Carolina Watchman. A UGlfST 31,11870. Of) If! Persons niaWing remittances fqr 1 U the rrrtfcAwH shoujr send, f 20 to pay for a year J 0 ctsUio pay postage! national D 8mopratiDREf orm Ticiet l For President: SAMUEL J. TILDES, NEW yokk. Ice'Presiclcnt ; 4. HlixDKICKS, INDIANA. For TI1QMAS STATE TICKET- i - -ifur Gorernor ; EBUljQN J. VANCE, OF lECKLESBUKQ. For Lieutenant Governor : ' TUOMAS J. JAItVIS, of riTT. ' For Sate Treasurer; J. M. WORTIJ, OF KANbOLPIt. Fxr SbCretory of SlaU : Joseph A. ENGLEIIAItD, OF NEW JIANOVEJl. For. plate A uditor i : gMpEL l. Love, HAYWOOD. For Attorney-General ; THOMAS S. KENAN, OF WIL9QN. . For Supt.of PubUt Inst met ion J. a soaubrough, OF JOHNSTON. Fo,r Congress 3d. District: ALFRED 31. WADDEL OF SEW HANOVER, Far Congress iih Dirtrict: JOSEPH J. DAVIS, OF FRAKil.IN. ' . For Congress oth Dis'tid : , A. M. SCALESj of r For Congress Oth District; VALTER L. STEELE, pF RJOHMOSD. For Congress 1th District : -- WILLIAM M. ROBB1NS, - OF IREDELL. ELECTORS AT LARGE: fo. G. FOVVLEof Wakv - jj. M. LEACH, of Davison. DISTRICT ELECTORS i , 2i) district JOHN 1 WOOTflN, ' JiD TiSTi:icT JOHN 1). STANFORD, 4th district FAB. II. IIUSBEE, f.TH DISTKICT-F. C. ROBBINS, Oxn district-R. P. WAU1NGJ Platform of the Democratic Par ty in North Carolina Adopted dv theDemocratic State Con vention at! Raleigh, on Q4th JTune, 1876. I Whereas, Tia republican party of the United StateB, for he last sixteen years; has had the complete coulrol of t ha government in all its departments, and by Us disregard of Constitutional limi tations ; by itg tytjequal audi oppressive tajjatjan : by ts extravagant and waste ful expenditures ; by jts pnwwje and mis cliievoua financial poljcy ; by its unexam- Elec Official pqrrqpiiou pervading all rauches pf its administration has brought diegracej npon our government and unparalleled distress upon; our people; therefore - -L; 1 i i Resolved, 1. That in this; centennial year of our existence, we invite all patriots to ignore all dead issues, to disregard tbe prejudices engendered by-the pasf 0vents, and to unjte with, us in the effort to restore aconglUutional, liqnest, economical and puca administration of the government and; thus promote tbe general wejfare and happiness of the country, Resolved, 3. That we earnestly and cor dialljr recommend the adoption, by th people, ot the amendments to the Gonsti tut ion proposed by the Convention of 1875 and, thus largely reduce the expenditures ot pur State and county coveinincnta and simplify their administration, 90 that we may be enabled to -establish la thorough and enlarged system of public echools fur tb.bejrHrt 01 all; the citizens tf the State Resolaed, 3. That notwithstanding our . ' .1 J ? ..".! 1 . ' T . repeaiea aisappointraents ana imppyisned . condition, we still cherish the! North Car pliua project so long labored for by Morer- Jiead, Saunders, Fisher, Wm. Jl. Thomas, and .others, ot uniting the harbors of Beau fort aud Wilmington with the great west and for the completion of the "Western .North Carolina Railroad to Paint Rock and J)icktown, and of our nnfiuished rail roadd, we pledge the continued use of the convict labor of the State, arid of such jadicions Ifgiglative aid as will ee cur5 tjje completion f these great Stale works at the earliest piacticable period. llcsohcd 4. That the nepple f North Carolina now have it in their power by fan eaunest, determinated and ujujied effort, to relieve our people from theevis p'J re publican misrule,! extravagance- jjnd "or ruption, and reBtbre tbe prosperity of our ' state. . I- - - r; . JifSdceif 5. That we denounce ,ofcial corruption wherever found, and we hold lioQ'ety fo be the first and biggest qualU iication forpfHce. j ; T i Mr. I). C. Keid. We have been re rnjtjded that tjijs gentleman wu rnn pp f he. radical ticket j for County Commjs- piqner, tjyo yean ago, and received the Jiigheet yote given to any candidate op I he Ticket. Ilia 11 arae was probably used ! ! - without his cotifen jjow ojviatc to his t, bnd if to, should nol prejudice. 