture indeed, yet there is one more painful still. One step from Gen. liabccck s office, which has become the arcanum of our national disgrace, and we are in tbenrtVAte office of the. nreiident of the United States. To-day the eyes of the whole nation are turned to him in shame and reproach. There he sits stolid, sordid, sullen. It is possible to believe Gen. Henderson's solemn assur ance of faith in Grant's entire innocence ? There is but one ground where it cau be presumed, and that is bis utter imbecility. Until that is proven, and until it is de nied that from the very first day day of his inauguration, up to the present hour, Grant baa invariably associated with the most corrupt scoundrels and bas uever appoiuted an honest official "where it could be avoided";' until his intimac7 with Casey, with Tom Murphy, with Lest, with Corbie, with Boss Shepherd, I . t w w- rv a wun DaDcocR, Joyce ana Mcuonaid is explained ; until his appointment of near ly all of these to high placeaof power aud profit can be justified until he has re called Cramer from Copenhagen and Emma Mine Schenck from the court of St. James ; until he removes Brother in law Jim. Casey from robbing the reve uuein New Orleans, withdraws bis broth er Orville from the Indian ring, and ig nominiously kicks Babcock out of the White House we shall not believe him free from the knowledge of what his most intimate confidents daily practiced before his eyes, and largely, if not entirely, by the use of his name and power. There are constitutional governments in which ministers resign the very moment they lose the cofidencc of the people. One hundredth part of the disgrace of this whiskey ring would instantly drive the cabinet of any constitutional government from power. If Gen. Grant has a spark of shame or honor left, let him show it by vacating the White House which he bas Lit him resign ? has only seen them in rose color. Let him wait until they have got him where they want him, have made him dependent pon them, and are able to say to him authoritatively, "Brother, do this," or "Brother, leave undoue that," and he will regret from the bottom of his soul that he ever saw or heard of such a place as Des Moines. N. Y. World. Rev. A. W. Mangum. In sketching the various members of the recent Meth odist conference in Wilmington, the Star of Dec. 8, has this to say of Rev. A. W. Mangum, so well known and beloved in this city : One of the most accomplished members of the body which has just adjourned was Rev. Adolphus W. Mangum, of illustrious lineage, who as scholar, orator, poet and pastor, is a household word in many countiesNrf North Carolina. The age of Professor Mangum is about 40. He came to the conference In 1856, and was made Professor of Englsh Literature and Belles Letters last summer in the Univer sity of North Carolina. Professor Man gum bad been previous to bis election to the Professorial chair, a minister of the Methodist church in foil connection. Handling a fluent aud graceful pen, his contributions of prose and verse have enriched the newspaper press for many year. He has published one vol , . .. ' II M bishop of the more powerful Methodist communion, supported by two Hundred ot its ministers, urges tbe re election ot Grant 1 We know of nothing in the history of oar religious bodies, Roman Catholic or Protestant, thai compares tth the action of the Methodist Sabbath School Uuion at Boston in impertinence and presumption receive general rebuke from tbe great denomination it misrepresented. AGRICULTURAL. pfatit r4i a it it u ti u ti Removing StumMw A friend ask as what can be done to get rid of stamps in fields whether crude oil would not cause the stumps to barn readily ? In our experience we have We are sure It will j found it preferable to remove stamps witn mac nines maae tor that purpose and burn them afterwards, if desired. It is slow work Burning isolated stumps in a field and the same amount of time spent in uprooting them will be much more effective. A good team, horses or oxen, with a stamp machine, will clear quite a space of ground in a day, and if the ground be atony, tbe work may be further progressed by filing the boles when 3m stossps came from with stones to within eigh- 4,281,93 jteeh inches or two feet of the surface. 