t . . . . - : n t 1 . ! KINO QUANT. ; King Grant was keen old fellow i - lie gakwhere no Sux might shine t f- And he smokes his cigar so mellow, j lV And tippled Bos Shepherd's wine, f HurnK for the BWs wine 1 i There came to. him many made'un, : . f. i Of the ringlets that iwed to twine,: " With whiskey and gift o'erladeif, : ; V And all in the crooked line. L ' ' -Hurrah for the crooked line I j . All tidk'd of the Law adjourning, L iAnd Babcock home returning, i Willi hi finger up to his nose. t t Hurrah for what Babcock know I ' All came to the keenold fllow, I . i ' Who laugh'd till hi eye dropp'd bHne At he puflTd out l lie wnoke so yellow J iiiu gave i Hcm no oilier Hign. j Hurrah for the whiskey shine 1 ' " Abel EkzK The Blood BatH. ' -'." " -:' : it ' c 1 From the Wilmington journal -j THE WESTERN N. O. BAIL ROAD. "Alwint a mr affft a curious thine bap-1 i tu- UAnv from Saliaburj west- penned here' yesterday remarked a ro- waraiy towards Asheville, has long been boat and rosy-cheeked botcher,' whom on9 0f tne t schemes of the good people vn hiid! Wn eomnlimentiner on his fresh ilttl.H whose section bt the State it juifL healthy SDoearance. ''It know, t,nnnj . And the people of Asheville Aontinned our butcher acquaintance, "tha as a rnje, men engaged in my business eJ forward to its completion to tbat'town enjoy good health and barea fresh, rosy patiently but hopefully. It seems that look; but whether aaDonng in uiouu -tnere is at least tome prospect tor the HOWS COLIIffl. BUGGIES. hr.thiiio- and absorbioff the tomes u vnrioraWisiiiff from fresh meats bat any- thing to do with this, as you appear to; neifber have 1 ever! seen any blooddrinkiug, either by butch ers or by otbers. But, as I hare said, a early realization pf theso fond hopes. The provision of the law which authori zes the employment of convicts confined in the; State Penitentiary,! for the pur poses of its construction, have been ea gerly put into force, and by this means FACTS ! FACTS!! FACTS!!! I NEW ADVERTISEMENT. m atttt o Yftf A DD ITIVj OnCA M P'l! . , v " - ' if' :': - ' :. . ... ink m at ' 1 (I,ate SIMMONS GOtiM uu.,) -IMPROVED i ' VerV CUIlOUa Clifimuowuw uwwuncu lists ,L, ,-aJ Uain mtamA- niulift fnrivarH 1 about a year ago I generally J " to completion. We are informed by ' W- pared to ine.BMMj, ru uiupvgvuir .ucvo Uft nady of thei Commissioners pi ,., through what I absorb from the meats 1 if .t,. o.,,... i-nt.rA.f in ih?. FhJ8,c,an KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE, is the largcpt, and oldeat eatahliehed in Salisbury- KLUTTZ'S DUUli STUUE, is pre- duplicate any Merchant's Bill, bought anywhero in For Fine Buggies and other work in the Carriage line, call at . W. M. BARKER'S. or Shnna on Libertr street between Inniss i I r- ----- - . i: .. , & Fieher Sts. (To 14 Jan Vb. - A PLEASING SIGN j The Alexanclria Gazette reproducfa fromj an ancient almanac the following : J When frogs croak e on ye New Year's Day, V- frmri worke will Burely paye : .He will hare greate come and wheaten too, And from grasse ranch, haye mowe; And hU kine and aheepe fat will be, i, i And his hogs growe like green bay tree ; ; J peaches and grafrea will ripen far alle, ' I And apples hang plenty in ye falle; I . Money will be free from hande to hande, '". And business be briake in ye lanJe ; iMany ahipa be built where none before, And traffic increase from ahore to shore; ! : Towns riae jap and people muliiplie, - And rich men other acres buye ; ' Bickness will be little knowne, . I Only ye doctors will groane ; . i . But many young men will courte ye faire,; Ana maiiT- Bnau iiTnien h uicsbihk" urc ; Much quarreling shall cease, and foe be friend, -And aimiera their wicked coureea enqe, By ye better preaching of preachers alle, ; i And their truer living like good old Paul." handK-but about a yearago .one of our road in 1)andf that he bas jo8t butchers took sick, and I filled hia place ffom 0,d Forfc where he haa t in the slaughter-house for some six weeks. 