. . . f , . i . T l. - Carolina Watchman. NOVEMBER." 16. 1876. 1 A Persons making remittances for 1" the Watcliiwn should send $2. 10 to pay for a year 10 cts. to jmy postage. '.- Tlie jayO)f iho people over tlic late election run dWM llirnugh th-ir phirto, rwrrs.an,i boot, and works itself off at heel and toe.- v -Ai M. TJiere never was a niorez-peatc- Presidenlial election held in this country than that on the 7th Nov-. We have yet lo hear of any disturbance of the peace on that day.1 ' A cotemporary writes "Got. Tilden will not be the President of a section, but oftbo wliole country.' That u just what the .people voted for. Give ub that in fact,?aridyoa will eee peace and Hap piness all over the land. " j We regret to see by the Kaleigb paper that Getw Kilpatrick'a v'uit to that city was made the occasion of demonstrations of a very questionable character, and that he weift off spreading an evil report of it. What good can come of it ! N. C. Congressmen Elected. 1st Disliict J8?e .1. Yeates Dem 2d 3d 4th 3ih Gih 7ih 8 th it u it C. U. Hrogden, lien, A M. Woddell, Dera. Jo$. Ji Davis, Dem. A. M Scah s Dem. Walter L. Steele, Dem. W. M j Kobbins, Dem. Uobt. B. Vance. Dem. THREATENING GOV. VANCK. We Bee in the Observer that Maonel Lord, a great rascal and a great negro polilician in Charlotte, waa Deiore iue Mayor ot that city iasv oiuni; - ing threats Hgainst the life of Gov. Vance. To w charged with havintf publicly de clared that Gov. Vance would never live to be inaugurated Governor ot thta tate. After hearing the case, the Mayor dectd- l m eominue it for the purpose of ascer taining if any further proof of his guilt could be procured. -Th trial created considerable interest from the nature of the charge. Street Dialogue Bet&een Tivo Republicans. "1 iay, Jim - the sky looka devilish black, are we beaten ! - - " Jim Beatett to death, I fear. Oh yes beaten, by golly Bob Mo yon think there's no hope at all ? May not the vote of some of these States be tbrawo out ? : Jim No lmpe in that direction with out a rumpus that would make matters worse for us. Bob well we have one consolation at least the Democratic party will here after be the nigger parti Jim Bless your soul, that's true We can never hold them now they are gone, and will find rent iu the democrat ic camp. Bob Good byp. Sambo. Jim Yes, a loug farewell. upon it to go a jaelf-seeking instead jot diligently applying himself to the. work he has engaged with the people to per form. , .--' ; I . We congratulate the people of Rowan and Divie on the choice they have made to the Legislature. We believe their re- I do all in llifif power. lo4 a:eet the juit exbectations of their cflti- .... .i . i r I stituonts. l liey are mi tried uien,rtoi i established character and fully identified with the people! in every interest that concerns them. . , - 1 ' ; SPEAKER OF TniS IIOUSE. We believe it circle of frieud would gratify a latge and acquaiitance's oi Mr. John' S.Henkhsox to see htm elected to the Spakerip of the House, lit? competency and fitness for that responsi ble position is batter known to those Who have serveti witl him iu the Legislature and the Stale Convention than to his im mediate constituents. Mr. H. is known to possess those mental and mora quali fications which fit him for almost any po eitiou. Rwani would accept his promo tion as an honor to herself. She Will vouch for him. It has been a long tine since she has had occasion to rejoice over such a pleasant recognition of her mer itorious sons, aiid we trust her lime has now come a - rT o 2 a 2 -2. tt S. rto-s me er . ft :"i r - : 2. 