in a Watchman. harm li O C A L ' ' " fos mn" K will beaoldatthe low price K of ue a gtt.r deal eloper foSt same price for chemical- to K Warranted lo give entire satisfaction. T ,;rcul- and eertificate and leave Cjl ao . . ! tfl0rorfe j ALLEN BLOWN. f mnble of making by using , " 000 lb.;. oeuvre jfflr"W The Fertiliser being already Tnnt up in sack" (16 to the" ton) nl. add. lie basredaced - rvJ Brown a vStodulUrape.rday. , :ft("giricteoBVntiaiU be M , Mills Saturday the 8thjnst. if, 8 II. Wity nJ K. W. Da via Jiij bH Pbila-teuuUl eeu pluav. ' 'taiiMuuday with nattering pn- at left dfl- id family r- were at iaVe Pgr We publish on the 4th pasre of , this paper aariirtide reflecting on the Bey; J. G. NeotrrJ formerly of this place, in connec tion with his Ministerial labors at Lima, Ohio. Vrom another source, to wit : The Lima Democratize glean! the following : Zionn Lutheran Church Las!-. Hundav five members were j again added to:, this church 'by the' rite of Confirmation. vTwo Sundays ago, nine were admitted, making fourteen new addition$.within the last two weeks. jThe total number added to the membership of this church since the pre sent pastor-Uhe Revi X Q. Neiffer took charge of it is seventy-three. These figures prove mis congregation o oe in a prospe ous and i erowinsr condition. . The actual membership is now much larger than it ever has been! since its organization." Note This, and the1 article referred to above, possess a local interest to our people, ana are presented tm mat account alone. . j i ' : o j. ; - Young man do your duty ! We have good reason to believe that there are a good many yodng tneu in the county-who are old enough to vole and wbo fur various reasons fail to do so. I Several do uot because "they are afraid of having to pay the" poll ux i ui if uau j preceaeut indeed, xou are citizens of that eountry add each one of you must help bear the burdens of the country. You cant always shirk this duty aud now is the time; to eotne out and do yourrwhole du ty aud show that you are worthy , the name of man. j Furthermore, it is the duty of magistrates to enlist all per&ous coining of theTtge prescribed by law for taxes on the tax books. If the young men wou't do their duty. Magistrates, do yours. OBITUARY.' V '.MAJOR JOHN EKAHD. " . 'j Tbe sub lector 5?.e June W and died '? he entered Tale CoUege, and graduated taere In wit. Returnlnz to hto nVSrw pLace ne was elected the following year, .just alter attaining' majority, and without oppodUoiL to eo reeent haiishurv in th f Vviv,LJrE! jjftpouuonatonce -axnon? its ieadmy mem- pe- In pontics he was by Inheritance aadassocla tkm a Federalist, lollo wing the leadership otsuch men as atanleylredelL Moore, Gaston and other OonsUtaUoB agitated th anged bis poUUcal views. ot calling a con- fln. Wat. Ransom an ti,SsU','a,t- Mdy. t'TUug the Western Uoad. n, Griffith inform u that he will he. in the aw tiid ready lbr work by the firat of Sptm 1t AU the aching teeth will, atop ahouij that tia. - Ii yoor paper; cross (X) marked ! It f rU, that your subscription year has er- ?irJ and that a remittance is due. I lease k,a,.rtiebeck.audob:ine. - "jVr will he a" meeting .f Fult.m Ijode, V 99.i A. F. and A. M.. ou Friday eve sir. Sept. litat 8ychk. Grai d Mas lrfRluutiaexpectel to be reeUt. Aeune"fi'Jtion nas oet!n ,n",td between tULrtwiIlMiist! and the St. Charles Hotel bStatwville. Thy are lnth run by 0. S. Uiir t C. Prrwns whose papers are markel with a t mtti in pencil, will understand from it llut tliey are due us fr the paper, and ; will "Land sale 15th Se)t. near Back Creek rhunu 100 acres improved in one of the w aeicrhWrfioods in Western N. C. I Sec P - i iA.Lovrance'a advertisement in this paper. Vt noticed' Mr. J. S. Tomlinnn registerel at th Xati.tuar. He did. uot sUv Ion? Vinh U allow an iutemew. we werei an- State Aqriccltcral Societt. Ve are pleased to learn j that thfs Society is making a very special effort to demonstrate itf value to tike people of the State by its labora for the-proinotjonj of agricultural in terests. ! N more important sulgect rela ting t the material prosperity of the peo ple cau engage the attention of men. He who makes two blades! of grass to grow where but one grew before is a benefactor f his race. Every intelligent effort, to in crease the production of jthe soil should elicit public applause ; and we therefore cheer the State Agricultural Society in their eudeav or to arouse a more lively interest iu the great subject on which jail other interests immediately depend. One of the plans ofJ this Society is to be seen in their efforts to secure a large and