n if- toUna Watchman. toe all Moderated. The weather so far moderated Sunday. Mnndif arul Tnmutav tt miiiIm Unm for warming nnnecessary on Tuesday. Snow W'?"M t"0 fS r JANUARY 13, 1877. CARD. 1 undersigned would inform the pnblie fronds that ?h baa fremoved uhis , the House of; Mermiry & Rogers. he an b found at ail times, and will t. serve them officially ir otherwise. khi 1377. 141 aII mama t.m.a A ttMfniiMJ JamIL .1 f. fa- ... ttuur, tu j-.v.uu uuw uuu in iu mM,:n r twin..,!. c.t UHCe. ; , 4 ' - i ? V - llipM U-AaT tUm r.i!ln;n. ImiM. "' .' s: ! I J F aw-.wVm& V7V.W..VU TT ineuHurnoaj ma oaiuraay, oi ism, i unanimously aaoptea : f f. . v -. i killed all the China trees, then general! grown I v Wheebas, It has pleased oar Father, in his here for were 18 found that thej were killed, some were man it-1 Besotted. 1st. That though we recoenize and factured Into r.irnitnnL Tim Ui Xfminr I reverence the hand which smote him in the Junius Sneed. had a massive and very hand- "?JSn.d. Ti' of M! onng manhood and . .. I . ... , removed bis pare spirit from these scenes of sin some ueusteaa maue oi in wooa. The cold snap on the 3d Jan. ' instapt, haa DISSOLUTION NOT V Treas. been variously reported here at from 6 to 8 de grees below zero. If the latter figure be cor rect it was 3 degree below the extreme teni- ICE. firm. either or ward and with J. P. fir hi of A. U. Sullivau & Co., is dis this day by mutual consent. pvito'M iudebted to .said t or account, wil! some ihrir business at once. as no indulgence can W given. A. M. SULLIVAN ic CO. 1377 U:lm. TO DEBTORS J k Dean, either by account, note or mort- ire hereby notified to call and pay irome- v u no other notice will not be given. m 3t) . - perature of 1533, which we think was set down worthy of the high honors conferred j upon at o below zero. A furious north wind nr. I hira by the Philanthropic Society: and whose .. . r J J..lL k.. .J.. 1...L !. .l" .15..!-. 1 ucAiii iiiw maue f uiu uuih in mai oucieij snu the Senior Class, which it is impossible to fill... .,- ! Beaohed. 2nd. That as a mark of our lovinz remembrance we dedicate to his memory a page of our minute book. . I . . Remlrtd, 3rd. That copy of these resolu tions be sent to the sorrowing family, to whom we extend our heartfelt avmpathy: and a I copy THE LAST NOTICE. persons in Jelled tothe flrmi of Sinithdea riman and Suiithdeal & CildwcU, must id settle belore the Irt day of February All claims mifiettled on that day, wil feed in the hands of an olBcer for wjIIcc once, ' .- I W. SMITI1DEAL sons whose paper are marked with Irk in pencil, will understand from ' fiov'are due us for the laner, aud wil teiit. J Wm. McNeely and n ielt here Monday night a viMit. - All - l -I m or lour jniurnai , rt venue pcouia through thii place last Tueday morn three smal for Texas TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. .11 tlte China trees, then generally grown . heeeas, it has pleased our If ather in his inches in diameter ; and when it was be it therefore , f ! ' CoTTos brisk' Middlings, low do , , stains Bacok, county,' hog round Bcttkk and sorrow to that better land, upon which, it U oor-comfort in this desolation, he ever; kept his eyes fixed; yet we also! mourn this appa rently untimely removal of one whose lovely character and sterling qualities made) him worthy of the esteem fell for b by all, and vailed at that time, which of course made the cold far more penetrating and apparently more ntense. . - ' o- The funeral of our young friend, Mr. W A Taos RuurLE, Sunday morning, conducted at the Presbytenan church, by Rev. Mr. Harding, of The following conrenatioa between two small boys, which was overheard on the street explains itself : f Say, J otnniT, what yoa coin - to do Christmas Goiu to tiondy school all day.' Oh, my! what' that fori" .... "Well yoa see I've beeti cola' to the Second Baptist, an' First Congregation- Q9 aljf'au J? irat Methodist Sunday schools CmcKKsrs per dozes cos they all met at different times; hat I IConir market well supplied do'no how Tn Coin, to igei miind to em I Meal moderate demand at all on Christmas, I've got Caddy Pier- whkat goou sen lo fetch my preseuls from one of 'em, I an I think I ean see to the rest : bat . T they come so near together, I aint sure. Qsioss no demand If I'd known It before, I never d rone to Laiit one of m, but I won't lose my Cbnst I Uat tnus now after workiu so Jiard fr it. Teachers take courage : W. W. MOORE, vv. ii. nkf;l, II. E. FRI ES, ) Com. Charlotte, assisted by Prof. Hepburn, of David-for publication to each of the following papers: son College, and Presiding Elder. Rev. Mr. Uirolina rresby terian, Salubury atch- w I . O .1 Tf ; rw fl 2 i . . Brnton. w.umnUhnt nnn.n.M.mn.nH oo'unern wome anu uzuj vnariowe 9 r - . . ' Observer. inipressiTe service.