! 1XTV.T.V"..T':""11 r-nr Ti Kilo" it V ft .1: VOL. VinTHiaD SERIES. SALISBURY, IT, G., JANTJAEY, 4, 1877. 1ft) - Rill jcblub Wnat4, ' j BRUNER, Ed. and Prop ' , I ! ' kbRUNER. Associate Ed. t BCBSCRIPTIOX RATES I - i . . t PrfTear, payable In adtance,.... .......... t3 00 six months,... ...J..., l ' -i M " ADTERTI8l?0 BATES ; --.'::i-t:- . ' i ' One Inch, one pnbllcas on, ... i $100 " two pxibUeatlona, .... 1 60 r Contract rates jor montna or a rear. . - ONLY A .COUNTBr GIRL. 'I ,: : 0 .ys , I II,-.'- -. .-( . i BY JAMES LESTER. . - "You are mietaken : I would rather - f - ie tban to marry a jmcre coantry girl." But, Fred, suppose ber intelligent, foil rf natarat poetry, tenderhearted, graceful, unJpoiled by admiration a gtiiless, simple, loiog creature V "Q," said Fred, Inghing,' "choice se lection ; of vlrtuo and grace. Country beauties are always sweet, and so are country cows. No,1 1 tell you if she was as lovely as an angel, with the b6t sense in (lie world, still if unskilled in IiU-rature and music, Wttn no soul above churns, and knitting tidedlea I would cot marry ber for a fortnne." "Ha, ha !" laughed Helen Irvinjr. Hidden by the trunk of a tree, eIia sat reading within a few! feet of the egotist. In another moment the young lady came in sight;- J? red's face crimsoned, he wliicpered jnlvif ible trepidation, "do jori! think she heard me V f'Nor rejoined the other audibly, "She . ! has Rot even looked. from her book. You are" safe. : " . ; 1 Leaning ou one jliite arm, the old oak. tree in the background, flowers strewed around her, she, sat quite at ease appar ently ; uriconscious that two handsome young men were near her. ' Approaching with a low bow, upon hich bis mirror hall set the stamp of faultless elegance, Fredric Lane took tbe Jiberty of askinj if the young lndy would inform him wbeie Mr. Irviag liv- ed ? - I ' With in innocent smile the young lady looked up. "MrT" Irving; the only one -lliving in the village, is ray fat her, 'L she said rieing in a gn.cefnl and charming ' manner. "The large houie on higji ground half hidden by trees and thick shrubbery, there is inhere we live." Fred replied wi h a very graceful bow. " - "Tell your father that I will do rayelf ine nonor io can on una io-iuoirw. ... ; ! J: . P.. - will -remember me-Kfc rcueric Lane, at at your service." v... I uriti iti - n..i.. toochiiig her sleeves around her pretty arms, and making ra iher a formal courle- sy. ' I hen, Catching np her books and gatiiertiig the scatterea nowers eiie , - . . . ' i . - hur- rird home.' ' "Now, father, mother, annt and sii," exclaimed the merry girl bouncing- into -the room where' the family were at snp jer, so sure as you live, that Mr." Lane you spoke so much about is in the village. He will call here to-morrow, the finest speciment of a city beau, as of course, he will be, all sentiment, faultless in kid and dickey important and self assured as one of the kind can possibly be. Promise me all of yoa, that you will not lisp one - word about music, reading and writing in his presence,, because I have a plan. "X aihep will poi l Know, ana it you, sis, will be quiet and nsk no questions. I will give you that work-box you have coveted so long "Whyotv that condition, I'll be as still , as, a mouse, but what's the reason ?" "Ohi that's - my own busiaess," said IIelen, dancing out of the room . p mm m. Helen iat At the open window, where roits lurusi iiicir Diusuinj nuat making Dttu snaae ana sweei iragrauce. t tie tragrance. -canary overhea.d burst in wild snatches of gl en was at work on hi torth every moment oiious muic. tiel rig blue stockings, nearly finisliedii and her fingers flew like snow1 birds. ; "tou knit most admirably; are von . . i. . i . fond of it I "Yesr quite I like thing else that isL I well."' j'v' it better th in any mean I can churn m "nd do you -red much?" Fred's glance had traveled item the corners of bis eyes' to every table, shelf and corner, in search, of books and papers, but not a page, yellow or red, repaid his search." "Uhyes." said lieien, with a suucti lied air: "Vhat bonks ? permit me to ask i "I -read the liible a good deal," she eajd gravely "Is that all? "All 1 of course not f yet what do j ou not find in the Bible eloquence, romance. History, poetry, the most thrilling lathos ; . blnshing and recollectinsr her self, she added iu a wanner as childish us it had before been d gnified : s what I "As for have got other books, let me sic in my library ; th re s the Primmer, counttnjf cm' her 1 nn Second Clast Reader, Cobbinsou Crusoe, Nursery Tales, two ojr jhree eemcuts of something, Bio graphy of pome person or other, Mother's