r ' . . i ;Froiu the: New, .York Sun. ; y" . ri.OTTiNG TO SEAT HAYES. PROPOSING TO DECLARE HIM ELECTED DESPITE THE HOUSE. J:n agh Republican Congressmen to be Cquntedin to Give litem a Majority- A Bold Plot Concocted by Desperate Men. Washington, Nov. 22 The RepuW lieari Jeaders Lore are not reticent as to their plan of operation. Tha Returning Boards in South Carolina and J,ouiiana, they say, will certify the elcwu of the Itepullican electoral tickets in those two States.Vnd Gov. Chamberlain and Kel log will issue, in conlorniity with ""this, the certificate of election to the eloctoie. The electors of these States will in due forni-and in acto dance with law' perform l heir functions and transmit their certifi cates to the Pieaidentof the Senate, and their votes will be counted for Rutherford 1L Hayes. This is the plan in its naked outlines. - ' Aa to the details, they are to depend upon, the exigencies in each case. F r instance, in South Cawiliaa, Chanijbeilai- , though the Supreme Court thouli attetnj t to iittei fere, will issue bis certificate of cleettoiUo the Republican electors, and theyjwill meet, record their votes for Hayes and Wheeler, and transmit their certification of that fact to the President of the Senate. In Florida, Gov. Sieanif will do the same, at.d the electoral vote f that htate will in the same manner ue transmitted to the President of the Senate Thehouisiana case is a little difficult, -but the Returning Board there is equal to the emergencr. Il will perform its labors in the presence of the Republican and-Democratic j committees. Whatever fi.ev do will be certified to as legally itei formed by t lie Republican committee, :;? the electoral vote of that State will he given to Hayes- and Wheeler, and the tact certified to the President of the Senate. At the appointed time the two -Houses of Congress will meet in joint session, and the certificates will be opened by the President of the1 Senate andlS5 vole counted for Hayes and -184" for Tilden. If there is any objection made by a Dem ocratic Senator or representative, ine President of the Senate will decline to est-titertaiii it. If the objecting member persists he will be called to order, and if he does not obey ho will.be taken 'u hand by -the 8ergeantat-Arms of tin 'Senate. In the event of disorder flie -of fenders will be removed from the hall by the tracers of the Senate, hut in ihe even f any disturbance which the officers of the Seuate cannot quell, then the military jwillj interfere to preoeve proper decorum If theDemocratic majority retire" the Re publican minority will remain, and it will be. held that the House of Representative was constitutionally present. Mr. Hayes will berdeclared elecied, and upon the 4:1 of March he will be inaugurated. The forms of law ha -ine been observed by ihe lletoriiinsr Boards of South Ciro- liua and Louisiana, by the Governor of 1 lorida and the electors of those States, the action of the Republican majority ol the Senate, and the Republican minority . of the House in declaring Haves- electi d President will, it is expected, he acqu eiced in by the people of the United Stales, The business interests of the t country will nut suffer turmoil to ensue and after a season of talk and threaten ings the great body of the people will si t tle down to every-day aft'urj, and say we can stand It for four years. This is what the Republican leaders here profess to believe. - If, however, there should he any dis turbance, any attempt to resist the de cision of the Republican majority of the Senate and the Republican .minority of the Il6use of ' Representatives, then the whole power of ihs Government will be exerted to crush it out. This, they say will le quite easyr They do not appre hend any united action on the part of the G'venyrisf New York, New Jersey, Connecicut, and Indiana. On the other hand, the Governors of all the Republi can Jjiates, they allege, will tender prompt asiaitce; to the general Goverument. Precautions will be taken to have thp , )P)lii of those States in readiness to be used irisUniJy. In word, the Republi cs twdera say they will have not 'only t'iC aTmy and navy of the general Gov . eiiimer; ,ut their friends throughout the Nortli fjiriH lie ready to respond. If there is any aaovement