- Carolink Watchman, JANUA11Y i, 1877. 0 l A Persons making remittances for k$L. 1 U the IVacAaw should send 2.10 to pay fr a year 1 0 eta. tQ pay postage fNtwr OuLEiss, leC. 89. KelUgg ha barricaded thje State House, and assumes the rigfe to control all approaches there to. Western 21. 1!. It is rumored that the Committee sent io investigate the roan Road, fupnd matters re- agement of this latin? to it in rather bad condition, and that the intereetj of the State may rerjnire Terjr thorough treatment. The Committee Uure potfyet reported but wilL do so as poqn as tlrey cm arrange the facts which they have to laj before the General- As sembly. Thnee beet acqnaintecLwith the history of the late Win! Mesimer, attach rery little value to much of hia published con fession; but as he m gona it is hardly proper to assail 1 it, except so far as it related to others yet living. Mr. Karnes, for instance, depies thaL Mesimer ever won of him the. large sum of money be t .1 . .. said he did. H Le stoic mouey, papers nd property from Kearnes amounting to about $2,)00, arid it" was for this offense be .was sent to til Penitentiary. " A bloody; row ' occurred near, Fayette ville, phrttmaa eve. rcsnltinsr in' the death of a' white man named Kennedy. A nezro uemoc rat had been repeatedly threatened by radical of his own color, and on the" evening mentioned, sprang upon feimdfrom-an ambuscade as he was passing the road in company with some white men, who joined him in resistance. A terriblo.iigbt with knives and bludeons ensued with the above result. SduiJi, Caroliita The Stale Given lo Ilaycs.ThQ Comtuiitee of the House of Representatives jpqnt to investigation the election return have ascertained that the State went, for Hayes by about 600" ma jority, That, we suppose, settles one vexed question. Incidentally the Com mittee also ascertained that Hampton and the remainder ofj ticket are elected the Democratic State by decided majorities. There is a resolution now pending ia the U. S. Senate! to recognize the Ilamp ton government Mr. Gordon alar presented in the Sen ate, Dec-29, a petition from Gov. Hamp ton and those ac iiug with him at Colum- bia, praying t,he removal of the military from the capitol of South Carolina or snch other action as will cause a cessation of military iuterferehce in the affairs of the State. Laid ovej: till Tuesday, Jan. 2. u Davie." -A correspondent of the Ral eigh News, Dbc. 2)th, over the above sig nature, projwses jas a change in County governments, Avhitih subject is now before the general Asserubly, to abolish township i governments, county commissioners and justices of the peace in force and elected prior to the 1st of, January, 1877, and cre ate an' inferior1 court of probate for each pounty, with a judge, clerk and solicitor , fo be appointed by the General Assembly, v and Jo hqld . office for the period of four years. The judge and solicitors to be se lected from the j legal profession. , The judgejwith a salary of $2,500, and the so licitor $1,200. . j ' -We should thus have two sets of judges I those of the superior court and those of the inferior court-j-about 20 in all salar- 1 jed men. No State was better governed than North Carolina wliUe she" had the county courts, . presided over J?y. a select Bench of Magis trates. "DaVie'sH idea approximates in other rpspects that old well tried system, and might do with the exception alluded to. No more salaried men, "and a cutting down of salaries; ices and 'expenses Is what J xue pcopie want. -f THE INAUGURATIOX. The cercraoniesat Raleigh on the 1st of January, were more grand, interesting and enthusiastic than ever before witnessed thre on a similar occasion. All parts of : the State contributed military, bands of music, or citizens in private relations, to honor, tlf'e, occa-iori. They came by scores and hundreds. The severity of the weath er prevented the carrying out of the pro gramme jrtvi5usly "arranged. The inaugu ration took' place in Tucker's Hall instead s of on a platfonjf in the capital grounds, and consequently .only a small portion of the immense gathering of citizens were en able to witnessable ceremonies and hear the ! inaugural address. Bad as the weather was the streets and every point of interest was .thronged witlf cagel people, eager to see and Jiear, and tojtut 'n a huzza. At times they were almast uacontrolable, and the police were kept constantly busy in folding- the surging gcioiL humored" crowds Jn or- ; The services jof the Salisbury Band were brought prominently into requisition, both in he jjrycessi6nand in the Hall. Rev. J Henry Smith, DVj),., of Greensboro, opened ' the exercises with prayer. Associate Jus tice Rcade