n . 1 " ; 4 ,. -. i s. 5 r i i i t : f i ' 1 f -y-i-v. ' - i ,,i,yy ik ... 5 ' .... 1 ' 1 - . ' ,-. 1 --.- , -rf.. a-.-,-. J'r- , I THB JIANDS THAT CAN MAKB MDJUKAjX You may Ulk to me of accomplKhed girts With "hands a white aa the U& V . And otmrttlng blae errand auburn carta, But I tuinit that decidedly silly. ' -, whe any one mentions a lady hands, fhe question pops Into my bead, . otdtUelr oeauty and rolden hands, , , But, O thrp make good bread r r There are hands tHat are sldUnjj with pencil and And fan paint a landscape or face ; ; That can write sweet notes, and color a brush, w 1th the greatest beauty and grace. . ; Pernaps you will call me a jrhittonous Chun, But, for one, 1 prefer (ostead, A matter-of-fact and sensible girt, With hand that can make good bread. ; ; There are hands that can play $e piano wjt4 ease I ranTiwhk and embroQer, and all such a thesa- More worthleta than useful by far. it r These are all very pleasing to ear and to eyp, I But when you conje td be fed, . ! You wtll'nd no hands beneath the gk s. Like tltuee thaf can make good bread, t ; ' i ' - " ' ; ; We roubles enougrn In a world Hire this, But on thing; lessens )t ujucI Brt hoirwhiSd peace and domestic hllsa . i And that is frood dinners and such. , I Itytm U gel tlredof the world" busy sfrtfa, i And take 3 notion to wed, j . I DontfaUforyourBtetogeta wlle, - W. W fW w " yjjf T We are pleased to learn that the Exer other amy in oar omce. : e um wnai ,u i ... , - . i - :n.. . V . . . -. rill hn nf neh a character as to induce a tell, Dim a piece oiour mimi iw vauir.auu i ; , . i tj-ii - p .; i . v L5 I very Jarffo attendHnce, at Obapel liill on we'll tost write to bim. Yon want capi - !rt .Tlli r ta)y: do you I and suppose you. had wh it yon call capital, what would you do wttn it 1 Haven't vou cot hands and feet, add muscle and bone and brains J . Don't W, T. HOKXADAT; : Frorn ijie Summit Courier. AN OLP MA5f3 MAXJMS, i j .. . . -: . - i : wish ! had capital.'-';. So we heart V j l ;U'tYEKSITM-. you call them capital I What more did the first Thursday in June. During the week it is expected that ; a sermon will be delivered by the UerDr. Pritchard ot llakigh. That an address will be delivered by the Hon. Alfred Waddell the member ! of - tmm coLumi. u, .x.c, j-, , r . .-"-j- before i thetwo, Societies, ul the Uni- , .. . l J versity. from you. uuu i you wmw uuv tu uoci ,7 , ' t Tjt-. r' T.- them ? If you don't it is high lime yort Vr VT j t .Z i n ; II 1 1 II . f .l AZ -m.m I UU LIIC IIIC CI1IU Oil IV. 0 V H'V , V were learning, taae noia oi lue.uroii . , T a - . tl. - :.. .: , . i t i prnor uaTia u. oira u av iue rruucok ui plow or lioe or jacK-piane or oroaa x . , t ., 1T. .1.1. I V nttf WW. . - lUafc yuu can uuu, auu fe " ..!;. f. - ii. ft.J. i mi 11 i i u iiicriiY ,w in minion im e iuubkv - oanital will annn vipiil vou a larT'e inter- , u , . . . . . f .i. t .i . v v. jf.! this Uommenccmf nt the Societies and the eeu iiy. tucrn is iud iuu. auu h VJTennJOnr rctslo jourfriend, lor fear yonr fnenda uepome your ioea, ana eworld ypuf secret Knows. g. Del with emy man a sn honest roan, ant every man aa a rogue; the honest man don't eare hot tichtly or closejr you iratch him ; the rogue needs a)l you can give him. 3., Early to bed and early to rie makes man healthy, wealth and wjoe. 4 ' TelI tha' truth on all occasions, for once you become a known liar, when you tell th jruih you are not believed, "5. Mind vour own business anil let other people's alone: if you Can say nothing good of your iiegiiMun', uuiiumj ' : " . 