by the Southern States, this wilKbe denounced as a revival of the rebellioV,and the loyal North will te appealed to put! it down. The Republican leaders here persist Jtiat as strenuously in claiming that they have a majority o( the next House ol Representatives, as they do in claiming South 'Carolina; Florida, and Louisiana for Hayes aud Wheeler. The Courier 'Journal pay a pasiii" tiibutfelo Kilpalrick : Kilpatrick U a very fair specimen of 1C Republican -tnisear.es. iu the '-South who deliberately inHiiufacture eUtenien'Si to aid Zach Chandler iu hw' iufrfinoua and revolution ;uy work of tryinj; to i-btruct the fra U'riiizHtioii of the Northern. and Southern people, aUd tliorsubaervn the interests of the tnilUary pat;ty of which Grant and Hayes ate- Uie "recognized leader?. A man whose shibboleth is "the bloody shirt with i money'' niij;ht be expected to rival he dvvil hircsell iu the profusion of Ly- ing. Tfie new State Treasmcr, Dr. Worth, rnterea umn the duties ot his office- &t'i Thursday., There as turned over to the newr treasurer, the sum of $151 9(34 v 85 in money; j Ti included S86,TJ0 ol JJnited State government bonds belon iuto ihe school fund. The 6Ther ef fects nT the' office covered 31 pages ol Jegal papboiuls, coupons, ice. There are ifpiuy. bonds nf iifferent, classes, some $A wtn little better lhauHvorthless. Tin looses in' I he eight years aud nearly six mouths, during Which Mr. Jenkins Iiaf l)eei treasurer, J amounted to Si 26. 77. Thii "was ''trade good by ihereiiring I reasarer. During alj of his admiuUtra .lion not a sinjjlej counterfeit baa been put upou tbu tieaury. fKIDNpeeiPLASNT thrre- t'no compld'tt that tffllcts th pnttWlw wine of tli-raried foniu of Kldae or no ilarmm- in ?t re-nil t thn trhen the k'dney. Sittorete from the bt..od ihe nrte .ad. and other " ion; tnbsuncc hirh the blood .ccomulatcs h it eirculauon tfaronsh the Bybtein. If from any can-e the k'ducy fad to perform thr I fanctiowi dewlviu npn thetn, the cnmula tlone are taken tip by the absorbents and the whole eystem tlirown Xnta a ftate of diw caninjr greut pa:a and aufferinjr, and very often lmmettlaie death. Hence the Importance of keeping the kidneys cud tliod In a heatthy conditisa, thronga whictyOl tUe Jmporitiea of the body mus4 paea. PAIN IN THE BACK. i. wLn. iuul tnnn tit medical, aciencc which has proved itself more ralriable in cases ot At, atui ua the ao- tion 1 - The foltowtug extraordinary enre of great anffep. era, who had tHsenn'veu np by the best physic-saiia ashopeicta eaf. will peak for thcmselve-, and rhonld challenge the taomi profonnd attention or the medical facnltr, aa well as of those who are eutt- eriD from Iv'.ducy uouipuint. THE BEST MEDICINE. Eapht M 4innrtEl.l, "An?. 521370. T RTjfisd : Dsar Sir I am aavnty-one years t year Qoin- erer uaed. I have tried many remedies for this com plaint, and never fonnd no much relief aa from the Veoetisi. It strengthens and inYigoratca the whole svstem. Manv of my acquaintances have Ta ken it, and 1 believe it to be good for all the com plaiuis for which it retonittiondod. YourMrnlv. - JOSIA'I n. SnEKMAX PRONOUNCED INCURABLE. r.oTo?i, May &0, 1971. IT. H. Stbvxvs, Esq. : Dear Sir I have been hndly afflicted with Kidney Complaint for ten years; have snilered great paiu in my bikk, h ps and side, with great difficulty in pa-Riiiir nraie, which was of ten, and in very small qu -ntities, frequently accom panied with Mood and rxcruluiting paiu. I have faithfully tried most of the popular reme dies recommended for ihy complaint ; 1 have bi-en under the tretmnt of some of the most skillful physicians in Bton, all of whom pronounced my case Incurable. This wa my conditsou when I was advised by a friend to try tle Veoetise, and I could see the good effects from the first dose I took, and f rom that moment 1 kept on improving until I was entirely cured, taking in all, I shonld think, about s'x botiles. It is in deed a viluable medicine and it I should be affiicted arain in the same way, I would cive a dollar a dose, if I could not get It without. Iprnfellv, 1. M. tULK. S61 Third Street, Sooth Boston. NEAHLY BLIND. TJ. R. STrvr.Ns: Pear Sir In expressing my thanks to yn for benefits derived fnmi ihe use of VrMETiNK, end to benefit otliers, I will date: When eight or