t s J. r A f." L- - . . 1 ' - , "T Y - i 7- - I .. , I X I ' MARCH 14. ISktlV ' ' ' 1 SO 1i Persou nKio- remui.. Zt I W -the IKafrantm shoahi send f ?. jopayfor a' jer-rl9 cts. to pay postage.. l ivi heartily auiorse an arlicU io. thU iwperfrom ihe ChatUlt Democrat jfo 3tU, 0Krrjng8," wliiJi we construe as jineere effof t to promote the old fashioned i Kirh toned and honorable epint jof on dnetiui political campaigns aivd ipubKc affairs. We too, are nttetlj opposed to fingt, clique and all sorts of xopbioa twns in parties for the purpose of enj " jug thi nomination of particular individ ' aai ei her for the sake of rewarding them individually, or from the expectation of reward to others - ty:t veiy derooerai corn a motive he isii?1 Willing ilijo" Pre daim from the bouse tops; -be the keep- er of no party arcrets. but denoance ,and jiuuru the trickster and plotter as due who puf need a chance, to btyjom? j a thiel, . Lkw f ill iifiODle. Tho? scaaes now ominsr io light at Washingiop ad jponjsi as that enjeea tlB demWta ol this jcoontry come to Uie rescue under proWtid aeuse of ihe danger which jlhrcat- v ccs ourtivil liberty through the fileness fifth public officials in control, Sand jo ihe deadly moral poisdn which they have infused iuto the body; politic lor the hist - 5 year?, U w iwposeiUe to prtfvo ; onr present form of government frod destmc- tion. Thy must turn bck the ! tide: of official corruption, tley must rfrestauu iustic4 and judgment, honesty and econo my in the administration xf public affairs or we are gone &s a free and glorious pa JlOU to he will. find that tbey are generally started and kept ilive bvtkyse who have 'n axe Jto grind" for themselves or particular friends, it may thatibew U PCe jealoyny x wting be tween some of durTptiblic men which: cauaea them or their friend to suspicion the formation of political ring. Such reporU are doing the I Union me;rt hndthe poor colored peo pie even to have lived ijtf orth'Car- fauo. taankedana nonorect as wucu for what h has prevented iu the way f- evil as for vha ne Jjas accmpusnja DtxmiirfM sxs.it dalaf harm-tthejr T "" Vt. r T n nnl fnrr iah; an nronmcnt t otir ' enemies o m ine way oi goou. x. vu The KeviYork Tribune a leading i Republican paper of the highest stah- l. "f L i, 'I-1 n ? mi n n i n or survey of the field, sketxSies th poljt ical scene itr very different ?ees what the' first witoess t - a vass colors, w loverlaoiis, deal Of hadtng-fllkck aAd Artv nnite obscurinsr theiliehtof th JJepubltcat) heayen. JLt; Jakes p Belknap's case- thns; Republicana cannot afford to underrate th signigcapce .91 im e?enu - oomo iuu u 1 any admimstraUon may yieia 10 lempwwyn, cusa er Jjong and KUiently for ihu firib When it was known tbat somebody about lb Wbite House held scandalous rela- ilrtn with Corbin. that was passea as an excep- tinn. Rnrahndr dis?racvd tlie-Patxv an ine Leet and Stocking affair, in thji selection I f Casey Aijd Murphy, in the sale of arms to he French, in the Santo pom ingo anair, in ne transactions of Boutwell, Eichardson and Aker mah. in the Secor business, and jin the Chor- penning claim; but these a patient public opin ion called exceptions. Atlornef-General Wil lim rode in a landaulet, but that was an ex ception. Secretary Delano and his son Jqhn 9ual- Rhampfiil Kfandal. but that waa an ex- Aritinn. Secretary rRobeson was accused, but men thought that partisan hatred might hve ; nrAmiitil tha aiiHMtinn. and thai if he was guilty that was an exception. The District! o Kkpnhfrd wan annoiuted a comruiioner, and Safe-Burglary Harrington met the President as a !mme miefiL men called these exeei)tioi. Minister Schenck drags the flag of the United States through the gutters of Lonidon' in order to escape from a British court, but that was an erceotiona. McDonald went to jail, adecease! but most trusted friend of the President was named as a partv in a plundering conspiracy a and the President's private secretary was j in djcated, and was saved from the penitentiary only bv the evjdence of the rresident, ana not only furr.ishian argument to our ; eneinis against the Democratic party, but tbey reject more or Je on the leaders of; tbe party jwho are working for the overthrow of Radicalism in the taift.,4.J5To, 4vubt Editors are often deceived andrailed byTJjpsignirg men telling them talaa about "ringn'' which hare no foundation in truth, 1 we were to pubtih the also stones toltf tis