jlina "Watchman.! Will hold a Township " meeting at Mt tlllaAug. 12,.to appoint delegates to the Coanty Convention, &.""' . It is expected Hon. F..E; Shober- will h Countj.l b?re- fi ,nygelf a candidate for re-elec f!ffiJ of Sheriff, object ' W W t Crueriu. uuirk w me Conntv ;noiiBiing Vsonven C. F WAGGONERi "4 1 ... ,ri 11 to aanouuce Isaac M. .aA Ufcll W'1' fr the office of Sheriff of the t.o.Ln. at the November election. rtf ilu w r i , ' . . i ii.t to the decision of the County lion to weet in August next. 1 -i tUeri of Row Oniwry, I hereby 1 i Kif candidate for ' Sheriff, Sub pf?. j-naoa of the (bonventlon to assetn- .sl.t-iiA,ittt:th, 26th. 1876. I U " Ld.R. JULIAN. TCHMAJi It is evident from there to addreea the people.. 8 H Rem a kka BijL-r-Th e bonds of .the (State; Georgia selling above p4r, and those of North Carolina totally unsaleable 1 j Set that down to Radicalism. And it is in such a time as this hat the people of the State call vn Vance to be Governor, ' If .the people desire' to improve their condition let them jback up .Vance twith ratified amendment to tie Constitution and by electing a strong, working team of Democrat. 1, i i - t-t'' i ' - - ; . ... A silk dress lakes a trip. One day.Jast week an old darkey in Dixonville, (a colored settle ment adjoinirg the cityj) hang, her silk dress on he fence for an airing, JJust aftheVtime a hirl-wiod took it ofl jthe old woman made desperate effort to catch it, but in .vain. It . . . . i - . ' -: went higher and higher till it looked; no larger than a hat, the wind carrying it in a western direction, i She and several others followed it and picked it up about a mile from where it started. Indeed riches, taketh, to themselves wings ana ny away. - I iipolatwns now in procs8, as well as r.nit ith repct to the candi: Hi W that, system of personal op ' .1 i - .nJ Aofamt rpinrrt fiir t.K jiiieilw aod patriotism of all the people jfoiit ni Kowan counties, induces ineto . !.Jt;freaniiiaiejio represent mew m T - - . . . :, . . . . .'.AtLee slature tor una uistrict. . I ... r f .r.l i S,libory, July 27th, Vtlfoold recommend their being drenched.. A victim of cupid nearly insane! r tie toofc her to church and after the servfceilhey walked out into the rain, he seemingly unconscious of She ventured to inquire There will be a meeting of th Democratic Conservative voters ! of I Salisbury' -To'wnshfp held at the Court House- tn Salisbitfy4; oa ISaU urday the 5th day of August, at 10 oxlock, A. M' forth eppEfjf selecting delegates ttrthe t ieounty'QvefitWniyi If "I M Jl. ! M t' Botfeif JhifexUufire Cmniitfee!: il JtJ. BRUNER, Chair. The Executive Committee f .tlie Rowan ounty Sunday achbol Society! held Jits annual meeting in fialiiburyj July 2$tlgjlQf whea the follorins oroceedinzs werejiad. . . .The Society .will holdilu . ,nef t. Annual: C9n- veBtionairAiChurchbeginning atlO p'ejock A.M. August. 23d, aiul continue two days. 4 TOWNSHIP JdEETING. There, will be a meeting in Locke Township. 2d Saturday iu Augut at 10, o'clock, P. M, to elect delegates -to the I conntv and diatrict Convenfion; -Let everv man turn out. j By 'order of the Executive Committee. . ! : , r i Ci H.'iickENZlE, CTair.' ' THE SALISBURY, BUILDING .& LOAN , :.,., ASSOCIATION. ;. : To the Edilora'bf the Watchman : !; your paper of last week U calculated to create a wrong impression about the action of the Directors of the Salisbury Building & Loan Association; in" determining to continue the work of the' Association." The opinion of Judge Readeirl' the'toilfs case" will' be respected " b the officers of the Aociation.. They have , no idea of coming in conflict .with the Supreme Court. ' :i' . J. S II. VJ PBOGRAMMET OF THE ixEKCWEsJl"' At o'clock A'j !M. A ng23 an open ing speech y the Chairman Johnf W, - MaMney, settinji ll A' MT Moarae, iredfiU cotr, H. Ci July 88, Vsre. Adi L Bbowv, aged taontha aad l days. 1 ( .' : f J?1? sympathies of -maay Irleada are with this afflicted chrtaUan family, from whom four enudrea have been removed by death, la a lew years, and they have need to remember, the Inspired declara tion -yFor waom the Lord loveth He: chasteaest. and scoeth every soa whom ha receiveth." May their afflictions be sancoaed. - - ' J. bT ltt Bafisb'mr, TJ :6Jiny nth 1S7, Xa&'Kaat Vedt, in the 98th year or her age. Mrs. Kennedy was the daughter et Dr. T. W. Keen, and was a native ot Rockingham county, N. C but came to Salisbury, with her parents, since theclose of the-war, -where- she waa married tn Mr KmnuiT j about eight years aero. Three ve&n Am nhn yJ7r,a a meraoer or tne rresbytertaa Church, and lived a consasient numbte chrtsdaa hfe. Foraevprsi vr she was an i pure rrQat,on' leavln her sorrowing husband and tu ciuiurBB w me care 01 a covenant kern valid, but she bore her sickness with God. C3t in- H. H. HELPER. 