. .IT -.y-a, .-? - V- V 1 A" . ; 'V'-'" -; - ,,4- " ' . ;.-! ' - j ; . j. ., ; " ."" ' t 4 '' 4-'":, '-.-Vl' : 1 " - i Carolina Watchman. L O C A if. 'DECEMBER 28. IS76. TO DEBTORS. ThosennJeUtolthe firm of McCain,, U .VDean. eia.er by account, noteornt- for hig w . ' 1 .T-mjul Vat a I mill 121 V I II I II I T- I . . . . . . ' ire hercoy - i "- round as best he could under such tryins cir diteW. s n? olher noXlce " n g ioiimi Meeting. The Teacher's 'Meeting advertised for 27tb inst adjouned' to Friday night and Saturday, 5th an J 6th of January. Addresses expected. V.; i, ?f ". One of onr voting bachelor friend?, of - fine moral character, was accidentally caught slip ing his dainty foot in a fine calf skin boot without any stockings. Being interrogated he tried to explain by raying that a "big fat rat" had carried offhia stockings and deposited them known, and that, ad it was not the asher-woman, he had to fbufBe 1 I on all Mortgitges, 'Notes and 1st; 18T7. l.i...,n 4;ht a lV us expires j" irt"M"v - - .11 .i f.n persons so indebted to us win P".-ae ' U and ? tttp either ,J)y Cnshor Note at I This wetvift deeti sufficient notice. ' 23dXES,-GASKILLJUX. . j - pec. f BUdiNKSS NOTICE. All who arein'Jebled to us by note or ac .,nire: earnestly requested to make imme aiate rt-t'lU nient. Further notice will not be firen. V KLUTTZ& KENDLEMAN. Kot. 22, 1S70. "(G:lm) All persons tnd ..Wiari notified BUSINESS NOTICE. lbtl to us 1y not1 or ac- r . ... i .n 1 ..,L-.. i r , . I n t t Qltt I It- ..ntre m.lineu w miv i r- between this date and first of Jany nrxt. . We will r' '""r iudulgeiice. Our trms re cash au.Matter. and t those w rcredit CQ 'diijs-lime is siven and prompt mrel. at expirHtiot. f rhe tinie. cumstances. At jast, after a deal ot uneasiness about ihe feet, he uv-onder, and bought an other pair. If he ever finds those carried oft" by the rats, he will then own three pair (!) t y ', O ' ChrUtma tree last Monday night in the Presbyterian sessiou house was a sncoew, not withsndinglhe deep snow. A few ladies aiid gentlemen went to work Monday morning and arranged a small tree in the session 'house in stead of the church. It was really beaut fill and far exceeded 4he expectation of those who saw it. A great portion of the presents and orna ments did not arrive though they were order ed from New York in ample time. The Christmas tree in the Luthern church was also a success, considering the -inclemency of the weather. Hanged. Win. Meisemer was executed in Statesvllle Jail, FrtJay last, at I J o'clock, pVm. It is unnecessary to recount t le crime for which he died, as it is doubtless well kjnown to' pur readers. He made a full confession of it lb tee hours before his deaths Said hej did not go to Mrs. Heilig's with the intension of killing her; but having been provoked to strike her one blow with n stick she threatened to Report his conduct to her two sons, and this madeTiim throw her in the well while she wns drawing water, or. working at the welf-wheel and chain. He thinks she went down head foremost, He met his fate without feait ; bui whether this was the result of a mind at peace with God, or a stolid indifference is not He was a bad man from his ernable as a child, we learn ling the business of his later years. He was only about 25 years old. certainly known, youth up ungov ; and made gntnb Do you take TJie Sunny South? Nor. M7i- A. J. MOCK, f- CO. ;:(0 days. . w iil Persons whose paper? are marked with a : I - .. ..t i - , c : X mark iu pencil, will unuersiaixi nom n that they are due us f.Ir the paper, and please reMt. ' mm- i It enowed. ' We've liad falliiig weather. The funeral of the little son of Mr. A.Parker took place at the Pre-byterian church last Sunday., be4ongiug ex thought this was a epoit clusively to the couiiMy towns and rural distiicts. Joe Caldwell is go recently from t lie country we are not surprised lie should lead in a cotton tail cliase through Fuyeitevi.Ie street. -Go i: while yoa.ate voting. . j--- , DIED. ! ; ; In Stanley county, recentlr. Nanxie Par. ker, daughter of the late Isaac Parker, aged about 12 years. i l i: Fannie L., wife of DJb. Oueev. denrfo(l this life Dee., the 6th, 1S76. Aged 40 years. aim iii,s. ieaTing a nusoanu and four children to tnorp her losa. Thejog was so lene on Wednesday morn ing that -you could not .