Youth's Department. PARMER JOHN. Iloine from bis journey, Farmer John Arrived this morning, Mfeand sonnd. Hi black coat off, and hi old clothe on, "Now I'm ravselft" ya Farmer John; And he, I'll look around." Up leaps the dog i "Get down, you pnp ! a ,.. ni n fflnrf von would eat me ud ?" The horvea prick up their earn to meet him ; "Well, well, old Bay ! St, hn, old (Jray I Do yon get good food when I am away I" 'You haven't a rib 1" says Farmer John ; " The cattle ate looking round aleek ; The colt i going to he a roan, And a beauty too bow he ha grown ! We'll wean the calf next week." Says Farmer John, "When I've been off, To call you ag:tin about the trough, And watch yno and pet you while you drink la a better comfort than yoii can think" And pat old Bay, And he lapa old Gray. "Ah, this is the comfort of going away p wFor after all," says Farmer John, "The beat of a journey i getting home, I've seen great sight, but would I give, Thi ppot, and the peaceful life I live, For all their Pari and Rome? These hill for the city' stilled air And big hotel nil bustle and glare; Land all boue, and roadA all atone, That deafen your ear and batter your bones, Wtnld von, old Bay? Won Id you, old Gray? That' what one "gets by going away." "There money i king," says Farmer John : "And fashion i queen ; and jt' mighty queer To ee how sometimes, while the man I raking and scraping all he can, The wife upend every year Enough, you would think, for a score of wive, Io keep them in luxury all their lives! The town i a perfect Babylon To a quiet chap," aaVs Farmer John. "You sejr, old Bay, You pee', old Gray, I'm wiser than when I went away." 'I've found out thi," pay Farmer John, ' "That happiness in not bought and sold Ami clutched in a life of waste and hurry, In night of pleasure and days of worry. Ami-wealth isn't all in gold, Mortgage and stocks and ten per cent., But in simple way and sweet content, Few wants, pure hopes and noble end, Home land to till, and a few good friends, Like you, old Bay. Like you, old Gray ! That's what I've learned by going away." And a happy man is Farmer John, - O, a rich and happy man is he ! He see the. peas and pumpkins growing, The corn in tassel, the buckwheat blowing, And fruit on vine and tree. The targe, kind oxen look (heir thanks As he ruhs their forehead and stroke their fl inks The doves light round him, and strut and coo, Bays Farmer John, "I'll take you, too, And you, old Bay, And you, old Gray, Next time I travel so far away." The great Astronomer of Pant T.pvpn irr who liie.tvered the nlanet Neo tunc, whicn could eat op this little earth of ours and not sufferer from indigent iou in consequence, has made a prediction which is noteworthy. It is that the win tcr of 1875-'76 will be uncommonly se vere. Enormous quantities of snow are to fall in December and January. Good Chance Granite, marble, brown stone and a great variety of beau tiful building material exists in unlimited Quantities alone: the Carolina Central Railway, offering an excellent opportani ty for enterprisiug men to go to work. Wil. Review. Coal Deposits. The existence of large deposites of coal is known along the line of the Carolina Central Hallway. The quality of the coal is somewhat like that found in the JigypT mine, and prob ably an extension of the Chatham county deposits. Lnorts are being made to ascertatn the extent and value ot the veins which cron out near Boeeriu's Cut and west of Wadesboro. If expectations are realized, it must add another resource for trade and prosperity to the city of - Wil mington. Ib. A Pair op Misers. Guy, the founder of the noble hospital in London which bears his name, was a bookseller. He was so complete a pattern ot parsimony that the famous