i - a ....... 1 -.,- i !. . , i - . , ! i : S; . , f.t . ; . - : , .a Watchman. ofui.-We call fecial iwUcp I . ' ' ' r- . - . I r M MtrM Wirt mim M a - '. I m i .. . . . I . - - r.?i atr. a!e vs ; 5 - -; i ' sv; , o - . -,-.-vr iune casi m ceaurort, a Uwe vj ,, r",cu w" Jiea over two Uon of thousand gallons of oil.- This rmnn.tun- t n n a t. MAV 4, 1S76. 6a!isbury Debating Club will have ill trance we charged, i 1 ; . - , JJASJJ JJALL MATCII - . To victors in tft grand u)atch game. '-An elpcrnnt Kileo- Pill Jj Tilf - v,tuu8 io coiqpete. : s j i i i ; FIRE COMPANIES. To bet dFiUed and most efficient PfrftTvm. panj (trial to come offtm the! groanda the 3rd IP I i I I dav) an' c?tl:. ! Honor, Jdw Ckud pi Z "5r.-Pl. Tiro i . .. , " . i . .-vuiHnie to compete no man anything W.ia tlio Inilnn-- tlie Apiatle. Owe no man any Heef in ten feet wWr .T 1- - PaT ott joar debts." ; . " , "fl .walr J he bone is seven 'Oerinl- BB.1w -t . leet o, and the entire . length rif t!, t!,r!fr .V .V.,1"! a 8Pe"a n ; ; V uu., mmisu me the or rith standing coIIarr I ! foanJ-George Dyis spflcklcd pqfp pisk, in the b;,lfry of Ine Court house, j II. 'MILITARY COMPANIES. To bert drilled MiliUrj Company (trial came off on the groundi, 3rd day) an elrgant tand of color-. Two or ' more Companies to I . young .Mens-curistian Association' wa? corapete, tj ;f -j. - . i. T.Inv .K .St, miK --L. 1- r ! BABY RHOIV. ., ' '. I I n, . : i . ' ' VtT ( 1 j - nnest badrnotover 2 years old.-SilTer - , t Pf7T7, 1 . , j let. ffobstbabBoi dver 1 year old, ' IIS -!vv stiu b I OJiJft VQPr ilind 75 Stole casea. Very few yet imposed of. : ! Thfre was bat little done in Conrt T .' . on I uesday moruins.; The Judge bad flVootiee Wi II.Baiby, Esq.. of Char- occasion to come dornJiolerably heavy t igj T. C Rol.bin, EsqM of Lexington, on the kW-gloved geotrv of the city. DS-riuf io.s weK.; utbers Some of them, it seem did not answer .xpa who have not Jtt arrived, j promptly to thir nan,,. .an tr ordered that every JSuIishnrv m-n Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows will meet failed to answer when! ,1M UM L- iEaleignt'16 & 10th inrf. Mewrs. cogtJI 1 RL1 ti,M' q' v i , V jKsiti.-P.-B.' Kennedy. SJ R. HarriX " ' ' BaWi ?f '' gentlemen W. Howard will represent the Salisbury , k b CaM8e 'y wre fine clothes, and e. , ' I '1 . 11,1,8 ,n l,,e latest style they must be ins j ' I bulged"; bat the Judge means to teach Us someth.ngtoeat. said on.of'.t theiri better. Ue aUo thought that eolici- VrsaltbepicH'c ashe ran his hand into tor D.bson AA r,U n ai l . 1 i . . i ji 'or'"uson aio rigtit ,.in dismissins: the Jiajket snJ Pt out a bundle off LiI v i . SsteT He droPrea it in a hurry and said "Jf oer. w;0 m ere indicted ;dtsayaword."-' ! "kp.ng the drains leading from the V i --- - - ! - H" In P'oper order, complaint havinjr been made of the stench arriving there from, j lie thought the solicitor did right on this ground that "the people of Salis bury seems to like the stink of that guano, ndcr that Hall just over lhar, I smell it now, and the Shtu iff said he thought he smelled it awhile ago iter enough to knock down a common man iteti step9 off." Hip: judicial bencdicrioniwas somethin like this : You are Mall :fMii,.rT ,1 twenty-five wit chromo will be givjpn idj one who will eive us the name of the ftaking side whiskered gentleman who ii? jo unfortunate as to drop a buttle of fine fom under his coat a few r days since j fruut of Bell 3c Bru's. jewelry, store I whale evcnty? tet.-Beaufort (N. C.J fund. the parties are from.' I, I-:,! Social1, Equality',. inme, hke death. level .nil ?tr- " -y - i' - i- ' T 1" '.. xesterdAv : a uy nuu oanney am a rerv eobd tnrn here for" Mr: Willi,.. r r. juung iueu a Christian 'AiWii;nn in raising funds to payioff its indebiAdnpa- - - - -; - - WW 1 YesterdavJ i en..: Tr l"?etalu8iness may be, Mr. white mn ITuk."' Hoa& a ve tire ioMoodvandSankevh,. n8 : -I'iUl Lllll r i fin ii r nrrv i mramm J 1 of wo. i. u. I.; I r a to the! PenitenthVofi edfZ, Z r TV We PPeak of tn to a nerro boy., Tba f J .f of lh!-louS Men's Christian Asso- between them was tJestroyed.' It Would . ' "7 " Vlb h Pi but why have been idle to Have ! led Cihsi W?J T7 Tn detl .1 i ... 