varied exhibition of pio ducts this Fall at the annual State Fair, at which time public speakers ill bring out thiui;s new and old. as from a treasure house, for the encouragement aud instruct tiou of their bearers. May it all result in much good. j but at a later period cuamred aduui uus ume, isisl the question ventton to alter the State oonatit.n P0"1. ?J3 toe wrtginal Constitution having been framed In 1TI&, when the principles , ot Republican w zzS o- oeen ruuy analyzed. When H"u came wp in tne iegisiature, "conven tion or no Conventton," Major Beard voted against w uwuio, (uuueuueu oj nia own convicuons as wen as by the acuon of the distinguished men be fore tunned. ... T in im ne was elected without opposition to repre sent What 18 now Davie rountv in t.h Mat tanot. and decUlned a second election from considerations of a private nature which inclined him to withdraw uvui puuucai me. as oeiore stated, Major Beard was a Federalist, and with that party was opposed to tne aoctnne oi the right of a state to resist an act of Congress, and in 1S&. when the nui!ti mtnri In a state ot almost frantic excitement in conse quence of tae action of eouth Carolina, and the threatening course of Congress iu regard to nulliu- CatlOO. Or tbe rtirht Of a Htiite tn Intrnnso acnXmt on uncansutouonal act of Congresm, he was Helected with two others to address the Deonie of hi nitiv county, In October of that year, denouncing the doc trine. Preoaratonr to this he Ktudiprt MrwariT iha United States Constitutional history with aU the de bates and commentaries thereon, which led to his wuMcuua ana coniession or tne truth and wisdom of the resolutions of m and . He at AmA flnnmi. ced this fact and declined to advocate nrtnriniea he could no longer honestly maintain tor which he was denounced as a "dhjunlonist." In 1833 he was unred to again become a candidate tor the Senate, i which ne strongly owected to. bellevln'? that htt ftmRLn cy," as it was termed by his prior Federalist friends, wuuiu prove iaiai to mm as a DUOllc man. He how ever consented and was opposed by General Thomas J. Polfc, a warm personal friend, and with whom he had been formerly politically associated. The con test was an excited but friendly one, and resulted In the election of Malor Beard bv a handsome maior- Ity la Salisbury where both candidates resided his majority oeing w votes. Major Beard was returned to the Senate In 1834 and 35. Durlnsr this net-lad the Convention question again came up and was re ferred to a select committee composed of members from the Districts, of which Major Beard was ap pointed chairman. His report was adopted, and the bill for calling a Convention passed by one vote, - In 1836 Major Beard went to Missouri, but removed to Florida in 1838 and resided in St. Augustine. Within the years 1838 and '43 he held the onuses of Clerk of tbe United States court and United States for ns in 4 minits. Ia course of two hours he drove up to the: Jones House nd yelled : all a-bord !" We appeared and found he had se eded the vehicle himself. ' It was undoubtedlv a relic of antedelavian dayac the fore wheels were crew-eyed and the hind wheels had made a bargain to lean in different directions. On the body of the buggy j by close examination one might trace the outlines of the great Amer ican buzzard, his mighty wings outstretched, looking denounce in every direction. . In this turn-out, we turned our backs on tbe clastic and salubrious town of Lenoir. : ' Tbe mail hack had gotten about two hours the start of us. Our driver said we would hare to i ; i ; ' f ! Drive in the trail , Of the tf. S. mail until we could catch up. r : iliiflg U gee : 3r.T. " liiui.. Hew is the; New MrE. Wj Hovey has returned fromj Turk,' H Sports the inining interests of th vetimi as "looking up.' Several i eap- nulki are here now, examiniug the various luinn in this county. Wi regret to chronicle the death of Mr. iJaaea A. Arey. He died at hi home in this owa tut Sunday night, of conxumpt ion, aged pytin. HtWM hurried with military hoh- Jn, oj Uie Kowan Kille liusrUa. Wa are ' again calledL on to aay 'that no jttmmuRicatiun whatever, will be published llnji throw them away. If you are axhamed oftlittyou write, you may be sure Jt ii nor orui iu roomjn any paper. i Wacill attention to the advertisement of w Jennie Caldwell's school. This wall e- Uihed aehooi will open the 20ih, of 8eptetn- tw. MnKeave's Muc school opens at the aamo fM-w add. It it reported that some thmwlitlea ner- fOM Offered a in-oss indirnitv tn a Vnnntr oaple ia East Ward a few evenings ago. it u manly to repent of an indiscretion and