Magazine, 'aud King V illiain I II. There, isn t that'.a good ass or Fred smiled.; ' ' tmeut 1" "Perhaps T d hot know as much as those who Jiave been to school more," she added, a 3 if disa pDomtment at the route rejftinder ;'but 4iii making bread, churmng tidttery and keeping house, I am oVtJteouidoue; The young man felt more in pity than luloYei: bat hit Visits did not always so 3 "e began to feel a magnetic at racuon-and lie mainly attributed it to HelenY beauty ; but the truth is. her eetness and artless character, engaging manner auoTdispositioij, quite won, tbe lc"y Wed aristocrat, Fred Lane. There ru freshnesi aboa everything she said or did. She perplexed as well as delighted hira. Ofteus he was wondering bow some omely expression would be received in society, some beautiful sentiment would suddeuly drop like a pearl from her lips; as remarkable or originality as for bril liancy, v - i :- "If I should fall into the snare1" thought he. "I caa educate her ; it will be worth trying." . It is useless to combat the tender pas; sion ; so at last he -fell at Helen's feet", figuratively speaking and confessed ibis love for ber. ' : ul cafe not, Helen, only be mine," -was bis invariable answer ta her declaration of unworthiness, "how you would appear in society.". ; . They were married, bad. returned froth, their wedding tour, as yet, at the expira tion of their honey-moon, Fred was more in love than ever. At a grand enter'.aiu meat given by the relatives of the bride groom, Helen looked still, more beautiful. Her husband did not insist that she should depart from simplicity, and indeed in the absence of all jewelry in her simply white robe she was by far the most lovely crea- ture in the room. As she entered the great saloon blazing with light, her heart faltered. "Shall I love him as dearly," she ask cd herself, if I find he is ashamed of met 1 can't bear the thought ; buL should he oveicome all conventional notions, then I have a husband to be honored, audhe shall be proud of his wife." How she watched him as he presented her to another. " "Simple," whispered a magnificent girl resplendent with diamonds, ehe curled her lip?, and passed by. The observation es- business. Some of these people are run caped neither Helen nor her husband, ning a ehinsle mill, and report ad excel- bhe looked at bun. He smiled, and drew lent home market. 1 he boulherners, es her. closer to' his side. Many in that pecially the ex-rebels, are very friendly brilliant gathering pitied poor Fred, and and anxious for Northern immigration. wondered how he had martyred himself on the shrine of ignorant rusticity. The young bride stood near her, hus- band, talking in a low tone, when a new comer appeared. She was a beautiful, slightly-formed creature, with haughty f. eatures. Ill-concealed scorn lurked in the brilliant eyes whenever she glanced at Helen. Once sue had held sway over the heart ef Fred, and hearing whom he had married, she fancied her lime had como. "Do yon suppose i she knows anything?" whispered a low voice. lleleu's eyes sparkled ; her face flash ed indignantly. He was gone at a dis tance with a fiiencK "Do you play, Mrs. V asked the hanglily belle. There was a mocking tone in her voice. "A little," answered Helen, her cheeks blushing. "And sing 1" "A little," was the half reply. "Then do us a favor," exclaimed Miss Soruers, looking askance at her compan ions. "Come, I myself-will lead you to the piano Uaik! whose masterly touch? In stantly was the half spoken sentence ar rested : the cold ear and head-were turned in liwti-iiiiiir siirririfif. Sm-li meledv ! such breadib. deuth and vigorous tones. Who is she ! She plays tike n angel ! "Who can she " She turned from tlte Piano, and the unknown was his wife "How well he talks ! Who would have thoutrht it ? He has found a treas- ure,'' was whispered all around the room "Tell me," said he, when thev were alone, "what dea this mean ? I teel like j one awakened from a dream. ,! "Only a countrv girl," said Helen, then foldf-fPui her husbaud's arms, she added, "I am that little rustic that you had rather die than wed. LOCAL EMIGRATION TO NORTH CAROLINA. Our agency is encouraged bv the fol lowing article taken from ihe Springfield (Mass.,) Republican, of November JJitb, 1876. Consider how the leaven is work- iug. and our age.ncy is beginning to real ize the vast proportions ol its future work. The pinaeers were sent on, aud their re ports being favorahlf, crowds now follow to Western rorlh Larolina. The plans which have for some time been maturing for planting a Western MusxachuneUs colour in North Carolina are about completed, aud the first install ment of colonists, numbering some 12 fomiliiwiil start about the first week in IlMfpmlipr Sn-ne 100 more arc expected to follow. Four or five families are going fmm this eitv. some from Chiconee, four fromNatick. and four , young men go from Northampton to engage in stock- raisins The nresent intention f the . 