Soiina' Watchman. i U - -' 1 .1 " 11 ' '" 1 I ' il 5H LO C A MARCH 16. 1876. ! n.a is looking up. jelling frost at Memphis tin the 13th fib Frances, Lemons and Cocoanuts, ttt,W.rric's. ' Vrf fire engines, at least sqch as ire have. W0UJ be as efficient in easi of a fire, as a organized Hook and ladder Company Cntoi"'yUI1!? m?n form ia Company ? f j a lloiikiand Lad We are glad to learn that Mr. Watson Kumple. of thia city, now at Davidson fuVee ls l)ea lected th PhUan'hropie society. prst marshal by and will officiate jttHe next commencement , which eonies off jo tbe latter part of June A IIiiL StotM -ir-Iikst Sunday even , struck our town fro tfl Abe West ac opjpanifid witli heavy wind and remark Ule Iiglimnio and thunder. Hail -said Jo b e as large ,ae lieu -eggs Jay on the T0 Q no near ucid muhi uyuu .vu oiuuuur. jl flt Sieved, we mean that , chap that erne dowu town with a ,.pi,p," who said to him : ,re yon. doing up town so ia particular, pa, dese is ' ng and met Ins 'wby.son, what late!" "Nothing, asses I've got iu Vli- tfrtr "Wen, It's tl ine, you were at esing;" That's rhert he kit relieved. Mn C P. Wharton, thtl P.hotographer, of whiiiu we made mention b eforehas been at vrork iu?god fashion for t he past two weeks. dining which time h has thorougly cleaned out. paiiiteJ. papered and hVy Jver the B ok Store, carpeted the gal- and is now doinr good work1: Our citizens will be glad to know that this U a, permkneut thing... He may b failed on. at auy fuJ&d always ready ito do line and will be yiur work; go see- i Girls as a general rule a re,tolerably brave, sometimes daring to do thins.s. that 'bovs Tirtild shrink, from, but th ere is one thlug thfy1 ran not brave through, and that is a itunn with ''aerial fire wdrks." It is when groans f roariug ".winds and rain,' with ..sheetsbf tire and horrid th under comes, with monitoring Wrath, that th ey crawl under a trunJle bed and stay there till silence reigus. We know of Several that luring ihe thunder' storm klid this very thing last Sunday uight. i" w some of our cottntr r ieopIe think bad mUwhen ther come to town and hitch their tem ty a post, leaving th em, with a few bun-1 die of oals for their horse to "feed on while they do thier trading, mid seventeen cow and eleven jrome back to find hogs examining the watlered fragments ofjhe wagon bed and seem- iiigty accii"iiig each other fUhe troublesome incoiiTetieru-e caused tlie icconcerted farmer. 'TU then that he netd.- the tkc meeknesH of Mof to patience o' Job and quell the rampant motioiu tliat (ills liis phrenological bump of cuwatiter.ess. " Wjiite LettJers." Mr. Phler, Book merchant-liere, lids h id on ' - our table a beautiful little book bearing the above title, dwigned to assfst young' persons to acquire a "proper understanding of the art of letter wri ting embracing instructio n aa regard bim ne, Rocinl and all diver k indn of letters. Jt contain many valuable suggestion!'. J AUo, "Literature or the Little Folks," ex qaWtely got up, by $ower, Potts & Co., Phil.i., "sdwigned to initiate tjie yoi ng into the princi ples of Grammar and corrjet language by a nevvandinteresing process I jwtssrs. Aieroney flc ;ifo., are doing up tbitirhall in styled Enlarging the '.stage. puttiug in pri vate 'boxes aud providing cuin- frtLle seats. ; The yoang men will ubw have more than f '"ark to s!uw tliat they occupy "preserved seats." Comforting, ain't if? Mt. Kerner is still at work with the scenery It wilKprobably be a month before he cau "uisu, me w.nole 6ett. but when lue, we eta boast o? as pretty swenery as any Opera jfkne in the State Ijbutatns, and our people 'M attend with genuin untss given iu this ball Reserve thanks for their leasure entertaio- Messrs. Merony liberality in thus Popping a place fyr the cuiertainmeut of ur citizens. - Listen how thev talk. He wonhl smoke nd chew, its effects were plainly depicted n hjS icouutenance. Sh e had used every v.6urm in ner piwer in trymg to prevu , n nitiv ti dicuutiuue th use of the uoxious After a loHcr talk about it one night Sot UiHjB' since, she seethed to elve up in nave doue nil 111 nv Virkti-iir Uiwl aliJl Pull !!" mmm Ma j j - - y - 't iu its use; so I wilUell you what you Sre eoiniug to. My dear, you are destiued soon to wear your immortal wings of infer al glory; for no one can enter 1 auv better thtcs, to pollute it with fumes of that poT onous weexl. It pains ine to talk this way. bnt it'sso. Now won't yiu. dear, stop it for wy