1876. -U nemon to represent R . , : iiw, if! wtudwill accept ii Capt. J. A. Fisher as wan county in the House of Com f nominated. MANY CITIZENS. where his umbrella was, he came to hi nisei all of a sudden, said it was in the church, and they had to go back after1 it. A few days after, a man came into the store where he was clerk ing and bought a quart of molasses and a plug of tobacco. Our young aspirant, who 'is byr the-way. a candidate for matrimony, with cupid' s vote to start with,) charged the purchaser with one plug of molasses and one quart of tobacco. Who next?! . RAISING A FLAG POLE r- - 'W;fhey,!'8eTti.ng, brth thd'oljectf Ithe Convention and nrging all Sunday School workers to attend its sessions and take part in it4 proceedings, y . j 1 ( ' , o ursTlOKS and spsake&s. : i , 1 Snc aied lQ hPe ot a blessed lmnao: Qnct. i -To whaijextent shoolulecturea;and i , addresses be admitted,1 with. the! course, of I. . Sunday School instruction ? , Speakers, Capt. R. R. Crawford,. William Murdoch' . and Rev. Rr' L. Stephenson. ' '' ' Que: 2. Is object teachihg desirable and practicable In knir Sunday 8chd6hi f ' Revi L. W.' Crawford, Isaac M. Shaver and Prof. II. T. J. Ludwickj- , n ' ; ; ! Que. 3. Are the advantages of the Inter-1 national System of lessons greater tfiati the ' ' disadvantages ahdj should we generally s adopt itf ' Rev. J. !Rtimpre, A7 L'. Crawford, and Tlioraas Johnston. ; ,u "" Que. 4. What are the common -, mistakes : of Sunday School, ieachewf ;Bev. ,'J. C. tDenn'y Samuel Rothrbck and HHBrowrC Que. 5. Ia.it desirable Jo, have "Lnfnt passes, and what should constitute -the substance and method of teaching tb"em. Rev. Geo. B. Wetmore, R. w! Boyd and K. P. Julian. r i Qaet. 6. The art of secoring4' attention ' as. a Sunday School teacher. ' Le'ander 1 0 vet man, ieo. R. McNeil, and 'Rev.' Wm. Cone.' j :': f''-i.--."- L- ' A question box will be opened tn the afternoon of first day. ' . Ministers of all denominations and all Sun- ty. j.n. Martha Washington Tea Party, In MocksviUe. - ?. This Party 'was given by the young la dies of MocksviUe ' for the benefit of the Presbyteriaa church. Notwithstanding' thej affair was hastily gotten up and not. geuer-j ally known throughout thd county. . a very respectable attendance, consisting mostly of inhabitants of the village, ssem bled last Thursday, evening in what is cim uiouly known as the "old McRorie hoosv.V The hall was brilliantly lighted, and beau tifully adorned with wreathes of fveigreetife ( day School workers and parents are invited to i nl strikincr and HTiitrnnriatp pmtilpins anr.h ' attend 1 SALISBURY MARKET, Corrected by McCcbbins, BbIax,!. '& Dean. i U . , August 2, 1876. uottox -aun. Jiiatiiiugs, ,-) ; ' '! ' low ,? ' ' stains Bacok, county,-hog round Butter Eooa .. CHXCKEjfar-rper dozen Corn market well supplied jiKAL, rooaerate aemand at Wheat good demand at' Flqcr market stocked best fam. ; ' - a taper.' Potatoes, Irish , Odious no-demand Lard , - Hat- Pats BesWax Tallow B L ACKBERRt ES AppLBsdried Suoau CoFFEEttt., Calicos Domesttcs Cotton Yarn Salt . , -MOLAB8EH, gal, , Strcp 10 do 9 B8 12J 15 2025H 8 a 10 1.502.00 6570 7580 1.001.10 3.00 2.75 50 75 15c .40 40 2830 6 CJ7 48 1015 25 6a 78 $1.15 "11.25 ' 33 40 55$1.00 SALE OF; LAI ! -r By virtue of a decree jrf the Surerir Court of Rowan eounty,' I will sell' at the Court House door in the town -of Salisbary on the 26th day of August next the lf4k ing described laud beloneine tu the estaio u me wie n ttuurn uranioru to-wit ; . .. The land known as the Wilburu Cr'an- ford House place, adjoining the lands of C. tl MeKenz e, Richard Harris and others. Terms of sale, one-third cash; one-third in six months and une-third in twelve months. Bond and good swuritv with interest from date. Title retained till all the urchasi money is paid. JOHN W. MAUNEY. jy20, 76-4t. Admr. &c. AGENTS maJx no engagements till you sec: cur HEW Which in thrilling interest, sterling merit, ele gance ana cheapness, has absolutely no equal. It is "The Thisg" for the Centennial period- takes on sight. 