-, ine cnurcn was crowoea below and above by a sympathising people drawn from all the various churches in the place, embracing also many not accustomed to attend religiou services. It was a remarkable testimonial of esteem for one so vnung, and and who had endeared himself to a whole com mnnitvouW br a auiet but friendlvand dl.im leslife. It was a consoling ex predion of l Waeliinijiuii r oi.necteU by MENACING PREPARATIONS. - 1 j ' i The White House aud all the depart symtalhy in the deep affliction brought upon the family so suddenly bereaved of a loved and clieerisheu memoer. It was a beautiful mani festation of the noblest impulses of the human heart, forgetting all for the sake of mingling tears witlrihose that weep. The theme of the in winter, and his "earnest and impressive manner was eminently fitting, and appealed directly to the reason and con. sciences of his hearers with a power that eternity alone van revuaj. The body was borne to its resting place in Oak Orore cemetery by the . intimate yonng friends of the deceased, two of them from the College, who, after lowering the coffin into the i"g to reach a atirif4Ctory mode of count erave. dropped uuon it their badzes of mourn- K the volt-s for President. There is 0 ing. Solemnly and gentle thev filled in theexcueuiem la Washington, and no jprob earth and-formed the mound; and niacin on 'ability of any dtaturbatiCO in that COU. ! sTitfia it the emblems of hoie and an imperishable ollinu.v OI mceUoiaers, claim ageuts, con i . . M .i i...: .. i : i i u affection, the scene was closed with prayer and """V proiresioua j u il..kMMi:i.i;nn . K;n,i. WK. ,,l oer' vuiy iwo or mrec iuii4iuniaiory turner aav v .V-waa ua-'vf ww v . m o M a a B 1 , i sueociies u:ito uccii ; luaur in iiuirr anu an lurneu i ,v . , , , , , House, ana iney uave De-u cotiucuirea telegraph with the Senate and the House of Representative separately, with a view to facilitate the tiausaction of public; bus iness. We now learn j that, wiihiu the last few days, a new line of military tele graph has been laid, cojunecihig the! War Department specially with the Capitol This line may be regarded as the exten siou of another, recently established be twceti the ar Office aud the Arsenal where the troops and thn munitions of war lately ordered there are sta tioned. Congress is legislating peaceably. Committees of the two Houses are islriv SALISBURY aURKETr Corrected by J. 3L Eitox & Co.1 January 10, 1877. 10, " 8a 111 15 2025 15 11.50(2.00 5055 C070 851.10 Ftoca market stocked best fam. 3.25 - 3.00 75 All persons indebted to us are respect fully requested ti settle their accounts at oni-w, and all necount not settled by Jauy. 10th, 877, will be pat in the, bands, of an umeer for collection. I Ifyoqqwens anything, we mean this notiee for von.! " ! "' 'f Dee. 1 1 76: 9 4u WALTON & UOS 75 The. F. Klnttx is giving away a : hand some booK eutitleu "fearls fr trie feo- ple." containing much valuable information aud inauy interesting articles. It also con tains a history of the discovery or the "llep atiue," for diseases of the fiver, dvsnepria. cousiipation and iodigestiou. drc. auJ gives Oats Beeswax Tallow " Ulackberbies Apples, dried Sugar !ofkee Calicos 12115 3040 3540 2880 7 6i7 11(15 25 610 il mocXiAfcXATiosr positive assurance that when the Hepatinel r V T IT V il ft If T? T) "V A P is used it effects a perin Aieat and lasting O 1 Llih t V L It i U K . pure of !hfe diseases, w! ieh preva'l to suh :m ftlartnitis extent in onrs rountrv. Take the llepatiue for all diseasei of the liver. $200 Reward. T A . a. rt ad- A&opy iuiiueuue oj a ureal opeciue. Executive Department, 1 For the preservation or renverv of health KaleIUU. January 12. 1877. 1 - 3 W 1 a m ma M nl fP.nrii. M. i; .K.tj iw.ri,imtt herea, olucial intormation has been re- , . ... ' J.,. . ..... I ceived at this Department that Cornelius R mm niuriuuii. nen ii napnens mat ine I r .1 i4 r.i . r r-.... .-..J. -a 1 Ljit4Ker. inir ui ine iuiiiiiy ui nowi 1, mi m aiimenirirj processes are uituroea i.y improper charged with the murder of Kobert Harris or half masticated food, the I best remedy for I and, the evil results of abusing the digeative organs hereas, it appears that the said Urnelius n...