I I 1 JjO CAlh JANUARY 4, 1S77. TO DEBTORS. ,7" - Those irultrtted! to the firm of McCubbins, n.H & Dean, either by account, note or mort- age, are hereby notified to calland pay irame- autJiy,anoolhir notice win nolbe siTn- (9:31) The time 4 a11 Mortgages, Notes and .counts 'Jie'.a by us expires Jan. 1st, 1877. All persons so indebted to us will please call and settle cither by Cash or Note at once This we will deem sufficient notice JONES, G ASK ILL & CO. Dec. 7, 1876 lun. , j i BUSINESS NOTICE. All who"are indebted to us by note or ac- lt are earnestly requested to make lmme- count Nli.-Ue settlement. Further notice will not be g.lTen' j 7KLUTTZ&RENDLEMAN. N6T. 22,1876. (6:1 m) ' . . BUSINESS NOTICE. All persons indebted to us by note or ac count are unified to make ; prompt settle ment between this date and first of Jany nrxt. We will no? '"riger indulgence. Our terms are casl) and barter, ami to t1oe n credit 'COUaysTtiTe is given and prompt av.eut requlred.at expiratiot. of the time. 1 . mhpk t. ro w payn A.J- MOCK, if CO XW. in 76 3:G0days. Persons wlns papers are marked with X ujark in pencil, will understand from it that they are-due us fr,the paper, and will please reunt. j Abutidant-f-tlifr ice crop. : - -o- More sleighing and skating. " . o- Scarce people who can mind their own bus iness well and let others alone. Ji-F. M.-Ferrell will please give-his Post Office and explain his note of Dec. 30. 1 o " - The business men of Raleigh were fully alive to elf'juterest during the inaugural cereiuon- ies.. .' . I'K'-i o .Nearly all the roads in the State fail to make J'fme through iIuh heavy snow. In consequence we have no regular trains, either mail or ex press. ' - o " We got home too late to tell what we saw in Raleizh while- attending the inauguration of Vance and the other Democratic State officers, will say but little next week. 0 : ' There has been no tFain down the Western road since last 'Saturday. IJolh trains are up the road. This fact accounts for the pndonged i holiday of- Misa Caldwell's school. She is in Statesville and will come down on the first train. .r . - o- Falling on Ice-. Col. S. L. Fremont, of rail N j'oad fame, fell on the ice at liocky Mount and broke his leg. . , A young nisiV from Charlotte, a'tending the inauguration, slipped nd fell in llalcigli, andi broke his at m. - ' ' . O ; Sleigh Riding. The young people of our town hay had a merry time sleigh riding. It remains for future developetnents tashow how many hearts were lost how many wavering hopes confirmed'. Cupid is unusually busy during this icy season, in proof" of which jiee the malriuMjuial record in J.his paper. . ; t. . o- ' The train which left Raleigh Monday . night about 12 o'clock, with the Rowan Hifle Guards,. "Salisbury 'Band, Hornet's 2esl Iiiflemen, and other visitors lo the '- juaugurationleacbed here at I o'clock, p.: m-, Tuesday. They were delayed a good deal by the snow. ChrinJma Whiskey did an unusual amount of mischief in South and North Carolina. One negro killed another in Richmond comity, and still' another negro in same county w found ; shot through the head. A shooting affair oc curiedin Marlboro' county, S. C, resulting in the wounding of a voimg man, fully, it is supposed. -In Marion county, S. C, an old man was set uoou bv three nezroes who beat " -. him to death. IVeisierh Atytum. '-The Committee appointed tolpspeet the affairs of the Western N. C. R R. were also clrarged to look after the Asylum . . - " . . . at Morgan ton, and see how that work was progressing. We know nothing personally of tbe management of the business at Morganton, Lut riinior is not kind to those having the re sponsibility. We shall beglad.to sec the Board not only acquitted but praised. '' . r o - "S0"i We invite attention to a letter in this paper froni .Dr.'XikTsso?, correcting a report mentioned in our last week's paper. I W liat we have heretofore said in behalf of . thisgenthvriian wa based on his general good fame as a qualified man for his position. We disapprove-the policy of turning out men on purely political 'khiM, and hope it may not be adopted without some discrimination. The example of the radicaj party cannot, however, be quoted fa'gypitort of our view of the gener al subject. , j ' -r w nr . r. . . i -aiiss uiluan HiSNKK, ir more man f" i a year organist in the first Presbyterian church of tbisplace. has gone to Massa chusetts to prosecute the- study of organ music.. Sho is'a young lady of line inusica jaleut j, exceeding in taste, touch and pathos at this lustrument. any performer we havs har. She returns to her natke State with the .warm esteem of those svho tnade her acquaintance while here, as4 they regret to learn that she does not ex feet to return, : She