4Thb Aotth American Iltxiev says it in "dtser ving of unqualified praise; we anticipate for it an extensive popularity": the Dubnque Tunes says "Just such a work as thousands of the Ameri can People will be glad to possess"; the Dettoit Advertiser calls it "preferable to any yet pubiitk ed." Any active Man or Woman of good ad dress insured large profits and steady work for a year. For full particulars, address. J. B- FORD & CO., 27 Park Place, New York Vance foot House, Friday 'dock. du6 will meet at the gust 4th, at 8.30 ; Cu6.wi nixht, Auj sary advice : Interested man watching and giving unnecesas a,arSe portrait of Geo. Washington, our uattonal standard, et cetera. 1 he two prin ciple characters persouated were lady Wash Zing tou aud Madam Lafayette: Airs.: R. D. j Brown assuming the character of the former and Mrs. Machle, that of the latter.! They were dressed very appropriately iu ancient i T.K. BRUNER. Secret 1 FRANK BROWN, &ecrelarif v .It TO THE STOCKHOLDRS OF THE 6c LOAN ! ALbBCRY BUILDING ASSOCIATION. I L. I 1 14 ordered by the Board of the Directors to into yqU that the condition of the , As Tcitiqu U unimparied by the recent decis it iF the Supreme Court and that the ousi- uttvill goonas usual. A full attendance is dtiirtd at the Stockholders' meeting on next Moflday night. - . vj -,: B. F. ROGERS, Sec. liiht, I87G-43.lt.- ijEiiblitis' floats' from the corner of tF.Klatu' Drug Store. JOHN W. MAUNEY, JWs. L. W. Crawford, See. ; l "Dick will never get that Hplice fixed on while the sun shines. I've been watching him lor several days now" He looks down for a moment; costumes and by their winuing manners ad- ' ded ease as well dignity to the occasion. The rest of the ladies were dressed vry be comingly, and performed the amiable post of hostesses in a uianuer that did honor to themselves and tht occasion. The proceeds, clear of all expenses, ainounte 1 to the very I handsome sum of thirty dollars, w hich ex ceeded even the'most sauguine expectations. The affair upon the whole was, a grahd suc cess. Sympathy is that quality of the human, heart that gives a kindly bias to rneti's actions. Wi thou: it this world world be poor indeed, and human nature would be destitute of one of its most beautiful at tribute!', ileuiove sympathy from . the human breast and -there is a vacuum created only trf be exceeded, in size by that prodnct by the removal of a "Light liuiniiug Domestic" from the midt of a family where it has bi-eu for years. Get a "Domestic." RALEIGH MARKET. .WnOLESALECASH PRICES. Rai.eiqh, July 26, 1876. FLOUR. North Carolina $6.00 a $6.25. CORN, 75 a 80c. CORN MEAL, SO a 90c BACON, N. C. hog round, 14 a 15. " hams 16;j a 17. HIDES, green, 5J drv, 10 a 11 FODDER, baled, new $1.25. HAY, N.C. haled, cooil. 90c a 1,00. i HifffUjOf the Concprd Sun, is going to eating hog meat. Look out sheep. f aY'Jame. W. Rumple left the city lasi i Walnwday morning, Atijust 2, for Bingham's j cw.l fi..-:ii- w r - I Webotice in the city Mr. Donald Macanley, thrge dealer in cotton,' from Charlotte, f Will i SIGMA. Dom Pedro is repoxted to haveieft be hind him orders f ir; American maiiufac tureo, mostly machinery, to the amouut of over two millions of dollars. CAPITAL A STATE BAND A IDEA. We have just seen a letter addressed by Prof,: W H. Neave, of Salisbury, who, j i0l0 it, since Jt infects riot only he atmoephere, A Double Danger Averted. The inhabitant of a malarious region i threatened by a double danger. He is not only compelled to breathe niiavma, but to twul- tftbi tweek with us.! Prof- U. T. J. Luawick has returued! 1Wp1I hp'a cot it fixed and I've eot a kind T -j -- - - o -.7 - of a crick in my neck-by jove, it don4t feel ; good. ; sh to Mi. a Pleasant. His schiwl eomraence Wednesday. "Aug. 2d, 1870. Flag Raising). The young men ofthe Tildeniand Vance club had a formal flag rais ing on Saturday last, with music by tie Silver Cipt.T. B. Beall land family have return- j Cornet and an' adJiess by Hon. F. E. Shober. 