ffipeedy amends, and do so always fwoundi to the credit of the party, for it ics ne nas moral courage and self-respect Marshal, under the Territorial Government, and on the admission of Florida as a State of the Union he was elected Register of Public Lands, and removed to Tallahassee. This office he resigned in iSoO to accept the unanimous nomination of the Democratic Earty as a candidate for Congress, but was defeated y a small majority. In that campaign Major Beard took strong ground against tbe compromise meas ures under which California was admitted Into the Union, urging upon the people that "if they submit ted then It would not be long before they would have to submit to Free Negro Kquallty," and these views caused his defeat. He was then elected Comptroller of the State, which office he resigned In 18M to accept the agency of the Apalachlcola Land Company, lie was one of the Representatives from Leon county to the Secession Convention of lsoi, and during the war which followed he contributed all in his power to make tbe cause of the South a success. He was appointed again to the Comptroller's office in 1866, ana among his other acts, while there, for which the people should thank him, he refused to audit the claims for increased pay of the members of tbe Legislature of 1S6T, which they had voted themselves over the veto by Governor Walker or the bill for that purpose, and they received only the pay allowed them by a previous Legislature. In 1S6 Major Beard was attacked by vertigo to irhlh wna aunariH1nr1 le4 nn.4 wlf h f-hrau combined he suffered greatly until within a short 'Hen for lm previous knowledge of the pain he penoa oi nis aeatn. ror some momns prior to nis ; , . death he became entirely relieved, and his last davs , H,Ui iravenu, r The Strngglei of Life. FVdm the cradle to the crare life is full of straggles, . oome strursle for rid in. Hmr far pleamire, some for honor, and others struftfrle to regain that greatest of all blearing -health ou in ineir enoru iney oiten resort to means which places it farther and farther out of their reach. They take drastic compounds, which shock the systemi or violent minerals which poison by degrees and thus the vital energies are weakened and the very fountains of life polluted. Nature provides remedies for every disease, and it is from the vegetable kingdom that Dr. Terr's Liveb Pills derive their in gredients, and in their roe there is tbe hsppy certainty that if they do no good harm. But of their efficacy, thousands who have been cured of diseased liver, kidney spleen, stomach and bow. el, live to-day to testify. SI YOUR LIFE WORTH TEX CENTS ? Sickness prevails everv where, and evervbodv complains of some disease during their life. When sick, the object is to get well ; now to say plsinly that no person in this world that is suffering with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and iu effects, such as Indigestion. Costivenewi. 8ick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn. paipiiauonor me Heart, Depressed Spirits, Biliousness, &c., can take Green's August Flowers without getting relief and cure. If you doubt this, go to your Druggist Mr. Theo, F. Kluttz, and get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it. Regular size 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. UESTIONS FOR EVERY ONE ANSWER. TO SALE OF LAID ! We necessarily drove ham to catch up, which was accomplished about 7 miles from Lenoir. Then We passed the U. S. mail, Which followed in our trail Our horse was named !"old porp" and his being diiven so fast would have laid him up, had it not Are you troubled with Indigestion, Con stipation of the Bowels, Dyspepsia, or any disease of the Liver?, Have vou suffered for years and fouud no relief from the use of medicines? Do you have a faint appetite, and are you troubled with feelings of lau- gnor T If you have these feelings we know you have not tried the new discovery MER RELL'S HEPATINE, at Theo. F. Kluttz's Drug Store. It is performing wonderful cures in this and all other communities where the people use it. It is pronouueed by all as the best Liver Medicine in the w-Tld. Two doses will relieve the worst cae of Dyspepsia or Constipation of the Bowels. Eacl) bottle contains fifty doses and a teaspoonful of this medicine iu a wine glassful of water three times a day for oue day, produses a most wonderful change. Where the system is run down with loss of energy and appetite, or Dyspepsia, with all its train of evil, is effecting its deadly work, this remedy, Merrell's Hepatine, uever fails to bring about a speedy and per manent