- 1. n;,.. . ..i., R- Liuker has fled the Mase, or so conceals " ' "-B"-, M,,nilMrlf lh.it the ordinary process of law can prompt anu geuue remeuv ,ior urspefiriia, ano noi be served upon him for the bilious and evacaiitive irreaularities I Now, therefore, I, Zebulon B. Vance, Gov which result from it. The liver and bowels, er of l),e ?l!,te of No"h Carolina, by virtue .m., .1 . . -. of authority in me vested by law, do inane this "T " 0ui, nt-e my procUraation, offering a reward of TWO beneneient influences. Iherefuie of the y HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehension tern is carried off through ita natural outlet, a and delivery of the said Cornelius R. Litaker healthy Bow and secretion of the bile is promo-'ito the Sheriff of Rowan county, at the court led, and a powerful iinpeju ia given to assim- I houe in Salisbury, and 1 do enjoin all officer nation in consequence of 11 ne. It healthfully I of the state and all good citizens to assist in xtiiiiilate the bladder and kidneys when thev I bringing said criminal lo justice. are inactive, and by iu tonic and regulating I Done at our city of Raleigh, the 12lh day o action fui tities the system against malaria. I January. 1877, and in the hundred and first year ot American independence. rr 1 in vm A Splendid Hair Dressing and By the Governor: A WTernor' hMrl nnnierous remarks about I .i ' 1 ,..J;i.i.,...,K vainer.-uou uuneicii it" vmvh. Llicatioa. at many curb-stones have been thrown ieir placex by the recent frtjezeand quick jit would be an eay job do tix them up -0 - A ! sw Roman Catholic churc , :' lo be dedicated on next I occatou considerable 1 1 at Green Sabbath, for reparation u I ; r has Ueii 8 9yO parlriigJn hipetl from aint this- season. We ca 3pre ; for we took the trou t . .- o jxipular county Treainirer, ibbiim has moved hii ot!icj Anger's hlore, where he is iitiw doing busi I See Lis card. o Utng'. Our young friend fa $25 00 challenge on liix dog don't set more birds ti I the parUhbe will forfeit tsri.lt take il up ? touching were the exercises, from the sacred ground feeling that it was bet ter to go to the house of mourning than to the pl ice of mirth. OBITUARY. Watson Wharton Krjiri.a Born in Sharon, Mecklenburg County, Feb. lstlijs. Baptized Into Christ's church by Rev. J. M. Walker. Received In to the full communion ot the Church July 1 1, 1S74 entered Davidson College 1873. Died Jan. 12th, 1817 Burled In Salisbury, Jan. 14th, 1S7T. A short life on earth was allotted to htm, but how soon has Ue been called to join the throng of the re deemed ! He had grown up in our midst known to us all from his Infancy. Each family mourned over hl.4 sudden death as tf for one of their own home cir cle. No eulogy H needed, for the truthful reeori of a blameless young life Hlts own testimony to his worm. e sometimes n;x ui&i an is weu wita we dejr.irtel ones: In his case we are cUiin that "He has found the Joys of heaven, He is one of the angel bund. To his head a crown of Old is given, And a harp Is In his hand. He han learned the mai they sing Whom Jesus luith set free, Aud the glortoui walls of heaven now ring With hli new boru melodj-." He was not able to give utterance to the thoughts which must have occupied bis mind ta the last hours Wm. Meares, of his earthly life, but words were not needed. - Pa rent.-! ean desire no more four their children than that they should live as he lived Though we must mourn that he was so soon called from earth we must re joice that hU memory will ever be dear to all who knew hi'.n. May , his youthful companions imitate hU virtues. : - ii voiK'ii lor ble to inquire Mr. J. Sam'I to Ait-rollev og. lie says au any oilier the challenge. ainer of the KafcAnuia, never gts drunk, U publish tender verses on the snow. does Bro. Harris get drunk, but he can't ioyiters for supper. Hold 'em down yre r 2 ramp l wo negro pn titers J and asked for work last Tuesday i presinau the other ai i, oni to have worked with thn Win sentmel. tne other witbj Uotb vary black . o boys expect to have some fun next time reVkalitig. They intend to ikate for A tin onet-with "a good boy" painted ide). The rarst beautiftpl, graceful and We have our :fic skater takes the cup. a certain young lady who is sure to win o- typo. They the Wilsou trrel of sugar was stolen ifrom the depot turday night. It was rolled offthe platform the deKithanda were unloading a freight It belonged to a firm in U Mr. Lewter will be held '1 . i V A negro by name of old Hill. Ti.e resKtnsib1e for Dick I lay nes !s ted of the thefL lie waL recently em haiid. I at the depot as a pump 91 seea since the sugar was taken. tand the officers are on I TH OF COL. SAM' He haa We i fcr-r.;. Ill b of inlaneholy toterest to mauy friu4s of this excellent gentleman. Ally lb Davie wuuty, if which he was ye. U learn that he died at his home Itonaoantv. Texas. Jan. I at.. 1877. iUM,! of typhoid pueuinouia, um idaji duration. ! o u our table thia wek Is the Chi Phi wly. ilie urgauof tbM ijhi Phi frater- I the (Juited States, au order, v.ted !y to ColUfges, which iJi the last fe has grown to be the largest of its kiud illnited Staea. ! 