. Carolina Watchman. ' PiMiiiiiiifi. UDKATioR : -simontqV sn-H. itVPCI'i -surrfi i u t iTVr-r-rTr-i t r-.- L!-i ljhjlv-; : L.OfC A L . FEHRirAItV 24, 1876. are 49 prisoners in thejair of Meek- jenburg couniy. , . - , The Democratic majority ui the late election tin Texai in aaid to be about 50,000. - There have been (two or three cases of ,BaU goi in Wilmington, recently. - 1.1. We are indebted to Mr. A, barker for a dish t-f preserved Oranges. They were deli- jjjoos-.' Mr. y. 48.8 ar quantity to 8eJI. V.K bright, W mare nrale was atolen " front D: C. Kenerly's stable last night, by n negnya U kbeliered. look out for him. . The male . U it, good order and will pass for first clasi. " . . Col. C. S. Browa Is' still at his post in Baieigb. feeding in his usual good style all vho favor him: i The National: is where very body stops from this western country. ,1 -i . Iu does it beloug to I A snuff box was f,,und, in the gallery qf the . Presbyterian cfiurcb liiitr.Sandayl on the ladies sid cf the organ. X one claimed it. What next?--" Here is next ; quite.an affectionate looking eoople came' fntux chtch Vkther Jater last ! Suuday ntght: they kept their eyes open fill ' jhe sermon was nearly closed, aijid their ee- tds gr'ewheavy, and tbey soared to the land fj Hljwf l dfams." Fortunately they . lned iiMpposite directions..; j OckI Lrn?r6 Aicix'ptR t)EAD"-3-For March, r ii on cjir table, filled as usnal, with valuable cUtribuiion of especiil iiiterest to the drth --CaroUna'aiid Southern puLIic. i Vlzxe RRTtfnk iTSome friend Ua bor rdtred one of the File Vols, of the WakJanan, a hjrge'bound book, embracing part of-the year . 1 53, ail 6flSo4,and iart of 1855. They will dl us a great favor by retijrniiig it. Mr. John Cavton keeps a splendid is- ulrtinehti of monuments and tombstones band, with rare and. beautiful designs Diatlj; executed oh lliem.' Sec ad. Ashly Carroll, a laB 1 4 years old, of Ma (ia, N. OJf angered because hia DMlber whipped him, committed suicide If ahootHist himself. v- . I. iMrVJas. II. Euiiiss, 'proprietor of the.N. CI buk' store in italeigh u ud our dinner Voi-Lsmati, is keeping up with the titnts,. he : has an elegaut stock of books and over two i ttiDnsauu iiiecrs tr hiumc on liaml. J hat t t wicic for tbe thousands. - ' ir. J'. D. Brown. Jr.,, met with a painful accident oiie day last week, he was out guu- I uiig, and while getting over a fence, struck (thj ba-tunterbu a ''rail, causing an explosion, lyliich made a painful Ue&h wouud iu liii left biad. Duly a few shot taking effect. i -,.. :' f ,v--- 1 . .' - Tlie frolic after the Tea Paty last I acsciay night, was nof m tuo program tli ne, Tbougbilessuees led some -1 aver look an iimpliedj; promise and enjoy tlieraselres, whiJe it -threw a damper over tue enjoyment of ethfrs. When a dance is meant, we should reay a dance. The Silver Comet Band of this city de JighteU us with a serenade; oa last Friday tight. We return thatiks. ifusie at i midnight," wked Tall is cahn; and serene has peculiar chann a&out it) that requires a ; poet's words to express, so we will get Shaks lretollll how itfwas : ; '0h,vit eonie o'er, iny ear like the sweet r - south, . ,V; . , L - ' Tbat breathes upon' a bauk of violets, Stealiugiud giving odour' .A left handed man who plays on a ban if - jo was in town yesterday and bought a left handed banjo from Nat Brown's music "tore. He wanted it to play at a poor nan's house that was full of children with hardly clothes enohghto go round. Brown advertises full line of baby carriages. And beetdeV'alliof rHhin, he has great big overgrown lass 'fiddles, and little young ytolins; flntea.flageoletsj elario- neti. organei pianos, and in fact every - r tlHog you want in j the shape of musical jinitrum tad- W eead. i ' The Salisbury fWfalbigh girl L Watchman man says wear government slock P. r How does he know I lidleigh Sen Unett : -: " : v - co. Uonan asks a. seuous question, inceVe come to thrnkjof it; we.Xae not u(re whether it was stockings, or a bar pol we saw But he forgets that !ea lady eits down with one of these f .fangled pin-badks on that, well, we 1u:ay what takes place. One thin have Jo regret, (ihe ladiea of . coarse nab nicy wouil auoneii uiai auuuir J'lKlhat : t'Qua . fuerurt rtita, morel mWrif . 