about otlier eople we would aodri be "heels over baad' in trouble. There are many designing sneaks who are ready Co slander their superiors in hogpsty. n . . I M i f . When we commeocett writing Uijs article we did so with the desire to keep froin sayipg a word that would offend any honest! man who co-operates with tbe DemocratTc party; and we conclude by suggesting that it would be better and more jnut for our party friends to quit talk- ins about "Jtiinsrs "unless they are reaoy 1 ana wilting to specify the case and gire the facta and names of persons connected with dishonest or unfair transactions. We respectfully submit f that wonld not be the best plan to pursue, and not indulge! in vague and general charges. Xo geqtj?manl should cherish envious or jeal ous feelinjrs, arid! there should beno contention among Democrats except a Kpirit ot noble emu lation of who can wet wortc ami best agree. Our brother Editor who wrote usi a private letter on the suKject will excuse ns for alludin to it in this public wav. for it afforded . us an opportunity to give our views about such re- ports. una none uemocrai The colore! movement at Washington, we are glad to! see, meets with a cool re ception on the partof southern democrats It U riffht that it ehouh'. Colored voter have constantly nj'Cted ail cowusel jam even importunity of southern men hereto fore and voted in solid body against them and their own jintercst. No doubt they thought it wasj right, and they are largely excusable under tho circumstances But they cau't expect a very cordial reception after doing about all the harm they can The Democrats of 'thi country, can come into power without their help, aud they are going to d it. electing the President morp directly by he oeonle the SiSta; fhall be divided iuto Districts equal to the unmber of rep reseutativesi each UwtricJt .couptMiS ionej vote for President, and tbe candidate re ceivintr the hizhtest number of the votes in a State s4atr- reel-tw-jaddiaottal votes. 1 The Uase tomiaittcVon Patents re iiorfeoTuii favorably on tlie bill cbntiauing 4 WilfOaV paUnt. oaSewuigJMa chines. IJabcock and I5bss Shepherd Were part- l,ers in vaiions specuLairu3 about Waeh- ington, irstitltng from ttietr mutual con nectiou with die Riugr'and from personal tie? that my be better understood before Ion?. Among others of their enterprise were several blocks of houses. - one of which is known a "Babcock's row.' Strangely enough, three' of these build iiigs, which adjoin each other, were oc copied by" three persons whose names have become inf itnous as thieves and con spirator", and all of whom held the closest relations wuu Grant aim ooss Mieplieru Belknap, Babcock, and Harrington were these neighbors, who sought to rival each other in meretricious display, and who attempted similar means for growiti rich. The first is to be tried for bribery, the secoud escaped convicttou by exclud ing his owu letters and telegrams from the jury and Administration, and the third was saved from the penitentiary by packed aud purchased jury. The three were loyal Republicans and third termers of the most pronounced type. It shocked their patrotism to see the South represented iu Congress, especially when it contributed to a Democratic majority in the House of the Representatives, and thus opened up the way for investigations. They ate only samples of Giantism, and of an organized system of robbery and rascality, which is without a parallel in civilized government. The 1 Colored Movement." iion'EnxoSIs CASE - In reply to the twiiinglaJtuiuisterd to the Raleizb papers bv the Uharlatte Observer, for tardiness, etc., tne llaleig Sentinel saya : j ; , . . ' -V e-tenrd nrarors of iwercharges-againatTTQV Mr. Howcrlon over a month before the 1 for cash or n time, if secured bv lein appearance of th letter jia the Pi-tersburg litaex irom a corresLOuaein in iius city. but did not think lhaUwwHthi44VrjU4 flfied in giving them, publicity upon siich slight foundation!: "'Kven now nothing is - absolutely fixed Tipon Jr. Howerton, and in npro(tOcing ihe letter, the Sentinel was careful to disclaim any endorsatjon of the charges contained in it. Beforeiiti appearance we had determined to iay nothing until the matter cwuld be thor oughly investigated. L V. Mr. IIowebtow, Secretary of State, will; in a day, as we learn, make af&tatement in defense of himself touching the matters whereof serious charges have been made against him, - . - j . I 1 u t Url TniM most extraordinary order from the Attorney bfeyond the reach of hope. : J-0 Cfll,.