leaves with us her fath f icother and other inetnbers f the family. ho We tniSt will find it llmir 5nar..t aiid Ileasure to r uitdu ltr permauently. Prof. STEKUKG.of Mocksville, read a essay before a portion of the.congrejatiorVxof the Presbyterian church of this place- Thursday night, on the ofQces r of Rifling Elders and Deacons, which was excellent in every point of view. It wa prepared for and first read be fore the late meeting of Church officer at Third Crrek. : Mr. Sterling evidently studied , his subject with prayerful earnestness, and the. re u 1 1 of his Jahor is one of the- most interesting and iristruttive.etuays that it is possible to make in ho small a space, lt occupied over an hour in reading. I - 11 HI ! I yt - it lie took a sudden seat, he did, .-. In all his gorgeons'fbppery."' " " Such melancholy sight wV see, ? ""' When Ride Walks are so loaerf. - i ) t ( .4-. - " -- . . And she, poor girl, went down with him, ; In all her pin back frinperv. Such tragic incidents we nee When side walks are so slippery. .,' ! IiOtonGlobt. FOB TIIE WATCHMAN. -Raleigh, Dee. 29,1876. Editor Watchmah : I am obliged to you for expressions of Kinuness in your excellent paper ot the 2Stli, inst., but the paragraph does me Lijustice in the following expressions: Itia said the Doctor is a'high liver, and that some of the expenditures charged to the Asylum are very extravagant and of doubtful utility We have heard of brandv at $10 a bottle which were not for medical purposes, for instance.'1, l Your informant was-entirely mistaken. The highest price we- have ever paid for brandy, !according to my recollection, and then only for patients and in small quanti ties, was 10 per gallon, for a pure article. In an itemized Report of Expenditures to h submittedln a few days to the General Assembly, it will be shown that the annual FXiirnmH Tina tncriTiirmn u 5:; itii i - ;. v-.mv, .v per cap ua na.n me awrwe amount ot most ,rii. tu. i - T - t t lift Other Similar A avlnma I inliirtinfT nrk. 1 wards of twenty m number and repnsent -i i-. . . - " -I ing all sections) in the United States. It will further- be shown that the whole amount paid here for medicines and liquors (toes notexceed 2 1-5 cents per capita lauy. and trade and trathc permitted or foi bid in a household of 2C4 patients, most of dn at will, bv U ordpr fi.fl w.i- whom are delicate and feeble while our cure, amount to 23 per cent annually upon aumissions, ana our morumru tor tnc last eight years has been 4.02 per cent," while in all the similar institutions of the Union combined the average moilality has been 7.33 percent. Knowing yonr sense of justice I ask you to insert this note and oblige : Yours truly, Elgene Guissom. CURISTMA& 1776. Messrs. Editors : I found a question in your paper of 21sjt Dec, requiring the day for Christmas, 1776, or one hundred years ago. I have solved -itv and gire you the following statement : Required, the day 'of the week for Christ- ag. - mas To the given year add its fourth part, Now add the day of the month, Now add the ratio of Dec. Now add the ratio of 1800, Divide the whole by 7 76 10 23 " 1 0 .7)121 172 The remainder is the dav of the week : Sunday the first, Monday the second, &c. Twck is the remainder, therefore Christmas came on Monday. Respectfully, C. M. POOL. Dec. 28, 1370. Davidson Co.. N. C i Dec. 23th, 1876. Messrs. Bruxer : In answer to the Cen - tennial Christmas question, I give Tuesday, it being leap year. ''.' . ... . . T ----- rri 1.1 Yours respectfully. B. B. youxa OFFICERS SHILOII GRANGE. At a meeting of Bhiloh Grange, Decem ber 25th, 187G, the following oliicers were elected for the ensmnjr year: Master W. S. BROWN. Overseer P. A. RICHIE. Lecturer J. W. FISHER. Steward J. A. MAIIALY. As. Steward STEPHEN KIRK. Chaplain M. J. WALTON. Treasurer D. KLUTT8. Secretary W. M. RUSSELL. Gate Keeper F. M. HOLTS HOUSER. Seres MARY J. KLUTTS. Pomona CHARLOTTE DYER. Flora MARY FISHER. L. A. Steward MARGARET KIRK. W. M. RUSSELL, Sae. THE STATE DEBT. Pursuant to tbe rail, says the. New York Herald of ihe 28th inst., about sixty gentlemen met yesterday afternoon at No. 78 Broadway. Mr. William J. Best, the receiver of. the Mechanics and -Traders" Savings' Institution, was called t the chair, stated the object of the meeting and entered into a fall explanation of the dif ferent classes indebtedness of the Stat of North Carolina. Resolutions were passed U the effect that the new bonds would hear a rated in terest of uot less than six per eent. per annum, the coupons to be payable in New York and Raleigh', and to be receivable (or all Male taxes ana duea Another resolution was passed pledging the bond holders to accept a u!l settlement of their present claims at fitly cents