V i i: 4- - . ; ' 1 V . . T7 COME UKTO ME. Art thoh weary ? Art thou languid? Art thou sore distressed ? ; . 'Come id me," with One ; "ant! fcoming . - Be at rest." 1 1 . J V - . '"I , Hath he nVaSih to lead me to bim,' 1 ' If he Iw my guide ? '.f hi feet and .hand are wound-print, -' And lii sidej" Is there diadem as monarch; im That Uis brow adorns ? !i i "Yen, a crown iii verv surety, k ' !1 1 Ij " i y-. liut ol tnorn i-, ;j If I fnxl him if I follow, 1 ; ' What hi guerdon Irere ? j "Many a sorrow, many a labor, ,J ! " V - Marry a tear."; ;j If I Mill hold closely lo him,1 i . What aih he at Jnst ? Manr a'storrow, many" 'labor, ' 1 " - Many a tear. , i K If I ftill hold c losely to him, - What has he nt .'Jast ? . f ''Sorrows ranqaisli'd, labor ended.. 4 ' if Jordan pal I" ; ( If I ak bim to receive nrer Will he mt meinay ? 'ot till earth, not till heaven, . " ., ' Pans away I" I Tending, following, keeping, ptrnggling,! Is lie sure to bles? . f ....'); "AngdH, martyrs, prophU, prilgrim .j . , . r Answer, les i f 4, li ilr KA iSJCU LS Li 1UU X . ,, In apeakin of a person's fault. t . ' Pray don't forget your own : r - Keneiuter tliose with homes'of glaw, if 'H ; Should "seliloni throw a stone. . If we ha ye nothing ebe to do ' ' But talk of those who fin, - f ' 'Tw'better we Cotomehec at homf ' ! . And from that point begin. 'I. .f We hare no right to jndge a man, - ; . Until he's fairly tried ; . , Should we not like hisompany, i We know tn world i wide.. Some may have faults, and who has not ? The old as well young; - ' Perhaps we may, for aught we know, ;p J lave fifty to their one. .I'll lety, yon of a better plan, i , And ftnd t works full well To try "my-'own defects to cjjre- : .i ,. Before of otbcr.V tell; "And though sometimes hope to bo No. worse than some 1 know, My own shorteomings bLd jne.let ' The faults iof otheis go. , V" ' , I Then let us all, when we commence, To slander 'friend or foe, j ; " Think of the barm one word may do TO those we little know. ,- . IlememlePf iirses, i-ometimes, like Our chicken., "tbcstat home ;.' ' Pon?t speak of other's faults until .We have none of our own. "DelL" X THE'STORYOF A VAIIf . It was a ljuer night, . E tJy. n; th day a light drizzling railn had fallen, but! before evening changed into occagionalj gusts of electy snow, ;iccompanied wi'.h' a! biting, wijid. iliat chilled the uafoiiunte; pedstrian to "the very bone, and rfenTerV ed alking anything btit pleasant.; "The; windows rattled so violently, ' aud the! prospect looked so cheerless ass I gazeqH out through- the store door upon tfie jstreet that I. had, scri mi ly medrtated tailing a car on tuy way home, but as I stepped .outside nnd pocketed the key s a 15u.il; iif 'the blast alien d -my haJf-tormed rei-i lutioti, and, Ivittouing the top button oi mv overeoat,: I started down the almodt deaerteil street. " ! I wasii baclielor, but, for ;all that home had' rils attraetitins for met eieli though presiclcd over by a housekclpper and' a single j m4rr of-all-work to, reliev vher. of the nKre ardous duties ; attending Upon her position. The modest . sign ij " gilt over the tnre door whence I bUd but emerged informed the world ' and! New .Yorkers generally that 4iU. G Brooks'' was jts proprietor, and from the 4'p'aJt of fabrics 'in the tdiow windnwjs "fit wai very evident 'that dry goods were retailed within. Five and-thirty winters had passed over iiiy had, but.j, as,-j vet v their 'sandals Jiau left no trace in tne shape of .gray hairs, -and had I been so dispaed t could-have stepped ioe-nhe ehackels of luatriniony eof:ir as getting a wife j wats concerned -at' most any time', but the fact was reader, I was contented with verythinir -myself included but the weather.' j 1 "Yer's yer evening paper.'