4,279,33 Crude oil is not verv inflammable. and unless used in large quantities its only effect is to clear the surface of the stump and make it last even long er than it otherwise would. Rural New Yorker. What They Oive. Tbe Minutes of the N. C. Conference make the following financial exhibit as to tbe amount of what the Conference con tributed last year for church p irposea : Paid the Presiding Elders,. 0,666,4l Ptttors 68,544,84 1,648 84 Bishops Widows and Orphans Missions ' Poor Sunday Schools Educational Building and Repairing Churches ..36,011,88 Bible Cause 110,09 Incidental 5,669,98 rag does tSMMMai Issue Fourth. Frequently stir lbs soil, until plants have reached a growth suitable for harvesting them, or until they have perfected their seed. The reasons it this are in the preceding section. Fifth. If ft field refuses to ricld a crop, ascertain what its queJWLs are, by washing or otherwise, isnsT supply its deficiencies from sesse aehsr pert of the fkrm. In most oases, this oh so re would not require a costly removal of eann, ana mignt result in making both fields highlv fertile. It is often done where land is more valuable than with us. JV. R Farmer. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. 718,60 3,799,73 2,984,38 so long dishonored. Total $137,816,01 Tbe average salary of the preacher is umc of poetry, Myrtle Leaves," and was only $.535, and that, too, iu a profession for a time on tbe staff of a weekly reli- which is called upon to bear more, endure gious and literary paper, the Message, more and in many instances to labor more published at Greeusboro. He graduated uo any oiner Known. Ann me tame at Randolph Macon College. true ot an orner oeuominations oureiy Professor Mangum is above the medium the laborer is worthy of more hire than ht, is lithe, graceful, erect, with bis loia i auq ne win prouaoiy siinigncr in tne next wortu mail some oi laosc wno are nuder his ministrations week after week; who feast when he is hungry, wbo are warm when he is cold, and who dole out so dismally the pittance they bestow each Suuday to help keep body and soul together. t neig fine, shapelv bead covered with greyish dark hair and beard thrown back. His expression lights up strongly in speaking, and he talks with energy and fervor. His stvle as orator may be inferred from this physical inventory. The Upper and Nether stone. Clover. Mr. Bur well Cash ion, near Alexandriana, believes in clover, and has raised some of the finest stock in this county. Mr. W. H. Matthews bought the cow from him which took the premium several times at the Fair 1 S 1 1 f T 1 A I I 1 1 m ot tlic arolin:i. lie has another ot cxecraoie puiiosopby, however, u accep- the same breed, which gives six gal- td. then we of the South, poor and hard Ions of milk a day. He has kindly UP wc my Frost the Macon (Oa.) Ttlraph. Roehefoueald, or some other cynical Frenchman, baa declared that every man takes comfort in the iafortaaee even of his friends. This for tbe honor of bo man nature we capitally doubt. Bat if there be any semblance of Irmth hi the remark, It may be traced si so ply is the net that sorrow b the common lot of and tbe comparison tends to make afflicted bear their troubles better when they perceive that ethers, it mailers not if they be kinsmen, softer more. In oth er words, misery loves company. If this the new More beautiful than ever is JEWE&LY just received st Bell A Bro's, consiftting of GOLD AND SILVER WATC GOLD A WD PLATED CnAIK K BRACE LETS, LADIES SET GENTS BUTTONS, PEtS, AND 8TTDS. 18 x. SKQASZuNT 2:S AC We have made in the ha .:W t GRANT AMONG THE BISHOPS. It is apparent from the President's Message that an invidious aud ill-uaturcd press has done him serious wrong. All the time that he was accused of iuuketing around the country, a champion dead head, he was really bnsyJu hunting for subjects for his message. His visits to Colorado and Wyoming impressed his sagacious mind with the inequality of our public land system. A Hying trip to Salt Lake and a hurried interview with Brother Bringham convinced him of tbe anamalous, scandalous condition of Utah and the unblushing prevalence there, of the unnatural vice called pluralism. AH the time in which he was credited with taking his dolce farneinte aud listening Branch, he STEWART'S 810,000 CARPET. This carpet, which was made for Na poleon III, is thus described : Its size is about forty feet square. Ihe center piece its most prominent object occu- i n imne nearly one half ot the whole area, represents a beautiful, oval-shaped pict ure, set in gold fringe, and if suitably hung would at a distance be eaiy mista ken