miser, Vulture Hopkins, once called upon him to crave a lesson on the art of saving. Being introduced into the parlor, Guy, as it was in the evenings and dark, lighted a candle. Hopkins said: "Sir, 1 always thought myself perfect in the art of getting and husband ing money. J5ut as 1 am informed you far exceed me, I have taken the liberty of waiting upon you, to be satisfied upon thai subject." "Ob. sir" said Guv. "if that be all your business, we can as well talk it over in the dark. Having thus said, he pot out the candle. This was enough for Vulture. at once. A CHRISTMAS LEGEND. I was Christinas eve. The night was very dark and the snow falling fast, as Hermann, the charcoal burner, drew his cloak tighter around him, and the wind whistled fiercely through the trees of the black forest He had been to carry a load to a castle near, and was now hastening: home, to his little hut. Although he worked very hard, he was poor, gaining barely enough for the wants of his wife and four little children. He was think ing of them, when he heard a faint wailing. Guided by the sound, he groped about and found a little child, scantily clothed, shivering and sobbing by itself in the snow. "Why, little one, have they left vou here all alone to lace the cruel blast f The child answered nothing, but looked piteously up in the charcoal burner's face. "Well, I cannot leave thee here. ii a ii .a i ii r Ihou would st be dead bctore morn- fm m SB SO . -a do saying. Hermann raised it in his arms, wrapping it in his cloak and warming: its little cold hands in his bosom. When he arrived at his hut. he put down the child and tapped at the door, which was immediately (r?, ini n RRStk .V -:o:- POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, PAMPHLETS," CARDS, BLANKS, Carolina Central Railway Co. Office Gnmi 8uFBnrrawirr. ? Wilmington. N. C. April M, 1875. $ Change of Schedule, On and after Friday, April 16tb, 1875. the trains will run over this Railway as follows i PASSENGER TRAINS. LeaT Wilmington at ..7.15 A M Arrive at Charlotte at .7.1& P. M. Loave Charlotte at 7.00 A. M Arrive in Wilmington at 7.00 P. at FREIGHT TRAINS Leaye Wilmington at ....COO P M Arrive at Charlotte at j8.00 P M Leave Charlotte at CO' A M Arrive in Wilmington at .6.00 a M MIXED TRAINS FARMERS 1 Jt f--' A0k. SFS aSSv 8 AVE MONEY, SAVE LABOR, SAVE TIME, BY USING THE FAR MEsra plow. It will nan lighter, It will tan year Umi better. It will aaake too you leas to keaw it la order, taaa any other Plow yoe hare ever aeesl Wo will furnish yoo Point one year for ooe plow io ordinary lead ft yoo pay yoar blacksmith to do the mmm on your old-fashioned Ptaw ? We nave jest sonde a great rodactioa la Pries T All we oak of yoo ia. Try it, and then if you don't like it brinS it be refunded to yoo. WARRANT EVERY PLOW Itvfllea. Waoton DEEDS, OAlil V n 1 ,Mwl i n V- OttlU 1IG 1COU1UK UIC held timidly to his a thrown open, and the children rushed' to meet him. "Here, wife, is a guest to our Christ mas eve supper, little one, who finger with its tiny hand. "And welcome he is," said the wife. "Now come and let him warm him self by the fire." The children all pressed around to welcome and gaze at the newcomer. They showed him their pretty fir tree, decorated with bright, colored lamps in honor of Christmas eve, which the good mother had endeavor- He took his leave ed to make &feie for the children. Then they sat down to supper, each child contributing its portion for the 1 If . 1 1 , . 