1 had mot been at the slaughterhouse ; long until ono afternoon about 2 o'clock onr time to begin killing -a carriage drove up. Two ladies drove np and alighted : one known to me as the wife of Christendom. I KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE, has PS returned been in at tendance od a meeting of the Board. He done is doing, and intends to do, the q5 aiwa f 1 tfka ma m 1 a a f p imrl sai a n M Tl f f l I - - 1 . M' u , u;r .r oJi- largest Drug trade in this section of the rnnTipm ill wnri nn mR itinuiiLaiu oer.Liuii. i , t w ' state. KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE which, reaches from Old' Fort to the Western end of the Swannanoa tunnel. (VUn tha VVtit.rn iorrrtinna nf llift tlin- ilia nnAitnt0nnnt nr nnA nt nnr Ipnninc I . . . . h i . J I Comstock mines, and the other a youni " " ' v a- i the pla.o to buy anything that you LV ir. d... j . jwanviromayom pmaipr, iouoi uy u. lady from San Francisco, as I afterwards leained. I saw. almost as soon as the ladies atrived, that the youoger one had no use of her right arm.. It was so comi pletely paralyzed that she was obliged to move it with her left hand. 1 observed that when she wanted to put her , dead hand into her in uff she was oblige to reach through with her left J get bold of the hand and then draw it to where she wanted it, just as though it bad been a skien of yarn. Well it appears there had been some understanding about her com THE OI.D COAT OF GRAY. transacted a good deal of important bus-; icess, all looking to the completion of the road at as early a day as possible. Among other things the Board made contracts with parties for doing all the tunnelling ; ordered fifty convicts to be put to work on the road at Paint rock beyond Asheville, and to work on the line between that point and Asheville : Ordered that application be made to the Penitentiary Board for one hundred and fifty convicts more, who will be employed at points on the road, to the best advantage. Owing to a reduction in. the tariff ot has been an increase in nta stf tUm rnarl nf tpntV.nnA been withdrawn from the animal s throat hmAnd olIa for lhe raonlhs of No4 than the youug lady suddenly threw off vember and December, over the receipt a large mant e that she wore and rushing fco ftme aonlh8 .Q lhe year 18n Now it is said the little frogs were out in full ,DS Fcr UUfc w"ai BUC, u,u' -Uh 1U ,C chorna on New Year'a day, and we may expect surprised some of us me nrsx oay sne everything to be lovely and prosperous during came. 1 he ladies stood looting on wnue the present year almost like the ushering in wc hauled up a bullock and knocked him r.:vt tur ofthemillenium. j on the head. No sooner had the knife hg!':ff perfumery. From a paper of Lampblack I to a thousand pounds of White Lead.! From a dose of Castor Oil to a hundred ounces of Quinine. From a tootb-pick to a Pocket Book. No bragging either, but solid facta. To prove it, call on, or write to TUEO. F. KLUTTZ Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Salisbury, N. C. sfmiTgood. IT'S JUST AS EASY. ! DREXEL'S, HOYT'S, and Hungurun Coioenes. WRIGHT'S, LUBINS, and all other Handkerchief Extracts, j At KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. B - o 4 j OQ 5 O e 03 I CQ c EH CO EH to r, O H H X. a . , I. t.0 MS o . .. S H CD EC H3 3C10-OCCCXO . ..... -.. coacio2i2oo2j'j5 ....'