nine years old I was afllicted with Scrofula.which made iis appearance in my eyes, face and head, and 1 was very m-ar blind for two years. All kinds of operations were performed on my eyes, and all to no irood result. F ully the disease prin cipally settled in my body, timbir and-fcet, and at times'in. an agruvii'tcd way. Ist Summer I was from some canse weak In my spine and kidneys, and il whs limes very hard to retain the urine." Soeine your advertisement in the Commercial. I lotight abut ik of VEOiETINE, and commenced using accird is:- to directions. In two or three days I olitai ned great n-lief. After usin? four or Ave bottles I noticed it hitd a wonderful eff ect on the rongh.scaly blotches-on my body and legs. I still used Veoetisk and the humorous sore one after auother disappeared until they wete all gone, and 1 a. tribute tlie cure of X Uc two disc-ate to Vro ETINE, and nothing el.-r. If I am ever a flecied uithnny thing of the kind ag.iu lhall try Ykgetims as Uie only reliable remely. Ouce more accept mv thnnks, nrd believe me to be, Very respect fuliv, At'--I'lN l'AKKOTT. Dec. 1, 1ST2. 2iu. X Gano b!., Cinciunati.Ohio. Discaaes of the.K'dneys, Bl-ddr, ctc are always ui pleasnnt, and at times tlir Imiwie the nm.-t d' tressing and diuigerons Ui-easer ituit c n aliect the human system. Most' diseases of t lie lvidueys ariae from impurities iu the !lood, ransing hiiinora wliich eetlle on these parts. Veoetie excrili any known ren.edy in the w hole wor d tr cleans iig and purify ing the U.Mid, the:elv causing a huaitiiy action lo all the organs of the body. gctine i& Sold hy all Druggists. ANHOUHCEMEHT. On the 16th day of November, and in the city of Rajeigh, the undersigned will commence the publication ot T22E OBSERVER, a Daily.and Weekly Democratic newspaper. Oflo.isr experience in their profession as ed iters, res pectively of the Fayelteville Observer and the llimngton Journal, they donotanect o doubt the soundness of the genera liudnnen i . i . , .... i . . J wuicii assigns inem auilitv to lurnisii a news paper suited to the needs and adapted to th t testes of tiie nefjiile of North Carolina. Differ ing in politics in the olden time, there was nev er a difference between the Observer and the Journal -in zeal for the interest of Nortli Can Una. To promote the one, and to uphold ami add to the other, will be the object of Ih Observer now. Of very decided opinions on qne.-tions of pub lic intereM, and apt to give those opinion plain expression, thev deem it the first duty of a newspaper to furnish its readers with the in formation necessary to the formation of their opinions to publish all "the news;" and their purpose is to make The Observer now, as of old, n truthful, accurate, condensed history of the times in which we live. It w.isthus "that "the old Observer" won its hold upon the peo p!e of North Carolina, enjoying the ajl'ection of us party friends, receiving the respect and con fidence of its bitterest political foes, and com manding in its comparatively isolated location a circulation larger than has ever been attained by an other North Carolina newspaper, and il is thus, by like dignity, and fairness that the editors of The Obhuver, transfer lo the State Capital, hope it will deserve, and noon equal, and then surpass, its former circulation and prosperity. . It will be their high aim to deserve the pnb lie confidence by earnest efforts to promote the public welfare, first and foremost of Nortli Car olina, next of all ihe Southern States' and, finally, and through these of ttye wliole Union. They think that this can only be effected by the prevalence of Democratic principles, and ami the dismissal of the Radical party from the places antLpower which they have ho greatly abused and under whose baleful rule the South, has been outraged and the wliole country has been inioverished and disgraced. PETER M. HALE. 'JVlLMAM L. SAUNDERS. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Daily Observer, one year, - - - $4 00 Daily Observer, six months, - - 4 00 Weekly Observer, one year - - 2 00 Weekly Observer, six months, - - - l 00 All communications should be addressed un til further notice to W. L. SAUNDERS, 4 - Wilmington, N. C. SAVE YOUR HOGS ! ENNISS' HOG GH8LERA OOBE Never known to fail if taken in time. The best and most efficient Cure and Pre ventive known. Said to be by those who have used it to be an unfailing remedy. Readhe following testimonials from citi zens of the highest respectability ; Salisbury, June 2, 1876. Mr. Exxiss Dear Sir : I have used with great satisfac tion your-" Hog Cholera Cure," and can truthfully recommend it to all hog raisers as a great preventive and sure cure when given before the hog ia too sick to eat. Respectfully, ' R. R. CRAWFORD. Of the Firm of Crawford & Heilig, Salisbury, Sept. 6, 1876. Mr. Exxiss This is to certify that I have used Enniss' Hog Cholera Cure for years and can say that I have never had a vase of chol era among my hogs since L began to use it, and recommend it to the hog raisers of the country. ROBT. MURPHY, Of the Finn of R. & A. Mnmhv. F or sale at Enniss' Drug Store. Price a 00x 2 il.it. Klrii.v lnnnl.tiUIH man ine tuinni. . rectly upon the ecret:oii', .cleanse and purifies KiJvA ia ivKiorea the whole TKcm to hcaUhy f nee: hae Suffered many yeans with Kidaej plaint, weakness tu my back cad stomach. I wJ induced by friendsto try yonr Veoetise, nod I thinlt it thm W nicdiriTKt fur uenkiiess of the K'.uneys I i THE HOEIHITG - STAB, j WILMINGTON, N. C. A: FWST'CLASS DEMOCRATIC L NEWSPAPER 4 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY V DAILY NEWSPAPER ix NORTH CAROLINA. THE Only Daily Paper Ptibliebe in WILMINGTON, a City of nearly 20,000 Inhabitants, and thfc Great Centre of North ! Carolina Trade ! SUBSCRIPTION One Year, - S7 00 4 00 2 25 Six Months, - Phree Months, ADVERTISING RATES REASONABLE Adtlress,! WM. II. BERNARD, ! Editor d Proprietor, .12: :f. WILMINGTON N. C. J. & H. H0RAH, mmi ir M4 u I in i ll il TJ f I . I a MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, y niiHiiiMHtiiMH?,l'"'ll-l-""J"iM"IUi"'J-ltl,',-"f,'"!" HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE HID SPLENDID STOCK Most Beautiful Jewelry. We have just received the largest and handsomest stock of Jewelry ever exhibited in Salisbury, and respectfully invite public inspection. It comprises, Gold and Silver Watches, of all kiuds; Silver Pitchers, Cups, Castors, Napkin Hinj;s, Forks, Knives, and Spoons. The finest and most beautiful sets ot Jewelry of all kinds, as Ear-drops, Breast Pins, i inger lungs, Bracelets, Seals, Lockets. &c, &C..-&C. " Also, u lot of plain I SOLID GOLD RINGS. Also, agents for the celebrated Schaffliausen Spectacles ErCfthe finest glasses made. ,3 Will sel.as oyv as any House in the south. CALL: HERE AND GET YOUR W ATI' II AX D CLOCK BEPAIBIMG done promptly asusu.il. All work trarranteJ 12 months. Dec. lo. 187o. 10:tt Plantation for Sale. The Undersign el offers for sale the plati- ration wiiii-u ne lormeiiv lived upon, lying immediately tu the public road leading from Salisbury to On-raw. IU miles South-east of Salisbury, cuiitaiuing j 25 -ACRES,. of whivhi there is about one half wo d land. the other portiou is meadow, pasture and lil.ible land. Tliere is ou the planuses a iood dwelling, good barn, and all necessa ry out-butildiuus. Also a good well aud good springs eotiveuieut. Any tei!n wishing to purchase land i Would io well to call m the uiuUMiii(l at rt ' 1 1 1 1 . . 1 .aiijuury. terms win e mane 10 sun iiwr time. P. N. HE1LIG. Salisbury, N. C. July IH 2 1110s. SPRING STOCK I 1876. ipshj irooerae: i i At Wholesale and Retail. mm NOW IN STORE AND ARRIVING 75 Rbl.s. Molasses. 10 do New Orleaus 10 do j Syrup. 75 Bags Coffee. 25 Kegs Soda. 10 djtz. Lemon Syrup, 50 boxes Adamantine Candles. j 25 Hxes Soap, j 75 Cases Qysters 20 cases Brandy Peaehes, j j 20 44 Fresh Peaches, ' ; I 10 Piue Apples. 30 Grosss Sniff 25 Coils' Cottfou and Jute Rope 40 boz. Painted Pails. 40 Gross Flasks I 1.500 lbs. Candy " 40.000 Cigars j 50 Kegs Powder j '50 Bags Shot 00 Reams Wrappiug Paper 10 Dozj Scotch Ale j j ALSO A full line of I Wood and Willow Ware, BM)ts,Shjes, Hats, Saddles & Bridles, Axes! Gun,, Pistols, i&c., ice. , , ' ! Also, a large lot of Canned Goods, a choice select iuo of French Candies, Salt. Pepper. SpieeJGiuger. Royal Baking Pow ders. Raisens, porrauts. Figs. Citrons, Nat Sarriines.lCocoanats, Pickles, Sauces, Cat sap, Potted Meat, KerosenewTaunera and Slachine Oils, iqaors of all kinds, &c, &o. The above Stock was bought at the close of th seasou at greatly reduced prices, and 10 , iuey t. uoies&itt ec Keuu at verv short profits BINGHAM & CO. C, Jnne 12, 1870, ! Salisbarj, Nt f 1 mxmmm II U II UIJIJ1I 1 1 The CaroUna Watchman SALISBURY, N. C. ' Uvl f PRICE S3 IS ADVANCE, j :1 ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1833. . 