'curneu against Why not Dratti?f tlp in- eociat onion. iv . . v Gov; Bro;den an(j Publ. T ea : Jenkins were served i lan week w"fi . peremptory mandama,, . compelling ,hi rev.s,on of tbe luaUoJ q( P ' the Pie KSrih t,Caro,ina din of the Richmond & Danville Hail rod made in .v cuuuB meretrora anr val- r MANSION HOUSE Centrally Situated f SEW UlWJMXlSEXENTS. nation on account nr.n- i . l. . ""w estate owned j miu uompany for 'road.Ko Ar ...l, T." ' " .BittllUUB iSieL Purposes. Raleigh Sen V. T. Tf. TTf-inarnn i j . ; 19 uuw in 111 in urogaen. oodyandSaukey has JV,'8 a?,ng beeb brought here from do not know Iwfcer IZr1" &re precepts I it ; . l fa us It, jroes t iMoody and bankey have done tome. 1 A Widely Applicable Itemeav. Few remedies are applicable to such a wide ' .;f oi,aisoraers. as Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. and this not because it ha special proprieties adapted to the cure of each such a HDP- fnr Mm onali ! . Yft ' . t '. ' I " . r....w.iv in religious niiie at Linch ntKn la I enlemrmen r.i. ii,o... j .. . r -. m . n rr& WCI I liiiij cicuil inr 11 fl m learned from intelligenk bersona that ih Moody, too. cets his cash i. VrHense would be manifestly absurd lnt ATI tory,now going the rounds of the papers, ll,,ougl' according to Jay-Gould's TrU accoantof ts onderfally improving effect ,?ryiicefi - great grandfather u"e h irreveretuly ; tfld Snnkev to' TD general tone of tne tem. and its the kiiiffdom nf -'"rtte aion upon the oreans of nutrition. o-uu uiscaarge. Uesides its well rr PrPnetie as a remedy tor intermit tent and rflmiffpnr r -.."L.... 4 rersonal Mntiiv fnit. a ,..: lpation.torniditirnfth is- 'J. r.i,.ip v ' -"ou3.jfau07i " : ; . v cuerni ueoiuiv. - i i ii i i ii i v m nil rn . i . - w ' qf Lincoln. ! v Droieto hK "" " nnably anirniia. lit-nKn)-:. i . . " ' -j i'"vu.iuuii,. rueumaupm,. msom ueen aud Dem. arc i ' Demg Called Brank or Frank killed lo.k for his nan Inn , in W..-U-I. -r. 7. ..o-v... r oiucK, near mcolnlou. int after tI,P "caven j iattie ot i.i,,g'0 Mouniain, has no fotin datiojun fct. The story, stated that lirank was a Whtirfand Warlick T. anoVthat they met tine day in tho public roafTnear Lincolnton viih empty fli.u ck shot guns that without a w? h. tng spoken both conimfenced 1 n-nna sl. . I ' . ' I HTmi 6..o fc i aame time, jind that I3rank Y oeat warlick a second in loadintr. when Lmcoln. which ha l-; :.. .. e shot him (Warlick Ulead in hi trt. accounts of t,n .ff.L i:,i .? , A, ...w.. .....u. i -'""'"iiiii:iiiirivenifiiiie nrr f man.. .,J I...Li . . . I ui: t - -.v . i mi - ".jr cutu uu auuj smries nave l'"uc. uotin l. lieal. of i Ci..rA. circulated. C7ar. ?te iavy, long a bosotn friend oi Booth'-. i.. .. : i ..i prison uuaer sentence ofdcat.li for piracy on the JNTorihern lakes. Bnntl, lht UatJtolic Colleae in Gattnn nt,. r'T senator Hale of N vvl,,,,J' Ha - - - w - wMaBBHbar us. lll-HIIIl ....peiieetpenormanoo of the physical fane Booth in murdering Abraham AGENTS .'- tlxo Xixtelkosuar. B'JT jPOCZEIi CO. "Krit, If.' SALISBURY, N. 0. ,.1.,,' . r w U.""" , woAikca jot new bust Sill v ",CD "n7 Manor XI " j" Jr Yne w,,oJiad never J f J5 LSE is in tb of business. f i resi 10 me depot. i TaWe as good as the lest. Servants attenthk and polite. .. ........... i 50 N. Y4 . i mrirr inn. D ATI 9!iifaSuai $750 in 1 OTTn n ?? "P" ?ent made $72.7Siu SURE iiiWrUr free. a I.. ........ fin ki . . V IV v KfS to oe renDonai. 1 Special Contxacits U ft longer to. d lbnk i1 A Wnts if r 5i . . i s-" i ......i.. iHuucement." r v i.n. Board per day ...... . pingie aieals. a c- . ITThe undersigned V A; LUH OF Hfinn TP A be spared :to make hoiVrX,rt6,,4,I diff." "?n "u . England, ,he I.ETThe TravelinrrpVa cii rV" :loa owtng to thr .Over. qaarter..ndnf Feb. 3, IfitC. 17:tf WM. R0VT2EE. 1 J. & H. gORAH, ' MAIN STREET, aLISBURY, :illlMJlUJiii!!iiiniiii;iiiii!!i!!imimm,ii;iin v HAVE JUST ItkcEIVED goin. to-other countries' 7 THE RUSSIAN TEA Cnr.lPAriv KUSSIASTEACCMM ! -29:4w. IftVOlirkii x m. i TT-T - Cain the Io .b" ,ua "scinateand " Uample pent for 2oc, t oenton ih toeelher wiif.T T 7 ml, fr 25e, iwgvuier Willi a marriage miido v..: ' I . I Wirtiii.'