Ml .NATIVE HILLS. 01.- gk m back my uativ&hills. Rough, rugged, though; thy be, No other elimatj. no thr laud. Ts lutlf i dear to uie. 1 .. . Tfc in l brifiiit. world looks fair, -"'And TVieuda surround m here; 1, t uiuiurj, brooding o'er the past. Gives home it tribute jtear. Though farjfrom home, the heart may Mill Reflect surrouuding light, Yhen stranger smiles enktndle love, And atrauger hearts delight; . Vet, oh ! they call the memory back. As. meteor-likerthey glide. To tell bow kind our early frieuds, How sweet our fireside, Jfy native hUta. still dear to tne, I Wherever I may roam, .'ith lofty pride, with cherished love, ,111 tbuik ou the, my home. Vor rooted iu thy rock-bound shore. The noblest virtues grow ; A beauty choicest flowers' are culled I'roift out thy highland suow. I henl give me oacK my naiive inuay Rough, rugged, though they be ; N other clirrie, no other laud, Is. bait so dear to inc. 1 Affection's ties around ujy home, - Like ivy tendrils twine ; My love, my blessings, aud my prayers, My native hills are thiue. TOPriNG THE QUESTION. "Why don't you get married T" said ouncing girl with a laughing eye, to uiooih faced innocent looking youib. "AVell. I" eaid the youth, stoppin boit with a gasp, and fixing his eyes n a vacancy Willi a nuzzling ana jooiimi expression. " Well, go on," said the f-iir crosp-ques-:oner, inclining almost Imperceptibly, ?arr to the youii? man. "Now just tell .ne right out you what" '.'Why I pshaw, I don't ktiipw." "lou do know. 1 say vou uo: now ome John, I want to know." "Oh, I can't tell you." 'I say you can. Why you know I'll evej" mention i', and you may tell any of .me of course you know, tor haven't I al- vays been your fiLnd ?' "Well, you have, I j know," replied the Doorl beleaguered youth "And I'm sure I-always thought you liked me," went on the maiden, in tender and mellow accents. "Oh, I do, upon ray word; yes, indeed I doj Maiia," said the unsophisticated youth, very warmly: and he found that Maria bad unconsciously placed her baud in his open palm. . Then there was a silence 4! Arid lbpn- we 11 !' whisnpred Maria. dropping her eyes n the ground. . . ... i 1 - lu ! ud, wen, urojpiu ms eyes and Maria s band at the same time. -'I'm pretty sure you love somebody In fact," said Maria in a tone of railery, "I kbow you are in loyeand John, why don t you tell me all about -it at Once ? "Well, I-" "Well, 1 oh you silly mortal, what if there to be afraid of?" "Ob, it aiu't because .anything at all; ind Maria, I'll tell you." "Well, now, John." "Yes." I am afraid oi l u wtii, uow, "I lam in love ! Norn don't tell; you won t, will you f" said John violently seizing Maria by! the hand, and looking in her face with the most imploring ex pression. "Why, of course yon know, John, I'll never breathe a word about ii; you kuow I won t, don t yon,Jobn. This was spoken in alow whisper, and the cherry lips of Maria were so ueai John's ear when she spoke that when be thrned his head to look at her. there uaiht have occurred a srrious collision . "Well, Maiia.said John, 'I've told yoa now, and so you shall kuow all about it. I have al way, thought a great deal or you, ana - . "Yes, John."' "I am Bure you would do anything for me you could. ; ; "Yee, John, you know I would ' ell, I thought" so, pud you don't ! I ' . .X li Know now vq wanted to talk to you about it." "I declare, John, I you might have tolimb long sjiice, if you wanted to; for I never was angry with you in my lile' v -! "I know you wasn't, and I have often felt a great miud to, but" "It is-not too I late now, you know, IS VUH, . i "Well, now, Maria, do you think I am too young to get married 1" - "Indeed 1 do hoir Join ; and I know it would be a good thiug for you, too, for everybody says the sooner young people jiet utarried the better, when they are pru- Jeot, and inclined to one another." ' "That's just what I ibiuk'f and now, Maria, I do waui to get married, and you'd" r - "Indeed I will, John, for yon know I was always partial to you, and I've often aid 8V behiod your back."