'Alwayt Coriurcatite. -3TJ if- f CONTRACT ADVERTISIN& j RATESr: ;x: . Jnehes. ; Rates by the Month. 1 2 3 6 12 $-2.00 $3.50 $5.00 $7.00 $13.00 4.00 COO 7.00 10.00 1S.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 18.00 25.00 0.00 13.00 15.00 22.00 35.00 15.00 21.00 27.00 M.00 55.00 2500 35.00 45,00 65.00 100.00 fine Inch for Two inches for Three laches for Four laches for V' Column for H do tor One do ' for ALL KINDS JOB PRINTING IXCLCDING COl'KT BLANKS $ f f f J5 $ ? Tn the Working Class. We are now Inrenared to furuiah all classes with constant etiiployiiiHiit at home, the whole of the time, of for their spare nmineiits. Business new. liilht and tcohtalle. Persona of el At r sex easily earu from 50 cents to $5 per evetitog. atid a prjMrtiuiiHl sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Ifoya and girls ern nearly as much as meu. That all who see this uottee may seod their nddress. and test the business ve make this utipar alleled offer : To such as are not well sat isfied we will send ore dollar to pay fr l lie trouble of writing, i Full partieulars. sam ples worth several dollars to coinmenee wirk on. and a copy of Home and Fireside, ct;e .f tlie largest and best Illustrated rublicatious. all seut free by oiail. "Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work address, IjEOiOK SflNSOX Sc Co., Portland, Maiue. GOME AND SEE! -so?. BUGGIES FOR SALE, All Grades & Classes. 1 have, on hand. Buggies which I will t. . . 1 . 1 1 ell at the lowest casn prn-es, ami as ir lower than any other establishment i" North Candida, according to grade. All kiinls of repairing -lone, at short notice. Those vrishiug any thing in ny line. would do well to eall and see ine, before purchasing elsewhere as I am determined not to be outitone either in prices : or quality of Work iu th State. Call on lie at r ra'k- lin Academy, 4 miles N. XV. of-Salisbury, n; c. c. l. reeve. July, 12 (J 1110. PAINTING. . G1LMR ICEEHHR, House, Sign, anil OruauiMitiTl PAINTING, ! Graiili & Mzim a 1 AH letters addrcs.-ed ti ihe nnder will be ligned at Ki-ruersville, N. C promptly answered. VVork done by coutracl or by the day; Satisfaction Guaranteed. Address J. GILMER KEENER, 1 Kertiersville, X. C. KERR CRAIGE, gLltornen at Salistoxirv, 3NT- O. SIIOUTQH FEMALE COLLEGE Statesville, N. C. MRS. E. X. GRANT. Piunciial. The XJezt Session will open An- gUtt 30th X87C Circulars with terms. ect , upon appliration. ' References: He v. W. A. Wood, istates- tilly, N. C; ex-Gv. Z. H. .Vauce, Char ottet N. C-, Prof. W. .1. Marti u. Davidsou College, N. C: Rev. R. Rurwell, Raleigh. N. C.: and all frifinls and pupils of Rev. Dr.sMitchell. late Professor iti University of N. C JulyG '7(J-ly. Long ago the world was couvinced that sew ing au be done by machinery the only ques tion;ncw what machine combines in itseh the greatest number of important advantages. Just here the PLORBNOB comes in with its self-regulating tension, sew. ing from muslin to leather without change ot thread or needle, then from right to left aud left to right iwhile oue style of the machine ewj to orfrom the operator, as may bo desired aud with; stitch alike on both sides. Iu elegance 01 fiuish aud smoothness of eperation. variety 01 woik and reasonableness in price, the Florence has won the highest distinction. F. G. L'artlaud Greensbofo, N. C, is the Agent. He is also Agent for ' Bickford Knitting Machine upori whicb 30 pair of socks have been knit per day, without seam, and with perfect heel and toe. 