Watchmai .Willi 1111 L OC A L MULES FOIi SAL ..nuns mute 'nd a fillj for a!; T J. J. .STEWAIiT: if0-.. ? . i,-- I- ' ' .'. ' hoi.rHril.!ca to u lv note or ,Lct txi make prompt etilet .t:-! II ci.!. ... .ri 'fall due, Tin u th i . man i- -51:4t. ; indebted to i ; Mortgage, .t .ccounU are reqtieted to acltl J th lime ex in re, o. outer 7-1: in.- H!,nn by I ie atre of Mt altmM any htmr f the th-irHore rnuwtUd witl tlifir l)o-8. buwtjs. cluth I . .. Kii'li tin 'i I .1,' .. ..i... .iff-rii.i at lltlllttll. 'p -T Frcm thi hum inut f cotj- ifnllv n fftuit of theiij aie !ius. iuk1 'h bujiutf a tfreit d-Hl of th? fair priws". lr. ' -.r citiz'ii! nf Uiwniv eonntj an id Reform al the tot VeleidaV Hi ..Academy u ! Jin lii. ivv Z V 'V . . . . 03' kfn.bT'"" l"rt. A'v. L i1 ..I V .... 4 3. j.ffpr-n itulebted to us by note or ac- j, Bfitilifd to ni.-jke ! prompt p-ttlr- WtfeO t!' ate ursi ot jaiiy. itfe aill hot jt'iv l"iiT ind'il;eiM'e. t:tl .l.ijs time is LtrtiiiireU all exiuta.ti :j of Vue timr : ; A"J. MOCK.'-if- CO ,tt7U lUIJdavs- l : i if Kill tuck case ha been removed to .rliLm Cb'uni v. Iltpivad '"not iruiUy; . : 1: 1 . .1 . I ... ii'f 1 e can be hal lv Callina on Mr a Err in at the I'epot. 'Wr H.'tlarru of the ' oncold C-an put in 1 iiprriHe laM Fiiday. II is looking Our c uliiraliiii a inoiiHlni he. - IkK. F.iUoi r i pl.iunin (t.r. the erection N li.lmji-j-q'iu k wwt'K, l.e was liviruevl 1a FHiUv. i(t ftev we learn that Mr, J. Br-; ii mA Mis Je- tie Janus are beipji I nil liev cafne vc rv! near kceoint! it! M,niil 11 WHS over. unif'ivHivf KU'i 1 1 in taken a nrem- t Vance a4 the U.l an4 biuuest babv in Stite aari;yis.hf i-tired 'of hisJaivV run- eigu jtiH sl'ler llie elect iuu. ITlitrs wsf an ''up the country" chap follqw I.tlii Tiuneer-M Fire Engine all day, lal nndy 1 When asked why he watched! if tdoe, iie'naid Ihe wanted to hear it play. aft w. disaitnointed. hut disau- . " nothertaRe if -rom.tness on the part of Inurance Ciiinnsinr. Mr. i Ii. F. RoerT wm biirnwd on the 27tli, of Oct. and the Hhmjtl settled on th 3Ut, so with all f liw lise,' f the icrasiuti,".inclt din he aJidoiie Ailr. Harrjxoir house. All these ""ff1 W -jinaurtd with i Mr. J. Allen R. Harrison of thi place took the pfemmni t the Suie fair and the name at ! 'Sir on! hisj cotton, which Jas the finent JlanesiJhutfof any variety j. known to tins m.r. - Tliose inttresteil in raising fine col- Mould jproifure I seed from him he Xas ff diww of; Urw cottoil oldal 2 cnto on: the market pricej ' J i t o- t -! fyrtior jfAarWOnt,, Superior Court is i in rfCeciisenUl Locke, who killed r'tIlirriBgerla'st winter, came up Tues- .1 "id 6n affi J.1il W:m romcivod to nvidOn I ' ' , J , know personally nothina of! it fNaior,, but wi have beard of no other IfHwtc- the public coining up in 1.1 :IT:iHra7 Almawe This is unqnestion- v.... . ' " H4 excellent Jittle lawk. It? goi up W"1 le: -i Evervthine neat and or in P! ihiti : ' .. I T.- 4-vuirising more iniormatiou rfpace ork Pfl iaeeii . ' Vli.; T..- II V..nt. Lll 'pfonghou V 1 etiMnes iJAv NVestern Norlh Carolina, ii; meutand aptitude in this . nigiiiy to nun ana 'Mlftif j i:i..J i yofi .- '? iitierai j.uionaj;c. o- P. Mottle This lilineuUd an". Prmttiii '.xf tt.Jrrn:.o.;t. i v j!led l Invitationalj the fair ground Italian efoouent and rcppJi'nTlv iilfer fi ddrM!on- "Tin. Ml.4tn. 1, IT;. crteulture interesUof the State." i tterj tu-iner in the State could have aiuL. IJ'.;m. . j - tt! ' L ' . "- piccu ine 4jnieriiT PNici j. -Jr 'Sai na iia much to dispel any Sgamst Ihaf institution. - " i -J l Jr. fl ""-" "nuugii, jour paper, uiai i I.Stfulnesaiiaved so much of nPWtv ami : : .; r'wtrvmi nn ixtuiiT in uirir -misfortune of last Frid.v. How grate- , ' r "y woras to express a act kave offered the like, can imag pnlv '' f ne. A, P.. F ROOKIE - N A CAED. I return my sincere thanks to the citizens no renaerca mc tneir , valuable verrices in rescuing my r property from destruction by fire on Friday last.' Without their hefp uij iussh uuiu uave ueen inacn greater. f Very Respectfully, i : ,;. a a morgan; h JCot. 2nd, , 1870. w s . ' ; j rT" r "7 Autcmx. We ire iu the midst of Iu, diaii hammer. The weather id- perfectly deli'htful, neither too cold nor too warm. The toi' rnvd arevmellowed " bv tln ioft blue liayn which hangs over the earth like a veil. The forests are enchanted ground, rich in alt the varied liuts 4l color and profuge aa - the teafes. ' The nuts and acorn are falling; they make mer ry uiuhic cracking ou t he limbs , in their downward way and hiding in the rus:lin; new beds b-l.w. The" Vqnirri is and biids are happy in the midst of abounding plenty. 