0. r managers is to locate iu Burke county, di rectly on the line of the Western North Carolina railroad, and to build up a Vnrtliprn village about seven miles East AWBHV...- o " tit Monrantoh. The colony has, the re- fasal of a tract of 24,000 acres in a body, of which U,000 acres is very heavy white nin limhera at S2.50 per acre. It is ihpir intention to clear up a portion of the u ... w f . - - a a forest, and engage both in miscellaneous valuable property is about to be worked farming and lumbering. It is hoped to ou a large scale by a company of North take along machinery for saw, plain- ern capitalists, i Crossing the Cataw ba ing and shingle mills, and eventually to river, ibis same rich vein is traced, and 8bip pine lumber to New York. The it has been worked to some extent since freight is $15 on 100 feet from Morgan- 1829. At this point is located the famous ton to New York, but the quality is so King's Mountain Maine, from which gold far superior to that now in market, that to the extent of $2,000,000 has been ex it is believed a good business can be built traded, as appears from the records of the up. The region is believed to be rich in United States Mint at Charlotte and Phila uudeveloped minerals, but these do not delphia. Though not as rich as some others, enter into the present calculations of the the ore here is inexhaustable in quantity, colonists. The Northampton men have measuring thirty feet in thickness. Tel already rented stock f'range" of 23,000 lurium ores have been found in this miue, acres of Mai; Wilson, of Morgan ton, an ex-confederate soldier, dier, said to own lUOrI 000 acres, and will engage in raising cat tie sheep and mules. Cattle can live out- n(.Annr 1 winter, as the ground never i freezes enough to prevent plowing, and snow never lies on more than a day. New-milch cows, in that region sell for about S20, a yoke of steers old enough to work for $75, and horses and mule from $ 100 upward. Butter is . quoted at 12 cents, eggs 12 cents, chickens 15 cents apiece, pigs $1 each, and saddle of venison $1. The state of society is reported good, and Northern men who went out, four years ago, say they have never met with any trouble on Account of their political principles. Indeed, the Yankees find their best friends among the former secessionists. ; Chances to take farms are very plenty, on the most advaa tageous terms. An instance of this is seen io the case of an up-river tobacco-farmer, who lost everything in the panic of 73, and went to Salisbury, N. C, the same year, with hardly monpy enough to pay bis freight bills. Hiring a little place on the edge of the town, he bought a cow and began selling milk about the village, in Ne.wJCnglattd; fashion, a thing unheard of in that land. Then he bought stand ing wood, cut it and peddled it another innovation and So kept on for two years, getting out of debt and making money, till an old planter, who had watched -the Franklin county hoy withgreat admira tion, came and offered to lease him his homestead of 100 acres on his owu terms. The Yankee accepted the offer, and both are making money. Hundreds of planters in that section would be only too, glad to rent their farms to New England men of like enterprise. Another party who went from Wilbraham and vicinity, some four years since and settled on the line of the Nrth Carolina and Atlantic road, near Goldsboro, are very enthusiastic in praise of the climate,, people and chancesi for J one of the party ever heeitated to avow their Republican principles, nor were ihey ever molested or frowned on there- for. Plenty of old plantations can be bought for almost a song. One of 100 acres, 500 heavy timber, with a nice house, bat a tew miles from Uolusboro, was lately sold for $3,000, and others can be had at similar i rates. The reason is, that the people tbere have no money, and Northern capitalists are as yet afraid to invest. Springfield Republican. The Republican has overdrawn this picture in one point, at least, i. e., when it says "the ground uever freezes enough to prevent plowing, and snow never lies on it more than a day." This is too mild (or t in latitude and Mor?anton is about 80 miles farther j West. It is true we often have very mild winters, bat geaer ally it exceeds iu severity the Republi can's idea, and it is always, necessary to afford protection to stock duting winter if we desire to keep tbem iu good order. RICH SOUTHERN MIKING DIS TRICTS- GEORGIA AND NORTH CAROLINA THE NEW ELDO RADO. A special correspondent of the Phila delphia Press writing to that paper from thu city under date of December 6th, gives the following interesting informa tion concerning the mining districts of this Stale and Georgia. He says : The mining districts of North Carolina and Georgia are again attracting attention. Since 1847 the gold discoveries in Cali lornia nave caused these oouuiern mines is n l to be neglected Or abandoned altogether, and, still later, th; rebellion drove away Northern capital aud retarded develop ments. 