'Hoods. Shawls. Scarfs, Gloves, fcc., mfty be knit upon this Woman's Friend, which costs but $30. Correspondence in relation to either Knitter or Sewing Machine Is invited, and samples 01 work sent upon application. All orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Machines ship ped to any part of the State, and satisfaction guaranteed. Agents wanted in every County. ' Address all communications to M J. E. CARTLAND, Salisbnry. J Or, P. G. CARTLAND, Geu'l Agt. ; Greensboro, N. C In; the ; absence of Salisbury agent, call on urs.iSciii.oaa. at the National Hotel, (23:ly pubiauj Can't be wade by every' ageat tfvery month fo 'the business furnbh. but those willing to work can easily e3 a doaen. dollar a day right iu their wn localities. . Ilaye no . room to explain bere. Busiuess pleasant and hon orable. Woineu, and boys and girls' do 'is rel a men. - We will farnish yon a com plete Outfit free. The business paya bettpf than anytlnug else. We will bear expenses -f etartiug . you. Particulars free., .tVVrite and s'e. Farmers and mechanics, their son 9 at nd daughteis. aud all classes in need f laying work at home, should write to as aud learn mQI about the work at 'once. Now is thf time. Don't delay. Address TRUE & CO.. Augusta, Maine. j 35:1 y.pd. j , H VRDWARE. . When you want Hardware at low figures, call on the undersigned at No. 2 (jrrumie Row. D. A. AT WELL. Salisbury, N. C. June 8 tt. 01 Q a day at home Agents wanted. Ou t Vlbhl and gusta, Maine. ana terms nee. lliLlocLU. An i March 9. 76: 1 yr Cheap Chattel Mortgages, and varins r iher blanks for ale hers Mill Stones ! Of any size desired, cut out of the le?t Granite in the State, may be obtained on short notice. Also, window and door sills. pedestals for monnments, &c. Address E. E. Phillips, Salisbury. , 16:tf I 0BINIBUS & BAGGAGE WAGON ACCOMMODATIONS. I have fitted up an Omnibiio' and Bajrgage Wagon whieh are always ready to convey er ons to or from the depot, to and from partie, weddings. Ac. Leave -orders at Mansion ilotm or at my Livery A Sale Stable, Fisher street near Railroad bridge. M. A. IiRIXGLE- Aug. 19. tf. Chesapeake and Ohio E E THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE BE TWEEN NORTH CAROLINA AND THE WEST. PASSEXGER TRAINS RUN AS FOLLOWS. In effect Sund;iy Nov. 5th, 1876. EXPRESS MALL. Leave Richmond 8.15 pm S.iO A M " Charlottesville, 1J 45 AM 1.45 P M " Kiai.nton, 2.55 " 4.35 ''White Sulphur, 7.55 "7" 10.35 : " Kanawhatiills, l.'.'O p M 5.30 AM Arrive Huntington, 5.15 " 10.00 " " Cincinnati, 0.00 A M " Iiuiiauapolis, 11.15 a m Louisville, 10.-JU A M "St. Lonis, 8.45 p m t.'onnectinji closely with a1 of the Great Trunk J.iues for the UW, Swth-ll'ett and South-ext. This is the shortest, qvicLext and eheo pet Route, with less changes of car tkan any other, and passes through the finest scenery in (lie 'tvut Id. Passengers taking the Express ttais on the N. C. R. R. have no delay, but connect closely, to any point in the West. ' "r f irst class and Emmigrant Tickets at the Lowkst Katks jind Rii-giige checked. Emi grant jo on Exprcxx Truths TlMK, 1'lTANCE, ml .Money saved by taking the Clumpeuk und Ohio Iioutt. FrtKjht Rules to and from the West, always a low as the lewent. Merchant.- and others will find it to their in terest to get our Rates before shipping or or during. For Information and Rates apply to J. C. DAMK.JSo. ABt. or O. M. McKENNIE, Ticket Agent GreenshoroN. C. C. 11. HOWARD, General Ticket Accnt. W. M.S. DUNN, Suerinteurrent. Richmond Va. HORATIO N. WOODSON & CO., Seal Estats and Insurance Agents, Salisbury, N. C. OFFICE. -....In the Court-IIouse Will sell and buy real estate: rent housos and collect the reuts. FIRE AMD LIFE INSURANCE RISKS a specialty. JOHN S. HENDERSON, Attoeket al Law will transact the lejral business of the firm. Patronage solicited and prwmpt atten ton guarantied. 25.9mo ; National Hotel SRALEIGH, N. C. Board hy. t!je Day, $3.00. BeautifuUy sitnatod next to Capitol square. Col. O. S. BROWN, Propr LANIER HOUSE STATESVILLE, N. C, , G.S. L H IR & CO., Ij Proprietory Scrvant$ Polite anrCAttentiye. ! 99 Pledniont Air 'Iiiiie Hallway R cfimend & Danvile, Bichmond Jt Danville ii. w.; . C. umson, ana North Western H. C. B, W. . ) C0IIDEI1SED TIHE-TABLE In Effect on and after Sunday, Oct. 15th, 1876 GOING NORTH. STATIONS. MAIL. Leave Charlotte i f 55 A M Air-Line Juntion 5.20 " u 7.S5 9.55 M Greensboro j Danville Dundee Burkeville ' 14 1 U 12.28 p m 12.48 M 5.05 " 7.43 P M Arrive at Kichrsond - GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. ' MAIL. Leare Richmond 7.50 A M " Burkeville , 10.46 " " Dundee 2.55 P M Danville 2.59 Grcenj'borough 5.40 Salisbury 8.15 Air-Line J unction 10.25 t t t Arrive at Charlotte 10.37 GOING EAST GOING WEST STATIONS. Leave Greensboro " Co. Shops Arrive at Raleigh Arrive at Goldsboro ;MAIL. gJlO.OoAM !11.21 " 5 2.21pm MAIL. Arr.5.25 pm Lv. 4.15 A rr. 12.30pm 5.15 pm Lt.TO.IOpji STATIONS. Leave Greensboro ' Co. Shopa Arr. at Raleigh , Arr. at Goldsboro ACCOMMDATIOX TRAIN- (i.'