. ' " UOOK. U., Pubs4 Phila. rgegt assortment in I : aw I.1.. I tTT 1 r . cir. i amcr tvone lea r..:.. o. .. J xnmii oiein, near utiailottee . Ibt Incendiary The man who it is lelieved fired the South River Mills was ir-jled and brought! to jail last week. He was the miller, named Janes, colored; lue exertions, of the Major's election yes- 111 Grand Jury have not yet had his oe before t hem, but it is reported that terday, we'll adjourn for drinks. Of course he did not mean to treat the whole court. tbe evidence against him is very strongl Afla.t.iwn ' ' CI 1 1 - .nciiFuini ccfBiuu. oeverai cases were fTTelear of complaint made by some of the Ld'tposed of during, the afternoon. The KJf .Guards. ...They sa that there are some kase, state against Lillinfrfon. Eamhenrt r 5!, ' "U J " defendant, was movedto Davidson county iliiifcrinTonelo.lo.knJ ehkil..mii r. "a"S"y person whistled opl tide of tlie Wbeopfe. The cornpany are striving to per- Court fom door, when the Judge exclaim i)rntjieiir dnties and fulfill their -promises to 'j Sheriff ketch that fellow'-. brin "V . .' '" lu we encour- ",UI wie conn, I intend to stop "r"' J! tills WlllSttrnP' .hiinrr l,fm n . ...4 til I p -'"oi; ": m uuu. nc II have a circus rifht her. t o - - - ti can com r in f We see 4t stated in the 2 cent?ofwhat!hese whistlers are worth-. papers Ltliat tlterfr is con-iderable fAlIiiitr fare worth, iust according iJt ttio Anntm I , i . rt '"J 1 : O in . t.- lf hi t j .j UnSry'i , i. L K . . , ...... . 7 tlfllli for rharlora na nrnll L: J i. . ' . j f 7 ; ". as me luciuuer- i viuiuce uuu nai s.uck lu-in 'fiip, is falhpg off.v We h ie order of the Patron of Tfoii hi. ht l.i Uar ii.ii-L r.. ie . . - - j i r " luiiiairiosc liuui IO IO I'l... .t. . i .. ' I . ' - "- i i iiie numoer ot applica- cents cents. His fine clothes is no ex om of their friends lave seen no cuse, I'll make :tiical tables shrlwing the facts, alid Umilei-s mile' me fTumors ii e papers may not be !'f iir. Robert 11. Johnsoa and the hands filf hiiii , will receive the thanks of the Pf people who travel the Lineylno: road tnfroia Salishury for the very excellent Within which he has placed said road. MWe cpss wows and tears shed over stall- t t lit UTS J lil AY hen Clouds around tliepllm And darkness cover o'er,! Vhistle Wot you jnen till you'r Oijtside the court-house door. Weduesday morning ati the openine of the court the Juage took ociasiou to speak to the vonns men of th rit TTo l, v r j ' bbj o ii vj has been very lenient;wiih ihem and that he receives nothing in return but insults. lleu savfr his natiencp t AV It a - a -' . .m . j vuauevcu fj j Let, Robert obey the scripture Wani8 l,,e yoJig men for their good. JMt:Jn and A'nut weary in well dning:" We agree wjth. his hpliior. no one ought Ke advise oriier overseers to inspect thiy to e disrespectful toi himi-first because 5HMrifo and do likewise" - i Ii u2n -.1,1 '-..'" ii i 3 . 1 wa v axs-fSll ailU ' - ' - HW not lo'nsr since mo-- tfd fi ladies at a pic-nic, and as ft as it miy seem, there was only one ftw among them and the nnf..rtnn-t- 'BtT Ws an ohieet if riri;..nlA ; -L .Hed her bold, iftst,. immodest and "joyierlike things. ' lr. i.1 . wish that our friend Caldwell ennld seeV this assemblae-e. we knn hi, t - . " ' .va nave eu,oyed the sight of lovely wo - -iirea modest v. fu - mnn ... Spoke House i7?JJL nr. a ' r I .fi . " "WHy. iUI, X. iU. "il'van's smcke house was robbed Tties a'ga.f, the thieves entering by boring "je hoards with an auger. They p." aoout 150 lbs. of excellent T:niade bacon. It was nw-elir ...r j coyered on tbe flesh side with ashes. Jlti'll 9 was seemly sustained by . 4f war8" i Citizens should be watchful; Wainst, T7 . -oeverai Albemarle, April 27, 1876. There is to be a grand match game of bane oan lo oe piayeu at Albemarle, next Satnrdav, the 29th, tetween the Zeb Vance f :inh f a'i. bemarle, and the Club, of Gold Hill. The boys anticipate a Krand' time. They have a oeauiinu nag wtncii is t be about' fortv feet above the ermu.d to wajre over them "whil engaged in the contest. The Zeb Vance Club ia mane oi uie best material in the Slate and, can't be beaten, for the? chance and practice they Imve had. They Jj,ave furnished them selves with a: beautiful ! uniform which gives .tm ,i giauu apiearance. iOncora Hun. This lovely Zeb Vance' Club was only beaten in the match game by about 34 rounds. Thev gave that beautiful flag to the Gold Hill Club and disbanded. Will organize under annthr Rogues will steal if not Kruuemen went ou pic-nio last strain tu it, rn .. , ill '"" ""a f ellows rwy, and after o unj iu t f: US &C were tolerably tired XL. fe fr guing home arrived. tl??ede rivr! i advance of the ttit K0 