cure. Those who doubt the merit and virtues of this medicine and live from day to day without trying the Hepatine. lave our sympathy, but can uot be cured unless they take the Medicine. - A gentleman of this! city was talking with an intelligent man of color when the following conversation took place : Gent "How are you going to vote iu the coming election ? j Colored man -Can't tell yet. Gent You still slick to The corrupt leaders of tbe Radical party ? Colored man No Ij cau't say I do. Gent They dou'l ;care a continental for yon. They nowl profess the most i I sii.cere love and sympathy for you to get your vote ; but when you are no longer able to put them -in fat offices they will turn their back on and spuru you. Colored man I fear dat is so. i Gent Did your leaders ever tell you the truth J T Colored man -They have told a heap of tales. Gent Did they evp tell you one troth that you remember 1 j " Colored man Kol one that I cm call to mind now. j Gent And yet you vote for them every year, right or w-rong, good or bad. Colored manY" hir, we goes it blind. There was much more of the same ten or passed in the conversation ; but it all amounted to the fiaiik confession, "we goes it blind and so no doubt jt is. There is no help for it, aud it is not worth while to talk to tbem.: " met a little fellow the other dav fnajr4 broad grin. On inquiring we ut he had just einmerged from dres- p tta durne of all boys, and had d.lnued Pi pasts. It was his irreateat tri. ppkand a; prouder person walked not the EXCURSION TO PHILADELPHIA. h M Ti TTn mom i , I HnetA , ' lulB Piace, nas ar SfiSS???11 t0 tbe Cntennial Ex CSS aKh!lde,Ph 'ttrting from phar W night of Ren ith n..:ii Bm. .IT. K,ver steamers SdJ?enc? fo PhiladelphiA, Tickets day. v. V oy Mme rote if within 30 Jt)riceS lthe,;o,,Dd ttohery SiTi8lt the nor cities aii ftttPL Tenowned 8how can Pe cx- AL!CATsLast; Sunday eviag. hoZ:frr'ofJthered around nlJi? ' WU,le "ed, an old -iSrn.liu a tf leTkitT ?hi'h .r ', Ma nhe till tb whole 1"S i - ' wuoi ,ertbasprotB;n . . . ., , rtut tH, urn m if i. th Object of thU - L. v?l'wesof Ur Ltffm. ... rT,talf ,i, ! w l,,e organ. SUSUAV scnoot CONVENTION. " The Rowan County Suuday School Convention met at Shiloh church Aug. 2o, aud continued in seiaiou two days. Thirteen schools ! were represented. Tbe attendance was fair, and considers ble interest was manifested by those pres eut. ": " j Reports from the various Suuday Schools show a prosperous condition. Several questions were discussed which had for their object the advancement of the Sunday School and the elevation of its standard. The manner in which these questions were discussed by the several denominations represented, shows the nU most good feeling existing in the various Sunday Schools. The officers elected: are : Frank" Brown, President. Rev. G. B. Wetmofe, Vice President. Rev. Samuel Rothrock, Treasury. John W. Mauney, jSecretary. A resolution urging that Sunday School be kept open through the wiuter was pass ed. ' j Also oue requesting each Sunday School in ; the County to send at least four delegates to the next annual session of this Convention. It was Resolved, That this Convention recom mend the formation of Township S. S. associations as anxilliary to this, to meet lienniably and to send delegates to the sessious of this Convention. Jt resolution of thanks to the people of Shilob, was passed, Thyatira Cbareb vrsJ suggested at the place Sot the next session, and Aug. tilth, 1877, the time. , . - ... Tne Convention requested the publica tion of the proceedings in the Salisbury nanerr. L 1 4 JOHN W. MAUNEY, Sec. were calm and pencefuL and nls end without pain or struggle. From this brief sketch It will be seen that the de ceased held many offices and positions ot trust and high responsibilities, yet held none which he did not Oil ; and out of them all brought a reputation with out taint or blemish. Indeed his character for both personal and official Integrity was absolutely stain less and perfect. Major beard was the product of the earlier an 1 better days ot the Republic, and what Urattan said of the Earl of Chatham may be said of him, "mod ern degeneracy had not reached Mm." In mind he was refliied and cultivated. In m in aer. cordial, courteous and winning, In his friendships and at tachments ardent and steadfast, In hi dVvotlon to principle utterly uncompromising and immovable. The feeling of his family towards him was that of blended love and reverence. Pure In lite, steadfast In death, crowned with years and honor, thus has gone from among us one who eoaibtnrt l all the ele ments which go to make up