.iO pmU 11.10 " p Arr. 9 00am Lv, 6.50 2 1 6.01 am Arr. -9.50pm I.BilI.80 Lv. 5.20 pm NORTH WESTERN1 TI. C.XI.R ( Salem Branch.) Leave Greensboro 6.00 P M Arrive at Salem 8.15 Leave Salem 7.03 A M Arrive at Greensboro 9.15 " 1'asRenger Trains leaving Raleigh at 12.34 p M. connects al Greensboro with the Southern bound train ; making the quickest time to all Southern cities. VccoiuodHtiun Train leaving Kaieih at lU.O 1. M., connect. with Noilh em bound train at Greensboro for Richmond and all points East. Trice of Tickets same as via other routes. No Change of Cars Between Atlanta and Ricnmond. 547 Miles. Papers that have arrangements to advertise the schedule of this company will please print as bove and forward copies to G'enl. Passenger Agent. jr For fuither information address JOHN R. M ACMURDO, Genl. Passenger Agent, June b, 6 .Richmond, a. 3 5 5 : - 5:. - el S r CD CO si T " o.cjsej in o ' ' " ' ' ' K ' ' ' X - V - 30 C til CO M ' a 2 X k' ri r. - ; : r 3 fi , x x y - r r Li CJl C J - oc ; 3 . X tl V J. " c w 1 - 1 Vfc w Carolina Central Railway C(h OFFICK GeXKRAL SlrKRISTEXIENT. Wilmington, X. C. April 14, 1875. J Change of Schedule, On and after Fridy. April 16th, 1875, the trains will run over this Railway as follows . PASSENGER? TRAINS. Leave Wilmington at 7.15 A M. Arrive at Charlotte at 7. J5 P. M. Leave Charlotte at 7.00 A. il Arrive in Wilmington at 7.00 P. II FREIGHT TRAILS Leavo Wilmington at 0.00 P M Arrive at Charlotte at ..b.00 P M Leave Charlotteat 0A M Arrive in Wilmington at 6.00 A M MIXED TRAINS- Leave Charlotte at .8.00 A M Arrive at RnfFalo at ........12 M Leave Buffalo at.. 12.3UPM Arrive in Charlotte at.. 4.30 p jj No Trains on Sunday eccept one freight train that leaves Wilmington at 6 p. m., instead of ou Saturday night. Connec tons. Connects at Wilmington with Wilmington d Weldon, aud Wilmington, Columbia!; Augusta Railroads, Semi-weekly Xew York aud Tri weekly Baltimore and weekly Philadelphia Steamers, and the River Boats to Fayetteville. ConnrcN at Charlotte with its Wei tern Di .vision, North Carolina Railroad. Charlotte i Statesvile Railroad, Charlotte fc Atlanta Air Line, and Charlotte, Columbia & Angusta Rail road. Thus supplying the whole West, Nortbwet and Southwest with a short and cheap line to the Seaboard and Europe. S. L. FREMONT. Chief Engineer and Superintendent. May 6. 1875. tf. a Send 25c. !o G. P. ROW ELL &U0., New York, for Pamphlet of 100 pages.containing liBts f 3,000 newspapers, and estimates show ing cost of advertising. March 9, 76: ly. Attention FARMERS' GRASS SEED! Jastreeeived a fresh supply f Clover Seed. Orchard Gnss, Bln Grass, Red Top and Timothy, wnich I will seH cheap at ENNISS' TO F ARM ERsj MAKE YOUR O WN PERTl i Or Home-Hade Pertilix Yon can vrith these chemical. L..t i 1; own Fertiliser at home, and ther j i5 the money paid for high-priced e, Uano8 l ne cost is about .n t . TC1l price of commercial fertilizers to l' show hy the fdlowing certiticatM11 parties who have used chemicals past three years, that the result T f U greater and therefire more satigfart rA Four hundred pounds of tK;.0r"H'' i j . lul CoibkJL sown iintHucnJi over one acre will you a double yield of wheat, and dred pnnds per acre, uu.ler corn hi ' exactly threti fft each wan. win .t'W busnelsja sneiied corn to the aCr ? " . .' ..... ""i nt ti merest land'. Oueuorse in one year will DrodQc. W manure, wich with the aid of or.reh "t making it a concentrateil ulatlUfe over twuty acres of laud. rli These chiemcals should he longhtl ) N gustauiTSepteniber fr wheat trp a, dA,: Dec-mber to March for cottou au j f 'r?a ; it reOHirs from thirtv't.. si,. i. . fD he compost perfect ri?.:i.i' .'"Hi-5 certificates from the country : heel ""IU 111 111 .., fanner Uhi-1 I Telegram from Charlotte. 1 1 Charlotte, N. C, June pi 1S7C To J. W. HARRIS. Farmers highly pleased, sands of tons this season. Wi h .i thoq. WILSON & BLACK York County, S. C, DecemW, I8T6,' : Messrs. Wihon & lackGentlent'n'lv have sold and used Hani' Empire UmnJi! , large quantities, and cheerfully say that Ut given u greater satisfaction than ant nolt! used. We intend to use it the enn,i,r Yours truly, CA RROLL & C.VMpSIl ' 1 j Mecklenburg Couxty. 