1 magazine ta very neatly gotten up, ilecta credit upou its editor, Mr. juo dgs, tt ith whom many of us are ac td. jlle 14 a young maju, who deserves it deal of credit. Uy his own efforts heedueatd himself, and imaaw prio 1 m tracK. TAYLOR. Davidsok College, Jan. 12, 1877. MASS MEETING OF THE STUDENTS. WJiereas, it has pleased Almighty God, whose wavs are ast finding out' to remove from our midst by the impartial hand of death. Ma. Watsom W. R'JUPLK, for nearly four years our universally beloved fellow Ktudent and couiiwoion. whoe christian walk and convert taiioii among us was consistent and admired; aiwi whereas, we bad ecmiar opportunities for knowing and- appreciating a ol.a meter so full of worth and which commanded the respect aud love of all ; aud although we feel it impos- nible to exprexa our unleigi.ed-sorrow at his death, yet we take this method of jtayiug a last tribute of love to the memory of our departed friend, therefore Reaalted Is, That in this mysterious provi uenee me eoiiiiutinn j ua iwi uue with kc great promise f usefulness, the church a wmi mientious co-laborer, the oilege a laithfu aludeut, and thestudeiiHt a cJierif'heu associate; and that we pray for resignation to bow in Mil miMsion to the will ol Uuu whoUoeth all things well. IleJXilvcd 2nd, That we truly and deeply sym pathize with the afflicted family of our brother in thix, their irreparable loss ; and that a copy of these resolutions be presented to Uie family of the deceased. - ReuAved 3rf. That we recommend to his Society and Clatwrnates to wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty day. lUtolvtd ilk. that copy of these resolutions he sent to the N. C Preahyterian, Southern Presbvterian, Charlotte Observer, and alLbury Watchman requesting their publication. F. J. BROOKE; J. il. L. SEA BROOK 5, R.S. ARROWOOD, A. O. BUCKNER, E. C. WAY. J by both Democrats aitd Ill-publicans. hue tbia js the condition oi facts, a large force ol artillery has been concen trated at Washington during the past month, and it is known pesi ively that other troops are to be ordered there with- u the next few weeks. When resolu tions of inquiry are offered iu the Ii U!e to ascertain the reason for the unusual presence of part of iheariuy and for lljese military preparation, iu the midst oi quiet, Mr. Gakfield; or some other agent of GRANT jnmus t bU feet with an ol jectiou, and as two lliirds then become uecessary to carry the resolution, tl is laid over. . Now, it is useless to disguise the mean ing ef these various movements, which bay been chiefly directed by DoS Cam- ERUK. They lorra a part of ihe conspi racy lo make IIa.YESj President, by free sustaining fraud. The pacific assurances and the promises of agreement by those who are acting; under; the oraers of Lha dler, Morton, Sberiuan, and their couf d- rules, are only devices contrived to with draw attciitiou fiom the plot, and to enable llie conspirators to perfect th-ir plans, while the deceived people are trust fully looking forward to an honorable soluiiou of the present problems. L t the country not be deceived by the con spiraloie, or it may wake np some morn, iug, as Paris did in 1851, and fi:id the revolution in full aucccss at tho capital. .V Y. Sun. Restorer Combined. Wood's Improved Hair Eestorative is unlike any othr. ud has no eiul. The Iinpr ved has new vegetable touic proper ties ; restores grey hair to a glossy, uatural color ; restores fa led. dry harsh aad falling hair ; restores, dresses gttes igor t the hair; restores hairto prematurely bald heads; removes ilandruff, huinors, scaly eruptions ; removes irrttatiou, itching aud scaly dryuess. No article produces such fwonderful effects. . T:y it. call for WooTs Improved Hair Restorative, and don't be put off with any other article. Sold by all druggists in this place aud dealers everywhere. Trade sup plied at manufacturers' ipriees by C. A. Cook & Co., Chicago, Sole Ageuts for the United States and Canadas, and by J. F. Henry. Cqrran (c Co.. few York. 51 Notice. DAVIK COUNTY IN XKE SUPERIOR COURT , E. A. Hendricks, . 4 -Against I Joseph A I lend ricks, Susan Sammons ttice, Uameline bhoal, wife of j for Keiiet. David Shoaf, and .Louisa Stoker J ' j y THE ST.VTE OF NORTH COROLIXA Ta the Sheriff of Davie GAiutjfOixttiKgi Ion are hereby commanded to summon Joseph A Hendricks, Susan Rice, David Shoaf and Uameline phoafand LiOuisa otokcr, the de fendants above named, if they be found within your county to appear at the office of the Clerk of the ouiienor Court lor the county of Uavie, within twenty days after the service of this summons on them, exclusive of the day of such seavicc. and answer the compl nnt, a copy of which will be deposited in theonTceofthe Clerk of the Superior Court for said count v, within len days from the date of this sommons,and let them take notice that if they fail to answer the saui complaint within that time, the rlaintih wil apply to the Court fof the relief demanded in the complaint. Herein fail not and ot this summons make due return. - j j' i Givsii under my hand and seal of said Conrt, this 30th day uf iSov. 1870 II. Ii. HOWARD, L. B. U. It appearing from, affidavit filed that Susan Rice, one of the defendants named in the above summons is a non-resident of this State, and that her place of residence is unknown. It ordered that service of said summons be made by publication for six successive week, in the "Carolina Watchman,' a newspaper published 111 Salisbury, r. C H, B. HOWARD, Clerk Superior Court, Davie County 8:6t. pd. MANSION HOUSE Centrally Situated SALISBURY, N: O. 