the great and grand character or tne ennsuan gentleman. THE FOLLY OF WEDDING TOURS. It is notorious that a woman will sub mit to every suffering and undergo every penalty required by fafhion. She will sacrifice her beauty and comfort in dress, and jeopardize her dearest prospects of life to the requirement ot us ige. A wed ding tour ruay have untold discomforts ; it may embarrass her modesty, endanger her connubial bliss, injure her health, lay the beginnings of bickerings and differ ence ; it may have every known disad vantage, but it will be insisted on if' so ciety utters iis behests lo that effect. It is women who are specially anxious thai marriages should multiply, and yet it is women who have given the wedding cer emony such elaboration of display and loaded it with such costly expenditures, that. marriage, with a majority of men, is rendered impossible. Fashion or com mon senae, or some other power, should dictate that marriage ceremouic should be simple and unostentatious, and that after the ceremony js performed the calm of some sweet seclusion is absolutely nec essaiy, not only for the future health of n wife whose nerves are already overstrain ed by the excitement of what is to her a tremendous eyeut, but the. foundation of an intercourse between the newly mar ried couple that shall be sweet and lasi ing. Have any of our people the cour age to defy usage, aud act according to their own inclinations at this important period ? Yes, let them (the ladies) speak out. Our columns are open for them ; or we will register their names a in hook, aud keep their photographs for the inspection of gents on the ''look out." FROM LENIOR TO HICKORY Ere the god of day silvered the edges of overhanging clouds, we repaired to the Livery Stable of Lenior in search of a vechicle to con vey us to Hickory. We were met by a man who wore a slouch hat, snd his trousers in his high boot, who greeted us with, Hello I We want to go to Hiekory, can you send us? lea air I this sm the place to get the fast class we- hickles and dis is de chile to snatch the string. Well we want to ga, how long before you will be ready ? We I for gracious sake! where is we ? I don't see sny body else, is there any body else to go ? No, wel explained, that is just a habit we've got of talking. Yes, and its a mighty bad habit too, be replied, 'spose you was courting of a gal and say, "we 'love you," she would want to know right off who the d we was! We had to tell him he was right about that, but would like to know about what time he would be ready to start ? O, yes sir, you is guine off just in 4 minits sir, shall be round in 4 minits, but fore you go jiat pick .out your critter, you kin hare choice, dem'a all fust class for dis hillinous country. We picked out the best one one that had evidently rivaled Dexter in his time, but owing to previous exer cise, his legs were bandaged and his neck j had an "onward look," which made us think he had been reaching for something not quite at tainable to horse flesh. Our man complimen ted u on our good judgment by saying1 ; I declare, you gone 'n took the very best boss in de btable. We left him promising to call It wai discovered that one of the wheels had given way. Our driver said it would hold out till we could git to the black smith shop, at which place we soon arrived, and fell no little uneasiness for The U. S. mail 'ns on our trail. This shop was ho common affair it sported a lovely sign which read like this : "HKXKY CLAY'S WfBSTKtt BLACK-SMITH SHOP, WHEKE ALL KIXDs; OF FANX'V SPOTBU WuRK I3DtXE I(NTHE ilOaT DIC IIOX ARY STILE." Our in .ii i mil in, and irt a little lime the wheeU were changed. The hubs were just an inch shorter than the axle, he put them on any way, saying, we could dodge slumps better with them that way. j At this place a Brass B ind also joined us, arid it Was whispered that it would escort the press :-iu to Hickory. The music suited "old purp" exactly, he pranced around 'and made fearful jumps, his blood was up, here was no denying that fact. He arched his beautiful neclc, and travelled in a butanes like manner 'lili we got to the caw-taw-baw river bridge, which is! about 60 feet lon and spans that mighty tunniltuom river, which was named after the bridge. "Old purp" persist - antly refused id go through the bridge, and by way of pursuasive argument, the driver knock ed him down with a rail and led him through beloreljie fully recovered, j Presently he came to himself and began to show igns of life by starting off in a lope, which was a great incon venience to the man that took tole for the ue the bridge: he bllowed