iak?" Aud he did4"t stop. - Mr. Rufus-Morgan culled our attention o the fact that the nines around town are Naming with beec gat lering the "honey r,e!r?n which lays iu rieh drops, sparkling iu v snu light, ou all their branches. We not kuow positively Whether it is an ei- flflahou caused Jhy wounds on the tr by iu- ecti or excrement, or a secretion of the Species of pjgnt louse alw'aya accompanying .'V Thif wei do know, tr at when ever it is i foond.fcy Jotikine iminodiately .above -the iflew, you wttl UiiVMr ri I. nj .these, erea uXs. Mr. Morgan's bees are in suleudid are in spieu am S makiag hay tv MUion; aUd seeyi to be wuathe uuahins,y & Tug iast, the frames tny us empted. which isjdoqe without '"7lorwng the Wes in th least, ly means of -A!" Jw cQmbinatioa beehi ve. The debate between Mr. Then. SVKlntti and Mr. A.W. Owen, will be repeated In MeNetdyV Hati; oa Friday night; M r. Pos- ten, of Dayie, and 'pthers -will also.takouart. GAs;-The Scientific American 'nolea tire fact that jjfiirjrL years ago tlftrHllli FebA8?6.tlie 6 rat ?as was YurLfrAhn tliat eUy; an that the N. Y. Q$jttGo.t It ! '" 1 v Hi "i . 1 ' ' - i niimm igiiaiizea ine event by reducing the price of gab from S2.75 to S2.50 per 1 .000 feet. woicu is me lowest price at which eas has ever been eol4 in the Island. Salisbury Gas Co., has celebrated Ihe centennial of 'American independence. twe snnpose.l byia reluct ion! of fronvS1 toS5 per l,0b feet. We hipe thn4 template another reduction, the uext lime from $5:to $i. jr ?Whyi:ot! Let 6ome of the cdmpanyliexjain the reason, and if it m a good one: it vrill ddnbtleus be accerN ed. though it: may not have the effect; of redeeming lost patronage If it is impos sible to produce jU at less than $5 it may ty those still, nsing it to knowthe facU Until .it is explained consumers have a 'right o Innire why so great a difference between New Yoik and Salis ury prices. . ;j, . We notice that S5 is the price at Ral- eigh, and we mention it to the relief of our Company, if jt cari have that8eflect. Nevertheless will some one familiar with the cost of production iaccept the use of our columns to explain to the public the whys and wherefores that the price cannot reach down to S3 per 1,000 feet. There must be reasons for it, and we suppose it would uot be a difficult task to present them. I l l Attention Rowan Hi fie Guards. You are hereby commanded to meet afHead quarters in full dress uuiform, on Friday, 24th inst. at 2 j o'clock, p. m. by order of j'j j WilS BltOWN, Capt. That loeki Lsomethtng like it. We hardly expected such prompt action to be tnUen by thisjeooipany; to our call for a 'show of themselves.": It is gratifying to learn that 60 knauy of our your young men have joined ihera, and we hope that others will follow the good examples set.- Girls keep you eyes open on the 24ih and don't fail to see "him in iuiform, he is hand-, some in brass buttons, but then remem ber he is not marching under colors, for as yet there hasibeen no move on your part to procure a fl-tg.j ; We publish below a! list ofthe officers as they now stand : j Captain, ; 1st Lieut. 'Sod " :l 3rd " I 1st Sarg't.j lld " : 3rd " -L 4th 41 ': i 1st jCorperal, 2nd " i 41 h? " js Ensign,. 3 ylns. Brown, s duo. Dan. 'V'.-L. Arey. Thos. Murphy. '1'hos. E-iruhardt. C. W. Pool, l N. Price. A. H. Pool. Cblnmbus Shepherd. Johu Itoueche. llichard Brown. J. II. Earnhardt. John Deaton. "IN TIME OP PEACE PREPARE FOR WAR." . ! i ! We hear: that a gentleman from the country bought, at one of our prominent dry'goous eloiee, yesterday, all the nec essary trimdingfl, occ. for a confSn ; and upon being questioned about the matter, stated that the teceptacle lie was prepar tnir to adorn i' would be for his own indi, vidual use. 'Upon heSng asked if he ex pected to takej; his departure from this inuudane sphere any j time soon, he re plied that lie had no premonition of the lime when be should; be summoned to "ehufiltf off this iuortalj coil," but he could vety eonvenieuily spare the money to puichase the articles just at this time, whereas he could not foresee what--mipht be the condition of his financesNwhen the dread messenger should come ; heThought it better to "take time by the forelock" iu such an important mailer. Wil. Star. Securing i one's cofiin iu advance of death was less! abhorrent to the public mind some years ago, than -it is now. We remember several cases of old people who aelected the wood and employed workmen to