1 he return of peace has set the army ot prospectors and miners aga: i i ii ii iu motion, and over tue runs aud uowa deep iu the valleys of Georgia and the Carolina the pick of the miner is beard in quest ot the glittering gold. 1 he Centeiini.il has done much towards bringing these rich mineral deposits to the knowledge ot scientific raeu and capita lists from the Pacific coast. After a criti cal investigation these gentlemen have given it as their ; deliberate verdict that Northern Georgia and Western North Carolina are rich in gold and silver, to sav nothing of other minerals in which they abound, ear L.ii.Ioufga, U-eorgi. more than bU stamp onus are now in op eration, and thero are several others iu While and Hare counties in the same slate, in addition is mere mere tie many miners engaged iu vein workings, j from which they often realize as much as S12 pr day. Silver ore, assay $70 per ton, is being miued near GaiusviIIt; Geor gia, but the neighborhood of Charlotte, North Carolina is, just now, monopolizing the most attention, where rich and con tinuous viens of gold and silver-bearing quartz are now being worked on an extensive scale. In this district are found the famous Capps Mine and McGinn Mine. As far back as 1S53 the latter was worked by an English company, some ot tue ore yieining sixty-one p?r I cent in tnetalic copper. I learn that this I and to experts this is an infallible sign ot "richness." Another good sign in tue King's Mountain Maine is that the ore is richer as ihe shaft descends. It is now being worked at a depth of 200 feet, but good jadgea, like Dr. Gentbj of PbiU- phia, believe that a depth of 1,500 feet marvellous wealth lies hiden. r' 5 e,!.n.W 10 Jee. ,a?e8t. found on tlus continent, with the single exception of the Bonauz vein at Virginia City, Navada. fl he adrantages offered for investments In this district are not excelled anywhere, and capitalists con templating embarking til this profitable enterprise should consult Professor Geoth, f the University of Pennsylvania, in your city. He jsi.heroughly familiar with the mineral resource! ot North Caro lina, and can furbish valuable assistance iq the selection of properties for mining purposes. I CLARK. SUPPOSE HAMPTON ARRESTED! ft-.". . T . f I' ' -in .f A Northern Yiho qfXlM Absurdity p Chambertain's force Bill. :4 From the few York Herald. The. Chamberlain government in South Carolina seems to be doing its best to provoke an outbreak, but is not likely to succeed, intention There is a rumor that it is the ot tvovernoF Uhambei lain to cause me aii cat vi ucu. iiiiuuiuii va I , c . , r- , . charge ot treason, and our special report indicates that in case the attempt should be made by any force other than that of Uuited States troops it would be resisted- The Mac-key House has passed a law de- daring lhat any persons setting up a gov. D. . Jmin tn ua . !, ernmenl r claiming to be a government against the legally elected government of the State, shall be adjudged guilty of treason, and imposing very heavy penal ties in fine and imprisonment. All who aid or abet iu the offence are subjected to similar punishment. But such a law, or tbe arrest of Geni Hampton with or with out such a law,' would be futile. The question would still remain, Which is (he regular and legally elected government ? The Stale courts alone can decide this, nlces the Slate is put under the military rule of the United States. Suppose Gen. Hampton should be arrested? He would be taken before the courts on a writ of habeas corpus and released. There would be no necessity 'for forcible resis tance. buppose the Mackey House law should be passed by the Senate and signed by the Governor ? Tbe courts would pronounce it waste paper and no law at all. It is true the Mackey House and governor (chamberlain threaten te turn out the judgts of the Supreme Court and put in creatures of their own, but t Win would excite such general indigna- tion that it could scarely be earned out. l ha tin of March next would terminate tbe outrage if Governor Hayes should theu be in the Presidential chair. The friends of General Hampton have only to keep the peace under any and all circum stances, and to let the law take its course. Admirable Behavior of the Southern Leaders Will President Urant Recognize It 1 lt can no longer be said that tbe rep resentativs men of the South are Bourbons if that name implies men who "forget nothing and learn otliing. ' No politi cal leaders ever evinced a better aptitade for profiting by experience. 