ihen qualified Superintendent -J Tublic Instruction, the Attorney Qeneral, and Lieutenact Governor elect; and Governor Yfiacc, then stepped for ward; and read the oath of office required , to be taken by him, signed it, and banded the paper to Clvf Justice Pearson, who at tested it. The" (governor theli proceeded to read his inaugural address, amidst pro found silence. jThis' document reaches us Qo late for thiinmber of : our paper. It 3 all ablaze witlf patriotic Are. ting less would have smtctl the occasion. TJbeiiMWicttratioii of;Z. B. Vanc. as OoWor of the State on Monday Jat, t deeerreuijr regarcc no primary event, it is w oegiuoing w Pw in the political atus -of tfte pommou-i wealth. It marks the rWTPrjr and re .ukli.hmpnt nf thm riirbt of the neoDle 13 govern themselves. U elevates to the fct Va K u v W w f wmmmr - -tm, M f chair ot the Slate an Iwuored, trusted, I tried and nroven son in whose wisdom, I confidence It is lU) small occasion we celebrate; It not only appeals, to the it judgment, but grapples with the deep I seated sensibilities of the people, and they rejoice with a joy full of nope and thanks- ceeding U oMrncted by no comUnatton of eivinW.Iiia deliverance from wrongs citizen thereof; and that the lawfirthe pro . . . ... . 1 tection of the inhabilarita in ail their rights of ana oppressions unoer wmcu iuey nc rroaned and suffered ever since "recou- I struction." It is deliverance from th shame of beine ruled over by men of mean 0 j J , j degree, who seorned not to stoop and bar train with the vile and dishonest for purposes of party promotion and self i puipu.ta f j v -I azzrandiscment. It is the dawning of Kon for the redemntion of the State's honor - j , jitiji I and credit. Plundered and shackled the R.AU.l nhni.tino harm nih' mined r , I us httuuu mf tr; , uu breaks npon us, and the courage of ihe people is returning to assert itself in man- ly eparts to regain a position of honor ana rwpecu.uu.iy uiicr.y .aipo.u.o 1 . 1:1:. i : 1 I der their dominion. lo the rear, ye I t" m xit tj j I Iveouzh s. lorsees, xloldens. ISrogaens, o ' 6 ' ' ' CI hOC geflUS Omne. A-Vant, a nooler-l race-the people call you ; and God bleaa , , , , . the people aud the jervantS of their otinirA x V I HOW IT IS IN SOUTH CAROLINA A . letter- from a citizen of Marlboro a ti ,.,, , ... lty, . O., SayS : "1 be people Of this conn and adjoining counties are quiet and UlUCfy III puiiitibo. c& mU"j'ntj u mat uici o I Brl A.l mm im Mfiltlt.. A rm . am, mm m . . .m m m r I are unable to run their farms without advances, and hundreds of colored men are out of employment and can't find homes. Many of them condemn their Radical leaders for deceiving them with fair promises, and dragging the state to ruin and then lo starvation. What the result all this will be, time only can show." Charlotte Observer. n.. . t . . . ' I 1 imes are not so hard in this section, though, 4oHhiles8r many are in trouble, Mortgages made during, last year have , t ' - mataied and now comes the tug of paying them off. Some will not be able to do it, S I and their property will have to be sold. We shall now see how the mortgage sys tem works. , - The colored people are obliged to suffer when the Mtbites become too poor lo em ploy them, and poverty has the beeu ten dency in this State ever since the rule of the radical party commenced. We have! onlv seen one black man so far reduced as to offer to work for his board and clothing, and think it probable the fault was his own. Give os seven years of peace under a fair and just government aud whiles as well as blacks will stand erect once more, in vuia o.aic auu iuiuui:uiiut mo ouutu. , c . j , i , ,i o.i. I ljui tor "re-constructiou aud tho pans m m mm .. , . dora's box open upon as by that most cruel and suicidal measure (nationally) there would have been no wailing in the South and far better times io the North. The North-East snow storm, noticed by the New York papers as commencing there at 7.30 a. m., on the 29th Dec, struck us here at about that time on the 1st January, and raged with unabated fury until about 1 o'clock, p. m., adding to the snow already on the ground, about inches. Since the above was written we learn that the storm was uot so sever and the fall of snow not io great, at Raleigh, as j at this place. The storm beean at Stateiville before w - i aay light. At nariotte, about a o clock, Jjid it commence ia toe West aud travel I South f WW somebody tell us where it commenced and which war it traveled. mi , e mT . I " " baps more accurately, !Vortli-orth-i,a8t. 1 he N . Y. Sun' describes a storm in that city, commencing about 7.30 on the morning of the 29ih Dec. Was it the same which occurrtd here on the 1st January t The railroad cuts above and about Lin- coluton wert filled with snow u tht depth of two feet. ' At Columbia the sleet and snow are reported heavier than ever was knowu, aud doing much damage to trees. Suow at Atlanta 4 inches deep. The storm of the 24ih, commenced lere about 12 o'clock, 8aturiay night, At Wilmington it commenced about the I same time, onlv wa had snow and iIipv Ua.a -l .M'l.