- "Well, I declare, I have all along bought yoa would object, and that is the eason 1 have been afraid to ask yon "Object ! I'll jdie frrst ; so you qi iy of me anything y.ou i lease ask And you'll grant it ?" "I win." . i "flTieti, I want you tn pop the quetio for m to Kate S j 1 1 i v a n uWhit," "Eh !' j 4Do you lnve Kate Sullivan 1" Indeed I do, with all ray heart." "I always iho'iight you was a fool," Eij" . - ; VI say you are a tool,, and rmi had belter go . home. 1 our mot her want youyouyou stupid 1" exclaimed the mortified Maria in a tdirill treblet and she gave poor Johh such a elap in the face that it sent htm reeling. - Unhappy Maria the courie of true Jove never did run unooih.- : ' Jltc Headless Iiixly Mystery. SxraTFORD, Ont., Nov. lO.-The in ijuest mi the beadlees hoAy found yester day Moat in? Jowit the tiverin a coffin re- 'ualcd nothing except that tb head had LeVn aawn oft'.- jTLere were no marks of violence on the irurk or extrrcilies. t A Court Scene at UiUsooroJ. Case Decided, - Kaleigb Sentinel. Slate vs. Sim U bite, a. light mulatto, ,i j li . W..J..ul4w I - Tt illiitirtrn. WaS CaileU lac nruiiwu. ....- --, u.ol .Tudsre Krr said : 4-Wbat U be cbareed wub, Mr. J50 licitor V 'Stealing money, sir, about 210 in m Mr.-Parish, at Durham, 'Has he auy counsel I 'No sir.' - . . : Well, brother Fuller said the r Judge to Col. Xom, of ibis city, you are a young man and I like to introduce you to no tice, you may appear lor this negro. Col. Fuller examined the. bill of in diet men t and found the money charged in the bill was tor one Unwed fetaie treasury note if twenty dollars aud oi.f Uuited States National bank note, of iw same denominalion. I he prosecutor wa put on the stand aud in answering as to the money, he made sure that it wa greenbacks, but couldn't say whether jit was national bank or treasury notes either one way or the other, tie just Knew it was greenback money, aud that tbr negro was found with the pocket boot in bis chest, and in it was Sou, two tweu liep, a ten, a five and a one. Well, Mr. Solicitor, sad Fuller, guess that settles it. Yes. a clear case for the totate, said the solicitor. 0. my dear sir, no,' said Fuller. - Mav h nlease vou Honor, the 72. id vol- ume of Supreme Ooui t reports, in Mali j . - r - - - - vs. Collins, 141 b pg, decides exactly "... Mich case in favor of the urisooer. aufl h ; read as follows and hauded it to th judge : . 'On i he trial ot an indictment lor steal ing a Naii-nal bank note, and a Unite Slat's treasury note, it is necessary tor the jury to find specilK-ally that such a bank nolo," or such a -treasury note wa stolen. And evidence that the prisoun su.le one or the oilier of such notes, ll: witness beiosr unable to say which, wil not justify a verdict of guilty.' 1 he judge looked al U ai d said : What do you say to that, Mr. Solid tor?' The sharp and talented Strudwick was 1 ound to give in to the law, and 1 ull asked for ih neg o 8 pocket book. A 8trudwich banded it to bitu the venerabl John Norwood, the father of the bar unrang to bis feet, and exclaimed : 'I decidedly obict, your Honor. Such a thing is unheard of that a cii eut s pocket book should ue placed 1 tl in the hands of bis lawyer. (Liugh ter ) ' The negro pushed Fuller-from behind 'Islclar?' -'Yes,' said Fuller. How much I got ter pay you, lawvei persisted the negro. 'Oh, we'll attend to that when we gei out, too modest to tell him in the face ot the crowd, but the negro kept insisting. and Fuller at length said : r 'Just band me one of those twenties ' 'Here it is, an' God bless you !' and he rushed out to jump up and crack his heels together on the court green. AN IDOL OF CHRISTIAN LANDS. Tobacco, to the amount of 250.000, 000, isnsed in -this country annually. This is about seven dollars to each per son, or thirty for each man. The half-dozen cigars which most smoke s use a day contain HX or seven grains nicotitit . -nnugh, if concentrated and absorbed, to kill three men ; and a pound of tobacco, according to its quality, coutains from one-quarter to one and! a quarter ounces. - Is U strange, then, that smokers and chewers have a thousand ailments? that German physicians attribute onehalfoi