1 1 4 4 : i -t T i mi J it' t'l , U J ,1s i ! I 272; CALAMITY UN INDIA. TWO IIUNDRElKASD.riFTyrHOU SAND 1'EJiSONS" DROWNED. vi Storm Wave, ihatzSieeptKThree Islands of Three Foiirths of their Inhabitants -Houses DemoUsJied and Cattle Drowned. Loxpox, Not. 20. The Ttmes has a pn.ittli from Calcutta announcing tnat u the islandY of Ilattiah, Sundeep, and Dakhiu bhababazporer aud ane smaller ones were submersed by a storm wave ou Oct. 31. These islands He in an arm of the Buy of Uengal, between British Burtnah and Calcutta. A bey tormau- ferent groups belonging w iue oicaer- gunge, Nookholly, and LUittagong aia iriftts. the-larger ooes just off the month 1 of Megna, by which name the Brahma- pobtr is known for the last sixty miles of 1 he -largest, xJakhin buaba bazpore, covers an area of bOO square wiles, and, until the terrible calamity 01 the '31st tilt., had a population of 250,000 oul-. Ilattiali, in the Chittagong dis- trirf. had a, uonalatiou of 50.000. Jt - 1 1 - ( contains 144 'square miles. Sundeep, once iu the possecsiou jf the Portuguese, a .1 little larger t ian Ilattiali. and had " o ' 1 .1.. ..i.... v UUOUL IIJC tllUC UUUUI4IIUII. I Between 11 and 12 o'clock on the night ot Oct. ,31, with hardly a pign of from the south, and with irresistible force swept over the islandsver the estuary of iho Megna and the waters to the east, aud in an incredible short space of time reached the mainland, and rushed over the level plains on Its mission of death In many places the wave was twenty feet deep, and every Jiving , thir.g in its course that failed to reach a higher eleva tion wa3 engulfed aud swept away by the overwhelming Hood. Many of the inhab itants aivtd themselves by climbing into the cocoa nut and palm tree?, but those who tV-k rtfuge on their housetops were secure oat for a moment, for the light I bamboo buildings were burst asunder by the water, and their occupants swept out to sea. Somo were carried thus across tho channel ten miles to the Chittagong district, but a vast majority were- never! heard of aain. The country is perfectly 1 Hat, and almost every one perished who failed to reach the trees. , There is scarce-1 ly a household in the islands and on I the adjacent coast but lost many mem bers. The loss of life was terrible. No few er than 250,000 men, women, and chih ; dreu perished. The cattle were all drown cd; i.ot a house was ictt standing in tue track of the devastating wave, aud as the boats were all swept away, all means of commuaicating with other districts were destroyed. The survivors of the calam ty ire in great distress, but the Govern inent is relieving their wants as fast as ptfiible. The Government Gazette says wherever the i storm .wave passed it is believed not u. third of the population survive. The islands have barely ' one fourth of their inhabitants. The stench Irom the putrefying bodies, scattered over a district hundreds of miles in extent, is intolerable, and there is great fear that the cholera pest, that has just appeared iti rnookholiy, will spread oyer the whole country east of the Pun jttub, and perhaps find its way to the -.j opulou.- Calcutta district and the crowd ed regions beyond News from: the districts of Madras threatened with famine is somewhat bet- ter. . Hi in has come in lime to do some good. In Bombay the prospects are still gloomy. Actual famine iu two or ihree districts seems probable, aud great Uistress iu four or live more. . - - i xuere ix one man in XMortu uaroiius,) who, of all others, should feel deeply mor tified and reproved by the result of the State election. Thomas Settle by birth I education and family connections, had, perhaps, more claims to gen.iliiy than any oilier memher of his party; and his notniualioii was heralded by the mongrel prints, us ouc that tbe peo-ple could receive with jubilant Acclamation. But this ren- egade sou of an indulgent mother; not .iwnteut with keeking to elevate himself legraddtion, must employ bis tal- id opportunities iu waving the by her deg euts auu opportunities iu wavmsr "bloody shirf,'' scattering slandeis vipen many of the worthiest of his fellow.citizi5l1s,.cotry for lte nexl onr yars, and and stopping: to the lowest tricks td exetie wicked prejudices that ihuuld have long ago subsided ! - What wonder that utter defeat and humiliation has been his por tion t The decent people of North Caro lina desire td hear no more of .Thomas Settle, Tazwjell Hargrove, Wro. A. Smith, and their scallawag compeers, unless-they shall repent,-aud give pledges for a coble future.. Southern Home: ' " Killed by a Muh. We lvrn that on the night of the 1st inst., John G. Thomason, a youth eigh teen years o( age, eon of Jol-M. Thorn asson,.whrt lU Ju tne vicinity of Beth ; "y lu this county, was kicked on the Jorehead uy a mule. Drs. Campbell and t;Jackso,t w're summoned, but despite 4i their skill, the unfortunate young man r,4ied from jconcussion of the brain on iTuesday-of ast week. Although a se gas,!, w jaa cut on his forehead by the li9of of the mule, there was no visible i laciure oi tue SKUll. IQrKVlUC yjCnyuirer. , " A Picture of Vie Returning Board of 4j0uisiana.-zmu Carpenter, iu bis speech - on the Louisiana case, January 30, 1874 ' gave a pleasant picture of the working of me rciuiiiiug board r T One pleasant little gentlemen swears with a pmiljng face, that he hiwaelf forg- Kvc" 1JU autuavya in one day. and deliv- ;red them t p Mr. liovee, fining in the , : Board, aud Uovee eaid that be was a 'hell aud asfced if be could not get -. : lit a lellew. t . more cf th same kind., and be said In- could get 3P0 r-400 more- of the same kind by niiie v'cjocfe lh Ueit inoruiug if Iiecessarv. Vat ai MkdicaU M I ST A S K. The tiismu i uxuuunj u iificajau AJaliey 4 proujiiu'ut provision hioker ot twenty live t yearb' itdi"g iu Ciitiuoati, was caused i 4. by ihe uj ;ake of -a druggist, who put up t CjOjiud of IpoUosa instead tt( prusiiate of 'potash., Il;e wui arrt-oUid,'' acknowledges J, jiis en or, nid yrv&tM h'u .Jlinguf a to In speaking of a robber; lu a wagon jard of ibii city a fortnight ago, we warned farmer and wagouers to have yelhing to do with saapicioo character, and especially about tbeir camping plaeea at night. On Thursday uighl a unmbcr of couutrymeu slept iu the small house in the wagou yard-ot rurweu c spring. which was erected ler tue use oi iue uriu customers. Towards, WQ um vo or ihree white men (strauerers) entered the r00m, and proceeded lo make themselves hobia. Next morning tue strangers were gone, aud so was the pocketbook Qf jr. Andrew JL. Thomas, contaiumg oiq 75. The-' Dockets of several otb- era 8jeeping in the room were deftly cut, but, fortunately, held nothing worth bag- On Friday, night in the same , wagon ya. ur b. gjI0g 0f Union-county . C . was robbed of a new snit of clothes for which he had just paid $20. The bundle was taken from his wagou. Southern Home. me. yj Murdered for Being a Democrat. 'The rumor which we published Saturday iu regard to the murder of Hufiis terrel a democratic uegro, in .New .Light town shin. Droves to be true, r errell had al ways voted the democratic ticket aud was . ... ... 1 esteemeu as a wormy unu uuiiwn , ,. t 1 I . 1 c .1 "c .V"".. Mangum a white radical. V m. I . A.kew, of this city.-who was out iu that neighbor hood yesterday.says the coroner s inquest showed thai t errell was murdered betore he was bung, lie undoubtedly paid the Detialty of his life for being a democrat No clue to the assassin has been Inund. Why doesn't Governor Brogdt-n offer reward lor ineir apnreiieusiou oti- 1 1 .1 - 1 i o. tin el. 'Leaf by leaf the roses fall." One by gue the Radical outrage mills cease to grind ! This figurative language u meant to express the fact that the Raleigh iw7 gerite. sometimes called the Constitution suspended publication immediately afier the elctmir. 1 he Henderson Monitor (another niggerite) immediately after the first named: and uow the Newberu Times (ditto nig) follows suit. 1 here reraaii but two radical sheets in the btate, aud we will wager a Confederate bond their combined p iyiug subscription list will no exceed three hundred copies per week They will die soon, Selah ! Southern Home. Whal he thinks of Hampton. lion Moutgomeiy Blair who has been sojourn ing a few days in South Carolina lu the interest of honest dealiug aud fair count of the rotes actually cast, said to a gen tleman on the train as he was leading the btate, that he regarded Gen. Uampton as one of the greatest men of the age. The campaign that Hampton inaugurated and carried through, notwithstanding thn fact that ihe btate was overrun with troops, was l he most truly admirable piece of statesmanship that this country had ever witnessed. Charlotte Observer. Two Baptist Divines. The Raleigh Sentinel in 'mentioning the, prominent delegates