Carolina Watcnman. LOCAL. DECEMBER 30. 1875. jjtri o atrear off next Saturday. wk tbs time to lake stock in the Building jfln,Dw tenet. DEATH OF ME- CRAIGE. The telegraph hat brought to our citizens, the tad intelligence of the death of Hon. Burton Craige, which occurred at Concord, this morning. Beloved almost universally in this community, this and event, notwithstanding it hat been for tome days expected, has cast a deep gloom of sorrow over our town. The public low is heavy in the death of such a citi ten. To his family it is irreparable. Christmas day was" observed herein a very orderly and quiet manner. There were bat TWt forget Building & Loan next Monday hw drunk men to he seen, even the night be- V fore, which is moat eenera.1 1 v mar) tk nmamm Dll for rowdyism. A few Darties were broiurhth- fore th Mnvnr fnr i-J I , . tti.. u.. . nik. : J m -vv,,, uu u wr t. yt . ivc.., u- nous disturbance of the peace occurred. is I S IftKil coun.j. TWO Oin HoilAM wra knmi in UMVUkn. i ti r:..i vr n I . . . . John li Connor tt m j.i .i...u.., v. iMt week, by matches thrown into the cotton. fa bons-stealiog. A mob, in Clear Creek Township same county, tore dov.n about two miles of the Township Train! on N. C K. K. take breakfast fence. More work for Court and Juries. -.A supper bere now. - I -w ... . . . one oi tne gat maim (iron pipe 5 inches in diameter) laid under a pavement in Boston exploded a few days ago, killing one person, and blowing others into the water, causing them to be drowned . The cause of the e xnlos- a ion not known. Say a the S tatesville American : Two colored men. Rev. Win. R&maaw nod Charles Connor, of Davidson Town ship, this county, were brought to this place and lodged in jail, by the overseer of R. I. McDowell, Esq., Thursday of mis wees, under a charge ot an attempt to incite insurrection. Weather, warm and moist ; for the last few gl we have had a deluge of rain. Pay joui debts and start the New Year efen with the world. Frai Stock. Mr. John Scott writes to the Swine and Poultry Journal as fol lows : My neighbor bought a trio of fine pigs, paying therefor the reasonable sum of $120, The male was valued at 860, and the females at $30 each. This was a wise apportionment of values, as the male would i mo res s his vain a on all t Via nm. Two AT A Time. A yonne ladr re- dace. There are those who think how. cei ving a note, the other day, from a gen-1 ever, that $60 is too great a price for one ucman asziug uer nana in marriage, went pig. in this case he did not die or prove w a iaay mend to ask her ad vice on the barren, but he begat his likeness not only suoject, vnen to her horror and surprise on the females of his own blood, bnt me iriena snowed Her a note to herself largely on others to which ho was bred from the same gentleman, and of the same In the short space of two years my neigh ..Li.- .f I a l 0 wv It a . - . utc, mkius; oi uer we same iavor. now nor nan sold, at prices mneh less than he is mat ior low. BtatesvtUe Amen paid, pure bred pigs to the amonnt of can. Itaoo- hmA worth $300: still bad the original stock. "The Charlotte Observer is onblishinr anaibad Daid for all his feed and lahor doleful essays on 'Love.' McDowell is by the use of his male on his and other supposed to illustrate the text. Donan stock. To say nothing of hie enjoyment tmnu. Mn the nossension ot thp he-nt nt h in Zes, be has it "bad." In fact, when a creased respect of his neighbor, of