'pII3 IIOUSK U in the centra of business and GTnearesI to the depot. '" TuUe a good at the best. Sermrts attentive and $cAite. j Board per day .,, "i.. Si 10 Single Meals. .....TT....,' ' ' (Special Contracts for a longer IffM, Omnibus to aud from all trains. 1 Bust Livery stable near at baud-., lyThe undersigned tenders his thanks to many friends who Jure called on him aT tke ilAMioii.aud azures them that 00 effort shall be spared to make their future visits pleasant. X3T he Traveling PubKe vill always but pleasant quarter aud refreshing farg, , . WM,H0WZ?B. Feb. 3, 1876. 17;tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. David M. Vance, Private Secretary. DESCRIPTION: Height about C feet 2 inches ; hair black and inclined to curl ; eyes haattd or grey (right eye bliuks and is red when drinking) face round ; forehead tolerably high ; coin plexionfair; weight about 175 pounds whik steps quick it ; RnucK-kneed aud in eliued to stoop a little : conversation boast tui ; writes a goou nana : wears a sso. v noe or boot; uneasy aud resileas iu dispositiou good ou VKiliu or batijo. J4;Im. -CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. The limitation of co-partnership of the firm of A. J. Mock & Co., expired by agreement ou the 1st day of January, 1877 and in order to close up the business as early as possible, they now offer their stock of goods at greatly reduced prices. Our terms from this dale will he strictly cah aud barter. NO CKEDH. We shall buy all kinds of country produce fur cash and barter at highest market prices. All persons indebted to us by note or account will pleae call and pay up, longer indulgence will not be given. A. J. MOCK, & CO. Jan. 16, 1S77. 14:3m ADV1CK GRATIS. The Hon, Alexander H. Stephens says: 'The Globe Flower Cough Syrup has proven a most valuable remedy to ui.M Gov. JauifS M. Siitilhlof Georgia, says: l shall always ust il vilh perfect coufi !:. ce, aud recotiiui? ud it ti the public as a remedy which will oti'ird that fatisfactioti 1 1 I ' T. 1 experienceu oy me aua-.uiiue. ll exceeas everythiug for i-ougiis, eolds aud obstinate ir . : ,, ? UllJi U-C...ll.!.. r I mllP Pinn rf 1 .l-r rn-ir V T.TL'DI -r Cn ia rT l?. rW"' "J"" fiods i thjs day dissqlyea by mutual consent.- tn Glob- Y lower U,ugl byrup a most ex- A who indcbted to the Firm wiU cal, ceiieut remedy. Wine Without Sugar. The question of making wine from the North Carolina grape is now no longer a (question. While ai the Centennial, Mr cjatn'l Mickey, of Salem, the largest and most successful grape grower io this sec lion oi the Slate, secured the method adopted bjr the California wiue makers, aud when he returned home lite procured aqaantitrof the Sctippeiuoug grapes and made eonie wine according to their method, without using a particln of sugar, or other ingredients, ai.d wo have lasted this wine, aud found j it pleasant tasted. aud entirely without; the vinegar tasie usually accompanying our wines where no sugar is ucd. ; 13 y this ' method a great improvement ean be made ou lue Xorth Carolina wines, and thev ! can be brought up lo as high standard as any made iu the UiUlrd states. Win. OCh- Unci. Com. of NEW YORK CORBESTONDENCE. Heeling oN. C. Bondholders Effect on tJ&Market Price of Gold. Correspondence of the Raleigh Observer. ) New York, Jn. 10, 1S77. The meet inea lately held in this city by owners of North Carolina bonds, including dome of the banks and itrominent men like AugtMt Belmont have naturally bad soma efleet on the market price of those bonds. The old 0s have gone up from about 16 to 22 ceuts on the dollar, i bis is not surprising, for any comproiuisetbat is possible to be made would almost certainly realise more than 25 cents on the dollar. But the special tax bonds bave risen from 1 cent to 4 cents online dollar, at which sales bave been made at Ihe stock board. thou di only to a small amount, a few thou There are of course always people to of Msoroe High School. He has mada I be found with speculative ideas, ready to buy HaW reputation as a teaellPr. Sueeesa anything Uiat ts cheap, but that man rauat be iaain'i;Ar " j very gnlliWa wlio expeds to get his money f as an editor. I . ' :,m.., ti, u.. i- - . 