make their coffins, superin tending the work as it progressed.' They did this in a bin siiiess-like ay and be cause they knew death was an inevitahle event for which every provision should be made in advance oif its coining. Pos sibly they had; known of instances in which the charges lor comns had appear ed to ! ihm : exorbitant, and wauted to guard against imposition in their own cases. No matter what the motive, it is not a bad idea, and wc lelieve the world would be better if the practice were more : :' I common. ; ;j j . WiiMhlnatoa Affuir iJmiiiurio of Geo. E. : :l Pendtelov. WAsniSGTOK, i Marcli 14. Geo. E. Pen (ileton waa belbre ihe War Department Inves tigating Committee to-day. He has been presU dent ol the Iventiicky Central railroad since December Sf9. jWlien he took possession he found a large'jclaiin agajnst.the government for transporting jtroops etc. He went to see Gov ernor Stephenson about the claim who told him that it had been hanging on for a long lime and that fifty per tent won id be given to any one who would take it and have it paid. He then went to see others who were interested in it and made an. arrangement by which he . was to receive one; half of all . lie collected. The allowance was for$H3,P00. The claim was reported favorably and passed. The. witnesses received money from Bout well. lie never paid any to Belkap or agreed topay any. Belknap nor any of his family were supplicated in the payment of the claims-which was paid in June 1871 and no compensation was paid any one to getit through. The bill ivrluciiig the! President's aaja.ry to be 25:000 afler tlie 4th if. MarchTiext pasted the Senale.tordayibyy of to 20. . : 0rU frtim New. f lampphire elections thu far sav fco .will be reached 'until midnight. Report from various towns inrti eate KejHi'dican gains in every town Evi dencetof fra ltd on , both kides are a pparent i n (;oiutrd. The Republicans increase pvir lt vpum vote. Both parties sasaoine, r Correspondentlif lbe.WhTg. A RETROSPEC, OF TUB EVENTS - ' f OF;THE;WEEK The Democracy. CJieeredlbu tJiei Prospecl Opening Before them The JPaarty -of Cornqdkn Doomed 'Tlie Newly Arous--ed Zeal $f tat ' Adjninistraiion, , and Its iCauseHHj Wetts-Yirttri Aroused, tand Wherefore ihcScheme h Intimi- jr'ddte Witnesses-The Radicals Hedging 'A'-Desperate '-Attempt-to save tlte " T ' " ' .... . wWAgimrQTOjr, XI arch. 7. The 'week tbat has just passed has-been one of ex citement iu political and social tfircler, the former particularly the Democrats uk tn heart at the prospects now in the near futnre of ! overthrowing the corrant bartv It has been well said by a Iead ing Democrat of the House tha( ihe Belk nap exposure is but the breaking of the crust, and. unless obstacles are thrown in the way to prevent, revelations of a more astouudtug character are yet to ' be made public ' - ' . ., ... " With a vie r to; secure the attendance of witnesses injieveralof the investigatious now1 pending Mr. B(orrlson;, of Illinois, 'on yesterday presented a bill, to exempt from criminal proceedings' witnesses who testi fy before Congress, or befora committees of either House.1 This ' will secure from prosecution many important jwitnessess now known to the several committees having charge of investigations. The flight of Marsh to Canada immediately af ter giving his' evidence in th j Belknap case is used by Republicans in and out of Congress as an argument to show the great danger to be incured in testifying before any of the committees now over hauling the rotten department. Con spiciously active in this work is Henry H. Wells, late of Virginia, but now Dis trict United Stares Attorney. With' in dignant virtue he now proposes, not only to prosecute those, who are guilty of hih crimes and misdemeanors, but equally to punish those who iuform against them. As was anticipated, after the first shock which the Babcock exposure gave to the Republicans, an eff rt is now! made to ward off the force of the blow by the revi val of antecedents in the days' of Wliig gery and Democracy. Grant's organ has been regailing its readers with reminis cences from the days of Jackson, Van Buren, Taylor and Buchanan, with a view to drawing off public attention from th recent exposure made of its pa,rty. 1 he nomination of Richard of Massachusetts, as Minister to England, to succeed Gen. Scheuck, is confirmatory of the impression which has for some time prevailed that the resignation jrf Schentk was actually in the