5" o Wt-'-T j M (9 l-t l-t 1 & - 00 as cs i w U s it tt( S5 C9 - o it - fc it- Soacsoas-JXis- - ilf T I . no , .) a a i s as o M as -J - O 5 4 f rr :rr i viWi tlii rpt iw wv t J! SUPERIOtt C0CBT Snecial Procaedinfff, " II P S Benbow, Adiu'r ofl1 U 1 ; auace, urc u. vlua( Robert Wallace and others Drfeudantt. In thU caite it appearing that Rome of the Fe(miit ajre non reaident and that the miro moDA lias not been nerved or published, t i therefore ordered that the original summons be ,S J ?3 C S? ijr: - - is - - 4. ?' suiqio. v ci a - 05 s - :s ao w - . 1 1 Stioii-L'i-i -ir' l i;2 m a co oo - ? ?e i - f iS S S 'J-' f w . ?Tii Cit :C Q& O -1 r: 4 X - - ; , 1 "ig slc-cSa - --i'K''' I 1 S 5, 5 m x o o o i i 4- do o w e k -i i 9 nJiriJ;U i 9 THE The Constitutional Amendments have been overwhelmingly adopted. They were more popular than most of the candidates. We believe they b(;at Gov. Vance him self, and that shows that the people knew what they 'were doing. Some few could afford to nurse an old prejudice against the Governor, but fewer still opposed the 'amendments lo the Canby Constitution. Huzza for the. amended Constitution. j A cotemporary recounting the wonders of the Telegrgph in conveying news of the Presidential election with tolerable certainty- all over this wide, wide country within six or'eight hours after the polls closed fin? the 7xh, says I u sixty years more the telegraph of j this day wll be laughed at by the children of that, just as we look back at the slow pace of the mails in olden times, &c. Scientific brother, what is to beat the lively lightning. Do tell. ' - : ' ' PRESIDENTIAL ELCTION. wants to know how it has de ft very body gone, and no body is able to give a ci.led answer. Nearly every body be lieve Gov. Tilden is electtd, and ; the question is hell; in most provoking sus pense. Gov. Tilden ha? c.-rtainly IS I ehctjrial votes: one more elects huo. Mr Tilden sent the ?ren- And lie has receiveil about ZO",UUU ma- Gold'Hill,' in Rowan, polled 122 white men and not a 'radical among them. Tate of Jerusalem, Davie County. Tilden and ILeudrirks, majority 69 Vance, 1 Robbius, for Congresjs, Crawftird, Senate, 1 Chat. Price, II. Rep. Sahford, for Sheriff) 5 Ratification ' , - It is indeed a deplorable condition of affairs lor a State when it requires out siders to come iu andjcount the ballots. Behold the State. of Florida, she has a whole raft of soldiers and a committee of of gentlemen sent to her to assist in couut in? the vote. tletcen because he would not trust the j-iity of Unvotes of lire people, and yit soldiers. Mr. Grant sent the soldiers they are disputing over the votes of South becase he wouldUot trust the citizens of Carolina, Florist and Lmiiinu. Oregon the State. Is there no man trust worthy in the meanwhile is reported to have set in Florida ? No man capable and honest ilwl - ihe question in favor enough to count the vole and return a Samy ;" but Oregon is so far off, and the true report of the count ? Surely there is. Hayes men eoj unwilling to believe, in ! . .a! 1 . Ihen what means all this ado? Why thetr deteat, that we nave got to xvau .i . . 1 .ivp wait nnd li'ttlrh I We think it will are tnese soiuiers eni io nimii wn. cwu v -t vnt with the bavonet ? It means that be settled sometime between this and the atftTrincr (rrnnnino radipjiitm 14 makill!? "t1 h f MarCU. "ub6""6i l"" " " i its last desperate grrasp at the reigns of lowing : power; that she is trying to seize hold of OBSERVER OFFICE. this weak State and in dragging her down Tuesday Morning, Nov. 14, '7G. .... . i gain by fraud and steal h, existence for The situation about the Piesidential another term. Will the people submit to contest up lo the hour of going to press .noli nntMPf Are thev alwavs to be remains unchanged, and it is not likely O- - J ., . ! j ...Ml 1 I , treated as liars and villians f As a se,t of J"5 f"7"7 w" - ' ; until the returning boards in the State ol numskulls or monkeys, not fit to govern rj Florida and ouili Carolina themselves or even to express