-ee a house 50 yards from you. . The bait at "tl'ie National Hotel Tuesday 'night wa a success though it only lasted till 3'clockM; " j ' -o Mr. W Tiumple and James Jlorsh, students of Davidson Cllfge, are spending the Holidays at home. Charlie Crawford, student at Trinity, is also in the city. -::,'P-U i ' o By actii:d count there wa just 17,439 rabbits and one squirrel killed iu Kwan on Xmas dar. Tliere is no guess work about this mat ter its perfectly translucent. The inclemency of the weather caused the Se Yfk Olympic Xrniipe to give two free ho.ws wlule here ther promised to pay the .'winter bill in Iialeigti The 'jingle of the merry sleigh-leils i kept freoh iA our'ear. r nun ejirly dawn to 10 p. n . the sleigh with laughing belles glide merrily Oil. If not, send for if immediately. It is the universal iavorne, ana alii ooutherners are proud of it. Let a lare club b raised without delav in this community. lit is the onlv illus trated literary weekly in the South, and the press and people everywhere urute in prormun cing it the equal in every . respect of ; any similar publication in America. Ihe best Uterarv taleist of the whoe country,) North and South, is vniiiis: tor it, iiiid it h:ei something each week t.-.r .vii classes ol reuilt-s. It stories are superior in literacy mw it, aiijd equal iirtlirilling interest V lliose )! anv othcB I i! er, and its es ItABBIT HUNTING Welearu from vsnpon all sui.Jeeta'arelrijiu the best mind, !'! the age. j Ilnleigh papers that the "hoys'' have hi addition to ihrilliug ncjw stories, a series been running rabbits in IhaL ci'y. " We,;i"';iii!lllt rtibjH "11 h iv"'". Ut vi-iUjju-u tvuu xa.LLics 91 biiu ii my ui Tennessee, by ( olonel 15. V. Fkouki., h dis- tingiiished military engitieetj of that army in all its trying times, l licse papers will explain all the movements of GeneraM Johnston, Hood and Sherman. Don't miss ajny of he numbers. They will read like a fascitiHtinz romance. New and exciting stories are beginning every week or two. i ' ' ' State and local agents arej being appointed everywhere, but let each eoim inanity form a clnh at once and send for te ii,ii-r. Having The IJia Centennial Snow. We don't p.ied sii4-.-esTully through jtwooi'the hardest , . , ... f .. r.-. .. i. .i . - years we .-! iii ever see, il now challenges the wish to disgust any ot ur tiieuds, male or - . . . ,. .' . e -. J admiralion and uiiliuiited Ipi.-ort ot the pFT- temale, with the hig snow uturni by annex- ne Ti)e ,rjle js n ve.,ri iu vu of )nr ii.ir Centennial to it. It is certaiulv highly and upwards get it for S2.51H Address J no. II riir.tMblt. fithfi--u-itb i r uithont that ore- eals, Atlanta, iiA. hx. Yv the sake of Compromise, "d as a matter of record, we have to say it Com menced between 12 and 1 o'clock, A. M. Sunday tnoruing, and continued all day Suu- at- day and part of Sunday night. It was as light a eider down, ami by the measure meut of various persons, langed between 10 inches aim oue foot. The trains are huv- ing hard work t make time ; indeed they are failing to do it. T. e cuts must be till d very deep in some places, stud il will require time and labor to plow thein out. o " Patriotism, pretty girls and an earnest work er at a fire are things to be admired. We have it; the first letter of his name is Lewis. He owns one of these Hancock ' tire extinguishers and is always on the alert when there is any fire about. One morning last week before he had gotten up, he spied through his window what he tuotTto lie a fire. Out of bed he sprang, grabbed his extinguisher and away he Hew at a break neck qeed, (never once think ing of his appearance. Vi would have taken him for a mason and an !d fellow too, . for he ; had an apron before and behind,) arriving at the fire he discovered that his neighbor was only killing hogs and did not want the tire put out. He looked a little disappointed as he w It is with sadness and deep Sympathy for the bereaved familv that we" record the death of little Jinimie Sloan, eon of Satnl. A. & Sarah J. Sloan, who died Now 24th. & i f -. 