hands of Gratir, but held back by him to afford our envoy an opportunity to escape from! England, where he had become li itde to arrest from his complicity iu the "Emma Mine scan dal." i His departure from England on the 3d of March, pretendedly o i a leave of absence, and the-naming of his succes sor on the 6th by the President d the uuiieu o i a ies are something rotten. IT ! CJ . . . . L. yery suggestive of Grant now appears to be hedging. He has reconsidered his determination to re tain Babcock at the Executive Mansion. The rupidity with which unpleasant events have crowded npon him admonishes him to be more circumspect. To-day we find Gen. B ibcock at ithe. corner of Twenty first street and PcnusylvanU avenue, as commissioner of public ground aud build tngs. Rumor has it to-d-iy that a distinguish - ed Confederate one well known as a guerrilla chieftain in Norhern Virginia during the late war will be narueil for Secretary of War. The gentleman refer ed to is said said to be held iu high es teem by Grant, and that his inclinations lead him in (bat j direction. As I place but little reliance iu the rumoi, I give it to you ior wuai u is worm. i Ralph. The whole south will hear with sin cere regret that Governor Letcher, of Vir ginia, gallant and honest old! John, was stricken with paralysis in Richmond yes tfrday. Had he no other claim upon southern regard, the fact that be commis sioned and first gave to the cause of the land we love, Robt. E. Le,! Stonewall Jackson, Jeb Stuart and Jubal Early, would suffice to give him a lofty niche in the temple of fame and gratitude. Hal. Sentinel. ; CONGRESS, i Washington, March 2 Housc. The Appropriations -Commklee 'agreed to recommend that the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to issuel2 m.lliotis silver and redeem all fractional currency: Be it remembered forever and a day, that the first visit of the innocent Bab cock when, under pressure of the whole United States goverutneut, j he escaped tbe penitentiary, was lo the imprisoned felon, his partner and aud scape-goat, McDonald. Buzzards of a feather. Hal. Sentinel. The DemoMaey has nw the: most power- ! ful motive that ever animated; a party to unite. They most do it. They will be fals to themselves and their couutrf, if they do ut t sink minor j differences on the fiuauc'al question, aud rally to save the country from a party whos infamous raselities. whose gigantic frauds, have mado our nation a dis grace in the eyes of houest tnen.-j Cleareland Plain Dealer Hepatine is unlike any other medicine for the li ver it is cheaper than rills. 22:1 mo. At KLtrrrz's. Hepatine 1 Hepatine I Hepatine! Hepatine for the Lirer, at Klottz's. j 22:1 uio. The Hon. Alexander II. Stephena orders Globe Flower Cou"h Syrup to suRtain his throat and hingH in making his great kins his creat Civil Bights speech. j National Hotel, Watkington, D. C, . ; j December 20, 1873. J . .Dt'. J.S.Pemberio : Dear Sir-r Please 6end me3 bottlwofyour (Jlobe Flower Syrup by Dr. Samuel BarL i ,t Yonrstrnlr. kl&. i?. STEPHENS. - Dr.. &. JPmSertoa : , Dear f5ir4-The Clobe Flower Syrup, duly received. Many thank. It has proved, a most valuable -remeay xo ne. f I ' iour.'iroiy, ALEX. H. STEPHENS. : O.lgbe Flower Cough Syrnp at Zve?rz?s.. 22:1 rno. i i i t MT 4 . V r Lieut, Got. batii. of Mississippi Convicted JiCitsox; Miss'. Marbh1 14: TheSenkte by a vote of 32 tt 4 f und Lieut. Gov. Dayis guilty as chargedo the' articles of impeach ment. One colored and five white republi cans in the affirmative; 4 colored in the neg ative, i irt'f' - t --I-"!." ' ! : " - .j : - .. t t l- i r tQieh the physical energies are? overtasked or flag throBgli.weakii)g or disease, tbey : need prompt: reiufbrcement.' ; Renewed vigor is m9st speedily isopplied throughce jaedipm of 8 totii3stiu)nlant, and among medicinal restmrces.of tftat Mass' .Hostetter's Stomach Bitters assuredly unserve a pre-eminent place. Weakness, whether constitutional or arising from disease dr ovier fatiguC, cannot be better compensated for than by a rosort to this prime strengthening cordial. The.enf3ebled invalid, the eouralesccut, and he age and iufirm, find that it is aa unfailing source- of vigor and com fort. Its combined touic and alterative pro perties also constitute an invaluable remedy for indigest ion, weakneM ot the organs of uri nation, consdpatiou. torpidily of the liver, and many other irrejrularitie and disabilities, and render it an invaluable protection