1 ' - . V PThe Chicago German Republicans are but in a ringing address to their fellows ouiitfyuicn thoroughly reviewing the ad Linistfatipn of the Repubhcan party test ing it by the scales 01 iruuj an t, faitlv reachinsf ' the conclusion that it a monstrous saaiie an .uhwm!.iii ht the whole cjTiljzedwprld. They brad if rth curse, and call. on their fellow- ountry-mcn everywhere to come to the res cue of 'the country by electing Tilden and lendricke, 9 the only hope ior a genuine reform. .The address is one ot the clearest and ablest documents yet brought out, and will awake a deep interest in every German neighborhood where read. OUR COUNTY CANDIDATES. The selection of candidates in this county has been conducted on a different plan this year from any heretofore tried. It was thought desirable to ascertain as nearly as i 1 - - possible the choice of the people, and iji order to do this, the Executive Committee directed the Townships-to lold full meetings, ancf take the vote of the people. This was done, rather imperfectly no doubt ; for in some cases the attendance at Township meeting was small; And in other cases, the attendance was tardy, spreading through the larger part of the day, whereas, the holding of the meeting pnd taking the vote was only the work of a few-minutes time, cutting off from its pnvi- ees those who were slow in arriving. Xotwithstanding these and other impcrfec tions in the plan, (which, hereafter, should be amended), it wofked pretty well ; and we have a ticket made up by the people themselves, who will doubtless support it with more zeal, than any presented to them in a long time. j It is not out of place to call attention to cine defect in the above plan, and that is, ip leaving the Townships to make their own Appointment of day for holding the town- sjhip meeting when candidates arc to be se lected for the county; By this rule, the town ship meetings will be held at different times, affording ah opportunity to interested men to run around from one township to another and set to work cunning machinery by which to control the action of the town ship. It would be better, we think, to hold all the township meetings on the same aay, There would be fewer chances for outside influences to come in and affect the spontan eous expression of the people; fewer dis tractions of the mind, and therefore a clearer Verdict rendered. The comparison of the votes ofthc town sjiips on Saturday last, showed an almost un animous vote for Mr. W. II. Crawford, for the Senate J. Henderson and J. S Mc dubbins, Sr., were decidedly chosen for the Commons; Waggoner, for Sheriff;' Fraley, for Coroner ; J. S. McCubbins, Jr., for Treas urer; Woodson, for Register; and J. 0 Bernhardt, for Surveyor. It was found that only three persons had received a ma jority of the townships for Commissioner, so that the delegates had to go into an elec tion for two more to complete the Board The two persons selected had received five townships each in the primary township elections. Mr. Rcid got the'vote of Salisbury, Mt. Ulla, Locke, Litaker and Morgan ; rep resenting a voting strength (as compared wjith Robbins' vote two years ago) of 7CG. Sir. Davis had received the vote of Salisbury, Mt. Ulla, Atwcll. Gold-Hill, and Scotch Irtish ; representing a voting strength of 948, wjhich is 152 more than a Majority ot the Conservative voting strength of the count v. In strict accordance with the elective principle, not he who the votes ot tlie largest number of townships should be declared elected, but he who receives tlie largest representative vote of the people. Oh his principle there were four Commis sioners elected instead of three, and under it just operation some trouble and feel injg might have been prevented. We do not know who is responsible for the precedent ofj ruling by the number of townships : wpether it was by common consent merely, orjby oversight ot all. Certainly it is an inter esting question which should hereafter be wjell understood, and we have no hesitation in declaring in favor of the largest number of .votes instead of the largest number of tovin- shiDS. Atwell