on a mule, hollowing to us to wail ! but old 'purp n riled, he had been knocked down an,d there wa no slop in him. lie got worse arid began running as the tole-man neared us. We Suppose the idea of a race had entered his sensible head, and that fool notion together with the music, urged him to his utmost. The toU-man despaired and turn ed back, but "old purp' went onward till we en tered the suburbs of lhat frontier city, Hickory the music and the speed attracted the atten tion of the natives, they alt came running to tbe doors and windows ,tp the know excitement. "Old purp" heeded not the merry gaze of the smiling people but hrirried on to the Western Hotel where he was in the habit of stopping when in Hickory, and stopped. Rro. Toinlin sou came immediately forward and congratu lated us on our safe arrival and musical turnout. YV e we-e enjoying a good rest, when the ar rival of a shackley hack reminded us that The U. ;S. mail Was no more on our trail. P. S. This mail brought us a vallise, urn brella and a silk hat. We were negotiating for a twenty cent hat at the time, which made U6 than&ful that j The U. S. Mail Had followed our trail. The Brass Bands referred to was on hubs of the wheels rrry loose. the A Double Danger Averted. The inhabitant of a malarious region is threatened bv a double danger. He is not only compelled to breuih miasma-, but to steal' low it, since it infects not only the atmosphere, but the water. The aerial poison threatens his system through the lungs and pores, the liquid through the stomach. Against this double peril there ia but one protection, and that is to invigorate the entire body through the diges tive and secretive- organs. Ordinary tonics nsually fail to accomplish this Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters never. In the tropics, where the diseases originated by malaria are of a far more malignant type than those originated by the same cause in the temperate jtone, it enjoys immense and constantly increasing sales, and there is no portion of this continent where it is not the reigning specific Tor miasmatic fevers and disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, proceeding froni malaria and other causes. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan county, I will! sell nt the Court House door in the-4own of Salisbury on the, 26th day of August next the follow ing described laud belonging to the estate of the late Wilburn Oranford to-wit : The land known as the Wilburu Cran ford House place, adjoining the lands of C. H McKenzie, Richard Harris and others. Terms of sale, one-third cash, one-third in six months and one-third in twelve months. Bond and good security with interest from date. Title retained till all the purchase money is paid. JOHN W. MAUNEY, jy 20, 7C-4t. Admr. .Vc. ROWAN COUNTY 7 In the Superior Court. Thomas 11. Kerns, as adm'r. of Nancy Sloop, deceased. . Ayahmt Win, A Osrver, L B Garver, John I) Felker, S A Garver, Flora Gnrver, Henry, Baker, John Baker, Ellen Sliion, Mary Baker, Margaret Fink. Catha- Summons for rine Kerr, John Baker. Fesper-f. Belief. man Baker, Margaret lieaver, Mary Donahue, Sophia Gentle, Moses Baker, Michael Wilhelin, Daniel Wilhelin, Margaret Kitchie, Anna Wilhelm, Nancy Wilhelm. Samuel Wilhelm, Ja cob Krider and John Baker. Sheriff of Itotun County Greeting : You are hereby commanded to summon the Defendants above named, ifthey be found with in your County, to appear at the .ottiee of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Rowan, within 10 d ays nfter the service of this summons on them, exclusive of the day of such service, and answer the complaint, a copy of which will he deposited in the pflice of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, within ten days from the date of this summons, and let them take notice that if they fail to an swer the said complaint within that time, the plaintm will apply to the Court fof- the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not and of this summons make due return. Given under mv hand and seal of said Court. this 2Slh dav of June 187G. J. M. HORAH, Clerk Superior Court Rowan (kmritv. 38:6t.:$9. SPRING STOCK 1876. i 3TX7XaXa JUXTaiS Family Groceries Al Wholesale and Ctlail. MARRIED At the residence of the groom's father, by W. B. Woodruff, on the 22nd day of August, 1876, Mr. George M. Burrus of Rockford Surry co., to Mias Mary D. Dobson of Surry co. Aug. 24th 1876, by Rev. P.S. Triplet, Rich ard Burroughs, of Kowan Mills, to Miss Sarah Catherine Irvm of Mt. Moure Iredell countv. DIED. Of diptheria. Mrs. John Marlin, aged years, August 27th. CO SALISBURY MARKET, Corrected by McCcbblns, Beall & Dean. Auguat 2, 1876 Cotton dull. Middlings, 10 low do 9 stains 68 Bacon, county, hog round . 