against niv ian&, weii as uisoruersor ioe litomacn; and bowelsi '-' r ' h -;- ' 13 YOUR LIFE WORTH TEN CEKTS ? Sickness prevails everywhere, and everybody complains of some Hiieae durinz their life. When sick, the object is to get. well ; now, to say plainly tbat. no person in this world that is Buffering with DyspemiaJ Liver Complaint and its 'effects, fneh 'as Indigestion, Coativeness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, palpitation of the Heart, Depressed Spirits, Biliousness, &c4 tan take Gueem's Augcst Flowers without getting relief and cure. If you doubt thw, gq to your Druggist Mr. Theo F. Kluttz, and get a S"arnple Bottle for 10 cents and try iti lieular t-ize 75 cent. Two doses will relieve you. i ; i MARRIED In Rowan rouuty on the 14th inst., by the Kev. Mr. B..5J, Mr. 1. T. Cowan t Miss Betty Krone, all opposed to U rant's third term of office. DIED In this county on the 2nd inst., Thomas R. Walton, 67 years of ge. The deceased was a member and a vestry man of St. Andrew's ; Episcopal C.hundi of this country, was a' worthy citizen, and in every respect a useful member of society. In Hickorj', on the 4th inst., of typhoid piieumouia, lira. E. A. Morga i. She was H. Dana.Khe mother of Mr. Kufus Morgan, the pop ular artist. Iter rem tins were taken to Warreuton, N. "C, 'fir interment. The bereaved have our sympathies, and we trust that the children, who are now left without fuller or mother, will find relief by believing in Him who ia a lather to the fatherless. SALISBURY MARKET, Corrected by McCuBnixs, Beai.l &" Deax. 'February 16, 1876. Cotton moderately briks. Middlings, 11 J low do 11 stains 710 Fi.ocRf market stocked best fam. $3.00 super. 2.75 Wheat good demand at 1.001.15 Cons market well Supplied 60.62J Meal moderate demand at 606o Sweet Potatoes readily at 5060 Irish do 50 Oats 4550 Butter 2025 Cihckkxs per dozen $2.002.55 Eggs 10oil2i Oxions no demand 75 Cabbage full market per lb. 2(2 RALEIGH MARKET. W HO LESA LE CAS II PRIG ES. JiAifclGit, March, 14, 1S76. FLOUR. North Carolina $6.50 a $6.75. CORN, 85c. CORN MEAL,-90 a 1.00 t BACON, N. C. hog round, 16. " " hams 20. HIDES, green, 7 a 8. dt.v, 10 a 11 FODDER, baled, new $1.25. HA Y, N. C. baled, good. 1 ,00. TO AMOS HOWES, l v . W. A. COIT, ' ' J Non-residents Take notice that the following snmmnns and warrant of attachment hare been insued against voti. SUPERIOR COURT Rowan County.. John W, Mauney, Plaintiff, AgaiiiM, Amos Howe, and Summons. William A. Coil, Defendants. State of iVorfh Carolina. lo the Sheriff of 'Rohan county Greeting: i 'i '. . - i '' ' ' . You are hereby commanded in (he name of ithe 1 State to summon Amos Howes & V. A. i Cob, Defendants, in the above ac tion, to appear nt the next Term of the Su perior Court bf the (Jounty of Rowan, at tbe Ctunt-Ifoiire :in Salisbury, on the (ith Mon day after the Sd Monday in Man h 1876, then and there to .juiswer the complaint oT John W. Mauney, Plaintiff in this suit. And you are hither commanded to notify the said De fendants thnl.'if-they fail to answer the com plaint, within the time specified by law, the said Plaintiff will take jiigdiuenl against them for the sum of six thousand one hundred and twenty-two dollars with interest on said sum from J une 1st I87f, and for all costs and charges in this suit incurred. , ! Witness, Ji .Mi IfoEAU, Clerk of our Mid Cbarf, at office, in Salisbury, this the 2oth day oj February, A. 1). 187. J. M. HO RAIT, Clerk Superior Conrt of Koran County. (WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT.) ROWAfV COUTY - ; In the Superior Court. ' ' ! i John V. Mauney. ! Plaintiff. I Again! Amos Howes A W. Ai Coif, Defeudgnis. State of North Carolina. ! To the Sheriff of Rowan County Greeting: It appearing by affidavit to the officer grant ing this warrant, the plaintirf is entitled to recover from the defendant the sum of ix thousand one hundred and twenty-two dollar ($G,12i00) and that the above named defcndiuits are non-residents of thisState, lieing repidente of the States of New York and Pennsylvania You are forthwith l-otnmanded to attach and safely ktep all the j property of said Aiaos HowesandW. A- Cott,bi yonr County, or so much thereof as may I be snfScieat to satisfy iid dejnaandwith cisia and expenses, and you will make Une return! thereof to th said Court at tlie terra to be held on the 6th ; M.onday after the 3rd Slondav of March 1876. ' ! W ! -JJ M. HORAH, Clerk, .March 2, 1S7G. ($10.) 