tor au elegant painting. The picture shows the harbor, castle and surrounding county of Marseilles, I ranee. In the foreground, ono is charmed by tbe blue water and the Btately ships at anchor further back, the harbor and ancient cas tle, rising grandly in its magnficcnt whiteness against tho green foliage envel oping the base of the mountains which form the background and lift their hoary beads into a bluo sky Hiked with fleecy clouds. Napoleon's coat-of-arms sur mounts the the picture, and a Latin mot to, wrought in gold on blue ribbon-like ground, lies half unrolled at the base. ing this lovely brown, is a gar- A New Investios W. A. Weant, of Salisbury, has invented and patented a "seif-adiuptinff railway switch, which will be of incalculable advantage to rail road companies, both iu point of economy and safety. With this attachment, a train running thirty miles au hour can be run on tbe side track at the will of the engineer, and should the connection be with the switch, and tbe engineer wish to go ahead on the maiu track, be can with equal ease shift the switch, running at the same gperd; in fact, it is impossible to run a train oft at a switch with this at tachment. Some company or party of means should own the patent, so as to put it into practical use. Mr. Weant, be- a i ms a hara-iaborHir mecuauic ot very small means, would negotiate with parties for an interest in the invention, so as to bring it properly before the public. Here is a chance for some one to make a for tune. Raleigh Sentinel. sent us some of the butter from this cow, and it is equal to any in the Northern market. Perhaps the low price of cotton will teach our farmers a lesson. Dr. Mills thinks that we have the best clover land in the world. i ut tnc cotton insanity has kept our farmers from raising clover in large quantities. Wc hope that every Grange Lecturer will din into the ears of Grangers the necessity for varied crops. South. Home. manner. FARMING INTERESTS. Does it Pay to Cook Food for Stock ? We will state that our farm contains 800 acres, and we generally iccu one nuuureu neaa ot cattle on grass in summer, and wc fatten each winter about forty head of cattle in the stable. Wc raise from forty to fifty New England to the wild waves at Lon? the reasons alleged by the disguiseS par- wa8 actuaII v adding to his previous stud- Immediately surround IM for whipping cither ot these persons, jeB u political economy au acquaintance picture, m a bed ot rich brown, is a gar-1 thk Wilmingtok JouaNAL. The ma it is ooiy a matter oi conjecture. w,ln tne fftr more ary anfj intricate branch " ueauium nu ere, mucu larger Journal of yesterday says : of theology. His admiration for Glad- ian natural sise, nut so Driuiani ana so Aceording to previous announcement, Stone led him not only to read that high- aencaiei ana accuracy repreoeuieu mm flung stateman's recent pamphlets and it seems as if one might stoop and lift the peiats one irom anotuer. uuisiue oi mis garland, and serving as a border to the carpet, is a wreath formed of overlapping oak leaves nd acorns, also in natural And on last Thursday, Revenue officere Hav. Tattrrsou and others made a rade In tlrin locality, and arrested several par- tin for illicit distilling, and seized one distillery-as the property of Jo. Mace. (leore Waycastcr was arrested for illicit f.iHillmtr, and in default of bail, was con- hm in jail at Baktrsville. Wc give the facts as detailed to us by reliable parties, but until further develop ments we are unahle to (rive information ito tho parties implicated in the whip ping A shcvillc Expositor. THE NATION'S DISGRACE. I From the St. Louis Times. 1 At last. A sudden flash and the White House stands revealed in a light haaeful corruption and pollusion. To fad the revelations iu the Avery trial on to oe iuckPd is inevitable. It is Htslotic Gen. Babcock who is disgraced in the eyes of the whole nation, it is not acres of wheat, twenty to thirty of oats, twenty of corn, and three or four acres of Swedish turnips. Our engine is a five-horse boiler, something more, with engine attached to its side. And this threshes our grain, Cuts and steams the fodder, pumps the water, saws the wood, end does the churning, and thus is very handy to have on the farm. We have three steam-boxes, holding as wc are, may take abundant cooso lation from the superibr misfortunes of our Northern brethren. To show the terrible condition of tbe manufacturing