on the dollar of the principal and interest. If the State should agree to these terms the funded debt, according to the state ment of the Chairman, would be 10,701 , GJ8. To carry out the object of ihe meeting, a committee of five persons were appointed to visit North Carolina and present the cae to the Governor and other ofS-eia of the State.. The -committee consists of Messrs. T. Banner, William Lncimis, W. G. Shattuck.T. Fonlke, and Edward Kevati, of IVterssurg, Va.; Mr. Best was afterwards added to- the com mittee. - Tbe amount of bounds, including inter' est, stated to be represented at the meet" ng, was over 82,500,000, or about one- eighth tbe entire recognized debt. The bonds which jt is proposed to con solidato are quoted to-day at about- Hi. for the old 6 per cent, aud 8 for the new. This proposed adjustment does not iu- elude the bonds issued by the railways and guaranteed by the State, which are worth to-day in tbe neighborhood of 53 cents on the dollar, nor Ibe bonds known as "special tar, which aro quotrd at 1 1 rtita mi the dollars - t the; FUTURE AND THE PAST. "With the partins stroke of tie coming midnight hour the Canits? Constitution dies I lie deaibr in North .' Carolina; For near nine, years, niue long years of enff eririg, of sorrow and Bobiugation, of crime, outrage and opjircasio ihe days of re construction hare been running their ao - ! i . t - i cursed coarse. But'flhe fact that the morrow's suu will rise upon us a free peo ple, living under a constitution and laws that are "within our own control, teaches a lesson that it is well rorth heeding, for it leaches us confidence in ourselves and til onr institutions., t or a i people who bav thus achieved their independence in the face of scch difficulties, the future' is full ot hope and cheer. In 186S our laws, like our Oonstifu lion, were imposed upon us, and their mandates executed by men, ' strangers to our soil, foreign to our mstiimious, and ignoraut and careless of our wants. Mil iiary satraps tberi held sway over as. By order of a military despot the Con vention that framed our Constitution came into being, lis members were chosen at au election held by bis order. It con vened by his older, and its-members were seated and Unseated by lijs order, and by his order the people money was taken trotn the people a treasury and ap proprialed to' its Uses. By his order the light of euffiage jwas granted or denied. By his order, seut from his headquarters in another State,' citizens of our State were arrested, tried and punished by mil itary tribunals, unknown to the laws of our State. By Uis order, and sent too by telegram, the highest officials in onr Stat, even the Governor himself, were removed rv i li i i ,ri)ai omce ana otners installed in tue;r . j i i- .i cc e stead; by his order the officers of cities, '-. " Hurt TiMf A mhf era nf count iph wpri lil.l respnueible to him for the petformance of their duties ; by bis order, citizens1 places j of business were opened or closed at w ill, i:i.h ...J colheted. To enC,ro th , V!ltcUtu bavonelsi andreadv , v , ' . r , f ""T eie dru7" 6,1eiim!Sj hom scabbards; to enforce these orders eder l officers everywhere Hood ready to give the word to Federal soldiers with caution and with cavalry, with bayonets and with bullets, to beiu lh eir bloody worlc.- It was underi such circumstances as these that the infamous Canby Conetitu lion was imposed upon the people of North Carolina, thousands and thousands of our best white citizens having, for the purpose, ' "been ; disfranchised and kept away from the polls, while vast hordes of ignorant and excited negroes were-per-' UitUi ' cr0wd f? lbem "T""6 Areata J ot vengeance ugainst their late waslers. uiiotr ujffoyi.sfou cuange everywhere J and in every thing was the order of. the day. Our entire pyetcni of government was oveit brown. All power was taken from the many and given to thefew ; was takeu from the people and given lo the officehoidersi The people were made subordinate, and their rulers were made supreme.. In all things, the servant was put above me aiaster. lue wmte race was subjected to the rule of tbe bUek race. Nor was the man under, whos oicer ail those tilings were done, a man to commend himself to our love. We knew (JaXRr, General KdwaKD Uaxbt, (lien military lord and master over us, 011 ly as a general in the victorious Federal army, tbe army that had pillage'd aud 1 blundered our people, lam waste our 1 1 T 1 j country, ravishe deredourmen. d our women aud mnr Such was the state of affairs in Nortl Carolina less than niue years ago, and yet to-morrow, those of us who survive, will witness the installation of officers chosen by the people e f North Carolin at an open, (air election, held in the broad light ot day , and under the jealous oyes of watchful and uufiiendly federal offi 1 ; . 