1 I ! yoyNa men. 6. KefCr lfep company with a irl in pri rate, that you wouia De asnameu oi m puuii 7. Xever promise a girl what you do not in tend to perform. ? ' ,8 Jfever marry bHt fori love, bnt be -sure you? love that that is lovely, (worth loving.X Love covers a multitude of faults. 10. Pretty h, as pretty doesr for beauty u ' but kin deep.;' rl -': , U. All ladies are entitletl to a decent re spect from all welt bred gentlemen. , -:.t' yoUNG IJADIES. j - 12- 'When yon intend? to choose your hus bands, beware of four men ; first, the t fool, for he will be jeajous second the coward, lor he will be cruel ; third, the gambler, for he may be rich to-day and poor to-morrow; fourth, the poor drunkard, but if you marry a brave drunkard and let him alone while be is intoxicated, he I will never lay his hands on you in anger. ' J3, f The first night after yon are married, : vou most make two bargains with your band (and stick to them too) : when he gets in I. anHll humor, yori must be in a good one, and when you get in an ill humor he must be in a good one: secon, each one mind their own ! business and let the other s alone. 14. Tb great and grand cause of any diffi CultyMitwfeen man and wifels for the want of each one knowing, and then keeping their proper places. - ;15. Never pretend to be any more than what you are. 16. If you wish to keepyour credit up pay your money down. 'J 17- Honor and honesty are the best of poli- 1115 WON HIS cask. want to work: von want money or credit that you may play gentleman and specu late, and end by playing the vagaoona Or you want to marry some rich gul who may be foolish enough to marry yon for your good looks, that, she may sup port von. 3 bhame upon yon, young man ! tro to work with the capital you have, and you will anon have interest enousb nDon.lt and with it to give you as much money as you want and make you, fed' like ya n If wnit Ann'f in h It aa mnnoC tl nmi what capital you have, you couldn't make mY. alle,,.a Faculty will select from the students com peti:ors and declairoers for the evenings eutertaiiimetits. A good band, of music will be in attendance for the exercises 111 the College Chapel and again we may expect to see the fine ilall of the College Library filled with ibe youth and beanty of the State, moviug to the strains of joy. ous music in the) graceful Cotillion and Waltz. The Hotel is in the hands of those who know how to make the visitors comfortable- and ample' accommodations '1 .- r 1 ' . '.. .mi .. ' .'. L win De jurnwnen m me viuage 10 an wu We know that the public cherished ... 1 j mi;. j-ii .. 1 it 1 c 1 UJ Ueli ivii ! 1 it tco una iuiis It 11 you nau a million uouars m .uiuuty , . . . 1 wr. 1 . 1 1. .. . - 1 - - - ir you uon i Know ihiw iu ubu uwue auw . . e .1 o. L mn .n W ni.v.mwnnM not know ""V v . . r : . . ij . !! i, ,u ..niiai we are sure mat tunse wu huts iv how to ue gold. Jt you let the capital . , TJ ... i . i:r:Ji j .i ..... ..... in charge will fail no duty. Public n you nave nu iu:e biiu wnovc auu luet , . . , , . . , JT ... . . . . . . .. I taroal u rluot.lli crill 111 ltd lipllAlt Ann it would be the same thing with you it -t- A.rJ , .. t u i . t i,. i ne repiuauo'i oi iuu uiawueuisucu Fa piuation oi luc aisunguisoea sp ers will without doubt invite a very large attendance and alt will be pleased to eee how far the citizens of the village have enccepdedin "setting things m order. Hillsboro Recorder. FACTS ! FACTS ! ! FACTS!!'