1 . oi memuranous croup,; aged 7 years 9 nio's. and 10 days. His mission on earth was, in deed, a short one Iikefa shadow, no sooner come than gone. ' Yet, he performed : faithfully the little part allotted to him byjGjod. He lived in strict oUedience to his pa rents "Honoring his lather and mother." He was always gentle and kind to his little sisters, brothers and friends. At school he was never known to utter an unkind word, bat was loved by his in structor and play-mates. He had a brilliant mind and bid fair to perform a .useful part in the world but God in hU Infinite wis doni saw.best to removefliim' hence. Just betore he died he sung that sweet sons. "O. now I love Jesus." f , lie has lett behind him his dear ones who mourn for him ; but he has gone to that loving Savior to join the Angelic Choir to sing me songs oi the HceKtmed. . His Teaciieu. Pear is the spot whe, e Jinimie sleeps And sweet thesu'ajrtx wbich xneis pour. my way siion a weiu atigul u weep He not iot but gone betore. Tn TTT ... ' u. r or Ji. ill ir Liiasa. we are now t prepared to furnish ail classes &ith v.nstnt7 employiiint at home, the whole of the tiim. L or for their snare moment. Itninu L ight and profitable. Persons of Vi.htr easily earn from 50 cents to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum bv devoting thJTr Muhole time to fh- business. IJots and tsirls earn nearly as mucli as men. Tlfat all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business we make this unpar alleled offer; T sneh a runnt u-ull tied we will send ore dollar to nav for th trouble of wrftinjrj Full particulars.' sam ples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home ami Fireside, rr,e of the largest and befit Illustrated Publications, all sent free by mail. Header, if you want perniauent. profitable work address, Geo it ik Stixson & Co., Portland, Maiue. Cotton - brisk ?diuillinrs. low do A Valuable Medical Treatise. WINTER STOCK MANSION HOUSE COME AND SEE ! BUGGIES FOR SALE, All Grades & Classes. 187G. k5 TPTJX-mJLm Ij I TNT 33 Family I rocenes At Wholesale and Retail. NOW IN STORE AD ARRIVING 75 10 Ilbls. Molasses. ; do New Orleans . Syrup. do o Uags Coffee. Legs Soda. The edition for 1877 of thie sterling Medical Annual, known as 1 lost ett erf s Almanac, is now ready, and may be obtainedj free of cost, of druggists and general country dealers in all parts. of the United States ami British Amer ica, and indeed in every civ tilled jwrtion oi I ( the Western Hemisphere, jit combines, with , the soundest practical advice for the preser vation and restoration ot health, a large amount of interesting and amusing light reading, and the calendar, ! astronomical cal dilations, chronological items, &c, are pre pared with great care, ami will le found en tirely accurate. The issue if Hosteller's Al manac for 1877 will probabjy le the largest edition of a medical i work ever published in any country. The proprietors, .Messrs. Hos teller & Smith, Pittsburgh, Pav on receipt of a two cent stamp will forward a copy ly mail to" any person who cannot procure one in Ids SALliUirtE .M A 11 K Ely . Collected b'J.--M. iv.Nux fc Co. December 20, 170. 10 : stains . 89 Bacqn, exjunty, hog round 15 BtrxEit 202 Eggs 1012 CnicKKNs per do.cr. .: il.50cfif2.00 Corn .market well supplied 50 Meal, moderate demand at 60(70 Wheat good demand at 850 1.10 Flouk market stocked best fam. $;J.2. ;; suikt, 3.00 Potatoes Inrsir 75 Onions no demand 75 I,AKD-v'! j " 12i15 Hav-- ' :V40 Oats ;5$40 Beeswax '.'') 28(30 TalLow K(i47 lil.At KKKRKtKS Ci7 Aiti.ks. dried i 4(6 Suovn 1115 Coffee - 25 i.icos il10 I have, on band. Btiggi s which I wili ?ell at the lowest cash prices, and" as low. or lower than any other establishment in North Carolina, according to grade. All kiuds of repairing done, at short notice. Those wish ng any thing in my line, would do well to c tll and seer me, before puTrhasing elsewh. re as I 'am d etfff miml t- not to be outdone either in prices or quality of work in the State. Call on nv at Frank lin Academy, 4 miles N. W. of Salisbury, N. C. C. L. REEVES. J:uly, 12 6 mo. PAINTING. J. GILDER KEHNEH. House, Sign,- and Ornaraeutal PAINTING, Graiiini & Frescoii a Specialty. All letters addressed to the under i.i neigh borhoeal. Bead and Learn for Yourself. i Many valuable discoveries and much use ful knowledge is kept fnm the world, be cause of the imuteiise exjieuse in tuakint; them kii uvu to the pe.pl This is not the ease with Boschf.e'k GeUman Svui p. al- though but a- few Jew is introduced into 1 1 1 i J.' A. OLODFKLTIiR'l. tO. Wholesale and Retail Deslers in FDEMTURE Or ALL KIXD., 8p'is.l orient mule from Photographs in our e will oe snppiiea.. l Also Agents fr the Remington Sewing Machine the .most penect and light runntng Machine in the mirket. They have no rot iry cams, cog whee's or lever aims to liiake a noise, rim haid. or pet out of .order, 'e warrant every Maidiine. If tliey don't please we take them back; and return the money, i.'a'l befoie buying and see them. K : ly signed at Kemersville, N. C, will b promptly answered. Work done by contract or by the day; Satisfaction Guaranteed. Address J. GILMER KERNER, Kemersville, N. G. Centrally Situated tlio Xxx"fclio Square SALISBURY, N. C. 