1 . 1 ciais 111 every book sua corner 01 me State. And not only that, but tbe Con stitution these o&cere will be required to take an oath lo inaia'.ain and support, wil: be one under w hich tbe people of North Carolina will onto more be waslers. Aud all this has been accomplished' by our selves, and by peaceful, lawfal means. On by one we have slacken toe shackles a 1 iron oar itaios, until suce snore wo are free and unfettered. Aud does sot the retrospect of the past in State matters gio good ground for hope for our future in national affairs ? Is the present condition at all comparable to our condition in 166S ? With Florida redeemed from ihe rule of a Radical Re turning Board, even if South Carolina and LouUiaha shall not be s fortunate, is it not demonstrated that; we will be victorious in tbe next natifH.s.1 conflict, even if we shall have been unsuccessful in the last ? Four years constimte but a short period in the lifo of a nation, but a brief linie in. which to wait for the blessed boon of constitutional poveniroeut and in- diidual libeT4y liberty regulated by law. IT Of all people it least becomes North Y. roliuiaiis to doubt the permauency o mocratic institutions, or the capacity of roan for self-government. Let na rath er begin the new eia that dawns upon our State affairs to-moirow by renewing and makinfr afresh our determination not to rest eiiber day or night until onr nations government shall be, like our State gov eiument, tbe honest choice of the Atneii can people expressed at tbo-ballot-box in nnen dav aud according to law. Let ns a uot be as those who think the world wil come to an end alter lliey am gone, nor as those who think their dutv is confined to their own generation. Hal. Observer. It is a stern and revolting fact that the people of the Uuite.d . Stairs queily acquiesce intbo crim by which Hayes claims Louisiaua; Florida and bouth Carolina, tho rohi of tha Soulhern States is complete. Not only this, but the party which seeks $o perpetuate Uselt by these outrages will, if installed tn power, do- stroy tbe automOuy of every State in the Union. A party -which '"don't care a damn" for the decision of a Slate court wilt soomabolish all eourts and set up a government whoso absolutism will exceed that of Russia, tlf the people yield up ineir iioenie. wuuouv . F. 'heir lib-rtics are gone forever. Lourier JOUrMal. In a letter sent by the New England!, oociety of ouanesioa to uaae xiampion, i . . - - - . - i' - - - - 'I. luTiiitig him to attend their anoual cele- l..JlT- .i r ii bratlon, occurs the following , The people have not forgotten that of th two mothers who appeared before i Solomon, the Winter is coming on when ehildren are H false claimant was she whowonld have abided aWe to Croop. Whooping Cough, etc by the decision of the sword." - 1 GouRhs and Colds will prevail every where. leather Hard oa Chamberlain, Uo ( UT Without ihe sword i Mr. Chamberlain's I claim to the eorernment of - South Caroxt lioa would not stand an hour. u .; ; ' CiH llU. Ut UUIMh. The old whiDninir bosk mar hare been . I;- r l -:..:i: i xt .i. ill uwvai IOIU lUIU I.KI1UCU lUlllI' I ern brethren call it, bat t was a useful 1 institution. It punished certain crimes i mi nan m m 1 1 1 a1 ; t K4 5 a mm T at.s I sort of punishment prevented ihexnines 1 bey have learned ibis fact in England ", i , t. .i . l. .i ut kat It mma whim Ilia irirrntlno . T 7r. w " I mania set in among the London thieve. some years ago, all sorts of measures wero uc-L'ested for nuttinff a ston to it "tha oh!t c " . . . ". . . t . . r saccesstul one amontf wbicb Droved to ha the Irtsn. liarrotior is now nunishab e in . ' . . .f ..... 1 England by seven years' penal serritude and forty lashes to start with; and earrot-1 log has almost disappeared in that coon- try. 1 he Director of Newgate prissn says that the garroters feared the forty Italics mnr. thu.i tvoivtr vm' hard lakrwr - . - . I v v " w ii is impossiuie noi 10 aa,mire me enter- y.; ji . . 1 prise of the Califorutaiis.v Not satisfied with taking op the mining coautry and the lauds ready for cultivation, they hae ;-ne into the work of reclaiming farms from their great rivers with -au energy cbaracteristic of the neople of that State. In the San Joaquin river two large is- I .. ..A .mll A I. 1. 4- I ....... am, -.v cui-.. n ... wuugu getber by the building of levees so as to '" araoiw iracs 01 iuu.uuo acres, W ...!. .. 1 1 . n 40,000 acres has been reclaimed by the 1 in nir-1 n i me iuia fivrr an urea 01 construction of torty-hve miles of levee upon which 1,000 Oliinarnen, under the supervision of white foremen, were en t III! 1 gagea. 