through the iiaVe; made their reports. When ihese ballot box a preferauce for a proper person I boaid will report no man can rifehtly J I . ; a to rule over them ? We hope jiot. ! predict lor the j ablest counsel, ana tiie 63 67 43 61 92 " 94 E. S. MORRIS. ( it CI II What Lies They Tell. Scene : a farm four miles west of Salisbury. Time : evening. Negro boy returning from town approaches his employer, with tears in his eyes and a trembling ve'ee. "Mr. It Vance is elected and de say all we black folks what ain't got any luid, must be 6old wont you buy me?"' and here the poor fellow broke out i:i lamentations and -weeping. Of course our farmer frieud, Mr. Rusher, we believe, told the bov it was all a rad ical He.land ifct htm to his bed - rejoic 3o r...:i .1 u- . . - 4- r-. , ii - x s - - - UJiu.ioj 5 2 rl 4- it. a i s -. ' : . jo tCk ' 1-' 1 il !Si-X-J 'X-'-' X 3i i,l ii o Si -1 i i i ft 1 M ' IS 4 iitttilfiCI t4-7. - ii ! - S O .1 C ! O 3 i 5Ci 5 X i SC 5T - OC to u k ii'i s o ii o c a ; '3: JZ, - - is - - IZ. - aci o s oc ; ae x RjKiJ'XSOiiwCiO-'C ss oi " c a (i - x -i x to rjjnsBojx: ! -5' JOUO.IOO' c S r jo.voAjng - SS. fpnbludted, and lUat lh said JfvudanU have tune allowed by law to nHwer plaintills com plaint after said publication ex pi re. s Done at ofBce Nov. lttt 1876. (J F.LOWE, Clerk Superior Court Davidson County and Prfibate Judge. To Mary F. Wallace and otlier -nonreM-; dent you will take notice that the lol lowing minimons Ikw been i.uecl ag.iinnt yin : PS Benbow Administrator ofT C Wallace det'd. Plaintiff A .. . . -I n 1 . 11 9 7 ,i. i J-Summons Roliert WallatH- and othern Ieir at law of T iJ Wallace, dee'd. Defendant. STATE OF NORTH t'AROLINA To the Sheriff of Davidson thuniy,Gretting ! You are hereby commanded to Mimmon Janien M Wallace. Mary F Wallace, Olivin 11 Wallnce, Jntnex M William mid other, the defendant above named, il' to le found iu your countv. to be .mo appear before the Clerk u our Superior Court, for Davidson County, at the Court-1 louse in Lexington, within twenty day I'fomi the service of the Summon, exclu sive of the dav offervice, and answer the com- plaint which will be deoiled iii I lie olHce of the Clerk of the buperiur Lour! ol said v onnty, within ten dav. and let the xaid Defeudani take notice that if they fail to answer the Kaid complaint within the time prescribed by law, the 1'laintin" wiil apply to the Court for the re I let demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not and of this Summons make due return. (tiven undt rmy hand andneal ihirt 21st day of May, 1874. L. E. JOHN'SO.V, Clerk of the Furterior Court of Davidson Count v and Judge Probate. JOilN II. WELB01IN, Attorney 1 1- 10: i- C3 o 7Z xci x - - :.!1W3B!JJ1 g J O . - - ?. a . . TV Hi i ot o -1 - 'uoilCm ; - -1 it il J! -I S " X SS' o x -s 01 -I 4- X . i wo3'xx;i-3ii-i--i; a 7 ' t I- 1 ' (5 ' JO 10 1 : il O - - T S M C ii 1 - i ! it ii i a x o i si o . si' ' 9 to to to 10 10 10 IO X y cjii ii ; -1 2 s ii x . ... 44 -cs 01 o 10 x ii jc-to o , l'!''cl to 31 can while read the foI 'jftlltlMU 3 . 1 - is -1 li 4. ; C 3 -5 S n ?i S x o ti ?- - .1 -UHnwioa 2 m! ' ' ' ' . ' 2. O'lj ai-M (O ii ti IO -1 . ; 2 if(i C ii - 4- i; - . ii - to ... -v-vt -i to : ii - 1 i; s .1 -j i "S U V CI . Xumcs of Republicans -in Italic. Mr. Rose wan voted for on Republi can ticket for Register, and received 1,161. .. . .... il . t; i . VV; " ' V- - t 1 . ill I DOMESTIC i . A Double Thread Lock-Stitch Machine, 1 r4Tt I 1 it i- f i 1 1 jb i 1 - m 4 fel f,n i 3 ?i 1 .fill M III rl f fer 4!Jhpr y fig AHHOUNCZfelSHT. On the ltith day of November, and in the city of Ivileigh, the undcrfigueil will coiumtnce the publication of TUG OBSERVER, a Daily and Weekly Demorratie newpajier. Of loiig experience in ihrir profemdon mm ed itor, reet;4ively of the Fayelieville Observer