'IIIE HOUSE' is iu the centr of businej X aud Ei?"4iearest to the depot. Tabic as good cry tficbest. Servants attentive and polite. Board per dar -. $1 oO Singh; Meals 5r rsSpecial Contract.-, for a longer term. Omnibus to and from all train. Best Livery Stable near at hand. 25 K 10 diiz. Leinon Syrup, 50 boxes Adamantine Candles 25 liases Soap, 75 Cases Oysters , 20 cases Brandy Peaches, 20 Fresh IWhe IU " Pine Apples, Gross Snuff Coils Cotton and Jjite Rupe 40 Doz. Painted Pails. 40 Gross Flasks 1.500 lbs. Caudy 40.000 Cigars 50 Kegs Powder 50 Bas Shot 100 Reams Wrapping Paper j0 Doz. Scotch Ale . ALSO A full line of Wood and Willow Ware, Boots. Shoes, Hats. Saddles & Bridies. Axes. Gnus, Pistols, tec. tVe. Also, a large !ht of-Canned Goods, a choice selection of French Candies, Salt. Pepper, Spiee, Ginger. Koyal Baking Pow ders. I'ais'Mis. Currants. Fie. Citrons, Nns Sardiues. Coeoamits. Pickles. Sauces. Cal- s'lll. Potted Me.it. dv'ioetie. T.ttlllerS and Machine Oils.J.dquors of all k'n.ds. Arc. &c. The above Sti.ck was lioiiylit at the close of the season -at greatly n .lured pr'u es. and is offered at Wholesale S: Betail at very short nrwtits. .BIXGHAM ttCO. Salisbury, N. C, June 12, 1870. riTThe nmlersigne;! te:ulcr his thanks to many friends who hare cai'.viT .i; 1 iu; ;.l the Mansion. and assures them that no elfort shall ; be spared to make their future visits pleasant. CVriie TravelitifTPnhlie vrill always fiud ' pleasant quarters and refreshing" fa re. WM. UOWZEE. Feb. 3, l7b I7:tf - xn wad vjch tisemexts. as TATSICir CARDS alt styha with name lOcts. post paid". J.B. IIl'RTIJD, Nassau. Kens. Co.. N. Y. 4ti 4r QCfin A MONTH to Active J)JUU Letter C.p ing Book water used anip men selling our No prfs or copy worth S-'?.fM FliEEv- 8e4d-tamp f.-r eirrula'-. EXCEL SIOU M F'G. O.. Ll Madison aud 133 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 4w. : Notice. Some one stde a rabbit from B. W. Price's iFtaod the oilier dav. He wishes to inform tire chap that next tiaie he will have his eyes open and be on the lookout for hurt.. .See J. A.Clodfelter & (Vs ad. He h a wll selected stock1 of everything to be found in V firHjlass furniture store. A great variety of (brackets, wall pocket and the like. DV'ji.-We learn from the Lenoir Topic that Barbara Bernhardt, wife of M. A. Bero bardt, uf tlia ptuce, o"ieti in 1'hiladelphia, Pa. sopte days ago,of dnipsy. Her remains were ciiried t Lenoir for burial. .I- , , , . . i ,, - , country its sale How reaMnes in every town ralked home, his teeth clattering, the gravels I . .f. . ,. . , . . ' , . , . . . aud village in the U. n. Itl woiideitul su lurting his tender feet and the winds flapping .( curil(g rI1,ulu,)tin1 Vf.re Coughs. 1 his aprons. We guess the next time he wants to extinguish himself he won't take the fire distinguisher. The Wilmington 'Star says the County Com miiwioners had a meeting aud unanimously elected Urown, County Surveyor, after which Itheytooka recess. 'iah for that board but nrzt lime they meet it will bo a bad set a re Gu ruing board. f .!: . 4 4 .; . Mi . . O j " ! -. - f "Cj? die tune ti pick yourself p ; mention -moderate descriptive adjective bli.k . .. i ii . . t u"ui juur ncr fiuics; I.mik arollliil to see how inany saw- it, w alk on and think . hat i hard tiuie George Washington had about a Hundred years agiwheii he made that tramp to Cauada iu just such A no as this. Ki the earnest stlicitaticn of several friends, !e nj,te Uie following statement it is not necewary to state to what class it is applicable: f'ff lie hard ware "stoies cr.u le found nhot-gun,., lynches and flasks. Those friends j of ours are the unfortunate owners of one or more pf the alwve named articles, which thev reseldooj aLleto find in their places when wanted. i i 1 f i t i Prof. H. T.