.... t 2W : S w S c S UJ -r-r"-( ; i (Hp: " ' ' w$ II I'' "nrAEtM." -' . i I 3 S3 c: S53 m Piedmont Air Line Kail way .mLi.ij. BY JOHKNYKKB. the forward sat down upon the floor just at the bullock's neck, where a torrent of blood was gushing. She then barrel heir right arm and thrust it to the shoulder into the gaping and blnnd-spnuting throat of the animal, holding it thorc ulvtil the blOod had ceased to fiow. We were then kifling about thirty; animals evory after noon, and every day regularly the girl came ana tnrust ner aeaa arm mm me bleediug throat of one or more of thrm. That girl had courage, and was not oiie of yon r over iuco kind,. I can tell you. She had a course dress ot socio hoavy wooled stuft that she wore for tho pur pose, and when the bullock fell and the knife had Hone its work she at joncn ran, up and seated herself on the Hoor, as re gardleisof the blood as if it had been so much water. i here she would hang across the neck of the; beat until it ceased to bleed. She was so brave that we were tit! - m - a a. tr ' all! glad when she got welt. 1 remember bow happy she was when she came one It lies' there alone it is rusted and faded, With a patch on the elbow, a hole in . aide. ' ' 't t v -' But we think of the biave boy who wore it, and s ever "Look on it with pleasure, and touch it: with i I pride. .,. ' J I A Qiiatory clings to it. and over and over f We see a proud youth hurried on to the fray, With hia form like the oak, and his eye like toe eagle's ; How gallant he rode in the ranks of the -. G"7l ' - ' ' .-, "r. I- i 'u t t- j Jput 1 love it the more for the story tt bears- A atory of courage in struggle with sorrow : And a heart that bore .bravely its burden of i. cares ; . It is ragged and dusty, but ah it was shining In silkiest sheen when he wore it awav. And hia smiles was as bright as the glad Sum , mer morning. . - When he epiang to his place in the racks of - the Uray r, i ' There's a rip in the sleeve, ;and the coljar i day and showed us that she could begin . tarni8hed,r ; - 1 toiopen and close her fingers. From that a nn nnnnna a 1 1 crnncr wun nnriDP w n i cmii - . ... . T.i,T;; T rn ir :;?r ;;,fr7;. forward she improved rapidly. Soon . it j- she could move her arm and finally could; Away with the treasures and relics of the grasp and lift ihings with her band. I ' ld4 - think she came for about three weeks As the gifts of love, solemn, sweet andoutspok? before she was cured. The last day she en S - ! i i . . ... , J a,i tri lVrnm i- lniai, J came she was qnite bright and merryh- . ; f d dv i more so than 1 had ever seen her. After Will we keep the old jacket for the sake of the 1 putting on her mantle 8 he thanked us all loved one, J , j for our kindness to her and shook hands Who rode in the van in the ranks of the wilh ua giving ug the cured band whieht s has she Jaugmngjy said. we had some Shot through with a bullet right here in the 1 right to.' We all felt a great interest in I shoulder, '! r i her, but never saw her again. I never Ana aown mere tne pocket ia splintered and learned her name. All I know is that Ah. morel see the lininsr is stained and dia- e camo from San Francieeo. I suppose "1 . colored; I 1 1 might have found out who she was by Yes, blood-drops the texture have stiffened tasking Mr -, but I didn't know but I .! a,nd spoiled, . I . VI . might be considered impertinent. IdonH J 'u neD " 6 r - ? f know, whether the cure proved permanent i it r 'il: t After the vonn? ladv went awav we iL.nirP'in? uiiwn liir iihi lis nnp npan isit i j o j j - The squadron of foemen were broken asunder thought we should see many persona there Tf tli a nrnnar Anfffr ift nniinnH fin this important woric ot internal improve- ment, the sea and the mountains will sooit be made neighbors to each othor ; then will the "floods clap their hands and thq hills rejoice together." II llfK Wash ani 1)8 Clean ! j Cashmere JJoqnct, Brown Wind- nor. Sterling, Poncine, Carbolic, and fiftv other kinds of Toilet Soaps, at from 5 to 75 cents a cake. At KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. Richmond' & 1a.nvile. Richmond. & Danville K. W.. H. U. Uivison. ana North Western . C. B. W. COiiDENSECT TIME-TABLE In Effect on and after .Sunday, Dec. (1875 GOING NORTH. posters; PROGRAMMES, A 10YAL SMOKE. Salisbury Favorite Cigar, Only 5 Cents. IT DRIVES AWAY CARE. AND PUTS You in a Gooa Humor. Also. All popular brands at from 2 to I 25 cents. At KLUTTZ'S J)rug Store. For Your Sweetheart. STATIONS. Mail. Leave Charlotte .... 