to the Baptist Siate Convention wnich met there last week, thus speaks of two well known gentlemen of this? city: Kev. lheo. YY hit held, pastor of the Charlotte Baptist church, ia a native oi Mississippi, though his family was origi nally from North Carolina. Ho was graauatea ai tjuapei xiiu ; was at one J 3 I i it'll time edilor of he Mississippi Baptist, was pastor 'at Meridian lu the same State, and - a a. . r " s . f i rw proiessor in iue iauusi uoi lege oi Mississippi xwev. it. xi. u rim in is a native oi vir- Igiuia, was graduated at Columbia, D. C, was teu years pastor and teacher in Char lot te, and is at present laboiine as agent of the 1 heological Seminary at- Green ville, b. L. The Augusta Constitutionalist says that "Kenner, negro member of the Louis iana Returning Board, used to be a wait- er a amo,lg "aloon and was discharg edff". rohing the proprietor's till, . 1 hs is a specimen of those returnnif S boards that, are to decide the destiny or perhapf to"8irike a blow at the root that will injure ilt jrte of liberty on this con linen t fur all lime o coiewl ' iv- .1 Luther tells the story Vf a great versary at which all his euiisai ieg reported to bataa. (tI let the wild beasts loose," said one, "aud a whole caravan of Chris tians were destroyed." What of that," said His Majesty, "their souls were all saved." "I drove the east wind against a ship carrying missionaries," said anoth er, "and they were,a1l drowned." Whai of ihtt," said Satan, "their souls were alt saved.' MI got some Chi!taiis to go to steep," -said a third, aud then X had things all to myself." Then Satan shout ed for joy, and declared that the work was going brtvely on. SAVE YOUR HOGS ! ENNISS' HOG CHOLERA CURE Kover known to fail if taken in time. The boat and most efficient Cure and Pre ventive known. Said to he by those who have used it to be an unfailing remedy. Read the fallowing testimonials from citi zens of the highest respectability : ' Salisbury, June 2, 1876. Mr. Exxiss Dear Sir : I have used with great satisfac tion your " Hog Cholera Cure," and can truthfully recommend it to all hog raisers as a great preventive and sure cure when given before the hog is too sick to eat. RespectfiilJtr, R. R, CRAWFORD, Of the Firm of Crawford & Ileilig. , i . gAi.HB0RT, Sept. 6, 1876. Mr. Ensiss .This is to certify that I have usedVEnnisa Hog ChoUra Cure for years and can say that I have never had a case of chol erarftmong my hogs since I began to use it, and recommend it to the'hog raisers of the country, ROBT. MURPHY. 1 Of the Firm of R. & A. MuriJiy, r sale at Ennis? Drm Store. Price fcw. - 7;tf. 25 a E(i briEY G 0F.1 P LAI nt. 3 Probabl (hr In no eompUlnt thmt affllcta tb hamAn poem, which i to liltla nndentood mt th present time, u wosam ot th wurivd form of Kiiamf ComuUioU. " , . :. Tbr in no d1fte which rftaM rach tcnte pam or more almrniing in its revolt than wben th kydneya (D to secrete from the blood the nric acid, and other poiMnona rabsuocea, which the blood accumulates In iu circulation throfigh the aetm. If frow anr caoe Uie kdnera faU to pnform the fanctioD derolvinir npoa them, the cumulation are taken up by the absorbents and tna whole system thrown into a tut of dU-ee, caneinr great piu and ailferine, and t Terr often immediate neatn. Hence the importance of keeping the kidneys and bltiod In a healthy condition, through which all, UiO : impurities of the body mmt pass. PAIN IS THE BACK. There la no remedy known to medical science) which has pro red itseir more valuable in casee of Kidney Complaint than tle Vboetikk. It acta dW redlv nnon the necretioiie. ckane and pnrifles the bloody aud reetorta the whole ryicm to healihy ac- tiic The following extraordinary cure of great suffer, era, who had been given up by the best physicians asliopeleas cases will epeale for tliemelTet and should challenge Uie moot pnfound atlrntiou of the medical faculty, aa well a of those who are aoll erinr from Kidney Complaint. TEE BEST MEDICINE. East VkK'tfrtttv, Aug. M, 1S70. Mb. 8TETrnST Dar Sir I am seventy-one years of age; have suffered man t years with Kidjey Com plaint, weakness in tny back and atomach. I was induced by friends to try yonr Veoetimb, and I think it the beet medicine tat weakness of the Kidneys I erer used. I have tried many remedies for tliia com, plaint, and never found o much relief aa from the Vkoitink. It streu.'thens and luvlforares