-J. Ludick. has decided t. r renuiu i (.-,v MI1(J t.,ltine jjjj,' pel,,,,,!, i U Uitetided goiog to South Carolina : 4iext yf- His school will open e.u the 31 of !' j4UUry 1877. Wre liq.e his school will be I - p i -rMeariuan a was. tuts,; and we , Mpeak for htm a liberal patronage. He i has" rivun - .. . j e vu eaiisiacuou to all since Sl'PERINTEXflF.N'T OF I.NSAXE; A citizen of Grativ lie, writing iu the Xetcs, of Dec. 24th. speaks iu high terms of the qualifica tions of Dr. Grissotu for the -"place he fills in the Insane Asylum. We believe these are generally admitted, though it is said the Doct. is a high liver, aud that some of the expenditures charged to the Asylum are verye.travgant and of doubtful utility. We t avv heard of brandy at 810 a bottle which were uot for-medical purposes, fur in stance. If the people had to pay such a price for such tu aitiele. it ought to be shown that it was really uecessary. We are in favor of retaining Dr. Grissoin unhss there is good reason for a change. But iu the latter ease his friends should uot desire his continuance. r DinO In this town. Tuesday evening last. Mr. Hugh Culverhoiise, ag-ed about 70" years. - The deceased was one of the oldest in habitants of the town. He was however only a relict of his former self, haviug been wrecked by disease both mentally and physi cally, many years ago. "And yet he was Tuot totally incapacitated for the performance of little othees. lie was fond of goiug to the Post office for. Lis friends, of carrying messages, and of sK-ial company. Was foud -jf sporting with the young, all of whom ever greeted him as uncle Hugh. He ! was kindly taken t are of ny his cluldreu. and died at last in their midst. lie was au honest, harmless man, with lutelligeuee and courage euoiigh to make a choice aud vote his sentiments at every election in a very Asthma, and all other diseases of the throat and luugs. was fiist made kuow n by distrib uting every year, for threeiyears, over 400, 000 bottles to th utH'ieAvAifreeqfch-irge, by Druggists. No snch a teist of merit was ever given bef. re to any other preparation. Could vouTik more ! Go to your Druggist. I heo. I. Ivluttz, aud get a bottle for o cents aud try it. Sample bottles 10 cents Tlieo, F. Kluttz is giviiit; axty a hand some book entitled Veafls for the Peo ple." containing much valuable information, ami many interesting articles. It a!w con tains a history of the discovery of the 'Hep atine." for diseases of the liver, dyspepsia, constipation ami indigestion. Cc.. and gives positive assurance thai wlien the Ilepatine is used it effects a perm-juetit and lastiug cure of these diseases, widji'h prevail to suh au alarming extent iu ouir eoiiutrv. Take the Heiratibe'fur all diseases of the HvefV I J. & H. E0EAH, 1, ll: ilJJ in: s HIGHEST IMS - AT XII K UNITED STATES HEADACHE. Dr. C. W. BENSON s (pELEUY and CHAMOMILE PILLS are prepared espressly to cure Sick Head ache. Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Head ache, Neuralgia. Nervousness. Sleeplessness and will cure any case. Price 50 ceuts, postage free. Sold by all druggists and country stores. - Office. 10(5 North Eutaw Street. Baltimore. Md. Reference-: G. J. LEST Eli. Cashier Howard Bank, Balti more. Md 4w. OUT SELLING 1M MENS ELY THE CENTENNIAL EXP0SIT1 DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTJ The only anujih te. richly work, .)0 pages, only entire history, grand l. hibits, eiirio ties, gr chance of KM) years t body wants this work first lour weeks, o,oi ticulars ad'lress (pi Hi p.iiAHi) Bros Philadelphia. CAUTION etC MAIN tSTHEET, SALISBURY fTnpTnntiiimi.up TmnTnTTminmmj!tit!iifni:ttiu.i All persons indebted to us are respectfully requested to settle their acCoiltltS at otl' e. atid all acooiii ts not settled by .Fauy. 10th. 1877. will be put iu the hands of au officer for collection. If yon owe us anything, we meau this notice for y'i. Dec. 1 1 7i:9 4t. ' WALTON ic ROS?. "EXAMINER OFFIUE FOR SALE. I oflVr the Ffamiifi'. Office for sale on vcrv reasonable terms Consisting if a variety of; type, enough to pririt a Weekly and Tri Weekly paper a giod Washington Press, 2-1x30 paper size, :i soletidiil slalt. ami all neces sary elfic furniture and liiture.s; everything in good working order. Reasons for selling-i-neccRsitv. J.JSTEWAUT. P. S. Will the press please notice? DA