. i NEW ADVEETISEUKNT. tip- ; - .i ''. i: ' : ' . I - ' - - KLUTTZ S DRUp STORE, is the larceft, and oldest established in Salisbury. i Kl.UlTZ'S DUUli oTUUru, is pre- mired; to doDlicate anr Merchants or Physlcian, Bill, bought anywhtro in si . - Christendom. KLUTTZ'S DRUG STOKE, has - i and intends to do. the -- , : largest Drug trade in this section of tho State.; , KLUTTZ'S DRUG STORE is tbVplate to buy anything that yon want from a Corn plaster, to a $7 box of perfumery. From a paper of Lampblack 10 a thousand pounds of White Lead. From a dose of Castor Oil to a hundred ouncfS'of Quinine. From a tooth-pick to a Pocket Book. No bragging either, but solid facto. To prove it. call on, or write ito TUKO. F. KLUT'I Z Wholesale & Retail Druggist, Salisbury, N. C. you had gold; yon would only know how to waste it. Then, oonH stand abont like a great helpless child, waiting for some one to come in and feed you, but go to work. Take the first work you can find, no mat ter what it is. so that yoitmay be sure to do it well. Yee. whatever vou undertake, Jc&Vr,His Luck. Yon see." sa'd the do it well: always do your best. If yon despondent man on tha pickle barrel, ad manase the capital you already have, you Idressins the Krocer, who was spearing the will soon have plenty more to manage; top ot a cracker-box with a cheese; kniio, but if you can't or won't manage the I My bu see somo people has good luck, and capital Uod has given you, you will nev- some people hnaj bad luek. JNow 1 re- er have any more to manage. ruga member once 1 was walking along tne Sound Express. -J 'street witifToni! Jel!ick,;.fiu4 -he went down one side "of it and I went down on . . m a Ja: m - 1 4 tup. trttp fitvnwRFi.T.i the other. We liadn t eot more n bait 1 3 - I . I. C I l, ... tr .1 i . . ' . war uowif wucu tic iuuiiu a impact uwmiv IVtnnv nf heat atnrioa in ntxr tinrrr. I J " . t . I . u. .i . j I Willi U I III II. auu & Ftruucu mi u- dooks are me reproaucuon oi some rery I , , . . j -.i J Ui-:i uu i.L... - . ...,1 man s dress aud got acquainted with my sucicut ui b ui uicn'i t ui in Tin , nuu iiic I f finest of all English nursery tales, "Cin- "r r'u:r jJL 17 JZ . 7' . 1. j 1 " 1. . r .1 I nun Difiliia i lira a. vua vvasivao who UCIlII. Ul LUv . . . ' 1 i ij 1 lUCiVire IUUII III tun nunu, fiitv SHELL GOOD. IT'S JUST AS EASY. DKEXEL'S. HOYTS, and Hunockian Colognes. WRIGHT'S, LUI3IN3, and all other Handkerchief Extracts. 'f At KLUTTZ'S Drag Store. ? C 1.1. V V. 1, 1- U i, b or- o5 2.. ts9iI55StMo w , PP.-. " - w - o. cu -i--55 9 g w:. 5 3 :' w fc 6 ; '.f ; 9 00900 !.- 5 r s : sK v w ZZ fs 5" : CP r m IT , l ! ' '"f' I -.llll I r?2.. nees-i6Mi9ci It. 2 00 U - U O " o 0 e r r, -'!'.' : J s ' : - ,if r k i 2.C 4 3 V"'T- T; i IMPROVED 3 -4 CP n C3 ; f i sea 09 Piedmont Air Line Bailway D!fhmAM Danvile. Hichmond & Danville E. W.. N.: C. Diyison, and Northwestern H. C, a. W. CONDENSED Tf.lE-TABLEN In Effect on and after Monday, March 13th, ! 1876.1 GOING NORTIJ. and lie Clean! Cashmere Soqnet, Brown TOTind- SOr, STERLrJJO, rOXCINE, UARBOLIO, ami fiftvther kinds of Tilt Soaps, nt from 5 to 75 cents a cake. At KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. of Alexander Sfephenst of Georgia, tells this stDry iA Dr. Royston doubtless a most excellent man, had sued Peter Ben net, a farmer for his bill. "Little Aleck," aa Alexander is magnified by bis friends, to)4 lils pjient, Jeter that the case of service and its value, were proved against him iti legal form, and that there was no real defense- But the eld farmer insisted that bis lawyer should ''speak to . the pase,?'M -Mr. Stephens told him that he opgbt to speak himself if,,he thought a speech could be made, and was enrprised jbythe retort . "I will, if Bobby Toombs wogb3joo baid on dip," ijr, Toombs promised, and Peter B.ennet begauj "Gentlemen of the jury,1 J ain't no law yer and.no doctor, and you ainft nniher. And if we farmers don't stick together, ihese here lawyers and doctors will get the advantage of us. I ain't no objec tions to lawyers and doctors in their place and some U clever men, but they aU't farmers, gentlenjea of the jury. Now ibis Pr. Royston was a new doctor, and I sent for him to come to doctor my wife's sore leg. Aiid he did, and put so?oe salve truck on Jt and rags! bat never done I it a bit of good, gentlemen o the jury. X don't believe he's no doctor, no way. 