tra,D a?d walked down about ) Jhj U nver taBk ' -it the arrival of j. ? wtneb soon1: arrived, thev wav-d JutWtiU stop. Our yoon'g tialt"' lnP in hour and tweuty mthe tune : "Trauip. tramp, the uiarcbiDg" j " ! j ty bf. F. H. Nicholes, i(f dittg .rWPnetors of th celebrated i would nutlbe a bad Idea lor -XVA th i n k tytfi ;to examVne these puinjs. The Jj;. nnts them to do what her says and he Jagood deal. By l apping W, he M J U can thtow water on aty bu Iding i0 le eitjr; thus obviating the tecesi fj f a . ---. ugiue, auu , icuwh "i . all -its e-wAualles hereu 04 gges: that tha eoinmissfcerMairine j i i eccunu uecause ne is a judge whether jwortby or not is a side question. The solicitor bavin" noth C! . . - i' " ing ready tor trial, the eonrt adjourned tut alter dinner. ves .to-day for coin for Deal's pardon, going to the White PP. N. PI wlitli I IlOUSf-. ilflur mU..;l. lr -r . t . . w ., i..vn i i iuiuiii" in. call 111 cf nil l .1... place ne tanes charffe df bv dirii-.r. ..f coin tmm I,;. ... j . . " ' h. to. Abbot Wirar, 'U..0rfrf P"llrwirbK " ,"e,"' oi. ueneaictns, at the request of Rin.,t llprVlikui I...I.J .Ml J II l- . ev n;atnn n;ut ii o"v , - mi o chick in CV. JilSIlOn OlObOnS. lie H nrrnmn. lllH mnrin.i.r tt...l. .1 ? i. . . rr 7 .uu. ray urouiers ot ot. V inceiit's Mnaiic power nto tho ivn,l, a.,A k-i- R ie Abbey and twn KnJ. c. ir . , r . e vorK ana "g"g ft"a. citasmg all unhealthy secretions to pass " -wiry oi ait kindsOis Ear-drops, Breast choof who JtTcnml ' V I At last Mr ', a natural mannerRemember that P"an Plns. Finger Rings, Bracelets, SealafLocKa! iie H?:-!! L-nco n yielded and promised that Beal ia than a &c.,c&c' ' A friend writes uafrobi Catawba i ne Addreca T. 12:4 FULLER,-WAREHCOV AiujtKKS OF TOVE BA AN FURNACE l Tl..r-i. . ISS.'&'K!'"' .1 l-Zl1";" i M the .d V?fWl W00D ASD COAL CXOKUCP - ' i"" - wi MiibHKC .-4-L1 HUM KH.'L.VUin TAI IJdUtl.MII 11 HWI tTOL' I . 1 . . . I vrnTiVT T;Pid iv?r' ct,neested Pleen. UnSalisburyrrnTresS vitiated bile and innctK-H bnvid ii J; rcsjjeciiuuy incite public dent person, should Vnpply themadre. A,h SlrrT Go,d a" Silver Tutt's L,v P,tis. vhKllTtSat S er. Pit.cf s, Cups, Gratuitions Advice. This species of advice is not always accepta- t., UU6 UOniTieSl in man it in.l.n... ".-i. I r I n n ..... , benefitwouldbe,riVdur WW W VXIUIX CTAir An ednuon. No iinnV f t "r" T.,"J: T ""t' Ul OlUtH Uf AW I frfim tlijAA. . T v ' vAtmu,, , a 7p9.,i?, c)l. Fr,y.d w..bis,n rSl!; most Beautiful Jewelrv McU, inlcrwdrd wlih Pro.i.lt.nt Lin. !' """"ailing thUcMnmiin nwmr. with th. I UDWCUJf. . . I . . a - -m i I -Vrt - . - we n The n -i i wvsb fLLs, whlcli will stimulate the Castors frai?n fr ' i . "eners, cups, hver reheve the engaged spleen, determine a SnT"' R nForks, Knives, and f " . anq most beautiful sets healthy flow of bil.rthVreWuUni -boweU ff1, ThJ-flf an4 n and causing all unhealthy secretins to pai Jew,elry of all kindajas ic Me. Richmond Dispatch. 25th. should hi a""a xf ..: . c.a Pd of cure." nit 1 . i untu. Aicii uav ne toiu Ihepariiea mentioned above arrived Mr. Seward what he had done, and he mi..T- f $nS. ,a?t and has very angry, declaring that the sen- . The riptureH say Naaman would not be- -,M , c,jr t"?w?ea w a8ton comity, nment ot tbe North required Beal's blood ,,e,e w ,en ,.0,l. t,,.i,t . enred of lepro, he onage is located near the old Cath- and if the man r.i!nai,.J ' ,1 1? the river Jordan. Hisun nncUbrch,on therod from Rnzzell's leaXe the Cabinent and" e h, T. Z ."JT .rV'" - ! Jerry to JJallas. ahd n.it.1.-.. wfl. j.. . . "v " " V, T'" .TC:"""e,i,J wKing mebbxls Creek PJU- 7i.J tt" . '"V "1HJ"'y with Uie South. "ti-ATiNE lor the Liver. When the skin and ti symnathv with I. IlEPATINE for the T.i cor -Accordiiifflv Lincoln .. eves become vellnw in f ho en.;n a - viiuiiL' ita ill- wii mil i - rin ni nriimm. mi and Beal was executed. This was too Jw,ns inlhc l,ea1 ni hones of the body, and a u .i r . heavv feelinsr aboni th unnnn.h .fi.- onnnln Jim,u nir DOOlll. rift Weill i,.i - ., '. . ............ ...it. iucik that evervbod n .I.J- V of rae. n,.H . - ' "v. 