'Even inanimate nature uuW-(, and with a ort of wanton :joy, fiuiVt h-i-matiy hued mbea wiih : cqtetiJi "gracf while the sprites if 1h'e vwd all seem to com play with n. - "Thrice happy time. Beat imrtion f the various ivar, iu which Nature r'jir'th. stniling on hr works, Iovje!y. ti full pert'ecthnt wnmght. -o - RECEPTION OP THE PIONEERS. One of the prettiest feattrres of the day, yesterday, wa the reception of the Pioneer Steam Fire Company, of Charlotte, in the Fair Grounds. Headed by the Marshall and the Baud they countermarched on the Ltrack, drawing up in front of the stand where they were handsomely welcomed in fitting terms by the Secretary. Mr. Theo. F. Kluttz. Mr. Kluttz-paid a flowing tribute to the worth and efficiency of the modern ' rirciii'pn aml'tn hi vi.!tU:i. riiu.;n lolu-c i I behalf of the lives and property of lws fel-low-citizens. President-F. A. McNinch, of the F'ioneers, responded in well chosen and gracefully expressed thanks for the honor, done his company and their calling. He , closed by calling out Hon. Win. Jo'u:i!ii. tr(iMArrah'Miii barter.: a Ul to thot- j Mayor of Charlotte, who responded b. :eily ami prompt ' but gracefully. The Pioneers are a splendid body of men, and they have a uiagni.lcent steamer. By their -gentlemanly bearing while among us, they won none but golden opinions' from our citizens. It was a matter of general regret that the other companies to put in, an ajipearancc. The nilicers of j the Fair, however, were so weli satisfied of j the efficienev of the Pioneers that thev i ! awarded them the premium, a whose tones will han usonie .silver trumpet serve, we trust. to alwavs remind them pleasantly of 1 1 their visit to Salisbury. F.iir Week Daily, j. Fire. The dwelling house of Mr. 15. F. 1 loo Kits lor k tire from ' a stove chimney, lt Friday, about 2 o'clock, and the ihiiius .bad profcrefsed m far lefoie liicivery as lo. be "be yond control. Mrs. Roger had reecnjly been col. fined, and the first thought of th'ii-e wtio reached the scene was to remove her ami her itifaiit carefully to oine secure place, which was very happily accomplished. Mr. Roger had left Friday morning for New York. The tbiine spread rapid! v, but by the intelligent and. active efforts of friends nearly all the move. ; xUit w, wants him to" come home : to I able iroieri v of value was- taken out. The tire soou spread to two adjoining building be longing to Mr. Lodgers, and from them to Mr. George Morgan's dwelling, a few fo;t South, all of which were speedily reduced to ashes. Mr. Rogers loss over all insurance is about $1,000 Mr. Morgan , two or three hundred , .. , b . dollars. !ent, the order of ih Jay which can Jingreat niiucuuy me ouuaings airectiy liu on It si.l ice ! ! 4pposite were saved. The owners of them suf " 11 ; 1 II". I . V I, .1 1 t 1 .1- .ll fered greaily by the breakage , of properly in removing it when it was thought they would certainly be burned. There are always crazy people at every fire, and some-time they do mure harm in destroying proierty than they do good iu saving it. Difficult as it was to tibtaui water, (nearly all the wells being so near dry,) the citizens found that our two fire engine are not utterly worthies. On this occasion they were of great value, a-i-.d we only need a well drilled fice company to make them serviceable whenever thev are needed. Di yon take The Stmny South ? If not, send for it immetliately. It is the universal favorite, and all Southerner are proud of it. Let a large club be raided without delav in this community; It is the only ilTus trsted literary weekly in the South, and the press and people everywhere unite in pronoun cine it the equal in every respect of any sirdilnr publication in America. The best literary talent of llie whole, country, North nd South, is