'I here's doctors 43 I know is doctors, sure enmTghlftt this ain't no doctor at all.f This was evidently telling, and Dr. JJoytton put in with, "Look at my diplo ma, ancLaeaif I am not a doctor." hi diploma I " said the new-fledged oratorfyitti great contempt. That am't nothing for no piece of paper ever made a doctor yet." K , ; j Ask ray patients," jhouted the now; furious physician. This was the conventional straw that seemed to break the back of the orators patience. "Ask pour patients !" he said in slow and mournful deliberation. "Ask yonr patient ! Why, they're all dead 1" Then, in rapid declamation, he named case after cae, well known, bnt mostly among the negro servants of his neigh bors, where his opponent had treated them and their owners buried them. ai.d fohtinned: "Ask your patients t Whj 4. womq nave to seek; mem m the lone pome churebyard, and rap on the sitent lomb to get anawersfrom the dead. iTou f now 1 hey can't say nothm' to this ease lor you've killed them all!" The applause :iosea tne speecn, and the detendaut' had fiis case. Sel. derella," was once children of Lgypt in the palmy days the Pharaohs. j Ve will tell you how it happened ; and we think that you will say that the old story is quite as clever as the new, and much more probable ; fur in the true Cinderella history there are no fairy, god mother, no mice aiid no pumpkins. A wise old eagle takes all the management of the slipper, aud we can, in fancy, see mm carrying it over tne silver eanas ana dark pyramids of Egypt, without greatly taxing our belief. ' , Rodolphe a pretty name, to begin with was the fairest lady in all Egypt. She had a dainty foot, and wore jewelled slippers ; and all the people gazed upon ber with delight ' when she walked, as though she were a goddess or a fairy. She went out to bath one da v among the white lilies of the Nile. While she and her maids were sporting in the water, a great shadowpassed over them, and they saw an eagle alight on the bank .where their clothes had been left. Pres ently it arose with something in its talons and wheeling through the golden hazes, beame a speck in the clear sky. When llodolphe came up the bank, she found that one of her jewelled .slippers had been carried away, and sbe said to her maids, "The eagle has taken it.' And the maids said, "Then it will bring you , good luck. Tho eagle is a bird of good omen." So Rodolphe hob bled bomejw-ith a light heart, one of her slipperless feet crushing the lotus blos soms, Jier maids laughed at her, but she said, "It is good luck, for an eagle has taken it." Par away, up the Nile, Jay Memphis, with her brjgbwwinged temples aud pal aces; a city seventeen miles in circuit, the seat of the Pharaohs for nearly, a thou-; sand years, at this time the capital of Egypt. Here were the splendid teiypjes of Isis, Seraphis, and of the Sun j and the throne was now filled with a Pharaoh who had overthrown eleven other Egyp lian kings. i j' His name was Psammeticas. II is son, the Pharaoh Necho, slew Josiah, Kinsr of I Judah, b. C. 610. (See 1 Kings xxiii.) ! He was eitting in a cool portico of his palace toward evening. The ciimson sun-was blazing low on the hot sands of the desert, but cuol winds tripped witli ugiu iees aioug tue aimpiea waves ot the Nile, and fanned the king as they paed. never had uo luck."