- . .. id e (oi lhe govern let every laborer in the gagse ; go uent: but these, it was charitably said, vfere lorwaid with singleness of purpose, tranfc . , . McDonald in ! hi. i ' ----- i Drew, of ev York, has gone into I iv dent," and even while these words from lipi so bankruptcy with a liability of 600, te. pe ong gjlent in the prisoner's dock, were j yet rA . . Iwicked- echoing through the Unate chamber, and $en-000. Assets tlknowtl. ; ; i. nrl thtn as the dav. and with the high ,n: nd returns to announce to the Senate of .1 e !' i. J,tl, inA LkM United Slateif'-'a message from the: pti lnrnltV Gl a mail wuo iun-B..uu:-, ---v , . .. .. " , ri.rKtoinanpRa far their own sak 1 !-:-. r.;!,tii;..a And Tn ' v f I atnra wer rrnwitinor in concratnfate him BDOU seas ljn high places; Death to every; hig escape from State's prison, in another room " t..J , v nnlit jnl nhd m Aral! Vf tho I '.a riifnl n witnPHrf wn lirpst-nlinc. Ulidcr .1 i l i u n u 4.tr loath and with unanswerable documentary fevi- increasing strength for the Republican i-m wnii'ii i I'll n ii kjtz liu n i - n e w a i ,uw - " i nonce, the orooi mat ine oecreiarv oi i ar iau r - - fiSy The arrest of Oen Cox, chairman j of the Democratic, State Executive Committee. on the day before the meeting of that body looks very suspecious. Why were proceeding against him delayed so long, All the facts Jin the rase have been known , for months, If guilty as charged why was'he not arrested be fore the Convention metff-Why not charged before that body ? Or at least, why not arrest ed immediately after the rejection of the claims of the radical delegates of llobeson county? it is believed the arrest is, the merest political trick.- to divert :ublio attention from the as tounding developeinents how being wade! a Washington. Time 'will show. f Bank Suspaision. :' 1 New York. T.Iarch 14. Bauk of the State of New York has suspended pajmeut. I MctBIBEXIX DEAN,; Ilcspectfully.calL the attention :of Planters of Kowan and adjoining counties to thee,! m&g-Xtaimfd mimm wlirclinherereaTcd-trrtrffer nt-tsKATLT rdcced r cash or on time, i f sccurca- uy lem, w inch J JgJt 1 w - V1- . WlianiVs celebrated BaBoneperJ Piiosphi Tlie rEureka -bri Su'D'er-Pliosplia Solaable Pacific Guano, which is especially 'recominewSed for Tobacco and Cot ton,'oa which it lai ha jnej, severniTcaraVith rreut'resuhs, can le substantiated by hundrcdatif tcstinioniau Don't forget to carl and sgetpneeaTKifqre parehasmgejsewnere,, Jiarcn , 76. 22 1 mm m -m m i ' ; wljh3 u . - 4iatlcr ami Cheaper than . WORK. THE undersigned is doine Tivrre hnainess'lp the Cabiiw ilakirpiise and would call sp. attention to bis 2Xome2&ade Woi It U dteads. Bureaus. Cabinets, Boofceaa, ft-? robes, Secretaries, Tab es' Picture Frames, and jevrjthing ele dMitfiuUd. ? including handmade window sah. window -Mimls, dtnir'. ic, prottptJy ordtr; general carpentering businefi. Plans and estimate mat! and. tout rnct takea rorchnn-L? IVJEW iCLOTHESrRAGK, tbe'BKRT TRixo for th nnrpuof drying -'clot lies ever yet invented; is equal to 70 feet of ial, coffins, j ; Keeps constantly on hxnH a'ftili' assortment of ciL'ius ready to ship iu few minutes. 5- 1 PRICES I Call and Icar them and sec the stock. March 9, IbTfi 22; Address, JJ. L. McINTIRE. death Whiskey The power of whjskey; is ltnost omnipotent. If half the crimes laid tj whiskey was laid at the jdoorj of almost auytbing else, they would dijve it for years been selling offices in his depart ment. ? Tha editor of the Wilmhisrton Fost isi. however, the madt Itetmblicau we have heard from. He went iptp Belknap like fury : (jave htm a sound castisration for his drssraceful conduct Municipal elections in Maine, show party LATEST NEWS. The Raleigh; Sentinel of tha 13.h says : WARRANT FOR THE ARREST OF GEN. W. R. COX. nt of existence. But whiskey hholds it without abatement against crimes in taking bribes. And after do ng Bor pf an Outraje abortio be Pcrpud. Wdaily and hourly berpetratiou. j Neither his duty on him, was evidently hot . j ... , . , . f J. r , i. t, v i . y i i . .i I A telegram to the U ashtnefon Repnh I.. .i.;ia nn, i id nnmhpr ot them co rich oil .nrAhs t 1 1' TAlr. tli'tr. tIia ohza i w . S iuo duiiu.vT vr- i j ncan states that U &. t;oinmissioner .! rr . 