writing for it, and it has something each week for all classes of readers, ll stories are superior in literary merit, and equal in thrilling ihterest to those of any other paper, and its es says ujKin all subjects are from the best- mind of the age. In addition to thrilling new stories, a series of brilliant articles will soon bestm on tne Campagn and Battles of the Army of Tennessee, bv Colonel B. Frobel, a dis tinguished military engineer of that army in all its trving times. These papers will explain all The movements of Generals Johnston, Hood and Sherman. Don't tni any Of 'he numbers. They will read like a fascinating romance. New and exciting stories are beginning every week or two. - State and local agents are being appointed everywhere, but let each community form a club at once and semi for- the paper. Having passed successfully through two of the hardet years we nhall ever see, it now challenges the admiration and unlimited siipjwrt of the pro .plc. The price is $3 a year, but club of four and upwards get it for $2.50. Address Jno. II. Seals, Atlanta, G. St'ibbirtq Affray, Vie learn that a quarrel, a few days ago, between, one Johnston and a Mr. 31a m, on the old Morehead property in this county, result ed in the 'tabbing of Mann by Johnston. Mann is stabbed in the backtiumber and qualitj of his wounds not known to us. Concord 8un. . Bam Burned. On Thursday about 1 1 o'chick while Mr. Peter Cruse was in town his barn caught fire from some unknown cauae and burut his winters supply of provender, 5 head of i good hbrsea and fthrr valuable property. lli loss will , .li We ii mount to S2.000. K Utnitftid bun. premium.:,ust faibw;,!!,.:;;,: DEPARTMENT L t CLASS V? 12 StaTTion:D irPcelef ' -,?fcrst tiy OO SJ Stallion, E$K James K2ndlO 00 2 Stallion-Jno CMilleri 8rd5 00 22 Brood Mare, C F Walker - 1st 10 00 25 " M Dr.Thos Hill 2nd.. 5 Q0J 14 Pair Match Horses ' 1 pMBernhardt -,1st 10 16 Second Pre- i Meroney & Bro., 2 $0 mium uivj-- f . ana , 15 ded between S Jas Crawford- 2 $0 6 Pair Draft Horses Sauv'I Bailey lt 10 00 1 1 Single Draft Horse Robt Davis 1st . ; 5 00 21 Saddle Horse Jas Norwood 1st 9 " 4i Frank Broa 2nd 5 00 3 do ,5 00 5 00 8 00 5 00 5 bo 3 bo 3 lo 23 2 yr old Colt J. F. E. Brown "1st 8 3 yr old Colt D L Michael 19 Pair Mules Thos E Brown 31 " ." WT Woodruff 4 Single Mule E K James 13 " u N R Barringer 27 Mule Colt under 2 years Jas Scott 1st 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st AO Mule Colt under 2 ver WW Woods 2nd 2 00 CLASS IL . CATTLE, '.j'"",'. 7 Bull Thos O'Connor " lt tl Milch Cow B Peter Bea-d 1st 20 Second best divid- ) II CauWc and 1 ed bet ween ( O W At well 80 too 00 00 14 Calf undea 1 year old : S Ii Harrison 0 Calf under 1 year old- S R Harrison 12 Heifer P B Beard 1st 3 00 2nd 1st 2nd 200 500 3 0J 10 - Jno G Heilig CLASS III. ' SHKKP. 20 Buck Thos O'Oonner 17 Bm-k Win Murdoch i 19 Ewe Thos O'Conncr 1 Kt 4 GO 2nd 2 00 1st 4 00 i 1st - 5 00 2nd 2 00 1st 5 03 2nd 2 00 1st 4 00 Cnd 2 00 lt 10 00 2nd Z 00 CLASS IV. 7 Bonr R R Crawford u poar Tlios Foster 4 Brood Sow Win Howard 10 Drood Sow John C Miller 11 Pair I'is undar 6 months . John C Miller . 13 Pair Pigs under G months A L Shaford 12 Pen Fatted Hogs Jos Horah I 0 Pen Fatted Ho;: B P Beard DEPARTMENT II. FOCL'htT. Pair Table Chichens M.s Wm Barker Brahmas l- " " Domestic Geene Willie Atwell 44 Wild Geese Ida Howard 44 Turkcvs R L Crawl'ortl Single Turkey R L Crawford Pair Guineas Wm Dunham 2 OJ i 2" 00 3 00 2 (K) ; y 00 J 00 ' 2 00 -Trio Bantams Eva & Hannah Richwine 1 00 i 2 00 ! ar nUcks P, R Crawford 2 00 DEPARTMENT III. AGKICULTCKAL PHODl'CTS. j $3 0) i 4 00 , 5 00 J 2 00"! Best Bale Cotton S I? Harrison T, . TT .i r Best Clover Ilav II M Brown Second best A J Mock & Co Best Bale Nfctivc Hay II M Brown Second best ' A J Mock & Co 3 00 12 00 Best N C Made Cigar J M Mendel & Co Dip Best Bale Cotton raised with j 1 ton; Navassa Guano Navassa E A Prppst S , Gllaho l 3 00 Best Bushel Red Wheat B F Lunn Seeond best S A Lownmee BestBu White Wheat G T Thomason Second liest B F Lunn Best Bushel Stock Corn J A Click Best" BunhcJ Meal II G Miller Second best A W Kluttz Best Bushel Oats Jas Scott 2 00 0 ou 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 Second best H M Brown Best Bushel Field Peas J A Thomason ; 2 00 j Best Sonrhuin Susrar G T Thomason no competition DEPARTNENT IV. j HOUTICCtTCKAL. Best Bushel Sweet Potatoes A A Heart ! 