14104 VL Htt antson j w 8i,Pl'Iying'riumernus demands .for Lls 3ruty of Cotton, which is represent C. lo e earlier, j mre prolific rand of m - "' ,er '.aple thati any other yet tihd aHd- . : - s a niguer price in ine mar Ll ; Inp Hut is sid closely to resemble 1 !' htt-d sea Tr laud "cotton in fijie I ' '"ch always range. wo Tr three r anfi .inr . . - . iythV, i urav enounced ; - " J V'- V;''-' ' " " -l.T,XlX nKjlylltOi n j fc VSJUZIU iTZ Ztii : '" ? ; . ; i . speculation : It 3 T a Setr- fcrt ",a.de",l ot I U- F..mon.ou,: lof U". C C " " uryr"n&.w lie that hbhWf;, M : t ttt v 1 . . " h "n- ...... i .... -1, 1 . i j -' ... , .ar , i .:. , ..... j . .; t - u w it in iv w i a u ' -fla. r . n r - - j i s i t f . t i jv ' m i m 11 iiii iir tunii iiMtix ir:Mnnu uiiii i na nun. i. i . . r i . : i . .r: T J.rf nwuMb5 ot te damper - a--,. t- i n . .. !7- .."?,V d iQnK dron or; hortHmn n iaV i. short tint Alcv :n. J winch it threw. over nnr .t.' -.. l10 u ck,. me Arunfftorr iionse: f iu r;a.Ti, .. . " 7 :r y p: o t"" I " .-i.V .r " .""",,.ir', -""P c? i i ! . s ill r i q, uu iMcicii iinviIiA v'K. --.i.ri.oL :f t.i 11 c "iat comi-Mrtaoie tnctnod t Iur mounments, ecc.- Auurcss -Vrm. fB fnd.seut tuli citv about ie M:: 0? na'?? M to be -arc of rope of offi- t-;lg:tf ;i ,yt ' r" "!- " S CT ... .rl ? ! ' . :-! i , . v; w v eiii hiiiu iunf An.i r r. . . it ... ' nuc cuin?w i a running n,,,, -..nJ t i e .i c ,iu.wfj; yrr kick- ai liaoTUle.. Ilia wife kiiil u LJ liff"ri? i j"Vo J - ? wry feel that one S-mkiniww , . i- t , C- ft" 118 anM Idrbo ibdatslo. feet I ?1 i -Hs- f t iH hat is, to find 1iulrSwanna'noa. Ife be nyinphfjbeanty- bk instead of mghittH:: . i iHn theslSw Indian; fongue," weJ ' be "after ineiiowin? him wtfh an Indian elub. heffsji dead man sure; July walking round toat- mrl - BUSY BEE. I 3 Laying asi4e allnctrT about the little Wv Bee, and howjrnuch tbey siiould be esteemed as exemplars iofanduatry, this matter oflfact wH1.d ' morf PHoe to regard them in a mon ey point of new. ji The bee is reallv ..ilt of much, comfer( apd. profit. ; There is nothing el-e which soiafeiferrttlj repays the attention bestowe on UieniJilThe Hires should hle good drjr shelter; to protect them from wean$l iue exireraes M pat and'cold. And theiflffc HiTea should ':-8o;ieoikri'cted' as- thaHhe houey npay b;tikn' Without seriously disrb ing them-a want; jfullj metfin the Bufkej Bee Hie.J By u of i honey extilcter the promts or Bei: tHure ni greatly increased, as It satib'tl-iO'ib peht in making coml. But even wheii the! boneyj U cut out the niaMry,h reward! tOhs whecWful ! v attend tf llnif IJeejv Will range from $6 (o $10, l!1?!1?; f3i'tolslhejtime' to make the neceasarjr repa2aIfj firanejrfcrop this -year. r A GIlEAt RATIONAL WORK. "4 : The ; VcntenriuiifJIistWu fof tf&Wnited States, h am tie dLnrfru' Af Va WZt;,. Continent to he cfpse vfthejirst Century- of American Independence. By James D? $Ic C'lbf. kuthr ktf'Ai Manual of Jgencrai Histon," dGreal Peputiie Etc., Etc. ii There has long: been a great and univer-Sdlly-felt want of ja History f of thUTJDUe4 States suitable foifgeoeral use:4- This want is now being popiied by the National Pub lishing Qo., of Philadelphia, who have issued a handsome ybliiiaia, styled f The Centennial History of thtj United States," by James D. Mc.Cabe, a wiell Known " histoHcIl writer! This work will uuiittubtedlyU take rank as the Standanf llistiary of- tbUu4 tod. States. It is no dry inlaws jbf detailsVno boinbastlc effort to iutLiiheU&iH natiounl pride, but is a clear, vivid aod rilliant narrative of the eyeuts of our listry, from the discovery of the American continent dovvn.tojthe present time. It tract ilje evidences of that myste rious race, tht first ocCupauts of our country and tlives a irtojst fnterestiRi? aeeonnt of th findiaus ot North' America from-the tiwii? of the .coming of, white meu. The v..yages of Colombiis. th jexploraiioiis of the dilferent nations of Eurpejaud-the fiual occupation and conquest i( th' laud by England, are told with graphic power. Every btep of Our c4nial his'ory istrsced with patieut fiilejiti-. aiiiiil the source of those noble, and We; tnit, enduring iustitutions which have made jiur couutry free and great, are shown wit j renjnarkable clearness. The causes of our great struggle for Iudependence are told with UigicHl fi-ice and ability uDsuf passed iivaoy Worl of the day. Then follows a dear aud