4froiBtheinouutajns, where they have Vwn, SDeudinir -I very pleasantly several There was a large! crowd in the streets, and though it was raining moderately, many of tht people! withstood it and remained attentive to ; the speaker to the end. pe Supreme Court failed to find any .. r. , -i. .L . i r.. in his particular Hue', is one of the great est musical geniuses iu the United States, if not the greatest, to the members of the ; cornet club, of this city, which contains j soma .ideas well worthy of consideration, i He stales .that before he left North Caro'. Una in 1S67 for the Noithwest, and since his return, last year, he has been posse- ed ef the idea that the only really fine band that the State can hope to have ! for great occofions, where good music is a prime necessity and the most attractive feature, U a State Band; that is to say, a band composed of-the best readers and ; players selected from the several bauds i of the State, to be known as the "North j Carolina State Band." Besides being good readers and players, they should also be, Prof. Neave says, enthusiastic lovers of music, who would be proud ot and do their utmost to secure the success of-the project. His idea is that while North Carolina has no town large enough ' but the water. The aerial poison threatens his system through the lung" and pores, the liquid through the stomach. Against this double peril there is but one protection, aiwl that is, o invigorate the entire biy'flfrbngh - Ihe diges-j- tive and secietive organs.. Ordinary tonics usually fail to accomplish this Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters never, da the irepfuf where the diseases originated by m.-mrta'nye'of Si far more malignant type than those originated by the same cause in the temperate zone, it enjoys immense and constantly increasing Mies, and there is no portion of this continent where it is not the reigning specific for miasmatic fevers and disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, proceeding rom malaria and other t causes. r QUESTIONS FOlEVERY ONE TO ANSWER. Are you troubled with Indigestion, Cou- stipatioti if the 15tvehj, Dy-peusia. or any disei.se of the Livef? Have you suffered fr years and found bo relit-f from the use of mediciues ? !) yoi have h faint appetite. : aud are you troubled with feelings Plantation for Sale. The Undersigned offers for sale the plan tation whieh he formerly lived upon, lying immediately ou the public road leading from Salisbury to Cheraw, 10 miles South-east of Salisbury, coMaiuing 250 ACRES, of whieh there is about one- half wood laud, the other portion is meadow, pasture and tihtble laud. There is on the premises a good dwelling, good barn, and all necessa ry out-buildiutrs. Also a good well and good springs convenient. Any person wishing to purchase land would do well to call on the undersigned at Salisbury. Terms will be made to suit the times. P. N HE1L1G. Salisbury, N. C July J 3 2 inos. J. & H. HOEAH, JEWELERS, SPMNG STOCK Family 1876. sir; XaXCTXl Groceries It Wholesale sod Retail, i - - - i IMA 10 do 3D 'I MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, nHiiiiiiiMn!nnHi!iHiiiiiiiiiiiiii:ii!r!!iJiirrfTTr7Trm KOW I N i 'STORE AND ARRIV1NQ 75 Bbls. Molasses. 10 do New Orleaus Syrup. "r I5ags Coffee. 25 Kgs Soda. . 10 doe. Lemon Syrup, . 50 boxes Adamaotiuts Caudle. 25 Boxes ioap, 75 Cases Oysters J 20 cases Brandy Peaches, 1 20 " Fresh Peaches, 10 " Puve Apples, Gross Snuff Coils Cot Urn and -Jute Ror 40 Doz. Painted Pails." 40 Gniss Flasks 1.500 lbs. Candy! j 40,000 Cigars - o 50 Kegs Powder 50 Bags Shot 100 Reams yrapi)ing Pptr 10 Doz. Scotch Ale -! ALSO ' A full Hn4 'of Wood and Willow War, Boots, Shoes; Hats, Saddles fc Bridles, Axes, Guns, Pistole,; ice. Also. large lot of Canned Goods, a choice selection' of Freuch Candies. Sail, Pepper, Spice, Ginger Royal Baking Pow ders, Kaiseus, .Cunauta, Figs. Citrons, Nats Sardiues, Cocoanuis, PieWee, Sauces, Cat sup. Potted Meat, Kerosene, Tanners and Machine Oils, Liquors of all kinds, &c, &c. The above Stock was bought at the close of the season at greatly reduced prices, and is offered at Wh)lesale & Retail at ery short urofits. BINGHAM C0. Salisbury! N. C, June 121870. MILLS AND LAND FUR SALE. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AUD SPLENDID STOCK Most Beautiful Jewelry. We have just received the largest and hamlsoniest stock of Jewelry over exhibited in Salisbury, and respectfully invite public inspection. It comprises,. Gold and Silver Watches, of all kinds; Silver Pitchers, Cups, Castors, Napkin Rings, Forks, Knives, and Spoons. The finest and most beautiful sets ot Jewelry of all kinds, as Ear-drops, Breast Pins, Ffnger Rings, Bracelets, Seals, Lockets. &c, fcc, 5cc. Also, a lot of plain SOLID GOLD RINGS. Also, agents for the celebrated Schaffhausen Spectacles gthc finest glasses made.jgj Will sell as low as any House in the south. CAI.T. HERE ND -GET YOCR T All II A S D CiUCK 41 KPA 10 1 G done promptly asusualr 'All work tcarranted NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. APT IJTO 2 elegant 9x 1 1 Chromo. $1: 100 for 3 (Jlu oino Co., I'hila., Pa. National a7:4w. A PTTPTnQTTY A n l.dlar bill of 1776 il UUIllUOlIl sent free for stamp. Ad diess Hum 6c Co.. 77 Nassau St., N. Y. 4w AGENTS t a fofthe murder of J bans;. ' trpf m the decision, of the case of Meisemer rs. Ileilig. He will be Goti.--Ve saw on Monday, in the hands of il'eri one of the Company now opperating Stanly, a nugget of gold a pound the product of yyweu mine in 6'taiBe over half i 3Hjwork. Bdved well merited compliment on the young men for the beautiful pole and flag, the latter with the names of Tilden and Vance inscribed upon it, whichjwe were called to dedicate to the cause of State and National reform, glided off into a review-of the past and present conditionof the country; portraying with a master 'hand the j k? Mil. to sustaiu a professional band, eich (own j -1or ? If vu have these feelines we know has a few cittzens who are' richly endow- you have not tried the uew discovery MElt-J eash one third in 6 months and one third HELL'S HEPATINEat Theo. F. Kluttz's iu lJiioutha, mterost from date at eight Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. Notice is hereby given, that the under sigUF'l, pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan Comity, will expose to pub lic sale, at the Court House door in the Town ;of Slirbury. on Saturday the 12th day of August, lc7G, an undivided oue-balf interest in a tract of l nd. knowu as the Mill Tract, situated iu Unity Township, Rowan coiiuty. adoitnug the lauds of Mrs. Keply, Mrs. Kohiusou, J. C. O. Graham aud others, containing about 1-30 acres, subject to a Mortgage" to R. Frank Graham to secure a debt of about $450, but the mortgagee will ioiiiin making title. Terms of saTe : One third of the purchase uftmey to be paid in 12-months. Dec. 10, 1873". 10:tf Drug Store. It is performing wonderful cures in this aud: all other communities ed with musical gifts, and who need only ample resources and correct and artistic training' to develone their renins. This r - , being the case, the idea is this : for all the " .eoF,e lt ,.mU..uuc, ? r.. o . l j n by all as the best Li-ver Mediciue in the iiaiwiii ri i u issif 1 1 smriifiv . m rsa i i v - hrsi -class instructor (and they could nev cr find a belter one than Prof. Neive), and have him instruct them by the monih. Thus the standard of music would be world. Twx "doses .will relteve.' the jworst cae of Dyspepsia, or Cotistipatiou of 'the Bowels. , Eac! bottle contains fifty do9e. and a tekspoonful of this medicine in a wine glassful of water three times a day for oue . Mr.S. H.WiLEY.'who has been 'WtfitofhisafflictMl mn Willi., who accomna- l t ICI.UIIICV1 tO HIM IIUUII IU wu plac. . ttCCRsinv r, n v f:u mill rnn 17 T vy AJ v 1119 ww tm . m v )t excursion of tli sAason to i Henrv Utt njra on the 9 h and 10th of August. II,.1-. - " - "effers special inducements and promises . nttMnBtthe pleasure seekers. - r.m n r.Ac.o.,m w nere ion svsietn is run uowut wiui. loss necessity oireiorm in an. - t . .l. o." ... d . j ....ij r eowirv aun aiiOftife. or -livaneosra, iffittf; : . .. ' " r ' - e t .tl rnumuer 10 composo ine oiaiu oauu couiu . -. .