2 00 1 1 t. 1T 4 T . - i 1 AA n k , , T . , . . .t. IT 3 rt nn Best Bushel Irish Potatoes W m Howard 2 00 Second liest Wm Cauble 1 00 j Best i iVariet doz Table Beets Wm Howard 1 00 arietv Tomatoes D McLean i 2 00 Best Parsnips John Beard., 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 Best Radishes R A Shu ping Best Carrots Wm Murdoch Best Variety Onions Wm Howard Beat Variety Squashes Wm Murdoch DEPARTMENT V. DOMESTIC. Best Bottle Blackberry Wine Mrs L Hcinrich- 2 00 ! Second best Mrs McConnaughey 1 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 Best Pair Hams Wm Howard Best 5 Gallons Sorghum Syrup M L Chunn Best Jar Butter J R Gaither Second. best Mrs Coleman Best Grape Wiac Miss Sallie Whisnait Second best Miss Emma Reid Best A ppleVinegar G T Thomason vSecond best J A Thomason 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 DEPARTMENT VI. MECHANIC ARTS. Best Grain Drill Meroney & Bro., Sewing Machine, Singer bv W R Barker Dip. Best Horse Collars Paul J Kluttz $1 00 44 Spring Wagon W M Barker Dip. 44 Ptueton Trotter & Wilkinson 3 00 44 Cast Mold Board 2 Horse Plow J J & W L Gilbert 2 00 1 Horse u 4" " 2 00 2 Horse Light . " : Dip. 44 Corn Sheller and Seperator j J J & W L Gilbert 5 00 1 Jump Seat Buggy Trotter tfc Wilkinson I Dip. pest Display Hardware Crawford & Heilig, Silver Medal Best Horse Shoes J P Webber j Dip. Blank and Bound Books H IvoeHsch j Dip. St ndebaker Wagon E S Morris I Dip. 1 'Horse A very Plow 44 " 2d P. & Dip. Grain Drill J R Gaither : ! Dip. Subsoil and Turning Plow J II Best j. Dip. Side-Hill Plow J H Best j Dip. Sorghum Evaporator Meroner & Bro.! Dip. One Horse Plow 44 44 $2 CO Wheelbarrow 44 4" j 2(:0 Giant Cement John Pearson ' Dip. Best Reaper aud Mower Meroney & Bro. DEPARTMENT VH. I MASCFACTCHED ARTICLES. Best Rag Carpet Mrs Julia McAnlesa : $S 00 ( No competion for other premiums In this department. : . ; ; , 4 ... DEPARTMENT VIIL FLORAL HALL. v . . .. CLASS A. '.' .J, . Best Hearth Rug Mrs J C Badger j $3 00 Beadwork 31 rs Henry Brown 1 00 44 Toilet ilaU and Cushion Miss Alice Brown 1 00 44 - Ornamental Hair-Workj. j Miss Laur Morzan 100 41 Embroidery on Icrino Mrs R II If uthphnfwt 3 V Embroidcrr on CttTa . Ifri Tl TI TTnmnhra O tt ' . M Cotton and Worsted Tidy . O Mra R II Hum phrer I J 1 00 " .Ornamental LHthei WorV." f ' u 3Ira'PP Meroney " 1 00 Tl Or. Wax Work Mrs Wm Keatler i 1 00 T 4 i CLASS B. . , . I Besi Growing Flower Mrs T.E Brown 4 00 Second best J. Willi Am Mnrrtrh : 9 no Beat Cotton Coverlet airs J P Gowan 1 00 2 00 2 00 200 2 00 T i Qut Mrs M'Schloss " Embridered Counterpane . r . , Mrs JM Leach " Silk Quilt'Mrs Ann nobson r" " Worsted Quill SalHe McCorkle f. 4i Cotton Comfort Bfhtie Thoma3on Woolen Coverlet Mrs Cowan ! ? . I O48S D. Best Pair Cotton Socks; ; . j Emma Thomason " Pair Cotton Gloves 1 00 2 00 50 Mrs Adam Brown 50 - i - r j .. CLAHS E. J Best Quince Perserves i 1 Miss J D Rat ledge $1 00 " tJrape Jelly ( " 100 ' Picklel Tomatoes Mrs TE Brown 100 M lomato Catsup i " l 00 " Blackb'y Conlial ! " " " l 00 Currant" Jell v Miss1 "A Pearson 100 4 A'ppV Jelly Miss Bessie Whisnsut 1 00 Pear Preserves M R Thomason 1 0(1 Blackb'y Jelly, Nettie " 1 00 CLASS F. Be5t Liht Bread Mrs Ann Kestle 50 " Soda Crackers Mrs John Beard 50 " Plain' Biscuit Lou Ervin fcol) 50 4 Dried' Apples f IV Thomason 50 Light Roles Dettie Thomason 50 CLASS II. " ! '. ' Best Home Made Note Book i Asa Hibelin $1 00 44 Pencil Drawing Josie Burke 2 00 Second best Mrs A W Owen 100 . Best Oil Painting M;ssA S Rutledre 5 00 I 4 Water Color Paintinsr I Mrs EH Marsh 2 00 j Second bet Mrs P P Meroneva 100 ! Best Cravnn Sketch; Mrs Dorsie Battle 3 00 1 Second lKst Yiutig laly frm ; I Kernersville 100 DEPARTMENT IX. FOR BOT.S .VXD OinLS. ... f Best Lot Chickens bv bov under lo yrs oldE.l Barley 2 00 Cotton Qnilt ly ti rl under 10 yrs old Minnie Cresham 1 00 Cro het Tidv bv girl 10 vears old ':Tni Baker 1 00 ' Oin i:ne.