succincit at count of the formation of the Federal; .Constitution; the establish ment of the Uulon; the; course of affairs until the breaking otiCofthi . Second War with England; and a full and comprehensive ac count of that War and its results. Th events of our career from i.he close of that coutvst .to the Commencement of theiCivil War foN low iu their order. The History of the Civil War is related wjith intense vigor, and with a strict fidelity t truth; The author pleads the cause of no party or section. . He states acts, points out theflesstous M?l))ch they teach, i: L:.i auu jtpfurnini; iq ueuner pssion nor poutl cal feeUng, trustt to the good sense of bis eountrymeu to s4stain his views. The book co u tains an Appendix, jgiviug an account of the approachiugpeuteiiuial Exhibition. - It is comprises in ohe large, handsome octavo volume of 925 bages; aud contains 442 fine eugravings on steel and woJod of his torical K?rsonages and fec-enes. TJie price is ?o low that all cau afford tu-piurchase a copy, and each subscriber; is presented with a su perb lithographic engravmg of the Centen nial Exhibition Bclldiugs and Grounds. , It is sold by subscription lnlyj and the pub Ushers want a sen tain everv couutv . t (Writ) . t GOVEUNOIl BICHARU CASWELL. j . better irpoii jprATxl t. Ralkigh, :N. C, Feb. 11, 1S7G. Editor of Jthe' SextHl : I saw in your paper of ; yeiteiday an interesting acc3unt of a visit by your correspondent, R. W. Best, Fq , to the grave ef Gen eral Richard. Caswell,! the first governor of North Carolina.- Mr. Beet mention what I jdid not know1 before, that there is not even a marble slab to mark l lie last resting-place of the illustiious dead, and snggesta that I commence a movement to have what he ,cal)4 a reproach to our peo ple, taken awayj. ;! Governor Caswell was undoubtedly the most j distinguished mm iii North Carolina idur'uig the reVoluiiwn- ary peiiod of our history. Besides being the commander, br at least One tf the commander, of our iittleiannv at ihe I celebrated battle of Moore's Creek Bridge I tha! broke t hej 'potver tf the Tory party he was One of jbuiidrleffate in the cooti uental congiesp, !was presideiitKbrAthe state congress" at7tlilax, wutcli ' Jramcd and adopted tbe -ctifnstiiution of the state, wnjcti roade us an inaepenaent, nanon, and was then clioseq tlie firs' governor of inai iiauon. i i : . i j The lSih dayinl next November wilt be the centennial of ' onr North Carolina national existence; and nothing can be more appropriate than' to have. it celebra ted by iuaugnratifig a, mounmeut to the memory of -thij illustrious I man. whose name is so indissolubly connected 'wub it. i uave no cfo (in t the amount neces sary for the .purpose can be easily raised by oue dtillariuuscitptiona. .. , I take pleasure m acting upon the sng- gest ion of JVIr.' BesC and his ; f rieiid,ad- will thankfully receive; contributions from uHr persons disposed .;fo tavpiT the (patri otic enterprise, f VT ! - - h s ;j ours, truly, . , .. h 'fe; IIllt Battle Papers in 4lre(sia.tc,fiiendly 1q thejro posed plan ill. please copy. : uut'T iiiiiml i ih nnns a iiiuii v n nvoin r i m i i i a - -w w wr u & ip icie-rapuea ior; ana arr vedln' IJan ville ou Fridalasi, nnd were' at hia bed side in liis dying' moments. .' r ' . ; , Mr Simon jou'tbad been afflicted for many years, liaying been. partially para U yzed in his yiunger days, and for two or three years pist,u ba Jbecn very ; feeble. During last Spring he" bad an attaek which lasted over, sev'erlil; weeks, t and which brought him lo the; very vjjrgeTof tie grave. He has not been himself since that time, w.hn it was learned that he was lying: dangerously ill at Daqville, the re sult which has just been announced was expected. ;.; 1 : ".'j'-- ; '-.'n V 31r. imontBrris, andhas been for many yearawell known io railroad and ' finan cial circles, in! this part of !the State. .For several years anterior to the war, und all the line of its contijw durin? uearlv! uaoceuieWasi tbe fieaetary and ..Tfeaa. nrer of the Western North Carolina liail road,.ihe dutitfe ofl.wbicb tiffice 'be dii- CUarffed With firieat efficienev and gi-Mnli. bihfy:' About four Vears ra?o he wastble prorioiitton.. Wifl the LeffinlatureR President of the Atlantic, Tennessee & vnio liauroaa, oetween Uharlotte and Statt8ville: and since lhat limh haa Kpon le,' and since lhat time. has been Cashier-of tbeJJank' of ;Srati?s viHe, w bicb popiou-'-bo : heh--itr thejtimc-6'fb1rh dptb. I here is perbapsj. : ua man- in StatesviUe or in Iiedell county, whose wic puopio.wtiu anew uim so weH Ins deatly'wbe; greatly and widely deplored. Ilia tenderness of heart and his smvpa'the- !. 