- . , ,, Joint) be ker, A uarver, ernment, and the-otter , n . . i , 'e ...L. all ita tram of evil, is effecting its deadly 7." f nir. n . i be selected. comDOsed of talent of suiDris-i . ... , ,. . m r. - llora-uarver. lienry liaker, il liberty ,n this conn- ; - ... ' r ... , ffi worn, tnu remedy, iekrell-s upw, Johu Blk eI. EUen shin Mary fail to realize the situa-1 .J , . . , lheiH instructor i 1.' 111 to turn back the tide u . .u a i 0,1 u." w:?rri f.'T rine Iverr, John mictr, r-esper- . . i i ouu iiuuw wi mn. iiicuiviuo auu it.o v" I man uaaer, luarsarei Denver. ipnng man get married, the money yotf- nfoplishIy will feed and clothe" a wife m SMI blackberry tune, when ' you can Prober out t graze. This advice was M5S1iCk !adv"li a vnnnir man in thin o.ilv I f'- w may is jro Griffith, is In the city. Will remain , He has been suffering fop past seven weeks ..with a- felon on his ly; few days. m pi 1 M preTented his paying any SMoti to his business. He told us that fi?..thought he would be able to work in Jw&to weeks from this time, We hope one day in advance of the occasion, for a full and general rehearsal. This baud could also give a series ot concerts each year and at different towns and cities in the State and out of it. It occurs to as that the ideas thrown out are excellent ones. Snch a band as that spoken of would be the pride of the State. However good some of our bands may be,' it is quite certain that noue are or cair be as excellent as this Stale Band could be made.-We trust that the cornet elub of this city and those of other towns and cities in the State, will carefully consider the matter spoken of, and act : upon it. Char Observer. '", corrupuonnuPr v..cv-- i8ed ech bamj w be VHgly m. d pruduoe. almost wonderful, change. 1. I ULi-l til 13 iiv panrvu v v the hour- the absolute the departments1 of Gov ruin which threatens civ try shiould the people tion. or neglect, orrefuse, of corruption which had rushed in within the last few years until it had well nigh submerged us. He exhorted his fellow citizens to arouse themselves to the exigencies of the times and rally ito the standard, we had' just unfurled the banner of reform, assuring them that in Sam nelJ.Tildenr they ha a champion who had proved himself abundantly able to wage a successful warfare against the corriiptionista and plunderers. Oui-and-out, it was a splendid address, deliv ered in Mr. Shober's handsomest style, and we doubt not conveyed to many &t those who heard it, facts and views which liad not occured to them before. Mr. W. H. Crawford was called, and respon ded in a few wordt excusing himself for the present, but assuring the people that they should hear from him during the summer and fall. per cent on the deferred paymeuts. JOHN C. O. GRAHAM,' Admr'. of Pleasaut R. Barringer. July 10, '76-40;4t. ROWAN COUNTY Ini the Superior tour I. Thomas M. Kerns, as adm'r. of Nancy Sloop, deceased. AgaiiM Summons for Relief. MANSION HOUSE Centrally Situated On tlao 2ax'fcli.o Square. SALISBURY, N. C. '"piIK HOUSE is in tbe cent of business? JL and LSnearest to the depot. Table as good as tltc best. Servants attentive andpolitc. Board per day - - $' Single Meals. 50 lySpecial Contracts for a longer term. Omnibus to and from all trains. Best Livery Stable near at hand. OfThe undersigned tenders his thanks to many friends who have called on him at the MaxsiOK.aud assures them that noett'ort shall be spared to make their future visits pleasant. ESTTbe Traveling Tuhlic will always find pleasant quarters and refreshing fare. WM. ROWZEE. Feb. 3, 1H70. 17:tf e nave in press a new campaign boot by a College Pres. L. L. D. liie pav. 50cts. will secure outfit and territory. E. Ii. TREAT. Pub., -8U5 Broadway, N. Y. 41. 4 w. P1IND READING, PSYCH0MANCY, III Fascination, Sot'L Cuarmina,. Mes merism, artd Mabiuage Guide, showing how either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affection of any person they choose instantlv, 400 pages, bv mail 50 eta. Hunt & Co., 139 8. 