2l;6t. Davidson County,'-1 .:" , ; Superior Court.$ Elizabeth Ward, Gray Harris and wue Elizabeth, and others, v t ' -Si . : S. D. Stout. Mathew Stont. and others, defendants. , V 10, S. D. Stont. Mathew Stont. and others 1 JL . whose name are unknown. heirs-t law I of Peter Stout, deceased ; Win T' West, Jemi ma WestrRaclwel West, Sarah West, Samuel I w est, and Win Yarbam , heirs-aMaw of Han nah West, deceased, defendants in this case. X oa will take notice that the plaintiffs in this case will make a motion to confirm the sale of I the lands described in the Petition, before me 1 at my office in the Town of Lexington, on th MLwuny i Mrcu, ioo, waen wuwatrejim i mar ait end and rdow canse. if tnv von have. I Whv xaid sale shall not be confirmed. This 3Ut day of January, 1876. O. P. LOWE, Clerk Superior Court and Probate Judge j Of Davidson County. ; , It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendants in the above entitled action are non-residents of this Statevit h therefore ordered and adjudged by the Court that publi- cation of the ioregoing Kotice, together with this order, be made onoe a weekfor six suoceg- sive weeks ia "The Carolina Watchman,- a a newspaper published in the city of Salisbury, Nortll Carolina. C. P. LOWE.CAC r, 17:Gt:10 mi n n i n i i'n nnninin illD ULU AAl 1lLI ADLti ul SALISBURY Marble Yard. vZ&ain Street, I rFNext door to the COURT-HOUSE r'iHE cheapest and best place in North Car- - JL oliua to bny first class Monuments, Tombs, I Head Stones, io , do. None but the best ma- j terial used, and all work done in tbe best style of the art. A call will satisfy you of tberuth of the above. Orders solicited and promptly filled. ' Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge made. JOHN H. BUlS.Propr. J 7:6ms : MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Of all kinds and prices, Sfiings and Trim Mings for Guitars, Banjoes and Violins can be had at BROWN'S 111;!! II Ml HOLLEMAFS BUILDING, RALEIGH, 11 C. Children's Carriages, Fancy Goods, Tovs, Baskets, Pistols, Bowie and Pocket Knives. Cartridges, Envelopes, Paper, Pic- turd Frames, Playing Cards, Perfume ries. Soaps, Croquet Sets, Bats, t Balis, Swings, Hobby Horses, Wagous, Step Ladders, Brooms, Mats, Blacking Brushes, Pipes, CIGARS & TOBACCO, And many other things too tedious to mention. .o trouble to please at NAT. L. BROWN'S, Ilnlleman Building, Rale:gh Buv an ESTEY ORGAN. Upwards of 55, 000 sold The Estey Organ is the Best for Churches, Schools aud Parlors. The Jbstey Organ leads the World Jihly I (Hid O X h Slick as Grease ! WM. A EAGLE respcctfullv announces his continuance at ids old tand in hU old Hue, on Main street, opposite Ennis' Dine Store. He is always read and anxious to accommodate customers iu tho Bitot and Shoe lminess in the best manner possible Hi' i nrennrpd tn rin first c I. work Jino rftn compete with an northern shop on hand made jobs. His machine, lasts. Ac, are of the latest and best paterns. He keeps ou hand ready made work, and stock equal to any special or- der. Footing Boots iu best style, &7. New Boots, best quality, 11. Kepainog neatly and promuuyooue ac reasonauie .puces. oauao- l-. 1 - 1 1 C . f tion guaranteed or no charge Cah orders by mail promptly filled. WM. A. EAGLE Jan. 20, 1876. 15:6mo LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. I have just completed my l.trge and com modious brick. Livery and Sale Stable, situ ated on the rround of the old Mansion Ho- I tel stable, which property I recently pur chase; and am now prepared to accommo date DROVERS' with' good -sheltered Mots , and feed, for at least 150 head of stock. I shall also have a good WAGON YARD, with house oa it for the use of Wagoners, and wood tor making hres. I shall keep constantly on hand HORSES and MULES TO SELL, and persons wanting to buy stock will find . itto their interest to ' purchase from me, as I will guarantee1 the stock to be as t represent it; otherwise it will he taken back and the nionev refunded. I also keep Harness and Sad dle Horses tor HIRE ; and can send parties tn any point they desire to go. My Buggies, and all other' conveyances and Harness, are entirely new and of the 1est patterns and workmanship.: Persons desiring good Horses and new and comfortable vehicles, will find them at my Stable, and at as reasonable pi ices as at any stable in this,place. HTI am Vo prepared to do any kind of ri . r - J HAULING with two-horse teams. THOS. E. BROWN. Dec. 22, 1873. ll:3mo Pearce Cotton Seed. Thin superior variety of eed ia on aala at the store s of McCubbms Beat I & Dean, and R. J. Hohnea. 