or instance, mvpsnrnnsprrn. ; ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' IO try vote ot W$y whilst Morgan gives but Co. There is no reason why the votof Morgan shjould count equal to that of Atwell. But tlijere is reason why the vote of Atwell should cojunt its full strength, which would be an;d Morgan 1. There is no reason ii why Unity with her 79 votes should equal Frank Hii with her 1G9. Nor that Gold Hill, with her IJjS should balance Salisbury's 322. It pnjist be apparent io all that this question iought to be settled before another contest coines around, for the present mode of jedunting is certainly wrong. - fThe recent Methodist conference at Cane May, did not agree ujwm a basis of re-union iet ween northern and southern churches, as ias been incorrectly stated j but to a pty'n bjr re-cttabljshjng fraternal relations. Y&xpEDon't our work h ." A sensi ble thouglit In these times of high excite ment people who" are well reste$ vell fed arid well slepted are apt to forget in their eagerness to see ijnd t bpar the man who is (rousing the State,' that he requires rest. Give him all the rest possible, for he is per forming a heavy work undergoing a p ruei infliction and dangerous with all.'- ' Street Colloquy. The following little pass between two darkies, one of tlj cm ridin a mule, and the other lounging on a corner: ' nam. wiierc ve mt, lat lTiiiln ' r u hare's hare's your 40 acres and a mule, nig--Gosh ! Vance sent me dis animil." ' ri - ger? o Ak Artesian Well at Prairie du Chien. Wis., discharges 869,616 gtllons of water f4anv. i lie wen is Dou ueep, and has a head tojraige fl)e water 900 feet above ground. J I ' 0 There is a p,anic among sponge divers in Turkey. A dreadful sea monster lias fnade hi appearance in tb sponge fields and one man, it is said, was swallowed bv him. it is described as being as large as a small boat. noc mucn more Reunite than if they had bam u piece 01 cnatK. ! r - 1 : '. f ..J - !. 4PflTTg vile, Pa., Aug. 28.The Mollv Haguire prisoners Manly McGehan, Carrol Wearily and Bayle recently con victed of the rnprder f policeman osi, tv. uMuiuaiiaif, wtie eeuiencca 10 qeawi f-pis morning. GEORGE WIIITE, j A respectable colored mau of Halifax County, talks to his colored friends hi this sty la; ' J j "It must be remembered that we only represeut a fragmentary portion of our whole population, and it is to our best in terest always to move with the popular class, especially here in the South, where our living is entirely dependent upon the employ men!, help and chanties of t be dorm inant class. The most of the office-holders were as we. are when we elected them to office, and all they hnve eoer done for us has been iv make enemies of life time old friends, rob the treasuries both oftState and Nation, leaving us-to be taxedjtof re place what they have stolen. ihe result of said taxation has destroyed the life of business every where -even closed up schools and churches with a starving min istry aud laity scattered about, tbe State, living in want and shame. Never before iu our history did the colored man pre sent such a fearful spectacle ! The! peni tentiaries are crowded throughout the Southern States It is the biz stealing at Washington -that causes small stealing elsewhere, and as the scripture teaches, "thou shall not steal," we should under stand that we are forbidden to aid in stealing by voting or otherwise. The Republican party is corrupt from head to foot, and when a ptrty becomes thus polluted it can no more cleanse or purify itself than can a guilty sinner at t he alter of mercy cleanee or purify himself; bis change requires the operation 6f an other party altogether. We have tried Republican rule tor the last fifteen years and the country grows worse and Worse. Give us ance and 1 ilden; Then jhe country will be reutemtd." VANCE AND SETTLE 1 FOUSYTUE AND STOKES. IN tr . t i . re . . r i i v ance a raigiuy enori ai oaietn uas had telling tft' ct on the Forsyilie! pco pie. Farmer 'Grubbn, eleven' miles be tween Winston and Dan bury, declares he uaa voiea iue republican ucaei ever ince the war, but after bearing the dis cussion at Salem he is convinced 110 hon est republican- can continue to eifdorge such a party, and he shall vote tor Vance. It is plaii: the bloody shirt doesn't wave well. J he deserters themselves are sick of it. "What in the deuce is that fcllowi talk ing of desertion for ?"' said a man in ihe crowd at Winston. ''I'd a irreat sieht .1 1 , 1 . it 1 . 