interest, a well known gen tleman and fellow-citizen just arrived from New England, suited yesterday that he saw large sales of tbe best Arnold prints made by dealers In North Adam, Mass., on tbe 5th ins:., at two aad a half cents per yard. This was not at auction but a regular business transaction. The moral is that paper must be met when it falls due to preserve mercantile credit. Another opulent mm master, wbo runs seven furnaces in Massachusetts and one in New York, bas not sold a pound of metal iu three years. He has acres of it stacked op, waiting for better prices, and in the meantime borrotcs money to carry on operations. Tbe reason of this is the excessive cost of production, at points so remote from the coal fields. Prouidence and other cities are now actually HATH CHAINS, HAIR JEWKLBT, Diamond and Weed ding Ring. Special sitfiea sjrias? to and Timing of fine Walchea and Regulator. All Wntchw repaired br d ar w -ranted 12 BtoDtaa. OAce 2 door above National lists!, ana aijrn of large V alch and rrn. Salutary, Dec. 2, 1875 if. n AHOUHCIIHiT EITMOBDlHiKr I It JULIAN, Is now receiTina- and opening for tbe la- rpeetioa of the people of Salisbury and Row an Count j the Best Selected Stoat of STAPLE A FANCY GROCERIES, in purchasing their iron from Alabama at $28 per ton, delivered on board tbe cars which is less than it can be made for New England. The doleful condition of things may be further illustrated by an incident relating to the woolen trade. A Mr. Blackstone. who died several years since in Massa chusetts, worth an immense fortune, left a provision in his will that his mills should be worked on full time- for two years that has ever been exhibited in SeJUbvry Fancy Brand of Cigars and ChsraoSS. at bottom figures. Candies, both plain aud faoey. Figs. Almonds, Oranges, Raisins, Jellies, and In fact anything that a first elans Grocery bone should bay, also hays and sells Domestic bacon and all kind of country produce. Hoping to SSS my many friends both in town and country. I remain Re? p'-etfullr D. R. JULIAN. HARDWARE. polemical disquisitions, but his earlier volumes also. It is quite apparcut that he gets some of his horror about tbe con dition of affairs iu Cuba from Gladstones report upon Kinc Bomba's - in Naples; and Gladstone State.' Dubhshed while ho was still a student of Christ Church, has palpably inspired some of the President's phrases about hierocratic matters. Gladstone probably to-day heartily wisnes tie naa let clerical matters aioue, and. tbe third term will not be out before Grant exneriences the same distrust for the long robes. Even a third term would be dearly purchased by a politician at the cost of subserviency to theological doctors the hardest masters, the most thankless allies in the world. Politics and ecclesi astics, taken together, compose a most - . ' A r renchman the Journal was sold yesterday. By this sale the paper is relieved of its pe cuniary embarrassments, and is again on a solid financial foundation. At present there will be no change in its editorial mau- aerement, and in no event will there be one hundred bushels each, and one of I without stoppage. If tbe attempt to do this be persisted estimated that his legatees these filled with cut straw, two hun-! dred pounds of bran worth seventy- five cents per hundred, evenly mixed, packed in solid moistened with water. and well steamed, will feed sixty head i's Government colors, their various shades of green and anv departure in its political bearing and of cattle three times for one day, all 's "Church and brown blending in exquisite beauty. 1 position. Always true, always bold, un- they will eat. Fattening cattle It is quite impossible to give an idea of this wonderful fabric, which was made with the needles of poor women who wrought it in sections and set together after the manner of the camel's hair shawls. Its texture is as delicate as a silken robe, and no painter could portray color or detail with more skill. It actual ly cost $10,000 to muke it. Mr. Stewart n saw it at tbe Paris Exposition aud pur chased it as a uovelty to exhibit to friends. arc the VIEWS ON HAVEN'S HARNGUE The New York Herald says : "Now. if Bishop Haven were a Catho lic nrelate this speech would have been hailed throughout the country with furi- ...m jia.nikatiAfi Tint ttiA Riahnn in a .a. I . H..l.).:n4 . dams Mlhinill, I . . . . . . VT f . V , V , J -V T prelate of the Methodist Church, of which Gen. friend, and let the long robes bej you do Pregident Grant ia an cautious if not IJ . 