the whole svsiem. Many of my acquaintance have .ta ken it, and 1 believe it to be gi md tot all the JUi plikiu for which it is recommended. Youn trnlv. JOSIA" n. SnERMAN. TltONOtNCED INvURAIJLK ' ! ' " IVibtow. May 3S1T1. H. K. STEraKS, Eeq. : Dear Sir I hav? been badly afflicted with Kiduey Couiplu'nt for ten years; have suffered great pain in my back, hips and aide, with great difficulty in paxsinK urine; wnich was of ten, and In very small qnutittoa, frequently accom panied with Mnd and excrutiatinjc pain. I have faithfully tried most of the popular reme dies recommended for my complaint ; 1 have h-en under the treatment of some of the most ekilllul physicians in Doxton, all of whom pronounced my case incurable. .This wa my condition when" I was advised by a friend to try the Veoxtine, and I could see the good effects from tbe first dose I took, and from that moment 1 kept on improving until I was entirely cured, taking in all, I uliould think, about six bottles. It is in deed a valuable medicine and if I should be afflicted again in the same way, I would civs a doUur a doce, if I could not get It without. lCee pert full v, J. M. Gll.E. 361 1 bird Street, South Boston, NEARLY BLIND. II. TL Stfvens: Pear Sir In expressing my thank to yon for btnrflts derived from ihe use of Vfhktise. and to benefit others, I will Mate: When eight or nine veaw old 1 was afflicted with Scrofula. which made it appearance in my eyes, Mco and head, and I was very uear blind for two year. All kinds of operations were perffrmed on my eyes, and all to no good result. F nHy the disease pr.n cipally settled in my body, limbs aud feet, and at times in an ags;ravnted way. Last Summer 1 wak from some canse eak In my spine aud kidueys. and it wee ' times very hard to retain the urine." Seeiliff voar ftdvertifement in the Commercial. I bought a but ilc ol VLGfcnLNK, and commenced utiiig according to directions. lb two or three days I obtained grv.it relief. After nsinj four or five bottles I noticed it had a wonderful eft ect on the rough, ncaly blotches on my body and legs. I still used Vesktikx and the humorous Mre one after another diuppeare until they were all cne, aud 1 attribute the cure of the two d.seaes to eu xtinb, and nothing clue. If 1 am ever affected vi lth any thing of the kind again I shall try VtofcTikE as Uie ouly reliable tvniedy. Once more accept my thanks, and believe me to be. Very respect fullv, AIT1N PAKKOTT. Dec. 1, 1ST3. No. 35 Oano St., Cincinnati, Ohio. i Diseases of the Kidney, IJl.idderelc., are always unpleasant, aud at times they tieeome the most diu trcbeing and daugerous diease thai c.tu affect the human cvttero. Most diseases of tbe Kidueys arise from Impurities in the blood, causing humors which settle ou these parts. VeoKtixk excells any known ren.edr in the w hole wor d for cleansiDK and purify ing Uie Mood, theieby cousin a healthy action lo ail the organs of the body. Vogetinc is Sold by all Druggists. Plantation for Sale The Undersigned offers "for sale the platv tatiou which) lie formerly lived upon, lyiug immediately ou the public road leading iron Salisbury to Cheraw, 10 miles South-east o Salisbury, contaiumg 230 ACRES, of whish there is about one half wo d la ad the other portiou is meadow, pasture an t ihible lauu.t 1 here is on the premises good dwelling, good barn, aud all necessa ry out-buildiugs. Also a good well aud good springs convenient. , Any person wishing to purchase laud would do well to call ou the undersigned at Salisbury. Terms will be made to suit the times,. P. X. I1E1L1G. Salsbury, S.jC. July 13 2 mos. SPRING STOCK ; 1876. UPTTXaIj juinih or j rocenes Al Wholesale and Retail. NOW. IN STORE XVARRIVIXG 75 10 10 i f. . . ' 'v. w , do New Orleans. Vt ' do 25 o - r-. ovruu. t Bags Coflee. Kegs Soda. . 10idiz. Lemou Syrup, 50 boxes Adamantiue Canii, 5 Uwxes Soap, ; 75 Cases Oysters 20 cases Brandy Peaclje 20 " Fresh Peaches. 10 Piue Apples, Grogs Snuff s j Coils Cotton and Jute Rop. M 25 40 Doz. Paiuted Pails. 40 Gross Flasks j ' i.50() lbs. Candy S 40.000 Cigars J 50 Kegs Powdr 50 Bags Shot 1 100 Reams Wrapping Paper I 10 Doz. Scotch Ale ; j '.- ALSO c- I A full line Kf Wod and Willow Ware Boots, Shoes, Hats, Saddles & Bridles, Aires! Guus, Pistols, &c. icr. ; Also, a large ,t ,,f Canned Goods! a choice selection of French Candies. Salt Pepper. Spice. Giuger. Royal Baking Pow ders, Kaiseus. Currants. Figs. Citroua, Nuts bardmes, Cocoanuts. Pickles.! Sauces. Cat sup. Potted Mat. Keroseue. Tanners and Macbiu. Oils. Liquors of all kinds, &c.