1 1 . ! Afln vaat f ' J 1 a. I a 1 A. I r l '-! .t i - Beem 10 aneciaue pouuiarnjr iuc . Was saaiy ajruinst ui pariy auu uuffui oassiay. ni umipstor. nag Hsuca war .-destroyer. About nine-tenths of all tne to be relieved in some way, and so ihe raut f,,r t,,R arrfsl "d'Jhi. W. R. Qoj, ol rcrimeB j ; lit-. a.. ...I.S.-I. A 1 vrro nar ont nl i k j j, l t .... 1 liun . i bavin? cnnsnired Willi Him cnmnn.siniiii's hc poverty and suttering exper encea oy; , Xhbee Sweet Babes. Honorable Robe-on county to defeat the will ;d Jnnocebt ud unoffending people must be YVilliam M. Robbins. M. C. who took the people in electing delegates to iho1.it- ilm.f t.itirv tlnllni fnr lint vAtP constitutional convention, lids ijttelli ! Mt down to the account of whiskey.; a bribe of twentv dollars fiir hia vote These and many more similar' facts; arej ft the Senate of North Carolina Se.Tf rt!,ed li ci!y th.is- morV.i, iUlA 5 . J j ....i L-UiLj HU ki Airj ar v.rj-ii uwaouoweas iruo, ior ine radicals are matters oi recora semeu ueyiuiu k-; uuuuitiuic xviiicu iuuuic u auueu, , . , . . ..ii itAl nA..t a Wl rrlnff Willi.:! II. I I.. Willi XIIHllMK I III! 1 III IIIV 1 HHP . r. iruyciat, uu jvn "f" I rr , 7. "T fr 7. . . V tbe1 cata Jcey arid go right along bearing : o tlieai- all ot lus money hglitmg the tiger -elalmd innictin- on others.! all the the gambling hells of VVashington, r ' s i l u: .iut. ll . . .T , ., i . " i land Honorable Zebu Ion B. Vance, ex- ' l he last case ot violence .resulting in t r xT i-r i i I ii, l a, I f " W . W A.V..W M. VIIIIUl II IIV i lO I : death, happening n tins county tne kilt- 8Uch a d;rty blackguard that ijespeca- an article of 80e interest on the subject ?ng of young uarnnger was tue resu:ioi bje people won't allow him in their th ilogue of outrage and fraud to carry the state in tho coming election! The Wilmington Journal says the war rant has been served, and the case set for hearing on the lj7th instmt, and concludes IDS Whiskey di inking. It was the tragic homes. We wait the j further developement of ending of a ''spree' at a Sale, where some; j Thus we see how the exposures at lue cae w'in t'orae curiosity to see wha ilf drizen .vount? men erot to fooline wiihl : t J:- c testimony Dr. Isornieui will bri ig forw.an T m - . w - : I wsiifcvi'a u uiiu a4i UOOOlUilO Ul lome begrces-jyords, banters, coo Ira dictions, cc, led to blows.; An old ; ne gro was knocked down, and a white man jumped on hlm A negro jumped on the , white'man, and another.-white mart jump jed on him. A thfrd negro piled oh top- jiO it is Reported a neat pile wasj madeg Republican editors. "RINGS." ! If there arc any. let names and evidence J be given. We do not propose to have anvthiiW to sny hv dark insinu:itinni anil alv rt.m urL-j .lv.i.i and widlh fashion, all, soake with whiskey, ( "Kings," unless we had evidence that would 1 jhlack. while, black, white, black! Bir- convict pablicmanor Editor. Jn 1868f' i ' ! I lira Itfurnuil t Ii a lUkAnla e -vo i n I.A ...1. I g forward in support . of jthe statement positively sworn to by him upon the Holy Evange lists of Almighty God that (here was a corrupt conspiracy between General Cox and the Robesorj County Commissioners. Thus far there s nothing to prove5 the cbarge save Dr.jNorment's comprehensive oath. Till then; we dtler further com ment. ! r s Tlie Macon, Georgia, Telegraph and Messenger, has some sensible ideas in re gard ot the call of tbe delegaiion ol color ed men at the rooms of the Democratic Na ional Executive Committee in Wash ington city and -their request for "ihe political recognition of their printed de claration" that they were tired of the 'self imposed yoke" of lUdicalisni, etc., t'U It s;iys : "We fear the colored brethren were playing a piece of diplomacy either ask ing, a hid from l lie Democrats or seeking to frighten the Radicals into better terms. We trust the Democratic National Coo mittee received them kindly, but midenn committals. Let the committee look southward and learn. There is not in the whole South one sensible reason why the negroes should vote with the Hidicals and against the tesideiits and property holders in these States. The white resi dents and Democrats of the South employ and pay the negroes nearly every cent they get, furnish tln m wi. U schooling for tht'ir children, and aid them in all their religious and charitable instiiutions ; while from the Radicals they -et rfolhiiig much better than the freed nn ii'.