1 he wisdom moderation and loyalty of the Southern members of Congress and Other exponents of Southern opinion iu this critical and exciting conjuncture ought to be met in a similar spirit by ihe President and by all good citizens. VYe atnbute this praise worthy attitude to the manliness of the Southern. character, which his always scorned trick, subtnfuge and bluster After Presideut Lincoln's election they dis dained to cripple his administration by political manoeuvres as they might easily have aoue wild a aemocratie majority iu both homes of Congress. Instead of this ihey withdrew their Senators and Repre sentatives, reducing their friends, thedem ocrats, to a minority, and leaving tho re publicans in loll possession ot the gov ernment. Ihey could not compromise their character 'for sincerity. Having determined to secede they took their measures boldly and relinquished the ad- varta-cs thev nospHfri tor thwarlin? Mr. L.ncoln bv adverse le-islalion. As , D fuiaii as their inilitMrv nnwur waa broken hv the fall of Richmond thev nromntlv acceuted the situation, makinL' no attempt to prolong the contest by a guerilla war, which would have caused the North grrat troubla, expense aud exhaustion Alter a mauly fight they made a manly suboiissiou. Not k sword has been lifted nor a musket discharged against the fed eral government : since, notwithstanding provocations trying to the temper of free men. 1 heir creditable bearing in this crisis is, therefore lu Keeping wilh lue character for directness and sincerity which thev have maintained through out our civil troubles. Xe:c York Her ald. Thicves' Overtaken. We have information to the effect that the man who stole? Stewart's mules was followed by him into Lancaster county, S. C, and found j in tne house of two white men, ami the mules in the stables belonging to the while men. The negro who stole the mules made his escape, be ing aided -by the! white men in whose houee he was stopping, and under tbe same roof with the white men. It is sus pected and believed that the headquarters of the horse thieves have been found, and proper steps have; been taken for the cap ture of the white men alluded to as well as the negro. The mules belonging to the negroes that bad been traded for Stewart's males were turned over by Mr. Stewart to parties to convey to their owners in Lancaster county.- Charlotte Observer: A COMMITTEE EN ROUTE. Messrs. W. O. Troy, of Cumberland, and 1. F. Dortch, of W on the part of tne Sen ayne, committee part of the Senate, and CJ. M. Rose, of Cumberland, one of the commit tee on the part of the House to investi gate the affairs of the Western North Carolina Railroad and of the Western Insane Asylum as wel,. arrived in this city last evening, en route to the scenes of their investigation. They leave at noon to-day and will be met at Salisbury to-night by J. S. Henderatn, Essf, of Kowan, and up the road by G. W. Spake, Esq., of Jackson, who make out the com mittee of two on the part of the Senate, and three on the part of the House. These gentlemen arc not greatly taken with the idea of spending their Christmas holidays away from home, but the State demands it of them and they very cheerfally as- sent. Ital. News. ...We. regret that these gentlemen will be deprived of much of the pleasure shared by almost every body during the Christ mas bollidajs, and trust they will find tnetr remuneration in toe consciousness of duty well performed. They have a highly responsible duty entrusted to them, j . . . and it may require patient investigation ,. ... . to atecnage it taitutuiiy. l he Estate is por and badly in debt, and the Western N, C. R. R. properly mannged will be one of lbe mean8 of relieviog her. If .it , . , . ,. . . , , , n. should fall into the hands of a "Ring," euch aB liave heretofore managed Rail Roads in this State, it will be made the means of robbing the State and still furth er embarrassing her financial condition. W e have no doubt the Committee are duly impressed with the importance of the work in hand, and possess the patri otism to keep the interest of the State primarily and constantly in view. If our State shall keep pace with the improve ments of the age her representatives must carefully protect her R. R. intereets against scheming vampires. JUDGE FOWLE ON THE PRESI DENTIAL PROBLEM. 