1 nese levees are ouiu wun a base of fifty fvef, the height varying from eight to ten feet. Oimv Rough and Ready Island n-claiuiation has been going 011 for twenty years, tbe first settler there being a Scotchman, who laid out an orchard 011 160 acres which is now yielding a hand- some mcoine. biuiilar works of reclama-I tiou are going on in ihe Sacramento,, the Dear, and the Yuba : rivers, though not upon so extensive a scale as in the San oaquiu. Judge B.uid had the grace to arrange that his extraordinary decision could go np to tbe United Slates Sunreme Conrt for revision. There isino doubt it will be speedily reversed. But the temporary potut is gained ; the Kepubiican jobbery z a . a. i" tilt i . hi oouiu varouua is uimeia or a aenant stretch of rederal jurisdiction ; and it is not at all unlikely that Bond willfully sacrifiVd his judicial knowledge and repu tation tor this partisan purpose. The last federal judge who attempted this rale, Durell, of Louiehna, fled tbe bench to escape impeachment, and Bond is a proper candidate tor a simiiiar retiiement from the bench. Springfield Republican. R. . , , .1 ichard Cullan murdered a man in iJinurno, in me presence or two wii- f. i r. . ... """a. vyiuMu ioiu uicfb w mit-ercB mail . . .. . i 1 . . 1 1 . . i j . i. : . i. . he would certainly kill them if they divul- gf d what tbey had se6n, aud as he was a denerado. ther believed him. During . o then, pricked by conscience, they gara information to the authorities. The mar- derer has just been hauged. Mra . . . .... 1 hat the aegroes who are said to nave been murdered by' Democrats in tbe bull dozed parishes of Louisiana just before the late election were; really murdered by Radical assassins, to give the Returning Board an excuse for counting in Hayes is proven by the fact that the Radical au- tlrii(i,n of th sat hiv nvr mi1 tho slightest effort to bring the murderers to justice. "Why f!o you drive such a pitiful look lug carcass as taat t Why don t yoa put a heavier eoat of flesh aa hint I catd a traveller to an Irish ear driver. 4 A heavier load of flesh ! - By tha powers, the pooi cratnre can hardly carry what little there's on him now The people are far in advance of Con gress in their determination to speak out in thunder tones against the plot to steal the Presidency and back op the theft with bayonets. Pittsburgh Post. The immediate aspect of affairs does not excuse the fears of the timid or en courage the hopes of the demagogue that there will be anything bnt a peaceful set tlement of the issue resulting in the in auguration of Mr. Tildeu. Washington Union. - I Do you take The Sonny South! If not, send for it immediately. It is the universal favorite, and all Southerners are proud of it. ; Let a large club be rained without delay in this community.: It in the only illus trated literary weekly m the South, and the pres. and people everywhere unite in pronoun cing it the equal in every respect of any similar publication in America. The best literary talent of the whole country. North and South, is writing for it, and it ha something each week for all clanxes of readers. Its stories are superior in literary merit, and equal in thrilling interest to thone of any other paper, and its es says upon all subjects are from the best minds of the age. ; In addition to thrilling new stories, a series of brilliant articles will soon begin on the Gampagn and Battles of the Army of Tennessee, by Colonel B. W. Frobel, a dis tinguished military engineer Of that army in all its trying times. These papers will explain all the movements of General , Johnston, Hood and Sherman. Don't miss any of the numbers. Thev will read like a fascinating romance. New and exciting stories are beginning every week or two State and local aeents are ' being appointed everywhere, but let each community form .a club at once and send for the paper. Having pawed successfully through two of the hardest years we shall ever see, it now challenges the admiration and unlimited support of the peo- .. The price is $3 4 yearf Gut clubs of four .i get it for $2.50. Address Jno. H. Seal, Atlanta, Ga. three mouths tbev kebt the secret. ndl"UK,,.Jru' " P"'J cure coo Scarcity Of Money. , i. ' t " 1 ' ' " . ThM n 1r,nV tint Ko iMiiitAfiilL L. , nl- . vv j t i ' tion ot all kinds of business and industry iis fearfullr denressed. and it behooves every farail? to look carefullr t. their exnenses. and Consumption, with other throat aud lune diseases, will carry off many. These diseases should not be : neglected. Doctor's loins are expensive, ana we woniu aitvise lonr ieonl tit ua linruv.v.H (IrriunSvr. t'V If nmrmr ha. fill ftn. 1 1.. m hnts keep youP wh0te f.uniy Wrn jor In6 the winter. Two doses will relieve any case. Sdd m