bis youth, of the kid-glore-and-swallowcut- own culture growing out of the thought coSt age, sets at work deliberately grind- be gave to his pursuit, he had a clear re- ing mianigoi melody, trom the aneient turn of 51,000 on an investment of $120; uarp ot the Jews (or old Jewsharp) re- and all in only two short years specting : nTl A - 4l,- T i M x uc uais uiftl I ICUJl'IUUCr r. a T to r-.T-rT-.iT- - r . ..Trnrn Which days, of course, are the melancholy. OAlulOiiUttl 1'arK uays ot Love s Llecember' jccc:nicr .ju, i,o when the woods are raiuiug russet leaves, CkmoK-moderatcly brisk. Middlings, 12 and the yellow, fat-faced pumpkins are Jns IO". gnnnning from a-tween the corn rows at Flouk market stocked best fam. tS.OO the cotton-tailed rabbit gamboling in the super. 2.75 moonlight, while the rural swam takes Wheat good demand at 1.00Q1.15 his 37th kisa when such are tho symo- Corn market well supplied 5560 and very little in flavor. It looked more like (d Hro. Mac. dar'ent deny 'em) Awnoaerate uemanu ac wno .l-.i: u .u: Janv ordinarv h.f.nfini- i.irv vnnlrl I Sweet Potatoes readily at 40:0 b. ...... niaui Liiau anyiiillJI CJBB we J J o J J can think of. Made from the blossoms of the DnD6 11 ,n cage 01 sweet sixteen on tne Lin tree, the Atwnp waa naoni;. knt .... I brain. pleasant. NOTICEHaving retired from the Watck man, I will thank all those indebted to me for advertising or otherwise to come forward and settle promptly. J. J. STEWART. Something new in market. Mr. JoHW A. Box- dem, as agent for a gentleman in the mountains, sold out a lot of Italian bee honev here, last week, which was a real curiosity at a honey, to which it bore no resemblance in appearance. Wnndar night and half of Tuesday was a vet tine here the old year weeping itself Does anybody every recollect a Christinas before this when H was too warm to have a firs? to n u .. ..;. uj . ,, 7" ZZ""'rr'" . mraUi uv, Ot Approach of For- ijC Burglary. A thief entered the residence of eign Intervention in Cuban Matters. 1 ;::;t,t : :z:z J cv rj7 New York Dec- a special to the Ivio, Christmas presenU makw eyery- attending church, and stole . r', mmvm fu - 5 J . M better.-uutil the bills begin to m thence ateut $125 in specie The money Madrid, having refused to forward the O . 2 ? ! UP l" th dW A following despatch, it was transmitted to T AU "W wm oroKn. ana uie ,1, . :. ,t,.IBi, ,i, Tl.... tin box carried off. Subsequently the box and :j;a,ir.0 ( - A. t 4 Th montiruent for the Federal soldiers who -7 . - .. . . . . , . v., ... diplomatic complications. mere is a r diti in the h-iitDury prison, nas arrivea, anu two private yardt at widely different placet. Grange rumor afloat in trustworthy quar ' preptraiiona are oemg mane ior lit erecuon. 1 ne ihief was aiming to put the police on a ters which alleges the near advent of . f 1 . 1 laise track. j European intervention in Cuba. The The bursting up of the whiskey Ring at St. J I nations which may coalesce for this pur . imis has ditturbed the peaceful slumbers of Earthquake There was an earthquake at pose are net named. The United States the radical party and given the third term ites ltichmond, Petersburg, Raleigh, and as far government is probably forewarned of north as Alezandna, Va., on the 22d Dec. At the fact, as A am assured that lengthy Richmond it teems to have been more violent despatches in cipher are passing between KLUTTZ'S COLUMN. TO RENT. i or the ensuing vear. the Dwellinar H on corner of Church and Bank Streets occupied by Mrs. Wheeler, and the Dwelling Hoots oa Bank Street, lately occupied by Root Knox, Esq- D. A. DAVIS. HOT. 2d '75. 