1 he last train yesterday morning brought to this town Judge Fowle of Ralsigb, on his way home from Washing- ton, wuere he had been summoned by a i i i tt Senate Committee to be interviewed touching the reported ineligibility of Mr. Glenn, one of the Tilden electors from this State. It seems, however, that Chau- dler, Morton Iz Co., had become thorough- y satisfied lhat there was no foundation for the report, and the sabject had been dismissed long before the Judge arrived at Washington. Judge Fowle is of the opinion lhat our prospects have brightened very much witkin tbe past week, and that, indeed, Gov. Tilden's prospects improve with each day. He relates conversations which he had with a number of leading Demo cratic and Republican Congressmen and others of prominence, and comes to the conclusion that the reporis from the sev- eral Congressional Committees now in the three disputed States will quietly settle the saatter. Our Democratic friends ia Washington he represents to be very hopeful that Tilden and Hendricks will both be inau gurated. L hey are in no mood to iur render the honestly gained victory, yet counsel nothing like revolutionary meae ures. They believe that Tilden and Hen dricks have been fairly and legally elect ed by much more than the necessary ma jority in the electoral college, and will use ail available Constitutional means to secure mem tue possession oi tue oi- .1 .1 JSr r . I r fices. The Democrats feel confident that the result of the investigations now going on in Louisiana and Florida will give both these plates to J llden sad Hendricks on tbe fiaal count. The manly letter frosa Gsn. Francis C. Birlow, one of the most thoroughgoing of the Republicans sent down to inspect the result in Florida, leaves no doubt that the Tilden electors were lawfully chosen iu that State. The letter has encouraged the Democrats, while the Republicans feel corresponding- I J urpuuuutm. 1 i Judge r owle thinks that H the. result of the Investigating Commit- the part of the Returning Boards, many of the more honest Republicans would join the Democrats ia declaring 'I'll J I. ham are more independent thiakers on the Repuh lican side than would be imagined. Goldsboro Messenger. Sale of Bonds- A Good, Slwwing for f. 7.J1- Charlotte. At the conrt house door, on Wednes day, at 12 o'clock, C. F. Harrison, City Auctioneer, sold four S10O bonds of tho city of Charlotte, bearing 6 per cent. interest, aud due 1S76, for 90j cents on the dollar. A $500 North Carolina State bond, issued in' 185S. for the construction of the Western North Carolina railroad, and dae in 187S,-and bearing 6 per cent. interest, brought only fcou (ten cents on the dollar); the sale of the latter, was, however, withdrawn. Ibis is not much of a showing f.r our State, but a very re markable one for the city. From all that we can leirn, there is no city in the South which can equal us in this respect. Our city debt is smaller, in proportion to its size, than that of any city in the estate by at least one half, if we remember correct' ly, and less than the debt of auy South ern city of whose business we have auy (knowledge Charlotte Observer. None but the eye of Omniscience can pass a fair and just judgment on the ' is sues of life. Our unfruitfulness is greaf, our sins greater, but uoa s mercies great- er than both. - Death of the Grand "' "Niece q f t)ankt Boone. Mrs. Jermima Setzer, whoso ,gran4 father was a brother of DaaieT" Boone, died last Saturday night,' at her residence near Lenoir. She was i ninety-one 'ears old, was a woman jl unusual strength, of intellect and character, and Avs noted also for her goodness of heart. She. was never out of the county in which she was born and raised?1 She' is the last 'of a long liue of our oldest j citixeoSv -Lenoir Convicts Sent to the Wcstern N! Cl 'Bafc road." 1 -'-'I'- -'.' Yesterday morning 50 additional con victs were sent out undef a sufficient guard for tbe work on the Western North Carolina Railroad. Three from Sampson and two from Cumberland, just arrived at the penitentiary"' yesterday morning,' wero not pat in their cells at all, but bad no sooner donned their striped suits than they were sent right off with the party. llal. News. Look Out. We understand that a great number of those persons indicted for failure to take out license and list purchases, failed at last term of court to renew thetr bonds, and are now liable for the additional costs of a scifa on their old bonds. Wo are authorized to say that all who pay $2 92 between now and the 1st of January next, will be discharged without further cost aud the cases will be put off the docket. The 2 92 may he paid to the clerk or sheriff.