1 WSJbS UMIII tme iMvwmwiii. - . bot Jai uw s- oouea from the Quarterly, the next tamed, and rightfully refused, to be bound for Up Salt RivkbJ The origin of the expression "Up oatt litver, as appnea to a defeated poll Heal party, was as fol lows : Davy Crockett, the famous Ken tucky Congressman, while a Whig can didate, was challenged by his De maeratic opponent to meet him on the stump in ioiut dieeuseion. Crotkett accepted, and the day and place were nxed; out Crockett did not appear, and the people, thinking htm afraid to do so, rallied tor his nptmneiil aud elected bun. It after wards turned out that Crockett, who bad started to the place in a cauo propelled bv a negro, had been landed in the forest at the headwaters of Salt River by hie treicheious guide, who then swiftly pad died off down the stream. Crockett was too good a hunter to starve in tho wilder ness ; but he was totally u liable to reach the appointed place in time, aud gave it ud. aud with it his ! chanco of election. Hence the phrase, j"Up Salt Iliver!H meaning; that party is hopelessly deteatf a Crockett, however, was more lucky tWn years afterwards, being elected by a band some majority. j A Round Story A man vent through the bankruptcy court. He bad owned fine horse and gig, and then both disap peared for a time, but by and by the horse and' gig were doing service for the tame owner again. jOn being: asked what this meant, the mail's reply was, I vent tbiough the bankruptcy court, bat the boise aud gig weatroaua. Dissolution of Copartnership. 23 Xa.IJC3T CARDS all stybrs with name lOcts. post paid. J.B. IICSTEP, Nassau. Eens. Co., N. Y. j 4g w ; - : I - ' r X; - ' .- Oljnn A MONTH to Active men selling on? yJUU Letter Copying Book. N pressor water used. Sample copy worth $3.00 FREE. Send stamp for circular. EXCEL SIOR MT'G. CO., 99 Madison and JS Dearborn St., Chicago. 4w, Cn nrjn Subscribers for 1877. Fvervbodv JUjUUli is getting POTTER'S AMERICAN , MONTHLY, a lichly illustrate!, ably edit d Family Magazine at only $3 a year. Spe cimens 25cta. Great terms toclubsTJOHN E. POTTER & CO., Pubs., Phila. 4w OFFICIAL rllSTORY OF THE T UliTEH'L EXHIBITION It sells faster tbau any other book. Oa Agent sold 34 copies iu one day. This is ihe ouly autheutic and complete history published, oeuu tor our extra terms to Agents. Address, National Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa., or St. Louis. Ho. Active Ageuts wanted instantly to intro duce the- CENTENNIAL. EXPOSITION DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED. Nearly 800 pages ; only '$2.50; rich illus trations; aud a treasure as the best aad WOrlttS EXpOSltlOn, l07b Endorsed by Offi-ials, Press, and Clergy. i? sciiiu hi iftc an tf . muy cofxrvu $350 iu four weeks. Act quickly. Now or never. For .full jmtieulars. Addres? HlJB bard Bros.. Publishers, 733 Sansonr8t.. Philadelphia, Fa. 12:4w AT THE UNITED STATES CENTENNIAL lLU ss m A W aav mm km CABINET ORGANS Unanimously assigned the Such eu loraeinent by our great and god nen draervea thr Mtteul'itiu of the atH.cted. riio.tH sutfrritig front cough, colds aud lung tfeetlons vhoiild ue .jthe Globe Flower Couifh Syrup. It will positively cure consumption. For sale by Theo. F. Kluttz. Read aod Learn for Yourself Many valuable discoveries and much use ful knowledge is kept from th world, be cause of the imineuse eXpetiss in iiiaktug them know n lo the people. This is not the case with Hoschkk's GfcUMAX Syrup, al though hut a few years introduced into this country its sale now reaches in erry towu and village in the U. 8. Iti wotiderful kuc- cess in curing Consumption; sevra Cughs, nmrt?nicd bv W. J. Mills and wife and oth Astnma. ana au ottier diseases .t tne tunwt ers to the sajsbury Building and Loan As aud luug, was fiist made koowu by distnb- ciation, to satisfy the debt secured by said uuujc eerj yr, mr mrec ynr, T-r - 1 mort LT!l"e. at once and settle their accounts, as the bu siness must be settled up within the next sixty days, W. A. LUCKEY. J. A. LYERLY, Jan. 6.1877.. m) J. L. LYERLY. Sale of Town Lot. TN pursuance of a Decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County at Fall Term, 1876, I will proceed to sell at the Court Housc door in Salisbury on the 12th day of February, 1877, a certain lot of Land situ ate in the great North Square of the Town of Salisbury, fronting on Main Street about 100 feet, and running back 207$ feet, ad joining the residence of W. J. Mills and the lots of Edwin Shaver and Harriet Johnson, FIRST RANK IN THE SEVERAL REQUISITES" Of such Instruments ! The MASON & ITAML1N ORGAN CO have tne lienor lo anuoiiuce lliai tne organs of their manufacture have been unanimously 'assigned "the FIRST RANK in the SKV- EKA L REtiUISlT.ES of instruments of the clasn" by the Judges