the deaths among iLe young men of that country to-tobacco ? that the French Polytechnic Institute had to prohibit its use on account of i:s effects eu the miud 1 that men glow dispeptic, hypochrnndaiac, insane, delirious, from its use 7 One j oi '.he direct effects of tobacco is to weaken the heart. Note the multitude of "sudden deaths," aud see how many are smoker andcjiewers. Iu a sni ill country town, seven of these "mysterious providences ocenrred within the circuit ot a mile, all directly traceable to , tobacco ; aud any physician, on a few moments' reflection, can match this fact by his own ohserva-. tion. And " ihen, suclr powerful acids produce intense irritation and thrist thirst which water dnes not quench. tlence a resort to cidei aud beer. The i - . . .. more this thirst is fed, the more insatiate it becomes,aud more fiery drink is need ed. - . " N Out of seven hu:idn d 'convicts exam inedatlheNew York stale-prison, six hundred were confined for crimes com muted under, the influence of liquor, and five hundred said they had been led! to drink by tobacco using. Sel. Great minds, like heaven, are pleased in doing good, though the ungrateful sub- j ct of their favors'are barren in return!. SAVE YOUR HOGS ! ENNISSV HOG CHOLERA CURE Xcver known to fail if taken in time. The best and most efficient Cure and Pre ventive Known, baid to be by those w ho have used-it to be an unfailing remedy, i !.... .1 e ,, ....... . . J . . ic-uu me loiiowmg tescimomais irom Citi-1 !5ens of the highest respectability : S4I.IBBURV, June 2, 1876. Mr. Ejfxiss Dear Sir ; I have used with great satisfac tion yfiijr Hog Cholera Cure," an4 can truthfully rbcommend it to all hog raisers as a great preventive and sure curevhen given before the hog is too sick to eat. Respectfully, . R. R. CRAWFORp, Of, the Firm of Crawfora & Heilig. Salisbury, Sept. 8, l76. Mr. ENrss This is to certify that have used Enniss' Hog Chopra Cure for years and can say that I have neyer had a case of chol era aniongmy hogs since I bfegan to use it; ai4 repomniuiid it to the hog raisers of the country. . ROBT.I MURPHY.! Of the Firm of Ri & AIurphy. 20 a box. i ' 4 7: if. WHAT IS yEGETIUEP - It ta compoaTid extracted from bark, root and . herb. Iti Ntore' Itemed, ' It is srfectly harm lee from any bad effecf upou tlw yatcm. It ta nonr- lsblng ano aimigiuiiig. t ujivj , blood. It quieU Um ncrvons syatem. It p yoa mod sweet -sleep at mifiu. ii,iireHu oar aecd fathers and luutiier. for it gi-es them strength, qniets their ea, and glTes Ihesa Na ture's sweet Bleep. isbecn proved by many an aged person. It is the freal Bt.Kid rurifler. It Is soothing remed for our children. It has re lieved and cored thousands. It U very pleasant to take; every child likes it.. It relieves and all diseasef! orirfuatlDgi froia i impure blood. ; Try the VEOETINE. tiive it a fair trtal for your complaints ; then yon will say toyoor friend, neiet. bur and acquuintauce, Try it ; it baa cored ma," :t. RELIABLE EVIDENCE. The following unsolicited testimonial from Rev. Q. T. Walker, fiarmerl ator of .Bowdoin Sanare Cimrclu &Un, aud at;ir-ut wjttk-d in Providence K. I., mnst be deeinod a r!Uble evidence. No one slMMild f ail to observe that this Wanmouial is tlie result of two vearn erperkuce in the use of HCr ETINE in the Itev.llrj Walkers family, who uow prououuee it iuvaloabid : Proviuekcp, R. t, 164 Transit Street H. R. 8TKVEXS. Esq. 1 ' " ". " t . I feel b-nnd to exp-ess with my siimatnre the km v.ino T nituw niMiu roiir VEGETINK. M y fam- ii h.v. HiMif it for the U8t two years. In nerroas debility it la tnvalaablej and I recommend it to all who may need an invitbratinj, rrnovathi" tonic. O. -F. W AI-Kfclv. Formerly Faster of Dowdolu Square Church,Boaton, The Best Evidence. The following letter from Rev. E S. Best. Pasto-, of the M. E. Church, Nittick, lam will be read with interest by many fihvMciiuii' ; also tle suff ering from the same difense as afl)i-tcd the son of the Rev. E. S. Best. N person can-doubt this tei?