1 noted snortsman guesc "oKing witn aamiranon at nis shone so as to shed a brighter light in sidfers a very important suggestion he lrttle roon? a,a they g?Z( lt grew rout fishermen. He says that the into a sort of halo round his head, GLEANINGS. It was pride that change angels into devils ; it is humility that makes men as angels. Xugustine. and fish culturist, in the last number blue and golden hair which of Forest and Stream makes what he consi tft frnnr tiahormnn Mo cn va ur.r ;n fl fiDu;n nnA ana his eyes beamed with a heavv one which he himself always uses, is laster: two white wings ap- made from a strong needle, annealed, P?ared at hls shoulders and he seem- beut and tempered, and consequently ? ? gro lar?e.r aad Jarger, and then without a barb. He asserts that only ?he beautiful vision vanished, spread- in this way can a really sharp hook be "& u"fc ,,,a "BUW obtained, that the tension of the rod ia flmnlv Riiftimarif to Iroon snnVi a K nnL- in its place, and that a very gentle T?!01 stroke will fix the keen point in the th ho J Christ-child ! and then s as in ucueuicnon over them. Hermann and his wife fell on their mouth of the fish. embraced their wondering children with joy and thankfulness that they had entertained the Heavenly Guest. Consciousness of unbelief is a sign The next morning, as Hermann of actual faith. Infidels are never passed by the place where he had troubled with unbelief. Dead men found the fair child, he saw a cluster never feel cold. Frozen feet never of white flowers, with dark green ache. And a soul eriven ud to leaves, lookirg as though the snow ungodliness, bound hand and foot in itself had blossomed. Hermann pluck sin, has no trouble with unbelief. It ed some and carried them reverently is onlv when faith shoots its first il- home to his wife and children, who says that his experience convinces him laminated ray into the darkened heart treasured the fair blossoms and tend that women as a rule would rather tlmr. tho kinafnl nwnrp nf nnheliof ia ed them carefullv in the romemhrano smuggle their gloves and other knick- ma(ie manifest. It is only when the of that wonderful Christmas eve, call knacks than receive the same as a troubled soul can say, "I do believe," ing them Chrysanthemums ; and every present free of cost. that it starts back at the abyss of year, as the time came round, they A person who would throw away a which that first gleam of faith put aside a portion of their feast and barrelof soft soap, or box full of discloses and exclaims : "Help thou gave it to some poor little child ac hard soap would be called wasteful. m7 uubehef 1 oordln? to thwords of Christ : Jn- wuiuvii aa jc nave uuug it uuuuuc of the least of these, my brethren, ye ee Simple, Sheriffs and Oommis- sioner's), I CONTRACTS, mZ$, CMMCkXS MORTGAGES, (Land and Chaltle), BILL HEADS, JfaU and ffrite-. Jfrad, Labels, Cautions, d'C, &c, all done on short notice and at VERY LOW RATES ftCourt Blanks, Deeds and Mort gages, ready printed and for sale at all times. Leave Charlotte at............... 8.00 A M Arrive at Buffalo at 1 M Leave Buffalo at Vi 3Q P M ArriTo in Charlotte at 4.30 P M 5o Trains on Sooday accept one freiaht train that leaves Wilmington at 6 r. lortood of I oa Saturday night. Coxuxeetiona. Connect at Wilmlncton with Wilmington A Weldon, and Wilmington, Colnmbia A Anxoata Kail roads. Semi-week ly New York and Tri weekly Baltimore and weekly Philadelphia 6taruers, and the Kiver Boats to rayattoyille. j connects at (. barlotte with its Wei tern Di- vision. North Carolina Railroad. Charlotte A , BUtesvile Railroad, Charlotte A Atlanta Air I Line, and Charlotte. Columbia A Annate Rail road. Thus supplying the whole West. Northwest and South weit with a short and cheap line to the Seaboard and Europe. 8. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. May 6. 