at the CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION at Philadelphia, 1870, and are the ONLY INSTUMENTS OF THIS (JEN ERAL CLASS AWARDED THIS RANK This is after the severest competition by the best makers, before one of the most competent uries ever assembled. They have also received the MEDAL, but, as is well known, nieuaU ot equal merit have been awarded all articles deemed worth v of recognition ; so that it will be easy fur many makers to advertise that they have received first medals." The differences in competing articles, and their comparative excellence, are recognized in the Reports of the Judges, from which the following is an extract: 5000 AGENTS vlVr to CHARLEY ROSS Written by his father. A complete account , of this most Mysterious Abduction and Ex citiug Search. With Fac simile Letters aud Illustrations. Outsells all other Boaks. One ugeut took 50 orders in one day, Termi liberal. Also Agents wanted on our. Mac- nificent Family Bibles. With invaluable) Illustrated Aids and Superb Bindings. John L. Fotter 4v Co., Fubhsheis. Phil. adelphia. 12:4w 000 bottles to the a rtiicted. free of eh rqe. by Druggists. No such a test of merit was ever given befor to auy other preparation. Could you ask uiorei Go to your Druggist, Tho. F. Kluttz. aud get a bottla for 75 cents aud try it. Sample bottles 10 cents. Do yon take The Sunny South? If not, send for it immediately. It is the universal favorite, and all Southerners are proud of it. Let a large club be raised without delay iu this com in unity., It is the only illus trated literary weekly in the South, and the press and people everywhere unite in pronoun cing il the equal in every respect of any similar publication iu America Ihe best literary talent of the whole country. North and South, is writing for it, and it has something each week for all classes of readers. Its stories are superior in literary merit, and equal in thrilling interest to those of any other p:ter, and its en says upon all subjects are from tho best minds ol the age. l- In addition to thrilling new stories, a series of brilliant articles will son begin on the Catapagn and Battle! of the Army of m 5' i... j ...i i r vi' l .. ....... tiuguished military engineer of that army in all its trying times. These papers a ill explain all the ruovemetita of Generals Johnston, Hood aud Sherman. Don't tnisa any of the numbers. They will read like a fascinating romance. New and exciting stories are beginning every week or two. t State and local agents are being appointed everywhere, but let each community torni a club at once and send for the ttaoer. Having passed successfully through two of the hardest years we shall ever see, it . now challenges the admiration and unlimited-support of the peo ple. The price is $3 a year, but clubs-of four and upwards ret it for $2.50. Address Jno. II. Seals, Atlanta, Ga. On the 4th, inst. at the residence of John Rogers, near Coleman's j Turn Ont. Rowan Co.. bv Rev. Whitson Kimball. Charles Otehcasu aud Martha Arm Rogers. At the same time. James Ashby and Ano KLINE Poteet. i In Lynchburg, Va on 2d of Jan. 1877, by Rev. Mr. Uift, MtSS L.ACRA l. l.iuoaw 10 r, J. T- Wa. . , Terms made known on day of sale. B. F. ROGERS, Sec. SalUbury Building and L. A foeiolion. Jan. 10, 1877. 13:4t To Dentists. The oldest and most convenient Dental Okkice in N. C, for sale or lease. For terms apply to P. P. Meroncv, Sal is bury, or W. F. Bason, Haw River, N. C. R. Road. (12:1m) W. F. BASON. TO RENT. A good and comfortable House, with garden and all necessary out houses. Location desira ble. Applv to 12-tf. C.'R. BARKER. J. A, CLODFELTI R & CO. Wholesale and Iietail Peelers in FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, 3AU3D7ILY 27. C. X?8cUI orders mde from Photographs in our office will be snpplied. Also Agents for the Remington Sewing Machine, the Jmost perfect and ligbt running Machine in the market. Thev' have no rotary earns, eog wheels or evr arms to make a noise, run hard, or get out of order. We warrant every Mai-uinc. If they dm t please we Uka them ack and return toe money Call Lefo.e baying 1 see them. tlely THIS PAPER IS OK FILE WITH j0 3 riVT VheN Aitvarttaiua; Coutracts can be nrdav athoine. Samples ort l free. Srmsoji & Co Portlan Maine. March , 76: 1 yr. $5 to $20St HEADACHE. Dr. C. W. BENSONa CELERY axd CHAMOMILE PILL3r- are prepared expressly to cure Sick Head ache, iNervous Headache, Dyspeptic HMfl ache. Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness aud will cure auy case. Price 50 cents. postage free. Sold by all druggists aad country stores; Omce, lUb North Lutave Street. Baltimore, Md. Reference : O. J. LESTER, Casbier Howard Bank, Balti more. Md. 4w. TIIIFLIIVG WITH A COLD IS A LW A YS DANGEROUS Use ''THE MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN luri i o nitnnni IP TADI CTO CO.'s exhibit of Reed Organs and Har- If tLLO UAnbULIU I AULC I S. a sure remedy for COUGHS, and all diseases monmms snows instruments oz tne FIRST RANK IN THE SEVERAL RE QUISITES OF INSTRUMENTS OF THE CLASS : viz. : Smoothness and eaual distribution of tone, seope of - i j r i expression, resonance anasingm? uuai ity, freedom and quickness in action - -a w a a . : a a a a I Keys ana Deiiows, wuu morougii- nesg or worKraansntp, com Dine a with simplicity of action." (Signed bu alLUie Judaea ) Ihe Mason and Ham lin Organs are thus declared to rank erst, not in one or two respects only, but in the SEV- EtiAL lifcQUlSlTES ot sut h instruwentp. and thev are the ONLY ones aligned this rank. This triumph was not unexpected, for the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs have uniformly been awarded the highest honors in competitions in America, there havii g been scarcely six exceptions in hundreds v( competition. Uiey were awarded highet-i honors and FIRST MEDALS Paris 1867; Vienna 73 Map 75; PHILADELPHIA, 1876, and have thus been awarded highest honors at Every World's Exposition at which they have been exhibited; beiug the OrO-lVS" ABXERXCAX? OXLO.AX7S which have ever obtained AXY AWAUD at any competition with best European makers, or in anv European World's exposition .' NEW STALES, with Improvements, exhibited at the CENTENNIAL ; elegant new case in great va riety. Prices very lotted consistent with best mate rial and workmanship. Organs sold for cash or Installments, or rented until rent pays. Errrg Or- j . a r, r 1 w , T rtvn n ,itth m or tne iuiiuai, i.UiM3, viir.oi ana MUCOUS MEMBRANE. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXEI SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. C. N. CRITTEXTON, 7 Sixth Arnm, New York. 4:4ir CABINET ORGANS 4iave been Unanimously as?ignd the FIRST RANK IN THE SEVERAL ETJISITES Of such Instrnraeiits, at the U. S. IONTEXNIAL, 1876, and are the ouly organs assigned this rank. 1 lieir superiority is thus declared, not in en or tvro respects only, ltut iu all the impor tant qualities of an organ. A. Medal and Diploma has also Wen awarded them, bat medals 'of emial value were awarded all articles deeim-d worthy of recognition, so that many makers cau advertise first mad- als" or "hiiiliest awards." - Comparative rack in excellence, hasbeaa. determined by the Judges'" Reports alone, iu which the MASON d HAMLIN OB GANS are Unauitnnuy a f signed Tha FIRST RANK iu tho several requisites" of such instruments, and are the only oaet assigned this rank. See Judges' ittpvrU. This result was not unexpected, for thesa trirana have Uui'ormlv taken lushest awards iu such competitions, there being lest iAan - ...a.-.". j r gitn trarrant&t to gM rndre aalifactto to eecrg rta- mjC exceptions in RKftarcaa OJ CUmjmTUOnS. TOADtffity'ffiVe! ILLUS They w awards first me,!als..Bd higb MASON & ll AM LIN ORUAS CO. 154 Tremont est hotiots at Pars 18b7.- Yn-nna le3. Strwt, Boston; is Union Square, New York; and 8 Adams street Chlcasro; 37 (ireot Marlborouirh Street London; ti Backer Stress, Vienna : 114 Col lins Street, Melbourne, fie;. 21, 1S ly VICK'S 1C pffl Will buy one Box of CucentsteV 10 JlD. Lje at Sautiago 1675. PhiUdlphia t76; bavins thus Iteeu awarded highest honors at Evsry World's Exj-ili-'U al whieh they bav em petel. and iMnutt the only American orgaaa which ever obtained auy award iu Eurou.. NEW STYLES with improvements ex hibited at the CENTENNIAL: elrgaal ILLTJSTIlATEi) PRICED CATALOftXTE new cass in great variety. Prires my ire. oaa iii . ..in 1 Jotrcs consistent with best material riflv pages 300 Illustrations, with Decrip-1 -1--- r " tit i V tions of thousands of the best Flowers and Veg- woria....i.. vrKaua ..n ,or easo etables in the world.and Ike way ta grow them- Mallinetrts. r rented nntil reat pays E-ry all for a Two Cknt postage Klamp. Printed rni , tjtvr ennrr wjunurm rw in (ierman and English. every reasonable putehtker-tir jhjn.y re- Vifik! Floral Guide, Quarterly. 25 eenlss ThhU-,1. Ii.li stratkii ( TAtnarK Tesr. J :r-e VIASON k II M LIN ORGAN CX- 4 Treinon Street. rfcMow; 1'nion ffqutr. ' York;o0 and 2 Adama rttt, t hicago. 4;4w V'c'c's Flower Rtid Veretatle Ostrier), ll rem in aoer: in'le9srt liih"ovr.,l.s. v icK. KorccsUr, . 1. 4 '4: f if I 'f tConventiurj wf th fi ateruity is to be any portiou of these special tax bonds, and will I ttL;.k ,i i,i I r..i- - ti. never pay a cent of them. They were villain- Uale.ghonthe4thofJuly next. The o0, fr,;from which 0,nr. the thieves who ; 3 was LeM ia rbi'adsjlp'aia. ; , made ar used teem realized any ptoSL ; ' '' ' . X'''.V. . ' - r- f : i , ! - . .- ! f ' - - ' t ' , ' l -" - -. - .

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