aixl (he Wilmington Journa', they do not aHect o doiilii the Houudiies of the general judguient which ains them ability to furntxh a new papcr suited to the needs and adapted to the laKle of the people of North Carolina. Ih'tfer ing in politic in the olden lime, there wa nev er a dilk-rence bt tween the Observer and the Journal in zeal for the interest ol North Can- j iiiiii. T promote the one, and to uphold nnd ! add to the other, will be the object of The Observer now. Of very decided opinions on queolionft of pub lic interent, and apt to give lhoe opinion plain expression, they deeiu..it the first duty of a newspaper to furnish its readers with the in formation uecessarv to the formation of their opinion to publish all "the news;" and their THE LIGHTEST-RUNNING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. With our printed directions, no instruction or mechanical skill is required to operate it i The construction of the machine is based upon a principle of unique and unequalled siml " plicity, cotnprisinjf simple levers working upon centres. Th bearings are tew, and they are hardened and polished. The machines are made at our new works ra the city of Newark, N. J., with new spearf (patented) machinery and tools, constructed expressly to accomplish what we now offer. Every machine fully irarrnnteH. " DOMESTIC" .SEWING -MACHINE C0,,c Nev York anl Cliioajjo. " m-m m gwm Vf IVTI SAVINGS. Bv usine the " Dmtle Pa-' II f I M I fl i & VJ per PashioiM the most stylish and perfect-fitnnj H I IB 8 1 costumes can be produced, at a large saving; in I FL )J 1 JL M MONEY to those who choose to make, or superia- tend the makinpr of, their own garments. With the hiehest Ulent and the best facilities in all departments, and the bct ideas of the most skillful modistes, both at home and abroad, we are enable.! lo attain results far above the reach of the average dress-maker. Our styias are alwavs the latest and best. Our elegantly-Ulustrated catalogue mailed to any lady sending live cents with her address. Agents wanted everywhere " DOMESTIC " SEWING MACHINE CO., New York sind Cliieajjo. ATiu 'JU I .1 1 iii CMrcct 1C ch"i imi, . f The Southern Underwriter's Association. jnm'!:!:h a:.!, kinds of rucjPKUTY against . ' LOSS Oil DABSAGE BY FIRE. - I : ...... i- .!.... The vote for cundidutes whose names are r 'n 7 t. u ,.ow, n- o. 1 .'in. nullum. mi r. voihicii'wi iihku pot found in the above table were not t'ur ni$h us. I The names of two Demwratic candidates for County Coinniisser. Mr. I). A. Davis und Sir. 1). C. Heid, were run on the Kopujiliran The General Assembly of the State wrauglings majr be krpt tip for wevk to i I or. . . 1. . . .1.. convenesat IUleigh on Monday next. come 00 " U i " , K 7 , ,, , , . , , . near over vet, :id we tuny he forced to I he member elect have Lad a very brief bpar lhe 'iufulj w of UlU ,a4!t Wet k ana crowded period ot rest, in wormy H considerable j period longer. All the of the name,) since the canvass closed. South Carolinian we have interviewed They are freeh from the people and their f -confident that Hampton U elected, r r , ii ... . t .1 i. .1 .1 . . v ana nuinner.H nave punseu inroun uu? promises to them are -et green. We . 1 .. ' 5 1 c,,y en route for Columbia, lo be present hope gentlemen will not forget, m the wilell .lt; s ate! can vaers , hall count the whirl of business at Raleigli, their true return, and ihK assert wih j;reat confi- relation and duty to the people. Let no dence thai nothing save lit most bate man cherish the vain lliought that his cheating bind unblushing frauds can . "3 1 , 1 . j ever count thera out of the grand victory personal merits and popularity elected , . , ; , 0 r 11 '"py hye dearly won. i mm 10 ungrr0, ,r5.8,Hi...T, or Huy ulUur If howev. r, the latest news from Ore- position. We don't deny some have per- gOI,f which places that Stae in the Dem sonal popularity, but it is a well known ocraiic coluuin$, should prov to be cor- fact that thes'e personal considerations retft col'H8t Vtr Srt,ul1h C?rn"? . , ..'