- publican. Netc that 1 Orleans He- The Shah of Persia has in his place terrestrial globe ?id to be of solid gold. It is surrounded by cirde of the same metal aud adorned wilh ull sorts of gems AH the countries are indicated by in '- t 4 crustations ot : diamonds and precious stones of various colors. A ROYAL SMOKE. Salisbury Favorite Cigar, Only 5 Cents. IT DRIVES AWAY CARE. AND PUTS You in a Good Humor. Ali-o. All popular brands at from 2 to 25 cents. At KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. STATIONS. Wail. Leave Charlotte .... 6.45 a ' " Air-Line J'hct'n 6.2$ "Salisbury 8 20 " " Greensboro 10.68 " Danville 1 34 r m " Dundee 1.49 " liurkeville 6.6i: " . Arrive at Richmond- 9.35 r x GOING SOUTH, f STATIONS. Mail. Leave Richmnd...... " Burkevi 1 Dundee......... ,l Danville " (.Jieenloro. Salisbury.- .... Air-Line J'nct'n Arrive t Charlotte... 6.50 a X 9.00 " 1.39 r M 1.43 " 4.28 " 6.64 " 8.62 " 9.16 " a 'tn,: ...i- I- '':-'t J .--'5" - sWa V l ! . -j CO - t i ; ; fef- q 1 j ' m (it mm; EAST. OUlNG WEST. STATIONS. Leave Giensboro. " Co SKopn Arr. Raleigh . ... Arr. at Cold.sboroV MAIL. MAIL. 3 1 10 55 a M 12.14 r K o 3,22 r m 5 6.U0 r m Arr 4.20 pm. cLv. 2.54 Air.tt.43." ff L'v915am. SATIONs. Leave tiittnsboro. . " Co. Shops Arr"ve at Raleigh. . . Arrive at Goldhboro S3AccoiiimdntinuTrBin. 10.30 6.07 10.65 AM Air. 4-2(1 a a Lv. 2 51 " Arr. 1143" L've 9.15 am NORTH WESTER1V W. C. B.. H ( Salem Branch. ) 1 GRAND COMBINATION ORGANS; l FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED I SCRIBITIIXIS PAMnT QUZLliinrirJG TUBES, I ;; . ;j j ; . kn inverftion having a moat important bearing on the future of Reed InKlrument., by meani if i which the quantitv i,r volume of tonejR very largely increased, K ! i and the quality of tone rendered , . t .!,.(. - .Equal to that of the Best Pipe Orps of the Same Capacity. Our celebrated "Vox Celerte.' "Vosi Uarnana.' " ilcox Fatent Uctave Lonpler," the rhm. Jng "Cello" or "Clarionet" Stop,-"Mema norn, v.rejnuna, n.i&s, ioia r.urif f ALL THE LATEST IMPKOVliEINTS ; j 'Can beiobtained only in these Organs. : ! AAby "-Jeprlor ftnd the Cliurcli I"or tne f IMMATERIAL AND WORKIVIANSH 1 Quality aid Volume ot Tone u nequal led. PBICES, 850 TO $500. I FACTORY AND WAEEROOMS, C0RXEH 6lh AND CONfjnfes Ss, r (ESTADUCSHIID I'si'lSOO.) AOJBWTS Wanted in Every CctEty Address GLOUGH & WARREN ORGAN CO., DETROIT, MICH. ii iitii For Yonr Sweettear t. -:o:- OSTBB 5 PROGRAMMES, AN ELEGANT LINE OF MAGNIFICENT TOILET SETTS, SUELL TOILET BOXES, POW DER and PUFF BOXES, FANCY BOTTLES, VIXIAGARETTES, P0L'KET-B00KS,MIRR0RS, &c. &c, ; I- Cheap at KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. Leave Greensboro .4.. Arrive at -a!em...... . Leave Salem Arrive at Greensboro. r m 4.45 6 45 " 8.15 am 10.33 !" 1'iasenger traits leaving JIaleigli at 1?.43am connects at ireer.sljoro' witlitlie Southern bound train; making the quickest time tu all Pontliern cities. Accomodation Train leaving Raleigh at 8.00 r. m. connects witb Northern bound Train at ire-nsboro for Richmond and all pointtt Kast. Price ot Ticket same as via other routes Accommodation Train leaving Greennboro at 6.03 a. x . connects at (JoldKbore with Northern and Southern bound Trains on the Wilmington and W'eldon Railroad. . I Lynchburg Accommodation leave Richmond daily at 9 00 A m . arrives at Dmkevi.lle 12. 06 p M, leave Buikeville 120fji, arrive it Rich inond 4 34 rx No Change of Cars Between Charlotte ana i&icnmona, zoz mixes. ; I'aoers t'i it Ii ive arrangeuienU to advertise the schedule of this company will please jrint as above anu :orwata copies to .en 1. I'ansenger Agent. i for furthei information address JOHN li. MACMURIlp, (len'l Passenger Agent. Hichmoud, Va Dec. 10. 