-. timouv. as tliere is uo doubt about the curative pow er of VjSG ETINE, J. ; nItick, Mass, Jan. 1st, 1673. MR. H. R. STEVENS i ' Dear 8ir-We have: good reason for regarding vourVEGETISE a medicine of the greatest value. We feel awured that it has been the means of saving our son's life. He is uow sevenfeeu years of age ; for his leir, catmrd by ucroftilous affection, and was so far reduced that nearly!! who saw liim thought bis recovery impossible. A council or able physicians could give us but the f HiMet hope of his ever ts Hy ing; two of the ntiinlwr didrinr that he wus be yond the reach of hiimjuu remedies, that even am putation could not sav4 him, as lie hml not vigor enougo taendure th; onT!itioii. Just theji we com menced giving him VESCiKTINE and from that time to the present he has b4en contineon ly improving. He has lately resumed studies, thrown away In crutches aud cane, aud walks about cheerfully aud strong. ! , , . Thoii"h there Is tHl some discl)arre from the o penin' where his ltmblwas lanced, we have the full est confidence that in little time lie will be pcrfect- ,y He'has taken nlut three down bottles "of VEO ET1NE, but lately tes hut liitle, as he declares he ia too well to be taking medicine. ! K.-spectfullv vours, K.S. HKST. i Mas. L.C.F. BEST. Prepared by H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. i VFGETINE IS SOLD liV 1 ! AH Druggists and Dealers Plantation for Sale. The Undersigne'l offers for sale the plan-j tation whir.h be fiifinerlv li-red noon. Ivimi hnmediatelv -.n the public road leading froni Salisbury to Chera'w, IU utiles South-east o Salisbury, coutaiulug ! 350 ACRES, of whih there is about one half wo d laud, the other portion is meadow, pasture aud tilable laud. Ti.ere is on the premises a iuyd dwelliug, good barn, and all necessa-i ry out-buildings, j Als a good well aud good spriugs coOVeuieut. Aiy persou wishing to purchase land Would do well to call ou the Judersigued at Salisbury. Terms will be made to suit lli iui. P. X. HE1L1G. ; Sal sbury, X. C, ! July l.J a mos. SPRING STOCK 1870. rocenes 41 Wholesale and Retail, NOW IN STORE AND ARRIVING 75 Bids: Molasses, ' i 10 do Xew Orleaua. ; 10 do Syrupj ; 75 Bags Cuffee. 25 Kegs Soda. 10 d;z.j Lemon Syrup, 50 boxes Adamautiue Candles. 25 B6xes Soap, 75 Cases Oysters - ' 20 cases Brandy Peaches, j 20 Fresh Peachef, j 10 Pine Apples, :30 Gross Sntiffj 25 Culs Cottoi and Jute Rope H) Doz. Painted Pails. 40 flasks 1.50(1 lbs. Candy 40.0UO Cigars j 50 Kegs Powdwr 1 50 Bags Shot 100 Reams Wrapping Paper 10 Doz. Scotch Ale i ALSO i a m tt m v . A mil line ot vvMd and Willow Ware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Saddles & Bridles. Axe' Muu". risiois, ;c.. ace. j Also, a larEejlot of Canned Goodsj sweciion tot rench Candies, Salt r-VVr:t. ppi5, finger, Jtoyal Uakiug Puw ders, Ka seiis. Ciirrauts, Figs. Citrons, Nnt SardinesL Cocoanuts. Pickles. Sd.-m n sup- Potted Meat. Kerosene. Tanners and jiacuine ujis. iiouors of all kinds: An,.: i j Ilie above Stock was bought at the close .i uie seasou at greatly -eduped prices, and i .merniiai, (niesaie Retail at verv short uroKts. i , V urotits. I BtXGIJAM d-CO Salisbury. N.C, June 12, 187G, 1 15 CtS Wy'eV,y0n BoX of Copoentit EX KISS i Family 6 1 I mmui"ili I : am Th6 Carolina Watchman sausbury; w; c. ; ( ! , .'.PRICE $8 IN' ADVANCE, j , ESTABLISHED IN, THE YEAH 1333. . I f; Always Cdnserrrttire. '" ; ' CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES:- a ,u Rates bjjthe Month. Inches. 12 3 C 12 $2.00 $3.60 $5.00 $7.00 $12.00 One Inch for Two laches for 4.00 .00 T.00 10.00 14.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 18.00 25.00 10.00 13.00 15.00 22.00 35.00 Three inches for four Inches for Coltluia for X' do for One do Jor 13.00 21.00 27.00 34.00 55.00 85.00 35.00 45.00 63.00 100.00 -: si: . ALL KINDS JOB PRINTING M INCLUDING COCRT BLANKS 9" To the Working Class We are now prepared to turuisli all who cmisihui finplMyinut at lio'e.'llie whole of the time, r fr their snare nioinnts. Business new. liht and tuofitahle. Persons of pi.lur sex easily earn from 51) cent to $5 per eveu'tug and n nronortioiial sum ly uevotiuir their whole time to th business. Boys aud girl earn nearly as much as nieii. 