0 raiuer nt a icu me uow to make souie bread aud meat for my children darn him I was a deserter myself an I'm goin' to vote for Vance." Judge Settle evidently feels the i mis . . 1. 1 1 . ' i 1.1 iaae ue nas maae ana me revenue: men around him look as so many mourners at his funeral. " It has been the song of Judge Settle from every stump that Vance, wheirelec ted Governor, immediately went over to tbe secession aud war party, lint at Salem Vance sprung a paper 011 Settle, au old copy of the balem Press that had been preserved by Mr. MaSten, which came up as a witness from the dead past a nl covered the charge with confusion and defeat. Dr. Wheeler and old Solici tor Starbuck, at a meeting of the citizen? of Salem twelve months after Vance had been Governor, passed the most lulsume resolutions lauding Vauce heavenward for sustaining-the civil over the military. Yattcti was irresistible as he read these resolutions. He would read awhile and then pause and laugh awhile. The effect was prostrating to Settle aud the revenue. At Ddiibury to-dav Jude Settle rath er departed from hid usual evenness of temper 111 interrupting Vance wiih ejacu lations of "that's not so." In u reply speech Vance sprung on the. Judgo- ihe charge of drumming two men froid bin company as cowards because they refused to enlist. b4tl.e lhat is not so. No men were ever dru mmed from my comoitnv A man named Apple arose in the croard '"It is so, Cautnin Settle : I; was there and know the fact." ;- Settle considering -"Yes, but not for cowardice ; 1 had them drummed out for larceny." Here was an issue, when a man n&raed Peed was put on the stand, aud ; bore Settle out that the drumming wak for larceny and not for cowardice. iThis crossed heads with Apple and Peed who talked the matter over, and lost as the crowd was leaving, Judge Settle cried out that Apple bad agreed he was correct, the men were drummed our for larceny. "W T . . v ...... V ance" W ould to Uod. fello w-cit tzens. all tbe others, for larceny, could be drum med out of Capt. Settle's comp iuy.". J here was a yell at this that waked the woods. THE TWO SAMUELS-OUIt UN CLE AND OUll COUSIN. The estimates of the departments for the year were 203.01)9.025. The bills as re ported by the Coihinjttee on Appropriations amounted to $1 37,23. l.T. The bills as passed the Senate, $ 1 53.2G0.59S ; the bills as enacted into law, $147,719,074. as agaiust appropriations for last vear of $ J 77,(tU,337, being a reduptiou of $29,944-253. This ia Mr. Randall's statement of the opd work of hid! committee and of the House of Representatives in the direction of economy and reform, notwithstanding the .Executive and the Senate. These seven lines of Randall's comprise a perfect answer to all the campaign sneeches in , - , o 1 favor of Grantisjn or Hayesisra that can be delivcie4 between thjs'aud November. Onp Lncle Samue has reduced the taeB ot New iork State seventy percent. in a single year,: and, our Cousin Samuel, with iheaid of 4 Democratic House, ; has in a single sefsjon reduced the apnropria tions for the General Government5 by; he handsome sum qfS29,944,2i3. I'he people, we incline to' thin( can trust these men j; and all those who jeek relief from the excessive burdens of debt and taxes, will vote to give them a larger field and a greater opportunity. If, Vt San. , Hayes to Visit Grant Grant to Take a ? - j ' : Trip. ... jl j ;; Long Branch, Aug. 2S. The Presi dent has invited Hayes to visit him at bis cottage at-Long Brauch, and Haves 1 baa accepted. Grant is arrauging for a f trip around the world on the. conclusion of bis term, wjth Mrs. Graut CONGRESSIONAL CANVASS, Hon.! Win. M. Rabbins and