1 ...I'" I.''- ' . 1 f i - L ti cTTaTuTeTiade lilin a" "fionfe" wiTTi" who came in contact with him. and his L benevolence, one of bis most marked charactertics, Won Tor him the undying affection of many of the poor of the com munity where, lie lived. Many sorrowing friends, of all classes, and conditions, will follow him to the crave, wbir.h will vlna over one whose place it will be hard to fill, above well merited tribule We copy thd from the Charlotte Observer, of the 22d. The death of s uch a man as Mr. Simon- ton would be a inuniiy. It is serious loss tb auy coni- a loss1 to Iredell cbuntv. and il 4s felt by all those who have known him intimately and well. HARD T riMES THE Etaii, N. c, Fe REMEDY Rale eb. 17. '7C. Editor tf the Nines Onx people are nearly all complaining of hard times, and some are predicting harder timps ah ad.j Why is this ? Why simply this : ,'e are growing cotton al most exclusively io 'pay for nearly ev erything we eat, drink or wear. We hear bi estimates of what the cottou crop will biing us, but we hear of no esti mates of how much per pound it costs to raise the 'cotton. Unless we know lmw much it costs us per ponnd at the gin, how can we tell how much We make 'net on .jout crop, ahd unless wc kuow" that, how can we tell whether we are making or losing if we e ell at 12 cents er pound ? We keep our hog pen iu Ohio, our smoke house in Bahimore, our flour mill at Baltimore 4"d Richmond, our corn crib down in llj'de, and our hay-stacks away op in Yankeedom, and pay big Citighis to brin alt these supplies home. We raise our horses and mules' iri Ke i tuckcy and maijy of them even farther off, our woik-shop ! where we have pur axes, hoes, spades and pitchforks madei is away tip in Massachusetts, our slioe-shpp is up in Ben Butlei'a oliDisUictoar epinning wheei and loom is in Rhode Island, our wagon factory is in Indiana, our buggy factory is in Delaware, our manure heap is in Maryland, our dry goods store is in New York, onr1 clocks are made iu Cou neticut and our profits are made uowhcie. The remedy for hard times' is simply to move our hog-pien, our smoke-house, our work -shops, our manure heaps, &c, nearer the "honie house." Give employ ment to the thousands of our own people who are now idle the greater part .of the year, and we wilt hear less of "hard times." But as long as we'keep our owu median icsand working men out of employment, so long as we1 purchase everything we use trom the rvprth at their own prices. and then .sell oicn 'prices, you hem our cotton t at their may expect nothing else. but lia;id,yes ve ry bard times. More anon, J. B. f n n THE STATE .GRAN A Fall ''Ati4h&nc&ens8Ae-BheUibhsS Special to Raleigh News. f Greeasboro, N. CFeb. 16, 1S7C. The' State Grange is in' session, Dr. Mills, Master, presiding. Two hundred and fifiy. members are present, tnehudiog nny laaies. asters adCress treats all nhject& for theood, of the" older, lie u,ges patrons throOgbout the btate to economize - in pbrehases, sales, &c, to raise ' more1 supplies on the farm. The personuel ostitis jbpdy is 'fide,!1 embracing many of" the ffist agriculturalists in the State. The nexi meetiug to be held in Goldsboro "in"FebT77r A GraFgeTan will be started at: an early day ueitl Raleigh Or GreeiUboro. . , HoitE IsDrsTjtpAye fdays since i visited the iciremieat tal)oratorv of we JVlessrs, , , Carmichael .PeVault-and Wrefe sorpriBed at Ithe ejtteuf ahd vaiiety of apparatus whicjhjhey . have erected for the manufacture aud preparation of medi cines, extracts, &c." We Were not sufii- cientty versed in'phattDacy to understand tbe many appliances of the chemist in the pursairbf hs art , bnt through the K kind ness of Mr,. DeYaflU, who was pains tak ing to eniigUieii M$i C; Lad stifiicieut u- slght to convince Ins (hat these, gentlemen make the most' of their 'medfeines," "and that nothing but the purest xlrngs are us ed in their prepnratbms.L ' i ueir esiainisnmeiu is in ine igie Ho tel. AsheriUe Pioneer. l 1 Mieliilolopheiof' UKiclmiy