ull.towns m the Uuited States , , . . . mi O t't - ' J 6b TTonntr TnflnTira f o nr.ot cn.;fln and ..gth. tl,eJliet should-be'l wholesome . . ... , . ' , and nutritious. When it happens that (lie It nr Ihsi nrmsinriraitinri nr iviaiosii t Kaaftli "J P7 "e yr J P r; , , , " ine eTU ru'' Dngne aiCesuv organs tttt..ntAm..k ntn... . li. " .jjrcu.c, Fr'uF i" w "JF1. n 1 .! I r J j for lht bilious and evicaaOye IrregulariUes which result from it. The Hrer and bowels, ln common wun me stomach, experience Its benencient influences. I he refuse of the svs- tem 'a carried off through its natural outlet, a healthy Bow and secretion of the bile is nronio- IttA m n1 nnBuPiil i m .... : i.tA.iAH.H . r 1. t. i.i t- 1 stimiiates ihe bladder and kidnevs when they are inactive, and by its tonic and recti latin? r . ... - . action lorunes me system against malaria. Theo. F. Klutt2 is eirina awav a hand- some bok entitled "Pearls for the Peo- ( coutaiuing much valuable informatiou n.d "any interesting articles. It also cun- ta!DS n,8l,"T me aiscovery ot me "itep- "" "f.81 1 - fcv""t v.. uu ell" . whn th Tln.Vtin, h8 U9ed it effects a permanent and lasting cure of these diseases, which prevail to suh .1 ;. . . ... an aianning exieui in our country. lake the Hepatine for all diseases of the liver. A Splendid Hair Dressing and Restorer Combined. Wood's Improved Hair Restorative is unlike any other, and has no equal. The Improved has new vegetable tonic proper ties; restores grey hair to a glossy, natural color ; restores faded, dry. harsh asd Tailing hair : restores, dresses, srives vieor to the nair ; restores nair to prematurely bald heads; removes dandruff, humors, scaly eruptions; reiwoves irritation, itchiug and scaly dryness No article produces such wonderful effects Try it, call for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't be put off with any other article. Sold by all druggists in this place and dealers everywhere. Trade sup P" manufacturers' prices by C. A I Cook & Co., Chicago, Sole Aeents for th United States and Canadas, and by J. F. Uenrv. Ourran & Co.. New York. 51 ADVICE GRATIS The Hon. Alexander H. Stephens says: 'The Gloh Flower Cough Syrup has proven a most valuable remedy to me. Gov. James M. Smith, of Georgia, says: "1 8nH always use it with perfect conn dence, and recommend it to the public as a remedy which will afford that satisfaction experienced by me and mine. It exceeds everything for coughs, colds and obstinate lung affections. - v w . - mvnu, fi vji. fan. iic nuns th. R1.lbe Klow-r tTnnirh S.r m .o.t .. : .. cellent remedy. i o i i .i . , oucn eu'iorsement oy our great and good men deserves the attention of thetnicted Those suffering from cough, colds and lung affections should ase the Globe Flower u a T. ;n sumption. For sale by Theo. F. Kluttc. In Unity Township, Dec. 27th, by the Rev. R. W. Boyd, Mr. Wx. R. Thompson arid Miss Fannie C. Penninuek, daughter I oi Jir. jeison i-enninffer, By, Rev. R. L. Brown, at the residence of the bride's father, and on the 21st of Dec. 1876, Mr. Lewis J. Ribemn to Miss Ai.rcK C. Walton, botn of Rowan county. At the Post Office in this city, Thursday the 21st ult., by David L. Bnngle, Esq. James Alkxakder Menics to Miss Martha FctK, both resideats of the city. On the J8th Decemlier, by the Rev. H. M Brown, at the residence of the bride s step father, Jlr. HeshT Kester and Miss An TIONETTE 8. Cacble all of Rowan county In this County Dec. 21st, by A. W. Kluttz Esq., Geo. M. G. Heilio and Mrs. Sarah House. SALISBURY MARKET, Corrected by J. M. Knox & Co. December 20, 1376. Cottok brisk Middlings, 10 low do 9f10 8&9 lit 2 15 stains Bacoit, county, hog round Butter Eoqs Chickens per d07.cn Corn market well supplied Meal moderate demand at WttEAT-J-good demand at 20(82 1012 $1.50(2.00 50 607 85&1.10 Flour market stocked best fam. $H.2 super. Potatoes, Irish Onions no demand Lakd Beeswax Tallow Blackberries 3.00 12J1 3040 3o40 2830 Apples, dried 46 Sugar Coffee Calicos 1115 25 fi10 J, 1 MLTER& CO. a Wholesale and Retail Detler ia FURNtTORE OF ALL KINDS, CA.T.I3BIT2.Y XT. C. 53"! pe-rlsl orders made from Photographs in our office will be snpplied. Also Ajrents for the Remington Sewing Machine, the .most perfect and lifrbt ronning Machine In the market. They hare no rotary . earn, eog wheels or l?T.r arms to make a noise, ran hard, or get ont of nntr. WTe warrant everv Machine. If thev don't ! piwc we Lik tbent vk and return the money. Ctt tjcfre bnjsng ui ee theiu. ll:ly No life All persons indebted to 'tis are Twpectfully requested to; settle their. , accounts at.om e, andTalt accounts not settled by Jany. lOth, 1877, will be put in the bands of . an. jotficer for collection.