- ' It was a peculiar voice tliat struck my ear as I hurried through the slush and "wet. It was a child's treble voice, ; clear " and trojig, with a slight quaver ?on the last syllable, as though the' biting damp air clnlled liiii utterance. j "Evening "paper, only two centi.""" ! , Again-the! childish tones and quavering voice, only the quiver seamed; to prevado tne wnoie sentence now. as j drw - near. Uie lamp-post,: from whose base the voice seemed to proceed, I espie'da' ban- .die of rags, clutching asmaflj parcel . of papers with jOne hand, aud .he -other arm circling the 1 lamp-post against which, it leaned. . , ' , . , , 'I ', ,: Drawing my glove as I paused in the gaslight, atd taking some small ; change from my pocket, I asked the bundle of rags now endowed with animatioa at f '4heighiof "these inovements--foi' a pa per. A small, dirty hand held one out toward me, and as I took it, I dropped the'enin inl-olth'e discolored 9alui4 ; j 'Too much money," it said, j ' j f knowif, but keep it for jourtelfi" :I replied. -: . " !' t 1;( "Thankee, sir." , J M ;)?" " 'Tolding thepaper, and putting it in ray f pocket. ! I. started to go, when a thought flashey 'over 'my mind. . ij - ' Where do y live, boy I" I asked ."turning to the bundle, which had resumed its position ?,t the lamp-post. l l '. ; ' "Xwherel" I '; I " l ' I 4Vhere are your parents?" j i i rt "tl n i got none. ' ; ; - "Wliat is iyour .name'1 r . "Dell." ! " "Deil, w'il yon come home and stay i with me to-iiight ?" I ) o&wnjty'er foolin." j 'No I ami not; I am in earnest; there's tno one bnt.roe-at home; will you jgo V I .. - . l-8, Sir. " " - ' : is.-. That night, for the first time injmonths. .nf rr' thorough washing at the 'hands. ofMrtl WA!JD5ll'j slept in a well fu - nished .'foob.Und 'between warmf, -fleeicy bfaukets. - r; . j- s,. j; . ' -j 1 iiree veara naea ana irom - a child cf 'ine.tl)ell' had crown tin to a bright - - s r I r ilie boyaniheiiatI acfastoKied luoiU StocaUWme -Untie DickTese fears nont at firhnrtl KlAS ilOne mUCh tO ward cradicailnff the dr.ojs 1 hat IiarJ r. kccHinala jted inJiw fmrs Miifiii the ifree;Ts .or xne reat metropolis, nd had jinslled Intri hU mind ome of the -nobferj qualities es aentiatto life Ulscal name was WardelJ llolmes. His mother, J)rolten-herted Jit jthe course pursued by her dwaohite, Worthless hab;nd, hid died wben War idcll was but six years old; lear ng him to the: care ol his father. Alter jher .i'eath iHlmea reformed for a , while, bui. the af- delations of his paaViife, ,aod?!fhe haitJB formed, were too much for hiraj Jto wtttir ; itand, and ere long he had gone back to jii booiv-asseciates leaving Wardell - to jcare for himself. DeW'as ilslill called Him. had 'formed a place in my; affections thai none else could ever occupy. I had begui to regard, him as a father would a ton, aud be; in return, gave me a sons' pre pect and love. At home, evenings, he was always to be lound in the library With me. Ill was ry msf "Bell" .was reading or sitting .beside rae watching the movcmetils ofmy pen. We iWere both haDDV. . , ! One eveniu? I returned home, as usual and on inquiry M-aa told tlrat fDell had not returned from school. lhtnkin H etrange, I atQ.piy supper, and .pmceeded to the Jrbtary to wntet at . could not. Somehow, a stranee-fear.