VI 12 UOUXTV IX TUE SLTERIOU COCRT ' . E. A. Hendricks, Againtt, Joseph A Hendricks. Susan Summons Rice, Caineline Sltoaf, wife of j for Relief. David Slioaf, and Louii Stoker j THE STATE OF NORTH COROLINA. Ti the Sheriff of Davie County Greeting,: You a-re hereby commanded to summon Joseph A Hendricks,' Susan Rice, David; Shoal and t'ameline Shoal and Louisa Stoker, the de fendants altove named, if they he found within your county to appear at the office of the Clerk of the SuH-rior Courtjfor the county of Davie, within twenty days after, the -seryice of thi summons on them, exclusive of the day of such 7.1 VE Jl'ST RECEIVED A LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK Most Beautiful Jewelry. We have just received. the largest and handsomest stm-k of Jewelry ever exhibited in Salisbury, ami respectfully invite public inspection. It com prises, Gobi and Silver Watches, of all kinds ; Silver Pitchers, Cups, Castors, Napkin Rings, Forks, Knives, and Spoons. The finest and most beautiful sets of Jewelry of all kinds, as Ear-drops, Breast Pins, Finger Rings. Bracelets, Seals, Lockets. &c. Ac. Ac. Also, a lot of plain Uy with us. LV I O" "t, A young man -m tjle cJt who j8 1v no meaf)fj -p"ger to these parts, is overly fond of Pm. lie went out on the street; the othci ' in seat eh of his much esteemed delicacy 'en he run against a countryman wholud fn ,Un,,t omv frieud thought wa what W., nd Ptri"Sutay he purchased it, meyhegothonjeh Wag inrorm lhat he ijd bought coon and one too that was Tery from age. He now spells coon with a K. ukMgar in hiH'n. ! ' The Oldest and Best Restorer is Found in TJsins: it. Wood' Improved Hair Restorative is unlike any other, and hjas uo eipial. The Improved has new vcgetaible tonic, proper ties; restores grey hair ti a glossy, natural color; restores fa led. dry-j harsh and falling hair; restores, drosses, gives vigor to the hair; restores hair to prematurely bald beads; removes dandruff, huuiorsj scaly eruptious; removes irritation, ilidiiugjaud scaly lrj'tiess. seavice, and answer ihe complaint, a c;opy of N article pro.luces such jwondei ful effects. Tiy it. call fof Wod'! Improved Hair Uesbirative, and don't bejjut ojf with any other article. Sold by all druggists in this place and dealers everywhere. .Trade up plied at mauiifacturers' prices; by C. A, Cook ic Co., Chicago, S(1e Agents for the fjuited States and Canadis. ami by J. F. Henry. Gurran cc Co., New York. HI SOLID GOLD RINGS. Also, agents ior the celebrated - Scliaffhainon Spectacles d&f"the finest glasses madc.53 Will sell as low as any House in the south. CAIX HERE AND GET YOCU WiTtll AD CLOCIv KEPAIRlC done promptly asusual. All work warranted 12 months. Dec. 1G. 1873. 10:tf Plantation for Sale. independent manner. Hugh." Peace to "uucle SCHOOL WnTTni? ' luesaay the of Salib UrJ. Dec 27, 7G. ThkJRe;: SeuooL. We attended an ex ainiuation f solne)f the pupils of Mr. A W. Oweu'4 free school last week an ex amination appoiuted and held without th chance uf ii-Hkiug special preparation fr a good showing, and we are pleased Ui eay the committee ef visitors decided that the school is doing much good. The pupil generally acquitted themselves well, aud to the crenlit of their t-eacher.J The public are aware of hindrances to the best progress in all free schools. Dot the least of which is irregularity ou the part' of pupils io their attendance. People do not generally Value anything very high for which they pay nothing, and it is so in the ma tter of feuding children to free schools. CoD6eqaeutly irregularity i the great evil in such schools, so tbat it ia almost impos sible to keep classes together long enough to attain the beBt results. All tb'Dgs Con sidered, Mr. Owen's school was decidedly good in its results; and we regret it "ha been A.W.OWEN. 