'V '"" l,,ere 13 w.u one chance escape. Sickness of f - . . r win. ii. Xj. ' . ' - -vng, nntc u ijlIICOin. iucLoi We of Aewion. a iho D cselectuiir the Pieaitlent fr I.U .:!.. jk - 7 7 j " uivtuiui; ... ..... .,,0 pniiiuuiar ..uiuiiij ior congress in this District. su, ue cnggea the oilier cons .ne sure mev rnnii nt h. f... u. n wuruer newm-n ii.... I. v. . ' . j v Jill 4 UUL- ----.., a..A 111 U J UC ter man tlmn r.l Hrr-.i.t- .. fucurKie ne is as pure a man as lives in the State Tf ; ... claims are to be taken into consideration in selecting candidates, Col. McCoikle has as much and asm4ny as any man in t 'irt iiii'ii Kiintiiri u t r 1 - -m-a Wi selected lor o&ce withdnt regard to so called 'claims." Chat T),ni revenge. ipiratms got his Bomesort is sure to come, unless the bile and Dan blood is curried out of the avslem your druggist, Theo. F. Kluttz, and get a bot- ucui lli.KBI.LL8 1IEPAT1SE. that rnr, .11 diseases of the liver. Also, a lot pf plain SOLID GOljD RINGS. Also, agents for he celebrated SchaflFhauseii Spectacles ! "the finest glajses nfade.3 seH as low as any House in the south. CALL HERE Aisb GET YOUR WATIU 1XD CLoIk ftEPAIBLVfi Go to ne promptly asusual.f All work warranted r umus. JJec.uu, lbio. 10:tf GOLDEN GROWN. REPORTER OF '76. OUTIJERfJ GED. AND TOB FAM9TJS TEVART IMPRHVFn J M E ETf THE W A NTS of EVERY DEALER. Correspondence invited! Price TJt nd r.. Kn5pi,lion to FULLER. WARREN & LO., 2.W Water Street, ! Kew York. 21; w. A Young Ladij s Soliloquy. Doctors are gneRsers. If thev eness ri?ht. you are all right provided you pay the bill. If they goes wrong.you go to the gravevard oemnre looking objctd Useless, aimlessj diifiino- tlim.,l. -hey go to their dinner. Merreli.'b it what was I bom for f For somebodv'a rNE ,.,!W c"red more.cas of liver diseases, in EPA wile, rav mother W..M ...... L Uons' wn-paJon and dyspe,ia, than all rj - ' I 111 h IJtr I I 11 f fliU-rAPd -Itiff in a an HP- Inn. k,.lj. I. . . w. -- """.u; i-eeps niu.SHI tircly from view. Aud if naught but the world mnihlnJ hiuistlf en- Ask your drmrffist. Theo. F. Khui Knur !.;. medicine Hepatine. Each bottle contains fifl v doses, and will cure any case of liver mm. piaini in tne world. I r ' v- t.-lt-. :1 n. i , r- iti l:iiril l l I franklin's statnej iiJ Piintiner Hnm. ' ii'ee will settle mt- f.f T k5;.... t -i n i,a XT. V I : a. " I- - - j . - u,.C,C X BHHII v-j --. ikw AorK.iis nne . nt -the most "e in an unsettled state. F..r ii... in thejworld, yet r m not ujrlv pray what woman is? beautiful or all that it was .-woiltltr vm. r.,;.i.i ...... : i - - . . a a . . . a.f. II" . . L I-J. a I I II IT I T ' ' . II L .-.11.1 I V I I III? O . . r. 1 1 a 1.-... . I . C7 I 1 a . g.aHici-8 at a pretty eir: f, pmz: and those who seek fr n.r...: wMi t .i,.'..0..li. ' - " . I ... ill i . . :. r'v,,"" ..nen . icaiiv hu verv nun- i i nil ueeK iiero in vim v:.. :.. : ii i . " . -------a,... .... iiy, ii en e OI ll iimit n ilia nnl n..t.t ...J . I lll.-J I I . ...v, !; ,,,1, u,nsi cnarm- ""- uruwoacas, my licau is perverse n g face but was mos tastily and be- "d I should not feel grateful for "better "'"""'b'J' iirrayeu in DPCOmtn? Parmom. or worse." tn kko tho A..t v.u .i i c- ,- !, , . o ra ..... : uuuuy who luaue auer uie ceieDrated -Domestir graciously came, and offered ' m w r ---., aaj w IIIUOC 'aper Fashions." It was a startling account of th I I'A'lilllrua I. 1 a V uls ana ins name think. iIumi mn I. .. . r .... r ---a-.., .... aiiniibrn i Iliarri:J tru n rn Ismail hilt tvllU a.l.aa.a.1,1 I .1 I pre- . ' --v. "" i iintiK or such incendiarism that c"a,,ces Rl an ' y brothers; are all t. i-i . . I lliem vnuiKvcia il..... r .1 . ine convention of . f ei iney tnrive of in on name, 11 A GRAB OF $5,000. lhe Disgrace of a Grant Officeholder at Wilmington WrccJccrs Robbed. Washington, April 27. Dr. William D. Noleu, Customs Collector at Wilming ton; De!., was removed by the President yesterday. In 1872, the ship John Sidney and the bark fi Medway were lost off Lewes, but wreckers saved a nortmn of the cargoes, consisting brandy and other dutiable merchandise. I Their claims torsalvage'were feted bv the Utiited States Court, butah4r the sale Collector Nolen gave only a few hundred dollars to the Wreckers, claimfoff that the i?ood nad realjred but lute more Ithan- $5,000, the amount of duties due nnon them The wreckers took no stena toward . certalning their righU until i few weeks ago. when j hey caused a search of the records of the Treasury Debartment Tt could nowhere be " found that Collector Noleu had accoantedjto fhe department 6fr--W pitx;.eed8;of the wreck-' ns