-a dull dread - of imucudjnc evil, . prevaded ' my system several, hours passed, bat still !he had not returned, and now thoroughly: alarmed, I etized my hat and started (juesi of -the m;siing boy. Descriptions otj Inm, name, aee, etc., were seut to all the police sta tions. Mtssengms were dispatched to the school he attended, bat returnedwith the information that he had i left when school was dismissed, and hart not since been seen -or heard of. Night passed. but no ticinffs. Private detectives were placed on his track, but came back baffled and disaDDoufted. And thus a week passed. j A 'fec'in'g ofoinrest and intense anxiety was my constant sta e of mitid as day after day went .by a. id no nea's of the tost ooe. i Weeks nl 'uouili camel ai id went, until the ocvui ri'iict- nad hnjlsf in tlio great whirlpool f v,lll tojjl) .but inyself. A void iuul U vii h-ti in my iMfai t I hat. I could nt till figaiu, ami ihjoiis.'Ji ears numbinw! t in iu."dvfs on -thrii'mfl- M' the past, i he inemoiy and joVe oDcll' wap as ol vdir. . j " , ' : - " - ' t ' Tbe breakfast bt-1! had iUg half, "an hourfx f ie 1 emeivd tiie . iliuiiiir-rim-. having overshepi niysrlf- i hing I bid not bi-rli ffMitiy ot t.r years, i Mrs. :ll bad tb- 'lVct sU"4i4 iiuiJesidj 'iiy' nlate fa-C ibe mon,i rtr i.i'iif.' as u?ual. Picking it, up, J?lnuctjil oyerojts columns aim with a rlicck that caiiseq iih- to over turn mP "feoffee-I ,(vad ljr, tiartling, an nouncement t1 the laiiure v? )UOii K. tO., and their branch, houses, , . . A groan escaped my lips, nnd dropping my head into -my hands, I eithdd on the table iu bewilderment. I knew, then onr buse must go by the boaid. The house of R. Ct. Brooks & Co., was jwelf ' known iui coinmerctil circles now, hjaving remov ed into a larger building some years be fore, and taken a partner. Humors cal culated to depreciate the faith of financial circles in the firmof Cook &j Co., had for a short time previous been rife, but were unheeded by us; and now that the blow had fallen, nothjng could slave us frin ruin, that I could see. j ' Hastening U the srji, rlt bjosghj it was, I founoL Mr. Halpin, I my "partner, there before me., No wotdsjwere neces sary; we understood all at a mutual glance. Business in the store proceeded as usual during the morniug, but arrangements to close onr doors in the afteruoon were be ing made. ' j ; I sat in the office at the dinner hour, alone', my head buried in my bands, and absorbed in pamlul tlKiagbt, wnen a. step startled me. 1 elaaceu up, ana I saw , a young man jan inside the jdoor gazing intently at me, , r, , r ' r He was very snn-browned, but the face liad a familiar, half-forgotten . expression about it i hat' carried me into the past 'Did youwisb lo fee one of the firm V 1 inquired, rising from the chatr tn which I was seated and udvancins towards him. ; , A faint-smile crossed his face as he held out his two hands with a longing look and said in a low voice "Uncle Dick, don't you know met'', I started, as if shot, scarcely believing its reality, but as the truth dawned over my mind, and tears leaped to my eyes, I held out ray arms, and with a half sob of "JJell ! JJell ! it's you, my boy !" I clasp ed hiua in my embrace, j j It'was hnleed tfiemissing boy of twelve now a man of twenty -seven, ft was" a long story he told me half tearfully, too fur be never expected to See me again, after the loug years of separation and the mystery of his absence. That night or afternoon, rather almost 'fifteen 'years before, he had left , school for' borne, as usual. xapsing 13 