1 hat all who gee this notice mav seiid their address. and test the huVniess we u'uike this iiupar alleled offer; . To such as are nut well sat isfied we will send ore dollar t y fr the trouble of writing. Full jartieulars, sam ples worth several dollars to commence work OU, atld a Copy of Home and Fireside, nne of the largest and best Illustrated Publications, all sut free by mail. Header, if you waut permanent, profitable work address, (jjgOUIE iSTlXSON iC Co., Portland, Maine. COME AND SEE! BUGGIES FOR SALE, AI5 Grades & Classes. T have. m hand. Husiii S which I will oW. .ell ut the lowest cash nrices, and as t.r lowe- than any other establishment in Xorth Carolina, according to graue. ah kinds of repairing done, at 'short notice. Those wish'ii any thing in my li"e. would do Well to call and see me, before iiroliMciii'T wUev-here as I am determined (. ............. - not t be ont.loiie either in prices or quality of work in the State. Call ouni"at Fra k- liu-Acadeniv, 4 miles X. V. "f Salisbury, X. C. C. L. REEVE Jiily, 12 1 mo. PAINT I HG. House. Sisrn. and OniameiUal PAINTING, Graining; & Mzmi a Spscialty. I All letters atUln sscd to the under- aJfrlir-d n t K flll.TS Vll le. , X . C. Will b prfimptly answersd. Work done bv ciMitrict or by the d.iy; Satisfaction Guaranteed. Addict?.- J. G-ILMSIl TtSa, Kernel sville, N. 0. KERR CRAIGrE, : gttorncn at Tato, ;2SaliBtourv, SIM0HT01I FEMALE COLLEGE- Statesville, N. C. MRS. E X. GRAXT, Principal. The Next Session will open An eust 30th 1876. Circulars with term t - I net . upoti application. References : Rev. W. A. U mnI, Mates- rille. X.C; ex-Gov. Z. 11. Vance, Char lotte. X. C. Prof. W. J. Martin. Davidsott College. X. C: Rev. R. Bill w ell, Uab-igh Xf C; and all friends and -pupils of Ke Dr. Mitchell, late Professor in University of X. C JnlyGVO-ly. Long ago the world was convinced that sew ing cau bj done by machinery the only ones turn now is, what machine combines in itseli the greatest number of important advantages. J ust hero the FLORENCE comes iu with its self-regulating tension, see ing from muslin to leather without change ot thread or needle, then from right to left aud left ti right while oue style of the machine sews toorroiH Hie operator, as may bo desired and with stitch alike on both sides. In elegance oi finish and smoothness of eperatiou, variety ot wpik and reasonableness m price, "the Florence has wouthe highest distinction. F. G. Cartland Greeusboro, X . C, ia the A gent, lie is also Ajgeut for I Bickford Knitting Machine ujion which 30 pairs of socks have been knit per day, without seam, and: with perfect heel add toe J Hoods. ShawlsScaTfs, Gloves, Ac.v may be knit upon thi3 Woman'a Friendtwhich easts but 10. . . . .... - t ., ... .Correspondence in relation to cither Knitter or! Sowing Machine is invited, and samples oi work sent upon application, All orders by mail wjll receive prompt attention,. Machines ship, ped to any part of the ,State, and satisfaction guaranteed. Agent icon ted in every County. Address al! communication! to' ' 1 J. E. CARTLAND, SalisbuTT. j Or, P. G. CARTLAND, GenM Agt. L'.i' " ''- ' Greensboro, NC In the absence of Salisbury agent, call on Mrs, Scif loss, at the National Hotel, " TO FARHEHS. MAKE yoyh OWN FERTinEh V'-:- USE HARRIS'-'- EIPrEfCOMPflST Or Hoine-Hade Fertilizer. Yoa can with these chemicals make your own Fertilizer at home, aud thereby, save the money paid for high-priced ' commercial Guanos -The cost is about one-fourth the price of commercial fertilizers. We will show by the fdluwing certificates, " from parties who have used chemical for :' the past three years, that the result Is much greater and therefore more satisfactory, t Four hundred pouuds of this compost sown broadcast over one acre wiJI produce you a double yield of wheat, and two Jiuu dred pounds per acre, uuder com planted Hxactly thrieh feet each way. will give fifty bushels of shelled corn to the acre ou the poorest laud. Oue horse iu one year will produce enough manure, which with the aid of our chemicals making it a concentrated mauuie, to go over tweuty