7th St., Pbil'a., Pa. !4l:4w. f 'AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT Centennial history It sells faster thau any other book. One Agent sold 01 copies in-oue day. Send for our extra terms to Ageuts. Address Na tional Publishing Co., Philada. Pa. Columbus, O., or St. Louis, Mo. 4l.4w. 9 A PJXC 11 Agents for the best sell fl Mil I CU ing Stationery Packages in the world. It contains 15 sheets paper, 15 En velopes, golden Pen, Pen-holder, Pencil, Patent Yard Measure, and a piece of Jewelry. Sin gle package, with pair of elegant Gold Stbn Sleeve Buttons, pott paid, 25cts,5wUh assorted jewelry for $1.0U, This package ha.f been ex amined by the publisher of Carolina atenman and found as represented worth the money. Watches given away lo all Agents. Circulars free. BRI DE & CO 7G9 Broadway, N. Y. 41:4c. day tq day .withbotutryiDttbirJlMAtlNB, have our sympathy, but can .not be cured unless they take the Mediciue. ' i- ' An Important Cure by 'Dr. Tutt's . Expectorant,'. We have been informed by Mrs. Williams, gran-daughter of QenvIsreal 'Putnam, - that she sufiered for maby years with!!Asthaia, ac companied with, great - difficulty in breathing. Irlndeed, she says, it prevented, her from lying in a recumbent position, and often spqocatum ap peared inevitable, for which she tosed Tutt"s Expectorant. - The relief was" so great that she was encouraged to persevere in, its use until every vestige of the painful disease was entirely removed. "We can not speak loo Jiisbly 6f.this valua ble preparatior of Dr. Tutt: anjfbt the sake of . . ' suffering humanity! hope that it-may become ,GOV. VANCE'S APPOINTMENTS. ' ! ruora gierally, knwri!C!)fa4dWar. Men are earning selling t0- to $120. per week ! ! Editors Watcliman Please allow me w Soon return fnr hp. in misnprl. not on- profession, but by his pull out the StOn ftnrl nl.r "nnlr vaitincr" ' .r. Job. Sloan's mill -was broken open entered on tna niht of the 2Jthi July. Moantity of corn was taken from 'the mill. 7tf bo arrests have been uiade.! Depre UKDv(il feinda ara inueh too freq- nd it is high time that steps should J tr to'Jaofirto the extent. of. the law prowling oftenders. It woutd not be Sisable to set traps ' br thetn. : Tie a yk$? the trigger of your gun.'t keeping H muledn range of the string i and: 1 ?J f Kks against tb;etfing to snaee in I 1 W F - ft frieikds not to use my name luriuer in connection with the candidacy for the next UouBe of .Representatives, as there are jmany other good names suggested whom t will; be more pleasant for me to 8bpport, than to be a candidate myself ; and I desire above all things to encour agejand promote liarmony iu the Conserva tive! party during the coming-campaign. j I am none the less grateful, however, to my friends who-have so kindly suggested my j name in- this connection, aud on prop er occasion shall endeavor to prove myi self worthy o their kindly regards I .Very4 Respectfully, i THEOi P. KLUTTZ. W. i). McAdoo. nronrietor of tbe-Mc Adoo bouse at Greensboro, baa leased Ui? Benboaf house m that town, ana uas ciosea - - - w it op. Gov. Vance end Gen. Jas. M. Leach ig yot? RLrFEHvoKTlt TtN1 Cl2Nf ? vill address their fellow citizens at the i : .;, . , . oicaness prevuis every wiure, ami everjuonj complains of some disease during their life. When sick, the object is tbfjat'wel I ; now to say plainly that no person in Hits world that is and eness. Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart .Burn, J following places and times : j Rutherford ton, Rutherford Co., lues- Li r.t.i;1ir aV mV dav. July 25th. : r . . ' 'nlnmkiu b I a X rl n oBrt v .1 iilv HiifirihLr with 1)vuipiwi lVfer tiAmolainl . ORili . ; , its effects, such lis Indigestion Costlf en i tjr.i. if as:..- a. It n. Mary Donahue, Sophia Gentle, Moses Baker, Michael Wiihelm, Daniel Wiihelm, Margaret Ritchie, Anna Wiihelm, Nancy Wiihelm. Samuel Wiihelm, Ja cob Krider and John Baker. 3b the Sheriff of Rowan Coun ty Greeting ; .You are, hereby commanded to summon the Defendant above named, if they be found with in your County, to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court for the County of Rowan, within 2U days alter tneservice oi uns Biimmonx on them, exclusive of the day of such service, and answer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, within ten dava from the date of this summons, and let them take notice that if they fail to ah- per bottle ik iM onmnlmnt within that time, the 1 . ., ,. , plaintiff will apply to the Court lor tne reiiei demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this2Slh day of June 1870. J. M. HORAH, Clerk Superior Court Rowan County. 