conducted the! invtAt r.. rn-- . awiirrr wu f uiil tor ISO en made no defence, and M-K man ii.; .1 i "uuo- "v" j"4 VJ amount nf; t !. Ji.. lhe world m I.it ,.r.i Li ...... t i . ,v ., ft. .. , t K)0W uai in ousiness 1 am not an adebt, be- cause trom such business I'm strikingly lr Oral . la... i.:. .1 i "I"' UUfc s me question that troubles my mind - why Rm 1 not trained up to woik ot some kind ? Uselessly, aimlessly, drif.ing through life, why eho'uld I wait valence of he crime of! was given yesterday to I I I i ri.i -mc unurwiuers. i l lie comm tie i . - : -' -v-w ue subject reported; that thirtv-fivo ner 11 .!. Lk . . T .... . o.. ,,rea ;OI asi year origina. ...a.a...v... ioiu, uuu mai nny nve per cent, ot the whole amount of nrnirt destroyed by fire was through incendia rism, or, in other words', that till. lnoQ.1 by this crime for the! yiar in th TT, UA to DH eomebody's wife. u,u """"ua raninp to iifty million of dollars. The roni-.... a:a .... ' . ..rul. UIU uui (UZiTf st r-1- X- or. . . any very promising way of dealing with w--v i tjAhLS A HALT. m uo nir i iiH urroat i j - . and conviction of incendiaries. We ahonld 0? af a and think that a properly tr'ained force of ca- From the Baltimore Gazette. ,.aU.c uticcuYci inime service of tho asuinsrton. Anr 9fiAii .t 11 1 r -.".a ar. " I . KJ f ,- " - - w . .... uoarnot iire Underwriters would llP mittees on exDenditiiruM i ii. : mm' . I w I . - - - w ill 1 ri I I more eflectiye. Jhe penalties aiaint in. depHrtmenls of tho mvpn.-.. j. . i n - l . .. - g-.vi.imiuii aic Diac cenaiarism nre ttvar. tn... . t.. j iiku ot ..:n .- r . . a- "a. a a. . a V. 11 U U lj lU'UC ft W8T ' - .a I M J a ning to the guilty, if vigilantly applied. President suf- aw 1.1. II- a ' IV . com Globe Flower Couon Svatrp cures cough, colds, and will posiiively cure consumption. Fnr cL K.. Tl. f 1 - - . .a. UJ M. IICU. i , XVlllllZ. J 7 .(, 1 . ' fK T iH . F . Xff JiV WATCHT IS YOUR LIFE WORTH TEX CENTS ? tnrA KonM-r i TiT i - T c- . ., , More beautiful than ever is the new bickness prevails evervwIif-rA and iri.vKra.i. -t ? mplains of some disease during their life. ! JEWijRLY jiist received at J3ell & Bro's. . .!. consisting of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, GOLD AND PLATED CHAINS, BRACELETS, LADIES SETS, GENTS BUTTONS, PINS, For Coughs, Colds Hoars AND ALL TIIOAT DISEASES, Use - wells: carbolic tablets. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES A THID AND ilJBE HEMEDY. V Sold by Driiggist generally, and , FULLER & FULLERr Chicago, III. ; : ; h THIS PAPER IS ON FILE WITH Whi-re AdrertUar Ccntracta can be mad Jien sick, the olject i.s to get well ; now to say plainly that nu person in this world thaHs suffering with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and its effects, such as Indigestion, Costiveness Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn! palpitation of the Heart, Depressed Spirits,' Biliousness, &c.t can take Green's August FiiOWERs'without Retting relief and cure. If you doubt this, go to your Druggist Mr. Theo F. Kluttz, and get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it. Regular size 7o cents. Two doses will relieve you. MARRIED AND STUDS. 18 E. ENGAGEMENT RINGS C. 5 iWe have made in the handsomest manner, In this countv on thu 0th Anr;i l. w M. Kincaid. Esq, Mr. John Harder an.l HAIR CHAINS, It AIR JEWELJiY .Miss Laura C ran ford. n'i . j -V- . .. . u nils, uiuiiiy, in ,u. una liitrns iin nn C :-i . 5. . the SGth iust. bvJ.K. GrahHin. V.a. . -rMUn givjng to the Kepairing Mt. Ulla. Mr. .Ia,M W. fAi.7i ..J , ' iCiesnd Kegulators. 1 L AND W I X T E 11 S T 0 C 18 7 5. Ltiw"?-,ta county, to Miss Martha A. Belk, of Rowan. All Watches-repairedbv ns ri wsmni io .i. . . vl 1 .a. I.TUIIUl.t. ie coin OtlS Hotel, see a year should be suppressed at ary ex pense. SURGICAL ! OPERATION.; uicse com nn l tees state of the DIED In Winston, N. C, the 2Cth of April 1876, cfTyphoid Pneumoni.i. William Henrv Rmwn only son of the late Andrew J. and Mrs. Jane Ann crown, in the 22nd year of his age. Tlie deceased was bereaved of hoih mr.ni. seveiai years ago. and ived at Severn I nlfM spending a good part of his time in Salisbury! among his relatives. Durine hia last sickmw to examine into the a,)U al 1,13 ,ea,b be enjoyed a comfortable liope i r a . expenditures resneeticlu Ul accepiance in cnrist. fered to go outside the various depart ments to which they belong. ' The rules or me iiouse ot Itepresentatlves require i OfSce 2 doors above?5 Nalinnnl sign of large Watch andJlVn. t.tlisbury, Dec. 2, lSlf tf. ' : ' ' Ui S. INTERNAL REVENUE .special) TAXES, i May 1. 