aores of laud. These chiemcals should be bought in Au gust and S ptember for wheat crop, a- d from Ueceinoer to .iiarcn ror cottou ami com, as it requires from thirty to sixty days to make he compost perfect. Eruead the following ceruncaies jroiu. ine oesi larmers m tue couutry : ' V " Telegram from CIiarhltc. Charlotte, X. C, June 12, 187G. o J4 W. HAIiKIS. Farmers highly pleased. Will sell thou satids of toi.s this season. WILSON & BLACK. Yorjc Cocxty, S. C, December, JS76. Megsrn. Wilson & Mack Gentlemen: V i:ive sold and used Harris' Kiuiire Coiupostin trge quantities, and cheerfully say that it has given us greater satisfaction than anv sold or used. U e intend to iwe it the coming season Yours truly, CAKKOLL & CAMPBELL. MECKLEXlJfKG COUXTY. 1876. J. W. ILirris Dear Sir: I tnke pleasure iu stating lhat I used your Empire Compost lliU past neuron by the ide of other tirst-chi- rerliltzer. and Ktale that ll, beat all of them. Yours truly, A. J. HOOD. Union County, X. C, Deceiuler, 1876. I used thin year two tons of Ilarri' Empire ConiMst, and am m well pleated with it that mjnsider tlie formula alone worth $100 to me? ind I shnll use a double n' the next ea- rami a T . . . ou. I lie clieiiiiiesH ot it. and the "t iiral util ity, makes it indispensable to farmers. 1 nev er expect to use any other kind. A. IIEXBY. Beavkr Dam, Union County, X. C., Xovembcr, 1S75. I certify that I have used Harris' Empire Compost, and find it a" ;ood a the Xavass.-t under 'otton, at about one-fourth of the price. One ton goes over ten acres. T. L. DOSTER. Bkwf.u Dam, Union County, X. C, 1S76. 1 ceriiiV that I have used Harris' Lniiiir. i'omKis;l, and tiud thai it paid me as well a--anv (iii.ino I hive ever used under Cotton. 1 liave usel Bahama, Navaa, Carolina, Zell's Am. Acid Phosphate, aud tuid Harris' Erupiri- Compost equal, if not superior, to any ou iv lamK JAb. MARSH. King's Mountain, X. C. r tt" c. fn i i iurjws. ii utsun tx nutcK isenucnien : e certify that we sold chemicals, bought of you I ist season, for making Harris'' Empire Com post, and take pleasure in saying that ihev i .: ..." f . ii -i i iiHve "i veu enure saiisiucnon io an mat nave used theta, and ail intend using large quanti ties of it (his seison. The cheapness 0f it makes it the mosi desirable Fertilizer sold Yours, very Irulv, MAUXEY BKOS. & ROBERTS. CAn.mnrs County, X. C, 1875. We, the undersigned, have used Harris' Em pire Compost the past vear, and take pleasure iu sayius; that il is by far the lcsl and cheapest tertil izer that we know ot. c intend to use more largely this season. V. A. ARCIUIJALD,. E. C. MORRISON, VM. L. SAPl. , JACOB BARU1XGEK, lr. D. W. r LOW. Clkncove, X. C, Xovember 30, 1875. This is io certify that 1 have used five ton of the Harris Empire Compost this vear, ami find it eq gaily ns good if not better than any commercial fertilizer 1 have used or noticed used, even at the cost of sixty dollars per ton, making an increase of about 100 per cent, on slubble lands. 1 expect to buy more largely next year. i. A. ARCHIBALD. Pleasant Valley, Lancaster Countj-, S. C, rsovember. 18o. This is to certify that I have used Harris' Empire Compost and am verv will pleased with it, as it. not only prevents rust, but is u good as any of the high priced Guanos, the cost per ton making it the cheapest Fertilizer sold. W. D; II AY' ATT. Greenville County, S. C, 1876. This is to certify that I used Harris' Empire Lompost last year on my .and for heat, and though I did not give it a fair trial, as I left out one of the ingredients, but must say thai where it was used mv wheat wa never belter, and where I did not use it I find that it is verv inclillerent. I shall use six tona this Spring. 1 consider Hie lormula invaluable to farmers.. Yours respect fully, W. TPEXXING I'KXXIXGTON Gastox, . ., May, 1S76. Messrs. ilson Black Gentlemen : It gives me much pleasure to state thai I used the Coruost bought of you last Winter, and must say that I am' highly pleased with it.