'rineii al J suspended for lack of funds to continue it ADVICE GU ATI S. The ILin. Alexander H. Stephens sa: 'The G.loh Flower Cotigfy Syrup has proven a most valuable remedy to me." Gov. James M. Smith, of Geofgia. says: "l shalpalways use It with perfeej Confi dence, and reconmeud it to the public as a remedy whicJi will atTordj that satisfaction experienced by me and ijnine. Il exceeds eeerythiue fur coughs, colds aud obstiuate lung affections." .1 Ex-Gov. Brown, erf G. says: "He finds t'ne Globe Flower Cough iSyrup a most ex cellent remedy." j , Such endorsement by oir great and good men deserves the attention of the atHieted. Those suffering from cough, colds aud lung affections should use tke Glolte Flower Ciojgh Syrnp It ill po$itively cure eoa sumption. j For sale by Theo. F. Klutft. which will be deposited irvt he office of the Clerk of the S per ior Courtiiir saldcountyj within ten i daysfnuHihed.ueof (his sommouatnl let them take notice thai if ihvy fail to answer the said Miiijdaiiit within thai lime, the Plaintiff will apply tothe Court for the relief demanded in the coinplaiui. 4 "... Herein fail not and of. this siimmona make due return. : (iivn under my hand and seal of said Court, this i0ih dav of Nov; 187. II. B. HOWARD, C. S.C. It appearing from affidavit filed that Susan Kice, one of the defendant named in the above summons is a non-resident of this Stale, and that her place of residence is unknown. It is ordered that service of said summons be made by publication for his' successive week, in the "Carolina Watchman," a newspaper published in Saliidmrv, N. (J. h i .... ;i II. B. HOWARD, Clerk Superior Court, D.ivie County. 8:6t. pd, i - jt At the residence of Mrs SarabjF Locke, the Bride?BOther; Decl9tbbjf4the Rev. R W BdytlHlf Henry O Ltparf nd Miss SallUP Locked , : fv--. By the same,, Dec 20th,; at the residence of the bride's fther, Mr ltebt Fleming and Misa Mary C. eldest daughter of Mr J D Johnston. i I $1.50 SEML-MOSTULV Masoiiic Journal. The cheapest STRICTLY MASONiq PAPER publishetl iu the United States! Eight pa gem, thirty-two broad columns aud only $L5fl ptr year, six moaths 75 ceuts." fcJT"iieliabIe Aeents Wanted to .cauvass every Lodge in the United States, to whom the best terms trill be given. Efclose stamp aod Addes E.A.WI LSON. -g.ff - Greensboro. N.G.- t KERR CRAIGE, glttonwii at faiu, ;G E'NTE N H S A L World's Ezposition, 1876 IAS0I IWilM CABIHET ORGANS Unanimously assigned the "FIRST RANK IN Til E SEVERAL REQUISiTEB" Of such Instruments ! The MASON & HAMLIN OKGA N CO have the honor to anuounee that the orgain of their manufacture have been niiuninioiitdv asfisned "ihe FIRST HANK in the. SEV ERAL KEQUlSTrES of instruments of the class" hv the Judges at the CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION at Philadelphia. KSTfl, and are theONLY IN STUM ENTS UK Tills (JEN- EKAL CLASS AWAKDEI) Tills HANK. This is .".Iter the severest i-om petition l.y l tie lest" makers, before one of the most competent juries ever assembled. They luive also received the'. MEDAL, but, as is well known, medals of ecpial merit have beetTa warded all articles deemed worthy of recognition ; so that it will be easy for many makers to advertise lhat they have received "first medals." The differences in competing articles, and their comparative excellence, ;ire recognized ' in the Reports of ihe Jude-1, !i.ai vhh h the following is an extract : " THE MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN The Undersign! offers for sale the plan-1 CO.'s exnibit oi Keett urgans ana nar- fition which he foruierlv lived upon, lying . la oniuins snows iusli uuic ins oi me aiistury t e.neraw. ju nines ou iuccjji m mTrn nr a e? . Salisbury, coutaiuing 230 ACHES, of whieh there is about one half wo d laud, the other portion is meadow, pasture and til.ible land. Toere is on the premises a iooj dwelliua:. good' barn, and all uecessa ry out-buildings. Also a good Well aud iriuwl wnrincrs ill Veil IhII t . Apv 1erson wishing purchase land ! and thev are the ONLY on.-s 0i,-d ihU would' do well to call ou the undersigned at j nk . Thin triun.pl. was m.i unexpected tor . , ,. , rP , .;n i. . i ... K.i!t i lie the Mason A: llaiiilin ( ahii.ct Ortans have Sah.-burv. terms Mill oe mane to suit me . . , hi s 1 V a. iir iii m WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS ' 1 Use WELLS CARBOLIC TABLETS. a sure remedy for CO.UGHS. and aW .liseasea of the THIJOA r. Ll'NGS. CHEST and MUCOUS MEM IHIANE. PUT UP ONLY IN IILUE P.OXES SOLI) BY ALL DlU'Gfi ISTS. C N. CHIT TENTOX, 7 Sixth A-ventr. New York. 4:4w ATTEKTIOW ALL! GKEA'T UANlviiUP'r SALE OF JEWELiiY. On receipt of ."( cents we will send by mail, postpaid all of the following prices of jewelry, viz. I pair Gold Plated Eograved Sieeye Muttons, ohm set Gold Front Shirt Stud. I collar Mini. I WVibling Ring, 1 Roll Plate Watch Chain and 1 gent's Hose Coral Scarf Pin. We ofTer this. GREAT bargain ineredy to draw aMeiition to eur bn.