12 15 Butter 2025 Eogr 8 10 Chickkxs -per dozen $1.502.00 Ooux market well supplied C570 Meal moderate demand at 7580 Wheat good demand at 1.001.10 Floch market stocked best fain. $3.00 super. 2.75 Potatoes, Iriku 50 Onions no demand 73 Lakd 15c Hat 40 Oats 40 Beeswax 2830 Tallow 67 Blackbekkies CJ7 Apples, dried 48 Scoar 10 15 Coffee 25 Calicos C8 NOW IN STOPtK AND ARRIVING 75 Bbh.. Molasses. 10 do NesTOrleans 10 do Syrup. 75 Bags Coffee. 3 KegSda. - 10 doz. Leinn Syrrip, boxes Adamantine Caudles. I S5 Boxes Soap, 75 Cases Oysters eases Brandy Peaches, M i!0 Fresh Peaches, ' i 10 ' pine Apples, M Gross Snuff 25 Coils Cotton and Jute Rope 10 Duk. Painted Pails. 40 Gross Flasks i:.5O0 lbs. Candy iiiAm Cigars ' 50 Kegs Powder 50 Bscs Shot 100 Reams Wrapping Paper 10 Doz. Scotch Ale - ALSO A full line if Wood and Willow Ware, Boots, Shuen. Hats, Saddles Sc Bridles, Axes, Gnu?, Pistols. Arc, &r. Also, a large lot of Canned Goods, a choice selection of French Candies, Salt, Pepper, Spice, Ginger. Royal Baking Pow ders. Baisens, Currants, Figs. Citrons, Nuts Sardines. Cocoanuts, Pickles, Sauces, Cat sup. "Potted .Meat, Kerosene, Tanners and Machine Oils. Liquors of all kinds, &c, &c. The above Stock was bought at the close of the season at greatly reduced prices, and is offered at Wholesale & Retail at very snort prnnts. BINGHAM d-CO. Salisbury, N. C, June 12, 1870. TITIS FArER IS ON FIXK WITH J. & H. HORAH, JEWELERS 5 MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, 1fyplllJIIIIIIIUIIH)""""limMIIIUHIIHLIl:lrtlllllLf!li " - f Where AdTertisiair Coutracta can be uuul NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AOPfJTQ If you want the best sell rtUialv I O i"g article in the world and a solid gold patent lever watch, free of cost, write at once- to J. BBIDE & CO., 7C7 Broadway, N. Y. 44. iw. RALEIGH MARKET. WHOLESALE CASH PRICES. Raleigh, July 26, 187C. FLOUR. North Carolina $6.00 a $6.25. CORN, 75 a 80c. CORN MEAL, 80 a 90c BACON, N. C hog round, 14 a 15. " hams 163 a 17. HIDES, green, 5J drv, 10 a 11 FODDER, baled, new $1.25. HAY, N.C. baled, good. 90c a 1,00. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK Most Beautiful Jewelry. We have just received the largest and handsomest stock of Jewelry ever exhibited in Salisbury, and respectfully invite public inspection. It comprises, Gold and Silver Watches, of all kinds ; Silver Pitchers, Cups, Castors, Napkin Rings, Forks, Knives, and Spoons. The finest and most beautiful sets ot Jewelry of all kinds, as Ear-drops, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Seals, Lockets. Sic, &c, &e. Also, a lot of plain SOLID GOLD RINGS. Also, agents for the celebrated Schaffhausen Spectacles the finest glasses made.g Will sell as low as any House in the south. call here and gkt your WATIII AXI CLOCK KITAIIilXG done promptly asusual. All work tcar-raOled 12 months. Dec. 10, 1875. 10:tt PSYCIIOMANCY,or SOUL CHARM -JTlNG." How either sex may fascinate and gain the love A affections of any person they chootie instantly. This simple, mental acquire ment all can possess, free, by mail, .for 2oc, together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams," Hints to Ladies, WeddinB "Night Shirt, fce. A queer book. AddnssT. WILLIAM & Co., Pubs. Phila. 12:4w JHRUBEBA WOOD LAND ACADEMY ! ! THE 3rd Annual Term of this School will begin on Aug. 21st. As the number of pupils will be limited, application should be made early to the Principal. For particulars ad dress Geo. R. McNEILL, Pd2t. Salisbury, N. C. DE. TH0S. HILL offers his professional services to th olti zeus of Salisbury and surrounding country. Refidenre on Church street belweeu Jack eon aud lunis8. Office- DAVIE COUiNTY. In the Superior Court. Mocksville Lodge No. 134 of free and accepted Masons, Haintiffs j Against )- Summons B Bailey, ED Scales and wife fur Relief. Laura Scales, Leila Bryan and Frank Uryan.J Defendants. j STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, To the Sheriff of Davie County Greeting: You are hereby commanded to summon B Bailey, E D Scales and wife Laura Scales, Leila Bryan and Frank Bryan, the Defendants above named, if they be found within your County, to be and appear before the judge of our Superior Court, at a Court to be held for the county of Davie at the Court Hoime in Mocksville, on the 2nd Monday after the 3d Monday of Septem ber next, and arswer the complaint which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said county, within the first three days of the next term thereof, and let the Defendant's take notice that if they fail to n awer the said complaint within that timoJi.e Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Herein fail not and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and the seal of said Conrt, this third day of August, 1876. H. B. HOWARD, Clerk Superior Court of Davie County. By Q. M. Bingham. Deputy Clerk. 