- j .. , - j j verywiiHgiuerc, loaucu uo iree. auo veiegrapu wires so mat iuej uroKo down under the weight, At Fayelteville there was snow to life depth of 8 luehes. A good many Republicans, here in Hartford, have expressed their heariv satisfaction at the result jn .Oregon, and say Tilden's election will be the best thing for the country, and especially for the business interests. Not a few say, emphatically, that Tildeo is fairly elected. Hartford Times. ' ' v . . Rev. Dr. 0. P. Deems of New York.! and the late Bishop Cumings, of the Be- formed Episcopal Church, were playmates in boy hood a.90: associates In college ; they both fell in lore wittj Jpe "ame girl, aud she married nt;)lber, GOV. HAMJPTON TO GOV- HAYES. Uqw Sd(le Exising p0mCal Problems --South Carolina's Example, ...nwl;iCT- r. in o T..Vu i jiacKey nf South Carolina is here as the bearer of a letter from Gen. Wade Llauiulon to Gov. II a yea. 1 he letter is "f8! Executive Mansion, Columbia, Dec. 23, '76. My Dear Sir: 1 have the honor to enclose ,, In view of present even m, and the official sancUo given to groiui.repreHenUtion of the sofa ami iinrivuM nt lliv malnri T nf the trruui people uf t!u ' onnnon wealth, I deem it proper to declare mat proiounu iieace prevus mrougn- pen prowrtv, and citizenship are beine en- forced in our heartn. lute the people t Huh ship against the usurped power which now de- L '.1 1 1 ..e .u t... . ioeiie supreme juuiciai auuiurujr 01 me oiaie, lh ey ,,1, faUll in the jutice of thei; c;uie that they propose to leave its vindica- ,on to lhe Pf0 J' t"b"nju. PI to the same nine to the pratiotwua and pubh ic Uentiraent of the whole1 connirv. lliemBaminatory ntierancea 01 a portion 01 the puulic presn render it perhaps not moppo- ,umj foli uie to stale tnut ahhouuh the neo;.le of South Carolma view with grave concern the present critical conjuncture in the anairs of our country wlm h threatens to s:i!.ject to an extreme tet the republican system of govern- poiie t0 condemn nJ of existing littcal proplem that involves the exhibition 01 armeu lorce, or ui.u moves inrougii any other channel than the prescribed form of the Conciliation or the peaceful agencies ot law. Trusting that a solution mav bo had which, 1 . .1. t.i . in while main amine the ieaceofthtcoiintrv.Pha 1 do no violence to the constitutional aafetfuardfl ?f IPV' "S- "n,d w'I,.tlen1d 8tin moTe. hrm' ly to unite the people of all the States in ait earnest fl'ort to preserve the peace and sustain the laws and the Constitution, 1 am, very reapecuuiiy, yonr oienieni servnni, . . mm 1 1 - V adr liAMPTON,.uovernor ol moiilh Carolina. His Excellency, li. B. 1 1. vyks.Gov. of Oliio. F. b. As the settlement of the vexed polm C?J nations which now agitate the puhlic mind must ultimately depend on Yourself or vnilP .lislinuisl.ed nomilitor fur'the Pri-i. dency, I have addressed a letter similar to his n.nl Lin T I I i I v I uti ciwiniv; , vjui. a i.v v i . Youn, WADE HAMPTON. LATEST NEWS. FLORIDA. Tallahassee, Jan. 2. The Supreme Court met and refused to receive the ean- YU99 J1 IU(J Ult. lilt- v-lllll. dered the t0 aMWer b four 0.clock this afternoon to the plain language of the rit by canvassin and counting and ad- ding up the vote cast at the election for the offioe of oovernor, and who received the highest vote for such office, and omit- A . -1 A . . A . I unS eir yt u - ff f ' dential electors and menbers of Congress were not matters before' the Court, and could not be inquired into. Under these proceedings the Board made return at o o'clock, the Court havinir met at 4, and taken recess. The counsel for the relator asked until to-morrow to examine the re turns, and the Court adjourned to that hour. Drew will be inaugurated to-mor- row TeT tulct' SOUTH CAROLINA. Columbia, Jan. 2. Gov. Hampton lias issued i an address calling on the citizens who desire to maintain the government of their choice, to come forward and pay 10 . .r l a rm-t per cent, oi last year s tax ievv. i m is to meet the present urgent wants of the char- iiuuic Jiisiiiuiiuus oi iue oiaic. LOUISIANA. New Orleans, Jan. 2. Two Legisla tures in session in this State, struggling for the reins of government. Kellogg is call ing on the President for military aid and protection, alleging (falsely) armed Demo cratic resistence to his party government. LOUISIANA. More Dual Legislatures Organized New Orleans, Jan. 1. At this hour, eleven a. m., there are no indications of trouble. A heavy force of police with side arms are on duty at the station houfe Governors Kellogg and Pack aid arc be- setged this morning by political friends. Nearly all the Republican members ot tDe -Legislature are already in the build- an.u Liifir rneiiniA art m CjiiimPii fir i fnmrriip headauarters. on Canal street, and as far as known, have not agreed upon any programme. Y bether the Clerk of the lJOU8e win ?a" lbe roIl toisbed by the I . rut j m T I a t A tfl tliA n.AIlA.M ml u'"'j uiau , IB IIIC UIUUICU1 nuKU none are ab e to so ve hut shnn d h r fuHe, lhe Republican members will call upon one ot their members to perforin t"Ht duty. 1 he United btates troops are und' r arm? at their quarters, and U. S Marshal Piikiu is at his office in the Cus tom House, which is connected with the State House by telegraph wire merely for any emergency. No one apprehends U"ubld, unless brought about by some unforeseen occuirence. SECOND DISPATCH. The D eraocratic members, who have been iu caucus, have sent a committee to see if the State lit. use is still barricaded, aud if so, iLey w til ret use to go to the secured, proceed to organize the Lt jrisl tiouse, auu win, as soon as a nail can be lure, at which Clerk Trezeyant will offi- ciate in calling the roll. A considerable crowd is congregating at the corner of St Charles and Canal streets, near Demo- eralic headquarters, but there is little excitement THIRD DISPATCH. About noon the Democratic committee called at the State House and asked that the barricades aud police be removed, which liov. Kellogg declined, and the Democrats withdrew. At 12.30 the Clerk of the House made a similar de mfnd ,ll5ch Iikwise refused, and he -oc" " ru ; wuereupon iouis SLau a mt mbp; froia Ayogelles, called House to order, at the tequcst of Sc- I mm. m- m- m- 1 I crciary oi oiaie uesjonae, ana called the roll. Sixty-eight members answered. making a quorum. The oath van ad. 1 ministered to . members. Nominations J lor bpeaker were announced, and ex- ltjovepiois llahu and Varmouih were j placed in uouiiuation. lhe vote beiug lUKpn b yeas aud uays, Uahn received 53, attdlwiis declared elected, and took the chair. ' r - ": . " : 'J'he Senate wa promptly organized by Lieut;. Gov. AntoiiMith more than h quorum. Daring -Ithese proceediygs about five hundred pefeonf were assem bled on ttoyal HlS St. Iu?8 ulreets, in front and on side; of (he Stale House, who cheered JDemocnttic Committee .when it emerged; from the State Uoue, but be yond this there waa'na noisy demonstra tions, ipt'mocrais 1 have gon to-St." Patrick's hull lo organize their Legisla ture. U 1 Special -Telegram U Charlotte Observer.l , I RALEIGH. Gotjtrrior Vat.cc's Inauguration. Raleigh, N. C., Jan. 1, 1877. A y liming snow" storm to day preven ted -he imposing; cereinoiiipb which haJ heen arianged for outdoors, aud Gov. Vance's! Miauguratiuu took place in Tuck er's Hall. A large number of visitor were unable to gain admittance: Gov. Vance was sworn in by Chief Justice lVarsoir U)f the Supreme Court. Lt. Governor Jarvin, and otter State officer! were sworn in by Judge K. G. Keade, Associate Justice' ot lhe Supreme Court. Gov. Vance's iuauguml addles ras greeted with sluttn after e lor in of ap plause. lr Such an imposing military display ha not been ece.i Bi.icetlie daya of the w ar. associated press dispatch. Raleigh. N. C Jan. I. The inau guration ol Gov Vance parsed 'fl" (jnietly. A large'crow d in aHPi.tUuce. 1 i i.-t ad ds ef wa afp!;itid'.'l '' the i chn. Allti ding lo" Nalioiial ..H.iii, he iail : I conceive onv film. ion to be ciiiie.il in the t xtieiiM , our only reliance imw is upon the lnodrralion and palrioUnm of Con giis. ll the representatives f the peo pie and of the State fhall not be able to make a ipjrMceable Mud coiistitutioual t?o ltiiii)ii t lhe diujculty in Hhicli the conn try nuw find iiteit, aud iheie should bv an attempt as is threatened t- inaugurate lhe caudidalei) 'not fairly dec ltd one ot two things will happen. Kilber the ma jority of lbe Aiueiiean people will quiet ly tfubiuil to a great wrong involving the question of coin lituiiuu, or there will be a rf eortjto violence. Let us look things in the face. The citcumstances uf N. C, a well as of the Southern States gener ally, imperalivrly demand that wo cdiould npt be forward in this matter. More than all things tide, except good government, we need; .peace. In common with the constitutional parly .in the North, we think we have fairly elected our candi dal e for President ; upon that party aud not upoil ourselves devolves the proprie ty and lbe duty jof taking the needed step? towards sccjuiing lhe rights cf the majority:. ; Rut let it not b supposed that we are indifferent to their acii-m, or de cline to come to the front becauso lei3 entitled to do t.i than oil.erp. Blasted we have; been by : the dcsolition of war, purged of ias-liness hy the tires of revo lution, ajid fibeiel both by public calam ity and piivate sorrow, as have been, we yet cberinh the love of liberty in our hearls. As the moirli piece of more than a million people, 1 believe 1 can, with propriety, say for them that Xonh Cir olin'a may confnleutly be relied upon to sustain that porl'inn nf the people of ill Uuind Slatts, which thall convince U--that il is; struggling for the Const i:iu ion , the laws and public justice, which are the life and the soul .f the American Union, i On the other band we do not wish it to she understood that wnare ready or willing to euibaik iu revolution. Nor on the other band that we are willing to quietly submit to an outrage that physi cal force, directed by party zeal, may see lit to impose. The one course tending to provnke violence, and the other to in vite oppression we do wish it under stood that we will follow the lead of the constitutional party of the North. Show us ihe law and it sufik-eth us." He re serves an expression l his vit-w-j on State policy for his message lo the General Assembly. Dr. Bull's Cngh Syrup -is a purely Vegetable Compound, innocent iu uaiure and wonderful in effeet. For children it is invaluable, curing Croup, Whooping Cough, etc!, in a few hours. Price 25 cents pet? bottle, or five bottles for SI 00. 'j TO RENT. A good and comfortable House, with garden and all necessary out houses. Location desira ble. Applv to 12:tf. LVR. BARKER. To Dentists. The Oldest and' most convenient Dextai, Office in N. C, for sale or lease. J"or terms applv to P. P. Meronev, Salis bury, or W. F. I5a"son, Haw River, N. C. Ii. Road. (12:1m) W. F. liASON. Notice Is hereby given, that the Board of Commis sioners of the town of Salisbury, will apply to the present Legislature to amend the Charter ot said Town in sundry particulars, and probably to extend the corporate limits ot the same. By order of tbeBoard, T. G. 1IAUGIITOX. C. B. C Dec. 29, 1876. 12:5t Valualjle Real Estate FOR SALE Iltf OA.3jIS33TTH.Sr. By virtiie of a Decree of Rowan Superior Court, issued 19th June, 187o. I will expose to public sale at the Court House door in Salisbury, on the first Monday in February, 1877, three jllouses and Lots in the East Ward of ihe city, near the Lutheran Grave ard, known as tho Otho Swinlc property Also, oncj house and lot on the Lexington road, about one mile from the citv. Per sons wishing to examine the property will call on Thomas Earnhart, who will give al necessary; information. Terms tAsn. I J. S. McCUBBINS, Com'r. Dec. 30,1876. 12:1m SCHOOL NOTICE. A subscript ion school will b opened in the Town Academy ou Tuesday the SM o Jany.. 18?7V A.W.OWEN. Salisbury Dec 27, 7G. principal Three Points for Consideration. THiriiiff th pMtflve yrani VrOETINE h been tendily working itself iun ywM'ie ravHr, and b b were at firt most ut teitnlon in regard 1u its merits ara now its raot ardent lriei; J. ud support . ter. v-.-- - - . ' There r thrne ewntfal enure for Ib'-oo bartpj neb m horror of pntfiit iwd:ctw, chMniii" their opinion and lcnilinst their iiifljeuctt toward Uie- ad vancement of VEGK11NE. lot Itia an hoiieotly ?reuared rocdiciue fmm bark5, roots and hTb. ud It bonestlv cwmiili'h all that is claimed for It, without leaving any bad effects in the system. Srd It present boiicst vonchers in testimouiuls from bon-t, well known citizens, whose signatures are a sufficient guarantee of their earnertuees in the matter. Taking into consideration the vast quantity of medicine brought conspicuously befote the public thronth the flaming adverliiH-monts in the nevvepa per roltitnti wfib no proof of merfr or genuine vouchers of what it ha done, we should he pardouxd for manifesting a otnail d'-.'i.ecor pridiiin pteprniTiig the followii: tes-timonifil from Kev. J. 8. DICliEH SON, D. 1)., the popular ami . erx genial pastor uf tho South Daptifet Ulmich, Uoslon. The Tired liody Sties for Sleep. Boston, iliirch 16, 18U. II. TL 3tevexs, Ewj. : Dr Sir It i. m'?c!i fro:n a p!i!e t dut t as of crstitude thnt I write to iay that yonr VfiUE TINK even if il i a patent m. nicine hjia bec-u of great help to me when nothing elco seetned to avail which I could safely nee. Kitix r cscepive ir.entiU work or uniisnal cre brings upon me a nervous ex haustion tnat dperate'y ne o i-leep, huta drc;r atily defies