- I used it on an old broom sedge field that would pro duce nothing, and must Ray the result is aston ishing. I consider it an invaluable compost, and ust the thing needed to bring out our old, worn-out lauds. Yours, very respectfully, Dr, J. F. SMYfcR. Mecklexbui- i Co., X. C, 1876. I take pleasure in stating to my brother far mers all over the country that I used, last year, Harris' Empire Compost, under both corn and cotton, and the result was astonishing to all my neighbors. The cost was only one fourth of what I had been paying for commercial fertilizers. LEXS HOOK. Mecklenburg Co., X. C, 1876. This is to certify that Lused .Harris' Empire Compost Inst year side by ide with several commercial fertilizers, and I find that theyleld nuiu uuiim vhjiu post was oue-ujurin greater and the quality belter than any. It makes th cotton mature better, and, in my judgment, ii i preferable in every repecL The cost was one fourth the price pf high priced guanos, and one ton will go over ten acres of land Yours truly,- vi ' D. C. ROBINSON. " ucr 1 nee Aneinirais are rr san iy n yi Ji U. EX N ISS BalisburyJ N ; C . 6TAgi.tiwaoWd4w.the several tow ot ships tokJArm jights., v., .it 36;t: j. II. ESKISS. .PledDiont : Air JAne Railway . . . : -v! : -,-. .t Rtijincitd , &; Danvile, i Eichmond & Danville R.VW.. N. C. Divisun, and North, Western NJ C. R. W. y -' ; ' COHDElisED TKE-TABLE In Effeet on and after Sunday, Oct. "IStB? 1876 GOING NORTH STATIOXS: ;T MAIL.! Leave Charlotte 453 A M 5.20 " 4 Air-Line Juntion M Salisbury " Xireeti!toro 1 ',; '.-.' " Danville " Dundee " Bnrkevill Arrive at llicl.iuond u U55 ( P M 12 4 " . 5.W 7AV P M GQIXG SOUTH. f ' STATIOXS., Leave Rich mend " Bnrkeville 7.50 a m 10.46 2 S5 r m 2o9 " 540 " Dundee ' ' ? Hnvil!e ; Greeuborougli Siiliisbnrv o 8.15 4 t It Air-Line J unci ion 10.25 Arrive at Charlotte TO 37 GOING EAST GOING WEST STATIOXS. Leave Greensboro " Co. Shopn Arrive at Rileis;h ISMAIL. U MAIL. Arr.5.25 pm Lv. 4.15- A rr 12.30pm 5.110.05am -11.21 - 2.21 PM 5.15 I'M Arrive at Goldsloro i p ILv. IO.Kpm STATIOXS. Leave Greensboro Co. Shos Arr. at RU ih Arr. at Goldsboro ACCOMMDATIOX TraIK- 6.30 pMUlArr. 9 CO am 11.10 " Lv. 6.50 " fi 6 01 AM i! Arr. 9.50pm 5 Lv. 5.20 pm s II.oU " KORTK WESTSHK TT. C.B..XL C Salem Branch. ) Lea ve G rcenslwro Arrive at Salem Leave Salem . Arrive at Greensboro 6.00 p M 8.15 " 7. OS A M 9.15 " Fassenger Trains leaving Raleih at 12.34 r. (connects at (jreensboro with t lie Southern hound train ; making the quickest time to nil .Southern cities, ccomodatioii Train leaving Kaieigh at 10 1 P. M., conneci. with Xoith- em Ixmiid train at Ureeuslioro for Kicbmond and all points Fast. Price of Tickets same as via other routes. No Change of Cars Bat-ween Atlanta ana Aicnmona, on inues. Papers lhat have arrangements to advertise the schedule of this compaiiv will plea.-e pnnl as above and forward copies lo Ceiil. Passenger Agent. For fuitber iforiualion address JOHN R. MAt MUBDO, Genl. Passenger Agflit, June 6, 6 IU liunr.d, a. " oi u u '3 -1- i - ; -? T" Z i) .i i. . J J 111 . - - - W w , C - 7 X C iJ li to O XX r - C r CD CD s" & a err- 5 'i M 4- ti. iS & i . . .t w - -t- -I "5 .... 3 - J.'. ' e ET c ? IE 5 - 7 -. : 3 n -3 o y. r CD i a '. ' "!: ' -L ' , - - S S w f - - - x 9 tt Carolina Central Railway Co. OFFICK (iKNKRAI. Sri'KRISTfcNUKNT. Wiiuiiugtou. X. C. April 14. Id75. Change of SchedUe, On and after Friday. April IGth, 175, the trains will run over this Railway as follows . - PASSENGER TRAINS. Leave Wilmington at.. Arrive at Charlotte at Leave Charlotte at Arrive in Wifuiiugtou at .. ...7J5A M. ....7.15 1 m; . ....7.W A. il 7.00 P. M FREIGHT TEAIffS Leave Wilmington at.,. Arrive at Charlotte at. . . - Leave Charlotte at Arrive in Wilmington at.. ...6,C0 P II ...(UK) P M ..6 0 , A M ...ti.UO A M MIXED TRAINS Leave Charlotte at Arrive at Buffalo at. Leave Buffalo at Arrive in Charlotte at... .8.00 A M ....12 M 12 30 PM .4.30 P M No Traias on Sunday eccept one freight G . l. rar train that leave Wilmington at 6 e. M., instead on baturday uight. Connections. ConneetR at Wilmington with Wilmington t Weldon, aud Wilmington, Columbia A ngusta Railroads, Semi-weekly New York aud Tri weekly Baltimore and weekly Philadelphia Steamers, and the River Boats to Fayetteville. Connect at ChftrUitte with it Western Di vision, North Carolina Kailroad. Charlotte i Statesvile Railroad, Charlotte fc Atlanta Air Liue, audJ,Tiarlotte, Columbia & Augusta Rail, road. Thus supplying the whole West, Nortbwet and Southwest with a short aud cheap line to the Seaboard and Europe. 