- bank. If lh"y ate sick and suffering all their hel come Irom ths Democrats, and, as a mat ter of course, they are apparently lirm friends of the Democrats till election dav Come?, nnd then ever- politician of theiu vote against us to a man. Others, owing to black (not wl.ite intimidation, stay away from the polls, and a very lew vole ihe Democratic ticket. The difficulty is a social one. The Democrats cannot bring' themselves to social affiliation with the negroes, and u.i til they do, which will be never, the npgro vote is as certain for ihe Radical ticket as any other public evil. It ii not Worth while, therefore, to count on or count ne gro potiiical votes for the Democracy,. " It wnl be found cheaper to hjjht the sable politicians at the ballot-box than to feed hem." Judge Watts encourages the industrious about his neighborhood bv proclaimins' from the bench that no man shall be fined a cent ior knocking down a man thai won't work. The Gale on the English Coast. Loxdon, March 14. Tje gale of. Sunday last was very violent and J destructive around the entire coast. Numerous shipping casual ties are reported. An unknown brigatine was seen to founder off Portland at midday; all lianas were lost. The, sea was running tremendously high apd it was impossible to 8endas.-istance. Tlie tel egraphs throughout tlie country are still de ranged and communication slow and difficult. The wenther continues unsettled. Jn France telegraphic communication wns deranged to an unprecedented extent. In Pari roofs, chim neys, and trees blown down or carried away. Numerous casualties are reported, soxneof them fatal. The "damage in districts which tye Hooded by rivers is greatly increased in consje quencepf the gale; numbers of undermined houses along the Seine were blown down. The gale was also violent on the Freich coasts. I DENTAL NOTICE. j Owing to the hard tiutes and scarcity bf money, I propose to fill teeth and put in nejiv ones at greatly reduced jprices for all wio may call at my office in Salisbury from ths date to the first of July next, in all cases strictlv for cash. Call and ;et prices. ? R. P. BESSENT. I . March 16, 187G. 23:2t THE a. Ca rolina fiOME Insurance Go OF MLEIGHi N." C, Insures Dwellings, Stores, Merchandise, ND ALL CLASSES OF INSURABLE PROPERTY AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, OX THK MOST FAVORABLE TERMS Its stockholders are gentlemen interested in building up North. Carolina Institution, anl among them are manyfof tbe prouuucnt-business and iinanciil men of the Slate ?Ul Jjosscs rompthj tUlusted and tPahl b'npmiPQnro HnmD UvtitminTiC) v- nr 1J00T- TiPmt JJUUUUIUU.U JLIUIUU mOlllullUlIU V. COWPEK, Supenk ANDREW MURPHY, Agent, SaMuxy.lU L".'.-45asr U. II. RATTLE, Jb., Trest. SKATONT GALES, SeCt'y. ; 22:tm. Marble W MONUMENTS mmm. Scotch ani American Granite orKSJ HEADSTONES. m Address, I ura tvurnMil ilia iuAn!o arroinut t U14.A. S . Closer, It is eaid, did thf grst knocking Ugurated to rob the State, and we then opnosed -II I . . . i , . t, jaid the! ped up when around ;uadc a a vrnu an Jblow j "Let No Guilty Man Escape." ' New York, March JO. At a largre with all our might the combination, (or 'ring," meeting of the (Union League Jas. II r vnn iiva itiu rtima iaic.i tnaaMn.i .u l i 11 . & . trvnnmvel it. or nart the menJ " . . . " ; viioai preoiuiugj it waa resolved that i the ' f - . ,i UIU.U1 me iiorvij varuuna ijeewiamreio necuie I rnni . :tt T.-1 t. ;..L j:I l -: I I r.. .T iicu i-Auusiire oi 111 ! - iliru H W Ilfl mmJ tM mm ml I B 11. lllir I Ikaill ltA.M AIHI1 Ulfl liltlllllK llir. 4 lanilH I CI r 1 . . . . .1 . - V W W a mmi m "mm. I ' 4 1 K aw. A Vtl Ii foundation of the heap -rand step- iwat corrup- & u.:i.!i . ur-i ... . tlOn 10 tlie aumiilldtrHllon of nntkti ntTju-a . i .i e.i i a uuiu quiiuwi, ivr uie it., ioar oite i & . ' . 7 r.w..w ........ itching the progresa of the melee, jjBth. Boad for Ul& vVesteVo X. C. Rail. andi,he we.,fare K th Republican party, inning cut at Barringer'; belly road, Of course we do not mean to nay that demanded investigation aud punisdiineiil old pocket knifed It wag a fatal " wna "vou MW appropriation did , with no matter bow Igh the Ptation. A sub- let on some whiskey; with oftbose who W Ulk gJibly about ,Eirig SuL?, iL ;le 1maciI"PrZ little UdSy The rowdies sooa scaUer- :t . appropriation nA'"x": guevance. , , t , . - 1 , I ll u,e ciip wouiq not uave nad no many of r,-J utiu.iuu,iuai louewenueni. aiein- ..