., . . . . - r loi ida and Louisiana will be virtually had very httle weight in the recent can- . . , , n- ; ,1 J 0 at an 4nd, as !ie republicans 111 those vass. The people wem voting this year States could 110 l mger expect (o accom- for the restoration of good government, plish anything by defrauding the people They want to see wisdom and honesty of those States out of their hard earned once more established in affairs of State. v,Vror? lor Vefn7 d retorm. I , " . . . .... ... .1... W.a.. 1 tii'L- v hii li accounts lor tlu hiroe Vote re- moit vigiraut detectives will be employed Celved bv them. on both sidei, and wranglings and counter Wrought tip to a high pitch of indigna Vance's majority iu this State, is var- , In view ol a posb'l dispute over the Voih of perhaps n single Slate for 1'iesi dent, ;;he clear and accurate statfiu' m " made in another column of the existing laws on litis subject will be found tiupdy ami iiuportanl. This review show that while' the refusal of Congress lo re adopt the Twenty-second Joint Rule, which gave either House the light lo n-j'-ct a State because of dissatisftctioii villi its working, has l-ft us almost entirely with out actual regulations in such contingen cies as now seem possibh ; there have Ibeefi, nevertheless, certain pn-cetleiits fixed by usage w hich m iy go far toward preventing awkward and even dangetons complications. " The recoids show (I) that lhe Prendent of lite Senate has never attempted lo act as a judicial olHcer in determining the validity nf a Stale vote; (2) that while such questions have iuvaii ubly bi-eii lelciied lo b-itll Hnusi-s ol' Lougiess, neither House U;is ever assert ed its right to throw out a "State or chooso between two sets of returns exi-ept undi-r jhe Twenty-second rule, which Cougr ss AtTTnORIZEH ( AI'll.M.. ASSETS. MAY . Kii $i,ooa,ooo im,3; T fi I - J HOME OFFIO A. I. iz i a 1 1 : : c AltMISTEAD JONES. President. G. W. BL OK .7 ALL, Treasure, R. W. BUST, Secretary. Parties di-sirtn,' t is a safe eorpor itl in the timex in which we live. It wa. thin that "the old Ohsfrver" won its hold uion the eo pie of iNorih Carolina, eujoving the afleelion ol : Compaiii;, ta' i)l 'w; . i-im.i iu party friemls, receivini; the refptct and con- j hdence of iu bitterwt iolii it-al fots and em inafiding in its comparatively ifolateit location a circulation larrr than has ever been Htlaineil hy an other North. Carolina uew!ip:iMrl ami it tivlr j)in,)i'i;'y yi'MiM )at rn:i '. t:.is ('(i :i; my. 'or tie f'!ll'-.vlng reawmt: It :: c ..;. i.-y 11 i st tt. 11 , vt vo 0 t i.- ti u e ;se i:i.tl punt: la aa lawns trtMi i.ih v(. ivt ir ui v; in- ! Niu.i Tu all icltom it matt foinvrn : This Is to certify! Tuai I liave Tli rwv! ly o.v.rail';' t 1 lit em Underkvrltfr's Assik-i itl :i, ' i:a. -i':r. .. i en- s'.iMa A I t OK .U! "i ll C'APOI.IXA, ) l i.i Ai TiivT o Static. i.al' iicli, V.ay jt!, 1ST. . Iemp-;.s ifH Irs an 1 tinanc-s"of 'ThcSimtt .1 . .r ii" 1 ..Pa i.ie . rivlMoiwof an Am- wil.i.j ! iiL- .li..tiit.- ,w rMSr...a ilit in- mnd sw'tluns . 