it. Night alter night the xor, tired lKdy sue for sleep unUi the day-d;wa is welcomed Imck, and we beirizi onr work tired out with an nluiont fruitless chae after rent. Now I bava found that s little VEOETIN 2 taken junt before 1 retire gives mo sweet aud immediate sleep, and without any of the eril effects nf the u;ual narcotics. I think two things would tend to make brain-workers leej 1st A hum lea -work. Slid A l ine more ' TINE. This prescription ha hchx-d inn. Now J have a yartiuil;ir honor of " Patent Meti cinrt, " but I have greater honor or be ns Jitm'd to tell the straight out truth. T:e VEOEUNE has Lelpod me at-d I o-su it up. Vount Ac. J. S. DlCiiEUSON. Valuable Evidence. The following unsohcileu testimonial from Rev. O.T.Walker,l.D.fivmer!y plorof Roivdoin Square Cliurch, boston, and at present -ettled in i'rovidence K. I., must be deemed n relin'ile evidence. No one should fail to observe tht.t tliis te.-!tmoiii:il is the re?tilt of two years' expt'rieiiee in the use o( yEtj ET1XE in the liev. Walkers family, who tiow prouounce it iuvl;!ihle : liioviiF.scEf It. I., 1C4 Transit Street. II. R. 9TEVKNS. Evi.: I fel bound to e.xp c?s with niv siirnntiire tlie h'gh value I pl:ice nponyov.r V i'A ' l.'i.S E. My fam ily have Ufcd it for liie lf.st two et:S. In nervous debility it i inva'.al.ic, r.n.I 1 rc niiu"nl it to ail who may liceJ uu inv.ui-jtiii.-, lei.nv.-t'nsr tonic. O. V. WAt.KEiC Foriaerlj Pastor of lio-.' .ioii. '.,i:ureChuici,Io5tou. Tle firM i ii ncr. The followiiri; w it.-r Ir iicv. K. S. Best, P.ist of the M. H. Cliure't. N U ei;. Mam., will !e renu willi interest by mi;ny pli.vici;.ns ; also tlio.-e ciltf-cring-froin the s-iine di-;:'s( as ;Tili;'-ted the son of the itev. K. S. lirst. K p-rMij oui doubt th s tes timouv. as th.-re is no do.UH uloul Uiu curative pow er of YEUETLS'E, Natick, Mass, Jan. l-t, 1374. MR. n. R. STEVEN: Uertr Sir We imve good ri.T?o:i for regarding vour V BOB TIN E a medicine oi't.ie gr-a e;-t value. Ve feel assured that it h.is been the ineu'.isof saving our sou's life. He is now seventeen vckts of Hjce ; for the IjPt two ye:i:s he lu Milf. je 1 l.oill liei Mirii. of his leg, ewed hy i rm .lions afteet'oii. and w;is so far reduced thai ne.iily nl who .-aw tiiiu thought his recovery impossible. A couii' i! of able phyici:tu could give us but the f.iiiiiest ho;H4f hiB ever rally ing ; two of t:ie iiun;t.T dech.r,t,j: thai he wus bo youd the reach of hmnau reinmiies, that oven am putation could uot bUVii idm, aa lie hail n;'it vi-nr enough to endure the -operation. Just the.i we com menced giviug hint VK(i I INK und from t hut time to the prescci he has Ivfii cot.u.:ou iy iniprovin. lie has lately resumed stud e, t'.rowu away crutches and caue, aud vuij koout cLi-i-itul) and strong. Though there is st'll some discliarge from-the o pening where his liuib whs lati' cd, we Ime the full est confidence that !u a little time he will be perfect ly cured. lie has taken about three dozen bottle of VEO ETIN E, but lately u: eshi;t Hi tie, a he declares he is too Wall to be taking lit. ,1, cine. Itcspec; f ullv vours, K. S.'B'EST. Mum. I..C.F. BEST. T?ellnb!e I'l!cner. 173 Baltic St., liaoK(.vN, N.Y., Nov., 14, 1S74. II. K. frEvsN9, E'j. : Dear Sir From personal t?rflt reepived by its nse, ns well as from perMJnsl knowloe of those whose cure? thereby havt w-emrd almot-t nilraruloas. I can mot heartily er'l sincerely retounnend the VEtiEl INE for "th coin; T.. ii:i for W'.iich it is daitu-d to cu-e. JA .il 1. P. I.l'Di.OvV. Late Pastor Calv:.ry iiap. C'liun-h, Sacramcoio. Cak Tegetine is Soli by All PrrLts. V ! 0 K' S ILLUSTRATED PZICEB CATALOGUE Fifty i:iges SOU Illustrations, with Derir tiu;is of thmisauds of the he-t Fluwers atiil Veg etables in the world, arnl ihn iy ia grow them ull for a Two Cf-xt postage titutop. l'riiiteiS in Herman and Ki:slis!. Vick's Floral Guide, Quarterly, 2o cents a ye.tr. Vice's Plover and Vegctatle Garden, 50 cents in p;ijier; in vleuuri eld It covers, $1.00. AiLhvss JAM LiS VK'K, Korcesur, N. Y. liaT PAYS P M TAYS everv M innf.icturer, Merchant, U Mechanic, Inventor, rartner. or I refesmon al ntun, to keep informed on all t.ie im provements and discoveries of the age. IT I'AYS the hea l of everv family to intrc- liiiee into liis household a newspaper that is instructive, one that fosters a taste for investi gation, ami promotes thought and encourages discussion among the member, THE GOSEHTSFIO AM Eft 3 8 AH wiiith has been published weekly fot the Iat thirtv-otie vears, vLivs this, to an extent bevotid hat of anv other publication; in fact it 19 the onlv weeklv puper published in the United State, devoted to Manufacture!), Mechanics, nvenlioiiit and 2niw Discoveries in the Art and Science.