Dispatch cotnesi 16 the help of tlieiog, law. men ;Iirays irUniiK T-T-TJttil ,4Tbe jdogs liave skins that are really! valuable, and if'ia only necesVa'rv to u'tif.'' ize j thesis skins to7make.tlierdg8'soine thing better than an incubus, and to r , , . vantasre of slw-eb-raisiirs As 'sheep raisers can not Vet the ymtN lion of the law. thi ifcn Heal way tafiirelief. Inaugurate the busi- greerf dTig-skins which caiioiiTybe bad by ami dogsaiid the ' ihiiig' is done. The buiftcsa t might bo f arranged so as to provide far farid both fby!" coutribdtioris from slieepiraisersj and 'the! profits from me saie oi tanned dOgskinsJ O tti All honor to Lveuryua fur thin mini. Pf Vir'ia and North Carolina 'carry it ,nin "'nnwi f Where1 are-the glove makeraf Stat. at. t a' rtbeir foot they stand, and civlfization oi tlementB; of this all-conquering, all aL sorbing race, which is yet destined in the providence of Ood to convey its civiliza tion and language to the uttermost parts of the 'ear tli. - ' -. . lt riatnly through manufactures, and maritime cimmeice that tlfese great; ends are to be carried forward and "accomplish ed and from .the, signs of ;he limes wjth out having one dollar's worth in any kind of manufactures whatever, I do not fear to hazard ' what little reputation I may have fori foresight, in asserting that by or beforeithe commencement of the twen tieth century the whole cotron Machinery now in the United States will not supply the deruaml- there wilb he made -upon i us foreigq countries alouo for- cotton fabrics. 1 L TnoMAs II. Hazard. Vattclusf, li. I.t Feb. 13, 187C. . ,. Per Diem so Goody lie Wanted More. Richtijiojnd, Va., Feb. 19th R. 1). Ruffii), colored member iu the House, a delegare from Dinwiddie county, was ex pelled to-day for abstracting money from he pay book of the Sergeant at-arms. His guiltiwas established beyond a doubt as the missing money was traced to him, aud..!1!: confessed by, giving an order against Jif per diem for the amount. The money; ltu took wa! thai of; another i - colored mHnher which was in the book near his own. ' pay While $omo workmen were 1 onnr for oil sortie time ago at Seville, Ohio, they struck a piece of oak timber lorty-seven feet below the surface. CUT THIS OUT, It May Save Your Life. There is n person living but what snnVrs more or lets with Lung Disease, Coughs, Colds or Consumption, yet .mii would dif rather than pay 75 cents for a bottle of med icine that would cure them. Dr. A. Bos- ciiee s German Syrup has lately been intru duced in this country . fruiii . Germany, ami yoiiueroiis cure astonishes every one that try it. If .you doubt what we say io tirint. mum uiKe i( io your ijrupcist 1 fvnniz. iaiisnury. rs. and set .Miupie oouie tor iu cents and trit, or a regular size for 75 cents. MARRIED Cv Rev. tJno. C. Denny on I3ih Jan. at the residence of J, U ikon Yhhcr, Mr. Henry jiuin uniwiHu jmi.3 ,-aran Angeline Heart man au oi liowau. By the same, on the 13th inst., at the resi- v. ... uin.ci, ijiiifr, ,ur, .Ma run juther Mutts to Miss Mary SusairKliitta all in Ca barrus. Un the 1 4th insr., in Ml. Tabor Church, by the Rev. H. M. Brown, a Misted by the Rev: oiep iensonijMr. (i.'Ashbey Miller and Miss oarah t.. Monroe all of Rowan. OBITUARY. In Oiibarrus counlv on the 3d iist.f Mrs. ELizABTd'CREes, tfrcd87 years. She was the mother of 14 children, all of whom grew to be men arid women 1 0 aon nn.l 4 Hmml.iox. S,h Jeft SOrand children and 25 great "grand children, hlie was lonp- a eonisi;ioni mnU ot fct. Jolin s . Lndierau Church, near Ml. j'leaF.int. SALISBURY MARKET" (Crectidby McpbmkeaPbakIi. . J .. , , . February 24,' 1870. cotton moderately briks. Middlings, H M r 4 do , r - U Flour market -stocked host fam. $3.00 super. 2.75 1 WuK-VT-giiod.demandt, q. U)0U5 I.Coax-raafket well supplied V 5560 jiEAL-i-motierate demanu at H 5. C0Cl65 -m ar - - - u - bwtJET Rof toes readily at 405oi IRISH. iai i according taqaaU 50(g). UAT8-r- . 