-:tal ilair V'ork byjri.i 13 yeafs old Naucy Jones 1 00 Persons wli.'Se papers are marked with a X mark iu pencil, w ill luuderstauil from it j that they are due us fr th paper, and will please re'tit. ADVICK fjRATlS. The ii. ill. Ai.'X: niiii ir . tei w v Mei-nens sn:- The C.1..I. Kiower Coiiurli Svniu has nroveu a most valuable remedy to ine. , Gov. James M. S;iiiti. of G-'raia, says: "I shall al.ways ii-h it with peifeet C oifi d . and r.'Coiti.iK'iiil j: to lb- public as remedy h'ch will ' ird that satis'aolion : ex'-en.MH-.-d bv me aii-l mi l". I: Hce dT I everything f n uig is. C ddi and obstiiiat ! lung .-trtWiioii." j Ex Gov Bro.vit, of (ji.. fays: ""He finds Glob: Flosv.-r .ou"ii Syrup a uiol ex- t j celleut remedy-." j ; Such en birs.'inetit bvi our great and good . men Jerves the ;UJe;iji .11 of the a (11 ..c ted : Those sutlr-ting from ciii:h, colds Hnd lung affections ,b'ul. ne j 1 1 Globe Flower Com: h Svnip. It will ioitivelv cure cou- j Himption. 1 - ; Foi sale bv Theo. FJ KJuttz. j . . M I " r. Kluttz is giving axvav a hand- ,,," k entitled Pearls br the Peo- pie." containing much valuable inf.uniation ana many iiiiHiestiug ajdcies. It alo con tains a biiory of ihe lijscoery of the 4IIep atiu" for diseases of t$- fix er. dyspepit. constipation and indigestion,. f-c. itiid gives positive assurance thatUvtieu the Hepatiue is usd it etfecis a pniiiiu'tit aud lasting cure of thee diseasei, if i. icli preva l to oh an alarming extent in jour touutrv. Take the Hepatiue for all diseas-'b of the liver. 1 ! To Shake, or not to Shake? Ay, that is the question. Is it belter lu tpiiver from head to foot: in the .paroxysms of fever and ague, or to banish the atrocious di- i ease hv found of that standard anti-febrile I j remedy, Hn.ttetter Bitters. There cannot be much doubt as to the response of the malaria-' stricken to thi imj ii'v, I Fro-n every locality nn thi continent ahoke inhabitant are torment ed with the shivering plague comes an inci eas ing demand for the only genuine preventive and eradicnt of malariai provided by science. The deniaen of fever arid ague district well i know how iltlerlv iiiader-biute In da more lli:tn j r i am brief r.uilM aw tlie uo.ifilb-d rpinvilinii of the faculty. Quinine, arsenic, bismuth j what are tbeat but -oinnoo ptlliativen, which ! ceae after a time to produce any. ben. filial I etFect whatever, and if persisted in wreak irre- I parable mNchief upon th'e ysteth T, Every where tbey are being abandon! by intelligent per sons, and that genuine vegetable apecihc for in-'-terniiuent and remittent disease, Hosteller's Bitter, substituted in their plat... A , Candid Physician, It is not often' that we find amoiictt the med- ical facultv suiBcient c.ndor to record anv merit whatever to proprietary niedieines, as it con- tlict with their interest to do so. But below we give an exception: OPINION OK A REGULAR PHYSICIAN. BoSTojN, January 11, 1874. This certifies that I hajve recommended the use of Dk. Tu rr's Expi?CTonANT for diseases of the lungs for ib.e past.jtwo years, and to my knowledge jnany lnult have been used by my patients with beuefi-ial j-esnlts. In two cases where it was thought! cunfirnjeit consumption had taken place the Expectorant eilccted a cure. j R. H. SPUAGUE, M. D. Attend to Your Don't Delay H. , -w-r . ead and Hair Using This. Wood's Improved , Hair Restorative is unlike anv othr. ai,d has neouTl. The Improved has new vejetable toiim proper tiea; restores grey ha jr to a glossy, natural eolnr restores faded, drv. harsh 'and falling . . . . . . - i . - .. hair : restores, dresses, irtves iiftir to the natr ; restores nairro premaiureiy naiu iitan; removes dandruff, huulors. scaly eruptioua: removes irritation. itcbiug and scaly dryness. Nt article produces silch wnderfal effects. T'Titvcall for Wood's i Lnprored Hair Restorative, aud don'i b put off tcUJi any other article. Sold by all druggists in this place and dealers evej-yWhire. Traie sup plied at manufacturers' prices by C. A. Coox'4cCoj, ChicajJ. Sole. Agents for th Cuited SikfW arid Canidai." iiid " lj .7. F. iiur ". 0 'iiau V. OetoW 23th bv Revi WklmJtt nuii nr. iitiJaines itf Salisbury, and IT'..).. "P,. ' rt. v. cnier. ol Uabarriw.i i 4 1 r r rt . - - - j . - T i He pa per. please copy. ; V , ' -j u : ik - At Unitv Manse. Oet. 