Bireetv" ougn, $eafaiing man had accosted, him, and in formed him that he was his father, aud Dell gazing 11A0 his face, eaflr too plainly it was indeed a fact. ! j Taking the boy by 'the : hand 1 he - led him through torturous b-Jvays an.d "al ey8,inio a circuitous T0nte'trj tW'rharf, and with him wenr aboard 4 Teasel lying there Retaiiftng Dell by force, he kept him on board until the vessel , was under way and bound for the Easl India trade. The weary day passed byjone by one; weeks came and went, and the months dragged ibeir tiresome lengjth. away, but as yet no port harTbeen entered by the Casco, the vessel iri whieh jhe was sacb an 'Uu willing passebger. Afrthioggj Bttw. ever, liave an end, and at last the Cosco found anchorage in the, , tittlei , port ' . of Muegamo, a small Tillage on the northern coast ot the Arabian Gulf.- .Here for a while 1 Deft was left to himself, the cap tain and the major, porUon lot'. "the ' crew being inland upon v a iraairigr journey. Several of these trips Lad been saccess fully accomplished,'' and1 trpon the final one before sailing for homej" Dell request-: ed his farther to take bim ftlong, and bis Request was complied with.! After a toil powBjflurhey of 4 wo days 'beneath the hot gnn'of the orient the .company reached their destination,"- a smalj -village, or f'bhobkt," as the heathen inhabitants ..-jU tlm (oDaw'wg onrie .w ti e tliem teel'Un their way back a to ah vessel 5 Before learing. however, rf dift fiealtr between one oi tne crew, ana a native terminated in a geuwine fight, and the crew of the Gatco were compelled to; flee fof -eafeiy; leaving their reeeutly obtained property and three of their raeti, including Dell, iu the hands oi the barbn- nans. Death at Violent hands was the earl v fate of his comnanions. aud for hini- pelf the same end was hourly expected. tives, and especially of the chief tnah of the village. iWith this man, and among these people for twelve years lieujuvea contented etnoyinglife in a semi-barbarous I r war. but it was far Dreferablu to ilitc on deck of the Oasco, and with his inebrate father. One day messengers arrived wfi intelligence that the great priest "Khooir- . ".. .t tb villLR nfUnmo. the fi-.t tii.o tifi.iniir. kw lild I 1IWI w , V-I M 0 . W W&J w mm mmwm w w landed, years before. ! Preparations were made for an imme- diAtf! miirnev thither bv the chiet ot tne bbookt. Large quantities ot valuables were ladened to accompany the pilgrims as sacrifices at the shrine of their mythi cal deities. On their way to the coast a fearful tropical typhoon swept across their, path, and when tb storm passed all that re mained of their comuanv to carry t he tidings was an old decript man and Dell With the death of the chief, all the lies that bound Dell to his nomadic life were severed, and, continuing the journey alone, he reached the seaport witu ,tue good fortune of finding ran English bark about to sail. Embarkinff. he reached Livernool in safety, and from thence ; re turned to this country. 1 looked in the directory, Uncle Dick, with a terrible fear that I should find vonr name roissinsr, hut it was there: be fore my eyes, and jt was not long before I had you before my eyes, too. -i Dell saved the firm of Brooks & Co., that day. The rascal did not tell me in his narrative , that out of the wreck left by the typhoon he had gathered much of the treasure nnd valuables destined its a sacrificial offering by the old chief. Fj-om the sale ot this he realized quite a sum and when, after years of abseocjJ and rriys tery, he