1 S. Ll FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. MayC. 1875. tf. - Send 2c. to G. P. ROW ELL, & CO., New York, for Pamphlet pflOO page, containing lists if 8,000 newspapers; and estimates show lug cost of advrliiug. March 9, 76: ly. Attention FARMERS' ; : GRASS SEED. t Just received" a frefh supply rf Clover Sed, Orchard G "if 8. Blue Giass. Red Top nnd Timolhj, vrnicb I will sell cheap at ' ENN1SS' Can't be made bv .L re7i!T,h Li0e2 furuUh, but those ir!li;... can easily earn a dozeu dollars i ,, " HI in their own localities, i Havw i ""! explain here. . Busimg U . orable.1 Noinen. and Inrys nud eri ,W " well as men. Y will rarnul, .J 0 M , ; plete Outfit fres; The lmsiue.l)av .v lhau anythiuK e!;e, . ytt wj , 1 bif . fstartiug you. FartieuJars frXpo? " aud .l farmers and n,.i,M.V "Mt ii tou and dmmhleig. and Hol,,-'T""-4i nuu aiioinsi;-!,. ! i ! lying work at home, M,u1a .j "" $ learnlill about f h? woTk I 51 1! aud is th time. Dou't del ii i ill) waiir 'fi When our want IIardwar iji ....... , ,..,,1 uu lUCUIIUt'lSlln.! at V Gruniti Row rn u v r A - AT WELL, hilishnry, N. C. .li:i,e 8 tf fr n a day at Iwme. Agents wautd tK M4iit and teiinsfite. ' T:rvT,i" 1 gusta, Maine. March 11, 76:1' j Clicap Cliattcl AlorrVam ' and "variog r ihcr blairks loT sale J,', Mill Stones ! ii Of any size desired, cut out of il,e wt Granite in the State, may U- olitainrd i, short notice. Also, window and door Mil; iicdcstnls for Huonnnunfs Aw E. E. Phillips, Salisbiiry. ? v- OMNIBUS & BAGGAGE WAGON ICCOMMODATIOKSj I have fittedip an Omnibus and Barw Wagou whit h are always ready to r'onvej iw !j sons to or from the dejot, to and fruni partin. weddings, Ac. Leave ordrral Matmioti lleot I r at my LiveVy& Sale Stable, .FUhtr -trct near KailioaJ bridge. j - M. A. IiRIXGLE? An?. 19 if. : i 'il Chesaueake and Ohio E E THE GKKAT CEXTRAL l.OI TE ISE-j TWKKX NORTH CAROLINA ASplliK .WEST. PASSENGER TRAINS RUN" As 1 ULl.OWS, MAIL KXI'UESi Leave IkUhntolid l,30 a. m. 12,W, Niilii " Charlottesvilie," J,15 p. iu StamittHi, 4,4U ' " hiie Sulphur, lJt'O " Arrive H uniitigton, a. in, " t iiiciimati . " ludianapofis 4,45 tttm. 7.15 11,00 f 4 7,00 fiU. 6,(0 m. 1 1,15 ri Connecting closely with all of tl Gfd Trunk Line for the )!', A'oiA-M' il SoutL-'et. This is ibe ehorltrt,- vicLtd hi clteupeM Koule, with less changes ol cr lliM any other, aud passes through the Jmettittt ! in the uot ld. ' Passetiirers taking the Express liaia o X i X. C. R. K. have no delay, but coniirelcJuWy, j lo anv ikfikinl in llto Waut First class ami Emmigrant Ti ket at , Lowest Rati s and Baggage rhr 1 ltd, grants yo on Krjtrcs Truins. TiMK, Dl8TiiCy and Money saved, by taking the L'kuej&k and Ohio Jlovte. 1 1 Ft tight rates toandfrwi the Wot, alwfcVlM, low as the lowest. jj Men -bains and others will find it lolhtijiiK teresl to get our Rales be lore shipping rltf flurinp. " i I j : i For Information and Rates apply to. ! . J. C. DAME, So. Aj(t.f j or G. M. McKENNIK, i 1 Ticktt Aetf ; (ireeUfchoroH.C C. U. HOWARD, General Ticket Agent. W. M. S, DUXX, Superintendent. Richmond Va. HORATIO H. WOODSON Heal Estate and Insurance Agestsi I Salisbury, N. 0. j; j OFFICE In the Court-IUi"; Will sell' and buy real estate: rent iuM and collect the rents. . . i FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE tUI "i i " ajipecialty. Il i JOliy S. UKDB60X. AttobMT L will transact the legal business of the fiff- of Patronage soHetted and prmpi ton guarantied, National r RALEIGH, Nf C, 1 J Board h the Day, - Beautifully situated next to Cpito'l-'jT Col C. S. BROWN, Prop Maine. Warcn , ' T ' LANIER STATESVILLE, N, C. 999 . . . mm Auurm 10:tri J 4 Jii f HOUSE, G. S LA1UIR & co, ; Proprie4oi ; -Servants Polite an4:A$tc?ti?l 45;tf. ;;

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