-'. If you 00 tts anything,; we iiieaa this notice Lt y6..3 - '-aW fr Dec. 11 7G; Q 4u IWAWTON & ROS. DAVIE CO tTV IK TllE SUPERIOR CODI1T R A. Hendricks, . "1'. , ' , Against ' ' Joseph A Hendricks, Susan ) Summons Kice, Camelitte Shoafwife of fur KelieC . David Shoaf, and Louisa Stoker J: THE STATE OP JJORTH COROLISA. To the Sheriff of DcnU QoHnt$Qretiin$ij You are hereby ctimmmdeu to wtmmon Joseph A Htriidrickp. feiisan'Kice David Shoal nil VKmriiitc oiiuiti nitu airmail ciuktrr, mr uc (etidants above natuedj if they be found within vow county to appear .-at tlieoflice of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Davie, within twenty days after the service of this summons on them, exclusive of the dav of such seavice, and answer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the othce of the Clerk of ihe Superior Court for said county, within ten days from thedate ofthis summon4,and let them take notice that if they fail to answet ihe said complaint within that time, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. , Herein fail not and of this sursraons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Conrtj this 30ih day ot rsov. 187(3. H. B.llQjVARD, C. S.C. It 'appearing from affidavit Gled .that Susan Rice, one of the defendants named in the above summons is a non-resident of this State, and that her place of residence is unknown. It is ordered that service of said summons be made by publication for six successive weeks, in the Carolina Watchman, a newspaper published in Salisbury, N. C. . , li. li. IIOWAKD, Clerk Superior Court, Davie County. 8:6t. pd. HIGHEST - HONORS AT TOE UNITED STATES GEIMEHfliAL i ' ' ' ' World's Exposition, 1876 0 CABINET ORGANS Unanimously assigned the FIRST RANK IX THE SEVERAL REQUISITES" Of such Instruments ! The MASON &. HAMLIN ORGAN CO nave me nonor 10 announce mat tne organs of their nianutactnre have been unanimonxlv assigned "the FIRST KANK in -the SLV EHAL REQUISITES of instruments of the claw" by the Judges aUlhe CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION at Philadelphia, 1876, and are the ONLY INSTRUMENTS OF THIS GEN ERAL CLASS AWARDKD THIS RANK This is after the severest cowpelilion by the bet makers, before one ol the moat competent juries ever assembled. Thev have also received the MEDAL, but, as in well known, medala of e!ual merit have been awarded all articles deemed worthy of recognition ; so that it will be eay for many nnkers to advertise lliat they have received "first medals." The differences in competing articles, and their comparative excellence, are recognized in the Reorts of the Judges, from which the following is an extract: " THE MASON & HAHLIK 0EGAN C0.'s exhibit of Reed Organs and Har moniums snows instruments ot the FIRST RANK IN THE SEVER AL RE QUISITES OF INSTRUMENTS OF THE CLASS; viz.: Smoothness and eanal distribution of tone, scone of expression, resonance, and singing qual ity, ixeeaom ana quickness in acuon of keys and bellows, with thorough ness of : workmanship r.. combined with simplicity of action. c Sirjntd by all the Judges ) Th Mason 'arid Ham lin Organs are thus declared to ranit first, not in one or two rtspects onlv, but in the SEV ERAL REQUISITES o't MK.li Mwtminents, and thev are the ONLY ones ' assigned this rank. This triumph was not unexpected, for the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs hare uniformly been ' awarded the highest honors in competitions in America, there having been scarcely six exceptions in hundreds of competitions. They wt-re awarded hijrlivst honors and- , FIRST MEDALS Paris 1867;Vienna '73 Santiap75; ; PHILADELPHIA, 1876, and. have thus beeu awarded highest honors Every World's Exposition at which they have been exhibited ; being the ., which have ever obtained '. AA'Y AWAS2D at any competition wlih best European makers, or la any Kuropeaii WorlJ's exposition T NEW STYLES, with improvements, exhibited at the CENTENNIAL; elegant new caws la great va riety. . Prices rrry lov'mt consistent with be&t mate rial and workmanship. Onrans sold for cash or Installments, or rented until rent pays. Evrrg Or- gan vcarranttA to (jute enairf, attcttnt. t trw rent rmabU jmrskasu-r or TilK MOMKV KKKCSDFP, ILLUS TttATKl) CAT-A LOWES srnt free. , 11 AS IN & HAMLIN O KO AN . COv I S4 Tremont Street, Iioston; 'Zo I'nlon smare, Now York; aud 2 Adams stre t. (Jlil'-air : 37 Orat Marlborough Pweet London: ti Ba' ker StraHse, VTenna ; 114 XXI- nns wrset, Meioourne. Sept-11, 16 ly " . - , THIS PAPEIl IS FILE TITXI M'hre Advertlslue Conlracta can be mad MA IT 1 TTT MANSIdMOUSE Centrally Situated tlxo Xia.l3llo Square SALISBURY, N. C. ''piIE IIOTJSE is in tbe centra of business X aud CF'neareat to the depot. TalAe as good as ihe best. Servants attentive and polite. Hoard per day . $1 SO Single Meals. Ut, CSSpecial Contracts for a longer term t ... Omnibus U aod from. all trains. Best l4iry titabto near at band. fs?Tbe nndersifened tenders his thanks ta many friends who have called on him at tbv -Ma sni 05. and assures them that no effort shall be spared to uiake their fntnre visits pleasant. CT"f he TrareHng Public will always find pleasant quarter and reficubing fare. v WM. KOWZXB, Feb. 3, 176. 