6.45 k u " Air-Line J'nct'n 6.25 " " Salisbury a20 44 Greensboro ..... 10.58 44 " Danrille ....... 134 m 44 Dundee 1.49 44 Burkevilla 6.B1 44 Arrive at Richmond. 9.35 r if GOIKG SOUTH. STATIONS. Mail Leave Eichnind 6.50 am Barkcvl le ...... 9.00 44 " Dundee 1.39 r 11 t 44 DaniUe 1.43 44 44 Greenahoro 4.28 44 44 Salisbury 6.64 44 - 44 Air Line J'nct'n 8.62 44 r Arrive at Cbariotte... 9.15 44 GRAND COMBINATION ORGANS. ! FITTED iwiTH THE NEWLY VKNTED SCRIBNEaB rATBIT QULlilTTTlTZG TUBUS, I 'An invention having a most important besinng on me iiiuire o i u .....u.um., uy which the qnantilv .r voiinne oi tone is vti v ,COBCVJ' aril the quality of tone rendered Equal to that jftte Best Pine Organs of tfee Same Capacity. n- uu.A vrtT PP1PRP." Vox Mainana." ''Wilcox Patent," "Octave Conpler thtchanj. iot !;Jr.-.n .. nn..:,n.. Kfcw f'titiuia Horn." "uremonar vox iuia rajwnr and : i r --- r vit jiriiTnn Can te obtained only in these OrganB. Qualitjrantl Vulume ot Tone Lnequalled. PBICEB, S50 TO S500. , M FACTOIIY AND REROOMS, CORNER 6th AAN (SSTABLIsnSD ZSff 1850.) AGSISTCS Wanted ia Evejry County ajj niir.u smdpcn nnr.ANfn . May 20 1875. ly. PAMPHLETS, A victory with the ranks of the Gray T Its memory ia tweethess and sorrow coraming led : iTo me uw precious more precious than gold;-'." - i . ; .1 in me rent ana tne enoi noies a yomme 16 1 f- "' written, i ln the Btains oT the lining is agony told ; That was twelve years ago, wlien in life's sun i ny morning i s 1 He rode with his comrades down into the "jr - fray, X And the old coat he wore,'and good sword he f wielded,' I j I Were ail that came back from the ranks of -) . . (he Grav 1 - - .i-- . . AN ELEGANT: LINE OF MAGNIFICENT TOILET SETTS, SHELL TOILET BOXES, POW.- DER and 1MJFF BOXES. FANCY r A T"TVC T T XT TT CI I jjixu r j ii n iv o, bottles, vini agarettes, DIDTILLSHO' BLANSO. I OCKT-BUUrvS,UKKOKS,&e.&c., Cheap at I- - ' a bp vnn n.nnjfi m patut o tn trv th hlnnd hth- hnt nnn hflirp Wr UFee Slmnle. SheriflTfi and C!ommis- Ailil 1UU UU111U 1U 1 HU1 1 . I neversaw anythinsr like it before ! or since." ! GOING BAST. ; GOING WEST. STATIONS. MAIL. MAIL. a ft Ieave Gteensboro.. ? 11.00 am i 'Arr4.10r "Co Shop I "2 Arr. lUleigh 3.49 r u S Arr. 11.05 4 Arr. at Godaboro'..g 6.40 r M M L'v820am SATIONS. aAf-commdoation Train. Leave Greensboro., g, 7.00r m g-Arr6uOAH 44 Co. SLopt..... a..... Lv Arrive at Raleigh.!. 6.00 a m Arr. 7.30pm Arrive at Goldsboro . 5 11,15 Ly. 2.00 rn ' i OMNIBUS & BAGGAGE WifiON ACCOMMODATIONS, Z70XITZZ wjcsTimrr it. o.ix.zl (Saj.km Branch.) Leave Greensboro Arrive at Salem......... Leave Salem Arrive at Greensboro... r m 4:45 6 45 8.15 a H 10.83 " ACORMCqOlC. With or without Portable Hot Water Rcsefvcir and Closet. I have fittetl up an OmnUxw and Baggap Wagon which are always ready to convey per sons. ti or from the depotto-and from jnrtie, wetldTngs, &c. , Leave orders at Mansion Houm or at my Livery & Sale Stable. Fisher itre near Railroad bridge. M. A. BRINGLE- ! Aujr. 19, tf. Chesapeake and Ohio B B KLUTTZ'S Drus Store. will reverence it 1 ; ; the hole; in the And it lies there alone. I ever. v The paraph oh the elbow, side ; . i ,Fbra more gallant heart never breathed then '-.'I the loved one x ! ;f - Who wore it in honof and soldierly pride : Let me brush off the dust from its tatters all tarnished; . . . j ;! Let me fold it np closely and lay it away; It is all that is reft of the loved and the lost . - -"ne.ri - r, .. ' s Who fought for the right in the ranks of the - uray 1 Beyenue Trials Supervisor Tutton Ordered to Chicago. Philadelphia, Jan. 7. Internal Revenue Supervisor Tutton has received instructions trom becretarj iinetow to 1 proceed to Chicago to superintend the trials arising from seizures of distilleries, &c, made by him ia that city ia. May last, yhe trials commence on Tuesday next. They involve the forfeiture : of a large amount of property; and ihe ijtrjal of over