38:Ct.:9. . ummn IODIDE OF AMMONIA Cures Neuralgia. Pace Ache-. Rheumatism, Gout, Frosted Feet, Chilblains. Sore Throat, Erysipelas, Bruises or Wounds of every kind in man or animal. "Giles Iodioeof Ammonia, Js.ip my judg ment, the best remedy for neuralgia ever put before the public. I have beeri afflicted with this terrible disease for 32T years; and never until I fell upon Mr. Giles remedy did I find any assured relief. I take pleasure in saying this, inasmuch as I desire always to be a ben factor of the human family. WM. P. CORBIT, Chairman of the Methodist Church Extension." Sold by all Druggists.' Depot No. 451 Sixth Aveuue, New York. Only 50c and $1 Our Country AND ITS RESOURCES. Complete in the thrilling history of 100 eventful years also of the great 'Exbibi tiun," grand in description of our mighty resources iu agriculture, commerce, minerals tnanuaciures. natural wonders, curiosities. etc, all richhj illustrated. A "Century" Map and "Bird's-Eye View" free. Sells -marvellously fist. 1 ,000 more agents wan ted quickly tor this aud our standard LIFE OF LIVINGSTONE." 00,000 alreadysold, also new Bible, 2.000 Mast. Has Ho equal. For extra write to HUBBARD BUOS., Publishers, Philadel pliia, Pa. . .. 41. 4w. AGENTS WANTED for the New Histori cal Work Our WESTERN B0EDEE. A Complete aud GrapliicHistorv ofAmeri i'HU Pimiet-r Life 100 TEARS AOO. ItslhriHinff conflicts of Red and White Foes. Exciting Adveutnres, Captivities, f orays. Scouts, Pioneer women aud boys, Indian war-paths. Camp life, aud sports. A book for old and young. Not a dull page. No competition. Enormous sales. Agents wan ted everywhere. Illustrated Circulars free. J. C- McCUUDY &CO., Phila.. Pa. 23:4 w tt. j. uu ti j n im : day, July 27th.. ,W' , ' "V ;i I Biliousness, &c.,VcnB taka Gafies'it Auo-st Asbeville, Buncombe Co., If riday July i Flowers without xetting relief and cure. If 28th. Gov. Vance will speak at the following points : '' '- - - - ! ! Marshall, Madison Con Monday Jaly 31at.iW ; ' J "' " ' . .. . Burnsville," Tancey . Co., .Wednesday Aug. 2ncl.: j, , ..-. .:. ,- . .. BakersvUle, Mitchell Co., Thursday, Ang.3rd.'-M . j , : f - . ' Boonr, Wataoga Co., Saturday, Aug. 5th. :3 s '. ! s . Jefferson, Ashe Co., Monday Aug.-7tb. Wilkesboroj Wilkes Co., Wedoesday, AuR..9thtff-;.--4- "-?,v:fX 1's ? .1 Taylorsvillej Alexander Co., Thursday, Aug 10th. v ' - -Weatetu-papers will please copy. you doubt this, go ito your .Drujjgist Mr. TheoJ F. Kluttx, and get'a Sample Boula for10 cent? and try it. Regular size 75 cents. Two doses will relieve1 yon; j ' "- !.? LIFE INSURANCE A2fl All UIT V JPOOTANY. 7 s Ko. 3i;& Hne 6tfeet, Jfew Xorkf Income 1,369,434,76. TJabilitiei 3,147,438,25. AssetU 3,683,900,25. 801103 ' 534,477,00 Local Agent, t M .7 ' ' ' Raleigh, N. C. C.T-BERNHARDT Salisbury, K,C . -. V' : -:40:5k; , FINLEY HIGH SCHOOL, MATHEMATICAL and COMMEECIAL, Lenoir, Caldwell County,. N. C. : 0- Fall Term opens July 13, 1ST6. 4tl OiriHnn nos flniminn nf 4ft Wki. SSS 00. Board la private famlUea in tne vUlage, xtptlng Items, wasning, ana kwu prr octti ,. sr For particulars send for Ctrcular. :8t KERR ORAIGE, gttomcs at Sato, 15:tt March, 9, THEO. F. KLUTTZ..Aeent. Salisbury, N. C (22:ms.) ' National Hotel RALEIGH, N. C. Col. 0. S. BROWN, Propr. Beautifnllr sitnatvd next to Capilol fquare FINE RUOA1S WELL FL'RNISH EU and tittcd up in the lt st le. Bath Rooms and VYater-Clowts on eacli Foor J 32:tf. J. V. KeOt, Clerfc. NOTICE TO .CREDITORS. North Carolina j Superior Court. Montgomery County, j 1 S. J. Pemberton, plaintiff 1 Againtt 1 V. llaurtey, Adm'h of Thom- f as Stokes, (dec) Defendant. J All creditors of: Thomas Stokes, (dec.) are hereby notified to appear before me, at my office in Troy, N. C, on or before the . lt daj of Aii2Ut next, and file the evidence of their claims, to the end that the extate of the said Thomas Stokes, (dec.) may be settled. '-i C.C.WADE, C. S. p. of Montgomery County 35;2mos. v - - For Coughs, Colds Hoars e ess AND ALL THOAT DISEASES, Use WEILS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES A THIRD AND SURE REMEDY. Sold bj Druggist generally, and FULLER A FULLER. Chicago, III. Ill IS PAPER IS OX FILE WITH WlMr AdverlUluc ContrMU can b 15 Cts , Lye at Will buy one Box of Coneentate