-df LutJin less than a week were called h Bond squandered bv Littlefield & terested IteDublieans be fail I v rpnrppnt.rl gethe totury the uiifoTtnnate Barringer." 3n then we have known m good-.cause for" in the Selection if delegates to the Na Tmm Aukey U3s rubWJ a tM, of it. STfiS JZSEftKL i'fcKLiT M Oonvcn.ioh, " , t- t . 1 mf ---mm- f Q W- V MttlllUAU Ulll paternal head, troubled the whole neigh-Jtere since 1&68-' 70 we do not know it, and if Canards aubject the eunty to the expense ofkeep crrating: with -King" which has ur has ate has n thu 6ill for the admission of Jng prisoner nd trying ha for h .life, ; .fef&f? ZiSttl perhaps. TheBe are the plumea L in: Cap- pemocratic party by trickery W deceptW ire he wine and ispmts association have lain Wh uid wet children ; but his devotees, in graving tumheri, are counted by the millioni. iskey's cap, bloody iu vry Ideed. !Tln,t "V10"1, g,ve I,e nme"' ct afld comi & .u r . ' i , dence- Lt H be spoken out plainly I anduot Comm wub the tears of womaq and hy insinuations or miserable innendoes. tar to " Grant iwho a kuuiuiiiicc uciwie me tvays ana ateans mu tee arguing m favor of a reduction T. i. ,. , , T . I " tccpn4.u uBucua naru matter for nn Kd.l mm t ...... n. . w ttor to write anything without some one sup- eon H ar l-.xpen- posmg that he or Ida particular friend is alia- "llu!,C8 are raaklijig an ineffectual search ded to, and as wedespise insinuations, we freely for Oeueral Boy;iiton of the Cincinnati say tuai we uv not write this article for the pur- uazette whom they want as a witness pose of censuring or reflecting on the conduct i ' ' Zl'T.F0"' U6' w polidcian, The Kentucky Senate has DaSfled a hill i. . - i lonal Graiiffe will ille. TWQ WITNESSES, tetifie4 ef his adramistraon; a Werid brt week. r ,roiu a headquarters at touiavi Ibllovtat ' J . I I1 i; A brother Editor of well-known honesty unit it-' v U "Ihe AdmintstrationatWnshlnfr. m indMv.- ic,wruea . WhI iSTT J. I hear of a nr fcrmtn. uL J Y ASHIXGTOX, March the 1 0.-The 5Var many dia Jeeo, and -41 ivhoje country Ifratnl he" forming .mon the Denio- mmX . vu? iuany .lifters, and Gen. Grant his Su ",1 the great break- you believe it Av " .F" Republican Sena water which preserves all our interests; . ,n vr "J emphatically iromruiu. Imasrtne what would tKir ,VUU wwio , x-r : ,! , T relieve u until proof is produced ww... . . .. , vuuiiuiucau Hull l nuuien. V i rru.i wK.f helliteri wlio fiffed that first guh it P4"01 has' evidence of the formation oi" a "" Silliman testified tliat ha re- dmocratic House seems to e to Pinchback than thp Kepublican Sena e. for todav he moved we do no be- about the floor of (he former bul v as friafc v we do not as Marv'rt lrrK Pr. w h.. i 1 tk T . . . uccu suineu v" we are nnr m ! a ITort Sdmter, had been placed inlpbi J "h .the Democratic party, orj'- Air the iv?d fiVft thousand dollars in ! advance r in natiotir wteir Gen, Grant 'S'p&r1-'- - a!,(lllwe,,7 l1!0 d dullr8 con- - fthey had been, where tduld from riSniStejSi xr"0" ?f Kf 'V,,e mma : jiave beert our predit. a a nation? f?J rP9.let hi wke the5, Jbcu Tknon MlJ? .x f Pl-d between six. Vhere Would have been any polerio KKuh1a;K,b,SwUV,,e of th" -t11 m"1h . i t x Cl i i 1 Hi i : RoJvJ.MwWaala. Honest men do not fear I ne appropriations cooimittffi agreed 1 , to slay the stoms- hand of ivuJenss ??w.M'0' .1' n "ueenj m.i. ii. and itrfHn,. .. ul ""nU I'll bUC xvvu ng a slanderer. i i r fue privileges iu all our ueirhborhxds, and to have! Courts iof beimr v - . '...V . . . : I ... " - made itiYeSr tolerablp for the old oour friend that if he r "' -'npMicii report as and Elections r.nti.mit win in. I lee by a small mnioritv areeo in i-Ar nrt ficauug itATomoiy j.u tne jJomt resolution 19Mr T .1 3 . . : . . ivmig ago mo wonu convinceu icat uew inar can bi done by machinery tbe only qpek tiou now is, what machine combines in itKeff the greatest number of important advautagef. Just here the I r FLORENCE comes in with its sulfregtilating tension, f ing'froin muslin to leather" without change of thread or needle, then fnnn rijrlit to left and left to rijrht while ono style jif the machine sews to or front the operator, a4may bo dixired and with stitch alike on both aides'. In elegance if finish and smoothnes of Operation, variety of ; ha -nfhIii,i,u..1,i:.(;i..;L m ! Mam and Church streets. or at the store " ' nif ULv?t IIIVtlMlit U LlltllM dreeu-iboro, A On hand: and furnished to Order. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. JOHN CAYTON, Corner Morgan and' Blunt Streets. GtalciQh, .T.(i DE. H. T. TEANTHAM, Hating jtfrtnanentty- loedted'.in $uNbtrj, Offers his Professional services t the public Calls left at hi office oy Fisher. etween Sherman sayi he is surprised at Belk nap's acting so, that he had him in his army as a Mjor when before Atlanta, and he proved a eood officer, ll.i. ha. that's rich; educating a man to burn an(T steal in time of war and f lieu "surprised" at his stealing a few thousand in time ol peace. Sherman talks too much with his mouth. New York, March 11. Tjoans in creased half a million; specie increased three-quarters of a million; legal tender increased five-eigths of a million; reserve increased one million. Loxdox, March 11. A land slide occurred at Con:, a small town on the Rhine in Northern Germany, caused bv the recent h avy iaiiis. Kight houses were buried aud twenty-six persons kill ed. ()!i, ay, there were enrrnptionists in Buchanan's Cabinet, and theie were army rascalities practiced aficr the Mexican war; and if we go still further back we can see that England had much political profligacy iu time of George the Third, and that Walpole was destitute of official honoi. But wh'it have the misdeeds of bygone times to do with the toleration of the Grantisin of to-day ? Are wc to peri, init the public robbers of this period to carry on a wholesale busiuess that must bankrupt nnd ruin the country if not stopped, because there were sonio thieves indd times ? We don't care to hear for ever about the dead functionaries w ho did wrong, when we have to deal with the living culprits who are still ravaging the Treasury, and gorging themselves on other people's earnings. We don't wish to listen to men who apologize for their own vices by telling of other men's. N.. r. Sun. i MuilDEn IX BOWAX COUXTY Intel ligence was received this morning at the executive office of a murder of a white maii iu Kowan county, March SH, by a negro. William Jx)ck fatally stabbed tt. J3. iiarringer, and is now at large A reward of S200 will soon be proclaimed for the apprehension of the uiurderca.- Hal Sentinel C, u theitrent. lie U also Ajrent for Bickford Knitting Machine upon which :$0 pjirs of sticks have been knit per day, without seam, and wiih perfect hepl auo toe. iiooUs. hawls, .scarfs. Gloves. Ac., may be knit npon this Woman's Friind, which costs but $:K). - J Correspondence in relation to either Knitter or Sewing Ma:hine i invited, and samples of work sent npon application. All orders hy maij will receive prompt attention. Machine. ship ped to any pait of the Stat and satisfitCtiou guaranteed. Agents wanted in every County. Address all communications to J. E. OARTLANIT, Ralisbnrv. Or, F. G. CARTLAND, Gen'l Art. f Oreensboro, N. (7. Iu the absence of Salisbury agent, call op Mrs. schloss, at the National Hotel, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. :0:- j An elegant new house with four rooms oi the ground floor and two tin tbe npper, wkh kitclien, te.. situated in a desirable part Of town Hofferfd for ?ale. For further inforni4 tion applv at this office. 23:3t. I To F. H. CRANF0IU); Non-reilcid Defendant : You will take notice that the following Summons lias heen issued a"rainst vourself and others, together with a petition to self Liana ior assets, t wit : t ROWAN COUNTY j In the Superior Court John W. Mauney, adm'r. de bonis non, of Wilburn Cranford, : uuuvtM f , - j summon F. II. Cranford, Scott Cranforfl. l forJML'A .nararet m. uranrora, aaa vvil burn Cranford. 8 TA TE OF NORTH CA BO LISA. To the Sheriff of Howan County, Greeting YOU are hereby commanded ''to 'summon F. II. Cranford, Scott Crartford. Manra rett M. Cranford, and Wilburn Cranford, the defendants alwve named, if thev le founrf within your county, to appear at the oiBce! of the Clerk of the Superior Court for thd county of Rowan, -within twenty dars afte? the service of this summons im them exclai 8:ve of the day of such service, and answer the complaint, a copy of which will he del posuea m tne omce otthe Clerk of the Su4 perior Court for said County within ten days from the date of this summons, and lei them take notice that if they fail to answer; the said complaint within that time; thj( plaintiff will apply to the Court for the rcl lief demanded in tliO; complaint. f Hereof fail nut and of this summon mnkQ due return, ,,...! I )r . .' Given under niy hand and seal of said Court, thia I3t.h day of ilarch, 1870. 