4H. an l 44. n.ittl s !u-i-..il.' 1 li itt. r .i itti.i ! vn. ..nvti. . i i-.. -mmm nnaiau ... ' rl... r . .ic. said compJuy Is Jomn bulnis ii!)':n situil luI'k i 1 '. vltiiiii tin jui'ii n't'il its -li:iri r. :inl In rornpD- ir vu-t." anee-wttn tiie law Capital, hope il will deserve, and soon equal, and then nurpans, its former circulat.on and prosperity. Ii will lie their high im to deserve the pnl Mc confidence hy earnet elibrts to ptoiuote the public welfare, first and foremost of North Car olina, next of nil the Southern States anJ, finally, and through these of the whole Union. They think tliat this can only lie effected hy the prevalence of Democratic principles, and ami the limis.il of the Itadicnl pnriy from the place and (xiwer whicli they have so greaily ahned and tinder whose baleful rule the South lia- been outraged and the whole country has been inijoverished and disgraced. PETEK M. HALE. WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS. Mk HVtPEiiThi gentleman's claims in the recent election for a seat in the Senate from the 30th Senatorial District, seem to have been almost total ignored by the electors; ' - He received 2 votes at Mt. ' . ll,lla land 3 at Lifaker's, precincts in this county ; and the returns we have from Davie, show none at all. Colonization was the main ground on which Mr. il. entered the canvass and npon which he expected success or failure. It.was an unexpected and unwelcome question and i the people ruled it out as impertinent. It , was confidently; expected they would 'do so, for it bus been very apparent for twelve months or J more that they were "going for" Grant aud that they would not be diverted fiom their purpose by side shows, great or small. .j J . f 1 o rrn U I ' inil.IV t?HIIIIlLtO ML irillll IZ llllU IU 1 . I . . 1 .... t ion by the abuses of the Grant admin- 000. S ' h expressly o.nitt. d to re-aaopt; j u,at Miration, aud thoroud.lv disffusted at the i fM a'Tu","..,f minT tl 0 I finvp !rfi a Mra liv flif twii 1 1 iiitfic. t . I renn rv tr'niT a -rt w w -.rr r-v -.- ' vv.a 7 reeaing corruption m every department riu.Biu hai, t,nu.. ; acting coiictu.en.ly, though thev derived MM .'1 W W I ' ' I ' 01 government, t lie people Have arisen 111 The New York Sun makes up the follow-- no authority to do either Irom the qonsti their majesty fully determined to crush jn? table of results which elects Mr. Tilden! iution or the laws. The precedent would nut those whA have 011 trrfd their rio-hta. Th isniitnit StntMT oiiiainnn South Tar- ;Peei to bo set iheietrre ot Concunent ,1 lt. .A .11 :.. lin ,m,l Vlori,l-ro nnfnrl TiLlnJ ACtiOP by I lift I WO Hollsei, ftlld if I he latest 0 if I I rohirno alioiilrl tin lannur u U'rbiiir a nvr industries ana wen nio'U linnoverisiien 1 uuntim iucv oi.cit iui um. ; 1 , . o . .1 l 1 e iuuuciiicb auu cu iiiiii impu vci isulu 1 the vo e of some one State, the hope of all good citizens will be that Congress, during the coming session, and before the counting of the electoral vote., may come to some' wise and patiiolic agreement whereby, while all just rights will be re served, the danger of so deplorable a con.iroversv will be averted. N. 1. Tri bune SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily OVerver, one year, - - - $8 00 Daily Observer, ix. months, - - 4 00 Weekly Observer, one year - - 2 (K) Weekly Mwer-er.'-flix months, - - 1 00 All eoinmtlnicntionK chotild lie addressed un til further notice to W. L. SAUNDERS, 4 Wilmington, N. C. liwsui til'- S! lt. i. .v;-; !l ' UTiM 1 1. " i'rii 1 t lit t mv ilea, which will inoro fully appear fro.n state::u-at on ii-le 1 1 1 i.lso Uulteil States Bomls. (ui;ir! t t vjilut y, N. O. Kail lioad 1 on is, anarket valu . . r. County "unci Opv iiotils. iuir!i vjlu:-). Mort'airi's on Ke.il t-Maie l i .o.-ln r r i i i'ii;-sl 11 Cash on Ua'.icL la H.i.i anJ l.i a r 1 ui A1 us. Total, In aecorlan with Vt niitkortty ileleato.l to me hy tue sold Company tiled 1 his day. Given under my h.ind auu seal of o.ii-e. ,1; vs:-oiKi-Oi llu: tollOMln; Wi'WW. - aaa AA 19,000 M 19.ST5 io, m ' v.' v. 15J,JT 11 iatiur, I hereby approve llie Krportrf II. 1 1 0 V K ! ;Tt N , Recrctary of SUU. f she preiulunis received to befltpwIV It protects th'i pulley hol ler, for Its Charter requires 5 per cm ea Willi uie iaie 1 reasuier ir unit purjiose. , s It btockholders are anions the proihlnent business men