Col, ;Thos. J. Dula, Candidates for Congress in the 7th District on the Conservative and Republican tickets respectively, will address the people at the following times and places, viz: Dobson, i Surry County "Tuesday Sept 5 seu?e oaraen roraytn " KeroersvlUe " " Wedaesday " a Taursaay Friday Saturday Moaday , Tuesday -Wedaesday Thursday Friday Saturday r Monday Tuesday f Wedaesday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Tuesday Wedaesday Thursday Friday 7 8 9 11 H IS i!4 IS 1 0 21 2i S3 SS l& 87 2S Lewis vine " Mock'svjue Davie Ckunty Fork Churca " " CooliSnrlnes Iredell " Krtdefs Store Kowan Cnlaa Grove Oold HUl ;i "v Salisbury ' Claritesvllle Davie Yadldnvule Yadkin Eliaa 1 Surnr, Trap mil Wilkes sejmstTi wore Wflkesboro " Scott's X Roads Iredell Shepherds X " " Eagfe Mills " Fralevs Store " Walker's Store " Rt.ltAjvlllA 9 30 S Saturday stony Pt. Church Alexander Co. Monday , Oct. TayldravlUe . Tuesday . - " Wednesday " " vv " Thuraday " s 4 6 8 T 9 10 11 It 13 14 IS IT IS 19 80 SI 23 34 ii S6 XT S3 Wittenbure Susrar Loaf Prfvetfa .store Newcastle, McNeil's store Deep Gap Boone uices " Friday " Saturday 44 Monday Tuesday " Wednesday " Thursday Friday Saturday " Monday " Tuesday " Wednesday " Thursday " Friday " Saturday 44 Monday 44 Tuesday 44 Wednesday 44 Thursday ' 4 Friday 44 Saturday Watauja Ashe 8u?ar Grove Elk x Roads Korth Fork Jeffersoa Laurel Springs, Alleghany - ' '" runtr am SDorUi 1 Pocky For i Church Frank!!-! Old PUux Surry MUAlryj " Tom-screex ! winstoa i Forsyth East Bend ; Yadkla Mt. Nebo Buck Shoals " j JIJDCJE FOWLFTS APPOINTMENTS, j Judge l-,ol of ihe Klectors for the jptate Ht larg.-, will a I Irsa (ho people at the foliiMviiir tiiueaau l places, to wit ; Cpneoid, rWuixlav. Aug. 31.' I Chailotie, Fiii lay. Sepumber 1st. ; Slielby, Saturday, Seoteinber 2nd. Iluihei ford ton, Monday, Sept. 4. ; Asheville, Wednesday, September, 6th. Marion, Thursday, September, 7ih. I Kewion, Friday, September, 8 h. 1 Taylors villi', Saturday September, 9th. Wilki shoro, Monday. September, 11th. ; Trap; Hill. Tuesday September 12' h. i Dobson, Wednesday, September, 13. j Yadkinvtlle, Thursday, September, 14. j Mockevillp. Friday, September, 15. j Winston, Saturday, September, 16. TOWNSHIPS IX COXVEXTIOX. I Accorilii.g to appointment the citizens of Kownn iisi mlilt el in convention at the court house, Saturday lad, Aug. 2G. j On motion, Kerr Craige was call to the chair, frank Brown and (Jeo. 11. McNeill were re quested to act as Secretaries. : Tlie roll being called it was found ( that nil the Townships were represented. Dr. T. W. Keen offered the following resolution, which was adopted : j Resolved, That in advance of any nominations we pledge ourselves litartily to support the nominees of this convention and oppose all in dependent ea nil id at en. j Nominations being in order, the names of V. II. Crawford and J A ll.iwkim were present ed. AV. H. Crawford received the votes of ten Townships ; J, A. Hawkins, one. W II Crawford was declared the noinineeof Rowan, for the Senate, and was recommended to Davie CO. ; For the House of Commons, the names of John S Henderson, J S McCubbins Jr., and J: A Fisher were suggested, and J S Hend erson and J S McCubbins receiving a majori ty upon first ballot were declared the nomi nees. I The following nominations weie then un aniuiously made, to wit: j For Shtrifl" C F Waggoner; RegHter of Deeds, II N Vood-on ; county Treasure, JS McCubbins, Jr.; Coroner, li, E Frayley ; Sur veyor, J C Earnhardt . ; Fdr Commissioners, on first ballot, J G Flenlming, Dr L W Coleiuui, and G A I3inghnm, received a majority of votes. It being found necessary for the delegates from the respective Township to consult as to the choice of the two remaining Commissioners, a recess of leu minutes was granted. On re-as-sembling, D A Davis and D C Reid received tlie nominations, J Before balloting for the nominees of the several officers tah candidate was call upon to express his willingness to abide by the de cision of the convention, each one pledging himself to do so. Oh motion, twenty-five delegates to the