-'. Everv number is profusely illustrated and ta contents embrace the latest and in tt inter esting in forma i ion pertaining to the Industrial, Mechanical, and Scientific 1 rogrrss of th World; Descriptions, with Beaulilul Lr.srav ngs of eNr Inventions, Implements, rtw 'rocesses, and Improved Industries of all kinds: Lseftil Notes, Keceipes, Suggestions and Advice y Practical riters, lor Workmen and htu ilovers, in all the various art, forming a com plete repertory of New Inventions and Discov eries; containing a wetkly record, not only of the progress of the Industrial Arts in our own country . Lut a!.-o of all New Discoveries and Inventions in every branch of Engineering, Mechanics, and Science abroad. THE SUlJSirilJUi; AaLHIUAfl nas been the foremost of all industrial publications for the past thirty-one years. It is the oldest, ar"e.-t, cheapest, and the best tvecxiu illustrated paper devoted to i'.ngintering, .vieenanics, Chemistry, New Inventions, Science and In- uustiial Progress, published in the world. The practical Keceipes are well worth ten times the subscription price, anu lor the shoj and house will save many times the cost o subscription. Merchants, farmer, Mechanics Engineers Inventors, Manufacturers, Chemists, Lovers of Science, and People of all Professions wil find the Scientific American useui to them It should have a place in every Family, Libra rv, Studv, Office and Counting hoom; in every Head wit? Room tollesre ana ftenooi. A new volume comments January 1st, 16. A year's numbers contain So2 pages and Several IIunijked Esokavings. Thousands of volumes are preserved fcr' binding nd re ference. Terms, $.1.20 a vear iy mail, lticlud inc uostaire. Discount to Clubs. Special cir culars, giving Club rate?, sent free. Single copies mailed on receipt of 10 cents. May be had of all .News Dealers. Ft R "?2" Rl'i? In connection with the ViW I 9 On Scientific American: Messrs. Muss & Co,, are Solicitors of Amen can and Foreign Patents, and have the largest establishment in the world. More than fifty thousand applications have been made for pat ents through their agency. Patents are obtained on the best terms. Mod els of New Inventions and Sketches examined and advice free. A special notice is made in the Scientific American of all Inventions Patented through thw Ateiicy, with the nam and residence of the Patentee. Patents are often sold in iart or whole, to persons attracted to the invention by such notice. A Pamphlet containing full directions for obtaining Patents sent free. The Scientific American Reference Book, a volume bound in cloth and gilt, con taininc the Patent Laws, Census of the U. S. and 142 Engravings of mechanical movements. Price 25 Cents Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, Musn & Co., 87 Park liow, rew lork. lirancl Office, Cor. F. & 7th Sta., Washington, D. C. jm.ii '.lAjf mm JU..WJ- i-rmaaj, .icy THE HEW "DfllESTIC"! 8 - 1 -fo -life, 1 s :U 111" THE LIGHTEST-RUNNING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. ! With our printed directions, no instruction or mechanical skill is required to operate it. The construction of the machine js based upon s principle of unique and unequalled sim plicity, comprising simple levers working upon centres. The bearings axe few, and they xe hardened and polished. 'The machines are made t our new works in the city of Xcwark, N. J.;with new special (patented) machinery and toofs. constructed expressly to accomplish what wenpw offer. Every machine fully uMrrantetl. "DOFsiESTIC" SSVJ.HG MACHINE CO., INovv York iiiitl OliicacfO. ymm n sm tryrtT aS. Ti. IT Kj1 II 'Vv rUi S R U I1 VS. per Fashions the most stylish and perfect-ntttnj WmW WW 9 B 1 i k costumes can be produced,- at a large saving in MiJmf JL -fi. JL tmV A ha? MONEY t those who choose to make, or superio- tentl the making of, their own garments. With us highest talent and the best facilities in aH departments, and the best ideas of the most skillful modistes, both at home and abroad, we are enabled to attain results far above the reach of tho average dress-maker. Our styles are- always the latest and best. Our elegantly-illustrated catalogue mailed to any lady sending five cents with her address. Agents wanted everywhere. 41 00.26X10" SEWING MACHINE CO., Now York mil Cliicajjo. The Southern Unbeevritsh's Association. ixstruns all kints LOSS i Lr i' i Lmii ArrimjuZKD capital, ASSETS. MAY 5, lr7C, HCI.1E Ti Ij IC I G H. V.r. 1 Parties desiring to in'iH' t '.:-lr vwo'm-v ' -'iM ;i Is a suit corporation, cqmbli.ttu' .Ue:i:v at: 1 .-' 'i!i! Company), as the loilowiny coi-iU'-uvo us.a tat- ,vrr 7o all ichom it mav rnmri n : This is to Cfrtitv. Tii it I liavo th rr-! em 1'nderw titer's A?s.