4550 BrTTER I . "i f 'W 20M25 j-CnrcKEkiM-per dozen S $1.502.o0 siva uu uviuauti . y Cabbage jftilj market per lb. , . , 22 RALEIGH MARKET: ""' 1 i ' WHOLESALE CASH PRICTis. ' i Raleigh, Fehruarv'20, 1376., . FLOUR, North Carolina $6:50 a ?6.75.J 1 1 un,j5-je .... t CORN ML'AL, 90 a 1.00 BxpoKi C,l,iimq36.ysil HIDES', green, 7 a 8.'"1 7t wv- rmwtniw FODDER, baled, new $1.25. HA Y, N. f. baled, good. 1,00. matse tnem so much .moje valuabjedead than afiVB ihat . dead oogs may "multiply greaJly t6ihe advantalre of sne'eb.raisi.f a: GARDEN SEEDS! mmim r i it,. i v'l:;'' -THE largest & best assorted lot Vic-it OF i ' J iit - ' a-f' ever brought to the Salisbury market -T oeeas uonsignea m to Cotrntry1 Merchants on 'liberal terms.1 Come and. see , as. lll'IS OliBKER, ,1 V. '. ' ' if. 14 3m i f i i "t't l"t 'J Druggists. ' NAVASSA rGUANQ ! ;2f i i ll P1UCE8 REDrCEn. ir . 7 y Selling Ibis year cash, at $56 j25 ,1 t . ;;qa time,jlsN,w t . Iig8 poQr; KE4P THE FOLLOWING : iAgeutAYASSA auMO,iIs Ju n,., f U'tl :.!' : j liy.fi, yl - j Par, Sr : L now end you the result of my expeninents with 0 uano, this year. , I'nsed eight kirnl 6f Gtrario, 'selecting land of as nearly juuifojm soil as possible, side b3r side, putting 20, cents worth: of each kind to the row ; and by the side of, all tliese Gnanos, I put into one row J 90 lbs -of good stable nia nute, leaving one r$w without anything. Tbej rows were le rods, (or 100 yards) by measure, and 50 rows to rhe acre, in the midst of a 20 acre field. I struck my rows, subsoiled oath tun , un i, uiwiu m huh piantinc, aii on tbe ianie day, being the 6th dayilVMay.;' Now for the result of "the pifKiiig, as given below r Fertiliser. to Uvtc, Roics. r0 No. the. ptracre. lOou 850 J00 1075 Hi". 1 123 - 1)75 775 5-"0 IJOO Stable Manure, , 21 British Libu. ' 17 Nothing, 4 Cell's Phosphate 2H Paeitic, iiu Sea Fowl, y-J Whann's jy Quanihani, 13i Cat Island, J I NATASSA, r 26 Now, friend Brown, voii sec the resuU. The Agents of the other Guanos are all my friend. T J ...., ! . .. .. i uou i sueaK qispatatrmgiy ot anyd tliyuhovfl (luanos, not at all. The sorriest mav nai-. but the NAVASSA most assuredly pays the best of all. Every acre where I used afl Navassa, t maKe one bale to the acre weighing from 410 to 450 lbs. Permit me to say, in conclusion, that Taking the above a-; a basin, I lose 6:6T0 lbs. seed cot ton by nutusiug all, of your , most noble aud best of all Uaanos, the Navasa. - t-1 youm,4!fcc,.,, j . E. A. PROPST. LAND AGENCY. WE, THE 'UNDERSIGNED, hare this dav foryictl a co-pai tntrsliii iuv the 'purpose of purchasing and selling real estate in the States of Virginia ami Xorth Carolina, and .respectfully ask all persons who have Real Estate for sale, including water, powers, &c. to place it in our hands. I. f i i I We advertise generally throughout the North and Northwestern States. . J. W. McKINSEY, s - . D, F. MELIJEN. ; By lennissfoh wc respectfully "refer to Messrs. W. S. Patton. Sous A. Co.. Bankers; Maj. W. T. Sutherlin and W. T. Cla-k & Co.. Danville, Va.; Hon. G. C. Cahliell. niember of Congress, Danville,' Va.; T. W. Keen, Salisbury; Sutherlin &. .Tohnsmr, Charlotte, Dr. John Robeson. Statesville, N. C; and A. Dowden, Pjesideut, 1st National Bank; and Samuel Buck-, President MillersUirg Bank, Miltersbiirg, Pennsylvania. AiltlressDahvilleVaphatham. Pttsvl vania eotmty, Va.; of Sillersbitrg, Dapphin count v, Penn. , ' Danville, Va., December 8th, 1875 9 JbS. rfM 1 KERR ORAIGE, ttornci at ito, , , 3VT. O. 15:t J. & H; HOB AH, . ..pi:itiis,; , lAIN STItEETj ' siLISBCRYi fnriiiiniHii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiRimnssE HA VI XJL 'S T RECEIVED' A ' - LAW AXD. SPLENDID, STOCK OF Most Beautiful' Jewelry. Wc have just rpceive&the lartrcst and handsomest stock of Jewelrv ever exhibited in Salisbury, and respectfully invite public inspection. It comprises GoM and Silver Watches, of all kinds ; Silver Pitchers, Cups, Castors.! Napkin Rings Forks; Knifes, and Spoons. The finest and most beautiful sets of Jewelry of all kinds, as Ear-drops, Breast rins, rjngpr rtings, uracelets, Seals, Lockets &,;i?c.,!&c. lt - i ;: b3o, a lot of plain SOLID GOLD RINGS. Also .amenta for thecfclejjrated. khalriausen SpfeSlacies tbe finest glasses made..J JVill sell as low as any House in the south. , Ki IViJ- we m?g ei . vo v n ; j, t v j Wil l It 1D I LO K KI PAlUliG done .ionitly asuyaL All wok wt""Kc? 12 momhi. - Dec.1 !6,f 9T& 10:tf :!: '"4 I n a 4 tion with Mr. RvtvMqrias; and wfll in fn inre be found tt Jiu Tent. Remember ladies, we atways natttr, ; : " 7tlia VALUABLE : The undersigned 'is ahthorized to sell pri vately, three valuable tracts tf Land, situa ted in ML Ulla Township, Iiowan co., be .f- lODgwflr to tniestatef the Jato DrO. P. Hourtwn, ,the , said tracts .briefly described as follows : : 1. ne tract of 200 acres, more or less, adjoining the .binds of W.'