15 CtL l Will boy one Box of Conoeotaisd at EX N 133' Qo.TTON, CORN, OAT Flour, Ilav, cVc ., Bought by WALTON ft ROSS, and fall Charlotte Prices Paid in Cash. tt Wi IT IHD JDL PA80NATION FAGT8! FACTS! ! FACTS!!! HEW ADVERTISE1ERHT. 400 paswa. By ssail 40 S. 7th 8L, rUa, Pa. largest, and oldeM eaUbiUhed in Salubury. KLLtTZ S DRUG STORE. U pre KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE, ii the KL pared to duplicate any Merchant's or Physician's Bill, bought an yw hero lm Christendom. KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE, has done, is doing, and intends to do. the largest Drag trade in this section of the State. KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORK r - . . e.. 1. . 1 b the plate to buy anyihioc that von are now daily reccmug no unusually large r"" t ujjiiup; vuav jow stock of want from a Corn plaster, to a $7 boa ot DBY G OO DH, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, perfumery. From a paper of Lampblack CLOTHING, HATS, KOTIOXS, ac.. WHICH HAVE BEEN BOUGHT At LOW PRICES. AND 8HALL BE BOLD FOR SHORT PROFITS. do according to qual. Irish Oats Butter Chickens per dozen Egos Onionb in demand Cabbage full market per lb. 50y7. 25 $1.502.00 15 75 SEE OUR PRICES. to a thousand pounds of W bite From a dose oi Castor Oil to a hundred ounces of Quinine. From a tooth pick to a Pocket Book. No brarrinr either, bat solid fact. To prove it, call 00, or write to TUEO. F. KLUTTZ Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Salisbury , N. 0 RALEIGH MARKET. WHOLESALE CASH PRICES. Raleigh, December 30, 1875. FLOUR, North Carolina $6.50 a $6.75. CORN, 85c. CORN MEAL, 90 a 1.00 BACON, N. C. hog round, 16. " " hams 20. HIDES, CTaen. 7 iT8. M dry, ra. FODDER, baled, new $1. HAY, N. C. baled, good. 51.25. f i. 1,00. fife 1 Ornamented. The public well hatbeen Uban anywhere elte. Many of the citisens Madrid and Washington. made raoie ornamenUl by the aubttitution of ruehed Irom tnetr beds out into the streets and blot-painted brakes, for the old cranks and oui and spent the night in the open air. The .1 1 omwvi. in.v.v uwvui xj rjwvuua aiivs iiianv iiiingn I . . 1 a M m mi a . a a rauic leartuiiy. mere is nothing like an Off the Track. The freight train on the earthquake to get up a big scare and the people CINCINNATI, Dec. 28. At N. C K. R ran oB the track at the depot here of Richmond were more terrified by it than lar weekly meeting of the Bishop Haven's Third Term Policy Considered. . v tne reen- Methodist on Wednesday morning last, and delayed the they were at Grant's army when thundering preachers of this city the Bishop Haven mail train several hours. around the city. Our thanks are due the Committee of the DtaunUienean Society of Roantke College, for an imitation to attend their anniversary on the 19th of January. matter was considered. A series of reso lutions were offered declining to express A Mifilat.e Many persons speaking of the j an opinion 011 the third term and deplor warm weather we have had for more than a ine Haven's course: another set eXDrees id r mr week, say they never knew the like before, ing amazement at the alarm felt over such Hot or cold people are apt to comment on the a small matter, denying Haven's right to weather in this way ; and yet it