&c. The above Stock was bought at tb elose of th season at gr4tjy rediBed prius. and is otfWrsda Wholeaal.A BeUil at Wry Hllort nrofila . BINGHAM 4C0.1 r N. C; Jone 12, 187G. Ssliuburjr M 5 ClS T J iJ" Will bur on Bux of e at i ' ENNJ3S ' Family 0 The CaxoUria Watchman rCBUSHKD IH , SALISBURY, N. C. -V. : PRICE ti IX ADVAKCB.' - E3TABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1833. ; Alteaya Ceniertatice. , 0NTR ACT ADVERTISING I 1 RATES: Inches. Rates by the Month. 12' 3 6 12 $2.00 $3.50 $5.00 $7.00 $14.00 4.00 .00 7.00 10.00 18.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 15.00 80.00 8.00- 10.00 U.OO 18.00 25.00 10.00 13.00 15.00 S2.00 55.00 15.00 21.00 J7.00 34.00 55.00 25.00 35.00 45.00 65.00 100.00 ALL KINDS 4 One Inch for Two indies lor Three Inches for Four Inches for 1 Column for X do for One do for JOB PRINTING INCLCDINO COCBT BLANKS $ P f r r f f f To the "Working: Class. We are naw irepared to furuish all elassns with constant employment at lio'iie. the vvIhiIh of the tiine. ir for tlielr f pare moments. linsnieM new, ,iijht. and profiuMe. Persons f eKhtr s-x easily earn from of) eent to $5 per evening, aud a proportional smn by devotiuj; their whole time lu f li imsiiuess. llojs nun girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see thus imtiee tnay etnl their address. and test the biiMiie'ss we make this tiupar- alleled offer; To sucli as are not well at istied we will send ore dollar to pay for th trouble of writing. Full partieolars, sam- pies worth several dollars incontinence work ou. aud a copy of Home and Fireside, one o work f the largest and best Illustrated Publications. all sent free by mail. Header, if you want permanent, profitable work address, IjEOiOE STINSON & Co.. Portland, Maine. COME AND SEE! mi BUGGIES FOR SALE, r All Grades fc Classes. I have, e-n band. Buggies which I will sell at the lowest cash prices, aud as low, or lowe: th in any other establishment in North Carolina, according to grade.. All kinds of repairing -lone, at short notice. Those wishing any thing iu my line, would do well to call aud See me, before purchasing elsewhere as I am determined not to be outdone either in prices or quality of work in the State. Call on me at Frank lin Academy, 4 miles X. W. of Salisbury, N. C. C. L. REEVES. July. 12 0 mo. PAINTING. J. GILMER KERNER. House, Sign, and ornamental PAINTING, Graira & Frescoing a U'J. All letters atll resseu u me tinder will bt signed at Kernersville, X. C, promptly answered. Work done by coutiift or by the day; Satisfaction Guaranteed. , Address J. GILMER BRCTSa, Kernersville, N. C. KERR CRAIGE, attanua at ato, IgSalisurVt 3NT. O. SIMOUTOHJEMALE COLLEGE- Statesville, N. C. MRS. E. X. GRANT. Principal. The Plext Session will open An tmst 30th 1876. Circulars with terms wet . upon application. References : Uv. W. . Wood, States- Tille. N.C; ex (iov. Z. B. Vance. Char lotte. N. C.. Prof. V. J, Martin. Davidsou College. X. ('.; liv. It. Burwell. UaU'igh N. C; and all friends and pupils of Rev Dr. Mitchell, late Professor in University o N.C. July (3 '70-1 y. Ljng ago the world was convinced that new i"P "Ati be done by machiubry tho only qnes tion tuw in, what machine couibiues in itseli the greGiest number of important advantages. Just here the FLORENCE comes in withiu self-regulating tension, sew. 'rag from muslit.ui ieather without change ol thread or needleheu from right to left and left to right while tyle of the machine sews to or from the operator, as may be desired and wjtb stitch alike on btjt,h sides. In elegance ot fiaish and smoothness f eperation, variety ot voik aud reasonablenew,m price, the Florence has woaihe highest distinction. F. G. Cartland Greeusboro, N. C, is the Agent. He is also Agent for ' Bickford Knitting: Machine upon which .10 pairs of socks hato been knit per day, without seam, and with orfent hel aud toe. Ilimds. Shawls. Scarfs, Olures, Ac, may oe itnu upon wis woman' friend, which ousts but $:U). Correspondence in relation to either Knitter or Sewing Machine is invited, and sam plea t work sent upon annlieationr All order hv ihrU will receive prompt attention. Machine ship ped U any part of the State, and satisfaction guaranteed. AyenU wanted i)t every Count. Address all couimunicatjpns to . J. E. CAR'PIvAND, fialisbnry. Or, F. Q. CAUTfcAND, Gen'l Art. Oreensboro, C In th abaanoe of Salisbury arMut. .x.11 an il.c. SCaifO$, at Uij Mitional Uuiel, (33.Jy i II Qan -'Vl.LP la I m m m , - js ; r ia, sl s. i TO FARF.1 ERS. MAKE YOUR OWN PERTILIZEK- . Fuse iiarkis i It -: Ai - EMPIRE COMPOST OrHome-IiIade Fertilizer Yob can with these chemicals make your owu Fertilizer at home, aud thereby save the money paid fojr high-priced commercial Guanos The cost is about one-fourth the price of commercial fertilizers We will show by tbe fallowing certificates, from parties who have. u?ed cliemicals f.r the past three years, that the result is much greater and therefore more satisfactory. Four hui dred pounds of this compost sown broadcast over one acre will produce you a double yield of wheat, aud two hun dred pounds per acre, under corn planted exactly thre. feet each way. will give fifty bushels of shelled coru to the acre ou the powrest laud. One horse in one year will produce enough manure, which with the aid of our chemicals making it a concentrated utauure, to go ofer tweuty acres of laud. These chieuieals should be bought in Au gust aud S ptember for wheat crop. aid from December to March for cottou aud coru, as it requires from thirty to sixty days to make 'he compost perfect. 3T head the following certificates from the best , farmers iu the couutrv : Telegram fr-)in Charlotte. Chaklottb, N. C June 12, 1876. To J. W. HARRIS. ' Farmers highly pleased. Will sell thou sauds of loi.s this season. WILSON A: BLACK. York County, S. C, December, J87G. Mews. WUmjii it Uluck Gentlemen: Y lave sold and used Harris Empire Compoul iu arge (inaiilities, and cheerfully sav that it ha given in greater satisl'iiclion than anv cold or ised. We intend lo ne it the coming season. Yours-lruly, CAKKOLL A CAMPBELL. Mkcklenuukg County. 1S76. J. W. ILirrin Deir Sir: I lake pleasure iu stating thai I ued your Empire Compost tin past season by the side of oilier hrst-clusr I'erlilizers, an. I slate that it bett ail of theiu. Yours truly, A. J. HOOD. Union County, N. C, December, 1876. 1 used litis year two tons of Harris' Empire Compost, and am so well pleaned wiili it that I consider the formula alone worlh $100 to me, tnd 1 shall use a double quantity the' next sea son. 1 lie ciieapuess ot it, and tne general util ity, makes it indispensable to farmers. I nev er expect to use any other kind. A. HENRY. Bkavku Dam, Union f'ouuly, N. ('., November, 1875. I certify that I have used Harris' Empire Compost, and iind it as giiod at the Navassa under Cotton, nl about one-fourth of the price. One ton iroes over ten acres. T. L. DOSTEIl. Bewkr Dam, Union County, N. C, 187G. I certifr that I have used Harris' Empi ' I . 1 .1. T . -I il vuiiifusi, hiiu uuu mat h paiu me as well as any Gu.iiio I have ever used under Cotton. I have used Bahama, Navassa, Carolina, Zeil's Am. Acid Phosphate, and find Harri.-j' Empire Compo.-t equal, if not superior, lo anv ;n mv lands. JAS. F.. MARSH. ' Kixu'a .Mountain, N. C. Mexsr. Wilton ULick (JenUiincn : certify iliat wc sold chemicals, bought of you l ist seasui, fur making liarri.-.' Empire Com post, and take pleasure iu saying that tln-y hive given entire salisfaciion to all that havV used them, and all intend using large quanti ties of it this se i son. The cheapness of il makes il ihe most-desirable Fertilizer nold Yours, verv truly, MAUNEY BROS. & ROBERTS. Cabarrus County, N. C. 1875. We, the undersigned, have used Harris' Em pire Compost the pant year, ami take pleasure in .saying that il is by far the best aud cheapest Fertilizer thai we know of. e intend lo use more largely this reason. F. A. ARCHIBALD, K. C MORRISON, VM. L. SAPI JACOB 'UAKUINGEK, Dr. D. W. FLOW. Clencovk, N. C, November 30, 1875. TJd is lo certify thai I have used five tons of the Harris Empire Compost this year, and find it equally as good if not better lhan any commercial Fertilizer 1 have used or noticed used, even at the cost of sixty dollars per ton, making an increase ofaboul 100 per cent, on nlubble lands. I expect lo buv more largely next year. F. A. ARCHIBALD. " Pleasant Yallky, Lancnater County, s! C, November. 