1 . I J A J . I .. . I. a .. A A w ' ' I n 1 compromising in its political opinione, it ill give forth, at no time and under no circumstances, any uncertain sound. "Its business depaitment will be placed under a gentleman of recognized competency and experience ; its publish ing department will be enlarged and improved, and nothing will be left uu- done to render the Journal a welcome visitor in overv household. It will onlv the bpnncr, and we have ask to be ijudged by and be received on from our own experience, its merits in, u is estimated tbat his legatees will have nothing left to divide, so ruinous is tbe loss of operating. Wc bear too, of further reduction in laborers' wages, continued failures Jn every city, and wide-spread suffering throughout the North. Tbe writer saw -a e mucn mat was discouraging last summer at Fall River aud elsewhere, but the troubles then were but trivial eompared nth tbe present. This is the upas fruit which emancipa- a i agth produced for our New The South, violence and fed extra. In this way. we can feed e all our straw and cornstalks and poor hay, if we have anv, with a little grain and bran, turn it all into quick, active manure to stimulate new crons. aud can kopn more stork, and at one third lin has at length prodi r . . I is i j . l :i .i . less expense than at the old way. Our puau nrop.sts. etvb onf in lffnr rnrlifion Jn "PP u" 've Oy i ..v. compeuea to enter tue mauuiaciunug , , ' arena for subsistence, is now beating those who Irtrmpr v th f n n at Ihoir r,ttn is a saving to us of fully one-third in employment, and ere long, not only Iron the cost ot wintering our animals. In ad domestic, but shoes, wooden ware, When you want Hardware at M figures, call on the undersigned at No. Granite Row. D. A. AT WELL. Salisbury ,N. 0.,May 13-tf. CEDAR COVE NURSERY. J v unsatipf .ictorv dose. A r renchman re tloueth most intimate personal political cently attempted to mingle some theolog- neua ot the head of the government, tbe j ical elements with a paper of his discuss- rcauve oi mc executive : it is not alone in? nublic affairs, when he was told by a ft one tiouse and Us occupants i - - . political parly that elevated The Lash in Virginia A Pleas ant echo of vJld Times. ine Petersburg Index-Appeal says : "Two colored boys were arrested in feeding hogs, we find that two bush els of corn, ground and cooked, is s little better than four bushels of shell ed corn. We have proved this by the best test we can give it. We have no hesitation in saying that our conn- i nr w Lrial i 1 1 at i a kl at t . 1 I , r lu.e Pe.aeocy, and made Bab- not understand them, neither sex. xae . member. His eharch is one of : ,7,ai 2 't -: 6 .ry C,l,ZeD' T"fr rcmark , keen 0ne' u , WC P ;r the most powerful in this eonntry. Vig uo iiai t v uias tii f iti'iiL in iiih i aa iina ntipn riRSri ri'iii 1 1 sktru. su z caqi: li v i i a...: 'i " ... . . - - i - 7.7 - . - ' orous iu its discipline, untiring m m r-o1Hsmp)raualtctlgrieve(laula6haill. Mike female politics, i here is tne me , . . - .TmD,thy with the this eity yesterday, on the charge of : t i r nrh of LoJTer Brandon, the theft having beeJ cnce in the economy of this mode of committed in Petersburg. They we ''"S owc,,Kl"eu8 .wu ra whenever be turns his eves or his loougiiu in couiteniplation of the sad 'fctacle After all we are Americans -ui wo are Ueraocrats, and wc cannot M,l'Pii a feeliug of indienant humilia exactingness. the same tyranny. The Church will not have a part; it must nave all of you. It is execrably that is to say, femininely jealous of its presump tive rights, while it uses up all its vocab- e at the shameless greed of the present 1 ulary in defining. Its ally must be its cUQlbentS of the White Tlnnae wherehv nnnw ot tbe whole natiou is prostitu m tuc eyes ot the whole world. t ... . i . . . was no longer surmiss, suspicion or NtStft, it is a lamentable fact establish- f(I fy le?a evidence Itlntns a ' I I -""."to which wns BSjrtr lo the miMt enlnaaxl eomhinn- 'on of robbers of the national treasury and . mpt ot the national honor was loca- tou xt door to tbe treasury building In l .1,1,1.,... .1 .... S-m . -:-gwn-uie wiute House. It is licence that General Babcock, tbe feawifa private secretary, his right "a ia tact, wa secretly iu league with llll m... t . -wi nononea as well as the most ; oi tLe scoundrels in tbe ring : that Sj