20:6: , 4, Mill Stones! - . X. . , . . - , . Of any size desired, cut out of the best Granite in the State, mav be obtained on short notice. Also, window and door sills, Jiaaesiats i for jnonnnicnts, Ac. Address ,E.E, Phillips, Salisbury. XWV WAX m. m. Out fit and terms free. ,. TRUE & CO- Au- ? March 9, 76:l yr. r tft Q0flP'yt4ioineT"Sawples worth 0Hv QuU$l free. Stisox & Co , Portland, ' Y ' March 9. 70: l yr. HOUSE If. Centrally .Situated - - x tlao DE?Ls.lallo Square. npHE HOUSE s In the- centM bf boviness. mnj nearest to the denot. ' -. i '. i: ' ! i i -- i ; I.' i . . - ! Servants attentive and polite. Board per day $1 50 "50 Single ideals. CSn!! Ctr fi.r a InneeV farm. Omnibui to anctfrom all trains. Best Livery btalile near at band. f many. friend wM hare called on him at the UAsaiOK.and aworea them that no aflbrt shall be spared to-make their future visits pleasant, BrThe Traveling Public will alwav find pleasant quarters land refreshing fare. i ' WM. R0WZEE.; Feb. 3, lfl7S..17f -t!'. " i . . ; , f, - NAVASSA GUANO! ''-'-CESbCDCtED. Selling thll year, cash, at $56 25 On time, 1st STov., 62 50 Or, Payable in jcotton, 450 lbs! READ THE t)I.I.OWISO : MR. J. ALLEN DROWN, Agent Njlvxjssa Guako, I .Salisbury, N. C. Dear Sir : I now send you the result of my experiments with) uuanos, this year. I used eight kinds of Guano, selecting land of as nearly uniform soil as possible, side bv siae, puiung w cenia wonn ot eacn Kind to toe row ; and by the side of all thexe Guanos, I put into one row 190 lbs of good stable ma nure, leaving one row without-anything. The rows were 16 rods, (or 100 yards) by measure, and 50 rows to rhe acre, in the midst of a 20 acre field. I strack my rows, sabsoiled each row, putting the Guano in and planting, all on the same day, being the 6th day of Mar. fluw ior me rwuii oi mi picaiug, as given below: . f No. Ib. to How 21 17 4 81 16 22 19f, 'J5 11 Fertilizer. Rotes. 50 iVo. lbs. per acre. lOo 850 200 1075 aa 1125 975 775 550 i Stable Manure, ' British Lion. ; Nothing, Zell's Phosphate Pacific, Sea Fowl, Whann'si Gnanihani, Cat Island, ' NAVASSA, 26 1300 Now, friend Brown, you see the result. The Agents ot tho other Guanos are all my frieuds. 1 1 flon 1 speaK disparagingly of any .f the above Guanos, not at all. The sorriest may pay; but the NAVASSA faost assuredly pay the best of all. Every acre where I used all, I make one bale to the acre weighing from 410 to 456 lbs. Permit me to say, in conclusion, that taking the above as a bisis, LJose 6,650 lbs. seed cot ton by not using all of your most noble and best of all uaanos, the Navaasa. Yours, Ac. E. A. PROPST. LAND AGENCy. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, have this day porcliasing andj selling real estate in the states ot irgima ana rsortii Carolina, and respectfully ask all persons who have Real Estate for sale, including water powers, &c. to place it in our hands. We advertise! generally throughout the North and Northwestern States. ? J. W. McKIXSEY, I D. F. M ELLEN. Bv permission "we respectfully refer to Messrs. W. S. Patton, Sons & Co., Bankers; Maj. W. T. Sutherlin and W. T. Clark & Co., Danville, Va.; Hon. G. C. Cabbell, member I ot Congress, Danville, Va.; I. V . Keen, Salisbury; Sutherlin & Johnson, Charlotte, Dr. John Robeson. Statesville. N. C: and a Dowrlen. Pipsiient 1t Nfttional TtsinkL- I ' anJ Samuel Buck. President Millersburff Bank, MillersbUrg, Pennsylvania Address. Danville, Va.; Chatham, Pittsyl vania county, Va.: or Millereburg, Dauphin county, Penn. Danville; Va.j December 8th, 187-i. 10:3mo:pd KERR ORAIGE, Sttytwr at afar, J. & ff. HORAH, n II JUllUt I I MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, inpHlHlllmiHlMillll'IIMtWllt!H!HHnmgTrWa IIAVE JUST RECEIVED A lm AXO :SPLE.DI1) STOCK OF Most Beautiful Jewelry. We have just received the largest and handsomest stock: of Jewelry ever exhibited rf SjlUbury,i respectfully invite public I InfiTWt 1 fn Jt nnmnricna tlnli .nil Sitror inspection. It comprises, Gold and Silver Watches, of all kSnds; Silver Pitchers, Cups, Castors, Napkin! Rings, Forks, Knives, and Spoons. Tbe fiqest and most beautiful sets; of Jewelry of al kinds, as Ear-drops, Breast Pins, Finder Rings, Bracelets, Seals, .Lockets, 4m o., Ac. Also! a lot of plain SOLID GOLD RINGS. 