." A. -Post pn, Plii Aiexanaeri anq ptners, on which there is a 3 y it f; - guou (tweiiing ajia out-nouses, and the soil w wen aaaptea for cotton and trrain. 3. .Another tract of 188 acres, more or ksa,' adjoining the lands of 3L W. Goodman, Joseph Brown and others, ; This tract' is very productive and a large portion of it is very heavily timbered. ' . '"'"' 3." Ahother'f rait of about 80 acre.?. ad- joining the land of J. 1 Freeizo and 'others: consists almost' Entirely' of 'Woodland and meadow ih v-.. . , .. , -j Terms of sale reasonablei , t! . Applv to,tblcuidersicmed at ML TT11a..P u., uowan co., K. C, ... p. CRANK I Jan. . L iw, ii:am RO WA3-i" ICO UNTY ' , ' In the Superior Coitrt: SJ , SUMMONS I"OR ItELIET. , ; j Jolfh Rnffty5 amljvlife Rosa, Moses I'ccleVand wife Polly,Tohr P- llodse and wire'fJahii?! l iuodfre? Alosea Trexler and wifeBva, John j-dnK.anu win? SQplna, Alexauder WalJaraud wife Laura Jaiiej Calvin Earnbeart. Marr.L. Earuheart, Wiiii D. E imheart.-and. Benrr agaihst : (jeorge W. Hnflman, Dorey M. Hoffman, and Michael JLIlshoiiser tnd M ile Clementine, Stale of Acirtli Carolina. To the Sheriff of iloicak county Greeting. You are, hereby commanded to summon George W. HufftrianTiWev M. nnffinan. !.! Michael HolshbuicV and wife Clementine, the Defeudac flb(y'ej named." if they 1e found within your cuutoiy, to appear at the Office of the Clerk of tbe Superior Court for the county of Rowan, within twenty days after the service of this summons rA them, exclusive of the day of such serrice, and answer the complaint, a copy of which will puc deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said county, within ten days fropi the da'te of this summons, and let them take notice that if they fail to an swer the said complaint within that tice, the plaiutifl's will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Herein fail not. ftnd of this summons make diie .return. Givenjunder ni v hand and seal of .aid Court, this 8th! dav of January, 1876. : OtIN XI. HOKAH, Clerk Supenor Court of Rowan Couaty. ' 14-ut: $3 . TO CONSUMPTIVES The advertiser, rtt) ld physician, retired from active practice, haying had" placed in his banc's by an East India Missionary the foimnla of simple Vegetable Remedy, for the ppeedy and j permanent tnire ' pr-Consumption, lirouehitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and Lung A flections ; also a (ofitive and Radical Cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com plaints, after havinafthorouehlv tested ifswon- Werful curative Powers in thousands of cases, leeis u. ni.s uuty lo ipake it known to his Butter ing fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a conscientious desire -to relieve human suffering, he will pend free o charge), to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for prepar ing and successful lyjusing. Sent by return m -'l by addressing ""er DR. W. C. STEVENS, Muxroe: Block, Syracuse, N. Y. Nov. 25, 187-i-Hy I A LL AND Wl INTER &TOC I 3L-8 7 5. 75 10 10 Bbls. Molasse. do NewDrli-aus do Syrup.5 Bags Coffee, i Kegs Soda. . Boxes Chesp.! "- AdanniBtine Candlea. 40 Coap 30 , Cases Oysters-! ' o 20 10 ;m 25 40 40 BrandyPeaches " . Fresh Pjeaches " line Apples Gross Snuff Coils Cottonad Jute Rope Doz. Paiuted Pails. Gross Flasks j -.2,000 lbs. Heml.icklLeather 1,500 lbs. Candy j 40,000 Cigars ff 50 Kegs Powder 50 Bags Shot ' 100 Reams Wrapping Paper 10 Doz. Scotch lAle 40 Doz. Gingeri.le 4 ALSO A full line of Wood and Willow Ware, Boots, Shoes, .HatsjSaddles & Bridles. Axes, Guns, Pistols, &.o.'' 5cc. Also, a large lot, of Canned Goods, a choice selection off French Candies, Salt, Pepper, Spice, Ginger. Royal Baking Pow ders.'Raisens; Currents, Figs. Citrous, Nuts. Sardines. Cocoanhts. Pickels, Sauces, Cat sup. Potted Meat Kerosene, Tanners and Mchine Oils. Liouors of all k trits. New York! luckwbeat Flour, etc., ozc. The abpveStoekjwas Wught of the seasou at greatly reduced u -..ft..-,..! ... i IV i. ..i ' .. . l n r . at the close liriC4s. nrvI ia ouereu ai i nuienate & Ketail at nhiirf oriHtc '! very -' ' ; ' Kj BINGHAM ct CO. ilisbury, N. C, DTc. 10, 1875. MANSIONHOUSE j Centrally Situated I SALISBURY, N. C. Hp HE . DOUSE Is io tbe eentm of bnines. A an1 CiTiiearcit ti the dejwt. . Table as good as the best. Servants attentive and pditc. Board periday..