1875. tf. GLOUGH & WARREN ORGAN Co1 (Late Sl.W.noX GLOCtiH ORwA.K -IMPROVED Piedmont Air Iain Railway The noblest spirits arc those which turn to heaven, not in the hour of sorrow, but in that of joy ; like the lark, they wait for the clouds to dis perse,, that they may soar up into their native element. Richtcr. A London Custom-House officer Richmond &. Dan vile, Richmond ft Danville R. w., N. C. Diviton, and norm western n. u. w. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE In Ifect on and afttr Sunday, Dec. 10th. 1875 GOINU NORTH. After a barrel of soap has been diluted, and has passed through the washtub, the elements of fertility in the mass will be even more valua ble to the growing trees and plants than if applied in any other manner. Ah Indiana paper, alluding, to the! have done it unto me." death ot the man who designed the great seal of that State, remarks that "any man who would try to make Deonle believe a full-crrown buffalo And is there then such reverence bull would' deliberately rush up to a shown towards thee, my God, in heav- granger who was chopping down a en ? Such boldness on earth ? The tree at sunrise ought to die." But anerels crlorifv : men scrutinize : the State seal of Tnd is nnrrpla mien t linl r -(iur !n nrnico man I m on n a fVia mnaf rnmn 1 - o ki k a. 1 adversity. Ho is a native of Wake in disputation; they conceal their vices employed for that purpose. fT"" -f M "'"a the Governor1 of xPa" fan :u iw:- . u.. :,u n Jc' .iL: V VT kota ierntory, and a more popular Lxe- "4V" i4"S3 ' .7, Vr . .. . uuerf BUluwi,u8 more cutive does not hold office under the stars presumptuous guze wouia looK into ismng m a picture ot an aosura sum- and Btripeg. It give8 ae Ieagnre to eak iiiuiu uuNioivuunj iriury. nrvsos- mer-nouse sunnortea ov tnree Dinars. tka nf h man i.rtao aK.-,i p tom- and guarded by a CJontennial soldier college was tho printing office Raleigh One of my shade trees had died. wllP. weaK aiia ientneiy ac-1 Era. and an old years was look Jonx L. Pehnington. Our people know John L. Pennington the printer, the editor of the Raleigh Progress during the war many understand the up-bill disadvantages be labored under wbile yet the State seal of Indiana is not by any a hoy, and later how he struggled agains to Order. Address, J. J. BRUNER, SALISBURY, N. C. SIMONTON FEMALE COLLEGE, STATE VI LLE, X. C. The next session will open Bent. 1, 187S. Terms for hoard, Ac .have been made as lo possible to suit the times. References: Rev. Uhas. Phillips, u. D., Prof. W. J. Martin, Rev. w. A- Wood. Kev. D. E.Jordan. Bx-Gov. Z. B. Vance, Hon. w. HrBattlf, and all friend of the late Prof. Mitchell, of Chapel Hill, N C. Aug. la, 1874. braos. STATIONS. Marx.. Eiram Leave Charlotte .... 9.16 r a 6.45 a a " Air-Line J'act'n 9.33 6.30 " Salisbury 11.68 M H.34 " Greensboro a 16 a M 10,66 " DanTllle 6 08 " 1.19 r a "Dander 6.18 " 1 90 " BarkeTilU 11.36 6.07 Arrive at Richmond. 9.99 r a S 48 " tiOl.NG bOUTH. STATION. Mail. - Ezra km. Leave P.icfamnd MSri 6.08 a. a. " Barkevi le 4.69 " S 36 " " Dundee 10.33 " 1.14 r a " Danville 10.39 1.17 " Giet-nshoro 3.00 a m 3.68 44 Salisbury 6.39 " 6.16 44 44 Air-Liao J'not'n 7.60 44 8.95 44 Arrive t Charlotte... 8.08 a a 8.43 44 UOSU EAST. (KIX() WE8T. STATIONS. Mail.. Mair. Leave Greensboro.. 3.00 a a -Arr 1.36 a a Co Shops "4-30 4 L'vcl3 30 " 44 Raleigb o 8,33 44 44 8 10 44 Arr. at Goldboro'... 