'in. 1 Boyd, Mr. Tho. A- Harrison "ami MiJfv.,,; only daughter of Mr. John L.!Morrion. i ' "Trt this bonntr. Dot. 2 i. at th rpii.lenN. r Mrs. Marr Miller. bvRer. Piip T.i Theodore A. P. Roneuian and Mi&s Milkv e! cucner. ;t DIED. In Salisbury. N. C. Oct. 17. ISTfi. fr J.n. P. Fraley, aged 71 years and one month. Mm; frralev via the daihni nf XT Jedidinh j Wallace uf l'ophir . Tint Church mid the j Mter ;of the liev.' ' ' M A.& Marcus J. jWall ace. She was baptized and r'tceived into Poplar Trot Church bv the Uev. Lr. ICohinsAn. In hhe m-irri.t to Mr. B.'F. Frafey of Salisbury, "and soon after waa received intrt tlie Preshvterian Church of Salisbury of which she continued a member till removed bv UJe.ith. From earlv lift. u was a child of atEic'.iun, endnriim great bodily pain, nd bereaved of -all her chihiivn but one. God led her throinh dep water, hut Hi grace susiaincu'iier to ue ena. . i j J. n. SALISBURY MARKET, f Corrected, by J. M. Ksox L Co. November 1 Cottom dull, i Middlings, 1870. 10 n I low stains Bacon, county, l;og round Bditeh Eos Cuickess per; dozen Coun market well supplied do 88 IU 15 202. 1012 f 1.50(5:2.00 45(50 0070 Meal moderate demand at Wheat good demand at FLorjii market stocked best fam super. Potitoks. Irtu Onions no .demand 851.10 . $:5.00 2.50 50 75 124 15 . 30(3,40 35(r,40 28(?t30 Laud Beeswax Tallow Blackberries Applks. dried Scoar Cofpkic Calicos G(g.7 ! 67 4(?G 1115 il10 AM LEIGH 31 A IlKET. WHOLESALE CASH PRICES. October 30. 187-5. FLOUR. Norlh Carolina io.lii) a S'i.CO, CORN. 75 a 60c. CORN" MEAL.oOa UOc B vCON. N. C. hog round, 1 t a 15. " h am 1 07 17. HIDES, gren. 44y drv. 10 a II FODDER, baled, new SO a Si. 00. . HAY, N.C.jlnled. -oo.l. 75.1 80. Tl 1 1 j' .A j.J.J i n i it i AT THE UNITED STATES -CENTENNIAL World's Exposition, 1876 mm Twm easissT mm Unanimously assigned the " FIRST RANK . , ' IN TUB SEVERAL REQUISITES" Of such Instruments..! The MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. have the honor to am. - iMre thai the organs of their m inufucture bavij been unanimouslv assigned "the FIK-T K N K in tbeSEY- EliAL REQUISITES of instruments of ..i-" i... Ii..1..j mi lb.. I'I'N'TI'.WT -4,-v imi'.i rmv ..." ii.;i. .!..!.. ikTi. nA .. vi v i vif -m UN- c tw riiu I1I.-V. llie VS.MJ. o..t. ..4-: EKAL CLASS AWARD-.D THIS RANK. This is alter the severo'. competition I.. iv best makers, before one of the most competent juries ever assembled. Thev have also received the MEDAL, but, as i well known, medals of etpial merit have b-en awnrded all article deemed worthy of recognition ; ko that it will be easy for many makers to advertise ihat they have received "first medals." The differences in competing articles, and their comparative excellence, are recognized in the Reports of the Judges, liom which the following is an extract : " THE MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO.'s exhibit of Reed Organs and Har moniums 8how Instruments of the PIRSTEANK IN THE SEVERAL RE aUISITES OF INSTRUMENTS OF THE CLASS ; viz. : Smoothness and equal distribution of tone, scope of expression, resonance and singing qual ity, freedom and quickness in action of kays and bellows, with thorough ness of wjrkoiauship, coznbiaed with simplicity of action." (Sigmd by all the fudge-) The Masou and Ham lin Organs are thus tl tela red to rank first, not in one or two respect" onlv, but in the SE EKAL REQUISITES ol r-uch instruments, aud thev are tlie ONLY ones assigned this rank. This triumph .v.-f not unexpected, for the Mason A Hamlin Cabinet Organs have uniformly been awarded 'the highc.4 honors iu competition in America, there having been uca reel v t i-s'p1 ion in hundreds of i com i'pih ion 1)oii;m and competition. Ihcv were awarilea highest UIPCT MmAIQ l lilj I III L. U (1 IdU i Paris 1867; Vleaiia "73 SaBtiaso "75; ' PHILADELPHIA, 1876, rand bav th-is been awarded highest bouora . Every World's Exposition at which they have leeu exhibited ; bdug ' , Orili'? AaSIXICfAiy OIXOA!Wn which h ye vef obtained AiMl AW AUD at any competition wttft t-et-t E'lropeAo makers, or In any Earoptan Worli'a exooattion .' NEW STYLES. tai lmproypments, extubttM at the CEKTE'MAL; cirgto-t cow cies la great va riety. -Frtces