In North amliua. It Is under the control an t luanaemeiit of n aive North C-arolliii.uis. Its orflcers are Known thrn'i.rliout the st, lie. It will Insure your prop n v on the most reasonable terms. ' ItJVlll keep your motiey at home. ' Live, Active, Retlalile Avreiits waiit?t In every part of the state. Ad.lress. June l, 1S76. am H. w. BUST. Secretary, Kalelgli, S.t. A. MPRPHY, Local Apent. Salilmry, N C. A. L. oiatKl.l.. special Traveling Agent for S.C VALUABLK I'UOPKUTY FOR RENT FOR 1877. I desire to rent niv dwelling house and lot opposite Mr. Borden for the rear 1877. O.tf " lil.lH.'lfP MITWPIIV sm a m.m i a a a. m jMarble Works. Ml II1GHPRIGES FUR COTTON the land. They think they have done it. Thev haves nut oat nf nfflrn nno at ni Alabama, r I Arkansas. men and put in another, and now they Connecticut, llt 1 . ...I . . win uegm to iook tor a change in public fwiaa. affairs. Thev will exoect Gov. Tilden to Indiana, ... .. .. 1 . . Kentucky, restore equality ueiweeti tue states and Louisiana, alike, from Maine to Oregon Mississippi, FOR TIDKN AXD HENDRICKS. Slate Treasurer. Mr. D. A. Jeskiks, who has filled this office for eight years, and filled it well, sent in to Gov. Urog len, on the 6ih, hi resignation of it, with a letter sotting fourth lhe reasons which impell him thereto. lie states that ouly one of all the Sheriffs ofthe State has yet settled the State taxei, aud that the unasualdeUy most probably i due to the financial embarrassment of the coun try. That he thinks it would be better both for him and the Treasurer elect, if the new Treasurer could come into i.ffice cow,' as it would relieve him and secure to the new ofScer opportunities and ad vantage of considerable importance iu the dwehartje of his official duties. The Governor accepted the resignation itnd tepdered the ofilce to Dr. J. Mr VVurih, th? Dvuoeit.itf Treasurer elect, and he will enter upot iJw duiies of the i fiicc . u he inst. in the equal enjoyment of their Constitu tional rights ; they will expect the mili- California, tary power oi tue government to be re- lurooia, stored to its ancient subordination to the Kansaa, civil -power, and that we shall not acain Massachusetts, D 1 UlAhL.n., see elections held under the bayonet. Minnesota, TU Ml l-.l- 1 , rtcuioaw, i ucy in especially iook ior oil HOfiesi administration of the government, and for a speedy punishment ol thieving officials Instead of accepting the resignation of bribe-takers and thieves the people want to see thetu eleauly gutted, and every rascal made to disgorge the last cent cf his dishonest gains. They demand a reduction of salaries, and a reduction oi fees to a fair standard, so that officials shall uot be able to luxuriate in piiueely pafaces, and flash through the country iu a style of grandeur to insult them with royal airs instead of (eeling, as they should, that the servaut is not greater than his master. They aro willing and anxious to pay off the public debt, nnd demand that public moneys shall be thus applied with faithfulness. This but feebly indicates the feeling of the people as expressed-m lhe late election. They never Were iu wore solid earoest; and woe be to the man who shall foolishly sup pose. that his personal popularity gained him position, and that he may presume 10 6 3 4 11 15 12 8 8 8 Missouri, . New Jersey; New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, IS 36 10 1! 7 8 11 5 Total, FOR HAYES AM) WHKELER. 6 3 81 11 5 7 13 i 11 S 3 New Hamshlre, Nevada Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont Wisconsin TotaL 203 5 3 22 3 29 .4 5 io 166 To fix fugitive colors iu linens', muslins. etc., soak the fabric for an hour iu a pail of water containing a tableSpoouful of turpentine. 5nf rirfh tfarnltns I: LATEST NEWS. -gabu Countg. IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT. Wiley. A. Clement, Aissijruee of P. R. Martin, pfif. I Summons againttt !