1876; I J. W. Harris Dear Sir : take uA in stating that I used your Empire tLmnw this naxt season by the side nf r.il.u c.. p'ertilizers, and state that it bet all of tMuf ' a. j. MUQD, ;" , i j: ' Union County, N. G,, December, lg; 1 used this year two tuns of Harris' Emwrt CorutKist, and am so well ple;ied with it llnV consider the formula alone worth $100 to x -and I shall use a double ouantiiv ili.n.,..' son. The cheapness of it, and the generaLijil. ity, makes it indispensable to farmers, in. er-expect to use any other kind. f a. hexby; 'l .( Beaver Dam, Union County, N. Cjj - November, IJTjj . I certify that I have used Harris' EinpU t Compost, and find it as good as the Xrt under Cotton, at about one-fourth of the prfet. One ton goes over ten acres. 'J T. L. DOSTElt .'' Beaver DAf. Union County, NC, 187i I certify that I have hsed H.arrii.' Eraprt ComjKst, ami find that it paid me a well 5 any (Jiiitiio I have ever used under Cotton.! I have used liahama, Navassa, Cari.Iiua, Zejr Am. Acid Phospiiate, and tiud IlarrU' Effljan , Coin post equal, if not superior, to.anvuti jny laiuU. JAS.F.'MAR8I$ . ! - i Kixo's M0UXTA15, X.f '. Messrs. Wilmn C JilaekUenticme:, 't ceriify lh.it we sold cheinieaU, bought of t last season, for making IJariiV Empire Cola pjst, ami take pleasure hi saying that lhT hsve giveiient-ire satisfuciion to all that ban used them, and all intend using large quali ties of it this se.fori. The cheaimew oljit makes it the most desirable Fertilizer uld. i Yours, verv truly, I MAUNEY BROS. & ROBEBTi C A B A R R USCol' XTV , N. C 187j We, the undersigned, have used Harr'w' As pire Compost Jhe past tear, and take plt6rt in saying thatjt is by far the best and cHeajaH Fertilizer that we know of. e intend tot) more largely this season. !l F. A. ARCHIBALD, E. C. MORRTOl! ; W M . L. SA PP. J ACOB BAKKIXUEK, Dr.D. W.FLO W. ji Clexcove, N. C, November 30,187$,;' Thi is to ceriify that I have nsed fi of the Harris Empire ComHst this vearj tiud it equalfy as good if not betttr than 7 coiumercial Fertilizer I have used or iwtk used, even at the cost of sixty dollar pr iV making an increase of about 100 per ctnl. ,5 stubble lands. I expect to buy more UrfAj nexiyear. F. A. ARCHIBALD.- ' ., Pleasaxt Valley, Lancaster County, 8.C1 November. 18TJ; : -Thisis lo certify thai I have used Hrp Khipire Compost anil am very well plf with it, as it not only prevents rut, hut tJ' gootl as any tif l4e liirli prieed GuamA .r cwt per ton making il the cheapest rertilatf -old. j W.D.HAYATT; Greexvii.le Coi xty, S. C, I87fc . This is to certify that I used Harrii' Compost last year on my land for Wheat, WjJ though I did not give it a fair trial, aft-I out one of the ingredients, but must y 4W whirl' it wa nswt mv wheat was never WW and wliere 1 did riot use it I find that it k W7 At f1.kAk I l:IiqII Hon Liir lima I jtinsfJef the lorrnulainvaluableto nn Yours respectfully. W. F. FE. Mer. Wilson it Jiluck-Gentlmtnjj gives me much pleasure to slate-that i Conijioul liought of you lat Winter, and -f say that I am highly pleased with it. fr it on an old broom sedge lield that woiiU duce nothing, and must say the resiihw ishirig. t ilsl I consider it nn invaluable, compos, ; Mist the thing neeled to bring out " Vf worn-out lauds. Yours, very resiecil,!-5 Dr. J. K.SM Mecklexbck -i Co., N. C,&H brother f . a iaxe pleasure 111 HiaiinK - . . mers all over the country -that I used, Harris' Empire Compist, under boih corn cotton, and the result was astonishing 10 1 1 ' neigh Urs. . . i IU im. a rru of what Pf t.-.i 1 : -. ; m t been paying for courmercial kl'vfly LE.i j - tf r 1871.! . . . .... , n..rJ fcJDP"T Comost last year side by sile wiJ" " rjj commercial fertilizers, and I find th1 ' JLut from Harris' Compost was one-fot"" f , and the qnality letter than any. yrz.i cotton rnatnre better, ahl, in my Jnfl in preferable in every respect. The """ one fourth 1 thfl pric of bign prices s-- x one ton Your truly. EThMe Chemicals are fur 1 H " J. 11. i.iA199 r?r- Airent wanted i the vrai w ,; snips loosen iartu riguw- puvf33 EMPIRE COHPO ( 3G:tr J.U. fiA ' '