-.i..t... s...... $i'5o Single Meals 50 Special Contract for a longer term. jOmcibus io and;froBi all trains. Best Livery, Stable near y&t hand. i ' ' 1 -i j : EPTbfr anderripnefl tenders bis thank to many friends who MX called on him at the MAssroS, and assures! them that no effort shall be spared to uaWthi:r future visit pleasant CIhTrateliOg Poblic will always find pleasant (pmrtrs and;refrehhinjr farei jl .'' i WM. Land Sale IOI mm Thmm Adrertistsg Contracts can b mdw , t:.r.Ti y ybTftVl ' l y t i fi.j HAEEIED PI0PLE,New Invention JlHt What VOIl W kplial)l nt T,,rI.L liiled f receipt of i 74 ct. Adlrew Dr. . AiPisMAN.A Co.,Miiij.ktowkCcjs; 17;4w nniD ZZADISQ,'; PS YCHOlIAKCY.-j t A8cixation' Soul Chakhino. Mes- IjMaiSM, and.JMARBiAOGcinE.'H.wing how I ' , Aoexts Va?itki tor ih O BEAT , . raTEHNilAFIiSTORY. 70(J pages, low price, qutck "Extra terius.' -P. M'TZIE9U5&AJO i 313 Ardi.Sf,; Phila delphia, Pa. ,: . HAw. STBEST ifiARICATlJRES- grared IHttstration whhihfdrmaionfor Stock Stefculators. . Price lCteeqtj by mail. 'TUU BRJDOE :04 BAN KEK and BROKERS. v a iaii Btreet, IN. 1". r : 17:4w. WHltl -CUPKnerylPaekaeea in theworld. lrcwijrainao shet paper, 13 En Velpes. eolden Pen. Pen-holdpr l'nril Puiont Tafd Measjireand a piece of Jewelry. Sin e)ackag), with- paii- OP- elegant 'Gold Stone Sleeve Buttons, post paid2icts, 5 for $1.00. Th packnjpbiw laen examined tJ the; pub- f Ikbkr ofr.i ,-f..,",.T8pd found t repfesentedr-worth 4 he money. .Watches given awary to alliAoents. Circulars ree.. ,.. . , RjRIDE Cift7 Broadway.jN. Y, 17;4w, HfO nl (E 0 P A TH I C 1 tork8 on that sal ieet. "'ivinv , rnnrt&o unit fplaiiily wriiferi instruciions for tlie treatment ot all prdinrtry ailments of all Domestic Ani faali, are constantly keptia stock, together with appiopriareT Medicine Chests. These books. are spCcially written for the Farmers, Stock RaUersor Livtry labiemaii's use, avoiding aa fir as possible, all (cbllical term. For " Desf riptive 'Price lirts vend stamp lo the i . BLTIMOE HoMO-XiFATItlO PHARMACY' '. I 35 West Fivue R(rt 17:.- BOEKICKE &TAFEL PponrUinrM --4- 1 ' t ... For . ' Coughs, Colds Hoarseness AMi AJ, I j 1 1 1 (JAT DISEaVSES, I Use- WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. PjUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A THIRD AND 3URE ilEMEDY. aom by Druggist generally, and FULLER X FULLER. Chicago, 111. THE SUNNY SOUTH! The. Largest and Hand somest Literarv Panfir in America. BR LLIANT ANNOUNCKMKNTS. tSPECJMENS FREE. rrE FOLLOWING NEW STORltS WILL X 3sou b.i cnnini.Mi- j, and will ba tbe MOST INTENSELY rillnLLINCpP ANY ROMANCES yet p :ojil:iil in hu Americaa joaipal. RILL A ROSCOE; Namn and south. ATrilling National Romance, Based Upon tner Acuniiiisiraiioiirt of Presidents If JuM Lmcoln and Johnson, and the Ex- jecutin of Mrs. Surratt in 1805. WiaTTEX BY A DlS'nXfiUISHFTD STATES MAN. tVniTTE.VIlV BLOOD; 4 i ; j -roR, . 1 HE MIDNIGHT JPLEDGE.. A Story of the Last Napoleon's I ! : Reign. I ' . . - - B- M. Quad, of thk Michioan Press.' fjGIITING AGAINST FATE; "4 i ' di:, ALONE IN THE WORLD! ' A riliant S.iely Serial, new Running, jby uMrs. MARY E. BRYAN, who is I -i Ihe Finest Story. Writer ; ; of the Age 1 EDITH HAWTHORNE: 'lc Temptations of a Factory Girl 1 - - i i By;a, Popular Novelist. It E M INISGE NO E 8 Oi' TH tt 1 C(A FtllKR ATE COVERNMENT BVidoL. U. I).. ifjii-iiM fu. j-- 11. i i.i'jig'iiij-AT CSlJt Ala 5U.v;kb. Tlns will be a deeply intertstinf series of aJcttcbegivjog the early iriala, djsadran. lapt amP many amusing incidents of our leople in iIk ir efforts to CftablL-h-an indeHen. deiit Government. 1 A number cf un'niallv BRILLIANT SHf )fcT STOIII Es ap,er Iu Vach iKsuwlSa i -vuscrn,t,on. S3;00 a Yen Clabnj of 4 and upwards, - $2.50 mc4 4xira copy Kt one -ear, for-a Oub of 5j at S3 CO Addrws 1 ! J J- H. SEALS. x. : ' Atlanta, Get Attention PARMERSL GRASS SEED. Jltrecelved a frtidt fapplj' 'r ' riTtiV' blJOrchHr l Oras. Ulue. Grass,, Red Too-. Pmorhy. which I will s-n chap at 4n euoer teix may fascinate aud gain He tore aiul ' fiifplioh.Df!aijy eirs4nihcvlioM)Ht hwtantlr, 401 pagef, by mail 50 cts. Hunt & Co., 139 h, ' , H U P'dfa P4- , v". ? r . a ,- - .17:4w.'j r a: Feb. 3, 1S70 17:tf- i j EN SDNS