returned to his native land; ;i was in comparative affluence arid wealth. Dell and 1 live together as ot yore. Nei ther of us are married, and as I write this that quotation from the Bible comes' unto my memory, "Cast thy bread upon ; tin water,'' etc., and I think that the bread east that stormy night years ago, nat in deed, returned a hundredfold, and the in- vestment made in the bundle of rags called j'cu, uag rcpniu iuc uiuic iiui Ltian aij x ever entered iuto in all the days of! my life. :o: PROGRAMMES. PAMPHLETS, CARDS, BLANKS, I- (Fee Simple, SheriflTe and Commis goner's), 't;:; - J -m. i. MORTGAGES, Land and Chattle), I JYcU and. ttie JfCttnh, Labels, Cautions, &c.r &c.r fall 4one! on short noticq andi nt t" VERT LOW RATES. ; Court Blanks, Deeds and Mort gages, ready printed and for sale at all times. ; f i to order. Address, J. J. BR UNER. til 'A 3d I SALISBURY, N. C. BILL HEADS :A0TS i FACTS ! ! FACTS ! ! ! NEW ADVERTISEMENT. , ;, DRUG STORE, is the largest' and oldest established in Salisbury KLLTTZ S DRUG STORE, i pre: d t0 dUDncale &nt MerchantV-ot rnysician a om, uuugui r" Christendom. KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE, has . , i.'j j done, is doing, and intends to do. the largest Drtisr trade in this section of th SO" w State. KLTJTTZ'S DRUG STOEE is the plavc to boy anything that you want from a Oorn plaster, to a 57 box o perfumer. From a paper of Lampblack lo a thousand pounds of White Lead. From a dose of Castor Uit to a hnndred ounces of Quiiiinf. From a tooth pick to a Pocket Book. ro bragging either but solid factf To prove it, call on. pr write to TUEO. F. KLUTTZ. Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Salisbury, N. C. SMELL GOOD. IT'S JUST AS EASY. DREXEL'S. HOYT'S, and Hukgurian Colognes. WRIGHT'S, LUBIXS, and all other Handkerchief Extracts. At KLUTTZ S Drug Store. W and lie Clean ! Cashmere Boquet, Brown Wind sor, Sterling, Poncixe, Carbolic, and I fifty other kinds of Toilet Soaps, at -from "5 to 75 cents a cake. At KLUTTZ'S Drug SW. A HOYAL SHOE. Salisbury FaVOrite CigaT. Only 5 Cents. IT DRIVES AWAY CARE, AND PUTS You in a Good Humor. AIio. All popular branda at from 2 to I 25 cents. At KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. For Your t. AN ELEGANT LINE OF MAGNIFICENT TOILET SETTS, SHELL TOILET BOXE. POW DER and PUFF BOXES, FANCY BOTT LE S, VINIAGARETTES, POCKET BOOKS, MIRRORS, &c. &c., Cbeap at KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. ABE YOU GOING -TO PAINT ? HONEY, TIME, LABOR, Chemical Paints, so called, have proven failures: simply because the chemistry ui meir umimmciurc blcuiu iii consist nil - I r... ; i.. .t ... p . .1. 1 tne quantity 01 water mat 13 comumerj with the paint, by the addition of an Alkali, cither Potash, Lime or Soda. See. . , ; ' - - - , ' f , , . irom tne wooa, ana are not economical, heeaiifiP tl,v will nnt Mv mni.1i .nr. face as Pure Paints. t er ' n t- . i ueoner our i-bepaked i-aint avuii the guarantee that it is not a Chemical : 47 r-ami; contains no vvazer, uo Aiaau, no T. . trr , ill T adulteration, and is made of only such material as are used by the oldest paint- era. llnr 1'ainl will cover m.irf. anrtucp -w-k ' . 