1875. This l to certify that I have used Harris' Empire Compost and am very well pleased with it, as it not only prevents rust, but. is as good as any of the high priced Guanos, the cost per ton making il the cheapest Fertilizer sold. W. D. II AY" ATT. Greenville County, S. C, 1876. This is to certify that I used Harris' Kmire Compost last year on my .and for Wheat, and though I did not give it a fair trial, as I left out one of the ingredients, but must nay that where it was used my wheat was never, better, and where I did not use it I find that it is very ?nt5flfrnt- T shall iispsilr tuna fli!o Mrtrinr. vvjnider the formula invaluable to farmers.; r:3jiJ Yours respectfully, V.. .-'-.'W. F. PENNING ING TON 'UAStojr ., May, 1876. Memn. TTVn.fe Dlottk Gentlemen : It gives me much pfer.wlre to Mate that I used the Compost bought of you flt AVioter, and must say that 1 am highly TIeasvS! -wilhijt. I used it on an old broom sedge heiu f!;v would pro duce nothing, and must say th ralUastpn isiung. , 1 .r - I consider it an invaluable compTy. f. .:d ust the thing neeiled to xbring out ot;V ;. worn-out lands. Tours, very respectfiU?. " Db. J. k SilYElAv M eck lenbu i t Co., N. ,C, 1 S76.' I take pleasure in (dating to my brother far mers all over the country that I used, last year, Harris' Empire Compost, under both corn and cotton, and the result waa astonishing to all my neignoom Tbe cost waa only one fourth of what I : had been paying tr commercial fertilizers. lens hook:. Mecklfnjscro Co., N. C, 1876. . This is to certify that used Hams' Empire Ootjlpost last year ide by tide with aeVeral commercial fertilizers, and I mid that the yield from Hams' Com pout waa one-fourth greater and true quality better than any. It makes the cotton .mature better, and, in my judgment, it is preierame in every respect. The cost was on fourth thn price of high priced guauus, aud on ton will go over teu acre of land Yoora truly, D, C. JiOlilNSON. U? These Chemicals are for sale by J. H. ENNISS. SalUlury, C. tiT" Agent wanted iu the Several town i Liis to sell farm rlirht 1 3G.a J, U. ENNISS. Piediiiont : Air I Isiae" Kailway VI - Tit rT? lu. fciiMr r,rLaa . t:: - . . . i y i' m Rcujncud & Danvile, Richmond & Danville E. V., C. Divison, and North Western N. C. R. W. , COHDEHSTmE-TABL In Effect on and after Sunday, Oct. loth, 1876 - . . G01N(J NORTH .fH STATIONS. MAIL'. 1 Leave Oiarlotte ' 4 55 a m Air-Line Juntjon 5.20 " , " Salisbury 7.S5 u , , " Greenloro 9.55 Danville 12.28 P M '" Dundee 12.46 " Burkeville 5.05 " Arrive at Richiuond 7.43 p m GOING SOUTH. 7 STATIONS. MAIL. Leave Richmond 7.50 am M Burkeville 10.40 " " Dundee 2 55 P M " Danville 4i 59 44 Greenborongh 5.40 " SalWairv 8.15 " " Air-Line Joi.cl.onl0.25 " Arrive al Charlotte 10 37 " GOING EAST GOING WEST STATIONS. MAIL. MAIL. Leave Greensboro I g, 10.05am -fArr. 5.25 PM "" Co. Shops 111. ' " plLv. 4.15 Arrive at Kal. igh j: 2-21 pm's jArr 12.30pm Arrive at (ioldboro ',s 5.15 1m"" iLv. lO.K'r.M STATIONS. Leave Greensboro L. Shops Arr. at Ka!tili Arr. at Goldsboro A ccom m datiox T n a i x ,.:iU PMljArr. 9 00 am -111.10 6.50 ! oOl n 01 am " Air. 9.50pm ; II :.t! ! Lv. 5.20 pm NORTH WESTESN U. C. CSalkm Branch.) Leave Greensboro 6.00 P M Arrive at Salem 8.15 " Leave Salem 7.03 A M Arrive at Greensloro 9.15 " I'asfiengt r Trains leaving Rak ish at 12.34 P. M. ctniiiects at Cireenslioro with the Stmthern bound train ; making the quickesUjiuie to all Souihern cities. Vccdmodatioit Train leaving Raleigh al 10.1 P. M., conneciA with Noilli ern boisiid train at Greenshoro for Rirhmond and all points East. Price of Tickets siiie as via oilier routes. No Change of Cars EstwDen Atlanta and Richmond, 547 Miles. Papers that have arrangements to advertise the Ki'.'ied'nle of this company will please print as above and forward copies loLic-nl. Pa.-serger Agent. For fcitlicr informalii'ii nddref JOHN R. M A C M U R I H ), Geitl.I'Mssei)ger Ajjelit, June 6, '70 Rk htuoi d, Va. t J -13 1 CD -sis "-3 3 :i i i' x - -a r - s ? X - CD CO c r CD ; - o J. i X X 1 's - -a x m '-O S S S 5 S en CO CI O . x Carolina Central Railway Co. OFFfOK GksKRAL Sl'PlRIXTF.5lK.T. Wilmington. N. C. April 14, I640. Change of Schedule, On and after Friday. April 16th, 1H75, the traius wiliruu over this Railway as follow . PASSENGER TUAINS. Leave Wilmington at T.IS A M. Arrive at Charlotte at 7.15 P. M. Leave Charlotte at 7.00 A. il Arrive in Wilmington at 7.00 P. M FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Wilmington at 6.00 P il Arrive at Charlotte at 6 it) P M Leave Charlotte at 0 A M Arrive in -Wilmington at 0.00 A M MIXED TRAINS Leave Charlotte at ...8.00 A M Arrive at Buffalo at 12 i Leave Buffalo at. 12 30 P M Arrive in Charlotte at 4.30 P il No Traius on Sunday eceept one freight train that leaves Wilmington at G p. u., instead of on Saturday night. Connec tens. v Connects at Wilmington witi Wilmington t j Waidon, aud Wilmington, Clumbia & 1 ::ail.ads. Semi-weekly .New York i wefcklXBaltimore and weekly Phi A Augusta aud Tn klv Philadeluhia teau.eriand the Kiver lioata to Fayetteyille. iXVineet4 at Charlotte with it Wettern Di- vt.non. iNortb Carolina Railroad, Charlotte & Stav.Tile.l?airtoad. Charlotte & Atlanta Air Line,? nd Cltatte, Columbia & Augusta Rail. road. v .