is the mere re- speak for the whole church, and utterly suit of unfaithful memory. We have often hat! opposing any connection of church and warm weather in mid-winter. Old people state was also presented. A lively dis- will rmpmhpr this vfrv wpll if llipv will take cupsion ensued, and finally the whole it. MnlT aiw...t it Xnt mnv wintr am matter was laid on the table, which is we had a -spell" warmer than this by several probably the end of the affair here degrees, we suppose, as it occasioned the lost of 1 . - . e i t I . - 1 .1 many uh. o. pur, wuicu u.u lW uc I IMPROVED BARBEL. The object of nn.T 1 . . . - - . . - l r 1 iuih luveunuu is iw pruiiue a uarrci uir I thp uliinmPHt nf nrndiiPA. whir.h shall hp X Tobacco Factory. Vie are glad to learn ui J' , rt;n .u. age of 219. He hat probably the beat hog that Messrs. BoobAPaikk, of Mocksville, pro- LJnce ia delivered, to at to ocean v a stock in the county. pose removing to this point at an early day, and r.Anri-.i. Im.;i 8DftC-. .nd he retnrn- a? At.. 1 a a-l - a -A I . . . . !pii nc line 01 LiiH larir-ej! u iimt-tj iur ii aitur- j a i. . a a- a . t ' . aa atAJ., .v n VO -.A I 7r " 0 V " CU W fcUC Kuucr l WO iico ui MIIIU ana Diut WW vomo . - in the State. These are enterorisine. relia- r.:.i. . ,m.J(;j learn that Dr. Jno. F. Henderson, now of Con-1 hu ihnroiih-iroi na- irentlenen. who will add ? ; .r U j 0-- 0 o o j - 1 t. at tvUDieia i.t e b v a ivt vra ciarvo, VICK'S ) Flower & Vegetable Seeds are the best the world produces. They are planted by a million people in- America, and the result is, beautiful Flowers and splendid Vegetables. A Priced Cttaloirue sent free to all who enclose the postage a 2 cent stamp. Bagging I6cts. Ties Gets. A good Woman shoe 1,25 A good Boot for 2,50. A good suit of clothes for 8.00 A good coat for 3,00 A fine suit of clothes for 15.00 A good hat for 75 cts. very .alius: Else at Carre a ponding;.? Low Prices. WE WANT TO BUY 4,000 BALES OP COTTON. Don't Fail to Call and .'see Us. WALTON & ROSS. oct.7-lf. Attention FARMERS' GRASS SEED. Just received a fresh supply of Clover! Sed. Orchard Grass. Blue Grass, Red Top. imothy, which ljrill sell cheap at SMELL GOOD. ITS JUST AS EASY. DREXEL'S. HOYT'S. and Husoc-tiaa Colognes. WRIGHTS, LUBINS. and all other Handkerchief Extracts. At KLUTTZ'S Drag Store. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C A TonKnis. "TlOWl St.. . T. as BUiL BICXHILL A CO 0 4W READING, PSYCHOMANoY, Bead CWatiac. Maw G-aida, aWfiag how Hunt A tv, in Mt. mn A (1 Agent Wanted. Good -hence I P h fur iag moj. to pauiite who 1 lJiUWvoU whole or part thsMawatSa. far toratML P. O. Best Mil. Gxat can Tsa Oes Al A Vtawy SL. M. T WAJITID. The Mahttrao Maaiairi troTof all atJaa! 'iVlpi ill iTawritory of s ataa-W artada. A Bar ta sal caoh taintai aod a Oew A. LL MPKLrt. 147 HOMEOPATHIC. FAMILY M EDI CI2C C CASES AM9 BOOKS. firiiag fJaui alirotcieoai far EfteiZ iilTrSawoly Asa of hac relief, will aaore lata rvpav BOBRICKEATArEL BALTIMORE BOaKEOPATBlO MASH ACT. Vtw 1S5 West Fayette WANTEDS Priae Parks ia the world. alaeoto paper, 16 envelopes. Holder. Pencil, patent Yard M niece of Jewelry. (Mowte rriac port paid' ITjc t n A CO, 7G9 Broad arsT, 5. Y. r foldoa Pan. Pro BL-aai - pacstf vhi osajpaa culaVfroa. BRIDE AN OUTFIT FREE North State Lodge No. 26, I. O. O. F. hat Juat put down an elegant new carpet, purchased -saw chairs and refitted in handsome style gen erally. The lodge-room U now a beautiful one. Good tor their aj.