0,V uucu'' iii lUB wuuu. We authorize their sale, snbject to the an tiafnrt inn nf ull hnven Wo rrraa tn . re-paint any nonse. witn rungiisn on White Lead, or any other White Lead, if onr Paints do not prove perfectly satisfac ry. ilanufactured by, KADSWORTH- JMARTINEZ & LONQ- MAH, ntW TUKRa Sold only at KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. Chills Cured for 25 Cents. TAKE L S. Warranted or money Refunded, at KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE. LAMPS from 25 eta., to $5.00. PURE GRAPE WINE, for Churches 60 ets. per quart.' WHTTELEAD; Warranted equal tq any in the world, 11 centa per pound. SPECIAt INDUCEMEMTS TO PHYSI CI AM J Afi D MERCHANTS At ' THEO. F. KLUTTZ'S, Dbtjo StoaxJ Sweethear FIX 2s " I 'i s z s a " s ' 'a-' o s t 3 5 9 ; :tt ir O?;o 5. 1 55BUa .058 3 t I 1 '" -f. -1 es i , j 1 j . ? - .2 i o ST- oeo-oooeoco itor-ooodsoso w CM EH . Piedmont Air Line Railway RiVbtnAiid Tlanvile. Richmond 1 & Danville R. W., N. C. Dmson, and North Western a. C. K. w. . C0IIDEI1SED TIME-TABLE In Fffact on and 'aftsr; Snnday, Dec. 19th, flS7S , - ?i GOING NORTH. - STATIONS. Mail. Leave Charlotte .... 5.45 am " Air-Line J'nct'n 6.23 M ' Salisbury a20 " " Greensboro 10.58 " " Danrille ....... 1-34 T X " Dundee .... 1.49 liurkeville ' afil " Arrive at Richmond. 9.35 r n I i GU1G SOUTH. hTAflOJS'S. Mail. Leave Riclirond ! 6.60 a u 19.00 44 1 1.39 r x i 1.43 44 ! 428 44 6.64 44 8.62 44 9.15 44 " i Burkevi le ...... Dundee " I)anille......i. 4 1 ; Greenshvrq, . . . . 44 Salisbury 44 : Air Line J'nct'n Arrive Charlotte... tiUlMi EAST. UOLNU W15ST. STATIONS. MAIL. MAIll -j : ; ,j I o, Leave Gieeneboro.. lj.OO a m Arr 4VV tn "Co Shops 4 "5 Arr. Raleigh 1 3,49 r u Arr. 11,05 4 Ait, at. old8boro.g fe.40 r u 05 L'v8.ai' AM SATK.s. RAccommdoation Train. ieiVc ,rentbore. . S, 7. Our Co. Shops.... . e.. Lt.. .. I. .. Arrive at Raleigh.., I 5.00 am Air. 7.30 pm Arrive at Golauboro I 3 11. 15 iS Lv- 2.00 TK nORTZZ WESTEZLXf W. C. ZL.XL ( Salem Brakch. ) Leave Grenslwro , 4.45 p y Arrive at Salem. ..4 6 45 44 Leave Salem 8.15 a h Arrive at Greensboro 10.33 44 l'iei)ger trains leavigg Jtaleigh at 1.1'5ax connects atUreecsboro' with the Southern bo mid train; making the qnickest time to all Sonthern cities. Accomodittion Train leavine lialeirh at 7 3l r. m. connects with Northern bound Train at Gret-nboro for Richmond and all points East. Price of Tickets stint' as via other routes. Accommodation Train leaving Greensboro at 7.00 P. m. connects at Goldsbore with Northern and Southern bound Trains on the tVilrnington and W'eldon Railroad, f Lynchburg Accommodation leave RicLwond daily at 9 00 A m , ariive at Bnrkeville 12.G6 f it, leave isutKeviiie I'mtu , arrive at uicii- mond 4 31 m i No Change of Cars Between Charlotte 1 t - a AAA; mar 1 ana menmona, zoz Mues. Papers th it have arrange me nt to advertise the schedule of this company will please print as above and orwaia copies to lien 1. rassenger Agent. j Por furtherinformation address J0HNlt. MACMURDO, Gea'l Passenger Agent. Richmond, Va- Dec. 19, '76. 11: tf. Carolina . Central Railway Co. Office General Superintendent. Wilmiugtun. y. C. pril 14, 1875.- y Change of Schedule, r nj .An, 1 1 m.u iq-c ?n .r ; T .. ' . . . ' " " trains win ran over tms uaiiway as lullows . PASSENGER TRAINS. ..7.15-AiM. viiui I'.kVC . J f . X.X ieave Charlotte at .....7.00 A. M ATn Wilmington at ,7.00 P. M FREIGHT TRAINS 1 ' . Leave Wilniinfrton at...... ....... ,,.6j00 P M Arrive at Charlotte at .6.00 P M I Iaapa Pkn.lii(Af an' 4 t 1 vunpiwh. 