1876, tolApril 301877. j I rPK T) ; 1 C. . i i a . a . . . i ' . . r Ilia rpnmina ur... i.iaiia1.i t o..i:.u. hci is oiaiun'i ui ine Lnitt'tl otates. We take the liberty o notice a rent lJL a"d "V. and te Uooi iu M? T. E. B&Z SeCtions 3232' 3237' ?' ?8, and 3239, require surgical operation i performed by h f JZ .S: V-7 "er chums which place they were carried to tl grave, l:?" en business, avo- C i ' MaKlA a GDLnf 4 t V "T -,v i auuson, or this place, assisted by Dr. ed by ,h ' a"! .''u' Uoah. of W nstooJ I TI U a.. 1 V . -' uepan minis are nd delict, operation !oo.,8i.,ed JJJ ZST".' necessuy of niftk no-nmo oritfi-:....! . . r,;.nu as to tueir tf i w wihiiaiiaai iih n i Pii'iraatan . w t sa?e in the .id nf th-l fnB..:J .. ..r i'.'""" u a'n wtiether such t-e hip and thbs d of fund, assumed the most 'a-ravated form nf . V T t ,,trTr. aua Whether all stricture of the ,,HVe ooen disbursed in conformi- j s." . '"'J w P'c"- y wiui appropriation hw."1 Of ' stx v .-u-a ' a v lln HIP I i l i . -h.. . i - ' - -. . parenls. The Kowan Bifle Guards, of which yr"F x L ? a A, TV i'liOCURE Company he was a member, accompanied his 1 LACE COASEICUOUSLY IN HIS remains to the Cemetery, and buried him with ESTABLISHMENT 0R PLACE OF BU- military honors. Com. b aenls. Messrs. MrnPS ' jTolihly bt? the agent's.1 suffered ntensev. fnr i I-' : -i-ki" ut course and owing to the c-pSrofph 'onlirt ' ,BpMT various ical prostfation the chK '3 lSv X"? !!! .?? "Penditures to do any or seemed exceedingly dotibtful; but we ShT.XS "K"l"thc lad to know that she it at present, re. ro i,i.i.M r ' 7 " ",c cuperating quite ranidlv. We ki.liVA L... " ' " . i,,CU1-. 10 "ne mstan- that in medial auriaU here anT " J w " vouchersm,g lt suffice, about forty four cases oYthia neeuli.r i.l . . T V "tely neces- of disease reported. ind out of V.I " 7. r "l lo bft "Pted and . . . w - ui i iCAHiiiiiii'ii a rai it 1 1 . t ber (adults! on v twen v.thr .s. Li... . Tv "" lu eLO wueiner an the operation, and twen v-one Kecr.T V. "?m have been In the works of DrJ Gross, of P u i . '?t evidently means phia, one of tbe most JmiUt 'S 1" ODa' !-7 of tl, -- --- v . tits, i iu res i SALISBURY MARKET, Corrected by McCcbbixs, Beall & Dean. May 4, 1&76. Cottox dull. Middlings, IU low do 11 stains 7tai0 Flour market stocked best fam. t:.00 SINESS a STAMP denoting the n.ivmenr of said SPECIAL TA& for the Special-Tax Year ljeginning May l, 1876, before com mencing or continuing business after April Qrt 1 Off! r 10 IU 25 25 40 25 25 30 20 20 10 :J0 Bbl5..Moliis;:es. f do New Orleauj. do. Syrup. Bags Coffee.' Kegs Soda. Boxes Cheese. ' ' Adaiuantiue Candles. " f'oarr Cases Oy st frs . .' . Bra lid y Peaches ' Fresh IWh-a Pine Apples Gross Snuff 2.5 Coils Cottop and Jute Rim 40 Doz. Painted Pail!,. 40 Gross Flasks 2.000 lbs. Hemlock-Leather 1.500 lbs. Candy. 40.000 Citfars 50 Kegs Powder 50 Bags Shot j 100 Reams Wrapping Paper 10 Doz. .Scotch Ale ; 40 Dot. Gintfer Ale ! a : - ' ! ALSO A full line of Wood and Willow War BKts, Shoe. Hats. Saddles rtri-ll. a uns Pistils, A:c.. ic.. Also, a large; lot of Canned n ..u : l : . : V - cooice seiecii-m ot f'rench - Candi: Klt J eppr. Spuy. Ginger, Royal Baking Pow ers. Baisepa, forraatl. Figs. Citrons, Nuts Sardimes. Cocoanuts. Pickels, Sauces. Cat- 30, 1876. super. D once Dr. Noleri warn Mi-ti,.11 .V- ' i a ie ti k . "vpuoncHitu, rrpreeentin-firi....; . .i . 1. - 'I . .. nrjdge lisher and Dick Harrfog on who at the -fatm i.si ; J . ""'"gion, rii.ni4--T "-FPniment were .l,."08 "1 C0Qrt of a ringi of Delaware eminent surgeons, he stales that I he never Knt wag called upon to perform .itf. : most perr;op8 operation. In view of arn-h learned estitpony bearing upon cases laenijcai wiiy toe cue Under review ' h would seem pardonablejif we pointed with wetocfe 'Mi H case, aud that born one who rei t iand tn the manv i - r - n.uvi a UUI. ,-. win - I i I I M B fa.1. f i j 9iaie . M i M - ' - I ! 1 . I Mi A'- - - ':i ,1 , , . i - . ' : i.V;.iir-fy': ' V V ' :' " - T . ' ; i ; "'!".-., - ,i ' . ..-;' ' .! r ,' .' . -" i - V .1 .'