servant, its lever, its ever watcutut cava lier, and tbe least neglect fulness is visited with swift anathema. Mr. Grant may think it very nice to glide into tbe third term noon an only tide of theological that the powerful souhistrv. It may seem to suit his pres- eommunicated all ent pursuit excellently well to have Dr. Newman and Bishop oimpson at nis ei- declaration of the bishop as deplora Spring bows to supply him with hackneyed b,e rQm e point of view. It ie a h-jf eoc nhrasea about tbe tall ot Auara, traus energy. masses of oar people, carry mg its faith to the frontiers and planting its churches amid every" discouragement, Methodism represents in the Protestant religion that missionary -nroselvting influence wbieh has giveu Catholicism its marvelous po er. Nor do we underrate tbe importance of a declaration in favor of a third term by a Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. It shows that President Grant, when he made his extraordinarg speech at Des Moinos. knew the sentiment to taken before Justice Atkinson, and tbe experience, ana we evidence proving their guilt, they were ordered thirty-nine lashes each at tbe whipping post. Officer Perkinson was annoiuted saecial constable to execute the sentence, which it is reported be did with remarkable skill." each believe that and everything else we need will be made at home, and far more cheaply. And our Northern friends have only themselves to thank for it. With such a country and climate as ours, we have only to will to be independent, and go t work in the right direction, and tbe result is certain to be scbisved. it is destined to be practiced much more extensively in tne future. Live Stock Journal. THE SOIL AND CROPS. FRttT TREES. VISE A PLAXTft. A larre atock at reasonable rate. Kew ( analogue for l"?r. and 78 with fell da acriptionf of frail, wnl free. , Addreas CRAFT A 8AILOK, Ken rune, Yedki Cenoty..a Nov 1, 1875.-3moe. HEW MILLINERY STORE. Grape Culture in County. Cleaveland which he appealed. But we look upon bunting Bad and Fatal Accident. Saturday morning Edward Archer, a son of Dr. Edward Archer, of Chesterfield, met with an accident which resulted in his instant death. The young man was out 'equently received from and forward u Ifleirramn in r- - -' : .lo. -C.-l 1 J .1. - Iroihta tn tahe. , i ,w . wr viz luiiyi') iuji iiio viiiii i ituu nie teniu 'n v v 1 .1 1r.. .. . : . . rfO I . I i .iwn inaespeusable to carry out "yematiz,d, robbery of the govern- Piv-i 1 l,Be h'8 fluonco with , "dentGrant aud Commissioner Doug-- . i bring about the revocation of tOW II A.J . . . ff0 ,,;'riransiemug tbe supervisors ..--u.trict to another, which m- Tr. aua undoubtedly would have '-" UlO nvo.ik. . I . 1. . . I . k;i. . --imiuw ui tue rniK : uuv ader double oath, honor and nav. ".I mm . l . . . . . m ' "v Iminilnnliul r.i.,t.. a.. ....on. .. ..... J gr ess ion, education, intelligence, ucuu goges and priestcraft; but he likes to take bis ease in hisinn far too well to submit agreeably to the yoke he is unconsciously bowing bianeck to. Grant probably thinks of going into this ecumenical busi ness as tbe Venetians went into tbe Pal estinian crusades, they get all the profits all tbe horn knneka. But the Church is not going to fight, and especially ie not going in firriit anv hatt es but its own. 1'or a y . great many centuries it has practiced the useful art of accomplishing its purposes by keeping all tbe rest of the world in hot water and setliug everybody else by tU mmmm. while it stood bv to sbaTO with the victor. It is hardly possible at at the time near Huguenot He laid bis gun, which was every point oi view. j.t is a hit cocked at tbe t ine, upon a log near reflection upon his religion and an inter- by, and stooped over to drink from a ference in our politics that we are sure nrine. In doing so his foot strnek the ill be resented by tbe Methodists them- ( eaD causing it to fall upon the ground and selves. It he supposes mat ateiuoaisi eo Qff. Tbe entire load struck the unfor- tbis will, as a general thing, submit to be told by a clergyman even if he is a bishop, whose duty it is to win souls to Christ, that they must vote one way or another, their sense of iudependeuce will rebel. The declaration of Bishop Haven in fa vor of a third term will give new color to the intrigues which have been on foot for some lime in favor of a third term." Tbe New York Sun remarks : "Suppose a Roman Catholic Congress, incited