-Mr. m. Howard, .laughter 12 pigt, all of the aame litter, 13 months old which weighed 2,623 lbs , an aver am S . a" 1 corn, proposes removing io oanaoury greatly to the town. We are glad to learn too nr. n. u an sxpenencea pnyaician, anu iiuw .. . - DTQtsne(A of ,tiU -nother factorv eatimaoie gentleman. beine started here the coming season, and at least one large tobacco warehouse. These Rev. Dr. Dosch, of Charleston, presched at " mnicauc-n,, ana py, geoa nope urn the Lutheran church in this place on Saturday balwbury may ere long become a tobacco mart night and Sunday last. The congregation have of no small consequence. offered him a call on a handsome aalary, and it TrT1hTsabbath School Teach- . . I a - J a a 1 - a 11 a A a a I. unuersioou mai ne w... Fh, , membfir8 f the Presbvterian church. VICK'S Flower & Vegetable Garden is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 160 page, hundreds of fine illustrations, and four Chromo plates Flouxrn beautifnlly drawn and colored from nature. Fnce .to cts in paper covers; oo cis. bound in elegant cloth. cave the children of the congregation an entcr- Railroad Eobbery. An Express Car on uinnjent .t the church on Christmas eve. in the St. Louis and Kansas city Northern train, the of . magnificent Christmas Tree, ( vas entered not far from St. Louis, on the 18th, loaded wUh pt u was occasion of ly thieves, by whom Uie messenger wss thrown rtiTe interett to the children, and many even of fcto a box and locked up, and the safe ripled the older membera. The Tree was made the Of between 510,000 and 9 20,030. medium of many compliments to old and young, the pastor, Mr. Rumple, being handsomely re KlntU's Drug Store. Parker's Variety membered by several valuable ana boautnuL Store. Brown'a Confeetionerv. and Clodfel- presents. Ealiven by the grand mutic of the cost. connected by hoops which have peculiar fastenings, which adapt the stave to be disposed fiat for return transportation, or rolled np and fastened to form a barrel. The sides of the barrel are straight, and the heads are held in place by legs alter nating, when the barrel is set up upon opposite sides of the head. The heads are thus of less diameter than the inside of the barrel, so that the barrel, when i returned, may be packed full of heads, and the rest of the barrel sides packed flatly together. Set. American. Vick's Floral Guide. This is a beautiful Quarterly iournal, finely illustrated, and containing an elegant colored Frontispiece with the first number. Price only 25 cts. for the year. The first number for 1S76 just issued. Address jamus v iuk, ttocnoster, i. lfctf THE 153d SESSION 07 THE UNIVERSITY OF SOBtX CAROLINA Will begin on Thursday. January 6, 1876. The necessary expeuses for the session ex- ilusive oj clothing aud traveling: will vary roin $100 to $130. i For circulars apply to CHARLES PHILLIPS. Cbairman. o Dec. 30. 1875. 2t. am p4ju i : mm ar - . BpG a I " 5. U. 2 j a 3 5 8 lis l . . i . . . .... V S - , Has ... ."80 . s W J m Z i 3 J K jVt-idde - ei tt c -- SSSS3825R52S io 9i ibDKeaioioei - : o Piedmont Air Line Railway M an J te Clean ! Cashmere Boqne t, Brown Wind or. Stebxino, Pomcise. CannoLic, aod fifty other kinds of TUlet Soaps, at from 5 to 75 cents a cake. At KLUTTZ'S Drag Store. A BOYAUMOKE. Salisbury Favorite Cigar. Only 5 Cents. IT DRIVES AWAY CARE, AND PUTS Ton ha a Good Humor Also. All popular brands at from 2 to 