thirty persona who have Already f been indicted. The indications are that the tnon of these parties will plead guilty and permit the torieiture of their propertj by default, but the Secretary directs the ' Supervisor to be prepared' with evidence for the. prosecution of each person indict ed, as no promise or nnderstandios has "been or will be made looking to !aj com promise of any of the cases. - They are "to be prosecuted vigorously. Tutton will leave Monday Tor Chicago, accompanied , . by witnesses and: all the evidence collec ted in-the East to prove the duplication f packa ires. "Do .you get whipped at , school now V Askea a uaotner oi a young hopeful who had rtcently changed his place of instruction.:; "Ko, mother, I sioner's), contracts, mm A CURIOUS ROMANCE, j Norfolk street, Strand, says the Lon don (Jourt Journal, has a curious com memorative monument. An observant spectator will notice that the first floor windows of a large boose at the corner of! Howard street present a peculiar appear ance. The shutters are np, and they are i covered thickly with" dust while through the chinks can be seen the blinds, also thick with dust and moldenng away with age! ihose shutters and blinds have been in exactly the same position. !un touched, for about fifty years. During that time no human foot, it is believed. has entered that room. And the reason is this': 3 Fifty years ago a certain nobleman was and -1- i was engaged to be married, the day fixed, the wedding morning arrived, breakfast was laid out in that spacious and handsome room, the bridegroom was ready to proceed to church, when it was .MORTGAGES, Land and ChaiOe). BILL HEADS mc and eite JfCeadr Labels. Cautions, r all done on short notice and at VERY LOW RATES. 4i8Coyered that the bride Was missing U J n . , . , ' . i I . landwritine was found S-9un; isianKS, Ueeds and Mort- rj. ,10iir;Y,Tlf,1E, LABOR, j Chemical Paints, so called, have proven failures : simply because1 the chemistry of their manufacture seems to consist in the quantity of water that is combined with the paint, by tho addition of an Alkali, either Potash, Lime or Soda, See. Chemical Paints containing water peel from the wood, and are not Economical, because they will not cover as much sur face as Pure Paints. 1 1 1 We offer our Pbepared Paint with i the guarantee that it is not a Chemical Paint; contains no Water, no Alkali, no adulter al ion, and is made of only such material as are used by tho oldest paint er?.' Our Paint will cover more surface than any Chemical Paint in the world. 1 We authorize their sale, subject to the satisfaction of all buyers. We agree to re-paint any house with English 13B White Lead, or any other White Lead, if our Paints do not prove perfectly satisfac I'assenger trails leaving Raleigh at 1'.05ah connects atGreensboro' with the Southern tfbund train; making the quickest time to all Southern cities. Accomodation Tram leaving Raleigh at 7.30 r. u. connects with Northern bound Train at tireensDoro for Richmond and ail points East Price of Ticket same as via other routes. Accommodation Train leaving Greensboro at 7.00 r. m. connects at GoldHbore with Northern and Southern bound Train! on the Wilmington ana weiaon Kauroaa. . Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond daily at 9 00 An, arrive atBurkeville 12. S6 r m, leave Burkeville 1 30 rn., arrive at Rich mond 4 34 PM Ho Change of Cars Between Charlotte ana menmona, zaz mues. Papers that have arrangements to advertise the schedule of this company will please print as above and forward copies! to Gen'l. Passenger Agent. For farther Information address JOHN ft. MACMURDO, Gen'k Passenger Agent. : Richmond, Va Bee. 19, '75. 