wry fouvwt nnhtBTect witn test, mate rUl aaid worjgnsrvsaiA. Orgaj Soli tor cas or SJ :gqn uannt4 itif'su'.ion Ut t r-ry. n iT.ii v,a mi y WW A lAi 1LLUS- TKATED CATALOG L" 8 seat free. MASON' 11AM LI OROA . Street, Boston: ts Union a iiMreJNp s Adams Street, CMca?o; 17 Great il-irl borough Street London: Vi Bieacr sr.r m- V'lnii i ; I u iu. viv .uik.uiir, ( UKUV JIAIIIWII una street, Meiijourae. - -: I - t ? treet, Melijounift. fcept. tt 1S76 ly SAVE YOUR! HOGS ! HOG CHOLERA GORE Never known to fail if taken itf time! . - - 4 The licst and most efficient Cure and Pre ventive known. Said to tboe who have used it to be an unfailing rcmedv. Read .the following testimonials from citi zens of tbe highest respectability : Sat tvrti June 2, 1870. Mr. Exstss Dear Sir : I have used with great satisfac tion your "Hor Cholera Cure.,v and can truthfully recommend It to ull hog raisers as a great preventive and sure cure when given before the hog is l6 sick to eat. - Respcctfullv, R. 'R.; CRAWFORD, Of the Finn of Crawford & Heilig. Salisrcrt, Sept. G, 187G. Mr. Exxhr This is to certify that I have used Ennis Hog Cholera, Cure for years and can say that I have never had a case of chol era among my hogs since 1 legan to use it, aud recommend it to the ho;? raisers of the country. ROBT. MURPHY, Of the Firm of R. & A. Murphy. For sale at Knniss Drag Store, Price 25 a box. - 47:f. J. & H. EOS AH, pi JEWELERS, "1 MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, Jf.I V: JUST RKCKiY FA) A LARGS AUD SPLENDID STOCK Most Beautiful Jewelry.! Ve have just received the largest and handsomest stock of Jewelry ever exhibited in Salisbury, a;ul respectfully invite public inspection. It comprises, Gold and Siher; Watches, tt ad kirnt: Sdver Pitchers, C ups. Castors, Napkin Rings. Fonts, Knives, and Spoons. The finest and most iwautiful sets of Jewelry of all kinds, as Ear-drops. Breast Pins, Finyer Kings, Bracelets. eals. Lockets. tVc. &.c. Ac. Also, a lot of plain SOLID GOLD RINGS. Also, agents for the celebrated n rrz ci jl "S ocnaiijiciusen opeotaciesi Tff'ilw. lnMl r-l-..oLj , . . Will sell as lu as hut Hot:c in t!ie outh. CALL HERE AND 0 KT TOIU w.iiin AVi) t la ik ui .Mianc. done promptlv asusual. All work warrant, I U mouths. Dec. 16. lSTi. 10:tf MANSION; HOUSE Centraliv Situated On tlie. I?nllic Sqtxaro SALISBURY, N. C. 'fHE HOUSE is in the centio of business. Jt. and i-i?"lieai'st to tb,e depot. Tubh' as good as (he best. Servants attentive and polite. rti.nwl tier it .i' Si U ! Single ileaic" f ' j irWcial (,iuiacts far a longer term, j OninibiiR to and from all trains. thej t'cst l.ivery mhu.o near at nana. A ?. i ' i rFThe uucV'rsignel 'tf?ndftM his thanks I manv tnends who have callea ou l:i:r. at the .... .. a,. ,, i . a-W!M,.',l,;'" 7"""."?" iMiunHPUN,,..! 1 1... I 015 siiitreu io innie i iit i x iimuo uni Mraiii tne! ... ... . .. . , ,, ., ' j j1 I : l.0VZi I ''"7o" 1 ' :M Lifhe Traveling Public till always find this. r.ri:r. ov filk vyixn "W here A'tlverfJUttux Cou'tracta est b liiAtia Pa c Italian Qacrus nabU pvrcharr or TUB WOllET rkfcxdd. rP ft ?7'jr!4 .uw " -- JjSjWw.sis-' r FOUR FOR ei0.00?r' Sale aiTtval and purltj' mm gxtrnnU'ed. Italian sweks 512.50 each Morgan's- combination mmm HIVE 8 2.30 EACH 4sr j'i VI rj Address, RUPU3 MORGAN Old. Fort, X. C.)!cy v.-tt Plantation for Sale. , . re r i .1. . .1... the LjiKtersigtle I ouei ior aaic jn pun tatiou which he f.-mietly ltv.,1 up..,,. ! immediately -.ii the public n-ad leading Salisbury V, Cheraw. 10 nrles South-east Salifcbnry, coutainirig ACRES, j f wliiVi there is about on haif wo .d laud, I the ttber ttoitioo is meadow, pasture acJ itil.bie labd. ToereUnu til pieu,ise a good dwelling. ' tiooj baru. aud alt uetwssa ry eut-buiidings. Als; a uiod well aud rood fprings convenient. Any person wishing to purchase lard j would do well to call nil th undersign! at Salisbury. Terms will be made io suit tlw time. P. N. IJEILIO. , iAlb'jiy.. N". rcji - ,i y1-')' l v moS, SPRING STOCK 1876. m Q w a j mm m 1 hi Wliuicsalc and Ettail. NOW I N STOR K AND A K Ri VI X D 75 Iibls. Mw1.iSjc. 10 ilt Nf w OfleaiiS 10 do Svrsp. 75 Ua g.s Colfnt. 25 Kfz Soda. lt d-z. Lemon Syrup7 50 b-ixes Adamantiue Candles. 