17:tf . . s - - HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 33 rjLZCTT CAUDA all style with name lOcts. jiost paid. J. B. IIUSTKD, Nassau. Reus. Co., N. Y. 48 4ar (JCfjn A MONTI Ho Active men selling or vJUU Letter Copying Book. No prtss or water nsed. Sample copy worth $3.09 FREE. Svnd stamp fr cireolar. EXCE1V SIORM F'G. CO., 99 Madison and 133 Dearborn St., Chicago. 4w. 50, SiicRirTKRg for 1877. Fvervbody is aettioa: IOTTER'3 AMKRfCAK MONTHLY, a lichly illustrated, ably edited Family Magazine at only f3 a year. 8pa eimens 25cts. Great terms to elubs. JOIIM E. POTTER & CO.. Pubs.. Phila. Aw OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE iiTrtHi rviiiniTinlll .HI 11 L HAniDIIIUIV It sells faster than any other book. On Agent sold 34 copies iu one day. Thit ia the only authentic and complete history. pauusuea. oenu tor our extra terms to Agents. Address, NATIOXAL" PUBLLSUIKO Co., Philadelphia, Pa., or St. Louis, Ho. Active Azeots wanted instantly to Intro duce the CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED. Nearly 800 pages; "only $2JO, rich illaa- tratious; and a treantrt as the best and cheapest History of the Great Exhibition. Endorsed by Officials, Press, and Clergy. Is selling immensely. Ooe lady cleared S350 iu finir weeks. Actouicklv. Now or never. For full particulars. A Aires? Hub bard Bros.. Publishers, 733 Sausom 8t- Philadelphia, Pa. 12:4ar 5000 AGENTS fSK tor CHARLEY ROSS Written by his father. A com pl eta account of this most Mysterious Abduction" and Ex , citing Search. With F;ic Simile LetUra and Illustrations. Outsells all other Books One axeut took 50 orders iu one day. Tarma liberal. Also Agents wanted on our Mag nificent Family Bibles With invalaable Illustrated Aids and Superb Bindings. John E.' Potter & Co., Publisheta. Phil adelphia'. - . 12:4 ir HEADACHE. Dr. C. W. BENSON'S CELERY and CHAMOMILE PILLS are prepared expressly to enre Sick Head ache, Nt-rvous Headache, Dyspeptic Head ache, Neuralgia. "Nervousness, 81eeple8sneaa and will cure any case. Price 50 eenit postage free. SvIJ by all draggiata salt country stores. Office, 0 North Eula Street, Baltimore. MJ. Kkferekce : G J. LESTER, Cashier Howard Bank, Balti more. Md. 4w. TRIFLING WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS Use WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. a sure remedy for COUGHS, and all diseaaat of the THROAT. LUNGS, CHEST and MUCOUS MEMBRANE. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. C N. CRITTENTOX, 7 Sixth ATBirtm. N.wYorkr- - 4:4 lnniT 0 TT i IU TIT CABINET ORGANS Have been Unanimously assigned tb "FIRST RANK IN THE SEVERAL. REQUISITES Of such Instruments, at jba U. S. CENTENNIAL, J876, and are the only organs assigned this rtojk their superiority is thus declared, no ID oa or two respects only, but in all th lvavTr rani qualities ui an organ, a aataiai t Diphiiwa has also beeu awarded tbftn, bv uieuais oi equal vaiue were awaruea V. articles deemed worthy of reieuith)a. a that many makers ean advertise "fUajt jntjj - 1 -.1 .-I . L 1 .. ma or -niirnesi nwaraa. Com n rati te rank in excellence baa ba determined by the Judges Reports adooaw in which the MASON fr HAMLIN OR GANS are Unanimously assigned Th FIRST RANK in thn several reoolalu. of snchlnstruments, and are the' onlyonef assigned this rank. See Judges Reports, This result was not unexpected, for theaa organs have Uniformly taken highest awards iu such competitions, there being less 1het six exception in hundred ef comparisons, They were awarded firm medals, and high est hounia at Par s lfi7, Wnna 187 Santiago 1875. FhiUdflphu 187(1; having thus ht fu awarded highest houor at EaT World's Exposition at which thev hava eB pelt-d. aud beiug the ouly Aiuriran orgaif which ever obtained any award in Europe. NEW STYLES with ImtriivenieoU x, hihited at the CENTENNIAL: kgai new cases in great "Variety. Prima jiiJ lowest consisted .with best material a4 W4irkmaiihip. Organs ad4 for eaab er Is stftllmuts. or ruied until rt-at y Erery organ warranted to gioe enitirt satisfaction It every reasonable pw chaser or tho roonej r. Jinded. Illlptkatcd Catalogue tr - MASON A II M LIN ORGAN Ct. 114 Tremon Sire t, 1'4iob; Union Sqnure. Krar York; 0 and 82 Adams trett, Chicago. 4;4w

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