'To. J K: tf. p A kVentilating foke.Thty Lave good Joke on a "professor of ventilation down East, who being pat into a rootn at a hotel ' with auotLer gueet, askefl ' the Jatter to raise a window at nibt, aa tha iIr waa so cloee. "I can't raise it," I iaid the guest, after working at the window a vrlnle .-''Then knock a pane of gias 'Vai4 the professor, which wag done.' After a vhj'le the profesor got op aud jknockt-d out another. pane,, then he ' was able to f hrep; but iii fhe iqoniing h: 4ia covered that Le had only hrpken into a nooic-casei ma ' no arose, waiicea luio an open court, when a great ahadow passed above him. lie looked up. and beheld with deliirht and awe an eagle descending, and wheet- i ii 1 1 .. .. in- aoove nia neaa, witu sometbing sparkling in bis talons. He looked upon the bird as a messenerer from the sun.. He lifted his arms for joy. Just then the ! eagle begau to asceud. dropnin&r the glittering treasure from his talons into bis bosom. . i It was KodolplieV jewell4 slipper. The next day, Ps.irumeticua issued a prpflamation Inch caused all Memphis to Vpfider-; Whoever would find the mate q tjm' jewelled slipper, which the eagle had brought to the palace, should be loaded with riphes, and taken into the service of the king. iiodolpbe heard the great news, he believed that the eagle was indeed a mes senger of the gods to point pot to her destiny. So she came to the mafmifirent Memphis to answer the proclanjaijoa of iue; King, Witli oue slipperless foot she ascended the; grand porticos of the Pharoah'd, and Btot,d before tbe king with' downcast eyes, lifting .her dress just above her dainty leet a perfect vision of i beauty. Of coarse Psammeiicns fell in love with her and married her, and mads her Queen over all Egypt. There was great ioy in all the dazzling teropies or Aiempnis when the marriage was consummatedr-there. were daucin,' anq music; and strewing of flowers: i All lgypt. was happy. HczcKiaJe Butter irorth, m Wide A wale. i PAMPHLET SJ, CARDS, B L A N K S, DIOKLLSS.n' BLJUIHO, i'DEEDS, (Fee Simple, ShepifFs ar)4 Comtuis- sioner's), CONTRACTS, mW, 1 MORTGAGES, Land and Oiattle), i ,, ii,-.. -; - L. I Manufactured by. DILL H11AU5, SW"W "losii" . j MBold only at KLUTTZ'S Drng Store. ' 'IS- 1 JVcLtL aU tteltt JfUcuU, I , . - ; II 1 ! i . Labels, Cautions, Ii " : : i all done on short notice and at TfeBY LOW BATES. ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT? HONEY, TIME, LABOR, i Chemical Paints, so called, have proven failures : simply because the chemistry of their manufacture seems to consist in the quantity of water that is combined with the paint, by the addition of an siwau, ciiner roiasn, inline or ooaa. ccc. Chemical Paints containing water peel from the wood, and are not Economical, because they will not cover as much sur face as Pure Paints. We offer our Pkepared Paint with the guarantee that it is not a Chemical Paint; contains no Water, no Alkali, no adulteration, and is made of only such material as are used by the oldest paint- ers. Lfur rami win cover more surface than any Chemical Paint in the world. We authorise their sale, subject to the satisfaction of all buyers. We agreo to re-paint any house with English BB White Lead, qr any other While Lead, if our Paints do not provp perfectly satisfac Chills Cured for 25 Cents, TAKE IUffl'S PIE miii L S; Warranted or money Refunded, at KLUTTZ'S DRUG. STORE. ECofjrt Blanks, Deeds and Mort- gageg, rejyjy printed and for sale at LAMPS from 25 ets., to $5.00. an times. r to order. I i , i . j ,i ; ; - ..: i . . li s i 1 " ;' . A ddress, ...... J. X BB UfiEB, SALISBURY, N. C. PPRE GRAPE WIXE, for Churches 60 ets. per quart. WHITE LEAD, Warranted equal to any in the world, 11 cents per pound. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO PHYSI CIANS AMD MERCHANTS At THEO. F. KLUTTZ'S, DbugStoee. ! I SALisumy, K. C. May 20 1875. ly. RAVHBOIHK'S w-y . H M III raw" 3 f i:f . o OMNIBUS & BAGGAGE WAGOF ACCOfflMODATIOI; I Carolina Central Railway Co. OFFTCK GfiNKRAL SCPKRIXTF.KlENf. ) Wilmington. N. 0. April 14, 1$75. S Change of Schedule On and after Friday. A pril IGth, 175, tbe trains -will run over this Railway as follows . PASSENGER TRAINS.! Leave Wilmington at. . . . Arrive at Charlotte at Leave Charlotte at i Arrive in Wilmington at ..715 A M. ...7.45 P. M. . ..7j00 A. M ...7:00P.M FREIGHT TEA IK $ Leave Wilmington at.... fj.00 P M Arrive at Charlotte at.... 0.00 P M Leave Charlotte at t! 0' A M Arrivein Wilmington at.i .IJ.00 A M MIXED TRAINS- j Leave Charlotte at ; ; 00 A M Arrive at BnnaWat...... 112 M Leave Baffalo at. 4 1.30 P M Arrive in Charlotte at. . . j .4.30 P M No Trains on Sunday eccept one freight, train that leaves Wilmington at 6 p. m instead of on Saturday night. ! . Connections. ; Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington fc Weldon, and Wilmington,Columbiat Augusta Railroads, Semi-weekly 2few York aud Tri weekly Baltimore and weekly Philadelphia Steamers, and the Hirer lloats to Fayetterille. 4 Connect at Charlotte with its' Wettbrn Di vision, North Carolina Railroad, Cbarlotte & Statesvile Railroad, Charlotte & Atlanta Air Line, and Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Rail, road, ' Thus supplying the whole West, Nrtbwe t aqd South vet with a short and cheap j line to tiie Seaboard and Europe. S. L. FREMONT. Chief Engineer and Superintendent. MsyG.I875.-tf, j COME AI . Buggies for sale, xsAi grades a cxapses. nave, on hand, Buggies which I will sell at the lowest cash prices, and ss low, or lower than any other establish men t in North Caro lina, according to grade. All kindsof repairing done, at short notice. l' . - Those wishing any thing in my line, wonld do well to call and see tne, before purchaMtig elsewhere as I am determined not to be outdone either in prices or qnalityjof work in Ur State. tr , I?.',1 Academy, 4 miles JJ. v. oioausiHirr, i. t;. j C.I REEVES.. 12 : C mo. AC0RWC00K. ; With or without Portable Hot Water Reservoir anij Close?. In'i b7 eld-fashlaael Store, jbat'sst e With all latest improTemnts. I Largst Oven and Flues. Longest Fire Box for long wood. Ventilated Oven, Fire Back and Fire Box Bottom In ; cures a Quick, Sweet and Even Bake and Roast, i Swing Hear h and Ash Catch. Won't scB flair or carpet. f Durable Double and Brace J Centers and Ring Covers. ! Burns butjittle woed. Ha; Uici cr Solid Iron Front. Carefully Fitted Smooth Castings. NojOld i Scfpp Iron- Nickel Plated Trimmings. 1 Tin lined! Oven poors, I Ground and Silver-like Polished Ed es and Mouldings. Heavy. Best New lra$. Won't crack. f WAaSAlTTSfl SAKSTa5:C27. j Mann fact n red by : j 1 RATHBONE, SARD &. CO., Albany, N. Y. Sold by an Enterprising Dealer in ert' Tote 1 L. V. BROWN, Salisbury. X. C. Nov. 11. 1875. Gnios. j : ' 1 : )!, i 1 1 E. II. IT1AR8H'S AC UN E WO il ECS Corner of Fultos & Council, jstreets, X Salisbury., X. C. Having all my new Machinery; in opera atioc, I am now prepared im connection with the Iron 6c Brats works to d all kinds of wood . work, such as Lumber Dressing, Tongue & Groving. making Sash; Blinds & -Doors, making moulding from iuch to f inches wide, also Turning &; Partem niak ibg, Sawing Bracketts, &c. Having the best Machinery aud first class workmen, satisfaction is-guaranteed.' , July 29, 1875. ly. i '! ! -i - I have filled npflii -Omnilms and rkippift Wagon whifh are always rrnuy t rouyev' xi: pons Ift or fnm ftre dfjxl, to smd from mrtifff wedding!". Leave ordersal Mansion lloiw or at my Livery A Jvile Stable, Fisher rtrwl near Kailru.ul bridge. m. a. nnixtiLE- Aug. 19 if. 4 ! ' Chesapeake and Ohio RE THE GREAT CENTRAL ROI'TE BE TVTEEN NOliTH CAUOL1NA AND THE WEST. v PASSENGER T-. TRAINS RUN AS FOLLOWS. - EXPRESS. 