4 w.uirt 11 Arrive in Wilmington at 6.00 A M MIAtU IK AW 3- f 1 I IfltTA iThflrlnffn sf O Ct aV 1ST "' V",","V4V Arrive at Buffalo at 142 M Leave Buffalo at. 12 30 PM Arrive in Charlotte at , .4.30 P M l no 'iraias on bunaay eccept one freicbt train that leaves Wilmington at G p.m., insteid of ion Saturday night Connections. Connects at TVilniinjrton inth Wilmi n art tin X- "WeldoB, and Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta T4 it J !t f a a . : luuirowH, oemi-weeKjy jiew Xrlt aud Tri weekly Baltimore . and weekly Philadelphia ; Steamers, and the River Boats to Fayette ril I e. . Connect at Charlotte with its Weiterh Di I vision, Korth Carolina Railroad, Charlotte, t States vile Railroad, Charlotte & Atlanta Air jjiutjj rana.cnanotle, Columbia & Augusta Rail riiad. ' Thus snpplvinffthe wholwVvW aBd South xet-t with a short and -cheap line; t I I i . buo ouauuaru auu Europe. ' - r S. L. FREMONT. Chief Eneineer and SnrinrintAniiiin May, 6. 1875. tf. ... Bueetea for oale at.t. I. have, on hand, Baggies which I willneH at the lowest cash prices, and as low, or lower than any other esUWlshment in North Caro lina, according to grade. All kinds of repairing done, at short notice, i Those wishing any thing in my line, would do well to call and.aee me, before purchasing elsewhere as am determined not to be outdone either in prices or qriality of work in the State. Call otfriieatFranklitiAeademT,' 4 miles K. W of Salisbury N.C. ' ., !"-' 's-41' I : -ivur0.L,KEEVS. 12 1 $ tao ; l'- '-.tfiin.-u.'f - :? : 6t6fttri 4 Co.. dtlst- A I JCi rV ' " ! &JUULZ .UqrJSf GOME.APSEE GLOUGH-& i WARREN tOHGAN (Late Mnxioxs: & GtOUCII ORG AX CO.,) L " i -UllMPUOVED . . f A ' w v j' i- i AMJ ) t1- CO LU C4?'. pit . i t'i ti4 ? I ht- -O' GRAND COMBINATION ""Firtii) 'rim thUxewi.y iv?kxtf.d . . .. . . -K .l-.J !...: An invention naming amosi lpii'"""' ' - o .- urlnrh tl.r ninlitvi r, volume l.ll quality g i .,...., n.At&',K Hamana.? Our celebrated "Vox Cclestf.f ' ox ilainana. ing "Cello" or "Clarionet" Sjis ' 'tierfl. I torn, Equal to that of tie. Best Pipe Orps ef the Same Capacity ALIiTHtj LATEST BUlt.OV tiMNTS 'n be obtained only in these Organs. i ! ' Fifty Different Styles,! , .'i cuiu-oii :. X' r TfS-BE8f rMATeKlAL AND W3 RKtVl ANSHIP, - ' Qupity anja Volume of 'tone Lneq nailed. j.- - . , ., fEICrS, 850 TO S500. FACTORY AN!) WAlifcKOOMS, CORNER 6th' (ESTABLISHED OT 1830.) AG33WTS Wanted in-ferery Conatj AHHrocc HI OUGH May 20 1875. Jy. ACORN COOK. i. - With or without Portable Hot Wat Rcscrwir arid Closet.' -t Soa't tray an old-fuMoaal Stove, tut set one With all latest imroYements. Largsst Oven and Flues. Longest fire Box for long wood. Ventilated Oven, Fire Back and Fire Box Bottom in sures a Quick, Sweet and Even Bake and Roast. Swing Heart hand Ash Catch. Wfi't soil floor or carpet. Durable Double and Braced Centers-and Ring Covers. Burns but little wood. Ha; Mici cr Solid Iron Front. ' Carefully Fitted Smooth Castings! No Old Scrap Iron Nickel Plated Trimmings. Timj Lined Oven Doors. Ground and Silver-like Polished fdges and Mouldings. Heavy. Best New IronX Won't crack. ManafacturetE by RATHBONE, SARD & CO., Albany, N. Y. i Sold by a Enterpriting DmUr in ever" Town. Li. Vj BROWN, Sul'iKbury, X. C. Nov. 11. S75. 3(nos. 4- E. II. MARSH'S QACIliriE VOtllCS. duDr 6f Fui,Tpx Sc Coini Streets. iaiisUi?y. N. C. it I, ,, !,. .. ' Having all my new Mahinery; iu opera atioc. I am now prepared In conupctioO. with the Iron Sc Brass works tf d all kinds of wod work, ' such as LuinWH iir';n iuuucu. uiuuiig. iiiaKHis sasn , liiinds & Doors, inakine monldixig from! i inch to inches wide, arso TaniinA: Pa?tern mak ing, Sawing Brackets. Ike. Having the best Machinery and firs class Workmen, satisfaction is guarauteed ;!.; July2JL1875.