11.30 a a J L'ts 600 r a C ABIIVB'T' ORGAIVS GRAND COMBINATION ORGANS. FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED IC&IBNE&9 YATSS7T QUALIFYING TUBES. An invention having a moat important bearin; on the future of Reed Instruments, bv means of which the quantitv or volume of tone is vr ry larjtrly increased, i , . t . i a anu ine quamy oi ione rrnotmi Epal to that or the Best Pipe Organs of the Same Capacity. Wilcox Pate! " "Octave Coupler," therhara Vox AngeleC "Viola EiaoraB Innr rUhrated "Vox Celeste." "Vox Hamana.' ins- "Cello" or "Clarionet" 8toi, "t.vm Horn, C rt-mona. AIiIaTIIK latlsi lairuoY imxs Can be olttained only in these Organ. Fifty Different StyW. , - I Quality and Volume of T C9 tllO Chin ch IAL ANU WORKMANSHIP, one Unequalled. J'EICES, 850 TO 8. mow r. o. (BIT- ( 8a i.em Bkanch.) r a a a ME MO SEE gentleman past eighty pits a Bgure of Gen. Wash- king at it one day, when K0? m r?.01, .f Elding up an iu uucgiea lor sale, all grades a CLASSES. I have, on hand, ten Buggies which I will aell at the lowest cash prices, and as low, or lower than any other establishment in North Caro lina, according to grade. All kinds of repairing done, at short notice. Those wishing any thing in my line, would do well to call and see me, before purchasing elsewhere as I am determined not to be outdone either in prices or quality of work in the state, Call on me at r ranklin Academy. he asked: what kind of a tree is this?" intoxicated friend in order to keep 'A maple,"! replied. "Adead maple" him from falling against a bookcase he Roliloquizcd ."its seldom we see LUC UttU'6rvuuu Airer mis, v,aii such a tree. I A YANKEE FIEND. TTfU SSStlMlir BtnaoVa Ua rVinno tn.J.n know a man who fornia,s device of Minerva sittingon a over a savory morsel. Wm. King Thomp- stone, wnne a cinnamon bear nibbles son, the Brooklyn Yankee author of the her left leg, seems artistic and nice. late horrible explosion at Bremer Haven, died yesterday by bis own bands, follow ing the eighty pale ghosts of his victims A HEALTHY FREE LUNCHER. inU eternity. All the crime-stained an- . jnalsaf this fiends' millennium furnish line on nis travels a tramp no- notbin that surpasses his atrocity. ship ana U . .1 1 1 ii wouiu give a tnousaua aonars to see it." "A thousand dollars to see a dead maple tree ?" I asked wonder ingly. "Yes," he added sadly, "the poor fellow is blind." Warmth. lirht and nroner vontila- ' P K I . 1 , .... I I-' . 1 - tion arc very important objects requir- t,cea a placard in tront of a bar-room. I Think of the monstrous diabolism. To ing the attention of the careful stock " tne pleasing legend : "Free Kin h?w thousaud paltry franca of over raises, for stock will fatten much Lunch," and he went in, walked un- insurance on the steamship Mosel, be quicker when the stable is kept warm, ostentatiously up to a plate, and com- delberately prepared a can of dynamite, and the carbonic acid gas, which the menced operations with a sandwich ; Ich imP1y death and perdition con animals breathe and the ammonia then the bar-keeper walked up to the de"; and airanged clock-work to ex- from the manure have free egress, and cadavarous wretch and said : Vl'S S 2 t7-' 6 xTZ. m --- re ,.i v614) NUa. u . i - . that hundreds of human beings would be a current of fresh air can rush in and Men who eat here are expected to board o( the pogor wrelcljei -u1T.v r tT Ifaat rescued from the wreck of the A Danbury deacon nearlv cantured at7ZJ , tn,e Deutaehlaud. He knew thatrthe devils' five bovs who had been dvto.!n L. " B"",cn wny aon t you con- own device which he had planued would l c.. r 6 icrm to the rule r scatter the last fragment of the nohlft ahi -sr I .... t- ause i go in tor health, and aud all her precious freight of life Ii .aaav . ' II a . - ! e . u :i -l . , b uniiK un m. u i luruis, lie iiuuiy HilOUtea "The sneaking little rascals! If I had hold of 'em one minute I'd" and then suddenly espying his pastor on the scene, he impressively added a ii Ajimy iui ciu ; The sale of si and Cotswold I'-1 I ! 'l-kfrnfr the largest ever held in Canada. The wiches ?" bellowed the bar-keeper an- Some jolt or jar on the landing caused a uiht uiffiitm jirict juiu t:re ,-6 "J - premature explosion, ana tliougu eio-bty rvj-a n v jo a o I t . a . Is . W 7" owror oeventeentn jJuKe ot Airanc, x ea r, bought by A. McKlintock of Millers- "I've been I L XT I 4k a rrr W-w i I P a onrgn, rveniucKy ; JH,JUU tor ILirk- iorxy years, and it's just 1 ? L a T w-i 1 . 