43:6t:pd. LANIER HOUSE, STATES VHLE, N. C, G. S. LANIER & CO., Proprietor. "Servants Polite and Attentive. 45:lf. MANSION HOUSE Centrally Situated Ou tlao DEi.Tolio Square SALISBURY, N. C. rpiIE HOUSEJs in tbe centre of business. JL and L"?"" nearest to the depot. Tabic as good as the best. Servants attentive and jwlite. Board per day Single Meals I y Special Contracts for a longer term. Omnibus to and" from all trains. Best Livery Stable near at hand. rj?Thc undersigued tenders his thank to many friends who have called on him at the M Axsiojf. and assures them that no effort shall be spared to make their future visits pleasant. rjThe Traveling Public will always rind pleasant quarters and refreshing fare. WM. ROWZKE. Feb. :t, lSTG. I7:t.f stimulates the secretive organs, thus puri fying the Mood and striking the root of disease. It is the medicinal extract of the plant of that name found infirazil, and is one of the most wonderful touics and invig orators knowu, and is used iu their regular practice by4he physiciausof that and other countries. It will make the LlYF.It active, assist Dl ausTIox. purify the 1!lool7 restore Viaoa t the debilitated, and is a certain remedy for all diseases of a Scrofulous nature and those arising from poverty or waut of blood. TR1T IT. For sale by Druggists. Wholesale by C N. CRITTENTON. 44;4w. 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. A PTTDTnOTrnv A ten d-mar bill of 1776 sent free for stamp. diess Hum & Co., 77 Nassau St., N. Ad- Y.4w ... 1 no ro AGENTS We have in press a new campaign lxok by a College Pres. L. L. D. Big pa v. relets, will secure outfit and territory. E. B. TREAT, Pub., 805 Broadway, N. Y. 41. 4w. f AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT Centennial history It sells faster lhau auy uther book. One Agent sold til copies iu oue day. Send for our extra terms to Agents. Address Na tional Puulismin Co., Philada. Pa. Columbus, O., or St. Louis, Mo. 41. 4w. iL GILES9 11W1EHT IODIDE OF AMMONIA Cures Neuralgia. Face Ache, Rheumatism, Gout, Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Sore Throat. Erysipelas, Bruises or Wounds of every;kind in man or animal. "Giles Iodjije of Ammonia, m in my judg ment, the best remedy for neuralgia ever put before the public. I have been afflicted with this terrible disease for 32 years, and never until I fell upon Mr. Giles' remedy did I find any assured relief. I take pleasure in saying this, inasmuch as I desire always to be a ben factor of the human family. WM. P. CORBIT, Chairman of the Methodist Church Extension." Sold by all Druggists. Depot No. 451 Sixth Avetiue, New York. Only 50c and $1 per bottle. THEO. F. KLUTTZ. Agent. Salicbury, N. C. March, 9. (22:Gins.) National Hotel RALEIGH, N. C. Board I the Day, 2.00. Beautifully situated next to Capitol rquare CoL 0. S. BROWN, Propr Men are earning "?-l). to $120. per week f ! selling Our Country AND ITS RESOURCES. Complete in the thrilling history of '100 eventful years also of the great "Exhibi tion,"' grand in description of our mighty resources in agrk-ulture, commerce, mineral, monufftcturex.-natural tromlers, curiositiet. etc., all richly illustrated. A " CeTitifry" Map and , '-Rird's-Eye View" free. Sells marvellously f-iSt. 1,000 more agent Han ted quickly for this and our standard ,-LFE OF LIVINGSTONE," 1 50.000 already old. also new Itible, 2. (XX) illttst. Alas m equal. For extra terms write to j HUBBARD BROS., Publishers,- Philadel phia, Pa. 4L4w. AGENTS WANTED for the New Histori cal Work Our WESTERN B0RDEE. A Complete and Graphic History of Ameri-i-au Pioneer Life 100 YEAHS AQQ. Its thrilling conflicts of Red and White Foes. Exciting Adventures, Captivities, Forays, Scouts, Pioueer women and boys, Indian war-paths. Camp life, and sports. A book fvir old and young. Not a dull page. No competition. Enormous sales. Agents tcan ted everywhere. . Illustrated Circulars free, J. C. McCURtfY &CO., Phila., Pa. 23: 4 w For j Coughs, Colds Hoarseess AND ALL TIJOAT PISEASEsi i Use WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES it! A THHtD AUD SUSE REMEDY. &ild by Dmggist generally, and IT LLKK FULLER, irsgo, Til.

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