-Jfai; News. THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. He who does not appreciate floral bean- ty is to be pitied like a man who is born imperfect. It is a misfortuuu not unlike! blindness. When one cau look upon the simple wild rose aud fetd no pleasure bis tasfce has been corrupted Even a very common flower adds generosity lo beauty. It gives joy to the poor and to the multi tudes who could have no share of the iture to charge a puce for her blossoms. We confess to a homely enthusiasm for red clever. It holds up its round. ruddy face and honest bead with such rustic iunocence ! Do you ever see it without thinking of a sensible, sanbrown ed and fearless country lass ? Wfc -go through a field of clover like Solomon iu ardeu of spices. There is the mullien, with its velvet leaves', growing cheerfully out ot abandoned sous, but usually leit. like a decayed old gentleman, to a good natured pity. The flowers of our child hood, the buttercups, the burdock, the marigold and the morning-glories are like homely people with noble hearts, beaut i lul by association. 'lo'ers nave an expression; some seem to smile; same look sad; 6ome are pensive and diffident; others are plain, honest and apright, like the broad faced sunflower and the hollyhock. What a pity they can utter no sound ! Imagine a singing rose, a whispering violet, murmuring honey-suckle Uh, what rare ana exquisuo melody this would ii t bs. It lakes money for fine linen, and money fur a costly sepulvhre ; but (lowers the poorest may have. If one cannot give a stone to mark a burial place, a rose may stand there, and though it may fade, it wilt come again, year by year, Thus flowers are messengers of affoction, presents of beauty, of universal accept a nee, tokens of remembrance, and" in them we may all recognize a brief and transient brotherhood. les, "riowers have an expression a language and the young man who, on reading tke above should take a strong fancy to the red clover blossom, and in tho nunc innocence of his soul, present one of them to his sweet heart and afterwards find out lhat the "language" of that flow er was something like this "as ugly as the devil" would be very careful how I to put in his next appearance at his girl's house. ThosB-jwho give flowers to sweet hearts, should know their language, or else disclaim all knowledge of it, in order to be on the safe side. She Wouldn't Speak to Him. When a oung Chicago man came he reineni- down stairs the other morning bered that Lis wife, who was preparing breakfast, had not spoken to him when she got up, so he said cheerfully : "Good I mnprilnrv littla 1 a A r ' lajvs i u ii gj iibitu aiA Not a word came in reply. , "Good morning," said he again, in a higher key, thinking she might not have heard hira before. "Um 'm 'm" was all that escaped from her sealed lips, as she kept on with her work. 'Why under the eun don't you answer me?'' he exclaimed iu surprise. "What's the matter? Whit have I done to offend you?" "Urn 'm 'm," was still the only sound elicited,. "Look beie !" then exclaimed the bus- band, as he jumped up and knocked over a cup of coffee; "I dou t swallow a mouth iui oi tuts oreaRiast cntu you tell me what's the matter." "What's the matter ?" echoed she, sud- J l.- ; i t ' w t , eyes. And hen she continued : aeniv turning UDon Dim wrn nasinno- "John Adell Smithson,ihe next time that I dream I see you kissing another wo- man, l ll, will leave this house boo I n00 j" j The tax payers of South Carolina are rlflpt iniiicd unl trt nav a ppnt n f irilmtf. ia - - ..... - t J - ...W1.W . V ' tho Chambctlaiu usurpation. " STEPHENS AND THEa FLAG . Special to the Chicago TimecJ ..'. ' Washington, Dec. 13. 'Oft! Speaks er !"irang: out a shrill, bigb-pitched yorceuil above the din and clamor of tbe early opening of to-day's session of the House, .Mr, Randall turned toward Alexander II. " Stephlns'VUh a prompt courtesy, in an swer to tbe shrill voice, and sauTr Tbe gentleman from Georgia." Every one turned at , once toward the black-eyed ghost of a man sitting so quietly buried ia hi overcoat, with a silk hat of several winters perched, rakishly upon his wiao , i looking head. Mr.'Stephens moved hi skeleton tight hand, encased in a brown cotton, glove, as she sid : "I have a reso lution! that I desire to send up to ther 1 cletk'i ddkjj-a resolution, which I de sire to have read and put upon ' its