4 . i a . I x JSs a W jeignton xucness rigiiteentn, bought siun a gom by H. Joahrane Campton, and $3,- And he hobbled out; but if he had 500 for Oneida Rose, bought by B. caught the foot that flew after him he B. Groom of Kentucky. The total wouldn't have been aajsfcj with 'the uum realised was $79,000. "booty" of hit visit don t drink till I am throuo-h pat- I and hope, ta the devouring winds ing." and waves; that no survivor would be left The bar-keeper turned his back for re of borro"f and destruction a mnnmnf nnA i. i; i .1 But. with a cool, ciantio R WWti nf re. 1 : -l , 1 1 s . tnorseiesR ereea and cruckv that miit sasuuwicneB into nis c oat rwvirt imi . . . . . J ' I . . 1 . . calmlv Hpvonr fnn . U iu u 8urra au panaemoniom with admi- . . . "c wsisaw- rino- amazemftnt hn mmn pi. Kia Mnnt fK ho. .l "UB ' " wmpwieo nw engin- Khecp, at the Crystal "Gimme a elass o water, will v sm. lUJL' i.;.. t cn lha llni inof ma I "VVh.t 9" i iV f I 1 . . . . r hi. Jiijanrnn W of Salisbury, N. C. To 1st Jan. 76. 4 miles N. 0. L. KEEVE8. E. n lUARSH'S MACHINE WORKS. Corner of Fulton & Council, Street?. Salisbury. N. C. Having ail my new Machinery in opera- atioo, 1 am now prepared in connection with the Iron & Brats works to do all kinds of wood work, such as Lumber Dressing, Tongue Sc G roving, making Sash, Blinds Ac Doors, making moulding from i inch to 6 inches wide, also Turning 6c Pattern mak ing. Sawing Braoketts. 6te. Having the best Machinery and first elass workmen, satisfaction is guaranteed. July 29, 1875. ly. Leave Greensboro 4. SO Arrive at Salem 6 IS Leave Salem 8.40 Arrive at Greensboro 10. Faaaencer traiaa Vsaviag Kaleich at 8.10ra conoecta atUreeaaboro' with the Northern bound train: making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of Tickets same as via other routes. Trains to and from points East of Greensboro connect at Greensboro with Mall Trains to or from points North or South. Two Trains daily, both ways Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond daily at 900 A a. arrive at Bnrkeville 1SS6 r a, leave Bnrkeville 1 90 r a , arrive at Rich mond 4 94 r a No Chancre of Cars Between Charlotte a va f i amamava -aar i ana menmona, zox mixes. Papers that have arrangements to advertise the schedule of this company will p lease print as above and forward copies to Oen'l. Passenger Agent. For farther information address JOHN R. MACaTURDO, Gen1. Passenger Agest. Richmond, Ta. B TALCOTT. Engiaeer k Gea'l Sppsrtateoaeai 11 9a Ts 100. FACTORY AND W-eREROOMS, CORNER 6 AND (YN(RERS Ssa, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. ZXf ISM.) AOBITTI Wanted in Every County Address GLOUGH & WARREN ORGAN CO- DETROIT, MICH. M7 S0 187S. 1j. OMNIBUS & BAGGAGE WAGON ACCOMMODATIONS. B O Y D E N SAL o u a i H KV, If. Mb Dr. Reevix, Paorai T at CRAIGE & CRAIGE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND Solicitors in panhrnplnj. Special attention paid to proceed ings in Bakrnptcy. Sept. 5, 1873. rater," replied the tramp. DJlDdere and triends ot tbe embarking drinkin' o it fnr nik paaseogers were killed, tbe ship and her iTT . I , j, - - - , the healthiest I WB m Wr,.wwe wvea. - Thompson was suspected, arrested, con fessed the whole astounding plot, and suicided another representative of Amer ican character abroad fit countryman of Sihenck, Cramer, Bancroft Pavu and at E to at 9 flp" Day at homo. Terms raw. UAdoea.G. Stoto Co- rostiand, Maine. Yaliable Ton Lets For Sale The onderaia-ned offers for Sale the desirable unimproved boildinsr lots ia the