Senatorial convention from the county at large, were appointed, vis : Salisbury G A Bingham, D A Davis pnd P 1 Msroney. FiunklinU C Rost, and W M Kincaid. lUnity John Rice, and Dr J B Clement. Scotch Irish J G Fleuinnng, and R J Bar ber. ; Atweil G W McLean, and Jno Sloan, Morgan XV L Parker, and D C Reid. Pcovidence Henry Bai ringer, and Lewis Agner. Mt Ulla N F Hall, and J K Graham. GoldHillJ C McCanless, and WCCulp. Liiaker A L Heilig, and John Sloop. Locke J A Fisher, W F Watson. jOn' motion the Chairman and Secretaries wfcre added to the list, and the convention adjourned. j ji a KERR CRAIGE, Caair. Geo.. R. McNeill,) e . . Fj Bkowx, 1 Seeies. Av Absurdity. Settle makes the absurd statement that Vance might have stopped the war ! Nobody is green enough to believe, that. Why, suppose Vance in 1863 or 1864, or early in 1S65, if! he bad been so disposed and his oath of office had not been in the way, had undertaken to stop the war. don't every body see and know Xortb Carolina, situ ated in here between the two armies of the Confederacy, would have beeu over run and utterly ruined aud crushed out? Qf course she would, and tbe name of Vance would gave gone down in infamy. If Tanoe was half big enough man to have! stopped tbe war, he is big enough tar JJovernor, and too big for Settle to bipavidsqn Record. ! 1 j Col. W. L. Qteele, candidate for Con gress1, will canvass Lincoln, Gaston and Mecklenburg counties in the early part of September, and will perhap speak at Trfly -aHd Albemarle durioff Court. Durmj the latter part of September and October be will canvass Stanly, jfont- gomery, RicVipond, RobpSQn and U nion J counties .--Rockingham -Courier. 1 How about tbe Western Asylum for the Insane at Morgauton t Tbe late Lg ilatare refused to add to the building :at Raleigh so as to accommodate the insane of theSiate, and appropiiated $75,000 for the building of an Asylum atMii ganton. Our information ;f is hat the Democratic Commissioners to build said Asylum have laid out plans which will cost the State over $500,000,- and that they have spent most of thej appropria tion made in grading grounds aud in sinking pipes to bring water some four or five miles to tbe building. How . ia this 1 Raleigh 'Constitution.- " The above charge should be investiga ted, aud if ffue a remedy applied, , but if untrue the Constitution should correct it. It should be remembered, however, thai all the Commissioners are uot Democrats. Charlotte Democrat. : - Poor Shotwell ! The Government has taxed its devilish ingenuity to torture aud humiliate this brave aud couiageiius mau. He has been chained down in filthy, lousy jails to gratify the diabolical malice of his enemies; he has been convicted by! a packed jury of a crime of which he wjas innocent; ltd has been imprisoued in the penitenti iry by a corrupt judg, under; ; a law deelired by tbe Supreme Court of the United States uncoustituti uial. Tbe brave fellow has endured it all uncomplain ingly and defied the Government to do Its worse. Bat when he heard the other day that "Johnnie Bailey ' was to be the Re publican candidate for the Legislature. ih Mecklenburg, he said, "I'll be d d." Landmark. A Reception Made to Order. All the bauds while, and colored, em ployedrupon ihe government building, u're under marching orders. They received instructions yesterday aliciuoou, that they must all be al the depot this morn ing, to meeT Settle, and to be in the pro cession w bicb was to escort him up in the iity. A little squad will be there to meet Vance ilso, but they will be present of their own accord, aud their enthusiasm will be spontaneous, not manufactured under compulsion nor ordered for the oc casion. Ral. Kctcs. A Kcjro Lynched JJcath from Lauda num. Augusta, Ga . Ansr. -28 A iipffro namea illitms assiulted Jtrs. Anna Rridjrers, near this city, last Thursday, and inflicted injuiies probably fatal The negro was taken from jail last night aud shot. Savannah, A g 2S Jacob Tiiest, a well known merchant, was found dead this morning. Cause.' Au oveidobe of laudanum. MlLFOliD, Pa , Aug. 28. Extensive