9 am 10 g MAIL Leave Richmond Charlottesville, .10 p ui 2.1am -White Sulpber, . 10.20 " H.42 " lliintinirton. 0.4(a ni 4.ao T n ArriveXJiucinuatti, . - COO fonnectinji closeljT with all of the Grd Trunk Lines for the West, A'orA-1IV r.4 SoutU-W-ext. This is the shortest, jquickatixd eheuped Route, withies changes of cars tit I any other, and passes through the finrsls itnfl in the world. Passengers taking the Express tiain on'thi N.C R. R. have no delay, but connect cloieljl to any point m the eft. First class and .Emmigrant Tickets itM IvOWkstatfs and Baggage checked. grdnt yo on Ezpraa Trains. Tim:, DisTXjct, snd Money saved by taking the Ulteiogetu and Uhfo Jlovle. Freight Rates 10 and from the West, alwt low ps the lowest. , Merchants and others will find it to them terest to get our Rates before shipping during. ' . ' ; lor Information and Rates apply ' J. C. DA M E, So. Agent, or O. M.'McKENNIE, Ticket Agent , . GreensboroN. C , C. R. HOWARD, General TicketrAgvnt. ' ' W. M.S. DUNN, Sujerintendent. Richmond Vs.! Sale I Manioofl : How Lost How Restore! Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culver well's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medi cine) of Spermatorbhcea or Seminal Weak ness. Involuntary Seminal Lrtiwesj Imtfvpv Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedimental Houston, the said tracts briefly desert fo carriage, etc.; aiso, cok sumption, EPILEP SY and Fits, induced by ; self-indulgence or Sexual extravagance, &c. i ; I fiSS Pince, in a sealed envelope, only six fents. , I1' I The celebrated author, in j thisadmirsble Essay, clesrly demonstrates, frbin a thirty fears' successful practice, that the! alarming Consequence of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerons ,usa . of internal fnedicine or the application of the! knife; ioin ing ont a mode of enre at once simple, certain fend effectuahby means of which every - suffer er, no matter what las condition may be, may jpure himself cheaply, privately, and"! radically I This Lecture should be In i f he hands of Ssvery youth and every man! in ithe land. J Sent und?r seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, po-pitW, on receipt j of six cents or two post stamps. I , i i ' Address the Publishers, f " f i 5 F. BRUGMAX A; SON1, ' 41 Aan St., New York; Vont Office Box, 4580. j an. s. dmoii. VALUABLE Land for The undersigned is authorized to sell vately, three valuable tracts of Land, situ ted in Mt. TJlla Township, Rowan colj onfnnrr tn the estate of the late iff. v. bc4 9 frtllrtn-a 1. One tract of 200 acres, more or lj adjoining the lands of W. A--PostoB.-Alexander, and others, on which tlifre ' i ,i n: l t i thi! W 2 Another traet nf 'tfiS acres. iuore,K. Jess, adjoining the lands-iof M. V.GoodJ- josepn Drown anu oiners. i m y. A very heavily iimljered. I" . j 3 AnrkthfP tra't tf inf srr'acre,a' joining the lands of J. LLi Freeze aiid dtnpj rnnaieta olmncf tnt irtA v i rvf woodland meadow-. . , ' j j Terms of sale rcasonaWe. ; p Apply to the undersigned at Mt. UJ O., Rowan co., . C. ! fK'C. RA'M' Jan. 10, 187U. ; ' 14:3m Cheap Cmttci jMortgngc? and varios ether blanks lor sale K

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