-i-iti;4.-' . mend sertlons 4'!. ;iri ! -1. :!: Uf',- sjld company 1h iloin. iu: im uk. son-: ance witn the laws or t!i- st it- :: : : - des, which will moiv nuiy a pp. .u- rri.a si ,t United Statea Hon.'.s. uu. .! '.: uw IS. C. Hull Road lUi-i'ls. .i.ui rk-t . N. C. County and H y ''! l-. i ' Mortgaura on Kal ISt t .-ir. ...i U (.',.:. Cash on hand, la Baa:, and ia ih-ls .: . if Total irf-acconlanee wl' , ---: '.: i'y '. l- said t'onipanv til' d i liH 'L'.y. Olven uiiuer mi baud uud wal ' i -o.iii.r. It protects the po'.i.-v lio'.dr. for ! 'hnr:'- ns' - ed .vtth the state Tr -asur.-r i n ! .;:,; . Irs stockliolders tr" atni'iv- t!. j.i--. 't-t i '!nr ; rn ?i h ' r It Is nnder the eoatroi a'i ! i-i iri -f u.uive i'.'oriii i'.i!.;..!.i'o. Ita ofneers are knov. ti thro'fiiioi:; '. uo. It will Insure yonr o: v '. i : i;i ; .. .. tnalM" tfrns. It will keep yo ir i.'i'ui'- m 1; i : !-. Live, Active, Ki-llal.ie A u'v; ,.ui.' il : cv,-ry part f:- :t. June 1, 1T6. ly. -1 :;. . A. Slf UPHY, Loril A-ci:t. :i In ;r . N i '. "0 1 iviaroie n H JA Vsl W AltihSlal iw v ti 11 i On hand and furnished to Order. t mmm ISaBa ... A (hires, - l"o: : 19: iy Hortlr Carolina ?;iDie (Lcuntn. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Wiley A. Ci.f.mf.nt, ) Assignee of V. R. Martin, yVff. Suniiiions Benjamin Uvsskll, j for Rclicl". VoKTEK R. AniKlt, def,:linis. J IT appearing to the satil:iftUn of the Court that the above niuucl I)efi-nrn- arc noh resiIer.ts of this State II is (hden I, that the defend'ts, Benjiiinin Russell and Porter Ii. Alger be notified by juihlirution hi th'' " Carolina Watchman " for six successive wppks. to be and appear r.t a Court to be held for the County of Davie, at the Court- I f.,,,,1 lllt ..,ve :,.ned, if to be found io your House iri.Mocksviile, on the 2d Monday at- , (;ol.,ltVf ,,. u ;IJ,.)(.ar hefi.re the Clerk of tcr the 3d Monday in March, lSTTand an- ! (,ur sj,tl rir'Cour:, fr lavidson Countf t swer the complaint which will be tiled with- j tjie (,,.rt Home in Iexington, within iwenly in the first three davs of said term, and if. : ,t,1Vs from tli.e i-rvice of the Summons, exclu thcy fail to answer during the term, that i sirt. of tlie dav of service, and answer the com plaintilf will anplv for the relief demanded j plaint which 1 deposited in lh offic ! in the cotnnlaint. " Defendants are also no- ' ihe Ch rk of the Superior Court of nid ' "g tificd that a warrant ot attachment has been ; wi.hin d-ivs, att.l et ihesaid sued out against their property and effect, 1 ..mice h if they ail to m" awill returnable a tile same tune and ( ! J P ( , cio place. iii i r c- 1 demanded in the complaint. . Given under my hand and seal of office m rf .. nii, V.r ,hia iamoOD1 makt y s this the 6th November, 187t$ i 0 II. B. HOWARD, 5:6t:$10 pd CPk Supr. Court of Davie eo $5 to I per day at home. Samples worth $1 free. Stjxsox & Co.. Portland March 9, 70: 1 yr. Maine. i"!" g.'J-'J! l. J - 1-JBJBBS rvii iii ' A r 'Double Thread Lock-Stitch Machines v SATtXGS Rv usintr the " Domestic : Li.i LIU 1 "CPi of i-iiOi'i. V .c MNST FIRE, i t v-A AJ Xi 5i,ooo.oeo 16i,3;l V--- k JL mtm - J II . sr g . O. V. Treasurer rstary. r" -.(? TnUowing reasons : It liLil iwlnts in an Insurasce . . .:; ! ; '. " - - t.iry t m --i .-. :o; . u v. (' yorriT cai'oi.ina, "i I'H'AUTyMNT OF .TATR, i.ait;eL, .'.iay JdJi, 1ST6,) .r' -U . Hrcmrfs" of -The8oth-i :(' .wil. Hit: i r.? i.--ioi;h ot an Act io -. a. i. is. and do find that im. : i,s ( i its r-..rlf r, and In coinpll p h.-xi: uf the loilowlntr securt- l.i s:t.li;6 (. - 10.HIS $152,379 lt r ijyr rove the Report i i W",!. 1!. I Vw rV-Ta'S, Secretary of Stat. i r h.lums received to be dtpeslt- ':f..i. i r, S;crctary, Iialelgh, N. rt - s ." per ct-T... of t'..- SSiDSTOHBS. r r1 1 XT 3 r. i Xm-s xt- it- " - , flp JOHN CAYTON, an-1 HaleiQhyJV. G. T. .I.iiiic-i rroiich 'nil others, rion-resideaU, von wi:i ';;ki !..! i.v that t!ie following sum mons I. a- l.t ( ii Us'.o-o against you, to wit: 5JAVH2O.V COUNTY-- " IX 1 H1C SL PEKIOR COUKT. :i:;;t ' X riii?eson. 1 A.'iii'i!. ol' M Kvaii, dec. I'ia'uUifjt Summons, C!iri,tiu.i i'ciiuea't al heirs at law, D'Jcndanlt. J STATi: OF N Oil I'll . CAROLINA. To th? i'-heriff J Davidson 0?unjf, Qrttling : ja are hcrehy -cooimanded to summon Jam. s r-.m-h, Mmes Croncii, James Tesgn, i- i ' V I ( l.arlts and oilier, the nmoi tan - due ret urn. . ..' ,t. J. Ciiven uiuler niv hand and seal th Oln J of November 1370. C. F. LOWK Clerk of the Super. Court of Davidson. CPIt7 andJndKu of Probate. o. H. Welboiin, Plus- Attorney, S-.6W W orKS. T

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