incendiary fires are racing in tlu mouii Dc la- tains on 1 lie 1 eiiusvl eiinsy lvauia slue ot ware Uiver. Fort Jkkvis, N. Y August 2S forest hies 111 (lie northeastern portion of ibis townshio have destroyed several dwellings. A large number of men are fighting the lire without avail. No Poiver to Tax Sample Merchants. , New York, Aug. 2S. The corpora tion counsel have reported to the Board of Aliieimeu tiiat their bod' has no power to pass au ordinance requiting parlies selling goods by oamplc in this city to pay license, and it sueh law existed it could not be const nationally enforced. MRS. HEAVE'S MUSIO SCIIOUL will eoininence Sept. 20th. Terms 20.00. half to b paid in advance, Tutlf the middle of the session. SALISBURY FEMALE ACADEMY. MISS JENNY CALDWELL, Principal. The Next session will open Sept. -20th. Terms same as heretofore. Land for Sale. Will sell at the premises on the 15th day of September, 1876, at 11a o'clock, valua ble Tract of Land lying 16 miles 'west of Salisbury, near the Beaties Ford road, on the waters of Sills Creek, near Back Creek church, adjoining tire lands of M. W. Ooodinau and others, containing about 100 Acres about GO acres under cultivation, some 30 acres of bottom, some cleared and some in woods. It has on it a good House, Barn; Orchard, &e. Altogether it is a verr desi rable Tract of Land. Also, about it bush els Wheat, at same time and placc-i Terms easy. Apply to S. A. LOWRANCE, Admr. of F. D. Clodfelter. JRowan co, Aug. 26th, 1870, 2t:pd BANKRUPT SALE OF MILTON GOLD JEWELRY. GREAT FAILURE OK THE Milton Gold. Jewelry Co., in England! THEIR ENTiRK STOCK CONSIQNE0 TQ US Td REALIZE MONEV. Everybody has heard of MILTC-N GOLD JEWELRY, it having been sold in this mart ket for the last ten years, and worn by .he best and richest class of our population. Still it takes an expert jeweler to discover' MILTON gold from VIRGIN gold. We wll send for the ninety days ONLY the following articles by mail, post paid, on receipt of 0cents: ONEJPAIR ELEGANT SLEEA'E,BUTTONS, with Independence II all engraved, retail Price ,.,,.r,',... $100 ONE SET SPIRAL SHIRT STTTDS, retail price 75 ONE BEAUTIFUL CORAL SCARF PIX, retail price 7 ONE ELEGANT GENTS' WATCH CHAIN, latest pattern, retail prtoa tl 60 ONE COLLAR BUTTON, retail price......... 50 ONE ELEGANT WEDDING RING, very heavy, retail price , $800 Total..... Beroember, we will send tou the above nam ed six articles, which we have retailed for $6.50, by mail, post paid, fqh (jO PFNTS, or 4 sample lota for $1.50, and Ram pie lots for $4.00. Satisfaction guaranteed or money : retunded. Address WIWAM W. BELL & CX). Importers of Watchen and Jewelrv. 8 Kortb Seventh St., Philadelphia. Pa. Please btate whero you saw ihU adwrtiiocut. 4G:iniuti. THE NEW "DOUESTIC'i 7 4 1 -- - - - ' s r cn tj r."- n & m 1 8 L ,SWMMlgi- THE LIGHTEST-RUNNING HACHINE IN THE WORLD! I i i i With out printed d'u-ections, no InstrucUon or mechanical skill is required to operate it. j The construction of tbe machine is based upon a principle of unique and unequalled plicity, comprising simple" le jens working upon centres. The bearings are few, and tiy are hardened and' polished. ', , ' The machines are made atj our new works in the city of fcewaric, N; :-, wiui new specka (patented) machinery and tooH constructed expressly to accomplish what we now offer. Every machine fully warranted, 41 DOMESTIC" SEWING MACHINE CO., XN FAS HI0N highest talent and the best kcifities brail departments,. nd the best ideas of the most skillful modistes, both at home and abroad, we are enabled to atUin results for above the reach of the average dress-maker. Our styles are alwavs the latest and best. Our elegantly-illustrated catalogue mailed-to any lady sending five cents with her address. Agents wanted everywhere " DOMESTIC" SEWING MACHINE CO., i - New York and Cliicajjo. . I Marble Works. MONUMENTS.! Scatcli anrl On hand and ALL ORDERS Athhess, - L - ; r.):ir or L23 Nr JE vr The Southern j Underwriter's Association. t. IXSUUES ALL KINDS OF PROPERTY AGAINST - LOSS OR DASY1AGE BY FIRE. AUTHOKIZSD CAPITAL... ASSETS. MAY 5, IsTO, HOME EALEIGH. 