3 - ." Also, agents for'the celebrated I Schaffhausen Spectacles the finest glasses madcJ Will sell as low as any House in the south. I f 3 cerk asd get tocr WTtO 1 Si) CLOCK CKPAlCnG dons protnptlr aijttsual. All work - warranted IS tncntbs, 1 Dec. 16, 1875. 10:tf ' 01 ft flay at homeT Agents wanted MANSION 40 f ... 25 15;" j M ? ', 120 ! i - 20 TkIVRI.kRS UUII til IIEVADVEBTISEMEIITS. nTTTPUT r We are eivine'SCS Sewioe Ma III T Midlines, HnntingCaae Watches, Velvet h i ; -Vests, and Black Silk Dresses free i't 11 with our Greenback Packages. Send ii r ; TTr i --o ' i-i. Slrret, NeWVirk. SUi. ' ' AO ENT3 WA NTED ! f ed alaawl Diploraaa ATlPictoriaI:.;Bili 1800 lllusi rations. Address for new circulars, A. J. HOLM AN & Co., 930 Arch StreetPhihu ; l,00Q.;ApE3STS, Teaclierf, Students, Men and Xvomtrn," wanted to sell CENTENNIAL' GAZETTEER of the U. S. shows grand results , of 100; Years Progress. A -whole Library. Boston Globe. Not a Luxury, but a necessity. Inter ta. Best selling Book Pub. (ood Psy. . Want (ieri. Agt. in every cityof 10,000. Ad dress, O McCURDY ACQ., Phila Pa. 21:4w rtSTClIOMANCY,OROUL CHARM 1 iNGi How either sexjnay fascinate and gain the love & affection of any person they choose; instantly. This simple, mental acquire nient all can possess, Tree, by mail, . for, 25c, together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreania, Uinta to Ladie, .Wedding N ighl Shirt, &c. A queer book. Addrena T. WILLIAM & Co., Pulw. Phila. . t4w lf ttf ITPn A'gexts for the best sell WftH I kU ing Stationery Packages 'fa the world. It contains 15 sheets paper, lb En velopes, golden Pen, Perp holder Pencil, Patent Vard Measure, and a piece of Jewelry. Sin gle package, with pair of elegant: Geld Stone Sleeve Buttons, prat paid, 25c ts, 5 for $1.00. This package has been examined by the pub lisher of Carolina Watchman and - foand as represented worth the money. Watches given away to all Agents. Circulars free. BRIDE A CO 769 Broadway, N. Y. 17:4w A Farmlof Your Own.- ! ' -IS " "" " The Best Rbeiyftr Harfl Times! FREE HOMESTEADS , j ;. AND THE Best and Cheapest Railroad Land ! Are on the Line of the- UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. NEBRASKA Seciire A Home IVow. Full information sent FREE lo all parts of the Woi Id. Address, O.F.DAVIS, Land Com'r U. P. R. R., Omaha, Nebraska. 2W. . FULLER, WARREN & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF : TOVE H The largest assortment in RANGE AND FURNACE The Market,' . OUR NEW WOOD AND COAL CWKINQ STOVES GOLDEN GROWN. REPORTER PIRIT QF'76. OUTHERN GEH. AND THE FAMOUS TEYART' IMPROVED' MEET THE WANTS of EVERY DEALER Correspondence invited. Prce List and Cot upon application to FULLEB, WARREN & CO., 26 Water Street, New. York. 21:4w. For Coughs, Colds Hoarseness AND ALL THOAT-DISEA8ES, Use WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES A THIRD AND SURE HEMEDY. Sold bv Druggist generallv, and FULLER & FULLKRrChicago, Til. Wla-rc AdvcrUs--!? Contracts can h mod I AtC AND W INTER 1 8 7 5. 75 10 10 25 Bbls. Molasses, tlo New Orleans, do Syrup. Bags Ooflve. Kegs Soda. Boxes Cheese, - ; Adaniautiue Caudles. Soap Cases Oyster Brandy Peachy- 'l Fresh Peaches Pine Applea Gross S nun Coils Cotton and Jute itop Doz. Painted Paifs,. . Gross Flasks . ' j T 2d 2,im lbs. HemlockiLeather 1.500 lbs. Candy 40.000 Cigars 50 Kegs Powdef 5tJ Bags Shox 100 Reams Wrapping Paper 10 Do. Scotch AW . 40 D02. Gitiger Ale - ALSO A full line of V,K,d ami Willow Ware, ItootS, Shoes, Hats, SadJU-s A: liridles. Axes, Guns Pistols. Arc. ie. i Also, a lartr lot of Onned Goods, a choice keit-u ,11 or r reucu uanaies, aalt, IVpier. Spice. Ginger, Royal Bakiug Piw ders. Raisens, Currants, Figs, Citrons, Nuts', Sardiaies, Ccoanuts. PickeU, Sauee. Cat snp. potted Meat. Kerosene. Tanner an Machine Oils. Liquors of all kinds. Homiuy, Grits. New York It Scr., &i. I: Thse aboveStM-k was Itought at the eWw if the seasou at greatly reduced prices, and ia offered at 1 Wholesale & Retail at very shoriurofits. BINGHAM t-CO. Slibury, N. C.-Deer 16. J$75 h Attentilan F ARTVrnTct GRASS SEED. : Jtistreoued a ftekh supply of Chivtyr SL Oixha.r.1 Grass, Blue Grass, Red Top and Timothy, wlchj wjll eB cheap at I L ; - ' ;NNISS. I Clienp Chattel loiigi alnd yarios c Mier blanks tor sle uWs Ceikl2.Wto (j. P. ROWELLOO..MeW f iiflH 3 o(wj , t Jf irk. for Pamphlet of J00 pages. containing - , , THIS PAPER If. OX FH43 WITH stocj ertising. March , 70: 3r -; -,i . -r f

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