.". " j I - i ! - f ' '' V'!,!? ''-'" " - -'-.'' ,- : -: -.- npon the nrofos-inr, 4 lt 4,u uonor longs. 7- -"H te We have alwava . 1 ix . rr-7. r Paa or built iney are second to none i ,i. o... our medical fraerni.ii J'., roua J K,,;r, .r;;;." aiuve nd have up IC,r reputation in our midstU are second to nnn o. . equaled by fow.-p investigations ordered by the Iiouse, and ibis order in regard to orin-in.l nn I tr a r.a -tr I. : .. w..v ,1, uie general policy which the leaders of the Republican party has determined on: They see plainly th:,t unless something is done to put a stop to the eaposurea which come thick and fast under Uie probing process of the democratic House there wil be nothing left of their partv. aud hp4. ;,ii determined eTcrt is to be mSe to so ob struct the iuvesiigaiiona aato confine ,n-l to as small tS ... The course 0f Ja v Goifila P' X V...-I. vyy Cfuld s (ir!?ati in Aew urifc in aecry ir ikZ m ... ' . i liMle all of xlX a".enil.,u'l l be'' of thesaronveSl,iott'f aI Part Wheat ffood demand at Cobn market well supplied meal moderate demand at Sweet Potatoes readily at Irish do Oats Butter scarce Ciiickexs per dozen Eogs Oxioxs no demand Cabbage full market per lb. RALEIGH MARKET. WnOllfeSALE CASH PRICES. ' The Taxes emhraeed irehin Ih provision of all i 7- 1 Alt .1 . .J me wfw umrce quoiea -t? ins Jollmcing, tu: Dealers, retail liquor ..... I '.'.'.'.?. 25 00 Dealers, wholesale liquor. 4 loo oo Dealers In malt liquors, retail ' jy oo Dealers In leaf tobacco. . . .1 35 oo iieum ueaiers in leai tooaeo: 500 00 t And on sales of over $1,0110, nf ty ceRteor every dollar 111 fcriui nt i nnn ftOi . Dealers tn mamifactured tebacco o-tt00 Manufacturers of stills - i And for each still manufjwtumi ! And for eacU worm manufacrurf.l Manufacturers of tobacco ! " Manofacturers of cigars .4 ' Peddlers of tobacco, first class (more than two horses or other anlioabs Peddlers of tobacco, seconif cla.ss (two horses or other animals)... , peddlers of tobaefco, third iass (one horse or other animal peddlers of tobacco, fourtl class (on loot "or public oonveyance).......- Breweraof less than 500 hundred barrels prewersoi two Darreia or laore 100 00 : Any person, so Halle, who shall fail to comply with the foregoing requirements will be subject to severe penalties. persons or linns liable to pay any of the 2.75 1.001.15 6570 5075 50 4550 25 $2.00(3.00 75 22i Raj.eigh, May 2, 1876. FLOUB. North Carolina $6.00 a $6.50. CORN, 80c. CORN MEAL, 80 a 90c BACON, N. C. hog rounds 15, " hams 17. HIDES, green, 5J dry, 10 a II ; FOflDER, baled, new $1 5. HA V, -V. U. baled, good. 1,00. .5 00 50 00 SO 00 ao-oo 10 00 10 00 so 00 25 00 15 00 10 00 50 00 sup. rotted .Meat. Kerosene. Tauoers ai Machine Oils. liquors. fall kind lt...:- , T r M - IIWIUI 111 0 Gntsf Aew;lork Buckwheat Flour, 6cL Sec, ite. I "" Thf abov Stock was bought nt th -i... f the seasou atWreatl rd ' - i a -a. a... mWJ,10, is ofiVreJ at W.holejsale &, Betail Tery short Drofits. j '. . j BINGHAM d CO. S.Jislury, N. C Dec. 16, 1875. S 1 9 r"1" J ,al borne. Ageots wanted. Out- VI L fit and terras fei. TRUE & CO. Au gusta, Maine. ; March 9, 76: 1 yr. 'i tn S9DErr1ajrti,ou,r- ?a'i-wortir V) III iMU$l free. Stinsox A Co.. Ponied ' t L ft r.n a. Mai ne. March 9, 76: 1 yr. Send 25c. to G- F. ROW ELL 6c ii0.,7w York, for Paiaphlel of 100 pages, conlainin' j lists of 3,000 iiewspapers, and climates jjiow- k mg cost of advertising, j March ij. J Special Taxes named above must apply to J. J4: MOTT, Collector? of Internal Revenue at btatesville, N. C, and nav for and nro- cure the Special-Tax Sifampor Stamps thev need, prior to May 1, 1S87C, and WITHOUT i f D. D. PRATT, Commusionet of , Internal Revenue. Orn c or Ivtebmal RivirjkrB. ish ixoTox, jj. j rcDruarr 1 , 1 97. -I (23-2tinM;9tinA) MillStones! Of any size desired, cut out of the best Oranite in the State, imay 1f obtained o short notice. Also, wlviavs and door sills pedestals; for Imcn.vneots, &c. Address E. E. Phillips, Ifaliibury. leaf . 1 1 DE. H. T. TEANTHAIL JLtntig ptrmanentfg located Salitntrg, Offers his IMsinaI wirvicen to the'ablhv Calls leftj t hUofficfin the tfionil HotVj BnihEng or t thKtorj of McCubHns, HaaU ln. ill rrceiy .naiipt aaentioii. M-rcheih.Jafi. j - 4 -r . f , i i : : 1 . t h i til f 1 ; 1 ;r f -it i Mi- t .;. ' 'fl m m i is; -I-

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