2s' . C. ARMISTEAD JONES, President, R. W. Parties destrtuEr to Insure their property should is a saw ourporatlou, e.oinWnlns' solvency ana Company), as the following eeritlieatej from the i : I j This Ls to certif y. That I have thorotirhlv examlnedlhe " business affairs and finances " of Tlie8oa- em Underwrlter'a Asswlatlon,"' ltalelgu, North mend sections 42, 4a, and 44. Uattle s, KevlsaL" said company Is "doing business upon sound principle, within the provisions of Its charter, aMlUHjr ance with the laws of the state of Noj-ih Caroana," and that they are posstWd tf the following aww ties, which will more fully appear froio stuteiaeat on file In thlsoilke : United States Bonds, (market vatub),! T0,?S! ' N. C. Rail Road Bonds, (tuartet value), '"-rr JJ - N. C. County and city Bonds ymtEket value), 1 S Mortguees on Real Estate in Nonii Ouroltna,. (first lieas), H . casn on naud, tu Ban!; and in hands oi Agents, Total I I 1 In accordance with the authority debated said Companj- tiled this day. Given under my hakd and seal or efface. J- l It protects the policy holder, for its Charter requires 5 per cent, of the premiums received to be mpj ed with the State Treasurerfor that pfirpose. i Its stockholders are among the prominent business men In North Carolina. - It Is under the control ana management of native Nortli.Carolinian Its officers are known throughout the State, . lt will Insure your propert y on the most reasonable terms. - It will keep your money at home. ! : Live, Active, Reliable Agents wanted, ta every part of the State. Addraw. . June l, 1SI6. 8m r R. W. BEST, Secretary, Rale a 1'ivntTtf a n j . . i- iTVT""" Blactoer M Heaflerson, Attorneys, Counselors' j and Solicitors. SALISBURY, y. C January 22 !87G-tt. SIMONTON FEMALE COLLEGE- States ville, N C. MRS. E. X. GKAXT, Principal. The Next Session will open Au reularsi, with ttrms, eVjfipou application. ' . - efTerjces : Kev. XV. A. Wood, Stnte ville, N. C; ex-Guv. Z. B. Yauc, Char lotte. N-C; Prof. W. J. Martlo,' Davidson College, N. C; Kev. H. Burwell, iRaleigh, N. C; and all friends and pupils tof liv. Dr. Mitchell, lto Professor Vin University of N.C; . July fj 76-ly. KERR CRAIGE, glttorneit at j - Salli 13:lf . A : Double- Thread! Lock-Stitch - Machine. l "-ia " 5 b 9 0V xora Him Jiitriifjo. j j W 1 -. . . .. . . lw - P 7 SSA VIHGS.-By usinjr the ' Domcttle P. per Fashions the most stylish and perfect-fimnr costumes catLbe produced at a large saving in MONEYjto those who choose to make, or superia. tnH Ot makincr of. their own crartnnt: With Tv.. HEADSTONES. Aurican Graiiie ' 1 JL furnished to Order. . PROMPTLY EXECUTED. . l JOHN CAYT0N t'ornrr Moivaa and llunt Streets, (Raleigh, IV & aa a S3 12 52a jar .Sl,0O0.WN . j 1SM31I OFFICE G. W. B LA C KN ALL, Twuint. BEST. Secretary. U patronize tuts-Company, tor tl following rfaaoni: ft stability, (two or tlio most essential points in an insuiw- Secretary of State sejLs forth : . j STATE OK NOP.TII OAROLINJ AKOLIA, I )K STATE, ! . ;h, May 5th, 1T.J Depaktme.nt of - Kalelgh, Carolina, In accordance with the provisions of nf;'??. chanter 2t ratllled ls?th March, A. 1). 175, and do naoiw. IUUTfl to me bv the Legislature, I hereby arpro Etpw1' . . ' ' WM. II. 1IOWERTON, Seeretarj of Bt . - ... . , . i m A itanl ffiP K C Pn t Italiaa QaefH FOUR FOR $10.00 Safe arrival aad P guartinttta. -Ttfu:in stocks lit Morgan's comufa HIVE $f. 50 UC . Address, V ' - KUFUS-MORfl' Old tort, fnr Sale. JL lUUlUllUil ava r The UndersigoeJ offers for sale tha pjjj tation which he formerly lived uuu - -iminwdiately on tbe public road L j Salisbury-to Cheraw, 10 miles SoutHw! Salisbury, containing 250 ACRES,! . of whlvh there is about on half f"P the other portion is meadow, l,wrVi i iniiii. i iitTtt J3 " . Ht" ui.d dwelling. "t.MMl barn, ana ry oui-lmiMiiiijs. Also a glKl W,N good sprin!Miinvenieut. : mg U Avy H-rtun fishing to 1U'C h,BJ Moul.l b. wi ll to r.all .u the uDdr,,ii tb SalUbury. 'IVims will W male t. l times. P.N ""if.ft July lo 2 moo.

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