-Jy. f j! 1 rirrnn A 1- r. r4 I -r- - i Wooii: How LostlHoiriRestorefll . Just puldteheilf a nen edition oi" Dr. CuiverweWp Celebrated Essay uii mic routed cvre twifnout med:. ..,tllJ 4aipeunents to Marriage, etc.; al, CoCMPTjoy, ErtLEP- ol""fl'3 inuucea- oyiselHndttlcence sexual extravagance, &c. : ' fiST Price, in a sealed enveiorteJ onlv The celebrated author, fin thja admirable luway, clearly demonstrate, frpm a thirty years successful practice, hat the alarinin' consequences of self-abuse may ;be rsdically cured without the dangeroas iuseiof internal medicine or the applicstiotji of thei knife; poin- S 1 '. ?9h 3 .? , . m cure nce iple, cerlain and effeetnal, by means of which everv suffer er, no matter what his condition mav be, may Ctlf JheaP!y Pey, nhd radicallL RffThh Leetnre should be ml the hands it zj" ana every mail in tli land .nt undr seal, in a plain envelope, to two poet stamps. , i -Address the Pnbliliers.'f ' six cents . r f. BRUGMANS& BOX, ilflr,'! H5 - - I i ' ! i i nil llio flllllTP of cil-Jn'slrnrnent4,' by meini ; -. u,un.4,!:fi,d , of tone l verr hrrlnTMd- of tone rendered "Wilcox patent," "0tve Conpler .thtchd "Cremona.'' " ox Anelet," "V iota tther: & WARREN ORGAN CO. OMNIBUS; ; & BAGGAGE Wl'&ON-AUCOMHODATI0E 1 . ' B - i I have filled . up-an Oiimilma and .JBamrJ W.i2n which tre alava readv to timieri! soi.s tior i rum ne oejKH to ann irnippnniPi werhlifip. c. Le?ive ordernal Mansion lingJ -or at my Livery '& Sale Stable, FUliler lm i near Railroad .bridge. .. i ' j j - ; , iM. A. BRIXGtE ; Aug. 19'.-Jf. J; ; Chesapeake and Ohio EI ,TIIE GUKAT CEKTRAt ROUTE W TWEEX NORTH CAROLINA EST ' : ' ' 1 - PASSENGER 4 TRAINS. RUN A': FOLLOW , MAIL 'EXPRESS. Leave Richmond a m 9.19 i CharloMitillei" ' 'iK.Oft a in" vl iWI i Arrive JVbiteulpher,.9.'-d5 , " W--57, 'Huntington,. , 8.30 a m 5i43 ''. dineinnatti, - - 6.00 ! Jonnectin" closelv with all of-the H Trunk Line$ for the Wett Sarih-VM Sovlk-'eL This is the attorlat,. fuitWt. clitapeitl iioute, wlh lesa clianges of art v , any other, and passes through the Jinestt ! in the world. '' ' J Pawensrers takintf the Express tiain N. CLR. R. have no delay, but connect cMi to anv point in the West. - First rl.19a and Fmtn!iTF,nt Tttll it A IjOWEST Ratfs and llascase chewed. l grant go on Erin-cs Train. TlMK, DiST and MOnet1 savedf by! taking the CAW and Uhia Jioute. ,s .tnr ? Frti$Itt Ettie to anfraai;ihe Wet, ahrT low an the lowest.. r ; " ! "" Merchants and others Will find it 10 1 terest forget otir Rates before shinping - during. ij For Information and Rales apply to J. C. DAME, So. A 'rest- or G. fc. MeKEJJNlEiv TifkPt Ace GreensboroS.I C, 11. HOWARD, (enerat Tit ket Agent. W. M. S. DUNN, Su iierinteadenL. Richmond Va. Jf- 'S Floorer & Vegetable See arethejbestihe . world produces. Tkej pTartedi by a millir.n nrlc in 'America, the'resdlt is,' beautiful 'Flowers snd egetablea. ; A Priced Oatalogne sent -W all whol enclose tlie postage a 2 cent :vriCK's Flower &;yegetaj)e jGardef or sir Floverg beautifully drawn and color' j nature. Price :t5 ct, in papr covert bound in elegant clothT 5xu ilr t- Vick's i Floral .Guide This U'a. lUn'ltifnl hua rt er lourPsL illustrate!, ami containing an elegan' 4? rooiwniece with, tlie first nnmber. f 1 , j 25.cts.-for the year., The first number anr just issuea, , Adtlress. . ' .;. JAMES Vldfc, Rochester, i2:tf . , . . ... ,t . or .: Cheap; ChattcJ Martgni ORGANS." vIGK ia the most boantiful work of the. kind j world. It contains nearly 150 pageBo9 miiw tiiui.iiuit, aim ivhi w i ! - i and variofvxilicHdAnkl for sa r . - . i A: r m A.n 5t., Xew York; Post OfSc Box, 4586. A V. 1 M V . . I. V - u I . - ... .h