25 Bxes cuap. 75 Cass Oysters 20 ea-s Br'andr Ppses. 20 44 Fresh Peachy 10 44 Piue Apples, 30 Gross Snuff 25 Coils Cotton aud Jute liop M) Doz. Painted Pails. 7 40 Gross Flasks ;.500 lbs. Candy 40.000 Cigars 50 Kfs Powder 50 Bagsbot 100 Reams Wrapping Paper 10 Doz. Scotch Ale " ALSO A full line of Wood and Willow War, lioots, Shoes, Ha;s, Saddles 5c Bridles. Axe. Gnu. Pistols. Scc. Also, a lame lot of Canned Goods, a choice selection of French Candles. ShJl. mms m i S . -' SSSjMSS-,. U , Pepper. Spiee. Ginger. Royal Bakine Ptw irTp 'SjN I ders, Kaisens. Ourrauts. Figs. Citrous, Nut . amines. Loci-aunts. l'iHtles. Sances. Cat ! sup. rotted Meat. Kertisene. Tanners ao4 ..lachiue Oils. Li(Uors of all kinds. Arc.. &r. The above Stuck was bought at the olo if the seasoii at greatly reduced prices, and I.-.. . IV .... .. ' I I .'. 13 oueieuai n muesaie, K iietait at vr shi-it irohis. niXGIIAM d CO. Jum- 12. 1SG. s.-.i; aoury. c. iV A' IF A I) YERT1SEMEXTS. - 23 rAXTCS- CARDS all siybV itb name 0r!. post paid. J. B. HctiXED. MASfj.-r. Reus. Co.. N. AA 4w AGENTS Ifvouwaiit the best Sell-" ; njsic a V anicie in tne worm ana ' it Mldli irfiid liMtMhT Ll'Ml- tl ti!l f 1-. .f M.iaf wt-It :.t -t .1 iti'mv a- rr Tirr ! Bo.athvav, N. Y. 48.4w. i SSINB READING, PSYCH0MANCY, 2 b ASCINATION, Soi l Ciiarmino. Mes- I .Ml'RISV. mid M tnPtif:F (irtnr ilf.u..incr lino either nex may fascinate and gain the love and afil-clion of aiiv perer, thev choose inatantlv, ID) pages, by mail 50 ctFr Hunt & Co,, 139 fcj. Tib .Si., i''a., pa. 41:4w. ' lU 1 n4ri you hi a uusineasyou - r w -II . . . . i . unvVvr"5' "k$oo tit cap- .U-1 Li 1 ital CTKV asv and respectably for either AGENTS SUPPLY CO., 201 Bow. New- ork. - 524w. ' r-v j0 A WEEK. Mala wr fetjnale. No cap it.i!. We give steady work that will briug ju .240 a inoiilh at home Jv or evening. j 1 n ventui s Uuiou, 173 Greenwich St.. Xawr York. 52.4w AGSxJTS. Investigate the merits t th 'IHnttrated Weekly, he' ore determining ip ! on your work for this fall -and winter. Th. o iibii'.ation for this season surpasses any lliing heretofore atlempled. Terms t-r fi-r- on application. Address. CHAS. ' CLEG AS & CO.. 14 IFarri. JSt.X. Y. 4w since Knp'nre is dangerous and th Ela tic and ot her-lruses itij ire thosewho es tiieui. all classes are throwing them away and Mr-ji,-: Dr. Sherman's Hnptnie suppoit and Curative Compound, which give reliyf iu ail case v.:ai ret.lres tb parts to natural : vicor. Dr. S'.Krii.au1' books with valuabla ;:;t Tii!h ioj ,t ! likeiiefs of had cases be for and after cure ..ut f r 10 cents. OlE" 1 Ann S.. Nevr Y-rk. Save "tliis. 51. 4w 1 A Farm ami Home of Your Owl to' ii :,t.,t -r mrrr. mv-e-r-n ra nr.TTnn rati xuw lO litL V DiiVWifcii XX I RUFTUBB , Tin and cheapest , lauds iu 'are in EASTERN NEBRASKA, on ihm 1 liu-of the UNION PAC1FKTRA1LU0AD. ; 'The most favoiabie terms gheu.and vary ! ;nw rates of fare iiLi! freight to all settlers, i '"hy h. st markets ; PR EE PASSES TO LAND BUYERS. Map.-i desciiiiti ve pamphlets, new edit tin fl ' THE PIONEER," sent free everywhera. Addrrs. O. F. DAVIS. Laud Coinm'r. U. P. R. K. Omaha. Neb, L IN PJ1 ESS - ; 1 " TF 1 T8 READY THE "EHTKHNUL EXPOSITION DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED. ! A graphic peu-pictiiie tf its history. grao4 ! buiid-nes, wonderful exhibits, curioertie. J,08 ! aieat days, etc Proftiselv"illustratl, thor- d very cheap. MunlMefl iiumeuseiv. a.tKflj AUtA IB Send for tull paiiiruLrs. This will b tba c.liance of 10U years to coTu mouey fast, (let the im'v reliable hiatorv. nimn ii'M ltiifiR.. 1'rrr. c. 7.'t.'l Sanaoin St.. li, j t.hi - CAUTION I'.e not deceived by prennatara b tiks. assuming to It offieial j iid telling w. Se t. at Mill happen in Aug. an4 2.4w I HABIT CURED. A Certain and snre Cure 1 Enrte IledllClioU ill PliceS. A trial btilli - - - . nl.n, r Tn T . PJrt i. .r i . j i , . . t..,' ; , , lilt best aud cheapen. laucs in maravt. - '.g , - UVrmerly ilra. Dr. tr.Hii , v ., ;VV v - J iir of j l'" Cdiius.) 1 - - . For Coughs.Xolds Hoarseness. AND ALL THCUT DISrfABEB, US8 WSLLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. PUT UP ONLY IX BLUE BOXEty i ! C. I 5ld by Dn;?s,ft i;' ' lULLpli 1'UI.LESt.Cl Wgc ?iL 1- .----