25 cents. At KLUTTZ'S Drug Store For Your Sweefteart. We vast tease one fa orders sod deliver nad CO. D. Hosts did chance in errrr neijrti poraon of ruber mx, voang or new hau, circular, terms, sent free and poet paid. J. HALL A 00.6 JT. Aid. count- to lak for tbe old aod ona-i- .ote-aes Hstai for it at etast AdJroaa. H. Strmt, Bst 4o For Coughs. Colds Hoarseness AND ALL THOAT DISEASES. Use WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE IlnXl - T. EKKTJ A THIRD AHD BITEE 2! Sold by Prugriat tenerallr, and r i i.i.r,n r l Mr.n, inicaro, ill. ARTHUR'S Iu.rLraATi! Hokb M AGAttn Tae HoO' huld Maa-aiioe of A mevica. " Tvo 6orial sw rieslnlSTG. -BAOLBSCLl FFE br Mra Julia C. R. Iorr. and MIRIAK" hv T. Arthur. HI TTKHICE S Xevret Pot'rroa 11. every number Term. ftO per yrr. 3 cpie- fur S0.51. Splendid Ibtok offer and I'ratuiuaca Specimen ti umber lo cer t. 4 T h AKTIll It A SUN . Philadelphia. Pa. ter't Furniture Store were the favorite places far haying Ohristuias presents this year. BellV.and Horah's jewelry stores were pat ropised liberally toov Be in time and Insure your Buildings, Merchandise, Dwellincs. Barns and Contents, by calling at the Insure Umce of J. Allen crown, who represen First Class Co's. (Home and Foreign) whose aggregate assets exceed Thirty Million Dol lars. Nov. 4th 1875. organ, and graced by tbe large audinance, old and young of both sexes, it was s brilliant and most cheerful scene, and afforded a delightful entertainment for all present. USaLlu sntslat J. M. Coffin, Esq. This gentleman is on duty as State's Agent In charge of the convicts at work on the Spartanburg Asbeville Rail Road, His business is that they are humanely treated, and a W . a - o A If I ' Irtr terms ot tne oontrsct ate complied fcx.VP i i tnnan W A Grbat PnatPEBT-Shooldn't be sur prised if Jim Harris, at China Grove, has one more pumping than any other man the State. He has supplied the Railroad at that point with water ever since the Road was built, 21 or v2 yean; and is still at his nnt Dummnsr. numniucr. If he has ever K I 1 mm a - failed to have water in the tank when it was needed it is not on record. Next to a faithful witness should come a faithful worker; aud as these are worthy of honor Jim certainly deserves something for his 'aSSalT '.fc .' 4a trreat fidelity. How would it jle totaalze him President -of the Road for a wee two, 'with especial reference to the ments uf tbe office. Tntt's Expectorant. preparation bus preformed jtonianing cures in at. are Is of history. k Patients v Cabbage Thief Brought to GsiEFa some time past J. M. White, T upper's college, had been missing cabbaeert from Jus garden, but col the track ol the cant raid was made on hi u which the" taking them scvel A Vale a ble Medical Treatise- Hostetter's United States Almanac for 1876 for distribution, gratis, throughout the United States and all civilized countries of the Western Hemisphere, will be published about the first of January, in the English, German, French, Norwegian, Welsh, Swedish, Holland Bohemian and Spanish languages, and all who wish to understand the true philosophy of health should read and ponder the valuable suggestions it contains. In addition to an - ad miraule medical treatise on the causes, pre-' vention and cure of a gre variety of diseases it embraces a large amount of information interesting to the merchant, the mechanic, the miner, the farmer, the planter, and tbe profes sional man; and the calculations have been made tor sueii meridians and latitudes as are most suitable for s correct and comprehensive National Calendar. The nature, uses, and extraordinary sanita ry effect of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the staple tonic and alterative of more than ha the Christian world, are fully set forth in its pages, which are also interspersed with picto- a . a B . .a a a i . 