thereto by Cardinal McCloskey, should pass resolutions advising the elec tive Presidency ot Tilden. n i tanate young man in the nreast, killing him instantly. Petersburg Index-Appeal 'fit Ihe winive, ind next as a general of tion to the jrresmency ot uiuen, or i i-- .'k- nu.,S ;li oh. in ere its Thurman or anybody ele, what a howl laic uay ihai iuu vu'iivu wwe- , i policy for - Grant, instead of trying to make H l lle lI,,ted 8tatvS, he viola- j Grant go for it. Grant knows very little j ''O inlliAnnr -...1 A: L. 3 . -1 . . .mJ oa (nr tYio An MM ho nd.houor, ud disgraced trust doatrine yet and State nnless they banded themselves to gth"r to destroy the napist. Jet hers s Mammoth Petition. A special dis patch to the Richmoud Dispatch, among other information given says : Mr. Randall filed at the speaker ' desk to-day a mammoth petition praying for the repeal of tbe bank sump check act. Tbe petition was enclosed in a handsome waluut box. It is seven hundred aud six feet, or about one eighth of a mile in length. It contains thirty thousand three hundred and nineteen names, represent ing thirty -three States and five territories. He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man : he that loveth wine and oil aha! 1 not us rich.J-rc-r. In the preparation of the soil for crops, the first thing to be done is to remove all surplus water. Not to do this, would be about as unwise as for the carpenter to commence building the house at the ridgepole. The next, to plough deep, because the minerals in the subsoil may be needed in the upper portions. The thin!, to pulverize the soil un til it is in a condition so fine that the elements of fertility which it contains shall be intimately mingled with each other. The plough, harrow, and hoe, will not perfectly accomplished this ; the roller will accomplish much, and a more recent implement, called, 'The Breaker aud Leveller," will do definitely more. Jn this condition, the soil will cling to the small roots, the rain water will come along with its ammonia to dissolve tbe sand, the potash, the lime, the magnesia, and other minerals present, and plants will grow with great vigor. But this is not all. If a drought occurs, the air will penetrate a porous soil, taking along with it, moisture, heat, ammonia, carbonic add, &c, Ac, and give life 1 and activity to It, v?r- much as breath- war a v V m r a we nave interviewee Mr. l. r. wen of Shelby, on the subject of grape cellar. If. W..1 1 . fnnrtmmn u.u im. mmmwm mmM. II II.. tvvn ww. mm . . L V , witbin three quarters of a mile of Shelby, and bis success ha been quite remarka ble. Lat year he produced from this viuevard 7,000 gallon of wioe thi year baa produced 10,000 gallons, lie baa a capacious cellar oa the press ie now containing 15,000 gallons, in ck a follow : 6 caks holding 10G0 gall .oa each; 3 casks holding 800 gallon each; 2 casks holding 700 gal loo each, and dpwa to smaller vises. Mr. Walls say he began tbe grape collar in 1869. He has what is called He urease Air Treatment for the purpne of purifying and making dear tbe wine, . . - 6 my m m a which i a perfect Boceeee. lit vine are traiaed on wire treilers. These wises average from one lo two dollars per gal lon, and be finds a ready demand. Mr. Well say he plants the cutting any time from October to May. Tbe cuttings will be famished by bim at 83 60 per thousand; tbe roots at 82 per dozen. Tbi gentleman i of the opinion that the grape culture can be made profitable ie Boat all the counties of Western Carolina, the higher op lb country the better. This splendid vineyard i a general resort for visitor, and ia kind of a park for Shelby. Mr. Well is a successful merchant is Shelby, d will seQ hi, wioe in say qusotity. 4nerflef r-1 At lh old land of Fr JoM rereired a full line of Hat. nei, trimmed and nntriaaaaed. Hibboaa, Scara and all tbe latest French and America povl- hem Order eaeruted with Finking an Tbr Store will b tn and no gooda or work will be li t one- ThU rale H nvrika MRS. 8. J. H ALYBURTO. April, iMa-Sw. THE LYNCHBURG Iwm aid Miii Cnpaij. Capital and Avt over Stave Detun 15. PROPERTY INSURED AQAIBST IMS IT HIE At the Lowest Current Rates. Take a Policy io th Lyoeabarg oa&dly. I am ala- Agent for tbe Korth Stat Lit Inarane Ccwoaay. If yo-i hare tbe good uf yner Cnaatry swart krti jour momj ia the help baild ap Hume Intiiotve. J D. MeXEELT. v. ai nat a mwtMm ' 1 2 a . -

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