-h. Thug lr,r P'y t fje whole West. Northwet and Rtuth.-i k lih hort aud cheap line t' the Seaboard t:U li'jojvo.- , &4Iir FREMONT. Chief Rivn, fi4 Superintendent. May 6. 1875. ti. Send-25c. to G. F. BQVEfcL & COT, N York, for Pamphlet of.100 pagea.containi lists f 3,000 newspapers, nd es'.hnales show Ing cost of advertumg, rihrch H,'7Ci ly Attention PAE VMERS' GRASS SEK Justreceivetl a fresh tupply rvy Clover Seed. Orchard 08. Bin Grate, Kwijop aud Timothy, wnich I will Bell cheap Can't lie made by eVfr 1 :vegr UMuth in the. l.uB III "I l I , r . . " . " udiii; y uVViumwn, but those wiltsto"v h can tasiljr ea 5 a dizeu dollars a k jn their iwu localities. JMV'e Bo ' "Kk rXplatn here. Busjuesg pleaSillll .J k orabla. uiflfu, tiud Uy , "" . well as in0? V will farui.l, ul T plete Outfit free. The loinM,yUlJt than anything else. ,ye wi!1 UiI ,V i f .tartii.g you.' Partimlar. ' f and -e. Fanbers-aud tuUuL son- and danthlpis. attdltclass. "w f Png w,,rk at home. ,)llHiU t i aud learn all about the wnrli . . 'I ! Up- 1 lie ijiue., MJitu I Uelay, & CO..'Angiista, Mai 35:ly.id. !..!..: 1 , Addre,, II 1RDWAKR.' VVlien-on want Flard'tar 4rlgure, call on the undersitrupd ttH,j Granin Uow. w- u.iMcuuij.ii v.. tlli- O If. Bffi; tgl fl a day atjiome. Agent s wnntfAiniv' -! yiuni auu lei jus lite ;usta, Maine. " MM.9. 7feV' Cll.Vlli Pr,......k l . , Jl ami vari fiber blanks t.Iulf!klr, Mill Stones'! Of anv sire ttesircd, cut out of thi (Jranite in the Mate. ma U- oluiu J j-hort notice. Also, window and door-ifti niw lisl :ils fur iiiikiirtii..i. t. . . .'. I i. i.iu, , c. E. E. Phillips, Salisbury. ill 1:if WAGON ACCOHODATIBi I have fitted up an Omnibus and Baffin Wagon- which ate always ready to mnnj j. sons tn or from the depot, to and fruni'iwti-. w luuiMsr. i. i.nnr ui iiern Ml AiaiialvK ltt or al my Livery & Sale Stable, Filler krtft near liaiiroao nriuge. i. M. A. BRIMJIE-' Aug. 19. tf. . 1 l ChesaDeake and Ohio E H THE (BEAT CENTItAL KOI Til II- TWEEN NOBTII CA1IOL1NA AM) TBI WEST. 1 PASSEXGEH ! TRAINS UUX AS FOLLOwl lu vlTecl Sunday jNov. Oih, 1S76, 'ENPRKaS Leave Lichiuoud 8.16 I'M " t.haiioiUhwlie, VI 4-" il " ttai.nion, 'l.L') " 'Vhi.e Sniphur, 7."m " Kiil.aw ItalalU, 1 ."0 P M, Arrive Hiiuiinc,ioii, 0.I0 " MAIL UVrt 105S1 Ml 52 " t. ii.cinnati, G.oO AM ;: I " Ilioiatiaptiiti, 11,15 a m 1 I Looiville, - 10.20 AM f: 'M. Louis, 8.45 rn -4 i Coiiiiectiiij closely with all of tfc; Cf Trunk Line for the ll'ul, Aurft-H ( w Ooutli-Wtst. This is the furtet, qvitlttt l cJieupet Lonte, with Ivss change il ctltkn any other, and pUM.es through lheiMw i the wuild. j' i Passeneers takinn the Kxnress tii H N. C It. li. have 1 10 delav, uulioiineclcl7 llf1ll, III IllfC .CI-,. - . ; ; Kirst claK and' Liiiuiismnt Ti keW at t IyOWtT Rati hand iJngnge cliftkti.f 1 isir, DutiKi and MoSKV saved by taking ihe C'itfff uuil Onto Jii.iihr. ; f FrtHjht RuUk tiXindffvm the Wrt, ltkj low a tLe lowest. " i'-'i .".'. Merchant., and ..thers will findiHo4 tereM to get our Ratbs before Li'inf r during. For Information and Kates apply tt j J. C. DAMK.S0. Alit or Ci. M. McKKNME; Ticket A Greenbrl. C. K. HOWARD, j General Ti ket Ag nt. : W. iLS. DUNN, " Superintendent. ' Richmond a. HORATIO N. f GODSON 4 0 Eeal Estate and Insnrascs Salisbliry, N. 0.' CIFFIGE.....In the CBrt ; . i ', Will sell and buy. real estato wat aud oftllect tie rents. j; FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE a specialty. J0DN S. HEKDEKEON. AttomW :it . . .v... 1 r . I LnxinMI UH uariMtti iue - Hutriinuiiu d ton-guarantied. National Hote RALEIGH, N. Qt Board by the Day, Beaatiiully situated jawUo cP,l,;j' Col. C. S. BROWN, ew ing LANIER STATESVIIiE, fry G. S. LANIER & C Proprietors. ; V Scrrants Pom? ww--f (1(1(1 HOP -' vV

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