11 : tf. ; Carolina Central Railway Co. Office Gknkral SciKRixT&if DKNTr Wilmington, if. C. April 14,-1875. a note in her handwriting was found addressed t' .lie bridegroom, briefly in forming him that she had eloped that morning" with his "best man' a gay and gallant captain of dragoons. The jilted bridegroom did not ay much, blithe went alone to the room in which' the wed ding breakfast was laid out, with his own bands put up the shatters and drew' the blinds, locked the door and took the key. nailed up and barred with padlocked bars, Address, J. J. BR UNER, and, that no yne should enter the room again. When the house was let it was stipulated that the room in fjueetion should remain untouched, and a sum of 200 per annum was paid to the tenant to compensate him for the deprivation of the nee of the room. , The. nobleman has been dead some years, but it is believed closed if, and there; are the "weddine t- SJ5 LAMPS iw, I ' i 1 1 - . , -i -""to' ;"'M n r gages, ready printed and for 6aleat all tirnes. i " to order. SALISBURY, N. C- Manufactured by, WARSWORTH- MARTINEZ & LOMQ- MAII, ntW TUKRi Sold only at KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. - Chills Cured for 25 Cents. TAKE (M AP SEE ! i Illffl'S I F I JL ill S II LS." meats" monidenng silently away.! and at the lowest cash DrW and as - low. or lower the i ornaments crumbling to dust ia the j than any other establishment in North Caro funeral gloom. " i . j ; jlinaaccordinjfi to grade. All kiodsol repairing ."My hand is not a lemon, nor my Hps deer meat, as the young lady said to her escort- when they parted . - - w www w ... V UOi ucu . m M ... have a better teacher and I'm a beHat the door the other nicht. Whvf 1" ttf boy." J Jdidshft spcakthuaJy! f L ;T J2?$e, aone, at snori nouce. " i Those wishing any thing in my lineL Would do well to call and see me, before purchasing elsewhere as I am determined not to be outdone either in prices or quality of work in the State. on me at Franklin Academy, 4 miles N. VV. of Salisbury, X. C. Warranted or money Refunded. at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. cte., to $5.00. PURE GRAPE WINE, for Churches $0 ets. per quart; WHITE LEAD, Warranted, equal to any in the world, 11 cents per pound. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS 70 PHYSI I ClAMS AND ilERCHAfJTSAt TUEO, F. KLUTTZ'S, Dsuo Stoxe, Change of Schedule, On.and after Fridar. Annl , 16th. 1875. the trains will run over this Kail way as follows . PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Wilmington at... i ..7.15A M. Arrive at Charlotte at... i ...7.15 P. M. Leave Charlotte at , 7.00 A. M Arrive in Wilmington at; 7.00 P. M best Machinery and first satisfaction is guaranteed. July 29, 1875. ly. FREIGHT Leave Wilmini TRAINS ....6.00 PM ....6.00 PM ...6.0'iA M ....6.00 A M eton at Arrive at Charlotte at...... Leave Charlotte at Arrive in Wilmington at....;.... MIXED TRAINS. Leave Cbariotte at........i....... .8.00 A M Arrive at BnflFalo at 12 m Leave Buffalo at... 3Q p ji Arrive in Charlotte at..... 4.30 p M No Trains on Sunday eccept one freight train mat leaves w umragton at 6 p. m., instead "of on oaturaay nignt. Connections. Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington fc Weldon, and Wilmingtoi, Columbia A Augusta xuuiroaus, oemi-wei-Kiy Kew York aud Tri weekly UalUmore and weekly Philadelphia oiauiers, sua ine mver iioats to Fayetteyille Connects at Charlotte with its Wei tern Di Tisioa, aoixo Carolina Kailroad, Cbariotte & btatesviie Kailroad, Cbariotte & Atlanta Air liine, ana Miariotte, uoiambia & Augusta Rail road. r ' Thus supplying the whole West, Northweit auu oouuiwcm witn a snort and cheap line to uie oeaooora ana Europe. 1 B.L.FRIM0NT, . ' Chief Eneineer and SafiarinimAank loa't Inj sa old-fuhlosel Stove, :tat get est With all latest improtenients. i i largest Oven and Flues. Longest Fire Box for long wood. Ventilated Oven, Fire Back and Fire Bbx Bottom in lures a Quick, Sweet and Jven Gjake and Roast. Swing Hearth and Ash Catch. Won't so floor or carpet. Durable Double and Braced Centers aajd Ring Covers. Bums but little wood. Ha; Mica or Solid Iron Front Carefully Fitted Smooth Castings. No fJld Scrap Iron Nickel Plated Trimmings, Tin Lined! Overt Doors. Ground and Silver-like Polished Edesftnd Mouldings. Heavy. Best New Iron: Wf n't crack. WAmiTTED SATISFACrSSY. Manufactured by RATHB0NE, SARD & CO., Albany, N. Y, Bold by an Enterprising Dealef is event Tow, L. V. Bli)VN, i Salisbury, Jf. C. Nov. 11, lS75.