'i f. m. nbRAn, . j Clerk Snpr. Court of Rowan Count vi I Me Cubbius, L'.eall & Dean, will .receive pxouiit attention. March 8th, ISTo. 2-;tf IODIDE OF AEVilV!ONlA ! DAVIE COIfXlY- In the Superior (km W. A. Clement Adm'r. of-Fmn- uie Lee. Plaintiff. Inninxt ! Josejth MclUwicJ and wife Eljz ' ahrth, and Alartin CocKran. j UeiiE. at Law. Defendants. f ' STAT E OF NO UT1 1 CA R0LIS1 To the Sheriff of Darie County Grtctitl You arc hereby commanded to summon Vi. lium l-'oater and wife tara j Foster, Joseph I llitjjicl and wrl'e. Elizabeth, aud Martiu Co ran, the Defendants ab ve named, if thc)- ton nd uihin your Count f to . auuear at n Cures Nurali ia. Face Aehe, RljeuiiiHtisin. office of the Cleik of the Superior Court fitftt. Gout. Frosted Feet. C.'lnlhlaiiiP, l&rie 1 lin.at.i Coauty t Davie wit hi u twenty days auer," Erysipelas, Bruises or -Wounds of eTery kind 1 service ifhif sutnTnons on them, exchihiT 1 : ..;....! the dav of such service, aud answer the ct ill man ui aiiiiuni. , . , . iV. ,v ...,i. -x i , V- nr- Pur, a copy oi wnicu will ne cieuo.eaiow Dr. William Osgood 1 age. of No. Jbo ..ow itf tha L.Mfirk- of th Snnori-.r r.iirt ton 4th avenue, Nw "York. KrthVred' for many I'tiuntv wifhin tpn dars fnnn thn date of & ytrars with sliffuess and intense pain iu his snn:uonr and let theui take notice that if tt'J knee, and at tiinea was uuahlirt t walk, eus- fail to answer the said complaiut withhTitH ed ty an injury received op titoe- Hudson ; lime tne 1 'laintiit will uppjjjto too Conn H River Railroad. Tried every remedy that ! ttie rehet demauded m the-complaint. EiUl ..r c..;urr. n..n)A .Lvi. w.thont l.f.r.ofit. ; Jlerem fail not. and of this summons Gile's Liniment Iodide -fir Ammonia gave instant relief and effected a eoniplete cure. Sil.l by, all Drujrgists. Depot No. .451 Sixth Avenue, New York. Ouly 50c and $1 per bottle. March. 9, TIIEO. P. KLUTTZ. Agent. Salisbury, N. C (22:6ms.) SIMONTON Female College. The Spring session will open on "Wednes day, Feb. 2d, lt7G. Circulars with terms, &c., on application to MRS. E. N. (JRANT, Principal, : due returu. Given under my hand ' and t ; se.il of the Court, this 21t lsv of Febnal i (Seal) H. B. HOWARD, Clerk of the SnpcriorC-ourfof Davie CuoCC j Ln this case it appearing tt the tatisfact l ol the Court that Alartiu Ci i hrau, one of t , defeudauts above uaaied. is a rion rcsidi'EtJ this State and that thu f h'n rcsideu' ; unknown: It bordered that service iO i sunnnnns be uiade by pub!ieatiin for i cetisive weeks in the "Carolina Vatebni." ..r.ewspapei" published iu the town of SalUton T .N . C. Fel. 21. 16. . II. B. H0WAKD, C t (2(:6w. pd. 16:.3tn StatesvilJe, N. C' Blactaer aid HeMerson, - i Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. SALISBURY, ir. C January 22 l?74 tt. TO COsi.UPTIt'ES : The adyertiwer, an old physician, retired from active practice, having had placed in Ki haniV by an Ent India Xiiionary the fvimula of s simple yegetable Ileiuedy, Ior the speedy and permanent Cure of Cpnaumptiont UroiuJiitif, Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and Lung Affections ; a 10 a Pouitjve and Radical Cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com plaints, after having thoroughly tested its won derful curative powers in thomjsar.id.s of caen, feels it his duty "to make it known to hw sufier ing fellows. "Actuated by tbis J motive, : and a Consi'ientiouR denire to relieve human suering. he will jnd (free of charge), tn all who desire it, thin rec:pe, with full directiona i lor prepar ing and trtcewfully using. geC4 b return m"U bv addressing i ' 3T DR. W. C. STEVENS, M es roe Block, Svci,cc'sr., N. Y. Nov. 25, 137-V-ly ; ; BUCKEYE BEE-HIH Persons wishing to purcba the right to ue or sell thin most frfi-ct 'Df lion i;i the following Counties, will fall 8U undersigned, to wir;. liowan. Cabarrus, Stanlvr Davie, CatJ Caldwell, Iinrke.-McDowed, Lihcolo,. th," land, Gaston, Davidson. I have reduced .he price on farm right "j $I0to$G. ' j T I ?. .. T 1 T- rVuinif "Township rights at a verv reduced price. tiiJfrrv rnl'RtP- S.IUtrtirV.1! y. ; 1 " CAROLINA Agricultural Works ' SOLE AGESTS, CHARLOTTE, IT. C. Manufacturers of Plows, Corn Shellens Ciitteis; Cidrr Milk, Harrows, Store lj ii,;r iin.ii i!..ii I'. .ii. I :.i wi-in i , I si - - 36t:fll 0 JVajjon and Kugy uiatiriul.