- for Relief. AND to Prices for Goods. r Our mail of (Wednesday morning brought nothing new in respect to the Presidential question. It is reiwrt the Republicans in South Caroling offered to coneeile tlio Stntr. to Hampton if the democrats would give it Benjamin Russell, to Hayes, and that this offer was reiected bv Pteu R. Aloer, defedanU. ) the Democrats with scorn. The Supreme! : Court at Charleston has issued a rule re- TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court quiring the board of canvassers to answer i that the alcove named Defend'ts are non- on Thursday why writs of prohibition should i residents of thia Statp ft u Order! that uut uc iwueu restraining tnem irom judicial I the : defend'ts, Benjamin Russell and Porter functions and confining them to ministerial Ii. Alger be notified by publication in the luiivvums nuijj. i ne democrats are cneenui. i " Carolina Watchman " for six successive nepuuueans concede Hampton's election. weeks, to be and appear at a Court to be There is nothing new from Louisiana and held for the County of Davie, at the Court Florida up t6 our time of coiner to nrcss. Hrman i n Morlrsvillp on tliA Qrl Afitnrlav af. Each of the candidates. Tilden and Hayes, ter the 3d Monday in March, 1877, and an are ably represented by friends at these dis- swer the cnmnUint which will h fill with. puted points, land although they ate closely irf the first three days of said term, and if oilier, iv ! i not iearea mat ttiey fail to answer during the term, that any fraud will be attempted or submitted to. 1 lil&mtifT will nnnlv for th rplif flomamlnl The democrf s at N. Orleans have formally fa the complaint. Defendants are also no- mvited the republicans I assembled there at tified that a warrant of attachment has been the President a request, to meet them for or- sued out against their property and effects ganlzlng w.t , a view bf carrying out the and will be returnable at the same time and object desired. The city is very quiet, The place democrats cuim uie btte witb a cheerful Given under my hand and seal of office cuuuuem e iimi A. CALL AND SEE OUR NEW STOCK , OF ;1 ' ; FALL AND WINTER GOODS. CHEAPER to the CHEAPEST. ALL WE ASK IS AN EXAMINATION, BIONUKENIS. IIEiLDSTONES. mm. wmm m r Scotck aD4 American Graiiite On hand and furnished to Order. Address, All ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. rkts . JOHN CAYT0N, Corn-r Xors-ni and Blunt streeus 19:ly their claim, doubts. a correct count will support this the 6th November, 1876. lew uays must decide these H. BJ HOWaVRD. 0;6t;?l0 Crk Supr. Court of Davie co, WANTED. COTTON, CORN, OATS, WHEAT, &c. MAUNEY& EOS. Salisbury, N. C. Oct. 11, 1876 (52:lou) this pafkr is ox ms wm THE M0ENIKG STAB, WILMINGTON, N. C. ! A FIJI ST- CI. A SS DEMOCRATIC: XEWSPAI'ER f LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY 1 DAILY NEWSPAPER in NORTH CAROLINA. THE Only Daily Paper Published in W 1 LM ' NGTON,. a City of m-aily 20,000 . I.ili.ii i: u ts, and thi; ii" tt C niif of Noiih , ( Jajuliuu Trail' ! . BMaer ail Minn, ? Attorneys, Counselors i and Solicitors, j-! . SALISBURY, Xf l Janifarv M7t-tt. RIOTS! ROWS!- Rli c.i i Not between the races om jj pr j-Miichine t-Jonipaiiie because - i niiwnea Singor Sewing .UBSCRIIMION On Year, - Six Mouths, - r Three Months, :,re greatly rednced.in Vnce S7 00 ell l.r 2 pt-r cent'l ,l':,n " V ,d Wt i :i ..i....u.id .vp. for ;"e " . 1 1.A. ii 2 25 Whm Advrtisia Contract m 1m matt ADVERTISING RATES REASONABLE. Address, WM. II. iBERNARD, Editor & Proprietor, 53; if. Wilsiixgtos N. C. . It-atuil. r i.;tirtu or traiieu orders to nk'Flt. Oftice BarkerV Orug M.re. 4j.t( Oepl. ii , io "A 1 $518$ Maine.

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