-i ness. as we have all kinds of watches and jewel i y at low i'i rices. Seud for Cata logue. COLES cc CO.. 7:i."LlJroadway X. Y. city. AGENTS WANTED for the STORY of CHARLEY ROSS. Written by his father. A complete accemnt of this most Mysterious Abduction and Ex citing Search. With Fac Simile Letter and Illustratio! s. Outsells all oilier Hooks. One agent took oil orders in one day. Terms liberal. Address. .In E. PuT"J'ER 5c Co., Published, Philadelphia. 4:4w THE CLASS : viz.: Smoothness and equal distribution of tone, scope of expression, resonance and singing qual ity, freedom and quickness in action ofkevs and bellows, with thorough ness of workmanship, combined i with simplicity of action." (.sVh v by ali the Judges.) IheMasou and Ham lin Organs are thus declared to rank first, not in one or twoTtspecis only, but in the SEV EKAL KEOCISl Vi: o'l r-iu h in-tni:ner,t-, . MASOI a HA1LIN CABIJSrBT ORGANS Have been Unanimously as-g'sed the "FIRST-RANK . IN rV. SEVERAL, HEQUISITES' Of sue 1 1 1, Instruments, at J w- I u. s oi-:x rrsxiAL, is7c and : times. July 132 mos. X. HE1LIG. Sal sbury, X. C. ui.iformlv leeii .twanleil the hi'he-t bonois, ie only oi '.ii s ;i-siined this rank. Theii"'1!"-1"1"1 -r.v '! c.are.J, iiotiu uus or t" inspects oi,i. bui in the impor t ji t j ua 'ii .i- of a u organ. A Medal and (diploma has also been awarded tliein, buj in comnelllions in .America, mere u,n u- - i ... . -r. i . . a been scarcely six exeemtoiis in miMtireiu' coniiH-titions. honors and i-da!s .f Thev were awarded ilifencsi RIOTS! BOWS! MOTS! Not between the races but among Sewing Machine Companies because the world re nowned Singer Sewing Machines are greatly reduced in price for cash. We will sell lor 2o per cent les than heretofore, teen ies, oil, attachments, &c, for sale and maciiiweri cleaned, repaired or traded tor. Address all orders to WILL P.! BARKER, As't. Salisbury, N. C. Office Barker's Drug Store. - Sept. 21, 1S7G. 49:tf. Blackmer ant Henderson, Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. C j Jam; ay 1 3D .- I . FIRST MEDALS Paris 1867; Vienna 73 Miais 75; PHILADELPSli 1876, highest honor.-' e.jual value w.ie awarded all l wormy .! i cii:ntiou, s; that many makers can advertise "first tneJr als" or. hii:he.-t awaid." Comparative rauk in excellence, has been determined by the .Jil'li;e' Reports a!oti, in which the MASi'iN d HAMLIX OR GAN'S are Unanimously assigned "Th FIIST1iANK in the several requisites" of such, instrument:-, ami are the only oneg assigned this nnk. Sic Judges' Itcports, . i. . .'i r.i. 1 HIS reKUli as iioi Hiii-A ini,- ior iiiesu organs have Unioi mlv taken highest awards in such competitions, iheie being less thaft .tj'.r exception in hmflrni. of cotvjiarusons, Thev were aw arded tiist medals, ami highr est hotiois at Par s Iti7, ieima 1873. Santiago S7,r). Philadelphia Tr7(; having thus been awarded hlost hom.rs at Every World's Exposiii ii a; whic-i h-y liave com peted, and l.eis.g t!..- o..dy A n., lirart organ which ever lde.io ! at.y .i'v.imI in Europe. NEW S 1 I.I.S v it n l-i.pr eiiients ex- . i --ri-x'vil . 1 ....... ! hilotetl at I' e l.t.a I l...M.iio e.ru atanycoinpentlr.n wiTh 'o'st r.r.r- ; . a;i m.iKers or i . j '.,.at- :,ii. iv. Price rery in any Euruiiean "orl I s ( . -st; ; .' , A . . " -,j . ' ,, , -tt NEV SI'Vi.KS. Willi tmpiMveniciits. cxiuM-Td at . fowa-t ciTisi.-:el.t win. ' inateiiai anu tbe CENTENNIAL: elt r-int. new m.s-s la irr-uf va- Workmaoi.ip. i an5- d.i f.r cash or ID !3!?rr:.: r!1, .ti lim...ts: o'r ie,.i. d in ,i! rent pays. Etery lnstf!tm5i.ts.' or rented nntil rent pays. Dnry Or- j 0rqnn tvarrantea to j r Uafetmr..-h.iri,- THE mom kv Kr.rvsvrn. ILI.US- j re ! enson-ih.- p. TKATED C.VTALO.it ES rxA trtf . s-inded. 111.' si a. i MASON t. HAMLIN OR(,AN Ci).-1M Tremont , e, nd have thus hern w';M''lt at Every KorldV .Kxpoition at wliich ?"jy have been exhibited; being the ONIY AKTEHICxiri ORGANS which have ever obtained AXY AlVAKI) , i'tire satisfttctkrn 10 ,i.-t r I-' the uioio y r i i a l i,'; i i f, kvut S' Adams direct. Clilja;To 1 ftrn-c' LoiJon: H.e-kr s"f ! tins Tpet. McMvi M AS rv A- 1 1 M I. r N t UK A N CO. 1 t:i ;L ' Tremni! Strtet. l-v-t; I'tdcn pisre, Voik; H) and ..t..i.u j-;nn, i.icao. Y

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