1 rial illustrations, vaiuauie receipes ior me ld and farm, humorous anecdotes, and er instructive and amusing reaaing matter al and selected. Among the Annuals to With the opening of tbe year, this wi auiost usetui, and may be bad lor vro orators, nessr. iictteiier on receipt of a two copy by mail to rocure one in bis sold in every are extensively world. Richmond & Danvile, Richmond ft Danville R. W., N. C. Dirison, and North Western N. C. R. W. AN ELEGANT LINE OF MAGNIFICENT TOILET 8ETT8. SHELL TOILET BOXES. POW DER and PUFF BOXES, FANCY BOTTLES, VINIAOARETTES, POCKET-BOOKS, X I RRORS, Ice. etc., Cheap at THE SUNNY SOUTH! The Largest and Hand somest Literary Paper in America. KLUTTZ'S Drat; Store. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE la Effect ea aat after laaiay, Dec. I9ta, fll75 ARE YOO GOING TO PAINT ? MONEY, TIME, LABOR, BRILLIANT ANNOUNCEMENT. tW 8PECIMES S FRKE.-m rpHB mLLQITTSG SEW 8TORIWI WI1 . MoBTlKTBS-8l.i.YTlll.:lLLlNGlOP Ah . KOMAKCE8 vet aoUhaoeJ la aw Al rouraal. BILL A R08COE, X0R1U AXl SOUTH . Hillslioro Military Academy, Hillaboro, N. C. Thia Institution, recently known as "Horner and Gravea'a School." will hereafter be con ducted by R. II. Graves aa tole Principal, aided, aa heretofore, by the accomplished in atructors Hugh Morton Jr., and Mai. W. ii. Hamilton. The Spnne eemicn of l7t will open oi the 17th of Jan. For circulars &ddIv to Mai. W. H. Hamilton, until the 5th of J an., and afterwards to the Principal. lO.lmo- GOING NORTH. STATIONS. CKAIGE & CRAIGE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AMD Solicitors in 2 flnkmpM. Special attention paid to proceed ings in Bakraptcy. Sept. 5, 1873. C to 0 fl lor IaT at home. Termt ree. wOro0 4UAd(lfeMG Stinton 4Co Portland, Maine. Jan. 19, 1875, lv nr This. ir for Pneumonia. and fatal re- Consumption and B08CUEE S leigh- ith in Valuable Ton Lots For Sale The undersigued oners for Sale the most desirable unimproved building lots in the city. (Jail and plots. KERR CRAIG E Oct. 28 1875 tf Leave Charlotte .... " Air-Liue J'nct'n " Salisbury " (jreensboro ..... " Danville Dundee " Burke villa Arrive atltiebmond. Mail. 6.46 a M 625 " 8 20 10.68 1 W r k 1.49 " 6.61 " 9.sf r GOING SOUTH STATIONS. a! ail . Leave Eichmnd " Burkevl le.. . Dundee M DsBTille. ....... Grosaahoro. Saliabury. .... Air-Line J'act'o Arrive at Charlotte... 1 6.50 a 9.00 " l. v H 1.41 4.98 " 6.64 " 8.62 " 9.16 " UU1NU EAST. STATIONS. MAIL. Leave Greenaboro.. " Co SLopa Arr. Italeish ..... Arr. at Golosoore. 0 . . 1 a. 11 no 1 3,49 r n 6.40 r at NATIONS. Leave iireensboro. . " Co. Shops Arrive at Raleigh... Arrive at Gohlhboro ........ o 6.00-a at r 11.16 Chemical Paints, so called, have proven failures : simply because the chemistry of their man u fact are seems to consist in the quantity of water that Is combined ... m v . o with the naint. by tbo addition ot an a w Alkali, either Potash, Lime or Soda, dec Chemical Paints containing water peel from the wood, and are not Economical, because they will not cover as much sur face as Pure Paints. We offer our Puei'auzd Paixt with the guarantee that it is not a Chemical Paint: contains no Water, no Alkali, no adulteration, and is made of only sue) material as are used by the oldest paint era. Our Paint will cover more surface goixg west, than any Chemical Paint ia the world. We authorize their sale, subject to the satisfaction of all buyers. We agree to re -paint any boose with English BB White Lead, or any other White Lead, if our Paints do not prove perfectly satis ae - ry- Manufactured by, itfWrsr,T,"u io"- Sold only at KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. Btoaairooa Trillin, National AdminaatraUooa of Dncols and Jooosvc, aod tbe Ez ofMra-Sovou ml !-'. Writtzs bt a Distinguished State WRITTEN l. BLOOD 1 HE MIDNIGHT PLEDGE. A Story of the Laat NapoleoL Br M. Quad, or the Mi FIGHTING AGAINST FATE J Ok, ALONE IN THE WORLD. MAIL. "Arr 4-10 ra a ........... t Arr 11 06 w L'v8 tiAji , RAcconundoation Train P7.)r Arr " Lv. Too AM Arr. TJOpm Lv. 2.00 ra Biater and Eeateoa, Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. C. January 02 IS7i tt. SIMONTON FEMALE COLLEGE, JT ATE VILLE, IV. C. Terfn 'un vnll open Sept. I, leo. ve been made as low as Reference : Uev. IjfrJ. Martin. Rev. IPlGrov. Z. B. A- "Sit O VOftTB WBITHlaf N.C.R.R ( S A I.EM IlEAKCH. ) Leave Greensboro . Arrive at Salem.... Leave Salem Arrive at Greensboro o o 1 4.45 r m 6 45 8.16 AM 10.33 Chills Cured for 25 Cents. TAKE PI L ILL L S. Passenger traiaa learint; Salelfli at 1.05am connects atGreensboro' with the Southern bound train; making tbe quickest time to all Southern cities. Accomodation Train leaving BalMgh at 7 3Utr. M. connects with Northern bound Train at Greensboro for Richmond and all point East. Price of Ticket aainc as via other route. a jt s a a an . Accoramoaauou ir.iu ieaTin oreeauwro w...Bail n mna. D.r..nJal . 7.00 . u. connect t Goidsbore wits Kartham Warranted or money itetaoded, at and Southern bonad Trains oa tot WilminotoB I KLUTTZ'S DUL'G STORE. and Vteldon liairroad. I vnnliKurrr X rinmnAil .Ham I.... X i V. ..A daily at 9 00 Am, arrive atBurkeville 12.56 LAM PS from 25 cts.f to $5.00 s at laaaa 1 1 . I All a w .1 Dl.k. I mmZUTuwn ' PURE GRAPE WINE, for Churche. B "JalttM . .- If o Change of Cars Be t ween Charlotte 60 eta Pitwri tii it have arr a ri trp m.nta tn nl-.-aHiu IK. N 111 J Li LEAD, Warranted enaal to scnefluit or tms company will pieo print as any jn tbe world, 11 ceots per pound above ana rorwiru copies vi uea i. rssaenger - Agent. For further inform atioaoddreaa JOHN U. UACMDBDO. Gtal Paownfor AgenA. Eldimond. To A Brilliant Society Serial. ;by Mrs. M AKY E. the Fioeot Slot of the ntBkontiir i;hN, ou rsKfiler EDITH HAWTHORNE ; The Temptations oLm Tmetory Girl Br a Porciata Notzukt. REMINISCENCES or THE CONFEDERATE GOVERNMEKT Bt Cju H. D. Capeba. Cbiay Cum TazAsrBT DtPABTMEXT rxosa Ma Mr Misoaa. awjrThk will be a eotply intertoti . of akotcbe giving tbe early triai, i tagea, and many incidtn.. -people in tbeir efforts to ftltbliab an Government. per quart. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO PHYSI CIANS AND MERCHANTS THEO. f. IvLUTTZ'S, DcoStob, 19- A ammbevofunaoBally BUI LI.: SHORT BT0RIE8 apooar in each isso. great varioty of SPARKLING Mliv r NrX)US MATTER oo all subject. tS.00 a Yeui . Clubs of 4 aod upwards, - - i ml 20 4aST Extra Topy FREE, one Jtaar. U i of 5 at $3.00 ttddotts J. H. SEALS, AtUnl Kov..U.lTi, , K. C.