eitj. Gall and examine plots. KEEBCBAJOEI CM. t8 1999 af The 1 ronriHraaa returns her w T L. tittA nn an Amnikni and !Uavar to the traveljas: txiblic tr lhr libcewl Wagoo which are always ready to convey per- while eoonected with the Ka - a m. f.. mi ik. A . rwl In .hi1 frrun narliM A J. 1 1 Cf'I V-L. IA'. S, laws nrHmil Vfanainn Hnnu ' Ot havine WOtn Cnotlfh at the or at ray Livery A Sale Stable, Fisher street near Railroad bridge. Aug. 19. tf. to accommodate h-r gwata properly, she ' ted the BOYDKN 1 lul 1 . and she (eels I M. A. BRINGLE Chesapeake and Ohio B S The GREAT J AC E or HUMAN MISERY. Just Published, in a sealed envelope. Price sim e-ents. Lecture on the Watare, Treat ment, aad Radical cure or Seminal weak- uess, or opermatorrnaBa, induced by Self-Abu-e, Involuntary Emissions, Itnpotency, Nervoas Debility, and Impediments to Marriage gener ally; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fit; Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac liy uoiiEKT J. CULVERWELL. M. D., author of the Green Book.' Ac. Tbe world-renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own expe rience that the lawful consequences of Belt Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, andwitho t dangerous sergieal .per ations. boogies, instruments, rings, or cordials: pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, cure himself cheap ly privately and radically. Tmt Lecture wul prove a boon to thou sands aad thousands Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to aay address, on receipt of six cents or two post age staaops. Address the Publishers. find that she ran now accommodate comfortably, and in the very best style, ia this newlr furnihed house, with all Use i improvement. r.a....r. oina up ths W. X. C. Bail from the K, lake Break hart at the BOTDEJf HOUSE. First class Bar and Billiard loon connected with the HOUfeK. July 15 (to 31 Dvc) CH AS. J. C. KLINE & CO. 127 Bowey, Saw Yok; Poet Office Box, 1000. o.2i lar&atr. Blacbuer and Heiierson, Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors . SALISBURY, V. ty 1 Jaewaar M IffeWl THE GREAT CEXTRAL ROUTE BE TWBEX NOKTH CAROL1XA AND THE WEST. PASSENGER . TRAIXS RUN AS FOLLOWS. MAIL EXPRESS. Leave Richmond 9.30 am l10 y n' "Charlottesville, .K a m 1 p Arrive White Sulphcr, 'J.'t " H.37 Huntington, A.30 a m .'4 44 Cincinuatti, COO am on nee ting closely with all of the Great Trunk Line tor the West. North- Wst and Souih-VfonL This ia the shortest, Quickest and cheapest Route, with leas changes of cars than aay other, and passes through the finest scenery in the world. Pasaenecrs taking the Express tiain on the N. (J. R. R. have no delay, but connect closely, to any point in the West. First clasa and Emmie-rant Tickets at the Lowest Rates and Baggage checked. Emi grant go on Express Trains. Tf ME, Dutasce, snd Money saved by taking the tsesopeas and Okie Route. Frcujht Rate to and from the West, slsriys as low as the lowest. Merchants and others will find it to their in terest to eet our Kates before klunftna? or or- m - dnring. For Information and Rate spply to J. C. DAME. So. Asreot. or O. M. McKKNNlE. Ticket Agent Greensboro X. C. C. R. HOWARD, General Ticket Arot. W. M. 8, DUNN, Superintendent. - Kichoaood Va. RAT II BONE'S ACORN COOK. Cheap Chattel Mortgages, MAT Wanks to sate Voaa WWla-r, T. C. Vow, II. Wr. Wst sr Kksst rVtaasi Hst sasr laasraav ta rsr Witk all latest iraproTesaeati. J rWea. Lasgsst Hrs I a Fva Sack sad Fs SsMas4 Ask Cases. Wt sal taw w tsraat lamkaiMiaiwasa. saw lass or taw a-a Hm CarwVaV, Tmi mnA CasO-gv h0Mkn Heavy. Best Mm lroWm't cmk. wajxurro tanarafcoar. asawhwearsd ag RATH BONE, SARD 4 AJaaay. sVT. saw s, m m ' ifZj,

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