-3mio3. E. II. MARSEI'S AG HIN E VJOilKS. Corner of Fultos 6c Couxctd Streets, Salisbury. N. C. Having all my new MachiuTy in opera- atiun, I am now prepared in cifinection with the Iron & Brass works to d.!all hinds of vood work, such as Lumber Dressing Tongue & Groving, making $ash , Blinds & Doors, making 'luouldlug frin i inch to . inches wide, also Turning & pattern mak- ing, Sawing Bracketts, Scc. Having the class workmen, 1 MsM: How Lost Hojr Restore! Just published, a ftew edition of Dr. Culverwell's Cejebrated Esgay on the radical eurtt with, ! n..: cine) of opermatorrikea. or Seminal Weak neas Involuntary SeTninai Losses, Impotsscy l4Ul and Physical Incapacity! Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also, Coxsumettion, Epilep sy and Fits, induced by selffndulgence or sexual extravagance, &c. f f Price, in a sealed envelope, only mt ,centn. I ' The celebrated author, in &is admirable jEssay, clearly demonstrates., from a thirty years successful practice, that 'the alarming consequences of self-abe may be radically cured without the dangerous ue of internal m.iu.nw u e appucauon ot te knife: 1 poin ting out a mode of care at once simple, certain THE GREAT CENTRAL. ROUTE BE TWEEN NORTH CAROLINA AND THE WEST. PASSENGER TRAINS RUN AS FOLLOWS. MAIL EXPRESS. Leave Richmond 9.30 a m 9.10 J " Charlottesville, 2.05 am 1-30 p Arrive White Sulpher, 9.25 " HM7 1 ' Huntington, 8.30 am .5.45 " (IinfMnnatti ; fl (Ml IB Connectinir closely with all of. the Grid Trunk Lines for the Wat. Norths Wat si S,uth- rM. Thin tht mhnrUstt mtiehtd SM cheave&t Ronte. with Ipcu rlinrnrpa nf cars thai any other, and passes through ihe finest feeMtl in the world. PaHPf njrfirs talcing tho lilrniwu f iIn .All tbl N. U. R. R. have no delay, hut connect closeht to any point ip the West. First class and Fmm'frr&nt Tickets mt ifcl Lowest Rates and Racfraee checked. Em kj : grants 70 on Express Trains. Time. DlSTAKCt and Money saved by taking the Ckauftm ana unto jioute. rruaht Hates to and from tne WmL alwavstf low as the lowest. .uerciiants and ntherswill find it to their is icicbiio gei our liaipa oeiore snipping or or during. , ' For Information and Rates apply to J. C. DAMF. So. Agent. or a. M. McKENNIE, Ticket Agent Greensboro N, & C. Tf. HOWARD, General Ticket Agent. W. M.S. DUNN, Superintendent. T Richmond Va. - iw w 'sisw vwpasw W-tWW Flo wer & Vegetable Seei are the best the world produces. They w planted by a million people in America, the result is, beautiful Flowers and spleDdi Vegetables. A Priced Catalogue sent free W all who enclose the postage a 2 cent stavp. VIOK'S Flower fc Yegetable Garden is the most beautiful work of the kind in World. It contains nearly 150 Paget, hundw of fine illustrations, and four Chromo plaU n VFloweiT beautifully drawn and colored fro nature, rrice .to c, in paper cover; -bound in elegant cloth, and eflectual, by means of whiell every uner r, no matter what his condition! may be7 may ItJUly' Privately, fand radically. ;This Lectiirehould be m the hands of etery youth and every man in the land, i t ent Uttdr e-r in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt if six cenU or a. w iHHii Biamna 1 J Address the Publishers, j; F. BRUGMANS SON, lM Ann St., New York; Post Oijce Box, Am. Tick's Floral Guide. This is a beautiful Quarterly journal, &$f illustrated, and containing an elegsjit color Frontispiece with the first number. Price;? 25 cts. for the year. The first number frr f just issued. Address ? JAMES VICK, Rochester, If. ? : - . . a rf Cheap Chattel Mortgagor and rartoi their blank for s!t vt

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