pas- sage, An awful silence fell upon the house assembly. ; Perhaps the Georgia ghost had evolved some new scheme for saving; the country, and every -one craned bis neck and carefully crooked bis ears as tils' clerk began to read. Stephens mean while remaining grim ind impassive The clerk read, and then every one smil ed a sulky- smile bf disappointment. It was a resolution declaring that Mr. Job a Chaancy should be paid $3.50 a day for performing the arduous task of hoisting' : the American flag every day upon the house side. Chauncy's pay has beea stopped on account of the exhaustion of the special appropiiation; hence this, reso lotion. It was passed. Said one mem ber in a whisper toiHriend : "Can you doubt that the South is reconstructed when the exVice President of the South ern Confederacy appears here asking pay for tho jnan whose sole duty it ia to propel on high the gay American ag, where it can flaunt its gaudy face in the morning breeze 7" Alexander HSteph ena gave a sigh of relief as the resolution passed. "Dick !'' he called out in a testy ai l f . whisper, iv Duney negro camo irom iuo cloak room and gajhered up Stephens in hU bin ley arms, carried htm out to a light- n valid chair where two etout servants .i ft i i seized upon me ijeorgia guost, ptacea lim on a level with their shoulders, aud. bore him from the hall. It was Mr. Stephens' first legislative act In the forty- four ih congress. Important Arrest. Night before last about 1 o'clock, Mr.. J. M. K-ndiiek arrested a negro man who called himself Adolpbus Dinkins,. but who is known in this city as Hum phries Davidson, upon the charge of hav- ng committed the rape on Mrs. Beatty, ast August. Davidson has been 8U3" pected f r some time but has managed to elude arrest until now. He was arrested at ihe house-of Mr. Kell, in lower Meck lenburg, and is said lo have just como from Sautuc ia South Carolina, where he- is accused of having committed a crime of the same character, upon the person of a white lady ther, and which he has con fessed. Our informant eeerra to think that he is the brute who committed tbe horrible crime upon Mrs". Beatty, and that lady it is said will visit him iu jail to day, for the purpose of identifying him. Char lotte Observer. HORSE STEALING. The amount of horse stealing which has been going on throughout this section of country during the last week' or ten days, is positively alarming, and com pels ihe belief that thero is a band of ne groes regularly organized for the purpose of committing these thefts, aud that they aid each other in making their escapes. Within the last several days there, have been four stolen horses recovered in this city, but thus far only one of the thieves have been caught. " In every instance; except one, tbey havo managed to trade the stolen horses off for others which tbey sell and then depart. On Monday evening while Mr. A. M. Stewart was at supper two valuable mules were stolen from his stable. Tho next day hewas in the cit) and found them bitched to a cotton wagon, belonging to two negroes, named lespectively R. D. Mobley and Joseph Tilman, and ropre senting themselves to bo from South Carolina. 'They were arrested but proved lhat they had traded for them from a pars ty the night before, who from the descrip tion appears to be a well known negro in Sharon township, who has not been heard of since. On Friday night tbe. 8tb, Mr. R. L. Simpson, of this county had a horse sto- i' len from a back lot in the city, and- in a 1 few days afterwards found it at the house of a negio who said that be "picked up' the horse on the big road, lie was not arrested. About two weeks ago Mr. M. B. Big ham, of Providence township also lost a horse which disappeared from his stable. and Tuesday he found him in possession of two men from Iredell, who proved that they had purchased the horst from a ne- gro a short time after the theft is said to have been committed. Tuesday a pany trom Lancaster, iden tified a valuable horse which bad been ; stolen a short time before, in the- posses ' sion of a negro by the name ol Jiuv E3- j wards, who proved that he bad bought j him from another negro by tbe name of Jesse Thompson for the sum of $15. Thompsou was arieatcd aud lodged 'ia' jail. I It is well known that there is a large ! number of negroes in the city who have no visible means of support and who live 1 entirely on what they ran' steal. Last year they practiced highway robbery and5 sneak thieving, and thlyer they bar la.krn to l.nrse M. aliug. Theoulv mrat.ai iat oui cooiu.a..d lor pieveniingibw. is J j rigid enforcement oi the vagrant law - Chur. Observer. . t v 1 -jfi Si -1 i t I i